Hi Kevin, thanks for the video. It was really good to see another point of view on how to go about doing the same drawing. I have been doing 3D design for a few years now but never really had any guidance on best practices so I just kind of went with it and figured it out. I see how your way of doing it makes it a lot easier if changes are needed. I think I am going to think a bit harder about how I lay things up when doing a drawing going forward. THanks for reaching out.
@Mister_G Жыл бұрын
'Full Round Fillet' - today is a school day. I agree with everything you say - a good model is one that boils everything down to the fundamental required dimensions and doesn't break if you change them.
@CNCMachinistEducationNetwork Жыл бұрын
Nice lesson - sharing with class
@TheDaumen Жыл бұрын
Once again the best tutorial regarding Fusion. Concise and very clear. Thank you for taking the time to help us.
@RobertBrown-lf8yq Жыл бұрын
Great vid. Kevin 👍 Easy to follow, with all the logic explained. Thanks mate Regards Robert
@Dorff_Meister Жыл бұрын
Excellent suggestions all - I learned several new things. Thanks. I prefer to use User Parameters for my dimensions instead of raw numbers, but that would weigh down the video.
@saoudalattiyah Жыл бұрын
I didn’t know about the option on the fillet tap. Thank you very much Kevin
@MrRctintin Жыл бұрын
Amazing!! You make it look so easy and simple mate. Lots of little tip bits in there for me to use. Please keep doing these vids, you’re the best Fusion teacher by far.
@thediscoman2001 Жыл бұрын
u learned me summet new id been struggling with so many thanks
@sebastianmichalski5318 Жыл бұрын
Great tips! Thank you.
@qcnck2776 Жыл бұрын
Very nicely done. Thanks, Kevin.
@arekkazmierowski9657 Жыл бұрын
It's much better way to model, than original version, which wasn't really great. However I think it's worth noting, that in reality it could be done even better. The part seems to have some important dimensions and it would be nice to describe them. These are: hole sizes, distance between both vertical arms, their thickness, amount of material around holes and slot etc. The width and length of the complete thing (44x80) are not critical dimensions, but rather end up to be whatever is needed to match other constaints. So it would be nice to only enter important dimensions (which are our aditional constraints) and let other sizes, like complete part width, come out of these constraints.
@tdg911 Жыл бұрын
Pretty slick
@CraigHollabaugh Жыл бұрын
I know for me using the slot and hole commands aren't as ingrained in my brain as well as circle, line, trim, extrude. It a hard habit to break. I've been closely watching "Fusion 360 School" videos which helps for this. Thanks for the video. I'm opening F360 now to try the end rounding filet as shown here.
@karvtek Жыл бұрын
Great video as always. I design similar to you but much slower. Lol. My mistakes here would be I usually sketch the corner off the origin like you showed. I also learned about the center slot tool and how you extruded just one leg and mirror copied it. Love you vids.
@Duraltia Жыл бұрын
Yea... Watching the way, he did it was kinda like someone who used to be a Chūnibyō getting reminded of his highly embarrassing past - Been there, done that. I'd personally have relied on the use of Slots to create the Sketch Shapes but interesting to see that there is ( now? ) a Full Round Fillet Command option 🤔
@elijahcbr6009 Жыл бұрын
Awsome man, maybe you can do some of too tall Toby's models for us and everyone can check their time and weight mass at the end.He does them in solid works, so your on your own with fusion. If you haven't seen his channel he has CAD competitions pretty cool.👍🤘🔥🇺🇸
@woodturner1954 Жыл бұрын
@MechanicalAdvantage Жыл бұрын
You can find the drawing listed in the description of his video. This is the link that he had posted kzbin.info?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUZTRkFkSWtFZERVLXkwVEFMQk1Gc2V2M3NlQXxBQ3Jtc0ttVmM1cTNvZjR1VDVhVUJsc0Z5Q1FwX1o3U1VGNWd3QXBnTE1lWDhhamxiYmp1U2JOc1FVTFN5a0tpdS02WmVXVWRUOGtIbHhaMXVIWTctS3ZNSGJ5WUd0aEQ3T3lTSmt6VklmSEZaNFY4Z25fRmVtcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Ffile%2Fd%2F1Xmy3U_cAwrWhjX_q4S16J4g4TXdmQzOL%2Fview%3Fusp%3Dsharing&v=28xtBWoJbfo