Hi my name is Meka and I am from Romania . I currently live and train as a 3rd Brown Belt in Ohana Kenpo Association under Mike Stephens In Grand Junction, Colorado. His instructor is Rich Hale. It is nice to see that I am not the only Romanian who trains in the amazing art of Kenpo.
@AmericanInRomania7111 жыл бұрын
Hello Mr. Tabatabai! I have a question as to how American Kenpo was received during your visit to Romania? Also after your visit are your lessons still being practiced by the group you worked with? As for what I know of the International Kempo Federation , I know you and Mr. Speakman are part of the federation but is there any American Kenpo taught within the federation? From what I understand they mostly train in a more Japanese method using katas such as naihanchi for example not the American Kenpo forms and most practitioners in the federation seem to be train in a more k-1 muay thai method. I'm American living in Romania and also a student of American Kenpo.It would be great if they continued learning what you brought to them.Thank you
@akkfwhkenpo11 жыл бұрын
Hello Bobby, You are correct. People train in what ever style they like. I have students that study American Kenpo Karate and students that study American Kenpo Jiu Jitsu. I had 12 of my guys that do Kenpo Jiu Jitsu in IRAN went to IKF championship 2013 in Antalyya, Turkey and got 18 medals. If you need anything let me know.I have the American Kenpo and American Kenpo Jiu Jitsu on VIRTUAL ACADEMY. Go to www.americankenpojiujitsu.com or akjjf.com . Take care.Mohamad Tabatabai
@bobware286311 жыл бұрын
He Sir,been very long,I hope all is well with you. I will make a point to visit the virtual academy and will contact you later .Take care Bobby
@Kamingo1705 жыл бұрын
Everything the instructor told them not to do they kept doing it.