Mogami Class Frigate: Separating the Capabilities from Hype

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Eurasia Naval Insight

Eurasia Naval Insight

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@ycplum7062 Жыл бұрын
One of the key feature of teh class is the high level of automation and small crew size. This is particularly important since Japan has the oldest population in teh world, reducing its manpower power pool, and the JSDF (as a whole) would have difficulty competing for manpower with the civilian sector. The PLAN would do well to emulate this. While not presently having the oldest population, China has the fastest aging population and will be older than Japan in a few decades. This consideration gets very little attention, but is becoming more and more critical as industrialized nations age.
@LeeGee 9 күн бұрын
You can't expect a CCP video to publicise that, though.
@jasonsmith1143 2 жыл бұрын
love the fact that JMSDF used WW2 IJN names for most of these ships
@NarutoUzumaki-jw4kw 2 жыл бұрын
They have the Pagoda design too like the IJN ships
@alfredbester.psycorps 11 ай бұрын
Tradition rules!
@jurgenblick5491 2 жыл бұрын
It is good to see Japan going in the right direction.
@theredbar-cross8515 2 жыл бұрын
The quality of the content on this chance is amazing. I hate half-assed videos that simp about this or that, especially with weeb shit. Thank you for bringing some reality into the conversation.
@EurasiaNaval 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks friend!
@brianfoley4328 2 жыл бұрын
The Mogami class is as the narrator states...a Frigate. Frigates have specific duties as the narrator states and are not usually thought of as Air Defense platforms. The other duty is to act as a "Scout" and to perform "Pickett Duty for the fleet.
@paulsteaven 2 жыл бұрын
Frigate's role depends per navy wherein some European frigates main role is anti-air warfare but on JMSDF's case, their frigates (former DEs) and most of destroyers (except the Akizuki class and Japanese AEGIS ships) were tasked for ASW duties.
@janwitts2688 2 жыл бұрын
@Brian Foley The french navy used several frigates as aaw units with other units of the same class asw and GP. .. thus getting good value and servicability.. quantity is often better than too few hulls
@Timbucktoothed 2 жыл бұрын
You hit nail on the head. Too vulnerable to F35 equipped with Harpoons. However, those pesky North Korean subs has met their shinigami. Japan must protect their Aegis detroyers. North Korea will certainly use wolfpack type attack, have 5 or more subs because in the war, quantities do matter.
@Leptospirosi 2 жыл бұрын
It depends: the Italian PPA, when properly equipped could be considered an equal or superior ship compared to the mogami due to a larger size and better armament, and yet it is considered an high sea patrol ship. On the other side of the spectrum, an Horizon class like the Forbin in France is considered to be a Frigate, despite being a large destroyer. Someone could argue that A FREM frigate is as large and capable as a Perry class destroyer, while a Zumwalt is still considered a destroyer despite its cruiser size and displacement. In the end, nobody knows what a frigate is today, transforming it in a sorto of trashcan category where everything not overly large can end, or not, without rules.
@Timbucktoothed 2 жыл бұрын
@@Leptospirosi You are a lot more knowledgeable than I. Thanks for the input. Learned something for sure.
@JasonSmith-xb5zy 2 жыл бұрын
thats a beautiful ship. I gotta hand it to the Japanese when they make ships they are gorgeous. Just like the World War 2 ships they made.
@RogueArbiter 2 жыл бұрын
This is an incredibly well-researched and put-together video. Thank you for this!
@ゆきかぜ-c3s 2 жыл бұрын
とても詳しくもがみ型の欠点と目的が解説されていました。 分かりやすく素晴らしかったです。
@EurasiaNaval 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks sir!
@halimtalafuka9946 2 жыл бұрын
@peterl3282 Жыл бұрын
I think a suitable VLS load-out would be 8 ASROC and 32 quad-packed ESSM Block II SAMs. The 27 nm range of ESSM fits the X band AESA radar very well. As for the lack of a VSR, you mention CEC when in the company of the Aegis ships. But, in addition, I think that when the Mogamis are steaming independently on an area ASW patrol, they will use stealth and EMCON to disappear. They would use their panoramic EO/IRST as well as ESM to sense the environment. A powerful VSR hurts you in ASW. Submariners say it is easy to spot SPY-1 ships with the ESM receivers in their periscopes.
@LeonAust Ай бұрын
24 x ESSM blk 2, 6 x ASROC and 16 x Patriot Cap 3 (currently being trailed to be quad fitted into the strike length Mk 41 VLS) all up 16 VLS. There is talk about this ship can be upgraded with extra VLS counts and this being mentioned in the bid offered to Australia.
@jikovvv4981 2 жыл бұрын
Your discussion is generally correct, but you are a bit wrong about the most important mission of the Mogami type. Mogami's most important mission is not anti-submarine warfare, but mine clearance. You refer to the mine clearance capability as secondary, but you are wrong. This ship was built for mine warfare only. If it did not have the ability to clear mines, Japan would not need to build this ship. In a war with China over Taiwan, mine clearance is the most important element and at the same time the most dangerous mission for a ship. Why is Japan building these ships in large numbers? The answer is that mine clearance, no matter how advanced and careful the technology is, is a high-wear and tear operation, and it is impossible to fight through the world's toughest mine clearance war without a large number of ships. Why did Japan suddenly need extreme stealthiness of ships in Mogami? This is another reason for mine warfare. It is clear that China will use mines for A2AD in a Taiwan contingency, and mine clearance will be necessary even where China has air superiority. Similarly, mine laying must be done in areas where China has air superiority. Simply put, the USS Gargami must engage in mine warfare outside the air defenses of the Japanese and U.S. fleets. However, larger ships for greater air defense capability are detrimental to mine warfare, and for this reason stealth was required like never before. Certainly, anti-submarine warfare is extremely important, but the large amount of equipment for anti-submarine warfare is true for all ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy, and the anti-submarine warfare equipment of the Mogami is average compared to other ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy. None of the other ships, however, have a high mine clearance capability. (This is true of the main destroyers of any navy.) Among the ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy, mine clearance is something that almost only the Mogami can do. (This is true of the mainstay destroyers of any navy.) The IJN's fleet rarely ventures into mined waters because it is too dangerous for other, more expensive vessels to do so. The previous class of Mogami's vessels were also designed to clear mines. あなたの考察は概ね正しいが、もがみ型の最重要ミッションについて少し間違えている。 もがみの最重要任務は対潜水艦戦ではなく機雷除去です。あなたは機雷除去能力を副次的と言っているが、間違いです。この船は機雷戦のためだけに作られた船です。機雷除去能力がもしないのなら日本はこの船を作る必要がありません。 台湾をめぐる中国との戦争では機雷除去は最も重要な要素であり同時に最も船が危険にさらされる任務です。 なぜ日本がこの船を大量に建造するのか?その答えは機雷除去はどんなに技術を高めて気を付けても船の損耗が激しく、大量に船を準備しないと世界で最も過酷になる機雷除去戦を戦い抜くことは不可能だからです。 なぜ日本が突然もがみで極端に船のステルス性を必要としたのか?これも機雷戦が理由です。 台湾有事で中国はA2ADのために機雷を用いることは明らかであり、機雷除去は中国が航空優勢を取っている場所でも必要になります。また同様に機雷敷設も中国の航空優勢海域で行う必要があります。簡単に言えば日米艦隊の防空網の外でもがみ型は機雷戦を戦わなければならないのです。 しかし防空能力を高めるために船が大型化するのは機雷戦にとって不利であり、このような理由でステルス性がかつてないほど要求されました。 確かに対潜水艦戦は極めて重要ですが、対潜水艦戦用装備が多いことは日本海軍のすべての艦艇に言えることであり、もがみの対戦装備は日本海軍の他の艦艇と比べても平均的です。 しかし他のどの船も機雷除去能力は高くありません。(これはどこの海軍の主力駆逐艦にも言えることですが) 日本海軍の船では機雷除去はほとんど、もがみにしかできないことです。というよりも機雷除去戦は他の高価な船がやるにはあまりにも危険すぎるので機雷がある海域には艦隊は進出しないというのがより正しい言い方です。もがみの前級の艦艇も機雷除去のための船でした。
@johnnymars9782 Жыл бұрын
If Japan wants to join the Taiwan war, the frigate would have been sunk by the Chinese missiles which it has little defense. It is suited for near coast operation and Taiwan is a little far.
@いちばん-m9w 11 ай бұрын
@ytuuuidvb6181 9 ай бұрын
It's just Chinese "people" seething 24X7
@geoffreyrichardson8738 2 жыл бұрын
She’s a frigate not a destroyer
@indralesmana9076 Жыл бұрын
Fregate rasa destroyer
@acheung666 Жыл бұрын
She’s a dildo not a frigate
@asiftalpur3758 2 жыл бұрын
A much needed video thanks
@WWeronko 2 жыл бұрын
It seems the Mogami class is a good coastal defense warship as long as it stays under land based air umbrella or supported by an Aegis destroyer. The 16 cell Mk41 magazine if quad loaded with the RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles along with its RIM-116 SeaRAM missile launcher would give it a fair self defense anti-air missile system. If the Japanese Type 03 Chu medium-range surface-to-air missiles can be quad packed I haven't heard. For midrange submarine attack the Type 07 anti-submarine missiles may be loaded in the Mk41 or the SH-60K and L Seahawk anti-submarine helicopters could be used along with land based air. When looking at an individual warship it should be viewed as part of a integrated fleet during actual combat. The Mogami class in its final configuration will be a capable component vessel in the Japanese naval force.
@iamnobody4574 9 ай бұрын
I think Mogami-class Frigate is perfect for its Purpose, we have to remember that all japan's adversaries China, Russia and North- Korea is very close to japan, Russia is within 300km, North-Korea around 500km and China about 500km( from okinawa) and thus Mogami will most of the time operate near japan will be under land based SAM's protection and thus do not required extensive Anti- air capabilities which is also due given their main role which will be ASW. I think Mogami is perfect to combat North Korea who has large(nearly 100) but obsolete submarines in the sea of japan where Anti- air and Anti- ship operations can be left to Land based SAM's and the air force. Also the mark 41 vls can quad pack ESSMs which it can carry 64 of them for air defense if required but the Air defense role will be left to destroyers and SAM or the newly proposed FFM class frigate with 32 vls. I think Mogami's strength lies in AWS capabilities along with advance autonomous sub systems and they are really easy to build which is important in war time.
@Richard-od7yd 10 ай бұрын
Nice Ship ! As an old Boatswains Mate I can appreciate the clean lines . Ill bet she handles like a Jaguar XF
@shijiejin5764 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is a more practical LCS rather than a true Frigate. ( if LCS ever has Anti-submarine modules and Mine countermeasures module, but hey, it never seems ganna happen)
@shimadwan8251 2 жыл бұрын
A HIMARS cost 400 milion
@logicbomb5511 2 жыл бұрын
More like this is the FF(+G) that the US wanted or needed the LCS to become but couldn't the last few years which is why the USN ended up going with their Euro pocket-Aegis destroy FFGs. I dont see how this Ideal small surface combatant for countering the red army conscript spam of the PLAN's small surface combatants. They are equally lightly armed but considered multi role. With its VLS shooting quad packs of ESSM and super advanced ECM suite, seems pretty multi role to me and with its low radar cross section seems like the perfect match for the PLAN mosquito navy.
@shijiejin5764 2 жыл бұрын
@@logicbomb5511 It is essential to know that Mogami Classes are built for the Mine Warfare Force of Japan, not the Fleet Escort Force. It serves a role more like a corvette in European countries (this is one reason why those mk41 are not installed at the beginning). If you follow its development, in the beginning, it is basically a Japanese LCS (maximum speed is more than 40knot ). I know it is tough to classify a ship type these days, but Frigate is Second rate or third-rate ship for significant navy power (like us and china) or a First rate ship in European countries, Russia, and Australia. Those first-rate frigates are much more well-armed compared to 054a or FFGX, like 127mm gun for land support and very capable anti-air capability, etc.Because they need to fill the role of 052d and Arleigh Burke-class. FFGX, like 054a, is a modern Perry class type of ship, cheap and all-around to serve as a supporting role for the blue water navy. It is easy to see the difference in roles of FFGX compared to Mogami Classes on air radar, more long-range radar( like s-band) compared to x-band on Mogami Classes. Also important to know that, like the Korean navy, JMSDF needs to counter the North Korean threat( it may sound crazy to some people, but it is a real problem), and the Daegu class and Mogami Classes both have large mk45 guns rather than normally cheaper, and all-round OTO Melara for frigates is for that reason.
@shijiejin5764 2 жыл бұрын
@@logicbomb5511 However, I don't think FFGX will end up cheap. It will be over price like other US new weapon systems these days.
@valiant8730 2 жыл бұрын
You're wrong. It's missile frigate with practical LCS capability😉
@LauftFafa 2 жыл бұрын
japan's navy is in full swing . every time i check their shipyards from google earth i notice many ships being built or maintained . same goes to china but not same for the old powers usa russia france uk
@xinyiquan666 Жыл бұрын
japan can not even make 1 out 10 ship china make at the same time
@いちばん-m9w 11 ай бұрын
@いちばん-m9w 11 ай бұрын
@Senbonzakura776 Жыл бұрын
Great video, and the ship class looks beautiful.
@Brian-om2hh Жыл бұрын
Not for a second would I doubt the capabilities and the quality of these ships. Nor would I question the professionalism of their crews. The Japanese Navy often berth at Pearl Harbour ( yes, ironic I know), and the US servicemen based there often comment on the sheer professionalism of Japanese Navy personnel..... Good to see these ships using a Rolls Royce turbine... You really don't want Japan as an enemy....
@definitelyfrank9341 11 ай бұрын
So even if they clearly aren't meant to act as rocket ships to space, you won't doubt for a second that they can do exactly that? You're so delusional.
@scarlet_squadron 10 ай бұрын
6:34 The camouflage pattern of the photo is a fiction posted during April Fool's Day.
@night8285 2 жыл бұрын
The Mogami class has also a AAW variant with 64 VLS and new LRASM. (I'm not really sure if it was new LRASM I saw in the video since it was in Japanese or just the same AShM with early variant just using a VLS.)
@night8285 Жыл бұрын
@@jonathangarner1516 Naval News about the new Mitsubishi's family of frigates
@IsraelMilitaryChannel Жыл бұрын
Really? 64 VLS? I though it only had 16
@night8285 Жыл бұрын
@@IsraelMilitaryChannel read my comment again
@IsraelMilitaryChannel Жыл бұрын
@@night8285 You are spurting out garbage no thanks
@night8285 Жыл бұрын
@@IsraelMilitaryChannel you do you man. I don't know if you have poor reading comprehension or just outright denying facts that you think as a lie. Edit: I already commented the source in the comment section, if you didn't see it.
@kennethferland5579 Жыл бұрын
Seems like a far better version of what the US was trying to do with the Littoral combat ship
@Joshua_N-A Жыл бұрын
Particularly the Freedom-class. It's too bad for such a good looking ship.
@johnnymars9782 Жыл бұрын
Great video and really well researched.
@yangyu9990 2 жыл бұрын
Are you and Weapon Detective telepathically linked?! 😂 Love the video and breakdown btw, your channel is a breath of fresh air in the KZbin sphere of reading spec sheets ❤️
@military0f21stcentury2 2 жыл бұрын
@EurasiaNaval 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks friend!
@robertopiedimonte2078 2 жыл бұрын
I find those ships a perfectly fit for the frigate role, an ASW ship capable of patrolling western Pacific hunting subs, able to selfdefending from missile attack, treatening second line ships and land targets. The whole package at half price of a Destroyer. Per my opinion I'll prefer other 16 VLS for something like LRASM instead of 8 on desk AShM. Destroyers fullfil area defense mission with SM-6 missiles along with escort mission and all around capabilities. They are the one and only battleship nowadays!!! Eastern and western allies can build about hundred frigates to patrol seas but need a great number of Destroyers to escort aircraft carriers, amphibious ships, oilers, container carriers and bulk carriers (3/400.000 tons each about) around the world. Sometime a Frigate can be diverted to escort smaller (20/100.000 tons) commercial ships to secondary sea route, like small countries on Pacific islands. Bye Freedom everyone
@lufasumafalu5069 Жыл бұрын
lol what kind of delusional comment is this , typical garbage from western military whoreshipper
@davidlabiosjr. Жыл бұрын
arigato Japan my favorite imperial army God bless
@MrEjidorie 2 жыл бұрын
Mogami class frigate is expected to play an important role to contain formidable Chinese navy. I believe labor saving Mogami class frigate will solve manpower shortage of Japan Maritime Self Force.
@the80386 2 жыл бұрын
Not a long term soution. japan needs better family policies and to ease the hierarchical excrutiating work culture.
@Wbliss 2 жыл бұрын
It’s China that will contain Japan in its military capability as it wants to expand its navy, so long as Japan doesn’t get too adventurous in the region or acts foolishly in accordance to U.S. orders. China won’t be too nice in its policy towards japan if it misbehaves , as China does have an historical account to settle with that country.
@LauftFafa 2 жыл бұрын
japan doesnt have to fight china . its issue is with the usa and taiwan why should japan stop being pacifist and goes to war for others ?
@MrEjidorie 2 жыл бұрын
@@LauftFafa Pacifism is deeply rooted among Japanese people, and none of them wish to go to war. Yonaguni Island, which is Japan`s southermost island, is only 110 km away from Taiwan, and Japan is much closer to Taiwan than mainland China. In addition, Okinawa and other parts of Japan have US military bases. In case Sino-Taiwanese war broke out, Japan`s airspace could be violated by both Chinese and Taiwanese warplanes, and Japanese fighter jets would have to scramble. If US military bases in Japan were attacked by China, and Japanese civilians were killed as collateral damage, Japan would have no choice but have to go to war against China. It`s really tragic situation for all of us.
@kiro9257 2 жыл бұрын
@@Wblissyou act as if BOTH the Chinese government and the Japanese government won’t antagonize each other for the longest time. Moreover, you think that Japan won’t do shit with China’s South-China Sea gamble when shit hits the fan. Do note, when China closes and entraps shipping lanes in the SCS, Japan will have to intervene as it is suicide to allow China to do so. This goes vise versa.
@s_n_gstein4027 2 жыл бұрын
The video producers do not understand why the Mogami class was built. Advanced air defence capabilities were not required from the design stage. Low-cost frigates with a minimum set of capabilities is what was required, and the military is happy with it. Why is that? Because the Mogami class is meant to replace the ships of the minesweeping fleet and missile boat squadrons. The Mogami class replaces ships that were originally incapable of anti-aircraft combat. Instead, it is just a reinforcement of the entire navy. The entire military will have a wider range of activities, and in terms of combat, it can join the line of fire and participate in anti-submarine, electronic warfare and anti-ship combat. There is nothing bad about it. If the IJN really pursues satisfactory performance, there is no other option but ships equipped with the Aegis system or new destroyers. That is an impossible order, both organisationally and budgetarily. Simply, the current Imperial Japanese Navy is looking for numbers rather than quality of ships.
@dabo5078 2 жыл бұрын
Let's just compare this to all other frigates from major naval countries. Almost all of them have integrated organic medium-range air defense capabilities and VLS systems. For a mine sweeping and ASW ship, it is not very survivable and way too expensive to justify cost vs capability. It also can't do any anti-ship combat considering that it has barely any space for missiles. The Japanese should've built a cheaper corvette to do this job. PS this frigate costs as much as a Type54A frigate, which is exponentially more capable, and only half the cost of the FREMM frigate which too is exponentially more capable (like 1 vs 25 sorts of effectiveness for both).
@s_n_gstein4027 2 жыл бұрын
@@dabo5078 The Mogami class frigates were selected because they have the minimum performance requirements for the Imperial Japanese Navy. There is no need for a lower cost frigate. If we did, you would be a much stronger critic. So that idea is also a clear mistake. Above all, the Imperial Japanese Navy does not envisage surface combat ships fighting each other alone. It needs to work together with aircraft and submarines. The reason why the Navy thinks it is a good idea is because, as I commented, the current wooden minesweepers and high-speed missile boats will be replaced by the Mogami class, which will improve the organisation's war potential. There are no advanced air defence systems or anti-ship missiles in wooden boats. You can understand the significance of replacing them with the Mogami class. In addition, the role of laying mines in the open sea will be added. Therefore, the Mogami class is not a main force, but an auxiliary one. It is only a reliable partner to the main destroyers.
@dabo5078 2 жыл бұрын
@@s_n_gstein4027 FIrst of all why are you calling the JMSDF the IJA (which was destroyed and disbanded in WW2). Also the problem is that this frigate is not at all cheap in both construction and maintenance compared to corvettes or "wooden boats". You don't get more capability but you still pay extra. There is very little to justify the cost for such a minute increase in capibility.
@s_n_gstein4027 2 жыл бұрын
@@dabo5078 The Navy has already explained why it is adopting the Mogami class. We have explained it twice? In the current naval situation, the minesweeping fleet is overstretched and missile boats are completely useless. The existing frigates, the Abukuma class, are obsolete. Replacing those ships with the Mogami class and applying their manpower will improve the overall strength of the fleet. That is what the Navy is about. To say the costs are not balanced is just your lack of understanding about the Navy.
@dabo5078 2 жыл бұрын
@@s_n_gstein4027 Or that this ship is wholly incapable of executing the mission something of this price point is meant to.
@orangecat3021 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Can you make a video on Formidable Class frigate? Known as one of the most well-armed frigates for its class but not much information is available on its weaknesses.
@R005t3r Жыл бұрын
It is gratifying to see the rebirth of the Japanese Bluewater fleet. I am sure people are paying attention and reconsidering their future plans.
@karurata2721 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps in the future, Japan will build a large destroyer based on the Mogami type
@definitelyfrank9341 11 ай бұрын
That'll be one useless destroyer.
@CyberBeep_kenshi Жыл бұрын
Beautiful ship, i want one as a home i think :-)
@gianlucavisca3419 2 жыл бұрын
it is a fact...Japan defence power is back... and this is a key factor against china aggressive policy...
@Strategy_Analysis 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't been following the Mogami-class so am not aware of any hype, but from your video, I would agree with your assessment. They appear to be primarily designed for littoral warfare, given: the RHIBs, mine warfare capability, and torpedoes designed for shallow waters. The stealth hull also helps here. However, they should still be very capable additions to a blue water task force (TF), as: they can provide good air defence for themselves and act as an outer screen or picket for TF air defence (do you know if they are capable of CEC with the AEGIS-destroyers?); can contribute to surface action by way of 8 x SSMs; and ASW warfare through the helicopter and other weapons. Also, at around 5,500t they are large for traditional Frigates (although some modern Frigates are now around 8,000t but that's another story), which should allow them good range and sea keeping. A key point you highlight, that may influence high-end warfighting in a TF, is its limited weapons loadout.
@EurasiaNaval 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that hype is perhaps too strong of a word, but I would probably describe the prevailing narrative as uncritical. Basically there's several videos that just discuss their strengths, and seemingly treat them as multirole warships, or even only listing specs, without talking about their limitations (I'm looking at Dung Tran, just for example). One whether they have CEC with the JMSDF AEGIS destroyers, I cannot find info that it has, and I think the word I used is incorrect, because CEC is too specific. I was actually thinking if they can use targeting information provided by other assets to engage aircrafts with SAMs that have active radar guidance - these should require no target illumination. Thanks for asking about that. I agree their large size provides many advantages, which you listed. I would dare to suggest that it also provides more potential for upgrades, e.g. installing more VLS cells. Steel and hull are generally the cheapest part of any modern warship, so it makes sense to build new ships as large as you can power them, so as to future proof against the ease of modernisation later on.
@Strategy_Analysis 2 жыл бұрын
@@EurasiaNaval I certainly wasn't suggesting they haven't been hyped up. That might well be true. Objective analysis is critical, and unfortunately not always found on KZbin. My point about CEC was (perhaps incorrectly) that the Mogamis might be able to use its sensors to leverage the SAM capabilities of more capable ships, thereby adding to its utility within a TF. Good point you make about its size, which should allow for upgrades. Perhaps more VLS as you suggest as they do seem lightly equipped there. The old saying is, "steel is cheap and air is free".
@Meatwaggon 2 жыл бұрын
OP also forgets that the Mk 41 can quad-pack ESSMs, which means that even with a 16-cell VLS the Mogami class can easily load 32 ESSMs + 8 ASROC-type missiles. This loadout would actually exceed the capabilities of the Type 054A which can only load a total of 32 VL missiles split between HHQ-16 and Yu-8 (or CY-5).
@alfredoitona9209 2 ай бұрын
The world knew how capable the Japanese in terms of building a warships.. that is why the chinese still affraid to the japanese untill now.. from the tactics, experiences, and now they have the advance technologies,! China is much more affraid to japan.! More power to JMSDF..
@davinchheang3143 Жыл бұрын
Great Japan Navy
@Obsidian-Nebula 2 жыл бұрын
You say it has only 16 launch pods and that it's not much. I got a crazy idea. If there's just 19 people to operate it and it has very high levels of automation, what if, They could reload those pods from the inside and it's just not available information to the public?
@yellomonky4272 2 ай бұрын
That’s crazy, could be possible for quadpacked missiles but highly unlikely, the hull is too small as well.
@LeeGee 9 күн бұрын
I always laugh at 'stealth warship' - the one that doesn't leave a wake you can see from space :D
@otaviooliveirajpn 2 жыл бұрын
Please post more Japanese content!
@valiant8730 2 жыл бұрын
10:05 yeah all X-Band radars have limited capabilities, but if you put GaN transmitters on it, you don't have to worry about
@EurasiaNaval 2 жыл бұрын
They ought to just put a C-band AESA radar on board, with GaN semiconductor technology, rather than a sole X-band. A single C-band is a good balance that is not terribly expensive to produce and power, suitable for the limited power generation of a small ship. The traditional outfit of having a dual S and X band combination is not really viable for second-line warships in the era of GaN or even GaA AESA systems, because it is expensive and power hungry, and sizable liquid cooling system will be required. So just have a single C-band - it's a much better compromise.
@normanarmslave5144 Жыл бұрын
probably. it is expected to fight within Japanese waters. indicating that air defense will be covered by the JASDF and their anti-air assets.
@alanOHALAN 2 жыл бұрын
For air-defense you need a destroyer with a bigger tonnage.
@arsyadidris6349 2 жыл бұрын
Japan actly has Aegis-equiped destroyers. But only 8 of them. Their own Billion-dollar destroyers.
@chad_dogedoge Жыл бұрын
Yes they already have it , and the ongoing construction of 2 Aegis SPY-7 20,000 ton cruiser
@alanOHALAN Жыл бұрын
you got a link?@@chad_dogedoge
@ajr1775 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the grand tour! Very interesting design.
@Leptospirosi 2 ай бұрын
Mogami is a very close concept to the French FDI: a way to have good capabilities while being affordable in numbers. The size itself limits what it can do in a fleet, due to lack of manpower and limited spaces, compared to more capable ships with double the tonnage, but also double the cost. If the 350M$ is accurate, you can buy two of these ships compared to a 600M€ Bergamini class, which is not a bad thing, if you plan your fleet to stay inside you exclusive economic zone anyway and you have a lot of islands to protect. Where Mogami starts to suffer is when multimission roles are required, like Disaster relief or heavy duty fleet defense, but this is a matter of a short quilt. Even a Thaon di Revell PPA displaces almost 1500 tons more then a Mogami Frigate and it sports a proper C and X band radar suite. The point, anyway, is that Japan "HAS" more capable ships, and the Mogami is intended to fill the gaps, for which is a very competent little ship. The only thing I'd change is the 127mm gun for a smaller but more flexible 76mm (or two) which would better cope with swarming attacks, but I guess the 127mm was chosen made to underline its patrol duty role. Still, as those 16 VL41 launchers will be added in future, I wouldn't be surprised to see a C radar module growing on the mast, side by side to the original X band antenna. Italy originally had similar concepts, with the PPA light (X band only) but upgrades to the Full suite (C+X) are already financed. After all, if all it takes is a couple of antennas to massively upgrade the AA capability of your ships, why not?
@nasigorengpecelesteh1506 Жыл бұрын
Bagus sekali.. misi yang di emban banyak Multi purpose frigate
@名無しの権兵衛-t5s Жыл бұрын
In addition to patrols and anti-submarine warfare, the Mogami class will be equipped with anti-ship missiles, RAM, SAM-4, and M2 heavy machine guns and will operate as a HUK/SAG advance force and possibly be incorporated into the CSG. The Kongo, Atago, and Maya class Aegis ships are mainly responsible for missile defense, while the Asahi, Akizuki, and Murasame class destroyers are supposed to protect the Aegis ships, but they may be incorporated to reduce the burden on the Asahi, Akizuki, and Murasame types.
@provocateur-in-chief Жыл бұрын
What nonsense, Mogami class frigates are not for fleet defense, they have aegis for that. 16 mk 41 vls can contain upto 64 essm SAMs enough for self defense. Oh and you can do volume search with x band for self protection.
@shimadwan8251 2 жыл бұрын
The Mogami class (最上型) was a ship class of four cruisers built for the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) during the 1930s. They were initially classified as light cruisers under the weight and armament restrictions of the London Naval Treaty.A HIMARS cost 400 milion
@thewildwest1347 2 жыл бұрын
I just played it in WOWS
@SNOW463ktm 2 жыл бұрын
@lydioconception3470 Жыл бұрын
Jmsdf at least needs 12 Mogamit class frigate s to counter China's aggressions
@soji-yeunmochi-con1162 2 жыл бұрын
So mogami is now just a frigate, I just hope it's the same size and as majestic as the first one
@edkrach8891 2 жыл бұрын
In a future Pacific war, the Japanese are going to wish these ships had much more firepower.
@the5gen 2 жыл бұрын
Their patrol frigates and they are built for that purpose with low manning requirements, JSMDF offensive doctrine is around their heavy destroyer force.
@jikovvv4981 2 жыл бұрын
@edkrach8891 2 жыл бұрын
@@the5gen In a future war, even patrol ships will need heavier armament.
@jtssolidworks5488 2 жыл бұрын
Very important Tactical Advantage Against Chinese Subs.
@Retroscoop 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call a crew of 90 "very small". OK, it's not the Scharnhorst or Tirpitz, but well...
@phil20_20 Жыл бұрын
It's not meant to operate alone. I imagine its antiair capability is primarily for self defense. With a 5 inch gun, this could easily be part of an assault fleet. Other vessels would be tasked with air defense, while this can fend for itself, thereby freeing up other air defense assets.
@definitelyfrank9341 Жыл бұрын
You can mount a 5 inch gun on a 1,000 ton vessel, you don't need a frigate.
@yellomonky4272 2 ай бұрын
It’s going to be multipurpose, ASW, anti mine tasks, mine laying tasks, patrol duty, and will also be an escort ship for convoys as it will replace the old destroyer escorts of the JMSDF.
@keroseneY 2 жыл бұрын
@miguelmontenegro3520 Жыл бұрын
Even weird modern ships are beautiful in japan
@boyriyan2217 Жыл бұрын
Kalau bisa kerjasama dgn jepang indonesia hrs trs terjalin biar pun dlu ya masa kelam dgn orang indonesia dgn propesionalisme y org jepang tinggi tetap menghargai org indonesia kemungkinan indonesia sdg krjsm soal alutista k 2 negara selama ini jepang sdh terjalin krjsm dgn indonesia soal tehnology kendaran dan elektronika terimakasih jepang ....
@LeonAust Ай бұрын
They have enough space to be able to be very much upgraded with much heavier weapon and sensor fitout, with only 16 VLS this can be increased ect
@venatorclass9334 Жыл бұрын
This has to be the best designed ship 🚢 on that side of the world
@jiokl7g9t6 2 жыл бұрын
Looks more like a corvette
@Joshua_N-A Жыл бұрын
What the USN LCS should've been.
@mizroba.3238 Жыл бұрын
if you pack 8 vls cells with essm missiles - that's 32 (quad packed) short to medium range anti-cruise missile interceptors. that's pretty good on my book. not that easy to saturate.
@gassyu764 Жыл бұрын
@ameyapotdar461 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like 'Self Defense Force' will soon change its name to 'Imperial Japanese Army'
@ayouthinasia4105 2 жыл бұрын
Imperial Japanese Army of the United States
@shijiejin5764 2 жыл бұрын
If japan keeps making this type of ship, it is still ganna be the anti-submarine division of the US navy.
@derche4005 2 жыл бұрын
@@ayouthinasia4105 Japanese Navy, or National Japanese Navy or Federal Japanese Navy. Not imperial. BTW fuck the PLA, KPA, VC, IJN, and IJA. Слава ROC, ROK, RVN(will return) armed forces!
@djtan3313 2 жыл бұрын
Slowly, surely.
@TFERA21 2 жыл бұрын
@nimaiiikun 10 ай бұрын
Japan already wants an improved Mogami class to rectify its limitations
@starbase218 2 жыл бұрын
Could be similar to the Dutch M-frigate replacement. An initial design for that had almost the exact same dimensions, and I think also a 16 cell Mk41 VLS. Since then the design was changed to be smaller, but that has now turned out to be too small. Given that the roles are similar it sort of makes sense for them to be about the same size(?)
@ノブゾウ 2 жыл бұрын
I guess I'll wait for the missile selection to decide what to do with the air defense
@malcolmcloete8892 Жыл бұрын
its the only person you can listen the whole day relax an easy going 10 stars for you😊
@JasonSmith-xb5zy 2 жыл бұрын
450 million per unit. That is real cheap compared to the billion dollar ships we make.
@arsyadidris6349 2 жыл бұрын
Japan does have billion-dollar destroyers that can do everything. But they only 8 of them. Their own AEGIS destroyers. This “only” their frigate, afterall. Theyre “only” planning on 22 of them coz they already have 36 destroyers. Granted, most of them arent that well equipped in terms of the latest AA suites.
@rudyyu5279 Жыл бұрын
It's good to see many namesakes of second world war IJN ships coming back to life: Soryu, Kaga, Izumo, Mogami, etc. When will we see the second iterations of Shokaku, Zuikaku, Hiryu, Akagi, and the rest? How about the Yamato back as a fleet carrier? - nothing symbolizes Japan better than that name...
@chad_dogedoge Жыл бұрын
Lol , all of the name of the ships have nothing to do with the IJN , it was just "Dragon" , "Rugged" , "Cloud","Extreme" and Taigei (Big Whale). Yamato was always associated with the Imperial Family and since Modern Japan practicing a separation of Church and State and Limited Monarchy the Yamato name will be unlikely to be chosen.
@Unknownmarxistj7 2 жыл бұрын
I have to say though just vision if the japanese where allowed once more to have a full fetched navy and army once more but under new conditions such as territorial protection and emergency deployment capabilities
@rollout1984 Жыл бұрын
Still better than a US LCS.
@StarStream707 Жыл бұрын
Well, I don't think that the Mogami class, or any other JN ship, can be fully evaluated based on a current configuration, but must be viewed in terms of how flexibly they can be up missioned.
@JD-dm1uj 2 жыл бұрын
The MCG is extremely limited IMO, especially when they’re preparing to build 22 of them, it’s a lot to manage, upkeep and staff for a minimal ASW ability. Any submariner knows the chances of this truly tracking them in a time of conflict is minimal at best. The integrated mast has limitations due to it’s size, you can only cram so much into that tight space. The 16 cell Mk-41 VLS is very limiting, should have been 32-48 and using a deeper and more capable VLS. The fact that is hot launch only totally takes away many of the advantages of the stealth and low RCS. The Type-17 SSM-2 anti-ship missiles offset many of the other drawbacks, even though it will only carry eight of them. The crew size is very limiting as well, makes many positions single threaded and provides minimal personnel for collateral and upkeep/repair duties. Though it’s a beautiful ship 😂.
@ex0duzz 2 жыл бұрын
How does it compare vs chinas frigate/Corvette? The newest one that is mainly for ASW also iirc? Curious to hear your thoughts. China's has better anti surface ship capabilities right? And what about anti air?
@JD-dm1uj 2 жыл бұрын
@@ex0duzz I would rate this as a more flexible and capable platform than the Type-054a, though it’s more of a true combat support ship than a dedicated frigate like the 054 series. The MCG is much more sophisticated and has more room to grow in the future, for example, the Type-17 is scheduled to reach a range of 1,500km, which would be a tremendous strike capability. It’s a much more modern design than the 054a, that said, the Admiral Gorshkov class is much better than both of them, IMO.
@ahmadmutawakilaminakil2400 2 жыл бұрын
Although she can just bring 16 MK-41 VLS cells, let's don't forget JMSDF can quadpack 4 ESSM missile into one cell MK 41 in their asahi and akizuki class destroyer, although report said that it will not carry ESSM. but it will carry type 03 medium range missile which i think they will make it quad packed in 1 cell of MK 41. we can assume that Mogami class can carry 32 type 03 medium range in 8 cells (4x8) and also still can carry 8 type 07 ASROC which mean they can carry more missile than 32 cells on type 054a frigate
@miraphycs7377 2 жыл бұрын
using deeper and more capable VLS? Hot launch only? Make it cold launch?? Well Japan gotta create their own indiginious VLS than. U do realize US and Western VLS are smaller than Chinese and Russian ones and only hot launch? Also Gorshkov is closer in size to Arleigh Burke than Frigate for example look at Project 22350M ships
@miraphycs7377 2 жыл бұрын
@@ex0duzz Specifically looking at Type 054A vs Mogami, Type 03 is medium range SAM like the HQ-16/Buk, and Type 17 has more range and can communicate with each other (they can time to strike the ship at the same time) vs YJ-83. Both YJ-83 and Type 17 are subsonic
@arakami8547 6 ай бұрын
There are better ship designs more suited for blue-water, expeditionary operations such as the FDI or Type 31, however I think the Mogami is fine for Japan's situational environment. Japan's AEGIS vessels should be adequate enough in number to provide continuous radar coverage over the Sea of Japan, these Mogami vessels will likely not operate beyond the range of an AEGIS vessel. Those AEGIS vessels will secure the air, while the Mogami's will secure the sea - which is one vulnerability of AEGIS ships. Even when simply restricted to regional missions, I wonder if some better, differing design choices could have been made. Swapping out the OPY-2 radar it dons for say a cheaper NS50 - also perhaps would've been frugal. You could also cut out her torpedo launchers - if BAE systems pulls off their Kingfisher rounds, I do not really see ship-launched anti-submarine torpedoes staying around for much longer. Do both of that, you could get a modular mission bay similar to the Type 26 which would supplant her missile canisters, though in exchange you might also be able to get 16 VLS cells making up for that. Her SH-60 could be supplanted by say an AW101, which is just a better ASW aircraft. The AW101 is already in service with the JMSDF, and I would think her hangar would be large enough to accommodate the larger aircraft. SeaRAM is also a bit of an iffy choice - I think a Phalanx or 40mm gun would've been better, especially considering the vessel has no proper ballistic point defence weapons. I imagine as a result of her using a SeaRAM, she'll be rather vulnerable to drones and other low-cost threats. Doing that would make her a bit more vulnerable to missile saturation attacks, so how about in place of the ESSM/Chu-03 you procure some CAMMs - you could ditch target illuminators that way, and the CAMM otherwise should proffer better short-range interception capabilities.
@dohminkonoha3200 Жыл бұрын
The stormy Sea of Japan easily crush small ships like tin -can. Mogami class is just a little big patrol ship.
@budihartono820 2 жыл бұрын
Poko na ... Oh yess 👍
@logicbomb5511 2 жыл бұрын
This is the FF(+G) that the US wanted or needed the LCS to become but couldn't the last few years which is why the USN ended up going with their Euro pocket-Aegis destroy FFGs. I dont see how this Ideal small surface combatant for countering the red army conscript spam of the PLAN's small surface combatants is over hyped??? They are equally lightly armed but considered multi role. With its VLS shooting quad packs of ESSM and super advanced ECM suite, seems pretty multi role to me and with its low radar cross section seems like the perfect match for the PLAN mosquito navy.
@logicbomb5511 2 жыл бұрын
16x4 with the quad pack launchers for the medium range missiles which are still capable of local area air defense like for a convoy or SAG unlike for a wider spread out carrier battle group but that is still doing air defense. Still multi role if light on the air role but that advances steath and ECM suite more then makes up for that in the full spectrum of combat.
@markjmaxwell9819 2 жыл бұрын
The Japanese navy seems to have the semi stealth ship design down pat...
@patthonsirilim5739 Ай бұрын
Mogami is design to plug us naval asw and minewarefare gap in the first island chain and have enough air defense to defend itself or aid there bigger destroyer brothers and Allies on that role there like a better type 23 to the type 45 destroyers.
@planker 2 жыл бұрын
You might be under estimating Japan's Seamanship capabilities. They are a Patroling Navy that understands Her waters, the strenght and weaknes'. She also has a Mighty friend. China has been kicking down the door of Japan for centruries, yet the little country has held her own. Her Mighty friend is there just to keep the fight fair. Japan's Sailors are First Rate, if they think they need that Badass Battleship they will build one.
@Wbliss 2 жыл бұрын
Oh sure , u r still dreaming of their ww2 heroics & if that country hasn’t learned anything from the 2 blasts , China won’t hesitate to add a few more in that respect as Japan would do well not to challenge China this time around as China will level those islands in no time. It’s up to Japan to act wisely or foolishly.
@attyryanabrenica7852 2 жыл бұрын
@@Wbliss until China ever wins a modern war, I will hold my horses.
@planker 2 жыл бұрын
@@Wbliss The Chineses military is fake, stolen tech. weak and afriad of Americans. and small dick problems
@bobbylow175 Жыл бұрын
Mighty friend? You mean master?
@planker Жыл бұрын
@@bobbylow175 In some way, Yes the US has sat on top of Japan, and rightly so, she tried to battle the US and lost.
@hakhaimo 11 ай бұрын
These ships look like it came from Star Wars, specifically ships made by the Galactic Empire.
@Jason14173 2 жыл бұрын
Better design than Zumwalt which prices of $1.4Billion
@Joshua_N-A Жыл бұрын
USD 1.4 billion is around one Arleigh Burke. Zumwalt costs 4 ABs.
@killerdoritoWA 2 жыл бұрын
Will the JSDMF repurpose weapon systems from retired ships?
@BugattiONE666 Жыл бұрын
Mogami, Mikuma, Takao, Atago, Maya, Choukai? just for suggestions...
@quantoa68 2 жыл бұрын
You sound like a dude from the land of the sicked prc. LOL
@steve-iw2bg 2 жыл бұрын
Don't agree about the air warfare bit. 16 cells quadpacked with essm equals 32 medium range missiles and 8 asroc torpedos which would be perfect for escort duties, and shared targeting data from other warships miles away can provide higher accuracy than just the ships own radar.
@hanniballecter388 2 жыл бұрын
...nice video ! 👍
@EurasiaNaval 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@gerrybonono6672 Жыл бұрын
Philippines need's this type of ships as well for maritime patrol..
@definitelyfrank9341 Жыл бұрын
They're overpriced, over engineered and over-hyped. A more suitable ship for Philippines would be the Russian Steregushchiy-class corvettes.
@gerrybonono6672 Жыл бұрын
@@definitelyfrank9341 if it's impossible to acquire a helicopter from Russia, then what to expect if the Philippines will try to acquire navy ships?
@definitelyfrank9341 Жыл бұрын
@@gerrybonono6672 It's not impossible because of Philippines' newly acquired leverage. Now that US has stationed thousands of troops in multiple bases in the Philippines; if they sanction Philippines for buying Russian military products, Philippines can threaten to remove the American troops from their country.
@definitelyfrank9341 Жыл бұрын
@A Perpetual Guardsman with a flashlight I'd rather have good relations with my enemy than strengthen relations with my ally.
@davidbeattie4294 2 жыл бұрын
Good analysis but highly repetitious. At 5,500 tons the Mogami is a very large vessel for something called a Frigate. Never the less it does seem to be well designed to do a specialized task that the Japanese navy ignored to its peril in WW2. Both China and Russia possess substantial submarine fleets Japan will have to deal with in order to protect its sea lanes to the rest of the world.
@augustomaramonte9619 Жыл бұрын
But can this frigate give their x radar to the new ddg for proximity defense roles in a front line task forces? Combine x end s radar quality Can the x radar of the new frigate directing the aa missile of other warships?
@thomaszhang3101 2 жыл бұрын
Mogami looks kind of cute, like a baby 055. I hope this style sets the future trend of destroyers and frigates.
@derche4005 2 жыл бұрын
JGSDF OH-1 looks awfully similar to the Z-19.
@miraphycs7377 2 жыл бұрын
@@derche4005 OH-1 came out before Z-19 though....
@derche4005 2 жыл бұрын
@@miraphycs7377 LOL, Z-19 still pretty cool looks like an alternate design variation of the PAH-2 Tiger, since the Z-19 is based on the Dolphin.
@richardbarrow4620 Жыл бұрын
At the beginning of WW2 the USA had, through careful calculation and study, inadequately equiped its ships with anti-aircraft guns. Soon the US plastered it's ships with them. Based on Ukraine, plan on defending against and launching swarms of stealth drones in the form of missles, torpedoes, aircraft, and small boats.
@jameskruse537 2 жыл бұрын
Given the history of the IJN cruiser Mogami, I am not sure I would want a whole class of ships carrying this designation.
@josephkrenzer627 2 жыл бұрын
Yah, IJN Mogami was good at killing Japanese ships, but the class really wasn't that bad. Mogami herself actually proved tuff to sink, but maybe letting her survive was the US policy.
@jameskruse537 2 жыл бұрын
@@josephkrenzer627 The Mogami had a counterpart in the USS William D. Porter who had an equally mishap full career. Both ended up sunk but at least the Porter lost none of her crew when sunk off (I believe) Okinawa.
@jojosanchez3584 Жыл бұрын
No problem we have a back up destroyer only patrol EEZ 200 nml
@christianjunghanel6724 2 жыл бұрын
I think asroc are the best anti subweapon a surface ship can fire by itself!!
@arturobayangos1223 Жыл бұрын
I am very sure these frigates were never copied .
@TallyHo606 22 күн бұрын
Weapons will meet customer requests.
@United_Free_East_Asian_Front 2 жыл бұрын
@EurasiaNaval 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks :)
@brahmaardiansyah3187 Жыл бұрын
nne brooooo .,,,, thanx gan .,,,,, .,,,,,
@seventian6117 Жыл бұрын
amutts won't allow it. even air-to-ground capability of jets are limited. Thus Japan can't operate independently, has to be the assist role.
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