I'm a big fan of Psy s and hearing their music reminds me of the good old days of hanging with anime friends, going on anime road trips to San Jose and San Francisco and buying anime goods and Jpop music in Japantown. Best of all, it reminds me of being subjected to all the truly great anime of the late 1980s to 1990s. When I hear Psy s, all those warm happy feelings come rushing in again. It almost makes me want to cry, missing those good times.
I have an old car from 2007 with a CD player. I've put together a CD collection of Japanese music acts from the 80s and 90s (GWINKO, Miki Imai, etc). I like to play this song loud in my car. I have the PSY・S Golden☆Best Collection and this is my favorite song on it. It's an energetic and timeless song ❤️