MILGRAM / Amane - The Purge March [The Second Trial Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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@Tsukimiya0000 9 ай бұрын
アマネちゃん許されてよかったのか1番後悔してる。 ・許されなかった囚人は思考を否定される →宗教的思考から解放するのに必要な行為 ・シドウさんへの「忠告はしたからな」発言 →許された囚人は思考の肯定と行動の自由が許されるから襲撃されそう。 何よりシドウさんは子供を失ってる可能性高いから"子供"からの行動で与える影響高いと思うし、完全にアマネのこと子供扱いしてるし… でも思考から解放するのもこっちの都合だしなんとも言えない…運営の手のひらで踊らされてるよ〜
@daidouzi_zen Ай бұрын
@apo_8282 24 күн бұрын
@afishyfishh Жыл бұрын
while everyone is fixated on the lore and stuff, i’m more impressed on how damn fluid the animations are on that baton twirl
@hermitmizuena Жыл бұрын
@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Жыл бұрын
Those twirls are living rent free in my head ☺️
@monolinny1817 Жыл бұрын
Seriously I can watch it repeatly for an hour and still get amazed by the smoothness gosh
@ondiiina Жыл бұрын
The animators went cray-cray too They wanted to be a little silly
@iluVioletLink Жыл бұрын
comparing the trial 1 MVs to the trial 2 MVs is such night and day differences. Purge March especially has more polished, detailed animations than the rest (I can see this MV come out from an anime episode, thats how more detailed it is, it feels more than a music video to me), big massive props to the animators honestly
@動画視聴用-x3k Жыл бұрын
ボイスドラマ見ないと印象変わってしまう曲 これは宗教に縛られたアマネが反抗して相手を殺した曲ではなく、宗教に飲み込まれた彼女が人を殺した曲 だから反抗ではなくむしろ従順であり諦めに近いんだよ〜…… 赦したら赦されなくなるのはアマネ自身…… 赦さないことでたとえボイスドラマの通り一生恨まれるとしてもいいよ。覚悟の上で向き合いたい……
@yasuyukisuzuki5608 11 ай бұрын
@misosuwyyyyru 11 ай бұрын
@莉桜っぺ-r2o 10 ай бұрын
0:57 2:08
@starpeep5769 6 ай бұрын
@user0825yuka 5 ай бұрын
@雪奈色んな意味で豆腐メンタ 2 ай бұрын
@窖 Жыл бұрын
宗教2世当事者です。 加えて父親から虐待を受けていましたが閉鎖的な環境ゆえ気付かず、自分は幸せで愛されていると思い込んでいました。 このテーマは扱われることがあまりないので嬉しいです。制作陣の方々ありがとうございます。アマネちゃんが厳しい規律を守らなくてもアマネちゃんだというだけで愛される環境が作られることを願います。
@きよし-i8q Жыл бұрын
コメント失礼します  親の宗教は何でしょうか?
@user-fireworks Жыл бұрын
@@きよし-i8q 家燃えた人に「放火?放火ですか?」って悪気なく聞くタイプ?
@meimeimayomayo Жыл бұрын
@ti94yhieikaini Жыл бұрын
​@@きよし-i8q あったこと無い人と話してはいけないタブーの政治・宗教・野球の地雷を思いっきり踏み抜きに行くとかアンタやべぇよ…
@窖 Жыл бұрын
なるほど、これってタブーな質問なんですね。 大元のコメントを信じてもらえないかと思い回答しましたが取り下げておきます。
@動画視聴用-x3k Жыл бұрын
アマネちゃんは苦しんでその苦しみを「正しい」と思い込むことで救われようとしているわけで、自分自身を否定する苦しみから逃げた結果のことで押しつぶされている「アマネ」という個人を肯定するためには赦さないに入れるべきなんじゃないかなって思っている 私が赦したいのは「我々」ではなく猫を助けたいとあの宗教に侵されながらも自分の気持ちを抱え続けた小さな少女である「アマネ」なので
@ガレリア-w5h Жыл бұрын
元から罪の意識で押し潰されそうで、だからこそ押し付けられた教義に縋っている子に対して「お前がやった事は罪だ」と言い続ける事ほど傲慢な事はないね。 文字通り彼女から死ぬまで・死んでも恨まれそうだ
@藤高いつき Жыл бұрын
考えれば考えるほど「正しい」選択は投票しないことだと思うんだよなあ… まあコンテンツとして楽しむために自分の心に従って投票しようね
@Kuyuru_58 Жыл бұрын
粛清マーチって簡単に言ったら 厳しく取り締まって不正なものを除き世の中を清らかにする行進曲 めっちゃいい事してんのにサムネから狂気しか感じない
@うさぎおい氏 6 ай бұрын
@flooneex8575 2 ай бұрын
That Normal 😂
@隠語の素揚げ 2 ай бұрын
@KP-dayo 2 ай бұрын
1:47と2:07 かな?
@kaitoukaito Ай бұрын
@かんあき-i1b Ай бұрын
@agomoti_108 Жыл бұрын
1:43 助けた猫が消えたのを認めたと同時に、アマネちゃんの善性も消えちゃったみたい
@starlightparades Жыл бұрын
Leo Tsukinaga
@crorico 4 күн бұрын
@_cc83 Жыл бұрын
赦す選択がしたくなるけど、赦すってことはアマネちゃんがされてきた、痣の原因や宗教側の思想を肯定することになってしまう気がする。 “君がされたことは間違ってた”って教えるためには、“君の優しさは間違ってない”って教えるためには、やっぱり赦さない選択がいるのかもしれないね。 二審によってアマネちゃんの人殺しが意志を持った上の復讐に近しいもので、 殺したこと自体は洗脳じゃなくあくまでも宗教の教えを全うしたとアマネちゃん本人が捉えたと思ったんだが、こ、このコンテンツおもしろ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
@ジハ-u5k Жыл бұрын
Forgive herrr
@マム-n7j Жыл бұрын
@25113 Жыл бұрын
@@マム-n7j シドウさんも何かされたとして 受け入れそうで本当に怖い😱 でも面白い…たまんねぇ〜!!
@hiruko03 Жыл бұрын
@ガレリア-w5h Жыл бұрын
幾ら上位存在の我々がそんなこと思っていても向こうからすれば「お前は赦されない事をした、人殺しは罪だ」と言われているのと同じ事では。どんな過程があっても最終的な判断対象はあくまで「殺人を赦すか否か」であって、どう受け取ってほしいとかはただの自己満足でしかない。 彼女に限らず、ミルグラムというシステムそのものが「一介の市民に人を裁く権利を与えてはいけない理由」を可視化した見本のように見えるなぁ
@spipino Жыл бұрын
アマネちゃんが受けた罰と同じ罰を親に与えたとして、何故親だけが亡くなるのか疑問だったけど 最後のシーン風呂場から水が垂れた先で血を流して倒れてる事から、 アマネちゃんは試練だと受け入れて耐え続けたのに、親は風呂場から逃げ出してしまった事でさらなる罰を受けたってことなのかな CDでも試練から逃げ出すのは1番の悪って言われてたし
@user-xy3jo7sy2w Жыл бұрын
@名無しの人-g1s 3 ай бұрын
1:17の部分「悪い子になったら鬼が出るよ」って言ってる声結構大きいのに「ひとつ 人は運命を生きよ」ってセリフの方が優先されて歌詞になってるのアマネの意思とか言葉よりも宗教の教えを優先させられてる感がして好き
@ガレリア-w5h Жыл бұрын
この教義もポイントになってきそうだな。 一つ、人は運命を生きよ(けがや病気で死ぬ運命ならばそれに従うべきであり、むやみに治療を行うなどして運命を歪ませてはならない) 一つ、人は卑しきを捨てよ(下品であってはならない) 一つ、信じたものに納めよ(上納金払えよ) 一つ、道を外れずに果てよ(死ぬまで人道に外れた事をしてはならない) で、アマネちゃんは猫を殺したことに対して 猫を殺した事により猫の運命を歪ませたとして「人は運命を生きよ」を、殺した事そのものに「道を外れずに果てよ」の誓いをそれぞれ破ったとして 「二度目が起こらないように」「お前を否定し」「歪んだ目を潰し」「二度と声上げないようにちゃんと喉も潰して」「もらった分を返して」あげた結果が2:28なんだろう。 0:17最初は"赤"青"黄"緑"で各教義ごとに色分けされていた旗が、1:52からは各色が混ざり合い白い眼の台風になっているのも各教義にアマネの解釈が加わった事で変質した事を表しているんだと思う
@Joe-kp5yr Жыл бұрын
After Amane saved the cat she got tasered by her parent. In Magic, electricity is how the pink robot punish her, and we can confirm that the punishment correspond with the 'sin' she committed with how she dropped the blue flag (vulgarity) and got water tortured (corresponded with the blue robot). The pink flag represent 'destiny'. My theory is that she got punished because she 'interfered with destiny' by saving the cat.
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
I think you have a really good point.
@kagenou6833 Жыл бұрын
@impetuouswinds Жыл бұрын
oh my god you might really be onto something here!! that would explain why her cult is so against medicine
@almostended Жыл бұрын
Adding onto this, by (presumably) killing/harming the cat, that would also be interfering with destiny. 'I'll give back the judgement you gave me,' is Amane calling out the hypocrisy of the cult for punishing her for a sin they also committed.
@stardustsglow Жыл бұрын
check 1:33 2:26 and 1:03 she got all of the punisments in magic, you have a really good point! if we connect the covered up story in magic she heals the cat and then gets punished. hypnosis, water and shock, just like in here she gets waterboarded, tased and hypnotized. it was very covered up but the guilty vote broke her and the mv showed more this time. same story different setting
@まぬるぬぬ Жыл бұрын
@リバソン 7 ай бұрын
@reisayu4828 5 ай бұрын
@masumihayashi5577 Жыл бұрын
現時点で分かる事は赦すも赦さないも大変なことになるってことだろうね アマネちゃんを「赦す」場合 アマネちゃんが自由に行動できる。 ここで特筆すべきはシドウさんとの事だと思う。公式ホームページのアマネちゃんのボイス3とボイスドラマで「シドウは禁忌に触れている。やめさせないと私が手を下す」と言っていることからアマネちゃんを赦すことで自由にすると同じく赦されたシドウさんが医療行為を続けることは間違いないだろうから、一審後のコトコみたいなことをしそうで怖い。 アマネちゃんを「赦さない」場合 アマネちゃんの一審から二審の変化からみるにますます悪化してしまうかもしれない。しかもシドウさんが赦されて医療行為をしていると知って、エスに何をするかも分からないし…怖い。 どっちにしてもアマネちゃんの周りやアマネちゃん自身の環境は良くならない気がするな… 追記 現段階では圧倒的に赦すが多いからこのままいけば三審でシドウさんが何らかの攻撃を受ける可能性が高いな
@yuuka693 Ай бұрын
@yさん-q8j Жыл бұрын
@メーリさん 10 ай бұрын
バトントワリングを落としたのは その掟を破ったからって考察すき
@reisayu4828 6 ай бұрын
@抹茶に見える苔 5 ай бұрын
@siroipigeon Жыл бұрын
@Kaya-h5z Жыл бұрын
@RainsIce1102 Жыл бұрын
最初は「言ってみろよ。」 って呆れながらも無理やり言わせようとしてる感じで、 最後は「言ってみろよ!!」 ってそれでも言わなくて従わなくて無理やり言わせようと色んな手段を用いて言わせようとしてて好き。 つまるところどっちも好き。
@まる-u2b Жыл бұрын
@-syu.1955 6 ай бұрын
もしかしたら粛清マーチって… アマネちゃんが宗教が正しいと粛清させる…って事? それだったら視聴者ショックする?
@マリンスノウフロスト 6 ай бұрын
@yamurokasei 11 ай бұрын
オススメに出てきたので、可愛い絵柄だと思って聴いてみたところ なかなか重そうな映像が流れて、そのままミルグラムに興味持ちました 2:19 血がついてるのに気づいて一気に惹き込まれました😂 この子は赦してしまうと、思想(宗教?)を肯定してしまうことになりそうですが 赦さないと自我保てなさそうで、どうしようもなさそうに思えてしまいますね😭
@杉野-x4k 11 ай бұрын
@うに-v1j9e Жыл бұрын
@親子丼二葉亭の Жыл бұрын
@けけこと Жыл бұрын
@yumenekocat Жыл бұрын
1:30 くらいかと
@あおい-d1o6g Жыл бұрын
@あはまん 10 ай бұрын
@monkeymanwasd1239 9 ай бұрын
Brainwashing is not required when abuse occurs against a religious person as it acts as a heavy philosophical and psychological bias towards the things which that person would already consider good due to their own biological predispositions. Her family being religious wouldn't do much more than add a foundation that she would then do with as she pleases. Religion just added a protective theme on top of her extreme physical and psychological distress.
@1243-d9o Жыл бұрын
1:27 ちょっとだけ歩道から外れたところを歩いてる描写、細かいな 1:16 でアマネちゃんが決まった道を外れて猫を助けるのをその道の上を歩いてる人達に目撃されるのも
@sakura_cill 10 ай бұрын
@JulianaDosSantosAraujo-hh2mh 6 ай бұрын
Te entendo
@ガレリア-w5h Жыл бұрын
@まちゅ-q3q Жыл бұрын
@まる-u2b Жыл бұрын
@N_mirra13 Жыл бұрын
@Ebi-loved Жыл бұрын
@JHT_Cthulhu-duelist Жыл бұрын
1:45 全てが嫌になり吹っ切れて 笑顔で帰ってる姿が怖い 最後に親を潰したか…
@monapiz Жыл бұрын
「謝ったってべーだ!死んじゃってどうぞ」ってフレーズ、ひょっとしてヴェーダ(聖典)と掛けてある? 謝ったって教義が赦さないみたいな…。 各キャラクターにティラカがついてたり、宗教的な匂わせがうますぎて怖い アマネちゃんなんとか洗脳解けてほしいな
@komiyaball 2 ай бұрын
@若-l7p Жыл бұрын
アマネちゃんを幸せにするにはどっちに投票すればいいんだ… できれば洗脳を解いて元の優しい性格に戻って欲しいな
@ふたご-s5b 8 ай бұрын
1:45 ここ泣いたあとちゃんとあるし暴力のあともしっかり見えるの辛いな 指揮者の服が上から下まで真っ白なのも、清純で何にも染まらないって感じていいな…
@quilkou Жыл бұрын
okay I originally assumed whoever she killed must of been killed for the sake of the cult she was in but now it seems as if she killed whoever was forcing her to partake in the cult and abusing her throughout it? which I can entirely forgive her for
@n.p.4954 Жыл бұрын
She mentions something about breaking a vow, so I'm guessing that by killing the cat, her victim committed a sin, so just how amane was punished by them for committing "sins", she punished them.
@hinatashouyou2790 Жыл бұрын
People who voted her guilty are insane. Its clear from the start she’s a victim of the cult and of abuse. It showed obviously the beliefs and abuse forced in her caused her to kill the person from the start. It’s so jarring since most people who understood this were survivors of abuse and cults and most people who never went through these things just viewed her as someone guilty. Not as the victim that she is.
@hinata1ize Жыл бұрын
​@@hinatashouyou2790 Actually, people were metavoting. They thought voting her guilty would make her realize that the cult was wrong as everyone assumed she killed for the sake of the beliefs the cultists instilled. They wanted her to think the cult was bad. They already forgave her but didn't want to enforce the idea that the cult wasn't bad. Most people didn't assume she killed her abuser as this song seems to imply.
@cordyC Жыл бұрын
​@@hinatashouyou2790it's not about guilt!! it's forgive/not forgive - being forgiven enables prisoners in thinking they were right to commit their crime and not forgiven rejects that notion - pple were trying to steer amane from her cult mentality and it backfired bruh which was highlighted and kinda mocked in the voting results video
@shimerdimond7463 Жыл бұрын
​@@cordyCactually it is said u can vote for whatever reasons u want. (The deer thing said)
@celeste9470 Жыл бұрын
I don't think she murdered the cat. She murdered the father
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
She said her father was travelling so it probably was her mother or other cult member. The point is that she killed a person who used to punish her.
@serokery8819 Жыл бұрын
I still don’t understand why she is so fixated on the cult way.
@mochiloki Жыл бұрын
⁠@@serokery8819 she’s an impressionable 12 year old, grew up in a cult and gets punished if she doesn’t follow their teachings 😭 cults aren’t easy to get out of, especially if you’re a child.
@karkar3647 Жыл бұрын
@@serokery8819 she's raised by the cult way, a kid dont know right and wrong yet so the adult has to teach it to them, now the cult teach whats wrong and right to her, and now we the voter teach amane if her action is guilty or not which makes her current distorted character
@eeveelutiongirl9933 Жыл бұрын
​@@serokery8819From the way I understood it. She internalized all of their philosophies. And then eventually came to the viewpoint that her parental figure wasn't fitting their image and deserve to be punished. She returned to their judgment back to them. Almost mirroring what she's trying to do to us now.
@とうま-i6d Жыл бұрын
「もういらないよ 誓いを破るなら」 「今制裁を 私が引き裂く番だ」 「二度目が起こらないように貰った分を返してあげましょう」 アマネは歌詞通り今まで規律を破ったときにされたことを、規律を破った親に同じようにしたのでは?(水責め、スタンガン、あと1:46にあるアマネの顔の痣から直接的な体罰もあったっぽい。この3つはおまじないでゴザケ、リヨネ、ユウリがしていた描写があった) 最後のアマネが立っている部屋の手前の廊下に水溜まりがあり、手に持っているステッキや周囲には血が付着していることから、水責め、暴力は確実にしていると思う。 歌詞からも、自分では気づいていなくてもかなり鬱憤が溜まっており、今までのも込めて親に制裁を下した。または、規則を破った親を許さなかった。 ボイスドラマで痛みは神様が与えた試練、みたいなことを言っていたから親にも同じことを言いながら謝らせてたと思うとツラい😭
@-syu.1955 6 ай бұрын
…天才や。 そうしたらさ、ヤバぁー…
@あめ細工-l3f 3 ай бұрын
おすすめに出てきたから初めて見たけど、曲頭のスネアドラムから惹き込まれて何周もしちゃった。カラーガードのトス&キャッチ失敗のシーンは、経験者として物凄く親近感が湧いた。ガードやバトンって練習積むごとにあちこち打撲痕と痣を作るパートだから、もうここでこの曲の主人公は些細な失敗で罰を受けるんだっていう背景を容易に予想させる。また失敗の罰を与えるのが同じ顔の自分だというところに、この子は自分自身を強く律しなければいけない環境に在って、駄目な自分を許せない、完璧な自分でなければという想いも読み取れる。後半、ドラムメジャーの主人公のバトンパフォーマンスも見せ方が上手い。アングル数少なくて、手元の動きだけに焦点当てて微妙にカメラワークが揺れるのも、追い詰められた人間が恐怖の中で凶器を持った人間の動向から目が離せないときのそれに似ている。 私は親の緩い信仰の2世でしたのでこの曲には共感できる部分が少々ありました。宗教的な歌詞と底抜けに明るい清々しさを感じる曲調、そしてその裏に隠した激情を感じる素晴らしいMVでした。
@iriwom Жыл бұрын
@itsallinslowmotion Жыл бұрын
i hope she snaps at es in her vd
@iriwom Жыл бұрын
@nanamiyus Жыл бұрын
YES WOMSLAY SLAY🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 amane t2 inno is gonna become REAL
@Fixer_Kamishiro Жыл бұрын
@Human00002 Жыл бұрын
8 hours left
@user-kashiwa Жыл бұрын
@KANE-sy8xy Жыл бұрын
@kage361 Жыл бұрын
持ってるステッキがイワン雷帝のものと似てる… イワン雷帝も切れ散らかして杖で人を殴ってたしカッとなって息子を杖で殴り殺してしまったって逸話もある
@sakurag1-80 Жыл бұрын
0:38 明るくえぐいこと歌ってるの良すぎる 2:18よく見たら指揮杖に血が、、
@popypopy6041 Жыл бұрын
@tamaumeko03 3 ай бұрын
2:18 ここかな?
@cupinwater3404 Жыл бұрын
on the Milgram Portal app, one of the questions was "What do you wish your parents did differently?" Amane said "My mother should have kept her faith until the very end." I think this is confirmation she killed her mother as punishment for killing the cat.
@ekaterinaegorova492 3 ай бұрын
For killing the cat?
@dakim3653 3 ай бұрын
​@@ekaterinaegorova492 The cat is most likely got killed by the sect that this girl was in and so she blames her mom and probably her sect for this
@soulofhate2529 2 ай бұрын
@@ekaterinaegorova492 Yes, one of their precept is to not extend or shorten lives. She got severely punished for minor mistake( drowning, tazing, beating,etc...) so breaking a major "law" deserved a fitting punishment. That, and prob a bit of revenge.
@こなみち Жыл бұрын
5億%家庭が悪いし赦したい気持ちもあるけど、ここで赦すと「宗教的意思の代弁者(自称)になった現在のアマネの思想を肯定する」=「定めを破ってでも猫を助けようとした過去のアマネを間接的に否定する」ことになると思ったので赦さないことに決めた でも結果がどちらだろうがろくなことにならないのが目に見えてて怖い…
@_8ami8_ 8 ай бұрын
Brah then forgive her at last...
@suapearls Жыл бұрын
i think the last line is probably the most important one. "You’re sorry? I don’t care! Please, go ahead and die already Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of “I’m sorry” that I said to you?" its like instead of being brainwashed by the cult, she killed the one that brainwashed her. Someone begging her not to hurt them, as if they listened to her when she begged them. in other words amane slayed(literally) edit : also, rewatching the voicedrama i'd like to say that she knew the enviroment she's in was bad even BEFORE milgram even started. From the way she speaks in the first voicedrama you can tell she KNOWS her enviroment is bad at some level, she twists the things abusers have said to HER and uses it to defend herself because she KNOWS from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE how that will affect the other. She's so much more than just an "indocrinated child". I think she knew the hypocrisy of the cult, that she knew what they were doing to her were sins as well, and that that was one of the reasons she killed whoever she did
@Huhu0137 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, she got my innocent vote😭
@werryosy Жыл бұрын
my daughter is so forgiven for that.. AMANE INNO FOR LIFE
@unshiiu Жыл бұрын
@naganwhat8364 Жыл бұрын
Looking at her from this perspective, i'm actually gonna forgive her this time Surely it will have good consequences and author of this project won't be a dick, right? 🥲
@4wingedowl Жыл бұрын
only problem with that is that in her voice drama she makes it clear that she clearly believes the cults teachings. She even sees her murder as her duty. I think she is talking to ES when she said that
@おふがしちゃん Жыл бұрын
@へるなるな Жыл бұрын
@danellenelson Жыл бұрын
@fukami_nuu 9 ай бұрын
@sりょうすけ-t5g 6 ай бұрын
@史谷 16 күн бұрын
最近ミルグラムを知り、このMVを見たので考察を投げておきます(メチャクチャ長文です) 考察内容は『殺された母親の犯した罪はなんなのか?』です。 私はこれを「母親に対して輸血処置が行われたこと」だと思いました。 ネットで探すとドアに輸血同意書が張られているという指摘があり、罪=輸血と考えたのですが それをなぜドアに貼っているのか?(禁忌の証拠なら普通隠しますよね) 輸血が必要になるほどの大怪我ってなに? と考えたところ、『アマネを出産する際に大量出血があり、それで輸血したのでは?』という考えに至りました。 つまりアマネは母親から見たら『自分に教義違反をさせた娘』になるわけです。 だからこそ、アマネを虐待し、 アマネを責めるためにわざと目につきいやすいドアに同意書を貼り付けたのではないでしょうか? あまりに報われない考察ですが、 こう考えると、完全に宗教に染まった瞬間、なぜすぐに母親を殺しに行ったのかに説明がつきます。 だって、アマネを産んだ時点で母親は罪を犯し、それをアマネはずっと突きつけられていたのですから。 さて、ここでMVの歌詞を見てみましょう アマネの母親の罪を『出産時の輸血』と考えるなら、1:58にある「二度目が起こらないように」 という部分は自分みたいな子供を産まないようにという風にも読み解けます。 その場合、コーラスで言っている「もういらないよ」は母親と罪の子である自分自身に言っているようで辛いですね また、アマネの宗教ってボイスドラマとかを聞く限り1回目は許してくれそうですよね? なのに、〇害までいくなんて2度目が起こりそうなことがあったんでしょうか? 例えば、MV内でアマネ家を訪問して子供だけ先に帰らせた男は、家の中で母親と何をしていたんでしょう? もし仮に以前から肉体関係にありそれをアマネが知っていたのであれば、 自分という罪(妊娠出産)を母親がもう一度繰り返そうとしているように見えたかもしれません。 だからこそ、罰を与える必要があったとも考えられそうです。 以上で考察は終わりです。 どこかですでに出ているような話でしたらお目汚し失礼しました。 最後に、今後どうなるかはわかりませんが、もしかすると再びアマネが凶行に走る可能性も十分にありますが、 私は今のところ赦すを支持しています。 なぜなら、上記の考察がもし真実に近しいのであれば、 アマネはありとあらゆるものから赦されなかった結果、宗教に縋りつくしかなくなりました。 そう考えると、ミルグラムでも赦されないのであれば、 結局、これまでのアマネの状況と何も変わらず、アマネも変わることができないだろうと思うのです。
@Utrilus 11 күн бұрын
That makes sense!
@ねこまみれチョコレート Жыл бұрын
@食パン-h8z Жыл бұрын
アマネちゃん、ミニグラムとかで見るような厳格で勤勉で大人びた性格じゃなくて、本来はおっちょこちょいで、うっかりしちゃうような子で、でも誰よりも優しい子だったんじゃないのと思ってしまう…… 動画の最初じゃバトントワリング失敗してたのに、ぐるぐる目になったら(洗脳されたら?)完璧にできるようになってるし…… 姉妹がいて、野良猫の怪我を治しているところを見られたアマネちゃんはその子と父親に制裁(粛清)を食らうけど、反対にその子が規則を破ったら勢い余ってころしちゃったのかなあ……それとも縛られることがしんどくなって爆発しちゃったのかなあ……3審が楽しみだなあ
@マリオアルプスの Жыл бұрын
「お前を否定しよう」とか強い言葉が明るい曲調と声と共に飛び出すのめちゃくちゃ好きだ… 行進するアマネちゃんやグルグル目アマネちゃんが可愛いけど、現実のアマネちゃんの境遇が辛すぎて心が痛い 赦す、赦さない以前に保護したいし救いたいよ…
@starpeep5769 Жыл бұрын
@taisiri4421 Жыл бұрын
INNOSENT(無罪、赦す)かGUILTY(有罪、赦さない)しか選べないここに現実の法の話を持ち込むのは野暮かもだけど、なぜ未成年の触法行為に対し刑罰ではなく(保護処分)を下すのか、減刑やら罪を免除し特別な法手続きを行うのか、犯罪者ではなく(触法少年(14歳未満)(犯罪少年(14歳以上18歳未満)))と呼ぶのかって 正に子供を保護するためなんよな つまり子の行為は親含めた環境に成人よりも著しく左右され、子自身の意思や思考ではこれに抗えないもしくは抗うのが著しく困難であり、成長中であるが故に可塑性がある、つまり環境が変われば大人より更生できうるから、子の行為に対しフル刑罰を与えるのは無茶だ、だからやった事が凶悪殺人であれ罰は緩和されうるし、極刑は科してはならない(特に14歳未満の子の行為は罰しない)って考えがあるんよな ただ、今下せるのは裁きであって保護じゃない、アマネを肯定しようか、否定しようか、の二択なんよな 刑法第四十一条 十四歳に満たない者の行為は、罰しない。 少年法 第一条 この法律は、少年の健全な育成を期し、非行のある少年に対して性格の矯正及び環境の調整に関する保護処分を行うとともに、少年の刑事事件について特別の措置を講ずることを目的とする。 同法第五十一条 罪を犯すとき十八歳に満たない者に対しては、死刑をもつて処断すべきときは、無期刑を科する。(18歳未満への死刑の禁止) 2 罪を犯すとき十八歳に満たない者に対しては、無期刑をもつて処断すべきときであつても、有期の懲役又は禁錮を科することができる。この場合において、その刑は、十年以上二十年以下において言い渡す。(刑の緩和の可能性)
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
@user-ng4zd6lx6s ミコトくんもそうだよなぁ周りでの環境にストレスが積み重なっていった結果二重人格が生まれちゃったんだし… ハルカくん アマネちゃん ミコトくんこの3名は精神科に行くかカウンセリング受けた方が絶対いい
@洞窟-u8l 11 ай бұрын
@Aural4444 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, this girl doesn't need us to judge her, she just needs a warm house with a real family to take care of her, and access to therapy...
@SiSoz Жыл бұрын
The real family is the thing she honestly needs the most
@catmanmenace Жыл бұрын
Almost all these characters need therapy and not to be in this situation, that's the tragedy of Milgram. We can't give them what they really need. All we can do is judge them.
@AnarchySystem Жыл бұрын
Sadly, she has a twisted mentality and shouldn't be released. I'd vote for guilty, though I do agree she is innocent and I'd completely in the right, but she is most likely to kill again. We cannot have someone as dangerous as her out there, she poses a threat to society.
@revimposter Жыл бұрын
​@@AnarchySystemI feel like in this situation she did it after a long build up and also partially in self defense. It seems like she was a good person she's just heavily traumatized, she could only take so much before she snapped. It's true that she probably just needs a real family that won't mistreat, force and abuse her😭
@clockworkcake8057 Жыл бұрын
@@AnarchySystem she's also 12
@くっ-i7l Жыл бұрын
@parutan1ban Жыл бұрын
@マナマナ-g2f 6 ай бұрын
@sommelier_ 6 ай бұрын
赦す→教団と教義の肯定 赦さない→教団に背いたアマネを否定 なるほど…
@水瀬陽夢-g7s Жыл бұрын
@Lucius_Anon 10 ай бұрын
In the interrogation questions for the second trial Amane said that she wished her mother would have kept her faith until the very end. Also in the interrogation questions for the first trial she mentions that her father has been on a journey for a while, implying he is absent and she holds him in high regards as well, wanting to see him and praising his work. So, I strongly believe that the person she killed was her mother. Both MV's show that she is tasered, nearly drowned, punched or slapped and yelled at. It can be inferred that her mother punishes her in one or more of these ways whenever she goes against the doctrine. In this MV she mentions people who go against the doctrine and say "It can't be helped". I believe this refers to her mother, where her mother punishes her for every small offence, while making excuses for herself as to why she shouldn't be punished. When Amane helps the cat she goes against the doctrine and she is caught doing so by others from her church (the man and child who tell her mother). When she returns home she is punished, but this time her mother takes it a step further and kills the cat. When Amane discovers this it's her last straw and she kills her mom. In the first MV she is convincing herself that killing her mother would please the Wise One. Then in this MV she is singing about taking revenge on her mother.
@vibrantebony 6 ай бұрын
So technically… the goal of voting her guilty was so that we wouldn’t affirm her beliefs in her cult. Technically this is a win right? But she’s really losing her humanity in the process
@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Жыл бұрын
Guys, it’s gonna be fine. She’s just leading a perfectly normal and innocuous parade. She’s definitely not going to do anything scary with that mace. Edit after the video release: The mace already has blood on it while she’s twirling it at 2:18, but it’s clean during the other times she’s holding it until the room (2:02, 2:04, 2:22). What’s up with that?
@sky-0001 Жыл бұрын
definitely not murder whaaat
@basicallytrqsh Жыл бұрын
After listening to the non official MV it sounds like the eyes are a red herring and it’ll play into how she was brainwashed more
@monolinny1817 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention when the blood showed up on the mace, it lines up perfectly with "Please, go ahead and die already" Also lead Amane's spinning is fire and this parade's the best no one can convinced me otherwise
@chantolove Жыл бұрын
It makes sense to me, it’s the last time that animation gets used n all
@egguca Жыл бұрын
I think it's meant as a brief glimpse into reality
@storybloxs3497 Жыл бұрын
She is so sane, she is so normal
@maxmartinez1612 Жыл бұрын
Don’t gaslight yourself that’s bad for you…
@rinrinko Жыл бұрын
she has bpd beautiful princess disorder
@ダーリン-p5s Жыл бұрын
shes so normal i love the way Amane act, its very normal. Its so normal, Amane normalled her father into normalness
@raincandy_UU. Жыл бұрын
most normal vocaloid lover
@Dumbassfeature Жыл бұрын
Y’all this is a kid 💀
@miruha1113 Жыл бұрын
@hibemabygaming4316 Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure that conveys her mental state as well, well from my point of view at least.
@ケアレスミス-l1w Жыл бұрын
@ブッツ Жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
@kiku-rin8252 Жыл бұрын
@t-y-u3417 10 ай бұрын
0:28 ここのクルッと回るカット綺麗で、好き
@awangnur8362 Жыл бұрын
@janhavinoronha Жыл бұрын
@plushnugget Жыл бұрын
@riv3r_mango705 Жыл бұрын
@pomi8973 Жыл бұрын
@IzzyD.Anarchy Жыл бұрын
The certified cult classic
@さばっちゃも Жыл бұрын
ひとつ、人は運命を生きよ ひとつ、人は卑きを捨てよ ひとつ、信じたものに納めよ ひとつ、道を外れずに果てよ これが宗教が掲げているものであるだろうことは容易に想像がつく きっと、アマネちゃんは上記に従って清く生きてきたのだろう だが、宗教側の男性(アマネの父親?)がアマネの行いを悪として虐待した 歌詞の最後の殺害シーンでの歌詞が「泣いて悔やんであなたに言ったごめんなさい、覚えてますか?」なので殺害されたのは虐待主だろう これに対してアマネは男を悪として捉えたのではないだろうか 終盤のアマネの背景には宗教を表すキャラクターが画面上部、すなわち神の位置についていたので、アマネは自分の行いが神の思し召しだと捉えていると考えられる 端的に言えば善の行い、神が示したものに背いた者を神に従って殺害してしまったので、神の代理人である自分は悪くないという認識だろう これはアマネを赦すか赦さないかではなく、アマネが信仰していた宗教に置き換えるのは誤りだと言える 確かにアマネの信仰する宗教はカルトと呼ばれる様なものを持つ清らかな組織ではないだろう だが、アマネは教義を守り良い子に育ったという面を持つのも忘れてはいけない これでアマネを赦さないのならば、宗教、アマネの信念の否定 そして、虐待主の行動の正当化に繋がってしまう アマネは周囲の洗脳から段々と自己洗脳をしていった様に思われるので、これを肯定することによって虐待主の行動が神の教えなのだと今後自己洗脳をしかねないだろう しかし、アマネを赦すとなると教義、神の教えに忠実な神の代理人であるアマネの殺人は神の思し召しなので、今後もアマネの中の教義に背く者を善の行動として罰していくだろう そうして独善的(アマネの中では善なる)裁きという名の殺人者が誕生してしまう 私個人の考えとしてはアマネの境遇を鑑み、アマネを赦したいが、赦せば今後もアマネが血で手を染めてしまう可能性から赦さない方がアマネの為になるのかと二つの考えが存在している 私は一体どうすればいいのだろうか
@씹덕픽노래 Жыл бұрын
슬퍼용 ㅠㅠ
@Iまちゃ 4 ай бұрын
@修平江口 2 ай бұрын
@55desuu Жыл бұрын
@user-corazon.715 8 ай бұрын
この曲から知った 今全部聞いてきた 圧倒的に気分の沈み具合が違う アマネちゃん……
@104Momo Жыл бұрын
I see the umbrella discussed often as a murder weapon, but I don't see much discussion around it as a symbol, which surprised me, since it's possibly one of the most important symbols in Purge March. I believe that it represents three things: Amane's Faith, Amane's Motive, and Amane's Attitude. To set some groundwork for this theory; The opening scene of Purge March shows what's happening in Amane's head as well as representing what is happening to her in reality. A flag-bearer (likely the one with her flag on the ground while the second ordainment of her faith was announced) fumbles her routine and drops her flag. This represents an event in the real world where Amane violates an ordainment or fails to act according to her faith, and in both worlds this is a punishable offense. A common symbol for Amane's punishment/trespass is the rain. Here, the rain begins on the cue of the marching band's leader (implied to represent Amane herself, or perhaps her will). As the flag-bearer is marked for punishment, it begins raining. This is Amane's mind purging the reasons for the punishment (i.e. her 'sins'). Once the radical factor (the failure flag-bearer) is suppressed, the rain stops - indicating that Amane has repressed the aspects of her mind that cause the actions that deserve punishment. Since punishment is symbolized by rain, we can see how the Umbrella represents her faith: it is something she uses to keep the rain OFF (i.e. it represents the method that she uses to avoid punishment and suffering). When Amane feels threatened, her faith protects her. Additionally, the first time we see it opened is when she finally internalizes the tenants of her faith after finding the cat gone - implying that this way of using her faith is a recent development, and possibly unique to her. This brings us to motive. Amane's umbrella is juxtaposed with the baton - which in turn is associated with the murder weapon via glimpses of blood-splatters. This maps well with what we know when interpreted metaphorically - In order to protect herself (in both mind and body), she brandishes her faith, as both shield and weapon. The two actions cannot be separated, because they are the same process in Amane's mind. Everything that Amane does as part of her faith is also done in service of protecting herself from the world around her, and that behavior has been re-enforced every time she was punished for being less than perfect. The guilty vote bounced right off her like rain off an umbrella, and the more it rains the tighter she holds the thing keeping her dry. Finally, her attitude. Since the concepts of self-protection are linked to the concepts of her faith, any attack on her faith is also an attack on her safety. You can't deny her faith without exposing her to perceived danger, as far as her mind understands it. Therefore, while there is nothing outside the cult that she trusts, her faith will be unmoveable. Only once there is shelter available will Amane lower the umbrella.
@104Momo Жыл бұрын
Some additional notes and responses: The umbrella likely isn't the murder weapon in actuality. They're light and weak and are pretty difficult to murder someone with at the best of times. The scene at the end shows an imaginary Amane, not a real one - therefore I suspect it is a more symbolic cue. Whatever the object she used to murder her mother was, the video implies that the way SHE sees it, the TRUE weapon was her faith, which protected her when she needed it most, which is represented via the Baton/Umbrella. Anyone who thinks that the murder is solely motivated by religion are confusing MOTIVE with JUSTIFICATION. The lyrics of Purge March very obviously point towards this as a murder MOTIVATED fundamentally by revenge and hatred (Amane mentions hate in her first interview), and Purge March is full of references to her motives being at least deeply coloured by the motivation of revenge. The JUSTIFICATION she uses is that of her faith - since her faith has ALWAYS been her sole means of protecting herself. "I'm worried she'll kill Shidou!" Amane isn't as intelligent as she might seem. She is well-spoken and very mature in certain ways, but it's noted that her grades are average, and that she isn't especially good at studying even though it's basically her hobby. Her great masterful plan to kill Es was literally to run at him screaming with scissors, and it's pretty reasonable to assume that if she didn't have access to a taser, then she likely wouldn't even have been able to accomplish her murder in the first place. She is also the weakest prisoner, and the shortest. Additionally - if you're worried about Shidou - then you should consider how badly Amane's psychological torture and continuing breakdown is affecting Shidou's already horrible mental health. "Voting guilty is safer than voting innocent" Unfounded at best, outright false at worst. Amane pulls out the holy war when feeling threatened - voting her guilty will just lock her into that mode of action by putting her under constant psychological attack. Voting her innocent, on the other hand, has the potential to give her something to trust other than her faith, and a possible avenue for the adults to try to get through to her (as they have been trying to do, but unable to do because of her guilty verdict making her essentially stonewall reality). "I'm afraid I'll affirm her faith in the cult's beliefs!" You're going to do that with EITHER vote. Innocent will give her views validation ("see, they agree with me!") and Guilty will... give her views validation ("See? God is the only one who will forgive me.") That is how cult doctrines are DESIGNED. Believing you can change her faith by voting her guilty is completely misguided.
@maki5365 Жыл бұрын
@@104Momo that's a great analysis thank you for sharing! I also find it kind of ironic how the audience wants to punish Amane for her beliefs to make her realize that what she did is wrong because it's just like what the cult was doing to her. We can see that her response to being threatened is affirming her beliefs - like you said. I do like Milgram for making us rethink things because it's not just as simple as it seems.
@104Momo Жыл бұрын
@@maki5365 Thankyou! Honestly, the Milgram fandom makes me despair for people's reading comprehension; we've been told over and over and over that we can't change Amane's views through our voting. It boggles my mind that people are still saying "vote her guilty so you don't affirm her beliefs!" Like, bro, did you even see the result of T1... If this project has taught me anything it is that I never want to be judged before a jury of my peers because half of them don't even pay attention
@lts_PB Жыл бұрын
​@@104Momo I find your analysis convincing, but respectfully, I still can't seem to see myself vote Amane innocent. I don't know... I feel like I can't expect Amane to trust someone other than her faith if we vote her innocent. We made a mistake on trial 1, voting her guilty, but we barely knew anything about her backstory in trial 1 so I can't blame the people. We went through the wrong route, so I feel like we should take actions to stop it and by voting her innocent may encourage her to continue live through her doctrine. Seeing her in a heavy mental distress right now, I think voting her innocent will only make her be open to be easily hostile to other prisoners. She may be the weakest, but I feel like she is smart enough to set up traps or something that might hurt other prisoners, especially Shidou. I just feel like voting her guilty is better in this situation, even though it will get to the point where she will only get worse, I feel like its better than putting other Prisoners at risk too because I don't believe shes going to be friendly to the prisoners because we gave her trust aside from her faith. Maybe... if we keep voting her guilty, she will eventually see her "believing in her cult's doctrines" as some kind of punishment, which make slowly make her turn away from those doctrines by her cult that has horribly ruined her childhood and her life. Amane's situation makes me stumped, ever since the start. Your analysis is really good and giving her an innocent vote might help her in a way, but I'm just not sure if that is how Amane will react if we give her an innocent vote. (Imagine if she got voted guilty and I just started regretting saying all of this)
@104Momo Жыл бұрын
@@lts_PB Honestly, if I was just going off her general attitude, then I'd be in the same camp you are lol. The things that make me think otherwise are as follows; 1. Amane explicitly gave us another chance at "showing her the ideals of Milgram" in her second Voice Drama. These 'ideals of Milgram' only interest her if they can forgive her, and she's very clear that she's still willing to work with the system as long as she respects it. Forgiveness is the reason she clings so hard to her faith to begin with, and - importantly - it has never been offered to her outside of her cult, so it makes sense that it'd be required for her to listen to anything we say. For anyone who is worries that she'll take an 'innocent' vote as a sign of support of her cult - remember that she can hear the reasons why people vote in their own words. The story has made this clear over and over again - that the reasons we vote can be as important as the vote itself. The fanbase clearly isn't voting amane innocent out of support for her views, so I don't think there's any danger of her interpreting being forgiven as a vote of confidence in her faith. There isn't any reason to think that she's lying, either. Every thing she has said to us so far has been 100% followed through on, even her declaration that she will 'deny our judgement' if we vote her guilty. She did - and she hasn't moved an inch. Lying is almost certainly against her faith's central tenants, so we can take her word as the truth (at least, insofar as she sees it). 2. Voting guilty is not just counterproductive, as it will drive her even deeper into her dogmatism, it is also DANGEROUS, since it will commit us irrevocably to very sad outcome. To begin with, Amane made it clear in her second Voice Drama that she will not forgive us for condemning her twice in a row. If we vote her guilty now, we lose any real ability to influence her in T3. Furthermore, we prevent other characters from helping her or interacting positively with her, as her defenses will always be up, and she will be constantly disassociating. You can see this from the 2023/01/17 Timeline conversation, where Mahiru isn't even sure if she's talking to Amane at all. If she's allowed to lower her defenses, then suddenly the rest of the cast can actually do something, which would give us a lot more options and data for Tier 3. If she's not, and gets voted guilty, then we commit to the spiral of radicalization, and basically condemn her. Worse, we make her an actively hostile force against the institution itself, since everything would be her enemy, and that means that she'll probably be voted guilty in T3 too. 3. Trying to punish her out of a behavior makes us just as bad as the hypocrites in her cult. Of course she'd reject that method of discipline - punishment without forgiveness is just torture, and that's just another trial of god to be endured. The only thing a guilty vote will convince her of is that she is right, and we are wrong. It's the only move her psyche can make - she won't put down the umbrella without shelter. And that's basically the short version of my logic lol. Don't think of it as me telling you to vote one way or another though, this is just my own perspective, and the projects can be very interpretative - I just figure that this kind of discussion is what the project is all about, so why not throw it out there :P
@電子時計-e7d Жыл бұрын
@FancyNobu Жыл бұрын
What does it repesent?
@ガレリア-w5h Жыл бұрын
むしろ教義を押し付けられ甘んじて従う側から、猫を殺された事で吹っ切れ独自解釈の教義をもって他人に制裁を行う側へと変質したように見える。 猫が生きるか死ぬかは運命に任せるべきであるのに殺した、つまり"誓いを破った"と解釈した
@kyokyokful Жыл бұрын
@テノルミンにゃーん Жыл бұрын
@@ガレリア-w5h」 絵画に出てくるネコは【自由】の象徴として描かれていることがある。  それ加味して動画を見るとアマネがネコを失うってことは、彼女の自由を失ったって意味にも取れそう。😮
@STPLafou Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. A couple of other things I noticed were the balloon that the other girl was holding has the same symbol on the flags of the second march (rather than the symbols of each "mascot" in the first one), and Amane also seems to be wearing the ribbon of her "enlightenment" from Magic in the second march (rather than the plain bow in the first march).
@SneakySnek_22 Жыл бұрын
I'd just like to add that Tanaka-san was phenomenal with this VA work! From the spoken intro sounding almost like a magical girl and the spoken part in the middle sounding dead inside, to how Amane's voice wavers in the last chorus to show how she's losing it is all really well done. Also props to the visuals team the animation was SMOOTH
@jeannel3207 Жыл бұрын
That's exactly what I thought, her acting was so good!
@josephuribe4305 Жыл бұрын
The slight bit of anger and vengeance leaking through the last chorus is my favorite part. The magical girl chant turning into "You say you're sorry now? Whatever just die" is also really good.
@raburesu2702 Жыл бұрын
I am a bit reluctant to vote her innocent as she might harm Shidou and we really need him in order to prevent any mishaps in future. I agree Amane is the victim but if her values are affirmed she might think it is right to punish Shidou and I really don't want that.
@justanaverageperson2162 Жыл бұрын
@@raburesu2702but kazui might help and if we vote guilty this time amane will literally break so its either kid breaks or take a gamble on if the others will save shidou and maybe innocent will change amanes mind?
@raburesu2702 Жыл бұрын
@@justanaverageperson2162 yeah that might be true but uk Shidou said that he wanted a child to judge him and if she attacks him I don't think he will resist much and if Kazui is a bit late to save him he might get severely injured and no one else will be able to save him then. It might sound odd but if Amane even in the slightest doubts her God I'm willing to vote her Innocent but rn if we vote her Innocent she will only think that we finally accepted her morals or smth like that.
@miyuu940 Ай бұрын
800万再生おめでとうございます!!!! 粛清マーチとミルグラム本当に大好きです…👍🏻
@マリェン-h5d Жыл бұрын
真相がなんであれ、自分がどれだけ辛くても耐えられたけど、猫がきっかけで何かが切れた表現なのが心にくる アマネはいい子すぎるってことしか分からない
@マリェン-h5d Жыл бұрын
@面晶体の蟹台風 Жыл бұрын
@Ebi-loved Жыл бұрын
@o-02-63終焉の代理人 Жыл бұрын
@ananami2153 Жыл бұрын
何故かコレがおすすめに出てきて、聞いて気に入って、作品見に行って更に気に入ったんですが…。 あれ?おかしいのか?
@雪血-y1o Жыл бұрын
@芋ちゃん-d4j Жыл бұрын
@dreambreakperson Жыл бұрын
2:00 の「もらった分を返してあげましょう」に絶対許さないという強い意志が感じられてとてもエモいですね
@kage361 Жыл бұрын
@kyokuchi Жыл бұрын
@mimama... Жыл бұрын
@kyokuchi Жыл бұрын
@mimama... 最近長らくアニメ見てないので分かんないす(´・ω・`) 弱いのが強くなるだけならヒロアカですかね( ・ω・ )
@T_YoshisaurMunchakoopas 11 ай бұрын
これ第三審のMVで一気に覆してくると思っている...... このコメはは完全に僕個人の考察なので予め了承ください。 「赦す」と「赦さない」が拮抗した末の第一審「赦さない」だったのがまたもや拮抗して今度は「赦す」になった流れを見るに、 視聴者全体のアマネ一家の宗教へののめり込み具合の解像度が「おまじない」の時よりも格段に上がってるから、「悪いのはアマネじゃなくて家族や宗教である」って考える人が増えたってことだよね。 ここからはメタ考察なんだけど、この「真に悪いのはアマネではない」って思わせること自体がミスリードの可能性があると思ってる。 アマネは生まれたときから親に宗教の教えを言いつけられているっぽいし、完全に洗脳されているのであれば教えに反することなんてしないはずなんだよ。でもアマネは教団の理念に背いてまで野良猫の手当てしてるってことは心のどこかでは宗教が全部正しいわけではないって思ってるはずなんだよね。つまり人を56すことはいけないことであるってちゃんと認識していたんだと思うんだよ。 とある考察動画で「宗教団体を抜けようとした母親を、植え付けられた教団の理念の下で56した」って考察してたんだけど、 そういう風に思われることすらも計算して虐待してきた憎い母親を56したんだとしたら「謝ったって、ベーだ! もう死んじゃってどうぞ」の歌詞だったり、一番最後の「覚えてますか?」の言い方が凄くしっくりくるんだよね。 母親からの過度な虐待に限界がきたアマネが母親を56すために「宗教の洗脳によって殺人すらも正しいことだと思い込んでる」ように周囲に見せるために「宗教を妄信してる」という印象を持たせるための作戦だとするなら... サツ人を犯しても「宗教の教えの通りに動いてるだけでそこにアマネの意志は介在していない」と思わせることができれば無罪を勝ち取ることができるかも...... そしてそう思った状態でもう一度この曲を聴くと不自然なまでに「自分の意志よりも宗教の理念が絶対ですよ」的なメッセージを必死に刷り込んで来ようとしてくる印象を受ける。 追記 ボイスドラマを聞いてきた。僕の考察がいかに浅はかで表面的な部分しか見ていなかったのかというのを思い知らされた。 初見だと不自然なまでの宗教の理念の押し付けもボイスドラマ視聴後だと整合性もとれるし、アマネ自身が自分の意志で殺害を行たことに割と誇りを持っていたような発言があるから、きっと宗教狂いになってるのは演技ではないのだと思った。 あと、アマネが相当に賢いとはいえ12歳との議論に負けそうになってるエス君さぁ......
@Камико_Ацуно 5 ай бұрын
Иронично, учитывая, что Эсу 15, а Му 16 лет, то есть, если бы не существовало Аманэ, то он был бы самым младшим персонажем во всём проекте...
@ポン酢-k3z8b Жыл бұрын
アマネちゃんの歌声すごい変わったね… 第1審の時は年相応の可愛い雰囲気がまだ残ってたのに、今回のは乱暴な言葉遣いがあったり力強めに歌ったりすることが多いなぁと。 第1審では赦されてなかったけど、アマネちゃんにとって自分の思想とは人生の指針であり、12年間という短い時間ではこれにしか縋って生きてこれなかったのだろうと思う。それを赦されなかった、否定された。だから「自分の思想は正しい。でもミルグラムは間違ってる。徹底的に否定してやる。」と必死になってる感が歌声に現れてる気がする… いやぁ声優さんってすごいね!(小並感)(大した考察出来ないからこれしか言えない)
@abadakedabura Жыл бұрын
@evacervantes1380 Жыл бұрын
The subtle transition of there being blood spewed onto the cane suddenly while she is twirling is just french kiss flawless execution~ Absolutely amazing animation.
@sparkssparksimillion7163 Жыл бұрын
…I believe you mean “chef’s kiss”?
@NaturesSong12 Жыл бұрын
@@sparkssparksimillion7163 LOL I think I will unironically start using French kiss instead of chef’s kiss
@SolidClockwork 9 ай бұрын
I have the feeling i completely miss the plot of the animation
@SkyLark_Candy 11 ай бұрын
@SSR_777_zzz Жыл бұрын
@bpduraume Жыл бұрын
friendly reminder once again to always listen or read the voice drama before voting… 😭🙏🏼
@anna.owo. Жыл бұрын
Where can i find them?
@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Жыл бұрын
I haven’t read a translation yet, but I listened to it, and she sounded possessed for the first half, like wow.
@rossofinale Жыл бұрын
Adding on, it’s very important to listen to the voice drama before watching the music video to get better context to use to vote
@dexterousli Жыл бұрын
kazui would have such an inno sweep for s2 if this were the case 😭
@@dexterouslitbh i don’t even think with the voice drama that’s the case, it’s more of people being 50/50 from what I saw
@Kiriya_0420 Жыл бұрын
@_kurumi_chan__ 11 ай бұрын
0:36 自分用 ここのカットかっこよすぎる
@ヤマダ-b8k Жыл бұрын
今ここでアマネちゃんを赦したら、第一審から更に悪化した彼女の洗脳とも言えそうな宗教的思想が更に助長されるだろうしとりあえずシドウさん危なそうだし(小学生の彼女が成人男性に対して何ができるのかというのはとりあえず置いておいて)、やっぱり個人的にはもう一度赦さない選択をするべきなんじゃないかと思う 第一審で否定しても思想は変わらなかったから今度は赦した方がいいのでは、みたいな意見も見かけたけど、ミルグラムは三審制なので、第二審でもう一度否定を突きつけることで変わることもあるかもしれない…今の思考回路のアマネちゃんに下す赦さないは、「桃瀬遍」の否定ではなく「桃瀬遍が信仰している宗教」への否定になると思いたい ただ今のところ赦す派が多いみたいなので…どっちにしてもアマネちゃん、赦すでも赦さないでも状況は悪化しそうなので慎重になりたいですね。赦す派の意見も見てると納得してしまう……
@glitch8505 Жыл бұрын
Damn we’re already getting another song cat feels so recent
@jl8417 Жыл бұрын
this was the typical pace in season 1 Pairs of prisoners (01 and 02, 03 and 04, 05 and 06 ect) would have only a month between them Weakness released in June, so Umbilical comes out July Then there'd be an extra month between pairs So there was no MV in August but Bring it On came out in September and After Pain in October) Then COVID messed up production stuff so a lot of things were behind schedule causing three month gaps between Magic, MeMe and Harrow They tried returning to this schedule at the start of the season with AKAA coming out in August then Teardrop in September But then I guess they needed more time because there were extra months between Backdraft and Its not my fault as well as Triage and Diasuki Hopefully they're back on track for good now and with Double releasing in October, we'll get Deep Cover in November meaning MILGRAM trial 2 will conclude in Febuary 2024 and we suffer and pray until whenever the third trial starts with all its consequences for our stupidity
@glitch8505 Жыл бұрын
@@jl8417 thanks this is really helpful. I got into milgram post trial 2 so this was really helpful!
@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Жыл бұрын
We also had cat Yuno and Mahiru feeding rats like a cat.
@limebeanz_ Жыл бұрын
​@@genericyoutubecommentchann7418what a pattern- i wonder if its important or its just a theme for season2 lol
@BlenderJoon Жыл бұрын
@@jl8417 it’s also because rockwell and teddyloid work alongside deco*27 with composing the songs now, so the pace that the songs are released in sped up as well!
@AMANE_0402 Жыл бұрын
1:46 青あざできてるの闇深い… シャワーのシーンといい、スタンガンのシーンといい、全部父親から受けた虐待を第一審MVでは宗教内での人から虐待を受けてるアマネちゃんだと描かれていたけど、全部それは父親からされてるものだと考えたら、アマネちゃんは父親の存在を異様に神として信じさせられていたんじゃないかな…何にせよ本当に笑顔でいてほしい。
@AMANE_0402 Жыл бұрын
@Iまちゃ 4 ай бұрын
@ichi_san 6 ай бұрын
the contrast of cute singing and adorable graphics with the sad stories is kinda powerful
@由稀-n5d Жыл бұрын
@Amina0720 Жыл бұрын
@-syu.1955 6 ай бұрын
アマネ「やれ。しなければ今日お前の自宅で粛清する。」 あなた「…はい」 (こういう妄想浮かべました。)
@nathan0856 Жыл бұрын
She killed her abuser!!! The cat is just a cat, she didn't do anything bad to it. She tried to escape...but we did not let her.
@frisk21uwu90 2 ай бұрын
Regardless of the circumstances or motives of the murder, it will always be bad no matter who it comes from and it is not a reason for justification even if the murdered person was bad. because at the end of the day it will never be right to respond to bad stimuli with bad acts
@sunao_san Жыл бұрын
アマネちゃん……まじで曲がめっちゃ明るいのに歌詞がヤバすぎるし、映像も…アマネちゃんどうなっちゃうんだ…?? 追記⤵︎ ︎ もしかしてなんだけど親?が誓いを破ったからアマネちゃんが親をやっちゃったのか…?「泣いて悔やんであなたに言ったごめんなさい覚えてますか」って歌詞がアマネちゃんがされた事?を相手にやり返してる時の言葉に聞こえる…
@popypopy6041 Жыл бұрын
2:00あたりの「貰った分を返してあげましょ」から、色々親からされてたぶんをお返ししようとしたのかなと、、、逆親孝行みたい:( ;´꒳`;):
@涼城 7 ай бұрын
@0allll_01 7 ай бұрын
@菌悪玉-c8s 7 ай бұрын
@ぼたもち-x6z 7 ай бұрын
いいと思いますよ! 私も『かわいいな〜、狂ってるな〜、可愛いな〜』って感じで脳死ですもん!()
@Zakuro.MILGRAMLove 7 ай бұрын
@user-allmind 7 ай бұрын
@user-lj5xj7tg4b Жыл бұрын
泣いて悔やんであなたに言った「ごめんなさい」覚えてますか? 最後にこの言葉が出るってことは「私も今のお前と同じように泣いて悔やんでごめんなさいしてもやめてくれなかったよね?」っていうやられたからやり返す的な思考があったんだと思うんだよね。もらった分を返してあげましょうって言ってるし。だからアマネちゃんのは洗脳というより「お前らもこうしたから私もこうするんだよ!」の最上級なのかな。でもって前の自分に戻ると罰を受けるから今の自分が正しいと思うしかない…前の君のままでいいんだよ。環境が悪かっただけで。 それにしてはボイスドラマの私達アマネちゃん異常過ぎるんだけどねぇ。本当何があったらこうなるの…一審と二審だけじゃわからないよ…赦しても何も変わらないから赦さないに入れるね… 追記 アマネちゃん赦す派が70%超えててびっくりしてます。みんなボイスドラマ聴いてぇ。 赦したら今のアマネちゃん(この4色宗教)を肯定することになっちゃうんよ…猫を助けたアマネちゃんが永遠に帰ってこなくなるよ😭
@ゆっけ-x7t Жыл бұрын
@starpeep5769 Жыл бұрын
@YU-yl9lr Жыл бұрын
@Boy-wh2zh Жыл бұрын
@karaage123 Жыл бұрын
@ななし-m2d Жыл бұрын
@@Boy-wh2zh でもボイスドラマのあの感じだとむしろその宗教に依存しているというかなんか精神乗っ取られてない...? 今のアマネは完全に宗教の化身だから、それを許しちゃうと間接的に「アマネ」の存在を赦さないことになりそう
@forgetfulbookworm8676 Жыл бұрын
So here my interpretation for what happened. Amane was taught to co-exist with animals as showed in the previous MV, when she is singing with animals and the blue priest. It's going to be important later and I recommend checking previous MV. With every mascot, Amane learns something and it looks like Blue Priest was teaching religious songs about how great everything is, including animals. Later, a cat has been harmed by the pink mascot and it was portrayed as an accident. It’s unclear why exactly the cat has been harmed, but it’s possible it was to teach Amane and potentially others to accept their fate (one flag has a message “Thou shall follow thine destiny”) and focus on praying. However, Amane was feeling bad for the cat and she decided to help him. Other cult members noticed that Amane was helping the cat instead of going straight to home. They informed the pink mascot, who decided to punish Amane for this and potentially being late (Amane talks a lot about punctuality in her first voice drama). After a series of punishments, Amane goes back to the cat and she discovers signs that the cat was likely killed. At this point, lessons about the cult’s values hit her and she notices the hypocrisy of the core member. The core member hurt an animal and potentially changed its destiny which goes against the cult values (“if you’re going to break your vow […] it’s my turn to torn tear you apart”). She creates an updated system of her cult values and decides to crush the old one (“eyes corrupted must be crushed”). She comes back to the home of the pink mascot and starts beating her to punish her like she punished her. She loses control over herself as she remembers how her pleads and apologies were ignored (“Remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of “I’m sorry” that I said to you?”). I don’t think she killed the girl that snitched on her due to last lines implying that she killed somebody responsible for carrying a punishment. Based on this MV and previous ones, punishments weren’t public and the snitch girl wouldn’t hear cries.
@Mycorrhiza Жыл бұрын
I don't think the girl snitched I think she was just following her parent
@mladyeli Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think that she neither killed her parent (since the only adult shown is the pink one who entered before she got home and tased her) or one of the main mascots. Since after her transformation in the first MV, all four of them seem to be there praising her and dancing with her: maybe from her following orders and killing someone else?
@Mycorrhiza 10 күн бұрын
@@mladyeli I think the mascots are completely imaginary and more representative of her cult's beliefs. they are what hurt her (what led to her punishment) and what protected her (punishment inflicted by her)
@隣の家主 Жыл бұрын
@にゃみ-u5n Жыл бұрын
前回の曲はだいぶ可愛らしく表現されてたことが改めてわかるMV。 前回猫を助けてキャラから罰を受けてたけど、 電気→スタンガン 水→お風呂かシャワーで水責め、  叩く→暴力、爆音→怒鳴る スタンガンもシャワーも誰かが手で持ってるから、アマネちゃんは虐待されてた。 赦したい気持ちも芽生えるけど、赦せばシドウさんは医療行為はできなくなると思う。かといって赦さなければ更に悪化する。 アマネちゃんが◯したのは自分自身なのか、それとも虐待した保護者なのか…🤔
@Natsu280p Жыл бұрын
Oh this one explains a lot holy shit To sum it up after watching it twice, she had an abusive parent that was probably part of a cult or maybe heavily indebted. She got beaten up to "repent" and it affirmed the belief that she needs to be a "good" girl. It came to a breaking point when after she helped a kitten it was murdered by somebody (either herself or her parent probably) and she literally went home to I'll them in the bathroom. Holy shit instantly went up my character ranking.
@rainoftime37 Жыл бұрын
Someone explained this in a different comment but I believe that when they saw Amane trying to help the cat, they tortured her via electrocution/taser, because she tried to help it and avert its destiny (since it was probably going to die). Because of this, she was punished, since one of the virtues from this religion/cult is to "follow thine destiny". But because of this, the cat died anyway--either of natural causes because she couldn't help it anymore, or because they killed it. So as a result, Amane decided to take matters into her own hands and deliver the same judgment that her parent/guardian gave to her. Probably because she felt like what they did was also breaking the "rules"? She basically called them out on their hypocrisy, like what she did with Es.
@-syu.1955 6 ай бұрын
@OM_rice Жыл бұрын
@IQ200ATAMA Жыл бұрын
@橙瀬明日香-b7u Жыл бұрын
@特撮好きラクライ Жыл бұрын
@ДмитрийСиверцев-з5п Жыл бұрын
Me too
@Greentea_tart Жыл бұрын
@しおしお-l5w Жыл бұрын
1:02 2:07 2回目の憎しみを感じる歌い方すごい、、、
@黒谷り Жыл бұрын
@バターサンド-i6h Жыл бұрын
@ヶ月-y9m Жыл бұрын
気のせいだったらいいんだけど 赦しても赦さなくてもやばい方向に行きそうな予感がしてしまう。 それはそれとしてこの曲すごく好き。闇と可愛いのバランスが癖になっちゃう。
@ヶ月-y9m Жыл бұрын
個人用メモ サビで入るコールはミルグラム公式アプリにてDECO*27さんが「(粛清マーチの)サビのコーラスは曲の雰囲気を出したくて作った造語です」と発言されていたらしいのでおそらくただのスキャット(意味のない歌詞で歌う歌唱法。)である。 個人用には順番に「シィリアーティアー(スィリアンディア?)」「リヒライジェーバー(メヒライチェバ?)」「リ・ハッパッソメェーラ」「シンジャッタ・タメーラ」と聞こえる気がするのでお風呂で歌う時はそう発音することにする。
@justanaverageperson2162 Жыл бұрын
Nah it’s more than that even with an innocent verdict she’ll still be screwed with that trauma
@もにもに-q7h 10 ай бұрын
@nihhk1655 9 ай бұрын
うちは「謝ったってらめーだ」    「
@朕朕始皇始皇帝 Жыл бұрын
@くるみ-z1s2y Жыл бұрын
@雪奈色んな意味で豆腐メンタ Ай бұрын
@ペケチュウ-l1i Жыл бұрын
トレーラー聴いたときはサビの歌詞を「赦さない」選択をしたエス君に対して言ってるのかと思ってたけど、MV見た感じ 洗脳に対して抵抗するアマネちゃん自身に対しても言ってるのか...........なるほど...
@bathuanpham1648 Жыл бұрын
This girl got 1.1M views within 10 days. Such a legendary record.
@sei_pika Жыл бұрын
I'm seeing a lot of comments curious about or discovering Milgram thanks to this song, it really feels like it blew up on the KZbin algorithm.
@Hittingonall6s Жыл бұрын
She definitely deserves it aswel
@Kantuva Жыл бұрын
The cinematography of the video is honestly spectacular, the youtube algo has (for once) rewarded such hard work
@2ndch. Жыл бұрын
@Red_567 9 ай бұрын
@@sei_pika I admit she scared me, the first time I watched it because I had no idea what's going on😅 and now she's one of my favorite characters 💚
@i1k-z1o Жыл бұрын
1:46 ここからのアマネちゃん、額に痣があるの怖すぎる 赦す赦さないの判断が難しすぎるよ…救われてほしい……
@めんま-n3r Ай бұрын
関係ないけど 0:21 ここすき
@みこと-x7u Жыл бұрын
@こめた-t2y Жыл бұрын
@MilanThoroddsen Жыл бұрын
The girl has been abused as a "punishment" and would beg for forgiveness but after X kills the cat the girl becomes crazy and kill her abuser
@2기-q4m Жыл бұрын
빨간색어른은 "운명에 따라라" 라는 규칙을 정하고 이를 어기면 전기충격기로 초등학생소녀를 학대했습니다. 파란색어른은 "저속한것들을 버려라" 라는 규칙을 정하고 어기면 물고문을 했습니다.
@Toketa_a Жыл бұрын
@みこと-x7u Жыл бұрын
@@Toketa_a 私も全く同じです、、!この曲で初めて知って他の曲を全てとは言わずともほとんど聴きました。ぜひ一緒にハマりましょう!
@アバンギャルド-i5k Жыл бұрын
アマネの思想は間違いなく危険なものなんだけど、それを妄信するに至るまでの過程が辛すぎて簡単に否定できない…… 12歳のイメソンじゃないよ
@iluVioletLink Жыл бұрын
Amane might reach 1 million views in less than a month, holy shit. One can imagine how fast Mikoto's MV will reach to a million when that comes out... Update: she hit 1 million within 10 days, congrats Amane!!
@jiraiyuno Жыл бұрын
im p sure double will hit 1m views within a week
@chompinator Жыл бұрын
considering how fast meme got 1mil.... well. Yeah
@ConfettiiCereal Жыл бұрын
It's so crazy how Mahiru, Mu's and Amanes videos just out viewed the MVs before them
@genericyoutubecommentchann7418 Жыл бұрын
I think it’ll depend on whether he takes his shirt off.
@naomisennett4081 Жыл бұрын
1M now, 10 days after it was posted. I'm sure like half of those were me though 😅
@KSRU3 11 ай бұрын
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