Monster Hunter vs. the World | Conflicting Design Philosophies

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@SuperRADLemon 2 жыл бұрын
READ BEFORE WATCHING / COMMENTING: This video is old and very early into when I was fleshing out my creative and critical process. There is a much better and more up-to-date video with my thoughts linked below:
@Tsukikorao 3 жыл бұрын
One thing I think World did really well was Palicos. I really love how the cat you start with is your special, singular partner - and I really love the whole "making friends with the wild tribes" thing. I never liked having to hire dozens of palicos in the older games. As far as the maps go, I agree that they are confusing, but I like how interactive they were, as in "if I drag the monster in here, I can use the poison flowers in this room to damage him" sorta thing.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I also enjoyed that
@devilbhrothesavage2807 3 жыл бұрын
Nah I fucking loathe the palicos and all npcs in general. They were begging for your attention. I much prefer the more comical but less annoying npcs in older games.
@Lutyrannus 3 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of having one main companion but I think World oversimplified the buddy mechanics. I almost feel like the first Palico/Cha-cha/Palamute/etc you make should be your "partner palico" and be the most customizable, with the rest being supporting buddies.
@manuelsaavedra8081 3 жыл бұрын
SuperRAD: I want a more restrictive moveset for the next game Ryozo Tsujimoto: Allow me to introduce you to the Wirebug
@Lutyrannus 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like the removal of the slinger makes Rises mobility feel much more like Monster Hunter to me than World did. You have the be very careful and deliberate about when to wirebug. Wirebugs feel much more like Hunter Arts than like the slinger to me.
@juantsu2000 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lutyrannus Bruh, there's a move that literally gets you out of falling to the ground when attacked. If that's not unrestrictive I don't know what is.
@jawnsunn 3 жыл бұрын
@@juantsu2000 That's still a risk to take vs delayed wakeup since you aren't invincible + taking a wirebug in a game where you need them for other mobility/actions(esp weapons that make use of 2)
@juantsu2000 3 жыл бұрын
@@jawnsunn By that logic the Clutchclaw is also risky to use since you can get hurt if you don't know WHEN to use it...
@cyjeroxloadstar587 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lutyrannus i mean, no, rise is in the continuity of World and even push further in the qol and accessibility. I mean when u play rise i feel like i am playing world not generation ultimate.
@NinjapaGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Don't forget the update monsters completelly outclassing older content. Jho's weapons were overall better than all the alternatives, Behemoth's defined the meta, Lunastra added an invincibility mantle, Kulve's weapons were the BiS, etc.
@deadshot1995 4 жыл бұрын
That was true in 4U as well with fatalis and that star knight stuff.
@NinjapaGaming 4 жыл бұрын
@@deadshot1995 Star Knight was outclassed by the mixed sets, and Fatalis was outclassed by the Relics. On that point, Relics started the worst trend I'll ever see in Monster Hunter, that is random weapon drops with random stats.
@deadshot1995 4 жыл бұрын
Kazuya True, relic farming was some tedious bullshit. Even MR Kulve isn’t half as bad in comparison. I guess I’d say that we already have reason to do the endgame grind in IB i.e. augments and such, so it makes sense that the updates would often give you the chance to get better equipment to incentivize playing them. After all, look how everyone complained when Alatreon’s stuff wasn’t really meta-changing. This is all free stuff so I don’t see why it’s a problem.
@jordanwilliam3207 3 жыл бұрын
@@deadshot1995 Well, I don't despise the powercreep, I despise the powercreep that kicked too fast than it should. They could have avoided said powercreep by expanding the Guiding Lands until the end of the game's Title Updates instead of introducing a piece of shit that is Siege in the early stage of the game's life cycle.
@fishnutz5196 3 жыл бұрын
Adding new elements to the meta is always great but when Fatalis dropped it made all sets irrelevant unless you ran Safi for elements. To me yes it makes sense cause Fatalis is the final boss but its so stupid and meta breaking to just have 1 set that beats them all
@speedygus2564 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree with pretty much every single point in this video, but I don’t find any of them really worth arguing over because they end up being more of a matter of personal opinion than objective fact. That said, I do want to address the new ability to move while using items. In fact, the developers actually commented on why this feature was added and how it relates to the new open world design. Because all sectors in a map are now connected seamlessly (without a loading screen), multiple monsters now roam throughout the map at once. For this reason, being rendered completely still and vulnerable while using a potion, ration, or any other item is much more punishing for all the wrong reasons. You could find the perfect time to heal, the monster is on the ground or in a trap and you starting using a mega potion, and right as you finish the animation, another monster swoops in out of nowhere and kills you. This isn’t because you weren’t careful, it was because you are unable to predict the behavior of a completely random third party. Therefore, being granted the ability to slowly move around while healing over time fits this unpredictable nature. World made a lot of design changes, quality of life improvements, and general jumps in the series, but I can’t agree with the statement that that makes it a bad Monster Hunter game. It’s not bad or too different, it’s just progressing the series.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
I understand why they did what they did with potions, but I don't think it was the right call in any capacity.
@Syenthros 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not going to pretend to be a long-term Monster Hunter fan. I only got into the series with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, then played through Generations. Going from 4U/Generations to World, I have to say I really prefer World. Many of the improvements have overall made for a more enjoyable experience, and while it's not quite as unforgiving as previous entries when it comes to the mundane things (Forgetting to stock up on Cool Drinks or forgetting to eat, ect.), I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I play these games to hunt monsters, not to play Inventory Manager 3,000 or Teostra's Kitchen. The mobility feels good. Being able to move while healing might make the game "easier", but only in so much that the game doesn't stun you for a few seconds to implement a heal. Being hurt because you can't move just feels icky, y'know? That being said, not everything World did was a hit. I agree with you, the decoration grind is a massive, horrible timesink, as is leveling the Guiding Lands. The maps are far too... Sprawling. Even after 400 hours, I *still* get lost in the Ancient Forest, but I'm not sure if that's because the map is too damn big and dense, or because I'm too used to following scoutflies. I like Rise's maps, which feels like a good medium between World and Generation's maps. Overall, while I agree with some parts of your video, I think overall Monster Hunter World is a *good* Monster Hunter game. It stumbles a bit here and there, but so does every game in the series in some ways. From what I understand, people *really* hate swimming. Some people thought Hunter Arts made the game too hack and slash. No one had any complaints about 4U though, as it was perfect don't @ me.
@TheGuru6447 4 жыл бұрын
While I consider this differently then you do I see where you're coming from and am really glad you put so much time and detail into this. It helps understanding the series better and what fans like and dislike. I havent played a mh since mh2. I now play gu and w a lot. So since I'm technically a newbie to the series once more, I have more of a soft spot for the newer games. I love gu and w a lot but I still understand where the differences from the fanbase come from compared to what drew me in.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for looking at it with an open mind!
@TheGuru6447 4 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon This gave me a lot more appreciate for the older games. I may revisit some of them. While I still adore w and gu I definitely want to share some experiences that you've been discussing.
@pikminjake 3 жыл бұрын
“Monster Hunter” games ended at 2 Dos. Every game since then has been essentially “Monster Hunter Portable” games. Every game has been just Freedom 2.... again.
@justsomedragonslayer 4 жыл бұрын
I respectfully disagree. Been playing since MHF2/MHFU on the psp and World was the right and needed direction for the MH franchise. I couldn’t afford getting a Wii U or 3ds so I wasn’t able to play for a very long time. The only real problem I have is some of the weapon designs and even then most weapons look awesome. As much as I love and miss the old style., I’m more than happy with the current one
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Totally understandable. Thanks for watching and listening to my opinion regardless.
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
World turned MH into something that isn't true MH. You might like World, but it isn't a true MH game in the same sense anymore.
@justsomedragonslayer 4 жыл бұрын
Adeel Ahmed How can you say that though? The core of Monster Hunter is hunting a monster, crafting equipment, rinse and repeat. This game very much has it. It’s simpler with all the QoL but it’s still Monster Hunter
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
@@justsomedragonslayer First of all, not everything in World was a QOL update. Being able to move while healing for example isn't a QOL change, it's a fundamental design change, same goes for restocking. These things completely neutered the attrition/resource management feature of past MH games, as well as dumbed down the overall combat by making it where hunters are supposed to constantly attack the monster with no breathing room. Monster Hunter's core combat has changed drastically. Even though GU for example has hunter arts and styles, the core combat remained the same as 4U, being methodical and based on timing and positioning. In World, this stuff has been made more forgiving. Being able to heal while on the move completely negates any sense of timing, positioning, or risk/reward factors. Being able to move while healing means you don't have to observe the monster's moves anymore to figure out when the best time to heal is, you just pop a heal whenever you want. Being able to restock infinitely means you can essentially make infinite mistakes and take as much hits as you want, because you can always resupply heals if you run out. Past MH games focused on you minimizing how much you get hit. So much has changed in World simply because of these fundamental design changes that completely diminished most of the soul of Monster Hunter's combat design and flow.
@justsomedragonslayer 4 жыл бұрын
Adeel Ahmed A lot of stuff was QoL. You can still get you’re ass whooped regardless even if you stock up. Monsters can hit insanely hard especially in HR and MR. The camp actually has a purpose now instead of just being used as a resting point only. I don’t mind the flex heal being taken out, it honestly doesn’t really change much. Why do you think so many people couldn’t get into MH? With this Monster Hunter has finally gotten the recognition it deserves after so long. Be honest here all of us veterans are calling it easy and dumbed down because we’re so used to the bullshit from previous games. This game may be “easier” than the past games but it can still be pretty challenging and unforgiving if you don’t know what you’re doing. The fact that people struggled to defeat Alatreon for a few weeks show that
@mindashy8030 3 жыл бұрын
So the real question is, how does Superrad feel about Rise in comparison to World? Are we gonna get a video on that subject after release?
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'll be reviewing it after at least 50+ hours probably
@TheDeliciousMystery 3 жыл бұрын
In retrospect i think Rise has a bit more of a balance. The maps are open, but they aren't super cluttered layer cakes of winding paths. Theres lots of super skills and movement, but you have a 2-3 wirebug limit that keeps them on a cooldown so at 7* there are times when you need to choose when and where to use them with a escape and super move sharing said same resource. I liked World a lot but visually down to the menus it felt more live service than monhun where the weird blend of silk road, ainu and aztec aesthetics were the appeal back when i started on the PSP and i feel like i get more of that from Rise. But honestly it could be less devs listening to complaints and simply the two teams different styles and ideas.
@FufuhBR 4 жыл бұрын
I'd really like to understand the complain about unlimited stocking. If you remove it, wouldn't players just go around collecting herbs, honey and etc. if they run out? Not to mention fill their inventory with those craftable materials + more healing items to circumvent the item-specific caps and craft them mid-hunt? How would abandoning the hunt for 10+ min to collect plants a better alternative than simply restocking at the camp and go back to hunt the monster? Like I can kinda understand why some people dislike being able to move while healing, even though the risk is highly overblown when you could change zones, heal in complete safety and then come back, but re-stocking just seems like a perfectly reasonable decision.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
I actually feel like you're on the right track for understanding it. The point is to add preparation beforehand. If you run out of all of you items to the point of needing to go gather and craft for more, two things might have happened. Either you 1. didn't prepare properly or 2. Took too much damage. There's ways to remedy these. bring the right items, practice and get better, and upgrade your equipment, like upgrading your current armor set for more defense. I've never had an issue with actually running out of items mid-fight except when I was terribly new to the series.
@FufuhBR 4 жыл бұрын
​@@SuperRADLemon "The point is to add preparation beforehand." But this already happens. You'd just include more healing items and craftable materials in the item loadout. You would just be punishing forgetfulness. "There's ways to remedy these. bring the right items, practice and get better, and upgrade your equipment, like upgrading your current armor set for more defense" Right, but nothing changes if they remove the option to resupply materials at the camp, you would just go around the map gathering said materials instead of restocking at the camp. My question was, why is one preferable to the other? Why punish players that might had innocently forgot to restock before going on a hunt? Why force them to waste 10 minutes to go after plants in the middle of a hunt? Specially if they are already doing that bad to require it in the first place? And that's excluding the myriad of changes you'd need for most players to be affect by it, I hardly ever need more than 10 mega potions for instance - you can easily carry and craft 40+ mega-potion equivalent items without restocking. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think the game (the series as a whole) doesn't reward enough preparation; blights and ailments are easily ignored/cured so why bother with blight/ailment resistance skills? Elemental resistance is barely worth, monsters never capitalizes on tremors, roars or wind pressure and etc., but I think removing the restock option does nothing but make the game more boring rather than reward players for preparation (if pressing triangle on the item box before a hunt even counts as "preparation").
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
@@FufuhBR The issue isn't punishing forgetfulness. I don't have a problem with Capcom allowing people to stock up on potions when they start the quest because they forgot to before the quest started. The problem occurs when you allow this restocking mechanic mid-hunt, infinitely. In past games, if you ran out, you ran out. The point was to kill the monster before you run out of supplies. Taking hits from monsters depletes your precious limited resources. Resource management was a thing. The more better you got at fighting a monster, the less management was required because your overall skill increased. In World, this is completely non-existent. There's no fear of running out of resources anymore, this means that individual monster hits do not carry much weight. The only thing that matters in World is that you don't get combo'd or one shot. You never have to worry about running out of items. I found World pretty boring for many hunts because the game just didn't present any true fear or difficulty. If I have virtually infinite potions, then as long as I make sure I don't get combo'd, I can tank as much damage as I want. Just turn my brain off and not worry about how many times I'm getting hit.
@stormerjc9493 4 жыл бұрын
For me 90% of what world and iceborne has done is amazing but there is a list of things I wish they changed and I hope happens moving forward 1. Either remove or overhaul the clutch claw such as wounding monsters in 1 attack for all weapons more restocking during quests 3.make charms in rng drops with decorations being crafted so we can actually make good builds without needless rng grinding 4. Drop the dps checks (looking at you alatreon) 5. Make giant monster fights actually good 6. No more bits on sticks I want constantly in the weapon design and I want old school weapon design 7. more monster variety 8. Better story telling 9. New weapon types
@footlessmoonbadger7189 4 жыл бұрын
New weapon types aren't gonna happen for a while lol. Number 2 is really up to the player. If someone chooses to pick up more items during a quest it shouldn't bother or affect you. If you choose to do it, it's on you. You can always choose not to use that feature lol
@jordanwilliam3207 3 жыл бұрын
@@footlessmoonbadger7189 Then again, I personally would prefer them not to bother making new weapon classes if they're still struggling to balance the available ones.
@footlessmoonbadger7189 3 жыл бұрын
@@jordanwilliam3207 If you're a master player then any weapon can be amazing/balanced. I'm not really good with half the weapons so they do seem unbalanced (like the bow, bow gun, sword and shield).
@jordanwilliam3207 3 жыл бұрын
@@footlessmoonbadger7189 Gunner weapons always had a shit balance to begin with. Gunners playstyles revolve around cheesing the monsters to death, and that's the only way to play gunners because otherwise, your hunts take forever. That's the reason why I don't want another gunner weapons, because in the end, it's all about cheesing the monsters.
@jordanwilliam3207 3 жыл бұрын
@@footlessmoonbadger7189 Also, I would say I'm quite of a master with Switch Axe and Insect Glaive for me personally, those two weapons need a redesign because the issues are too much for the developers to fix at their current state.
@grankwastaken 4 жыл бұрын
Look mom, Im on tv!!! Real talk now, which is to say opinionated talk from someone who still hasnt played world. Ive watched the video, ive read the comments, im all buffed up now hehe While I obviously cant add much to the discussion, you bet im not gonna sit here silently while everyone else gives their opinions about MH. That said, the only thing I can add from my experience is regarding the locking of content behind the hunters rank. While for example, in 4u you had some quests that required you to be of a certain rank, hiding cool stuff like raging brachydios iirc, the way I experienced it, the whole thing felt very natural, and most of the times I would unlock that content just by normally progressing through the game. I cant say the same thing about 3u for example, which to this day, my copy still has 3 locked quests that I cant bother to grind for, just because of the rank check. Ive got a full endgame set, Ive got my slime weapons ready, why cant I just experience the game throwing everything at me in the arena? Just because Im still at HR 70 something... Disclaimer though, never played 3u online. All of that to say that world is not the first to have this problem, although from the looks of it, it might be a bit more complex and actually impact several aspects of the game. Now to the juicy stuff that I gathered from the comments. First I would like to point out that the comparison to Pokemon is very appropriate, and Im always happy to see someone else thinking the same. While both are "iterative" series, I always thought monster hunter took more risks and made each generation a unique experience, which I feel is always more interesting than pokemon's approach for the best part of its run. That said, its always a bummer when things change up the core gameplay you enjoyed and would probably buy time after time. My personal way to deal with it, is to remove myself from my fan boy point of view, and try to view things like I would for any other series hahahaha The thing is, I also understand that the changes made in world shook up things a bit too much, so a divide like, classic resident evil vs post 4 resident evil might happen, instead of just being a thing comparable to underwater combat in 3. That said, pulling again from my resi example, the series later pumped out stuff like resi 7 and 2 remake, which tried other things. What im trying to say is that there is still a whole lot to come, and while world might be the new standard for years to come, that doesnt mean the experimentation process doesnt continue and something interesting comes out of it. From what I gathered, even ppl who are perfectly fine with world feel like some things should be adjusted, or even straight up removed, so the story doesn't end here, theres always room for improvement! Not gonna lie though, from several descriptions, old school mh looks way more interesting to me than world's style. But thats just me, a sad fuck whos always up for stupid control schemes and obscure titles no one cares about and general obtuseness if it is in favor of providing a different kind of experience. Even ppl who liked the old style just prefer the new approach more, but ultimately they are two different things with different objectives in mind. While I approve and understand your focus on stressing out that we are talking about world as a mh game, and not a game in general, its kinda like comparing classic castlevania with metroidvania castlevania. Imagine sotn just came out, and ppl who preferred the old style said that it didnt fit with the values of the series, but as the years went by, that just became the new standard, resulting in ppl not judging the new style according to the old style, but just according to the new style as it is. Castlevania WAS the old style, but now it encompasses both styles... And yes, I also prefer classic castlevania hehe Anyway, im just rambling. Its late, im getting hungry, and writing long unnecessary comments on mobile sucks major ass. Gdnight
@furryfox12 2 жыл бұрын
This game is THE BEST starting point for new players, even now with rise. At least from my experience. The combat is still very deliberate. And I really cannot understand your point with carving - the less time spent on it, the better the overall experience
@SuperRADLemon 2 жыл бұрын
@--9471 Жыл бұрын
Interesting video! I just played Monster Hunter World and loved it. It is the only Monster Hunter game so far I've enjoyed and I couldn't think about any other reason than its graphics and animations that got me really into it. I loved getting lost in the environments even if it can be seen as a design flaw for a seamless hunt. I really didn't care for Generations or 4 Ultimate. I beat 4 Ultimate thinking maybe I played a dud in the series because it was a fine time-killer but I felt nothing for it otherwise. After I played Generations I just realized the series isn't for me. I definitely think its because I have friends to play with this time around. Nobody in high school was boutta buy those games. I'm super interested in re-visiting older games once I get some friends on board with me! I know its an old video but I hope you see the comment!
@SuperRADLemon Жыл бұрын
I see the comment :) If you want a more updated opinion I have a retrospective on worldborne
@Turquoisekitten9 4 жыл бұрын
Wow great video, you are the first person i saw pointing out the flaws that has a faster paced gameplay to the monster hunter formula.
@caravaneerkhed 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve talked to a few people who got into world as the first… and none of them beat it, nor did they have any interest in a future title, obviously not how everyone experienced the series but it’s just interesting how it was such a phenomenon but yet I bet most newcomers probably won’t come back. Guess we will see with mh6
@johan9428 3 жыл бұрын
1) MP-forced fights with meta RNG rewards behind their completion. Every past games could be done solo, even the very endgame. Here we had AT Kulve Taroth, Behemoth, Ancient Leshen and Safi'jiiva, 4-players scaled all time with solo-punishing gimmicks. They gave the best weapons and the best armor of HR/MR (Safi) and solo players were excluded from having them not because they are not skilled enough, but because they don't have the capacity to play MP (paid PS+ and Xbox live). One of the reasons I like Fatalis is that he rendered Safi'jiiva equipment obsolete. 2) Lack of pause button, lazy weapon design, decorations being RNG, bloated values. 3) Tenderizing mechanic. I would keep wallbang and even the clutch claw attack, but I wish tenderizing mechanic could disappear and the hitzone values being rebalanced. That being said, I love the way the maps are designed as they feel more real than the old loaded areas (I would love to see MHW remake of old maps). I like the optimized Guiding Lands as an endgame, better than the Guild Quests of MH4U or the Deviants Quests in MHG. The NPC, the villages, the story (having a story gives more meaning to your fights with the monsters, like Fatalis in MHFU vs MHWI). And mostly, the endgame fights of MHWI: MR Kulve Taroth, Alatreon, Fatalis and AT Velkhana. They are the hardest fights I ever did (I started with MHFU). I went through a lot of fails and frustration, but when the victory screen appeared the first time, I felt like I climbed a mountain as I never did before in MH. So at the end, MHWI is a great MH to me, second only to MH4U.
@si421 3 жыл бұрын
I think a prime example of the issues I have with World/Iceborne is the Antidotes. I HATE antidotes in World. You have to finish the entire drinking animation before you're cured. And that takes ages. All the while, you're still taking damage from the poison, and running around trying to not get hit by a stray tail swipe or fireball or whatever. In previous generation of MH, you sheathe (if you're not an SnS main), press the item button, drink the antidote in one go, flex, and carry on. But, if you get hit while flexing, it's fine! You've already removed the poison! It's no longer draining your HP or putting you at more risk. I hate the way it's implemented in World/Iceborne. Over all, I do agree with this video. I came in to the series at Tri, and enjoyed the planning and forethought required for each hunt. No two fights were the same, and if you ran out of potions... Good luck. I don't like how all that pre-planning and decision making was just thrown out of the window for World. Rise seems like it's trying to strike a bit of a balance, so I'm very keen to see what becomes of it.
@kibido7373 3 жыл бұрын
Use a Herbal Medicine.
@beedrillbot121 4 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with you on most of the changes made in world were for the negative. Like for instance the ability to eat, restock, and change your equipment while out on a quest completely guts the need to think ahead for monsters. (Even if the only food skills I go for give either more carts, or elemental resistance.) Or the fact that long sword has two counters one of which was just a hunter art turned into a normal move for you to spam. However, thanks to world I've started testing out gunner weapons due to not requiring me to make an entire armor set again only now with less defense. (Though I do wish there was an option to swap the looks between gunner and blademaster armor.). Also I'm legitimately surprised you didn't mention the clutch claw more.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
haha, I didn't want to focus on one thing too much because these videos come out every week. This was just a short opinion piece I wanted to get out because I've been thinking about it a LOT lately.
@DaVideoGameBeastr 4 жыл бұрын
The amount of dislikes on here shows how unwilling some of the world fans are to actually listen to potential criticism of the game regardless if it's valid or not
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
True. Just shows the level of fanboyism honestly.
@Ergeniz 4 жыл бұрын
@Nulak 3 жыл бұрын
Agree with everything u said. Now I'm curious how do you feel about rise who also have lotta issues...
@AidenR19 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! And I agree with everything you said tbh, I would like to see a list of things that are good and bad and which ones should be added to the next game. Most of the people watching this are new world players so this video will get hate but don't worry, it's all good.
@jackkrell7313 3 жыл бұрын
I started with world, but I soon switched to the old style games like GU, and 4U and it was a lot more fun than world to me
@deerby1500 3 жыл бұрын
This video put into words a lot of my frustrations about world that took several months for me to digest and understand. Looking at the comment section, a lot of people, while thankfully seeming calm and concise in their argument, don't agree with you. But your argument has a lot of ground and I found myself agreeing with a lot of it and reciprocating a lot of my frustrations. I guess their conclusions are based off of what they personally enjoy from the series, but your argument focuses mostly on aspects of traditional game design within the series, which gives it more weight. What do you think about rises approach? Assuming you've played the demo. I find it really fun and it addresses a lot of my qualms about world, but there's still a lot of questionable design choices that I felt like they just lifted from world "just because". It leaves me feeling hopeful that the series will return to a more traditional direction, but it has me a little apprehensive as well.
@robotmaster2943 3 жыл бұрын
Still sucks to see so much of worlds "QoL" stuff like the item box.
@Zephyr-lp2mi 2 жыл бұрын
MH is a franchise that has changed so little for so long that when World came around and changed soo many mechanics, it felt very sudden. I hope going forward after sunbreak launches Capcom tries to take what worked with both old/new monster hunter and combine them for gen 6. I would love for a more risk/reward MH with a long but rewarding grind but with the fluidity and ecosystem akin to world while also designing the maps/monsters to be fun, fair, and a good challenge (challenge in regards to the fights)
@DrStoCazzo 4 жыл бұрын
thanks for voicing word per word every gripe i have with this game.... I am thoroughly convinced that in order to not scare off new players, all they had to do was a tutorial system that was a bit more clear on what the important items are, a more intuitive skill system and less frustrating droprates, (all of which they did, except for decos). I think that having a bit slower hunter that had to heal in place, while having monsters that you could headsnipe and predict if you learned them would not have prevented people from liking it, that's not what scared people in my opinion... I really hope that Rise will balance things out and make monsters less "random"/ jumpy and more pattern oriented.
@Ad-im1ne 2 жыл бұрын
To touch on the subject of charm... While that's something I agree on, and really truly do miss, I'm positive that tonal shift coincided with the shift in art style. It made more sense in the older games to hear a cartoony "gulp" sound when you ate. Or see those anime cross popping veins over your palicos head, or stars above a knocked out monster. But they would just look out of place with World's art style, so it was just an unfortunate but most likely necessary side effect to being brought to more powerful hardware. And as for combat, while I can agree it felt more methodical and deliberate (for many reasons), I'm not so sure I miss it sometimes when I consider how predictable and repetitive fights could feel as a result. Fights may feel more "hack and slash" now, but that's only if you choose to use the new mobility to ignore weak zones, use whatever move you want instead of the ones you should use, and neglect baiting out certain monster attacks for bigger punishes. In most scenarios World can feel far more dynamic and unpredictable than previous entries, which is something that greatly attributes to replayability. That, and it allowed for weapon reworks to provide some truly rich gameplay. Prime example would be 4U's CB versus Iceborne's, the former of which mostly revolved around two combos and a guard point which 99% of the time led to one outcome. While each hit may have felt more important in the older games, the lack of variety really dragged it down, and is not what I think MH should try to retain.
@aragoonn 3 жыл бұрын
So, I got into the series with Tri and then played 4. Then didn't touch the series again, despite loving what I played, until World. I honestly found the shift compelling. So I guess I would be considered a new-player? I appreciate what you're saying about planning and preparation but still felt it in World only in a different way. It felt more intrinsic and inherent. Like preparation was more natural, and I liked the camps as a safety net, because sometimes I did indeed forget to eat and didn't want to just cancel the quest immediately. I disagree with your conclusion that the levels were convoluted and confusing. I found them complex but engaging and where most of the 'learning' came into the experience. You had to learn the world in a way that no other game in the franchise did. For a series all about how we interact with the environment, I found that the actual gameplay experience of said interaction lacking until World. World came the closest to making me feel part of the MH world as an explorer and a hunter. Not just with tracking, but simply learning the ins-and-outs of the levels, the hidden aspects. It was the only game in the franchise where the levels felt like their own character's within the story. Each biome was so brimming with character and unique moments. I adore seeing monsters interact with one another, I loved seeing different creatures move around, hunt, and interact. The levels felt alive, rather than just 'video game setting for boss-fight' that the previous levels felt. Though I understand some old school fans see this as a down-side as it detracts from the focus on the monsters. I also am not sure I agree with your conclusion that World prioritizes reaction-based combat over strategic combat. I've played through the game twice now, putting nearly 200 hours into each playthrough and the first time that I played it I played more as a reaction-based hunter and honestly suffered from it. My second playthrough was a more experienced one, knowing telegraphs, monster weaknesses, exploits, and how to use the environment to my advantage. The second was far easier and a smoother experience, even though I soloed it the entire way. I wont say 'you played it wrong' because I don't think you did. I think that the devs made it possible for people who would want to play the game more casually to be able to do so. Want to jump in for half an hour, hunt a monster and have a fun experience without the hardcore dedication? Then you can in World. But you could also cut that 30 minutes to 10 if you did put in that dedication, exploit the weaknesses, punish telegraphs and use the environment. And perhaps this facilitating multiple play-styles makes our brain subconsciously choose the 'easier' choice for its comfort. I don't know if that makes sense, reactions are inherently easier than preparation and maybe our brains default to it. I agree with you on the grind though, especially end-game. It felt designed to be a live-service-lite experience with some mechanics designed to play on FOMO. Maybe Rise will be more of the MH classic vibe old school fans are craving. I hope it can facilitate the growing MH community both old and new. It's seems to be going back to the solo/group split, and the wirebug provides the freedom of mobility I adore in World, while limiting combat use more than the clutch-claw in World and IB. I'm glad that World breathed new life into the franchise, made it a smash hit and caused Capcom to invest in the franchise more. And I'm excited to see the new experiences it has to offer in future titles. I could write an essay on what I found interesting in World, But I'll spare you. I hope that I was clear in my points and I don't want to come off like I'm nitpicking or completely discounting your criticisms. They're valid and I get them, I just had a different experience and wanted to share it.
@aragoonn 3 жыл бұрын
This is me also just saying 'the accessibility gamble worked on me'. sorry
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
No need to apologize for disagreeing with me
@darkridearts 3 жыл бұрын
I haven’t played world as I don’t have a pc or ps4 or Xbox... but outside of the graphics and seamless maps I wasn’t really interested. It didn’t push me to go out and get something to play it on. One thing is because of this game, more people than ever now play Monster Hunter and more people have gone back and checked out earlier titles. So I see it as a win.
@nazrulazli5392 4 жыл бұрын
I think the map is creative. They have done good job digitizing how the REAL jungle or rain forest looks. I'm sick of game devs make boring jungle map like flat ground ( maybe a little bit of not very steep hills here and there ) and repetitive trees. The map is immersive if you take back the map design from previous game , the game will be almost Dauntless. There aren't many , almost none games where the sloop ground can be used as advantages or disadvantages for combat mechanic. I refuse CAPCOM simplify the MHWorld map back to previous game. I'm even fine if they bring back under-water combat because I know CAPCOM MonHun division will add new things to solve the annoying problems in it. Rather than limit and simplify or take out some aspect from the combat completely ( WHICH THEY BETTER NOT ), give players more options. Does the combat able to keep newbies be brain dead but still making them keep playing the game ? Does the combat make veteran wants to try something new ? Does the combat give option to veteran hunters to just ignore new mechanics and keep playing the old school style ? Just make them into option. Because simply taking away new great game design aspect will upset your old and new fans which are WAY MORE than before ( like the best selling game even beat the whole Street Fighter titles combine ) This " 5th Generation " game sold the most in the company so why they want to downgrade the game just for making some old fans happy but making the new players stay away from the game. CAPCOM MonHun division want to make games that are accessible to everyone as possible not only for some small group of people.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think we can remove maps as they are currently at this point so I think what needs to happen are new design changes that help bring out the charm from previous games while keeping the new content. Change how scoutflies work, make maps easy to navigate but still dense, etc
@manutdfan231 4 жыл бұрын
Oh shit didnt even realize you change the title. I actually like this one better... sounds cooler lol
@saunaowl 3 жыл бұрын
Coming from gen 2, playing up to mhgu even importing double cross to play, I couldn’t get into world no matter how hard I tried. Then with the release of mhrise, although they made the game much easier with all of the quality of life changes, I’m really enjoying it.
@diabetus1217 2 жыл бұрын
In all fairness I entered with World and then shifted to Gen U Ultimate. The two things that get brought up the most are item usage and the week old flies. In several of your videos you yourself regularly bring up the old strat of just changing zones to heal. That, to me, flies directly in the face of the "deliberateness" you feel is missing, changing zones to heal isn't about finding a window to heal its just getting away. Paint balls also felt arbitrary as losing track of the monster because the timer ran out while it was running away always brought the "fight monster hunter was always about" to a screeching halt. Also the map bring so big is part of that learning and preparation, spend time in the map and learn how to navigate. Lastly the online. As someone who loved Gen U and great G Rank the quests being scaled for 4 people was insisting. Nothing like joining a round robin lobby, doing 3 quests you didn't care about just to have it empty out at your turn. World made me feel more camaraderie and appreciated than Gen U ever did. Nothing like joining a discord just for finding people to help hunt and still being left with dust
@SuperRADLemon 2 жыл бұрын
I have a more updated video on this subject called MH World & Iceborne Retrospective
@trkk8409 4 жыл бұрын
@6:52 what layered long sword are you using?
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
It's a PC Mod:
@TheAngryDango 3 жыл бұрын
The main difference i have is that you feel completely and totally sluggish. Its hard to describe because hunters were never really agile... but world it feels like something is holding each and every animation back, rise fixes this entirely, AND gives the wirebug for some really fast and exciting gameplay
@Sir_Adam 4 жыл бұрын
You hit all my criticisms of world pretty dead on. I have been loving the game seeing as I haven't played a MH game since MH4U, but all of the problems you mentioned (as well as the butchered multiplayer system) have made me really sad because I know that we'll never see the true Monster Hunter again. And people who have only played world won't know any better and will think we older players are just complaining as new players outnumber the veterans. Anyways end of my rant, loved the vid.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Appreciate you watching it, and Im glad you enjoyed it :)
@SnugCOMANDERX 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite things in world was how they made living ecosystem. So many times when I was playing solo I’d just throw on ghillie mantle and watch the monster interact in their environment. I love how so many monsters, including Elder Dragons, would ignore you unlike previous games and just drink water, steal eggs or take a break. While navigating the map in hunts was annoying I enjoyed getting lost on those ecology expeditions I’d do.
@joesheridan9451 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved that too. Even the world of rise, which does it's best to copy that, doesn't feel any where near as good in that department
@r2dk594 3 жыл бұрын
I liked rises idea of the map to be more functional rather than detail oriented, it was a lot easier to navigate and learn the map than going through that damn ancient forest. But I do wish they added a few more trees or traps to make it the environment feel more interactive.
@SnugCOMANDERX 3 жыл бұрын
@@r2dk594 I think Sandy Plains is my favorite in that regards. Gustcrabs and Pincercrabs are a lot of fun though I've yet to use them effectively. The pillars that create pitfalls are super fun but hard to use on monsters that aren't Diablos. I also think it the most fun to explore with the small caves making it feel really vertical. I reminds me of the Coral Highlands where there was a lot of small areas to explore but because of the size you'd never encounter monsters there which is a shame
@banzai4171 3 жыл бұрын
That's trueee agree with that
@bigmoe9856 2 жыл бұрын
This is alright for some, however, a few monsters should've attacked players on sight like Deviljho and Rajang
@Lord_Senpai13 3 жыл бұрын
This was my first intro into the WHOLE monster hunter universe. It’s hands down my favorite game in all my years of gaming and because of it, I went and researched all of the older games. I understand your points but for brand new people, this game was amazing and led me to fall deeper in love with the whole lore. Heck I’ve been watching all your videos on older games because of it.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to hear it!
@murii_desu1436 3 жыл бұрын
Same! My friend bought me World as a gift back in early 2020 but i never really got into it cause i suck at it (looking at you anjanath) but i just got into it again lately and actually paid attention on how to play and i love it. Made me curious about the whole franchise and watched alot of "Monster Hunter History" videos. I understand why World is so different from the older games but at the same time its accessability is awesome for us newcomers
@majesticturtle7037 3 жыл бұрын
Same here brother
@artursobkow2680 2 жыл бұрын
Then came Rise.. and we and our hearts got broken and we went back to World again xD
@GervilEtnad 4 жыл бұрын
The radial menu in world is the best way to use items in any game period.
@dvdp96 4 жыл бұрын
Mhw is not the first one with the radial system period
@alwest4472 3 жыл бұрын
@@dvdp96 yeah, but he's still right ( excluding key binds for pc games )
@Frank-li8uj 3 жыл бұрын
@@dvdp96 he didn’t say it was the first 🤦🏽
@sacred944 3 жыл бұрын
Yet I never used it
@Little-wig 3 жыл бұрын
@@sacred944 man I never used it for years until iceborne and it got me into it so good it changed the game completely
@thesnagglewolf 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree with a lot of stuff here, I'll never understand wanting movement to feel clunkier or missing things like how slow carving was, but that said, all your points are explained well, wasn't just a bunch of ranting. Well made video.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
Carving is actually faster in the old games than in rise now imo LOL
@thesnagglewolf 3 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon derp my bad. I guess I meant more having to press the button separate times, that's interesting that it worked out to be faster.
@kevine9474 3 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon Ive played portable 3rd and GU it wasn't that fast.
@ZeroRulz0 3 жыл бұрын
"Long sword now has 2 counters" *chuckles* we actually have 3. We have the foresight slash and both Iai slash and Iai spirit slash give you s if you time them right. It's glorious
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
Gotta admit it's still a godly weapon
@fishnutz5196 3 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon godly yes, even more godly in Rise. But both pale compared to Valor
@DragoCubX 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with just as many points as I disagree, making my conclusion on MHW an indecisive "it's ok, but went too far in many places". Things I disagree on: - Map design. Having one big map you may even get lost in is how I'd always wanted MonHun to be. Switching zones felt incredibly artificial. Having the old maps be remade into giant open spaces with all the spaces in between zones filled up would be absolutely fantastic imo. - Movement of the player and monster. Having them less clunky and more versatile is another perfect upgrade. However, I don't like being able to move while using items either. That just removes far too much risk, I agree on that. Also the Clutch claw mechanic specifically is something I strongly dislike as well, it completely breaks the gameplay flow with an artificial "must tenderize every X seconds". - Monster tracking. You seem to like scoutflies and gathering tracks, but to me it's just utterly annoying. The map item should also make a comeback and not just be permanently available. Knowing the map and a monster's usual routes and behaviour should give you an edge, instead of just removing the searching & learning movement patters part of the gameplay. Things I agree on: - One-hit KO complete area/map wipeout attacks that require very specific, fixed counters to prevent carting. That's not Monster Hunter, because you don't have any way of dodging/preventing damage once the monster starts the attack. That should just not be a thing. - Fast travel and restocking at camp. That just takes out the preparation aspect completely and requires the devs to make monsters much harder-hitting to keep the difficulty up. Those should both be removed, preparation should be rewarded and lack of it punished. That's just how Monster Hunter works (or at least, worked). It also feels like this majorly promotes the "rush in and just focus on attacking" tactic you talk about. Kinda torn: - Multiplayer/Solo split: Having certain quests be incredibly punishing or even nigh impossible for the average solo player is not the way to go, I agree on that. But the way older games handled it, with multiplayer quests just having solo players slog through gigantic health pools definitely isn't the way to go either. So health scaling good, but multiplayer-only content bad. The ultimate MH game would thus be a mix of the "old world" and "new world" style. Both have major flaws, but also major advantages, though I tend to like the old style slightly more in the end - possibly due to nostalgia, I won't deny.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for giving the video a chance! Glad we agreed on some aspects, but I understand your thoughts on what you disagree with.
@MurdokEXTRA 4 жыл бұрын
This is probably the comment I most agree with. I would like the monsters and players to be just a tad bit more on the methodical pattern learning side of things rather than being as fluid as possible but other than that I fully agree.
@DragoCubX 4 жыл бұрын
@@MurdokEXTRA True, a bit more methodicality certainly wouldn't be bad. I just don't want it to degrade to the point of "a tail swipe will always be followed up by another tail swipe" and things like that again, like it does in the old games 😃
@MurdokEXTRA 4 жыл бұрын
@@DragoCubX And with that I agree.
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
Map design is subjective up to an extent, but I prefer the older classic maps with loading screens, here's why. The older maps were better because they gave you the impression that the whole environment was much bigger. A perfect example is third gen Volcano map. When you start at base camp, you can see a massive volcano miles away, bursting with lava. This volcano isn't a few steps away, it's miles away. As you progress through the zones on the map, you will eventually arrive at the top of that volcano. Even though passing through those loading screens were quick, they gave you the impression that your hunter is traveling for miles as you go from zone to zone. This added to the immersion. World's map design can never accomplish something like this. All major points of interest in the maps have to be close by to base camp. In World, that volcanic pool area is only a minute or so away from the first base camp in the Elder's Recess, you don't get any feeling that you traveled for miles to get to the dangerous volcanic area. This is why I prefer the older maps. The loading screens helped with immersion.
@frazer_1997 4 жыл бұрын
I think the 5th Gen has a fair share of problems, but at the same time it's the most fascinating MH game, alongside MH Dos and Tri. Why? Because they truly feels like an experiment. They introduce so many new systems, they try so many new things, that even if some of them don't work well (seasons in Dos, underwater in Tri, unlimited restock in World, etc), you can clearly see the devs were truly passionate about the game, and they wanted to push the series forward. Stuff worked, stuff didn't work, stuff was requested, stuff was completely unexpected, but they did it anyway. This is the exact opposite situation to Pokémon, another yearly japanese series divided in generations that never tries to truly shake things up, but just reiterate the same concept in a very bland way, with the occasional gimmick. About the future titles, people discuss it a lot, but I think it's important to not be delusional. "Classic" MH is no more. When the next mainline game will be released on next gen, it will be World 2. If a spin-off game is released on Switch (which I hope), it's going to be World portable. Or at least a world-lite title with some traces of the old games, but mostly for hardware/software limitations. World is the future of the series, period. Capcom already said they wanted World to be the frame for the next 10 years of MH, and they have no reason to not follow it. But honestly, I don't think it's bad. I love all MH, both new and classic. And I can't say that we have been mistreated. The "classic" games continued non-stop for almost 15 years, and the last game, GU, was pretty much a giant sandbox best-of-all compilation of 4 generations combined, the "ultimate" classic MH experience. Some people will be sad, but at a point, things have to change. And with classic MH, fans had the luxury to spend so much time with it, and concluding it with a sweet farewell. At the end, this was the direction for the series, anyway. Portable gaming is arguably over, with smartphone taking over. And when Gen was released, the Switch wasn't even a thing in the future. With MH being such a main series for Capcom, they couldn't just wait years, or do the 5th gen on 3DS, where sales were high but stales and the console couldn't handle much more than Gen. They had to move the series to home console. And I think that MHW is still an excellent first take. It's imperfect, but My God, we have seen series taking "a big step" and completely fail many times. So yeah, I just want World 2 to improve from this point, correcting some issues, at least the balance, and build on the foundations.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the in depth reply. I definitely am not expecting more old school content, but one can hope we get something
@frazer_1997 4 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon Honestly I would be happy with mainline World-like and spin-off classic. I have started playing the series with Freedom back in 2006, and played and loved every entry since then. If we can have both, there is no downside at all. However, I think it's also very important to stay realistic.
@terminal354 4 жыл бұрын
I can't help but feel a little sad that we are going to see much less of the Classic MH formulae, replaying double cross really has reminded me of the unique enjoyment I get from the weird, clunky gameplay compared to the sleek and streamlined new generation World, they are both widely different in enjoyment factor, I hope one day we will see the Classic style MH return, even if it's just for one more time.
@frazer_1997 4 жыл бұрын
@@terminal354 From what I know, GU was that last time. If I remember correctly, Gen was planned to simply be a standalone anniversary title, but then it was decided to give it a G-Rank expansion too. Still, I wouldn't mind either.
@terminal354 4 жыл бұрын
@@frazer_1997 Yeah, it really is a shame, kind of feels like our smaller classic MH community has been invaded by an audience that demands accessibility and excessive quality of life changes in order to stick around.
@mostlyjoe 3 жыл бұрын
I crave a hybrid model. If the game takes elements of ease of tracking the monster, and brings in a rarity of things like mounting and positioning to force players to actually learn the moves again I'd be fine with it. The wire bug looks to be a good addition, it's almost as if they were trying to split the middle ground between the clutch claw and traditional moves.
@PipePlazaStudios 4 жыл бұрын
As for the video itself, I disagree with a good bit of it, I started with 3U and to me a lot of World's additions are stuff I wanted the series to do forever, a lot of the stylistic changes etc, while most certainly partially made in service to streamline for marketability, also line up with ambitions you can gleam from developer comments in older material (mainly comments from Yuya Tokuda, who would direct base World). Especially in part 1 and 2 I feel some of your arguments don't really properly address or dissect actual issues, like I don't really consider grinding in the Guiding Lands to be much different to any other grind in any past game and "downtime to search tracks" is more or less identical to "downtime to find the monster in classic MH map" or even worse in the case of having to run in circles because the monster happens to be continuously transitioning. A lot of the stuff you criticise regarding evasive actions and powerful movesets I personally find Gen/GU to be a lot more "guilty" of. (Of course whether it's even something you would consider worth of "guilt" is a very subjective matter) I'd also argue that while clutch claw is overall a terrible addition, it's actually for the opposite reason in my opinion, it doesn't really directly empower you with new options since using them at specific times is unambiguously the only correct choice and trying to use it outside of the designated moments will heavily punish you. I do absolutely understand your overall sentiment though and agree somewhat with a solid number of your points in the latter half, base world movesets were quite flaccid (although I'd argue Iceborne AI changes massively improve a huge number of them and brings a lot of the old monster learning back), the overall difficulty, especially in the early game, is very low and trivializes a lot of content, the game has lost a lot of its player culture due to new lobby system and the service game model is an absolute blight that devalues all of the preceding content. Sort of a side note: Aside from commercial reasons, maybe the devs just consider themselves to be done with the old style and want to take their franchise in new directions entirely, especially with the offerings of 4th gen providing a decent crystallization of classic MH, it's something I think about a lot regarding "soft reboots" of game franchises since from their POV, their old games eternally exist (preservation issues not withstanding). Either way, looking forward to your next video, I'm a huge Path of Radiance fan so I should probably check out your FE videos lmao.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the in depth comment and watching the vid. While I'm sure I could've gone into more depth about my points, I just wanted to briefly go over the main issues I saw and give my opinions. Definitely not the first one to mention have those opinions on the guiding lands. I'm glad people agree and disagree though. It wasn't about changing minds, it was just about looking at them and giving my own thoughts.
@tomasfong40 3 жыл бұрын
about the clutch claw, yes I agree an in a way I see the wirebug its an evolution of the concept in my opinion. it has so much going on
@askmeificare5557 4 жыл бұрын
While I disagree with the majority of the points made in this video, I can understand missing the cartoony charm that was in titles like Tri/3U. Not to say World/Iceborne is without charm of its own, but it's just different.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
The game definitely has its own charm
@idonotmakevidsyet 3 жыл бұрын
Nah the realism makes world look like a generic AAA game
@juantsu2000 3 жыл бұрын
@@idonotmakevidsyet Ah yes, the generic AAA game with cats that can cook, hunt and people that carry swords bigger than their entire body...
@flaviomolina7165 3 жыл бұрын
@@idonotmakevidsyet at yes, granny cats, realism , uh huh
@flaviomolina7165 3 жыл бұрын
@@drecksbongert4367 my issue is "generic AAA game" literally the fact u can do charge blade combos, regardless of colors, already sets it apart look and tone wise from a generic modern title, its absolutely mental to even say so
@lamelukas 3 жыл бұрын
I thought world was a fantastic entry to the series, especially getting it onto the limelight but stuff like the FOMO event quests, Clutch Claw nonsense, and decoration grinding tore me away from it at the end of the day.
@Grom8P 3 жыл бұрын
Clutch claw (to a lesser extent) and the MMO mechanics introduced turned me off pretty hard at the end of iceborn (I loath MMO raid mechanics). Otherwise I think the game was great and definitely is justified in its changes wrt accessibility.
@fishnutz5196 3 жыл бұрын
The only reason World got in the limelight in the first place was being on consoles as a AAA title. If you look at sales of the series Japan eats up all MH games but World didnt sell well over there compared to the other entries. World was designed for Western audiences and thats very clear to see
@PrismaticGeyserr 3 жыл бұрын
Started with 4U, didn’t dig it. Picked up World, loved it, and revisited 4U, and picked up GU. Here are my thoughts on the matter. Identity: To me, Monster Hunter’s identity, to me at least, is made up of two things, the gameplay loop to fight stronger monsters, and a zany/wacky tone. Monster Hunter can add any amount of change, but as long as I can still craft impractically large weapons out of corpses of giant animals that I kill, and have cats cook my food for me, then it is still Monster Hunter. Gameplay: Even with everything that World has introduced, I don’t think that the core of the gameplay has changed. While the gameplay World is definitely much more reactive than previous titles, planning and learning monsters is still very much integral to World’s gameplay. You can sort of see this through the way Longsword plays. Anticipate a monster about to attack? Downward slash -> Forward thrust, hold on that animation for a little bit, and right before the monster hits, input a Foresight. Some Monsters also have specific choreographs to help you plan in advance. Ruiner Nerg for example, will raise one arm higher when flying into the air. That’s the side that spikes will eject from, so you can relocate to the other side before he lands. It’s small moments of planning, and nuances like that that I believe are still flowing throughout World and how it plays. You can even see these elements in the clutch claw (which I think was horribly implemented btw). For example, after Rajang does his small spin attack, he’ll pause for a moment that allows you to either slap him around and wallbang, or tenderize. World’s maps also encourage small amounts of planning, as well as commitment. Boulders, falling crystals, paratoads and such. You can lure monsters towards these hazards, and use them to your advantage. Whereas loading zones allowed “get out of jail free” moments, World’s open maps lessen those moments, and adds a small level of commitment to escaping encounters. At least thats how I see it. TLDR; for this section, I (personally) think planning, learning, and commitment are still very much part of how World plays. QOL changes: I feel like potions in World require and reward commitment in a much different way than older games. Commitment still exists in that if you don’t commit to completing the drinking animation of potions, the effect will be greatly lessened. Sure, in World you can dodge out of the drinking animation, but will you have healed as much? Changes such as the radial menu, I mainly see as streamlining. Sure you can argue that it lessens commitment, but I just think its a neat and much needed change. Another QOL change is the removal loading zones, which I believe were just the artifacts of limited tech. I feel like this change was needed and bound to happen. I will agree with you though, that the Ancient Forest is very much cluttered. Maps like the Hoarfrost Reach are handled much better. This is getting a bit long and I’m tired writing this so I’ll try to keep these last parts short. Multiplayer/Single player split: I like how World handles this. You opt in, or you opt out. There’s HP scaling so as to not trivialize monsters completely. It could use a little bit of tweaking, such as matchmaking based on HR, so as to prevent higher levels from completely stomping unless explicitly invited, but that might spread the player pool far too thin. While World might lock a few monsters behind multi, I feel thats a fine tradeoff than locking half the game behind a difficulty barrier designed for multiplayer (especially around G-rank). You drew a comparison between Destiny and World in regards to forced multiplayer, and I don’t believe that was a very apt comparison. In World there is still very much a split between Multi and solo. You opt in, or you opt out. Destiny is fundamentally multiplayer. But whatever, I digress. Grind: Coming from Destiny which is full of this problem, I’d have to agree with you that I’m not a huge of deco grinding. Deco grinding feels like dipping your hand in a grab bag of 10000000 candies, hoping to get a twix bar. Being unable to target specific decos just makes this more painful. I think the Old World games got this right, although some decisions in regards to crafting materials are questionable in the older games. I have an explicit memory of farming for a Zamtrios Glaive and requiring Sharkfins or something like that. Up till that point, I had only been focusing on Village quests, so ofc I decided to just farm in the Village quests. 3 or so hours later, 2 out of 9 or 8 of the fins I needed dropped. No way I was going to do that. I open Kiranico and look up a quest with higher droprates, and see that I have to do the all Hub key quests up to 5*. Yeah, no. World amended that problem by making Monster drops easier to get, which I appreciate. Anyway, I have a couple more thoughts, but as of right now, I’m too lazy to write them down. Great video though, I think it’s interesting to see how long time fans view the changes to World
@Aesieda 3 жыл бұрын
"QOL changes: I feel like potions in World require and reward commitment in a much different way than older games. Commitment still exists in that if you don’t commit to completing the drinking animation of potions, the effect will be greatly lessened. Sure, in World you can dodge out of the drinking animation, but will you have healed as much? " I disagree on this. First of all, moving while healing isn't a QoL change, it's a mechanic change. Second, there is zero commitment required for World's healing. Rolling out of the heal mid-animation isn't a problem because restocking exists. It would have mattered more if restocking wasn't a thing, but it isn't. The fact that restocking exists means losing a measly potion because you had to dodge an attack is like getting slapped by a feather. It's not a real punishment. Also, the very fact that you can cancel out of heals and even sprint while healing means you don't have to commit to healing. I rarely ever had to time my heals in World unless I'm fighting Rajang, but that's about it. Other than that, timing plays a very little part in World's healing, but played a very important part in the classic games.
@eueu2 3 жыл бұрын
hey sparta which game do you advise, destiny or monster hunter (say which one)?
@diegooyarce9201 4 жыл бұрын
The developers said that you can drink potions while moving because you now are in a bigger map, you can't change area to be safe like in older games. I think that makes sense
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
That kind of fits into my issue with maps as a whole.
@diegooyarce9201 4 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon I think that learning a map is part of the learning curve of the game. The map is confusing until you learnt it. Besides, this is a game for a home console I think that the maps should reflect that through their complexity. Also I don't like that you can restock or change equipment mid quest
@GrayFoxHound9 4 жыл бұрын
don't know how it is in iceborne but in base game if monster is not enraged, he would not follow you to the next area. You could cheese every fight in ER with LBG/HBG by shooting monster while going back, and if you stop shooting and start running, monster runs to the previous area
@khalilbad2142 3 жыл бұрын
And monster can be' so quick
@Z50nemesis 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah but that's something people only did of they were close to the exit map anyway , so i dont think thats a valid argurment
@stormetro6046 3 жыл бұрын
I've sunk a huge amount of time (2000 or so hours) into world/iceborne and I think there is good in the bad where the devs can learn what didn't work. They tried a lot of new things and some of it was great while others weren't so great. That being said, I have had a blast playing countless hours of this game with my friends. I think what I miss most is that world doesn't reward you as much for knowledge as the old games used to. There were little things such as knowing that a Kut ku or Garuga is weak when their ears lower, or knowing you can force a Gore to enter frenzy state by standing in its frenzy pools while it's enraged. There are also big things like flinching a Duramboros at its legs while it's spinning gives a huge opening to hit its back (its huge weak spot), or knowing you can make a Nibbelsnarf eat a bomb and then fish it out of the sand and even bait it with a sonic bomb to eat a barrel bomb. There are countless other examples I could offer of course but I feel my point is already made. I am glad that the returning monsters in Iceborne did keep this knowledge-returns-rewards concept such as flinching Zinogre 3 times removes its supercharge which includes pitfalls, but the majority of the roster does not offer this and it's really quite sad to me.
@MrGabrielze 3 жыл бұрын
it's true that they don't reward as much as past games, but that idea of monsters having they own personal exploits are still present, every monster has them, and really it felt good when exploiting them, it just makes the fight less stressfull, more predictable. Barioth for example, if you don't break his front claws, the fight is too stressfull, but when you break, you can really see the difference, OFC you can kill it without it, but it feels wrong for me.
@stormetro6046 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrGabrielze When it comes to world monsters, those basically boiled down to "break the monster's legs or shiny part" as the opening creator. Yes, barioth has the same mechanic it's always had that makes breaking its claws helpful which is why I said I'm glad Iceborne kept a lot of those features for the returning monsters, but mhw-exclusive monsters just do not tend to have interesting mechanics. Also, unfortunately Iceborne barioth's moveset was heavily based on sand barioth which was just depressing to me. I love p3rd monsters but I'd be happier with sand barioth in particular being forgotten.
@MrGabrielze 3 жыл бұрын
@@stormetro6046 are you sure of what you're saying? Bazelgeuse is like duramboros, hit his legs a lot and u'll knock him down, with bazel it even makes scale bombs explode. Great Jagras has the weakeness on it's belly when it's full, and hitting it makes him puke. Kulu ya ku drop it's stones when you lure a bigger monster. Nergigante makes you focus your attettion on the spikes. Lunastra have the option of bombing the blue fires or throwing water pods... I can say others, but i think you got the point, these things are still there, and a lot, it just isn't as required as it was
@stormetro6046 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrGabrielze Duram is so much more interesting because you have to challenge its most dangerous attack in order to down it. For bazel it's hardly even worth hitting its legs as well because it's incredibly easy to avoid the explosions while focusing the head and tail, but also this fits into the hitting feet category if you care to do so. Seething was a bit more interesting but I have mixed feelings about the fight as a whole. For kulu there's no need to do that because if the rock really bothers you, a pod makes it drop it as well. Finding a large monster to bother to make it drop a rock is also impossibly useless. You could so easily just keep hitting it to make it drop the rock though so I'd recommend not bothering with that either unless you're new. For Lunastra it's not worth extinguishing the flames because she will create more indefinitely. You just have to deal with how awful that monster is in world. Ideally by making a proper set for her. She's not even so weak to water either so using water weapons to naturally do it isn't worth it, and you can't out the large flames either. Great Jagras already has amazing hitzones everywhere, so the inflation doesn't mean that much comparatively. That's just simple learning to hit the part that takes the most damage. Nergi and the sieges and such are the obvious rare exceptions They exist but for anything with potential to be unique, they're typically meaningless to anyone who isn't brand new to mh. It's extremely bland
@MrGabrielze 3 жыл бұрын
@@stormetro6046 As I said before, ofc they aren't as rewarding as past games, but they are there, and in some situations, they help a lot, and in some monsters, the fight is way less stressfull. But to be fair, those advantages you stated before, were also veryyyy bland, but flashy, and like you said, used by newcomers. It's WAYYY easier to simply spam on nibelsnarf than bombing him, but it felt good, and the monsters you could use these were just a few, with some feeling straight boring, like sonic bombing plesioth out of the water. One thing to put in the math, is the hazards of MHWorld, that are awesome, these simply doesn't exiting os past entries.
@sightfortheblind 4 жыл бұрын
I'm just glad you didn't have anything mean to say about Third Fleet Master cuz then we would have had to fight
@rhyperiorhunter7339 3 жыл бұрын
1. I highly doubt that research levels were just there for grinding as it more likely that its to enhance the feeling of being an actual hunter, having to do research about what types of creatures are in the area and tracking them by finding foot prints. while extending playtime is a possibility its not a guarantee and its important to look at the subject from multiple perspectives. 2. monsters being locked behind hunter ranks have always been a thing in monster hunter just look at 4u where you need to be at HR70 to unlock Fatalis though I will agree that the guiding lands needed some serious reworking and that how decorations worked was a bad idea from the start and should have been scrapped off of the board 3. I find it hard to believe that world rewards that type of brainless aggression as you don't exactly provide any examples of such 4. slow and methodical? if classic monster hunter was all about being slow and methodical than why do weapons like the dual blades which are designed for speed exist, though I do agree that the clutch claw was a flawed addition (also for goodness sake can everyone stop saying that gen and genu are spin offs, not having a number in the title does not mean its a spin off) 5. the term "not monster hunter" is generally a bad term to use as videos like this are extremely subjective and "its not monster hunter" is a very objectivist term that can be boiled down to "this is not monster hunter and that's a fact" I believe the term "doesn't FEEL like monster hunter" is more appropriate as its a subjectivist term that fits a subjective video like this 6. yes healing items were riskier to use in older games but that just made healing an immeasurable pain for many players such as itionoben or me, and the healing happening overtime is the drawback to being able to move while doing so as if your attacked the healing will be cut off where as before even if attacked you still get the full amount out of the item 7. "they don't want you to stand still and think" that doesn't just apply to world as standing still in any monster hunter game is generally a bad idea and only leads you to getting torn apart plus for me at least, having to think on the fly and react to the monsters attack as they are doing it is a core part of monster hunter and I never needed to stand still and plan anything as like I said standing still in any game in the series is an awful idea 8. having to wait for the carving animation to finish just to be able to carve again and having to crouch to speed it up, to me at least, wasn't added depth, it was just unnecessary annoyance that you have to wait for the animation to finish if you want all 3 carves and more often than not just added stress when trying to carve monsters like Fatalis. though I agree that replacing the flash or sonic bombs with more limited pods was stupid 9. having the maps be big open areas does fit monster hunter as they remove the loading screens between areas which really take away the feeling of being an actual hunter and just make the maps feel like artificial zones rather than a living breathing world, and having to use paintballs to track monsters was a pain as if the paintball wore off than it would be time to wander aimlessly around the map trying to find it, I do agree however that allowing players to restock, change equipment, and eat a meal at camp was unnecessary hand holding Now I'm not saying you can't dislike world, your entitled to your own opinion and I respect you expressing an opinion that not many share, I just thought I'd share why I disagree
@captaingreyeye7461 3 жыл бұрын
About the dual blade. The way their speed is balanced is by giving the small ranges.
@rhyperiorhunter7339 3 жыл бұрын
@@captaingreyeye7461 I'm not arguing balance I'm arguing that combat in monster hunter is not all slow and methodical
@swat.1019 3 жыл бұрын
I honestly think healing while moving is a good addition. It made hunts more dynamic, realistic and less robotic as monsters seem to have less openings and were moving much faster to compensate for it. And sure you get the benefits of the potion slowly but unless you drank the whole thing it wouldn't really save you from getting one shotted in high rank and above. And i think clutch claw is bad because majority of iceborne is heavily designed with this mechanic. Gold Rathian for example no longer has a weakpoint on her head and so is Safi. And the wall bang damage it deals is so high which it also combos into your own attacks while the monster is on the ground, it just becomes an irreplaceable source of damage. And even some hunts seem to be so heavily designed around this(high hp and low quest timer), killing it without wall banging seems impossible. And unlike tripping monsters by hitting their legs or head it's completely unaffected by skill of the hunter. It just feels like cheesing additional damage made into a forced feature. And sure you do have to wait for a safe opening but we have mantles for that, and clutching without them is mostly a death sentence in endgame anyway. I also agree with your takes on the MMO mechanics. It's a new addition to the series just like the clutch claw and it feels a little out of place. But i do think Safi and Alatreon was a step up from Behemoth which lacked single player scaling, had some questionable hitboxes, many inescapable combos that killed you, fast casting time for the OHKO move, destructible cover for OHKO as that wasn't already enough and spamming tornados that cover half of the map. Alatreon also had the problem of needing Siege gear only, either kulve weapons or safi armor were a must. And these being tied to a rotation continued to limit our freedom within the game. With the later inclusion of Frost Fang however this was somewhat fixed as you no longer needed to grind for Kulve though you still probably would have needed Safi armor since you no longer have crit element but that doesn't require as much RNG as kulve weapons did. Monster Hunter World felt like an experiment and an opportunity to try and innovate new features into the series and so did Rise. While they both did add a fair bit of good to the series and brought a lot attention to it, I wish the next release to try and innovate less features but instead create a best of old and new gen hybrid game. Maybe a Freedom Unite remaster or Freedom Ultimate? Or even Frontier with World graphics, i guess one could only dream.
@Aesieda 3 жыл бұрын
I say healing while sprinting is a bad addition, because you almost are never in a position where you are in danger of getting hit because you can literally sprint. I've played all of World and Iceborne and out of a small number of monsters like Rajang or Raging Brach that had some attacks that could track you, 95% of the monsters do not punish you for healing, because there is no "wrong time" to heal. The entire point of the older healing was that there was a right and wrong time to heal. World and now Rise essentially blend the two together to the point where it doesn't matter when you heal, because as long as you are sprinting sideways (or in a direction away from an incoming attack), you'll be safe. Case in point. World: 4 Ultimate: World encourages careless healing as proven by the clip, whereas the older games encourage players to actually engage with the game. World's healing is mindless, and that mindlessness takes away from the tension and thrill, whereas the older healing only adds more tension which makes the experience more fun. There's nothing fun about being able to heal 99% of the time with no risk or fear of repercussions by healing at the wrong time when you never get punished for it in the first place. It's so easy you can technically do it with your eyes closed. At that point, remove the healing mechanic entirely and just give hunters auto-health regen. Why should we waste our times using potions when everyone knows it's the easiest thing to do in the game? Don't even get me started on max potions.
@tmbocelot 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you that World isn’t the same but I disagree with a few things you brought up being bad overall. For example I actually really liked the idea of actually hunting down a monster instead of just running around the map randomly until you found it. Doing that would be tedious if you did it every time so they made it easier to track the more you hunted it. I think that the combination of offline and online quests punishes players like me who preferred to play solo by blurring all of the quests into one lump
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Well I do say that I think the tracking system just needs to be reworked slightly. I do like it's inclusion but now how research levels auto show you monsters
@sethmiles9436 3 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon how do you feel about Rise and its ... searching mechanics?
@notimeforcreativenamesjust3034 3 жыл бұрын
What searching mechanics?
@notimeforcreativenamesjust3034 3 жыл бұрын
You don't just go and find them, once you fought a monster once or twice you would know all of its spawning patterns (they don't change).
@sethmiles9436 3 жыл бұрын
@@notimeforcreativenamesjust3034 i didnt really know how to classifie it so I just called it searching mechanics
@Stevexupen 3 жыл бұрын
you forgot to mentioned the most irritating aspect that MHW brought: slap on weapons designs..
@philipp5756 3 жыл бұрын
I really hope they won't add this to rise. Layered armor? cool. layered weapons though, takes away a lot of soul, can't exactly put it in words
@marcofromtropoje3169 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you being honest with your thoughts on the game. I’m surprised that most of my personal grievances with the game were not mentioned here. I personally strongly disagree with the combat section. While I think your complaints apply to a select few monsters like rajang and barioth, monster like the silver and gold ‘los and alatreon have proven that the monster hunter staples of good positioning, patience, and monster knowledge reward the player. You can have fluid combat and good monster hunts, they aren’t mutually exclusive. Alatreon took lots of trial and error and studying for me, and I still have that sense of mastery, which is what I love about monster hunter combat to begin with. I also appreciate the guiding lands, because I feel like they layout was designed to be more open like the old map arenas. I really like Herny’s video on the ‘los monsters especially, learned a lot, and improved my hunting a bunch. Older games kinda gave me the mindset that I need to get flying monsters on the ground before I do damage, but I appreciate how rewarding it is to knock these two out of the sky
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree that not every monster has this issue with animations and telegraphs. I'll be sure to check henry's video! :)
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
Creating monsters with one shot moves don't prove anything regarding positioning or monster knowledge. World's overall difficulty relies on gimmicks, not real difficulty.
@marcofromtropoje3169 4 жыл бұрын
Adeel Ahmed what one shot move are you talking about? If you mean judgement, then yes there is monster knowledge involved in mitigating it
@marcofromtropoje3169 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t like statements like these because the are so generalizing and not true of the game as a whole
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
@@marcofromtropoje3169 Monster knowledge like just having meta equipment and a certain element? That's not knowledge, that's meta. Turn your brain off, watch a KZbin video, and grind for the necessary gear just to surpass a gimmick.
@myboy732 4 жыл бұрын
The one thing I don't like is I can't kick the monster after I kill it lol
@Tonio_Ebi 3 жыл бұрын
Because of this video I decided to give a try to old-school monster hunter, and now I'm playing MH3U almost every day...
@swiftfeather147 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I love the fact we have to learn about the monsters and their footprints, it makes me feel like I'm actually tracking and hunting down a real animal instead of just a mob in a game
@ReyZar666 3 жыл бұрын
tbh thats the most borring ass part of the game,.. i mean there are even worst parts but my god,.. dont make waist my time looting foot prints,.. fcking stupid
@swiftfeather147 3 жыл бұрын
@@ReyZar666 OK. To you. I actually find it one of the best parts
@footlessmoonbadger7189 3 жыл бұрын
@@ReyZar666 you probably prefer aimlessly walking around the map from area to area and throwing paintballs at monsters lmfao
@Solfonix 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty much all the things that you say are why I hold world as a pretty good (like a 6.5) but the main reason is the title update structure I love adding content but everything made in base game is outclassed every update Safi gear is meta Now it’s safi and brachy Whoopsie all fatalis (which I think is fine it’s the final update and the hardest hunt better be fine)
@Solfonix 3 жыл бұрын
6.5 monster hunter wise and I think fatalis gear is fine it lets you use everything you’ve grinded for
@najalala 4 жыл бұрын
i actually really like the grinding lands. They feel to me like a more modern version of expeditions from 4u which i really liked but with more to do than just kill monsters. They also improved the grinding lands with updates over time. Not to forget the sound effects and all the little things that gave monster hunter it's charm.
@jordanwilliam3207 4 жыл бұрын
Guiding Lands was actually a phenomenal system that gives you reasons to hunt every monsters available. That's it, until Siege returned...
@ihatecabbage7270 3 жыл бұрын
To be honest, Monster Hunter World is an exceptional game, it removed the barrier of entry to game. While it doesn't have the old games charm it certainly have its own kind of charm, the awkward dialogues, the fun small little things like endemic life(where previous game are just arenas), monsters that are more real life, will get tired, will get upset before flying away and will actively fight other monsters for territory dispute (previous games doesn't have that, everything hates you, everyone wants to kill you and only you, thus why they avoid adding additional monsters for new players. And monsters are just smashing each other trying to attack you because of their size, rather than actually fight each other. I was from the very first game, playing World and Rise give me the outlook that this is superior games and the way forward, it makes the game more accessible and more friends and stranger friendly. Too many of us fear change that stagnated the series, the Japanese are wholesomely welcome World and Rise, now I get to play with Japanese and even make friends with them. I certainly find older games entertaining, but nostalgia glasses took off, realized that you spent most of your time Aline doing the mundane stuff, for me is tedious and no way in better than the present game.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
Not a big fan of the nostalgia glasses argument since I'm playing through the old games right now and they're clearly better imo
@lLordofGod 4 жыл бұрын
Whilst I do agree with some stuff here, especially the "Grinding" Lands. I feel like a lot of the QoL changes were simply necessary to bring the MH franchise into the current gen so that it could stand up to other games currently out there. I would've absolutely hated it for example, if i had to stand still to heal with the way the game currently works. The fluidity of the game to me personally, is fine but whilst it is definitely easier to just go into a hunt without studying the monster or much preparation, that aspect of the game is very much still there. It just makes for more efficient hunting now (see speedrunners, which admittedly is a very small portion of the playerbase but a lot of casual players still do it to a lesser extent). A lot of players do bring up the lack of difficulty but was it really meant to be a difficult game or was it the clunkiness and limitations in what they could do at the time?
@NibbleSnarph 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting watching this series after the announcement of fatalis and MHRise. Two small notes. Fatalis fight; beautiful well designed, upped the difficulty perfectly except for the artificial bull shit timer. It's a DPS check that takes away from people who play the game methodically. MH Rise: Where to start. I am so excited. A marriage of old and new taking the best of both. Built in the RE engine so movement is better, retains the world move sets which was the best part of world. Then the wire bug. Universal resource that lets you choose between movement and damage. On the movement side it reverses the philosophy of the clutch claw, which felt clunky and tedious at best, forcing you into certain actions at scripted times and punished you for not. Now you have free movement choice anywhere, that adds to your moveset instead of detracting from it. Within this they married in hunter arts from generations, creating what looks to be a wonderful push and pull resource management between movement/recovery to help better positioning or powerful unique damage options that are also unique to each weapon. This in one swoop creates resource management on your own time, enhances the weapon feel and play style but still leaves that control in the hunters hands. I am so excited for these changes. I am thrilled for 4 person lobbies again, I feel that the SOS system destroyed the communal aspect of the game with people never hunting together for more than one hunt. Overall I can't wait for rise, I think it's going to be the monster hunter I have been left wanting after playing 1000+ hours in both world and GU.
@NibbleSnarph 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to read my comment @superRAD!
@Amoeba_Podre 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly i think veterans shit way too much in World.I still respect your opinion,but having seen the older games i think nostalgia kinda makes you think the game is better/more difficult than it actually was.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
You're not the first one to say this, but I cannot agree on my personal experience as I still play the old games and even went through EVERY game in the series to make these history videos, so my perspective is updated.
@Amoeba_Podre 4 жыл бұрын
Fair enough but I still think that features like the guiding lands, healing while walking,and restocking are overly criticized
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
That's fair. Everyone's tastes are different
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
@@Amoeba_Podre I played all the main classic titles and also beat World/IB, and while I don't think World/IB are bad games, they don't capture the same spirit as the classic MH games. We just want MH to go back to that original feeling. Every generation of games, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gen, all of these generations kept the same exact classic charm/vibe of MH, despite all the changes and differences between them. Then the 5th generation actually started to change so much compared to the previous 4, so it's not surprising why many people are upset or downright pissed. Hell, at least half of the things Capcom changed, like sound effects, UI, music style, etc, did not have to be changed, they could have kept them the same in World and no one would have blinked an eye, and they would've been able to capture that OG vibe, but they still changed things that didn't need to be changed.
@Cchen-ec9tk 4 жыл бұрын
@@Aesieda I think I'm starting to truly understand what the deal is, it's not that MHW is not good, or Vets think MHW is not good, it's simply not what they wanted. And it hurts because it's called Monster Hunter, and it's not Monster Hunter. But I'm not a Vet, MHW is the best one out of all of them game mechanics-wise for now, and I hope they never ever go back to the weird almost turn-based, slow paced, resource management, action rpg it used to be.
@Ghost-uu8lb 4 жыл бұрын
forgot to mention how this game doesn't have something as simple as a pause button despite previous games having one
@hamachibeans4471 4 жыл бұрын
It’s because it’s always online and the idea is people can always jump into your quest, but I still agree
@CaptainEffort 4 жыл бұрын
@@hamachibeans4471 But even when playing offline you can't pause. That's a pretty shitty excuse.
@hamachibeans4471 4 жыл бұрын
Michael Pelton yeah, it’s definitely a shitty excuse, because the reason is due to laziness and of them designing it around the idea of you always being online, same thing with the rotating event quests and all the other small things that rely on you being online
@CaptainEffort 4 жыл бұрын
@@hamachibeans4471 Hopefully this all gets fixed in Rise. I know event quests at least will be permanent, not cycled in and out.
@Realblack_m0nster 4 жыл бұрын
@@hamachibeans4471 How is that laziness?
@nikkis.2066 3 жыл бұрын
Hunter who joined the franchise during Tri, became addicted with Generations and have put a bit over 1k hours into World/Iceborne and was agreeing with a handful of points & opinions you had here....but my Gods I am tired of people complaining about being able to heal while moving and the ability to head back to camp & restock. I get that World & Iceborne are fundamentally different than the previous installments and it's somewhat more difficult to properly gauge between them these changes. But I feel it's really silly to hold radial menu, camp restocking and item use while moving as a big issue or a bad road for the series to go down, regardless if these QOL changes can be linked to design philosophies of other new additions to MHW that are seen as detrimental. They are not mutually exclusive, you can still have these QOL changes without the bigger changes being in full force. No, for me personally, the biggest issues are map designs, Clutch Claw+Monster relationship, Alatreon and Guiding Lands/End Game Grind. The clutch claw was a mistake because of Monsters having higher health pools solely on the potential to wall slam & weaken forced a gameplay loop-strategy and just became old very fast. Maps were a laborious design that while beautiful and on paper fantastic....I just ended up getting annoyed at far too quickly..I much prefer the older designs of zoning in to area and area and while that may seem more gamey & less realistic....I tired of chasing Monsters in a ping-pong game as they lunged/ran from one end to the other & often the AI triggered them to move from zone to zone faster if they crossed into the linked pathways. Was very Benny hills situation. Alatreon was a huge disappointment for me what was once a favorite Monster of mine...was redesigned into a unfun MMO/Job with a annoying mechanic. I hate these supernova attacks..... Safi'Jiva & Kulve Taroth I was fine with. They had built in mechanics to deal with them that felt better tuned and more tied to knowing fight and handling it properly VS an artificial difficulty threshold that was hindered by how spastic & constantly moving Alatreon, garbage design and I hope they never return to that ever again. Guiding Lands & overall endgame grind just plain suck. I find them to suck out the fun gameplay loop of fighting the Monsters you want, when you want and how you want. Having needed materials ONLY be obtainable via a RNG based zone and mechanic where you could spend hours trying to get specific Tempered Monsters to show and HOPE they drop what you need....made for artificial longevity. I also just didn't like traversing the Guiding felt hollow and tacked on. Final complaints and minor nitpick, not a fan of the majority of weapon skins being so very limiting. Quite a few stand out but far too many are boring. Now all that ranting aside...there's plenty I love from World and that I want to see brought back. Turf Wars I love them and have yet to get tired of them. Item Gathering made easier and more relaxing...I never want to have broken gathering tools again. Many many new Monsters need to be permanently added to newer games... Nergigante, Vaal Hazak and Bazelgeuse in particular I want to see again and again. As already stated, the QOL to Items & Camps leave them, what worked before was great but that doesn't mean they need to be never changed just because of (imo) clouded nosalgia. But all that said I really enjoyed your videos (having discovered your History of videos recently) and have enjoyed hearing your thoughts and feelings of Monster Hunter as a whole. My copy of Rise arrives in a couple days and hoping to enjoy it heavily with my Girlfriend, whom I made her a Monster Hunter fan with introducing her to World & Generations Ultimate.
@jeredcahill7655 3 жыл бұрын
If a monster starts to run all you have to do is shoot enough with slinger ammo to get it to stay really. It's very rare a monster runs away from me before I aggro it's attention again.
@NumberJ42 3 жыл бұрын
Damn this guy must really hate Rise lmao.
@Mr.House38 4 жыл бұрын
I started with MHW and immediately fell in love with the franchise. Then, while waiting for Iceborne, I went back and tried old style MH. Old games are awesome, really great titles but while playing them you can really feel that the dev team needed to refresh the formula, World was badly needed. MHW was just the beginning and Iceborne is what the peek of the series look like right now (and oh boy, I cant wait for the future). I have more than 850 hours on GU (best old title imo) and I love that game but let's be honest, Iceborne is objectively better in almost everything. I disagree with a lot of your points, World improved so many aspects of the series but kept the core formula untouched, I honestly think that nostalgia glasses shouldnt be weared when making a video like this. Edit: oh yeah, about the whole decos grind vs charms grind: in Iceborne you can make all the meta sets legit no problem and in case you cant you just lose max 1% damage; in older games 9 people out of 10 with god tier charms are hackers and without those charms on some buids you lose way more than 1% damage. Also: deco grind requires you to actually kill monsters and not mine (at worst) or kill always the same monster (at best).
@Mr.House38 3 жыл бұрын
@Tai Dye My reason is more than 2K hours between GU, 4U and FU but nice try mate. But hey, keep your precious nostalgia glasses on buddy, cuz that's all you got left: old MH is dead for good, Rise clearly takes from World at full hands. Sucks to be an old world boomer eh? Cope.
@Mr.House38 3 жыл бұрын
@Tai Dye Dude, at least try to make some sense, you clearly dont know what you're talking about. Just cope, you sound really bitter and pathetic, also you dont seem to be a MH fan at all: "Rise is factually closer to classic" you say. Lol, the only factual things here are your lack of knowledge/observation and your blatant stupidity, you cant be serious. Im done wasting my time with you, enjoy staying mad.
@WonderBreadSpecial 4 жыл бұрын
I do hope that with Rise coming next year I hope they some how combine the good elements of world and do use some aspects of the older games.
@reshi606 3 жыл бұрын
Well, everything we've seen so far has been based on world besides some minor things.
@stormetro6046 3 жыл бұрын
@@reshi606 It's much more accurate to say that Rise so far is the best of both the old and new world. The only thing that's clearly more like world is the weapons which is exactly as it should be. I mean, look at swaxe. Pre-world swaxe was absolutely awful in comparison. Everything else held true to the old world in some way.
@arturony7159 4 жыл бұрын
I think some things like enhanced mobility were a natural evolution to the franchise. But is the way that world did it that feels weird. I would like to see an analysis of how Frontier (the extreme style specifically) did it compared to World. I'm not saying that Frontier was perfect, but felt like a better way to do it about the movement and the monsters.
@ScarletStarManor 3 жыл бұрын
Okay, so I definitely see why they told me you didn't like the game, because of your conclusion. You don't think it's a good MH game, which is a lot harder for me to defend against, but will admit that it does make me feel like I'm a shitty fan for liking the direction MHW went over the previous games because of the changes being what I feel is better off, which admittedly is why I dislike people not liking the game or giving it credit where it's due when they're old fans. Personally, I do feel how the overall gameplay improved, is where this series needed to go for years, some of the points you make about world's flaws are valid, yes, but overall, I have always felt, and still feel, World is a better overall direction that the future games need to go in, if they can combine it with some of the older philosophies to take out the bad parts of World. We don't need old philosophies or the old style of the previous generations, what we need is World's fluidity and gameplay mixed a little more with Generations and Frontier to combine with the older titles good points for a pure, perfect MH experience in my eyes. But this is the bad part about opinions, when people don't agree, everyone looks like an asshole. MHW to me, is indeed a MH game, and yes it IS a GOOD MH game, it's just not the game that some of the old tirees want, I'd say that's fine, but they kind of already won with the way Rise is looking, so we may never get another game with World's gameplay style ever again. Which for me, depresses me, because World was a game with potential that wasn't tapped into.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
To each his own, but hopefully you came out realizing I don't hate the game. :)
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
@@angellara7040 where did you get any of that from the video?? I simply said I don't think it's a good MH game because of specific design decisions and stated multiple times that I still enjoyed it as a game by itself.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
@@angellara7040 You must be really upset that I like World, but choose to critique it
@monophonicinverse6185 3 жыл бұрын
@@angellara7040 stop did you even watch the video? He as well as you are allowed to criticize a game. It's fine to say you don't like certain aspects of the game or any game general and say it's still a good game. Sometimes moving away from the norm to try something new is fine but it comes with the fact of maybe losing the charm that made the fanbase to start off with. It's perfectly normal to be a fan and not like a game in a series and it's perfectly normal to not be a fan of a series and just like that one game. It's the case for a lot of world players. They love world but they hate the past games.
@LowTier4Life 3 жыл бұрын
As much as I love World, it lacks alot of the charm of the older games. I miss the ridiculous blood spurts when you hit monsters, the amazing weapon designs, THE SO TASTY WHEN YOU COOK A WELL DONE STEAK and a lot more.
@maxcovey457 4 жыл бұрын
You make a lot of good points here, world is definitely a different beast to the older titles and a lot of the preparation and planning aspect is lost through accessibility. I just wanted to point out that a lot of the previous games forced you to grind for certain monsters, in 3U a number of monsters such as abyssal and lucent were locked behind HR boundaries, in 4U a lot of monsters in G rank were locked behind the aged texts or in the episodic quests, in GU to access the strong forms of deviants you had to grind for it, in world you go through the guiding lands as the new form of grinding which has been made a lot more fluid in recent updates, also most G rank expansions only introduced 1 or two maps, often returning ones, 3U only added the misty peaks, 4U only added the dunes, GU added three but only a single new one, we got one very large brand new map in iceborne and the guiding lands which is more than we usually get and while world maps are more complex, they put a focus on exploration and familiarising yourself with the map itself rather than which path goes where, the devs have said it's more in line with their original intentions of their living connected world. Anyway, great video as usual, really looking forward to the 5th gen history video
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
You're right about a lot and grinding monsters and hunter rank has always been a thing. Just feels much more egregious in MHW
@maxcovey457 4 жыл бұрын
@@SuperRADLemon the grind is definitely longer than before, the MR 100 to get ruiner is quite high, the highest beforehand being abyssal (I think) at HR 70, but the grind is quite varied compared to previous games with basically all monsters being a part of it. The bigger problems I have are with the sos flare, it's basically a cheat button that calls in a bunch of endgame hunters to flatten some early game monster, the multiplayer is also less personal, in previous games you had to help and communicate with other players in order for them to help you with your own quest, building a sense of community and friendship between hunters, in world you barely communicate with other hunters at all and can get help at the press of a button like a transaction rather than a bunch of hunters banding together, the conversations I could have with random hunters is something I miss, lost from world which is such a shame Edit: also I agree tempered an AT monsters are boring, the frenzy and hyper states were much more interesting and rewarding in my opinion
@beedrillbot121 4 жыл бұрын
Max Covey the highest would be Alatreon in gen at hr 80
@maxcovey457 4 жыл бұрын
@@beedrillbot121 oh yes, and the fatalis trio at 90 95 and 100, I forgot those
@beedrillbot121 4 жыл бұрын
Max Covey is that for GU or 4U?
@Realblack_m0nster 4 жыл бұрын
I find it really interesting how people actually want loading screens in their games. Having no loading screens makes the world feel alive.
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
The loading screens helped with immersion. Just read this thread.
@Ergeniz 4 жыл бұрын
Right, because to be immersed in a universe, I want to see a NOW LOADING screen everytime I enter a different room...err, area. This is seriously some reaching, nostalgic apologetic bullshit.
@clockwork204 4 жыл бұрын
I think the gripes are more about the issues that the seamless maps introduced, rather than the seamless maps themselves. Like... the larger maps are too large now, probably to promote sub area diversity that the older maps had. The 2 second loading screens between segments have been replaced by a much longer time of running around after each encounter. And a hunt that could be done in 5 minutes now takes almost 10 minutes because of the long initial load time and the excessive running. I mean... I love looking at and interacting with the environments. But let's face it... after a while, everyone just starts bee-lining to the monster's spawn point to fight it. All that extra immersive shit gets thrown to the side as always. Personally though, I hope we don't go back to the segmented maps. They just need to find a good balance. I'm hoping the more compact maps and faster traversal in Rise will do the trick.
@jordanwilliam3207 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ergeniz Yeah, that thing has feel very dated and very annoying with how monsters could stand on places that you cannot reach when the AI screws up. Rise's maps looked like they would have World's maps' seamlessness but with the actual size of pre-5th Gen maps, so I guess the balance has finally been met, and thus there's no reason to bring the segemented areas.
@Aesieda 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ergeniz Immersion is subjective from person to person. Loading screens don't take me out of the immersion. Does loading into a quest and instantly teleporting to a locale mess with your immersion? Because that still exists in World. If you didn't read the thread, then I'm not surprised you're this ignorant. Guess all those people in the thread are just making stories up, huh?
@TheProgenitor 3 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of people are missing the key point of your argument. You're not saying that any of these changes are objectively good or bad from a gameplay standpoint. We're specifically juxtaposing it to design philosophy of the series proper, and how well it conforms to that philosophy. It's one thing to innovate and reimagine what your game can be, but to do so at the expense of what the prior games were build upon causes contradictions that can split the playerbase. I agree with pretty much every point you brought up and this is something I've thought for a while. In World's quest to reinvent itself for the next generation, it somewhere down the line lost sight of the legacy of the series. It still has the same fundamental principles, gameplay loop, etc; it's still a monster hunter game. But as it iterated on itself it started to fall apart without a solid foundation to lean on.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
Well thought out comment. Probably one of the only ones to really get the vid
@drizzziit1 3 жыл бұрын
Tbh changing the formula for the next generation of monster hunter broke stagnant sale and made people who were previously not interesting jump into world, making it capcom best selling game of all time. I really think this new, faster "hack and slash" formula is what made world a succes, and it's really good for the franchise, but because of this it will never go back that what it once was. (Looking at Rise, it's obvious...)
@TheProgenitor 3 жыл бұрын
I honestly believe the gameplay alterations mattered less than people give it credit for next to 1) launching on a mainstream console not named the Wii for the first time in ages 2) having an enormous marketing push behind it Gameplay rarely gets your average consumer to buy the game, its what makes people stick around once they do. While I agree that the combat needed to evolve if for no other reason than it had to to keep pace with an open environment, I truly believe that a toned down World would have still been a smash success.
@drizzziit1 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheProgenitor Oh yeah for sure it would have been a sucess. But it's my experience: When i saw the marketing for Mh world Iceborne and the way the game was flowing a year ago, it made me want to get back into the franchise, years after 4u where i had 400+ hours in, but got burned out. Now i have these same 400 hours again on world on PC and i cannot for the life of me go back to 4u, even tho i still have it and tried from time to time... I just can't because of how addictive world freedom feels...
@tzzz9590 3 жыл бұрын
I found myself disagreeing with some points, agreeing with others, but I loved the video regardless. You brought up many good points, and it got me thinking a lot. I'm just going to spill a couple of my thoughts out here. First, pretty much everything you said about the slinger and clutch claw I agreed with, but I'm pretty sure that those are just the games gimmicks, and I would LOVE it if they never came back. Secondly, the combat. Although I don't like how you can move around to heal and such, I actually liked the improved fluidity of the combat. I found myself doing exactly what I would do in previous titles, which was learn the moveset of the monster, and use specific combos accordingly so I wouldn't get locked in animations, therefore not being able to dodge in time. Going back to 3U and 4U, this was pretty much exactly what I would do, and with the added fluidity of the combat in World, comes the monsters being quite a bit more aggressive. I don't know if that's all because I'm a Switch Axe main, but going back and fourth recently, it felt relatively the same. Though I can see how many people like how in older games you would have to learn the combos much more in depth to maximize your DPS, unlike in World where a new player could just mash. I could very well go either way with the combat (but switching from axe mode to sword mode so flawlessly feels so nice in World). One last thing, I heavily agree with your take on the tracking. I enjoyed the scout flies basically being the same as paintballs and other items and didn't mind the tracking through finding traces of monsters, but leveling it up to the point where it instantly takes you to them is dumb af in my opinion. Also, can't wait for Rise! I'm happy they're separating village quests and hub quests again, hopefully that'll spice the gameplay up, and thank god the slinger isn't there. Don't know how much I'll like the wirebugs in the long run, but they seem pretty fun to change things up, especially with the parkour and much more open level design (though they're probably only going to be in Rise). Again, great video! Keep it up! EDIT: btw if they want to add MMO aspects to Monster Hunter, I'd prefer if they just make another MH MMO like Frontier, please keep that stuff outta the mainline games, or at least make the attacks like Teostra's, as you mentioned.
@JLW01470 4 жыл бұрын
Good video and happy for your opinion; unfortunately I disagree with most of the video...Ive played all except the First Gen and even though I have found memories of the days I played them, there tons of small flaws that chipped away your patience. Not having weapons trees, not making it clear which quest you needed to do to progress in the guild, needing books to guarantee items crafts, waiting for hunters to fill up the only 4 player room, etc... The game told you so little that the fanbase had to make apps/programs just to make hunting the monster enjoyable. What they fix and are still fixing are all the BS that kept players of enjoying the gameplay loop. Monster Hunter team has always been making each game better and more refined than last; Finally they fix enough things for new people to notice how incredible this franchise is.
@MA-go7ee 3 жыл бұрын
Just discovered your channel and have been bingeging your videos. I think a lot of what I like about MH can be surmised by the idea of a 'hostile world' game. Think Dark Souls. Early Fallout. Early MH. A game world that doesn't go out of its way to help the player along. Think of running out of bowgun ammo in early MH. If you tried to fire again, you'll get a lengthy 'no ammo' animation that leaves you wide open. In MHW? It auto reloads for you. To me that says everything about the differences in design philosophy. The latter is completely gamey. The former is grounded, it makes sense and gives a certain realism to these weapons. They're not perfect, they require your attention. You need to overcome their flaws to succeed. I loved that about old MH. I was playing the Rise demo and it also has those flies that give you health. To me things like that change the game entirely. Now you don't even have to scrounge for supplies anymore and it makes the stakes MUCH much lower. And yes, the weapons are getting too easy to use. I have played Toukiden, Soul Sacrifice and Freedom Wars - the reason it is MH is always return to was the fact it wasn't hack and slash. It was methodical and unforgiving. I mostly play ranged so I can tell you with some authority that aiming has gotten laughably easy. It used to be that you had to stand still to aim properly and that made it a much more tactical battle. Now it is so easy to move and shoot that it requires a lot less thought. I agree the modern games are good but they're just not the same. I think I'm beginning to realize most MH fans play it as a boss rush game. That's why they praise 'QOL' changes that were actually unique design decisions that made MH feel different from most other action games.
@Aesieda 3 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@galaxyknight2869 3 жыл бұрын
I find World a great game, but lacking as a Monster hunter experience tbh.
@ivory6738 4 жыл бұрын
World is my first MH game and after playing GenU, I do think that world does lack many of the charming things that made MH what it is. However, I'll be lying if I said that I haven't had tons of fun in MHW and I prefer many of the things, including controversial things, in this style. I don't personally prefer one style over the other and will comfortably play both GenU and World with enjoyment. I really enjoy the little aspects that world brought that I haven't seen in the older games. Thinks like observing the monsters patterns in expeditions and how they interact in the environment, and just in general the scope and atmosphere in world is something I absolutely enjoy a lot. I would like the next MH to incorporate many things from the original games while keeping world more as a base than anything else. But besides that, your videos are wonderful and I do hope that you have a wonderful day.
@Aerthkil 3 жыл бұрын
How do you want stuff form the older/better games in newer ones when you never played them LMAO
@toter80 4 жыл бұрын
While I loved these games some of the "charm" you mentioned is the stuff I hated. Why when I'm drinking a potion do I need to show off my muscles? Being able to hide behind load screens to heal. The genral clunkyness of the game. The over the top suoer moves. These were all things I hated about the game that world fixed. Almost everything you said you hated about world are the things that make it the best MH game of all time. Instead of forcing themselves to be stuck in the past, they allowed themselves to make a world that feels lived in.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
That's fair you prefer it. It just want for me. Thanks for watching
@Dradix35 4 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I'm 99% sure if the time it takes you to drink a potion would stay exactly the same but your hunter would do a different animation during it (like keep drinking standing still or something) nobody would complain about it. They just chose to give the characters some unique expression with the flex. And on top of that, timing your heals was part of the fight. Knowing your openings and taking advantage of them. Just saying tho, contrary to what SuperRad said in the vid, while you do get *some* benefit of your potion if you're hit while drinking it in World - it also uses up that item completely, basically only granting you a small portion of its full potential. Unlike the older games where you would still keep your potion if you got hit before actually gaining any health from it.
@Snoozie 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the video but i dont agree with some small points. No point listing them but now with the context of monster hunter rise, its fixing a lot of my issue with world and iceborne and i really hope it stays that way and goes away from the mmo esque feeling and constant unskippable cutscenes etc. World is the only monster hunter game i have problems going back to. Starting with the 4th generation i started MHFU last week and I still enjoy it so much more than world. It was never about making monster hunter accessible to me, it was about monster hunter's feeling.
@Vulcanfaux 3 жыл бұрын
Guiding lands should have been the guild quest area from 4 ultimate. More monsters spawn there as you beat them in the main "story" yes for me tjat means it should have been in the game from the moment you start master rank. Since it wasn't added til iceborne. Heck it could of been the first "story quest" you did, explore the guiding lands and leave after seeing a strange variant of the nergegante. Ruiner... but you wouldn't know that at the time.
@Ayberrr Жыл бұрын
10:28 when the flashy anime weapon does flashy anime stuff 🤯🤯🤯🤯. That's a problem only long sword has. Most weapons in world are pretty grounded, like hammer and great sword. You'll know this if you didn't just exclusively play long sword. I'm aware this video is old, but this statement still pisses me off.
@SuperRADLemon Жыл бұрын
Sucks nerd
@legnodinoce312 4 жыл бұрын
I dont think that world combat is a generic rpg. Because if you want to kill monster faster or try speedrunning, it's still required immense precision and knowledge of your weapon range and moveset. In iceborne they accelerated some moves because monsters now move way faster than world, especially when enraged. I fill that all of them are high risk high reward moves, not only flashy. The only I dislike is the new switch axe burst wich makes you attack to a monster. I honestly never get bored during guiding lands. I love fighting monsters for whenever reason. Don't care if it's for items or research.
@LayZKimochi420BlazeIt 4 жыл бұрын
Finally, another monster hunter fan that doesn't hold world as highly as most people do
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Let's get it
@Echoplex25 4 жыл бұрын
well what can be said World is great but it's definitely not a very good Mon Hun game, for casual players of Mon Hun or people who never touched it, its so stream lined and enjoyable to go thru compared to the other games
@Z50nemesis 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair most of the fans who think world is perfect are new fans , i feel like a lot of the old fanbase have problems with world
@jeredcahill7655 3 жыл бұрын
@@Z50nemesis The old fanbase is eclipsed by the new though so do the old fans truly matter as much? I'm not saying they don't but it's something to keep in mind. More people seemed to like MHW as opposed to the older games, there's something to be said there, plus a good deal of old fans did as well, it's probably split down the middle in terms of the older fans though which makes sense. People don't like change.
@Z50nemesis 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeredcahill7655 only time will tell ... will see if they stuck arround MH6
@Weedbongz 4 жыл бұрын
Finally watched the video, I completely agree with you. MHW is a great game by itself, but as a Monster Hunter game, it completely falters. The worst part was the potential the big changes had. They could've all been freaking great, but they were done in a completely wrong way. One of the things I hate about MHW the most is the lack of an artstyle. Gen 1 and 2 both tried to be realistic, but there was still a picture-esque tone to it. The entire aesthetic was based on a tribal, primitive, hunter-gatherer style; you can see this in the sound effects, the loading screens, the monster icons, the font, and so much more. Now, World looks like any other game. I fucking HATE the UI, because it feels like it's trying so hard to get that "E-Sports" look. It lacks any spirit or soul, and like you said, charm was thrown away in favor of convenience. The OST might be the worst in the series, though there are definitely some solid tracks (Rotten Vale, Val Hazak, Hoarfrost Reach, Nergigante, Xeno'Jiiva, and the Seliana theme are all good). Astera is the most boring town in the series, and the worst part is that it's so big with so little to do in it. Mezeporta in Frontier was big, but it was packed to the brim with different vendors. You could reduce the size of Astera by 60% and it would've been far more pleasant. On top of that, the Gathering Hall is easily the worst in the series by far. The worst part is, it's almost like the developers knew, like they didn't care about making a good Guild Hall because people would just use SOS anyways. As for the combat, it's a bit of a mixed bag for me. I kinda like a lot of the new movesets, like Switchaxe, Longsword, and Hunting Horn's new moves. Monsters' new moves are alright, but the fact that they don't have turning animations and are on your ass constantly makes it feel like a battle of attrition. This is made even worse in G-Rank. The movesets are faster because the monsters are faster too. Status Effects last a lot longer too, and it's the most infuriating shit ever. That tiny Dizzy window in the old games was enough to fuck you up, but now they made it even worse. It's almost like they knew that the combat wasn't "Monster Hunter" so they just thought "Let's make it harder". As for the item changes, it's a bit mixed too. Running while drinking isn't the problem I have, but it's that the health refills gradually to compensate. If you get hit while you're healing, you basically waste your healing item. The knives are fucking annoying. but I actually kind of like the Slinger. Still, I feel like the Slinger should've been its own weapon with a far more fleshed-out moveset, instead of a new mechanic that you almost never use. The worst part of World is the grind. I'm one of those people who hate grinding so much that I will actually not make certain pieces of equipment if I have to fight a monster again. This is one of the reasons I clear the entire quest list. Now, there's nothing but the grind, and the grind is for the wrong shit. If you grind, it's no longer for parts, but now for fucking Decorations. The decorations kill the game for me, and are what turn a pretty good game into a travesty in my eyes. You pretty much can never make the build you want because you NEED the necessary Decorations to do it. The developers' solution was to add event quests that give craploads of decorations. This is effectively just a Band-Aid solution, where they gave the player something to deal with the game's shitty design instead of fixing the game. The worst part is that they can't change it in an update without the whole game having to be re-structured. But on the bright side, I like how the shitty decorations I get make me use skills I wouldn't normally use just to fill a slot. That's how I figured out the pleasures of Resuscitate. Monster Hunter is no longer a social experience. Now, you can just get MR999 people to beat the entire game for you while you twiddle your dick in Base Camp, making it to endgame with only your starting equipment. There always was a problem with people carrying lower-rank players in the old games, but now it's actively encouraged thanks to the SOS System. Nowadays, nobody will even talk to you in the game, and if they do, it's to criticize your non-meta build. The reason people freak out about the meta so much is because you NEED the meta to enjoy World. The monsters have ridiculously high HP, and using a meta set makes it go by that much smoother. Compare that to Gen 1, where all the monsters had really tiny HP pools, and armor skills were never crucial. Monster Hunter is NOT an MMO, and I hate that Capcom is taking it in that direction. The MMO design philsophy is one of the things that gave Frontier its bad reputation, despite it being a criminally misunderstood masterpiece, and arguably the best game in the series. That same MMO design is ruining World right now, with every new update having to introduce a monster that's more powerful than the last. The whole point of Monster Hunter is that it was a social game where any player could get in any mission and have fun with friends. If you look at the design philosophy of Gen 1 and 2, it's almost like a huge epic open-world RPG that plays on a microscopic scale. I used to say that there was hope for the Classic style, but after how well World did, it's hard to see the old style coming back. I feel like what we need is the second-coming of Gen 1 and 2 + Frontier, made by somebody who actually knows what makes the series great. But after seeing the fiascos of Mighty No. 9 and Yooka-Laylee, it makes me feel like even if someone did made a spiritual-successor to Classic MH, it wouldn't even be good. This is a fantastic video, SuperRAD, and I can't wait to see what plans you have after you're done dissecting the Monster Hunter series.
@zsyrinx 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with the general conclusion. I get the same feeling that as great as MHWorld is as a game, there's a spark missing as a Monster Hunter entry that makes me turn to other MH games (currently really sinking my teeting into MHGU). My only gripe with the video analysis itself is the occasional interchangeable use of the terms accesibility and quality of life. They are not interchangeable terms and are very distinct and specific things. But other than that--yes, I pretty much share that opinion.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
I'll keep that in mind. I would say that better QoL can make a game more accessible tho, no?
@zsyrinx 4 жыл бұрын
In an overarching sense, yes absolutely. There are some overlap as both accessibility and quality of life adjustments (QoL) functionally alleviate frustrations, one of external factors to the game and the other inside the game itself. So if you look at accessibility being both the design principles and parameters of "ease of getting into and understand a game" functionally and philosophically, some QoL does in fact work to that effect; but not all QoL fits that mold either. That's the shortest I can make it this early on a Friday morning haha. Keep up the good work on your videos.
@horstrolf9230 4 жыл бұрын
Mh world and iceborne are great games, but they are bad monster hunter games. Where are the true siege fights?!
@nathanwidener9006 2 жыл бұрын
The amount of things I strongly disagree with is staggering. But I think we can all agree we all get lost in the ancient forest every single time
@PipePlazaStudios 4 жыл бұрын
Just curious, will you still make an episode on the history of the fifth gen soon? Or are you gonna wait for it to definitively end?
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Part 5 will be out on Friday. But 5.5 focusing on iceborne may wait until after the final title update. I haven't decided yet. I'd personally rather just get it out and cover the title updates in shorter, separate videos
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. be sure to like, comment, and subscribe if you want to see more!! Just some clarifications about some of the things I mentioned: 1. Some items are locked behind bounties or completing a specific hunt optional quest, which is expected, but some of these quests or bounties are locked behind grind walls . 2. Older games would have you start in random location in high rank and up, and this doesn’t matter in MHW as you can fast travel back to camp 3. Some of the visual mods I use cause Alatreon’s icon to come up as “Need Update” 4. I didn’t touch on the auto-reviving and healing that’s so abundant with palico tools
@deadshot1995 4 жыл бұрын
In World if you spawn outside of camp you land right next to the monster and you can’t fast travel once it aggros without escaping.
@grankwastaken 4 жыл бұрын
Really dont wanna be that annoying guy, I just want to humbly ask if this is the pinned comment that is referenced in the video, since it doesnt appear pinned to me, although it might be a youtube app only kind of thing. Me and my overuse of the app and being lazy instead of just turning the pc on and using a browser like normal ppl hahahaha
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
@@grankwastaken you were right lol thank you!!
@flagro770 4 жыл бұрын
When you spawn in a random location it is either next to the monster, like in old games, or at a rare gathering point, also like in old games. They removed the only annoying feature from this which was spawning in a random zone for no reason.
@SuperRADLemon 4 жыл бұрын
@@flagro770 you can still land in the middle of nowhere
@tylerweyanf9004 4 жыл бұрын
I wanna preface this by saying I genuinely enjoy your content, it's informative and enjoyable. What will be said below is not a reflection of my view on you, but a reflection of the opinions stated. I completely disagree with pretty much all your opinions in this video. Your issues with the grind makes no sense to me, I don't get why it's a bad design decision to want your players to keep playing. Your issue with the combat and movement "not being monster hunter" is extremely lame and honestly comes off as gate-keepy. I've played since 4U and the new movement options feel like a natural progression. Overall the combat in world is much better than in previous entries full stop. I will never understand why people have issue with moving and using an item, stopping and flexing was awful and should NEVER come back, and just because that's how it always was for a long time doesn't mean it was for the best. And after hearing your reasons for it you DEFINITELY come off as trying to gate keep. Once again, I just completely disagree with pretty much every point made in this video, and what you describe as "charm" I would describe a crust. MHW is an amazing Monster Hunter game, and as much as I like your content overall, opinions like this just seem to want to hold the series back for one arbitrary reason or another. I don't want to see them regress their changes in the next main MH entry, but rather morph it into something better. I don't want to go back to the old design, I want to see the MH team do new things, to evolve the series into something more than what it is or has been.
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
Really dude? You're seriously thinking that a dumbed down, casualized/forgiving combat system is better? Being able to move while healing literally takes away all the risk, timing, and positioning that existed in the old games. World literally removes all those elements and makes it completely mindless. How someone can support this dumbing down change is beyond me. What's next, should Capcom make it where we can run full speed while our weapon is unsheathed? Let's remove the sharpening mechanic while we're at it, or let us sharpen our weapons while we're full sprinting. Let's dumb the game down even further. This isn't evolution, this is devolution. You clearly don't understand basic game design if you think World's changes are good.
@tylerweyanf9004 4 жыл бұрын
@@Aesieda I mean if you wanna act like elitist trash go for it man, your opinion literally means nothing to me.
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
@@tylerweyanf9004 I'm not an elitist. I'm an individual who wants games to improve but retain their integrity and core spirit, and not change just for the sake of getting a wider audience. You clearly don't care about the soul of the franchise if you're willing to change the entire game to something that is nothing like the classics. There's a right and wrong way to improve a game, World took some wrong decisions and blind folks such as yourself are only the cherry on top of it all. Literally every argument on your side can be countered through basic logic and reason, nothing more.
@tylerweyanf9004 4 жыл бұрын
@@Aesieda This is personal preference, your view is different than mine. Your opinion means nothing to me however. You have not countered anything I said. You're just showing how much of an elitist you are by acting like you've won in a battle of subjective opinion. Go ahead and cling to the past while everyone else goes and enjoys what is to come. No one is blind for actually liking the new design, but people like you are a bunch of toxic shit stains who think their opinion somehow carries more weight than others. I'm not going to dignify people who want to hold a franchise back just because their rose tinted glasses are permanently glued to their fat head. The old design is gone, and that's for the better of the franchise. And if you don't like that then tough shit I guess, you can just skip the rest of the franchise then. Do yourself a favor and don't bother arguing in circles because you're proving nothing to anyone by acting like your personal preference is greater than anyone else's. Have a nice day/night/morning and enjoy playing whatever you want, or not, frankly I don't give a shit either way.
@Aesieda 4 жыл бұрын
@@tylerweyanf9004 Personal preferences can be wrong, and I already proved how yours is wrong. You clearly do give a shit which is why you replied to the video in the first place. If you have an opinion and you publicly share it, then prepare to defend it. You're a coward, nothing more. Moving while healing removes: 1) Proper timing 2) Proper positioning 3) Risk/reward factor 4) Learning monster's moves to find best times to use items World literally removes all four of these elements from combat and dumbs it down, and so called fans such as yourselves call this, "evolution of the franchise". LMAO. Do I really need to go on? Good luck defending your position. You never can and never will. Ciao.
@hamachibeans4471 4 жыл бұрын
My only real issues with world is the decoration grind, the guiding lands, and the event quests being not permanent and on rotation. Also the clutch claw, hate the clutch claw and tenderizing
@duskyer2391 3 жыл бұрын
World was really multiplayer UNfriendly. Tried to get a friend into the game, but he gave up right at the beginning portions of Icebourne, mostly because of the unskippable cutscenes nobody cared about, the fact that I couldn't join him from start to finish as he NEEDS to view cutscenes first, and the issue of quests being locked out until story progression because singleplayer and multiplayer aren't split. He only got the game to play with a friend, but the game actively fights against that. He also didn't like most of the monsters in base game as they were all really similar to him. Past games which he never played had Bears, Monkeys, Rabbits, Insects. Base Game World mostly had Dinosaurs and Dragons. Also he hates Rathalos. because he basically fought him 4 separate times with their difference being their skin color. I wanna talk about Rise and the whole restocking arguments people use. I don't like that you can restock whenever you feel like it. People argue against this saying either "You don't have to use it if you don't want to", or "I hardly ever restocked in world." And if you use the latter as an argument then I don't understand what your problem is. My issue with restocking is the game balance that comes from it. If you can keep getting infinite potions then the devs have to introduce a new sort of challenge, so they give monsters one hit kill moves. Even if I don't restock like people say, I am disadvantaged because of it. Similar to the clutch claw. Instead of being something cool and optional, they buffed monsters health to the point you NEED to wall bang, and NEED to tenderize. It just felt too phase like. It didn't feel like I was fighting a living breathing creature trying to survive or eat me. It felt like I was fighting a shallow enemy using the same tactics I use for every other battle.
@hollow3450 3 жыл бұрын
There are 3 different Rathalos in the game, and all of them were intruduced in older games. Same with Rathian. Most new world monsters are pretty different. Like Pukei, Tobi, bazel, nergi etc. Only a few were similar to each other. Anjanath has a new mechanic, but is not realy anything special. Jyratodus is literaly a mix of baroth and lavasliot (or whatever it's name was). So yeah, those 2 are similar but the others aren't tbh.
@hugo-pg5tv 3 жыл бұрын
Are u one of those People who Are shit at the game ok
@2tempests1hearld 3 жыл бұрын
I came into this video biased and ready to disagree. I think actually you vocalized some things in world I disliked without realizing. The only thing I disagree with is paintballs. I’m glad those are gone. I had about a 7% success rate actually landing those stupid things.
@SuperRADLemon 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao fair enough
@Lexaegis 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I agree with a lot that has been said here, the only exception being how you can move while using items now. I didn't like having to go into another area to heal, as it broke my immersion, and the drinking animation for items was just frustrating imo. As far as the game being more simplified and aggressive, I definitely feel that. You mentioned the clutch claw and I totally agree there, it feels like Iceborne was balanced around it expecting it to be used often, but I don't find it fun to use at all. If it was a little less impactful then I wouldn't mind, as it'd just be an extra option for players and not near necessary at points. My much bigger issue with the aggressiveness is something you didn't mention though, being mantles. Not only do they suck cosmetically by covering up the armor I grinded for, mantles like Temporal and Rocksteady (and to an extent Vitality) make it so that it's much less important to learn a monsters patterns when you can autododge or stay in place. As a whole, I'm much more excited for Rise knowing that a lot of these issues are remedied. Keeping large open maps while keeping them simple and not cluttered, removing mantles and the clutch claw in favor of the more customizable (and more fun) wirebugs, and just seeming full of so much more charm than World.
@marshinz5696 2 жыл бұрын
I am not a MH Super Fan. I have only played the 1st. WhenMHW came to PC I was all over it. I don't know why but MH:World never clicked with me. I doubt I have 10 hours in it. I couldn't figure out why but some of what you said here might be clearing things up for me. The Odd thing in I have been playing Rise and it clicked.
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