MILGRAM / Shidou - Triage [The Second Trial Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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“So hey, prolong my life, I’m indispensable”
Vocal: Shidou (CV: Shugo Nakamura)
2nd Trial 5th EP Shidou (CV: Shugo Nakamura) “Triage” 2023.3.22 Release.
“Triage” DL & Subscription Streaming Now!
“Triage” Instrumental
■Music Credit
Lyrics: DECO*27
Music & Arrangement: Rockwell
■Movie Credit
Movie by OTOIRO
Director: DMYM
Concept Artist / Production Designer / Color Script: No.734
Character Designer/Key Animator: bk
Key Animator: RL, kee, MAKARIA, bk, Dai Chenru, LEE MINJI, Chihiro Yoshida
Animator / Finishing: MAKARIA
Color Supervisor: Miku Oi
In-Between Animation: Yoshihiro Seki
Background Artist: MAKARIA, Hiroshi Gouroku, Miyuki Kawashima, Yurika Yamaguchi, Sota Ebina
Graphic designer: lowpolydog
Composite: Composite Team, GA, Naoki Hasegawa, awashima, Mitsumi Yanokawa, lowpolydog, 1024, kee, RL
Art Director: DMYM
Original Character Designer: akka
Project Manager: Iori Majima
Sound Product Manager: Yusuke Sato
Story / Author: Takuya Yamanaka
Takuya Yamanaka
Tomonari Sakai (arma bianca)
■Official Site
/ milgram_info
■Official Fan App
Those cards of promise I discarded
Were they retribution for my incessant taking
In that case, I should have been the one
That’s the correct answer, but then why
This sick joke, I can’t take it any more, I surrender
You don’t even know yet, and yet
Killing, extracting, I still won’t see them again
I need to be tagged as RED
So this is unpleasant, so this makes me sick
What do you mean INNOCENT, if this is my punishment
Now I see, this world is cruel and merciless
The vote that negates the option of death, the love that won’t perish
No thank you, it’s none of your concern
Shall I fulfill your request and elect to live
That’s right, there’s justice that needs saving
See, indispensable, I’m indispensable
The scale tilts to and fro, I yearn to be found “GUILTY”
But it tilts towards, find me “INNOCENT”
If the voices crying out in pain, can be saved by me
Allow it to be my charge and mission
Those cards of promise I discarded
They were retribution for my incessant taking
In that case, give me the chance to make amends
To extract that fang, now
So this is unpleasant, so this makes me sick
What do you mean INNOCENT, if this is my punishment
Now I see, this world is cruel and merciless
I want to be INNOCENT, I want to live
So this is unpleasant, hurling slurs of “hostage game”, you do know that it’s up to me?
That’s right, there are lives that need safeguarding
So hey, prolong my life, I’m indispensable
The correct answer, I don’t yet know, but there are lives that need safeguarding
So hey, prolong my life, I’m indispensable

Пікірлер: 2 300
@pig8105 8 ай бұрын
he's a 10 but he stole your organs
@HarukaSakuraiLover 13 күн бұрын
an 11! anything for shidou
@akutgawa Күн бұрын
the scale broke (i love you shidou)
@eryyyyy11 Жыл бұрын
エスくんがドラマパートで言ってた通り、「脳死状態の臓器提供」(シドウさんは半分合ってると言った)だと仮定する。 シドウさんは医者で最初の頃は深く考えず痛みを理解せず脳死患者の家族などに臓器提供の提案などをしていたが、不運にも自分の家族(1:46)が脳死状態になり、今まで自分のしてきたことや言ってきたことの重さに気づき罰をほしがっている・・・のだと思う。 シドウさんは、守るべき命が目の前にあるのならすぐ救いたいと思う人なのだとわかった。少なくとも、自分の意義のために誰かを救ってるわけじゃないと思う、誰かが傷つくことを喜んでもいない。 (ほら必要さ 俺は必要だから)→自分に言い聞かせている感じ。つまり、逆のことを思っていて自分で宥めている。私達に対してのものでは無い気がする。 赦されたいと赦されたくない気持ちがせめぎあってて、歌詞も矛盾するところがたくさんある。だけどそれが人の感情だ。 シドウさんが前を向いて生きることができるようにするにはどうすればいいか・・・・・・・・裁判って本来はそういう目的だよね。誰もが前を向けるように判決するものだ。 臓器移植で救われた患者さんや家族の声を聞いたことはあるのかなシドウさんは。いままで自分がしてきたことをちゃんとマイナス面だけじゃなく全部!本当に全部認識してほしい。 赦すか赦さないかを決める前にシドウさんや他の囚人ともっと向き合わなきゃいけないと激重感情が湧いてきた。ここまで書いてる時点で激重だけど。 それはそうと歌も曲もとても好き!!!!!!咳払い!!!すべて好き!!!!! 【追記】基本情報。脳死は完全に脳の機能が停止していて呼吸も機械を繋いでいないと出来ず、回復の可能性がない状態。 植物状態は、自力で呼吸が出来、心臓も動いていて回復の可能性がある状態。 シドウさんに起こった考えうる一番悲しいことを書きます。当たらないことを祈る。 まず人物から。夫婦ならシドウさんと女性は血はつながっていないはずなので同じようなほくろを描かないだろうと推測。姉と弟だと仮定。 シドウさんの姉と子どもたちは大事故に会い3人共重症。結果的に姉が植物状態になる。子どもたちは脳死状態。 助かる可能性がある姉を延命させるために、助かる可能性のない弟たちの臓器を移植。(トリアージ) スローダウンでの植物人間は、もうそのままの意味だった。おとなの大きさなので姉かと思った。ドラマパートで「エスくんのような子供に赦さないと言われるほうが自分に似合いの終わり方だ」と言っているので子供の方を犠牲にしたと考える。患者さんのものも集めていたでしょう。。。でも結局、植物人間は倒れてしまった。 英文コメントの一部を読んでわかったけど、0:31の場所は、コランバリウム(Columbarium)というものに似ている。日本名で言うと納骨棚、骨壷を安置する共同墓地のようなものらしい。 その墓地の扉を開いた先にあの家族がいる。あの家族の暖かな団らんは、死の先にあるものだとシドウさんが妄想しているのかもしれない。そこに、行きたがっている。 【追記】2023.6.1  Twitterの尋問から既婚者だと確定しました!!!!!わあああああメタ推理した自分が恥ずかしい!!!
@25113 Жыл бұрын
既婚者だとしても、割とこの説は成り立つかもしれない。人によってはだけど、残酷度が増してる感じで… 「姉」として考察されていた部分を「妻」にすると、妻の為に我が子の臓器を移植したっていうことになる…かも😨
@ぬおぉぉぉん 10 ай бұрын
@ゆゆゆ-q1j2d 10 ай бұрын
@猫かわぃ 8 ай бұрын
@clock1096 6 ай бұрын
1:46 このコメント見てから子供に識別表を手渡すシーンを見つけて鳥肌たった、、 どの辺りかは忘れたけどボイスドラマ娘についての言及があったから無難に奥さんと子供達って解釈が正解かも
@zzzaras 7 ай бұрын
can milgram make an alternate universe au where shidou's family DIDNT pass and theyre all happy and healthy 😭
@hachi_.yumiko Ай бұрын
We need trauma so no 😞
@ねごと-y5k Жыл бұрын
※トリアージとは日本では主に災害時に重症者や治療緊急度に応じた「傷病者の振り分け」 またこの振り分けは色でされており優先順位が高い順に赤、黄、緑、黒 ボイスドラマでのことを考慮すると 既に他の人もコメ欄で言っている通り私は ある日シドウの奥さんと子供は脳死もしくは心臓が停止するほどの大事故にあってしまう 医師にはいままでシドウがそうしていたようにドナーとなることを進められる ということがシドウにあったのだと思う 0:04 破り捨てた約束のカード →シドウの仕事や考えに賛成な(奥さんと子供が書いた)臓器提供意思表示カード 0:43 赤を巻きつけてくれ →最初これの意味がわからずミルグラムのサイトのjudgeのページで赦されなかった囚人の目が赤になっていたりすることから 赦されない=赤 として 赤を巻きつけてくれ=赦すな ということだと思っていたが曲名の「トリアージ」と関連づけると 赤=最優先される病(傷)状の患者 ととらえることができる (シドウの家族はもう助からない、1番優先順位が低い「黒」に位置している) つまり 赤を巻きつけてくれ →怪我をした奥さん、子供(本当は黒の位置にいる)を赤(最優先患者)として扱ってくれ、家族を助けて! というとらえかたもあると思った ただ 1:32 痛いよって呻いてる声に出来ることあるのなら使命と呼ばせてよ この歌詞からシドウも最初は積極的にとはいかなくとも 生前の3人の思いもあり 3人がドナーとなることに賛成だったのではないかと思う ここで一旦スローダウンの話になるのだが スローダウンのMVの最後のシーン 花人形が起き上がってシドウは喜んでいるようにみえる その後花人形が倒れ、花が飛び散りシドウの表情も変わる つまりシドウも一度は家族は違う患者さんの中で生きる 的なことも考えられていたが その患者が死んでしまい家族がドナーとなったのにその患者も助からず シドウは臓器移植について以前と違う考えを持つようになったのではないか また15歳未満の者は本人に拒否の意思が無く保護者の同意がある場合にドナーになれるらしい つまり子供が臓器提供する場合にはシドウが臓器提供してもよいという意思を示さなくてはならない ↑脳死だった場合まだ完全に死んだとは言えない子供に対して シドウはこれが原因で自分はヒトゴロシだと思うようになったのではないか っていう考察的なやつです 間違ってるとことかあったら指摘おなしゃす とりあえず二審は囚人達が死なないようにあとできればボロが出てくれるように判決したい あと二審の画質どうした!? めっちゃスルスル動くしありがとうございます!! 二審も最高です!!
@にゃみぃ-t1l Жыл бұрын
@Kaya-h5z 6 ай бұрын
@平林公代 2 ай бұрын
確か尋問で「車は運転できるか」みたいな質問に対して「出来ますよ。もうしたくありませんけど」って言っていたと思うので交通事故による脳死かと思います。 (脳死の主な原因は交通事故による頭部の損傷だと父が言っていました。) 長文失礼しました 誤字などがありましたら教えてください。
@handorudehyoukisarerunouzasugi 2 ай бұрын
@みちゃ-z6b Жыл бұрын
@ぐち-k2d Жыл бұрын
@ぐち-k2d Жыл бұрын
@@helloex-6767 尋問紙に描いてたんですね!? 情報ありがとうございます😭見てきます!!
@Reve_hibananana Жыл бұрын
@YU-yl9lr Жыл бұрын
前科はなくない? 分からんけど、他のコメにあるように殺人が臓器移植なら、法律的には問題ない気がする…
@mitan10ekaki 11 ай бұрын
@cakepopdance7505 Жыл бұрын
Triage seems to be a song about Shidou coming to terms with our innocent verdict. He's working through what happened in the past; basically, he's showing us why he wanted to be voted guilty and why he wanted to die in the first place. Shidou seems to have had a wife and kids, but they ended up dying. Connecting this to what we saw in Throwdown, I suspect that something happened where his kids died instantly, but his wife was in a state where she still could, hypothetically, survive. My best bet would be car accident, but that isn't really based off of much (though the fact that he's walking with what looks like groceries in the opening shots might imply that someone else (his wife) has the car). I think that him at the beginning is him on that day, and the phone call is a phone call he receives from the hospital telling him what happened. He answers calmly (during the "Kirisaki desu" part) because he works at the hospital, so it doesn't seem urgent. Still, you can hear the line die at 1:57 while one version of him lies at a hospital bed in grief. I think this is when he showed up to the hospital and had to actually process reality for the first time. Shidou's kids died immediately, but in order to cope with the grief, Shidou begins to focus entirely on saving his wife. He does anything possible, taking on lots of surgeries (the promise cards are the receipts from the surgeries that we saw falling in Throwdown) and, likely, harvesting organs (his "incessant taking," as noted in the lyrics) and trying to defy death in order to save the only family he has left. This makes his radical shift at the end of Throwdown going into Milgram make even *more* sense. When he fails to save his life, he has to confront everything he's lost, including his kids. He no longer has anything to live for, so he asks to die. Still, we voted him innocent despite him requesting a guilty verdict. The first trial, he showed us the worst parts of his crime, all the death and pain he caused (he even showed us him telling the grieving families of the loved ones they lost) in order to try to fully prove that he was evil and deserved a guilty verdict. Now, though, he shows us the things he lost, his motivation, in full. He doesn't want to be voted guilty anymore. Why? Well, as he basically already said, it's Kotoko. She's hurting the other prisoners, and now, in the Milgram prison, he's the only one who's keeping them alive. The lyrics mention him removing a "fang"--the exact word Kotoko uses for her "services" to Es. Throughout the song, you can see him slowly coming to terms with the verdict, shifting from calling an innocent verdict "punishment" and "retribution" to calling it his way to make amends. I'd definitely vote Shidou innocent again. As he says, he is pretty indispensable towards keeping other prisoners alive, and honestly, I want him to find a will to live again and move on. Obviously, he's done a lot of horrible things, and I'm still not sure if I forgive him at the end of the day, but I think voting him guilty now would be dangerous horribly unproductive. Amane won't like it, but she'll have to deal; we'll get to her when we get there.
@aureus3234 Жыл бұрын
Your theory makes the most sense. Shidou can be voted innocent here, but he should most definitely not be a doctor again but im not sure if Shidou would do that. It is very difficult to trust him on "safeguarding" others as a "doctor" especially on what he has done.
@serokery8819 Жыл бұрын
Now he won't hesitate to extract that "fang"
@Mycorrhiza Жыл бұрын
Amane won't do anything, unlike kotoko, she's powerless
@candescence Жыл бұрын
I find it this MV so refreshing for how he straight up just asks to be voted forgiven and lays out his reasons why. agree with what you said here. I don't think we have the right to forgive him but the best thing to do here both in terms of medical help and in terms of his character growth seems to be to continue forgiving. fickleness like taking forgiveness back now would do dramatic things to his tentatively restoring sense of identity and purpose kdksksksk
@ennuidaze Жыл бұрын
This is the most comprehensive explanation for both trial one and two, thank you! Shidou’s story always confused me so this was very helpful!
@あおば-w6r Жыл бұрын
“死んで一緒に逝く”考えに、赦されたことで “生きて償う”という選択肢が加わって“生きたい”という気持ちが芽生えたけど、 その結果自分の医療技術と“フータ”と“マヒル”の安否は「人質ごっこ」「俺次第」になっちゃったんだな…………。 単に使命感持って助けたい人ってだけじゃなくて、シドウ自身自分が赦されるための手段ってわかってないとあの言葉は出てこないよね。 生きたいって気持ちの裏が家族のためなのか何のためなのかで第三審も変わってきそう。 でも、俺次第ってことはコトコの襲撃がなかったとしても二人の命は自分次第って意味…………? どうとでもできる、の意志がチラチラ見えてめちゃくちゃ怖い。脅しにきてるじゃん。
@もなもち-r5s Жыл бұрын
考えすぎかもしれないけど、「次も助けるとは限らない」ってメッセージだったりもするのかなとか思ったり…。 あと、「自分は必要だから」仮に襲撃されたりしたら自分を先に処置して、それで間に合わなくて救えなくなる命があるかも…とか考えてしまいましたね…。
@handorudehyoukisarerunouzasugi Жыл бұрын
@いるか-x5y Жыл бұрын
LIVEで見た人たちのチャット欄、歌とかMVを差し置いてシドウさんが既婚で子持ちだったことに衝撃を受けすぎて「NOOO」「OMG」っていうコメントが沢山あるの面白いな 個人的にも衝撃だったし、今回もクオリティ高くて最高だった…
@ゆきの助-o5b Жыл бұрын
@ぐち-k2d Жыл бұрын
@@ゆきの助-o5b 今も見れますよ〜
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
私も同じ反応していたので仲間がいてくれて嬉しい…… でもこの家族幸せだから幸せならOKです____! 後奥さん美人で可愛い-ショタ息子可愛い-過去のシドウさん相変わらずえっちぃめっちゃくっちゃ幸せそうでグッジョブ
@user-ds2yk5te3w Жыл бұрын
@jayd.doubledubs Жыл бұрын
I'm just going to go the simple (and likely incorrect) route and theorize that because Shidou being voted innocent allowed him to save the lives of two people, Shidou just accepts that a doctor as morally corrupt as himself is still needed/indespensable So he just goes "Screw it, I'm a terrible person, but yall seem to need me to stick around, so I guess I'll stick around"
@Lil-y-pad Жыл бұрын
No, I agree with you there. Sometimes the simpler answer is the correct one. From the video and the lyrics, it really does convey that message quite clearly, imo. I think he's found a new reason to live and make things better, even if he's still unsure about it.
@Mycorrhiza Жыл бұрын
seems to be the most accurate tbh
@guywhosellsweedatthegassta2293 Жыл бұрын
Sums up everything to be honest
@soleilpeik Жыл бұрын
aaand you are correct! I think
@savstinks6847 Жыл бұрын
big agree
@Archeia Жыл бұрын
Shidou saying "I'm indispensable because there are lives that need safeguarding." His Voice Drama made his motives crystal clear. He wants to be voted Guilty but as long as there's justice that needs to be served. There are people in pain. He will safeguard those lives. The irony of wanting to be guilty but you are the only reason why some prisoners are alive. He's also dropping some mad foreshadowing here that to make amends he will take care of the fang (KOTOKO).
@akatopus Жыл бұрын
He understand that his presence is useful for others, so instead of always being stuck in the past, he decides to help now and in the future ((btw did you know where I can read the eng trans of the VD?))
@senritsujumpsuit6021 Жыл бұрын
@@akatopus some of them are put into video form on these channels a c Lie VI
@kittyythecat Жыл бұрын
It's just ironic to me that the characters that want to be voted as guilty are the least dangerous (or at least more caring like Yuno) than the characters who see themselves as "innocent" such as Muu. Both see themselves as "wrong, guilty" when they are totally redeemable. Edit: I realized I worded it wrong.
@senritsujumpsuit6021 Жыл бұрын
@@kittyythecat Yuno is not evil but Abortion is BS none of us would exist if we where aborted because someone decided adoption was to hard
@StrawberryHerring Жыл бұрын
​@@kittyythecat I'd disagree on the Yuno part, since she isn't really dangerous, and she actually used her innocent verdict privileges to get Mahiru a wheelchair, but yes, the ones wanting to be voted guilty really seems to be mellower than the ones wanting the innocent verdict.
@nyaxllq Жыл бұрын
@よしかわよしの-d1z Жыл бұрын
赦さないでほしいけど誰かに赦してほしい。 この気持ちって背中合わせだと思います。 永遠に罰を受けたい自分と 「もういいんだよ」って赦されたい自分。 矛盾が同居するから余計に苦しむんです。
@親子丼二葉亭の Жыл бұрын
@Crysceil Жыл бұрын
@@よしかわよしの-d1z the
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
@김수진-g7o 3 ай бұрын
@ashs.4949 Жыл бұрын
It's worth checking out the voice drama. It clears up a lot of things. Rather than harvesting, Shidou was transplanting organs. Shidou was a surgeon most probably specialising in transplant (if that's a thing). He informed the families of brain dead patients about the patients' medical status and then requested if their organs could be donated to save other lives. Shidou never understood the weight of these words till it was his own family that was the patients. Shidou especially mentions his wife in previous instances (in the trailer, Shidou said, "She's not dead..." or something along those lines.) I assume his family were victims of an accident, in which Mrs Kirisaki was brain dead and their sons were killed. Since there was still hope that Mrs Kirisaki could survive, Shidou didn't give up yet. However, the doctor requested Shidou, the only living family of Mrs Kirisaki, if they could lay her to rest and transplant her organs for those who had more chance of surviving (the wording is a bit harsh ;-; I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to phrase this). This is when Shidou realised how bad these words that he used to say regularly were. From Shidou's perspective, they were basically asking to kill her so someone else could live. And he used to request this of so many families in the past. That's when the guilt kicked in, and it was only amplified by the loss of his family. I remember seeing the guilt theory on Throw Down, but it seemed too tame back then. Now that it's given more depth and backed up by the voice drama, it's extremely plausible. This is my take on this^^ I'm going to analyse Throw Down through this perspective, since it has much more symbolism and clues than Triage. RIP Mrs Kirisaki and her two gorgeous children.
@tealeavees Жыл бұрын
I think this is the theory I’m leaning towards as well 🤔
@Ani_Summer Жыл бұрын
This is definitely a theory I agree with because I’m not even sure how he’d be able to harvest the organs without raising suspicions 🤔
@deardaezie Жыл бұрын
this does make a lot of sense. so the flowers in throw down weren't him transplanting organs into his wife, but her organs being taken for transplantation by other doctors
@chaneychane9339 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much this makes the backstory clearer!
@_callahan613 Жыл бұрын
Just throwin it out there, they could make the whole thing REALLY tragic and have the Mrs. be braindead, one son dead, and the other needing transplants for a chance to live... So he had a dead son, a son needing organs for any chance to live, and a braindead wife who had organs that *PROBABLY* matched her son's... Dude may have had to say "my son is dead, kill my wife, and try to save my son through her death", and the living son could have still died after the transplants. That would DEFINITELY break a man, completely and utterly. Just signing off on pulling the plug to help others would suck, but it does happen quite a lot in reality, and it doesn't necessarily break people like Shidou broke. It not working and him losing his whole family from it failing would break someone, though.
@sekaowa- Жыл бұрын
神々しいシドウさん好きだ この顔に「不快です」「気持ち悪いです」って言われるの悦……
@AMANE_0402 Жыл бұрын
家族を救うために頑張った結果、多くの命を犠牲にしても結局救えなくて、たくさんの命を奪った罪悪感抱いて赦されてるのが辛すぎるから赦さないを選びたいんだけど、赦さなかったとしても囚人の救護ができなくなったらシドウさんの存在意義とか医者になってよかったっていう気持ちの拠り所もなくしてしまうわけだから本当に辛い。どう転んでもなんか救えなさそうなのが辛い 第二審赦さなかったとして、コトコちゃんも赦さなければ襲撃が動くことはないから一番それがいい選択肢だと思うな、、でもこれからどんどん囚人間での刃傷沙汰が絶えなくなるだろうし、シドウさんが医療行為によって気持ちが上がるなら本当にそれがいいし、シドウさん的にはそれだけじゃなくて「赦されたい」っていう純粋な気持ちも芽生えてるから赦したいな、本当に… ただ赦したら赦したで、「絶対に俺がいなきゃダメだ」ってなって第3審調子のって最終的に赦されなくなるような曲になるのだけは嫌だな、どちらにせよミルグラムの中で最初から自分の罪を背負ってるタイプだなって思う。ボイストレーラーの「邪魔だ、さっさと死ね」は鳥肌たったし、赦したくないなって最初は思ったんだけど、MV見ると赦したくなったの不思議すぎる…これがミルグラムマジック??()
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
概要欄に書いてある 「俺は必要だから」が赦された事によって失望気味だったけど 例の襲撃事件が起きてから自分の治療が必要+更に自分の負担が掛かってしまい遂に死ぬことさえ 出来なくなってしまい 「死刑にしてください」とまで 言えなくなってしまって 「俺がいないと彼等の命を守れない」って自分を追い詰める様な言い方していたから この発言でさえ…余計プレッシャーをかけられてんのがな…辛い しかも第二審でのトレーラー曲で考察コメ見たけど 今回は赦さないに選ばれる率は高いとか言われていたから胸が苦しい… シドウさんとまたちゃんと向き合えるよう頑張ります… 𓂃❁⃘𓈒𓏸追記❁⃘*.゚ シドウさん…っあっ貴方まさかの奥さんと結婚している+息子二人持ちやったんか…どうりでエスくんやアマネちゃんの子供が好きなわけやな… 尚この二人に嫌われている模様(( 改めてトリアージの歌詞を認識したけど 「いらないです 余計なお世話です」 「お望み通り 生きてあげますか」 「ほら必要さ 俺は必要だから」 「"人質ごっこ"なんて人聞き悪いな 俺次第なのにな」 の歌詞がドストレート+なんかくっそエグイのといい意味で生々しい主張なのが シドウさんらしいっちゃシドウさんらしいけど…なんか自分自身と私達に対する不信感とか溢れ返ってんのが… しかもさ曲終わる前の 「ほら延命を 俺は必要だから」が2回繰り返して言ってんの これ自分の死にたい欲求を押し殺してるよなぁ絶対… シドウさんの精神色々と大丈夫か…?
@コハギ Жыл бұрын
本当にその通りです…胸が苦しくなります でもまだ赦されないと決まったわけじゃないので…!!ね……
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
@@コハギ 私もまだ途中でしか考察していませんが 何があろうと私はシドウさんを赦します このまま第二審でも赦してしまえば第三審でシドウさんの 心と身に何かありそうで正直 怖いし気になるけど もう赦さないでほしいとまで言われなくなったのと あれだけミルグラムに賛成していたのにも関わらず 今ではミルグラムに対する憎悪感と嫌悪感が増しているんですよね… 先程第二審のシドウさんのボイドラを聞きましたが 胸がはち切れそうになったし 終盤ら辺から苦しそうに泣くのを 堪える声がしんどすぎてヤバかったです…… 自分でもどうしていいか分からなくて今の自分と向き合えずにいわれないんだなと思いました なんかもう…ホントミルグラムの中でめっちゃ可哀想&悲惨やなと 感じる囚人です… シドウさん推しの私も今情緒不安定状態です誰か助けて(((
@カオスうるまんた Жыл бұрын
@首長竜-k6n Жыл бұрын
@Reve_hibananana Жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 7 ай бұрын
初見見た時は「あっめっちゃどタイプ」って程度だったのにボイトレ聞いてたら一人称が「俺」だと分かった瞬間更に好きになった 「私」とか「僕」で使いそうなのに「俺」だなんてっ…!!( ́ཫ`)
@sommelier_ 2 ай бұрын
0:55 〜がわかりやすいかな トリアージで黒色(手遅れ)をつけられたシドウさんの奥さんと子供が黒い布を巻いてるのに加えて、 シドウさんも同じだと今更気がついてしまった… シドウタヒ亡説、あるだろ でも最後、二審と同じ手袋をはめているシーンでは(2:49)腰の布が白になってる… 白はトリアージの非緊急を意味してるらしく… MILGRAMに来ることで一時的に蘇生されたことを意味しているのかな 赦しても現実ではもう……っていうことだったり トリアージ一覧、まとめておくので第三審に備えて考察に使ってください…… 赤→すぐ処置すれば助かる見込みあり 黄→軽傷ではないが待機はできる 緑→緊急性が低く自力で歩ける程度 黒→救命の見込みがない(手遅れ) 灰→医療資源があれば救命可能 青→直ちに治療すれば助かる(≒赤) 白→非緊急
@ポムポムポリス Жыл бұрын
「ほら延命を 俺は必要だから」 こんな言葉言われたら尊すぎて倒れる
@ひゅーが-f7s Жыл бұрын
@YuukiTakanasi Жыл бұрын
@oo-dd1cx Жыл бұрын
@平林公代 3 ай бұрын
@ashs.4949 Жыл бұрын
Based on his description, it looks like Shidou has changed his mind about wanting to be voted guilty (assuming it's him who's saying that). I have a few thoughts on that. I believe that after his verdict, Shidou is shocked at Es' judgement but chalks it down to being a 'punishment', since he explicitly stated that he wanted the death penalty. Shidou considered himself 'indispensable' because he's the only doctor out of the prisoners. By treating Mahiru and Fuuta, Shidou gained a 'reason' to live. However, it went extreme (as Milgram usually does) and now Shidou feels obliged to live since he considers himself indispensable to the prisoners (Almost as if that is the only reason he is alive). That is in accordance to the lyrics of Triage, "I have no right to die." Perhaps the reason for the extreme wording (indispensable implies that he is absolutely necessary) is because holding control of the health and life of a few prisoners incited (or possibly worsened) a god complex within Shidou. I'm more convinced that Shidou's mental state is terrible actually and he believes his only 'value' is to provide treatment to the prisoners. What is more plausible? God complex Shidou or zero self esteem Shidou? It's amazing how a single line can provide so much insight. Previously, I was interested in Shidou's crime. Now I'm more interested in learning about his reaction to his verdict and the state of his mental health. It also seems that people are divided between two major theories of Shidou's crime, organ harvesting and saving a loved one. Seeing this, I can't help but feel that the cutting of flowers in Throw Down was bait instead of a clue, and it actually represents something more obscure than organ harvesting. Also, the art looks lovely. I can't wait^^ I just hope my exam goes well...
@nocturne_interlude Жыл бұрын
I'm opting for the Zero self-esteem one...But I'll say both, somehow. Like, people can have zero self esteem AND a God complex at the same time, as absurd as it sounds. Btw any prisonners words things in extreme way for very simple reasons : They're traumatized for most of them, by their crimes or by what leads to it, and are constantly exposed to it, so they can't take a step back from their situation and starts thinking clearly. Oh, and they hear voices in their heads since months or even years, who kept approving or bashing them. I think it would influence most people in a wrong way... (Except Yuno and Kazui who don't seem to care much of what we are saying)
@ediciusreverse5584 Жыл бұрын
I kind of wonder if he’s making a jab towards us as the warden. Like a “So because I can heal, you will prolong my life? Go ahead. Do what you want. You’re the warden anyways and don’t care what the prisoners have to say.” Sort of thing. A more interesting scenario would be he realizes this is something he can exploit, and that he’s goading us into continuing to vote him innocent, but that’s kind of out of character, so probably not-
@Deity_Seifina Жыл бұрын
Good luck with your exams! I agree so so much with this! The zero self esteem Shidou is what I agree with the most. Also, organ harvesting doesn't make the most sense. I remember a comment on Throw Down from someone who's dad is actually a surgeon and that every surgery requires more than one person. I think the loved one he saved was the only person to ever see value within him. With them gone he lost his value essentially, and we managed to restore some of it! Now he wishes his life to be prolonged. Honestly I'm somewhat happy for him in a weird way lmao
@aureus3234 Жыл бұрын
I'm thinking it's a god-complex. I've been saying it for a while now. I don't have specific evidence or signs that it might be a god-complex... Let's just say... Intuition? It's the same situation as Mu... we most probably have not seen the whole story or is seeing thing's on Shidou's own perspective.. so I'll follow my gut for now.
@honhonhhyee1137 Жыл бұрын
Im going for zero self esteem here like other commenters. The description comes off to me as a sarcastic jab more than anything, towards the views of some voters who believe he needs to be kept innocent due to his role as a doctor. Given the whole "hearing voices" thing with the cast and how other songs have almost talked to the voters before(looking at Mu referencing her own song) it is possible. I feel like people zeroing on the description are forgetting a bit about his other lyrics like "I am disgusted" "Forgive me?" "I have no right to die" and such. I cant see anyone with a god complex have such complicated feelings about his own life. And Good Luck on your exam!
@pikusek2550 Жыл бұрын
This man used to be happy when he wore crocks, now after his family disappeared (???) he can't wear crocks, this shows how much pressure he's under that even his clothing style changed
@senritsujumpsuit6021 Жыл бұрын
I fear the fanart now
@liocchi0768 Жыл бұрын
@じゃり-x2l Жыл бұрын
エスのアンダーカバーで、シドウのパートは「アンダー どちらを選ぶんだ 騙されるほうか騙すほうか」なんやけど、シドウだけ本人とまだリンクしてない気がする……。なにか騙されてるんか
@sui-000. 20 күн бұрын
@noizy_guppy Жыл бұрын
第1審:罪を償う(誰かの後追いの可能性もあり)ために死を希望 第2審:罪を償う(誰かの命を救う)ために生を希望 ってことかな、ここまでの生活を経てシドウさんの「罪を償う」事の定義が変わって来ている気がする…第1審は誰かの後追い目的で死刑希望とか言ってたから内心その「誰か」以外は割とどうでも良いのかと思ってたけど(めっちゃ他の患者?を殺してたから)元の人の良さが出て今生きている人(囚人たち)を生かしたいって優しさが出てるように見える…… これはちょっと赦すが優勢だけどここで赦したらムウちゃんみたいなパターンにもなりそうだから迷う…… でもな〜シドウさんがいないと次のコトコちゃんの襲撃(怒)でロストが余裕で出そうなんだよな〜ロストして欲しくは無い……!! まぁアマネちゃんがワンチャンガチで敵になりそうだけどエスくんに押さえつけられてたくらいだしシドウさんは襲撃受けても大丈夫でしょ…大丈夫だよな?
@miri9716 Жыл бұрын
コメント欄見てたら「油絵みたい」ってコメントがあって柘榴が気になったから 柘榴 絵 意味で調べたら「死と生」「輪廻」んで「女性が右手に持ってたら妊娠」ってあって逆あるのかなって思ったら「左手や足元にあるのは死の暗示」って書いてあって柘榴のところ全部見たらシドウさん1:10で左手で柘榴出してるんよね...それで0:30のところシドウさんが歩いた後花が全部枯れるんだけど 花が枯れるのって「悪いものから守る、身代わりになる」って意味らしい タイトルのトリアージも「事故で患者が多数出てきた時の優先順」らしいんだけど これもしかして事故かなんかで家族3人とも昏睡状態になってそれでドナーを無理に作ってたってことかな
@kitsunearashi1391 8 ай бұрын
@user-ki7is3ye5l Ай бұрын
@もいでよ動物の首 Жыл бұрын
@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Жыл бұрын
The community: “You can’t find anyone as beautiful as Shidou.” 0:47 Shidou’s Wife: “Allow me to introduce myself.”
@achieveryunne Жыл бұрын
His wife is so unbelievably beautiful !? LIKE WHOA-
@kiv9880 Жыл бұрын
She's so pretty and seems so kind i want to know more about her, my guy Shidou definatelly got lucky with love while it lasted
@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Жыл бұрын
@@kiv9880 Me too. And he said in his interrogation question that they were together since his second year of middle school. They seemed to be a wonderful match. It’s so sad.
@kiv9880 Жыл бұрын
@@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Damn a school sweethearts couple that's so cute what a sad thing this came to the ending it did, definately makes me understand his motives more knowing that
@turritopsis_said80 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone here can see how she kinda looks like Aris, but an adult from Blue Archive?
@ヘッドもろこし Жыл бұрын
@yowl9999 Жыл бұрын
I think he’s smiling because of his realization that being voted innocent actually helped him to save lives (Mahiru specifically, but he at least treated Fuuta) and he’s maybe being given a purpose again. I’d like to think based off of everything he’s said so far and how he acted while Es slept (based on the First Trial Report) that he’s not harboring some psychotic inner-ego like people are hypothesizing. Then again, he is proven to hold it together well under pressure (proven just by the fact that he’s a surgeon … lol) so I’m hoping this calm & agreeable demeanor isn’t just a facade that the lyrics will flip on its head. It was already mentioned in the First Trial Report that Amane has it out for him right now and he could very well be in danger should the votes give her the upper hand, so I’m personally rooting for his innocence. I’m also grateful he saved Mahiru, and I hope he’ll still be able to help people if shit hits the fan during the Second Trial Report as well.
@Alyssaromantic Жыл бұрын
Yeah. I honestly think this might just be him starting to get better, which I'm really happy about. It's not perfect, he still hates himself, but he doesn't want to die.
@Mycorrhiza Жыл бұрын
Amane?? The 12 year old?? What can she do man
@dARKaZURE Жыл бұрын
​@@Mycorrhiza I mean, she batted her friend to death after getting punished by the cult, and seeing Kotoko getting lots of weapons by simply asking from Milgram, I'm sure Amane has her way to deal with Shidou.
@yowl9999 Жыл бұрын
@@Mycorrhiza You never know. Not like this is real life 🤷. Jackalope said she has it out for him and he could be in trouble if the circumstances are right. It’ll be kinda hard for him to defend himself if he’s physically restrained, she’s not, she’s insane, and she’s convinced he’s the antichrist. I’d rather play it safe.
@yowl9999 Жыл бұрын
Well. I’m here after the MV drop and … Well. I am depressed now. Awesome.
@null7210 Жыл бұрын
ボールで全てを察してしまった シドウさんとマヒルさんの共通項は"愛"だけどシドウさんは家族愛でマヒルさんは恋愛なのとても綺麗な対比だなぁ
@matapineda_matapineda Жыл бұрын
ハルユノは「子供」 フタムウは「いじめ」 シドマヒは「愛」 カズアマは「約束(まだ推測段階)」 ミココトは「殺人鬼」 と2人ずつテーマ?的な物があるのいいよね
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
​@@matapineda_matapineda ちゃんと互いのテーマが別れてるのめちゃ凝っててイイよね
@LeoN-nh3ed 11 ай бұрын
@@matapineda_matapineda 新曲たち聴いてると、カズアマは「自己否定」とかも有り得そうですかね カズイは「生まれてこの方本心なんて言ったことない」って言ってて、アマネは幼少から教義に則った教育で自分の行動を否定されて「悪い子じゃだめだ」って思ったから現在があるような感じだし
@tobykiely5105 Жыл бұрын
My boy looks about 30 years younger here.
@ENJKI Жыл бұрын
Bro is a foetus
@cynthiaatallah5054 Жыл бұрын
IKR!! i hope its not because they changed the artist but just a "turn back in time" scene
@vassagoluciferin Жыл бұрын
​@@cynthiaatallah5054 I've checked the description, they did change the character designer/key animator D,: (it was akka before, now it's "bk")
@cynthiaatallah5054 Жыл бұрын
@@vassagoluciferin Ahhhh makess sense🤧sad😭. But in the MV he was still pretty in his angsty scenes with his hair down tho. But i will still miss the old sexy look🥺
@ENJKI Жыл бұрын
@@vassagoluciferin NO I HOPE IT’S ONLY FOR THIS MV FRL FRL 😭 I miss Akka so bad
@user-jdmtp Жыл бұрын
0:30 ここ通り過ぎるとこ花枯れていってる、、 命を奪ってるってこと...?
@user-hk4ji2zm9n Жыл бұрын
"トリアージ"とは災害時などで同時に多数の傷病者や負傷者が発生した場合、緊急度・重症度などに応じて傷病者の治療における優先順位をつけること。 トリアージタッグは4色あり、基本右手首に巻きつけられます。赤色が重症で最優先として緊急対応の処置(延命処置)を行います。黒色は1番優先度が低く、すでにお亡くなりになっているか、手遅れに等しいと判断された人に巻き付けられます。 歌詞の"赤を巻き付けてくれ"の一言だけで本来は黒を巻き付けられたであろうことが示唆されます。(もう会えやしないの歌詞) また"取り出したって"は脳死に対する臓器移植の示唆だと思われます。 "延命"に関してはトリアージである"赤を巻き付けて助けてもらうこと"を意味していると考えました。 このトリアージの知識を知ってるだけでゾッとする歌詞がすごすぎる。
@mizoomy Жыл бұрын
My Japanese is by all means far from perfect, and I haven't had a chance to listen to it in full yet, but from what I can gather, Shidou's voice drama makes things much clearer in regards to what he did. Shidou was a doctor with clear convictions, one of which being that he firmly believed in transplanting organs from braindead patients with no chance of living to improve the chances of someone else. He'd always ask patients' relatives, "please, let me kill your relative to save someone you don't know!" and didn't think anything of it. Going from the MV, I assume that that conviction changed when it came to his own family. Someone in his own family became braindead, and faced with the choice of killing them to save someone else, his conviction overturned completely, and he now considers himself a murderer. There's a lot more nuance to this - they talk about legality and articles 103, 104 and 105 (which deal with indirect crimes such as destroying evidence to let a crime go unpunished), and I'm unsure if he killed patients without their families' consent (though that's my own running theory), or what exactly happened to his wife and children, but these are the broad strokes of his crimes, I believe. Edit: in terms of him saying he's indispensable, Shidou is in a lot of inner turmoil right mow because he still thinks what he did was abhorrent and he doesnt deserve to be forgiven, but he also sees that the nature of milgram is a danger to the other prisoners' lives and without him people *will* die. He starts the drama off by listing Fuuta and Mahiru's injuries's a lot.
@squidge4728 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!!
@anna.owo. Жыл бұрын
A great analysis
@caeiou6217 Жыл бұрын
wow, what a though and painful decision for his soul, thank you for this analysis
@catfall6997 Жыл бұрын
yeah the new voice drama make me think he is innocent. He is not giving out misinformation to his patient's family but just convincing then to terminate treatment. He didn't force them to make the choice by suggesting it. personally I would consider brain bead as dead. But their is space for debate thou. I would definitely vote him innocent now.
@ink_prince Жыл бұрын
That sheds a lot of light on things, thank you!
@雨宮-z9c Жыл бұрын
自分が赦されたことに対して『気持ち悪いです』って答えるのシドウらしくてホントに好き. イケメンの病み顔とか私得でしかない(
@helloex-6767 8 ай бұрын
イケメンの曇り顔は私の大好物だてぇてぇおっふ( ˆᴘˆ )
@musekinin._.25 Ай бұрын
@Muchuao Жыл бұрын
シドウさん自身も多分混同してしまっているから悩み苦しんでいるんだろうけど、一審の時からずっと言っている「赦さないで」はドナーとなった患者とその家族、あとは今回出てきたご家族に対してであって、今回の「赦して」は明確にエスもとい私たちに対して矢印が向いている感じがしたな。赦されてしまって自分のことをまあある意味否定されてしまった今、エスに赦されないとミルグラム内部での医療行為ができなくなるというのがこの人にとっての1番近い縋りつくべき存在理由だったのだろうと思われるので。まあそれが理由であっても生きていいのか迷ってる(あるいは家族の元にはやく逝きたい)人にとっては大変酷な選択なんですけれど。 少々肯定しすぎたら危ういような部分はあるものの、こうやって人間らしく悩んでるシドウさんの思想を否定する必要があるようには感じられないから個人としてはこの人のことを赦したいな。 それはそれとして本当に顔がいいな桐崎獅童……勘弁してくれや………… 【追記】桐崎獅童の危うい部分についての考察 ドラパのタイトルが『アスクレピオス』ギリシャ神話の医神なの大変に不穏ですね。人の命を左右できる神とかって思ってたりしないでしょうねシドウさん……そうならないように誰か引きとめられるひとがいたらいいんだけどなあ。年長組なだけに彼をたしなめられる人がいなさそうなのが怖いですね……
@yuyu_suzume Жыл бұрын
シドウさんの奥さんと子ども2人は、何かしらの事件か事故に巻き込まれてしまった。自分的には事故であってほしい。 その事故で下の子供が即死してしまった。上の子どもは衝撃で脳死状態になってしまった。 ボイスドラマで臓器提供に了承して欲しい的なことを言われたと話していた事と合うと思う。 上の子どもの黒のスカーフ?が他の2人より分かりにくかったりするから、脳へのダメージだと考えた。シドウさんがタグを渡していたり、ベッドに縋りついているようなシーンは上の子どもの臓器提供に同意したことを表しているのでは? 奥さんは事故の影響で、今日を何とか生きているぐらいの重体になってしまったのかもしれない。上の子どもを失ってしまった後に奥さんに臓器移植を始めたのでは?シドウさんの言っていた利己的な理由というのはこのことで、一審のmvに繋がると思った。 結果的に3人は全員亡くなってしまった。黒のスカーフはトリアージの黒タグで死亡を表している。Tシャツのシドウさんも黒の衣服を身につけている。これはシドウさんの死刑を望んでいるなどの死にたいと思う気持ちの表れだと思う。でもシャツ姿のシドウさんがベルトとしてつけてるものの色は黒では無い。ボイスドラマで言っていた生きたいと思っているというのを表した姿。 自分も死んで家族のいるところへ行きたいが、死にたくないと思ってしまっている。だからずっと辛い表情をしている。 描写に関して自分なりに考えたものです。文がおかしかったりするかもしれません。長文失礼しました。
@ホワイトレン Жыл бұрын
日本語歌詞、英語歌詞、MV映像、ボイスドラマ内容を鑑みた個人的な解釈 CD購入時点 臓器移植を嫌がる脳死植物状態の患者家族へ説得をしていたシドウ。 助けたい存在の為に臓器を手に入れていた。 しかし家族が特別である事を刑法の観点にすら存在している点から確固たるものであると主張する。 だから罪深い自身の行動に大義なんてものは無いと考える。 赦さないでほしいはずだった。 罰してほしい気持ちはあるのに、自分が赦されないと判定されたら他の赦されなかった囚人を守れない。 必要な存在だから生きなければならない思いから赦されたいと願ってしまう。 生への執着からミルグラムへやっと参加できたと言える。 余談だがエスが"ボクたち"を一人称に使った。 集合精神(ユーザ)となりつつあるのだろう。 ドラマタイトルの「Aesculapius」からも現状の役割が分かる。 ギリシャ神話、薬方の神 死者すら蘇らせる医術の神 アスクレーピオス そして罪の内容も第一審のドラマタイトル「Molech」から想像していた範囲ではある。 古代の中東で崇拝された神 母親の涙と子供達の血に塗れた魔王 モレク 個人的には脳死していなかった者も殺して奪っていたらどうなるだろうかと思っていたが、改めてドラマを聴くと彼は心から人を救う仕事へ誇りを持っているからその線は無さそうだ。 死ぬ事で大切な者と同一存在へとなろうとして赦されない事を願っていたのかと考えたが、心底自身を赦せないから赦さないでほしいのだろう。 以前の考え方では赦せないから赦すを選択していたが、彼が赦されなくなったらミルグラムは壊滅する点から赦すを選びたい。 しかし赦さないパターンで第三審がどうなるのかも非常に興味がある。 どちらに転んでも自分は楽しもう。 MV公開後 シドウの性格からして子供が居たとしたら自分の死を望まないだろう。 なので大切な人、妻が生きていたとしたらの未来を見ていると思われる。 他の赦されない囚人を守る為に自分が必要だと言う主張は彼の性格から偽善でも独善でも、それを盾にとって赦されたいわけではないだろう。 罰してほしいのに赦されないと守れない事からの葛藤を感じる。 「破り捨てた約束のカードは」 「Those cards of promise I discarded」 第一審でも出てきている患者から奪った臓器のラベル、そしてそこまでするのなら救わなければと建てた誓いごと破り捨てたという意味だろう。 「俺が散々奪ってきた報いだったか」 「Where they retribution for my incessant taking」 彼らが私の絶え間ない服用に対する報復をする場所 自身を罰するに値する理由付けとして相違なく、遺族から復讐を受ける原因を自覚している。 「赤を巻きつけてくれ」 「I need to be tagged as RED」 赤としてタグ付けする必要があります 赦さないを選択してくれという願望の発露。 「赦すだなんて これが罰ならば」 「What do you mean INNOCENT, if this is my punishment」 これが私の罰なら、あなたは何を意味するのですか? ムウ以外の他囚人第二審同様に「赦す」を「INNOCENT」と表記している。 赦す事が彼への罰という考え方をした人の意見をも汲み取ってくれたのだろう。 自分もその考え方だったのでこれは嬉しかった。 死ねない選択を 逝けない愛を The vote that negates the option of death, the love that won't perish 死の選択肢を否定する投票 消えない愛 日本語歌詞では「選択」なのでエス個人へ当てている様だが、 英語歌詞では「vote」になっているのでエス(ユーザ) = 集合精神へのメッセージとも取れる。 囚人たちも多くの意見がミルグラムから聞こえるという点をシドウのMVでも描いているのだろう。 「不快です "人質ごっこ"だなんて人聞き悪いな」 「So this is unpleasant, hurling slurs of "hostage game", 」 これは不快な「人質ゲーム」のスラーを投げつけるものであり、 「俺次第なのにな」 「you do know that it's up to me?」 あなたはそれが私次第であることを知っていますか? 赦されない囚人を守る必要があり自分の不可欠さを主張して赦されたいのではないか、という意見が生まれる前に先んじて言葉を発していると思われる。 彼の性格からして本心から自分が必要である事を語っているはずだろう。 スラー(酔っぱらいの戯言、早口に捲し立て何を言っているのか分からない言葉など)とまで記述しているのはなかなかに攻撃性を感じるが、否定したい気持ちの表れに感じる。 ミルグラムというコンテンツに於いて現在キーパーソンになっている事から複雑な状況だ。 しかし生きたいと言った彼の言葉を漸く聞けた事は非常に大きい。
@里汐 Жыл бұрын
@おあ-z6q 6 ай бұрын
@kelspresso Жыл бұрын
I don't know how much this adds to the theory BUT uncomfortably neat theory: Shidou lived in Ecuador with his family? The house that Shidou lives in looks uncomfortably similar to the general cemetery of Guayaquil, Ecuador [Patrimonial Cemetery Of The Charity Board Of Guayaquil (General Cemetery)]. The boxes seen at 0:31, 0:40, and 2:06 are similar to the tombs in the cemetery that are built into the walls on the outside of the buildings. While can also be interpreted as many other things like cardboard file boxes, let's call them tombs for this theory. For certain sections of this cemetery, for lack of land, there is an option to cremate someone and have their ashes in these boxes and have the tombstone be dedicated to them. These tombs are built on the outside of the buildings so they are often made out of white marble, porcelain, and stone to withstand the weather, which has given it the name "the white city". This large cemetery is very distinct from it's surroundings as it is blinding white and is right behind the hospital. The gates and arches at 0:28 and 1:21 are eerily similar to the some of the gates into the cemetery as well. The plant life in 0:40 is also eerily similar to the plant life maintained within the cemetery, especially the thriving palm trees which implicate a tropical location like Ecuador. Their clothes are also very typical tropical clothes: bandanas, shorts, sandals, thin light tops, sundresses. The food and produce they have (Pomegranates, avocados, oranges, and lobster 0:38) is also very common to Ecuador. While lobster is not particularly common, seafood is very abundant and cheaper in Ecuador due to being on the coast, leading it to be more economical for a lot of families than meat. Theory for this theory: Potentially the door into his house can be seen as the doorway between life and death, not in terms of him dying but just as him visiting the death. Him being surrounded by the tombs can be representative of the work he does to save his family. The home representing shelter, a safe place, and the fact the house is built with the tombs of dead people can be symbolic of his work to resurrect his family using the bodies of other people.
@tyreesjameswilliams35 Жыл бұрын
Woah that's quite the detail though-out explanation, and fairly decent one at that too.
@みちゃ-z6b Жыл бұрын
@kamitani_kyouya Жыл бұрын
皆さんイヤホンして聞いてみてください! 冒頭の電話音右耳からしか聞こえないです! シドウさんが留守録音じゃなくて 右耳に受話器当ててたという事…?
@nachiguro Жыл бұрын
1:49 の息子(仮)にトリアージの黒を渡す→助からないと判断を下した 00:43 の歌詞にある『赤を巻き付けてくれよ』はトリアージの赤=最優先治療群 と判断したい みたいな感じかなーと思った 00:39 からある『取り出したって』は臓器移植のことかな
@ゆず-d3y6x Жыл бұрын
「俺は必要だから」って歌詞の時の顔がすごく辛そう、言い聞かせてるみたいな 本当は赦さないで欲しい。でもコトコがまた牙を剥くなら「牙を抜くために」生きたい。だけどやっぱり...、って感情なのかな。
@他人-v5b Жыл бұрын
@しちはち-t7z Жыл бұрын
@thechibilitwick7464 8 ай бұрын
took 9 months to reach 1 mil congrats on your pregnancy shidou
@faeryofvenus 8 ай бұрын
@reigensfeet 8 ай бұрын
i got him pregnant guys it was me
@SiSoz 8 ай бұрын
Aren't his kids dead tho- *gets bonked*
@ycl125428 Жыл бұрын
曲の表現が凄すぎ(語彙力0) ちょっと話がずれるけど、シドウさんの奥さんと息子さんがすごく綺麗だね((おい 追記 別のサイトで見た別言語のコメントなんだけど、結構面白いことを言ってて同意したくなった。 そのコメント主は、ミルグラムがシドウさんに対する「罪」の定義がお医者さんの選択だと言っていた。 例えば、妊婦さんの出産で母子共に危険でどちらかを選ばないといけない場面。 どちらかの一方を選んで救っても、もう一方の命は諦められたことになる。 どうしようもないことだ。 また、脳死患者は医学界では、死んだと定義されてる。 その患者さんが生前で「臓器提供」もしくは「献体登録」した場合、お医者さんはその臓器で別の人を救うけど、 その行為は脳死患者の家族にとっては、また息してるのに、命を奪う「殺人行為」だと思われるんだろう。 だからこそ、シドウさんは「“人質ごっご”なんて人聞き悪いな 俺次第なのにな」と歌ったんだろうな。 第二審のボイスドラマによると、シドウの罪は、脳死患者の家族に患者の命を諦めて、 その臓器を別の救える人に移植するように勧めたようだ。 シドウさんの家族が同じ状況になるまでは、その行為は善意だと思っていた。 同じ立場になってから、今までしてきた行為は、 患者の家族の希望を奪って患者を殺したことになると気付いた。 それで、絶望して愛する人の後を追うように死ぬのを望むんだろうな。 何ていうか、シドウさん、ごめん! 第一審では、愛する人のために、多くの人の臓器を勝手に奪った悪い人だと勘違いした。 そんな優しいシドウを「赦す」にしたくなるよ!
@稲穂-x7w Жыл бұрын
@gyrasolune5436 6 ай бұрын
Since I never saw anyone translate the runes on the boxes at 0:29 they are: |A SAKI TAKAHASHI YUICHI KOBAYASHI MARI INOUE TAKAHIRO |DA RISA KANEKO IKUMI ISHIDA YOSHIKI TERADA AMI |DA HIRO AKANO KAORI MORI AKIKO GOTOU RYO It also interests me that at 2:08, you can identify that this is specifically Ishida Yoshiki's box, to the tune of "if this is my punishment" ("Kore ga batsunaraba"), so I wonder if this is someone important to the case.
@cblazerc Жыл бұрын
Wow, I didn't expect this. I thought that since they knew we would vote him innocent regardless due to him being a doctor, they would make him hateable. But instead, they showed his family, and showed his regrets, while also showing that he realized that his skills as a doctor are needed for the group. Absolutely incredible.
@FakeVenatus Жыл бұрын
Lmao people barely voted him innocent because he’s a doctor- especially as a possible belief was he was a serial killer type character. People voted him innocent because he’s hot
@cblazerc Жыл бұрын
@@FakeVenatus I meant vote him this time around because he is the only doctor in the group. I already knew that he only got voted innocent at first because people found him hot. I was saying what I said because of how so much of the community have been on the mission to keep everyone alive.
@keslio Жыл бұрын
​@@FakeVenatus they voted him innocent because he said he wants to receive a guilty verdict. Voting him guilty will grant his wishes. In short the community is trying to be an asshole :3
@kaprix6436 Жыл бұрын
@@keslio nonono, both of you have points. he is hot, after all.
@cblazerc Жыл бұрын
@@robotsareawesome now that's just disrespectful. I was commenting on how the dude lost his family, and how I felt bad for him, and you laughed. not cool man. not cool. I'm just gonna hope that you're on the younger side and haven't experienced what it's like to lose a loved one yet, cause this seemed more out of ignorance than malice.
@Desiree-9 Жыл бұрын
At 1:22 He tells us that even though he 100% acknowledges and wishes to be voted guilty in the first trial, he was voted innocent. With this, he was able to help the prisoners who needed medical attention at the end of the first trial. He then says something along the line of helping others is his new propuse. I don't think he wants forgiveness, but he understands that others can use his help when it comes to injuries. A couple of seconds later, he says something about getting rid of the "fang," which I'm going to assume is Kotoko. Kotoko really did just pissed off all the prisoners. This is just my observation and opinion on some lyrics that caught my attention
@Desiree-9 Жыл бұрын
I saw some people say that voting Shidou innocent means that he will go after Kotoko because of the "fang" comment. yes, I do agree. She will be defenseless if she is found guilty. But if you do hesitate with voting Shidou innocent because of this. She did pissed off most of the prisoners. It doesn't matter if you stop Shidou. What if Futa or someone else steps into action. My point is that you can't really make much of a difference in this case. I don't want any prisoners to die, not until the end of the trials. But I have a feeling Kotoko will be getting hurt. I just hope she won't be hurt too badly but just enough for the other to get their revenge.
@jayvee3165 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, IIRC on Kotoko's 2nd trial PV there's a line where she refers to herself as Es' fang
@whyrubuyingclothesatasoupstore Жыл бұрын
I really like Shidou's arc of wanting to live not for himself but to help others, and I also want to point out that voting him guilty can be dangerous to the other characters since he's the only person that can treat injuries. So yeah, easy innocent vote from me, it's a shame about the murders
@satansmascara9756 Жыл бұрын
Rip to the dead patients but he's built different
@airisnope4665 Жыл бұрын
But milgram is like a game with plot, main characters can't die. If it were as you say, mahiru already would be dead by now. Also I can easily predict that kotoko would be voted guilty
@Cm38271 Жыл бұрын
"Murders" I don't think he committed a crime. At least not in the eyes of the law
@muggyboi8667 Жыл бұрын
​@@airisnope4665 I wouldn't say all that, I think her being alive is a good transition because now we can see a more erratic breakdown from the fragile Mahiru that would be more intense and clear to what her crime was. Also dying after only the first trial cuts off any development at all because they never get their crime truly explained. If Mahiru died before trial 2 then she'd be a severely underdeveloped character and a huge missed opportunity.
@An_Slayraishi Жыл бұрын
@@airisnope4665 I don’t remember if this is true or not but didn’t they say character death can happen for Milgram? Considering Harukas threat to kill himself if Muu got guilty…
@マルメロ-e8f Жыл бұрын
前よりも生々しくシドウさんの感情を感じた気がしました…。 一審の曲から楽しませていただいてますが、とても好きです。
@reimose Ай бұрын
shidou kirisaki ill get you to 2mln
@user-hg6br9xn5w Жыл бұрын
シドウがコトコのもたらす脅威と死から囚人達を守る砦になるんだろう、 もし三審のMVでシドウの非人道的・利己的な欲求が視聴者の倫理観を打ちのめすほどに描かれたとしたら、 「他の囚人を見殺しにしてシドウを裁くか」「他の囚人を守るためにシドウの罪を容認するか」が問われる気がする。
@mochi-yura04 Жыл бұрын
スローダウンで「誰かは誰かと同じ重さになれない」って言ってて、この曲の歌詞で「俺は必要だから」って言ってるのが、ずっと赦さないでくれって言ってる割に「俺は他の人のために必要な存在(他の人よりも価値がある人間)だから、自分的には赦さないでほしいけど生きなきゃいけない」みたいな言い訳してるようにも聞こえてくる 個人的にはどんだけ殺してたとしても赦してあげたいって思っちゃうけど、上の考え方でいくと「人のこと殺しといて自分は生きたいって都合いいな」っていう事なんだろうな。それを分かってるからシドウ自身も葛藤してるんだろうけど。 でもそうやって考えると、シドウにとっては 赦す=人を助けれて(生きれて)良かったになるし、 赦さない=当初の望み通りになって、家族に会いに行けて良かったになるから罰らしい罰は与えれないよね。 あと、スローダウンのMVにも出てきてるザクロの意味が「子孫繁栄」とか「子宝」を意味するものらしく、それがぐちゃぐちゃになってる=子孫が残せなくなった=妻と子供が亡くなったって事になるから、ここからも家族が亡くなってるのが分かるのか byミルグラムド新規
@にゃみ-u5n Жыл бұрын
「"赦さないでほしい"のに 揺れてる"赦してほしい"と」って歌詞。前は赦さないでほしいと願ってたけど、心境の変化が生まれたってことだよね  コトコの襲撃による2人の治療をしたから「自分にしかできないこと」を見つけて生きる意味を見出だしたのかもしれない。「俺次第」って歌詞にも、"自分が生きていなければ延命できなかっただろうに"みたいなニュアンスに聞こえてくる  もしくは歌詞にもあるけど単純に赦さないでほしいと願ったのに赦されたから、赦されることが自分への罰だと捉えてその罰を受けるために赦してほしいといってるのかもしれないね
@madelinefendley2703 Жыл бұрын
I feel as though unlike mu and haruka, shidou actually feels genuine remorse towards his mistakes and wants to make it right and save people. He didn’t want to be forgiven but now that he is he wants to prove he’s worthy and valuable. I still see him as innocent.
@asagtavilia5852 Жыл бұрын
He is definitely not 'innocent', but i will choose to 'forgive' him if it means he can save others.
@madelinefendley2703 Жыл бұрын
@@asagtavilia5852 well none of them are innocent in that sense lol, that’s the whole point. By innocent I mean do we choose to look past it or do we hold it against them
@ジハ-u5k Жыл бұрын
He is already seeing the innocent verdict as another form punishment, later in the MV it seems that hes trying to forgive himself by providing that he can saves lives, likes the ones who got beaten up by kotoko
@ジハ-u5k Жыл бұрын
I hope a second time innocent will be the best course of action
@折り鶴-g9o 2 ай бұрын
どれだけ倫理に背いた事を犯しても、(おそらく)襲撃された囚人に対して延命を施そうとするくらい根っからの医者なんだろうなって思いました。 義務と使命感を利用し監獄と交渉して手に入れた贖罪紛いのものでしか無いとしても、生きるようと決意する様はすごくかっこいい。
@akun-777 Жыл бұрын
この曲って今のシドウさんの気持ちなきがしてきた。 曲の序盤は自分の過去の罪について後悔と許されたことに対しての疑問やこれがある意味罰なのかって感じで、 中盤はミルグラムの患者のフータとマヒルを救うために生きるか葛藤していて、 後半は目の前の患者を救うために生きたい!俺が居ないと他の人も死んでしまうだから俺を許してくれ!って 「正解が何かは まだ判らないけれど 守るべき命があった ほら延命を 俺は必要だから」 最後のこのフレーズが最終的な今の考えで、自分が罪を償うには死ぬのか生きるのかまだ判ってないけど、守るべき2人のために、俺は必要だから今は赦して(俺を延命して)くれって 罪を犯した時は家族のために血迷った行動を取って罰してほしいと思っているが、ボイスドラマからも根はちゃんとした医者なのかなって感じたし今は2人を助けるために本気で生きたいって思ってるって感じた。 シドウさんマジで良い人に見えてきたからめっちゃ好きになった!3審では生きて償う選択を望んで欲しいな。
@YuukiTakanasi Жыл бұрын
ミルグラム内で救った命があったから それが赦されたいと思うきっかけになったのかな。 赦されず死んで大切な人のところに行きたい、という願いよりも 償いの機会を奪った分だけ救いたい と、本気で思ってるのか。 隠されている思惑があるのか
@hermitena 5 ай бұрын
he found me crying😭 he crew too😭 we both crode 😭😭😢💧
@cherrywing926 Жыл бұрын
@ladyerisrose Жыл бұрын
After seeing how the events of the first trial fucked everyone up so much, it's nice to see that we at least got one person right. Voting Shidou innocent was probably the best thing we could've done for him. Now, he has a reason to live.
@boredteenagerinthewild Жыл бұрын
Yeah!!! We are totally aren't giving him SAVIOR COMPLEX 😁👍/s
@analyticaltomato Жыл бұрын
Why does everyone think the first voting results were wrong?? Like, if you believed what you voted at the time, you were right! Just because people got hurt doesn’t mean the votes were wrong. You’re not voting to get them all saved, you’re voting depending on your personal preferences, and whether you think they were right, justified or forgiveable in their actions. For example, I would have voted Shidou guilty in the first trial (I say “would have” as I was not aware of milgram at the time) because to me harvesting organs from people without their consent (or trying to kill them faster to get said organs, which seems to be what he was doing) is unforgivable regardless of the motivation. Am I happy he’s okay? Yeah, but I don’t think my decision to vote him guilty would have been wrong. My morals are mine, and yours are yours, but don’t try to sell your morals as better just because it results in more people being innocent.
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
1:25 1:30 ここシドウさんの魂胆に見える情緒不安定感が出てるの最高に好きだし自分の中でまだ葛藤してるのめっちゃえぇ…良すぎる…
@kawa2151 Жыл бұрын
the description…’so hey, prolong my life, i’m indispensable’ …why do i feel like that’s shidou’s partner talking to him?
@IzzyD.Anarchy Жыл бұрын
He might be talking about himself but I'm not sure. I'm no fortuneteller
@justa_randomfailure6250 Жыл бұрын
it’d be really interesting it that we’re the case but I think it’s more likely he’s talking directly to us like how he saved mahiru last trial
@voidofcreation2271 Жыл бұрын
This is either him talking to us in which case voting him innocent changed his opinion on his murders or this is possibly his partner or maybe Patient he's killed talking to him showing again how selfish he is and how he wants to be guilty
@glass_shard Жыл бұрын
I think he's talking about himself after he saved Mahiru and Fūta?
@morninggiory1130 Жыл бұрын
Since he is a doctor and help some of the prisoners, i believe he could just be talking about himself, saying that if he was gone, the prisoners would be dead
@thedusterbin.819 8 ай бұрын
@Sssssshinshi 5 ай бұрын
@wordart-se6ti Жыл бұрын
とりあえず考察とか並べる。 長文注意 トリアージとは、人や物資が限られる災害時等に、治療する患者の優先順位をつける行為。 0:42の「赤を巻きつけてくれ」という歌詞は、トリアージにおける最優先である重症患者につけられる赤いタグのことを指すと思われる。 MVに何度も出てくるカードのようなものは、おそらく臓器提供意思表示カードか患者識別バンド、あるいはその両方。 1:48で子供にそのカードを渡していることから、赤タグ(最優先)の妻を救うために子供たちを犠牲にしたと考えられる。 後は誰か頼んだ(他力本願)
@guruguru_Grusha Жыл бұрын
シドウが許されずにアマネちゃんが許されるとシドウとんでもないことになりそうなのがすごく不安…… 『人質ごっこ』『俺が必要』『延命を』ってフータとマヒルちゃんは自分がいないとどうとでも出来るんだぞって……?特にマヒルちゃんはシドウがいなかったらロストしてたから怖いみんな生きててほしい
@maguro_02136 Жыл бұрын
赦さないでほしいという失敗の責任感と 赦してほしいという生命の責任感 シドウは自分のために生きているのかな
@saniberry Жыл бұрын
Can't wait to regret my past self voting him innocent 😍 Edit: NO REGRETS. If you think he should be guilty, enlighten me why 💜
@Litchi_is_bored Жыл бұрын
ikr 😍
@stereotypical_villain Жыл бұрын
Absolutely yes, since all that are smiling mv's have been inno I'm curious as to how he would be since he harvested organs I was planning on voting him guilty (I F*CKED UP IGNORE THAT 🥲)
@beacentcor Жыл бұрын
y'all didn't vote him innocent because he literally said 'please don't forgive me' so it could be like a punishment to him?
@voidofcreation2271 Жыл бұрын
@@beacentcor exactly they always say how selfish he is and he wants to be guilty so I thought voting him innocent would be a better punishment
@Atreyutaka Жыл бұрын
Yessir 🙇
@ああ-x8x5r Жыл бұрын
@r____162 5 ай бұрын
考察なんて出来ないので一言言わせて頂きますね シドウさん顔よすぎる あと子供達が可愛い
@lonelytac0 Жыл бұрын
Shidou went from "I want the death penalty, because I couldn't save my family", to "Living is a better punishment, so I'll be your doctor, since that's the job I need to do", Shidou broke, my guess is that if we vote him innocent he'll see himself as a tool, since that's what's keeping him alive. So my guess that in Trial 3 the choice will be: Show him it's worth living on in a world that only wants him for his profession, or Letting he be with his family
@ジハ-u5k Жыл бұрын
Man, both sounds horrible even idk how to feel about that
@nanase_bokaro 8 ай бұрын
0:21 1:21 ここのふたつの背景が白から薄紫色?に変わる時の演出が少しモールス信号に見える 0:21 モールス信号に直すと ・ー・ こんなモールス信号は無いので憶測にはなるが、恐らくSOS(・・・ーーー・・・)を略したもの? このシーンでは誰ががシドウに電話をかけて、留守電になっているので、SOS(救急)から電話が来ていたが気付かなかった。 それで早く気づいていれば助かったかも知れないと、後悔しているような表情を浮かべている? 1:21 モールス信号に直すと ・・ アルファベットのIになる 恐らく、トリアージの意味が災害発生時に治療優先度を決めることを指してるため、家族は黒タグ(もう助けられない、もっとも治療優先度が低い)を付けられており、その後の歌詞に「ゆらゆら揺れる天秤」が登場するので、もう助からない家族を諦めて、他の人を助ける医者の自分をとるか、他の人を捨ててまでも、愛してる家族を助けるために無理やり延命させたい、家族を愛(I)してる自分と迷っていると感じた。 それで最後に「正解が何かは まだ分からないけれど 守るべき命があった ほら延命を 俺は必要だから」と言って覚悟を決めた顔していることから、迷いながらも家族という守るべき命があると、家族は黒タグでも助かるかもしれない、助けるんだ。 俺(シドウ)が。 って自分に言い聞かせて 他の人の臓器を移植させて助からないと分かっていながらも、助かって欲しいと希望に縋って延命しようとした。 と個人的には思いました!
@あまり-p3l Жыл бұрын
イヤホンで聞いた瞬間序盤で「んんっ、」からの深呼吸に気づいて倒れた 最高すぎるありがとう
@sommelier_ Жыл бұрын
頼むからこれだけ最初に言わせてくれ、難しい話はそれからだ 0:00 咳払いと深呼吸てぇてぇ… 0:53 シドウさんが救おうとしたのはこの女性で間違いないだろうなあ 空想ではあるけど子供がいたから交際してたって考えるのが妥当 1:58 でもこの女性は何かしらの病気に罹って、二度と治ることは無かった だから、当たり前だけど子供なんて産まれるはずがなかった それか、この女性は尊厳死(病気の治療の放棄)を選んだのかな 患者の意思が尊重されるから、シドウさんがどれだけ延命を願っても叶うことはなかったんだなと思うと辛い(「ほら延命を 俺は必要だから」) MV内容とはちょっとズレるけど、だからシドウさんはアマネにどれだけ避けられようと折れずに話しかけてるんじゃないかなって 血は繋がってないけどやっぱりどこか子供が好きだったんだと思う それがシドウさんなりのちょっとした癒しになってたらよかったんだけど、見れば分かるように二審で明らかにアマネはシドウをロックオンしてる 赦せば間違いなくシドウの身に何か起きるけど、映像内に明確な犯行シーンも無いし赦さなかったら次に襲撃に遭った囚人たちの手当てをする人はいなくなる 今までの囚人の中で二審史上一番判断を迷ってる あと最高のカップヌードルタイマーだよこれ ボイスドラマ聴いてきました 以下感想のようなものです まず、明らかにシドウさんの口数が激増してた事、「赦されたい」「赦されたくない」気持ちを彷徨う葛藤が格段に強くなっていた事 あと終始ちょっと声が震えてたのがこういう場に置かれたらどんなに大人でも気持ちがやっぱり渋滞しちゃうというか シドウさんもやっぱ1人の人間なんだなあって実感させられた 言い方は悪いけど、最後のエスくんの「ありがとう」がシドウさんの葛藤に拍車をかけてた気がする 一審からの「自分は赦されてはならない、それ相応の罰を受けるべき」って考えが二審で芽生えた「感謝された、やっぱり自分がいないとダメなんだ」って気持ちの重さがエスくんの感謝で完全に釣り合っちゃったから赦しても赦さなくても精神が壊れそう あと子供好き、やっぱ本当なのね 子供が好き、なのに監獄内の最年少であるアマネの地雷(医療行為)を二審で完全に踏み抜いたからアマネのボイスからわかるように襲撃対象にロックオンされている 子供が好きなシドウさんが皮肉にもシドウさんから見た「子供」であるアマネに襲撃されるのってむごいよね 見てみたい欲はあるけど、三審の荒れ具合が連想できてしまう… どうなる判決、どうなる三審、どうなるシドウさん… ここまで読んでくださりありがとうございます、長文失礼しました…
@こめこ-l2k Жыл бұрын
赦されない事すら赦されなくなった感が、なんか。 正解が分かんないよ
@kazloves05 8 ай бұрын
@bonejamins 8 ай бұрын
@justanaverageperson2162 8 ай бұрын
:( didn)t happen
@杏仁豆腐-r2x Жыл бұрын
@antibeat Жыл бұрын
it's still hard to fully understand exactly what Shidou did, but personally I believe that his family (or alternatively just his wife, and the children in the mv are just his dreams) was hospitalised, and Shidou made the decision to donate their organs. after being put in that position himself, he begins to hate himself for forcing that decision on other people - he pressured others to give up on their loved ones because he saw it as the medically correct decision, without considering the agony he put them through by doing so. Milgram does not follow the laws of any country or existing legal system, so Shidou choosing to take his family off life support would definitely suffice for his crime, however it's also possible that he went against medical advice or that it was a case of 'mercy killings'.
@Lil-y-pad Жыл бұрын
Ooo, I really like your theory! I think it works well in the context of the first MV where he was talking to what looked to be relatives of a patient.
@chewie5593 Жыл бұрын
Oh my god, I was racking my brain trying to think of what did he mean in the line "..they were retribution for my incessant taking" and your theory makes so much sense in this context! Like he's been "incessantly" pressuring patient's loved ones to pull the plug and "taking" their organs from them. Thanks for your insight! Brb while I go cry now
@carrot535 Жыл бұрын
@obyn6751 Жыл бұрын
This one makes a lot of sense actually!
@elsakisiel7368 Жыл бұрын
It would make a lot of sense ! But then, if that's the case, his only "crime" is... being a good doctor ? I understand that he feels guilty and doesn't see it like that, but, from my own prism of morals, he did absolutely nothing wrong if all he did was pressure families to take the correct medical decision.
@user-Yuki9z Жыл бұрын
もうなんか全然解釈はできなかったけど、感情が伝わってきて泣きそう てかシドウさん美しすぎて……🥲♡
@haruka.rabuii Жыл бұрын
I had a dream abt coming to the channel seeing triage deleted and seeing a vid titled “NEW SHIDOU LORE!” Which was just rlly confusing
@senritsujumpsuit6021 Жыл бұрын
am actually surprised no one makes clickbait videos on Milgram
@anier4623 Жыл бұрын
@deardaezie Жыл бұрын
very interesting how his wife has a beauty mark under both eyes. i forget exactly what it means, but i'm pretty sure it alludes to some sort of tragedy in your romantic life
@liocchi0768 8 ай бұрын
I cant believe Kazui got to 1mil before Shidou does.. Shidou enjoyers lets make this song reach 1mil views before 2023 ends!
@temutemacular 8 ай бұрын
@rosanora 8 ай бұрын
@ゆき-y8g7s Жыл бұрын
@thechibilitwick7464 8 ай бұрын
happy new years shidou nation
@user-nj8sk1cs5i 8 ай бұрын
happy new year you too 💕
@reimose Ай бұрын
yes kingg show us your savior complex
@helloex-6767 5 ай бұрын
@AMANE_0402 5 ай бұрын
@helloex-6767 4 ай бұрын
@@AMANE_0402 ですよね!?こんなイケメンで性格優しいお父さんとか欲しいと思ってしまいますよねぇ 奥さんと息子達が羨ましい限りだぜっ…( ᷄ᾥ ᷅ )
@No-ii7do Жыл бұрын
うーむ ムウとかミコトの時みたいにえげつない本性でこちらの情緒を壊しに来るのか、「ヒトゴロシだけど実は…」っていうキャラの本質を見せてくれるのか どちらにせよ待ち遠しい 追記 うああぁ…
@Zuwaikibou Жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 8 ай бұрын
@キリシナ Жыл бұрын
@watabikis Жыл бұрын
ive never started crying over a milgram mv before this. there's just something about him seeing his wife and kids, the knowledge that they're dead, and the exhaustion in his face that got me
@aoyaoigi 9 ай бұрын
can we get shidou to 1m .
@niya_zints 9 ай бұрын
@やま-d2b Жыл бұрын
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