Blood Transfusions: Facts, Fictions and Fractions - Refuting The Watchtower

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Mike Winger

Mike Winger

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I will show why blood transfusions are biblically and medically good! We will look at specific watchtower teachings on this issue as well as examining what the Bible and medicine say about blood transfusions.
This link is about medical statistics of how many JWs die each year from the Watchtower blood policy.
More links for additional research.

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@ProMaxElite 6 жыл бұрын
I think, for any Jehovah's Witnesses watching this video, that it's important to emphasise that we love you. We're not against you. We want you to see the truth about what the watchtower are telling you. If they were telling the truth, they wouldn't stop you from researching to be sure. It saddens me so much that people are dying and not being saved because of the arrogance of the watchtower. God never changes His mind. The watchtower change their mind all the time. It's horrific.
@MikeWinger 6 жыл бұрын
@afterraincomessun 6 жыл бұрын
that could be the case but as long as mike is misleading you , you will not understand the matter to the full. that also is not true : but research sometimes makes it necessary to change your view : if you do research you would know that .
@afterraincomessun 6 жыл бұрын
i would like to explain how a christian views his life : biological our heart and lungs and brain supports our life : but the bible goes beyond that : we have recieved life from God and he also supports that : if we die we can be granted a resurrection if Godgrants it.. and we dont live by bread alone but matthew writes:“It is written: ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah’s* mouth.’”+ so christians are eager to have Gods approval for their way of life ! they also know that they cant get everlasting life on their own .That also depends on Gods approval . Gods approval is important . How could we lose Gods approval? by tresspassing any of Gods commands .
@scottr22 6 жыл бұрын
afterraincomessun How do I get Gods approval? You said how to lose it but how can I gain it?
@afterraincomessun 6 жыл бұрын
there are very much texts to show you ; i would not know where to start : luke 18 18 And a certain ruler questioned him, saying: “Good Teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?”+ 19 Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, God.+ 20 You know the commandments,+ ‘Do not commit adultery,+ Do not murder,+ Do not steal,+ Do not bear false witness,+ Honor your father and mother.’”+ 21 Then he said: “All these I have kept from youth on.”+ 22 After hearing that, Jesus said to him: “There is yet one thing lacking about you: Sell all the things you have and distribute to poor people, and you will have treasure in the heavens; and come be my follower.”+ 23 When he heard this, he became deeply grieved, for he was very rich. If we just start with the commandments of Jesus: And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority*+ has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples*+ of people of all the nations,+ baptizing+ them in* the name of the Father+ and of the Son+ and of the holy spirit,+ 20 teaching+ them to observe+ all the things I have commanded YOU.+ And, look! I am with YOU+ all the days until the conclusion* of the system of things.”*+ matthew 28 further more : if you go on the road to everlasting life (the narrow road ) i will not judge you for i am a sinner just like you.
@RitaMalikfour 5 жыл бұрын
If they admitted they were wrong on the blood issue now, they would be sued to the last penny
@tintinismybelgian 3 жыл бұрын
Well, did the Mormon church get sued after its leadership changed its policy about black people in 1978? Or would that be comparing apples and oranges?
@helina2557 2 жыл бұрын
@@tintinismybelgian nailed it 10000000%
@tintinismybelgian 2 жыл бұрын
@@helina2557 Which one? I was asking if it would or wouldn't be an issue for litigation.
@arspsychologia4401 2 жыл бұрын
​@@tintinismybelgian Probably saying that you nailed it about the Mormons as a parallel. I don't think so because banning black people from somewhere doesn't kill anybody, and it's really not that bad in the grand scheme of things. There's no lasting (earthly) damage from the Mormons, whereas the JWs have made lots of people die.
@westdellarosecreations9827 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure about the Mormons on racism, but racism is wayyy different than being sued for the death of hundreds of thousands of people
@rowanbowyer572 6 жыл бұрын
This was a wonderful episode . My mother died as a direct result of refusing blood, I was a vert young girl at that time. Not only was she hailed as a hero and held up as an example of faithfulness to the w/t teachings but told to follow her example of faithfulness ! Now less than ONE YEAR later the VERY fraction that was offered to her that was an absolute NO was made a YES!!!. It has always confused me because we know God NEVER CHANGES, and he condemned blood sacrifice . This subject has been so well explained here so Thankyou! I really enjoyed listening to it
@g.a5127 Жыл бұрын
Sorry Rowan about your loss. That's what JWs have done over the years. Unfortunately they don't apologize for all their errors.
@tonyspare2468 6 жыл бұрын
A bad organization filled with good people, I hope they all find the information they need.
@carbon273 5 жыл бұрын
Tony Spare yeah exactly.😔
@irynboateng 3 жыл бұрын
@@allagatoral3839 and yet Revelation 7:9 states there were great multitude of people no man can number in white robe in heaven. Do you have some special know in regards to the number from God and thus have concluded that the many going to hell are the billions of Christians there are now. Read revelation 7:9 it states that no man can number the people in heaven so if we are arguing by billions and there are billions of Christian thats just a fraction of Christians who have already died due to persecution and other things. There is a difference between someone who holds the world og God to be true and the other who hold man's word to be true. The Bible is pretty much clear on this.
@irynboateng 3 жыл бұрын
@@allagatoral3839 in conclusion by the sheer number of 2 billion and many more who have died and will be born should Christ Jesus tarry, according to Revelation 7:9 WE ARE THE FEW.
@irynboateng 3 жыл бұрын
@@allagatoral3839 I do not deny that Jesus is separating the sheep from the goat. My point is since you have stated that the 2 billion Christians are too many and are the ones doomed where is your backing because the book of revelation clearly states that there will be a number that no man can number. And yes there will be false prophet preaching false gospel which will cause many to fall away from faith in God through Christ Jesus. Touching Amos 3:7 and the fact nobody knows the end it is very true but for an organisation to state multiple of times about the end of time when the bible itself has said nobody knows clearly shows that it does not have any special secret. As a matter of fact the Bible also states that if a prophet prophesies and the prophesy does not come to pass that prophet is a false prophet. We must all watch because we do not know when the thief will come in the night as well as be careful who we listen to. (wolf in sheep's clothing) And also the number that will be saved is only known by Almighty God to whom 1 day can be a thousand year and a thousand years 1 day.
@irynboateng 3 жыл бұрын
@@allagatoral3839 I am not your enemy either. Over and over again you claim that the body of Christ is doomed for believing what Christ has said. And also you are right that not everyone claiming to be Christian is a Christian because there are nominal Christians and not all will go to heaven. Touching on the doctrine of the trinity whether you call it trinity or in the name of The Father and Of the Son and of the Holy Spirit will not have an effect on anyone's salvation trinity is a name given to summarise it, unless its also wrong to use "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". Back to the point I was making which you initially raised referring to Amos 3:7 when God reveals His truth to His prophets they come to pass and any prophet who prophecies and the prophesy does not come to pass is seen as a false prophet. The organisation has made prophesies about the end times which has not comes to pass when the bible clearly states that the times or day nobody knows neither the angels or the Son. However time and time again prophesies about the end times have been made by the organisation which has not come to pass surely these prophesies are not from God. So then we can confirm we have a false prophet amongst us. Neither does the organisation have any special secret from or access to God because every Christian and unbelievers have access to God through Christ Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. The one who was killed because the religious leaders thought He made Himself equal to God. And if He has said that anyone who honours Him honours God, is it then wrong to honour Jesus and are you and the organisation making the ascertion that the words of Jesus are not true and thus a liar? God forbid! Read John 5:23 or is there another special knowledge the organisation have that the body of Christ does not.
@juniordomingo5293 6 жыл бұрын
@ziggedyzigzag 5 жыл бұрын
Hi sir Winger, i have been disfellowshiped since a couple of days now. I really really want to thank you from the bottom of my whole being for all the research and exposing the hypocrocie in the organisation , but beside that for saving my life. Thank you ❤️ I will go on following you and do better research than i ever did before to find and learn the truth about everything concerning the word of God. I was completly lost , i thought, without JW....but because of your way of teachings and interpretation of the bible i don’t feel lost anymore. I only want to understand God and the truth and change my thinkings into the will of God. I hope there will be a day that we can meet and i can shake your hand and say thank you. My name is vincent protin and i live in Holland
@Tania-fs5fv 4 жыл бұрын
Vincent Protin welcome to the body of Christ brother! Wooohooo!! What caused you to get kicked out? If you don’t mind me asking, I’m just curious. What made you start seeing the false teachings?
@ziggedyzigzag 4 жыл бұрын
Tania Cassidy I fell deeply in love with a friend who I grew up with and known her for 30 years .She was not a JW , and we ended up getting intimate. I broke up with her after that, cause I learned it was a terrible sin. So after being heartbroken, almost 7 months later I told the elders I commited a sin which I was not sorry for, because it was a sin out of love. I felt bad towards Jehova but I couldn’t understand why it was such a big sin. But I said I was sorry and I prayed to God a lot of times asking for forgiveness. At the committee I got into an argument with one of the elders who said I was like a child in faith and said : I told you you would go on the wrong path and look at you now. I got upset so I ended the conversation by saying goodbye and I never went back.
@ziggedyzigzag 4 жыл бұрын
Tania Cassidy .....Hi Tania, thank you for your loving kindness reply. I feel you when you explain the guilt feelings and the hypocrisy feelings . I do too.....but I learned that those feelings are feelings made by people in their minds.....even my own mind. Since I decided not to go back to JW, a lot of things changed inside of me. Like study the scriptures/gospels. Now I am exited to search for the the “ truth” , I really wanna research what I want to learn. Anyway, thank you so much for your interest in me and you telling me your story. If you please don’t mind me there a way we can talk without KZbin ? I feel stupid for asking , you know why.....but I don’t want the whole world to know what I feel and think and who I talk with..... Maybe we can WhatsApp?
@ziggedyzigzag 4 жыл бұрын
Tania Cassidy is not possible to search/find a person in WhatsApp who is not in your contact list on your phone.
@Tania-fs5fv 4 жыл бұрын
Vincent Protin what about Facebook? Would that be easier?
@brittychiky 5 жыл бұрын
I have never believed that getting a blood transfusion would somehow keep me from getting into heaven but I clicked on this video out of curiosity. I personally have been saved by 2 blood transfusions over the past few years.. thank you for this!
@danielperales376 Жыл бұрын
Yur already incorrect. Yu have to be closer to Jehovah to go to heaven. Yur already incorrect. And don't listen to this man He doesn't have the correct faith On Jehovah. Pray to Jehovah For Faith.
@j3in725 Жыл бұрын
@@danielperales376 Luke 14:5. Jesus himself says the symbol can't get more important than the purpose. And that was about the Sabbat. How can you refuse a blood transfusion when it symbolizes life. Life that is holy in god's eyes and has to be saved when it can be saved. The bible verse about blood is about EATING blood. You guys are making and adding your own words to the scriptures, litterly. Edit: also Jehovah's witnesses don't believe they go to heaven. Only a selected few (144,000) so get your facts straight before you try to give "bible advice". You don't even know your own faith jokemanthing.
@Dazzwidd Жыл бұрын
@@danielperales376 Do you know even how to get close to Jehovah?
@silaaron76 Жыл бұрын
@@danielperales376 God uses correct grammar, you can start there.
@strnglhld Жыл бұрын
@@danielperales376 Why are you misspelling “you” and “your”?
@emf49 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mike. I've been a believer for over 35 years and have never heard anyone do such a loving and comprehensive teaching on the subject. Blessings to you.😆 ng on it.
@caribbeanman3379 6 жыл бұрын
25:16 Pure ethanol in the veins would not kill you - not unless you injected too much. It would have the same intoxicating effect as if you drank it, only it would act faster. Ethanol acts like a basic food nutrient. By that I mean, it isn't digested when ingested orally, but absorbed whole through the digestive tract into the blood. So you can also inject it directly without any harm - provided it's pure ethanol and not something like wine or beer which would have other substances that could be harmful if not fatal, when injected directly into the bloodstream. This makes alcohol very different from blood which will undergo some digestion if ingested orally - blood cells, plasma and platelets are made up of complex proteins which would be digested to basic amino acids. However, when blood is injected it will behave as blood - once it is viable and compatible with the recipient's blood type. It's essentially a liquid organ transplant. So the whole alcohol analogy is flawed for the very reason that blood and alcohol are not comparable in behavior when you compare the effects of injecting them versus oral ingestion. But the most important reason why the analogy fails is that the reason a doctor tells a patient to abstain from alcohol is completely different to the reason the Bible says to abstain from blood. The doctor is concerned with alcohols effects on the body - which remain essentially the same whether injected or ingested. But the bible writer is concerned with, not the effects of blood on the body, but the effects on the sanctity of blood itself, depending on how it is used. Eating blood amounts to taking a sacred currency used on the altar for repurchasing the souls of sinners, which currency is supposed to be valued as life, and devaluing it by treating it as common food. This use of blood undermines the spiritual integrity of the sacrificial system such that the sinner who eats blood cannot have his sins forgiven through blood sacrifice because he esteems the currency for repurchasing his life as being worth no more than common food. This is what Leviticus 17 is alluding to when it mentions the use of blood on the altar when it issues the prohibition on eating it. A blood transfusion, however, involves putting blood in the veins to serve the very purpose for which it was made - to sustain life - so using it for that purpose does not cheapen it because God made it to be used in the veins for that purpose. The very reason that blood is valued as life and used on the altar to repurchase the life of sinners, is because of its primary, life-sustaining role in the veins. So blood transfusions involve using blood in a manner that is in harmony with its God-given role. Eating blood does not. It's that simple. But simple logic escapes the minds of JWs when they're under the psychological spell of the organization.
@Fisher97 5 жыл бұрын
Caribbean Man I’d also like to add that intravenous ethanol is actually the cure for ethylene glycol poisoning so it can actually be a cure.
@alanburchardt1045 4 жыл бұрын
I left in 2017 since then I have helped brothers sisters mother's fathers children accident victim's by donating blood what do you think Jesus will say
@alanburchardt1045 4 жыл бұрын
How can they not see that they are doing blood sacrifices I pray for all of them may our Lord Jesus open there eyes
@georgeseese 2 жыл бұрын
Caribbean Man Thanks for your comments, but "Ethanol acts like a basic food nutrient." I understood that alcohol is Not a nutrient and goes directly to the liver to be processed and excreted, but first affecting the brain.
@caribbeanman3379 2 жыл бұрын
@@georgeseese I didn't say it *is* a nutrient. I said that it *acts as* a basic food nutrient in the context of how our digestive tract treats it - it is absorbed as is. This is in contrast to blood which contains complex proteins that will undergo digestion when eaten; but will remain as blood if transfused. Therefore eating blood is not the same as transfusing it. That significant difference between the way the body treats blood vs alcohol depending on if it's eaten vs injected, negates the use of the "drinking alcohol is the same as injecting alcohol, therefore drinking blood is the same as transfusing it" reasoning.
@gmandofgod 4 жыл бұрын
Sometimes when they change doctrine, they call it, "new light."
@krissykatportal 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I asked my sister, “How can u defend all the false prophecies?!” She said well they’re not perfect and something about new light🙄
@toniprandelemonier7515 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a nurse who saw a 23 year old Jehovah's witness who, after giving birth had a complication of massive bleeding. she desperately needed blood. she carried a MPOA card (medical power of attorney} which prohibited her from getting blood. Her mother tried to go to court to reverse her decision, but it was to late. She went into Anoxic brain syndrome (not enough oxygen to the brain. She was intubated, placed on a respirator and had to have a tracheotomy in order to survive. She is a ow living in a nursing home on ventilator support. Her baby girl is now being raised by her family. How can you justified this tragedy. Is this what God wants.
@Youcandoanythingyoudream Жыл бұрын
What IF it was wrong for her to get that transfusion? If that were the case, she did right. But I mean i get what u mean, but christians are not supposed to be living for this life, the next. I do not believe so called witnesses are in the true gospel, but yea I am very very concerned about transfusions and accepting blood from another person, when the blood is life. Our flesh is fueled by blood isnt it? with no blood we stop working, we have a spirit too, i do not know where our spirit is, or if it binds to something in our body, nor what it is made of. But I do know when a man dies his spirit leaves his body, so when his body stops working/dies his energy leaves/spirit leaves it. I would be very scared in the situation but I would not tell someone it is ok to take it, because I do not know, and I lean towards it being sketchy lol. But I cannot say for sure I just feel it leans that we should not. We can go over consequence all day but if it is wrong it does not matter what punishment we get for doing right. But if you do not know? Well i mean not many are willing to risk their lives over that I would say so int he case of that woman, idk. sad either way. idk its too deep to get into
@nancyswass119 Жыл бұрын
I'm so grateful that God's word never changes
@peanutnetwork 6 жыл бұрын
Jesus in the OT would be awesome! Thanks Mike for having a heart for JW's. These videos help those of us who are ex-JW now Christian too!!
@veratonnisen3639 4 жыл бұрын
Go to Jason Zeldas videos and watch how to read and understand the Bible, it will blow your mind. Love Erik Tonnisen
@geeemale3502 6 жыл бұрын
Mike you nailed it! On a scale from 1 to 10...a whopping 10+ on this topic of Jehovah's Witnesses and their No-Blood doctrine! I know I speak for most in the XJW community when I make this request: Please...please could you do a video on Jehovah's witnesses disfellowshipping and shunning doctrine?
@afterraincomessun 6 жыл бұрын
I would like to explain the bible command about not using blood i dont think i have ever read it in literature of the Jehovahs witnesses ; only parts of it and not so deep explained . It kept me from sleeping last night and also for myself analysing the hows and whys. so here it is : The bible makes sure that from the beginning of mankind , God does not want us to use blood in specific ways. it starts in Genesis 9: 3 Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you.+ Just as I gave you the green vegetation, I give them all to you.+ 4 Only flesh with its life*-its blood+-you must not eat.+ 5 Besides that, I will demand an accounting for your lifeblood.* I will demand an accounting from every living creature; and from each man I will demand an accounting for the life of his brother.+ 6 Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed,+ for in God’s image He made man.+ 7 As for you, be fruitful and become many, and increase abundantly on the earth and multiply. In that time it should have been a simple command not hard to understand ; however not eating the fruit from the forbidden tree was also simple , still men trespassed that command . God blessed men by alowing meat to be eaten , now not anyone will see that as a blessing because some say : it is wrong to eat meat because you have to kill for it. But here it is clear we must rely on Jehovah and if he allows it we cannot deny him. But what did he really say: FLESH WITH ITS BLOOD YOU MUST NOT EAT. Because blood was not to be eaten it had to be poured out on the earth as a symbol that the life that was represented by it , was given back to God. yes the command says ITS LIFE ITS BLOOD (vers 4) Could that mean that an animal that did not die was to give blood like it gives milk? No the blood meant life and was not be used ; even when an animal did not die. that was the command for blood of every animal. leviticus adds :“‘If any man of the house of Israel or any foreigner who is residing in your midst eats any sort of blood,+ I will certainly set my face against the one* who is eating the blood, and I will cut him off* from among his people. so any sorts of blood is said ! But suppose someone would like to say that we could also use human blood to eat . would that also be under this command? i think it does : is the life of a man not in his or hers blood? so this was to be respected . And genesis goes on : Besides that, I will demand an accounting for your lifeblood.* I will demand an accounting from every living creature; and from each man I will demand an accounting for the life of his brother.(gen 9) It seems that God is regarding human blood as important of even more important as the blood of an animal. For where we were to kill an animal but not eat its blood , God rejected it to kill any man and by this symbolic shed his or hers blood. Even if a man was put to death in a way that no blood was shed (which we nowadays now is possible ) it would stil mean a tresspas of this command. So mens blood was (even symbolic) more of value than that of animals. No one was to shed it and no one was to use it or eat it: blood was : life blood ; the soul was in the blood the life represented by the blood was also called the soul . In that days also there came to be a certain understanding that one could have bloodguilt . In due time laws were published, spelling out what constituted crimes worthy of death, and in this way, everyone could avoid doing that which would bring bloodguilt upon his own head. Other legislation was enacted as preventive safeguard to protect people from spilling innocent blood. Parapets had to be built around the edge of the flat-topped houses so people would not fall off. (De 22:8) A man had to provide safeguards to prevent his bull from goring people. (Ex 21:29) If a thief was killed while breaking in at night, there was no bloodguilt; but if he was killed during the daylight, it was a different matter. (Ex 22:2, 3) so EVEN HUMAN BLOOD SHED AND RESPONSIBILLITY FOR SHEDDING could mean a tresspassing of Gods command . Does this mean that if blood was shed and a person did not die by it was to be allowed? i think that it is the same with human blood as with animal blood: you were not allowed to use it: in fact one could say that the command of lev 17 : any sort of blood , was also meaning human blood. Now a jew or a christian was to be sure that he did not do anything unlawful; the jews became masters in exaggerating the commands of the Lord. But back to basics : we have to decide : am i allowed to use human blood? first i would like to explain how a christian views his life : biological our heart and lungs and brain supports our life : but the bible goes beyond that : we have recieved life from God and he also supports that : if we die we can be granted a resurrection if Godgrants it.. and we dont live by bread alone but matthew writes:“It is written: ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah’s* mouth.’”+ so christians are eager to have Gods approval for their way of life ! they also know that they cant get everlasting life on their own .That also depends on Gods approval . Gods approval is important . How could we lose Gods approval? by tresspassing any of Gods commands . Could a christian lose or save his life when he tresspasses the command on blood? lets resume : genesis says: Only flesh with its life*-its blood+-you must not eat.+ 5 Besides that, I will demand an accounting for your lifeblood.* I will demand an accounting from every living creature; and from each man I will demand an accounting for the life of his brother.+ 6 Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed,+ for in God’s image He made man. and acts 15 says:Therefore, my decision* is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God,+ 20 but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols,+ from sexual immorality,+ from what is strangled, and from blood. In this text from acts 15 we see ;'things strangled . That is referring to flesh which has not properly been treated and where the blood still is in it . but abstaining from blood is seperately mentioned. To abstain of blood does mean for sure : not killing somebody ! but does it also mean not to use blood as food ar as an intravenious lifesaviour. Medicine is nowadays using blood as a life saviour but we have seen that life does not depend on biological facts but also on Gods approval . Do we have Gods approval when we use human blood in medical situations . Even if we do not kill someone. We should say NO considering all the arguments we have: no blood may be eaten, (also all sorts of blood), life is in the blood ,we live only by Gods approval. the bible shows us how to deal with difficult sitations :For whoever wants to save his life* will lose it, but whoever loses his life* for my sake is the one who will save it. (luke 9) when we go back to genesis the command says:Only flesh with its life*-its blood+-you must not eat.+ 5 Besides that, I will demand an accounting for your lifeblood.* I will demand an accounting from every living creature; and from each man I will demand an accounting for the life of his brother.+ 6 Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed this sounds as if God is going to demand an accounting when we use the blood of another creature be it animal or man! If it was no problem to use human blood , why would not God have allowed animal blood to be used ? i think this is as far as i can explain and God is the author of the bible !
@afterraincomessun 6 жыл бұрын
you dont really know the truth.
@afterraincomessun 6 жыл бұрын
Lets not we have been doing some in the past but none so blind as he who will not see
@rosiegarcia7842 5 жыл бұрын
@@newlight9727 if you don't have faith in God then you as all those are denying God will , do you think you going to live forever Just because you take blood , if Jesus gave up his life for all he did it so we all gain everlasting life through his Ransom sacrifice , Jesus Christ made possible for us to have everlasting life , this world is coming to its ending God will keep his promise , not even if you take all the blood you can , you will still die, God said do not take or eat the blood for it is someone Life you are taking , but this is why many people deny Jehovah.s witnesses because we obey God's Commandments and laws and we believe in Jesus Christ who gave his life for all , p.s, don't care to hear what you have to say because your faith is not in Jesus Christ or God , how sad , only Jesus Christ can save you , and give you everlasting life through his Ransom sacrifice ,
@veratonnisen3639 4 жыл бұрын
Rosie GARCIA in the New Testament our sawyer JesusChrist give us clarification about the law If you need a blood transfusion get it life trumps the law, Jesus said I came to persevere life , not to take it Love from Canada Erik Tonnisen
@PowerLord83 4 жыл бұрын
You could say Jesus gave all of us blood transfusion, he spilled his blood for our sake
@cheneethompson5756 Жыл бұрын
That's an excellent point!
@komeogbedobor6774 3 жыл бұрын
This is so timely. My friend is a JW but had to get a transfusion the other day and she figured since hasn’t practiced in forever and she has kids she will get it
@komeogbedobor6774 3 жыл бұрын
So good to see this explanation
@j3in725 Жыл бұрын
@@jahtruthdefender lmao. You call yourself Jah's ambassador? Why do you think he thinks about that? A bit presumptuous of you to assume your his ambassador huh? Not very much an example when it comes to what the JW's and the bible says about being humble. What's the reprecussion of that? I believe it's a talk with the elders right?
@aftabchris403 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Mike, God bless you all,,, keep it up exposing cults
@reinarae7052 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so scared for my mom. Her surgery was cancelled last month because they said it was high risk for blood loss and the need for blood. She's completely brainwashed... and I hate to use that word... but honestly that's what it is. How could I ever EVER even come at her with this... I have this secret... my beliefs have changed... Now I know who Jesus really is, how great he was and Is ... and I understand that I don't need to live in condemnation anymore. I've learned a lot about the watchtower now... but my mom doesn't know any of that, neither does the congregation... we just... took their word...I was just a kid.. My mom only as the witnesses now... she has no friends or family really etc... don't think she will ever be freed
@markmooney5662 3 жыл бұрын
GOD bless and keep you and your Mum Reina Rae.....prayers for you that your Mum but might come to know the LORD as you have . Prayers also for her health. Grace and peace to you Gilly wife of Mark
@strnglhld Жыл бұрын
Reina that sounds so frustrating….I’m sorry you dealt with that!
@Dazzwidd Жыл бұрын
You are doing a great work with this internet ministry. I believe it is changing the minds of many and is very needful. I think you're pretty close on every topic I've watched you on
@ToeTallyFooty 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, I have been recently watching your videos and subscribed. Unfortunately all my family is in the JW. I'm planning to start writing a kind eye opening letter to them. Need prayers 🙏 for open heart
@Tooth_Fairy 3 жыл бұрын
@pervertpedophileprophet 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Mike. I am sharing this over here in Africa. Lots of African Jehovah Witnesses dying here because of the policy of those 8-American New York Realtors who teach a false gospel. There was a particular time the Lagos State Government in Nigeria had to forcefully save a Jehovah Witness child who the parents wanted dead because of a refusal to take blood transfusion. She was saved by the government that Jehovah Witnesses regard as Babylon.
@ericbulman1752 Жыл бұрын
Speaking out against the false teachings that the governing body teaches is not disrespecting God.
@igotproof5008 6 жыл бұрын
I stumbled upon one of Mike's videos while watching a Joyce Meyers video. I've seen a lot of JW videos that try to help you help them see the Light but this guy is by far one of the best in relating the Truth because he knows how they operate and is on point. 💯
@audreyhess5287 5 жыл бұрын
Good explanations of the policy and how they defend this policy. I think the one point that wasn’t emphasized enough is that what is really at the core of this issue is the requirement from the Watchtower of unquestioning obedience to follow the policy. It’s not really about evidence of saving lives or dangers to the patient. It’s all about how much blind obedience is required to be in good standing. The pressure is unbelievable and they have blood police who will show up in the hospital to make sure the policy is followed. It’s scary enough for the family to be facing life and death decisions medically without the added social and religious life at stake as well. I experienced this as I sat with my mother as she was preparing for a major surgery. I’m not a JW so I felt completely helpless and sad as she went into surgery. The blood police were just there as an ominous presence. No interaction no supportive words no prayers. They were just there watching. It is so sad to know how many people have devoted themselves to this organization only to be abandoned when a policy changes. Never any explanation other than they have to be obedient to the Governing Body or risk complete abandonment and total rejection by every one they have known and trusted. If the JW ever learned the Truth about the love of God they would choose to give their loyalty and obedience to Him and not the Watchtower. This is the fear of the Watchtower which explains all the crazy fear teaching and their need to require blind obedience to their policies. Thanks to more accessible information many lives are being saved from this organization! JW s are “waking up” everywhere thanks to Gods grace. Pray for this to become a tidal wave of awakening in this death organization! Also be gentle and considerate when encountering jehovahs witnesses. As Jesus followers we need to minister to their broken hearts as they are facing betrayal and abandonment of the deepest kind. Too many leave the religion still believing they have turned their back on God and that they deserve to be annihilated like they have been told by the Watchtower possibly their whole life. Show them the true love of God by being genuinely kind and patient and generous and loving and reflect our amazing merciful Savior Jesus.
@trudyb4841 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your kind words. I am a JW who woke up 2 months ago and you have accurately described that feeling of fear and confusion we have when abandoning the cult. The indoctrination really runs deep and we were convinced everyone who is not JW is under the control of Satan. Now that I am out it is amazing to see how people are kind, loving, non-judgmental and happy. Jws, on the other hand, have convinced themselves they are the only loving people on the planet but you can see the fear and emptiness in their eyes and the fake smiles. I hope more and more are saved from this evil cult.
@SFT49 6 жыл бұрын
Three things: 1. God bless you. You’ve been a daily encouragement and constant reminder of the Gospel to me in a very exhausting season. 2. Again, I’d LOVE if you could cover evidence for the exodus. It’s a very vulnerable topic right now in the Church. 3. Before you confront a super important and inevitable issue (evolution, creationism, Big Bang, etc.), please be very VERY careful. I was pushed away from falling in love with Jesus my entire childhood because of the Church’s intellectual dishonesty and fixation on a particular (fallible) interpretation of obscure pieces of (infallible) Scripture. Please please take the issue very seriously and realize that brilliant science loving souls out there will close their hearts to the Lord (I was unsuccessful in that venture. Thank God.) if they hear a Christian misrepresent or inaccurately convey these issues. Getting a PhD in biochem right now if you want a sinful, science loving, servant of Christ’s perspective on the issue. Love you bro. Keep up all the great work. You inspire me every day.
@MikeWinger 6 жыл бұрын
I would like to do something on the Exodus but have lacked the substantial study time I want to put into the topic first. If I do ever take a position on things like the age of the earth or the timeline of history I will try to do so with grace and from a well-informed position. I fully understand your concerns and I share them. I definitely trust the Bible on this issue but I see that some have overstated their positions on those issues in the past and it has blowback when informed people hear such things. Given your own area of research I'm curious of your own opinion of the Intelligent Design movement (in particular Stephen Meyer's content).
@SFT49 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry. Busy busy weekend. I will look more into this movement of which I admittedly know very little, but my experience in the field (thus far) hasn't led me to embrace anything other than God's sovereign dictation of events (directly and indirectly) that are traditionally held within the scientific sphere. Though I have some exceptions for events clearly described in Genesis 1-11, for which evidence exists that I believe tends to be intentionally overlooked (refer to mtDNA tracing back to mitochondrial Eve and Y chromosomal bottleneck... hint: Noah). I don't think there is a suppression of evidence that suggests that natural history was any different than it is held today. However, even given ~4 billion years of evolutionary history, the complexity of life today is remarkable (miraculous), and this improbability is reinforced with a substantial lack of evidence of intelligent life outside of our biosphere. Slightly loosening our grips on traditional notions of the universe's and life's history, while staying true to Scripture's descriptions of these issues, I believe, only reinforces the miraculous nature of our existence. BTW... I'm thinking the Nephilim were Neanderthals (and potentially other hominid species distinct from Adam's lineage). Might be a cool possibility to consider. Jesus' teachings totally seem to contradict the notion that angels can engage in sexual relations at all, let alone with humans (Mark 12:25). That's all I've got. Hopefully you get a chance to look at my annoyingly long comment.
@derekriethmeier4366 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think that avoiding the eating of blood is an Israel-specific thing, because at its heart we can see it is a health issue that impacts all humans, especially back in ancient times. The letter of the law is to not eat the blood, while the spirit of the law is to live a healthy life that will maximize your health and well being on this earth. Therefore, I agree with Pastor Mike that blood transfusions do not violate the letter nor spirit of this law.
@Steve_P_B Жыл бұрын
There's a difference between consumption and organ transplant. Consumption means instant destruction of a non functioning product, transfusion means transplanting viable products that continue to function for the remainder of their viability period.
@rosiej.1473 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Speaking to a Rabbi about this and a few other topics really helped me to get out of the JW's.
@evanwindom3265 4 жыл бұрын
Mike -- LOVE your stuff. That said, your definition of "third degree burn" is completely incorrect. The "degrees" of burns refer to the severity of the damage, not the coverage of a percentage of the body. A third-degree burn is referred to as a full thickness burn. This type of burn destroys the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and the entire layer beneath (the dermis). What percentage of the body is covered is irrelevant.
@DavidSanchez-eb9rp 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mike for your quality of the teachings you a producing..I really enjoy your messages also my son who is 29 is starting to turn his attention to the Lord so I have recommended your videos to him..I think he has watched one or two and has really enjoyed them....Thanks again even though we have never met I love you brother...
@jesuismieux0136 5 жыл бұрын
How are they not held legally liable for the thousands of deaths they have irresponsibly caused? This is sick and I am shocked they are able to get away with it when their justification for it is flawed.
@nametheunknown_ Жыл бұрын
I commend their willingness to die for their beliefs. I mourn and am filled with indignation that they're dying for lies fed to them by Godless deceivers.
@Natenate443 5 жыл бұрын
Yknow in a way Jesus gave us the ultimate blood transfusion on the cross his blood saved us from our sins so by their logic of blood transfusion being a sin then Jesus would be sinning but we all know Jesus was never a sinner
@fillingthebookshelf7083 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Thank you very much for this, Mike!
@iflex2790 6 жыл бұрын
@Patiem1942 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sharing this with every exjw & he I know. Thank you!
@nandierae 6 жыл бұрын
My partner was forced to marry when he was young by the JW as both him and his partner at the time were JW..but that kind of f-ed him up because he wasn’t ready and he rebelled and he was disfellowed (is that the word?) 15 years later he still talks about going back because his ex and his son are apart of the JW still and he feels so much guilt about not being with his son in the afterlife, plus I think his ex makes him feel a bit guilty. I’ve tried to understand the religion as Im open to understanding, but I just can’t. Everything about it sounds like a cult and it makes me uncomfortable.
@nandierae 6 жыл бұрын
I think what confuses me the most is that he is a very logical guy, but as soon as his religion comes up, all logic goes out the window!!
@104littleal6 6 жыл бұрын
That is very sad. :(
@newlight9727 6 жыл бұрын
Nandie-Rae Ferguson it is a deadly, dangerous ,life destroying , full of pedeophiles, and a murderous cult. Regular Jehovah’s witnesses don’t know and can’t see it. They are victims. But, their leaders know exactly what they are doing. Please just google “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and do research for yourself. Go to and also watch some of “I’m worldly “ videos on KZbin. Hope this helps. God bless.
@savedbygrace2397 6 жыл бұрын
Nandie-Rae Ferguson , the user named ‘New Light’ is giving you great advice. People who learn about the JWs don’t join them, and people who don’t learn about them are forbidden to after they join. They are taught that all outside information is of the Devil. They even discourage their children from getting an education. My Dad was furious with me for getting a college degree and refused to attend my graduation.
@newlight9727 6 жыл бұрын
Saved by Grace Thank you for the shout out. We all need to fight this evil together without letup in our own way. The tower needs to go down. You are telling the truth about college and everything else. It's such a destructive and family damaging cult and it's so difficult for the outsiders to fully understand what us Jehovah's witnesses and ex Jehovah's witnesses have to endure and live through. It's pure evil. It has to end.
@savedbygrace2397 6 жыл бұрын
My Dad okayed blood transfusions for his wife when she needed a new liver. His JW “brothers” found out, so when he died a few years later, none of them came to his funeral or said a word to the family.
@MikeWinger 6 жыл бұрын
What a sad and totally unnecessary thing.
@emblems4life726 6 жыл бұрын
Saved by Grace That's because they are a sadistic cult who practice child, teen, and adult abortion. So sorry your family suffered the abandonment by the "loving" organization because he valued His wife's life over the legalism of Watchtowercorp.
@Glamorista 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, thats how they are. Lots of my family are JW and I havent seen them in 30 years...
@afterraincomessun 6 жыл бұрын
Jesus said : 25 “Most truly I say to YOU, The hour is coming, and it is now, when the dead+ will hear the voice+ of the Son of God and those who have given heed will live. 26 For just as the Father has life in himself,*+ so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself.+ 27 And he has given him authority to do judging,+ because Son of man+ he is. 28 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs+ will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life,+ those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment. Those who die believing in Jesus are not really dead ;;those that have no fait are dead already but they can change that by putting faith in him :people are raised from the dead every day . Than it is also not so hurtful to die for we all will die one day ; but we share this hope on a resurrection! Tresspassing Gods commands could mean that no resurrection will follow ; but God is the judge of that. Every witness should make clear that he or she does not want a blood transfusion .
@savedbygrace2397 6 жыл бұрын
afterraincomessun, eating blood was an unhealthy and satanic religious ritual. Blood transfusions are healthy (often life-saving) medical procedures, so they’re among the things Satan hates. It’s clear that the JW council have no idea what they’re talking about and have gotten untold thousands of people killed, which is the most unloving thing they could do. Clearly, the leadership are in for a harsh judgement and their victims profit nothing from needlessly throwing their lives away to please the heartless church council. “And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:3
@kkdoc7864 5 жыл бұрын
Fractions are just another name for ingredients. If you can use blood ingredients, you can use where they came from. Had a discussion the other day with 2 JW’s who came over about this very topic. I can only hope I planted a seed. As an ER doc, I explained that the advice given in acts to “abstain” from blood was probably a good idea since there are a multitude of blood borne diseases. Lister and more modern scientists who paved the way for the birth of bacteriological/viral study were centuries away from understanding why this was a good idea. Modern science has changed all that since we can screen for any undesirable health threats.. Also scripture only talked of eating blood from animals, not transfusing from humans. Now that they are on board with transplant surgery, their issue with blood makes no anatomical or physiologic sense!
@JerryJones1914 6 жыл бұрын
I have a copy of the blood book from 1961. In this booklet says you are not allowed to take blood or blood fractions.
@TheLukeskywalker2 6 жыл бұрын
I said this on the Monday video. I'd love to see a Jesus in the OT series.
@rosettapadilla8522 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, Id love that!
@veratonnisen3639 4 жыл бұрын
TheLukeskywalker2 Jesus is all over the Old Testament, go to JasonZeldas videos he have one you can watch. Love from Canada Erik Tonnisen
@mrdunnepoetryreallifetvuk1934 3 жыл бұрын
My alcoholic mother attempted to drown me as a baby, my dad & stepmother abused me, disowned my mixed race daughter at birth, had me jailed & my material banned for five years courtesy of Crown court. All of my belongings were then stolen by family & my daughter’s silence bought in exchange for disowning her dad. My Jehovah’s Witness aunt was also found to be abusing her young son & is still a Witness to this very day whereas I’ve been shunned & have had absolutely everything stripped or stolen from me except my dog. My one & only true friend. This world is a wicked place! 😥
@holirumicsfriend 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! Great information! Thanks for the great work.
@jeffreyjourdonais298 4 ай бұрын
Several years ago I was in charge of a lab, and the med/surg floor called and asked me to talk to a patient about blood transfusions. He had a life threatening low h/h. I assured him that the blood wss very safe , highly tested etc....He took 3 units of packed cells, got better and went home. He was a JW.
@shannonmayer18 4 жыл бұрын
I have never seen anyone die from donating blood, and being harmed from receiving blood is also very rare, I believe it would most commonly be from getting the wrong type of blood, which is unlikely. Also, around 1988, hiv was still relatively new, and we could not screen blood as well as we can now.
@nancyswass119 Жыл бұрын
Advocates for Jehovah's witness blood reforms should concentrate on Jehovah's witness theology reforms
@moldyvoldy1231 2 ай бұрын
So my extended family is primarily JW and one of them has had a rough go of it with cancer and thought it was coming back. Went to the doctor to get their stomach checked out and the Dr told them they'd have to operate. They straight up said they would be seeking a second opinion from a different surgeon because the surgeon told them that they would die during surgery if they didn't take blood and they didn't like that. I had to kindly explain to them that pretty much any surgeon they go to is going to tell them that. Great video, Mike! I'd love if you had any tips for specifically reaching family members stuck in the JW because mine won't even entertain a conversation that contradicts their governing body, and so I don't know how to Crack that exterior without just ruining that relationship.
@dragonballsuper3513 4 жыл бұрын
I took the blood when I lost to much they also said I could die from the blood ....if it didn't agree with me
@appliancerepairshorts 6 жыл бұрын
Just found you, I’m a lover of religion and love debate especially with religion. Very good teaching. I’ll be talking to some JW this weekend. God bless you Mike ! Keep doing the Lord’s works
@joJo56976 Жыл бұрын
I let myself die for an entire week before I had a very strong feeling that it was not God's will for me to abandon my children and my family. The doctor had told the nurses that I only had a few hours left. We had to be firm with the elders and the hospital liaison committee so that they stopped asking us for a daily report of my blood tests. The pressure of the elders is very strong, especially because the indoctrination aims to merge in the minds of people God and his "representatives". the Lord helped us know what to say and protected us during this terrible trial. Since then, I feel the Holy Spirit helping me to understand who Jesus is. I just hope I can touch my children's hearts too.
@TheKoolbraider 6 жыл бұрын
I've never thought about what "fractions" really means. Thank you! (I had a JW explain that their policies caused "bloodless" procedures to increase and work just as well. Somehow I don't believe it given the deaths that keep showing up in the news.) Isn't it actually a dietary requirement for the Jews of that time? (Commented before hearing your Biblical info.)
@Nollywood64 Жыл бұрын
I just had a conversation about blood transfusion with my coworker who happens to be a JW. We were talking about the COVID vaccine and he was saying that if another vaccine comes available that he would take it. I said but JWs' don't believe in getting blood transfusion but will get this COVID vaccine that actually affected so many people's health after they received it. His answer was that it's not the same thing. Also don't some of them eat red meat, and if so wasn't red meat a whole animal one time before it died . One thing I can say about JWs are that they are very dedicated to their religion, it would be great if some Christians were as dedicated to their beliefs.
@NigelEunous1962 5 жыл бұрын
What I dont understand why are they not being sued under human rights law??? Come on the best litigation laws in the world and WT never been sued?
@marybelle3516 4 жыл бұрын
Because we have freedom of religion in the US (for now, anyway). Neither you nor the State can sue for decisions you have made freely. Nobody is holding anyone captive in this belief system.
@paulbaingana446 3 жыл бұрын
V informative, educative analysis, to prevent blind faith. Keep it up and God bless...
@kylemanningjcic1333 6 жыл бұрын
Another excellent teaching from this Ministry. Hey Pastor Mike, what is your take on Tithing in the Bible. If you haven't addressed this topic already on KZbin, please do.
@atlantadazzler7972 6 жыл бұрын
Here's a thought. For all those that died between 67 and 97 who is responsible for the deaths.
@ericm1839 2 жыл бұрын
Albumin is expensive to give a patient, but a lot of times it can be quicker than blood typing and matching. It all depends where we need to put the fluid and what the electrolyte situation is.
@ZekeTheGr8 6 жыл бұрын
They don't have ruled for everything, but you would be hard pressed to find something they don't have a rule for lol I've been in it for almost 30 years, I'm currently fading now
@krissykatportal 3 жыл бұрын
I hope u made it out 😉
@valerielhw 2 жыл бұрын
I am secular, but I really liked this video, and learned from it. Hopefully, this will cause at least a few JWs to rethink!
@DARKELLAKEL 6 жыл бұрын
Then what the hell does "Abstain from blood mean"? Why was that so severely emphasized at Acts 15:20? Abstain from blood means decisively avoiding it. Blood transfusions are not "abstaining" from blood.
@rosiegarcia7842 5 жыл бұрын
It's very simple to find out if you really want to know about why you can not take blood just look up in your internet and say why did God tell Noah not to eat of the blood and you will get your answer..... good day
4 жыл бұрын
Well what the Hell it is if its not Abstaining. Look up the meaning of the word.
@joet8218 5 ай бұрын
It means don't eat it. Blood transfusions weren't a thing back then, but pagans did eat blood as part of idolatrous rituals. So it's talking about that. Anyways, we have blood within us naturally. Doctors encounter blood all the time while performing surgery. Also, communion. So we can't "decisively avoid" blood.
@mbtofnj9180 6 жыл бұрын
remember the sabbath. questioned asked. if a sheep fell into a well (on the Sabbath) would you not save it? the answer was yes. Jesus used this to answer the pharisees so whould you save someone? also Davids men ate animals without draining blood
@stevenhuntley8706 6 ай бұрын
I know this is an old video, but i want to plug my opinion. If you are allowing humans to die of easily preventable deaths purely and exclusively because you think it will please your god, you are performing human sacrifice. Human sacrifice, not even once.
@michellelake2406 Жыл бұрын
The red back lighting. lol. Great video Pastor Mike.
@shannonmayer18 4 жыл бұрын
I have a question, I agree with you completely, but out of curiosity, are you a medical professional?
@peterbrooks6134 3 жыл бұрын
He did say in vid hes not a medical professional
@landenlamoly 6 жыл бұрын
Thoroughly enjoyed this thanks!
@zofiazajdel Жыл бұрын
My kid suffers with MLD. It's a horrible genetic condition, lethal, cured only with gene therapy. To get one child needs to go through a horribly aggressive chemotherapy first. Chemo needs to go with blood transfusions so the child has any chance to pull through. And we're talking about kids one or two years old.
@loveycat5474 4 жыл бұрын
Should refusing to allow your child to get a life saving blood transfusion be considered as child abuse because it can result in death?
@BMC_self-invent 2 жыл бұрын
In the case CPS should sieze custody of the child. Then it is no longer on the parents to deny a blood transfusion.
@stevenhutchinson987 5 жыл бұрын
Mike I do not know if you will read this because this is the older video. I recently came across your Channel and I watched about 20 of your videos to this point. I have found them very educational and until this one I have not found anything I can disagree with, while I agree with your overall message you did something several times this video that you typically like to remind people not to do. What you did was give certain passages of scripture to fit your Doctrine of the dietary law has been lifted, every passage that you gave if read in context with proper understanding is dealing with oral and or Temple law. One passage you gave is about washing hands one passage you gave is about fasting and the other is about being unclean due to your immediate environment mainly going inside of a non-jews home. All of these things are addressed in the talmud and the Jews of the first-century did as they are doing today and place the talmud over the Torah this is why Jesus told the Pharisees if you new Moses referring to Tora then you would know me. Most people I would let slide on this issue but you do such a wonderful job of staying on point and keeping things in context I'm not sure you did this intentionally, I love your work keep up the good job.
@lifeinthearclane6240 6 жыл бұрын
Mike love ur videos keep it up, could u please do an in-depth video on the Jehovah witness, cause I would like to kno all the crazy things they believe and why, because I've always thought the little beliefs that I kno they belief is nuts, but I'd like to kno more of their beliefs and why the believe that way. Even if u do not keep up good work cause I really love ur videos!!!
@chronicsinusitiscure4676 6 жыл бұрын
I'll have to agree with you there when you talk about the hypocrisy concerning blood fractions. There's no doubt about it. What you don't cover is the fact that one never hears about the death rate of people that do have blood transfusions. Many thousands or millions even die every year after they have received blood transfusions. (yes, I know it may not be because of the blood transfused) You never hear about those ones do you? But as soon as a person refuses a blood transfusion and dies it's front page news! Many times it's not related to the refusal of blood. They were most probably going to die anyway. Look I know there have been times when a blood transfusion would have saved lives and that's a real tragic thing. I ripped up and threw my card away the other day because I got a new perspective on it. Not from this forum but a good site from a current witness. I'm sure you know that there are many benefits of not having blood transfusions and using your own blood like cell salvage methods. I know there are others but I can't think of them at the moment. These techniques are mainly used when people are prepared to have surgery. I'm not sure if you know but there are many surgeons and medical people out there that will testify that using your own blood brings out a much better success rate as in post surgery and speeds up the healing rate. There are quite a few videos out there where surgeons testify to that fact, so what I'm saying is if I knew I was going to have surgery, I would definitely not have a blood transfusion but my own blood, if needed!
@stevefitzgerald846 5 жыл бұрын
I was doing a Bible study one day with a Jehovah Witness man. His wife was cooking supper and asked him how he wanted his steak. He said “rare.” Doesn’t that mean that it has blood in it? He was going to eat it.
@cheneethompson5756 Жыл бұрын
@Chomper750 3 жыл бұрын
When I was a child, my JW parents would not allow me to eat Sweet Tarts because the ingredients listed included egg albumin. They, and many others in my congregation believed that it meant chicken blood. It really just means egg whites.
@prico3358 Жыл бұрын
I AM watching because i'm interested in becoming a blood bank doctor. Because I like blood science and because I have no problem with blood as in puking or fainting.
@777Tralfaz777 Жыл бұрын
Does God's view matter to you?
@strnglhld Жыл бұрын
You should. You’d be a hematologist
@prico3358 Жыл бұрын
@@strnglhld wow, i gave up on that dream. It's too long for My current situation.
@prico3358 Жыл бұрын
@@strnglhld i really wish.
@strnglhld Жыл бұрын
@@prico3358 I think that you can do it and I think that you will do it
@watchgoose 2 жыл бұрын
fractions are just parts of the whole blood. Albumin is protein. Like the white of an egg.
@stephen6890 4 жыл бұрын
Said we gotta stand up and show up... like my cat lol.. love this dude hes got a sense of humor
@LM-cl6ys Жыл бұрын
Pray for my aunt. She is a JW with stomach cancer. her blood is too weak for surgery and she won't receive a blood transfusion.
@sffsf81 Жыл бұрын
Good, she trusts God unlike you people.
@LM-cl6ys Жыл бұрын
@@sffsf81 yes, she trusts God. Though she also has trusted a lot of lies that has been told. As you know, a lot of prophecies, that have been said that have never came true. The holy Bible says you test a prophet by whether or not the prophecies come true. As we know, JW prophecies have not came true. Instead of admitting that they rewrote their websites. I don’t have the final say. However, I know that there is something wrong with people claiming that they do, and they don’t. May God bless you. One of the major weapons that the devil uses is division.
@sffsf81 Жыл бұрын
@@LM-cl6ys I am not JW or 7 day adventist, and I tell you straight up blood transfusion is an abomination. Our lifeforce is in our blood, we are not suppose to mix it with other people. Also now that the worldwide mark of the beast w.a.x has been injected to majority of population, ppl definitely need to stay away from it.
@777Tralfaz777 Жыл бұрын
@@LM-cl6ys During the time of "websites", what "prophesies" have JW given in your opinion? BTW, JW do not consider themselves inspired prophets, nor able to give prophesies. Our efforts are to understand the Bible, and live according to it to the best of our abilities. God's word directly tells us to abstain from blood. Everyone is sinful and subject to death in this old system. But if we follow God, we can live forever, even if we die. The resurrection hope is real.
@strnglhld Жыл бұрын
@@sffsf81 Comfrey, what do you do for a living and what is your highest level of education?
@rickandrygel913 3 жыл бұрын
Baby goat, not calf (the "do not boil it in it's mother's milk" 3 passages.)
@poonamsingh-ol1yi 4 жыл бұрын
But why they say abstain means not to do anything with it. I am so confused. Being a medical person I understand that they are lying about blood transfusions. I m getting so mad at them why they are lying
@jonathansandoval374 4 жыл бұрын
Man, i thought blood was blood, my main man.
@jeremywj 3 жыл бұрын
I would imagine the people in New York making money off the magazine sales would get a transfusion if it was between life and death. Their own life is probably only second to money when it comes to things they care about.
@silveiranews 6 жыл бұрын
What if the NY guys were in a car accident that would require blood transfusions to save their lives would they refuse to take it? Just curious!
@silveiranews 5 жыл бұрын
@@donnafpuckett2436 So sorry for you!!!! I wonder if the NY jokers would not dodge this crazy deception in case they ever needed transfusion??!!!
@mikeh66 3 жыл бұрын
@@silveiranews : They would not take the transfusion.
@silveiranews 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikeh66 I suspect they would secretly...they are just like any other politician...for thee not for me (in their case, maybe secretly though I would not be surprised if they did openly as their slaves buy anything coming from them...)
@deborahruthtrotter2154 6 жыл бұрын
While it's harder to do for totally unexpected emergencies, sometimes if docs are concerned about the possibility of excess blood loss in an operation, a person can give one's own blood in advance and then rest a bit before the operation and then have the operation and the blood will be available if needed.. from one's own body.
@Cuinn837 4 жыл бұрын
JWs don't allow you to store your own blood ahead of time.
@j3in725 Жыл бұрын
@@Cuinn837 Which makes no sense either since you can't store your own blood but you can take blood fractions of another person. Which is still blood btw.
@Cuinn837 Жыл бұрын
@@j3in725 I agree.
@georgewashington938 4 жыл бұрын
39:25 isn't the phrase 'get your goat', not 'get your goad'?
@MrSheepishLion 5 жыл бұрын
Dude. They are like The Ministry of Truth in 1984.
@mnp870 5 жыл бұрын
This is interesting. Now a days of someone is facing surgery, their own blood can be stored. Life is in the blood i.e. blood has various minerals, vitamins and even various levels of cholesterol. But, making this a religious matter of belief is so deceptive of scripture.
@vandalayindustries8036 5 жыл бұрын
Irene, JWs do not allow their members to store their blood for a time in order to have it available for a procedure. Just an FYI.
@AfterTheRain_Beth 3 жыл бұрын
You are not allowed to eat a roast chicken dinner. You'll be damned. However, you can eat potatoes, peas, chicken, herbs, gravy. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. You cannot eat the whole but you can eat the sum of its parts.
@krakoosh1 4 жыл бұрын
Is there a site that has all the Watchtower magazines on it?
@wylolister3218 4 жыл бұрын
BTW, I think on their website it goes back to at least 1972
@RitaMalikfour 5 жыл бұрын
Saying anything they don’t like will get you disfellowshipped and then we’re left to be sure we will die forever if we die now if at Armageddon no resserection and that’s more terrifying then having a stroke and living through it, I did, wish I had died cause I would have had resserection now it’s too late cause I broke all the rules and heading for the chopping block again, how I wish my mom wasn’t home the day they knocked on our door, I don’t even know what it’s like to have a birthday, my childhood was horrible
@emf49 6 жыл бұрын
Do they consider a transfusion of their own blood to be wrong also? For elective surgery, many people donate their own blood in advance.
@Livingforchristalways471 Ай бұрын
@@emf49 yes, they do
@kayhamilton3947 2 жыл бұрын
Of all the areas of wrong doctrine this is where I have the least grace. My heart hurts for the innocent children and special needs people whose life was ended because of false beliefs like this one. That those that were to care for them have been deceived by these lies causing them to deny those in their care proper medical treatment.
@shannonmayer18 4 жыл бұрын
So, in order to allow albumin, they actually have to use more blood? Then waste it/
@amypemble8688 5 жыл бұрын
Even of it goes against the Bible they are also allowing cell savers which is if have surgery and it they attach a drain and you can have that back
@angelawade1445 2 жыл бұрын
I want a Bible thinker mug. Where can I get one?
@wendywardashley 2 жыл бұрын
I had an exchange transfusion at birth so if the JWs are right I'm pretty much finished !!!! Bless em.
@poonamsingh-ol1yi 4 жыл бұрын
Thx very much. I knew something wrong in JW but could not apply my brain. God bless you
@Lexojoso 3 жыл бұрын
My moms friend was JW and she died on the table during hip surgery bc she refused blood
@cheneethompson5756 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry!
@litigioussociety4249 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who believes in medical freedom and parental rights, even though I may disagree with JWs on some medical practices, or individuals who feel the same based on person reasoning, I will defend their right to refuse any type of medical treatment. 150 years ago, many people would probably be opposed to such things based on personal concern against having someone's blood or organs in them, and vice versa. Educating people is good for medicine, but the moment it becomes enforcement, then it goes too far. It also doesn't help to ostracize people for their different views, because it often leads to increased resistance.
@strnglhld Жыл бұрын
Freedom? You do realize a JW doesn’t have freedom to choose, right? If you’re in the hospital, they send a group of elders to your room to watch like a hawk to ensure you don’t secretly get a transfusion. If you do choose to….you’re permanently shunned by your family, friends and the church. (And if you’re sick enough to be in the hospital needing a transfusion, chances are, you’re not fully mentally cognizant of fighting back. You may not be conscious.)
@cynthiaharris5736 3 жыл бұрын
❤️, such a blessing
@RitaMalikfour 5 жыл бұрын
Before I went back, I was disfellowshipped for decades, I read a scripture or a magazine sentence that said servi g Jehovah was not burdomdem , well I’ll be, it’s like getting whipped every morning and night, begging in prayer and not getting answered , I want to argue my points of what I see us do wrong but that alone will get me disfellowshipped again, I don’t agree with the g b or not bieng allowed to partake at the memorial, Jesus said he was the way the truth and the life, and to follow no man, I’m upset that if I want to live through Armageddon I must break biblical scriptures, yet I’m terrified of arrmagedon and the what if I’m wrong thing, yet I beg pray through Jesus as he is our mediator to Jehovah for an answer , but get zip, I Also read that Jehovah blinds the ones that he feels are not his people so they don’t see the truth, who is this God and why are we tortured or is it the g b fling mind games turning us away so sneaky i
@franswa7251 6 жыл бұрын
I can't find the FDA article Mike is talking about. Can somebody send me a link! Thanks
@lesliemiller2696 5 жыл бұрын
I was also trying to read it where is that information.
@ConservativePrincess Ай бұрын
The BMJ link doesnt seem to be working for me unfortunately. Anyone else having this issue?
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