Thanks for having me on the show! Really enjoyed this podcast. Excited to see that you feel better on this style of eating 💪🙏
@rich2355 Жыл бұрын
I love this style of eating and it makes sense. We were told lies! Remember when they said eat a pound of pasta per day? Or Snapple is healthy because it’s fat free? Fig newtons! All the shit I ate growing up
@GeraltOfRivia99 Жыл бұрын
@Paulsaladinomd i have a question for you just your opinion not secific medial advice for obvious reasons but i take an omega 3 suppliment thats 3rd party tested which who knows really if its healthy maybes theres mercury in it i buy it off amazon Sports Research Triple Strength Omega 3 Fish Oil. but one thing i have done for literally 8 years was drink tap water ..... most people think tap water is ok like the hicks and local town people because they are not educated but im sure its not healthy. i wonder how many heavy metals ive accumulated because i literally did drink 2.5 to 3 litres of tap water. i dont drink tap water now im curious how would you detox heavy metals? i hear they are very hard to get rid of in your system? im in alberta canada
@SQueeKzz Жыл бұрын
Paul thanks for all of your time and information. Very very good stuff I appreciate it
@January. Жыл бұрын
*it's supposed to *less strong
@julienfroidevaux1143 Жыл бұрын
I hope you never run into a kale ever again .
@painterzedgellc473 Жыл бұрын
We dont agree politically but I appreciate you for hosting Paul. His information along with a few others, has changed my life.
@mpalmer7800 Жыл бұрын
Well am eating meat and I stopped my high blood pressure medication!!!! Zero blood pressure pills in 60 days!!!! Yet I’ve been taking these meds for years and it has only increased in dosage over the years!!! Now in 60 days my blood pressure is consistently at 128/70 !!!! Explain to me why I should not believe eating meat is good for me?
@livhammy11 ай бұрын
Did you gradually stop your meds or just quit ?
@mpalmer780011 ай бұрын
@@livhammy honestly I just quit!!! Am on a 72 hour fast !! My bp 114/79
@cookiethesnitch Жыл бұрын
The problem is most doctors aren't taught to treat the underlying condition. They treat the symptoms.
@annehajdu8654 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Sad.
@rampageclover97885 ай бұрын
Most doctors are out of shape and know nothing about nutrition…..
@lagunn327 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Saladino! I follow you, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr. Shawn Baker and of course Dr. Jason Fung!! I am so happy that the word is reaching the masses. Everyone has a choice, but listening to these doctors has put me on the road to healing my auto immune illnesses and so many other issues.
@JonWRowe Жыл бұрын
Dr. Eric Westman too.
@julienfroidevaux1143 Жыл бұрын
" Dr" Dingle ( Berry ) claims processed meats are a health food . The Who state it's a class one carsegonic= to smoking . Who to believe ? 🤔
@michellemooresings Жыл бұрын
I've never heard of any of them but Dr spoke to me about this way of eating. It is literally changing my life. My energy, my motivation, my weight, just about everything. I'm thinking more clearly and I feel happier because I am feeling better inside.
@JOHNNY34A Жыл бұрын
If you follow those people then you are truly clueless
@cherylgabriel9551 Жыл бұрын
@@michellemooresingsdiscard comment request
@RoxyWrites Жыл бұрын
"It's not profitable to have people reversing their illness.." Yes. This goes to the crux of what I find out on my own after studying herbal medicine and also being coached by someone similar to Dr. Saladino who was also an M.D., a nutritionist, and chiropractor and understood the underlying issues we deal with around food. My hormones went haywire when I tried to eat vegetarian and triggered autoimmune issues, and as a journalist I'm now compiling data on just how much of the public (including those suffering from Long Covid) should never be switched to a plant-based diet as it often triggers worsening illness.
@ascendtoaesthetics Жыл бұрын
nobody should eat plant based, not a human diet.
@DeportillegalAliens10 ай бұрын
+ it kill profit for industries that make profit from fake junk food.. restaurants, cereal companies and places like restaurant providers...I'm ok with that health is more important.
@carmenhogan8879 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! You hit upon almost everything I have been telling people for years. I did have 2 Semesters of Nutrition during my Nursing School. We were taught about the basic American diet: serving size, patient diet and the Food pyramid. Were were also taught that vitamins and nutrition supplements are useless if you don’t have a “balanced” meal. I myself have kept most of what I learned and also have educated myself through a lot of the Carnivore programs. I have found that it is the best diet for me. Almost all of my health problems have been taken care of. I now know what I can and cannot eat. More power to you! Keep educating everyone!
@sandraaguilera5474 Жыл бұрын
I was addicted to carbs, been eating an animal base diet for almost a year, I don’t know what it did to my brain that I even forgot bread exists 🥳 my son was diagnosed with diabetes I put in on this diet. I don’t call it a diet anymore it’s a life style!
@dubs3400 Жыл бұрын
I’m in healthcare and work in cardiac surgery. Many of the patients getting bypass surgery have normal Cholesterol levels. What they DO have is inflammation in and around those blocked coronaries. meat and fat IS NOT the culprit. Processed food and carbohydrates including High Fructose Corn Syrup
@theresamimnaugh1190 Жыл бұрын
Love the show. Gotta say Dr. Saladino has so much right. I’m a 66 yo disabled Nonna, walker and all. But I have changed to a way less processed food diet. I bake my own bread, no preservatives at all, my pasta is Italian import containing flour, water and occasionally egg. Canned tomatoes…the only acceptable ingredients are tomatoes, salt and maybe basil. I grow my own herbs, only eat single source olive oil from Sicily. I do like my beans and greens, lentil soup and stews with plenty of garlic. But I make it from fresh, raw ingredients. No cans of soup with 38% sodium. 50:34 Lemon water as a beverage. I do drink a cup of coffee every morning with milk. Any desserts are made in my kitchen with single ingredients…flour, honey, butter, eggs and fruit jams that I make from fresh fruit. Chris, it’s a game changer. I wish I knew to do this when I was young and raising a family. It would have been so much healthier for them too. Thanks for a great show! All the best to you and the Cuomo family!!!
@GidgetTheSurferGirl1 Жыл бұрын
Chris, i like the Chris Cuomo without the politics. 😊 do more Chris. We’re sick of politics. MAGA
@atutor1 Жыл бұрын
CNN never would have allowed this guest. LOVE it! More of this
@rosannajacksonwright927 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all this information I found it very helpful. I have lost about 8-10 dress sizes in a year and do not have any pain and am very active; age 40 living in NYC. I depend on vegetables, the main part of my diet. When I do eat meat which is occasionally, I have to cook it through, never rare. I avoid dairy because I do not like the commercial dairy industry. My main health tip would be to eat none processed foods, natural as possible. Avoid sugar. I only drink water, coffee and protein/greens. Sleep is key. Chis do less and rest. I’m English/Italian.
@January. Жыл бұрын
*would be to not eat any processed foods
@generation_XO Жыл бұрын
He never touched based on how vaccines effect our bodies, and what pregnant and breast feeding women should eat and we need to eat whole grains, fish, leafy greens, and, our bodies have vaccines inside us, and that too, go into our breast milk He must had been vaccinated, thus, now he has auto immune disease? He was not born with it, but if he was, what did his mother eat? Did she drink liquor? Smoke? There is more to this diet he is pushing, but great for him He will never give life, and, cattle in the USA, are vaccinated Does not matter if they eat grains, or grass, they were still poked with vaccines. Salad, never was! I like your comment He missed women, period. We bring the next generation And, the babies are vaccinated immediately. Studies, need to be done because our ancestors, never had vaccines so it is not about eating meat organs, and you live healthy, unless, you never would carry a child ❤
@margomoore4527 Жыл бұрын
Try to find a source for raw dairy, if you liked it when younger-there are few foods so delicious. Try to find a source of milk from an all-Jersey (A2) herd. It contains more good fat and more protein than commercial dairy. Keep in coldest part of fridge, not door.
@VR-oy3fu7 ай бұрын
caffeine is very bad for health
@JJNow-gg9so Жыл бұрын
A very wise physician you have sitting there with you Chris. I say this with 50 years of practice behind me as a registered nurse.
@KingZephyr2025 Жыл бұрын
I have only 17 almost 18 years of experience as an RN, and I completely agree.👩🏼⚕️
@julienfroidevaux1143 Жыл бұрын
Kale is poison?
@Mantis858585 Жыл бұрын
Full of oxilates
@harmonyhelps1714 Жыл бұрын
45 + years RN I planted lots of greens . That summer I had to use wheelchair assistance when traveling . Now I hardly eat greens. Due to oxalates I have not gotten to a good point as yet regarding what to eat and not gain weight I’m learning from these doctors ❤❤
@dsonyay Жыл бұрын
Yes.. loaded with oxylates and at least 50 .. yes.. 50 known carcinogens. All plants are toxic. Why eat them? Your body can barely extract any nutrients from plants. Don’t eat then. Eat meat
@Dee-jp6no Жыл бұрын
Paleo is my base because it's been helpful in the past for my anxiety and psoriasis. I'm not super strict with it though. For example, if I want to go out with fam/friends, I'm going to eat the "bad" stuff and have fun. Moderation is fine for me.
@brett6239 Жыл бұрын
Love this conversation. Been doing paleo for 4 years now, lost 40 pounds. Also experiement with keto, carnivore, and lately this animal-based. My favorite so far because it's so easy and enjoyable. Works about the same as the others. Though I find canivore the best for weight loss.
@alchemy1 Жыл бұрын
I switched from Keto/carnivore to mediterranean type of diet, stayed away from refined carbs and junk processed food. My enormous cholesterol level dropped back down to normal and I lost even more weight and A1C dropped even more.
@Fronz05 Жыл бұрын
First time commenter here...don't know why that would matter but Big and long time Fan Chris! I have never gone full carnivore but I swear that even as a 63 YO male I feel noticeably better after I have a big carnivore meal. I think I'm starting to learn why! This episode was a big help to drive me to do more research and then finish off the day with a big steak!😃
@mmanda515 Жыл бұрын
BBBE has been a life-saver. What a difference in everything.. I had planned to try it for 30 days just to prove a friend wrong. Here I am over 90 days later, apologizing to my friend, now being way more open-minded & feeling like I never ever have before. Hope you are following & doing the same! :) Be well.
@SowingSeedsWithChristy Жыл бұрын
I have always been a warm weather, warm water person and have PTSD and C-PTSD, but have not long ago started ending my showers with luke warm water bc a yogi told me it was better for me. Once I seemed to gain from that, I then moved from arriving at the luke warm to transitioning to cool and then finally cold water. I move through each temperature and adapt to it before moving to the cooler temps. It does make me feel invigorated and get my blood flowing. I also know it's a bonus natural skin tightener for my face! I imagine the waterfalls I've walked behind, under and alongside and the natural mountain lakes, streams or cold oceans I've been in and pretend I'm back there interacting with nature as my younger self used to do. It's been a good change. Thank you for this segment. It's been most informative! Also, thank you, Chris, for being so forthcoming about your the anti-depressant and the slow recovery after boxing and less than great food usage. I DO think of you maximized the best use of your vessel you could withstand whatever Washington might throw at you. I would welcome you as our POTUS. You have the kind of mind and heart we need in the White House. You could outdebate any opponent on any stage. Just saying! ❤
@joelmartin2826 Жыл бұрын
Fwiw-I really prefer you in this format (rather than on CNN!), Chris! Cheers!
@TopTierHATERCharlie9ines Жыл бұрын
Thank you for trying to help addicts and for the narrative you keep to try and wake others up. I’m addicted to fetynol. It happened after I got into a car accident and the doctors prescribed my opiates and decided to just rip them away from me with NO HELP to get off them. Then I needed an alternative I wanted to die with how I was feeling. I need to be a parent. Then my daughters medical issues piled up, and they came and took my house and my car because insurance only covered 30 percent of the bill in Colorado so the depression and having no hope keeps me going back now. Thanks for your conversation with Bill O Riley. We need more men like you on this planet. Many blessings to you and your loved ones
@carolginsberg662 Жыл бұрын
@TopTier~Good luck to you. I wish you the best❣️
@TopTierHATERCharlie9ines Жыл бұрын
@@carolginsberg662 thank you I appreciate that. Really 🫡
@evelynbonner3908 Жыл бұрын
Do you mean Fentanyl? Very dangerous! Good luck on healing, really.❤
@alexgarcia-sd8qj Жыл бұрын
Wow, This must be one of the best episodes to date. I found two ordinary guys taking from experience and relaxed and enjoying what they were doing and I learned alot.
@pixiehik Жыл бұрын
I am eating what is best for ME. Every body is different but I believe eating low to no processed foods of any diet you will see some improvements in any area. Eating whole food plant based for me has not only helped me lose 100+ lbs. so far but my back has stopped hurting for 2 years. That is not only from the weight loss because I have had issues at all weights with degenerative disc disease. My plant based journey started with health and now it's ethical as well but I'm not vegan. I eat some dairy from time to time and fish a few times a year. I was vegetarian/pescatarian for 3 years and gained the most weight of my life and had serious back problems also. I was on a whole food diet which included meat and plants before and lost weight and did feel great but I hurt so much more than I do doing it plant based. Find what is best for you and give it more than a few days or a month in my opinion.
@pixiehik Жыл бұрын
@@January. It was intentional, but thanks.
@dsonyay Жыл бұрын
Eating mostly plants will take it’s toll.. when you’re old. All humans are supposed be eat an animal based High Fat Low Carb diet. There is no argument.. it is just a fact. Eat what you want tho. But you will pay for it down the road.
@eileenkast4982 Жыл бұрын
@@dsonyayhello. Can you provide any literature to back up this statement? Thanks
@pixiehik Жыл бұрын
@@dsonyay Must be a fact if someone says so in the comments ehh? I'll follow what is best for me and lean towards actual studies that have been done. I supplement B-12 and a few other things, I'm good. People who eat the high fat low carb seem to be the ones that pay for it down the road unfortunately.
@LauraB.335 Жыл бұрын
@@pixiehik- you can rely on studies if you want, but mainstream nutrition research is paid for by big food companies. It’s a complete joke. And the main research done by Ancel Keys was falsified to support his initial hypothesis. He cherry-picked the countries that seems to agree with him and left the rest out. Then the sugar industry paid Harvard researchers to say saturated fat/cholesterol was bad, when they knew full well that it was sugar. I prefer to do whatever makes me feel good. For now, that’s mostly carnivore and fasting. Previously, it was vegetarian, then vegan for a bit. Hopefully, you’re results continue, as KZbin is full of “healthy” vegans who ended up going carnivore because they were bloated, had atrocious skin, their teeth were horrible, and they ended up with autoimmune.
@paulettemctaggart7724 Жыл бұрын
Such a Wonderful Conversation thanks Chris I enjoy every minute of it good job god bless looking forward for more to come
@nataliadacosta8392 Жыл бұрын
Chris, such a great speaker you had on your show! Loved listening to this doctor! My problem is, no will power. I have to be honest, I started using Ozempic recently because of my eating struggles, bulimia, due to a very abusive marriage of 23 years. I also suffer from depression so, I felt, ozempic was a cop out for me. I must say, I feel very tired all the time!
@PeaceIsJesusChrist Жыл бұрын
How awesome to get Paul’s message out there!!! 🙌🏻 🎉
@gayluinstra1396 Жыл бұрын
Okay. Here’s my take on this. If I need to eat like this guy, I don’t really want to live🙃
@mimiv8766 Жыл бұрын
@PhilMorgan303 Жыл бұрын
I love the low carb / keto / carnivore approach to eating.
@DeborahGee Жыл бұрын
What an awesome interview with Dr. Saladano (sp.) “food” for thought.
@k.patriciahutt2979 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has a history of Arthritis that began in childhood with a whopping case of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, I found this video to be interesting to say the least. I've also lived a high-stress life which has left me with recurring episodes of Colitis, & have had other Auto-immune issues as well. Notwithstanding, I've outlived all of my immediate family members & frequently wonder why & how. My diet has been high protein & high dairy & mostly avoid stuff that is supposed to be "good"for you bc it tastes lousy!! Good Job, Chris...👍👍🤓🖖
@johnnafarrell3336 Жыл бұрын
Then you seriously need to checkout Jordan Peterson’s daughter. Mikhaila she suffered with it for years down to hip replacement and other body parts ! She does the Lion Diet, has for years.
@ascendtoaesthetics Жыл бұрын
look at Mikhaila peterson
@richardbeaumont7960 Жыл бұрын
Look up Mikhaila Peterson. Severe auto immune issues including juvenile arthritis, all put into remission with a strict meat based diet.
@johanordonez6998 Жыл бұрын
Chris is doing a fantastic job as always bringing great information. There’s many of us that will follow you wherever you go champ! Much love and respect
@CeciliaHyde-d7t Жыл бұрын
Chris, I was born in San Ramon - Costa Rica. My parents were both Spanish and moved to California where I grew up. I became a permanent resident and a citizen 20 years later and today I’m 69. I totally believe in what the doctor is saying and he has a wonderful place to live, which is Costa Rica! People do not want to change their diet. I totally believe in what the doctor saying. The problem is people want easy fixes for losing weight. But they don’t want to cut out the things that they’re addicted to! They might know nutrition and what’s right for them but they still don’t want to change there ways. Eating the right food is very important because I agree. Also what you eat is who you are! I’ve lost 35 pounds and I feel better and more energetics than I ever have. Also, Chris I walk with all your walk and talk podcast! We have to burn calories we have to get healthy and not by sitting around stuff i her mouth, I look at things differently. I might have a little juice something good for me in the morning but then I walk and walk and then when I get back home, then I’ll eat a little. It’s not that we’re supposed to deprive ourselves but taken away cookies, processed foods, fast foods, we all know we shouldn’t be eating them, but we still do and then we complain that we don’t have enough energy! Eating the right foods I have lost so much weight and I feel more energetics than I’ve ever felt it 69 years old! The thing is that do we want to change our eating habits and that’s what most people do not want to do because otherwise they’re depriving of the food that they’re eating. Costa Rica is awesome because we have so many awesome fruits there in Costa Rica and living there is so much simpler. Most people do not change do nwant to change their eating habits! Dr. Saladino. You are awesome! I pray that a lot of people are listening to what you’re saying, and applying it in their eating habits. Viva Costa Rica!!!!
@David-hp9tr Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you back Chris. I loved your Dad growing up. Best Governor ever. The last Dem. governor I had any respect for. Listen to your wife and Paul on nutrition . There are more and more of us MD's that think like Paul.
@HIVegan_Tim Жыл бұрын
Oh boy. I’m troubled with these types of interviews. Mainly because it’s a lifestyle that works for him and is not for the masses or probably 80% of the planet. Not only is his Mom and Sister not going to eat balls and hearts and livers but it’s just not feasible and we already harm so many animals that we do not need to start harvesting animals for this purpose and create another evil factory farming culture. Please read the China study. Please interview some plant based athletes and the author of The China Study. I love that Dr. Salidino has his niche and it works for him. It’s all about bio individuality. And of course don’t eat processed foods, but are Americans really going to do that? I’ve been trying this as a health coach for ten years, and he is not meeting a client where they are. Some yes, but not many. With no talk about the planet and the welfare of our animals is negligent on both your parts. His ideas are radical and not the norm. By all means, if you wanna go off the grid, hunt and cook your own animals and eat them with no seasoning then by all means, I say go for it. To tell a general audience to eat no vegetables is moronic and going to give those looking for excuses to continue to eat Walmart’s meat a reason to do just that. Maybe go live with the doc…. let’s see how they do. Again, yes for those who get what it means to eat, hunt and cook like our ancestors. But I believe that we have evolved and that we are definitely moving away from red meat specifically and killing animals, sentient beings, who want to live mind you; as a species. Our oceans are polluted because of factory farming, we eat plastic everyday because it’s everywhere. He is not addressing the issues of our day with a realistic solution. It’s good for him, but not your average human. My aha moment in this interview is that he’s selling liver vitamins and other animal parts so to take away the inhumane part of killing and eating the animals. We cannot go down this road. I love his ideas of not eating processed foods, and living a holistic lifestyle, going to bed at 8pm, no drinking, no coffee, living in Costa Rica…. But that’s not reality and is ignoring so many issues of our time. This is not a benefit to your audience Chris and leads them astray, I believe. The fact is, the more veggies, fruits, beans and seeds, the better. I really belief that the doctor would find the same levels of health in a less destructive lifestyle towards our animals and our planet. I bet many listeners are not buying grass fed, which is supplemented already by huge subsidies, unlike fruits and vegetables. I think you both would agree the system needs to change. Great interview. It really made my blood boil and be frustrated about what it means to be eating unprocessed whole foods. Let’s please try to minimize the torture of animals and look at the overwhelming facts that a plant based lifestyle is cheaper, healthier and better for all of us on this planet. Unless of course, you move to Costa Rica and are killing and cooking your meal over an open flame. 😎
@tomrhodes1629 Жыл бұрын
Right on, Tim. RAW VEGETABLES are the healing foods, and meat certainly is not. I have cured myself of diseases from the common cold to cancer with raw vegetables, and when you learn the pH connection it makes perfect sense. I won't go into detail here, as I've posted website and video information on the subject. I have the advantage that all of my info came from the Highest Source, not some men who think they know something. I'm the prophesied return of the biblical prophet Elijah, by the way, just to give you a bit more insight.
@kgrid0809 Жыл бұрын
Music to my ears.. I am a muscular woman naturally. But also chunky. Big butt muscular legs. I lost 40lbs on a diet called Optavia. I hated the way i felt. I definitely lost a ton of muscle mass. I panicked. Started eati.g again to fill my skin with fluff... definitely regretted the way i chose to lose weight. . So now im finally doing it right. Thanks @paulsaladino♡
@LeahZ7778 ай бұрын
I went through this too, working with a "nutritionist" to lose weight, I went from a muscular kick-ass strong woman to a weak one. Became bedridden at one point as the low fat, lean meat and veggies, low carb diet destroyed my adrenals and mental health, this was 10 years ago. I went back to eating normally after a few years of looking good but feeling horrible, and I gained the fat back plus 10 more pounds due to screwed up metabolism. Still dealing with this lost time and these setbacks in my life's journey. I Sure wish I had known of Paul Saladino and the other carnivore docs then!!
@thewordrules9 ай бұрын
Eliminating sugar, grains, processed foods, low carb, and seed oils is what works for me. The idea that plants contain harmful chemicals that act as a defense mechanism proving we shouldn't eat them, is what I question. If they bother you, by all means, obstain. However, I have yet to meet an animal that will not defend itself from being eaten. Take on a bison and see what happens. Most living things have some type of defense mechanism. As much as possible eat a whole foods diet and get exercise daily. Ugh! Liver. No can do.
@beoz65811 ай бұрын
He is board-certified in psychiatry. He is not a cardiologist. Chris have your wife listen to Dr Alo a true cardiologist, who totally disagrees with the carnivore diet.
@tyronejackson19277 ай бұрын
Paul is not carnivore he’s animal based
@joserojashernandez6168 Жыл бұрын
These podcasts are so freaking awesome, thanks to the quality information provided. It's life-changing.
@swasom Жыл бұрын
I, in my opinion, I enjoy my plant based diet. I feel great eating beans, legumes, leafy greens, non starchy foods. To me, meat is no no. My stomach doesn't recognize anymore meat to process digestion. It has been years that I stop eating meat. I am happy with my diet. I feel very energized, I walk up to 3 hours every second day. The way I see it, I am doing fine without meat.😍😍
@bavery6957 Жыл бұрын
Hey, good for you! I "almost" envy you because you could just grow all your food, if necessary. Also, major $aving$ on meat costs. Nevertheless, I gotta have my meat... 😋
@swasom Жыл бұрын
@@bavery6957 😀😀😀😀😀😀. Good for you. There is nothing that I can say to change your way. The other reason that I don't consume meat is that when I watch the blood coming out of his/her body, that reminds me my own blood (as a woman for that matter). Good luck to you.
@thalesnemo2841 Жыл бұрын
Humans are essential carnivores with absolutely NO essential dietary requirements for any carbohydrates! Plants are toxic full of anti nutrients! NO GRAINS NO POTATOES NO FRUITS WORKS FOR ME ! No more sinus issues No more arthritis Far better physical endurance. Lost 23 Kg Meats rule !
@dougreed2257 Жыл бұрын
Yikes, plant food? It will affect you in the long run, carnivore is the way to go!
@thalesnemo2841 Жыл бұрын
@@dougreed2257 HELL YES! Carnivore is the proper human diet!
@isaquazi1939 Жыл бұрын
Great interview man! The way you were asking questions- just great! Thank you
@williamdahl3318 Жыл бұрын
Excellent podcast, Chris! Dr. Saladino is the best.
@michaelj.4187 Жыл бұрын
you never die, you is a construct of judgement/contrasts, your choice/free will to ascend judgement, sending love and peace to everyone...
@AustnSpace111 Жыл бұрын
From listening to Paul saladino talk, I would imagine he knows almost nothing about the importance of feeding your microbiome. These animal-based foods he's describing do little to nothing to support the "good bugs" in a human stomach. A diet like he's describing will very likely increase risk for all cause mortality. I appreciate his perspective, but to give your viewers a full perspective, I would have a plant-based nutritionist or doctor like Simon Hill or Dr. Joel Kahn on to discuss the latest science on our human microbiomes. 🌱
@samsmiff-w6s Жыл бұрын
Not a fan of CC's politics but I do respect and appreciate his interest in health and fitness. We can all find commonality
@BognaBH Жыл бұрын
My own garden ( tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow zucchini, peas, green beans, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, artichokes, lettuce, lavender, mint, carrots, parsley, dill, garlic, onions..), raw honey, raw goat milk, wild mushrooms, own wine, dandelion and nettle from forest, farmers beef burgers, liver and turkey. I live in the cleanest air area in Poland (Podlasie) and also New York (sic!)…and then I listen to Bryan Johnson and wonder what he is doing… Love your chat❤
@pattihy Жыл бұрын
We are trying our best. It’s hard for a low income family of 3 boys both parents working full-time just to survive.
@28jewelsboogie Жыл бұрын
Try and prepare meals over the weekend or days off for the week. I hear you….growing your own veggies…..convenience in the form of fast food or processed food is poison for your kids and you. From scratch is the way to go.
@sharonmaitland4411 Жыл бұрын
He mentioned raw milk and is anti soy and almond. I don't process lactose in dairy very well. I use mostly coconut milk. Does he have a problem with that also? I really don't thing Paleo man put that much thought in what they ate. They ate what was available. Obviously this guy doesn't have kids.
@dieselbourbon3728 Жыл бұрын
I used to think I was lactose intolerant but it was actually all the carbs and fiber I was eating with the milk that gave me gas and bloating.
@le832 Жыл бұрын
@@dieselbourbon3728this is interesting. Years ago I was periodically eating yogurt parfait with granola from Corner Bakery and also sometimes their oatmeal. After a few days of eating this, I started having stomach pains and bloating. Then I ate oatmeal 3 days in a row and I experienced the worst stomach pains. I thought I might have to go to the ER. Then I tried the yogurt parfait without the granola. And guess what? No stomach problems. So it turned out to be the oats and grains and not the dairy.
@jeffrey7063 Жыл бұрын
Try goat milk. It might be the A1 casein you’re sensitive to. A2 milk of some kinda like goat milk might work for you.
@cathymedley1340 Жыл бұрын
What about people who were told not to eat red meat because of a heart condition? Doesn't seem to be healthy for them. Sounds like they would starve on this diet. We are told so many things we don't know who to believe.
@dieselbourbon3728 Жыл бұрын
Believe what works. Try different ways of eating for at least 90 days and see what happens. I did and ended up 95% carnivore. I eat a little fruit and on rare occasions, maybe once a month, have bread. No veggies, no fiber, no juice, no pasta, no rice, nothing processed in a box. I'm now healthier than I've ever been. I believe it because I am experiencing it. This cannot be denied.
@NS-ie2ld Жыл бұрын
You might want to question the people who are propagating the lie that red meat (same as cholesterol) is bad.
@richardbeaumont7960 Жыл бұрын
Demand to see the evidence that eating meat is bad for your heart. Meta analysis of the multitude of studies on the subject have shown a zero to very weak association between meat and heart health, and in some cases the association is inverse. Even most doctors don't know this. They just prescribe the drugs according to "standard of care" guidelines. Which were created by panels with financial conflicts of interest ie tied to drug companies.
@debrabelaska3175 Жыл бұрын
Great podcast today Chris 👏 enjoyed hearing from Dr. Paul Saladino. He is a very disciplined person and he looks great 👍. He eat well and it is paying off. I could learn a lot from him. Not all the foods he listed I would like, but I could make some changes in my eating
@sqlb3rn Жыл бұрын
I tried vegan for 2 years after seeing some Netflix documentary. I had 3 kidney stones, never had one before, or since I quit veganism.
@rajh3867 Жыл бұрын
The oxalates from veganism will cause stones, glad you are better
@DivaGeneva Жыл бұрын
Really interesting interview Chris. . .So glad I can continue to eat meat and not beat myself up. Even with all this information though, I just don’t have time to let THE PERFECT be the enemy THE GOOD. I just try to stay in between. Eat meat and vegetables and fruits, workout! And pray that GMO from the stores aren’t giving me cancer!😮
@dirkmoolman Жыл бұрын
You should interview Dr. Anthony Chaffee. You will get a total different response. Also listen to Kelly Hogan. If you want science, talk to Dr. Bart Kay. Have a look at the Carnivore lifestyle.
@Whimsy4fall Жыл бұрын
Sugar is the devil. And I sold my soul. Yes, processed food is terrible. But hardly anyone wants to spend time preparing and cooking.
@January. Жыл бұрын
I eat bags of precut salad, canned tuna, sardines, extra virgin olive oil, natto, fried eggs, nuts, etc. = meal prep which doesn't take any time at all
@Net_express1 Жыл бұрын
Fucking lazy, no wonder we're losing touch with ourselves
@Dabincracker Жыл бұрын
Literally takes me 10 minutes to grill a steak. 1 fatty ribeye a day will keep you full 24 hrs. No sides, easy clean up as well and easy grocery shopping
@dsonyay Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah! I’ve been eating only meat for a year. My life has drastically improved.. lost a lot of weight. Low BP. Super low triglycerides and very high hdl .. And it’s nearly impossible to get fat eating only meat. You are so full after eating .. you won’t eat much at all after a large steak (like or two!)
@shangstr Жыл бұрын
Thats the aim of the high carb high sugar diet to make you feel unmotivated to save your. But once you break that barrier in about 2 weeks at least and you have mastered or close to mastering a mouth watering steak, sickness begins to go away and your motivation will switch back on sooner to save yourself.
@jaecheveyo5140 Жыл бұрын
Sorry Fredo, I'll wait until Rogan interviews Dr Saladino
@maribelpita5745 Жыл бұрын
Meat has iron, we only need a small amount of it, also too much iron is very toxic, so don’t eat much meat but eat organic eggs, the egg is the perfect protein and full of vitamins and minerals
@Sumeria_9 Жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this show very much!Saladino has the right ideas!
@minniemaklingham4255 Жыл бұрын
Happy birthday Chris: Much love and blessings to you always 🙏💖💖🎉🎉🥳🥳💋
@faith5401 Жыл бұрын
@JeffKawa Жыл бұрын
I think, Chris, if you went on a strict carnivore diet for 30 days your brain would calm down naturally.
@mmanda515 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I (wrongly) laughed at a friend who suggested this way of eating. I judged, said how absolutely wrong they were & claimed how harmful it would be to their health. I said I would do it for a month to prove them soooooo wrong. Here I am still following basic BBBE 90 days later & boy am I eating my words & apologizing profusely. Lesson learned, don't judge & be way more open minded! WHAT a difference in, well... everything!!!!
@JamesMcCabe703 Жыл бұрын
@chriscuomo Dr. Saladino is an exception for his carb intake. Those of us with any form of metabolic syndrome cannot consume that much in carbohydrates and expect to change anything. I hope you have Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Chaffee, and Dr. Shawn Baker on as well. There's a great banter video between Dr. Saladino and Dr. Chaffee,. I think, that touches on this carb load for most folks.
@Jeffs60 Жыл бұрын
You follow Ken Berry a 230 pound man with a few disciplinary actions to his name? Ken Berry in his book page 103 says nuts and seeds are very healthy, the nutrients and fiber are great. Page 187 says I eat many servings of colorful veggies every day. Page 192 says there are many days each week I eat no fiber at all. Page 205 says I often go days without eating anything but fatty meat cooked in either lard or butter. There are no references in the book, did he ever read any studies? He has brain fog and can't even think straight. When Ken shows you his CIMT test results then you can decide if you should follow him.
@richardbeaumont7960 Жыл бұрын
@@Jeffs60Dr. Berry transitioned to stricter carnivore some years back and he is looking lean and healthy, and no evidence of "brain fog" in his videos.
@Jeffs60 Жыл бұрын
@@richardbeaumont7960 So Ken plays games with diets and changes his ideas every few years? So what will he change in the next 5 years to show what he is doing now was wrong?
@richardbeaumont7960 Жыл бұрын
@@Jeffs60 looks to me like Berry has progressed from keto to carnivore, which is quite natural progression. He also looks pretty fit and before starting keto was not just overweight but obese. What's your hangup with Ken Berry anyway? While you complain, it appears thousands of other people have benefited greatly from his videos.
@Jeffs60 Жыл бұрын
@@richardbeaumont7960 Benefit for how long? People benefited from following tv ministers like Jim Bakker and they felt good for a while.
@christianmuster1975 Жыл бұрын
this is a very good and true interview. Thank you very much . Greetings from Europe, Germany
@generation_XO Жыл бұрын
I found you, because I follow Rosie Subscribed afterwards. Watching a few more videos, as a critical thinker, female, mother if three, grandmother, retired Sgt , MDOC and did take a few health and exercise classes earning another degree in Sociology. After just giving my background, at 58 yrs old, the Dr., misses a huge point I feel, your wife might understand my point. Her, and I, not him, will carry life for nine months Calcium, selenium, folic acid is in beef If, the animal is graa fed, but a pregnant, and breast feeding mom, needs the leafy green, the grains, for the other life. Science base approach, is great, for him .. For a man. For a surfer. For a man that will never breast feed Iodine, is important. We ALL know, what food groups contain the healthy iodine, and little life, needs it. Another mineral, contained in whole grains, is needed in a pregnant women's diet, and her milk. Tell him to research what this is and when videos are out like this one, it is all about a man, his diet, his life and science, or his education, doesn't work for women giving life, and breast feeding the next, healthy generation. Find me a ,💯Dr. That will include grains, fresh fruits, veggies, Nuts, iodine etc ..and women will birth healthier babies, and still provide excellent nutrition rich mammal milk while they grow and immune system becomes strong .. Another idea for the Dr to consider, is vaccines. Our ancestors , true, are inside the forest as they moved along When he was born, I am sure his baby doctor used vaccines on him and he then, will process the vaccines, or not. We all have read studies on vaccines, and how the people live and eat today verses back in cave men times. And with process foods, clearly, is BAD, the Dr needs to tell us how some of us get an autoimmune disease, etc He was not born with it He was vaccinated So we're women, myself. Then, we breast feed Now, that study, would be scienctific, and something he could discuss, and bring into women and include us all in his push agenda I heard him, watched twice. He missed many points, and vaccines, and how it all does carry inside us now, and our ancestors never had them We can not go back to cave man eating patterns, not possible with vaccines. And, pregnancy. On to watch my next video. # critical thinker is about pushing AKL of us forward, in a healthy lifestyle, and not just eating meat organs. By the way, cattle receive, vaccines. Eat on Dr. Paul.
@sharonmaitland4411 Жыл бұрын
If you want to slow your brain down, sit by a river. There is something about water that is calming for us humans.
@westleywest7259 Жыл бұрын
In lower manhattan…
@dieselbourbon3728 Жыл бұрын
A rainy night is great for sleeping.
@jacealbine Жыл бұрын
That and watching fire. It's very hypnotic. Sunsets are also good too.
@minniemaklingham4255 Жыл бұрын
Such a wonderful conversation thank you Chris: Love watching you on news nation: enjoy very minute of it good job god bless you always: 🙏💕💕💕
@Damudean Жыл бұрын
I wish when he says what he eats, he would warn those that are watching not to eat as much fruit (sugar/carbs) as he does. As not many people exercise as much as him.
@tyronejackson19277 ай бұрын
Well they should exercise daily
@Damudean6 ай бұрын
@@tyronejackson1927 and if they can’t? Like I couldn’t
@westleywest7259 Жыл бұрын
Beans (legumes) did I miss it? Coffee is a bean. No coffee, no life.
@noeldizon657 Жыл бұрын
Dr Paul,, i emailed your staff and asked if i can buy your supplements and pay via gcash? Abby said NO. I highly suggest that your company accepts gcash and other ewallets. This is the guy who had a brain tumor surgery 30yrs ago, the retired US Navy now residing in the Philippines. Thnx!
@DY2784 Жыл бұрын
A good balance of meats, veggies, breads, etc., is what I’ve always practiced and will continue on for the length of my living journey. Give Him time and, just like the others, the info will change. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@anteandrovic Жыл бұрын
One mans meat is another man's poison....
@nzimbilef Жыл бұрын
Agree !! If you have to take supplements on a Carnivore Diet, then something is wrong with the diet. Takeaway People eating a carnivore diet may be missing essential vitamins and nutrients. If you intend to stay on a carnivore diet over the long run, talk to your doctor about supplementing with missing nutrients and polyphenols. It’s possible to get most nutrients from a carnivore diet if it includes organs (especially liver and sweetbreads) and seafood (especially salmon and mollusks). The most difficult nutrients to source from meat are vitamin C, boron, vitamin E, antioxidants and fiber.
@nzimbilef Жыл бұрын
Joe’s Recommended Supplements SelfDecode CEO Joe recommends these supplements for anyone trying the carnivore diet. Talk to your doctor before adding any new supplement to your regimen, as some may have unexpected interactions. Multivitamin (must contain: vitamin A, B9, Biotin, C, E, K, boron) Magnesium and Calcium Potassium Lithium Orotate Curcumin (a polyphenol) Resistant starch (soluble fiber) Psyllium husk (insoluble fiber) Myo-inositol I would rather eat the whole foods that supply the above than take so many supplements, that aren't even absorbed as well as from whole foods!!!!
@rogerdana7950 Жыл бұрын
Not a cuomo fan his views on politics make me sick, and I think he shouid be prosecuted for his covid misinformation. But, good podcast on this topic. Good job.
@jeffstanaway3576 Жыл бұрын
I ate a Non-GMO vegetable-based diet from Dr Sebi and dropped weight, and all my Diabetes meds, felt pain relief and BP reduction, but the diet was unsustainable. . I think that eating a combination of "Good" vegetables and fat-rich meats, and water with unrefined sea Salt for dehydration is the ticket to staying away from the Doctor's office. . .
@dianavaldez3371 Жыл бұрын
The warmer and more tropical the climate, the more fruit you can eat. That’s my belief. In colder climates, I think you should stick to more fat. Also, Dr. Saladino has a very active lifestyle. People who are more sedentary should not be eating that much fruit and honey.
@brothercaleb Жыл бұрын
I’m digging this 👌🏾
@Loveschihuahua12 Жыл бұрын
Chris, loved this conversation you had with Dr. Paul Saladino. 👏👏His lifestyle is interesting. I have not had red meat or poultry in over 30 years. Unfortunately, due to my forever allergies, certain foods I can no longer eat. I am working on my sleep habits. But, I can not and will not give up on coffee and chocolate!😂 Take care.
@link6563 Жыл бұрын
What he believes and what the science says are two different things Eating brain is insane,
@westleywest7259 Жыл бұрын
Insane in da membrane!
@NS-ie2ld Жыл бұрын
He would disagree with you. He is following the science. How we interpret the scientific studies, along with identifying the strengths and weaknesses in them is extremely important. Things like “correlation does not equal causation”, “healthy user bias”, etc. are all very important when we review studies.
@MsYoutuebchen Жыл бұрын
Eating brain is certainly not insane. I used to work as a tour guide in Indonesia. There was a restaurant in Jakarta that we took our tourists to on the first night of our trip. Their buffet featured fried cow brains and tongue, which were absolutely delicious. I have never been a regular meat eater but I was always looking forward to that evening. There was another place in Yogyakarta which had a soup made of offal (intestines) which was equally delicious, without the less than pleasant smell that offal dishes often have. And, to shock you even more: I was based in Romania in Soviet times. We were issued food coupons that we could use anywhere. I often took mine to the Hotel International in Mamaia where I would purchase a meal of fuduli (I hope I spelled that right) and mamaliga - testicles and polenta. Those were rare treats which I fondly remember. If I could find “organic“ organ meats I would purchase them from time to time. Imho they are the most valuable parts of an animal, but in our Western world they are so heavily contaminated that they are best avoided. What a waste. I‘m 99% vegetarian and don‘t believe that eating animals on a regular basis is the right thing to do. But I confess that I would find it hard to go completely off dairy and eggs. I admire the vegans that do, especially if they manage to stick to a whole food plant diet. Substituting meat, cheese and fish with heavily processed products that emulate their taste is probably not the way to go.
@eileenkast4982 Жыл бұрын
Yes, these carnivore promoters NEVER bring up any legitimate scientific studies to prove their point because there aren’t any
@anthonyfontana4597 Жыл бұрын
I was a "Meat and Potatoes Guy" because it was tasty and covenant. Then everything hurt and I was told to modify. So fortunately being raised by a Sicilian Grandmother who cooked peasant dishes which now has become the suggested diets. So I remember many who arrived from Sicily who after a weekend of feasting would give their bodies a break . So it was "Verdura " plenty of escarole,spinach,rabe etc,also legumes ,zucca with olive oil. I also keep away from eating "Celebration Foods" as much as possible and dont always eat for taste (unless it is a celebration). My days of devouring the largest rib steak on the menu followed by three fingers of bourbon and having a cigar are over . Fish,Bison/Venison,Lamb as well as organic beef are prefered as well as the many vegetables I consume daily and sometimes by the pound. So for myself at 78 its about diet balance as well as exercise. ......Watch both Game Changer and The Blue Zone (or read The Blue Zone". both on NetFlix. .
@debrabelaska3175 Жыл бұрын
Good morning ☕️ 🙏 🌄 ☺️ Chris , Greg, and Dusty and the Cuomo team . Happy Tuesday just woke up ans can't wait to hear about this. Looking forward as always to your guest. The topic on Animal-Based Diet. Going to be interesting.
@sandibellack6528 Жыл бұрын
How do we know what is the best diet?! We keep hearing different ideas about which is the best: Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Mediterranean,'s ridiculously confusing!
@pb4ugo19 Жыл бұрын
One could argue that our genetic makeup and how we digest food has been altered by evolution.
@dsonyay Жыл бұрын
No. No change really
@stargatergirl Жыл бұрын
Well …this is new info … especially after watching your interview with Functional Medicine Dr. Will Cole and buying his book on health and well being after you posted the interview. I also find it fascinating he is also an alumni from the UofA (like me and Dr. Andrew Weil - the father of integrated medicine. I raised birds and pigs, so couldn’t eat them after that … but also because our intestines are like that of herbivores, not carnivores … so I’m going to have to do more digging … because what is also an integral part of feeding our body, mind, and spirit is healing trauma! Thanks for sharing these .. always learn something here
@michellemooresings Жыл бұрын
Your background is interesting. I have chickens, quail and ducks so I understand how it changes how we feel about eating them. :) I still eat chicken occasionally, but sometimes I can't. I had not heard of this way of eating until about a month ago when we had dinner with a friend. He's an amazing surgeon who helped save my husband from cancer. His friend, also a surgeon, spoke to him at length about this very subject after seeing him in the wee hours of the AM after a surgery. There are new studies out that show we are not getting the nutritional value of veggies, not even organic ones. They are wreaking havoc on us especially our guts. Animal fats are the biggest factor here. No more low fat! Our bodies desperate need this. And anything that comes from an animal is fine too. Hard cheeses, full fat cottage cheese, heavy whipping cream, good quality butter... I listened to him speak about it but could not fathom doing such a thing. I kept asking questions. He spoke to us originally because I had a brain injury almost 11 years ago and he felt this could help me neurologically. Apparently, this is way of eating is very helpful for people with dementia or Alzheimer's. The gut health issues I have had are so opposite now because of the way I'm eating. I am never hungry and I'm not kidding you. And I am not craving sweets like I used to. The other thing is that when he spoke to us we were out to dinner and he was just eating The normal things that go with going out to eat. So he wasn't legalistic about it but he looked amazing. He had so much energy. And when I tried this I was absolutely dumbfounded at how I started feeling. I could do a commercial for this way of eating. I love food, and I loved desserts. This feeling is so foreign to me, but more than that, since my accident I have not felt this good. I had become skeptical about ever feeling better. I feel like I could do a commercial for this way of eating (can you tell?😉) because this isn't really a diet. I have a healthy fear of diets. This is not a diet. :)
@dougprosser6964 Жыл бұрын
Where did you get your information on our digestive tract? We are not at all like herbivores. Compare us to gorillas completely different. Compare us to the ultimate herbivores (ruminants) and we may as well be from another planet. Of the animals we are most similar to dogs.
@stargatergirl Жыл бұрын
@@michellemooresings Hi Michelle, Thanks for sharing your experience. I really appreciate hearing your feedback. Wasn’t sure which diet you are referring to … the one the Costa Rica MD is referring to? I completely agree with your views about “lifestyle” changes as opposed to “dieting.” I was introduced to dieting & body image as a young impressionable girl who was struggling with health and weight issues. I learned from an early age that more than one opinion is essential when trying to find solutions to health problems. My issues started early in life not only because of the “diet” I was fed by my caregivers (who did their best given the information they had) but the emotional life I was navigating in a home of abuse and domestic violence also played an important role in my health. It’s only recently that researchers have discovered how trauma in addition to nutrition have an impact on our health and well-being. I was in 4th grade when I was diagnosed with severe psoriasis. I was told at the time, I was one of the youngest cases. It’s only recently I’ve come across researchers who have discovered the connection with trauma and skin conditions. My health was so out of wack. As a teenager I became addicted to nasal spray. I couldn’t breathe without it. The plus side, was that I was passionate about the performing arts. I was very active in dance, gymnastics, and a variety of sports from the age of 5. I believe that played a huge part in countering the damage I was exposed to from diet and domestic violence. The emotional challenges I was managing in addition to a diet of fast food, pastas, breads, etc. seemed to make matters worse. When I started making nutritional changes, I like you, discovered positive changes in my health and well-being. As a kid, my dad owned an A&W Franchise. He brought home fast food from the restaurant all the time. My caregivers lacked knowledge on the kind of proper nutrition that foster healthy cells, rather than polluting them. Then I got married to a performing magician. We toured and performed in the US and EU for about 15 years. We worked with a variety of birds and reptiles in our shows. They were part of out family. Many of the doves and white pigeons we raised from the egg, because sometimes the mother who laid the eggs wouldn’t. I had to learn how to nurture them like a mama bird. I watched them grow from helpless featherless critters to full adulthood. I had never experienced that kind of bond with an animal before. It was magical how I embraced this new “Snow White” like attitude! I was raised to believe animals were dumb and were only meant for consumption. Boy was I wrong!!! I learned they love, they bond, they have personalities and connect to us in a way, I have been unable to do so with humans at times 🤦🏻♀️ Also, many close friends were sharing information about their making a choice to implement a vegetarian diet. I couldn’t imagine giving up fried and baked chicken, bacon, steak, pork chops, hamburgers or a secret family recipe of crispy Greek meatballs. We were Greeks … a culture who is all about “food!” 😂 Then John Robbins came out with his book, Diet for a New America which changed everything for me. Especially because he revealed how toxic the livestock industry was and the horrors pigs, chickens and cows were subjected to as part of the American Food chain. First, I gave up red meat, because steak was expensive and I could cut that cost out easily. (I never could stomach eating any kind of red meat that wasn’t well cooked because the blood made me queezy). Then one day, I was preparing to bake a special family recipe of Greek Lemon-Peppered chicken for a special dinner with family and friends. As I was getting the chicken ready in the pan, I freaked out and started crying like a baby. I was prepping to eat something that looked like the birds I had been raising, only this one was without a head, organs, and feet. I couldn’t eat poultry after that. A few years later, we adopted Vietnamese Potbellied pigs to our family (they were siblings). I discovered piggies loved their bellies scratched, were affectionate, used a litter box like kitties (without training!) and always had what looked like a happy smile on their faces. After that experience, I couldn’t eat anything pork and gone was the bacon 😂. So my transition from meat to plant based diet was gradual, but my body did notice a difference and I was no longer addicted to nasal spray, had more energy and became healthier in my 30s than I was as a child through my 20s. The other big change was that I was also no longer in a family arena of violence and abuse … until I discovered that I was in a different kind of toxic relationship with a husband who developed severe narcissistic personality disorder. No one knew what that was either at the time. Many performers have huge egos, some worse than others, but I always found a way to positive outcomes using love, compassion and understanding … until it was beyond repair. Once again I was living with trauma and doing my best to survive domestic abuse & violence 😢 . Each of these life experiences offered opportunities to learn and grow. My path to healing is ongoing and now I listen to how my body communicates through inflammation and illness because I have more tools and I continue to learn how to feed my cells to help them thrive, rather than feeding the inner child cravings (although I cave to that voice too … cuz ya just gotta 😂) Each of our journey’s are unique in how our bodies respond to any given situation or nutritional input. When I quiet my mind through meditation, make healthy lifestyle choices and keep an open mind to receiving new information, with the help of teachers who can provide helpful info to us (like Deepak Chopra, Iyanla, Andrew Weil, John Robbins, Will Cole) I feel better. I am learning to be more courageous again, seek information, assess what helps, what doesn’t, and stay positive about it all. When I embrace a curious, positive, welcoming, appreciative attitude as the “captain” at my helm, I feel better about what guides my choices. Life is an ongoing learning experience … so while I’m here, I’m going to keep doing my best to have fun, play my part to help affect positive change in my life and share my experiences with anyone who is interested and open to the joining in on this wacky dance called life … opa! (Sorry …didn’t mean to make this a novella … guess I had lots to share 😂) Thanks again for reaching out. It’s always nice to make new friends 🙏
@ethanstewartstevenson7309 Жыл бұрын
I don't agree with everything Paul talks about these days(I tend toward a pure Carnivore approach, and folks like Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Kiltz), but I love how much traction this movement is getting. For instance, I can't stand Chris Cuomo, but I'm for people talking about animal based eating through any means possible. Even through a former mainstream media hack. So... Good on you, Chris.
@Jeffs60 Жыл бұрын
You follow Ken Berry a 230 pound man with a few disciplinary actions to his name? Ken Berry in his book page 103 says nuts and seeds are very healthy, the nutrients and fiber are great. Page 187 says I eat many servings of colorful veggies every day. Page 192 says there are many days each week I eat no fiber at all. Page 205 says I often go days without eating anything but fatty meat cooked in either lard or butter. There are no references in the book, did he ever read any studies? He has brain fog and can't even think straight. When Ken shows you his CIMT test results then you can decide if you should follow him.
@lululove6175 Жыл бұрын
Chris, juiced
@oosemekh Жыл бұрын
I would bet that a vegetarian who had his exact same lifestyle wpuld be just as healthy.
@rajh3867 Жыл бұрын
Have you seen a vegan in real life? Definitely don’t look healthy
@stargatergirl Жыл бұрын
Weed is medicinal … moderation is the key
@dg6845 Жыл бұрын
True story. Cant believe paul picked alcohol vs Thc
@cruse7511 Жыл бұрын
As mainly low carb high vegetables I'm going to try this for 1mnth chris. I workout daily and lift. I am curious an open minded. As a nurse this goes against our grain.
@JamesMcCabe703 Жыл бұрын
If you truly do one month ketovore or carnivore, would love to hear your progress. I eat mostly carnivore, and of that mostly fish. But I eat all animal, just favor the fish. And man my bloodwork is fantastic. Post MI (3 yrs ago, mild and stent) and now my cardiologist is really scratching his head. My PPC is amazing and loves the outcomes.
@beepbeepnj2658 Жыл бұрын
Saladino with the smooth camera filter on is an entertainer just like tv ministers who also have legit credentials, but he is a Psychiatrist who is trained to psych people out with wrong information. There are no long lived healthy populations or cultures anywhere in history who have consumed a diet anywhere remotely close to what Saladino says and the 500,000 centenarians in the world right now none consume his type of diet and very few take any vitamins or supplements since they don't have access to them. The reason they don't teach nutrition in medical school is the same reason they don't teach you how to read and write or do pushups and run track since they assume you already learned that in grade school.
@elinino5275 Жыл бұрын
He claims to be an "MD" this false?
@elinino5275 Жыл бұрын
Also people who live to be 100 hardly ever ate any of the fast food most people consume today. The were raised on farms and ranches and that all they ate was organic meat and crops. The age of death is declining in the US. Surely will keep declining as the fast food generation ages
@beepbeepnj2658 Жыл бұрын
@@elinino5275 He says he has an MD in Psychiatry.
@julienfroidevaux1143 Жыл бұрын
I suffer from Ptsd after eating a serving of Kale 3.5 years ago . As a Psychiatrist Dr Salad can you help ? 🥩 for the win .
@jacksonthomas3775 Жыл бұрын
It isn't up to the doctors to help you with your diet, it's up to you, same as having teachers raising your kids. Enjoy your good natural foods, unless your body is compromised, some of the keto, carnivores make sense until you are well again, then eat the good natural foods.
@jobhiojkp Жыл бұрын
Durk Pearson used to say the same thing, although I have to say Durk hasn't really aged all that well, either. Probably part of the reason he never appears in media anymore.
@SheilaHensley Жыл бұрын
Excellent info. This is a watch three times and take notes conversation. :) You bring the best ideas and new thinking to us which is why you are building a loyal audience. Thanks, Chris.
@evelynbonner3908 Жыл бұрын
Yes❤ I agree!
@kimi4581 Жыл бұрын
I trust dietitians. This is an extreme fad diet. You get different nutrients from vegetables. You have to take supplements with this carnivorous diet because you aren't meeting all your nutritional needs. Its going to be debunked more and more. Vegans at least know they are depriving themselves, animal based diet is depriving as well. I'll stick to my mostly vegetarian diet, im a pescatarian. I only eat fish a couple times a month. Its been great for me personally. Bread and pasta are best made fresh and in moderation.
@NS-ie2ld Жыл бұрын
How is a diet that is most consistent to what humans have survived on throughout our evolutionary history a fad? Meat, organs, fruit, dairy, honey are what our species has survived and thrived on. He analyzes his nutrients, bloodwork and bio markers continuously. I wish I could reach his level of discipline. He would probably applaud you for cutting out a lot of the junk from your diet but would point out you’re missing out on important nutrients you can only find in meat and organs.
@zeekus2222 Жыл бұрын
Take a look at the food options in almost any hospital and you will quickly see there isn't a concept, vision, or a clue about health. But I'm pretty sure that type of food intake will keep you on the meds.
@TheEsquireClub Жыл бұрын
@hullahoney1 Жыл бұрын
My guy has turned to the CBD/THC instead of drinking and its doing wonder's... Yeah No Drinking is best. I guess the take away is do what works for you, and leave the rest. I know eating more meat and no veggies works for me. I also can't have the fruit .... I will eat Cabbage.. see you have to see how your body reacts. I also know I can't have half and half and milk , and yes inflamation is a biggy with me. Grave's disease and diverticulitis.. Yeah what works for YOU , Thank you Chris for having this conversatio💕💕n
@ericpiazzi3444 Жыл бұрын
Alcohol is way worse than thc
@begabrielanunez7326 Жыл бұрын
Hello Chris! I ‘ve found it very interesting and close to my neuroscientist (the best one from my point of view). I agree that SLEEPING is the most important factor. But in your case as in many other, sometimes is not plausible to Sleep 8 hours. The important issue is the QUALITY of the HOURS you sleep. For doing so, after 5 o’clock, drink coffee is not good as the caffeine will try to persuade your organism not to go to sleep. ( Something you should do if possible at the same time). What happened with our teeth? The first human being had to hunt and eat using each of them. So they were stronger. That is why they had wider jaws. My neuroscientist recommends chewing apples and carrots for example. As your interview, he agrees at medicine college, nutrition was absent. Plus, he is stoic. Discipline is a must. No alcohol or any drugs either. But related to meat, which I eat as well as fish - he is vegetarian. I can assure you he seems 15 years younger. Exercise every day. The older a person gets the gain of muscle become. Coming back with how the first human being lived, they had periods of time they did not eat. That is why, after a certain age, the fasting is important. Implies again discipline. Improves your digestion, stem cells regenerate, and you keep sim. Vegetables- First human beings as we observe in dogs for instance use them to purge themselves. Though, they had no knowledge of them vitamins and minerals we have nowadays. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts are q great complement in the right quantities a doctor specialized in nutrition must indicate you. I remember in Sydney enter the Tasmanian Sea. You come out brand new. I also swim and agree with the effect of cold water on our organism and bodies. Even putting your face into water with ice or having cold showers. My neuroscientist practice himself entering inside a tub filled with water frozen up to his neck for a certain time. But again, THIS MUST BE SUPERVISED by A professional. I found it great as you can see, in many points, agrees. But I don’t agree - even eating argentine meat and salmon for my daughters in growth period of their lives in everything. Vitamin D is vital. 15’ at least of sun every day - even in winter is a Must. Being aware of what we eat as well. A diet should include all the vitamins- probiotics- minerals- antioxidants that for each of us work. Don’t worry if you can not surf 2 hours every day. I do in summer. I swim and not every day cause I have responsibilities. But every single day I do exercise. Even 10 minutes at the end of the week is a lot. Win muscle. Lose weight and muscle is not good at all. The stronger your muscle are the better you will be. Thanks Chris.--:) Pd: I watched CRIME on AMERICA at NEWS NATION👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 August 9th - Great Day!!!! Feliz Cumpleaños GREAT PERSON! The Best for YOU!! You deserve it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
@peggyporter2135 Жыл бұрын
I was surprised you guys didn't mention sprouts as a sustainable, economic food item. Broccoli sprouts have much more nutrition than the vegetable they grow into, as do all sprouts. I'm in my 70s and have been a meat eater until now. Cows, pigs, and chickens make lovely pets. They have wonderful personalities. I'm cutting way back on my meat consumption after seeing "Eating Our Way to Extinction." I'm an optimist. I believe the earth's people are evolving. They're finding ways to generate fresh water; all kinds of improvements and inventions are taking place. I have had so much respect for you, Chris, since I saw you on Bill Mayer's show. You give me hope.
@tonibln Жыл бұрын
I have lost a lot of weight and never gained it back. Many others have done the same. You must have done something wrong. Intuition is the key, not rigid plans. You need to think like our ancestors.
@yveatterothermel9730 Жыл бұрын
My brother gave up all meat and has had so much less inflamation and pain since he did that. I am also not much of a meat eater (basically a bit of poultry and fish here and there). I'm curious to know what this person's blood type is because from what I know about eating right for your blood type he must be blood type O. Both my brother and I are A blood type and do better with less or no meat. Might be something for you to look into.
@dieselbourbon3728 Жыл бұрын
I'm A+. Been carnivore for over 18 months. I'm the healthiest I've ever been in my 56 years on earth. Before this I always ate a so called well balanced diet with many of my veggies home grown. Now I raise my own beef and eggs. My garden today is my pasture for steers and veggies for my hens.
@Net_express1 Жыл бұрын
@@dieselbourbon3728 just started hearing about carnivore and definitely looking more into it. Also wanna get my hands on some raw milk and raw butter, I hear it does wonders for the body
@jamiepage9046 Жыл бұрын
I’m A+ and was vegan for 5 years.. triglycerides were 200, went keto and 4 months later they were at 99.. now carnivore and getting off blood pressure meds.. doctor and myself were surprised, but feeling great! I’m 58
@sunshineinarizona1726 Жыл бұрын
I do the high protein, low carb eating only chicken breast. I hate eating meat, but those veggie burgers and protein shakes make me fat and bloated, so I force myself back to what works best for me. I had a pet pig, so pork is out of the question, and I can't eat a regular hamburger without thinking I'm actually eating a dead cow. My son might be interested in this diet, though, so I will tell him about this video. 🌻
@kathleenphillips7145 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been vegan, no meat, fish or eggs, non gluten and non dairy for about six years now and feel great. The smell of meat makes me nauseous.
@Elaine-ek6gm Жыл бұрын
Actually, when you’re eating chicken breast, you’re eating a “dead chicken.”
@marywinter2185 Жыл бұрын
Can Dr Saladino get a good diet for me? I'm almost 67 years old in October . I'm to the top in auto immune system Lupus is the main but my body is twisted and I have to use a cane. I have a hump back and lately a month or so ago I was diagnosed with congestive heart. failure. .I can't think of what I can do to help myself. I need help.
@lesann1896 Жыл бұрын
This Dr isn’t on a carnivore diet anymore!!!
@alchemysticgoldmind416411 ай бұрын
I believe certain ethnicities are predispositioned to certain foods...people from europe might be more predisposed to consuming meat.Dr Sebi would disagree about the modality..but would agree on the point that food is what heals people..My question is the Acid in the stomach is not strong enough to break down flesh effectively?
@celialum9863 Жыл бұрын
Good interview. Diet is key, however I strongly believe there is not a one size fits all solution considering every individual has different DNA and issues.