Story time: Stupid Things People Have Said to Me | Madame Absinthe

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Madame Absinthe

Madame Absinthe

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I don't know if it's like this for everyone, but sometimes I'm truly amazed by what people say to and about me. These are some examples that have stood out in my mind over time.
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@nightmarecouture 7 жыл бұрын
Here is my story of being mistaken for a mythical creature. My style is very Victorian goth, all velvet and lace with my big parasol(joys of being a goth in Australia). I was walking around a local tourist town to go pick up an antique book, and a little girl at the famous ice cream parlour there points at me and goes "Look mummy, it's an evil fairy!" Which made me smile pretty much all day.
@SheWhoWalksWithLucifer 3 жыл бұрын
Awwww thats so cute!
@crowfaerymori 3 жыл бұрын
a girl asked her mum if I was a witch once. The mum smiled at me and said, "she'll put a spell on you!"
@pythosdegothos6181 7 жыл бұрын
The broccoli thing was precious.
@lou-maximeautumne9664 7 жыл бұрын
Someone asked me once "Are you a Gothic Person or a Nazi?" I could not stop myself from laughing. It's like "Oh, you're from Germany so you have to be one of those people or a Nazi!" What was he thinking?
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
Shira Autumn Because somehow the choice of being either a "githic person" or a nazi makes sense? I don't quite understand how they think those choices are related!
@vampiradeathrockerbatxq762 5 жыл бұрын
ever since i started wearing make up (which was in a Goth style better when i was 13 than how i do my make up now at 22) people would an still do ask me what country i'm from, or people think i'm from New York (i'm from Las Vegas)
@cynthiamayfield5664 7 жыл бұрын
It's amazing to me how "normal" freak out over goth or alternative people. I just want to scream we're human just like you! Just because we look a little spooky doesn't mean we don't have feelings or dreams.
@MoreGore 7 жыл бұрын
The "what do they eat?" Line made me laugh so hard! 😆
@AtomicTopher 7 жыл бұрын
The moral of the story: don't be a goth in the grocery store when you're buying all the broccoli.
@AtomicTopher 7 жыл бұрын
Unicorn goth is the hot new goth sub-genre.
@AtomicTopher 7 жыл бұрын
My encounter story: it's winter in NY, so you dress in layers. I was wearing my long black coat, black hoodie underneath (hood up because it was cold out), fancy-ish black gloves, and a black and white striped scarf. I walk by a guy and his little kid daughter. The daughter loudly whispers to her dad, after I pass by, "is he a bad guy?" Fashion choices: validated.
@jemdemonbelle2097 5 жыл бұрын
I remember one time I was at a local carnival thingy, this little girl, she was just having fun playing games and suddenly she turns around (and I'm just waiting for it, I know she's gonna see me and say something adorable.) She looks at me, gets wide eyed and shouts "WITCH!" and like runs away. It was funny because I know she meant to say this quietly but instead she just shouts it. I though it was adorable really. (As apposed to this one guy who kept calling me a witch later that day despite my saying otherwise, he was just all, "you dress that way. You're a witch!") Another time I was wearing this gothic lolita like outfit with bright pink hair and this little girls just walks up to me and is like "I like your hair. Are you a princess?" It was so cute, I told her I wasn't and she was all "well you look like a princess, I wanna be a princess when I grow up." To that little girl, I just wanna say o hope she does grow up to be a fabulous princess xD she made my day. Especially since prior to, some asshole kids were like "Hur dur, it's not Halloween!"
@pythosdegothos6181 7 жыл бұрын
With the dude with the daughter doing heroine. He likely meant that he wished his daughter got into awesome styles and making her own things, instead of getting into heavy drugs. It was, in an odd way a compliment.
@pasitheathanatosasmr488 5 жыл бұрын
Pythos de Gothos i agree, had the same thought about that!
@SheWhoWalksWithLucifer 3 жыл бұрын
I sure hope so bc people assume some horrible things while being alternative. I've been approached maaaannny times asking if I do/have/want drugs.
@annethropophagy 7 жыл бұрын
a random drunken German once thought my partner was alx rose, even though there is no actual physical resemblance. He wouldn't leave us alone, no matter how often my partner denied it. Finally we told him he WAS axl rose, but he was incognito, and just trying to enjoy a wuiet day out. It would be our secret. He was super jazzed, my partner signed a coaster for him with a random scribble, and he left.
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
annemarie fix That's AMAZING. What a funny story!
@natalyak8236 4 жыл бұрын
Hillarious! Lol!😅😅😅😂😂😂😂
@thatspookyfeeling 6 жыл бұрын
OMG it's insane how many people that attack us for being different are so out of line and even more different themselves in their approach. Like they are bad weird and don't even get it. It's wild. LOL. Great stories/glad you shared. And if I had a mere dime for each time my husband and I get the it's not Halloween rubbish we'd be in the millions. Morticia
@westport17782010 4 жыл бұрын
GOTH Lives Matter*
@WinterRaven 3 жыл бұрын
Looooooooool "Honey, that's what ladies look like when they ride motorcycles " 😂😂😂😂😂👌👌👌 that killed me
@pythosdegothos6181 7 жыл бұрын
I have gotten "what is the world coming to" when I was out grocery shopping with my GF. People are so closed minded, and set in their little worlds when they see otherworldly beings like us...they don't know how to react. My looks are always androgynous, with mixtures of Siousxie, Mana, and or Morticia, so admittedly I stand out like a sore thumb. Your look by the way is bad ass.
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
Pythos de Gothos Thank you for the compliment. And it us really amazing, some of the weird things people say!
@schulleee 7 жыл бұрын
I would naively assume that people sometimes are simply shocked by what they see and the weird stuff that comes out are just defense mechanisms. They may feel forced to desperately start a factual conversation by completely ignoring the appearance of the other "Oh you must freeze on your bike" or trying to be funny at all costs to dismiss the feeling that there is danger.
@celestialfox9282 8 ай бұрын
The old lady in the grocery store was seriously so precious. She was seriously worried about your well being and that’s just precious. And the other old lady, when she said the broccoli line, I love it. Old ladies are seriously so precious.
@Ginger17 5 жыл бұрын
I loved the broccoli story and the little girl who called you a unicorn.😊
@colleen2879 4 жыл бұрын
My favorite was when a little girl proclaimed, regarding my septum piercing, "Mommy, she has an EARRING in her nose! IT'S SO PRETTY!" I also had someone ask if I was going to a Kiss concert, and another guy ask me if my sister's of mercy shirt was for a charity
@FioraTheMasquerade 6 жыл бұрын
So, I'm a new viewer, but I absolutely adore you already, and wanted to share this story that happened to a couple of gay and goth friends of mine when we were all in high school. These guys were both tall and very thin, and one of them liked to wear all black Tripp-style bondange-y stuff with neon accessories and, that day, he also had on a feather boa. His friend was the distinctly more effeminate of the two (although neither were terrible masculine) and was wearing about the same thing, but heavier makeup. We lived in a TINY little po-dunk town in central Arizona and they were just walking home one day, when this little middle aged woman passed them on the sidewalk and was BLATANTLY staring at them with wide eyes and her jaw open. So, my friend the Tripp fan stops, looks at her, and goes: "That's right! We're LESBIANS!" and saunters away. That story always made me just laugh out loud.
@MadameAbsinthe 6 жыл бұрын
Fiora Emerald What a fabulous story! Thank you for sharing!
@stratosphere94 5 жыл бұрын
Loved this video! One time a little girl thought I was a real life Monster High doll. That was pretty cute!
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
That is pretty cute! What a fun story.
@thatspookyfeeling 6 жыл бұрын
I have to say usually when they start with "Can I ask you a question?" It's usually not gonna be cool. It appears polite, but it's not usually going to be in my experience. It's a question they don't need to be thinking about or bothering me with. LOL. Usually if it's genuine curious people who are okay they start with a compliment first then maybe just ask without asking if they can ask. Morticia
@TonyaC 5 жыл бұрын
Having finished my last two years of high school in a small town in Georgia I was told almost every single day I was going to hell for being goth/alternative and did I know that. My go to response I’ll see you there I’ll hold the door for you.
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Hahaha! Fabulous!
@natalyak8236 4 жыл бұрын
Great answer! 😁😂 👻
@nevermore3928 5 жыл бұрын
The broccoli lady sounded adorbs
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
I understand! It never ceases to amaze me what comes out of people's lips sometimes! I'm not sure if they just don't think before they speak, or if they really are that rude.
@annabelleeandthebanshees2373 4 жыл бұрын
I think my favorite story from this is the broccoli! So friggin cute. Old people are often the sweetest.
@shelliwilley9911 6 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for a friend at a train station, it was hot and crowded so I went outside for some air. Some guy comes up to me and says "I am sorry for your loss." Ummm okay... a few mintues later he comes up again and says the same thing. Okay now you are being an ass, I ignore him and continue waiting for my friend inside. I go back outside a bit later and this fool comes up to me again and says "Who's funeral are you going to?" I turn to him and say "Yours if you don't leave me the hell alone!" Thankfully after that he did, I guess not a total idiot just mostly.
@spencerjbbran 4 жыл бұрын
At one point in High School, I was walking home and there were these two people walking behind me. Probably a couple. They were sort of whispering to each other for a while. After a bit of hearing them whisper, the guy just blurts out "I thought y'all couldn't walk out in the sunlight". They apparently thought that I was a vampire.
@jennifergroke 7 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, this was so much fun to watch! And I can relate to all of them. I've been called Satan, a biker (what is even up with that?), Gene Simmons, been asked what gender I have, and people keep calling me Lisbeth Salander. Never a unicorn though, but I really bursed out laughing at that one, SO adorable!
@vampiradeathrockerbatxq762 5 жыл бұрын
Aww the unicorn story was so adorable. little kids love my style (unless they're too little an would scream because of my contacts) Some of the things that happened to me (before everyone wanted to be a goth girl) are that i would get grown adult males (when i was 13) laugh at me... these men were in their 30's or 40's not saying younger guys weren't assholes to me but you'd think someone wouldn't be such a jerks. Everyone also thought i was 18 an wouldn't believe me that i was younger like just because you don't believe me doesn't make it so, like what does a person have to gain by saying they're younger than 18.
@annvirco7308 5 жыл бұрын
I recently attended a production of iolanthe by Gilbert and sullivan, they had themed the production so all the cast of fairy's were goths, when the lights came up and all the audience were leaving a lady thanked me for the wonderful production, she thought I was one of the ushers who were all dressed as goths 😂
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Oh jeez! I bet she would have felt silly if she had realized! People can be so odd.
@jasperdraca 4 жыл бұрын
I think it's actually rather sweet that the old lady in the grocery store was concerned about you getting a cold from riding your nonexistent bike. The broccoli bit was precious too. I get similar reactions as I'm on the tall side as well.
@MaryMourning 7 жыл бұрын
My husband says you can borrow the motorcycle anytime you want to go get groceries! And My stories aren't as good as yours unfortunately. People usually ask me if I'm a witch or a vampire. But this past summer someone asked me if I was Miss Frizzle and it was at the grocery store. Lol.
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
Mary Mourning fabulous, Mary. When I learn to ride a motorcycle, I may take you up on that!
@spiritsage3921 6 жыл бұрын
I'm usually open to questions if people are curious in a respectful manner. Cause it's important to educate genuinely curious people about the subculture. But sometimes people can just be dicks.
@MadameAbsinthe 6 жыл бұрын
Macabre Moon I agree with every part of what you said! It's absolutely true!
@audreytreadwell9073 5 жыл бұрын
I used to be a bar back at an Irish pub, and as I was bent down loading glassware into the dishwasher a man asked me “Are you a disciple?” And I was like “what?” He replied “A disciple of baphomet?” And I was like “No, I’m a bar back” lmao
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
It's always slightly surprising and confusing when you literally have no idea what the hell people are walking about for a few seconds. I don't know how I am still surprised by things that people say sometimes.
@madisonburcham2817 5 жыл бұрын
One time my niece (she's on 3 years younger than me) had a couple of guy friends on the school bus she rode which at the time was the same one I rode. One day when I wasn't on the bus the boys asked her if I was a vampire they were serious and were terrified of me. My niece told them no but they still stayed clear of me. I took it as a compliment I love vampires and have wanted to get fangs for a while. I just thought it was hilarious two boys were scared of me because I'm pale and always pretty much wear black.
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
That is quite funny! And I definitely agree that being mistaken for a vampire isn't a bad thing.
@Vampira2430 6 жыл бұрын
I once was asked in college if I was a witch, because she wanted for me if I could put a curse on someone, I was like what?
@crowfaerymori 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't realise my shortness was due to lack of broccoli. I really thought I ate enough growing up. Loved the interpretative dance bit!
@taissalada 4 жыл бұрын
In high school, I spent a lot of time in the darkroom developing photos. I would often play skinny puppy and ministry while in there. A few of my classmates were actually afraid to go in there if I had those bands playing because they were really religious and were convinced that I was a devil worshipper because I wore black all the time. “Everyday is Halloween” and “God’s gift maggot” didn’t go over very well. 😂
@vampiradeathrockerbatxq762 5 жыл бұрын
in my baby bat days there was a corner store that sold colored contacts so i so many of them cat eye ones, different white an red ones, an i ALWAYS got the question "Are those your real eyes?" like Yes, yes i was born with White eyes. But now i need to make a doctors appointment because they don't sell them anymore at the corner store.
@alexxpotterpuff6341 6 жыл бұрын
So...I graduated High School the other day. I was dressed kind of like a more badass Wednesday Addams. And someone's grandmother walks up to me as I'm taking a picture with one of my *former teachers and goes "Why are you wearing a Halloween costume to graduate?" and I was like "Excuse me?" and the teacher has to pull me away.
@katleiahveridian6564 Жыл бұрын
As a very tall 5'10" platform wearing goth girl let me tell you that I have some stories, too. Being mistaken for a drag queen, biker, in a band, a satanist, in a Halloween costume, etc. are very common. My favorite lately is a little girl who thought I was a Monster High doll. That made my black little heart happy.
@ClandestineGirl16X 5 жыл бұрын
your style is so awesome! you always look so cool and awesome! i laughed so hard at the little girl calling you a unicorn. how adorable hahahaha
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Awww, thanks!
@h2o1969 6 жыл бұрын
Absolutely not Gene Simmons, but a hell yes on a unicorn.
@MadameAbsinthe 6 жыл бұрын
Shawn Carl Haha! I will definitely take being a badass magical unicorn over Gene Simmons any day!
@maireadlarson7913 5 жыл бұрын
Ive been compared to Stevie Nicks before....And got the "in a band" comment too....I was eating dinner out with my mom in a teeny beach town...and in the middle of dinner our waiter comes back and is all "I need to ask you a question" cue me being all "Oh crap whats wrong" (thank you anxiety!) And hes all "I just have to ask....Are you in a band?" I just sat there blinking like an owl because I couldnt process what just happened....Finally I just said "I wish....that would be cool...." And he left....I was toned WAY down since I was on a work study so I packed "normal" clothes so literally the only "weird" thing I was wearing were black and red striped fingerless gloves?
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
It's funny how that happens! I get people that say things like "Wow! K love your style!" Or "Do you look like that EVERY DAY?" when I am dressed extremely lazy - like literally on days where I am in leggings and a loose top - and I always think "what are they talking about?" It makes me wonder what they would say if they had seen me properly dressed . . .
@BendyDivine00 5 жыл бұрын
I have more of a make your heart glow with joy kind of story. I am goth, in a wheelchair, and hard of hearing so I have hearing aids. I am in queue at Lidl (a cheap all around shop for Those that do not know what Lidl is) I have groceries piled up to my chin, this 1.5 ish year old turns around and starts gibbering at me so I wave. She points and starts gibbering about my face/hair, her mom turns around, normally at this time parents gather their child(ren) groceries and move far away. I wave at the mom, she gives a smile, I continue signing and chatting with her daughter. I sign to the mom I am hard of hearing, she gives the thumbs up. By this time the girl notice my monster stickers I have on my rims and pointing and gibbering on. Her mom tells her it is time to pack groceries and leave. The girl runs to the back of my chair and screams ”No! I want to stay with sticker lady” assumingly. I sign it is ok, I have this, no problems. Her mom packs her groceries and says they have to go. The girl hugs my legs, I pat her head, wave bye. She sticks her tounge out, giggles like a maniac and skips to her mom. Made my day. The mom wasnt worried that the weirdo in the chair is going to harm her child or she might contract MS from me (which happens quite a lot, parents snatch their children away in shock and horror). She realized I was like everyone else and was probably happy to have 5 second to herself. I know, I know, not so in subject of the video, but I hope it makes you smile.
@joannabuchner5544 4 жыл бұрын
I had on a zombie mud run shirt and nude tights with black stitches printed on them and I was in line at a Burger King and there's this little girl in front of me with her dad and she turns around and sees me and goes "Monster!"in a happy voice. I didn't really know what to say to that so I just smile and say hello and the kid says something like "I have monsters too!" and she pulls up her dress to show me the shirt she had underneath- she also had tights on so it wasn't weird- and I was expecting something like Monster High to be on her shirt, but I think it was Bratz. I'm not quite sure what the child's association was between zombies and Bratz but it was still a cute encounter.
@pamaladarsow2763 Жыл бұрын
You do not look like a biker . I ride . I just found you a couple days ago , and got to say you seem like a very normal person that’s creative . I am 66 yrs old . I don’t think I could be so patient with rude people . I worked as a nurse before I retired and it was hard dealing with ignorant people . Babies , omg hilarious .Love these stories
@ivymae4077 3 жыл бұрын
I know this is an old video but I am binging your stuff because your company always makes my day. Lol
@vampireleniore 7 жыл бұрын
People use to say I looked like Abbie too. There are very small similarities, but I can think of people I look a lot like. Louise Brooks, for instance. I think a lot of people automatically think Abby looks like any goth lady. Silly people.
@Mean_Jean 7 жыл бұрын
The people at the house probably asked what you ate because they probably thought you dined on nothing but cigs and coffee, I was asked that one time
@user-el8db2jz4y 5 жыл бұрын
so sweet! thank you for telling all that stuff :)
@christawright3500 3 жыл бұрын
Some people have no couthe. There's so much ignorance, and judgment from many...its so rude. I'm happy you're comfortable being yourself. I just found your channel and I LOVE IT! I loved the pop up video and it hit home. I'm a small business owner I make upcycled dark home decor. So I hate when my friends go buy their Halloween decor from big box stores. I really hope they would support small spooky/gothic/witchy creatives like myself. I'm so loving your message! It was inspiring. ✌🖤🎨🎩🕷🕸🦇
@austincecil5150 6 жыл бұрын
I can relate! I'm an artist, I love to buy things from thrift stores and hand age all my clothes. I dress a bit out of function. My favorites are drop crotch pants and distressed shirts and battered jackets. I do get a lot of people completely disregard my rights as a humam Being. I'm often treated as if I'm not there. People rudely walk in front of me as if an inch from my face. Among my favorite questions are asking if I'm homeless. People can be jerks and not have a conscious Like Hey! I'm also a person with feelings even if I dress like Lisbeth Salander. But who cares what they think, we rock! 😁
@MadameAbsinthe 6 жыл бұрын
Danko Blomqvist Stuff like that always astounds me. Can you imagine if you did the same thing to them? They'd be flabbergasted! It's like they don't even see how they're treating people.
@SheWhoWalksWithLucifer 4 жыл бұрын
Oh why is it always the grocery store?! We need to eat, too. Especially when my fiance and I go in together. My favorite was the unicorn, left on such a great note! 🦄
@NancyBrown1975 2 жыл бұрын
My older brother always called me a wicked witch growing up. I mostly get ignored in public. If people so something out of the ordinary they usually just walk up to me and start criticizing out of no where and I’m thinking do I know you?
@colleen2879 4 жыл бұрын
Once as a cashier I had an older guy I was helping tell me 'You'd be so pretty if you didn't have all that shit in your face' like damn no chill
@stefanymcclain7457 3 жыл бұрын
The unicorn story was adorable!
@thewanderingghost 5 жыл бұрын
I can empathize with the height drawing attention issue, I myself am 6'5, or 6'8 in my demonia boots. Beyond inquiries as to my approximate height, no one usually asks me anything. I'm very polite to people usually but come across as very intimidating. (People get scared, act nervous, etc) And because this over time has become an inevitability, I adopted a sort of ghost persona to compensate. Whenever I get attention from a passer by it's a " Holy crap, you can see me?!"
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
That's fabulous! Despite the fact that my height draws a lot of attention, I absolutely love it (the height, not the attention). In fact, I would probably choose to be a little taller if I could. Tall people rock! I meet way too many people who are shy/embarrassed about it and that's sad to me. Why shouldn't tall ladies wear high heels? Be bold, says I!
@dianefields295 6 жыл бұрын
Yes that’s true happen to everyone. I read many comments peoples do bad things or not very nice. I don’t like that way. You are brave woman and honest. I understand what you say. 👍🤟🏻🖤💀🦇⚰️🕸🕷
@arlinejernigan 3 жыл бұрын
The broccoli thing was adorable.
@dacanceledcast6833 7 жыл бұрын
Such an entertaining little video. Love it!
@melissanelson1975 Жыл бұрын
It surprises me that ppl actually act and say things like this. Don’t ppl raise they’re kids respect or manners? There is no excuse to be rude to anyone. I hate bullies.
@VictorLockhart 3 жыл бұрын
The biggest lesson I have learnt from this, is to ALWAYS interpretive dance your way out of your problems. 🤣 I'm gonna try that one! (New Sub here and I'm just living for all of your content!)
@VictorLockhart 3 жыл бұрын
Also to add a weird thing that happened to me lately. I was heckled by a grown man in a fast moving car that screamed "ARRR! ME MATEY!!" (for reference I often wear a tricorn with all of my outfits when I leave the house... 🤣) And no before you ask, I have no idea who that man was. 🤷‍♂️ Why is when you're alt suddenly you become public property? 🤣
@MeepsFerretMob 4 жыл бұрын
Just found your channel, loving your videos!! Which I am now binge watching! xx
@latingrufti 7 жыл бұрын
OMG!! I laught because sometimes happened to me. When I was younger and not soooo gothic on appeareace, they said that I seemed like Avril Lavigne, and I just said"nooo noooo".... Last year when I was coming home, in less than 2 miles, 4 men's group asked me how much I charge meaning that I was a whore, I was so anger with that, and sad, I mean, I could't wear like I want in a summer night alone next my house.
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
Talita Bazzo Rauber Wear whatever you want! I am sure you looked fabulous. How rude! Pay no attention to idiots like that when they say such awful things.
@latingrufti 7 жыл бұрын
I try to wear and make me up just I want but I am still a bit afraid of third persons opinion on routine's days like in the university for example. Some days ago my teacher said that understood why am I as I am because of knowing my horoscope, in that day I was with lucifer' sigil between my eyes... Is that some indirect message?!
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
Talita Bazzo Rauber You just need to be strong and know that you're beautiful and fabulous and really get to a point where other people saying rude things to you doesn't bother you. I get rude comments literally every day. But I don't let it bother me. I look however I want all the time, regardless of how many awful things people say to me. Hold your head high. Be proud of who you are. Be bold and creative.
@latingrufti 7 жыл бұрын
You are amazing, thanks for the beautiful words 🖤
@moonwalkinbat 7 жыл бұрын
ahh this video is great!!!! :D story times are the best thank you for sharing!! :3 🖤
@overkillphil514 2 жыл бұрын
The unicorn story made me laugh so loud! :D
@nastasiawillis8786 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really glad that I found your videos!
@markfrancis1210 3 жыл бұрын
Missy you rock girl, you are beautiful, badass, and oh so Devine, Brody's a lucky man, I'M JEALOUS AS HELL DUDE
@natalyak8236 4 жыл бұрын
I love the way you talk. You're so amusing. I'm so glad I've found your chanel.
@marshy793 5 жыл бұрын
This video made me laugh hard haha. Love your personality😂🖤
@MadameAbsinthe 4 жыл бұрын
KZbin never notified me of this comment and I just saw it now. Sorry for the late reply and thank you so much!
@foreverapathetic8228 6 жыл бұрын
I love your videos I love your story telling 💀
@coratheneutralmilkhotelfan2131 5 жыл бұрын
I was walking through the mall and this old woman was just glaring at me. I wasn't doing anything, I was just walking but this woman was glaring me down. She didn't say anything but I could just feel her staring into my soul. I decided to leave the mall after that.
@darlenecarney8488 Жыл бұрын
I know I'm late to the party but 'I wish my daughter was doing that rather than heroine.' Made me laugh more than it should have 🤣 thinking it's the lesser of two evils. X
@judyd8460 5 жыл бұрын
Love your stories!
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I have lots more to tell . . .
@sammanthalee990 6 жыл бұрын
thank u miss e saw your halloween video .. it was very great i shop at the thirft stores here they usually have wsum kewl stuff after halloween from time to time so thanks for sharing your great videos and taking time out to do these hope to see more peace , love and have a blessed cyber nerd evening .....
@MadameAbsinthe 6 жыл бұрын
sammantha lee thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to watch that video and really listen to the message. That is a very important topic to me and I am glad to know that it is getting through to awesome people like you.
@GiulyInWonderland 7 жыл бұрын
Hah! Here it's pretty much people staring at you and not saying anything. Unless they're teenage pricks. I wish children would point at me and call me a unicorn but that's not gonna happen XD But anyways the only time I remember someone reacting more visibly to my look was quite a while ago. I was probably in my first or second year of high school. At the time my closest friend was a metalhead girl and I was in my mopey goth babybat phase. I was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, black boots, a black ankle length skirt, long straight hair hiding my face and panda eyeshadow. Nothing too extravagant if I think about what I wear now. My friend had a band hoodie, black all stars, ripped jeans and maybe smudged eyeliner? And we were calmly walking around and talking about stuff, arms linked. And we walk past this older lady and she just stares at us as if we just had slaughtered a baby goat and drank its blood and starts making the sign of the cross repeatedly until we turned a corner. It was nearly hilarious at the moment but thinking about it now I just find it offensive :/ Bullies of another class also kept calling me a witch and poking fun at me for being all dark and sad (I was rather depressed at the time and actually I think I should go see a professional because I believe I might be bipolar) and I couldn't even say anything back at them because of my social anxiety. The joke was on them though because a couple years later I became pagan and I started identifying as a witch XD Sorry about the rant... I have nobody I can talk about this kinda stuff with... Love your videos, and you're awesome.
@silenceaftertherequiem324 7 жыл бұрын
People. Taking. Pictures. Without. Asking... If they ask I'm perfectly fine with it (except if they appear to be a total asshole). but ASK. I ran into a classmate once, I was just shopping with my mother and he just took a picture of us two and sent it to his friends on snapchat...
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
silence after the requiem That drives me CRAZY! I know exactly what you mean! And it's the WORST when they try to "sneakily" take your picture without you noticing. I fucking hate that. I am the same way; If you ask me, I usually have ZERO problem taking a picture with you. But don't be an asshole and ASK first. Plus, you will get a better picture if you ask, because I won't be in the middle of talking or something.
@vampireleniore 7 жыл бұрын
That pisses me off so much. One time, I was waiting at a restaurant to be seated with my boyfriend and some lady across from me was filming me or something (probably doing a snap chat, or something rude like that). I also had some guy taking pictures of me when I was sitting at a cafe with my best friend. They think they're so sneaky.
@AuroraFlamini888 7 ай бұрын
So, no joke, I've been thinking about making pamphlets or stock cards filled with commonly asked questions and their answers so that A: I don't have to, and B: It is a physical representation of how often people that look like us get treated like this. I can just pass it out instead of answering. It's informative and friendly with a little sass.
@GROWYOURSELF 5 жыл бұрын
I really love your personality. Great vibes!
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! As a former drama kid, my personality can be a lot for some people, so I am glad you like it!
@ArhythmiaHart 6 жыл бұрын
I've gotten a lot of the typical stuff, and a few more obnoxious like "what the fuck is wrong with you??!", but I have to say that the strangest of all was... "Oh Scarlet come whip me!" yelled by an african-american man from an open car window while I was walking down the sidewalk. That one actually confused me, which is unusual. I wasn't sure what he meant. But when my spouse gave me her interpretation, it seemed extremely disturbed. I'm very pale, was wearing fully covering (from neck to toes) clothing, lots of lace, tightly corseted, and carrying a parasol. So my spouse assumes he meant Scarlet O'Hara. So our best guess is it was some sort of strange attempt at referencing a 'deep south plantation-era' fantasy, which needless to say sounds incredibly messed up o.o
@sciWraith 5 жыл бұрын
lmao @ motorcycle comment. I think I watched this a long time ago now and forgot that I had and it showed up on my list again O_o. Anyways, was probably just as funny this time. Thx for sharing ^^.
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
No problem! I am glad you enjoyed it!
@janetcochran6679 2 жыл бұрын
Love your video!
@Sally_Pumpkin 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite freshman when I was a senior in high school was the cutest kid and she was a baby bat and obsessed with the goth subculture and I saw her recently and we match.
@donnacruz8562 3 жыл бұрын
I love your style and you out look on life
@markfrancis1210 3 ай бұрын
Missy You, Brodie and Jessica all kick ass, I wish I could come to Canada and hang out with you, stay dark and spooky
@gunnarronn6730 5 жыл бұрын
You are a very Beautiful woman imho, people who are their true selves usually are. I myself am a trans male, as in I was born in a female body, so the whole situation of having people saying stupid stuff is pretty familiar. Everything from being called an abomination to being a traitor to my own (in their Eyes female) gender. The funniest thing though was a friend of a friend of a friend who was told I am trans. He walked up to me, looked at me up and down and from side to side, then he says: Look dude, I hate to tell you this, but you´re gonna be one ugly chick! OMG it was all I could do to not laugh hysterically :-D
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
I bet you get a lot of idiotic comments. People who are different in some way usually do. I am never sure if it's just stupidity, or if it's actively malicious. I have some friends that are trans and I often shake my head at some of the things people say to them! But as someone who gets a lot of rude comments myself, I totally feel you. I have to say though, I would have laughed at your last story too! People an be so damned clueless!
@HeavyMetalMomma 5 жыл бұрын
OMG Interpretive Dance! 🤣🤣😂😂 Love you gorgeous ❤️🖤❤️🖤
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Right? People an be so weird sometimes! And thank you!
@tenebrisrex333 5 жыл бұрын
I seriously need friends like you and your partner Brodie lol. Even though there's a severe amount of alternative lifestyle people in the heart of New England a lot of them have no real motivation to hang out or are complete snobs. I get being picky but absolute snobbery is way out of hand. Oh, let me tell you I could certainly empathize with the whole Gene Simmons thing and being asked if I'm in a band. It's seemingly relentless
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Isn't that funny; there are almost NO alternative people where I live. In fact you've probably seen most of them in my videos from time to time, because we all vaguely hang out together! Although I must say that sometimes that forces us to be creative and make our own fun when there isn't any readily available. And we often attend events that are not goth-specific, but we show up dressed to the nines anyway!
@tuesdayaddams9557 10 ай бұрын
You can always answer, no bikes in the shop but the hearse is nice and warm or cold. Or warm up front cold in the back and if they ask why it cold in the back, the answer to keep the body's from smelling till you get around to dropping them off at the grave yard. Best way to smuggle a body out of the house, so no one asks questions.Would you like to see the car?
@ArielRyanBautista1313 6 жыл бұрын
I've been called Ozzy Osbourne because I have long black hair and round glasses, I've also been called John Lennon.... And the Rockstar/band thing I've been told as well
@razvandobos9759 5 жыл бұрын
I just love your death hawk!
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Some days it makes me crazy, but overall I love it!
@razvandobos9759 5 жыл бұрын
@@MadameAbsinthe Wish you could do mine! Unfortunately, I have short hair. Glad you love it!
@angelacaeiramartin3867 5 жыл бұрын
ROFL 😁 Unicorn, let alone the broccoli one. Heheee, I work in a supermarket on tills and have to deal with customers, some of which are fantastic, and some like the lady in your first story, are just shear fuckwits. Unfortunately, there are many fuckwits in this world. So like you, I need some escape from their "vision" of what the world should be. I'm a lady of 50 and have a passion for piercing (have over 30 now) And love metal/goth music. Keep the videos rolling love x
@MadameAbsinthe 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know why KZbin didn't notify me of this comment; I just saw it now! I too used to work in a grocery store as a cashier when I was younger, so i know your pain! People used to say THE MOST STUPID things to me, completely bluntly and without regard or how I would feel about it. Unfortunately that seems to be a part of any job where you have to deal with the public.
@shadowdoll4788 5 жыл бұрын
great storyteller
@MadameAbsinthe 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I have so many more stories to tell!
@CYBDD 4 жыл бұрын
I'm also Alternative /Goth person get mistaken for things as well . Right now you like Tuesday from That 80s Show she was Goth/ Deathrock she was a Punk Rocker .
@persefonerestinpeace7982 5 жыл бұрын
A Vampire by a man and a witch by a group of little girls 💖
@kdr74utube Жыл бұрын
I am so glad that I am not the only person who gets the Abby comment. It gets so tiresome because they dont even have to say it, the second I hear “you know who you look like” I just know its coming. So for a long time now as soon as they say it I cut them off with the stupidest thing I can think of like big foot, rainbow brite, Vladamir Putin? I love how it throws them off and they look at me like I’m crazy and walk away. I will never understand why people feel the need to tell me what I look like, like I dont know what I look like, like I must be a vampire and cant see my own reflection? I will never understand it!
@metal_head_mom2332 8 ай бұрын
I'm a metal head and i have a goth style a lot of the time. i get a lot of people come up to me asking me if i know god (note i am a christian) and i love the look of shock and or surprise when i tell them that yes indeed i do. but my favorite interaction that i had with someone was when i was working fast food and this one lady had this look of disgust and still even though i was talking as nice as i could to her, tbh i was not mad i honestly thought it was funny. but i really don't get a lot of rude people. i live in the south of the US so just about everyone that i have talked to have been nice but not all the time and plus I'm a mom so you can imagine the looks i get now when im out at i have my kids with me lol
@florf1092 7 жыл бұрын
love your videos♡
@MadameAbsinthe 7 жыл бұрын
Flor F Thank you very much!
@florf1092 7 жыл бұрын
Miss E welcome 😊
@alexxpotterpuff6341 6 жыл бұрын
I get "are you making a movie?" a lot. Idk why. MAYBE its because I play with fake blood in my freetime. But Idk.
@ginaable 5 жыл бұрын
@vampiradeathrockerbatxq762 5 жыл бұрын
i remember in my Baby Bat days bikers loved my style (it was more of a Victorian Goth) they'd always give me a thumbs up.
@masongore5955 4 жыл бұрын
I was gust called fefe like a dog's name so now I have that dog tag
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