Low Carb Essentials - 'Intermittent Fasting'

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Low Carb Down Under

Low Carb Down Under

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'Low Carb Essentials' are curated collections of our best presentations that each focus on a particular theme of low carb nutrition. They are designed to introduce the essential elements of each theme and provide a framework for furthering low carb nutrition discussion.
The theme for this collection is 'Intermittent Fasting' featuring presentations by Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Stephen Phinney and Megan Ramos.

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@ihopetowin Жыл бұрын
I have been using fasting and Keto for years, one meal a day is my mantra. As a weight lifter, until about two years ago, I would lift while fasting. I did my best lifting into my late fifties. In all the time I lifted heavy on OMAD, I gained muscle, never lost a gram. At that time I was 260 LBS and 8% body fat. I don't need to be 260 LBS anymore so I trimmed down using Keto OMAD, ceased heavy lifting and went to High intensity Interval Training. I'm now 200 LBS and maintained a body fat of 8%. I never eat manufactured, processed substances, I eat Grass fed and organic meat, eggs, non starch vegetables, leafy greens and fermented foods. At 60 I continue to train using High intensity Interval Training and light weight training. I don't look or feel 60, even if I do say so myself.
@karenf9137 Жыл бұрын
“I hope to win”: sounds like you already did. Count yourself among the lucky ones.
@jellybeanvinkler4878 Жыл бұрын
Fabulous story! Thanks for sharing. I am keto, low carb for several years now. Originally lost 60lbs at 63. Now 67, retired and immediately gained 20 lbs (a cruise didn't help). I didn't have a real physical job, though I was active, on my feet for upwards of 10 hours steadily. But I went from an acceptable BMI of 25.5 to 27. It certainly comes on way easy compared to losing! I'd fast, lose 4, then gain 3 back. Struggle a week to lose another pound, only to go to a family picnic and nibble away on yummy BBQ, chips, and macaroni salad....you can guess the rest....up 3 lbs! 😭 So I recently took up a sport. I am struggling still with the weight, even though now working out at least 5-6 days per week. I feel I am building muscle, even following a low carb OMAD or 2MAD. But I am pretty sure the immediate 10lbs of gain was not all muscle! Wondering if it was stress induced due to high cortisol. Also, I now have to get up at 6 am for a couple days a week to get to practice, causing me to lose sleep. I am getting better at getting to bed early these days, but that could have been causal. My fellow teammates are appalled at my eating habits. The skinny ones, anyway...telling me I need carbs, and often. I quit discussing it with anyone. It is a competitive sport, so I have been experimenting, because I don't want to be a weak link. Always been active and busy, but I've never been particularly athletically inclined. But it is very helpful to hear a testimony such as yours. Thanks so much!
@georgemavrides3434 Жыл бұрын
Great job sir and thanks for sharing your story. If you don't mind me, I will share mine. I stumbled into Keto and IF while trying to cure some stomach inflammation (helicobacter pylori) that resulted in terrible bloating, stomach pains and nearly ulcer. The gastrologists could only treat the evident symptoms (antibiotics etc) but the problems persisted. After various allergy tests that showed nothing, I figured out through diet elimination that the trigger was an allergy I developed to the poisonous canola oils (used in everything nowadays cause its abundant and cheap). Not to drag this long, I lost 5-6kgs despite eating 2-2.5k calories a day during my eating window and even put a couple of kilos back in lean muscle. In my 40s and feel physically as good as in my 20s. My recommendation to everyone I know, even if they love their carbs, is that they at least eliminate sugar and seed oils from their diets.
@jhubbard7256 Жыл бұрын
Jelly Bean… you are probably working out too much. And sleep is essential to support metabolic and overall health. Check out Judy Cho, NTP’s work (“Carnivore Cure”) and Brian Sanders (founder of Sapiens / body builder, works out 22 min/day) who can help with “small changes that give HUGE results”. Kelly Hogan (myzerocarblife) and DrKenDBerryMD also have some good tips on the carnivore healing journey and maintaining healthy eating habits in their videos.
@helenalovelock1030 Жыл бұрын
Why did you stop lifting ?
@murraypooley9199 Жыл бұрын
At 64 - 65 I fasted up to 4 days while working out 6 days a week with CrossFit. My BMI went down to 23, fat as low as 4% but usually about 6%. I came 3rd in +60 mens CrossFit open in 2019 in Ireland, them 2nd in 2020. I am now 67, eat in 6 hour window every day, eat zero hyper clyemic carbs, moderate greens mostly fermented, high fat lots of it omega 3, and high protien. I am slowley moving toward carnivour. I now just do HIT 3 times a week, sometimes a bit of cardieo. Strength has gone up, fittness has held, still can do 300 sit ups and 175 air squats in one set, BMi now 27, fat 11%, weight gone from low of 78 to high of 95kg. Generally around 93.5 now. All health markers exellent. I feel much better, never get sick and take no form of medication, just vitamin suppliments.
@melissag.664 Жыл бұрын
I listen to Dr. Fung's lectures again and again. This is great information to remember!
@michaeldillon3113 Жыл бұрын
There may be problems associated with long term fasting but these surely pale into insignificance compared to long term consumption of the standard ' western ' diet .
@wmp3346 11 ай бұрын
What do you mean by long term fasting?
@intramotus Жыл бұрын
Fung is the man, Fridge vs. freezer should become common parlance for all dieticians, trainers, and any other humans that eat!
@karenohanlon4183 Жыл бұрын
I think my money is on Dr Fung being right. As a species we fasted for various reasons. Supermarkets came and pharma came and all of a sudden we needed to eat frequnt meals.All of a sudden we got fat and sick. Then step up pharma. So going on a four day fast every few months and eating one or two meals per day protein rich by the way will be fir mem And to be cautious I will strengthen my muscles with lifting and lunges And Dr Fung says there is all different types of fast. I'm only saying the Fungster knows what he is talking about.
@candywoodgate1269 Жыл бұрын
I love Low Carb Down Under ❤
@candywoodgate1269 Жыл бұрын
I should add that I am a 65 year old woman, over the last 10 years I have progressed through low carb, dirty keto, clean keto and now am pretty much carnivore OMAD. I do it because I want to die healthy. My heaviest I was 10st 7lb and today I am 9st2lb and I am 5’2” tall. I love this way of life, but it makes me a bit of a social leper. I try to eat the meat options when we visit friends and family but they are often compromised with god knows what in terms of seed oils, sugars, fillers etc. but I just accept that it is a compromise I must make in order not to have to face endless questions, well meaning but misinformed concerns or condemnation.
@salvatorelivreri Жыл бұрын
@@candywoodgate1269 can you clarify what you mean by 10st 7lb and 9st 2lb? Do you mean 107 lbs and 92 pounds?
@KarlDag Жыл бұрын
@@salvatorelivreri stones. I see them used in UK especially. Worth 14pds
@airspun9801 Жыл бұрын
LCHF and TRF works for me❤Lost 10lbs last month. Looking forward to my weigh in on my 60th day. This is now my lifestyle. Never going back to high carb, high sugar lifestyle! Thank you Dr. Jason Fung! ❤Greetings from the Philippines.
@darkfieldcarnivore3928 Жыл бұрын
The lean mass/muscle mass loss during fasting is only found in those that sedentary or not very active. Put those muscles to use while you fast and your body steps up fat metabolism!
@barrycorney3665 Жыл бұрын
I've been on this keto/carnivore latterly ketovore thing for approaching 3 years. Initially I lost 11kg (23-24lb) in 10 weeks doing no exercise whatsoever, it was effortless and put in a 48hr and eventually a 5 day fast at week 8. I got into cycling at the end of 2020 and around that time did a 7 day fast along with regular IF. I also started using Strava to log my times. 2021 I had a hernia op which limited the cycling for 6 months of that year(put on 3-4 kg) and towards the end resumed cycling a few weeks after a mammoth 14 day fast. The fast felt great, so did I at 76kg from an original 94kg. But my Strava times had got steadily worse for my usual routes. With hindsight I know for certain that the PF's had stripped a fair bit of muscle from me as well as some fat- I'd become a much lighter yet much weaker version of myself, and still flabby. I've not been as strict over this year and am now at 87kg (I'm only 170cm), and have , despite being 54 now, obliterated my Strava times completely in the last few months (I'm 51st out of 6500 on a local sprint climb) and have not done a PF since, and if I ever do again will never go beyond 48-72hrs. I seem to have "filled out", maybe this is my bodies "ideal fighting weight", but I simply don't believe (as N+1)that PF is that good for your muscles, and if you need them for work, sports etc maybe fasting isn't wise- takes a long time to build muscle especially as you age. BTW during all my fasts I've daily monitored BG( got as low as 53mg/dL) and ketones (got beyond the range of the meter at 8mmol/l). I've also now added a carb "cheat day" once a fortnight or so to remind my body that it still needs to produce insulin now and again not just live on fat/protein solely. I work with a vegan who for 5 years has eaten so little fat he gets steatorrhea with just a small amount of fat I think his bile production has shut down? (Again interestingly I did a cholesterol test on us both as "polar opposites" diet wise- he has very low LDL but his HDL is also shockingly low and his TGL not so good either, I've got excellent HDL/TGL but huge LDL!!!). Anyway, I've no doubt that fasting is brilliant for cleaning up/out your body at every level, and also for helping with cancer and diabetes etc, but just beware of unintended consequences!!
@stevephla Жыл бұрын
Good thoughts, Barry. I agree that an occasional, even a weekly, high carb consumption is good to prevent insulin suppression.
@MustRiseAgain Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@deekleyn5635 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days with great benefits, especially spiritual 🙏
@gesheepistemology8050 Жыл бұрын
@@deekleyn5635 Buddha fasted, ascetics and yogis fast, Milarepa lived on nettles...all humans fasted when hunting was was unsuccessful. Bart Kay says autophagy only begins at 5 day (which is understandable with having a slower bowel movement)...autophagy has theoretical benefits and the sacrifice may be protein but fat is preferred (1st) drawn energy, 2 sick/dying cells cells 2nd)…protein is always going to be used for gluconeogenesis be is exogenous or body protein....the body does not need exogenous carbs (to remind the pancreas to produce produce insulin as every time you eat eat carnivore you activate the Randle cycle and go out of ketosis anyway as well as morning gluconeogenesis....so that is a concept/vague notion/idea/bullshit.
@deckchaironthetitanic Жыл бұрын
Very clearly explained. I'll be sending this link to several friends who want to know why they should fast.
@LabelsAreMeaningless Жыл бұрын
It was clear as mud with very conflicting information. Yes people can consider both of course, but it really wasn't helpful or motivating. Not to mention the older gentleman doesn't seem to even consider that autophagy is often desired and much of the protein loss is damaged protein unless you go insane with it. 2 days of fasting and you'd barely do anything to help get rid of damaged proteins. He also makes it seem like people who are heavy but not losing anymore on strict keto, may as well give up because fasting would just make them more prone to gaining even faster, which goes against so much of the other research I've gone over. No, I didn't find this helpful, I found it incredibly depressing, demoralizing and conflicting.
@jacklevoska8860 Жыл бұрын
@@LabelsAreMeaningless don't be demoralized. The lesson here is not that fasting does not work. The lesson is that the data is not there. N=1 experiments are valid. If it works for you it works for you. But to his point, more research is needed.
@chapter4444 Жыл бұрын
The best way to bring your body in line 100%
@CarnivoreDMD Жыл бұрын
Love exercising early on the 2nd day of a 48h Fast & now I know why! VO2 increases. Thanks.
@tuyendo7409 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the debate and everyone participation, it is good that we have a healthy debate when it comes to health instead of force down to every body throat like American Standard Diet and we get fatter and fatter
@grunklebob9009 Жыл бұрын
So is it safer to fast or be 300 pounds overweight??? I am really not understanding this weak counter argument to fasting. I would recommend long term fasting with a Dr's supervision to anyone willing to take weight loss seriously. I think the dangers of toxic buildup in the body from decades of improper diet/lifestyle far outweigh any negatives to long term fasting. I Keto/Omad, have done a 64hour fast and will do a 3 day fast when I can find the self discipline to do so, maybe at my 1 year anniversary next June. I have maintained 50 pounds of weight loss for 4 months, I FEEL AMAZING!!! I am 5 pounds above optimal, 171pounds at 5 foot 9inches. My waist height ratio is less than .5. My blood work is perfect and I will be getting an CAC scan soon, they are 45$ now in my area, EVERYONE should get one. I also believe any negative consequence of long term fasting will be quickly corrected on the the refeeding side. Do you honestly think someone that has to move 500 pounds around couldn't handle losing a little lean body mass along with the fat??? Ridiculous
@lulusp1023 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Fung my favorite Doctor!!!
@lamo1724 Жыл бұрын
I completely understand where Dr Stephen Phinney is coming from. However, he's referring to studies from 1979 and ignoring some of the studies that take on the findings from that analysis and then adjust conditions in the newer study to see if this affects the results. Dr Mark Mattson refers to analysis showing some of the lean body mass lost correlates with autophagy activity. Professor Tim Spector is concluding a study, analysing 50,000 patients and participants from numerous demographics, activity levels, ages etc who are undertaking the Kings College / Zoe Intermittent Fasting study. I do agree with Dr Phinney that claims need to be backed up with peer reviewed data analysis. But it's then important to refer to these in ongoing debates comparing the older research to the new xxx
@Julia_Berrrlin Жыл бұрын
Maaaaaaaan, a discussion between Dr. Fung and Dr. Phinney would be BAD ASS. I was never able to marry those two viewpoints. Thank you for uploading! Why is nobody talking about the buchinger wilhelmini findings that fasting reduces organ size & that muscle strength actually increases?????
@Julia_Berrrlin Жыл бұрын
@salvatorelivreri Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing.... perhaps the protein “lost” was from the organs and the body’s vast amount of collagen instead of the skeletal muscle.
@Kyarrix Жыл бұрын
I was not impressed by Dr Phinney. His affect is directly opposite to Dr Fung's. Dr Fung strikes me as intelligent with a sense of humor and a great deal of compassion for people. He wants to give people good information, the tools to make the right decisions for themselves. Dr Phinney does not come across that way. I also wondered at him ducking saying the Holocaust. He talked about refeeding syndrome during the era of world war II and he referred to when people were rescued from lifeboats or when they were rescued from (he stumbled for a second then said) "situations of prolonged starvation." Situations of prolonged starvation during the era of world war II? Why go to such lengths to avoid saying the Holocaust? I thought it was odd and it added to my negative impression of him.
@KarlDag Жыл бұрын
Do we care about organs shrinking? Makes if you consider how under utilized they become while fasting
@fcsoldeu5338 Жыл бұрын
@@Kyarrix do you think the European Jews were the only ones in situations of prolonged starvation after the WWII? you need to read more history if you think so. I don´t like Phinney's approach but he is constantly saying he has no problems with short IF which I guess Fung will agree too.
@humblerojo6300 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it was addressed and I’ll re-listen. Though, I would ask wether using “markers” of “protein” loss via excretion used in many of the studies sited is the same thing as actual muscle loss. Without DEXA scans, how would we know if this waste isn’t simply from excess, non-essential amino acids in circulation and/or damaged proteins that we want to excrete? Please forgive any ignorance of the topic. I’m not a researcher but a layman trying to understand these processes.
@grantradka Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great content. Can you please put in the date for each of the talks from which this video was created? It is very difficult for a lay person such as myself to determine the relevance of one point over another when there is so much conflicting information out there.
@Therstrium 4 ай бұрын
I think something that is often ignored is that insulin itself is an incredibly strong anabolic hormone. If you are correcting the insulin levels through fasting (or other diets), dropping them down to normal, then you are removing that anabolic effect. Muscle loss ought to be expected, and isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's like stopping steroid abuse to fix other health problems and worrying about muscle loss.
@aljohnson1286 Жыл бұрын
Academic concerns, as opposed to real-world results! The arrogance is astounding! God bless Dr Fung and his colleagues.
@moestietabarnak Жыл бұрын
I don't get they keep going back to lean body mass loss... If you're obese and lost a tons of fat, isn't there LESS need for muscle because you have less mass to move around ? also, don't you 'autophage' flappy skin and other 'extraneous' lean body ? Doesn't the body 'know' it need muscle to hunt, but less skin to bring that excess fat, also repairing damaged cells .. like people report scar disappearing?
@defeqel6537 Жыл бұрын
Autophagy happens within cells, so wouldn't affect cell death / turnover. But yeah, the focus on lean body mass is probably because of the fear of long term health effects (since lean body mass is often associated with bone and muscle health), but I've seen a study* on fasting where there was no effect on strength generation after (2 week IIRC) fasting, which suggests to me that the excreted nitrogen was not from muscle. *I cannot remember it exactly, so not able reference it here
@eliseville Жыл бұрын
More even than losing muscle mass, which helps burn fat mass, is the lifetime risk of 25% slower metabolism. The Biggest Losers all gained back their fat, but now have a much harder time losing it because of their slower metabolisms!
@reggieinsider8816 Жыл бұрын
Great video learned alot.
@slomnim Жыл бұрын
wow editor, you've come a LONG way. vey concise
@jerzy2pi Жыл бұрын
What happens during autophagy? Isn't it cleaning bad proteins and bad cells? So you got lots of nitrogen - but i do not feel bad about it
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
These people whining about muscle loss are unbelievable. When you fast you lose only 1/3 as much protein due to autophagy making up the rest. Then you rebound and gain back the lean tissue you lost or even more. If they spent 5 minutes actually reading studies that could see this.
@mimi1girl2dempsey3 Жыл бұрын
Just look at ww2 prisoners and how they came back to health after refeeding. It's not that hard to see that animals can restore health through healthy eating. Losing some muscle mass is no big deal when someone needs to lose 150 lbs of fat. Reasearch shows that muscle loss will stop after a while and the body continues to survive quite well.
@eugeniebreida1583 Жыл бұрын
At 63yrs, low bmi and autoimmune, I assure you, any muscle loss is detrimental, and unlikely to ever be recovered. I have much experience with this challenge. And, no, pow’s of advanced years do not find a full return to health/former muscle mass.
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
@@eugeniebreida1583 You have no idea what you are talking about. I have 19 inch arms and have done dozens of 72+ h fasts. You lose tons of muscle dieting. Anyone saying you lose more fasting is an absolute cretin.
@lndiscalling Жыл бұрын
Still watching but a couple of questions on things I've seen so far:- One thing I don't see discussed, and maybe I'm being stupid here, but I imagine seriously obese people would have a resting metabolism much higher than it should be - moving, breathing and nearly every bodily function will require more energy as everything is less efficient, so if fasting brings that down is it just bringing it down to the level it should be for a non obese person. (anecdotally everything seemed harder when I was overweight, just sitting down, breathing heavier/faster, sweating and burning up) Secondly when lean body mass is discussed how is this measured, again seriously obese people will have an excess of lean mass which will include muscle (additional muscle required to move all the weight around), but also skin and connective tissue, so is any reduction in 'lean mass' just bringing it down to what it should be for a non obese person. I IF 20/4 regularly but do ensure I keep up the required calorie intake, I'd argue 16/8 is not fasting at all and is really what a normal eating pattern should be, so I am only at the very low end of any fasting regime.
@Julia_Berrrlin Жыл бұрын
very good points. Also. there's a study showing fasting decreases organ size but actually increases muscle mass kzbin.info/www/bejne/bmiWmIRpaKxgbLc
@OIOnaut Жыл бұрын
Intuitive thinking, but it goes intirely the opposite way then most would think. At an engineering point a self sustaining system must have several backup pathways and an elaborate feedback system. Nature is highly complicated.
@InSync3912 Жыл бұрын
Do you stick to keto? My problem with 20:4 is that as the eating window opens, I get horrible, uncontrollable binge. I wonder if it goes away with time
@freespirit6209 Жыл бұрын
very interesting. thank you!
@patrickh709 Жыл бұрын
The Biggest Loser diet is a starvation diet, not extended fasting. Starvation diets or calorie restricted diets do not work long term.
@markotrieste Жыл бұрын
Why do we measure fat mass as percentage of body weight while we keep measuring lean body mass in absolute value? As long as I lose more fat than lean mass, I'm happy. I noticed that my lean body mass % can only increase if I lose weight. And there is no way to lose weight without losing some lean mass too.
@OIOnaut Жыл бұрын
We tend to do this measure indirectly from tissue water content since it is universal,
@perrysebastian6928 Жыл бұрын
There is an oxidative priority of energy use during energy deficit situations. 1) Glycogen, 2) Body fat, and then 3) recovery of muscle protein. If an endurance athlete has a significant reduction of stored energy (fat), the body has no choice but to go after protein in order to continue the effort. BUT, protein is a long ways down that oxidative usage of fat use. This fear of protein loss, is important in relative extreme energy deficits, but I monitor my protein loss with feeding periods of 30-40 hours per week. Seriously, the impact is almost not measurable. Of greater concern is poor protein (silly protein bars) turning into BG, so a so called protein bar spikes my BG by 20 to 30 points on my CGM.
@jamesnelson1968 Жыл бұрын
My issue with Dr Phinney is there is no taking into account autophagy in terms of the burning of proteins through glycogenesis. What is known is that even in the case of diets high in protein, 2/3 of the protein used by the body is recycled from old and damaged tissues into usable protein. I would want to see proof that the proteins burned in longer fasts are actual healthy muscle tissue and not the scrap material. Old studies can be useful but their data must be looked at in terms of current knowledge, especially when something as game changing as autophagy is involved.
@nikkie_slaughter 8 ай бұрын
I totally agree, was thinking the same thing the whole time.
@SWA81 Жыл бұрын
The older guy uses the old outdated information. Autophagy is a lifesaver.
@LabelsAreMeaningless Жыл бұрын
His refusal to even discuss the aspect of autophagy really annoyed me. That is incredibly important information. Losing damaged proteins and cells is far different than losing healthy and it's a very important part of the consideration.
@bidnow2946 Жыл бұрын
The older guy is Dr. Stephen Phinney and he has forgotten more than you will ever know.
@jacklevoska8860 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Phinney just sticks to the data. Frustrating sometimes, but also important to do. He's one of the few folks in the keto space that just sticks to the observed facts. Unfortunately, this leaves a lot of room for n=1 data to be left out, even if the n=1 is a bit more like n=1,000,000.
@22darius22 Жыл бұрын
What is Phinnys point? Fasting forever is bad for health? Or is he arguing that caloric restriction and huge amounts of cardio is the same thing as fasting? He’s all over the place. Didn’t see anything about any studies re 3 day fast monthly or every three months is unhealthy. I’m seriously confused re the point of his lecture.
@Kyarrix Жыл бұрын
" I won't belabor the issue of refeeding syndrome" right after he did just that. The problem for most people is not refeeding syndrome, it is eating too much, too often. It is eating processed foods, sugars and unhealthy oils (canola, soy corn, safflower, rapeseed) resulting in weight gain, inflammation and disease. It's not wise to do longer fasts without knowledge or supervision but it seems nitpicky to spend so much time focusing on the minority of cases where it is inadvisable rather than the majority where it is. The other thing I wondered about was when he dodged saying the Holocaust. He was explaining refeeding syndrome and said "when people were rescued from lifeboats or when they were rescued from (he stumbled for a second then said) "situations of prolonged starvation." When they were rescued from situations of prolonged starvation? Why not just say the Holocaust? You're not showing respect by refusing to name it. He went to some to avoid saying it. Why would he do that?
@binathere2574 Жыл бұрын
With reference to his stumble. You're imagining things.
@SweeturKraut Жыл бұрын
I did a seven day fast back in July. It was not fun. I easily could have enjoyed a nominal evening meal and had only slight difference in overall results. I’ll stick with an 18/6 or even a 20/4 model.
@Turbo2640 Жыл бұрын
Informative and thought provoking, thank you.
@ketocajun7451 Жыл бұрын
I lift heavy on OMAD and never had an issue. I do eat a lot of multiple protein sources during my feeding time while still staying low carb. Sadly, people go into things biased and get the results they needed in their mind if it does not work. It mostly does not work due to lack of effort..
@michalwolski4488 Жыл бұрын
Muscle can be reduced due to fluoride intoxication. In order to counteract, one should drink water solutions of boron, iodone and calcium salts. During fasting it is fine.
@intramotus Жыл бұрын
where can one read more about this ?
@deskjockie4948 Жыл бұрын
What KIND of protein is lost during a prolonged fast? Is it current muscle tissue, or is it old, damaged, or otherwise deficient protein that may be used in autophagy?
@retirementpirate3665 Жыл бұрын
Studies have shown it is the old, damaged protein that is used during a prolonged fast. Otherwise we would not have survived as a species.
@willdutt Жыл бұрын
Hard to say, I'd say it would be the muscles you don't use and damaged muscle tissue would not be firing and putting out the right signals to state its still in use. There was an experiment where someone locked themselves in a box for 44days and only drunk water and did not move 'at all'. he lost 24.5kg of weight and 42.4% of that was his muscle mass. (8min mark What happens if you Don't Eat for 44 Days? (Fasting Science) ) So the take away is 'keep moving', don't stop when on a fast. Here's more information on refeeding after a long fast. "Refeeding David Blaine - Studies after a 44-Day Fast"
@mimi1girl2dempsey3 Жыл бұрын
@@willdutt They should lock a person in a box for 44 days and stop him from moving but still feed him. I wonder how much muscle he would lose?
@iss8504 Жыл бұрын
@@mimi1girl2dempsey3 if you don't move you would lose that muscle. If you are living normally, I think Dr Fung's common sense assessment that the body is doing autophagy and primarily getting rid of junky proteins from excesssl skin etc sounds right to me.
@LordRocco777 Жыл бұрын
One of the only times that doing less, equals a longer and healthier life. 👏🏽
@darkfieldcarnivore3928 Жыл бұрын
A fast from all but animal fats for 3 days while doing short work outs to muscle failure is the safest way. The amount is of fat is based on your current body fat % and activity level.
@user-xf6qf7pm7w 6 ай бұрын
Macronutrient Kcal are not assumed the same. Triglycerides contribute more than twice the kcal as protein or digestible carbs. A person's metabolic rate, which is variable, is one of the variables in any standard input-output model of energy balance of the human body. What about the kcal you store in your bones, including compact bone?
@yoso585 Жыл бұрын
The main confusion I’m finding in these comments is that of confusing yourself with that of someone else.
@bidnow2946 Жыл бұрын
This is the best comment on the board. I was closely following the Dr. Fung / Dr. Phinney debate when it first started, and both are right. Dr. Fung was talking to and about his old, obese patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Dr. Phinney was talking to and about lean athletes who exercise. Everybody needs to figure out where they are on this spectrum before they proceed.
@mikeward9870 Жыл бұрын
~ 39m, Right, about fasting, that's what happens for me: bump up in basal metabolism for one or two days. Stephen Phinney: "Then what?" Then I eat breakfast, what else (though twice a year I go for 3 or 4 days, realizing basal metabolism will drop and I'll feel cold, in order to assure good solid exercise of my autophagy machinery ;^).
@kit888 Жыл бұрын
00:01 Dr Jason Fung 24:45 Q&A 36:00 Dr Stephen Phinney 53:05 Q&A 1:00:20 Megan Ramos 1:10:55 Dr Stephen Phinney
@donnahelps5680 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 😊
@akasuzq1970 Жыл бұрын
First time I've every imagined *Megan Ramos* in a wrestling ring...
@iss8504 Жыл бұрын
Dr Phinney is talking about 30 day fasts? Nobody is advocating this. Also, lean mass includes skin amd extra connective tissue. If I am losing weight, I don't need all that extra skin. I notice with fasting that the loose skin disappears. Autophagy is clearly working. Dr Fung, even if he doesn't have a study, makes a lot of sense. I can see the change in the loose skin on me. I doubt my heart muscle is being deteriorated to any great extent. Body is not stupid.
@mosesng1109 Жыл бұрын
the obstacle is the way...... fear??? ..... fight it!!!
@wmp3346 Жыл бұрын
Not interested in fasting studies over 3 days. It would seem to be a good idea to take (supplement) some potassium and magnesium everyday.
@mimi1girl2dempsey3 Жыл бұрын
If Dr. Fung is helping thousands of people each year, why challenge his methods with nit picking? We're talking reversing type 2 diabetes while preventing cancer and heart desease. I really don't understand why some muscle loss is such a big deal. Do we all have to look like a young schwarzenegger?
@user-rl5dd1ex2k Жыл бұрын
@mimi1girl2dempsey3 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, Dr. Phinney has a theory and won't look at the possibility that he may be wrong. He is all about proving he is right. That's feeding an ego instead of looking for a better understanding.
@raymondpisani9637 Жыл бұрын
Doctors don't like being proven wrong
@charlestoast4051 Жыл бұрын
In this whole talk. I didn't hear a single mention of autophagy. Intermittent fasting is now shown to promote autophagy, a healing and repair process that seems particularly effective at combating inflammation, which these days might be caused by things like the spike protein, either from covid or the mRNA shots. Correlation, not causation, but all the people arguing against fasting don't appear to be great specimens with exceptional health.
@Johnnyquid20 Жыл бұрын
I read a study that followed people for years. I think it was put out last week. Saying that people who skip meals are not as healthy and die quicker???? (Inquire) or something was were I seen it???!
@zealandzen Жыл бұрын
@user-hl1kl3dg8n 4 ай бұрын
The questions are stupid. Generally when someone needs to fast they have a metabolic problem. If the correction isn't done they will die early. He has said in his book this applies to a certain percent of the population, I don't remember the number maybe 60-70 percent of people. This is effective for a lot of people.
@kit888 Жыл бұрын
40:45 The Biggest Loser, as he stated, is caloric restriction, not intermittent fasting. They ate small meals throughout the day. So why is he implying the results are relevant to intermittent fasting?
@dancarey2307 Жыл бұрын
I think if Dr Stephen Phinney has such problems with fasting longer than 48 hours he just should not do it. His concerns for me and others doing are noted. His 5 experiments do not persuade me with all the well known problems with nutrition studies of any era, especially disclosed and undisclosed financial interests of researchers.
@madnessaurus Жыл бұрын
Dang I weight 52kg and wanted to fast for the cell and health benefits I've heard but I can't afford to loose any kgs, it's hard enough to put on just 1kg
@freespirit6209 Жыл бұрын
Just eat bigger meals when you do eat, with plenty of protein. Tiny healthy breakfast and a big healthy dinner plus large carby dessert mid-afternoon works for me.
@notjustforme8857 Жыл бұрын
From what I've heard here and on other channels, wouldn't you just need to keep your insulin up and then eat something to gain weight? So eat a piece of white bread every two hours and then half an hour later something, anything with calories? Even during an 8h eating window, if you ate four small meals consistently during that time, you should be able to gain weight, right? Do a 36h or 48h (or longer) fast every odd week, and you should be able to gain weight and do fasting for health. I wanted to try fasting and dropped 12 kilos in 20 days. I went full keto and 20/4 fasting with 36h fast every week. With the method mentioned above, I was able to get back up to 85kg, which is my desired weight. I do have to pay special attention when I eat my carbs, or I start losing weight again, (mostly) regardless of the calories This is just my experience and reasoning
@sigawof Жыл бұрын
Exercise, have cold showers and make sure to have good sleep for the cell and health benefits. No need for fasting.
@btudrus Жыл бұрын
And do you know the reason WHY your weight is that little? What about your lean mass/fat mass?
@SonnyDarvishzadeh Жыл бұрын
gainig 1kg of fat? water? or muscle? to gain muscle, go to gym. to gain fat, eat fat plus so much sugar, no protein. to over-hydrate, eat creatine and more salt.
@MarijkeWillemsen990 4 ай бұрын
Dr. Phinney has another interpretation on fasting as in less eating, biggest loser and some research eating 500 calories less…Dr. Fung is talking about not eating at all for some period and eating of your fat reserves. In the case of calorie restriction your insulin will remain to high, you cannot access your fat stores and your metabolism goes down. Another question is if you should fast 30 days, ik think not.
@robertx1603 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully Dr. Fung has updated some of his thinking since this (2016?) presentation, as it appears to be over-simplification or misinterpretation of the data around metabolic adaptations to longer fasting.
@Kyarrix Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure that's necessary. The problem we have in this country is one of overeating. People eat too much and too frequently. They eat the wrong things and as a nation we are fat and sick because of it. I agree, it's important to fast safely and correctly but the primary problem we have now is not one of over-fasting, it is one of overeating and eating the wrong foods.
@LabelsAreMeaningless Жыл бұрын
@@D3F45LT The man didn't even mention the aspect of autophagy which is an essential piece of the puzzle.
@fcsoldeu5338 Жыл бұрын
@@LabelsAreMeaningless wasn't it discovered in 2016 when they awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology?
@sl1456 17 күн бұрын
Around 1:02:45 “We know trans fat is harmful …”. I’m sorry, but ALL REFINED VEGETABLE OILS HAVE TRANS FAT. It’s just that it’s less than the amount that legally has to be stated on the label. Refined vegetable oils should not be considered as food.
@KnackFarmer-theanswerismeat Жыл бұрын
I love Jason Fung to death but I will say his use of the word 'right' as a filler / sentence ender makes watching him rather difficult! Right?
@Wtf475 Жыл бұрын
Too much of anything can lead to issues. Balance is everything.
@SonnyDarvishzadeh Жыл бұрын
When he speaks, right? he says "right" way too many times, right? so annoying, right?
@Kyarrix Жыл бұрын
Not annoying at all
@charlestoast4051 Жыл бұрын
It's funny that Dr Phinney says "what works for me" - but looking at him, would suggest he has yet to find what works for him.
@KenJackson_US Жыл бұрын
_"Back in the caveman days ..."_ When was that? People have lived in caves from time to time, but there were never any _"caveman days"._
@alexanderpoplawski577 Жыл бұрын
Maybe, but everyone got the picture of a time of hunters and gatherers with no agriculture.
@winstonchow3694 Жыл бұрын
confusion causing video really....
@Julia_Berrrlin Жыл бұрын
whats confusing you
@eugeniebreida1583 Жыл бұрын
Low Carb Down Under - you do all concerned a great disservice by not accurately DATING THESE PRESENTATIONS. An insult to our intelligence, time and energy.
@Giovan_Nino Жыл бұрын
@terry2346 Жыл бұрын
What part is misleading? Seems very clear to me. What part do you not understand? He gives evidence to all of his points.
@h34p Жыл бұрын
low carb, high protein for 5 years. got gout. intermittent fasting, eating just for 2 hours a day, same amount as my thin wife. fat as ever.
@chapter4444 Жыл бұрын
High protein converts to glucose same as carbs. You need high healthy fat, medium protein and low carbs
@mr.xernorus4026 Жыл бұрын
@@chapter4444 Nope low protein = low taurine. Taurine is more important than fasting.
@TheMdames Жыл бұрын
Have you eliminated all seed oils?
@jessc408 Жыл бұрын
Have you tried upping the amount of fat in your diet?
@freespirit6209 Жыл бұрын
Too much wrong sorts of protein?
@defdaz Жыл бұрын
6 min in, Dr. Fung is talking nonsense. Its not 'compartmentalisation' stopping the weight loss, but the survival switch. Insulin isn't the issue, fructose + uric acid etc. are. Why are you posting this invalid stuff, LCDU?
@fcsoldeu5338 Жыл бұрын
@iss8504 Жыл бұрын
I disagree. For most people it is insulin resistance. He has simplified it but it's accurate. If you follow Fung's The Fasting Method, it works. Lost 30 pounds. He is talking high level here. Eating wrong foods and eating too often, any foods, can lead to weight gain or hinder weight loss. Dr. Westman uses this approach and he gets good results too.
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