WOTM: The More

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@Groksaurus 20 күн бұрын
The way I'm interpreting Ayan's statement is "If you can believe one crazy thing without evidence you can believe a lot of crazy things without evidence".
@misterdeity 20 күн бұрын
Every crazy thing, really!
@jimschmitz4848 21 күн бұрын
A belated "Happy Solstice" to you, my friend. May that event inspire you to continue your battle against darkness and ignorance. Thank the 'Dudley'.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
I like that! ❤
@DenisLoubet 21 күн бұрын
I choose to believe I have a million dollars in my bank account. I definitely don't believe in the "nothing" I previously thought was there, but rather in a million somethings. Yeah, that works.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
And that will get you just as far in reality.
@Egooist. 19 күн бұрын
Every single video of yours provides *_MORE_* substance than the Abrahamic scriptures combined. Thank you!
@misterdeity 18 күн бұрын
Wow, thank you!!! ❤
@tankfu1 20 күн бұрын
"Choosing to believe something" = "lying to myself"
@BeccaYoley 20 күн бұрын
Choosing to believe something is just trying to believe something. It doesn't mean you actually do.
@TheRealPaulMarshall 19 күн бұрын
One does not "choose to believe". One can, however, choose to lie about what one believes. Even to herself.
18 күн бұрын
People with working brains choose what we believe. Belief isn't something that just happens to you. It requires an engagement between an individual and his/her observations.
@Griexxt 13 күн бұрын
Could you choose to believe something about your observations that doesn’t appear to be true? If not, you don’t choose what to believe about them.
13 күн бұрын
@@Griexxt I choose how much effort I put into investigating a subject and I withhold judgment until I have sufficient evidence. It's interesting how few people grasp this concept. I have always understood it. I couldn't think otherwise if I wanted to (and I don't).
@Mr.PeabodyTheSkeptic 20 күн бұрын
🎵Hooked on a feeeeeliiiing🎶
@misterdeity 20 күн бұрын
I’m high on believing!
@theunknownatheist3815 19 күн бұрын
🎶 that Jesus is in love with meeeeee! 🎶
@rationalmuscle 21 күн бұрын
Brian, you said something quite profound, and I thank you for it: "...nor it is the road to compassion or empathy for anyone, but one's self." Excellent.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
I do that (accidentally) about once every ten years! Thanks for noticing. ❤
@aubreyleonae4108 21 күн бұрын
If God raised all the children that died in the last three days it would go a long way toward credibility. I'll wait.
@teleiosdawyz4044 21 күн бұрын
That's Dudley Moore! He did a great biblical parody. Look it up. Holy Moses. Was yet another tink in my brick wall of faith.
@andyh3065 20 күн бұрын
Yep, definitely about the more…more $$$. They can see that there’s more $$ to be had on the other side, facts, reality or integrity be damned!
@KatMo7121 20 күн бұрын
I've read hundreds of books, including sci-fi, fantasy, fairy tales, utopian/dystopian horror, love stories, and explicit adult novels, but I have never chosen to believe in any of those clearly fictional stories, nor have I tried to base my life, morals, and afterlife expectations upon them. Although, truth be told, I would love to live in R. A. Heinlein's "World As Myth" concept!
@akshelby33 20 күн бұрын
All hail the Great Dudley!!
@j.graham8068 21 күн бұрын
I can understand their desire for 'something more'. When I stare up at the night sky (out in the country of course because there is no such thing as a starry sky here in Toronto) I have that un-nameable feeling of wonder, awe, and longing...you know the one. Humans like to understand and name things and figure out what they mean. What I don't understand is their willingness to -think- choose to believe there must be a 'who' behind it, and that it must somehow mean they are special to that who. I'm much more on Carl Sagan's side: we are stardust. There is so much out there in the universe that I will never know or understand, and I'm okay with that.
@istvansipos9940 21 күн бұрын
I choose to believe for 1 minute that Sweden is in Africa. Please, stand by... No. I still think Sweden is in Europe. The entire 1 minitute gone now and I spent 0 seconds thinking that Sweden was in Africa. 1 boring cartography change for 1 minute, and my brain could not do it. But Ayaan Hirsi Ali CHOSE to believe 1 type of magic, and she managed to do so. Seems legit. I am glad I found a way to test her claim. It never happens in the topic of religi0n.
@darrendelaney8161 21 күн бұрын
"choice"? why did anyone think this woman was not a fool?
@bobmudge4836 20 күн бұрын
They don’t even offer evidence that there’s any “thing” more, let alone that it’s the thing they’ve decided to believe in.
@Stretch501st 21 күн бұрын
I was recommended your channel and I appreciate your views and videos. I grew up going to catholic schools for 12 years, and your videos brought me back to questions I asked the Fathers (priests). One that always had me stumped even as a middle schooler was how could an all power and merciful God allow so much evil and suffering? I can remember specifically his name was Father John (not giving last name for privacy) in my school, but he summarized it the best I could find at the time. “Because God is Suffering and he suffers with us!” God is all goodness and all evil, all that is happy and all that is sad. The beginning and the end. As created in his Image and Likeness, God suffers as we suffer, through the cross where his only son was tortured, nailed to a cross and died. God creates and destroys, the alpha and the omega, and through the great mystery of faith so too can we achieve salvation. When a child is hurt, God hurts, when a person is killed, part of God is killed too, as we are his creation directly guided by his Holy Spirit. I wondered what your thoughts are on this speech that always had a profound effect on my life and I viewed Christianity (Catholicism specifically)
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
So God’s not just a sadist… He’s a masochist too? That WOULD make a little more sense I guess. I just wish He were neither. I think heaven is gonna be a real bummer for Him. I wonder where He’ll get his S&M fix then? Oh $hit!!! That’s what Hell is for?!!! Brilliant!
@nacoran 21 күн бұрын
I've been rewatching one of my old favorites and I now believe in the Trinity. Delen, Sheridan, and Sinclair. I want to believe.
@RngLovesMeLOL 21 күн бұрын
I get calculated opportunist vibes from Ali
@seraphonica 19 күн бұрын
So many of these god claims seem to adhere to an old tabletop RPG I used to play named Mage: the Ascension. You can do as much magic as you like, as powerfully as you like, as long as no one is around who'd doubt it. So of COURSE this god can make the entire universe, as no one was around to doubt him. But nowadays he can't even strike someone down in their prime unless they're already standing outside in a rainstorm holding a lightning rod.
@johndemeritt3460 21 күн бұрын
Ya know, the more I hear about this "More", the more I'm convinced that it's actually like either Red Green or the Dalek Monty from the MATTAF channel. Somehow, he's gotten hold of a number of miniature Daleks that roll around his flat/house, generally talking about how they're going to recreate the Dalek race and take over the universe. Monty, on the other hand, always asks Matt and the Daleks if they'd like a cup of tea. And the only thing I've actually seen Monty do is switch on the tea kettle. But Matt's always got tea afterwards . . . . Maybe they've accidentally developed the Infinite Improbability Drive, and when Monty dropped a teabag into a hot cup of water, our universe emerged as the most improbable outcome of switching the Infinite Improbability Drive on . . . .
@aubreyleonae4108 21 күн бұрын
And here I thought I'd dodged that migraine, damn it, that hurts ? "Frank, I'm getting a sick headache." :: 10 points for television reference.
@aubreyleonae4108 21 күн бұрын
got to be old to remember
@BaronTomR 21 күн бұрын
The problem has never been that they want there to be more to their lives than just existing and trying to be a good person. It's that they can't risk rational people interfering with their reality.
@M3Etasmania 21 күн бұрын
I'd like Moore cowbell.
@xaosgeist 21 күн бұрын
@michaelhall2709 21 күн бұрын
As a lifelong agnostic-Jew I have tended to suspect (hope?) that there is More to existence than we puny humans can perceive at our current stage of development. None of which requires a belief in the supernatural, let alone the tribal war god of Abraham.
@Bob-of-Zoid 21 күн бұрын
You rock as always Brian!!
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
I love the sound of that!!! ❤️❤❤
@AFTERPUPPET 21 күн бұрын
Do you think when she said “I choose to believe” what she actually meant was “I choose to pretend “
@kellydalstok8900 21 күн бұрын
She’s just looking for attention, and the atheists must have gotten bored with her.
@dimbulb23 21 күн бұрын
I agree Elmer Fudd is "the Queator" or maybe it's that Waselly Wabbit.
@dougt7580 21 күн бұрын
I simply cannot get into the headspace of how narcissistic one must be to walk around insisting that the Universe owes them something ,or they are deserving of more. These bloated egos could live 100 million human lifetimes and could still not even come close to experiencing or comprehending the tiniest fraction of all that there is in on this single planet, yet alone the natural Cosmos. yet they still demand that, nope not good enough,
@ZenWithKen 21 күн бұрын
It seems warm, fluffy feelings are justification for ignoring the total lack of good evidence and the horrid actions of the fluffinator.
@rationalmuscle 21 күн бұрын
Non-sequitur - Dudley Moore was such a gift.
@beaurex4756 20 күн бұрын
There are lots of things we humans don't yet understand, therefore.........god. Wow. Just wow.
@billirwin3558 20 күн бұрын
The demonstrable evil god of the old testament had to allow some good in the world to allow free will. And part of that good is misterdeity. Spot on again.
@chriscasperson5927 20 күн бұрын
I looked out this morning and the sun was gone Turned on some music to start my day I lost myself in a familiar song I closed my eyes and I slipped away...
@cullenjohnson0 20 күн бұрын
That’s a feeling! Wait, no, it’s more than a feeling!
@misterdeity 20 күн бұрын
Marianne? Is that you?
@chriscasperson5927 20 күн бұрын
@misterdeity No, but I see her walking away.
@theunknownatheist3815 19 күн бұрын
🎶 laughing and dreaming…. 🎵 I remember listening to this in the car 🚙 as a kid when it was new! 😂
@subductionzone 20 күн бұрын
It was not the impossibility of miracles that made me an atheist. It was the total irrationality of substitutionary atonement. It is simply unneeded if God is all loving. Justice in the sense of revenge is contrary to such a God. He would also not be able to fool himself with such a ploy. The idea that someone has to suffer is a primitive belief.
@tomsenior7405 21 күн бұрын
I imagine Kenneth More when she speaks of "More", rather than Dudley Moore. (I don't even imagine Roger Moore for that matter). For starters, the spelling is precise. Dudley Moore was limited to comedy, whereas Kenneth More could handle Comedy and Action. Kenneth More survived the sinking of the Titanic, The Battle of Britain (Twice), Became a US Sheriff, Survived on a Desert Island, Defeated a German Spy Ring, He was behind the sinking of the Bismarck, and he made it to the Centre of the Earth. Kenneth More is definitely More.
@sethhornaday5943 20 күн бұрын
So eloquently put, Brian. Your words are like a sharp double edge sword! You got a big heart brother!❤ You cared more then many multitudes! Much 💕 love Seth
@misterdeity 20 күн бұрын
@aubreyleonae4108 21 күн бұрын
CHOOSING TO BELIEVE, like when you were 4 years old and were a princess in a castle. Just like that ? Is that how science works now ? ? ?
@davidr1431 20 күн бұрын
I came for the floating white text, but I stayed for the wit, intelligence and compassion.
@condrumnumberone9456 20 күн бұрын
Thanks for choosing Dudley over Roger and Michael.
@theunknownatheist3815 19 күн бұрын
Why? Roger was the best Bond, in my opinion. He was the Bond of my childhood. 😂
@vinny142 21 күн бұрын
It's so absurd to hear a sentient being say "yes it's hard to believe that jesus was resurrected, and I believed is was impossible, but you believed something I could not understand and once I accepted that there is a god then the resurrection is not a problem at all". To hear them say that they acknowledge that the miracles are nonsense but somehow that nonsense just makes the god they believe in even more powerful... It's just.. absurd.
@nicholasvoytowich2804 21 күн бұрын
I think I’m going to invent a new religion where we all worship Dudley Moore. Do you think it will take off?
@81caspen 17 күн бұрын
“ … beyond our introspection or inquiry.” Perfectly put. Succinct and it packs a punch.
@klodius8588 21 күн бұрын
And people wonder how scammers proliferate.🙄
@ShellacScrubber 20 күн бұрын
This concept of "The More" is clearly a Dud........
@LordSlag 20 күн бұрын
Excellent video. MORE!
@andrewanastasovski1609 20 күн бұрын
Ali believes because there's something more. And you nailed it that that something is political.
@KatelynHyde 21 күн бұрын
I appreciate your deep cut humor but that Simpson's joke, which by extension would make you the devil, was *chef's kiss*
@findsharon 21 күн бұрын
Great as usual, but I could have used a little more Moore ... even if just a Demi Moore.
@WingDiamond 20 күн бұрын
What Aboot 007 Moore? I've "Sean" that 😅
@misterdeity 20 күн бұрын
So well done!!! ❤
@amy747flyer 21 күн бұрын
They want to believe. It’s a social thing. But, this might make them even more miserable. But they won’t ever admit it. At least until the final will is read. I always think there’s a financial edge to these “conversions”
@TheDanEdwards 21 күн бұрын
Missed an opportunity to play that 1950s/1960's pop hit that most everyone in that day recorded, "More", by Alstone and Glazer.
@misterdeity 20 күн бұрын
Copyright problems. 😬
@MrCyclist 21 күн бұрын
For Ayaan to now "choose to believe" shows a deep angst in her life. From rational to irrational. A sad case.
@istvansipos9940 21 күн бұрын
it is very rational. She wanna sell books and interviews and all kindsa sh!t. She is rational enough to know that this type of magic still sells well.
@johnhunter5724 21 күн бұрын
@MrCyclist I saw her interview with Alex O'Connor, and I have to say I genuinely felt sorry for her. She seems to have been hurt at some point and is just looking for some kind of meaning.
@theunknownatheist3815 19 күн бұрын
I also think Ayaan is just paying lip service to believing in the resurrection. She isn’t actually CONVINCED of it, she just knows she has to CLAIM TO BE to satisfy her religious cohort. It’s a sham.
@brunozeigerts6379 21 күн бұрын
Dudely Moore, Dudely Moore... riding through the land... (oops. that's Dennis Moore)
@kellydalstok8900 21 күн бұрын
Dum dum dum the night
@heavysystemsinc. 21 күн бұрын
I've never had enough money to throw at you to do what you do, but know that if I won the lottery, you would get a not insignificant portion of the winnings because despite the fact that I'm firmly on your side already, I think how you present your arguments are top notch, hilarious and engaging without being too much on the side of snobbery or arrogance with exception to the public figures who deserve it. All this is to say, thanks and I hope you keep going, though I do wish we were able to get a half hour season of 6 or 7 episodes of Mr. Deity that creates an arc emcompassing the creation of earth to the appearance of humans and the disappointment in them and then finally Deity just throwing up his hands and the final scene is him escaping to his mancave with Nintendo Switch saying, "i'm done with them, they know where to find me if they want to..." Then Jesse asks, "Where's that?" And Deity responds in his usual vague way. "If you have to ask..." and then begins playing Super Mario Bros. Universe. :)
@bengreen171 21 күн бұрын
They wanted more, but all they ended up with was a dud.
@yourgodismean4526 21 күн бұрын
I just keep thinking of Ali’s “I choose to believe” comment. You can’t choose belief! Either you’re convinced of a concept or you’re not. Any more than you can choose the thoughts that bubble up in your head. You can attempt to influence them, but in the end they’re uncontrollable. A good therapist will often help one to learn to live w certain thoughts, rather than offer the false hope of expunging them. To reiterate Brian from a recent episode (I think), “choosing to believe” is choosing to play pretend
@ChixieMary 21 күн бұрын
@@yourgodismean4526 she meant to say, "I pretend to believe", because that's all she's doing. 🙄
@davidr1431 20 күн бұрын
That More is almost Deadly.
@Buzzcook 21 күн бұрын
Even the most charitable, cafeteria, reading of the God of the bible is problematic. That's why making one up in your head is so much more satisfying. Just don't write it down, cause god needs to be a moving target.
@graydanerasmussen4071 20 күн бұрын
We have a well-documented route from: "I can't understand the physics of the beginning of the universe" to "There must be something more than we currently see" to "There must be someONE that we don't currently see, because I equate, on a deep subconscious level, things appearing with things being deliberately created." So, in a sense, there is a god. He lives in your head, and you dress him and feed him. -But he's a lazy bum who encourages lazy thinking, excuse your shortcomings as a person, and even converts these to virtues... You'd be better off booting that freeloader out of there. More room for meaningful knowledge that way :)
@markhackett2302 20 күн бұрын
I wonder how much is SOCIETY pulling "the average human brain" to a false certainty, how it is SOCIETAL EXPECTATION that is making so many insist "God Did It" certainty instead of the actual "I don't know" uncertainty. It isn't that the average person WANTS that certainty, but society, that amalgam that contains people but is not people itself (see for example that Overton Window), INSISTING "You can't not know, you are not allowed to not know, so you have to make a claim as if you are certain!!!!!!".
@whoviating 20 күн бұрын
I do in fact have a concept of a "More," but my "More" is drawn from a hypothesis of how our universe same to be, which involves a localized quantum field in a false vacuum state decaying to a lower energy state, releasing mind-boggling amounts of energy. My "More" is the concept of those quantum fields, which are by most any definition eternal. You might say that what is ultimately eternal and unchanging is the potential for something to happen - even a universe. :-)
@c.a.t.732 21 күн бұрын
Even if one chooses to believe in "The More", it's still a big leap to accept the doctrine of the tribal war god of Abraham and his resurrected son, as opposed to that indefinable something being More like the Tao, or the Great Spirit, or the Force.
@kariannecrysler640 21 күн бұрын
Lol great video
@winc06 21 күн бұрын
Belief based on concscious choosing is a lie most damaging to oneself. You can choose to say that dogma is true, but to suppress that small honest voice that says nah ah is to lose yourself.
@stevewebber707 21 күн бұрын
I think there is some nuance, in that it is possible to decide on approaches that help to believe something. But that "choosing to believe", is at best poor phrasing. Whether that is a good idea, depends entirely on the reasons for that something. And I will certainly grant that if there are good reasons for it, playing games to try and force belief shouldn't even be needed.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
What a great f’ing comment!!! ❤❤❤❤
@richardscott982 20 күн бұрын
"I want Moore, more more more more MOORE!" B. Idol
@misterdeity 20 күн бұрын
Is that a Rebel Yell I’m hearing?
@richardscott982 19 күн бұрын
@misterdeity great stuff, my man. I am from a Morman family, but was asked to leave Sunday School for asking too many questions. I grok.
@misterdeity 19 күн бұрын
@ Good for you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@jonmeinecke63 21 күн бұрын
We all want "more". Well most of us... Sometimes we have to suspend our disbelief to enjoy a movie or a novel. We watch Star Trek and accept transporter technology. We watch or read Harry Potter and accept spells and potions. Ali saying she chooses to believe in the resurrection is like that. Only in this case it's not a movie she's watching for enjoyment, it's real life and she wants to be part of the story. She has accepted the characters and the back story. She is acting the role to find her meaning, -- to find the "more", as Brian puts it, that she knows there simply must be... What she calls a choice to believe is more a choice to not think critically about the details. Reanimating the dead is trivial god's play for the immortal Biblical creator of everything (and also achievable for a 19th century fictional mortal). Of course, Aki hasn't rationalized belief in that being's existence, much less what that really means.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
So many really articulate comments here! Thanks so much! ❤❤❤
@finestPlugins 21 күн бұрын
It seems like their "more" is nothing but their personified ignorance.
@trevorlunn8442 21 күн бұрын
When one Excusegist cheer is not sufficient you need more... Here's three cheers for Dr. Philip Goff's panpsychism, "Fer Goff, fer Goff, fer Goff!"
@janmillerstopmotion 21 күн бұрын
The Moore chooses to flirt with Moneypenny.
@Kevin_Williamson 21 күн бұрын
I guess "choosing to believe" is admitting to yourself that you really want to believe because it's really neat-o if you don't think about it too much. Then just keeping up the act of fake it 'til you make it.
@darrennew8211 21 күн бұрын
The biggest red flag is thinking that the deeply religious care anything about human happiness or suffering. It's clear the god of abraham doesn't, so to criticize religious people because they don't care about evil is missing the point. :-)
@marcdc6809 21 күн бұрын
to religion misery is a resource
@moodyrick8503 20 күн бұрын
*_Playing Pretend_** ?* I'm not convinced it's true, but I'll say that I believe, because I see the pragmatic value in belief ? _Choosing to believe that which you don't._ Absurd
@pb5640 21 күн бұрын
Wow that lady is very simple.
@robabiera733 21 күн бұрын
"The More" is merely mysticism - which is, ultimately, merely an excuse for arbitrariness. It's an excuse to indulge in something they wouldn't expect to get away with otherwise. Yes, you can choose to believe what you want, but that doesn't mean you can make reality whatever you choose to believe. That's not what free will is for.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
@@robabiera733 That’s so well said!!! ❤️
@darthvirgin7157 21 күн бұрын
regardless of how INTELLIGENT and/or EDUCATED one person may be, when they’re compelled to believing in some higher power to make sense of REALITY, it just shows how WEAK-MINDED and INCAPABLE of handling life’s uncertainties they truly are.
@michaelbell3181 19 күн бұрын
Good content as usual
@unclejohnny863 21 күн бұрын
"A thinking person's rode."😂
@Never-mind1960 21 күн бұрын
Saying you "choose to believe", is the same as saying that you are pretending to believe. It means you know that you and your faith do not even have internal consistency. It is ignoring the fatal flaw in the rationalization; Simply that a being capable of creating this universe and life, would not do it so absurdly. It is all too F'd -up to even be a prank.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
@@Never-mind1960 I see a lot of pranks here on KZbin. The bush that reaches out at you, cellophane across the doorway, hiding to scare people, etc… and not one of them involves genocide or genital mutilation! Your point stands unmolested!!! ❤️ see a lot of
@_S0me__0ne 21 күн бұрын
Real faith isn't chosen just as losing one's real faith isn't a choice - though it can and has been forced under penalty of harm. Some people choose to believe as they struggle to remain a believer/religious. In this case I'm conflicted. It's clear many people feel a need for belief, they find something attractive in it, perhaps they're more emotive and less intellectual. Part of realizing I no longer believed was reflecting on the reality that I never truly felt a need for religion and everything that came with it. I don't miss anything, whereas many people miss various aspects of religious belief and life. And I think this is what appeals to many non-believers, who then 'chose' to believe. And in that respect I'm kinda okay with the dumbing down and secularization of Christianity. I'd love to see Christianity disappear but it won't. It will continue to morph and the watering down appears to be part of it.
@alanhilder1883 20 күн бұрын
I waited for some Roger but only got Dudleyed.
@theoutspokenhumanist 21 күн бұрын
I suspect Ayaan Hirsi Ali of dishonesty when she says she chooses to believe in the resurrection. I think she is choosing to accept it despite not truly believing in it because her Christianity is political not heartfelt or spiritual. Can any of us choose what we believe?
@stevewebber707 21 күн бұрын
What could be more American, than always wanting More?
@darthvirgin7157 21 күн бұрын
the REALITY of life SUCKS (millions did vote for dRUMPf after all). but i don’t NEED a GOD to make me feel better about life in general. existence is its own reward, as well as the rewards that come with what you do with that existence. and for me, trying to make life better for myself and others (especially my family) makes life a wonderful, challenging adventure.
@xalaxie 20 күн бұрын
*con* verts 😂 brilliant. a very apt and all too accurate term
@theitineranthistorian2024 9 күн бұрын
I tried to re-enter the l.d.s. of my upbringing and my majority, birth family, several times. Trying to please them only betrayed my youngest brother. They are all gone now, except my lunatic, older brother. We took l.s.d. together in '68. He went back to church, in a fanatic way. I still take l.s.d. (it's changed too) and believe in my hippie/peace/love approach. He also tuned me into Zappa. He's my counterpoint to the nonsense. Love your anger, been there for 20 years.
@EclecticOmnivore 18 күн бұрын
Nice closing.
@chrisose 20 күн бұрын
Embracing more to punch their ticket to the right wing grift train.
@shinywarm6906 21 күн бұрын
It sounds like Ali and Goff's "more" is equivalent to the "Oceanic feeling" - the sense that things are connected in ways we dont understand, and that we (I) are connected too. Its the same feeling that is sometimes reported from deep meditation, with psychoactive drugs or deep immersion in the natural world. Freud attributed the oceanic feeing to regression to an infantile psychological state, before we learn that other minds and other people exist besides ourselves. I'd suggest its a reaction to the atomistic, alienated state generated by capitalism, where we're encouraged to see everything in disconnected, individualistic terms. Both Goff and Ali sound like they've interpreted this feeling in terms of deism, to which they've attached politically convenient but entirely superfluous additions.
@misterdeity 21 күн бұрын
@@shinywarm6906 Really well said!!!
@rfwren 10 күн бұрын
Just saw you with Aron Ra. First time I've watched one of your videos. I will definitely watch "More".
@simonkoster 21 күн бұрын
As AronRa put it: it's all make believe.
@timothymulholland7905 21 күн бұрын
Ayaan was driven from the atheist movement because she criticized Islam, which mutilated her and destroyed her collaborator. The political alliance of atheists with Islam, besides being a blatant contradiction of values, takes people like her out of the discussion.
@morganramsay7628 19 күн бұрын
But the back end is how believers are completely willing to give in to magical desires over reality. It's all fear based. Fesr of death, fear of powerlessness, and fear of anonymity in society. Fine for them, but force the rest to comply, is a declaration of ideological war, to start.
@AttentiveDragon 17 күн бұрын
We could be annoyed at the overuse of Dudley, but at least it wasn’t Dinty!
@basic6154 21 күн бұрын
Talking shit always makes money in "in god we trust" usa. All the grifters know this,ayaan just joined them
@SophmoricSeptuagenarian 21 күн бұрын
Goff's philosophy has always been unexplainable, pre-conversion. Even worse now!
@catherinespencer-mills1928 20 күн бұрын
Personal opinion is that they are depressed. "Give your cares to Jesus."
@DarylBark 20 күн бұрын
I think they're just afraid of Death, or of having no "greater purpose".
@catherinespencer-mills1928 20 күн бұрын
@@DarylBark That could be part of the issue. It's very complex and needs to have a book written about it.
@theunknownatheist3815 19 күн бұрын
She actually talks about being severely depressed. Self deletion level depressed. Watch her talk with Dawkins. She says it all. She’s full of it.
@DexterDexter123 2 күн бұрын
Ayaan is not the intellectual we thought she was. ‘it all comes back to is there something or nothing’ is Piers Morgan level reasoning.
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