Is JK Rowling The Victim?

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Jessie Gender

Jessie Gender

3 жыл бұрын

With Fantastic Beasts star Eddie Redmayne sending a letter to JK Rowling about the "vitriol" she faced for her essay discussing transgender views, I think it's time to talk about if JK Rowling is really the victim of the hubbub over the last few months.
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@moralgriever 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I felt when JKR went on to describe her own experiences with abuse from her ex-husband... but she's victimizing transwomen in turn by using her own trauma as justification. I was molested as a child and struggled for so many years with seeing men around children. I have two brothers and if I hadn't worked on my trauma, I'd see them as molesters every time they hugged or held their daughters. My trauma doesn't give me the right to treat others as monsters. My trauma is not a shield to hide behind if I say hurtful and dehuminizing things towards others.
@Tijggie82 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, sounds like you've really grown. I hope you're doing great now 💕.
@lexx2847 3 жыл бұрын
In my late teens (over 20 years ago) while leaving a party, I was bashed by a by a bunch of guys from the poorest neighbourhood in my regional home town. For about a year after, I would constantly encounter guys from that group, and they would taunt me about the bashing. Naturally this compounded the trauma of the assault. I would express sentiments about the neighbourhood that were cruel, classist and violent. One night while out with friends, we drove through the suburb at high speed, screaming abuse out the windows. Eventually my girlfriend called me out on it - I brought up the assault constantly because I didn’t know how to process it - and it jolted me into getting counselling. While I was certainly consumed with trauma, that doesn’t excuse *how* I expressed it. Twenty-plus years on, I wince at what I said and did, and feel particular shame for demonising the poorest, most vulnerable people from my home town. Trauma needs to be processed, both in order to keep you functioning, but also precisely because it can lead you down some dark rabbit holes if it isn’t addressed. Having endured trauma doesn’t automatically elevate one to the moral high ground, either. All this said, I strongly doubt a writer like Rowling, whose work has explored both trauma and manipulation, is oblivious to what she’s doing here. This is a weaponisation of trauma. Bad faith behaviour.
@theanimelibarian7881 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I figured she was just projecting some type of pain
@gitadasgupta7488 3 жыл бұрын
When did she ever treat anyone, in word or form, like monsters!! Ignorance works great for whingers
@lizsmith9873 3 жыл бұрын
@@theanimelibarian7881 How exactly did she do this?
@teawithcassiane8431 3 жыл бұрын
As a survivor of domestic violence and (many) counts of sexual assault, I sometimes wonder if JKR didn't receive enough support for her trauma. Some of the things she says in her essay seem to indicate that she is easily re-traumatized by talking about it. She says "The scars left by violence and sexual assault don't disappear, no matter how loved you are, and no matter how much money you have made. My perennial jumpiness is a family joke." While every case is different and I don't want to judge whether or not she's done therapy or found effective therapy, that description reminds me of myself before I got help from a good therapist who works specifically with these issues, and several years later, I almost never react like that anymore. It's also possible that JKR constantly has her trauma reactivated by trying to get involved in women's issues without the proper emotional support and grounding, making her more prone to manipulation by TERF arguments about cis women being in danger. It strikes me that much of the simplistic rhetoric that JKR and others use against trans women revolve around trans rights being used as a way for disingenuous cis men to sneak into women's spaces for the purpose of violence - an argument that, while totally irrational, can activate the trauma of sexual assault and domestic violence survivors, and TERFS can use those feelings to manipulate them. This is one of the reasons I think Rowling might not have gotten enough therapy to deal with her experiences. While, again, I don't want to compare my experience to hers, I can say that a good therapist helped me recognize when I was reacting out of trauma or letting my trauma color my perspective. Then again, I've also had trans friends for many years and seen how ridiculously untrue anti-trans rhetoric really is... I am also just angered by how much JKR does armchair quarterbacking and presuming to speak for groups she's not a part of in the essay. Before I get into this, I want to say that I'm sure Rowiling is merely parroting the things she's read from TERF sources and not trying to misrepresent facts about these groups, but she also didn't fact-check them very well, and her presumption in speaking for these people with only a superficial understanding of their lives is galling. As a person with multiple autoimmune diseases, I am angry that she presumed to speak for people with autoimmune diseases - and she clearly knows nothing about how medical science works~ I mean, yes, there's a lot of correlation between female hormones and autoimmunity, but trans people have actually been HELPING us to understand how that works better because trans women who undergo HRT generally see increased autoimmunity while trans men see a decrease. Also if scientists are looking at hormone levels in autoimmune patients, there's just no way they're going to treat the data from trans women as if it's identical to cis women because saying "trans women are women!" is not the same as saying the biology of trans women is identical to the biology of cis women *sigh* And then there's the implicitly ableist stuff Rowling says about Autistic people. I'm an Autistic person who tries to advocate for that community. The implication of Rowling pointing out that "Autistic girls are hugely over-represented in their numbers," is problematic. It is talking over us and assuming that somehow neurotypical people know better or that Autistics are more vulnerable to manipulation because we have a disability. It implicitly says that Autistic children and teens don't have as clear an idea of their identity as their neurotypical peers or that we shouldn't be allowed to have the same autonomy in making those decisions. It also really doesn't try to understand the reason behind those numbers. Because yes - Autustic people are much more likely to be trans or nonbinary - but then again we're much more likely to have LGBTQ+ identities in general. I and a large proportion of the Autistic people I know are LGBTQ+. It's not just an isolated phenomenon of AFAB Autistics realizing they're trans or nonbinary; it's equally AMAB people realizing they don't identify as their assigned gender, that they have same-gender attraction, or the very high rates at which Autistics can be asexual, aromantic, or both. We're just more likely to be queer in general, and cherry-picking data about AFAB transitions is disingenuous.
@zoeb3573 Жыл бұрын
I actually think you make a really good point of her basically retraumatizing herself by involving herself in these debates. I don't think she's capable of taking criticism as anything but an assault, so by putting herself on the side of terfs and constantly getting hate for her harmful views, she keeps getting "triggered", but rather than see it as a reason to step back, she sees it as a reason to keep fighting, but doesn't take the necessary precautions to make sure she doesn't harm herself mentally more by doing so. She's constantly triggering herself, basically. No wonder she's gone downhill so far so fast.
@poochy Ай бұрын
Remember where the term queer comes from. It’s a not nice way to refer to someone who doesn’t fit the heteronormative patriarchal standard, and is even used with a negative connotation today. I’m interested in what JKR said about autoimmune issues? What the heck? How am I so constantly disappointed and saddened by discourse fueled by prejudice. And that’s sorta where I stand on the JKR being the real victim idea. To put prejudice in your gas tank for any length of time is significant. Abusers can also be victims of abuse. And while I’m sympathetic for what she has faced remember that the oppression of transgender people is rooted in the oppression of even the concept of what a women is.
@sarahsholasteel 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine JKR having as much empathy for us as you show for her...
@Fagnarok 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. We do not need to feel bad for JK for her choice to be hateful. She didn't just disregard trans people, she went out of her way to constantly vilify them and support businesses that HATE trans people. I cannot believe how many people suddenly are trying to make her out to be the victim.
@MrRayRockstar 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine, not caring
@UnseenThreat07 3 жыл бұрын
Just find people who agree with your ideologies.. instead of trying to force people to agree with you
@XavierRD 3 жыл бұрын
Oyberg Veystein It's a little bit more complicated when the thing the other people disagree on is your humanity and sense of self.
@MrRayRockstar 3 жыл бұрын
@@XavierRD you think the trans community is the only community that has discrimination issues. Do you really believe that EVERYONE should share the same ideology? And never questioned.
@emmamacfarlane8137 3 жыл бұрын
In short; no. She is not.
@MrMajopa22 3 жыл бұрын
Rich people seem to think they can say anything and expect to be adored for it. They live their lives in bubbles and are not connected to the real world. So no, she doesn't get to play the victim
@lexx2847 3 жыл бұрын
Get told you’re brilliant and essential to the discourse for decades and you’ll end up believing it. Just look at John Cleese’s recent slide into racism, transphobia and homophobia on Twitter.
@MrMajopa22 3 жыл бұрын
@@lexx2847 Absolutely right. It's mental! I wish i could be more forgiving to them but if i had the resources to be a decent human being, they sure as hell do!
@nancyjay790 3 жыл бұрын
Council of Geeks did a video a week ago or so, talking about Rowling as "our monster", pointing to the defense Rowling received when in the US, several extremely Conservative Christian groups screamed that the Harry Potter books promoted Satanism. She goes on to describe other cases where fans basically told Rowling, "You don't have to listen to them." Rowling has been, and to some extent still is, coddled by those who love Harry Potter.
@MrMajopa22 3 жыл бұрын
​@@nancyjay790 ...Satanism? How?! Then again it's the US, the land of mothman and lizard people...
@nancyjay790 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrMajopa22 It's weird. It's also stronger in the US South, where some folk who clearly haven't fully read the Bible claim it's 100% True. At a few points in the Old Testament (Leviticus and the second book of Samuel mainly), witchcraft is labelled as being linked to the Devil. And as Hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry... Eh. Leviticus is actually a great place to destroy these Bible 100%ers, as many of the laws (can't wear fabrics with mixed fibers, can't eat shellfish, can't play any games where an object has the skin of a pig) fly in the face of most of Western values. I'll warn you though, it's dang dull reading. I've only made it fully through Leviticus twice, as the other three times I attempted, I gave up. Almost any book in the New Testament is lots more pleasant to read.
@MasteroftheDead 3 жыл бұрын
[TRIGGER WARNING] (I just thought to add this I'm sorry if anyone read my comment and was upset by its contents. Have a good day friends!) This is a fantastic video. Your words especially towards the end were as ever were kind, considered and powerful. I'm a cis woman and I would consider myself an inclusive feminist. I read jk Rowlings letter and I thought similar things. As a rape survivor and victim of domestic abuse myself I can't bear the weaponozation of abuse women face to hurt trans women and shield cis women. ALL women face abuse and trans women even more so... so how when we know how it hurts and feels can we turn it other women for being trans. Unlike a lot of TERFs making these claims about bathrooms I've actually been physically assaulted and sexually assaulted by a trans woman (different person from the one who rapped /dv) ... and here's the thing it makes no difference that they were trans! Giving trans people the rights and equality they deserve did not cause what I experianced and nor would striping trans people of their rights have prevented it! The weaponozation of abuse against women means as well put in this video; to hurt all women. (If any TERF reading this thinks oh I've been assaulted or hurt by a trans woman therefore its ok... what next you gonna hate all people with the same colour hair?!)
@shoesncheese 3 жыл бұрын
You are a good person.
@bunnybreaker 3 жыл бұрын
Posting all that takes some bravery. Kudos.
@MasteroftheDead 3 жыл бұрын
@@bunnybreaker Helps I can hide on an account I made as an emo teenager haha. Thank you though I appreciate that
@MasteroftheDead 3 жыл бұрын
@@shoesncheese Thats very kind of you, thank you
@erikrungemadsen2081 3 жыл бұрын
"Giving trans people the rights and equality they deserve did not cause what I experianced and nor would striping trans people of their rights have prevented it!" This is a really important thing to take away. As someone with no skin in the game, nor deep knowledge of the topic, this is important for me to hear. Thanks for your comment.
@carschmn 3 жыл бұрын
She’s crying about plebe trolls. Meanwhile, she’s a rich woman with a huge platform slinging out potentially politically relevant hatred. I personally don’t believe there’s any harassment. She’s just crying that people disagreed with her when she said hateful things. I honestly wonder if she got radicalized through Facebook or KZbin. Many Americans her age have found q-anon through Facebook and KZbin and fell for it because they were lacking in media literacy. Instead of q-anon she found transphobes.
@carloscordero6695 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, because the twitter mob's version of disagreeing is very respectful and engaging...
@carschmn 3 жыл бұрын
Carlos Cordero or is it more the case of a rich sheltered person being uncomfortable with an arena where everyone can message her? Sorcerer’s Stone the movie came out in 2001 so Rowling has likely been very wealthy for the better part of two decades. Wealth buys the ability to isolate yourself from the public and people who disagree with you with lavish homes, chauffeured cars, and press agents. None of that works on Twitter so she is again faced with the fact that there are people who don’t agree with her. I imagine it’s quite of a shock when you’re used to curated information from your press agent.
@HauntaskhanHYPNOSIS 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if it's a Qanon thing. She isn't American, so it makes that a lot less likely. She's just a bitter one trick pony.
@carschmn 3 жыл бұрын
Peeple Eeter I don’t think she found q-anon, I think she found transphobes. But the process is similar.
@carloscordero6695 3 жыл бұрын
@@carschmn disagreeing is "hey you said this, but I don't believe you are right because of A,B,C" (there was a lot of that on youtube and twitter). Disagreeing isn't sending death threats or wishing she got assaulted (there was a lot of that too). On that part I don't hold the trans community accountable as it is always the people who are less related to the issue who are more vicious (for the sake of feeling good about themselves or just plainly have nothing good to do with their lives). Disagreeing is what Eddie redmayne did.
@rainoflazra 3 жыл бұрын
I have no sympathy for JKR. Given her wealth and resources, I’m sure she has someone managing her social media who can filter out any verbal abuse, death threats, etc. If JKR is exposing herself to it, it’s because she wants to so she can feel superior. Trans people on the other hand, have to deal with abuse and harassment directly. They don’t have a choice. Calling JKR a victim is taking reality and turning it upside down.
@cringeproof100 3 жыл бұрын
Very well said
@almightykue3914 3 жыл бұрын
And I and anyone who don’t believe in personal attacks rape threats death threats and the like can non-person you and see you as nothing more than an angry little troll with nothing worthwhile to contribute to society
@KaiHenningsen 3 жыл бұрын
@@almightykue3914 So ... when person A gets that treatment, but is rich and able to partially isolate herself against it; and person B gets that same treatment, but isn't rich and has to deal with it personally and alone, you think that gives you the right to think of B as a non-person? Thank you for making abundantly clear where you stand, how inhuman your position actually is.
@AndreAsunte 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly!! You can't discriminate and then make yourself the victim when people lambast you .
@missyprime8198 3 жыл бұрын
@@AndreAsunte That's exactly what JKR is doing, she targeted us & then cries when she get's some blowback. Never forget, we did NOT attack her she attacked us
@raynesmith2473 3 жыл бұрын
The fact that you're able to speak about the abuse she receives and actually genuinely care for her well-being, ugh i wish i had that patience
@MoselleGreen 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry about the horrible comments you've gotten. You don't deserve it and you look fine! They're just jerks!
@SavageMinnow 3 жыл бұрын
MoselleGreen you mean, she looks fiiiiiiine 😉 (okay, I maybe have a little crush on Jessie ☺️)
@katherinemorelle7115 3 жыл бұрын
Red IsCrazy I’m with you there. Jessie is a very attractive woman.
@AnnaCN78456 3 жыл бұрын
Neartmhor she is beautiful inside and outside
@NoorElahi1776 3 жыл бұрын
The real world sucks. Star Trek is better.
@supremecud147 3 жыл бұрын
@shoesncheese 3 жыл бұрын
Dawg, that's why Star Trek Online is the only MMO I still bother to play. In the story mode, you eventually have the Federation, the Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, and the Founders all coming together to fight a common threat, putting most of their differences behind. You've even got liberated Borg in the Borg Cooperative (I originally typed Collective - they are still bad guys) tooling around.
@dirkdisselpuff7938 3 жыл бұрын
@R Mcdud we have to evolve to become something else as the Predators we are today. We are violent at our core and choose to live in peace, this daily struggle is a non Issue in the Trek Verse for Humans. The Violence is only dished out in defence and is not a Vice that has to be kept in Line. Do i think it is possible ? Yes ! Likely ? Nope Nadda !
@ReplicatorFifth 3 жыл бұрын
Star Trek and it’s Space Communism is so much better then real life. It doesn’t help our real life is the worst possible timeline.
@beerdrinkingdwarf7139 3 жыл бұрын
Tell me about it
@bobmathis-friedman6742 3 жыл бұрын
Back in 1980, during my first run in college, I-as a founding member of what would one day be called a Gay-Straight Alliance, asked the local Black Student Union to form an alliance; it didn't go well...chiefly because they wanted to prioritize their "status as victims" (the language that they used made this clear) over ours; bear in mind that, as a black man who is also gay, I had the distinct ability to discern the nuances.
@monstrousaeons6005 3 жыл бұрын
Oh a white very rich woman who people said some names to on the internet A victim ????? 😱😱😱
@pillmuncher67 3 жыл бұрын
You don't understand. The measure of compassion one deserves is computed by the formula: individual pain a person feels * personal wealth of said person.
@owenfautley 3 жыл бұрын
Adele is a rich white woman but has also faced abuse. One of her songs was based off of that abusive relationship and the guy she was dating who made her life a misery was calling her daily wanting a share of the money she got from the song because she was a "contributor" to the success of it. Factfiend is a good KZbinr who has explained this better than I can.
@monstrousaeons6005 3 жыл бұрын
GozerTheTraveller Joanna Karen Rowling
@hollywoodguy70 3 жыл бұрын
Don't start on the classism name calling. JKR is first generation money. She was dirt poor before Harry Potter.
@monstrousaeons6005 3 жыл бұрын
D P a fact which see keeps forgetting every time someone says “hey you’re books which were written in the 90s aren’t very progressive for me a 2020 reader” and she doesn’t reply with “yeh I wrote them in the 90s in poverty, I just wanted to get them published so sorry if they have issues but they are your stories now so imagine them now you want”
@rowanc88 3 жыл бұрын
No. No she isn't.
@supremecud147 3 жыл бұрын
she rlly isnt
@SlimThrull 3 жыл бұрын
If someone were doing the same thing to you, would you consider that harassment? Let's say, for instance that someone disagrees with you on your opinions about gender. And then they got a whole bunch of people to get on your twitter feed and do what they did to Rowling. Would you consider that harassment?
@aricm5973 3 жыл бұрын
And she's not an abuser either.
@supremecud147 3 жыл бұрын
Ari CM i mean shes a bad person..
@SlimThrull 3 жыл бұрын
@@wowow222 As does everyone else. I guess it's okay when CIS people get harassed, hm?
@shamblepants1450 3 жыл бұрын
It's amazingly frustrating how J.K. Rowling feels she is being singled out for online abuse, and yet the people (trans people) she lambasts are living in fear of very real and existential threats. Rowling can visit her estates and enjoy a level of comfort and security that trans or non-binary do not enjoy. It's rather galling that she can publish her misguided "opinions", and then return to her protected abodes. The community she takes issue with are not as fortunate. They live in fear for their livelihood, their privacy, and their lives...particularly in these increasingly dangerous times as political (and religious) ideology are being weaponized. I am a trans ally, and feel very strongly that we must all ensure that this vulnerable group of people are treated like...well, people. It's a simple idea, but one that seems to confuse and anger those who would see harm to this group of people. If she had the cajones and the ability to accept that she needs to open up her views, J.K. Rowling would sit down with a wide range of trans and non-binary people and allow them to explain how the world and it's non-stop abuse to this group of people beyond her gilded gates is an undeniable reality. P.S. - I've seen many young content creators recently on KZbin become frustrated with her comments. These young people are turning their backs on her, which should give Rowling pause. If Millennials and Zoomers are done with her nonsense, then she will find a vacuum to which to promote her works. It's time for her to have a deep think.
@SlimThrull 3 жыл бұрын
It's amazingly frustrating that trans people feel fear while people in other countries in the world are literally dying in genocide. Trans people can go to their houses while people all over the world have nothing to call home. The community that I'm talking about are simply not as fortunate as you. They live in constant fear of being killed, raped and forced in sexual slavery. I can go on, but I hope you get the point. Just because someone else is worse off than you doesn't mean your concerns aren't valid. And the same should be applied to everyone else.
@stoyanpetkov3853 3 жыл бұрын
SlimThrull Not the point There is always someone in the world who has it worse Doesn’t mean we can justify nasty behavior or unfair circumstance
@SlimThrull 3 жыл бұрын
@@stoyanpetkov3853 And yet the majority of comments here are justifying harassment.
@williammiller6330 Жыл бұрын
@SlimThrull that wasn't the point of this comment? There's always someone who has it worse. That doesn't mean people aren't valid and aren't going through troubles every day. Kindly shut up.
@amberlyveil8856 3 жыл бұрын
Also, Rowling never acknowledges the kind, empathetic attempts to reach out to her, and just lumps it in with the "vitriol"
@LittleMissLounge 3 жыл бұрын
This. Exactly. I saw plenty of trans people and allies writing Twitter threads and even articles which were kind at their core despite being critical because many of them came from places of having grown up with her books and characters. Even the ones without any level of genuflection were hardly harassment. But I guess fuck those because it's easy to ignore accountability for your shitty words and actions when you can just point to the people calling you a bitch and telling you to KYS.
@astrinymris9953 3 жыл бұрын
I find your analysis of the entire situation very insightful and spot-on. I'm a feminist ciswoman, and I've never felt trans people were a threat to my rights. Ever.
@navyrayne 3 жыл бұрын
She's a rich white lady with a huge platform that is using her voice to literally put our lives in danger, no, she's not the victim.
@almightykue3914 3 жыл бұрын
How is she putting your life in danger? I’m actually curious I see that comment a ton with no explanation
@cerabella1792 3 жыл бұрын
@@pbpraga3963 anti trans movements and people like JKR put trans lives in danger by invalidating them and making people think cis people will be under attack if trans people exist, creating potential harassment and violence.
@adrianlehvy826 3 жыл бұрын
@@pbpraga3963 it starts with fear and contempt for the other and ends in genocide
@navyrayne 3 жыл бұрын
@@almightykue3914 No, I'm not speaking to you.
@navyrayne 3 жыл бұрын
@@pbpraga3963 If you have to ask me that? You're ignorant.
@Purple_Lilith 3 жыл бұрын
No, she is not.
@ZoeMalDoran 3 жыл бұрын
It's so refreshing to see you taking the moral high ground, Jessie 🙂 By bringing up what JK Rowling was already a victim of, you reminded me of a quote from Blackadder the Third - "The abused always kick downwards, Baldrick. I am annoyed, so I kick the cat. The cat pounces on the mouse. The mouse bites you on the bottom". Of course you're right that it doesn't mean we should do that... but sadly, so many people do. It can be so frustrating when those who try to build bridges and foster understanding are drowned out by the angry and/or ignorant just because the latter are so much louder. That's what's wrong with antisocial media.
@Me-wk3ix 3 жыл бұрын
Good point. I wasn't sure how to feel about Redmayne's defense. Now thinking about it, I understand why he did it, but it should be acknowledged that Trans people do go through that and more on a daily basis.
@wwozanewmusical 3 жыл бұрын
So do the Gay Community, the trans community doesn't hold the market on the poor us poor us label, there is every human on this planet that is part of a group that is constantly attacked, thrown under the bus, killed or forced into things they can't control. This poor us poor us, is really starting to get old, and tired.
@EmoBearRights 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but shit happens to other communities it's a reason to harden your heart and claim you're tired of it. Racial prejudice doesn't mean you should dismiss LGBT+ preduice - I'm sorry it's a shit arguement.
@EmoBearRights 3 жыл бұрын
Especially since many disadvantaged groups face many of the same enemies.
@insilencea4599 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I saw this on twitter yesterday and was quite saddened by not only the clickbait headlines that seem to be all some people read of the issue, but the number of comments so quick to go, "F'ck Redmayne," etc. That's a valid way to feel when someone consoles a person who hurt you, but counterproductive in the scheme of things. He's going to be getting the same kind of online hate Rowling has, and that's frankly discouraging, when the takeaway from this could be that hateful reactions tend to win sympathy, often disproportionately, for the people who actually started the hate, ie Rowling. The more I see of social media, the more I'm convinced good communication skills should be the first and last class in schools. And the more I appreciate voices like yours. 🖖
@Pfhreak 3 жыл бұрын
I'm personally in favor of not calling them TERFs, partially because there's precious little really feminist (radical or otherwise) about them, in favor of "feminism-appropriating reactionary transphobes".
@jaymccray1763 3 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 I love this!
@Pfhreak 3 жыл бұрын
@@jaymccray1763 Just to be clear, I didn't invent the phrase.
@jaymccray1763 3 жыл бұрын
Mike Yocom noted. But still, this is my first time hearing it. ✨
@LePedant 3 жыл бұрын
They are not true Scotsmen, AMR? All jokes aside, TERF is a very accurate disruption of their group. Just like how radicalized Muslims in no way represent what most people view Islam as, they are still Muslims. They just warped the ideology to fit their hate. TERFs are feminist, they just warped the ideology to fit their hate. Calling them anything else is a fallacy.
@Pfhreak 3 жыл бұрын
@@LePedant I think you missed the joke of the alternate name. The acronym for it is FART.
@joobletmaster5000 3 жыл бұрын
Tw I run an anti terf blog on Tumblr called Terfs-Are-Bad and it's wild. I always knew terfs were wrong when it comes to their ethical and scientific beliefs, but they are genuinely crazy on a level that is both terrifying and deeply sad. I made a post once that read, "I’d ask what terfs think of Leelah Alcorn, but I feel like the answer would be enough to make me throw up, to be completely honest." I posted this after learning who she was in a transphobic book written by a terf who misgendered her consistently. The response was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Terfs saying they care while simultaneously misgendering her, deadnaming her, saying her death had nothing to do with transphobia, saying they *weren't transphobic,* etc. Towards me, I've been accused of "using" this poor girl as a "pawn" when in reality, I was expressing my upset at the fact that a girl died because of transphobia and yet an entire community of transphobes is able to have platforms to spread their hatred. *Before Leelah died, she left all of her belongings to lgbt organizations and begged that people looked at the trans suicide rate more, so they could begin work to lower it.* The disrespect they showed towards this girl, while ignoring the person she was in life, while pretending they were advocating for her was insane and sad. The amount of trans-identifying terfs, or "dysphoria women," I saw a few times, was also sad. So many dysphoric people identifying as terfs. They deprive themselves of comfort because they believe it is morally incorrect, and that's a fucking tragedy. I've been accused of being a pedophile for literally no reason (I literally had anti-map stuff on that blog, too), told to kill myself, and the whole lot. I automatically block every single terf I come across on Tumblr, and it says as much in my description, but that doesn't stop them from accusing me of "censoring" then and "deleting" their comments on purpose. In all, I've had this blog for a few days and I've gotten a lot of insight into who terfs are and why they think the way they do, and it's all been very sad.
@donaldsimpson2237 3 жыл бұрын
"Sleep with any consenting adult who'll have you" was the nasty, cruel, abusive, dehumanizing put down (and carefully crafted to be so) that was her entree into the discussion, a moment she later identified as "When I started taking an interest in gender identity and transgender matters." Her views have ranged from mean, nasty, misinformed, to delusional. Yet she's the one being picked on.
@wwozanewmusical 3 жыл бұрын
So far I have not seen or heard or read about any trans person being killed, attacked, raped or molested in the name of JKR's ideas, or words, or actions in her book. So every one saying she's causing this, or her words are causing that, post an article or a news report where abusers or attackers are doing this in the name of what JKR or this other women who i do agree i would have fired for her lack of working with others especially since she was being horrible to her fellow workers, that i am fine with, but saying the JKR will be or is responsible for the attacks and deaths in the trans community that's just out and out lies unless there is proof to back all of this up.
@edgarroberts8740 3 жыл бұрын
@@wwozanewmusical Highly influential author of the biggest book franchise today: spouts hateful transphobic bile on her social media to millions of people. Her fans: reads said transphobic bile and thinks it's okay if it's what this big celebrity says. You, clutching Pearl's on Rowling's behalf: "how could anyone suggest JK Rowling has done anything to whip up transphobia and encourage haye crimes???!!! My God, people make such extreme accusations!!" Also, little hint from someone in the UK: Rowling timed her transphobic tirade this year with the government's announcement of reform to the Gender Recognition Act, an announcement that left the trans community in fear given that it hinted at possible new blocks on trans people's access to medical transitioning and single sex spaces. So, Rowling chose to respond to the possibility of the biggest legislative attack on the UK's LGBT community since Section 28... by promulgating conspiracy theories about "transtrender teens" and sex predator trans women that motivate such legislative attacks. So, yeah, fuck JK Rowling.
@donaldsimpson2237 3 жыл бұрын
@@wwozanewmusical So far as I have seen, the author has come to no harm, either. What's your point? She starts a mean, ugly conversation then gets to complain that it's turned into a mean, ugly conversation? You've got to be kidding.
@cyansalvatore6011 3 жыл бұрын
@@donaldsimpson2237 You literally have no idea what a big influencer can cause... look at Ben Shapiro, PragerU, and similar people attacking trans people by spreading misinformation. People catch on to this misinformation, people abuse their kids because of the misinformation. People send their kids to conversion camps or kick them out of their homes. Spreading misinformation as a huge influencer is bad.
@kademcarthur5362 3 жыл бұрын
JK Rowling owes her fan base an apology.
@erdood3235 3 жыл бұрын
as a transgender Jew, to quote a a friend who's trans and a Jew: "I would honestly like to know what he [Redmayne] is referring to in his claim of "harassment", most of what I've seen is a highly expected reaction to what is a few steps away from a trans-focused Mein Kampf."
@erdood3235 3 жыл бұрын
@Hunter Hall The science is actually not in support of the gender binary, I say for anyone else reading this, not for hall here. Also, the nazis targeted trans people for extermination too
@angelainamarie9656 3 жыл бұрын
@Hunter Hall A fiction author who writes about witches and wizards doesn't really have a big 'science' cudgel in her hand. And the science disagrees sharply with her, and you. She IS just like Hitler. She's an eliminationist, she's anti-semitic, she's a a racist and has openly promoted eugenics and the like in her stories. The number of things about her books that are morally problematic is actually huge.
@angelainamarie9656 3 жыл бұрын
@Hunter Hall I think it's hilarious you heard about the X and Y chromosomes in high school and think that makes you an expert on genetics or gender, lol. The science also says there are (between them) several hundred million base pairs of actual genetic information. I assure you, you do not understand what all that data is or what it's doing there.
@jacky9575 3 жыл бұрын
@Hunter Hall Amm, sciencia supports trans people, bruh
@jacky9575 3 жыл бұрын
@Hunter Hall Everything is sciencie
@davidabercrombie5427 3 жыл бұрын
She's an educated and intelligent woman, she knows exactly what she's saying and the impact it has due to her position. The only reason she's playing the victim is because she doesn't like the fact her views are making her unpopular. As much as I wish we could ignore her and move on....we can't. We have to stand up to these views and not let them get away with it.
@lizsmith9873 3 жыл бұрын
You really have to do a better job of explaining these views that Rowling has. When did you learn to read her mind?
@davidabercrombie5427 3 жыл бұрын
@@lizsmith9873 I read her tweets and have seen articles written about her with direct quotes. I did not claim to read her mind
@lizsmith9873 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidabercrombie5427 Of course you didn't. you can't. Can you provide links to what you did read?
@davidabercrombie5427 3 жыл бұрын
@@lizsmith9873 Google is free. Do your own research
@lizsmith9873 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidabercrombie5427 So you can't provide links. Now why am I not surprised.
@LePedant 3 жыл бұрын
The MAIN reason I haven't started hormones is I am afraid to lose my muscle mass. I'm 6'3" 190lbs with a 34inch waist feel I can reasonably defend myself being that I'm as strong as or stronger than the avg dude. My ability to defend my self is the ONLY reason I am out. Every time I leave my house I accept the fact I will be harassed, the only comfort I get knowing I'm strong enough to get away from 1 person.
@jojothebard6687 3 жыл бұрын
There’s an opinion article that I find disturbing and disgustingly hypocritical. The article basically defended J.K. Rowling, saying that separating art from the artist wasn’t an option. And even worse is that a lot of the comments agreed with that sentiment, putting aside her transphobia, and even calling her their “hero.” And what makes it so disturbing is that this article is on *Washington Post.*
@EmoBearRights 3 жыл бұрын
It also worth pointing out Redmayne played a trans woman in The Danish Girl.
@pandaryes2020 3 жыл бұрын
Jessie, I have learnt so much from watching your channel regarding transgender issues and also of course Star Trek lol As a disabled gay man I often find that I am ridiculed, judged and basically treated quite badly, by people who do not understand me. No one (and I mean absolutely no one) has the right to harass, belittle or hurt any transgender person, be it with words or otherwise. Keep living your truth darling girl, I bloody love ya!! xxx
@supremecud147 3 жыл бұрын
bro imagine being a straight, white, cis women that is also a billionaire with full control of a series that profits hundreds of millions every year, and being considered by many to be one if the greatest currently alive authors, and even with this alarming success and supposed great life and these “left leaning views”, she can manage to be racist, transphobic, ableist and even more. sad sad story lets cry for her guys🙄🙄 edit: ik it might seem weird but thx for the likes 42 is a lot of people, including jessie themself. thx lads
@creativerealms 3 жыл бұрын
She thinks criticism equals cancellation. That's a joke. While I am defending criticism I'm not defending personal attacks, or looking down on her. There are ways to critize without insults. I would never defend that.
@supremecud147 3 жыл бұрын
David Raymond agreed
@supremecud147 3 жыл бұрын
@supremecud147 3 жыл бұрын
im sorry but like that makes me pretty happy a creator i like likes my comment lmaoaoaoao
@Redrally 3 жыл бұрын
@@supremecud147 I know the feeling, enjoy it my friend.
@amberlyveil8856 3 жыл бұрын
That Rowling may well have assisted in someone's suicide, by providing another justification for it... means I can never empathize or forgive her... Personal experience makes it impossible. See my other comment with the link
@amberlyveil8856 3 жыл бұрын
@Diya and no, I found a twitter post about this and linked to it on a separate comment because of KZbin's character limit
@Vale-fd4pk 3 жыл бұрын
There is a difference for being criticized for what you are and being cruticized for what you say. She should to be ashamed, Trans people existing doesn't hurt anybody, but people like her, that put their validity in discussion, cause only farther conflict.
@Andregrindle 3 жыл бұрын
Jessie Gender, the idea of the victim becoming the victimizer has been a conversation I've been having with my own family regarding J.K. Rowling's current situation-in terms of her advocating and embrace gender critical feminism and/or TERF ideology. Actually, you hit briefly on an important point in this whole discussion that I wanted to expand on a bit. A victimizer trying to control their particular narrative has become a major element of the alt right movement. In particular supporters of Donald Trump and his policies. It also tends to go along with the idea of post truth, which has come from that too. And, as we both know, a key factor in alt right policy making of the last four years has been a grotesque level of transphobic legislation. So even with the component of J.K.'s domestic abuse, which I too emphasize with her on as you do, it doesn't justify the inhumane sociopolitical law making regarding transgender people that her words passively advocate for.
@ryanvale6066 3 жыл бұрын
Every time someone talks about how terrible the harassment JKR has faced is I think about the time I made a blog post discussing my history of domestic violence and got messages telling me my abuser should have done worse to me because I am trans
@Ynsanya 3 жыл бұрын
I haven't watched the whole video, yet. I just wanted to tell you, that I think you are a beautiful, intelligent and kind-hearted woman and that I am really thankful for all you do. I am sorry you have to endure so much hate. I tend to become really aggressive when I get hurt and from now on, I try to be more like you.
@korrasera2417 3 жыл бұрын
Midway through the video I'd already decided to leave a comment but you still managed to surprise me. To the point that I actually exclaimed 'holy shit' to myself when you pointed out how we can develop a maladaptive coping mechanism of using our trauma to criticize or even attack others, because feeling powerful means feeling in control means feeling like my trauma isn't in charge of me. That's just, like, an amazing point. I think there's a lot of merit to the idea that violence (social in this case) is often brought on by defensiveness, territoriality, and an underlying fear and anxiety about anyone who's different, so the thesis here rings very true to me. But more than that I am impressed in how this video breaks down the fundamental behavioral problem of bigotry itself, as though I was sitting in on an amazing lecture on ethics or sociology, all without making me feel lectured or condescended to. And as someone who wants to help educate others myself, that's a problem that so many people have when trying to teach others about topics as profound and fundamental as human prejudice. To get back to the point of the video though, I think the underlying statement being made is rock solid. The harassment JK Rowling received, just like the harassment anyone receives, is unconscionable, but that's no justification for her bigotry. The core problem is that she's trying to describe trans people as a single coherent group to justify her bigotry, akin to saying that being transgender is like being a member of a political party. A collective of like minded individuals who choose to behave in certain ways that Rowling (and other people like her) find objectionable. And because of this perception she has of trans people, that we're out of touch with reality, or that we encourage harm, she feels justified in speaking out against it, as much as any leftist would feel justified in speaking out against fascism. That's the fundamental entitlement of prejudice; people who are prejudiced against others will always feel completely justified in believing the way they do, even though it doesn't match reality. When people let Rowling frame the discussion, it allows her and people like her to perform a kind of rhetorical slight of hand. By focusing on her victimhood in this situation, Rowling distracts us from the violence she helps to perpetrate, violence against people who are not anything like what she believes and who are completely innocent of any wrong doing. She feels justified because she's ignorant of the existence of trans people. She's not targeting a group of people who are united by a common cause, she just thinks she is. What she's actually doing is attacking part of human diversity. Part of human biology.. It's just as wrong as hating someone for being born short or for the color of their eyes and I think it's easy for us to recognize that for what it is when it's exposed like this. It's easy to recognize because we're all well acquainted with bigotry and prejudice, so she wants to distract us from asking the hard questions that she's not ready to deal with. Bigotry withers under the gaze of an educated mind. I think this video will help educate people. Bra-goddamn-vo.
@darrenskjoelsvold 3 жыл бұрын
I like the point you made about protecting the rights of someone who is marginalized protects others. Increasing liberty for another group is an increase in general liberty. An analogy I can draw actually has to do with feminism and RBG. RBG was a feminist and extended her views also to men defending too their rights. For instance she was instrumental in widowers who had not been receiving the social security retirement benefits from their wives after their wive's deaths to get those benefits citing equality as the underlying principle. So there are always benefits to siding with freedom for all, for justice for all and safety and security for all because everyone deserves to be treated fairly. Giving others rights and treating them well is always better than curtailing those rights. Curtailing rights should only be done if those rights are harmful to others. I cite the issue of bathrooms. In locals that demand that transgender people use the bathroom of the gender they were originally assigned is jarring if you walk in to a men's room. Or if you see some dude walk out of the lady's room. Why? Why do I have to be surprised by walking into the bathroom and seeing a woman? Why do I have to be confused and wondering if I made a mistake and walked into the wrong one? This policy sucks. They're unhappy and I am uncomfortable and everyone is miserable. Who thought that this was a good idea? Defending transgender people's rights to use the bathroom they identify with is also beneficial to cisgender people who just want to pee. More freedom and understanding is always better for everyone and the vindictive people who attack others need to be fought against. But I don't think death threats are justified either. There are more constructive ways of engaging. But if I will I think also in Rowling's mind some of the attacks might not be attacks. She probably is just perceiving them as attacks. If someone were to say to her "how dare you tell transgender people they are in denial of biology and just dressing up." That can be seen as an attack but if followed by arguments about the topic and "you're denying the existence of psychology" or something then it's just the expression of outrage and confusion. I think that her books were so beloved and well received that many people have real pain in realizing that their hero is on the wrong side of this. I have made the quip that "I can't believe that we traded JK Rowling for NASCAR." Her books are beloved by so many people who are on the left that they probably projected Egalitarian views on the author. They feel betrayed which itself can feel like an assault. So JK Rowling is feeling like the victim but what she fails to realize is that so do her fans and the trans community and she needs to face that. She needs to face the pain she has caused them because ideas don't live in a bubble and everything has aftershocks and the smallest disturbance causes ripples that become waves on someone else's shore. She's not the victim to some because her words have weight. But nobody should be abused online or anywhere but she may be characterizing some of the hurt and pain felt by others as them attacking her because she had been accustomed to their accolades and praise.
@MintyFarts 3 жыл бұрын
I was surprised this video wasn't just 5 seconds long "is she the victim? NO."
@bblivid 3 жыл бұрын
After reading to the title I half expected this to be a 5 second video that just said "No."
@bblivid 3 жыл бұрын
Just FYI I knew it would be a well-reasoned, high quality video, and it was.
@CJCroen1393 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever I see "Gender Critical", my response is always "Did you mean 'transphobe in denial'?"
@colonelweird 3 жыл бұрын
This stuff is so sad. I wish I could hug any trans person who's received abuse and let them know they're valid and important and good.
@jking4973 3 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you are supporting Eddie Redmayne, and understand what he was trying to do.
@jmgajda8071 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing and insightful analysis. I'm blown away by your ability to humanize those who are cruel to you, no small feat! I made a similar point to my 17yo about another highly emotional and politicized issue: that there are human beings on both sides of the argument and if you fail to see that, then there can be no progress towards the positive and real change. This was a really great video and you are truly a beautiful human being! Also, side note, love that the eye shadow and shirt coordinate.
@viktoriavadon2222 3 жыл бұрын
this. please say it louder for those in the back! I agree with everything you said and love how well you put all of it.
@SykoSilver 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jessie, I am so grateful for your voice and your leadership. I have shared this vid with friends, I feel like it's such an important message
@LimitlessMegan 3 жыл бұрын
I always love your videos, I appreciate all the work you put into these. So glad I found you. I'm also stealth loving how your eyeshadow and glasses are matching today!
@eorzeantours1565 3 жыл бұрын
Discovered you recently through Steve Shives, and glad I subbed. A wonderful and educational video! Thank you for sharing your ideas and giving context to the situation!
@Lorena9090 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Jessie, I must admit that although we aren't really on the same page on some issues in general,I really do enjoy watching your videos. I love how open and candidly you speak on matters I was rather ignorant or ill-informed on. You get me out of my bubble, if I can say so.. So thank you and lots of love from Romania! :]
@GerardoTonella 3 жыл бұрын
What a thoughtful and compassionate video. I wish more people were as level headed and kind as you when taking on such difficult (and personal) topics.
@andrew4363 3 жыл бұрын
Short answer: no Long answer: noooooooooooooooo
@donnicholas7552 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting video, Jessie! Very good points!
@fernandogonzalez3242 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. That was a heavy video. I must admit that I am ignorant to many of the struggles of trans people didn't realize the ramifications of JKs statements. Thank you for enlightening me. I believe in IDIC and I never want to unintentionally push hate on any group. Live long and Prosper.
@twiggymorris406 3 жыл бұрын
This informed me about so much, even though I came here already agreeing. You're very articulate and your approach to this situation was phenomenal. Thank you. Starfleet is lucky to have you. Peace and long life 🖖
@piousl 3 жыл бұрын
a rarity on KZbin: a nuanced and passionate, yet cogent and thoughtful video. Thanks for posting it. On a completely unrelated note, I love the shirt! Where can I get one?
@MovieMagic515 3 жыл бұрын
No, the people she is disrespecting are the real victims. This title is a sham! DRUMHEAD 🖖👍
@GeekFilter 3 жыл бұрын
Ok just dropping DRUMHEAD at the end of the sentence is already a thing in my life--glad I am not the only one!
@MovieMagic515 3 жыл бұрын
@Hunter Hall What?
@MovieMagic515 3 жыл бұрын
@Diya I know i was just joking.
@DeniseDutton 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your amazing, open hearted discussions on JKR her TERF views. While I abhor her views on the trans community, your even-handed discussions help me be more than a "boo, she's cancelled!" gal. Plus, I'm LOVING your earring in this video essay! Sorry, couldn't help myself. It's gorgeous, and looks great on you!
@singingpandamonium 3 жыл бұрын
You are so genuinely wise, and you have such a kind and soothing vibe. Thank you for making wonderful content.
@vesania1595 3 жыл бұрын
You are a very brave and valious human being... Here in Mexico things are even more horrible for LGBTTIAQ+ comunity since our society has a lot of lacks... But just by knowing there are people who is as razonable as u are is good to see... I mean u try to understand J. K. Rowlling and even those people who send u harm messages... That's just too brave and mature from u, I mean u seing those people as real human beings... Really inspiring.
@madisonwaycaster9832 3 жыл бұрын
"Is JK Rowling the victim?" No! *video ends*
@MarlenasFae 3 жыл бұрын
You're fantastic, thank you for your video essays. Also, I love the eye shadow
@AtodaK 3 жыл бұрын
This is another great video from you. I value your focus on our shared humanity, it provides nuance to issues and conflicts that desperately need it. As heartening as it may be to see people rallying to come out and fight the good fight we still need to think about what happens to the people whose stories don't get told and what happens after the current furore dies down. Thank you for your continued empathy, you're doing wonderful work. I wish that there were less need for the JK videos and you could spend more time on Star Trek.
@cygone 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! This is one of the best videos about prejudice and bullying I have seen on KZbin.
@punkrockzoologist9449 3 жыл бұрын
Jessie, you are doing such wonderful work here. Thank you for always speaking so well on these issues.
@jamesbell7207 3 жыл бұрын
You do a good job of organizing and presenting your ideas. Please do continue.
@helloworld1249 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I don't know how to say it; you make this whole awful situation feel less lonely and sad. Thank you for lifting my mood, and for being so reflected and genuine.
@Cass63450 3 жыл бұрын
Again, I applaud your fierceness in staying open for discussion and questioning the way things look and feel on the surface. The interviews with Judith Butler was an inspiring read. Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Brené Brown? I am a big fan of her work around vulnerability, shame and the healthy / unhealthy ways we deal with our emotions (and the concequences thereof for our society and ways of life). This video of you as a member of a marginalized group staying generous and kind towards a person of mainstream fame while at the same time taking apart and analyzing their arguments against the group you are a part of is the living picture what Dr. Brown has researched to be "our way back to each other" (her words). I have a huge respect for you doing this, especially when it touches on abuse you yourself faced. Thank you for doing this. All the best from Germany.
@TonksMoriarty 3 жыл бұрын
Equality is never a zero-sum game. Jessie, you're freaking amazing for making this video with just a pejorative title and still trying to see the best in people. Keep up the good work!
@calebleland8390 3 жыл бұрын
Well said, Jessie. The level of abuse that happens to everyone at this point is just disturbing. I have little patience for anyone in the TERF camp, but they don't deserve the level of abuse that they get. No one deserves death threats (outside of white supremacists, because eff those folks). The fact that even with those ugly comments you have received and you're still here with us proves you're a stronger woman than I am a strong man. I wish we could live in a better world, but hatred seems to run rampant on all sides of life. Great video as always!
@farron2551 3 жыл бұрын
Such a powerful video. I've heard about this essay before but never really explored it beyond snippets on social media, but the way you expanded on this with dignity and kindness in spite of the awful transphobia you have faced almost made me cry. Thank you for voicing so much wisdom.
@teresagrabs488 3 жыл бұрын
She has horrible views, but it does not excuse the attacks she has received. The whole "you're not free from repercussions" mindset breeds bullying. Some people are very nasty on all sides.
@IgorMorettoF 3 жыл бұрын
Jessie, you are the BEST. Seriously.
@AdamHoose 3 жыл бұрын
Hearing those horrid comments made my heart break. You are an amazing woman. Keep up the good work!
@gusslefrickis2749 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Jessie, you're fantastic! I admire your ability to be articulate, empathetic, and understanding on an issue that is very personal to you. I have loved ones in my life who are bigoted and it sucks because I know they are better than that. The fact that you can look past a person's hate and ignorance, and understand that there is still a person there shows impressive strength; and frankly, it brings me to tears. You have my eternal respect. You have my support, and from someone who hasn't watched more that a minute of Star Trek: live long and prosper!
@nathanielvalla6142 3 жыл бұрын
I just finished playing the campaign for Halo 3 and this discussion is reminding me a lot of the Arbiter. He victimized humanity for years destroying worlds upon worlds for the Prophets, then at the beginning of Halo 2 we see him become the victim of the Prophets. We as the player begin to empathize with him, he begin to view him as a hero and we put the fact that he was the hand of the Prophets aside. Humanity doesn't though they still see him as the bringer of destruction and this is how he is treated by humanity in Halo 3 they don't feel comfortable with him as ally. Getting his life ruined doesn't excuse him from destroying billion of others but somehow through our empathy he becomes the hero and it leaves me uneasy. Calling JK Rowling the Victim gives me the same uneasy feeling. She is a victim of harassments but she victimized and enable the harassment of thousands of more. Yes will empathize with her and her harassment but, I will not make her the hero that she want to be.
@daveyboi9807 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, This is the first video of yours that I have watched and while you came up on my feed for obvious reasons it also looks like (based on your background) I will enjoy your other content as well. I commend you on your grace and empathy in disusing this topic. I am a cis gay man and thus not a direct victim of this subject matter however, you show a level of kindness to the perpetrators of this vitriol that I find often I am not able to... You show the highest levels of Star Fleet ideals in your humane actions toward those who have yet to show you the same. I am now a fan and a subscriber.
@JessieGender1 3 жыл бұрын
@rinehardt6837 3 жыл бұрын
Jessie what you were saying about the harassment and things you get over your videos it's sad and cowardly but it happens all the time. Another KZbinr I watch who does book reviews he gets the same thing and he's not talkin about any issues that are really inflammatory like politics or religion or gay rights are trans like he's talking about books. And at least two or three comments you get called the n-word or something else horrible. He deletes them but he did screenshot on and that's where the subject came up he says I could put their names out there and let other people know what kind of people they are and people go after them but he said that would accomplish nothing.
@FantasyAnimeSite 3 жыл бұрын
You have so much patience and emotional intelligence. Please continue educating us.
@pyRoy6 3 жыл бұрын
Hell, yeah! Perfectly said. I'm sick of seeing humans offloading their oppression downhill until they find someone who can't even defend themselves.
@donaldsimpson2237 3 жыл бұрын
When she writes, "This is not a drill," this is LITERALLY a call to arms, a call for violence; nothing subtle about it. Yet she is the victim.
@SlimThrull 3 жыл бұрын
How is that literally a call to arms?
@donaldsimpson2237 3 жыл бұрын
@@SlimThrull I realize it's my personal job to give you an education, but you're on your own, pal.
@donaldsimpson2237 3 жыл бұрын
How does "This is not a drill" literally mean "This is not a drill"? Hmm.
@SlimThrull 3 жыл бұрын
@@donaldsimpson2237 So basically you're right but refuse to give any reasons. I'm not the one who needs to be educated. Imagine for a moment if I claimed the sky is purple. And anyone who disagrees is obviously not bright enough to understand why it is purple. Would that sway you to think it is purple?
@mistuhgee 3 жыл бұрын
@@SlimThrull it isn't.
@jonathanandrews3399 3 жыл бұрын
Love this video! Great message. 💜
@WolfeLeon23 3 жыл бұрын
Here is my take on things, and I know the video already touched on some of the points I'm about to make. The trans community and it's allys need to be the better people in this situation. Firstly you have to think that most of this takes place on social platforms, like twitter, where it is likely to be scene by a lot of people, not just the one, who in this case is JKR. Facts don't care about feelings, and this goes for both sides. Take the single sex spaces argument, let's go with bathrooms for simplicity, those with the same view as JKR describe fear of a possible situation. Men claiming to be trans women to access the women's room in order to break the law. So to save from that Trans Women shouldn't be allowed in the women's room. This is one of their arguments. Now take a minute to actually think which of the following is more likely to change minds? 1. Taking the time to calmly explain that this fear has done more physical harm to cis women than it has trans women, as there are numerous stories of cis women being harassed, kicked out, and even arrested because they looked too masculine and other cis women just assumed they were trans women looking to cause harm, when they were the ones actually doing the harm. 2. Spouting off hate, calling names, sending death threats, ect. The second changes no one's mind. The first is just one example of a valid and sound argument that could be given on the topic. Even if everyone who ever responded went with option 1 and it still didn't change JKR's mind on the topic, that doesn't mean it didn't change someone else's views who were watching and reading the discussion. It is in my opinion that option 2 does far more harm to the trans community than someone talking about views based on ignorance ever could. Because people see that and it does nothing but push everyone who may have been on the fence, not sure what to think, over to the side of ignorance. We are the ones who know this subject better than anyone else, I am a trans woman myself, and yes it is our job to educate others if we truly wish to be accepted. You can't tell others what to think or what to believe, especially not through hate. You can only ever lead them to the truth through facts, but they still have to make up their own mind.
@myriam3029 3 жыл бұрын
thank you for this video! its so refreshing to see someone talk about this in its all its shades of gray, not just in black and white. Also, the blue eyeshadow looks great on you! Love you message. It makes no sense to be fighting against each other when we could be fighting together to better our situation as women
@richardkalish8671 3 жыл бұрын
Hi I just found this video. And I just really wanted to say thank you for this video. Hope you are well and love long and prosper.
@SavageMinnow 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for covering this subject matter with such passionate grace. I appreciate you doing vids like this and making us look a little deeper inside ourselves 💜
@zenfulkatoria 3 жыл бұрын
In no known universe would or should she be considered a “victim”
@AmaraJordanMusic 3 жыл бұрын
Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom from consequences. We don’t like what she has to say and she has to deal with that. It does not make her a victim. It does not make her brave. It makes her desperate for relevance and publicity for another one of her mediocre mystery novels. It’s more than a little bit sad, frankly, but I have trouble locating a great deal of empathy for her specific struggles.
@elishevaw.4158 3 жыл бұрын
what a nuanced and intelligent video. thanks for this, sister, new subscriber!!!
@erin-4464 3 жыл бұрын
Once again Jessie you hit the nail on the head 👍
@Lia-uf1ir 3 жыл бұрын
Social media may be the worst place for discussion because the people having discussion encompass such a large group of people and, even worse, don't even SEE each other makes everything so unpersonal and unhuman! When humans first evolved, they wandered around in very small groups gathering food and later, when they got lucky, hunted down animals. Arguments were between people who all knew each other. Later, when humans settled into villages, the base of discussion was always the clan: if there was a problem within the clan, only the members of that clan discussed it until they reached consensus where everyone agreed to a solution. If the problem concerned the whole village, the various clans first debates among their own members and then sent delegates who gathered at the council house and reported on the decisions each clan had made. If they all agreed, the discussion was over. If not, the delates reported back to their respective clans and discussions among these clans started anew until everyone agreed to a solution. This is the kind of structure we would need for a discussion.
@dirkdisselpuff7938 3 жыл бұрын
Nope that would create the need for deevolvement of our Species, the Second Natures get's that Message we are done for. Since we already pissed the Planet of it behooves our Species not to give another Argument for Nature to get rid of us even faster then already planned. Technologie let the Genie out of the Bottle that either kills us or gives us as a Species atleast a Chance for Survival. Global instant Communication. We either redefine Words like Home as in planet Earth and words like compromise as natural and make it clear that going back is not an option any lifeform on this Mudball ever choose, or we do what we do best, put both Ring Fingers in a hole each next to our Brain, humm very loudly and ignore the Evolution of our Species around us.
@Lia-uf1ir 3 жыл бұрын
Kalkadoodle Well, we wouldn’t have to „go back“ to create a different form of society but we could go forward by using our technology to create a society beyond the need of states, ruling and hierarchies. Advancement doesn’t equal infinite capitalism and exploiting the Earth.
@sarahloomis2034 3 жыл бұрын
Even then though some arguments couldn’t be solved and the tribe would split in two, each going their own way. Much harder to do in today’s interconnected world
@Lia-uf1ir 3 жыл бұрын
@@sarahloomis2034 True. Also, yes, sometimes, members of the tribe don't agree with how things are done in that tribe, or in the village, and leave to build a new one. But they would still keep the connection with the old village through gifts or marriage.
@dirkdisselpuff7938 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lia-uf1ir i sadly and strongly disagree. Technologie is a tool that yielded by a Predator is always destructive. For any sort of Trek Verse to emerge we would have to evovle our rear behinds beyond our current makeup. With the State Humanity is in at the Moment i could only think of a Global Event impacting everyone at the same time for a certain amount of time to attempt this Evolution. As brutal as the Pandemic is it shows clearly that Humans don't give a fuck about their surronding Populace, they rather live in fear in their personal Shell attacking anything passing their influence and are so terrified they are incapable of moving past that State. "Currently Technology is pushed and used for the consilidation of personal influence. We indoctrinate our youth to obey and are proud parents while doing so." The above line of Argument is a perfect example of an inclosed logic Loop with no Escape for the Human stating it. Having a discours is pointless with such a Human, protected by the Capsule the Human created the only way to give the Human a glimpse of another way of thinking is to take away the pillars of the Argument that gives the Shell validation. That requires to take away the social emotion of beeing proud, having honour and most devastatingly the idiotic Idea that you alone can keep your loved ones safe. Anyone having one of the above pillars in his base social setup is a target for the Predator armed with current Technologie. Practical applications for doing so are a banned subject on this Platform, for further information go to a well stocked library and rent a couple of documentaries about People escaping a Cult of any makeup or the Stockholm Syndrom. Fascinating and terrifing reading is assured. Look for older books, atleast 2 Decades old, the newer publications are to soft in the Analasys Departement and mostly skip advice in practical Application. I have to warn you this could become a rabbit hole that has the potential to utterly destroy you, this topic of investigation unveals human mechanics most of us ignore and are not aware of. Happy investigating, stay safe and sane !
@MarkusAldawn 3 жыл бұрын
I think there's something in the fact that, for JKR to be taken seriously all she has to do is talk about her pain, and use it as leverage, whereas for critics of hers to be taken seriously, we often have to ridiculously preface every single sentiment we make about her with things like "I sympathize with her experience" or "I understand that she is in pain." I'm thinking it's weaponising the white woman in distress* concept for her own use. And again- as I've just said- I'm not going to say she's doing that maliciously or with full intent to make her pain feel more important than others. But like it's not okay for her to still do it. It means every twenty seconds we have to remind people that we aren't monsters. Which kinda sucks, since they should already know that. I don't know if this will backfire on us or work out well for us. Maybe constantly reminding people of the fact we can feel empathy for someone attacking trans people from a position of incredible influence will make trans people out to be compassionate in the public view, or maybe it will just boost JKR's message, and make it more difficult to discuss her message *without* first taking into account her story and victimhood. It could (and probably will to some degree) do some of both. But it's a tactic that she herself isn't beholden to. One death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic. Likewise, one _person_ is able to garner sympathy, whereas even to me watching, listing off statistics doesn't trigger that same reaction, it takes someone bringing it into their own terms to make that work. Which sucks, because if I can't inherently empathise with the dry statistics of a community I'll back to the hilt, I can't expect that to work on JKR from our perspective, or her to accept it from hers. In fact, given how personal her pain is compared to the statistics we could present, she could accuse us of doing the exact thing she is doing- she could say we're downplaying her pain and using pain as an argumentative device. At most, all we could do is debase ourselves trying to find the sob story that would make her consider trans people as deserving of rights. Like I don't particularly wanna be the one on BBC reading out lists of horrific things- that a lot of trans people watching the news that evening probably could do without having their faces shoved in- to JKR. Not least of which is even if it works and it gets some reaction, *she has already established her pain as the focal point of her debate, and thus this would be seen as emotional manipulation, rather than tragic reality.* We can't win against the argument that she's transphobic because she's been abused, because as long as society values the pain of a rich cis white woman (and we know even in a physical sense that there's a hierarchy beginning with white women about for instance how much anaesthetic you're given for surgery, which goes down racial lines with black women at the bottom) more than it does the people she's hurting currently, in the now. I could say to her she needs to stop the cycle of abuse, but again, I'd be the one bringing her abuse into it from the perspective of people watching. There's no winning move here except JKR slowly loses interest- hopefully realises she's wrong- and stops writing about the community as if it has power (this entire hypothetical is predicated on the idea trans people would be allowed on BBC to air their grievances, as opposed to as a punching bag for Piers Morgan, which is unlikely) to hurt cis women. If we wanted to stop JKR from being transphobic, at this point all it could take the form of is her deciding to stop. Which kinda sucks, cause it means she's on this as long as she feels like she can do it and still have supporters.
@MarkusAldawn 3 жыл бұрын
I think she's single-handedly moved legislation, acceptance, everything back a year or more, at least in the UK. Self-ID was going to mean the UK would come in line with Ireland for letting people self-declare, and not need to go through a years-long NHS process (funding for which is rarer than a very rare thing), but instead, you're going to need to prove a ridiculous thing. There's an NHS test that determined you were cis, and that was you came out the womb, and the doctor just fuckin makes a call. Cis kids get to not worry about declaring their gender or thinking about going through a two year process to get a doctor to *allow* them to be themselves. I think it falls foul of the same problem we get on driver's license. People just don't tick a box if they're not sure about it. In countries where organ donation is opt in, there's a rate near 10-20%. In opt out countries, it's 80-90%. If you told kids they needed to choose their legal gender, but that it didn't matter that much and they could change when they felt like it, very few of them would go to the hassle of declaring as a gender.
@crabgf4980 3 жыл бұрын
Rowling would have you think she's experiencing as much "vitriol" as a trans woman who isn't even well known
@katherinenoggle6407 3 жыл бұрын
I have to admit that years ago, i probably held a viewpoint more similar to Rowling's. When Chastity Bono transitioned to Chazz Bono, i worried for him, that he would regret it. I used a lot of the same excuses Rowling used in her essay and tried to justify my viewpoints just like she did. Until one day it occurred to me that i didn't have any bleeping right to judge what someone who identified as trans was feeling or thinking. Weren't THEY the best judge of who they wanted to be, how they wanted to be viewed by the world? Who TF was i to even begin to judge this person? You know when you've made the right decision, how you seem to relax all over and the way forward seems suddenly clear and without conflict? That's how i felt immediately upon realizing that. I suspect that Rowling is struggling so much because internally, she may know she's made some mistakes on this issue. Anyways, all my love to you for addressing this issue in an understanding light. And for your love of all things Trek. I have to admit also that i am lusting after your Gorn/Kirk statuette.
@JoshForeman 3 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your heart to hear and understand even people who are being hurtful and evil. I think you're providing a very valuable perspective and voice. Keep it up!
@leonardhaggstrom8541 3 жыл бұрын
When words are weapons, everything is assault. Self-identifying as a victim is not the same as being a victim.
@seangrumley193 3 жыл бұрын
Good discussion. Well thought out and balanced. We need to support each other and try not to tear each other down.
@shannonshaw338 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! You beautifully put into words exactly what I've been thinking.
@martinrose2668 3 жыл бұрын
Your videos on this topic really help me deal with it. JKR scandals have brought a lot of pain to me since this summer. Thank you for being there for the community and for educating your audience.
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