Mass Effect 4 The Terminus War

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Today I talk about the fallout of the Reaper war...and the rise of a new shadow war.
Twitter: @EndymionYT
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Twitch: / endymion_yt

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@Reedstilt 3 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a far more fractured and balkanized galaxy in the future, with dozens of galactic powers rather than just the hegemonic Citadel superpower. I don't see Aria taking over the whole Terminus, but she's in a good spot to carve out a significant slice of it for herself if she wants. Illium is also in a good place to grab up some Terminus and Asari Republic territory, since it seems to have successful stalled the Reaper invasion locally while the Reapers had their focus on the major powers elsewhere. Basically, I'm kind of picturing each cluster being its own interstellar nation rather than having many multi-cluster ones in the future.
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Hey guys I tried making the music much quieter than usual, let me know if you prefer this way or if I should crank it a little. Trying to make it clearer, if anything. Let me know. Thanks for watching!
@frostmind5070 3 жыл бұрын
I prefer this way
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
@@frostmind5070 Good to know thank you
@kaelt9264 2 жыл бұрын
@@EndymionTv crank it up lol
@itmkoeln 3 жыл бұрын
Technically Asari, are by lore capable of grasping all the power in the galaxy... They are attractive to all other species (that we know of lore wise) and can reproduce by melding with any other species (Turian, Hanar, Salarin, Human, Quarian, Vorcha, Elcor, Vorcha for example)... That meaning a child conceived by melding is always an Asari... If the Asari chose to. They could wipe out any other species in the galaxy. The thing is when the Asari discovered the Citadell they chose to rule in a similiar and cooperative manner (like they did in their home world of Thessia) instead of destroying all other races... A war with a warlord from the Terminus system (may it be Aria is not unlikely in my opinion... As Aria is the only named character appart from Bailley, who we can't contact in the end of ME3. Though developers have stated all named characters escaped Citadell when TIM gets a hold of it...). Arias support in ME 3 is mainly because she knows, if Shepard fails she would die regardless where she is... on her couch in the Afterlife on Omega, or on the Citadell... More like an enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of a deal...
@james192599 2 жыл бұрын
Also when asari breed with eachother they usually create ardat yakshi which is the genetic disorder that kills people if you have sex with them
@phillipgrubb2443 3 жыл бұрын
The races weren't stuck in sol. They can still travel faster than light. It just takes way longer. And the citadel isn't fully destroyed. It gets rebuilt in earth orbit in all the endings
@Pijoto 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, in the ending, it even shows the Alien fleets leaving Sol without the relays... It'll probably take decades, if not centuries for the races to figure out how to reverse engineer Reaper tech to fix or even create new Mass Relays, so I can see some parts of this video coming true; the galaxy would be more isolated without the relays, and factionalism would increase due to that, Aria would probably still rule the Terminus Systems with an even more Iron fist, but, ugh, I'd hate to see them make her out to be as bloodthirsty as in the video.....
@tailgate8840 3 жыл бұрын
I really like it when a sci fi or Fantasy universe focuses on its criminal underworld its always really interesting to me i can name two sci criminal underworlds i find interesting number 1 the underworld in Star Wars the Mandalorian tv show really shed new light on it and i love the wild west vibes Star Wars underworld has number Two Mass Effect i find the infighting between the diffrent factions interesting espasily when you bring in the old Shadow Broker into the equation as for Cerberus remants a while ago i watched your video about the Illusive man and i came up with a theory that Cerberus will somehow be reborn through the Andromeda Initiative like a new Cerberus grows out of the proper intive like a parasite rising from the Shadows to start a new era of human domination lets call it the Cerberus rebellion kinda like what thr Mcu did by having the modern day Hydra be reborn inside Sheild in Captain America the Winter Soldier i personally belive that The Illusive man was the mysterius benefactor mentioned in Andromeda it sounds like something he would invest in before going crazy from indoctrination in Me3 Before he became Tim he was known as Jack Harper a merc who fought for the Aliance in the firt contact war with the Turians who knows maybe Jack knew Alec Ryder and Told Jien Garson to recruit him for the intiative also i really like your theory that Cora is The Illusive mans daughter and succesor it would be a huge plot twist if that would end up happening, also this made me think of the Illusive Mans qoute Cerberus is not just an organisation or the people who makes up its ranks its an idea and ideas are not so easily destroyed also another thing watch Captain America The Winter Soldier its a great movie have a nice day
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Yup I agree TiM and Cora have to be related & she is his agent. I believe TiM’s clone exists aboard the Hyperion obviously under a civilian name of course. Would be amazing thanks for watching
@matthewhoward9826 3 жыл бұрын
Alternate theory, the Andromeda Initiative built and launched the nexus and 4 arks, in secret in 3 years to prepare for the reapers. What if the group sent to andromeda is just the science portion. What if there’s a military branch of the the initiative assembled in secret to monitor the outcome of the reaper war and rise depending on the outcome
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t they have helped when they could instead of letting their people die? But maybe
@matthewhoward9826 3 жыл бұрын
@@EndymionTv maybe not if they were trying to stay undiscovered. If the milk way looks like it’ll fall, launch the rest to andromeda in theory they arrive months to a few years after the rest of the initiative. If they are the Milky Way species succeed fill the power vacuum
@Gazellegazellegazelle 3 жыл бұрын
Yes no more bigspookybigbrainedgalactic enemy. Love this localized idea. I feel even though Aria is pretty cutthroat I think seeing her trait that leap to total overload would be still be full of twists and moral dilemmas. Another awesome video!
@itmkoeln 3 жыл бұрын
I totally see Aria being a villian in the new ME... Though I think she wouldn't trust Cerberus (after they tried to steal Omega). In my opinion the main reason to Aria supporting the War Effort is that she knows, if Shepard fails, the cycle definately ends. With her dying where ever she is... Remember she actually has this as an answer in ME3... And the supprise by Hackett that Aria is actually supporting the War Effort... When you check with him on War assets...
@dickwallace7243 3 жыл бұрын
If we consider Endymions New Hero theory (that the new main character is some sort of bounty hunter/mercenary) why not giving the player the choice with whom we want to side with? New Cerberus and the Teminus Forces, Aria, the new council, the Krogans, ecc.?
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching 🤘🏻🔥
@lauragarcia4037 3 жыл бұрын
Seems like a logical war, after the Reapers , after the council ignored the Terminus races, there would be a movement by them to rise up or something. Or for the surviving races make them fall in line together to have some kind of galactic order now.
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
The outlaw races coming to power, would be real interesting
@NightPhoenix117 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think so. In the epilogue Hackett said they were rebuilding all the damage. The citadel and relays have been fixed. The little ai kid even said you will little trouble rebuilding the relays.
@ramblingdeviant4855 2 жыл бұрын
Got an amazing idea for the 4th game. If this theory were to be true/somewhat true then I think they’d finally add a community loved character as a squad mate: Aria T’Loak. Aria would serve perfectly as a bridge bt ME3 and ME4. On top of that, wouldn’t it be amazing to have her cracking jokes while fighting the next big bad
@Soulie81 3 жыл бұрын
Man you've really been cranking out these videos lately I hope your channel blows up cuz you've been working your ass off
@richardobiekwe9437 3 жыл бұрын
The races aren't really trapped in the solar system. They still have their conventional ftl drive cores that can propel them to other star systems or even clusters without mass relays though would require a lot more time. They could settle in human colonies within the interstellar neighbourhood if their fuel is not enough to refuel and possily upgrade their drive cores for longer distance travel. Let's not forget that humanity are already capable of bioengineering turian food from ME 3.
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Regardless it would leave an opening for the Terminus players to rise up and gain power. Thanks for watching! 🤘🏻🔥
@Helos743 Жыл бұрын
Man it's funny you should mention all this, because my father and I once talked about what Mass Effect 4 would be like, plot wise and I actually made the suggestion of a power vacuum with either the Terminus Powers, or even some new "minor species" that we never actually saw in the game, except for perhaps the Vorcha and MAYBE the Quarians, but I dunno if they really count or not. Geth, possibly but unlikely. It's my opinion that they already had their moment to shine just like the Reapers, so they'll probably take a backseat, if they're even involved at all.
@JustTooDamnHonest 9 ай бұрын
That is a cool theory and it could be true with one massive problem and that is there means of getting to the other systems since all of the mass relays were destroyed by the Crucible and so the infighting will only happen within the Terminus system alone.
@Adiddy927 3 жыл бұрын
All ships will go back using FTL travel til the mass relays is repair!
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Until they run outta juice!
@user-po4jl4yi1p 3 жыл бұрын
If they are gonna emphasise the terminus they really need to give us whole new races as that was one of the failures of games after M1 in that they didn’t expand on the scope of the galaxy, mainly not adding in any political power other than the council even though they were hinted at in M1.
@Reedstilt 3 жыл бұрын
I think you're asking for two different things: new species and new political powers. ME2 added 5ish new species. Batarians go from a footnote in ME1, only appearing in DLC, to a common presence in ME2. The vorcha and collectors are brand new and also pretty common. The drell and yahg are also new, though much more limited in number. Of course, the game doesn't really introduce any of these new major powers in the galaxy. In ME1, the Council takes about wanting to avoid a war with the Terminus systems, but in ME2 the Terminus systems don't seem like they'd really put up a united front against the Council. They're a bunch of isolated colonies and outposts. If the Council sent in its fleets, Omega and Illium aren't going come to the aid of each other, let alone the collectors or the geth. It would have been nice to see some powers in the Terminus that actually would have been pissed at the Council if they had gone hunting for Saren in earnest.
@user-po4jl4yi1p 3 жыл бұрын
@@Reedstilt I’m asking for one thing new races with political power. In M1 they built up the terminus as mix mash of “non council” races that have a standing army that could somewhat take on the council. In M2 what we got is a bunch of criminal syndicates, colonies and the only races we run into that are not council races are Batarian and the Vorcha. I would like to assume there are more than just 2 races native to the terminus which makes up a third of the galaxy’s size.
@ldoc3988 3 жыл бұрын
Great video man, the terminus systems deserve a chance in the spotlight again and this is p much exactly what I wanna see. but iirc, aria was last seen on the citadel before the final fight? so, assuming she survived and is in the fight for Earth, Aria's cut off from Omega again 💀 cannot catch a break my personal headcanon: the citadel would also get a retrofit like the relays will but take inspo from the crucible, maybe even take the name too
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Was she? I don’t remember that
@ldoc3988 3 жыл бұрын
@@EndymionTv at least, she was on the citadel before it got bliped to earth. whether she stuck around or fled before then I'm not sure
@Zeropointmagic-mh9pv 3 жыл бұрын
Hi so can you explain why the cut scenes at the end show wrex and grunt getting off a ship on there home planet
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
They fixed the ship eventually, the blast would fry the tech but if they know how to fix it it’s all good
@ajaniglasper3955 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's a good and cool theory but it seems like the new game will take place further into the future probably past Aria's death
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
I agree but these are just ideas of course thanks for watching
@doominator4072 3 жыл бұрын
I love the idea you have and it sounds great. I’d love it if you were that bounty hunter but you could choose to fight for the tyrannical ruler or the crippled council or both and be the one to come out on top. Another cool thing would be if you could fight other bounty hunters for the prize of the hunt. Like your sent on a mission to hunt down this turian general and you have to kill a couple of hunters that are on your tail but both sides want him for different reasons. Also make them matter too
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah it would be a shadow war story would be dope
@reecedrury4145 3 жыл бұрын
I think the game will be after this period. I can see it happening but I can see the storing picking up on the push back once a 'hero' is found. Whether this is the Andromeda lot coming back after another 600 years of cyro for example
@wreave0134 3 жыл бұрын
Its ok, my issue is i have always felt like Mass effect enemy's are supposed to feel like so much more then us
@user-po4jl4yi1p 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like they went in with that idea with andromeda and failed to present a captivating enemy. Instead they should go on the route it’s a brave new world and your actions in mass effect 4 will either serve to change or restore the galaxy’s political structure.
@arx3516 2 жыл бұрын
That's because the writers decided to go all out from the start, wasting the narrative potential of the setting. IMO the first game should have been about the conflict between the Citadel and the Terminus, with Shepard going after batarian terrorists and Cerberus in the first game, with the Reapers being just a spooky conspiracy theory in the background.
@user-po4jl4yi1p 2 жыл бұрын
@@arx3516 I think mass effect 1 did a good job at establishing the story and the universe. It was mass effect 2 which derailed the whole franchise by failing to continue down plots that were specifically left open. The main ones being removing liaria as an archaeologist, Shepard’s spectre status, the councils denial of reapers, Shepard’s ability understand prothean and lastly retconning the terminus to be nothing but criminal syndicates made of citadel races.
@Phoenix27272 2 жыл бұрын
You also have a post-genophage Krogan. And it's a matter of time until the Yahg become a major player on the galactic scene. Then there's the Leviathans. There's plenty of good material to work with. The Batarians will not be powerful in this timeline. They got hit hard by the reapers.
@user-do5zp5it4e Жыл бұрын
I kinda see them going in a Star wars Republic vs Confederacy direction Some systems being controlled by Pirates And Merc bands even Warlords Dictators Rebel Governments Plus The Terminus System/Nemean Abyss is widely unexplored. Aria greatly benefitting with other Crime Syndicates I would Love to see that & Citadel side on Earth.
@james192599 2 жыл бұрын
Cereberus total conquest of the terminus
@LordZeck 3 жыл бұрын
Gather up a crazy amount of money and just start making your own games lmao I'll play the fuck out of them
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I have my own sci fi series I’ve written outlines for. Maybe one day but yeah it’s my version of Mass Effect with my own made alien races etc
@LordZeck 3 жыл бұрын
@@EndymionTv Finish it, publish it, I'll buy it lol
@NeoakiraIV Жыл бұрын
Why would they be stuck at Earth ? They still have FTL travel they’re not stuck at earth just stuck in that cluster they can get home just take longer without the relays
@darren5777 3 жыл бұрын
Do you have a discord dude? Would be cool if you did
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Ah I do not no. But I could set one up? I also have insta and twitch and whatever but I don’t really promote them
@darren5777 3 жыл бұрын
@@EndymionTv well it’s up to you of course, but it’s a great way to discuss things and get ideas etc about all sorts of things
@roberthollar3409 3 жыл бұрын
The different political and military Factions making the world of the next game as sneaky and interconnected as Game of Thrones and our player being hired by Liara to fix it including a side quest about picking up Shepards armor or body... wow
@EndymionTv 3 жыл бұрын
Now there’s a good idea
@Phoenix27272 2 жыл бұрын
I hope Bioware takes some inspriration from the KOTOR games for this one. KOTOR 1 was an epic hero's journey in which a charismatic individual takes on a powerful evil and decides the fate of the galaxy. KOTOR II was a heroine's journey. You see the shattered aftermath of this war, including places the player character visited during the events of the first game. The story is about a heroine who steps in to help the galaxy heal and pick up the pieces in a complex and fractured galaxy. Filling a leadership vacuum left behind after the game 1 hero disappears.
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