You really have to know that you will enjoy working as a doctor. So do volunteer works in hospital, clinic and bio lab during high school and college years. Because you have to start early due to the premed program in college. My daughter practices academic medicine in Boston now. Yes, undergrad school is important, she went to Stanford. 50% of undergrad freshmen at Stanford in the mid 90s were in premed program. After a couple of years, it went down to 20-25%. But most of them if not all got accepted by medical schools.
保額有頂限,如一般Board of Medical Examiners定下,申請有效執照至少要保1 million/4 millions,就是一個案子保險公司只負責到一百萬,每年總合不超過四百萬。超過醫生負責。天價的誤醫或過失傷害賠償上訴後都會被較合情合理處分(可能沒有外行的陪審團參予,造成情緒化的誇張裁定)。這是民事部份,刑事部份,必須由檢察官搜集犯罪證據,如侵權浮報,傷害,違反毒品管制,等日常菜園類別的罪狀居多,近年劍頭向虛假廣告,及不實或假訊息,尤其阻撓疫苗推行政策,可被判刑入獄。