What Are The Next Level Unethical Life Hacks That You Use?

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Mainly Fact

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@TomParadise9 Жыл бұрын
The taco bell napkin thief had me dying cuz I always take a crap ton of sauce packets 😂
@tallonmetroids271 Жыл бұрын
For those unfamiliar with Costco: Story 28: That's not unethical at all. The cafés at Costco are open to everyone, as long as you can pay. You, however, cannot purchase anything else from the store without a membership, which is checked at the normal entrance. Back to the cafés, the food is made at-cost, so you can get an entire, large pizza for less than 12 dollars, and it's good-ass pizza. You only get a choice of three kinds, but still.
@catrinastars Жыл бұрын
This is my experience as well, they make dam good hot dogs too.
@brendansease6852 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Very true. There's a Costco not far away at all and I eat the pizza all the times. Calling ahead really helps because you'll wait at least 25 minutes for one pizza. Highly recommend going on Wednesday, slowest day and I was in and out in 10 minutes.
@justsomeguy7594 Жыл бұрын
Denied me last time I went stating I needed a Costco Card even for a pizza
@mekkthemighty1962 Жыл бұрын
I work at a costco in member service (we're the door people separate from membership who check cards/receipts at the entrance/exit) and I should note that while this is the general policy, some costcos (including the one I work at) do require showing cards for the exit door, that said many of us also don't like the store specific rule and ignore it
@GrandpasPlace Жыл бұрын
you can also use the pharmacy at cosco without being a member. Saves a lot on the cost of medication.
@fattywithafirearm Жыл бұрын
Before i became a cop I worked for a company that jad me going downtown almost daily. Parking sucked, but my company would pay any parking tickets. I only ever got 1 ticket. After my company paid, i'd stick the green ticket "envelope" with the word TICKET under my windshield wiper and go about my business. Parking enforcement (not cops) would roll by and see that i had a ticket and not write me a 2nd ticket. Did this for years. I still have that ticket envelope. Still works for my personal vehicle when im downtown.
@roxcyn Жыл бұрын
I used to work downtown in my city. They would give people multiple tickets. I believe if your car kept parked there after too long it would get towed. I don’t think this trick would work unless the person checking just didn’t care.
@kellyl13 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has worked in medical research, thanks for the Sci-Hub reference! We as authors aren't even paid for them (it's more for building up our resumes, although we may indirectly get paid through raises), and anyone should be more well informed about science. Peer reviewers aren't paid either; I think it only goes to the publishing companies.
@ryanrents126 Жыл бұрын
I happened to go to the same large university where my mom worked. The parking at her building required "Employee A" level window decals, the highest level available on campus. Additionally, her small parking lot was gated, although most other employee lots on campus were not. You had to have the "A" decal to get the keycard that opened her gate. We figured out that, since everyone knew her car and she obviously had the key card to park in jer lot, nobody ever looked at her windshield to verify she also had her decal. So she gave me her decal for my car. While other students and even professors parked far away and walked, even paid for daily parking decks, I could park in employee lots right in front of whatever building I had a class in. I'd often pull in and pass my professor walking to class. Never got caught, did it for 2 years.
@Bibi_Dude Жыл бұрын
“This is for educational purposes” Sure buddy, we believe you
@jonisalmela2399 Жыл бұрын
Its a life hack, you see.
@bebdergame Жыл бұрын
he didn’t say educational purposes, he said it was for entertainment purposes.
@Diamondr11Blue Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this disclaimer, instead if one I'll make sure to do them all now
@christinacoffman1843 Жыл бұрын
Story 25: The IRS limit is actually $250 for non-cash deductions. And, a majority of people won't be able to deduct donations/contributions anyway. These amounts are reported on 1040 Schedule A (Itemized Deductions). For tax year 2023, the standard deduction for a single person will be $13,850. In order to utilize Schedule A to your benefit, you would need a total of all qualified itemized deductions to exceed that amount. Most people who do not have a home mortgage interest write off will never exceed the standard deduction.
@peppermintmoon7354 Жыл бұрын
As somebody with a bee phobia, #17 gave me a full body shudder.
@Neonsilver13 Жыл бұрын
Stroy 21, reminds of a story in regards to why stamps were created in the first place. 2 people would send letters to each other, but they would encode the actual message on the envelope. So when the recipient got the letter, he would figure out the actual message just from looking at the envelope and then refuse to accept it. Which meant no one would pay for the letter. Story 30, a lot of the authors of said papers will also happily send you a copy if you contact them about it.
@kn1ght_sta1k3rG 11 ай бұрын
I go to a lot of conversations and the hotels are usually pretty expensive. Normally charging per person in a room. Well me and my friends simply will book a 4 person room and only say one person is staying in it. The hotel only charges "me" for one room and 9 times out of 10 the hotel staff doesn't care enough to question what room your going to or how many people are in your room. But just in case we have only one person check us in and then the rest of us just walk in like we already have a room and we share the "one person reservation"
@nanajosh6697 Жыл бұрын
Super small "illegal" thing I've done; go get a large avocado that's $1.79 but in self checkout, instead ring it up as medium avocados that's $.79 They finally upped mediums because I think a lot of people might have been doing it.
@carbs_r_delish Жыл бұрын
Lmao, when I was younger (and a bit broke) whenever I weighed the bread rolls on the scale, I’d register it as 1 when it was actually two or three. It would be $.66 instead of like 4$ or $5
@UnusualScape Жыл бұрын
I don't, by any means, recommend this but I remember on my last vacation to Vegas, me and a good friend of mine always wanted to check out the infamous 'Area 51'. We used to be die- hard conspiracy theorists, the whole S4 shabang and everything. So we arrived at exactly 3pm and the fucking gate opened for us. Now, I was a very unintelligent, just turned 21 kid, that always had a ravenous hunger for adventure. My friend, who will do anything for that adrenaline rush that tingles your balls, was not the best role model to be with at the time. He said, "Don't slow down, just do it. Do it. Do it." I honestly have no explanation for it, but they must have been expecting a similar vehicle matching the description of my mom's Durango, but the MP in the checkpoint just kept waving his hands, back and forth, with a, "Come on, hurry tf up.." look. I'm almost positive he had to be put under disciplinary action because this guy never even made eye contact with us. We're almost shitting ourselves, me immediately regretting the decision, seeing all these fully armed guards with M16s and the like, knowing at this point we can't just full on put the car in reverse and gtfo. We were in too deep and we already knew we were fucked the moment we crossed that damn gate. However, no one caught on right away. One of the fucking armed guards actually waved at my buddy and I swear, when I look back, I feel as if they had to know, like they wanted to play a sick joke on these kids who know damn well what they're getting themselves into. We actually got pretty deep to the point where we actually saw a structure in the distance. However, our sense of adventure was brutally crushed when about 16 white pickups/unmarked suvs and a few tinted cars that actually looked like teslas with undercover police lights (this was in 2013 btw) peeled up, every seat occupied by the closest description of juggernauts I've ever seen. My friend and I are basically ripped out of the vehicle by our hair, crying and begging not to be 'disappeared' while these fully automatic rifles are shoved point blank execution style. Let me tell you, that type of fear will break you, and it is such a surreal feeling knowing your brains can easily be spattered on the ground in front of you if security had decided they were just having a shitty day and could easily write you off as a potential threat. We had a dash cam that they confiscated, our phones, my buddy's brand new laptop as they basically tore apart my mom's vehicle and yes, separately strip-searched in this decrepit looking building that I'm almost positive people had been murdered in, (that's just my speculation). All things considered we got off with a VERY light slap on the wrist, as they told us that we could have ended up in federal prison, along with a whole slew of charges and fines, just from putting a foot past the signs. However, since the gate was actually opened for us, and none of our credentials were examined upon entrance, we would not be the ones receiving disciplinary action, as they decided verbally and on documentation that we were just some ignorant kids that would never allow our curiosity to peak as dangerously as it did that day, and we were told to sign/initial about 150 papers. All we got back was the car and, thankfully, even though we didn't owe any federal government fines or fees, we did have to pay my mom back for the damage to her new-ish car and got a lecture that nearly rivaled the one we received upon interrogation, especially when my grandpa found out (who is ex-military and very familiar with how things may have played out). I know it's a lot to read and I'm sure plenty will call bs, but it happened, and your remark about having a confident resolve during.. potential illegal activities, reminded me of this instance, and it is terrifyingly accurate, even to the point that could get your name on DOD and Homeland Security lists. In case anyone was wondering, my threat level is slim-nil. Tbh I slightly took offense to that when I saw the suit fill that in. (Edit for grammar and incomplete sentence)
@roxcyn Жыл бұрын
Woah, what did the papers say you had to sign? I would have been too scared to even go inside even though they waived me in.
@UnusualScape Жыл бұрын
@roxcyn Well we weren't so much "waived over" as we were escorted with fire arms almost always pointed at us. But the best way to get out of that type of situation is simply by cooperating. I know for a fact that things would've been very different if I were to act like a smart ass or just refused to comply. If I were to just take off and start running, I def would have been gunned down for sure. The man in the suit even told us that the only reason we were being allowed to leave without handcuffs was because of how cooperative we had been. Having a clean record helped too, and he agreed the installation wouldn't press charges given how everything happened.
@Vanilla_Neko Жыл бұрын
My favorite parking related one is that a certain well-known airport near me charges like $25 a day to park even in the cheapest lots but the fee for losing your validation ticket is only $20 Needless to say I just park there for the duration of my trip and then when I finally get home I just tear up my ticket and click the lost ticket button pay a cool $20 for an entire week's worth of parking and head home Usually ends up being cheaper than even the discount lots that you usually have to take a shuttle from
@adamb89 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: My friend's brother used to walk right into the back of K-mart, take whatever he wanted out of the back, then just exit out the back door to where my friend was waiting with the car. People at K-mart got so used to seeing him walking into the back, he could walk directly past employees and nobody gave him a second look. Story 3: I used to have a parking meter key that fit all the meters in one of the lots downtown. So any time I wanted to park I'd just use the key, shake a few quarters out of the cup inside, close it up and use those quarters to put time on the meter. Story 12: Reminds me of one time back in the 90s I bought my first CD-ROM drive off the open-box rack. Basically the product was opened but unsold, so they knocked half off or something like that. Anyway upon getting home I discovered the mounting rails were missing, so took it back for a refund since I couldn't afford full price, but they let me just take a brand new unopened one off the shelf anyway. Story 21: It probably won't work anymore, I've used insufficient postage (tried to get cheeky with how much I could cram in an envelope) and the post office delivered the mail anyway, and left a little envelope in my mailbox to leave the owed postage in. The federal government can be super anal about even the smallest of debts so you bet your ass I paid up.
@csabanadasiioioo1480 Жыл бұрын
3:24 The middle school + high school I went to had a card system. At first we had a pull card and later a touch card at the entrance and at the lunchroom. The purpose of the cards was to track who was in school so the lunch ladies won't cook unnecessary meals. The problem was that nobody ever tracked the system for this purpose and we still had to call in to cancel our lunch for sick days. However there were 2 problems with this. First, the card reading took a bit of time. It wasn't much but it was enough that if you arrive a bit late to the lunchroom you have to wait in line for 10 minutes just to get in as all that small scan time added together significantly slowed down the line. The second was the punishment for not having the card. Even though they didn't use it for the intended goal we were still punished by not being let in the school until 5 minutes before first class.
That first one is the most Irish Lawyer thing possible 😂
@garfeld625 Жыл бұрын
Academic paper industry is messed up and the sad thing is, there isn't a clear solution. The writer doesn't really profit from them and would make it cheaper if they could, and the journals need some sort of revenue to pay reviewers. Honestly I just wish we funded academic papers more instead of the increasing the military budget, again
@teresabillings8378 Жыл бұрын
First day of college, all professors made the same statement: don't park in my spot. You won't get a boot. You'll get slashed tires.
@silky0439 Жыл бұрын
While I was a broke college student in my own apartment many centuries ago, and had no food, I would go to the rib joint down the street and order some of their fries. They were nice and thick and only $.99. While they went to cook them, I would go to their condiment area and take all the sugar packets and ketchup. (I had a huge shoulder bag) I could get kool Aid packets for $.03 and a box of spaghetti for $.25 plus Wheat thins were only $.75 back then too. I had my meal! I have to admit, I was given a parking ticket in NY. I had a white car at the time and the meter ran out. There was a white car parked in front of me, so I just gave it to him. Don’t tell anybody though!
@DaJackCracker Жыл бұрын
Theres a combined Waterpark and motel near where I live. The lobby of the motel leads directly into the Waterpark with no barrier except a bored attendant whose job is to make sure small kids have the appropriate life jacket, and often the attendant isn't even there. So after paying the first time, my family and I just ignore the motel part and get a free day at the water park every once in a while.
@ArthurGraham-vy1ze Жыл бұрын
I never return to a store or other business where I've previously encountered an aggressive Karen. 99% chance I'll encounter another Karen if I do. The unethical side of the equation is that I'm boycotting businesses for something that isn't really their fault. But I have almost zero Karen's in my life, trending toward literally zero if everything goes according to plan. They're everywhere!
@Vincent_Beers Жыл бұрын
Most colleges these days will tow your vehicle if you don't have a student parking pass. And if you have the pass and get issued a ticket, it goes right to your student account, the balance of which needs to be paid off yearly or they won't let you start the next semester, or deny graduation if it's your final year.
@milestraysandor5901 Жыл бұрын
On Story 19 with the whole Vermont thing, that loophole has been closed and the state is cracking down on that. I assume they got too many complaints or were forced to do so by the Feds. You have to live in Vermont to register a car there now as well. It doesn't work any more.
@iloveanimemidriff Жыл бұрын
15:30 - in Mexico, road crossing skills are an inverse Gauss curve where the X axis is income level and the Y axis is crossing skill. On the poor people end, you see people who grew up in dingy ghettos where road direction is just a meek suggestion and you have to look both ways to not get hit by traffic. On the rich people end, you see people who traveled to England and just learned to look both ways because it's not always obvious where traffic is coming from even with the "
@StaryIris Жыл бұрын
17:37 His eyes lit up with the background, lol
@BeepBeepBeep-tn3jp Жыл бұрын
Great video, here's to you posting many more of these tips 👍
@ismaelherrera8777 Жыл бұрын
When I first bought my car I signed up for insurance for it. I payed for the initial start up fee, but noticed 2 months in I hadn’t been charged since. Well I just didn’t call big risk if they asked for all of it in full. Last month of the insurance plan they sent me a letter that they hadn’t received payment for the month I sent it in and the last month in a money order, and they never bother me about the other 10 payments which was like $1,740 got a different insurance after that. That was 2 years ago.
@everythingisnand Жыл бұрын
Imagine in 2053 when bees are all gone and they look back at this video XD Jokes aside, save the bees they are in a dire situation and most of the things you eat need bees!
@lanychabot-laroche135 Жыл бұрын
That shit-eating grin at the donut and pizza exchange, amazing!
@sonorangaming449 Жыл бұрын
Used to park at a church near the college in my city. I didn't attend the church or college, but i would occasionally hang at the college. Anyway, the church parking lot at tire strips so you couldnt exit the same way you enter or it would damage your tires. There was a gate on the exit and a gate code box. There was also a little button you could push to open the gate if you didnt have a code. So i would park at the church to avoid paying for on campus parking fees.
@PublicHealthGeek Жыл бұрын
I was a driver for Papa John's during college, totally did the pizza-donut exchange at the Krispy Kreme's down the road. Then I took some pizza and donuts back to my dorm and sold them.
@GMAMEC Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - The same holds true when you go to special events. My SIL always ends up backstage at concerts, musicals, plays etc. She acts like she owns everything.
@GrandpasPlace Жыл бұрын
The return address with no stamp works but every time Ive seen it used, the person put a non-existent local address as the to address. That way it is returned as "Address Unknown" You can also put in a mail forward on an address you dont live at, then mail to that address automatically gets forwarded to your address. I once knew someone who set up several of these across the US and would then order illegal stuff online (think nose candy) and it would forward to a forward to a forward before getting to his address.
@ZidaneOfTantalus Жыл бұрын
To the person taking all taco bell napkins- save some of that free toilet paper for the rest of us! We don't need to do the walk of shame to the front counter to ask for more napkins.
@jackfoster7097 Жыл бұрын
The whole checking the play times of movies, mapping out which ones we can chain, and only paying for the one of the tickets is something my brother cousins and I would do all the time as kids. We would also sometimes have one person buy a ticket and then have them let the rest of us in through the back door of the theater.
@RyuuProtogen96 Жыл бұрын
It may not be entirely ethical, but I work for a rather popular chain of gas stations that is famous for its' pizza. One thing I had learned was that they were rather lenient about taking and eating food that had staled out. Things like hoagie roll subs, salads, and even the wraps were fair game. I also found out that the same could apply to their warmer items too, but usually the sandwiches wouldn't last due to their new policy of keeping the sandwiches in the warmer for 2 hours. Using their leniency I've taken to taking whatever I can from the end cap: sandwiches, wraps, and the occasional croissant, and even a couple of things from their warmer which could even include a slice or two of staled out pizza, and then taking them home with me at the end of my shift. It's rather nice, and it saves on food costs when I don't have to make dinner every night when I can just bring home 4-5 sandwiches and a few slices of slightly-cold pizza.
@darkwyve Жыл бұрын
Nah, what you are doing is the norm for people that work those kind of places (I should know I was one for many years. Heck, I even re-purposed food, example: take home a few italian subs, pull all the meat and cheese off, chop it up and mix with a jar of red sauce, toss with pasta. Take the leftover bread, slap butter/seasoning on them, bake for 10 minutes as garlic/butter bread with the pasta, haha!). What isn't ethical is the amount of food these places throw away with people all around going hungry...
@niteloon6073 Жыл бұрын
I believe the letter would work. Just put the "TO" address in both places, or only put it on once in the return address and it will be returned to that person just thinking they forgot to put the to address. I live in 29 Palms,Ca and when I sent out last years Christmas cards I had 1 going to an aunt in Plainville, Kansas. Somehow they were all sent to Bird City Kansas and were stamped there, but they missed the actual stamp. On another note when I lived in Aurora Colorado I sent a "Thinking of you" card to my daughter and it was returned to me as "UNDELIVERABLE!" The catch was the post office couldn't find the address to delivery it to BUT they could find the address to return it to. IT WAS THE SAME ADDRESS!!!!!!!!
@djtigon Жыл бұрын
kids scanning finger prints for payment: "indoctrinate them young so they dont question it when they're older."
@crismaxdiaz Жыл бұрын
heey!! nice to see your face.. I really enjoy the tone you use to read the reddit comments and your own snarky comments.. thanks for helping put a face to the voice..
@miwady Жыл бұрын
I love that you've added your face to the videos. I love the "best of reddit" style video but really don't enjoy AI generated voice overs! That is what makes yours the best! Really human and genuine commentary mixed throughout! 😊😊
@jasoncarter4343 Жыл бұрын
This is child’s play. Apparently, there’s a scam out there where you can legally quit claim the deed of someone’s house to yourself without them knowing, then evict them.
@adrienmartz995 Жыл бұрын
My elementary AND middle school had finger print scanners connected to lunch accounts
@joshuaguenin9507 Жыл бұрын
Story 19 no longer is available...The law was changed in vermont
@debtoralive4693 Жыл бұрын
I had a bathroom sink faucet go bad. But it was the insides of the cold knob. I take it apart, see the problem, go to the store, and find they do not sell parts. I have to buy a complete faucet set. So I buy one that matches as close as possible to mine, then take the good part out of the new one, and replace it with the broken part. Then I carefully repack tge faucet and took it back and got my money back. I know it'll be bad for whomever buys that faucet, but its the stores fault for not providing repair parts for the products they sell. As bad as that is I used to buy my printer ink at that hugely overinflated price. Take it home and very carefully open the box without damaging it, then take the new cartriges and replace them with my old used up ones, then reseal the box and return it saying I accidently got the wrong model. And to avoid just exchanging it, I say my wife already bought the right ones, so I just want to return it for a refund. I've only done this a few times over several years. I didn't want to overdo it, or they might start to check their returns more carefully. I don't do it anymore. I was a broke boy back then and new I was getting screwed bad by the makers everytime I bought that ink, so I made it just a bit cheaper.
@tetegaming7402 Жыл бұрын
Just a fun annecdote here : I was coming back from my trip in Spain when the plane got delayed by 2h because of somes strikes at Charles De Gaulle airport... so the company gave everyone a card with a few euros to uses on the food dispenser. What they didn't realized is that you could use it again and again and keep getting those few euros to use ! Me and my classmate enjoyed it, but we didn't empty the machines. I still have this card to this day, I wonder if it still works ?
@PyraJya-Luquay Жыл бұрын
Story One: Pretty sure the cops knew he worked there at the courts, so they just allowed it because it's not worth the hassle trying to bother who is presumably a government official. They probably saw him enough times to just assume he was a judge.
@lewisparry4992 Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure who would give you the ticket the police or a traffic warden.
@donnar9864 Жыл бұрын
Hi great video 😊..yrs ago I had a flood in my home and thankfully I had great insurance and was put up for 2 months at a beautiful place that accomodated me , husband, son and four large dogs...there was also an honor convenient store where you get what you want and you wrote down the price and room number ...so my son's job was to walk the four dogs several times a day, well, in my wildest dreams I couldn't fathom why he did it every single day without complaining...of course I found out why, EVERY SINGLE TIME he would walk the dogs, he was stopping by that store and grabbing candy bars and ice cream, writing down the price but lied about what room number on the little chits, after the first month I received a cute little bill for 862 dollars..im like wth, I haven't even gone into the store..so i take the bill to the front desk to let them know that this was not my bill... hahaha boy was I wrong..the lady showed me a little video clip of my son..and told me he was caught on camera several times a day every day and was writing a different room number.. and said yes ma'am this is your bill. Well, needless to say it was not a good evening for my son. Just know I had not raised him for the first ten yrs of his life, i had adopted him at ten yrs old... stealing was something his abusive birth family taught him.. I had my hands full but also a heart full of love for this child.. he's 30 yrs old now and I loooove telling his friends about this story😂😂😂😂
@nathanxxvii Жыл бұрын
Fingerprint scanners for payment makes sense when you realize kids can't lose their finger.
@Keaton. 10 ай бұрын
I'd take the elevator to the 9th floor, it's easier to go down than go up stairs. lmao
@kristymurphy9361 Жыл бұрын
Restaurants/food chains that give out free food for your birthday via app just make an email for every month. No one ever checks to see if it really is your birthday. If you have enough time (aka no life) you could theoretically make an account for every day of the year and never pay to eat.
@DesertPunk3 Жыл бұрын
My university actually kept track of plate numbers and towed them once they went over $200. If they can connect your plate to a student they’d withhold your diploma until you pay.
@Kynrasian Жыл бұрын
I don't know if this truly counts, but there's a store right across from the dental practice I go to that has a sign up saying, essentially, that you are only to park there if you're shopping there. I never shop there, but whenever I go to the dentist, I park up in there. Also, I did some voluntary work in 2015 that was easier and less stressful for me to reach by public transport, so whenever the parking at the train station was full, I'd just park at that store, walk to the station, and take the train. I've never had any follow-up for it, so I can only assume that the sign is merely there as a deterrent.
@scepticalhyenas5750 Жыл бұрын
16:16 damn it man, this is where you're supposed to plug the VPN ad-read!
@yako165 Жыл бұрын
Story 26: it's not actually illegal to stream movies, it's illegal to copy and upload them, but not actually illegal to stream, so as long as you don't download the movie you're not actually breaking a law.
@Primal-Rage Жыл бұрын
14:34 story 21 the mail thing works.. (at least it worked in 1989) I did that a lot while in the military.. I'd send mail from several states away and it worked every time.. always "returned to sender: lack of proper postage"
@K162KingPin Жыл бұрын
Not only parking tickets, you can refuse to pay almost any ticket even to the government and they will not follow up. I would avoid anything serious like DUI or No insurance, stuff like that, but even speeding tickets or other traffic violations, they are just in it for the money. Contact the court house if you agreed to and let them know you will not be able to pay a fine, but if you have to report to jail, just let you know when to show up. They will say that they will get back to you, but never will. 99.9% of traffic tickets are written for no other reason than to generate money for the local city. If you are sitting in jail you are costing them money. If you are paying a fine you are giving them money. Its simply not worth their effort to pursue action against someone who is never going to pay them. I got a rather nasty speeding ticket once. Complete BS, the cop was just pissed because he was parked on the side of the road right over a hill and I couldn't move over in time before passing him. So he wrote me a ticket claiming I was going 15 over the speed limit. I challenged the ticket but was never given a court date. I called the court house repeatedly but every time was told that they didn't have the ticket in their system yet. Finally after a couple months I stopped calling them. 2 years later I got a letter in the mail from a collection agency trying to collect almost $2000 for that ticket which would have been less than $200 if I had paid the fine at the time. They claimed there were many additional charges for late payment, collection attempts, etc. I called the court house again and told them I still wanted my court date. They said it was far to late for that. I said I have a constitutional right not only to a trial but a speedy trial. I think you will find it difficult to justify why I was never given either. I was speaking to one of the actual judges. He said, at this point there is nothing you can do but pay the fine. I said "I promise you I will never pay a single penny until I have my trial, and I won't pay anything then either because I can prove the charges are a lie". He said "If you don't pay the fine I will have to issue a bench warrant for your arrest." I said "That's fine, do it. One way or another I will have my court date and then all of this will come out. You have my address from the ticket, I still live at the same place, send the cops to come pick me up right now, I'm ready to go." Then I hung up on him. Cops never came, never heard from them again, and my driving record has remained clean ever since. They literally have police lying about violations to write tickets, then corrupt judges lying to you claiming you don't have constitutional rights to a trial, and lying claiming you will be arrested if you don't pay ridiculous fines without so much as a hearing to prove your innocence. In the end they only spend time on people they can get money from. I made it clear they would not get any from me so I wasn't worth their time. I have never paid any traffic tickets from out of state either. It is well known that police will often target anyone with an out of state license plate because they know people are not going to travel back to even argue the ticket in court. Its pretty much a guaranteed ez fine. However other states can not affect your drivers license. Therefore there is literally nothing they can do to enforce the fine. By the time it might ever catch up with you even if you visit this other state regularly the statue of limitations would have long since passed. I got a ticket in Louisiana once for supposedly speeding, captured by a camera van parked on the side of the road. The problem was that the picture was so blurry it was impossible to tell if the driver was a man or a woman, let alone identify them. Additionally they put the van on the wrong side of the intersection. They claimed I was going 56 in a 45. However on the side of the intersection the picture was taken on the speed limit was 55. While the speed did drop to 45 on the other side of that intersection in the direction the vehicle was traveling, it was not in a 45 at the time the picture was taken. Thank you Google Street View. I don't remember driving through that particular intersection, and I was not the only person using the vehicle, a rental. It is entirely possible that the driver would have seen the speed reduction and reduced speed in time, or at the very least drastically reduced speed before passing the 45 sign. In either case the most they could have legitimately claimed the ticket was for was 1 mph over the speed limit. Additionally the city ordinance allowing the use of that camera system required the ticket be issued to the registered owner of the vehicle in the state of Louisiana. I was not the registered owner as it was a rental and it was registered in Texas. So their own ordinance gave them no authority to ticket me in any case. Still they got my name through Enterprise, rentals and forwarded the ticket to me as the renter. I laid out all of these facts in a letter and sent it to them instead of a payment. They responded, that if I could identify the driver, they would transfer the fine to them but they would not dismiss the fine simply because they had no legal authority to fine me as the non registered owner, or because the camera was on the wrong side of the intersection, or because the camera only claimed that the vehicle was only going 1 mile an hour over the posted speed limit where the picture was taken. They claimed that my only options were to identify the driver if it was not me, or else pay the fine, which was up to about $600 at this point, they claim for additional fees, which they didn't even bother giving a stupid name to like late fee or whatever. Basically they were trying to charge me more for arguing with them instead of just paying them. So I sent them another letter, this time with a picture of the photo, and told them if they could tell me if the driver was even male or female I would likely be able to identify the driver. However I would not even if I could because as previously stated their ordinance did not allow them to ticket anyone but the registered owner, and even then if it was registered in Louisiana which it was not. I further included a link to their own city web site, and quoted a reference to their collection policy which specifically prohibited them from reporting collection efforts to a persons credit, prohibited them from continuing collection efforts for more than 6 months, and prohibited from from attempting to contact anyone by any means other than the mail. Then I said, while I understand that you can continue this collection effort for another 4 months at this point, if I ever hear from you again I will turn over all correspondences between us to the local and state District Attorneys offices. Shockingly I never heard from them again.
@alntqt Жыл бұрын
I need a short only for the story 17! people need to know that is NOT illegal to warm bees in the mouth.
@bmaiceman Жыл бұрын
STORY 19 no longer cakes. They closed that loop hole. We all got screwed by this ... Sorry. The Vermont loophole is gone.
@Anime_Dragoon Жыл бұрын
At my Uni, you can still get towed even if you pay for parking if the campus police feel like the car has been there too long. I was threatened with my car being towed while sleep in the back seat. Didn’t see the point in going 30 mins back home after a class when it starts in an hour
@Kale-from-the-Future Жыл бұрын
Some bees are endangered. This would be illegal depending on where you’re located. NYC for example doesn’t prohibit it but they’re thinking about making killing honeybee species illegal.
@K162KingPin Жыл бұрын
This first case was not in the United States. However it is likely that most civilized countries will have similar laws in this regard. In the USA at least a court house is a public building. It is not only paid for by the public, but the legal theory is that the public owns the building, and those who make rules over the property are simply administrators of the building and do NOT own it. While it might be reasonable for those administrators to restrict a few parking spaces for the use of their personnel, including, police, judges, etc. it would be a blatant violation of multiple laws and legal principles for them to restrict access to a significant portion of parking spaces in public parking area of a public building. They would likely find much more leeway in reserving a large portion of the parking area if that area where in the back of the lot, or off to a side, but reserving the majority, or all of the parking spaces which are relatively near the entrance forcing the public to park much farther away, or worse, off site would constitute multiple violations related to denying access or services of a public building to the public. Something like this happened in my home town where the city is very old and the area around the courthouse was poorly planed. There were only a couple dozen parking spots around the court house which regularly had at least 4 times that many people inside at any given time conducting business. Then they restricted access for most of the parking spaces for "police" which was used also by judges, secretaries, literally anyone who worked in the court house. THEN to top it all off they littered the surrounding area with a variety of ridiculous parking restrictions designed to generate fines from people simply trying to park even remotely near the court house which they had to visit. Eventually there was overwhelming pressure put on the city government not only to stop this ridiculous activity but to make amends for the hardship they were putting on the citizens. As a result several surrounding cities also stopped similar programs of oppression according to an article on the matter. Apparently they didn't want to deal with the same civil unrest. Funny, it turns out people don't like being boxed into a corner where the only way out is through fines.
@Beliar275 Жыл бұрын
I did something similar to story 3 - only without the firmware. In my local village cell reception was bad - and I play a gps based mobile game .. so naturally I would check regularly for open wifi networks I could use .. Found our restaurant had an open wifi and it had a good central location. Only walls limited the distance I could use it. But I advice against parking fraud. Got a private parking ticket like 5 weeks ago. At first I thought about not paying but then I read the fine print. They will request info from the federal vehicle registration (for double the parking fine). And I have no doubts they will receive answer so I reluctantly paid my 30€ fine (luckily first and last time as I now know where not to park)
@silver5866 Жыл бұрын
3:40 When I was in elementary and middle school, we used a 4-digit code to pay for our lunches. Annoying detail: the codes were the last 4 of our social security numbers! The fingerprint system has 1 major feature that can be both a positive and a negative depending on who you ask. The feature is that other kids can't use your code. Good to stop theft. Bad if you have a legitimately trustworthy friend that needs help.
@mindlessmeat4055 Жыл бұрын
My niece is blacklisted from a few cable companies because she illegally did streaming or downloading. Be careful out there.
@liza3337 Жыл бұрын
Academic papers are usually about 50 U.S.D. each or so. Some sites will charge by the hour for you to peruse.
@Ian-np6zt Жыл бұрын
I swear I've heard you do an audiobook before. Did you do the Bobiverse books by any chance?
@TheDungeonNewbsGuide Жыл бұрын
I WISH and am flattered! No, the incomparable Ray Porter did the Bobiverse series, and is an absolute champion. I've done a few dozen audiobooks, though...mostly erotica lol
@Ian-np6zt Жыл бұрын
@TheDungeonNewbsGuide get out of here! Really? I could have sworn I heard you do a scifi one! Well definitely let us know when you do, I could listen to you storytell for hours! You would absolutely kill it in the audiobook industry! Keep up the awesome work!
@Keaton. 10 ай бұрын
btw... the stamp one used to work in Brazil back in 90's... lmao
@Jakey4000 Жыл бұрын
To add to parking fraud, in my country you can go onto the ministry of transports website and opt out of having your cars data show up in the public registry, meaning if a private parking company wants to ticket you they have no idea who's car it is without a lengthy and likely costly investigation, and applying with the government to prove why its imperative they have my information. I have yet received a ticket when I park at a close spot at work, and due to my adhd forgetting about where I parked and did my full 9 hours, on the other hand my bosses that come every once in a while will often get slapped with tickets if they stay barely over the 3 hour limit... probably doesn't help their case that one of them drives a $200,000 Mercedes that's one of a kind in my country, and the other one drives a pretty pricey Mercedes too, they're practically begging to be ticketed
@lightphoenix2004 Жыл бұрын
3:29 @MainlyFact, I mean, it could be considered a University, it just depends on the number of years you’re able to go to it. College is a 2 year type deal and Universities like 4 years. So, fun fact. I will say, even as someone who used to be picky about using a specific/“correct” word. Just don’t bother that much, cause that’s not the point of the video. Also, I love listening to you!
@andrewlanglois6362 Жыл бұрын
13:02 It's NOT Piracy!! It's Horticulture! The Bureau of Land Management tells us to DO just THAT!!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😱
@redfo3009 Жыл бұрын
👏👏👏👍👍 for not paying for parking!! 🎉😂
@Idontknowmaybejohnsmith Ай бұрын
The VT title hack isn't completely accurate. They don't give you a title and it isn't illegal (completely). They give you a non resident VT registration without a title, which you can use to get a title in your state by claiming lost title and having the registration. It works good for old muscle cars. VT doing that is totally legal for you and them, but being a resident of NY and having a VT registration (for example) isn't legal but will probably just get you a ticket. Its a great trick though, Ive done it twice. A youtuber by the name of Busaru has a great walkthrough video of how to do it.
@saagisharon8595 Жыл бұрын
31 If you lost a parking ticket in my country, you just pay the highest price there is by default to pay. Just goes to show everyones been conning eachother since day one 35 If you're carrying drugs, don't run stop signs or have a broken tail light or a cracked windshield
@eddyharris2372 Жыл бұрын
In the UK, if a letter has no stamp, a note will be given delivered to the recipient address to let them know they have a letter at the local Royal Mail depot ready to collect once they pay for the postage.
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
"If you walk in just asking for free food, that doesn't go over aswell." Once saw a couple of backpackers go into a dominos pizza near closing time and come out with about six full pizzas. They then strolled across the road to a curry house and traded one of the pizzas for about 20 different pots of sauce. Incredible stuff. If you can't persuade someone to just give you something they're about to throw away, you need charisma points.
@darkwyve Жыл бұрын
Its definitely about the approach and/or management. I worked retail for 20+ years. If you came in with an attitude, you weren't getting shit (I'd throw it in the trash right in front of you rather than give it to you). If you acted like a normal decent human being I usually just ask you if you want any of the free shit I'm going to throw away. But management can be strict or lax and that plays a huge role too. (almost all chains have cameras, so if that manager is a hard ass you can easily lose your job giving away stuff even if it was going to go into the trash).
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
@@darkwyve Is that in the US? It's a little different in Europe. You'll still see that a little, but it's pretty uncommon. But then homelessness is handled pretty differently here. Not quite as much stigma attached and kind of less of a "get a job you bum" attitude. (I know that's not everyone in the US of course, but the culture does just seem a little harsher in general towards the homeless.) And yeah it's a must to head in with a smile and be appreciative of anything thrown your way, even if it's just a few fries. Even the nicest people would be hesitant to help out someone asking with a bad attitude. Why would anyone even do that? 😅
@darkwyve Жыл бұрын
@@L0ve1tRetr0 Yes, I live on the east coast in the US. All of the companies/corporations pull the 'liability' card as their BS reason to throw everything away, and why it shouldn't be given away. It's pretty terrible and a regular practice. What's worse is many of these companies claim they are sending the old food to food banks, shelters, ect... but a vast majority of the time they actually force their employees to waste *so* much food it's ridiculous...
@L0ve1tRetr0 Жыл бұрын
@@darkwyve It's mad. I don't know how accurate this is exactly but when it comes to the amount of food wasted per year in my homeland of the UK, 45 million tonnes comes to mind. Even 10% of that is horrific.
@Dungeoofpain Жыл бұрын
Story 17 is legal but unethical. Also its a dadjoke making it double illegal (free bee = freebie)
@niteloon6073 Жыл бұрын
Also sometimes if you put the stamp someplace else other than the top right corner it doesn't get cancelled so you can reuse it. Had a friend who put clear tape over the stamp and cut it out EXACTLY along the scalloped edge. Would just clean the ink off and kept reusing it.
@CrooklynBrawl3r 11 ай бұрын
Story 21 is legit, I know a couple of people who do it. And yes, they DO live in the same city.😂😂
@goreobsessed2308 Жыл бұрын
The first one was cops who just didnt care
@TedsRideshare Жыл бұрын
As for the movies, use a VPN and your ISP won't be messing with you.
@kelhammel8793 Жыл бұрын
It's amazing the places you can go if your carrying a ladder
@Oddballkane Жыл бұрын
If you keep getting letters with return envelopes ✉️ you can add pieces of paper or the pasta sheets and the company has to pay postage to get it back to them. Even if its 20p or some small change it's annoying. Did this for a year before they finally gave up writing to me.
@thesqueak5474 Жыл бұрын
We had finger print scanners at secondary school too. Was worried until i remembered that police came to my primary school and finger printed all the kids. Stopped worrying after that
@nimbus3218 Жыл бұрын
When I was young and broke the small local waste disposal company I used was bought out by a big corporation who jacked up the prices. I told them I had no interest in being their customer but I guess between their buyouts of small businesses and general administrative incompetence they never informed their garbage men because for the last 3 years I lived there they picked up my trash weekly for free.
@Nevyn515 11 ай бұрын
“If your problem has a throat it has an easy solution” - anon
@Fayanora Жыл бұрын
The ducks and geese at the park are free. You can just take them home. Free food!
@DanielBerberich Жыл бұрын
Your ISP can’t send you letters for websites you visit. It’s only if you’re downloading torrents
@KennyTew2 Жыл бұрын
That’s a bit paranoid. It’s just an easy way for our kids to pay without potentially losing account access, unless there’s an accident in woodwork, in which case our son is going to hospital hungry but probably wouldn’t have time for lunch with a missing finger anyway. It’s mostly the US where crazy people lose their heads about ‘the mark of the beast!’
@cubedtothex Жыл бұрын
My Costco separates the return line from the rest of the store. It would be pretty obvious going under the scansions. They must have figured it out.
@AlmightyCRJ Жыл бұрын
You could tape a green led to the meter & park for free. IIRC That's how they stopped the train during the Great Train Robbery. Blocked the green light & ran a battery across the red light.
@patrickzadelaar Жыл бұрын
With a high vis vest, a clipboard and a look like "I belong here" you are almost invisible it's really weird.
@Soulsfromthevoid Жыл бұрын
My nickname for you is Rainbow Ned Flanders.
@TheDungeonNewbsGuide Жыл бұрын
This put the biggest smile on my face, and accept this nickname with open arms
@simonmilne8208 Жыл бұрын
Our school had a credit card system & was difficult to hack.
@mindlessmeat4055 Жыл бұрын
There are many temp email generating websites. It lets you create an email for a few days or a week then deletes it. Would work better for that Australian cable person.
@roxcyn Жыл бұрын
Some sites have wised up and won’t let you use those temporary email sites. Yahoo and I believe Gmail let’s you set up temporary emails though, so there’s that.
@SyrPipeOrg Жыл бұрын
The Vermont registration and title thing doesn’t work any more. They just changed the law.
@RecklessAndroid33 Жыл бұрын
The Vermont trick doesn’t work anymore. They closed the loophole in august
@joanwilliams1433 Жыл бұрын
A free bee, like what?! 🤣🤣🤣
@graceamos1875 Жыл бұрын
“Like” number 420 *heeheehee* 😂😂😂
@roxcyn Жыл бұрын
@sjrmac3 Жыл бұрын
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