*MLP Fan Commentary* S7E14: Fame & Misfortune

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Today, we witness one of the most meta episodes since Slice of Life, as Twilight decides to share the adventures within the old Friendship Journal to everypony in Equestria, and what it leads to.
MLP:FIM is property of Lauren Faust and Hasbro

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@Narrator007 7 жыл бұрын
That episode was so delightfully meta. This was like the staff's response to anybody who thought Stranger Than Fan Fiction was poking fun at the fandom. "If they thought _that_ was rattling the cage, they ain't seen nothin' yet!"
@Narrator007 7 жыл бұрын
1. 0:44 "...as Discord coincidentally bookmarked each of these passages." A bit surprising that he just used plain old bookmarks, and not flying, glowing, self-folding bookmarks, or something like that. 2. 2:04 Who ordered the princess a la mode? 3. 4:00 Fluttershy: "I, uh, wanted to leave room for all of you." TPrower: "Aww, she's so thoughtful!" And selfless. And nurturing. And adorable. And beautiful. And way better than most of Ponyville deserves. 4. 6:21 "First stop: Cloudsdale." Good to see those wings of Twi's coming in handy, eh? 5. 7:16 [Hey, Chip Cutter!] I don't know if I like the way he's staring at Applebloom there. 6. 9:30 Starlight: "I'm going to have a 'chat' with these two." A chat that involves a display of powerful magic that will put the fear of Celestia into them, I hope? 7. 9:55 "Now that was a pounce worthy of Tigger!" It was also a role reversal from how their chase scene ended during Luna Eclipsed. 8. 11:10 "It's rainin' pages." Somehow I could imagine that being the bookworm equivalent of "It's rainin' men". 9. 12:58 Every time I think Fluttershy can't possibly get any better, she continues to prove me wrong. 10. 14:07 Rarity: "I'm stress sewing!" TPrower: "Better than stress _eating."_ That depends on what kind of figure you like. 11. 15:16 "You're being a big help today, Glims." Hopefully the other ponies can repay her by helping out with a certain vengeful changeling queen when the time comes. 12. 18:46 "Rarity, please! She is *_so_* not in the mood right now." Phrasing, TPrower. Phrasing. :) 13. 19:41 "Am I the only one who thinks that pegasus colt with the shades there looks a lot like Soundspeed's OC?" Really? I didn't even know he was sick. Don't you have to be just about on your deathbed to get your OC in the show? 14. 21:02 "You ponies disgust me!" Those aren't ponies. They're people who came through the portal from our world. How else would you explain why we've never seen a lot of these character designs before? 15. 28:12 "But it wasn't (Twilight's) fault. She couldn't have predicted things would end up like this." Just like the writers and producers of this show couldn't have predicted us. 16. 31:12 The only way you could have made that ending rant more effective is if you had ended it with "What would your mothers say if they saw you acting like this?"
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
The meta gloves are off on this one, heheh 1. Heh. I still wonder if he meant to do that, or if he genuinely found them that fascinating, which they were. 2. I think Twi's not gonna like ice cream for a while after that, lol 3. She really is a wonderful pony. =) 4. Indeed =P 5. Careful, Chip. You've got competition with Tender Taps, lol 6. Seeing as how those two continued bashing Rarity further on, it seems that even if that were the case (which I would dearly have loved to see), it still didn't make an impression on them, sadly. 7. Heh, good point 8. Hallelujah, lol 9. You will never cease to make me proud, Flutters. =) 10. True. I've always found plumpness cute, but can you imagine how many ice cream cartons this experience would've made Rarity go through? 11. Absolutely, though I'm confident they would do so regardless. She's one of them now. =) 12. Good grief, lol 13. Again, it may just be a coincidence, but it looks a lot like him. 14. Interesting theory. I can just see the fics based on that idea, XD 15. Heh, true 16. They'd be none too proud, that's for sure. It's behavior like that that keeps me from delving into discussions in comment sections on EqD and the like. Too much hatefulness and toxicity.
@ljp878 7 жыл бұрын
Insane is right. Makes me wanna keep my behavior within fandoms in check. Also, Twi really shouldn't be hard on herself. The Mane 6 _all_ consented to it but none of them deserved what came from it. And we know that the folks behind the scenes still like us too, flaws and all. I was looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one, and I enjoyed it a bunch. ^^ /)
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
(\ This one was a lot of fun. Crazy, but fun. =)
@Usagi1992 7 жыл бұрын
31:19 - exactly. Even though she didn't directly address it, I'm pretty sure a big reason why Amy Keating Rogers left the MLP team was because she received *_death threats_* from hardcore Bronies over "Filli Vanilli", for the "crime" of Pinkie Pie making their waifu cry. Despicable indeed. >:( And it's okay if you got a little passionate. That was on my mind too, but you expressed it better than I could. ^_^
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
I may have gotten angry about it at the time, but not to the point where I would take it out on the creative team. I would never go that far...
@Usagi1992 7 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Me neither. Even though some episodes may not please me as much as others (Honest Apple being the most recent), keep it within the show. Don't extend it to the people behind the show...
@ljp878 7 жыл бұрын
Death threats? I was not aware of this. o.o
@mikistenbeck6517 7 жыл бұрын
TPrower yo, Tpower, any idea were in the world coltbold*sky is?....... okey, wrong thread to ask this in, but eh, :3
@yoshifan3077 7 жыл бұрын
I still can't believe that Somebody in the fandom Made a threatening note To Amy that's just so stupid
@mlpfanboy1701 6 жыл бұрын
11:04 I can’t help but laught that line was legitimately funny.
@funcoolfunfun 7 жыл бұрын
This is my fourth favorite episode of the season, and my sixth favorite episode of the series. Which means this season now has a total of 5 episodes already in my top ten. As for the song, it's my second favorite of the season, and my third favorite from the entire series.
@crovax1375 7 жыл бұрын
I did like how twilight got to use her version of the canterlot voice again!
@joshblackwell8632 7 жыл бұрын
2:03 - 2:08 This immediately reminded me of when Twilight kept getting hit by stuff in the "Hoofields and Mccolts" episode back in season 5. Oh And apparently "Toola Roola" & "Coconut cream" throwing ice cream in the beginning is a reference to a G1 episode called "Ice cream wars".
@BlazeWriter 7 жыл бұрын
Josh Blackwell That episode was from G1.
@smashbrothers13 7 жыл бұрын
10:17 ''Hey look there's Pinkie Pie, the funny one!'' That's probably how a lot of us thought about Pinkie during season 1. But as the series went on, it turned out there's indeed alot more to her than just ''the funny one''. 11:34'' We don't wanna heaw hew bowing lessons!'' Her way of talking reminds me of Elmer Fudd. If you know what I mean;) 13:04-13:11 Thank you Fluttershy! As someone who has a tough time learing to be assertive himself, I 100% agree with everyting you just said! 13:57 YIKES!0.0 And I thought it couldn't get any more disturbing after Pinkamena and Lesson Zero Twilight. 14:50 Another meme-worthy face we can add to our collection!:) 20:55 ''Twilight was better before she got wings!'' The meta-level is getting over 9000!XD 24:25 That's probably the first time in ever that a song does not resolve the conflict in an episode.
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
1. Absolutely. She may be a silly, unpredictable goofball, but she's also one of the sweetest, most warmhearted ponies you could ever meet. =) 2. Heh, yeah, I do 3. ' _Why so serious, darling?!_ ' 4. That is an absolute 'so done with this crap' face, XD 5. Indeed, though I respectfully disagree with that stupid argument. I liked Twi before she got wings, and I still like her even after she did. 6. Well, it effectively demonstrates that a good song isn't always an effective cure-all. In fact, Pinkie's song in 'Over a Barrel' made things _worse_ ! XD
@smashbrothers13 7 жыл бұрын
5. I actually really liked it when Twilight got her wings. Because after everything she'd been through and everything she'd learned at that point, It felt like she earned it. One of my favorite things in any tv show is seeing just how far the characters have come since the first episode. So that's why Twilight becoming an alicorn was one of my favorite moments of MLP! :)
@mitchellgoliber8688 6 жыл бұрын
31:12 Am I the only one that caught the, what I'm guessing was unintentional on tprower's part, Thomas & Friends reference in that part of his rant?
@michaelespinoza432 Жыл бұрын
23:25 That line of Pinkie’s always makes me feel like crying. How often do people say that and mean it-not only no irony, but no shame, as if it were some kind of guilty pleasure? And not happy because of the use you can get out of someone-not even mere entertainment? “You always make each day such a special day. You know how: by just your being yourself. There’s only one person in this whole world like you, and people can like you exactly as you are.” Fred Rogers co-opted that from his grandfather and namesake, Fred McFeely, who used to say that to him.
@Usagi1992 7 жыл бұрын
13:10 - in the immortal words of M. Bison...."YES! YEEESSS!!!" The absolutely *perfect* "Take THAT, Audience!" moment in the history of this show. Lessons take time to stick; no one can be changed from just one lesson. (aaand the fans just shit all over it by saying they miss 'weaker' Fluttershy. Just like with the real-life Bronies, you can't win. Ever. )
@Usagi1992 7 жыл бұрын
Yep, "Fame and Misfortune", or as it's more popularly known, "So Meta It HURTS" :P
@joshblackwell8632 7 жыл бұрын
Usagi1992 Nice profile pic.
@ravensky512 7 жыл бұрын
for all the apple jack "fans" just put them to work, once they realize being part of the apple family means hard work from time to time, most will probably leave.
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
Let reality ensue, right. XD
@mlpfanboy1701 6 жыл бұрын
That’s what I was thinking.
@michaelespinoza432 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate when you get righteously indignant. As an artist myself, I know how much it can hurt to be criticized, especially by people who don’t appreciate what you went through to produce your work. Hence, while sometimes I think criticism is justified, I want to make sure it’s constructive and not unnecessarily hurt anyone’s feelings. On a personal note, I didn’t feel like any of my own oxen were being gored here. I may have shared some opinions with some of the background ponies at first, but not anymore. Certainly I don’t want to hurt anyone.
@knghtcmdr 7 жыл бұрын
And instead of taking the moral to heart, the fandom reacts by proclaiming it a conspiracy to drive the bronies away. Typical...
@joshblackwell8632 7 жыл бұрын
knghtcmdr Well its mainly the Super serious fans acting like that but you aren't wrong.
@mlpfanboy1701 6 жыл бұрын
You can’t fix stupid. Many who go down that path are trapped down it forever. (Looking at you enter😡😡)
@jeffreyreed9865 3 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure the '...' is a typical autism trait.
@Whirlwind_Sabre 7 жыл бұрын
I swear it's like high school all over again, the toxic few gets the whole class burned.
@espada06143 7 жыл бұрын
The meta is sooooooo painfully real in this episode, I love this tbh. Shout out to fans no doubt, I also love your reaction and commentary so for that I subscribed.
@mlpfanboy1701 6 жыл бұрын
When starlight said “I’m going to have a “chat” with these 2” I can’t be the only one who wanted to take a baseball bat ( or any blunt object) and asked her “need some help with that?”
@Loganberrybunny 7 жыл бұрын
The meta stuff was a lot of fun (and indeed jabbed at some things that were asking to be jabbed at) but in simple MLP terms I think this may have been one of Starlight's best appearances. Even though she's a supporting character, she plays that role so well here -- as you say, she's really helping Twi for much of the episode. Also, near the end of the song, there's a line where one pony isn't quite in time. It's so clear that I'm sure it's deliberate. In other words, the song isn't flawless. That's brilliant. :D
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
Definitely one of Starlight's best. =) Heh, that's pretty clever. =P
@yoshifan3077 7 жыл бұрын
14:00 why so serious God that face lol
@ninaimpelizierilabouriau5464 7 жыл бұрын
I really like this episode and I feel so sorry for the girls....
@yoshifan3077 7 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with you tporwer Because the fandom takes it way too serious When it comes to shows and characters setting the hate mails And even threatening One of the writers Just because they didn't like the episode and the character The way they act and change I mean that's just dumb And this episode's showed an example
@aegirfairy2124 7 жыл бұрын
At least Couple pony learned something out the journal
@crimsonwolf8174 7 жыл бұрын
Hey!! Someone who completely gets the metaphor!
@mlpfanboy1701 6 жыл бұрын
7:46 they actually have a version of that book on sale in the real world, meaning that line is told either in irony or the greatest joke told on the show.
@GSandSDS 7 жыл бұрын
Btw.: Did Rainbow Dash really reveal in the friendship journal that Daring Do isn't a fictional character? I mean the combination of "Rainbow Dash met Daring Do" and Twilight's "The things in the book really happened". Ouch! Just wait until A.K. Yearling hears about this... ;)
@phibbykaden 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, Tprower. Little bit vocal there? ... Not complaining or anything. I thought it all turned out well. :) Nice reaction all around. What I like about your reactions is that you tend to keep a level head through it all, plus you're able to see things about the episodes that a fair number of people probably wouldn't. Always enjoyed it, always will. Minor side note here is that I'm surprised the original Friendship Journal was still in fair condition, considering it was likely stored in Twilight's home when Tirek blasted it back then.
@yoshifan3077 6 жыл бұрын
16:23 You know the way how twilight's said that I wonder if Lauren Faust Felt the same way too
@Usagi1992 6 жыл бұрын
16:42 - sorry if I'm almost 1 year late here, but there's a reason to why Spike wasn't present. When M.A. Larson penned this story intended for Season 5, Spike was originally Twilight's voice of reason, assuring her that this was not her fault that publishing the Journal went out of hoof. But it was shelved, brought back for Season 7, and Starlight took Spike's place. Just thought you'd wanna know. ^_^
@TPrower 6 жыл бұрын
Good to know. I'm just glad he escaped being given the same horrid treatment as the others.
@yoshifan3077 7 жыл бұрын
15:05 oh God I did remember that drama about applejack just being there and some people don't even like her in the fandom i've always hated that including the pinkie pie drama ugh 😑
@baliyae Жыл бұрын
This is one of my favorite episodes. I especially love the song.
@Klokkwork 7 жыл бұрын
Regarding the pairings in the song, seems to me they were just pairing types. Pegasi, Earth Ponies, and then Unicorns* (Well, Twi used to be Rarity's unicorn counterpart. And Starlight was busy, so.. yeah)
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that's perfectly plausible as well. Still, a guy can hope, right? =P
@BlazeWriter 7 жыл бұрын
19:42 " Doesn't that Pegasus colt with the shades, look a lot like Soundspeed?" Oh god! He found the portal! That's why he doesn't make Blind Commentaries anymore, he's in Equestria right now!
@Disneyboy420 6 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite songs in this heart felt episode!!!!!
@Pyr0t3kn1kz 7 жыл бұрын
You should definitely go into the next two ("Triple Threat" and "Campfire Tales") totally blind since the latter (CT) ties into a specific pony-related set of IDW comic books.
@yoshifan3077 6 жыл бұрын
OK I did notice something about toola roola and coconut cream that the show supposed to targeted for kids And those two represent The true audience And I will have to admitted that was clever of them to do that
@yoshifan3077 7 жыл бұрын
So pretty much rarity get so much hated It's like they poke fun of the pinkie pie drama That didn't like her character.
@mlpfanboy1701 6 жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure rairity is well liked, for every one brony that hates her 6 would be defending her. (Myself included)
@yoshifan3077 7 жыл бұрын
Yup it's pretty much the fandom is talking oh boy lol
@GaryTheNeutral 7 жыл бұрын
...Holy shit... Never seen you this angry before. :| I mean yeah the shows and characters have flaws, BUT EVERY show and characters have flaws too. But this is one of those times the show acknowledges the flaws but added in those who take things too seriously. The MLP fandom has some toxic people for sure. I haven't seen this much hate from the fandom since Starlight Glimmer. Even she has her flaws and Season 6 was trying to take a different direction by having the more important episodes of the season focus on her point of view and having her save the day with Thorax, then a lot of people were either loving her and Season 6 or hating her. The show's usually about Twilight but I commend Season 6 for trying to focus on somepony else for a season but I still would've liked the Mane 6 or Twilight help Starlight save the day or see their capture on screen in To Where and Back Again but this finale was from Starlight's point of view I admit and it was funny to see Twilight giggling at Trixie having trouble riding Discord's pig after she teased Twilight about not being chosen for the Sunset Festival after they seemingly made up in No Second Prances. Good to see Twi and Trix getting along more this season. By the way you don't see me giving the crew death threats or harassing them. Just because I disagree with a direction doesn't mean you give death threats or harass the people who make this stuff for people to watch. Even freaking Trixie has her obvious flaws. Sci-Twi, Juniper, Gloriosa, Timber, Sunset, The Shadowbolts, EVERY CHARACTER HAS FLAWS. My apologies if this comment was long for you to read.
@zachbahamutson5477 6 жыл бұрын
I'm more worried about Spike's psychological Health after this episode because seriously the Spike hatedom is toxic.
@GSandSDS 7 жыл бұрын
Hmm, some of the references in this episode can be a little bit missleading, I think. The whole thing with the Apple family for example. It could be interpreted as critisism on being a fan of the apple family characters. But I don't know... maybe the voice actors are stalked by certain kinds of "fans"? It seems I am not deep enough into the fandom an it's excresences to fully understand this.
@syabilaazri7834 7 жыл бұрын
I dont think one should hate or like this episode. This episode just to show that its okey to be a fan of this show but if you cant understood the lesson or mad of something about this show, you should not blame the people who make this show. If Mane 6 are perfect, there will be no lesson at all to learn...
@syabilaazri7834 7 жыл бұрын
Also, I am not suprise this episode wrote by M.A. Larson since he the one who wrote the 100th episode of the show. He must heard a lot of complane about the show from the fandom that he end up write an episode about it...
@yoshifan3077 7 жыл бұрын
To tell you the truth I really like this episode sure there was a lot of jerk offs here in this episode but you know what I felt like this is like the fandom talking like this whole drama and everything
@joshblackwell8632 7 жыл бұрын
I give this episode the rating of Meta/10. P.s i enjoyed this episode.
@supersonicheroes 7 жыл бұрын
This is definitely a reference to bronies but it could also be a shot at fandoms in general. Glad I'm not one of those toxic fan members and just enjoy what I enjoy.
@lukesmith720 3 жыл бұрын
If RarityDash saw this, he would go on a rampage
@northproductions6104 Жыл бұрын
21:25 Not exactly true since Lyra and Lemon Hearts are there. I guess even old friends can make mistakes too 😊
@mlpfanboy1701 6 жыл бұрын
Something I kinda noticed about this episode, if you find this episode insulting you might be part of the problem.
@FarthingFury 7 жыл бұрын
I think you've already said everything that needed to be said on the meta side of the episode. I'll admit I was somewhat shaken up on first viewing because I've fallen victim to making a few criticisms myself (heck, a huge part of the AU I'm writing stemmed from the fact I was originally against Starlight's redemption, imagine if they'd included THOSE fans...) but past all that, it's an interesting, not quite up to the S7 standard but still good episode.
@codyweathers4415 10 ай бұрын
Good episode
@lesnarahamilton5674 7 жыл бұрын
not sure if your voice is to lowd or your always sound pissed off
@angelaraker7672 Жыл бұрын
What's boycotting?
@TPrower Жыл бұрын
It's a form of protest where you're refusing to buy, use, or participate in something.
@POLE7645 7 жыл бұрын
*sigh* Two weeks later and I'm still wondering whose idea was it to put one of the worst episode of Doctor Who in MLP and somehow make it even worse. I understand that fandoms can be infuriating, both for creators and fans, but that episode felt incredibly self-indulgent. I have a feeling that this episodes rewrites were done by executives. Because the MLP writers have shown in the past that they know how to handle and make fun of criticism better than this.
@TPrower 7 жыл бұрын
This wasn't meant to be specifically designed to bash and attack bronies. It was just poking fun at bronies (and fandoms in general) that take their shows way too seriously.
@POLE7645 7 жыл бұрын
TPrower I do get that it was the original intention, but you know what they say about good intentions. I felt that this episode (among other things) went way beyond playful and crossed the line into "bitter and mean spirited" almost (but not quite) to Teen Titans Go levels. On the other hand, it's not as bad as the Doctor Who episode I've mentioned (and certainly not as creepy or ridiculous). And I've calmed down a bit after running into a much worse "Take That" against another group of fans. Still looking forward to your reactions TPrower. Hope that you can deal with that recent blocked video (that pecular episode has caused trouble for a lot of reactors).
@ALPHAOMEGA1500 3 жыл бұрын
Whoa guy. You do on occasion blow your stack. Like you did several times in this commentary. You need to count to 10 very slowly. Or your objection will come off as more a rant. Losing you temper like you did isn't healthy. You had figured out that those background ponies. Where only getting small but important slices of each of the main six's life story. The adventure reader connect with RD, ECT,ECT. They can't see the main six as everyday ponies. Who have adventures that rival Dating Do. RL celebrities deal with this everyday of their lives. T you really need to take a step back and see how involved your getting. You need to create a trigger or a line for future reaction. Something that tells you to step back and count to say 60 slowly and tell the listeners. What is going on. Your heath isn't worth a 30 minute fan reaction.
@SuperSwordman1 5 жыл бұрын
This episode was horrible. I really REALLY hate when a show directly insults any part of it's audience. Now what I'm about to say, for some reason, gets a lot of people pissed at me but...if you are famous for anything, or your show takes off, you in many ways owe it all to your fans. Look, I can take a joke if you want to kind of give us a wink with a tongue in cheek attitude, but this episode came off as a direct insult. Esspecially that whole "It's everypony else focusing on the wrong thing" um, no. You don't get to say what the 'right' or 'wrong' take away from your work is.
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