Hi Terry, I saw many haters leave the comments here. Given their stupidity, I decide to leave my comment in English, filtering those nonsense people. And I believe most of them never went to the States, and that is so hilarious to see them judge things based on their bias. All I want to say is: thank you for sharing so much useful information so far, which is really helpful for me as an international student who is going to study in LA this fall!
@hackbearterry6 ай бұрын
All the best 👍
@Johnson-g5q6 ай бұрын
bro yapping like there's no idixts in the US, keep coping and hopefully you don't get shot lmao
@Benjamin-ld6yg6 ай бұрын
@Foryoutube2023-ei5mf6 ай бұрын
Good luck, hope you won’t encounter racists or white legal system. lol
Health insurance plays a big part in this scenario and must be factored in. Employers generally will cover part of health insurance premiums for their employees. However, it’s not 100%. Employees will need to tip in a certain percentage of their premiums, in addition to the copayment and deductibles they need to shell out.
美國很大,除了加州跟紐約,生活品質好的地方非常多,我自己跟家人選擇留在美國的原因很簡單。我跟太太在台灣可能工時要比美國多一點五倍,但台灣收入只剩一半。房子也是,我跟太太在台灣年收可能四年不吃不喝,可以在新竹或竹北買個約30坪10年的老房子,在美國很多地方,我們不吃不喝一年多就可以買50坪以上的新房子。而且美國空氣好,交通簡單,小孩子的教育也壓力不會那麼大。在台灣工作的時候回家累到沒時間陪家人,美國至少可以去接小孩,然後enjoy family time.
如果從另一個角度來看比較一下從最低生活條件開始,比如來美國的許多非法移民,他們是不會一下子去曼哈頓或加州Palo Alto的高級區。他們許多會隱藏在貧民窟,找機會打黑工拿現金(剪草,剷雪,建築水電工的機會美國還真不少)。買菜就去拉丁裔開的超市,時常可以看到快爛掉的蔬果一包一塊錢,或不太新鮮的肉一磅幾毛錢。買衣服傢俱就去Good Will or Salvation Army。我以前還是窮學生時也是這麼活的好好的。住了一陣子然後期待民主黨執政就大赦非法移民(拜登政府現在就在幹這種事),好些人如果自願去當兵可以立馬拿到綠卡。台灣有多少機會打黑工,買到幾乎不要錢的衣服傢俱食物,然後甚至拿到合法身份?還先不說台灣的護照比美國護照在黑市哪個價格更高。