What's Your Customer's Dumbest Complain ? | Viewer Edition

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Mainly Fact

Mainly Fact

11 ай бұрын

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What's Your Customer's Dumbest Complain ? | Viewer Edition
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@SquidofBaconator 11 ай бұрын
I had one guy who, when he came up to my line. “Hi, do you hate your job?” I was a little confused for a couple seconds, before he said that I wasn’t smiling. I don’t have a natural smile, so it annoys me at all the customers over the years who bug me/make fun of me over it. Anyways, the guy I mentioned also complained at the end that I didn’t say thank you when he gave me his money. Afterwards, he went to my supervisor to complain because I wasn’t friendly enough to him. Gee, it’s almost as if asking someone if they hate their job makes them not want anything to do with you. Would you go up to someone randomly to ask if they hate their life? So why is it ok to do to a retail worker?
@BrightWulph 11 ай бұрын
Gosh, reminds me of when I was doing work experience at Target and I overheard a staff meeting where they were discussing a customer complaint. Said complaint was from some old biddy who complained that the staff didn't "smile enough", said staff were the ones who were restocking shelves and tidying up the clothing racks. Like bitch what? I could understand them being mad at the chashiers, but the floor staff?? 😅
@erickpoorbaugh6728 11 ай бұрын
In story 5, who else thinks that it was the customer, not an employee, who moved the stuff to the holiday display because she thought they belonged there?
@Memories18 11 ай бұрын
100%, assuming the customer who said that they should be holiday items is the same customer who just got the discount. Even if it's not same customer, feels like an high % chance it's the customer who did it.
@doll9340 11 ай бұрын
Most likely. Customers do tend to move products around
@thronezwei4412 11 ай бұрын
@mckinzieloomis3303 11 ай бұрын
as a flower shop employee that actually does all the plant processing, you CAN keep flowers indoors, however there's alot to keeping them fresh: for one, you're gonna need a cooler which keeps them fresh longer. that's a no brainer. next, is food. with many flowers and greens, most are just fine with a bucket filled with regular plant food and water. however, some flowers like roses and bulb plants need their own specific food. then you have some flowers (mostly bulb plants) that cant handle too much water and need only a inch or two (or else they drown). don't forget the limited shelf life, too. every week we go through the coolers to not only give them fresh cut, clean bucket and fresh water and food, but also check to see if any have gone bad. we also have to check every new shipment to see if any had gone bad on the trip to our place (they come pre-cut and travel a long way before reaching our place). depending on the plant and how bad they are, you could either get away with removing the affected piece and salvaging it, or have to toss out the entire stem or bunch. surprisingly, the only complaint i've heard was when a customer complained over the phone about the plant's limited life and wanted fake plants instead. sadly, most of our fake plants were only accent pieces you put into a fully-made arrangement. from what i recall, manager redirected her to the nearby arts and crafts shop (which has a great selection of artificial plants). *TLRD: real floral plants can be kept indoors but are too much work for regular retail.*
@NeonLightChic 11 ай бұрын
With story 3, I know for a fact it’s not in the UK since restaurants are legally required to allow people to use the bathrooms in case of disabilities that need to
@dawnclark4635 10 ай бұрын
I have a few stories after a decade in retail. Here's a few. 1. The customer,at Walmart,who asked me to put aside a pool patch and I did. I told him he had a very narrow window to come in and get it. Three hours later he and his wife stroll in and I've sold that patch. The guy,to my face,called me a "w" and the wife screamed at me. My boss sided with them and my mom was a CSM. She went off on the manager. "You stood back and agreed with them calling my daughter a "w"? That's terrible!" 2. A 92 year old lady got mad at me because she walked up to my register and said,"I'm 92." She had a 30% off coupon and I said,"Cool!" and then she added she wanted her senior discount I told her that it was against policey and she couldn't use both. This lady insisted but so did I. "You only get one bite of the apple. Sorry." She screamed and called me an idiot! Two of the other cashiers,who were also seniors,told her they couldn't do that after she chucked a Pyrex dish at me! (P.S. She flung a bra too.) 3. One day I was the only cashier on and I was checking out customers at warp speed. I claled for backup,no one came,and I got to my last customer. (The othercustomers were amazed at speed.) She told me that I should "slow down" and that I should take it easy today. I pointed out that my bosses did not pay me to stand around and I was pretty much doing what I always did. She insisted that I didn't get the meaning behind what she said and she would tell me to have a nice day but I wasn't listening so she wished I would have a terrible one. 3. A few days ago I was cashing a woman out and I asked her how she was,she said fine,and asked me. I told her that I was okay. She asked just okay? I told her yes because I was sort of depressed. She told me I should cheer up and that my mother would be sad to have a daughter who ws depressed. I finised her order and said,"I'm sorry I'm not chipper enough for you. I got dumped in February,we adopted a puppy in April,my mother unexpectedly passed away in April,my bunny died in July,and I had spilled scalding,hot water on my leg and burnt myself." (She told me that my depression dishonors my family!)
@chrisdowney6576 11 ай бұрын
I managed to place that had cameras with audio throughout the front. On the rare occasion I would get a complaint about rudeness that I could tell was totally BS, I would tell them to give me just a second so I could review the footage. Almost every time I would say that, you would see the light drain from their eyes. It's the only thing I miss about management
@crazedpilot1 11 ай бұрын
This confirms it, we're evolving backwards
@leeboyles4480 11 ай бұрын
I kicked out then banned a customer over a dollar. Yes you heard that correctly, a single dollar. I was manager of a gas station and one night I was filling in an over night shift for one of my employees (he had a death in the family so I gave him an extra day off after the funeral to get himself together, it wasn't much but it was the best I could do without me or him getting in trouble from upper management, anyway) and this old guy came in to get a coffee and some gas. I only charged him for a refill even though he got a brand new large because it was late and cold out so I wanted to do something nice. He wanted $30 on the pump and his total came up to $31. I counted his money in front of him and he went to pump his gas. I was listening to some music cleaning when he came back in "it stopped on $30" he said so I said "glad to hear it, was there something else I could help you with?" He looked confused and said "I need my change, it stopped at $30 and the total was $31" I told him "sir that was the grand total with the coffee included, the coffee was $1 since I only charged you for a refill" he then goes off saying I stole his money and how he swears to God he handed me $32 dispite me counting it in front of him. Eventually trying to calm things down I said "well I can't give you a dollar from the register, but I have a dollar on me that I can give you" cause it was just a dollar I didn't care that much but he was adamant I give him the dollar HE gave me. After some more back and forth with him getting increasingly more angry and animated I finally said F it and gave him a dollar and after he said "who the hell is the manager here, I want his name and number" so I game him my store number and gave him my name tag. He looked confused at first then shocked, I asked "is there anything else I can do for you sir?" With a big smile. He said he wasn't coming back so I told him "don't even think about coming back because we will call the cops if you are on our property again, now get out" I have more stories about that job for anyone interested, there were some weird and crazy moments to say the least
@sunnybee91 11 ай бұрын
I'd personally love to hear more! I heard that gas stations can get WILD.
@misfitdragonintheskyandsta6296 10 ай бұрын
The whole “coming in last second before closing” is actually way more of an issue than you think. My brother works at a car dealership in the parts and service section working with customer service. One of the biggest things that gets him is how EVERY SINGLE DAY, like the last 10 to 15 minutes before he is supposed to clock out, same with the dealership itself, literally EVERYONE calls him for parts right before they are supposed to close, and unfortunately for him, he actually has to take those calls, regardless if he goes overtime.
@Xokoy 11 ай бұрын
Story one makes me think of something completely irrelevant. I DM a 5E game, that's been going on for years at this point and I have my players roll for stats openly on roll 20, though they can roll to DM so that only they and I can see the rolls. It's not about not trusting a particular person, it's about not giving an opportunity to potential strangers to take advantage of your trust and not having to draw a line in the sand saying "I trust person X to roll without me seeing but not person Y". Treat everyone the same and cover my back against people taking advantage, especially when they're strangers.
@k1llthehero422 11 ай бұрын
I've been blamed for inflation (multiple times) because of course I, a college student working as a cashier for a big store chain, am responsible for food being pricey. I obv used my free time to change the tags so it's more expensive as a hobby and change them all in the store system just so I could gain absolutely nothing because I was getting paid hourly. At least once a day I was seconds away from jumping over the counter to strangle a customer and that was a real excercise of my patience.
@charlesskomp5362 11 ай бұрын
For story 12, I had a woman accuse me of being racist because she was looking confused around the checkout area (for context our registers r unmanned until a customer arrives near that area) and I told her that I could serve her at register 2... she kept insinuating that I just wanted her out of the store cuz she's black (I'm white) and kept making me uncomfortable the whole transaction by giving me the stink eye... she then hung around the register area for another few minutes (I normally don't mind cuz it's too freaking hot outside and lord knows I'm guilty of hanging around the AC for a bit more before I leave) and just kept looking at me... also for more context I have a black girlfriend
@gorillazape5856 11 ай бұрын
something similar happened to me when i didn't understand a womans name. I wasn't able to find her order immediately because i heard a different letter in her name (human mistake) & she accused me of discriminating her because of her hijab. I grew up in a very multicultural kindergarten, so i was used to names from many countries. It was simply an acoustic problem
@angelamurray2725 11 ай бұрын
I have told this elsewhere, But I worked in a wallpaper shop, The customer was extremely angry and shouting how we didn’t have her paper in and it was only a few weeks since she had bought it. There was only me and another colleague working at that point. I asked him if he recognised the paper and he said no. I did ask if she could have possibly bought it at another shop at the opposite end of the street. She said no. I then asked exactly when she had bought the paper, she replied Easter, I replied but we didn’t open until the beginning of June. She turned and walked out. No apology, nothing.
@Avrysatos 11 ай бұрын
There are entire shops dedicated to just wallpaper? I had no idea. That's kind of awesome.
@angelamurray2725 11 ай бұрын
This was in the late nineties.
@Randombookwoorm 11 ай бұрын
I have lost hope in humanity by just listening to the 6 first stories
@Draconiangem 11 ай бұрын
I lost hope as soon as I started working in retail 16 odd years ago…
@sippitrey3083 11 ай бұрын
Imagine living it 😢
@barbaraharris7602 10 ай бұрын
My babysitter decided she wanted one more baby, but didn’t want to be pregnant, “by herself”. Everyday she and the children prayed at meals and before nap time that mommy (miss Lisa)and miss Barbara, would have a baby at the same time. My daughter then started telling anyone she came across that I was having a baby. I kept telling her nope, not pregnant. Because of previous problems we did not think we could have further children. Needless to say when at the physicians office for a back injury with my daughter continuing to singsong my momma’s having a baby. The doctor decided to do the pregnancy test before prescribing any muscle relaxer’s. It was positive. I was completely floored.
@Missjdoestheatre 11 ай бұрын
So we use a food pickup/delivery app called slice for work (I work in a restaurant). For food on our menu that has a side included, the app will ask the person what side they want. It pains me how many people think they're being clever when they order a food that doesn't come with a side and writing "add a side of tots" in the special instructions. Or writing "add cheese and bacon" to their side of fries instead of ordering/paying for loaded fries. Dear customers, you aren't slick, you're not getting free sides, if you call to complain about it, we will ignore you or tell you to pay for a side😂
@robinkholmes7127 11 ай бұрын
The dumbest complaints/questions I usually get when volunteering are: "There's nowhere to leave my donations outside!" when they're standing right next to the donation trolley. "There used to be a large bin outside for years. " no that's "other second-hand store" "You guys used to do senior card discounts", no that's "other second-hand store", they insist that we used to do senior citizen discounts. "Do you guys have discounts for items with certain coloured tags?" no that's "other second-hand store". People who walk in and find me. "Does this "Insert store name and location take furniture?" We have a furniture pick-up phone number and service you can call which is impossible to find online but the fact that someone walked in, and looked around enough to probably be able to see that we don't have any furniture in-store or the room to sell it and ask this question boggles my mind. "Do you guys accept food donations?" No, we can't keep or sell food. "Aren't you guys open yet?" "No we open at 9:00, it's (8:30), (8:45)", we have a sign with our open times outside the store right next to them. "I just want to pop in quickly before I go to work." 😮‍💨 I wonder if some people just don't realise that second-hand stores that are non-profits are open 24/7 or is it if the lights are on and someone inside, I can come in right... The other second-hand store is relatively close by but we have different colour themes, a very different name and yes, a very different system for pricing and donations.
@Jedidiah_Martin_2 11 ай бұрын
@Mr. Facts, I think your "Purge 15" rule suggestion is a really good idea! 😁👍 I'd be the absolute most enthusiastic follower of that rule, but then I'm also kind of a misanthropist.....
@kikook222 9 ай бұрын
2:56 NONONONONONONOINO NEVER EVER EVER do that was a manager, ever! Defend your employees every single time. You are a toxic leader if you will not go to bat for your employees to problematic customers. How am I supposed to feel when my leader tells the customer I'm a piece of shit but after they leave go 'don't worry it's just for show.' It makes them feel bad because you didn't have their back. My job used to do this and a ton of employees started quitting. You always feel bad if your leader doesn't defend you.
@bobsjers 10 ай бұрын
I was a vendor at Walmart. I was standing near an employee, and a customer came up to me (I was kneeling on the floor working the bottom shelf) and asked for help that did not relate to my product. I told her I did not work for Walmart but she could ask the employee standing near me. She asked me about four more times, and each time, I told her to ask the employee. She goes up to the front and claims i was rude to her. The manager comes to me, makes me go to his office, and threw me out of the store. Aren't Walmart employees required to help Walmart customers? She knew the customer needed help. Do Walmart managers not realize that vendors are also customers? This was one of the worst, dirtiest, and non-compliant Walmart out of my 20 Walmart stores.
@DavidNightjet 6 ай бұрын
I've worked in a restaurant with a bar for the past 2 years and I've seen my fair share of idiots in my time, but this story stands out to me. So this group of 2 walks in, heads to the bar and sits down. Everything is normal. A little while later, they ask for a table and I was able to get them one. Everything is normal. They sit down and order food. Everything is normal. They send their tuna tartare back because it was undercooked. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF A TUNA TARTARE. It gets better. They order a burger medium well. It comes out. They send it back because they wanted it medium rare. Then they get a key lime pie. They send that back too because it came out cold. AS IF YOU SERVE A KEY LIME PIE HOT. So at this point they call a manager over to complain. They say to him "We're not gonna pay for our food because we didn't eat any of it. And we want our drinks comped too." My manager picks up that they just wanted to eat for free, he rightfully says no. He explains that everything was prepared as described on the menu, and that they ordered the burger cooked medium well, and that he won't comp their drinks because he knew they're just trying to get out of paying. On the way out they say to me "Tell your manager we're never eating here again." Now, I didn't know any of this had happened at the time, so I said to him, "Yo this table basically flipped me off verbally and said that they're never eating here again." And when he heard this, their server was all like "HELL YEAH" and gave me a high five for sharing that they're not coming back. Then my manager filled me in and I kind of wish I said to them "Hey, the godawful McDonald's down the street is probably more fitting for someone as cultured as you" That happened a year ago and I still laugh about it from time to time. Either you're a dumbass or you're being malicious, there's no other reasons that you'd complain about an undercooked tartare and a child key lime pie.
@lizabee7791 10 ай бұрын
I worked overnights at a bakery located in a train station for years. We closed at 9 or 10pm and we were very obviously closed, but it didn’t matter because people would still come up demand we serve them. The conversation usually went like this: Ahole Customer: are you open? Me: we’re closed AHC: I’ll pay Me: our registers are closed AHC: I have cash Me: Our. Registers. Are. Closed. We can’t process payments AHC: can I have something for free? Me: we can’t give you food. AHC: can I have a slice of that (points at cake made for orders) Me: those are cakes for orders. AHC: what about that (points at deserts in the freezer) Me; Again we can’t give out free food. I could get fired if they catch me on cameras giving away food. AHC: but it’s my birthday and I don’t have cake! Me: you waited until 11:30 on the day of to buy cake AHC: your so rude! Where’s your manager! I want to complain about your rudeness! Me: they went home an hour ago because WE’RE CLOSED! AHC: your so mean! I’m going to call corporate and get you fired! I’m going to tell everyone i know that (bakeries name) hates their customers! Crap I missed my train thanks to you! (This was a mash up of various things actually told to me by “customers.” I never got fired from that job but I did leave after 3 years and was constantly refered to as “one of their best employees”)
@viszordo324 10 ай бұрын
I've worked in restaurants for fifteen years. Customers coming in a minute before we close is a daily thing. I fully support the Purge 15 idea.
@riseofasinkingwarrior490 11 ай бұрын
Ha! Been there with story 2, when there's been a system failure in the store. Had to stand in front of the store turning customers away because they couldn't process transactions. A lot would understand, but others would get hostile and leave in a huff. Other times you'd turn away one customer, while another would try sneaking through, and you'd have to chase after them down and explain the store is closed. But yeah... before working retail, I thought that the "if your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?" Metaphor was dumb, but after working it, I can say it's way too accurate.
@upsidedownandbacktofront_ 11 ай бұрын
Always love your videos
@smolmipha 11 ай бұрын
I have so many stories from working at a kroger, but the first that came to mind was Cake Lady. A lady came up to me at the customer service desk, slapped down one of our fancy cake tags (no cake), and demanded a refund. I figured maybe it was bad in some way and she had thrown it out, so I asked what was wrong with it. It didn't have enough cream. She didn't bring the cake because she was still serving it at her party. She had gotten free cupcakes from the bakery as compensation. even though it wasnt even a cake we had any hand in making, and according to bakery, it was completely normal. She had just gotten a thiccer cake previously and thought they should all be like that. I didn't give her the refund lmao
@radeakins 11 ай бұрын
Got attacked at work in 2008. Fuel tanker delivery at night meant the station was closed during the delivery. Got attacked by three drunk chavs because they couldn't get smokes. After the attack, my head is slashed open, I'm covered in blood and bruises, customers are around me making sure I'm not going to pass out. One customer must have been blind, stupid or entitled and starts getting angry that he can't get fuel. I got up to go see the guy because I'm already seriously pissed off. Once he sees my uniform (which was red anyway), he shouts 'why is the fucking place closed?'. I get close to him, look him in the eye with a thousand yard stare, remove the rag from my face that is holding my gashed forehead closed, exposing my skull and my angry blood soaked face and replied 'Guess?'. He immediately shut up and left. Never came back or the attackers never came back.
@EkkoTheGekko 11 ай бұрын
I used to work at the counter of a bakery in Germany (packing bread, buns and the sweet stuff and also preparing sandwiches). There was one guy who came in like every 2 weeks and insisted that I made him his "usual" sandwhich. I didn't know what that was and he refused to tell me because "my coworker knows what it was". It was a raisin bun with egg and mayo. Needless to say, I didn't work there for a long time.
@BizzyJ1987 11 ай бұрын
One Saturday morning I was working on a dressing table with a kitchen manager. I work for McDonald's in case you're wondering. We get an order of 3 bacon egg and cheese mcgriddles and made them. No more than 15 minutes later the lady who ordered them said that they found no eggs on them. We took a close look at the cheese and saw the imprints of the the eggs on the cheese. Turned out that the lady ate the eggs and demanded that she wanted the food to be remade but we refused since we knew she was lying. My GM told her about that we couldn't give it to her because she already ate the eggs. The lady left the drive thru all mad and never came back. Story of my life.
@_greyjazz_ 11 ай бұрын
I work at a store the size of a Walmart. I have friends all over the store and I've worked the service desk before, so I've heard it all and some of it twice. - Person complained that we wouldn't let him into the store to look for his phone after we closed. - Person complained that the store was still open, so she should be allowed into the garden center. The garden center closes at 9. It was 10:05, and it was dark out. - This person didn't leave a formal complaint, but I once saw someone stand by the service desk for 20 minutes waiting for service. I said something to the effect of, "You know the service desk closes at 8, right?" She responded that no, she didn't. I pointed to the sign to her immediate right informing of the hours the service desk was open and she quietly left. - I had a guy complain that we wouldn't sell him a display sign that he thought was the product the display was for. - had someone complain that service dogs were allowed in the store. What if someone's allergic? I should have responded that the other customer was allergic to being blind; that's why he needed the service dog. - Had someone complain because we wouldn't do a price check for her. She failed to mention that it was after close and we'd already had to escort her to the front when we refused this request. - Customer called to complain about her pickup order because she ordered 3 bananas and they gave her 3 individual bananas instead of a bundle of 3 bananas.
@Shannonbarnesdr1 11 ай бұрын
LOL @Mainly Fact your reactions to these stories always make it 10 more entertaining ! keep em coming !
@sturmovik1274 11 ай бұрын
18:42 Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin happens to be next to a freeway interchange called the Marquette Interchange. Apparently they occasionally get complaints about traffic congestion/poor design.
@sarahpanther 11 ай бұрын
5:06 I used to work cleaning a holiday park. The guests never seemed to understand what "closed for cleaning" meant. They would literally move or step over our signs to walk in anyway, and then act surprised there were cleaners in there. So we got a pole that we used to actually bar the door, and hung a "closed for cleaning" sign on that. And we STILL had people take down the pole, move it aside and walk in
@ashish_45playz42 11 ай бұрын
The cuntomer is always right -🤡
@Barracuda539 22 күн бұрын
Honestly you're purge 15 idea isn't bad, I would just make it so that within 10 minutes of closing, new customers are restricted to certain areas so they can exit before the store closes
@that_pan_chick8650 11 ай бұрын
Tip! If you have to make a sign saying “use other door” or that you’re closed. Either surround the message with $$ or the word “free” literally people are trained to look at DISCOUNT signs on doors. I had a use other door sign that had a big red FREE on it 😂 worked every time
@littlesongbird1 10 ай бұрын
I work as a claims adjuster..I once had someone involved in my claim (not my policy holder but her son caused an accident mine was involved in) complain to the state about me. They actually replied that they weren't going to investigate me because based on what she told them, I actually handled the claim correctly!
@NiaJustNia 11 ай бұрын
I was 16 and volunteering. I was asked to move one of those metal fences that hook together, and there was a rusy nail sticking out near the bottom that scraped across my calf. I went "Oww! Fuck! ~sucking air through my teeth in pain noise~" and said to the steward in charge I'm going to have to go to first aid. Moments later a teacher for 18-19 year olds storms up to me, screaming in my face about how I'm corrupting her poor students (said students are looking like they want the earth to swallow them), that I should be fired and not paid etc, I try to explain 1) I'm a volunteer, nobody here is paid and 2) I didn't swear deliberately, it was involuntary when I cut my leg. She looks down at my now bleeding leg and says "That's not bad enough to make anyone swear! Apologise to my students immediately!"
@fsanimation7084 10 ай бұрын
Haha, I got one. Someone complained that the workers in the front didn't know how to cut a bagel. It was the stupidest complain on the planet, but somehow, it made its way to management and we got scolded for it. Dunno how 🤷‍♀️
@oldwoman5942 10 ай бұрын
In the 60’s, here in Canada, stores were open Monday and Tuesday closed at noon on Wednesday opening again on Thursday to Saturday and closed again on Sunday. Now most stores are open 7 days a week.
@I_am_Irisarc 10 ай бұрын
"The customer is always right." Almost everyone thinks this is all there is to this maxim. The whole saying is actually, "The customer is always right...IN MATTERS OF TASTE." Not in all ways, just in what they prefer in terms if visual and/or flavor appeal. I wonder how many times retail or restaurant managers have given away almost the entire store just because they didn't know the end of the saying. Reasonable compensation is fine if there is a problem, but so many of them think that they and their employees should take everyone's crap and give their customers the world if they complain about anything. So many people fired for no reason...😕
@screamoneo 11 ай бұрын
omfg. i work for a call center and we used to answer for a phone buy-back program with AT&T. so many customers would complain that their 10 year old cell phone wasn’t worth the full $300 gift card, or that it WAS but they didn’t read the contract and that they weren’t *aware* that it was a gift card not not a prepaid debit card. millions of americans so upset that they weren’t getting money that they were told ahead of time they weren’t going to be getting. but this story isn’t about them. this story is about and elderly black lady who we’ll call Karen. and hes her age and race are relevant to the story. she calls in and is asking about her phone service. which is understandable, since AT&T is a phone service company. i told her she had the wrong line and she DEMANDED that i help her anyways. we weren’t even directly under AT&T, we just happened to be running the buyback program on their behalf. she wanted me to set up phone service, internet service, AND television service. if she was actually speaking to someone who worked for AT&T, she’d at least have a partial point. those are 3 different services under 3 different departments. none of which were my department. but *THEN* she made it SO much better. she complained that someone had went to her home and she told him she wouldn’t be paying his price, and he left without setting up service. she wanted this man to set up free service for her because she was Black. she explained that she *deserves* free internet, and tv connection because of the history of her people and that the civil rights movement didn’t happen just so she can be forced to pay for tv and internet. she already paid AT&T for phone service, why should she have to pay for internet and tv just to get internet and tv. as empathetic as i am to african american history, you can’t just use it to try and get free stuff… especially from the wrong department at the wrong company.
@threestans9096 11 ай бұрын
purge 15 sounds kinda fun tbh. should be like “no complaints can be filed 15 min before closing. only police reports. So be nice, get your shit and let our workers go home on time, we can gladly help you out tmrw as soon as we open “
@sturmovik1274 11 ай бұрын
5:45 I worked at Walgreens 2013-2020 and in power outages we would take exact change, slide it through the gap into the register's cash drawer and write down the item(s) (with barcode number) and total price. Seems like it wouldn't be that hard. Also, my own personal contribution, also from Walgreens: 1:Walgreens nationwide is so understaffed, even pre-Covid, that it was routine for one employee to be working all front registers and the photo department, which in my store was in a different corner of the building from the registers. So, whenever I was checking customers out, I was also constantly glancing over at Photo to see if I needed to call another employee over to help someone there. No, lady-who-filed-a-formal-complaint, I was not "constantly rolling my eyes at you every time you checked out." I was looking to see if anyone else needed help. 2: Lady comes up, asks questions about product on the back wall. Asks me to go back there with her. Since I'm the only one working the registers, and I can see multiple customers walking towards me to check out, I explain that I can't leave the registers offer to page another employee to meet her there instead. Response? "Well, it's obvious YOU don't care about your job!!!!" and storms out in a huff. Customer service would be great if you didn't have to serve customers.
@LakeVermilionDreams 11 ай бұрын
Did you have to calculate exact tax? Did you have a list of items that count as groceries and are thus tax-exempt (as applicable to your local jurisdiction, I don't know where you live obvi)?
@sturmovik1274 11 ай бұрын
@@LakeVermilionDreams Yes, and we kept a calculator by the register for that exact reason. We didn't have a tax-exempt list, but management would brief us on our local laws and let us use our own judgement.
@LakeVermilionDreams 11 ай бұрын
@@sturmovik1274 what a pain!
@LatitudeSky 11 ай бұрын
I get last minute customers are a pain. I worked retail. I know. But I have also worked a shift that ends at 11:30PM. The grocery stores around here close at 11, so there is no chance to shop after work. Can't shop on the way to work because I can't drag in a bunch of stuff and fill up the office fridge. So basically, if I wanted groceries on that shift, I had to leave work early at like 10:30 losing an hour of pay, and race to get to the store at 10:45. That last 15 minutes before closing was ALL the time I had to grab a week's worth of groceries in a mad scramble. I did the best I could and was not the last customer out the door. Do I LIKE shopping like that? No. Stores used to be open 24 hours and it never mattered what hours I worked or when I shopped. Heck, some of them now close at 9 instead of 11, instead of 24 hours. It's not workers doing this. The whole reason for 24 hour stores was the idea they would have workers restocking overnight anyway so they might as well be open with one cashier and sell some stuff. Now, you get self checkout so you don't even need the one cashier. But they still close.
@dark_a_shark 11 ай бұрын
I've worked so many jobs now its crazy, i have many stories of annoying customers. At my old pizza making job people would make huge orders totaling to about 80-100 dollars then complain how expensive it was then would hang up. Yeah, 4 pizzas, chicken wings and two monkey breads will cost a lot. Then others would ask if we could get them done in 5 minutes and when we'd say no that it'd be 30ish minutes for a hand tossed pizza they too would hang up. Now at the gas station i work at it seems like no one knows how to use tongs, put products back when they were right next to it, throw away cups, and even how the gas pumps work. i had a guy call me racist for asking him to use the tongs to grab a corn dog so I didn't have to throw out the batch so yeah.
@roxanhaandrikman7592 11 ай бұрын
I work Customer Service and once got a bad review because I was "Too helpful and too polite"
@DJace3000 11 ай бұрын
Could I put one here? Years ago, I was a fry cook at Burger King and I was on break. This country Karen comes in and complains the cheese on her Sourdough Whopper wasn't melted, stating she "doesn't like cold cheese" before typically asking for corporate's number. We just made the burger and passed it to her at the drive through and guess what? _The cheese was melted when we checked it._ It's like she expected the cheese to be melted within 10 seconds of making the burger.
@ninomitchell2039 11 ай бұрын
I work in a restaurant and the dumbest order i got recently was someone complaining about a cold creme brulee. For those unaware, it's lethality just fancy custard.
@breeinatree4811 11 ай бұрын
A lot of countries in Europe, if the place closes at 8 pm it means that all customers had to be out of the store by that time. You would get an hour notice, a half hour notice, and at 15 minutes till the closing time store personnel would sheppard everyone out. I liked that much better.
@ajwinberg 11 ай бұрын
I love the idea of "The Purge 15" 😂
@DarthDestiny07 Ай бұрын
That my pants were too low. I live in Utah and I wear a stupid amount of layers to keep my [gasp] torso skin from showing. (Layers are a bike short and camisole under a shirt and pants. Was working for Walmart at the time and had to wear a vest.) She just didn't like that my pants were too low and exposing my fabric layers underneath. So she complained to a customer service manager who came to me to tell me the stupid complaint. We were all bewildered at that woman's complaint.
@Sclasspsycho 11 ай бұрын
Maybe not "Purge" time, but "Rude" time. XD I want to tell so many people to pick up after themselves. I work at a thrift store and people are very disrespectful. I can't imagine working retail outside of the Midwest.
@pureheartedassassin8865 11 ай бұрын
About the toilet.. in my country if you are not a customer but wanted to use the toilet you will have to pay 20¢. The most expensive public toilets here charge 50¢ and the toilet has air-conditioning (which is very rare and fun)🤣
@maryhenderson7507 11 ай бұрын
Little trick I've long used to get everybody out of the craft store I work at on time is that everyone who comes in during the last hour is told how long they have with me shaving 5 mins off. Someone says there's more time? I tell them we close on our store's clock.
@dragons_breath. 11 ай бұрын
Hello! I am here with the daily dose of good day wishes! Have a good day!
@Crazael 11 ай бұрын
20:59 I mean, to be fair, that is a common "I don't trust that you aren't going to steal something" thing for store employees to do. So if that happens a lot to someone, they might get extra sensitive to it.
@Kai-878 11 ай бұрын
Good video 😜✨✨✨
@KBJade39 10 ай бұрын
Dumbest complaint I got summerized: lady called the museum I work at because she couldnt find the number to the museum across the street. She knew she was calling the wrong museum and was apoplectic that I didnt have contact info for a place I dont work at.
@suckerforcyanideloverofliq7214 10 ай бұрын
We’ve just gotten self check at my store and I’ve had to explain more than once that, no using normal registers isn’t going to cost extra, and no, you can’t let your child sit on the weighted bagging area
@aqdrobert 10 ай бұрын
"Give me all your free merchandise you have to throw away so I can get credit for donating them to local schools..."
@JerseyAnimations1 11 ай бұрын
Oof. Story 7 is too relatable. Not my experience but my mom. My mom works at Publix. Her Publix at least (Maybe all in our area) closes at 10 PM. It was a Wednesday night and this woman came in at about 9:30. She was chit chatting with the people up front for about 10 minutes. The manager let her know that she has about 20 minutes before the store closed. So this woman takes her sweet time getting her stuff and hesds to the front at my mom's register. At this point it's about 10:15-10:20 and we don't even have her out. Needless to say my mom was not very happy that she was staying later at work. This woman proceeds to go through which groceries she was gonna pay for and which she wasn't buying. Keep in mind she was aware she was on a budget but, still did this. Needless to say my mom got out of work at 10:45 when she is usually already home.
@MagicalCrow 11 ай бұрын
Story 10 just had me thinking “except for Savannah.” SCAD basically *does* run Savannah. Paula Wallace, the president and founder of SCAD, owns a huge percentage of the city. SCAD security drives around in trucks that look suspiciously like cop cars and basically act as a standing army /hj It’s wild. Glad I got out of there. I have too many stories about the stuff that happens at SCAD but this is not the time nor place. Plus I don’t have money for a lawyer
@amendoim_zinho6308 11 ай бұрын
oh wow
@lebonk8081 11 ай бұрын
Wow what?
@PolarisStar5 11 ай бұрын
I’m a lifeguard, some kid was too short to go down the slide and his Karen mother was complaining about how her tax dollars went to my wages
@heather5540 10 ай бұрын
Many businesses in Australia, including the post office, are closed Sundays
@narzuel 11 ай бұрын
Story 2 when you close at your normal schedule time and still do the door thing.
@kikook222 9 ай бұрын
Last one, we had customers open our screen doors by hand to ask if we're open at 7am. We were not nice about this. My leader got pissed one time a customer did this and said 'what fucking store do you have to enter the way you did dumbass?' and the customer got red in a face but didn't say anything.
@kamikelly3908 11 ай бұрын
Yesterday People were sitting down and being pissy when we have signs and being told verbally that the fryer is broken
@Lauren-yn1gs 10 ай бұрын
I used to work at a grocery store, and someone called and complained that we were immorality segregating our food. So basically they were angry that we had "Hispanic food" and "Asian food" sections. They gave me a whole spiel about how slavery and segregation were abolished, etc.
@melissacooper8724 10 ай бұрын
I recall Wal-Mart used to list Hispanic and Asian food on their aisle sign. They no longer list it that way for obvious reasons! Now it just says rice and beans.
@samwestminster9135 11 ай бұрын
Locked door when business is closed: I've had so many of these! And yes 100%, they pull on the door, LOCKED, look inside, JERK on door a couple more times, look inside, and if they see us knock really loudly and are shocked when we see we are closed This is also before and after business hours
@Oddballkane 11 ай бұрын
I remember having a customer asking about glasses 👓. I worked in an optician. Didn't think anything of it he then complained online, saying I only showed him the high price ones. If he'd asked, I could have shown him the cheaper ones. My manager even said you don't know how much money he has in his pocket. I mean why not say something.
@Avrysatos 11 ай бұрын
I've only ever had good service from people in the store side of an optician's office (even if your cheaper frames are still way out of my budget) so I am guessing that guy just wanted to complain and you were his target of the day.
@barbaraharris7602 10 ай бұрын
I always buy at least one thing when I go in to use the restroom. I feel guilty if I don’t .
@kikook222 9 ай бұрын
I get a whole lot of stupid ones but the one that sticks out of me was a customer complained I was too agreeable about her issue. Yeah, I agree it shouldn't have happened and she was getting mad I wasn't arguing with her. We had a customer refuse to buy a computer from my last job because we told her we'd have to take it to the front counter. Customers who get mad about stuff like that usually the ones who steal.
@fireobby2293 11 ай бұрын
The purge 15 is a great idea
@April_2007 10 ай бұрын
23:34 started as religion based but evolved into end of the working week, giving smaller corner shops etc a leg to stand on.
@Lol25Playz 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: This person obviously works at Kwik Trip. Evidence for: Mentions gas pumps Mentions selling chicken, which takes an hour to make Mentions the “Hot Spot” Mentions selling Pizza Mentions selling bagged milk Mentions being in the mid-west Evidence against: Calls it a truck stop (what?) I should also mention that Kwik Trip pays better than minimum wage (think $3-$5 above competitive minimum wage in the area - if McDonalds pays $10 an hour, Kwik Trip pays $15)
@drakovijas3833 11 ай бұрын
another story i had and answer to but missed... ill say my story here though. I used to work at Spencers gifts and i only had one bad customer with one stupid complaint. A customer came up to me to complain about a shirt we are selling, no its not something like they have different political views like how most people would think but rather it was much stupider. The customer got mad and was getting angry that a brand of shirts that has a picture of medusa on it had the brand name called "vampire freaks" on it. they were getting mad and yelling at me that medusa wasnt a vampire and i kept saying "i know but thats the brand name" over and over. this went on for nearly 6 minutes till their kid told them that it was the brand name. finally with my recent job at a movie theater someone yelled at me and spit on me because the seats were "confusing" which i think they were confused as they couldnt just sit wherever they fucking wanted
@alwittybau 11 ай бұрын
I don’t know man, when you have to use the restroom, you have to use it. When you’re on the verge of peeing yourself you are just thinking about getting to a restroom.
@pink12player 11 ай бұрын
I've seen my own dad pry open the the automatic doors to a grocery store because he didn't see they closed 5 mins before we got there
@chrisnemec5644 11 ай бұрын
Re: 15:45: He's probably one of those "birds aren't real" conspiracy believers.
@ScaryMannJK 11 ай бұрын
Twenty two years in customer service. If you ever want a whole video worth written by one person, hit me up.
@ladydais 10 ай бұрын
Story 2: I get the door thing. I’m like if it didn’t open on the first pull what makes you think it’s going to open on the 800th pull. They look like Wile E. Coyote yanking on the doors which are obviously locked.
@laceyaryn 11 ай бұрын
I had a customer once who asked me (with a huge shit eating grin on their face like it was the most ingenious idea they ever came up with)if they could buy alcohol with EBT/food stamps (government income of grocery money for the US and for only food/appropriate drink items)and I was dumbfounded but really had to hold my tongue from using a sarcastic comment due to being csr...can't do csr without facepalming at some people
@TheCell-vx3pk 11 ай бұрын
Story 1: Even in front of customers, managers shouldn't go ahead and try to please them to make them leave. So many boot licking asshats that make those customers think that how they acted was right. Tell them they suck, when they suck. If they can't handle it, they can leave! If they don't want to leave, get security or call the cops.
@jakel2837 10 ай бұрын
The concept of old people not being able to "keep up" with tech is just wrong. They could if they tried, the problem is their lead addled brains can't comprehend the concept of learning a new thing and being respectful to their fellow humans
@teresabillings8378 10 ай бұрын
Even though blue laws were for Christians to keep the sabbath I think blue laws should be reinstated. EVERYONE gets all day Sunday off. It's a shame that we are perpetually kept on a hamster wheel with no chance to collectively rest. Mondays might not be so traumatic if Sundays were a day of rest.
@dawnsmith1871 11 ай бұрын
Hot chocolate bombs can only be enjoyed during the holidays? 😉
@ASweet-sq4hr 8 ай бұрын
Someone asked me if I tried a certain pesto. I said I hadn’t because I had a nut allergy. They wrote in a essay length complaint cause for it
@joey110574 11 ай бұрын
You will get me a snickers bar boy... snickers bar boy... how do you like that... that's what I thought.. shut up. Road House!
@joey110574 11 ай бұрын
Less talky more snickers bar getty boy
@BibboRacing96 10 ай бұрын
A head came up!
@elissadeannashorts 10 ай бұрын
10:33 I ware a necklaces with♀️♀️ interlocked on it. I am trying to say I am available with it but whatever it usually just leads to cool conversation. A customer took the survey at the bottom of the reset and demanded I get fired because I was a f* (lovely homosexual slur) and I was a decrease to the company. The manager said they would not be allowed back in, they have not been back anyways, and we got to sit and laugh at it for a while.
@vickiesmith3021 11 ай бұрын
@ConnerWipf-ze9iq 11 ай бұрын
For once the first person didnt say first
@Jtb.thechosen01 11 ай бұрын
Can i share a story in this comments?
@4.liv3 11 ай бұрын
@lebonk8081 11 ай бұрын
Wow what? Are you a bot account?
@lebonk8081 11 ай бұрын
Bot account
@Jorge000luisssssssss 11 ай бұрын
Your fish tastes too fishy…
@liza3337 9 ай бұрын
I just...no.
@Kafj302 10 ай бұрын
I am like number 804
@lindakelley4896 11 ай бұрын
You kept referring to “old people” as the ones who complain or can’t use technology. I’m 70 and I somehow manage to be reasonable and place on-line orders. Come on, Dude!
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