MILGRAM / Es - Undercover [Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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@hisui8919 2 жыл бұрын
小説読んできた直後のクソデカ感情のままコメントしてるんだけど、 「赦すなら共犯者」 「全てを知った僕はちゃんと赦せるかな」 がもうほんと天才のそれすぎて
@kasasagi_xyxy 2 жыл бұрын
@ふじ-z3i 4 жыл бұрын
2:36 でみんなニヤッてするとこ好き
@のぞ-c6d 10 ай бұрын
@neon2370 Жыл бұрын
@ただのさとう-y1n 3 жыл бұрын
@田中未琴 3 жыл бұрын
@あいのはあと 3 жыл бұрын
許すなら共犯者って歌詞あるし、許したらエスが11人目になるって可能性もある気がする 誰かを死刑にしたら殺した罪でエスはやっぱり11人目になるとか
@佐倉陽向 3 жыл бұрын
全く同じこと考えてる人おったわ(最近どっぷりハマってきた新参) 一番最初に開けてた0番目の箱、それと同じ形で用意されたほかの10個の箱、やっぱり同じ「裁かれる」側の人間なんじゃないかなって僕も思いました
@N_mirra13 2 жыл бұрын
@nanase_xox 2 жыл бұрын
@@N_mirra13 エスのCDのボイスドラマで聴けます!
@ellenbaker5551 4 жыл бұрын
エスって黒い手袋をしてるけど、黒い手袋って「私の穢れを見せたくない」っていう意味があるらしい…。 やっぱエスなんかあるわぁ…
@ふぐふぐ-m5t 4 жыл бұрын
@胡麻塩ソルト 4 жыл бұрын
せやなぁ… それも楽しみ…ww
@ぽたぽた-u2z 4 жыл бұрын
@夜ノです 4 жыл бұрын
@MaRASa_MIA 4 жыл бұрын
@クリームのパンダ 4 жыл бұрын
@勘のいいガキ-p6d 4 жыл бұрын
@ふぐふぐ-m5t 4 жыл бұрын
@upashi- 4 жыл бұрын
アニメ 映画化希望で!!✧︎
@可愛いは正義アンナ 4 жыл бұрын
@@upashi- 実写は嫌かなぁ…
@田中華-p2q 4 жыл бұрын
@pigred62owo 4 жыл бұрын
山下真樹 映画化言うとるだけで実写と違うんやないかな...???
@ふみつき-m8w 4 жыл бұрын
エスの声優さんの、男とも女ともつかない声質が、性別が分からないエスにあっててすごく好き。あと、歌い方もとても好き。 『痛いのはいつまで続くのかな』の音の切り方とか、『赦せるかなーァゥッッ』(語彙力)みたいな切なそうな音の切り方がドツボすぎて。。
@kevinli8000 4 жыл бұрын
In Es's voice drama, it's revealed that there's an eleventh prison cell that's left unoccupied. Combining this with Es's lost memories leads me to think that there's a link between the two. If you look at the commonalities between the prisoners, each one has a song of their own, a cover of another one of Deco*27's songs, as well as a voice drama, which for some reason applies to Es but doesn't apply to Jackalope. From some of the other prisoners' voice dramas, we find out that Es gets violent with some of the other prisoners. It's quite likely that Es is the last prisoner.
@raijin8049 3 жыл бұрын
Yes and they also hold like a cube in the beginning with 00 written on it and there were like other cubes too from 01 to 10 so maybe Es is like the 0th prisoner or like an other theory in this comment section the one that has been killed through different dimensions
@indyana5793 3 жыл бұрын
@@raijin8049 bit late to the party but if you look at 0:18 you can clearly see 11 of those cubes, one for every prisoner and that with the fact that Es opens 000
@cityyliights_ 3 жыл бұрын
where do you find the voice dramas? and are there translations for them yet?
@Dennyspuncakes 3 жыл бұрын
@@cityyliights_ there are fan translations, you just gotta do some searching online and will probably find them
@cityyliights_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@kevinli8000 thanks so much !
@クリームアイス-x2i 4 жыл бұрын
0:33の「フュー↑チャー↑」がすき てか、マジ尊い
@しゅ-q1n9m 4 жыл бұрын
@秋兎-n1x 4 жыл бұрын
クリームアイス 分かる。最初聞いた時はびっくりしたけど、何回も聞いていくと癖になる
@nontimax 4 жыл бұрын
@user-zl3fw9rn5d 4 жыл бұрын
@@しゅ-q1n9m それなですそれなすぎてそれなです
@okaits6150 2 жыл бұрын
確かに。 ただカラオケで歌うとき地獄w
@なにものでもない-v5k 4 жыл бұрын
@かな爺 4 жыл бұрын
@mtm9603 4 жыл бұрын
フータからムウの変わり方がわかりやすいですよね (荒い感じから弱くなった感じが)
@huwarari9926 2 жыл бұрын
@@mtm9603 マヒルさんとかカズイおじも分かりやすい
@eLA-bj8cl 2 жыл бұрын
@Takosumi_game 2 жыл бұрын
@入峰紫音 3 жыл бұрын
@9yano579 Жыл бұрын
2:38から(恐らく)エスに対して囚人たちが暴力を振るう様な描写があるのですが… これを見て何となく思ったのが、 実はエスも囚人たちと同じく罪を犯した事のある人で、 囚人たちが最終的に赦されるか赦されないかが決定した後、 エスの罪に関する曲が公開されて、 囚人たち若しくは視聴者たちによって赦すか赦さないかを決められるんじゃないかな…と。 もし、囚人たちによって裁かれるのであれば、 エスが囚人たちに対してどのような判断を下していたか、 それによって彼らがどのような経験をして、どのような心境の変化があったのか、 そんな要素から囚人たちが下す判断が変わってきて、 最終的にエスが赦されるか否かが決まりそうだなーって。 ただ、エスの罪が彼らを自分勝手に裁いていたことだったりしたら、 エスを通して判決を下していた私たちもまた、囚人たちによって裁かれることになるから… それもそれで面白そうだなと何となく妄想を…してしまいました…。
@nemuru_v Жыл бұрын
回想シーン 2:09 ハルカ 部屋 2:10 コトコ 路地裏、右上にサイレンぽい光 2:11 ユノ  学校の屋上?腹抑えてる? 2:12 ミコト 仕事? 2:13 フータ 葬式、スマホで撮影 2:13 アマネ シャワー?雨? 2:14 ムウ  教室 2:14 シドウ 病院 2:15 カズイ 車道 2:15 マヒル 手を重ね合わせてる タイムテーブル上手く行かなかったので目安です 殺害シーンっぽいシルエット 2:44 ハルカ エスの首に痕跡。絞殺?ハルカがエスに股がってる。ハルカの隣に小さくて丸い影があってそれが小さい子供に見える(曲げてるエスの足かも)。画面右下の破片に血痕。 2:45 ユノ エスの腹部に痕跡。右側にナイフが刺さってるようにも見える。刺殺?ユノの体制が足を付いて踏ん張っているように見えるから流産?手がどこにあるかは見えないのでわからない。 2:46 フータ エスの首~上半身に痕跡。撲殺?胸ぐらを掴んで無理矢理立たせようとしているように見える。フータもかなりの返り血を浴びてる。 2:55 ムウ エスの腹部に痕跡。ムウの手にカッターらしきもの。刺殺(MVに描写あり)。エスに股がってるムウ。 2:56 シドウ エスの胸あたりに痕跡。刺殺?赤い塊が出てるように見える(臓器?)。エスの足が地面についてなさそう、吊るされてる? 2:57 マヒル エスの首に痕跡。首を絞めているように見える。絞殺?(MVから考察すると自殺っぽいから首吊りかも)。エスの左足の靴が脱げてる。2:17でマヒルは手を握ってたけど、相手は握り返していない(手が開いた状態)から死体と手を合わせてた? 3:01 カズイ エスの顔~腹に痕跡。エスをカズイが抱き上げてるように見える。自殺?(MVから考察すると飛び降りだけど轢死もありえる)。エスの左足の靴が脱げてる。 3:02 アマネ エスの腹に痕跡。正面から棒状のもので殴ってる。撲殺(2:13が風呂場だとするとシャワーヘッドが兇器?)。アマネの背後にアマネの帽子と何かがあるけどよく見えない。 3:04 ミコト エスの背中に痕跡。形状、MVからしてバットで背後から殴ってる。撲殺。 3:06 コトコ エス自体には痕跡が見当たらない。コトコの足には飛び散ってる。殺害方法、不明。エスの腕らへんを蹴ってる。
@dibujugador6024 Жыл бұрын
gracias por hablar de las siluetas. la silueta perteneciente a Fuuta me confunde. al ser el pecado de Fuuta algo más indirecto resulta difícil de interpretar la silueta
@speedywater Жыл бұрын
@l_lanran Жыл бұрын
@speedywater Жыл бұрын
@@l_lanran そうですよ
@会長-y8n Жыл бұрын
@悠李-d9v 4 жыл бұрын
ふと思ったのですが 2:44で各キャラ達が殺した人物がエスに成り代わってるんですよね。そしてエスは『僕(あなた)』である。このことから…… もしもあなたが被害者だったとしたら、自分の人生を強制的に終わらせた人物を赦せるのですか? という問いかけが入っている気がするのは私だけですか???
@Kamenrider40 3 жыл бұрын
@こばやしかえで-b9y 4 жыл бұрын
嫌い対OKの境界線を 我儘のまま終わっていいの? ってとこって私たちが見た目や声の好き嫌いで、赦す赦さないを決めていいの?ってことだと思う。 既に推しを決めている人への皮肉?
@日本語男 4 жыл бұрын
@こばやしかえで-b9y 4 жыл бұрын
@@日本語男 確かに矛盾しちゃいますね💦 それを踏まえて的な…?無理矢理ですけど笑
@ufer1575 4 жыл бұрын
りょっきー明太子 矛盾というか、性癖でもいいけど本当にそれでいいの?っていう感じの問いかけかなぁと思います。
@こばやしかえで-b9y 4 жыл бұрын
@@ufer1575 めっちゃ納得!
@日本語男 4 жыл бұрын
@@ufer1575 確かに納得致しました天才ですか
@長谷川恵-k2m 4 жыл бұрын
0:33 最初は違和感の塊だった 「フュー↑チャー↑」が好き、癖になる
@kiddkris874 3 жыл бұрын
I see a lot of comments about the last prisoner being Es, but I don't think that's all there is to it. I say they're representing a much larger group, like how the prisoners each represent wider issues-teen pregnancy and abortion, bullying, growing up in a cult, etc. So yes, Es is a prisoner, but the prisoner they're representing? It's us. The audience. The power of public opinion is a double-edged blade. On one hand, people can be really supportive. They can raise cash for charities, they can volunteer for relief after major disasters, or even help an old lady cross the street. On the other hand, people are absolute monsters. Take every single bullying situation where an entire class gangs up on a single person, a bunch of people canceling someone online, or maybe an entire city marginalizing social minorities. In this case, Milgram is harnessing the power of social opinion to judge whether the prisoners should be condemned or forgiven, but is it really our place to? Frankly, we're not the ones they killed. We're not even related to the ones they killed. But we have a say in whether or not they should be forgiven. Us, as total strangers? To put in perspective, imagine if your mother was murdered. You love her, she loves you, you have a happy and healthy relationship, and then all of a sudden, she's gone. Her murderer is put on trial. The circumstances regarding the murder are unclear enough that it's a fifty-fifty on whether the murderer is declared guilty or walks free from self defense. Somehow, the case blows up and now the whole nation knows and has their opinions on it. You listen to their comments everyday, speculating. Maybe your mother deserved to be murdered. Maybe the fault lies elsewhere. Maybe the murderer should be forgiven. Maybe the murderer isn't bad, but another victim. Whatever the case, it all boils down to this: you have a bunch of strangers butting in on something that's not their business and trying to influence the outcome of the case. Similarly, we're doing the same thing as the audience. We're breaching the privacy of the prisoners by looking into their thoughts via the mv's and we're the ones judging their crimes despite not being related to them. So again, is it really our place to judge them?
@_tamashii_ 3 жыл бұрын
I really like how you write this. This is an interesting perspective. I always wonder about this myself too. Before I judge someone, I always asks myself: "Am I even better?" I still make sins. Sure, not to the extent of murder like the prisoners, but that still doesn't mean I should feel righteous. That's why I like the lines sung by Es from this song. "Is it really okay to be done deciding with just your Ego?" It's true. We judge mostly from our Ego. I can't wait to see how this project will go from here. If it actually inspired from the real Milgram experiment, then it's likely we're the subjects here.
@agathaplayziez4953 2 жыл бұрын
THIS. milgram's whole point isn't about guilty or not, but forgive or not. they constantly talk about forgiveness and even the voting system is based on condoning.
@nanamacapagal8342 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not the best at making theories but here's my attempt. If there's anything you'd like to add, please let me know. Everything in this MILGRAM project represents something. 000-ES: The audience. Are we in the right to judge? 001-HARUKA: Maturity. People laugh when you're acting immature. 002-YUNO: Teenage pregnancy. Is it pro-life or anti-choice? 003-FUTA: Cancelling. At what point does justice become a criminal offense? 004-MU: Bullying. 005-SHIDOU: Hopelessness. 006-MAHIRU: Stalking. Doxxing has taken this one even further. 007-KAZUI: Neglect. 008-AMANE: Religion. 009-MIKOTO: Identity. Are you really the same person you claim to be in the eyes of others? 010-KOTOKO: Justice. And I only need four letters to tell you exactly what this has to do with the real world: ACAB. JACKALOPE: Society itself. Always watching, always silently judging. Except we're pretty much a whole bunch of these characters combined in some way or another.
@juni__ 2 жыл бұрын
this is such a good take on the whole milgram situation
@jujuojuojuojujuoisjoke1465 2 жыл бұрын
You've summed it up so well. There's a child in my life who has such strong opinions on subjects she doesn't even understand. Everything is black and white to her and it scares me whenever she talks to me about, say, how someone deserves to lose their job, their life, everything, after bullying someone. But that's the thing. What if the "bully" was never even a bully at all? We're not the "bully". We're not the "victim", either. So why do you think it is your place to judge so matter-of-factly? And it isn't just her, either. There are millions of other children, just like her, banding together to blindly play God with other peoples' business.
@ms.hobiworld1137 3 жыл бұрын
I'm new here and reading all these advance theories are giving me headaches for someone who just started at step 1, but all seriousness aside, this song is a bop tho and sure will the next ones
@betryl 3 жыл бұрын
Same, I literally discovered all of this yesterday but I'm so invested already, can't wait to see more!
@gitteoki2385 3 жыл бұрын
aaa I thought I discovered this late but I'm happy there are others like me! I'm so into this my head hurts
@Desiree-9 3 жыл бұрын
Welcome to Milgram!
@shinycharizard97 3 жыл бұрын
This is my first video. Can someone tell me what this is?
@slavenugget8628 3 жыл бұрын
@@shinycharizard97 It's about forgiving the prisoners or not, ur the one who who will judge them.
@白菜百歳 4 жыл бұрын
@ふぇねくす 5 ай бұрын
@Toketa_a 4 ай бұрын
分かりやすく虐めでたとえるけど、表に出るまで“本当に知らなかった事実がある人”以外は実質共犯者ですものね それが真実かは別としても、共犯者が罪を責めても「共犯者だろ」で終わる話ですから…
@すぅ-e8t 4 жыл бұрын
キリスト教の聖書によると 羊→善 ヤギ→悪だそうです。 2つのマークがでてくるので参考にしてみてください。
@夜ノです 4 жыл бұрын
@山田-g4c 4 жыл бұрын
@空山下-y5o 4 жыл бұрын
@@山田-g4c 確認してきたら全員羊の方が脳に近かったです…! その人が善か悪かあなたが判断しろ、的なやつですかね…?
@市野智之 4 жыл бұрын
@空山下-y5o 4 жыл бұрын
@@市野智之 ジャッカロープってのはこのために作られたキャラじゃなくて、アメリカのワイオミング州あたりの未確認生物なんですけど、あれはシカの角ですよ!
@雪奈色んな意味で豆腐メンタ 3 ай бұрын
今気づいた… 0:24 weak→弱肉共食 0:45 Bring it,→事変上等 0:50 The pain’s〜,after→アフターペイン 1:26 throw down→スローダウン 1:31 this is how to be in love→愛なんですよ 1:36 half in, half out,→half 1:41 The magic→おまじない 2:19 about Me Me I’ve→MeMe 2:24 Hallowing,→HALLOW 英訳めっちゃ凝ってる… ユノちゃんだけないの気になる。 映像でもフューチャー言ってたし、ユノはエスが「大衆の依代的存在」であることに 気づいてるから、あえて言わせてない…?
@negai-t4m 3 ай бұрын
@蘭花-d5z 3 жыл бұрын
第一審MV視聴前 「なんやこれみんなかっこいいやん!!こんなん無罪や!!」 第一審MV視聴後 「倫理観ぶっ飛んでる奴おるやんけ 赦さん」
@Rua0608_puyoteto 3 ай бұрын
@まぃ-z9t Ай бұрын
@MARX_MOGU_MOGU 3 жыл бұрын
シドウのパートの「騙される方か騙す方か」って歌詞がすごく気になる ドラマトラックで尋問が行われる前に「嘘はつかないつもり」と言っているし終始冷静で誠実そうに見えるのにDECO*27さんの楽曲から彼がカバーしているのはライアーダンスだし、普段の様子とはかけ離れたかなりはっちゃけた歌い方をする どうして彼に嘘や騙す等といったキーワードがまとわりついているのか考えると、今まで出た情報のどこからどこまでに「嘘」の要素が含まれるのか本当に分からないのが怖くてたまらない…。
@リア-u3l8r 4 жыл бұрын
0:15〜床に落ちてる箱は10個…それぞれ囚人の(罪の)箱? エスの横にも1個箱がある。最初エスが手に持ってた箱は000。エスにもナニかある…?
@さくらもち-c6o 4 жыл бұрын
@Kamenrider40 3 жыл бұрын
@airimomoi9 7 ай бұрын
@shizuki1363 4 жыл бұрын
囚人によってエスの歌い方が違うのかっこいいな 与えるだけじゃやーよのエスの歌い方がすごく好き
@sommelier_ 4 ай бұрын
2:46 よくよく見返したら、ユノのシルエットが堕胎っぽくないなあという どう見ても産み落としてる… 描画上こっちの方が伝わりやすいからなのかもしれないけど、 ユノがTear Dropで 「赦しちゃっていい感じ?あたしは違うのに」って言ってるのもあって、普通の堕胎じゃない気がしてきた
@むにゃ-q5f 4 ай бұрын
もしかしたら医療機関受診して堕ろした訳じゃなくて、トイレとかで自分で産んだのかもしれないですね。それでそのまま赤ちゃんを…っていうのは有り得そう。 (追記) 今見たら右手にカッターらしき物が…?
@sommelier_ 4 ай бұрын
⁠@@むにゃ-q5f その場合なら、ヒトゴロシ呼ばわりされても文句言えないですよね 正式な堕胎じゃないですから あと、右手はカッターじゃなくて囚人服の拘束ベルトだと思います! 凶器を持ってる場合はムウみたいにもっとはっきり描写されるはずです ユノのMVには水に関する要素がたくさん出てくるので、羊水って意味だけではなくてトイレの水って解釈もできますね 詳しい描写はしませんがTear Dropのユノが胎児の姿勢でカメラがくるくる回ってるのって…
@sommelier_ 3 ай бұрын
@@むにゃ-q5f その可能性は大いにありますよね… Tear Dropで丸まった姿勢のユノがくるくる回ってるところとか…詳しくは描写しませんがそれにしか見えなくて それに、ちゃんとした医療機関を受診して堕ろしているならヒトゴロシ呼ばわりはされないはずです(「関与」の定義が広すぎるので) 法で許されていることをエスが赦さないと言ったら、 エスにもアマネやコトコのように独断で人を裁いたという罪が生まれますし まあ…既に手遅れではあるんですが 右手のは多分ユノの囚人服のベルトだ思います
@まぃ-z9t 3 ай бұрын
@Arcivand 3 жыл бұрын
OK so I'm a psychology student and i noticed a lot of references to popular psychological theories in this series. Of course the Prison or the whole project is called "MILGRAM", a study about authority. BUT that is not what i want to focus about in my little theory here. The prison guards name or "the audience" is called ES, which is the german word for Id in the outdated but still popular structural model of personality by Freud. He argues our psychological apparatus is made up of three parts, ID (Desires, repressed memories, etc.), the EGO (the mediator between Id and super-ego and the only aspect which has a connection to the outside world) and the super-ego (morals, oftentims restricting a lot of desires of the Id). In this song we are asked "You get to know them, tie them with THEIR Ego" and later on "Is it really okay to be done with deciding with just YOUR EGO?". This stood out for me, the EGO is the part that mediates, the part that lets through some desires, represses some cause of the super-ego etc. We - so our ego - decide upon the fates/who is forgiven or not. So maybe it is also a Test for the protagonist ES to decide which cases the super-ego finds okay or which cases don't. A Test of the EGO you might say, which tests ES desires to forgive/not forgive and their super-egos alignment. Because remember, the EGO is the one mediating between the Id/EGO and the super-ego. Because we still dont really know much about the prison guard ES itself. Maybe ES is tested upon their own morals using Freuds psychoanalytic understanding of our psychological structure. But these are just my ramblings i thought about watching this video. Sorry if this might sound confusing at times, English is my second language. :)
@Arcivand 3 жыл бұрын
And another thing, why do I notice this just now? Everytime a prisoner is shown there, Es says "UNDER", which would normally be something the Ego would do, the ego suppresses desires, not the ES. So its really intriguing why the so called ES here is seeing all these sins and is saying "under" (suppression). It doesn't Really fit in to the role of an ES and more of an ego. Oh im so interested into this whole project and how es relates to the characters or maybe - symbolizations of some type of sins? Archetypes of something the Es wants but is suppressed by something higher? Ah so many interesting possibilities. Maybe I'm reading too much into this but it's a really interesting project.
@juliet8131 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, i'm a psicology student too. Thank u, you are the only who talk about Freud's structural model of personalities and reading this i feel less alone lol, I thought i was the one who noticed that. I know i'm very late for this game but i found about it 3 days ago rip.
@nightlight2499 Жыл бұрын
This is so coolllllll
@nara9404 Жыл бұрын
Guess I'll read this two years later It did not need two years, we read about these concepts last week and now I understand your point
@ran8167 4 жыл бұрын
Here's a little thing about the lyrics, every time Es transition to one prisoner, after the line 'UNDER', the lyrics are as if sang by the prisoner. If you watch the cast introduction, it's similar.
@K125K 4 жыл бұрын
You make a good point. I've been enlightened.
@katzwei_ 3 жыл бұрын
I noticed that too and,,, nice xiao prfp
@childofwelp 3 жыл бұрын
@@katzwei_ now it’s ayaka
@no_name_izzy 2 жыл бұрын
That's really cool
@nekoyin8040 2 жыл бұрын
yea and his voice changes like for mu and haruka its soft and timid and for mahiru and amane its sweet and a bit girly and for futa its a bit angry
@国産しらたき 4 жыл бұрын
イントロでDECO*27を確信し 歌い始めでDECO*27を確信し サビでDECO*27を確信し ラスサビの転調でDECO*27を確信した 圧倒的DECO*27 フータが好きです(ボソッ)
@ああ-o6b8d 4 жыл бұрын
ほんとDECO*27さんパネェってなりますよね... ハルカとアマネ好きです()
@影雪-d7s 3 жыл бұрын
DECO*27さんの楽曲って神曲しかないから本当に凄いですよね… コトコが好きです(ボソッ)
@浮かれフルーツポンチ 3 жыл бұрын
@huwarari9926 3 жыл бұрын
Decoさんの曲はどれも全部神やから皆聞いてくれよ… (シドウさんとハルカくんとカズイおじ コトコしゃまが推しですこすこ)
@xxx_ffo_39 2 жыл бұрын
@user-ol5ke9lq3u 9 ай бұрын
1:31 ここのエスの「いいもの」の歌い方が可愛すぎて一生聞いてる
@黒桜-w8h 4 жыл бұрын
「アンダー」から続く歌詞がキャラ一人一人のことを指していて、しかもエス目線ではなく恐らくキャラ目線での心情?みたいに聴こえるんだなぁ もう何回も再生してる
@painted-thorns 3 жыл бұрын
Anyone else notice how Kazui seems to be the only one (with the exception of Yuno who's just holding a knife over Es's body, we don't see her harming them directly) who isn't touching the Es body in any sort of harmful way in the final sequence? Haruka has his hands around Es's throat, Futa is roughing Es up, Mu appears to be stabbing Es (its hard to tell?), Shidou looks as if he's physically ripping out an organ?? Mahiru is supporting Es's fallen body, however she does have her arms around their neck, symbolizing how she strangled her partner in their relationship with her overattachment. Amane is beating Es with a bat, Mikoto is beating Es from behind with a bat, and Kotoko is kicking Es (presumably to death). Kazui is on his knees, holding Es's body and seems to be in distress. Kazui seems to be the most innocent if you solely watch Undercover alone. With Undercover and Half, I still firmly hold Kazui innocent.
@Es-mv2mk 3 жыл бұрын
Yuno is aborting a baby lol
@dumbmonkey1313 3 жыл бұрын
Hey do you know where i can find these images because they go by too fast in the video and even when paused i cant make out all the details and cant see who's who (except kazui, that one was obvious)
@valina7561 3 жыл бұрын
@@dumbmonkey1313 you can slow down the video in settings
@matchari2712 3 жыл бұрын
something intresting to add, I saw a theory on twitter about how Futa might not have been directly the murderer, but was most likely scapegoated aswell as gaslighted into being a murderer, till he believed it himself. While he was part of the group, he was not the main person who caused the death of the person. You note that they are "roughing" es up, which doesnt mean they killed them, but did cause some damage. Haruka-well we saw the entire strangling his child self thing, whatever that means(murder,probably) Yuno-Abortion, presumably with a knife.(Not murder, unless you're one of those people who believe abortion is murder, or you live in a place where abortion IS murder.) Mu-well we saw that in the video.(murder) Shidou-Organs!(murder,unless you believe the theory that it wasnt directly organs he was taking, but rather knowledge on how to save a life, or whatever else he could be taking from a terminally ill patient or person in need of surgery.) Mahiru-Overattachment stuff(cause of death, but not murder) Amane-Cult shit (murder) Kazui-If we had to guess, Kazui did something that caused his wife stress to the point that they committed suicide. It might be cheating, or he might be working in a bar, or it might just be a normal lack of communication or Misunderstanding between them. (cause of death, but not murder) Mikoto-We saw that they obviously beat the fuck out of a person with a bat in like the first 10 seconds of the MV(murder) Kotoko-Well that video hasnt come out yet, but probably vigilante justice if i had to guess, probably killed.(murder)
@imkaito4568 2 жыл бұрын
@@matchari2712 Is it 100% abortion for Yuno. Because I don't remember exactly what's it called, but it's a type of manslaughter where a mother after giving birth because severely depressed and murder's her baby. It has a sentence of 5 years in Canada.
@celiaveiga224 4 жыл бұрын
I think Es is the personification of their sins. If you look closely around 2:50 the person being hurt/murdered is always them, and Es could not possibly be murdered by all of them. For example, one of the silhouettes (which I understand is Mu) is holding a cutter against the victim, and in Mu's PV she murders a girl the same way. This is a bit of a strech but in Psychology 'Es' is the abreviation of Estimulous, something that changes the behaviour or makes someone react in a certain way. Maybe Es is called that way because they are the reason why the others are being judged, the "turning point" that it's going to determine the rest of their lives.
@ryan-sy3dl 3 жыл бұрын
I think that scene is just the prisoners committing their crimes but their victim is replaced with es. Also, might be a stretch but es is the German way to say id which might be a nod to the id ego and superego theory with how much the word ego is mentioned
@Someone-zn4dh 2 жыл бұрын
I also noted that Yuno 'Es' is well...lying between her legs. Knowing her trial theme is "Abortion" and the people she killed is "Her Childrens". It's as if 'Es' become the representation of her babies
@으어어-u6e 8 ай бұрын
"Es" means "id". To be a literal translation, "Es" means "it" or "the thing"
@noahi.1381 3 жыл бұрын
(Edited again after Kotoko 2nd Trial) Another theory, this time overarching the prisoners. As previously mentioned, the prisoners seem to come in pairs, even in release dates. Jackalope explicitly stated the numbers are important somehow. We have yet to learn why, but here’s my thoughts on that. The prisoner’s rooms are arranged in a clock formation, from 000 to 010, and a hallway at the end for the common rooms. Now divide the clock into 6 parts, 2 prisoners in each part (except 000 and the hallway) Each part represents a ‘theme’ of murder: 001-002 = *Family/Attention* (Haruka the Starved Child, Yuno the Tired Parent) 003-004 = *Manipulation* (Futa the Scapegoated Follower, Mu the Arrogant Initiator) 005-006 = *Timeless Love/Passion* (Shidou, trapped in Love Left Behind, Mahiru stuck in Love That Could've Been) 007-008 = *Promises/Commitment* (Kazui the Self-Denying Breaker, Amane the Stubbornly Committed) 009-010 = *Fight or Flight* (Mikoto the Self in Constant Flight, Kotoko the Self-Serving Fighter) As for 000 & the hallway, the theme for them is not direct murder. I think the theme is Bystander. 000 the Deciding Audience/Judge, and the common areas the Helpless Participant/Verdict. I will explain the additional descriptions in a reply. This comment will update after each trial. MAJOR EDITS over the years: - 004's label - 005/006's THEME and labels - 007/008's labels - 009/010's labels
@hanseldangretel7472 3 жыл бұрын
That is a frickin good obervation, wow!
@chaoscat1499 3 жыл бұрын
Good catch! I knew something was up with the pairings, but I couldn't figure out what until this comment. It also made me consider something odd that I had noticed, but had dismissed until now. Now, throughout the project, the prisoners have been presented in numerical order; Haruka comes first, then Yuno, then Futa, etc. This has been an invariable constant. EXCEPT for 2:08-2:15, where the scenes for each prisoner are shown in an entirely new order: Haruka, Kotoko, Yuno, Mikoto, Futa, Amane, Mu, Shidou, Kazui, Mahiru This pattern is, as far as I can tell, never repeated elsewhere, and the fact that the scenes are shown again mere seconds later in the "proper" order suggests this was not just an oversite. I had no idea what this new order could mean, but your comment did give me an idea: perhaps this new order is meant to indicate secret, hidden pairings between the cast. What those pairings mean, I'm not entirely sure, but it could be worth looking into.
@lia-bf4ps 3 жыл бұрын
big brain moment
@annaalarcon8391 3 жыл бұрын
Woah that’s a really cool theory
@lilac4896 3 жыл бұрын
This makes so much sense thanks
@CasperAmpersand 4 жыл бұрын
Notice how Es has all the little boxes around them. Notice how there are ELEVEN, not ten. I wonder if one is for them.
@chantolove 3 жыл бұрын
At the end, we’ll vote whether Es is guilty for sentencing everyone else and causing their deaths
@Desiree-9 3 жыл бұрын
@@chantolove That's probably the case
@JustMe-ox9cq 10 ай бұрын
Kotokos 2nd trial vid finally came out and she mentions a number 11 prisoner as inept guard, most likely referring to Es. So maybe Es is seen as a prisoner as well?
@しらゆき-b4v 4 жыл бұрын
歌詞の“僕“の読み方は全部”あなた”でしたね エスって心理学で無意識だから、何かしらの私たちの“本能”が反映されてるのかな。 本能が人を裁くのか… 最後のサビの絵が、初めて裏側が見えた気がしていろんな意味で鳥肌たったよ…
@しろくま-n8q 4 жыл бұрын
@moyashi- 4 жыл бұрын
最後の絵エスが色んな囚人?に殺されてましたよね なんか考察が深まります
@Kei-kf5ub 4 жыл бұрын
I just thought about it when reading the theory comments.. Maybe we’re the ones being tested? The Milgram experiment is something about obeying orders I guess . And we’re doing exactly what jacklope told us to do in the earlier videos. Watch the prisoners’ MVs and judge them, and most are doing as he told us to...
@ashewantsyourheart3581 4 жыл бұрын
it is heavily hinted that we are being the ones tested
@tvheadtrash_6936 4 жыл бұрын
I thought that too! I also thought that maybe the prisoners were actors like in the original experiment :OO Just a thought!
@Kei-kf5ub 4 жыл бұрын
YeahOh Welp In real life, that’s the most likely answer~ But the votes aren’t asking “Guilty” or “Innocent” , in Japanese version , they’re asking if we would whether forgive them or not~ So I believe this is all to test peoples’ experience~ Most people tend to forgive the ones who went through similar to them so~ But I guess in real life they would have been given death penalty already as you said-- Edit- Typo
@moriiii4522 4 жыл бұрын
when you think about it, the rabbit told us to judge the prisoners without any explanation to why, or what would happen in the end. Es or any of the prisoners could get killed because of our votes for all we know yet we keep voting. The original experiment had 'a teacher', who would be the rabbit, a test subject, and an actor. If we're the ones being tested, then does that make the prisoners the actors..?
@GE-0530RN 3 жыл бұрын
@@tvheadtrash_6936 the prisoners after the 3rd trial: you've been fooled! we were paid actors this whole time! es who suffered so much controlling a bunch of 'murderers':
@お月様-o7k 3 жыл бұрын
見事にDECO*27さんの策略にハマった人です。 今出ている楽曲全て聞いて戻ってきました。 新参者ですが、これからどうぞよろしくお願いします。
@ParentsLineEnthu 4 жыл бұрын
I can't thank the official staff enough for adding the English subtitle
@fuku_1224 4 жыл бұрын
最後の、エスっぽい子が囚人にめっちゃ襲われてる所、皆が人を殺した時の殺し方?なんじゃねって思ったら鳥肌(伝われ) 違ったらごめんだけど、フータ殺してるってより襲ってる感あった気がしたから、やっぱいじめてた子が自殺したとかかな...
@いちはら-p3g 4 жыл бұрын
@msoimkoi 4 жыл бұрын
最初の青い子(名前忘れた)は家庭の事情だったら赦せる? ムウちゃんは正当防衛で殺すのは赦せる? 小学生の子(名前忘れた)は幼かったら赦せる? フータは間接的な殺人だったら赦せる? 多重人格説出てる子(名前忘れた)は別人格だったら赦せる? みたいな、こう言う理由だったら赦せるんだねってことだと思ってる
@まぃ-z9t Ай бұрын
@kurono814 3 жыл бұрын
グルミクとのコラボで知り、この動画に辿り着きました もうイントロからビリビリ来ちゃいまして完全にこの曲に惚れてしまいミルグラムという作品への興味が止まりません 知れてよかった...
@huwarari9926 3 жыл бұрын
@kuri. 3 жыл бұрын
this singer went from thomas the train to this. this is absolutely incredible
@GE-0530RN 3 жыл бұрын
@kuri. 3 жыл бұрын
@@GE-0530RN yeah she was the seiyuu of thomas the train (idk if she is still the seiyuu of him tho) !!
@GE-0530RN 3 жыл бұрын
@@kuri. oh my goodness es the train es the train
@suredoeslikeexisting Жыл бұрын
es the train
@shiontatsunami Жыл бұрын
WHAAAAAAT es the train???
@amathescreaming 2 жыл бұрын
You know, I've always wondered what it meant when they said "to decieve or to be decieved" for shidou's part
@Kazon_0_0_ Жыл бұрын
Shidou decieved the patients family while he was decieved by his family that he has to save his wife/whatever. Its shown in the mv that he is not sure in wanting neither: deciving the patients family and being decived by his family. (I think he said something like that in a questions that he no longer has a family since that person died, but it may have been Kazui idk) These lines are probably the aspects of the characters that Es relates to. I can explain all of that if someone wants to see it written down. Es is decived by us. Who knows what he really thinks, since he does as we say so. Without memories he can only build his morals on our opinions. Even if he developed some sense of justice along the way (probably didnt) he still has to think what we think. I dont think its good for him being here. And he decives the prisoners. If he sais that this person's sin is unforgivable/forgivable they will mostly belive it. None of the characters really disagreed yet. Fuuta mentioned that this is unfair, but from the side we voted Kotoko as innocent. He thinks agrees in that he is guilty. This answear was probably more than enough information lol. Shidou has a cover of Liar Dance, it probably has to do something with this line. I will look up the lyrics now. Edit: (only spelling corrections since i cant write)
@sssss__ys 4 жыл бұрын
1:46 ここの真顔に戻る瞬間やべぇ
@na_4528 4 жыл бұрын
かわいい( ´ཫ`)👍(ワイは変態じゃないからな)
@森もり-e8w 4 жыл бұрын
音楽も歌詞も凄いし、コメント欄の考察も凄いんだけど、 毎回サビ×人数分の1枚絵とアニメーションと伏線背景を描いてる絵師さんに尊敬しかない。
@auto-re 4 жыл бұрын
@なおぴ-u7c 4 жыл бұрын
@sho4101 3 жыл бұрын
@うさぎ王国-m4e 2 жыл бұрын
@user-vf1qe9ev5n 4 жыл бұрын
「僕(あなた)はちゃんと赦せるかな」 私たちは赦したい前提なの? まあ、多分最後の曲が出るまで赦すことになるだろうけど(少なくとも私は) これからどうなるんだろうほんとうに楽しみ
@elleiguess1124 3 жыл бұрын
2:08 Boy sitting on a bed in a children bedroom = Haruka Girl walking through an alley = Kotoko Girl standing idk what to write = Yuno Boy sleeping in front of a screen = Mikoto Someone taking a pic of a home = Futa Person lying on the ground = Amane Girl lying on the school floor = Muu Idk how to describe the this = Shidou Person kneeing outside = Kazui Holding hands idk = Mahiru
@kuroisen961 2 жыл бұрын
@rana-ce1og 4 жыл бұрын
考察は後々頑張るので歌詞書きます。 アンダー 赦すなら共犯者 ひとりぼっち 愛を頂戴 アンダー 何かが足りないんだ 求め合う決まり なんとかしたいフューチャー アンダー 罪からのかくれんぼ さぁ尻尾巻いて黙ってどうぞ アンダー 壊れたハート持って 痛いのはいつまで続くのかな 奪い合い"どうして"の精神解剖 間違い探しの延長線を 誰かを知って 愛で縛って 裁けるかな? "嫌い"対"OK"の境界線を 我儘のまま終わっていいの? すべてを知った 僕(あなた)はちゃんと赦せるかな? アンダー どちらを選ぶんだ 騙されるほうか 騙すほうか アンダー 与えるだけじゃやーよ するのもされるのも いいもの アンダー 夢ばかりみてるんだ もう半端ばっか 救えないな アンダー 信じるだけでいいの 約束を破る道理などない 奪い合い"どうして"の精神解剖 間違い探しの延長線を 誰かを知って 愛で縛って 裁けるかな? "嫌い"対"OK"の境界線を 我儘のまま終わっていいの? すべてを知った 僕(あなた)はちゃんと赦せるかな? アンダー 嘘をつかないで 僕は何もないだろう? アンダー 命を使って 消したいものがあるから 喰らい合い 敗者は先にどうぞ  間違いだらけの冤罪だって 僕(あなた)はきっと 笑顔できっと 喜ぶでしょう 奪い合い"どうして"の精神解剖 間違い探しの延長線を 誰かを知って 愛で縛って 裁けるかな? "嫌い"対"OK"の境界線を 我儘のまま終わっていいの? すべてを知った 僕(あなた)はちゃんと赦せるかな? 騙し合い消せないアンダー
@はるまき-x9e 4 жыл бұрын
@ことり-o7o 4 жыл бұрын
控えめに言って… 神
@りりちゃん-g4y 4 жыл бұрын
エスの中の人である天海さんの歌唱力と演技力にも注目してぇ( ; ; ) 元の声けっこう高い方なのに中性的な声+囚人一人一人に合わせた歌い方ってすごくないですか。
@ささごち 3 жыл бұрын
@nico6992 3 жыл бұрын
I JUST REALIZED kazui (the oldest) is paired with the youngest member omggg also based on how it's shown, i feel like the last two are contrasting in ways where mikoto who takes 0 responsibility for his actions and kotoko who fully admits them
@Naynin 2 жыл бұрын
Yupp, we can even go further because Futa is a cyber bully and Mu got bullied
@davidhwang5838 2 жыл бұрын
@@Naynin Haruka was neglected by his mother, while Yuno was a neglecting mother
@ediciusreverse5584 Жыл бұрын
In that case, Haruka pleads to receive love, Yuno gets paid to give love. Futa, the bully, and Muu, the bullied. Shidou, the one who does everything to make sure his lover/family/whoever stays alive, while Mahiru (unknowingly) slowly kills her lover. I’m not sure about the other two pairs…
@starcanvas5380 Жыл бұрын
Kazui is the one that breaks promises whilst amane stays true to them
@Emannecalz 11 ай бұрын
from the future. Mikoto is confirmed to have DID and is *protected* by his alter, and kotoko is *protecting* "weak people" and es.
@愛丸-o4i 4 жыл бұрын
マジで… DECOさん凄過ぎ…
@にく-b2v 4 жыл бұрын
@etoile1403 4 жыл бұрын
@msoimkoi 4 жыл бұрын
全く確定じゃないので分かんないんですけど ハルカで精神患者(考察から)だったら赦せる? ユノで堕胎なら赦せる? フータで間接的(追い詰めるみたいな)だったら赦せる? ムウで正当防衛(?)だったら赦せる? 後は幼かったら赦せる?とか別人格だったら赦せる?とか愛してたら赦せる? みたいな、どういう人殺しなら赦せますか、どちらも人殺しなのに状況が違うだけで赦せるんですねっていうことだと思う(伝われ) 看守が許せる立場なのかどうかって誰かが言ってたからそう言うことだと思う みんなの殺し方っていうか動機が違いすぎて
@bloodyvillain8613 21 күн бұрын
I can forgive fuuta that mean did some shit but even I think he don’t mean it to take it far and everything. Hes a lot remorseful in the second trial cause it’s a lot going for if you listen to the 2nd voice drama and his questions and anwser. Mikoto I can forgive but not John so you can say it’s 50/50
@えむえむ-d1z 3 жыл бұрын
@knkn_590 3 жыл бұрын
ミクさんcoverから来た方いらっしゃいませ!(?) どんどん沼りましょーね😊💖(((殴
@えむえむ-d1z 3 жыл бұрын
@@knkn_590 ここのファンの人達優しくて好き… 早速全曲聞いて投票しました!!!!!
@__9744 3 жыл бұрын
ミクちゃんカバー聴いて帰ってきた民おるやろ??おるやろ(圧) ミクちゃんカバー聴いてミルグラム沼にハマった人間おるやろ??おるよな()
@qwuj0 3 жыл бұрын
( ´ ▽ ` )ノカエッテキタヨ
@__9744 3 жыл бұрын
@@qwuj0 おかえり( ´∀`(((
@翡翠-k3x 3 жыл бұрын
ハマってしまった... しかし後悔なんてする訳ない
@かの-q9x 3 жыл бұрын
後者ですはい(  ̄▽ ̄)
@のむさん-h1x 3 жыл бұрын
@猫好きももか 4 жыл бұрын
皆考察してる中の私 ( ᐛ)「フューチャー」
@マカロン-r5s 4 жыл бұрын
@dish8525 4 жыл бұрын
@めろんぱん-i6p 4 жыл бұрын
@微生物ャン 4 жыл бұрын
@ああ-o6b8d 4 жыл бұрын
@メイ-p1c 4 жыл бұрын
考察に何となく役立ちそうな歌詞&セリフまとめ(一部他の動画のコメントをコピペさせて貰っています) 激長いので注意 ○ハルカ/櫻井 遥 「じゃ、じゃあどうすればよかったんだよ!どうすればさ…教えてよ、馬鹿な僕にもわかるようにさあ!」 アンダー 赦すなら共犯者 ひとりぼっち 愛を頂戴 ○ユノ/樫木 優乃 「はあ…めんどくさ。」 アンダー 何かが足りないんだ 求め合う決まり なんとかしたいフューチャー ○フータ/梶山 風汰 「なんでだよ(?)、俺だけじゃねえだろ、みんな面白がってただろうがよ!なんで、俺だけ…俺だけ責められなきゃいけねえんだよ!」 アンダー 罪からのかくれんぼ さあ尻尾巻いて黙ってどうぞ ○ムウ/楠 夢羽 「ふふふ…あなたが悪いんだよ…私に、酷いことするから…」 アンダー 壊れたハート持って 痛いのはいつまで続くのかな ○シドウ/桐崎 獅童 「ッハハハハ…ッハハハハ…確かに(?)死んでない…まだ、死んでないよ…今更わかったよ…俺が奪ったものの価値を」 アンダー どちらを選ぶんだ 騙されるほうか 騙すほうか ○マヒル/椎奈 真昼 「これが…恋…?これが…!恋…!」 アンダー 与えるだけじゃやーよ するのもされるのも いいもの ○カズイ/椋原 一威 「夢見ちまって…くだらねえっ!」 アンダー 夢ばかり見ているんだ もう半端ばっか 救えないな ○アマネ/桃瀬 遍 「アア!ごめんなさい!ごめんなさい!決まりを破ってごめんなさいっ!」 アンダー 信じるだけでいいの 約束を破る道理などない ○ミコト/榧野 尊 「僕の人生…こんなはずじゃなかったんだけどな…」 アンダー 嘘をつかないで 僕は何もないだろう? ○コトコ/杠 琴子 「…フッ…気持ちいい…」 アンダー 命を使って 消したいものがあるから
@dish8525 4 жыл бұрын
@MINT_4 4 жыл бұрын
並べてみたら結構台詞と歌詞がリンクしてますね!!! ありがとうございます!
@隣の暇人さん 4 жыл бұрын
@yoiyo1 3 жыл бұрын
@生田海輝 それな
@tiredillumi 7 ай бұрын
that was actually such a banger oh my god 😭 UNDERR🗣️🗣️
@いもやき-x5m 3 жыл бұрын
@TheColdPatrol 3 жыл бұрын
i wish Milgram was a visual novel/rhythm game i could play, have Es be the player character and play thru all the music levels so i wouldnt have to wait for them all to come out! tho id still like to see what other players voted for concerning each character ofc
@kunkaan6248 3 жыл бұрын
actually, the songs are in the rhythm game D4DJ!
@memomemoca 3 жыл бұрын
MILGRAM songs was added in the Japanese version of D4DJ! Would recommend to play D4DJ eventhough the rate-up sucks
@se-lm6ef 2 жыл бұрын
they don’t have a visual novel but a novel has been released
@mybuttisburningLitteraly Жыл бұрын
I'd pay for us to play as es
@冥土罪罰 3 жыл бұрын
ミクcoverから来た人へ ようこそ沼という名の監獄へ 看守デビューおめでとう
@まこぴー-r7n 3 жыл бұрын
@kizahashiran 3 жыл бұрын
@まぃ-z9t 3 ай бұрын
はーい看守デビューしましたー 監獄入りバンザーイ( ߹ㅁ߹)
@stron3852 4 жыл бұрын
各人物の姓名 1櫻井 遥(さくらい はるか) 2樫木 優乃(かしき ゆの) 3梶山 風汰(かじやま ふうた) 4楠 夢羽(くすのき むう) 5桐崎 獅童(きりさき しどう) 6椎名 真昼(しいな まひる) 7椋原 一威(むくはら かずい) 8桃瀬 遍(ももせ あまね) 9榧野 尊(かやの みこと) 10杠 琴子(ゆずりは ことこ) 部首がきへんなのは伏線だったりするのかな?
@ctrn5591 4 жыл бұрын
@かな爺 4 жыл бұрын
え、これ偶然じゃないよね…!? よく見つけましたね…
@しらせ-b6z 4 жыл бұрын
@stron3852 4 жыл бұрын
@@しらせ-b6z むうでした。修正しておきます
@瀬音-j9d 4 жыл бұрын
気になったので木へんの意味を調べてみようとしました。そしたら出てきたのが「欺騙(きへん)」。 欺き騙すという意味でした。 「私たちは欺き騙している」とエス(リスナー)に伝えてるのかなと思いました (私考察伸びないのであとは誰かに託す)
@アイ氏 4 жыл бұрын
@谷口諒弥 4 жыл бұрын
彼女は小6だろ? さすがにやめたげて!ってなるよね😅
@CRCBRA 2 жыл бұрын
@らて-w7x Жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
​@@らて-w7x ミコトくんばっかじゃねーか!w
@キャラ-l1g Жыл бұрын
ボイスドラマのネタバレ含みます ボイスドラマですでに手出されてましたね…ぶん殴られるエス君とてもよかったです墓に帰ります
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
@@キャラ-l1g ※ほんのちょっぴりネタバレ 私も初見聞いた時ビックリしたし殴られた後苦しそうにするエスくんにリョナ心が芽生えたし 私の中でミコエスというカップリングに目覚めてしまったきっかけでもあるんですよねホントにありがとう((((
@キャラ-l1g Жыл бұрын
@@helloex-6767 絶対趣味あうじゃないですかあ…
@may-nq4oy 10 ай бұрын
新曲が出る度に味が出てくる曲ですね 誰も三審目で「赦さない」になるれば「死刑」とは言ってないとこに注目してる 個人的に小説「6人の嘘つき」のような形でミルグラムも終結するのでは?と思ってたりする ここから本題 やっぱり何度も繰り返すサビに大事なことが隠れてるんじゃないかと考えます 考察↓↓ 看守=僕(エス)=私たち(視聴者、考察者) 『』←歌詞 ――サビ―― 『奪い合い “どうして”の精神解剖』 「殺した原因の責任」を被害者と囚人で擦り付け合う。原因〜事件〜裁判の囚人の記憶を曲や映像として落とし込み看守が「どうして」と考察する 『間違い探しの延長線を』 囚人サイドの主張の矛盾、粗を探す遊びみたいなもの。 『誰かを知って 愛で縛って 赦せるのかな?』 考察して知った気になって、囚人くん/ちゃんが好きとかそんなんで裁けるの?という嫌味皮肉。 『“嫌い”対“OK”の境界線を 我儘のまま終わっていいの?』 犯罪を「赦す」「赦さない」は個人の自己満や食わず嫌いの意見なのではないか。看守の意見は全て正義で間違ってないのか。 『すべてを知った 僕(あなた)はちゃんと 赦せるかな?』 判決が出た後に「すべて」がわかる曲を投下される可能性。 「ちゃんと赦せるかな?」より、「ちゃんと」というからには「赦す」というのが正しい道や正解、美徳とされている世界観?(子ども同士の喧嘩「ごめんね!!💢💢」「いいよ!!💢💢」みたいな)。 ――cメロ―― 『喰らい合い敗者は先にどうぞ』 囚人が囚人に対しての挑発文句?(この歌詞の意味よくわからなかった) 『間違いだらけの冤罪だって』 考察が行き届いていない可能性。間違った解釈がある。 もしくは、看守に全てを見せる(解かせる)気がない暗示 『僕らはきっと 笑顔できっと 喜ぶでしょう』 このミルグラムという「赦す」「赦さない」の三審制の投票が一つの心理実験だから、結果が出て看守やミルグラムの主催者が喜ぶ。 または、空想の世界だと知っているので結果が出て単に結末を知れて看守が喜ぶ 。 以上です
@taking660 4 жыл бұрын
@うに-v1j9e 3 жыл бұрын
@Millgram_yeee 4 ай бұрын
There's a chorus in the live performance. It's very late. It may be awkward because it's a translator.
@柊彩-d3s 4 жыл бұрын
2:08 の10枚のイラストが 2:28 のキャラクターの裏側にそれぞれ表示されていて、結びつく。 家族で楽しく考察してます! ありがとうございます!!
@flowerdevastater 4 жыл бұрын
DECOさんの曲サビが圧倒的中毒性 さすがっす
@絶交ちゃん 3 жыл бұрын
マヒルさんまで聞いてなんとなくこうなのかなって感じるのは、ハルカとユノ、フータとムウ、シドウとマヒルそれぞれが対になっているというか、共通するテーマか何かがあるのかなと感じた。個人的に、 ハルカとユノ→「母と子」親子間で何か問題があったり、事情があれば殺人は赦されるのか? フータとムウ→「報い、報復」悪いことをしてる人は殺していいのか? シドウとマヒルは→「愛」愛する人のため、自分の愛のためなら殺人は赦されるのか? というようなかんじ。 ともあれ早く全員の曲聴きたい。
@鴨婿 3 жыл бұрын
@苺ウサギ 4 жыл бұрын
@ショーチャー-e3q 4 жыл бұрын
@hmgu299 4 жыл бұрын
@na_4528 4 жыл бұрын
h mgu 違うっていうよりかは、ミコトだけ他の囚人達と比べて砂嵐のところのセリフが誰(もしくは何)に対して言っているのかが分かりにくいだけなのでは?(他にもセリフだけでは分かりにくい囚人もいますが年齢や性格でなんとなく予想はつくと思いますし...)どちらにせよこれから分かっていくだろうし、今はそれを楽しみにしときましょ!☺️
@__s4115 4 жыл бұрын
DECO*27さんは"歪んだ愛"をテーマの曲が多いと思うんだけど、今回もそれぞれ、"歪んだ愛"が絡み合ってるのかな? いづれにせよ楽しみです!
@しろあか-g9y 4 жыл бұрын
他の楽曲との関係性は否定されてます! ですが、どの曲も、この曲もほんとにすごくいいですよね☺️
@緑茶-e4o6t 4 жыл бұрын
確かに、1.54のところで 「愛で縛って」 とあるので何か関連している可能性が大きいと思います。
@huwarari9926 2 жыл бұрын
マヒルさんやシドウさんとかカズイおじも愛と関係あるし ユノもハルカくんもそうだしねムウもそうかも
@tsugumichan39 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t know how I just found out about MILGRAM today, but I am so happy I got Mikoto’s song in my recommended. Es’s voice is really nice! I’ll definitely keep up with it from now on.
@dibzybd9741 4 жыл бұрын
2:29 there’s a picture in the light. Also, does anyone find it interesting that the title is “Undercover”, meaning that at least one of the characters could just be pretending to be a criminal. If this is based on the Milgram experiment, Es or the other characters could pretend that they participating in this while in reality, they’re giving back info to whoever is in charge of this project.
@ただの暇人-h2l 3 жыл бұрын
@sappira_929 4 жыл бұрын
2:23のミコトの顔がなんか引っかかる。 二重人格or記憶喪失ならこの状況に疲れ切ってる顔ってことになるけど、もしも罪悪感感じない系のサイコパスなら、追求されてめんどくさいって感じがすごいする。
@Rain-dj6dw 4 жыл бұрын
@アレクサンドロス3世-g1w 4 жыл бұрын
@SSR_777_zzz 3 жыл бұрын
@まぃ-z9t Ай бұрын
@なな-s6d4n 4 жыл бұрын
@Zakuro.MILGRAMLove Жыл бұрын
@cherrywong2894 4 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I’m very interested in the past of Es, maybe more than any other prisoners’. Why is he given the opportunity to decide whether others are guilty, they could have chosen any other people, but why a person who forgot his past. Is his past somehow related to the prisoners? Did he commit any ‘crime’? One more thing, I tried searching ‘milgram’ and found out that it’s a psychology experiment. Let us not spend time going through the details, if this project is an imitation of the experience. Then probably, the person with power and authority is Jacklope. And Es will be the person obeying authority/subject. There are 2 possible roles for other prisoners, I think. Either they are just normal prisoners waiting for the judgement from Es. Or they are prisoners controlled by jacklope to encourage Es act in a certain way. In any cases, I feel like what we (Es) choose to do will affect not only the prisoners future, but also Es’ future. Moving out of the settings, this project may be an experiment itself, where we (listeners), are the subject. As till now, there is no exact conclusion from ‘milgram experiment’. Maybe they would like to find out how many people follow the society’s moral standard (a kind of authority that we usually perceive it as truth) in deciding whether others ore guilty. I’m just trying to organise my thoughts so that I could use it as a reference when the story goes on. But feel free to point out anything that you find it unacceptable. It would be good for me to listen to more analysis to make decisions
@mustikamilenia3948 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, i think so. Its still a mystery why they choose Milgram as their name. Also, Jackalope didnt reveal what will they do to the Guilty ones, maybe it can be that the guilty will be punished by Es? Or something like that. Its kinda freaks me out that this total music project is a mystery. I love it though
@mustikamilenia3948 4 жыл бұрын
Also i think the same as you, that this music project test us as a human, ruler, jury, and civilan. I mean, we can choose whether they are guilty or not from whatever point of view right? It can be from the laws (which is different among countries), tradition, moral issue, value issue (which is different among people), from psychological (in Haruka), maybe medical (like in Umbilical), and from their future if they had judged as guilty or not guilty
@Rednodge_9 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but how are they extracting memories and converting them to songs? like i know every single one of them is a bop but HOW? seems fake to me (i'm talking about the plot of course)
@PhatNguyen-ck6hl 4 жыл бұрын
is this a movie series or a novel or something cause I'm very interested in this story
@cherrywong2894 4 жыл бұрын
Phát Nguyễn I hope I ain’t explaining it wrongly. It’s actually a music project which the music is produced by DECO*27 and the story plot is written by Takuya Yamanaka. Songs are just part of the project, there are voice dramas as well which we could listen on Spotify I think. These provide us information related to the prisoners (those songs and dramas are actually a way for them to introduce what they have done,and clues could be found from both listening and watching the video) For us,we will be standing at Es’ point of view and our job is to decide whether the prisoners are guilty or not. By voting (using the official app of MILGRAM), we could make a change in the development of the story plot and affect the future of the prisoners. There are 3 rounds for us to vote, which means each prisoners will have 3 songs. There are actually even more details but I am afraid I would make mistake. That’s why it will be better for you to maybe check out the video in the channel that introduces the whole settings. I hope what I’ve said could give you a bit basic understanding of this whole project at least :)
@DFA32_Haruka 3 жыл бұрын
Here is my theory that Es is one of the prisoners • At 2:39 we can see Es with a prisoner suit • The box that Es' holding have a number "000" • the room for prisoners have 11 rooms, 000 to 010 • while Es is sitting in these MV, there are 11 box around them. the other one is next near to them • in this music video, you can see that there no door iron bars for the prisoners, that means. Those full iron bars can be open by sliding it to the side or opening it to the top. Im not sure about this iron bars part because when I listened the Voice Drama of Es, before the prisoner's exit their rooms, there is this mechanical sound that can guess that these iron bars can be open by going it to top or sliding it by side - plus, Es mentioned that the room of 000 has no iron bars/lock that's what makes me think • And at the end of the MV, Es disappears and then Jackalope is the only one left, when the "000" box closed - probably mean that the box "000" is belong to a prisoner, and that is Es. I mean if its belong to Prison Guard, Jackalope should be disappear too I also have a theory that Es probably have connection with Mu • Because at Es' voice drama, while Jackalope introducing the prisoners to them. Es only remember Mu's name • Also before this MV ends, when Es' eyes get near, you can see Mu's reflection on
@timorysimon586 2 жыл бұрын
Wait btw which vid is the one with muu and es being connected
@whatami2540 Жыл бұрын
@@timorysimon586 8 months late but i think they meant this one where muu is the last person to appear before the final scene with jackalope
@Toketa_a Жыл бұрын
@user-dj3dd9lx5w 4 жыл бұрын
@にもじ-p6n 4 жыл бұрын
@RA_low 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is the case of "bad person repents by punishing other bad people". That's why Es is undercover, they deserve to be in the same place, but because they took a deal they are now the one to punish others. SO EXCITED EEEE
@うむ-e4y 3 жыл бұрын
DECO*27さんの初音ミクカバーから来ました!声優さんの歌い方がめちゃくちゃ好きです🤦‍♀️💗 ミルグラム、ってなんなんだ…?キャラクター皆魅力的だ……🤔🤔
@Rua0608_puyoteto 3 ай бұрын
結構前から思ってたけどエスって老若男女なさそうな見た目と声だよね 視聴者の誰でも当てはまるようにされてて深い...
@1callmeGenius 4 жыл бұрын
え、動いてる…凄い…凄い… 全員好きすぎて未だに推しが決められてない自分← イラストもかっこよすぎて立ち絵全てスクショしました🙋‍♀️
@post8282 4 жыл бұрын
@aMeti-7 4 жыл бұрын
曲が全部出終わった後とかに アニメ化とかしないかなぁ… 曲では出なかった裏側とかアニメに取り入れたりとか… 自分的には最高なんやけどなぁ…
@Aya-zz8rd 4 жыл бұрын
この曲ってエス目線の話なのよね?? そうすると最後000って箱に書いてあるということは...まさかエスも囚人だったとか...??
@user_gakusei 4 жыл бұрын
@ひいらぎかおる-v8f 4 жыл бұрын
ミルグラムのPVの最後にジャッカロープも000なんですけどSも000なのは関係あるんですかね? 謎が謎を呼んですごい楽しい‪w コメント失礼しました┏●
@夜ノです 4 жыл бұрын
@user-gohanoishi46 4 жыл бұрын
@dish8525 4 жыл бұрын
柏木美穂 囚人部屋の数11なんですか??
@Starlight-Tale 4 жыл бұрын
In "This is the MILGRAM" and the character voice trailer it's shown that Es doesn't remember anything before being assigned his role as prison guard, and in this video Es' eyes are hidden for most of it (either by shadow/his hat in the "Under" parts, or being blank in his silhouettes with each of the prisoners). Given Es' role as the Judge, could this be representative of the common phrase of "justice is blind"?
@doesnotmean8429 Жыл бұрын
But isn't the point of milgram being to contrast it with the "justice is blind"?
@user-cy7vf7wu7c 3 жыл бұрын
いやもうこれはほんとに良い、エスくんのもとても最高なのでできたら囚人が各々のパート歌ってみてほしいですそれぞれの「アンダー」聴きたいしユノちゃんの「ヒューチャー!」も聴いてみたいし囚人合唱を聴かせてください、、、、、、、、 何回聴いてもエスくんの歌ほんとに良い、、、サビの「これ!!!!」感がすごい。ほしいところにほしい声がぴったりある、それぞれのパートの子たちに似せて歌ってるのも絶妙、、、、。
@しゅ-q1n9m 4 жыл бұрын
0:34 のフューチャー好き。あとユノちゃんかわよ
@mm-ff6vx 4 жыл бұрын
@きよな-w8j 4 жыл бұрын
歌詞とか映像が既に関係してるのかと思うと もうなんかいろいろ深すぎて... 頭パンクしそうだ
@紫月-z3v 4 жыл бұрын
@kurage_pukapuka 3 жыл бұрын
@user-ki7is3ye5l 3 ай бұрын
カゲプロ×ダンガンロンパ みたいな感じで最高
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