People Who Lost Their Job By Yelling At Customer, Story ? | Viewer Edition

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11 ай бұрын

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People Who Lost Their Job By Yelling At Customer, Story ? | Viewer Edition
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Пікірлер: 72
@adamturner1234567 11 ай бұрын
I got fired from Walmart for writing I ❤️ PORN on a cake. I had been at the job for 2 days, and I was running the bakery alone due to understaffing. A customer had asked for it, and explained that he had caught his son’s friend watching it on his computer and he had to hire an IT guy to get rid of all the late 2000’s viruses he’d gotten. I thought it was hilarious, and it was for a veteran. As a veteran, I knew most would think it was funny, so I did it. The manager came down and told me it wasn’t family friendly, and that after cleaning the bakery I could come back and turn in my uniform stuff. I laughed and handed him the broom and walked out. He fired me in the wrong order.
@__Average-Guy__ 11 ай бұрын
That is hilarious
@TygR3 3 ай бұрын
How you gonna fire someone then tell them to clean up 🤣 Dumbass manager
@jayyvibing9539 11 ай бұрын
As someone who has worked in retail for a few years now, I've definitely experienced some of these moments, so I will share two stories that come to mind. Story 1: I'm a cashier at this major dollar store chain in the United States, that has a location in my area. I'm working one day and a customer comes up to me informing me that the price on this item is incorrect after I rung it out. Needless to say, I told them "I will check the price for you" and it was higher than what it was supposed to be. I said to them "I'm not doing a price override. Only my manager can approve of that,", so I gave the manager a call over the PA system, he comes up and the customer begins to act rude towards the manager, saying he would not do it either because of what I explained to the customer. They were definitely a Karen. Story 2: I'm a cashier at another store in the same area, and I was ringing out a customer paying with EBT which is food stamps in the United States. They were upset with me because I couldn't tell them what the balance was on their EBT card at the time, and honestly was not familiar with food stamps and how they worked. It was also a month into this job, so they began yelling at me. I tried to stay respectful and explained I cannot see their balance. I was unaware though that 1.) They should know what their EBT balance is if they have an app for it and 2.) As I was new, I didn't know you could see it at the end. Needless to say, I ended getting angry with the customer after countlessly explaining it to them, and remembered thinking "F*ck this," and stormed off to the break room to calm down. I went home early that evening after requesting it, and I still am angry a year later. BONUS Story: I was working with one of the manager's as we were having a slow night, and we were working on changing a section of the store which the vendor's are supposed to do. Anyways, I'm checking every five to ten minutes to see if a customer is up front, and hardly anyone was coming in. It was a ghost town. Anyways, I must have walked to the back of the store when this customer came in, because they were waiting impatiently at the register for 5 - 10 minutes for someone to ring them out. I come up, and they started going off on a tirade about how they've been waiting for someone to show up. I began getting visibly upset at the customer, and remembered what my manager told me; "Just let it go in one ear, out the other". I remained calm and the manager said "You do not talk to [OP] that way!" I believe she also mentioned she didn't want to see them again, though I'm not sure. We spoke to the Store Manager about the situation, and I don't believe I saw that customer again.
@CatsOverBrats 11 ай бұрын
"The customer is always right" was actually the slogan of a company once. I don't know how it ended up spreading to being used by angry customers these days but it was never meant to be used anywhere else but for that one company.
@mindlessmeat4055 11 ай бұрын
I worked in a call center for 5 years. I always say it was my best and worst job. The job sucked, but I got to hang out with my friends for 8 hours. We played d&d while there. It was quite fun.
@chrisnemec5644 11 ай бұрын
Long time ago I was at a job where a total Karen (also pre-term coming into use) was upset because I would not lower the price a lot on an item. I told her I did not have the authority to do so. "YES YOU DO, YOU JUST DON'T WANNA!!" She shouted at me. I asked her if I could get the manager to show approve this. She gives me a healthy slap in the face. Then manager comes over having heard her yell. He wants to know what's going on. I told him that she is demanding that I lower a price, and I told her I don't have the authority to do so. Karen demands I be fired on the spot or there would be serious problems. To calm her down, he fires me and says to wait for him in the office and he would take things over. I go by the office and can still see them. Manager tries to compromise with the Karen to placate her. Karen, however, ends up giving him a healthy slap in the face, and knocks over 3 different displays as she left. In the office, manger tells me that I'm not really fired, he just said that to stop her from going ballistic, which, of course, failed. TL;DR: Karen slaps me and gets me fired for that. She then slaps the manager as well and trashes the place as she exits.
@nick-brothwood 11 ай бұрын
Well guess who's now on the black list?
@juiceboxbzrk 11 ай бұрын
Your manager is a push over
@chrisnemec5644 11 ай бұрын
@@juiceboxbzrk Well, she is banned from the store now.
@chibicreepypasta 11 ай бұрын
Story 11: I can relate, I used to work in a call center and I hated every second of it, my last one I suffered a panic attack nearly suffering a seizure and I got fired the next day. So yeah, never again I'm not working at a call center
@GiordanDiodato 11 ай бұрын
that can't be legal
@spencerkieft6021 11 ай бұрын
The way I understand "the customer is always right" is based on supply and demand. Stores want to stock items that the customers want to buy and if it doesn't sell then they don't carry it anymore.
@ChristopherCapersJones 11 ай бұрын
I can relate to Story 7 because I'm autistic and I quit my job due to a few glaring reasons.
@phlushphish793 10 ай бұрын
I worked customer service at a long distance phone co., way before cell phones. A guy calls up, asking how much it is to call some remote island. I tell him it's not on my list/can't give him an answer. He says, "Just give me your best guess." I said, "Don't quote me, but I've never seen a charge for over $1/min." He hangs up. Turns out this island is so remote,, they don't even have phone service. Only if a ship happens to be passing in the area & agree to carry the call. They set their own rates. This captain charged $5/min. The guy calls back, asking to speak with me. I take the call. He immediately starts with, "What the F- is your problem?" I decide I don't have to hear people swear at me, and hang up. He calls back, asks for me again, I take the call and again he immediately starts off with, "What the F- is your problem?" I hang up again. Later my supervisor came up to me and said, "You're right. You don't have to take it. If it happens again, just ask them to please stop swearing or you'll have to disconnect the call.".
@csabanadasiioioo1480 11 ай бұрын
Not firing but my mother had some stand-out stories from her callcenter work. She worked for a bank and her job was ringing up people who didn't pay their lone interest in time. The 2 stories I remember from her that a guy called her a jew, being greedy, leeching off of people in need and the guy was sure she was earning a lot. The truth was she was earning barely above minimum wage for years until the government finally forced banks too to raise their wages. Shortly after this she temporarily moved to the postal part of the same department and she had to review answer letters to the mail sent out with warnings on people being late on paying interest. She had a letter once with a coffin drawn on it and the letter explaining why she should rot in hell and hopes that she gets cancer for praying on innocent people. I think it also had a spitmark on the table "forwarded for her face". I have no idea how people don't realize that the call center people have no part in their suffering. I get that it's annoying that they get calls every two weeks at least but don't take it out on people who are forced to endure your bullshit and could be fired for showing even the slightest bit of negative emotion as every call is recorded. Also sometimes the program randomizing the number to call gets bugged and dials the same number daily and the call center workers aren't allowed to go off-topic and explain that they aren't choosing to harass them especially. Unrelated to the topic but the story with the lifeguard made me remember the time I almost drowned in swimming class 5 metres from the teacher. We've got a bit of play-time in the swimming pool. I was at the floating lane divider and felt tired so I started swimming to the edge of the pool. Classmates were jumping in the water from the edge and the splashes slowed my movement, even carried me back and I lost all my momentum. I started sinking and haven't got the strenght to pick up some speed. I could barely float to the edge of the pool only half of my nose and a bit of my forehead out of the water when I grabbed the edge of the pool. Noone noticed that I'm there and a kid almost jumped on me before I started sinking. I pulled myself out and started coughing up water and was then promptly scolded for it and I wasn't even given a chance to say a word.
@rheasummer5806 10 ай бұрын
Of note however, I find your voice and way of talking really comforting.
@RX7jkr 11 ай бұрын
I straight up called a customer an asshole and stared him down for some minutes. I didn't get fired but that job sucked so I ended up quitting anyways (Boost mobile store clerk/manager). I've had enough customer service jobs to last me a lifetime and let's just say that my thoughts on humanity in general aren't too positive. Now I work from home for a healthcare company and don't have to deal with anyone but my supervisors who are chill. Feelsgoodman.
@Beliar275 11 ай бұрын
For a counter .. a positive story... Can't really call it "customer" service since I was in our town hall, trying to renew my passport. While handing over my old passport and talking with the friendly person. Then his team lead (I assume he was, because my case worker asked him multiple times for help) walks in and declares: "because you request your passport for a different city, it will cost 30€ on top of the regular fee of 37€" - I voiced my doubts "Well I've read up on the internet about the costs and there they write 13€ extra (different city) .." We go a bit back and forth until the case worker is done with the computer and had me sign 3 times.. and my case worker opens the matching law for passports .. and they both read the passage again.. And finally they aggree that I owe only 13€ onto the regular fee. But in the theme of the video nobody yelled or got even a bit louder all was kept friendly. They're just doing their job and I got the impression I was the first (for this case worker) to ask for a passport to be registered in a different city.
@davidalan6701 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think “The customer is always right” is used incorrectly in the same way “Blood is thicker than water” actually means the opposite of the way it’s often used today
@psychickumquat 11 ай бұрын
Story 3. Yeah.... no, that didn't happen. The sticking around until they heard "you're fired" did it for me. A frightened kid is going to run right home after an incident like that, not loiter around for gossip.
@aydentolive71 11 ай бұрын
@GiordanDiodato 11 ай бұрын
I guess you're a bot then
@foracal5608 11 ай бұрын
I work for a boat repair and custom build shop now but I use to work at a place .. let's call shmon boover RV and marine the first store ever. The boat side was crumbling to pieces, it seemed ever month we had a new service manager, I was always training new hires that claimed to know all motors inside and out. Simple things like oil changes in the power head and then in the lower unit turned into 3 hour classes. Constantly fighting with management and then one day I was asked to do the impossible completely build a boat from the ground up in less than a day.. with no over time. Then we had our thanksgiving event and had some guy that didn't even know any of the owners or managers who hadn't been financed for a engine replacement come in constantly and get very nosy till the point the next day I tooklunch and went to his work and wondered around in his office till he got angry. I went back and ate my lunch and him and the owner came in and asked me how much longer and then I snapped and shouted "we don't have any of the parts I need to finish talk to your staff up front" I was terminated in March being told they couldn't afford unemployment. Now they are debating on keeping a boat line at that location since no boat mechanic with an ounce of respect will answer their offers
@_greyjazz_ 11 ай бұрын
I didn't lose my job for yelling at a customer, but I did almost lose my job for yelling at a manager. On a very busy day, my manager made a rookie mistake. We work in grocery pickup and she used one tote for two separate grocery orders. I was the person who was taking orders out to people (delivering) when a customer showed up whose items had been given to another customer due to the person delivering it not realizing the mistake. I was the person who had to go replace the items while I was struggling to fit more orders than I should have been worrying about onto one cart. I was the person delivering the last times my manager messed something up and I had to fix the mistakes those times as well. Well, in my frustration, I decided to look on the computer and see who shopped the stuff that was placed in a tote containing part of another order so I could politely tell them to be more careful. It was my manager. The next time I saw her, I brought up the mistake. It should have been no big deal, right? Just be more careful next time. Well, she decided to argue with me. She insisted that she wouldn't have and couldn't have made such a mistake. "I don't know how I could have done that; there's no way it was me." I pull up the order on the computer, and show her where it says who shopped that part of the order. She starts to theorize on how she could have done such a thing, and I blow up on her. I'm tired of cleaning up after her dumb ass not knowing how to do her job. I yelled and shouted about how I'm tired of cleaning up after stupid people. I don't remember what all I said, but I do know I told her such lines as "if you don't want to be called stupid, don't be fucking stupid" and apparently I called her a dumbass at least twice. I wound up taking an early lunch to calm down. When I got back, I talked to another manager, who wrote me up over what happened and sent me home to cool my head. The next time I worked with that manager, she was pleasant to me and I was pleasant back. My coworkers were surprised I still had a job, but I shrugged it off. One of my coworkers brought up that he couldn't believe we were talking to each other after that. I told him it didn't matter. She learned that day that she couldn't touch me. I disrespected her and got off with a write-up where most people would have gotten fired. She may be the manager, but I'm more valuable to the company than her. Over a month later and I still have my job.
@stormjin2242 11 ай бұрын
Henry Ford was the one who said that "the customer is always right, in terms of taste" when asked if he wanted to produce the Model-Ts in more colors
@TinWhisker 11 ай бұрын
Only ever seen it attributed to Harry Selfridge and a Google seems to back this up. It's probably as accurate as Ford's "any colour ... as long as it's black" for the Model T... though wasn't true (the T was commonly green)
@stardestroyer453 11 ай бұрын
so i'm a maintenance worker at a grocery store (not fixing things, just cleaning). the store has two exits and one of them had a spill of blueberries. a lot of it got smashed and rolled over because customer still went over them and didnt bother going to the other exit. while i was cleaning the mess and mopping the floor, i had to stop 4 customers who tried to go through. keep in mind, 3 wet floor signs and a cart was blocking that exit. 3 of them went to the other exit, but one customer gave some attitude about how his car was on that side. so i gave that customer a bit of attitude back by saying that i do not want self centered butt wipes to go through this exit while the floor is wet and he saw the signs and how it was blocked. i told him to use the other exit and have a good day. he reported it to my manager (who witnessed the whole thing and was also stopping customers from using the exit i was cleaning). she said and i quote "we have signs there for a reason. if you cant read, you cant be allowed back here." he left in a huff and promised that he wont return to the store ever again. the same manager said to him "good thing you're taking your attitude with you. bye." i wasnt fired and i wasnt in trouble. i was told i did a good job lol
@melodymartin222 11 ай бұрын
You are correct- The customers is always right in matters of taste
@Shannonbarnesdr1 11 ай бұрын
my favorite bosses, and these are rare but AWESOME ! i have had one, i had a couple of friends who had a few bosses like this who have a rule / policy with their employees and it goes like this: you all know to be polite and professional with customers / guests, however; i also know that sometimes customers suck, so; you get 2 a year.''' 2 a year, and one of them had a 1 per year rule. where you as an employee on the clock were allowed their 1 or 2 per year of being able to full on tell off a jerk customer with zero judgment or repercussions . they are rare but those are the best supervisors. ;-)
@andrewlanglois6362 11 ай бұрын
10:32 a reason for employment termination at pet store is for ill-founded neglect of pet care or destruction of merchandise. If they fired you, then you would have severance pay for unemployment, and you could take them to court for unlawful termination, even if you thought their action proper at that time.
@StrategicLemon 11 ай бұрын
This video is a prime example of how people need to learn how to keep their cool at work. I've always told myself in my head when I have issues at work that make me wanna scream is "keep it to yourself or it'll cost you your job" which many people have failed to do in both this video and in the comments. Because regardless of what problems you're having on a personal level, don't bring that shit to work. Losing a job is easy, finding one is hard.
@andrewlanglois6362 11 ай бұрын
22:18 Hrrdrnner, like the one on that Mike Myers secret agent man comedy with Seth Green.
@KnightShadowsMoon 11 ай бұрын
I love the first one 😂
@LessaCaira 11 ай бұрын
My ex is like the anti-Karen. Whenever someone calls or comes in and starts being loud and demanding they "sick" him on them. He is infamous for his line "Are you hip to the click?" before hanging up on someone after they have been swearing and told that if they don't stop the call will be ended. He *loves* it when they call back immediately with "Did you hang up on me?" cause the response is always "Yep." and hanging up again. "I want your manager" is met with "My manager doesn't want to talk to you. I'm all you're getting."
@BigGucciAli 11 ай бұрын
How did you all end?
@LessaCaira 11 ай бұрын
@@BigGucciAli it was a bunch of little things.
@gj8683 11 ай бұрын
Karens are bullies and we need to stand up to them. They're also psychos, so don't expect them to back down, either.
@nerdswithcamerasinc.490 11 ай бұрын
Once I get enough money to open my store in this small town i'm in, I'm going to have a sign "If you threaten, yell or otherwise bitchout an employee of the store, you will have to run faster than we can ready our catapult. You have been warned!"
@shaneh6707 11 ай бұрын
Being an hourly supervisor, rude customers are shocked when I can and will yell back, especially when they're treating my employees like shit. I do not care who they are, how much they spend, ect. I will boot them out of my store without hesitation. I have more than once gotten into screaming matches that ended up with me saying "get the fuck out of my store." No regrets.
@cnervip 11 ай бұрын
I lost my last job probably because when an internal client(they outsourced their IT needs), whell he had the bad habit of standing behind me when I was working, well once he asked me when will be this finished? and I just say "When is done"
@daveshockwave8098 11 ай бұрын
I used to work at a after-school day care that was all around a crappy job that did even cover the expense of gas to get there, i have truck that is not good on gasoline. The day care picked up from multiple schools and the way of making sure the rights kids got on the bus was a piece of paper and google sheets. Ine day im put on a new route abd no none of the kids, the schools and parents had a nasty habit of not notifying the daycare on if the kid rode home with their parents, that happened the day the daycare has me on the new route with the owner and CEO driving the bus. The bus leaves the school the kid is not on, again i was fairly new and knew none of the kifs on this route. I calmy notify the owner and instead if turning the bus around to pick the kid up she yells at me in front of all the kids on the bus, she said she had fired people for this abd keeps rant and raving at me on the bus while im calling to try and make sure the kid is safe. We get to the daycare get off the bus and the owner yells at me even more again in from of the kids, i quickly realized this job was not worth 9 a hour, and she pretty much said send me a email on why you deserve this job and dont show up for the rest of the week and to show back up next week. The email i sent i told her i take all the blame and it was my fault for the kud getting left behind and told her i quit. Tldr mistake on my part ends in owner yelling at me in front of a bus full of kids while i tried to keep my cool
@IlGreven 11 ай бұрын
I mean, "the customer is always right in terms of taste" seems about as valid as that "blood of the covenant" one...
@katy4714 11 ай бұрын
I am the vengeance for my crew when customers are rude. My boss just laughs.
@Shannonbarnesdr1 11 ай бұрын
sometimes its justified: im glad some employees are standing up to ass-hats, i especially love it when the managers are on team employee and do not reprimand them ! contrary to the old belief; customers are NOT always right !
@blakeminecraft2 11 ай бұрын
24:48 Yeah lawns are scary, yesterday I walked outside and there was a lawn so I grabbed a lighter and hair spray then torched that lawn to the ground. Ended up hitting the house and now I’m homeless… can I borrow 5 bucks?
@thugnasty1021 11 ай бұрын
Homie always looks so fried in these 😂
@caitlinmembrino426 11 ай бұрын
The one with the dad who threw his kid into the pool hits home. My father did that to us to teach us how to swim. Said "natural instincts will kick in". Mom thought it was funny too. Did it a few times in the colorado river had the current take me once and he had to swim and come get me. Nearly drowned a few times. But there is a more fucked twist to it. My younger brother died from accidental drowning years before this. So yeah, parents of the year.
@ebonimccain6988 11 ай бұрын
I like to say "get home safe" instead of "have a nice day" to cashiers
@durk5331 11 ай бұрын
Wisconsin-born Harry Gordon Selfridge, founder of the London-based Selfridges department store chain, coined the phrase "The customer is always right" in 1909 to encourage employees to prioritize customer satisfaction and create an environment where customers felt valued and respected. It was all part of his marketing and brand establishment.
@destinygalearies7382 11 ай бұрын
I have a parent who works in clothing sales and he says that "the customer is always right" is supposed to refer to selling the customer what they want, even if it's something you think is super ugly, low quality, doesn't match, etc. Basically, you can give the customer all the advice you want, but ultimately what they ask for, you sell to them. It's not supposed to have anything to do with letting the customer abuse you and break store policy, then rewarding them for their bad behavior...
@durk5331 11 ай бұрын
@@destinygalearies7382 And that is absolutely a way to prioritize customer satisfaction and make them feel valued and respected >.>
@mizu_the_floatzel 11 ай бұрын
So eyewitness a co-worker get fired and this actually happened almost a year ago . So I work at parts authority based here in New Jersey and New York and Connecticut and other parts of the US. So I work at the smallest store. There were at least four drivers (now down to two with mostly contractors) So we had this one guy named Mike. He was a little careless with our company's cars from wearing them. No seat belts to literally speeding. So I just came back from my day off and I notice one of her cars a Nissan kick was wrecked. I was like what the hell happened!? Found out he was speeding and got a little too careless and rear-ended a sweet old ladies car causing a nice bit of damage to the car. The manager at the time who was clearly a scattered brain instead of terminating him for damaging company property. They asked him nicely to move off the road and become a cashier. Me with now over 5 years experience and the industry clearly seen a red flag. You don't keep somebody who damaged company property. You terminate them immediately to prevent insurance rates going up. Well during that time they ran his insurance and his driving record. Oh boy he was a train wreck 2 months later. The company had no choice to give him an offer to give it two weeks notice then leave because of what he did. He was a cool guy. I liked him. That's a little bit of a dangerous individual. Got to say auto parts stores man. Especially wholesalers those companies don't want to turn away drivers so quickly or good employees
@adamturner1234567 11 ай бұрын
16:41 this business still exists, it just doesn’t do AT&T.
@dvg7093 11 ай бұрын
To go out with a bang:
@theodorajackson6233 11 ай бұрын
I've worked at a indoor go kart place and a lady was yelling and throwing stuff ever I've had people get my friends fired over the dumbest things this has had happened fifteen times while I'm on the clock numerous times i left the job immediately i was tired and stressed out not to mention people throwing crap at me I've lost it completely let me remind you the other manager at the job got fired immediately after that because a customer was being a nuisance and a b word
@TaeTy45 11 ай бұрын
Claiming someone is racist when they are blatantly not being racist... is a racist act itself, fight me.
@AliSakurai 11 ай бұрын
It technically was my last day so it doesn't count but it was satisfying. I finally told off a racist Karen who made my life absolute hell for the 3 years I work at the fast food restaurant. I stomped on her food when she ordered it to go and told her that it suits her before storming off.
@calebschieck5052 11 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who thinks Mr facts looked scared after 19?
@obamama 11 ай бұрын
@hayamirin6795 11 ай бұрын
These stories be wild 😭 I'm so sorry to everyone in this video
@jdzencelowcz 11 ай бұрын
If I went into an auto store, & a woman offered to help me, I'd call her Kaylee, & when questioned, I'd tell her about the Firefly/Serenity character who kept her ship flying, adding it was a term of respect.
@etcetera1995 11 ай бұрын
Speaking as a retail employee, if I didn't get a reference I would just smile and nod because *I don't have the time or energy to ask why you're calling me by a name that isn't on my nametag,* dude. I'm not here to be your fandom buddy.
@jdzencelowcz 11 ай бұрын
@@etcetera1995 That's fair, I was kidding anyway, I'd use ma'am as I was taught.
@theokkali467 11 ай бұрын
another title stroke!
@orutakawatenga8820 11 ай бұрын
Simply put it's the collective customer that's always right, meaning trends and philosophies, not repugnant attitudes.
@tomhavenith2330 11 ай бұрын
8:40 even that is bad longterm-business. If you are a salesman with no expertise... by all means sell as much as you can. If you are an expert and the customer is making a mistake by bvuying x, you tell him to not buy stuff. My parents went to one cardealership their whole life, because when they wanted car x in the 70's the owner said to them: "no you don't because x, y and z". You want this model, it's better and cheaper. The guy lost x amount of profit then and there but my parents went back every 4 or 5 years buying again from him.
@austindavis8408 11 ай бұрын
The customer is always right is in reference to supply and demand. For example. I think fidget spinners are for morons but when they were the hottest item on the market a couple years ago, fidget spinners are the best because the market (the customer buying productions from you) has deemed they are awesome with their spending power. Doesn't change that fidget spinners are for idiots but when they spend money on it that makes it right to sell them
@pablodiaz2792 11 ай бұрын
You ramble too much man. Just read the stories
@dragons_breath. 11 ай бұрын
Helloooo! Hope everyone is doing well! And remember: don't. be. rude. to. staff.
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NERF WAR HEAVY: Drone Battle!
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