The Onewheel GT Review

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The Board Garage

The Board Garage

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@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
Correction: I was recently informed that the rails on the GT are machined, and not cast. I wasn't told details, but I trust the source of the information. The following section discussing the effects of powdercoating vs anodizing, however, remain correct, as that was information that can be found outside of the specifics of the manufacturing of this particular model of board.
@AudioJanitor 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Mario. Only one question I can't find: Does the GT have Simple Stop? It's the one feature I have to have from my XR. Thanks.
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
The GT does have Simple Stop.
@LiveThriveBuild 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review on this. Appreciate you taking the time to make this
@jonbongjovi1869 2 жыл бұрын
i've watched all kinds of videos for ten years and you're one of the funniest / smartest dudes i've seen! nice going! (even the "with great power" joke was extra-great.)
@freshlycharged 2 жыл бұрын
This is required watching for anyone looking to buy a Onewheel GT. Thanks for all the time, thought, effort and research that was put into making this video.
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching, Jimmy! And for your kind words. 🙏
@anarex0929 2 жыл бұрын
Too bad your GT review isn't remotely as insightful or honest. You also failed to note pretty much all of the flaws and didn't even discover or notice any of them which makes your reviews pretty bad. A critical eye looks for insight not fluff. It's why I am unsubscribed a year ago it's a constant trend with a lot of OW YT. All advertising revenue no integrity
@anarex0929 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheBoardGarage Your review was honest and critical, but you're willing to go out there and say what you saw with your own eyes things that are pretty clear and noticeable to other people as well especially to long time experienced riders that are accustomed to disassembling and rebuilding their prior models of OW's. Jimmy should have noticed these things but he just glazed over them like they were non-issues. That kind of pandering hurts the community and is willful ignorance or deception. I've seen the same kind of reviews from other the long time KZbin is only talking about the good things not asking the hard questions not taking the board apart. Not inspecting where the parts were sourced from and the quality of those parts. Not to call them out on their meager speed increase when other unicycles are going three and soon four times faster. I don't see those unicycle companies being sued out of existence. But when I saw the specs on the GT I was pissed we waited this long we were teased shocks of some kind, patents were filed. If they couldn't get the shocks to work right and not be super bulky or fall apart quickly I can understand that. But the fact that we have other unicycles going 60 miles an hour and faster and yet they can't give us a 26 mile an hour top speed boost so 7mph. That way least would justify the board weighing 8lb ish more. I'm a bit of a cripple I got my leg ripped off a few times muscles missing my injuries are very similar to House MD from the TV show even have a missing patch of muscles and nerve damage right there as well. So the fact that they're trying to sell me a GT that only goes 1 mph faster, weighs almost 10 lb more, they didn't integrate inward facing foot pads to hold you on the board when you're going faster and you hit them pothole because that would have been a big safety measure you know versus just sliding off the front of the board. Oh and you know what you had XR look to utilitarian and practical but you know what it did a lot better heat dissipation lightweight easily repairable incredibly modular. But most important was the heat dissipation feature of the XR. Not to mention the tire it's just a money grab and it doesn't add to our safety it takes away due to less stability. If they cared about our safety they would be using the $35 bearings instead of the $5 Chinese knockoffs because as a brand new rider that's all these people need is to have a bearing break while there learning and going fast down the road. I mean think of the cool things they could have done they could have 3D printed the motor cores and cases to allow for channels inside of it and they could have injected liquid metal the same kind they use in CPU coolers so as the motor got hot the liquid metal would boil and be pushed out to the outside of the core where it would dissipate the heat through the frame and being close to the outside air and then it would drain back into the core and repeat and it closed cycle. There's all kinds of cool things they could have done with this GT instead they made it far heavier than the XR even with an 38 mile battery upgrade the XR is still way lighter and for a disabled person or a kid or a woman that is in valuable it's already heavy enough Kyle! If they are going to make it heavier it better be able to have a way of rolling it like a suitcase handle and it better give me some major upgrade to make it worthwhile like a higher speed and far longer range than a stock. But the GT has less range than a modded XR and is heavier and overheats more and it's less safe and they use subpar components. Mention none of this and a lot of this stuff was noticeable just from the spec sheet you sir noticed all of it and said it out loud you are to be respected.
@meuconmyeuc1337 2 жыл бұрын
@@anarex0929 I disagree. This review was very insightful and, I believe, equally as honest. Not sure what video you were watching, but this one outlines several flaws with the GT. He even noted that he had experienced these issues (ghosting and crap wheels, etc) himself as well as others. Not to mention the reason the GT overheats. Fantastic insight. I'm really at a loss as to what you found lacking in this video. What ad revenue are you claiming he is making that he would otherwise not, had his video been different? I watched a man give all of the reasons why not to buy a GT and you claim he didn't list even one. Seriously, what video were you watching because I'm talking about the one called "The Onewheel GT Review". Maybe your comment found its way onto the wrong video? I just don't know.
@anarex0929 2 жыл бұрын
@@meuconmyeuc1337 No this one is great like the best as I said in another comment outside this one sub thread comment. Just Jimmy was all fluff and no substance along with other YT. Like the losers that they drove out, flew out to test the boards and your telling me NONE of them asked one hard question or say hey why is the rim this custom size no one makes tires for? Why does it only go officially 1mph faster when other unicycles are pushing 80mph. 5 or better 6mph would of been a modest speed improvement to expect. They could have even integrated an option in the Bluetooth app to sacrifice battery length for speed or have it operate more like an XR and get more range but with less torque. They really didn't listen to fans all they did was copy third party aftermarket parts without giving any credit to the people that invented them. And why is the GT board so heavy when a upgraded battery XR is almost 8lb less but has a similar range? Not to mention the GT's frame is far inferior and doesn't dissipate heat nor is it as modular and easily improved and including the bricking issue. The last two issues obviously they wouldn't have known about. These are basic questions they could have asked without ever having access to tearing down the board or anything either things you could have observed from writing it and looking at it f*** they could have brought a tape measure. Did they have to have thought of everything No, but they could have figured out one or more of the issues if they were doing their job and not just being fluff pieces for future motion. And I wouldn't have been surprised if the board didn't ghost on them and they just left that part out of FMs puff peice with this famous riders and KZbinrs. They let themselves be used by FM pathetic. So yeah I have a problem with people that are easily impressed and are just stupid to realize that Kyle and his PR team had them sucking his dick and pedaling b*******. They also need to look at the bearings I bet they're the super cheap prone to failure ones that they stuck on the XR at the end of production. That right there tells you everything you know about future motion and safety and how much they care.
@OneTrickWheel 2 жыл бұрын
It is very disappointing to see the newest model released by OneWheel having corners cut in quality, having the device locked down as much as it is & hearing of them going after 3rd party accessory companies (when they are not copying FM's Patents/Intellectual Property). So many of us absolutely love the untapped realm of experiences the OneWheel's has given us over the years. It's really a shame to see them turn down this path. Most all of us would love for them to do a 180... say, "my bad" & get back to the things that made us fall in love their previous OneWheel models. They might not make as much in the short run, but the diehard level of support they would have would be priceless. Great video 👍x2
@peterrusso7336 Жыл бұрын
It’s them choosing instant gratification financially
@nordlead3296 2 жыл бұрын
Hilarious intro. Representing the entire picture fairly or not, it captured the feel of the community now. Loved it.
@marvindaughtry6237 2 жыл бұрын
Very good unbiased review. I've had my GT for about 3 months now and am at over 600 miles. No issues with overheating or anything yet and still have the stock footpads. Fingers 🤞
@JackHanington 2 жыл бұрын
The idea of scheduling a nose dive is hilarious to me
@kayakkevin 2 жыл бұрын
I got a pint x last year and just got a GT. So far 50 miles in I really like it. It's fast,stable and torqy. As far as the quality aspects of the board, I haven't had any problems thus far, just a lot of fun.
@WarmasterSidious 2 жыл бұрын
Yea exactly. Most of the market and new riders will have this same experience. The cry baby XR riders just gonna never stop bitching
@dstir009 2 жыл бұрын
Same idk wtf this guy is talking about.
@DrewElia 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for the most honest review of what could have been a seriously great product but has fallen short. that intro had me cracking up! awesome job and love all of your reviews and videos! lets shred soon!
@gamesofshaggy4025 2 жыл бұрын
I love my GT I tow my kids every where with it up hills of road I love it. I get 25miles about every ride. With this I can go pretty much anywhere in my town with my kids while the woman is at work haven't had a single problem with it
@shin-ishikiri-no 2 жыл бұрын
"While the woman is at work" lol Nice.
@JakeLeary 2 жыл бұрын
“The Onewheel GT is quite striking” 😂🤣💀
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you caught that one. 😬
@deanaoxo 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it is!
@michaelmcadams9991 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Jake - while you’re here, are the WTF rails TFL is going to sell going to be anodized aluminum and do you think they will help with the overheating? Waiting until a lot of the issues can be solved by third parties before buying a GT. The enduro solves the second biggest problem. The rails could solve the third biggest problem. Then I just need a footpad solution because the ghosting doesn’t seem like it will ever go away with the stock shit footpads.
@JakeLeary 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelmcadams9991 yep they will be anodized aluminum
@RickLeon7 2 жыл бұрын
I have a GT and I really appreciate your review Mario… Well done, respectful, critical and honest !! I love my GT I enjoy a lot ride that thing but is not perfect and they promised more than they delivered, it's the truth ! Saludos bro !!
@LeeWright 2 жыл бұрын
This was a great watch! So close to 10K now bro! you deserve it!
@Fordged 2 жыл бұрын
The footpads, the heating, the in depth look at everything. Incredibly well made video and review!
@thetoasterisonfire2080 2 жыл бұрын
The starting bit hit hard.
@MrTrollYourAss 2 жыл бұрын
Man i love my GT. You failed to mention it's a quadrillion times better than a stock XR I know you tinker with stuff, but most people don't
@WarmasterSidious 2 жыл бұрын
Yea exactly. Most of his points are about modifications which is for die hard XR fan bois
@deanaoxo 2 жыл бұрын
I dunno, every time I hear this and I dig deeper I usually find out that it’s either someone’s first board or they have less than 200 miles on their other boards. I’ve been on at least a half dozen GT’s, and they’re not better. The tire is garbage like Mario said, and they’re high. That’s just 2 immediate impressions. Also, and I don’t see this commented on, they don’t brake as well. (3)
@one_point21_gigawatts 2 жыл бұрын
@@WarmasterSidious I have to make a response video to the GT hate.
@eBoard3R 2 жыл бұрын
⚡ *That intro* 😂⚡ Part of the problem is some people get so offended by a video mentioning cons, the word hater gets thrown around so casually now. Just like you say, we gotta Normalise honest discussion! Love the "VHS" intros to the segments 🤙🏼
@batterymooch 2 жыл бұрын
An awesome intro, great content, and great production values. Thank you for doing this video! A real shame that the GT is so disappointing a product.
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you sir. 🙏 I appreciate that greatly.
@oldretireddude 2 жыл бұрын
Love the video... Overheat: I recently installed rim guards. While it was apart I cleaned the coatings off each of the mating surfaces on the rail/block/axle assembly. I included thermal paste on those surfaces at reassembly.
@pioneer7777777 Жыл бұрын
Did that make a difference? Would be interesting to see a before and after temp difference
@oldretireddude Жыл бұрын
@@pioneer7777777 You know, I'm not a performance rider and fortunately or unfortunately I'm a flatlander so as a very heavy rider I was just being proactive. I've never had the issue before or since.
@caffeinatedhyena 2 жыл бұрын
Really appreciate the no BS honest look at the facts. I loved my original Pint and later my XR even more. I was thrilled at the announcement of the GT but given the direction being taken by both the product and the company as a whole, I now no longer intend to “Upgrade” . Thanks for saving me the money and frustration, Mario.
@jamesc7925 2 жыл бұрын
I went from a Pint x to a GT. It took me a solid month to feel comfortable but now I really love it.
@thetoasterisonfire2080 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope FM steps up there game sooner than later but I fear it will never happen.
@redboyjan 2 жыл бұрын
Would have been nice. I no longer care for any of them at FM
@northuniverse Жыл бұрын
@@redboyjan FFM!
@raulhariasl 2 жыл бұрын
I just did a long ride to confirm the issues with the battery and so far, mine rode until 3% and I was kind of tired to go till 1% 😅 oh and thanks for the discount and the advice of the foamies I just purchased 🤙🏼. Great intro BTW 🤣🤣🤣
@stevenlitt6631 2 жыл бұрын
Great review. The XR changed my life, and I too am super disappointed by FM for a somehow still-increasing number of reasons, and can't imagine supporting them anymore. On the positive side I couldn't be more excited to see what happens with the VESC! Sure looks like a game changer. Is there any sort of NYC VESC community? I'm a lurker in various VESC groups but haven't seen anything local yet.
@sarahdaviscc 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Mario, one of your best! Funny intro, humourous delivery, yet important points and a genuinely critical (in the best sense) review. Can't wait for your VESC series!
@AlbertoNoys 2 жыл бұрын
I'd love to buy a GT in an alternate reality where I don't care about any of the things you pointed out but I cannot, at this time and in good conscience, buy or even recommend any more products from Future Motion. That's just how I feel and I make sure the people that ask me about my XR every single day when I'm riding know that. I don't know how much more money they're making from cutting corners, DRMing everything and bullying any small company that dares to improve upon their perfect creation but I still don't think it's a path they should be proud of taking. But since it's clear they don't care about being a shady company and only care about money, the only thing I can do is to not give it to them.
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@dillponis7286 2 жыл бұрын
Dorksens toast this product was a pathetic launch noones supporting it at all EUC or bust
@subarufan2180 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for more VESC developments! I got my GT but I will def be going back to my XR when I VESC it and upgrade the battery etc. Thanks for your awesome videos I always learn a lot
@JBlocklove 2 жыл бұрын
The longer I have my GT the more disappointed I am. I got a pint and held out on an XR since I was sure they were going to release a new flagship. Now I have a pint and a GT and I have to choose between distance or actually enjoying the ride. I'm just hoping that aftermarket rails and tires and the like can make it as enjoyable as it really could be. Should I have to spend hundreds of dollars on top of a $2200 device to make it good? No, but that's where it's at sadly.
@imabud1203 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't of said this better myself. Just pretend i copy pasta'd your comment and left it here. The longer I have my GT the more disappointed I am. I got a pint and held out on an XR since I was sure they were going to release a new flagship. Now I have a pint and a GT and I have to choose between distance or actually enjoying the ride. I'm just hoping that aftermarket rails and tires and the like can make it as enjoyable as it really could be.
@AlphaCrypto81 2 жыл бұрын
Personally for a 6 ft 1 in 200 lb Rider as myself the GT Powers up anything I need it to power up it's just uncomfortable on my feet and a little too high all that will be resolved very soon within 6 months probably
@mustafajoseph134 2 жыл бұрын
@BeelzeBob420 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlphaCrypto81 until then, should I just grab a Pint X? I'm in Brooklyn, kinda cramped here. There's a $1400 new XR on the local shop shelf. Never used one. Had a Pint for a while. Damn range tho, even in the city. Maybe the X is the way to go? Some 3rd party larger footpads for my huge, wide feet. (140lbs). I missed out on all the XR fun. Damn fomo. Maybe I should let that go...
@brandon10301991 2 жыл бұрын
Had to put money into all my boards to get a comfortable ride. I need flight fins to stay on my board. I always end up buying some sort of 3rd party footpad. I put far more money into my Pint to get it comfortable because the flat footpads were just impossible. Then i VnR'd it and it bricked. GT i've only put on flight fins and changed out the love hump back to the stock pad. My tire even has a wobble in it and yet is still more stable than my Pint was lol.
@sendysent 2 жыл бұрын
Love your videos man! Hope you get to 10K after this video🤙🏽
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
I very much appreciate that, thank you. I imagine this video will end up costing me a few subscribers, actually... But, that's the way of things.
@sendysent 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheBoardGarage As a community we need to speak up. This is the content FM needs to acknowledge. My treaded tire has the same defect but the opposite side and it’s my 2nd tire. Not giving FM another dime for a 3rd garbage tire. Waiting for TFL enduro. Keep up the content man💯
@gerbilETH 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheBoardGarage trust the algorithm. If the content is good, regardless of ppl's opinions, it will be recommended and watched. Just like I did. Float On :)
@vasperknight 2 жыл бұрын
So glad I didn’t jump in right away. Darn, I was excited for a better longer ride.
@JeffFrick 2 жыл бұрын
It's an XR 1.5x, which is what I was looking for. Can now keep up with a normal speed eBike (couldn't do that before) Accelerates so smooth
@deanaoxo 2 жыл бұрын
Fabulous intro. I think you covered it really well, I know that you left some things out on purpose, one thing I have not seen mentioned is that in every instance when I’ve ridden one I note that they don’t brake as well as the XR. I’m not sure why that is but it’s definitely noticeable. Meanwhile I can’t wait for the future videos, Mario I think you’re one of the best one wheel commentators there are, along with Jake Leary my favorite professor. We have a great community, I love being part of it, although it’s extremely sad that the company that made the incredible product that we all love, is more interested in money than community. Such is life!
@zanetorkington4877 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. I remember the days when they’d send out Future Motion business cards, and riders would proudly hand them out for the company to share the stoke. I now feel like riding around and gathering them back with a warning. They’re burning the bridges of the people that helped them grow and exchanged money for a great product. If the GT is the start of a new era of locking boards for changing wear parts and suing companies for making aftermarket parts that I would like to be able to buy, I won’t be buying another OneWheel product again let alone recommend it to others
@reasons1949 2 жыл бұрын
I both admire and respect Mr.Contino. Having said that, I want to tell anyone considering buying a Onewheel whether, that be a GT, Pint, or Pint X, don't! Future Motion does not have your best interest in mind. They are the worst company! If you bought a board and heaven forbid you have an issue with that board Future Motion will go out of there way not to help you! I have purchased 3 boards and each one had an issue. My XR almost killed me more times than I can count! I called them after my first ride due to the amount of times it would shut off and it took four months to finally get them to honor their warranty. Not only did they not fix the issues! They stole my stock bumpers then blocked my phone number! To make matters worse they did away with The XR so I was stuck with twenty three hundred dollar lemon. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.
@threeohm 2 жыл бұрын
Had a previous gen OW. Sold it. Got a bit of FOMO when I saw the current gen OWs drop, but after following the post-launch issues I'm pretty happy with my basic no frills EUC. EUCs have their fair share of issues, but compared to OWs it's PEV paradise over there! Thanks for the great content. :-)
@fromdonwithlove 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao at the intro. Sorry, commenting on the video as I watch 🤪
@Kevin-Schmevin Жыл бұрын
The XR is by far the best looking onewheel
@barnabasseadog7660 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like another jaded XR guy. I like the idea of supporting a guy that made a cool EV and decided to manufacture it in his California hometown, providing jobs for the locals. Enjoy the Ride.
@bradleygawthrop1372 2 жыл бұрын
I don't necessarily begrudge Future Motion the direction they're going, but I sold my XR and bought a scooter and I'm glad I don't have to go that direction with them. Oh the hackability difference! Spare parts on tap, straight forward signaling, it's a whole different world.
@ed_boogie 2 жыл бұрын
I own both a GT and a fully modded out XR (battery upgrade w/ 30 plus miles, enduro tire etc). As for me I love both. GT for Street and XR for dirt at least for the meantime. I ride both on dirt and street. The XR has the GT beat in terms of tire performance and stability on dirt. My only issues with the GT is 1) the tire, 2) the super tight charging port, 3) the aggressive concave on the footpads. 1 is easy to mod once tfl have their enduro tire out. For 2 I ordered ignite foam grip tape to deal with the over pronounced concave footpads. I actually have the ignites on both my pintx and XR. To many the XR is still the go to board, but I can’t help but feel that some people have modded out their XR so much that they have forgotten what a stock XR feels like. And that to me is the worst board stock. I love my pint, pintx, GT and I finally loved my XR after I modded it out. (Side note the GT tire is fine on dirt as long as I drop the psi, but it’s also far from the best.)
@LarryDavidshow 2 жыл бұрын
Not saying there isn't any problems with the GT but I've had mine for about 4 months now and I'm just a casual relaxing rider being an Ex-pro motocross rider I have enough plates and pins in me for everyone! So I don't get too crazy I love it I have had no problems I have the treaded tire and no issues I'm sure they're are a bad bunch of bad ones but all in all I'm happy!
@sinerge2832 2 жыл бұрын
FM manual and website have an error with respect to their warranty. It says "The COMPANY warrants that the PRODUCT, other than the footpad, tire and battery pack, will be free from defects in materials and worksmanship for a period of 12 months / 2000 KM (1243 miles), whichever comes first. The warranty for the footpad, tire and battery pack is 6 months / 1000 KM (622 miles)." Note the "whichever comes first" only is stated with the first sentence. This means the footpad, tire, and battery are the latter of. I draft contracts for a living and this would not hold up in court. I'm corresponding with FM now on a Pint with a dead battery around 560 miles and they are trying to tell me it's out of warranty.
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
Oh wow. 🤔
@sinerge2832 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheBoardGarage What's lame is even if they cover the repair, their protocol is to update the firmware, which would make it much more difficult to go with an aftermarket battery later.
@randku 2 жыл бұрын
Representing a real consumer-first company with the Hoyt St shirt 👍 Can't wait to see the VESC stuff coming up.
@mikeschappert3919 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your videos, thanks for uploading quality content.
@SEANRMZ 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the updates, I just received my gt its my first OW, and i am loving it . The hard tire will be replaced by Float life enduro 6.5inch coming out soon. The other thing I find is top heavy. So with oval hard tire with a higher stance, the OW can feel tipsy. There is 2 options, change the hub for an er one with a modded hub plate or Float life is coming out with a bushing lowered kit. Not our yet but soon we can tune our gt to our taste.
@Longjonsilver2 2 жыл бұрын
🌕 it’s apparent to me that all the comparisons of the GT to the XR you shed light on FM Onewheel needs to go back to the drawing board and design a new model, a GXR. It would be quickly embraced . Just go back to 6” hub to prevent hub cracking on off-road, go back quality extruded alum rails, original wooden foot pads, sacrifice the over tech software, after all not wanting to neurolink my brain, few less batteries to cut weight..25 miles range at 19 mph is all we actually need. I feel a light weight hip pack with a portable charging cell that you could plug into while riding to extend mileage would be a fantastic OW accessory. Then develop a separate OW racing division , a off-road custom R&D shop. I envision a full blown durable off-road version with dirt tire and bear claw foot grips, sorta like MX bike pegs and having just one power button that can be adjusted to one of 3 preference locations. Meanwhile get out of the hole and just bring back the XR.
@hawkwind769 2 жыл бұрын
Not one issue.. 2400 miles in. Stock everything. I'm number 12 on leaderboard.. not that that's anything I know but kinda neat to keep track. I'm getting ready to drive out to the east coast.. Florida. Bringing the GT. Gonna film my journey. Try to meet as many wheelers as I can in somewhat of a cannonball run😜🤘🏽🤙🏼 Gotta boogie will stop when I can and ride GT What inverter could I get that cheaper and I could use home charger while driving.. 2020 legacy? Thanks Mario
@ramonperezsanchez 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Mario, honest and to the point always with just enough technicalities to make nerds like me happy. I know it's hard to hate a company that has made us smile so much, but... we must be true to yourself.. it is not a perfect company nobody should expect otherwise), I hope to get a GT by EOY if issues end up being solved for good. I commute every single day to work on my pint and extra range for fun time afterwards is my dream. So far PintX looks more likely. Sorry for the crazy long comment (KZbin doesn't mind) but high five from Dominican Republic! Hope to ride with ya some day! ✌️
@real_ez8412 2 жыл бұрын
Love the skit in the beginning definitely gonna want more of that style was hilarious. As a proud XR owner I agree with everything here. I was on the fence for a GT but ultimately said nope I want to own my board not feel like I'm renting it. Hopefully Vesc gets as good as FMs firmware and people could buy a trotter or onewheel and vesc it with simpler plug and play solutions and a tutorial online to do it. I think this is where this hobby is going open source will probably be its future because FM is not going to change and infact it seems they are becoming worse. I wish FM would just let onewheel be like skateboarding let people run their own shops where they can work on and fix these boards and they have to do is order in parts from onewheel or any other company that wants to make similar parts. but sadly I dont see it happening so open source is the way.
@jaymealdous8784 2 жыл бұрын
Omg this is amazing.
@nephroid Жыл бұрын
Awesome video. Balanced, informative and solid production value. It’s always sad to see when something genuinely great “goes corporate”.
@User_92020 Жыл бұрын
The thumbs down are from Onewheel associates and onewheel fan girls. I own 2 XR, I weigh 180lb and never got over 15 miles and on top of that one of my XR died at 10 mile left on the battery. Garbage XR so not surprised GT might be garbage.
Amazing review. Something that stands out to me and my GT is that I’ve done (or am on the middle of doing) all the aftermarket repairs available. Mainly being the GTR conversion where I ditched the stock trash tire and now I’m waiting for my lightning rails to arrive. Trying to cut out anything fm that I can, because that actually makes the board amazing.
@walkingconifer Жыл бұрын
Are you going to replace all parts with the battery connected? Or is there a walk around on disconnecting the battery without brick GT?
@SMarti018 Жыл бұрын
Owned a Pint for the last year, just picked up a lightly used XR for $875. I won’t touch the GT with all the right to repair nonsense FM is pushing.
@Fungineers 2 жыл бұрын
Such a well made video!
@guyintheally 2 жыл бұрын
Until I see a major turn around from FM, the XR may be the last board I purchase. Thanks for going in depth & sharing the anti consumer side of the GT. Until they see a drop in sales of the GT though I have my doubts anything will change. It takes action from a community, I.e. stop buying this board if we want results that support us.
@ktlcustoms3847 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t stand company’s that restrict the consumer from doing work on their own purchases. I am a mod king and everything I buy I modify. Ive lost both the warrantee on my Pint and my XR probably the first day I got it. I had to knowhow it came apart and how it worked. I also wanted more range on both. GT40was my first attempt it sucked! I now run a Dewalt 60v 9ah battery VNR, Way better and probably a $100 cheaper! Well I was on the fence with the GT and you have summed up what I was worried about, Future Motion has restricted battery mods.😢very disappointing! They wont get anymore of my money!
@meuconmyeuc1337 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fabulous video. Thank you for this. I was not a fan of FM, but willing to give their board a try. Not after this video. Again, thank you.
@knevil753 2 жыл бұрын
always producing great content mario!
@brennanlarnder7692 Жыл бұрын
That's so sad I was going to buy one and you saved me the headache! Thank you! I'm going to build my own board so I can replace parts as they break!
@赖才政 2 жыл бұрын
I got a quote from unilli, the slick is 7.7$/pcs for a 1000 pcs order.
@slimdog72 2 жыл бұрын
Well said man. I am looking forward to the upcoming vids.
@AirCotton578 Жыл бұрын
Wow….just got my 1st one wheel last month. It is a GT. 😱
@charleskieser9740 2 жыл бұрын
My GT battery has bumped me at 22%, but 16% is more common. I never had to carry the XR home but have had to carry the GT more than a mile on 3 occasions now. I now know why they included a mag handle on the GT. I have noticed that the cooler the temperature the sooner the board dies. The 22% dead board was in Glacier National Park, on a cool day.
@jmd6359 Жыл бұрын
Hi! Just got a GT and I am so disappointed in Future Motion with the history of blatent of dishonesty and lack of integrity for consumer safety and trust. Thank you for your transparency, which is a concept I doubt FM comprehends. I only hope I can learn to ride safely and that my board is free from dangerous defects! Will be studying your beginner rider tutorials, and I am so glad I found your channel! Cheers 😊
@spookychords4925 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this detailed video. I live in NYC and I've been considering purchasing the Onewheel GT to get around faster. Based on what you shared, I'll wait a little while longer for the company to make a newer improved model
Awesome review! Thanks for helping me not get ahead of myself this holiday season. My XR is still going as strong as the day I bought it, and with all of the legal problems that Future Motion is currently facing. I think if I were to get another board, a less proprietary, less reliant on the parent company existing option would be a better bet. Thanks man!
@User_92020 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I never trust positive reviews from onewheel videos/channel.
@themalteseninja8307 2 жыл бұрын
Mario you killed this video brother! That night rider intro was awesome lol
@imtypingwords 2 жыл бұрын
Can anyone replicate this device? Or is it patented so much so no one can make a one wheel type of product besides future motion?
@erictrostle2199 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of good information to consider here. I have a GT and love it but for almost $3,000 bundle I expected a bit better quality product. The cheap plastic footpads, wobbly tire, inconsistent range, are my biggest complaints. I wasn’t aware of the overheating issue but temperatures are really firing up here so will be hoping for the best with mt board
@JasonSuave 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this detailed review which singlehandedly convinced me to "downgrade" my first purchase to the pint x. The drill downs you did on some of the design aspects are incredibly appreciated and I also liked how you wove the mfr's developing business model into the discussion. While us consumers might be stuck with one primary mfr today for these devices, the competition will arrive soon enough...hopefully just in time for my second purchase :)
@MrTartdbusdrvr 2 жыл бұрын
I love my gt
@OnewheelAsh Жыл бұрын
I love my GT, all the XR guys on the group rides love it too.
@BoardThroughThePain Жыл бұрын
I just bought a onewheel+ for $500. I decided to go with the older model because I can work on it myself. Also I went without one for a long time. Because I couldn't bring myself to pay over a grand for anything that... at the end of the day is far limited compared to a motorcycle or car. Plus I refuse to support a company that practices such horrid business.
@reflexdogtraining1337 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing man. Great intro and greater consistent editing. Love it man. Great beats. Timing, I should say.
@floatpvnk Жыл бұрын
I’m debating getting a GT since the XR isn’t available anymore from FM. As a new rider and new to boardsports in general, it’s…really uncomfortable to see people saying stuff like “my gt powered off at 80% and I got these gnarly bruises from it!” has me nervous af 😂
@no1up Жыл бұрын
With EUCs gaining ground futuremotion really picked a bad time to start lowering quality.
@m3Sp0rt Жыл бұрын
I like your video, good edits and presentation. Thank you for a good review.
@terreonnhenry5778 2 жыл бұрын
Love the video my guy. Did you order the new Fungineer hub for the vesc build? Would love to hear your opinion on alternative hubs cuz that's really the last piece we need to not need FM.
@quinnfoster4671 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully the v2 Floatwheel gets here soon ish too. Probably by the time GT shaping is released lmao.
@GitDatPC 2 жыл бұрын
GTR Enduro is the best answer for now 🙂
@chipini1590 2 жыл бұрын
Had to comment when I saw Cunningham and Alley Pond Park since I ride there regularly. Great video editing and explanations as always. Hope to see you around one day!
@ninjahustler897 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome content as always
@BMWEnjoyer 2 жыл бұрын
I've had my OneWheel GT for a week now and I absolutely love it and have not had any issues. I plan on buying a used XR as well for my partner, so I can mod that one however I want. I also feel like eventually the aftermarket will find a workaround for the battery bricking on the GT.
@Rip9NinerRider 2 жыл бұрын
That tire sucks, I have a pint and an XR, went to test drive a GT and went home with a AT skateboard instead. FM and all their bullshit made it an easy decision not to purchase a GT. Great video! Vote with your pocketbook, maybe they will wake up one day and right their ship.
@brettjamesmiller 2 жыл бұрын
Looking at getting my first one wheel I’ve had a meepo and a booster board it sounds like FM thinks they have the market cornered and that they can just sell garbage now honestly looking to find an XR for reliability and safety as I will use it for a 3 mile round trip commute to work
@ScoobyBlue3112 2 жыл бұрын
Thank Mario for your honest review, which i am so glad to have watched, as i am based here in the UK London, and was very interested in purchasing the One wheel GT for my daily commutes, and now after watch your review I honestly have some concerns as this is not a cheap purchase. I might need to now go back and consider the electric Carbon GT skateboard from Evolve which is also not an cheap option, bi wanted something which i could buy and use with little to minimum maintenance. I will definitely now subscribe to your channel and going forwards closely watch your further and honest reviews. Thank you very much. A Londoner who hasn’t grown up..🙏🏽🇬🇧👏🏾
@TheBoardGarage 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your comment. However I'm not certain the Evolve Carbon GT is a great idea either. I've done modifications on a couple of those, and every Evolve board I've had to work on has been disappointing to the owner. The batteries aren't good, they lack actual power, and are usually overpriced for what you end up getting. The Hadean is decent but far far overpriced. I would recommend to continue your search.
@mlopez2aol Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mario! Cheers from Palm Springs!
@alexvvedenskiyvlogs 2 жыл бұрын
I initially was super interested in onewheel as a over 6 year boosted board rider, but looking at company (futuremotion) and clavical accidents due to nosedives it has (I think to the not powerful enough motors) . But the concept it's still inticing don't get me wrong. The company is just spends more money on ads rather than making products better in my opinion. Ahh I want it ...but I can't justify the quality, underpowered motor and bad company ethics.
@Techfuse13 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to more of your future videos!
@benkellyshow 2 жыл бұрын
I like your shirt. I used to live on Hoyt st in Brooklyn until 1986
@BillyShredder 2 жыл бұрын
Haha always with a crushing intro! 😆😆👏🏼
@deltax7159 2 жыл бұрын
My first board was a pint absolutely love it but when the two new boards came out I really wanted to GT and felt like I was gonna miss out by not getting one I ended up buying a pintx which is my absolute favorite thing in the entire world well over 1000 miles on it now never one issue it’s always ready to crush it , a couple of my friends have the GT I really like the GT but it is quite problematic if I had to do it all over again even if I had enough money for the GT I would probably just buy 2 pintX….always more fun to ride with a friend
@1floatwheel 2 жыл бұрын
I will never buy another product from FM. My XR is just sitting in my garage after a BMS failure, out of warranty, no aftermarket bms of any kind (I can't even buy one from them, WTF) and I'm just sick of hearing all their deliberate attempts to void their warranty. It's one thing to make a profit by producing an excellent product but their product is experimental at best from my experience with XR and friend's pint. Once you get over their marketing hype, you're left with a product that does fail one way or the other, definitely fails my expectations for sure, and to make matters worse, the company FM makes the whole experience an absolute nightmare. Just the general direction of their company makes me gag in this day and age.
@AhHerPadi 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mario, been thinking to get a GT and being an international buyer it’s a huge risk. Looking forward on your VESC build!
@Nafets707-20 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I live in Australia and the main thing that puts me off is the fact i have to ship the whole board to the US every time i need a tyre change, or any repairs.
@stevorun9865 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mario. In 🇨🇦 and most of the Non-lower 48, the GT is just not a reasonable purchase. Shipping that brick to California is like $250 and for what? We have pushed so hard for a 🇨🇦 repair/warranty centre for the simple stuff but FM could care less. I actually think the owner has a good chuckle at our stupidity. I’m OG and enjoy my XR like I loved my + the OW OG. That love has faded to enjoy. The XR was such a wonderful journey due to the 3rd party upgrades. While I still ride my addition to the EUC world has blown away my riding time. The speed and agility and torque is 🥜. The warnings that you set and the overall user impact makes the OW feel, cute! I love my XR journey and will always have one and ride one. It’s like an old shirt or that restaurant you always went too. Don’t do them often but they’re nice when you do! Thanks for being you and keep it coming. For me the ECU journey is the special sauce, until we start flying. Haha. 👍❤️🇨🇦
@mikejones-zd5rj 2 жыл бұрын
I have a homebrew growler and to me it's the best of both world's. Ijs
@SPROCK3TMONST3R 2 жыл бұрын
Well said! In a world of never ending glitter covered turds..its nice to hear some facts and truth! Great vid!
Thanks for the honest review
@alassafcam 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t handle that cost to ship the GT from My home Kuwait to USA just for maintenance 😅 I will never get this board and i will wait until it be like XR with all flexibility Thank you for your honest feedback brother 🙏🏻
@unlimitedlives2613 2 жыл бұрын
I got a XR with 550 miles my GT 125 miles updated my board on the seventh of last month took it out for a ride it shut off midride through me and broke three ribs very disappointing seeing I didn’t have an issue with it before the update I sure wish future motion would get this figured out love their product but not when it doesn’t work properly
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