Monster Hunter Wild's Insect Glaive is incredible! Here's why.

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@Ederick1936 2 ай бұрын
okay, you asked so here we go. sorry if some of this gets... charged. all in all I am *okay* with the weapon, but vastly prefer Sunbreak's version. I went into the beta worried that it would feel worse than it did in world and right now if world was a 1 and sunbreak a 10, Wilds feels like a 2 or a 3 *if they fix the control scheme* and a -2 if they don't. i've put all my thoughts below and at the very end i've also put what i would propose to be a better control scheme. "tips to pull off the new moves" no. full stop. we are one sentence in to your defence of this travesty and we already have the biggest problem. the changes being controversial aside, the control scheme is a crime against hands. your method of control (which is what i was doing as well) is awkward and unatural, i don't blame anybody for hating it. as you have mentioned as well most people don't' have three thumbs and can't hold the charge while moving the camera. this makes toggling focus mode a bad solution as well as it locks your camera in the direction of your weapon while attacking. camera tracking is also a shitty solution as it takes control away from you when aiming your kinsect. If there is one thing the weapon was good at it was training me to know what Ray Dau was doing with camera angles so bat that they could only be replicated in some shitty independent found-footage horror movie. "is he going to divebomb me with his wing? i don't know, i've been staring at mostly ground with a bit of leg and tail for the past two combos". your control scheme seems clever but it falls apart in actual play. if you need to aim your kinsect you have to release the charge, if you have a charge held you have to roll to cancel it before releasing it. in previous games I could get fantastic damage uptime by manually attacking with the kinsect while i close medium sized gaps if I knew it was too dangerous to go to air. kinsect speed aside as it will most assuredly be better at higher levels i just can't do that new because of the control scheme. look, it's simple. I didn't have to deal with any of the above bullshit in previous games, I now have to deal with said bullshit in wilds. it's bad. when you are reduced to toggle modes, bizarre thumb-jutsu, and turning on gyro or third party buttons or aiming your kinsect with your ***fucking chin*** (look, desperate times require desperate measures okay?) there is a clear and objective problem with the usability of the weapon, and any attempt to deny that is either defensiveness or coping. the horrific controls of this new iteration have made extraction gathering a problem in spite of the new tools they have given the weapon. we also lost earplugs on having all three. i'm also just going to go out on a limb here and say that with a proper fast Kinsect, extract gathering is just not a problem. if they really wanted to make extract gathering better, they would have just made kinsects fast out the gate. it's silly that they are so adamantly sticking to this system where the first kinsect you get is slower than '67 VW Microbus. "this is an incredible new att" no.. second major problem is this garbage attack. it's bad for the same reason why helicopter attack is bad. it's unfocused and hits in a huge vertical hitbox. furthermore the kinsect will overwrite the extracts it picks up so even if you do land it in a zone where you might be able to pick up all three more often than not you end up with two or even just tripple red or orange or some bullshit. taking the majority of IG damage and spreading it out over such a wide area is *bad* and will result in problems for the weapon down the line. you can't focus a part with the weapons main combat loop, you can try to get some damage on the relevant part but with RSS that just isn't possible. this means that you are going to have inconsistent part brakes and topples and the only way to stop that from happening is by fairly considerably limiting your DPS output. if you are looping KS into Diving wyvern mindlessly you aren't a good hunter in Sunbreak either. tornado slash combo or tetraseal is better damage if you have an opening on the ground. that's the problem with this change, both World and Rise had full and complete use-cases for these moves, Wilds so far does not. the damage from RSS is just too good but too unfocused. the reason why both Kinsect Slash and Diving Wyvern were *very* good additions to bugstick is because they were consistent and accurate. they allowed you to go after part brakes, flinches, and topples with consistency and that ability made them useful *even though they did less damage than the ground combo*. so saying that loop is all you did is how a sloppy IG user plays, because a good IG user knows when to stay grounded and when to exploit the monster in the air. gen ultimate was made by the sunbreak team. clearly they liked aerial. it's also a decade old game, the weapon has evolved. that's like saying that a greatswords charged attacks aren't part of the identity because wouldn't you know, the original monster hunter didn't have that. ugggggg this hitbox argument again. I fail to see why this is a problem. at all. that's like saying that the team had to develop charges and ranged attacks to deal with bowguns. i've never once run into an invisible hitbox in sunbreak, even after 100%ing it. i don't even know what to say to this. my only guess is that some people don't recognize when different hitboxes activate and they are being hit by the body during a charge or something and then calling bullshit. at 12:40 the damage you are attributing to the kinsect is simply just the damage that results from bursting a wound. anybody can do that on any wound brake (it actually scales higher and higher for each subsequent simultaneous wound brake making bow and absolute fucking machine for this damage). it does more in multiplayer because the monsters health is higher in multiplayer, so the reward for a wound brake is also higher. sorry, this just isn't the kinsect doing this, although point where it's due insect glaive is one of the better weapons for utilizing wounds in this regard. While we are talking about the kinsect, i would like to remind you that sunbreak had a kinsect powder build that allowed you to collect and detonate all powder on one spot and while it was still a little off meta, it wrecked, was super fun, and totally different. so no, Insect Glaive was actually SUPER VERSATILE in Sunbreak. I'm just not seeing that in Wilds. some subjective things. i'm glad you find some of these thigns satisfying and fun, but many of us just... don't. The charge brakes the flow of the weapon for me. I liked that it *didn't* have a charge, *didn't* have a counter, *didn't* have some complicated resource system like CB or SWAX. finally. here is how i would do the controls if I were capcom. I don't think i'm missing anything here but feel free to point it out if I am. they could have just combined kinsect aim and focus mode (like the ranged weapons have) on L2, then used R1 for the kinsect out and Square for recall. Then they could have added △ + O for our focus attack. finally have the charge be on R2, that way if you vault you can release it to go right into charged descending thrust. pressing O while charged still goes into the charged O attack and releasing a charged R2 on the ground just releases the charge. also this allows them to revert △ and O in the air. sure it would have been a little awkward to have recall on square only when L2 is pressed but compare that to what they did and it works at least. it allows you to aim while in kinsect / focus mode with your thumb on the right stick while moving with your thumb on the left stick. it allows you access to all of your attacks, it allows you to charge without tying up your right stick thumb so that avoids claw grip, and letting you easily press X while charged to vault. it even allows you to △ in the air for the regular down attack instead of committing to the CDT. and like you say, just make the kinsect attack with you if that's the intention instead of adding it to focus mode. or better yet, give us Sunbrake levels of Kinsect customization where the Assist Type handles this way.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I really had no problem playing IG like I showed in the video, I've played other games like this and am used to pressing multiple buttons/holding one button while pressing another with just my thumb. But if people are having a hard time playing like this then I wouldn't mind if they changed it around. I will say thinking back on it I should've said something like "Let me show you how I play IG comfortably" or something like that since that would've been a better description of what I was trying to show. I'm also pretty sure even when I was locked on in Wilds and started aiming my Kinsect the camera would go where I want it to, so I still had control and the only thing I would like is for the camera to stay focused on the monster better when not aiming. I did notice when I first fought Ray Dau, he would cover up the camera at times which is odd since I've never really had that problem with other games. After the first hunt though I increased the FOV and that helped a bit, but it is odd that happened in the first place usually MH games are good at keeping the camera from getting blocked by monsters. Why would you have to aim the kinsect while charging? Most likely if you need to aim the Kinsect you don't have all 3 extracts and if you want the Kinsect to attack while you are attacking just mark the monster or do focus triangle attacks. I don't see why you'd want to cancel the charge, if you need to move out of the way you can jump and dodge that way and let go of it to do the descending thrust, so you don't waste the charge. I didn't have any of the issues you said in the 1st paragraph but I'm most definitely not coping, I think it's most likely that people play games differently, while you may not like Wilds IG, I really enjoyed it and didn't have many issues besides the camera. I agree though that it's weird they make the starting Kinsect so slow. At least in betas/demos they could alter the stats to it's not unbearable then in the full game change it to normal and let us access to faster Kinsects early in the game. Also, I always felt like the full earplugs upon getting all 3 extracts was strong, I really enjoyed it! But it also wasn't a thing in world/iceborne. (Although I think in that game you did get level 2 or 3 earplugs? I don't remember but I just always had full earplugs in world/iceborne so I wouldn't have to deal with it.) So, you think helicopter attack is bad interesting... Since most people seem upset you can't spam that attack anymore. Something that's been bothering me about that by the way (I don't know if you will know since you say Sunbreak Ig was your favorite but if you do know about this, I'm interested to hear what you think) So people are upset that the helicopter attack can't bounce anymore, and they can't spam it over and over again. But also, people are saying the RSS loop is repetitive. (Now the people who say these 2 things could be different groups of people but I'm sure there's at least a little overlap) But with the helicopter attack you're just pressing triangle, and maybe X to dodge out of the way of an attack. And personally, I would get sick of that REAL quick. If people find that fun more power to them but personally, I don't see what's so fun about that. That's 1 of the reasons I liked Sunbreak IG more than icebornes. Since there was a point to bouncing, to buff your damage for Diving Wyvern. But I don't know that whole argument seems odd to me. Sure, RSS has a big hitbox but that also requires you to time it well instead of using it willy nilly. And yes, on monsters that are smaller it was harder to hit them even when timed well. But when I was fighting those monsters, I tended to either not use RSS as much or only use it when a wound was there. But with monsters like Ray Dou or Doshaguma I was able to hit them perfectly fine with the whole attack. And seeing as in most games the middle to late game monsters will at least be mostly around Doshaguma size I don't see how it could lead to problems with the weapon. And yes, I agree it is annoying when the Kinsect only grabs 1 type of extract when it hits multiple times. I don't know if it would be too strong to make it only grab 1 of each extract when it hits the right spot like the charged R2 kinsect attack, but if they change it to do that it would be a lot easier to pull of that combo, I mentioned at 13:38. And that would allow IG to do an aerial only playstyle since you'd only land after doing Strong descending thrust. Also, I was able to target Ray Dou's tail mostly with RSS sure with other parts like the heard or wings it would be harder to only hit them but It's still possible when timed well. Also, I felt like I was getting plenty of part breaks and topples when I hunted Ray Dou. I guess I should've clarified but I didn't just stand around doing nothing waiting for my Wirebugs to recharge I was doing ground combos while waiting. But as soon as a Wirebug came off cooldown I would immediately triple bounce then diving wyvern. But if you're saying ground combos can do more damaged in a shorter amount of time than bouncing 3 times with Kinsect slash then a diving wyvern I would be extremely skeptical of that. I haven't tested if that was true but the fact you can hit over 1000 damage easily on the right part in about less than 10 seconds with Diving wyvern makes me think that's the best DPS for IG in Sunbreak. Now I will say I didn't fight all the monsters like this, something like Shagaru Magala (With his stupid tiny head) I would do ground combos more often since it would be more consistent. But with something like Crimson Glow Valstrax I would always use Diving wyvern as much as possible. Especially since his wings took more damage than his head when they were glowing red. And with them being so big it made Diving Wyvern very easy to hit. Yes, the weapon has evolved. The point of showing GU IG was to show we still have plenty of aerial options compared to the older games and people are being a bit overdramatic when they say the killed aerial IG. Well, you must be very lucky if you never noticed the invisible hitboxes in rise/Sunbreak. But one of the issues I had with it is most likely the MH Rise team made it, so hitboxes are bigger since all the weapons had access to wirebugs and therefor more aerial options. But for IG users it felt like we were given the middle finger since it affected us mostly. And no most of the hitbox issues had nothing to do with charge attacks. The only charge attack hitbox I don't like is Rathalos's charge attack when he's tired and he slips. But the hitbox isn't too big on that attack it's the fact it lingers for so long, and even when he stops moving it could still hit you. The reason I mention Apex Rathian is because I feel she was the worst with her backflips. One time I dodged her back flip and used the helicopter attack to move back towards her. But as the animation was ending, I grazed her back and got hit and poisoned. Now I would've been fine if I just got hit but the fact, I got poisoned shows that the game thinks I got hit by the tail, which I feel like is proof they added some line of code that says {If player=midair increase Hitbox size by 5%} or something like that. While it didn't ruin the weapon or the game for me, I couldn't help but feel this way whenever I got hit by a crazy hitbox. And while you may not have experienced something like this, I have, and it seems like a lot of other IG users did as well. Oh, so wounds popping do damage like the red spots on afflicted monster in sunbreak. That make more sense. But you could get technical and say because the Kinsect is popping the wounds it is therefore causing the damage. Also, I never said Sunbreak IG wasn't versatile I unfortunately never got around to making a Kinsect Powder build, but I liked that Sunbreak was making the Kinsect more involved with the moveset than Iceborne did, and Wilds is doing that again. Sure, I will say Sunbreak so far is more involved with the Kinsect but there could still be a possibility to add new abilities or Kinsects that do something similar to the Kinsect powder build in Sunbreak. Also... OBJECTION! Insect Glaive does have a counter in Sunbreak. Also, I think your suggestions to change to the weapon are pretty good. Making Strong descending thrust on R2 would be more familiar for world/iceborne users and make it more comfortable to use. It is a bit hard for me to think of ways to improve the weapon so more people like it since I have no problem with how it is now, but that's why I wanted to make this video so I can learn what other people think could be better for the weapon. And yeah, I think having the Kinsect work like Sunbreak where different Kinsect do different things could be really fun. And they could even make one of them do the Kinsect powder explosion like sunbreak to bring that back. But we'll see what they do with the weapon in the full game, I can tell you're frustrated with how the weapon is now so I hope they can change it so it's more fun to use for anyone who doesn't like it now. But only time will tell.
@Ederick1936 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow just some notes and quick responses for some of your questions, or think i've noticed that might explain a differing of opinion. - The Camera. in neither IB nor Sunbreak do I use the lock on feature, at all. I hate how it moved the camera for me, IB is especially egregious as it focuses on hitzones and can be adjusted on the fly. I can't tell you the number of times I have whiffed on a sure fire DT because i had accidentally depressed the stick and engaged the lock on camera only for my aim to go suddenly and jarringly off target. (until i looked it up in the settings and just turned it off) I despise it. Rise in my opinion had a much better camera where you could tap (i believe) left bumper and it would snap to target, but otherwise be a free camera by default. Perhaps it was my time playing fromsoftware games that drilled this into me, i don't know, but i vastly prefer free camera which is why the lock on makes it hard for me to aim my kinsect. -Aiming my kinsect. I'm perplexed by this question, a charged kinsect clips through the monster and as long as you hit all three zones you get all three extracts. i honestly only resorted to using the focus mode triangle input attacks (light attacks) when I couldn't line up a clean charged kinsect shot, fine adjustments for my aim are required for that. Perhaps this is why i prefer free camera to lock on because in both IB and SB i use the kinsect a lot to get in a few hits when the monster moves far away and i've gotten *really* good at aiming it as a result. (honestly, the little guy slaps) - Regarding Repetitive loops. I honestly don't use helicopter attack that often, it's too unfocused, it's a HUGE commitment, in IB it was only really good for mounting and breaking Safi's back and in sunbreak we had Kinsect Slash. that being said you seem to be making an equivalency here between the complexity of the combo inputs and your enjoyment of the combat loop. I personally don't mind pressing just one button so long as the way i interact with the monster is interesting. I will use a pretty Wild(heh) analogy here but Chess is among the simplest games *to play* but nobody who plays chess thinks it's easy or repetitive. yes it has a simple ruleset, but it is an incredibly *deep* game. to use an example in the gaming space. FFXIV (which I love). My only criticism of FFXIV is that there is an obscene number of buttons to press for each job, yet most jobs have very *little* actual decision making during the rotation. some like the Machinist are "solved" in that the perfect rotation does not change at all. My point is that while the combat loop in wilds has more complex button inputs than before, it has less *decision* making to happen than before. basically engage with CDT if you can, wail on the monster with Charged O for as long as you can, RSS before the monster moves away, regain any missing extracts and do it again. I also felt like as I played i was doing progressively less and less CDT because unless you have red extract you can't engage that way, and RSS doesn't always give you red extract so replacing my extracts would take the place of trying to engage in with a well aimed CDT. This is about par (maybe a little worse) than IB which was a decision of DT or ground combo (or... *shudder* clutchclaw), but in my opinion a huge step down from sunbreak which included decisions like "do I have wirebugs, do i have enough stam for 3 hops, do I have an opening to reliably get a full 3x KS + DW combo on the monster. which leads into what does "more damage" testing from ratatoskr shows that *technically* a full 3x KS + DW combo does more than any ground combo except tetraseal slash (Tetraseal was buffed and will outpace it on two loops). but, and that's a HUGE BUT (so big Sir Mix-a-lot is eyeing it up) I don't' think that testing wasn't accounting for elemental damage (which tetra-seal benefits greatly from) and wasn't taking in to account the resources (wirebugs) and skill required to pull that off. quite frankly put you NEED to hit the full combo perfectly to outdamage ground and that's just not realistic to say you can always pull that off. Ground and Pound does more damage because it is more consistent and can do more damage with shorter windows (when you can't reasonably get 3 KS), or much longer windows (when the monster is toppled). but you don't have to take my word for it, and you don't have to take Ratatoskers math for it, all you have to do is look at the speedruns. i'll drop a link here to illustrate for Juzzi's Risen Teostra run in 2min 58 seconds (Jesus Christ): you will notice that they only use Diving Wyvern combo when the monster is either not toppled, or when it is toppled but not right in front of them. whenever the monster is toppled and already at their feet they will always use Testraseal even when they have wirebugs available. part of that is output but part of it is because of how clever wirebugs are as they are a resource that can be used offensively or defensively and for movement as well (which is also both offensive and defensive) that being said taking the bounce away did irk me. why? why did they do that? to my knowledge very few weapons got something taken away from them (you could argue the bow "lost" coatings by turning it into a resource i guess), nevermind something so iconic. it's feelsbadman when something gets taken away from you and there just felt like me to be no compelling reason to do it, which makes it feel... well... kinda personal. As if all of the shit we had to deal with like people mockingly yelling "je suis monte!" or blaming IG for them carting 3 times because we "spent too much time in the air" was suddenly justified by the devs themselves. - on hitboxes maybe it's just me? when i get hit by a monster I very rarely dispute it. I just assume that i got hit. for a lot of attacks the hitbox stays activated when it looks like the monster is in idle animation afterwords i will admit. the Rath tail lash is a good example of this. the tail is it's hitbox and if you touch it in that second after it did the attack you will still take damage as it's still active. i never really saw this as a problem myself, i just though "oh, okay, don't do that i guess". I'm no great coder, but i do know a little, i very highly doubt there is code in the game to increase the size of hitboxes when airborn or something like that, but monsters in rise do have much better tracking to compensate for air mobility (they will adjust to your position with better accuracy when making an attack. ask me how many times Rajang has kamehameha'd me out of the air....) - actually an aside to Rajang, and one of my big worries here. I fight Rajang almost COMPLETELY grounded in both IB and SB. I never vault with him unless he's toppled because he's very good at punishing you for doing so (the vault is a huge time commitment). instead i just roll behind him and follow up with a quick double light thrust (the double poke we lost) or a tornado slash if I have the time in the opening. a monster like Mizutsune however i spend very little time on the ground with as i can punish him in the air fairly reliably. This is in essence my worry about what we have lost. a good bugsticker knows all of their tools and how to apply them, the weapon is versatile. I am legitimately at a loss for what i'll be doing with Rajang in Wolds (please let him be in Wilds, one of my favourite monsters) because the animation commitment for our stronger attacks in Wilds seems to be too long for the fast monke boy and more critically it will take too long to both charge and execute the charged O in the way that i currently fight him. - yeah i guess the vault on that one drawslash attack is a counter, I never saw it that way because it wasn't really something i times and it just vaults you but fair point.
@armgold8543 2 ай бұрын
I am not fucking reading all that. I love the weapon in wilds. I'm cool if there is a control scheme change though. But I want it to remain almost EXACTLY as it is now.
@raychaos5194 2 ай бұрын
THANK YOU!!! VERY well said!
@theunofficialfpsbalancetea5915 2 ай бұрын
Ok a couple things to note from my perspective and my thousands of hours playing this weapon across 3 games: 1. Locking the strong moveset behind triple buff is probably the single most annoying change to me who personally uses a controller with paddles. The weak moveset is ignored for a reason, it feels awful and has awful damage output. Either put it back to only red extract or remove it altogether. No one uses the weak moveset, capcom knows this, there’s no need to FORCE us to use it. Get rid of it. There’s plenty of incentive to get the buffs already. I’d be ok with it if that design philosophy persisted across other weapons but it doesn’t, so it’s time to let that shit go imo. 2. The charge attack and the descending attack should not be charge attacks at all, and should be binded [triangle] + [circle] on the ground and in the air respectively. Maybe they can be locked into a focus mode thing where you need to hold focus mode for a period of time to access the attacks, or maybe they should just do away with the charge full stop. But the awkward controller scheme to access them is unintuitive. Just be done with it. It’s not gonna break the balance of the weapon when bow and long sword exist. 3. The charge insect thing to collect multiple extracts and penetrate the monster also needs to be changed. I’m not entirely sure I remember the button layouts from the beta, but why not make it so that holding focus mode while also holding [R2] gives you access to the stronger bug? That way when you want to attack in focus mode let go of [R2] and when you want to send the charged but hold [R2] in focus mode. This whole “charge” design philosophy in general was just completely unnecessary for this weapon…. 4. BRING BACK AERIAL GLAIVE OR GIVE SOME REAL INCENTIVE TO BE AIRBORNE. This one is honestly just a no brainer to me. The aerial moveset still exists but with no bounce, it feels like a last minute change and now has a wasted aspect of the weapon. If they don’t want us flying around anymore, then fine, but give us a real incentive to be in the air. For goodness sake OUR STRONGEST ATTACK LITERALLY PUTS US IN THE AIR BUT LEAVES US WITH NO REALY FOLLOW UP. You basically just have to fly away and reset the engagement, unless you somehow luckily managed to get all the extracts again, which doesn’t even get auto collected so you still need to land anyways. Everyone who says aerial insect glaive needed to go is missing something, it was a great way to target specific monster weakpoints that were not super accessible to other weapons, even if the damage was less. Velkhana, lunastra, Amatsu, behemoth, etc has weak spots that were much easier to hit because we could fly and hit them. And before someone comes here and says something about how being airborne is good for positioning, just stop for a second and think. There are 13 OTHER WEAPONS IN THE GAME THAT ALSO NEED GOOD POSITIONING. The game is quite literally designed for players to position themselves despite not being able to fly. If insect glaive is better at positioning because we and fly a little bit it’s marginal and best, but realistically is nearly completely inconsequential.
@darraghhhhh 2 ай бұрын
As a much more "casual" player compared to a lot of other people in the comments here and as someone who would only really play glaive in World - I sadly did not personally enjoy Wilds glaive myself. I do find the new moves to be cool, but I just couldn't fall in love with it without the permanent helicopter. Thankfully, I am really happy with my second favourite weapon from World, Bow, it feels much nicer to play so that will probably what I'll be mainly going through the game with! I'm glad though that most people are happy with the fresh moves on glaive!
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
That's fair. As someone who used IG before it had the helicopter attack, I never had an attachment to it, but I can see how it being gone can sour the weapon for someone. But good to hear you have a backup main! Always good to have one of those in case the newest game you don't particularly enjoy your normal main.
@fluxuous6907 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow yeah I had a similar experience thankfully I fell in love with something new that's unique to wilds, HBG while on the mount, it gives me that agility high that I missed from IG while also learning some new stuff.
@Ederick1936 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow consider that more than half of the current playerbase only knows a version of IG with helicopter mode. World grew the game that much that the majority of the playerbase doesn't' remember a time before Bugstick had this. It's easy to see why it's iconic to many.
@TeatimeToad 2 ай бұрын
same here, I have over a thousand World hunts with the glaive and Wilds, while not the worst weapon, is only about half as fun. I played glaive since it first released and world was the pinnacle of the glaive playstyle only for it to get significally worse in Wilds. Hypothetically they could still change stuff from the beta but I don't except them to realize their mistake tbh. Atp im just sad since I was so hyped for my glaive hunts in wilds ever since its announcement
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@fluxuous6907 Nice! I wish I had more time to try out more weapons, but I was only able to try out IG, HH, and Swaxe. Hopefully a demo comes out somewhat soon that doesn't have a time limit.
@mythguard6865 2 ай бұрын
Another Glaive main here (I’ve been playing glaive since 4u. And started Monhun in tri.) I agree over all with what you’ve said in this video! I really like almost every change in wilds! But I definitely think the focus strike (in midair) should send you further forward to make hitting it a bit more consistent after spiral slash. Also they really need to give us a kinsect that actually worth something in the demo. Let’s be real no one in their right mind uses a bug that slow for more than two quests in the full game.
@maxmustermann3938 2 ай бұрын
Yea I did struggle a bit with focus strike in the air. It takes patience, waiting to fall down far enough so you actually reach... but a bit more launch would be more fluid.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Cool to see you enjoyed IG in Wilds! (I also started MH with tri by the way) I do agree, the focus strike in midair is a bit hard to pull off. I found myself just using it on the ground since it was easier to do that way. If they made it easier to hit that would be nice to make it more viable midair. Also yeah, I know they usually give us starting equipment for betas/demos, (Or armor with no abilities) to keep it balanced but as soon as a better bug is available in the full game everyone switches to it immediately. The starting bugs are just so bad XD
@ilikecookies230 2 ай бұрын
I I got to beam into the monster like a wasp or a bee stinging the monster, I am not bugs tick main, I have become bug😂.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@ilikecookies230 THAT'S IT!! I know how to fix the weapon for everyone! Remove the stick and just use the bug! That bug already does great damage so we can get rid of the stick and focus only on bug!
@crazymonk27 2 ай бұрын
When we get the full game I'm sure decorations and skills will benefit the glaive enough for people like my partner to want to move from dual blades to glaive!
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, they have a lot of potential to make cool new skills that could make the gameplay of IG better. The one thing we know for sure now is that no one is going to use Power prolonger. That skill would be useless on IG in Wilds as is XD.
@foremanhaste5464 2 ай бұрын
9:52 There is an option to have focus mode be a toggle and not only while held. I think LBG/HBG both use the focus button to aim, so changing the focus button could get messy. As I have been learning about IG and kinsects, my thought is that there should be a kinsect that gathers what you glaive strike and here it is. IMO, kinsect should attack the parts you hit regardless of focus mode. 12:54 I am not sure, but I think how wounds work is to give bonus damage to attacks until they "pop." However, if you use an ability that instantly breaks them, they do all the bonus damage instantly. I am pretty sure I have seen video of Bow's focus strike do the same kind of numbers.
@equinox-XVI 8 күн бұрын
Sorry for commenting on an old video (which in and of itself is coming late to an old discussion). Its the first time it appeared in my recommendations, so I didn't get the chance to interact with this when it was more relevant. Before I list my thoughts, I want to explain my perspective: - Rise/Sunbreak is the only MH game I have played extensively (~1700hrs) I tri-main IG, CB, and DB in this game. - I solo main IG in GU, but haven't played much of the game (~70 hrs) - To supplement my lack of knowledge, I regularly do research on what weapons were like in old games (Its probably why I was so late to this video. I ran out videos for old gen games and started watching videos about Wilds to try to make inferences at the general direction the devs want to take the weapons) - I try my best to think about things objectively from a a game design standpoint. But seeing as game design is closely linked to personal preferences, bias will of course come into play at times. I'll try my best to acknowledge my own whenever its relevant. With that out the way, *(1/4) Charge Attack / Controls* Covering both of these in one section because they're closely related. It still purplexes me why they gave this mechanic to IG of all weapons. It messed up the control scheme pretty bad and I feel like this sort of mechanic would have been much more welcomed on a weapon like hammer, which already has the functions and moveset to support it. But its here and its what the devs want for the weapon, so who am I to change that? Lets move on to the actually problematic stuff. To start, this mechanic NEEDS to be assigned to a trigger button. There is a very good reason racing games use that button for trottle, gun games use it to shoot, and why Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity assigned Teba's special action to that button. (He has a similar charge mechanic) Ergonomically speaking, the triggers are the easiest and least problematic button to hold while controlling the camera or doing other actions. I don't think the devs wanted to assign it to O, but with L2 and R2 already taken for kinsect and focus mode, they didn't see many other options and made the best of a bad situation. But if I were able to, I would find some way to overlap functionality between the 3 things so that the 2 trigger buttons available are all thats required. Either merge kinsect controls and focus mode so R2 can be used solely for charging, or merge kinsect controls and charging so focus mode can maintain its original purpose of giving the player more control over their base attacks. (I have a few ideas for how these might look which will be explained the replies to this comment) With controls out of the way, there is one more inherent problems with the charge attack I want to go over. As you mentioned around 8:44, performing CDS/CDT automatically recalls the kinsect for RSS, but this is bad for powder kinsects because you want them to be out and making powder clouds. My suggestion to fix this is to simply NOT recall kinsects when doing this attack. Wilds has been a little too forgiving of player execution imo, to the point that its limiting and sometimes even inhibiting to the weapon movesets. This is one of those cases wherr it becomes inhibiting. Instead it should be the player's responsibility to make sure the kinsect is on their arm before attempting RSS. Otherwise, they won't be allowed to do it. CDS/CDT would combo into tornado slash instead. This also addresses the really inelegant fail safe they put in place for if the kinsect is too far away when performing CDS/CDT. When this happens while doing, it flies back to you much faster than it is normally able to. That way it reach you in time for RSS. Its a really sloppy solution imo considering that Extract Hunter, a similarly kinsect reliant attack in GU, made you take the L and hold a waiting stance until your kinsect returned. So for Wilds, I think the responsibility should be assigned back to the player to either make sure the kinsect is on their arm when attempting RSS or not be allowed to do RSS. (Part of me also wants to make kinsect stamina part of the requirement, but I don't have the means to test whether that would be too harsh. I won't push for it for now.) *(2/4) Rising Spiral Slash* My biggest gripe with this attack is that it spends extracts. I had a similar gripe with Awakened Kinsect Attack in Sunbreak, but largely ignored it because it was a switch skill I could choose to switch out for something of similar value. (Diving wyvern 99.9% of the time) But seeing as switch skills aren't in Wilds, its a mechanic I'm once again forced to interact with and one I once again do not enjoy. In my view of it, IG was very notable for lacking any way to dumb resources into an attack. It instead rewarded your ability to play consistent and output steady DPS. Diving wyvern was an occasion spike in damage, but was mostly limited by the difficulty of using the move on a moving target and the fact it required a wirebug. Furthermore, for the setup required, it was kinda pitiful damage wise. You _could_ hit 4K on a sleep wakeup on the training dummy, but in hunts, damage rarely left the 1k to 1.3k range. Compared to weapons like GS, GL, or CB, which could actually drop 2k+ damage in a single attack on real monsters, it was clear that IG was still getting most of its damage from being consistent. RSS conflicts with this though as it is a massive burst damage attack for the purpose of doing damage, the exact thing IG was supposed to lack. Maybe I could agree with its existence if its damage was toned down significantly and it was instead a last gamble to regain extracts before they run out. But seeing as RSS is often times the DPS goal of the weapon, it just no longer provides the consistent gameplay style that I've come to expect from IG. If I want to do burst damage, GS, CB, and GL can execute on that promise much better imo. (The comment got too long, so I'm breaking it up here. Rest in the replies.)
@equinox-XVI 8 күн бұрын
(YT really does not want to upload this comment. This my third time trying now. Lets see if breaking it up further does anything.) *(3/4) The Fun of Spam Playstyles* 6:17 You asked, so I thought I'd explain. Though I'm gonna expand the scope begond just KS + DW in Rise. By themselves all spam playstyles are unfun. It doesn't matter if its SAED CB in 4U, ZSD SwAx in World, SS DB in Rise, or RSS IG in Wilds. In a void and on their own, all of them are unfun. What makes a spam playstyle fun is all of the intricacies that go into _preventing_ you from being able to spam that attack. That would be things like SAED's long recovery and longer setup, the threat of eating tons of chip damage when using ZSD + rocksteady, the fact SS would only stick to 45+ hitzones, so you had to position and aim it pretty well, and the fact that RSS requires you to go through the process of recollecting extracts whenever you use it. These barriers and complications are what makes these spam playstyles fun. So, with that in mind, what made DW spam fun? In my experience, it was understanding how a constant 3rd axis of movement changed certain fights and the wirebug management involved. Depending on the monster and the eggregiousness of their hitboxes (more on that later), DW spam could vary drastically in how easy, difficult, or fun it was to perform. - Narwa is easy and fun because of the many wirebugs in her arenas, good hitzones all over her body, and a moveset well built to fight midair. - Valstrax is fun and difficult because he's aggressive and won't let you land for free. You end up using more creative midair options like silkbind vault/kinsect glide to avoid landing at a bad time as well as resposition to get a better angle on him. Your reward at the end is a ton of damage on his wings, which are too high up to hit for most weapons. - Diablos is easy but unfun. Because of really large anti-air hitboxes and the fact he might randomly run to the other side of the arena, you end up burning a lot of resources just to wiff huge at the end. - And finally, Risen Teostra is difficult and unfun. He frequently turns into a full body hitbox, meaning DW trades damage a lot of the time (not to your favor) and his moveset full of attacks with low recovery or huge area coverage means thats there's almost no safe time or safe place to land. Being in the air isn't fun or effective against him. So yeah, that's how spam playstyles work. They can appeal or burnout for different people depending on which intricacies they found fun to interact with. Personally, I still haven't bored of true 3D movement in a fighting game and its a large component of why I advocate for underwater combat to return. But until it does, DW spam gets me the closest to that feeling, so even after 1700 hrs of doing it, I still like it and find depth in it.
@equinox-XVI 8 күн бұрын
*(4/4) Anti-Air Hitboxes* 11:11 IG often gets labeled as the scapegoat for this, but IG isn't the source of the problem, its just the weapon that exacerbates it most. The problem is that the MH devs, despite taking many other inspirations from fighting games, have not for some reason refused to give monsters anti-air attacks or behaviors. They instead just go the easy route and make the ground hitboxes taller so they become pseudo-anti-airs. But this isn't anywhere near a good solution because those attacks are intended to be dodged on the ground. Extending their hitboxes to reach the air doesn't result in the same well crafted intentionality that exists for the ground combat. What should be done about this is give monsters attacks and behaviors to handle it. As I mentioned earlier, Narwa's is an amazing example of this done right. She has a plethora of attacks that play with both the air and ground space to let neither be totally safe. More monsters should take from that example and have attacks that are meant for swatting. Heck it doesn't even need to be dedicated attacks in some cases. Remove earplugs from IG and you'll quickly discover how good of an anti-air roars are. They're the #1 thing I'm scared of the monster doing when I play aerial style in Rise. If you're in the air, and the monster roars, you're kinda screwed. So just give them a few roars as part of their combos or make them more likely to roar while players are above them and suddenly being in the air isn't so free anymore. As much as I see players blame IG for this, it really isn't that weapon's fault. Its the devs' for not giving monster movesets the tools to handle it.
@equinox-XVI 8 күн бұрын
*My suggestion for a controls rework* MH, like fighting games, relies on a few buttons to do a lot of things. And like fighting games, it needs find as many ways as I can to overlap functionality so that few buttons can support huge movesets. Thus far, it has relied mostly on context sensitivity and a few button holds to accomplish this. But as of Wilds, the feeling is really starting to kick in that that might not be enough, as such, I think its time we start going through the archive of ways the same button number of buttons can be made to do more things. Here's the list I came up with: - Button combinations - Context sensitivity - Taps/Presses/Holds - Proximity - Motion inputs So with that in mind, it makes sense that we need to include more from one or more of the button 3 categories to expand the button functionality further. In the case of IG, I could see either more button holds or proximity being good solutions. (I don't think anyone wants to introduce motion inputs to MH. I play fighting games and even I don't want that.) So here's my suggestions: 1. More Button Holds I know it seems counter-intuitive to fix a button hold problem with more button holds, but here me out. First, we move the charge button to R2 so aiming the kinsect also charges DS/DT at the same time. Next, because this would normally prevent doing attacks while charging, IG's kinsect controls and melee controls and split up by button holds. - Tap the button -> Kinsect actions - Hold the button -> Hunter actions With this is place, not only would we retain the current functionality to do combos while charging, we'd also be to do O combos while charging as well. (The real benefit of that is being able to swap the midair Δ and O attacks back to what they were so it doesn't screw with our muscle memory so hard) Lastly, because doing this would normally prevent the kinsect charged attack from being possible, where gonna change the requirement slightly. Instead of being charged separate, the kinsect uses YOUR charge when you send it out. While that sounds bad on paper, its actually super practical in gameplay because you wouldn't need to consciously charge the kinsect anymore. You'd be doing that automatically just by aiming it in the first place. One thing to remember though is that you are the source of the charge, so the kinsect can't perform that charged attack again until it returns to you. 2. Proximity This is the solution I would personally prefer. First, we assigned all kinsect controls to L2. So focus mode and using the kinsect would be overlapped. Next, we use proximity to a monster as the determining factor for what attack you get. If you're far away, you'll do the ranged kinsect commands and the ranged marking attack. But if you're close to a monster, you do the kinsect + melee attacks and the melee marking attack. Its a really elegant solution imo that consolidates everything to do with the kinsect to one button (meaning we don't need two separate reticles anymore) and makes sense intuitively for newcomers. And its super player friendly because it guarantees that no matter the range, that button combination will do something useful. Lastly though, we move the charge button to R2 as its own dedicated thing. Normally this would prevent the usage of the marking attacks while charging, but with something I like to call a "reverse button tap", that could be remedied easily. Basically it works by holding the charge button, quickly releasing it, and then holding it again. That would give a mark attack without dropping the charge. Meanwhile if you just let go of the button, you'll get the charged attack instead.
@equinox-XVI 8 күн бұрын
Finally they all got uploaded. Dang YT did not want to process all that. @thelegendarymeow Hopefully you can see everything now.
@gangraff-hr5gz 2 ай бұрын
while i think the weapon is overall improved, i do not think the bounce removal was at all necessary and only took away from the weapon
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Maybe they can make something like an IG only ability that makes it possible to bounce again Kind of like the airborne ability in World/iceborne that increased aerial damage.
@coreyzard 2 ай бұрын
As an IG main since 4U, i definitely have complaints, the controls are definitely janky as hell right now and the charge attacks should at least have the option to be remapped to something easier to use. Additionally, the basic poke attack freels weirdly slow compared to other games which I dont like. But I gotta say I dont mind the new loop. The charge attack is definitely changing the identity of the weapon significantly, so I understand why people are upset. But at the end of the day I was having fun, and going back to Iceborne I was even missing all the new moves. I was definitely guilty of abusing the helicopter move in base World but spamming it was never very good damage wise anyways, and in Rise/Sunbreak I only used it situationally anyways and never really used the aerial playstyle. One thing you pointed out that i agree with is people complaining how simple the new flow of the weapon is doesnt make sense given that the weapon was almost always been about getting extracts and then spamming the highest damage moves, hell my build in sunbreak was: Get all 3 extracts > wait for assist kinsect to spawn their dust which refreshes all 3 extracts > spend all 3 extacts on awakened kinsect attack which could do up to 1500 dmg > gather dust to refresh all extracts > repeat... So at least for me this new playstyle in Wilds is actually pretty similar in that im just getting extracts to use my main damaging move. Again I totally understand why a lot of people dont like being the most redesigned weapon this gen, but for me at least Im excited to see where the weapon ends up especially in endgame where we dont even know what skills we'll end up with. For all we know there will be a skill to bring back bouncing after the helicopter move which would be a nice compromise.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I'm actually surprised there wasn't an option to remap the buttons on controller. (At least to my knowledge) if they add that option that could help with the controls being janky for some people. Yeah, I forgot the awakened Kinsect attack used all 3 extracts so it's not too far off from what we do in Wilds. But something I hope for when the full game comes out is like sunbreak there are different types of Kinsect that do different things. But in Wilds make them MUCH more important, maybe even slightly changing the moveset depending on what bug you have equipped. I think that could be a cool addition to make Kinsects more important.
@FocusedElite 2 ай бұрын
I’m definitely not a main of glaive in anyway, but I would say that it is my second favorite weapon. I played rise but found world to be way more up my alley and so I have the most experience in world. My “solution” to the IG problem is three fold. But first, I think it goes without saying that the control scheme desperately needs changed, so I’m not gonna count that here. My first solution would be one that I’ve seen some people say on here, that is: 1. Make focus aiming and kinsect aiming the same button (and preferably on the focus button). It is what I am used to in world and that just makes sense to me. Also if I want to use other weapons I don’t need to change my control scheme to fit the weapon (which is an insane cope). My second solution is: 2. Re-add bounce. I have seen that people say that it doesn’t matter that it isn’t a part of the weapon or because it wasn’t optimal. To me that doesn’t matter. What is the downside of having bounce in the game? If it is less optimal, don’t use it…? I simply don’t understand this one. To me, it adds a nice utility to a weapon that seemingly has very few. It’s also fun. But again, I don’t see the downside to it being in the game, only people justifying that it doesn’t matter that it was removed. My third solution is: 3. Re-add red giving the move-set buff. I’ve heard some people say that it is in the game but I can’t test that now. Either way, I think the real loop of the new IG should be, get all (or at least red) extracts. Use them until they almost expire. Then use charge into rising as a way to consume them for big damage. This may give all or some of extracts back and continue the loop. To me, these changes would go a long way to appease both sides of the argument. All I wanted from Wilds was to take World and make it better. Most weapons feel this way, but IG doesn’t. These changes would allow for both play-styles to exist simultaneously and without affecting each other. Thoughts?
@deadwhitedragon9751 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I think the changes could be good, but destroying both the aerial and charge-up archetypes from the game just feels wrong. If they added an aerial replacement like the umbrella from wild hearts and kept the sunbreak longsword, I wouldn't mind as much.
@Zodryn 2 ай бұрын
6:20 that's not the only playstyle in SB, though I'll grant the options in base Rise and World don't have much variety, and I do actually prefer Wilds over those. Sunbreak is king but Wilds has potential to get there. In SB with the kinsect rampage deco awakened kinsect attack does tons of damage and ignores hzvs. My favorite playstyle is with assist dual color bug, get triple, use AKA (recovers white/orange), Kinsect Slash to get red/triple again, Kinsect Spike, repeat. You can also do KSx3 > diving wyvern as you said, AKA with powder vortex, or fully grounded if you like. There's a variety of viable styles. I do think Wilds IG has a lot of potential, and it was much better than I expected. It just needs some minor tweaks to the control scheme, bit more range on aerial focus, and I'd be pretty happy. Better bugs with different abilities will help too so we'll see what we get in the full game. Maybe another interesting mechanic in G rank and it could rival SB.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's not and I will admit it does sound like I say that's the only way to ply IG in sunbreak when it's not. It's just that's how I played it mostly and I got a little tired of it (But only after 1000+ hours. I love Sunbreak IG, and it might be my favorite version of IG. We'll see when Wilds comes out though.) But I also hope they lean more into bugs being important, maybe there can be a bug that allows us to bounce again or some other cool Kinsect mechanics that could slightly change the playstyle of IG. I think it could be really cool to give our Kinsect buddy more spotlight.
@Zodryn 2 ай бұрын
@thelegendarymeow That’s one of the reasons I love AKA in Sunbreak. The big damage in the rotation is flinging your kinsect. :) It's actually somewhat similar to Wilds rotation, spending and regaining triple with a kinsect shot at the end. My biggest issue is whiffing the aerial focus since it doesn't have much reach.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@Zodryn I agree, the aerial focus attack seems to not have much range which is odd since it's the same attack but airborne it should have a similar reach to the grounded variant. Oh, and also allow us to use the X and triangle moves out of it since I felt it was odd we couldn't do that.
@imtrash2812 Ай бұрын
Flying dance suck af but they love it…..😂
@meshaalsfh 2 ай бұрын
great video! one thing I like to add also for the people who like mounting with IG. Every hit of the helicopter spin does mount build up now. In world only the last hit did mount build up, you would need to do the descending slash to build up mounts fast. This means mounting will be even easier and faster with the new helicopter rework.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I thought I was mounting with other hits on the helicopter spin! That's actually really nice. Mountings a good way to open more wounds on the monster so that's a nice change.
@crimsonray9414 2 ай бұрын
Gonna be honest, this video needs more attention from the internet. I’ve recently been playing through world for the first time and it’s been really fun so far and this video might convince to pick up insect glave on the full release.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Nice to hear you're enjoying world! And hopefully once Wilds comes out, we'll all enjoy it as much! (Maybe even more!)
@b.b6656 2 ай бұрын
A lot of DPS for IG comes with wounds. No wounds anymore means lowered DPS potential. Multiplayer IG will very quickly turn out to be somewhat frustrating. People of course want to pop those wounds quickly AND their attacks can pop multiple wounds in a single focus strike. GL's (double) wyvern fire can even clear out every wound without even benefiting from it. IG on the other hand has a very quick focus attack which will likely cause frustration for other players because wounds will definitely get stolen. If a GS pulls off a focus strike on one of three opened mounting wounds, likely more than one wound will be popped out. If Magic Archer does it's thing, bow will get a massive dps increase by popping multiple wounds, but all other hunters will lose out on dmg potential. Wounds are a somewhat finite ressource and for IG even important to keep fluidity going after RSS. Personally i will play solo 99% of the time so it doesn't affect me really, but i dont look forward to playing IG in coop.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I have heard that wounds are fought over in coop. I personally didn't seem to have trouble getting wounds in coop, but I could've been stealing wounds from other people and not realizing. Something that helps is doing the R1 focus attack before someone destroys the wound, as long as 1 hit of the R1 focus attack hit a wound it'll do the Kinsect follow up. But maybe they can make it so someone else using a R1 attack and destroying the wound doesn't destroy it for someone else? Not sure how they could fix that.
@Mangoneko11 2 ай бұрын
Not a Ig main but great video. My personal issue with the IG is the controls, and the fact that it heavily relies on breaking wounds. like if I'm hunting with a bow or DB user, they're not going to care, they're gunna get their cool fun stuff going faster.
@armgold8543 2 ай бұрын
Just use the piercing bug to get your extracts.
@barkon34 2 ай бұрын
My main issue with the new glaive is not that it got rid of the Helecopter attack, I could give two shits about that damn attack. My main issue is that the charge move gets rid of all of your ground combo options, which is where the game play variety came in with the galive. Sure, you technically can still do the combos from the previous games, but none of them do remotely the same amount of damage, and if you want to be able to do tornado slash, you can't charge the heavy attack. So you have to pick, either use a gimped version of the old combos or do max damage by hitting the same three moves over and over again.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I don't know if anyone else experienced this but at times my character would do the tornado slash then the charged O attack right after. I imagine this was a bug since I couldn't get it to happen consistently (But I wasn't able to test it enough) But if there was a way to do the normal tornado slash then the charged O attack I wonder if that would help with the situation IG is in now.
@Nyanlathonep 2 ай бұрын
eh, I'm over it. Didn't like the changes, made a fuss at first, but my other weapons did get tons of fun stuffs to play around with, and you can always count on capcom to needlessly buff the longsword so the pocket LS is also an option too. Speaking of the LS, the way I feel about wilds IG is basically like this, imagine they took out the entirety of the spirit gauge, foresight slash and iai moves from the LS moveset and made it play like Nioh odachis, or if they took out the charge from GS and made it play like... idk, exclusively like the alt moveset it had in rise. You wouldn't fault the people that used only those weapons if they were upset with it, even when these moves weren't originally part of the movesets, right? Even if it did subpar damage, having the option to take to the air and fight monsters like Rathalos in THEIR turf was, in my opinion, a part of the weapon's identity, made it unique from every other melee weapon. But, it's not like I'll be playing it in wilds anyways, and if others like it, that's great. It just doesn't feel like the weapon I fell in love with anymore so 'I'm moving to greener pastures'
@sefatsilverlake3816 2 ай бұрын
It felt awkward at first, then I learned the combos and it was so satisfying. The Rey Dau hunt was amazing. I think this is one of the best iterations of IG since its inception in 4U.
@BaneKaikyo 2 ай бұрын
I Also greatly enjoyed the Insect Glaive weapon-feel in Wilds. When I heard people complaining about it I was incredibly confused. It was nice to hear a more thoughtful take on the matter. As for what I'm worried about with the Glaive in Wilds, it's that it's one of the few weapons that benefits MORE from bursting a monster's wounds with the Focus+R1 attack. In descussions about bursting wounds, IG and Chargeblade benefit the most with Longsword also receiving a benefit beyond just damage (Damage being the baseline all the other weapons are at), so I've heard talk of a sort of "Wound Etiquette" where those weapons have a sort of higher priority. Basically it may become a polite practice to wait before popping wounds as soon as they appear, especially to allow IG or CB users to benefit if they need it for their buffs... (And ranged weapons can burst wounds VERY easily compared to other weapons. (Bows ESPECIALLY can blow up wounds as soon as they appear without any effort) This Etiquette system is likely going to go double for them)... Less a worry about Glaive specifically and more about a social thing in multiplayer that it's involved with.
@joemama-mu1dd 2 ай бұрын
the aerial focus strike is really cool and useful, after doing the crazy buildup and combo for rising spiral slash its very common to have a wound so you can grab it from the air to immediately get all extracts back if the bug didnt grab them (and youre doing insane damage, i suspect thats getting nerfed if its not straight up a bug), but even if you dont the sick backflip is really good for evasion (you can pair this with jumps or aerial attacks first for even more distance covered). imo that quick use of aerials to gap close or get out of big attacks and be aggressive on wounds is more reasonable and engaging than the infinite helicopters. also i really love turning the camera backwards when doing the focus strike so i backflip towards the monster, its like reverse backstepping in elden ring and looks so cool
@Ravenfel_MH 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I think it's pretty cool, had a conversation with someone and they basically said they wanted to fly and the weapon should be separated into two. Splitting ground and air, while not even thinking about mixing the two..... Of course It's their choice to play the weapon how they want but they then often neglect how others want to play. Saying that the air play style is different is true but saying the weapon is dead or lost it's identity because of a bounce is false, since there are people who like it without the bounce. It's like you said, it's called the "Insect" Glaive so now they are focusing more on the whole weapon including the Kinsect. That being said they should make kinsect layered armor already! Oh and it's ok to not play it if you don't like it, the weapon's feelings won't get hurt. Just like how it's ok for people to like it simple as that, really.
@kukukachu 2 ай бұрын
I don't like how you have to hold the B button (O) to do certain moves. It doesn't feel right. For instance, if you vault, then you have to hold the button down immediatly after, in order to should just be able to tap the button to do that action. Also, those wounds and the way the IG works in multiplayer is completely broken. Because everyone else is destroying wounds for their own gains, you're gonna have a hard time as an IG user getting those wounds, which is integral to the IG, especially if you're playing with a HBG player. Lastly, I do believe that we need at least one helicopter for repositioning. Vaulting once in the air isn't good enough. I have heard rumor that there might be something that allows more bouncing later in the game, and that would be fine, but there's gotta be an option to at least have 1 more bounce.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
A good suggestion I've heard is to change the descending thrust/slash into Circle+triangle moves. I would be fine with this since I wouldn't really have to move my thumb with how the weapon is now and it could make it smoother for those that don't like the charge mechanic. I personally didn't have any trouble getting wounds in coop, but I didn't get to play much coop either. Probably about 5-10 hunts coop at most. But maybe they'll make some IG exclusive abilities in Wilds. In world/iceborne airborne was basically an IG exclusive ability. Maybe they can make one that allows the triangle attack midair bounce, and the more levels you put into it the more you can bounce. That would be cool.
@Thorne-In-Your-Side 2 ай бұрын
The bug didn't deal that damage. What it did was it broke a wound on the monster, and *that* dealt the damage. However, you might be right about the percent-damage aspect. Focus Mode and Wounds are the new central mechanic in this game's combat, and I think it would make a lot of sense to make them do a small bit of percent damage, to reward players who understand how they work, just like how Rise rewarded players who knew how to properly ration their wirebugs. It was a lot harder to open and close wounds than I thought it would be, so it's not even that broken.
@---jt5wg 2 ай бұрын
While I think I could get used to the moveset and the changes with more time, the huge issue for me was the inputs. I couldn't get the hang of playing it at all, couldn't make the most of the moves, and got really frustrated trying to actually PLAY. I was very disappointed by the awkwardness of the inputs as I didn't have this same trouble with other weapons. And just as you said 'why have a different mode if its always better to be active'. Super odd choice for weapon design, it feels unfinished to me. Good ideas, but needs a lot of work to make it more comfortable to play.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
We'll see what they might improve upon it in the full game, but hopefully they do something to make it more enjoyable for everyone.
@enachescuserban1097 2 ай бұрын
I am a casual player who loved insect glaive in World for it's aerial mobility, but even I can say that I see why they got rid of it. I did not get to play the beta for the game myself, but the combos look amazingly fun and actually have an impact now. If I were to name a gripe is the fact that the kinsects need to drink more coffee to get faster.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
That's unfortunate you didn't get to play the beta, hopefully they come out with a demo soon that doesn't have a time limit. But yeah, we need to get our Kinsects back on the speed jelly++ coffee again. It's been too long.
@DrakielX 2 ай бұрын
Most my issues are with the controls. They switched midair comands. Descending thrust was just a trigger pull before, putting it on a charge attack limits adaptability. Also, the "hold and roll" technique for charged attacks and the marking dart (RT+RB) feels off and is easy to lose track of in combat. Marks/powders are rarely used because you're incentivized loop the new special. And collecting buffs to expend for damage is the LS similarity, not the moveset
@TNB12 2 ай бұрын
I love having a passive charge attack option, it's a niche that MH has never really filled that is very popular in other types of action games, and helps to give IG more identity when weapons are getting homogenized at an unprecedented rate with universal Perfect Blocks mid combo and more counters. I do think that there is some overlap in the way the weapon is designed that should be addressed, first off I'd say that focus mode and kinsect aiming mode should just become one thing. Unfortunately it's hard to make that happen when we have to accomodate for the focus attacks on the R1 button, but ideally I'd have you still able to perform attacks AND send out and call back the kinsect in just focus mode alone, maybe by using R2 as a binary send out/call back depending on where the kinsect is. This would grant you less control over your bug, but I don't think the use cases of having the kinsect out and issuing multiple target commands is all that fundamental to the weapon and could be a reasonable cut. This would free you up for using the R2 button not as your kinsect aiming mode, but as your charge attack button, with the caveat of it only being usable outside of Focus mode, giving you a reason to alternate between having it on and off. Your thumb would still be free to use the camera or the rest of IG's combos, and would still keep the depth of stategically building up charge by having to be outside focus mode, sacrificing your kinsect attacking with you during combos. This is inspired by the control scheme I've always used in the Devil May Cry games to charge Nero's gun while still keeping myself able to perform combos optimally, and if there's one thing MH really needs to learn from them it's to implement button remapping per-weapon already.
@HermanManly 2 ай бұрын
I don't know what it is, but Wilds just really doesn't hit as hard as World... I really thought it was gonna just be a semi-open-world MHW, but even just looking at the character standing there with the backdrop and everything doesn't get me excited at all. When I see any footage of MHW, I get the urge to jump back in and play. There is something very distinct about World style and I just can't put my finger on what is missing in Wilds
@TeatimeToad 2 ай бұрын
while it may not suck in damage output it definitely sucks in comparison to World glaive. Idc how many cool new Moves we get, taking away the glaives coolest feature of being able to fight in the air was straight up bad. We could've got the new moves on top of the spinning and jumping up moves, but no. This feels like a very weird "anti fun for more viability" move which I wouldn't normally expect of the MH team, but I guess every great team makes a terrible decision every now and then. Just sad they did it to the coolest weapon
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
But we can still fight in the air just not forever. And yes, fighting in the air exclusively is fun but I feel a playstyle where you are constantly switching between aerial and grounded combat could be equally as fun. And sure, they could just have added all the new moves on top of the ability to bounce but they can't just keep adding to a weapon forever, they have to take away something. And seeing as the bouncing mechanic was never there to begin with maybe that's why they chose to remove that. But maybe they'll do something to make bouncing possible again, I'm sure they'll changes will be made from the beta to the full game.
@princetbug 2 ай бұрын
​@thelegendarymeow "fight in the air"? No, not really. At best we can do a hit or two every couple seconds, landing between each one. Even in GU you could keep up and endless bolley of airborne strikes much more consistently than this, and with actual monster interaction
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@princetbug I'm sorry... What? You say we can only do a hit or 2 midair in Wilds before landing. But GU was only 1 attack before landing. You can't keep an endless bolly of airborne strikes in GU you have to land between each attack. Also, what do you mean by monster interaction? Because there was plenty of monster interaction in the Wilds beta. I don't even know how you couldn't have monster interaction...
@larsschulze2799 2 ай бұрын
This is a very good video with some super strong points and arguments and even physical evidence that there is no need for dumb finger shenanigans. Sadly the people that have already made up their mind will not listen to what u are saying they will just rant more about the weapon in the comments. Don't get distracted by that to much. Very good video dude
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words! The way I use the controller in the vid is perfectly fine to me and comfortable, if some people hate using the controller like then oh well. I've been playing video games in a similar way for most of my life, so I'm used to it. Hopefully once the full game comes out either something changes to make it more comfortable for those people or they just get used to playing like that since they won't have limited time like with the beta. change can be scary, but it also takes time to get used to. We'll see what happens in the full game. I know I'll enjoy it at least!
@YungTigris Ай бұрын
Capcom brought back the bounce and so I must say I really dont get the disdain for the bounce, its a TOOL and its not some players fault that SOME people use said tool wrong. In 5th gen The bounce, in my opinion is an evasion/movement option that gives free damage, while you CAN bounce on the monster AD NAUSEAM I genuinely believe the intended purpose is to let the player quickly move from part to part of the monster, Yes you could just walk around the monster from its head to its tail but its faster and does damage while achieving the same relocation. This is why descending thrust exists so you might say bounce onto the monsters tail and move in the air towards the monsters head then use descending thrust to start attacking the head from the ground, if the monster turns whilst moving, you bounce again so you can move towards the part of the monster you were targeting. I think this kind of has to be the case because then why would the fully charge IG have the multi-hit spin move but to recieve more dps during these instances of rotating from part to part. Also I have NO CLUE how people maximize their dusts while ignoring the bounce, half of the time you fight a monster especially in world its in the air and so most of your dust clouds are way beyond the height allowed by the vault alone. People say the glaive best DPS is on the floor but I think thats only true if you compare it to excessively playing in the air, best practice is definitely to do most of your damage from the ground while bouncing to rotate, hit dusts , and put yourself into position for grapple/slinger bursts I dont like the charge and I just hope we can rebind on console because the entire control scheme seems like it was made for controllers with paddles
@AhZuo89 Ай бұрын
I don't hate the way new ig is going but if a choice is given i rather have the rising spiral thingy after a tornado slash or after another combo instead of it behind a charged attack. I will still play IG when the game is out but i feel that i will slowly shift from it behind my main weapon to those that i bring it out once in a while
@dh599 2 ай бұрын
...You're joking, is that seriously what people were complaining about with the IG charge attacks!?
@Bartido 2 ай бұрын
I like that they are going more in the direction of fighting with your kinsect instead of aerial style. You're right that origininally, the weapon only had the ability to vault. The entire aerial combo was a world/rise thing, yet people pretend it has been the weapons main gimmick all along. What I really dislike about the weapon, however, is that the kinsect has auto aim on it, and I can't seem to turn it off.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Me too. It is called Insect Glaive after all. The kinsect should have some importance to the weapon. Also, I'm sure that the people that say the new IG is losing its identity started with either world/rise, so they think that aerial combat with IG is the weapons identity but us veterans know that was never the weapons identity. Unfortunate but I guess you can't really blame them since they never knew. But what do you mean by auto aim? Like when you're sending out the kinsect with R2? I never noticed it auto aiming.
@bluefiredemon448 2 ай бұрын
​@@thelegendarymeow have you played rise IG by any chance?
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@bluefiredemon448 If you mean specifically Rise and not sunbreak yes. I've played it for about 1000 hours in rise.
@bluefiredemon448 2 ай бұрын
​@@thelegendarymeow no idea how I missed your comment. But Rise/SUNBREAK had implemented Kinsect fully in it's kit. Idk how you missed this even in base game
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@bluefiredemon448 I didn't? I used the assist Kinsect the whole game since it was my favorite. I don't know what made you think I didn't know about it.
@yabbles617 2 ай бұрын
I did like wilds insect glaive but I do think that the charge attacks and the bug’s simultaneous attacks should be changed somehow. Changing settings, clawing or doing some other convoluted trick isn’t a good enough solution when playing it correctly feels fundamentally awkward and uncomfortable. A few touch-ups and fixes here and there would be very appreciated.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Hopefully they can figure out a way to make it more comfortable to use. But what do you think could be changed about the Kinsects simultaneous attacks? I thought they were perfectly fine and since it is basically the same animations for assist kinsects in rise/sunbreak I was used to them. But charge attacks I wouldn't mind if they changed, I like it but could do something like pressing Circle+triangle for the descending slash/thrust instead.
@yabbles617 2 ай бұрын
@thelegendarymeow My personal vote would be to have simultaneous attacks be toggled independently of focus mode, there’s still a bit of room in the control scheme for something small like that to fit with an extremely quick cancelable animation just so players can see they’ve successfully toggled it. Similar to the existing animations to send and recall your Kinsect, maybe have it’s wings open when simultaneous attacks is active as another visual indicator. As for the charge attack, I’m less sure. My first idea would be to imitate sns’s new move, which is a chop that can be used anytime but is more powerful when used as a combo finisher. Honestly i like the new stuff and think it’s great, just uncomfortable to use with how it’s currently implemented.
@raweon_path_of_exile1263 2 ай бұрын
IG is also the only weapon without an offset, clash, or perfect [insert parry mechanic] in its kit, so i worry what happens if monsters are tuned around weapons having that.
@IcebreakerMHWilds 2 ай бұрын
I am personally a hammer main and found my new secondary weapon in the beta after loving the new bow. That said, I love playing *with* IG's and I've been sad to see them unhappy with the changes. Thankfully my partner clicked with the changes to Wilds IG, so at least she's happy. I agree with LegendaryMeow that the new ult is so cool and super flashy. Hoping the upset IG mains wind up loving it after launch. ❤
@quaquaval 2 ай бұрын
I like the new insect glaive even if im gonna miss the bounce from World/Rise. im still gonna change my main weapon for wilds though lol
@maxmustermann3938 2 ай бұрын
There is a point to not be in focus mode. If you are in the air, X let's you dodge normally in LS direction in both modes, but Triangle in Focus Mode always moves forward in the direction of the camera, which is inconvenient if you need to make distance backward since you'd have to 180 the camera, toggling of focus modes lets you do it in the direction of LS. Anyway, one complaint I have seen I'd like to mention is that multiple people keep complaining about the Spiral Finisher taking you up into the air, calling it pointless, saying you miss hits because of it or you "awkwardly fall back down". This is BS. The attack properly connects on larger monsters and you can still follow up with midair evade or triangle attack in the air to move afterwards. Lifting you up into the air actually enables you to dodge a punish from the monster with the attack, allowing for easier opportunities to use this attack, especially since you can follow it up in the air with moves that give you distance. Now, sure, monsters that aren't tall, you might miss some hits. But this has been a thing for multiple other weapons in the series before, and people usually view it as an extra reward on larger monsters to get more hits in. Is it such a big deal that some attacks or weapons might be less optimal with specific monsters? This has been part of the games identity for a while. They even let you take two weapons. If the finisher isn't appropriate for a monster, maybe approach the encounter in a different way and adjust.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Really? I actually never noticed in focus mode using the triangle attack only moves forward. Hopefully that's something they fix in the full game. Yeah, I agree with you on Rising spiral slash. And like I said in this video once we get faster bugs in the full game, we could get our extracts before we hit the ground allowing us to buy time in the air till the circle attack is charged and using strong descending thrust out of RSS. And we could even follow that up with another RSS! I still think that would be such a fun combo to pull off.
@soulsilver8127 2 ай бұрын
So just to point out the “300” on the focus attacks on wounds is actually just a visual bug, if monsters were actually taking that much damage they’d die almost instantly, it happens when you use focus strikes too many times, but it’s purely visual. The actual damage of the wounds is anywhere from 20-60 I think, if I remember correctly (it has been a bit)
@SetsukoSen-i5r 2 ай бұрын
I started with World & I've had a tremendous amout of fun with Spam Aerial Glaive BUT the moment I played Wilds Insect Glaive I thought "I can be like Darth Maul from the Phantom Menace !". And the Kinsect FINALLY being a part of the moveset is effin dope ! Yes, I have teeny tiny hands so I had to pull off the nastiest Claw to move the camera, attack & charge xD. But I adore it, I feel like yeah, pretty much every weapon feel like "if you're not using Focus Mode, wtf are you doing ?" but it's actually really fun !
@ShupperDupper 2 ай бұрын
kinsect being a part of the moveset existed in MH GU as well, it's pretty rad.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Darth maul is a certified badass so anything that makes us more like him is a plus! Also yeah, I really enjoy the Kinsect attacking alongside the hunter, they did that in Sunbreak, but I also hope they give the Kinsect more unique abilities with varying types of bugs to use to further lean into the weapon being an insect + glaive combo.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@ShupperDupper But only in Valor mode (I believe) I've heard most people like to play aerial IG in GU, but I actually preferred Valor IG, since the bug attacked alongside you, and I really like the sheath counter Valor has.
@ilikecookies230 2 ай бұрын
Everything in this video is true, I also felt that I had more options for damage at a time, the more time I had with the new glaive the more I liked it, besides it was kinda ridiculous how I had so many vectors of avoiding monster attacks 😅 it felt like IG was playing a VERY different game than every other weapon in positioning 😅.
@jay_arson5075 2 ай бұрын
Only reason why I adapted the IG in mhwib is cause I needed to have the aerial edge over monsters like the kushala daora, and be able to gracefully out maneuver the black diablos and glavenus heck it was my key to inflicting a lot of elemental damage on alatreon. With this one I might have to move the IG from my secondary to quaternary weapon
@Marsleader88 2 ай бұрын
Im a long time IG main and a keyboard and mouse user, loved it. Might be worth using keyboard and mouse on ps5
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Eh, I'm a controller guy so I'd rather use controller. I don't have as much of a problem with the control scheme as most people do but if people do have an issue with it keyboard and mouse is indeed always an option.
@BabyDragon63 2 ай бұрын
I have to HOLD IT ??? OTL I kept wondering why I couldn't Insect Glaive ... I played the entire time with the bow 😅 Can't wait to properly try and learn IG again, but I was incredibly spoiled by MHW IG, it was the only weapon besides long sword that really clicked for me. You though are selling me back on IG in wilds, can't wait for the game to come out
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I know! We need to actually PLAY the game!?! What is this nonsense! But hopefully you enjoy IG when the game comes out! we'll see how much it changes from the beta once it comes out.
@BabyDragon63 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow I'm really excited to try it again for sure! I have a hard time with changes, so it's probably gonna take me a stupid amount of hours to get comfy with it again, but the helicopter shall fly again 🚁
@MINIant113 2 ай бұрын
I personally think the charge should be mapped to R1. Pressing R1 L2 does ur standard focus strike, pressing L2 after the charge just does focus strike 2. It would feel like ur focus strike upgrades like ur normal combos do from getting all extracts.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I kind of hope they give us the ability to remap buttons on the controller. (I'm surprised there wasn't an option to do that already) Since it would allow people who don't like the how the button layout is to change it. But a charged focus attack would be cool!
@enderblaze7068 2 ай бұрын
I think I’m DEFINITELY gonna misclick a shit ton of buttons, but I think once I get used to the new controls I think I’ll be fine
@allenboynton4133 2 ай бұрын
Just wanna point out...while the new moves are cool and the weapons feels good when it does work, the fact that in the first 4 minutes of the video he had to do a VISUAL REPRESENTATION of how hold the controller to do the moves efficiently is the main reason why a bunch of people have a problem with Wilds' iteration of the bug stick (based on what I've read from other people's experience with it). The controls are so unintuitive and conflicting with ergonomics it's baffling how they passed internal testing to begin with.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
The reason I actually showed how I hold the controller was because I watched Rurikhan's IG video, and he was doing some CRAZY stuff with his hands but the whole time I was just thinking "Just press the buttons with your thumb you don't need to use any other fingers" So that's what gave me the idea to show how I play the weapon. But it's really not too complicated I feel. But I'm sure there is a way to make it easier for everyone though, so hopefully Capcom can figure out how.
@allenboynton4133 2 ай бұрын
@thelegendarymeow But that's just it though. The fact that a way to hold the controller or that techniques have to be discussed to efficiently and effectively perform the moves in the weapon's kit serves as a very apparent indication that the overall control feels wasn't properly tested. Not that it can't be done, but because it's so unintuitive that a discussion has to be had in the first place. If that makes sense.
@BigYu99 2 ай бұрын
IG is still the most fun to play weapon. Capcom just needs to fix the control layout. Thankfully I use a pro controller. Also would be great if there was mobility after aerial focus attacks. Hopefully they clean that up before the official release.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I thought that too It seems weird we can do the X and triangle attack midair after doing the focus attack. It felt like you should be able to do that, but you can't which I find a bit odd.
@sleepymilk4599 2 ай бұрын
Immagine getting over a thousand hours on rise lance, never poking and only new charge sweeping and finding out they removed the new charged sweep in wilds, charged moves are temporary 😭
@DemonXGames 2 ай бұрын
3:18 I do feel bad for how strange it seems on the controller. I play on a keyboard and mouse. I don't have these issues. But I feel sad for the controller players. I do hope they do something about the controls for the controller to make it less irritating.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I am personally fine with the controls with them weapon, but I can understand why a lot of people are upset. And I wouldn't mind if they changed some of the buttons for the weapon attacks if it made it better for the majority.
@ultimasurge 2 ай бұрын
wish they made a spear or lance, renamed lance and gun lance to shield lance and shield and gun lance. I loved glaive in the beta. felt better than rise. I'm glad you showed me desencding still exists. what do you guys feel about gravity in this vs rise and world. world has way more delay on gravity. rise has to much air movement imo. wilds seems like a good mid ground. I miss more hitstop from world though. I don't see insect powder vortex? am I blind?
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I doubt they change any of the already existing names for the weapons, they've been that way for so long it'd be a bit odd. But I feel the gravity is good in Wilds. I like that they made the base O attack stop momentum when used. In Rise using the O attack kept momentum and this took some time for me to get used to, but in Iceborne you'd stop when you used it and go straight down, I feel it's easier to line up the attack when it's this way. Maybe they didn't implement the hitstop in the beta since it wasn't as necessary? I don't know but I also kinda of miss it. I made the attacks feel more impactful even if they do the same damage without it. I'm pretty sure insect powder vortex wasn't in the beta. But! It could still be in the game, since I'm hoping that like rise/sunbreak they have different types of Kinsects that do different things, and maybe one will be more focused on powders and use the powder vortex like sunbreak. There's still a lot of things that could change in the full game, so we'll just have to wait and see.
@morbid1. 2 ай бұрын
I'm CB main but LS in widls is so fun
@mfowler2246 2 ай бұрын
It's a good weapon. The people complaining just aren't used to being chin checked by monster hunter changing up how their weapon world because they're newcomers from World and Rise. MH changing how a weapon works is normal, and now that it's their turn theyre whining like the new bloods they are. Just leave them to their whining, if they don't like it they can just not play insect glaive and learn a new weapon. I'm not discussing anyone's personal viewpoint on it. I have played every monster hunter game, ever. Even the ones never released stateside. What I say is just objective fact about the monster hunter franchise. They change weapons every iteration to best suit the game it's in, and if they can't handle their weapon being changed then this game series may not be for them.
@gmafz7_2 2 ай бұрын
The weapon itself is not bad, the controls are awful and charging the descending thrust sucks!
@Higens 2 ай бұрын
Finally find a decent IG main youtuber thx for the great video dude and im fully agreed on ur opinions ppl makin that helicopter thing for cry excuse i belive new glaive least 4 times more fun varient and hit harder than old times cuz we r one with insect buddy now and ground play n tools for gettin buffs even while in the air i mean this is the real airstyle power if u ask me..I feel like lately whole internet just copy some famous youtubers opinions and nothing more so they cant realise we have the best version of IG incoming i cant wait to show tham how to dance cheers buddy amazing video
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Thank YOU for the kind words my friend! I really think a good balance between grounded and aerial combat would be the most fun for an IG move set and Wilds seems to be making just that! And yeah, it is unfortunate that people make echo chambers of other KZbinrs opinions. but some people just can't make opinions of their own which is sad. But hopefully once we get a demo or the full game people start seeing how great the weapon actually is.
@Higens 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow Well said dude! Cant wait for the full release or next demo game is so good ^^
@raychaos5194 2 ай бұрын
Ya know, at this point, I'm tired of standing on my soapbox of how this weapon has changed, and not in a good way! Some people love it, and it is what it is, I guess! 😒 A lot of people argue that "it's about the insect" or "it needs to be more grounded", or whatever copium induced.... sorry.... like I said, some people love it, and it is what it is! Personally though, I'd prefer helicoptering around with my kinsect and playing areal glaive, than having to spend all my essences on one move that I'm encouraged to spam over and over! And as I've been saying, why is the IG the ONLY weapon that's had to downgrade, compared to the other weapons? I don't know, I think they should've given us the option to play in this style or not, instead of completely springing this reworked weapon on us, and saying, "DEAL WITH IT!" Here's my thing with the IG in Wilds! The bad control scheme, the way the moves no longer chain together into a dance/ flow like it used to (no double poke), AND yes, the lack of bounce ! The bounce was just plain fun! DPS be dammed! No TRUE glaive user was depending on the bounce for dps anyway! It was for evasion, repositioning, and was just plain fun to do! I mean, honestly, who doesn't love flying through the air? Besides, it would be stupid to spam areal for EVERY monster! Some were better to fight with ground combos, other with more areal! And honestly, only a bad IG player would just spam areal over and over anyway! Additionally, the ground combos were more fluid and graceful before! There was a dance/ flow to the ground combos that you could do, that's missing now! The way it is now, even with all 3 buffs..... that you STILL aren't guaranteed to get EVERY time, unless the monster stands still and lets you, the moves/ movement feels slow and clunky and just different! And on top of that, having to sacrifice one of your attack buttons, in order to charge a move that you're encouraged to spam (I mean, why else would it consume your buffs, but then refill most of them.... if you're lucky), just doesn't feel right! Essentially, BOTH the ground fluidity and the areal bounce have been removed, and for no good reason! It feels like the IG has been punished, ESPECIALLY compared to what the other weapons gained, in addition to keeping most, if not ALL of their previous move set! And yes, I can hold circle while using triangle, but again, there goes my circle attack! If, maybe they found a way to rework the charge mechanic so that you'd be able to charge your glaive easier/ while attacking, and make it so that it blended out of AND into the ground combo better, instead of feeling like it's its own thing that you have to stop and use, then MAYBE I'd feel better about it! And I'm sorry, you SHOULD NOT have to re map your buttons or have a special controller, or reconfigure your settings for just ONE weapon! Like I said, if you like it, I love it, and no, the weapon isn't HORRIBLE now, I'm just not feeling this new glaive, compared to how much I loved it before!
@larsschulze2799 2 ай бұрын
@Ramotttholl 2 ай бұрын
staying in the air with Rise Insect Glaive was fun but also a pain to constantly move your screen to target the monster. and well if we wanna go back to flying around and poking the monster like Bee's we can just start up Rise again.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
True! People seemed to have no problem staying with iceborne when rise came out so if they don't like the Wilds IG, they can play the other games.
@Zahri8Alang 2 ай бұрын
I never really thought it became bad, but maybe I just thought it got worse in the early trailer showcases mostly cuz the people that got to play it at Gamescon and the like didn't had the full grasp to 3xecute the best combos and tactics to maximize the IG(I mean, Kinsect carry) potential That and some of them had a hard time with the control schemes or such and this play considerably worse than one might expect That or I misread the total damage Rising Spiral Slash die in the very early gameplay showcase, cuz the Kinsect dealt like half to a third of damage it deals(during RSS at least) back then And they didn't have the best rebutting initiative and know-how
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I never watched any of the footage that came out from Gamescon, (since I just want to watch the trailers that Capcom put out for Wilds and nothing else), and I don't know how much time they had but it took me a while to figure out everything with IG so I wouldn't surprise me they might've never figured out how to pull of all the combos with IG.
@Zahri8Alang 2 ай бұрын
@thelegendarymeow i guess the IG had a bad initial impression/showing cuz people were .... honestly not good in trying it out That and i think the cope for Vaulting dance beig gone is quite the blow cuz You know, people wanna be silly and blimp around the mon like that one meme It never was the most optimized thing to do, but fun the best thing a weapon mechanic shud be
@SeventhGod77 2 ай бұрын
I’m just gonna armored core it. We playing with the controller backwards babyyyyyyyy
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
XDDDDD As an armored core fan myself maybe that's why I'm fine with the Wilds IG. I'm used to doing wacky stuff with my hands, and plus this game is still a bajillion times better than what we had to do in the older AC games. WE MUST USE ALL 10 FINGERS TO PLAY THE GAME!!! THIS IS HOW GAMING WAS MEANT TO BE!!!
@SeventhGod77 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow I bought the whole controller, I’m using the whole controller. Now off to the doctor for the severe carpal tunnel I have!
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@SeventhGod77 A small price to pay for salvation... XD
@atwitchyferret 2 ай бұрын
I hear there's gyro in the game so you can just aim with that. No need for any claw grip. Edit: 4U insect glaive is basically identical to GU insect glaives normal style. Red extract literally only gives one extra attack for a total of two hits and then you go back down to the ground.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I've heard that too, but gyro controls are a bit funky, and I feel like you shouldn't have to use them to make a weapon easier to play. Yeah, I imagined 4U IG couldn't be too far off. Off topic but I'm really sad I couldn't play 4U. It didn't come out where I live and if I wanted to play it now, I'd have to get a new 3DS because the one I have stopped charging so it's most likely permanently dead which makes me very sad 😭
@ariannalista4069 2 ай бұрын
Seems like your way of holding the controller might work, my hands aren’t super small but, def not the “perfect size” for the ps5 controller lmao. I don’t want to even consider buying a different controller like some creators have suggested. I wonder if I will end up being able to change some of the buttons to make it easier? Will have to wait till release time find out…
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
The PS5 controller is pretty big XD. I don't have a problem with it, but my mom complains that it's too big for her hands. I know they had options to change keyboard buttons, so I don't see why they can't have too same for controller. Also, I feel like most games nowadays have options to change controller buttons. I also feel like I did see options to change controller buttons but I'm not sure. There's SO many options in Wilds it's nuts! XD
@heynowitslife 2 ай бұрын
nope. sorry. its just an entirely different weapon. its not about hard to play its just a different weapon now
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Still seems like Insect Glaive to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@TheJecktExperince 2 ай бұрын
This is a clear example of people getting made at change. The bounce was kool but it’s a play style. Not the whole weapon. So this uproar to be honest seems silly over a beta. Especially in a game that is known to sometimes add new moves as you progress. I think there are some truly valid complaints such as controller map scheme, and the belief that Play style has been eliminated. But the game literally isn’t out yet. We don’t know anything. An adding technical aspects to a weapon is interesting. Compared to the original simple play loop. It would be fantastic people would be more open-minded and wait-and-see, but I don’t think that’s going to be the case. Example being all of the “I guess. I’ll skip out on wilds” messages littering KZbin.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I do wish we had more time with the beta so people could get used to the new changes (And mostly because I wasn't able to do everything I wanted AND my power went out 2 hours before it ended which I'm still pissed about) And yes this was the Beta so MANY things could still change in the full game. Honestly, I don't care about the people saying they'll skip out on Wilds, go ahead miss out on potentially the greatest MH game ever, and they might end up playing Wilds anyways they're just saying it to be negative.
@SunderStormK 2 ай бұрын
the focus strike damage is probably a bug, dual blades and charge axe have similar moments where they do bonkers focus strike damage
@pappendeckel2.096 2 ай бұрын
from my experience in the beta it seems that the more wounds you hit at once the more damage they do individually as well (so like one wound ~60+ dmg, 2 wounds 120 something damage each, 3 wounds 200 sth each...) that could explain why you see this primarily in multiplayer, but i sometimes have the feeling it pops wounds that arent displayed yet
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Really? I guess that would make sense. If the focus attack did % damage it would do near 1000's of damage once we got to endgame monsters, then if there is a master rank expansion it would start doing well over 1000's of damage!
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@pappendeckel2.096 That is quite possible. The numbers I showed all had the 4 lines around them implying they hit a wounded spot. But I can only see 1 wound in the clip, so that could be just a visual bug, maybe because of online desync. That'll probably get fixed in the full game. But I really wonder how that damage will scale once we hit endgame. Because if they don't change anything with that in the full game the damage could be near the 1000's
@raweon_path_of_exile1263 2 ай бұрын
About Triple Up: Aiming Charged Kinsect absolutely sucks on controller. This is one of the bigger problems in general with the weapon in wilds, the controls suck. Wounds will probably be solo player only (which is fine for me as pure solo player, but not everyone) You will never ever use focus mode to get the extracts. Why? Because, as you said, the basic move set fucking sucks and it takes forever for the moves + kinsect to return with the extract. It is also much harder to get the kinsect to hit where you want it to, because it doesnt fly in a straight line. Both things together ensures that collecting extract this way takes just way to long, when your goal is to get the normal moveset asap. So, realistically, you will use charged kinsect always to get extracts (or wound if solo). This is fine, because charging the kinsect is easy and fast, but i dont get the idea behind locking the normal moveset behind triple. You wanted triple anyway, because it arbitrarily buffed your dmg by alot, and it gives access to RSS, so why enforce it further by locking the playable moveset behind it and thus locking out your shiny new method of collecting extracts? About Focus Mode & Kinsect: In my opinion there is even more wrong with focus mode for IG. If you charge circle the kinsect comes back, but that is also true for neutral circle. I.e. the bread and butter 4U infinite combo will always recall your kinsect, which is annoying if you want to generate dusts. I.e. you cannot use (or rather it is super cumbersome) to use focus mode if you want to use your kinsect for dusts. What is their goal with the dust mechanic? Because the kinsect will not create dusts if it is assisting. The kinsect will also not assist if it is creating dust. So you are either choosing to go dust or assist route, and which is "better" is based on the dmg numbers later (or kinsect abilities?)? And the route you take also determines if you are 100% focus mode or 0% focus mode? That the kinsect mechanics are so tightly bound to focus mode just sucks. Moveset: We got a new move, the sidestep slash (triangle 1 + move). Maybe they forgot to add strong sidestep slash, but that thing is the same with triple up and without, making it SUPER slow and only hit once. It feels super bad to use, especially since this replaces the old stab move (because that was forward triangle, which is a directional triangle input), which was WAY faster and did more dmg and was an important move. The charge move is probably fine (again, controls sucks even with your technique (i did it in the same way)), but the charge mechanic feels worse for descending slash in my opinion, just because you have less time to charge. About Aerial: idgaf, never liked it, never spammed it. About RSS: Move still feels weird how you hang in the air after it and cant really do anything (again because your actual moveset is locked behind triple up) aside from popping a wound. As you said, fast kinsect might save this, but it might also not. Makes the move feel very disconnected from the moveset. About Longsword: Red Gauge longsword definetly plays like old ground IG. Long reach, fast attacks (red gauge gives you a new moveset, which makes it feel more like IG), super mobile, no charges. Add to that the general longsword shenanigans, which make it more powerful than IG ever was, and yeah, if you want old IG without charges, i recommed longsword 100%.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I've heard some people say the Kinsect doesn't fly in a straight line, but for me it worked exactly like all the other games. I aimed where I wanted to hit then sent my bug to hit that spot, maybe it was a bug (No pun intended) with the beta but personally It worked fine for me. I know in other games marking the monster being marked makes the Kinsect home in on that spot, but I doubt this is the problem since the mark gets cancelled whenever you do a O attack. Which I didn't know doing a regular O attack cancels the mark, I find this very odd, hopefully they change it in the full game to only go away when you use RSS or maybe not at all. I did feel the sidestep slash was odd, holding forward and hitting triangle looked similar enough that I thought it was the same as before, but I did hear it only hits once, maybe something was bugged in the beta that wasn't giving us the ability to use the strong version since like you said it's the same with all 3 extracts and without but if not hopefully they make the attack different with all 3 extracts. But holding left or right made you do a sidestep while slashing (Hence the name) I imagine this is supposed to be like the backwards O attack but for moving to the side, but I felt it barely moved you so hopefully they change it to extend the distance you move when it's executed. The technique I used I was perfectly fine with; I've played many games like this, so I was used to having to press multiple buttons with just my thumb. I don't know if you played any games like this but maybe it just takes time to get used to. (It's also far better than claw grip you at least have to give it that) You can charge descending thrust before you jump, or during the vault animation. And from my experience it charged by the time the vault animation was done. Also, if focus affects this it could shorten the charge time which could make it better to use. I really think even just a slightly faster Kinsect will make it possible to do more aerial stuff out of RSS. From my testing the bug just BARELY couldn't catch up to the hunter so I'm sure once we get faster bugs it'll be better. You say LS is like old IG with no charges, but you literally have to charge up to that point to get the new move set, and I felt it didn't last as long as triple buffed did in other games. I still feel like both are different in their own right.
@theformation3781 2 ай бұрын
Controls aside (i use keyboard and mouse so i really was not affected in the slightest, but it is a real issue that begs fixing) the insect glaive is perfect imo. It is satisfying, it has insane damage (ive never seen IG this high since its inception), the aerial mobility is still phenomenal, like leagues above mhGen (anyone who's played gen knows that the vault height and distance changed drastically between it and world) and i think anyone who's played 4th gen insect glaive really likes this weapon now as it feels like a great mix of 4th gen glaive with 5th gen glaive (and with pointers from rise as well!), with some strong 6th gen flavor in it. The reason i like it is because this is the insect glaive i prefer, aerial combo glaive from world was actual ass (descending thrust was good though) and the focus mode thing is probably from risebreak kinsect slash requiring you to aim so it isn't as if there isn't strong 5th gen influences here. The thing, really, is that this is what i prefer. I like that the kinsect is finally incredibly involved now, something only sunbreak had before and never to this extent, and i like that this is the new potential of IG, but i understand that people who started with world could have issues with it's core, even beyond the controls. And i get it, as i was a world hunting horn player (didn't touch it in gen) and i absolutely hated it in risebreak, despite hunting with it a fair bit, because it just didn't feel like world at all (no note system, no full song audio, no weight to attacks, suddenly it was this weird and strange abomination that people had fun with, but none of world's identity was in). And because i get the experience of a weapon that you knew and liked changing drastically (what felt like for the worse), i know that if they fixed this controls issue mostly everyone would come around, simply because this IG is in spirit still the same. They have not deviated anywhere close to rise HH. People forget that for 2 games IG did not have aerial, and for 1 more the aerial combos were both bad and kinda cheese. Rise, throughout the 4 games IG has been in the game, has been the only game where aerial was of value, and even that was only with kinsect slash. The only fundamental change with IG that is negative actually has been the removal of aerial, which idk spraying instances of 2 damage across parts with shit hitzone values (back) of monsters that won't even result in a topple or a mount (aerial O was way more efficient) going away is good, and the controls which are fixable. Everything else is positive, and i don't think ignoring the latter for the former is a great idea. This isn't rise HH guys it's still the insect glaive we all know and love.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I feel pretty much the same. Just some control changes could help make the weapon a lot more comfortable to play. And yeah, the weapon does still retain a lot of what makes Insect Glaive IG! It just seems like people think they've taken away everything from IG and gave it a terrible move set which I just don't agree with. Hopefully once the full game comes out and people have more time to get used to it there won't be so much hatred for IG. Also... I enjoyed Rise/sunbreak HH... But I will admit I still had some issues with it. I didn't like that the songs where just circle+circle, Triangle+triangle, or O+triangle + O+triangle. I never knew whether they did that because more, complicated songs with the rise/sunbreak move set would be strong or because they thought HH users were dumb. But at least that's not the case for Wilds! HH has SO much going on in Wilds!
@shivernaut8607 2 ай бұрын
you're so right
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
better to be right than left! 😃
@arata35_ 2 ай бұрын
I know I'll miss the bounce, but I've adapted and came to like the new glaive moveset in Wilds. And I know you just explained how to do the charged circle/B attack with the other attacks, but they NEED to rework it. That just looks like carpal tunnel syndrome in the making. Overall, tho, I like it, the loops, the moveset, and can't wait to play it in the full release.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Carpal tunnel... the gamers worst enemy. 😠XD I really hope they come out with a proper demo sometime in-between now and the full release. I need to play more!!!
@Pragles 2 ай бұрын
This is a certified Insect Glaive classic 🗿
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@ShupperDupper 2 ай бұрын
the IGoat
@omenmarin7903 2 ай бұрын
Goddamm they made this unnecessary tedious, Im stick with SS this time as my main
@TheRikaido 2 ай бұрын
I played insect glaive on mh4U, mhgenerationsU, mhw:I and mhr:S, what a don't like much about glaive in the wilds, is the dependence of using the insect on combos, it whas some kind of insect that do this in rise, and i don't like them, i like to constantly hit the monster on ground, only vault for spawn mount or spawn elemental damage on Alatreon, and the insect, a like to control it, use him, not him doing shit for me, and i aways think it was nice to mark the monster and your insect just go crazy stalking him like a hungry mosquito, its the only time a whant the insect do something for me, and he fails on that in wilds, and the rise version of the "combo bug" whas lame equal, not doing mosquito busines that i like... In mh4U whas a thing that no other mh have with IG, you could make a build just for the insect, Bilbobrix (skull insect) he had a skill "penetration", a good damage, speed and stamina, (and you had to leveling the bug, giving the right types of nectar to get this almost secret insect) and whas possible to comand him to attack, with the right build, your bilbobrix is a lv 99 bug pokemon that kill monsters for you, literally, just search some videos about this, the thing just flying spinning giving tons of damage without returning to your arm, he just do this until hes imense stamina ends. But it whas nerfed and never talked again, about the insane penetrator bilbobrix that play the game for you.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Really? I liked that the bug could attack alongside you in Rise/sunbreak. I tend to not use the aim Kinsect attack unless I need extracts, so having it be more involved felt nice without having to constantly aim the Kinsect. But I as I said I don't like that doing O attacks cancels the mark in Wilds I hope they change that in the full game. Also, there was a build for Iceborne to just use the Kinsect. People were even able to kill Fatalis with just the Kinsect. Although based on your description it might not have been as powerful as it was in 4U. Also, in sunbreak the awakened Kinsect attack was very powerful and while it wasn't good as the meta it was still very strong. Also, Bilbobrix is a great name for a Kinsect.
@TheRikaido 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow In rise has "types" of kinsects, some are "suport" and act the way i like, other are "ofensive" and attack between combos. Hope wilds let it open for you to choose like rise. And mh4U whas way more grounded, and you just don't have anime attacks and shinanigans, the vault was just a little jump with a 2 hits attack, so bilbobrix thing whas crazy to the context of that game, but today, you can fly with this thing in rise, you can do a explosion of dustbugs that make tons of damage, and other skills shinanigans that are broken and much more crazy than a powerfull kinsect. And even thinking about meta in mh4u, bilbobrix penetration gave less damage than the melee combo of the most endgame IGs, so anyway you would whant attack instead of playing pokemon, but whas so fun nuke flyng monsters out the sky, no no no bug don't like you flying, or anoying ones that don't let you get close like tidal najarala and khezu's G-Rank bullshit, and whas a solid counter to black gravios.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRikaido Yeah, I hope they continue with different types of Kinsects like in Rise/sunbreak. Maybe have them slightly alter the move set based on which one you're using I think that would be pretty neat. And make one that allows you to bounce again so people who are mad about the bounce being gone can have it back.
@jameswhite3043 Ай бұрын
Looks like you were wrong. 😀
@Urkikk 2 ай бұрын
Personally, I don't mind Wild Insect Glaive at all I also like it as its own version of IG, my frustration is more on how some people view helicopter bouncing as a terrible move using Wild Insect Glaive as a way to show it. Helicopter spam with Insect Glaive in Iceborne is over hatred despite its versatility, even on the damage side of the move it still can do plenty of damage if use it properly. but people tend to say it does damage equivalent as a kick with Greatsword and has no place in it kit. I'll say Wild Insect Glaive is a bit more contained and compacted compared to World and Rise, Rise Sunbreak try to hold it down with increased hitbox since back in Iceborne, you can bully almost entire roster with Insect Glaive with less prep and much sooner than many other weapons once you understand both ground and aerial movement, with no real bad match up due having a lot of access to both ground and aerial coverage, it mobility is essentially an out of jail free card while still capable of dealing plenty of damage along with it, making it very forgiving. The non-red movesets also were stronger in World than in Rise, due to aerial bounce combined with descending thrust it always has access to in Iceborne and kinsect drill, I'll say Iceborne Insect Glaive depend on extract the least and can still pack quite a punch even while having zero extract. I think Rise did the increased hitbox because all other weapons also have much more access to aerial movement.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I remember always hearing that the aerial combat just did nowhere near as much damage as grounded combat but from what I've tested in iceborne the damage was only off by a few damage points. The thing is though it's not gone in wilds. It's still there and will most likely always be used since you can do a circle attack out of it. I wasn't able to test it, but you could probably do more damage doing a charged circle out of a triangle attack than doing the full triangle combo into a charged circle attack grounded. Especially if they bring back something like the airborne ability that'll increase damage in the air. But yeah, I'm pretty sure they made the hitboxes bigger midair in Rise/sunbreak because all the weapons could Wirebug around, but us IG mains got punished by it the most from my experience.
@princetbug 2 ай бұрын
​@thelegendarymeow "It's not gone" You're out here acting like Rise HH wasn't fundamentally different just because it could still buff. I'm not even going to entertain this nonsense with a genuine response. Maybe take some time to actually read comments about what was special about aerial, or go appreciate it for yourself.
@Urkikk 2 ай бұрын
I forgot to add more on top of my comment that, with all I say about Insect Glaive, it's also what make Iceborne Insect Glaive special, not having to overly dependent on extract in that iteration make it separate from other weapons with "fill the gauge" mechanics. It's not just less dependent from it extracts, but also affect the way you approach your weapons entirely depend on what extracts you have, which is not exactly what people care but it did exist. Aerial bounce combo is one that filled that gap for non-red extracts combo to stay, and Descending Thrust being independent of any extract, tied both Ground and Aerial together. There are more to say about it, but eh, a lot of talk about.
@teibdavies242 2 ай бұрын
They changed the gameplay loop to literally just spamming the new rising attack and rinse and repeat. It’s super linear and with them neutering the aerial capabilities of the weapon, they’ve also removed more options so you’re essentially forced into that linear loop. Not to mention the charging mechanic is clunky and makes no sense with the controls
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
See, I don't agree with the whole just spam RSS over and over. That's like saying just spam True charge slash on GS over and over. Sure, that is the best way to do damage but if you just use it blindly, you'll miss or get hit out of it. And maybe you can just spam it in the beta, but we only got to hunt Chatacabra which is the 1st monster we hunt in the game, Doshaguma which alone is easy, and with the alpha version can get a little tricky if you don't disband the pack, but is still the introduction to the pack monsters mechanic so it's not too difficult, Balahara which I'd say is about Pukei pukei/Tobi kadachi levels of difficulty, then Ray Dau who is an apex monster but not the flagship, and I felt he was a bit easier than Rathalos. So, with the endgame monsters which will most likely be much harder if you try to spam it then, you'll most likely get demolished. Once again, I'm fine with the charging mechanic I don't feel like it's clunky but that's just my opinion.
@sundrythis 2 ай бұрын
thank goodness. so nice to hear opinions from people who played glaive before the days of helicopter helicopter
@jaivse5085 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, I keep telling people it is called INSECT Glaive not Aerial Glaive.
@Zahri8Alang 2 ай бұрын
Sure, but remove Longsword superamor during its most damaging combo finishers, *insert disgruntled complaining about LS some more Not to mention the whatever the heck is that hitbox even called
@arch_imedes7108 2 ай бұрын
Now lets hope the kinsect progression is actually full of cool abilities and meaningful choices.
@dirtydan4492 2 ай бұрын
imo the insect part was always the worst part of the insect glaive. i wish it actually was just "glaive". i never picked up this weapon because i loved playing a stupid, frustrating, janky mini game in the middle of my hunt every few minutes. i picked it up because the agility, speed, power, range, mobility, and fluidity of the moveset was just awesome. they took some of that away in exchange for "more bug" which for someone like me really just sucks. good thing there's 13 other weapon types i guess lol
@raychaos5194 2 ай бұрын
But the areal was fun.... which is the point of a game, to have FUN!
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@arch_imedes7108 I think a cool idea to make Kinsects matter more is having different types that slightly change the moveset. Maybe one in focus mode collects the powder in one place and explodes it like the sunbreak attack. Or maybe a Kinsect that can take a page from that MH movie on Netflix (I forget its name) And allow us to jump on it midair which could act as the bounce mechanic like in other games. And maybe some other Kinsects that add cool new moves to IG's move set, I think it would be pretty cool.
@denisvarga2794 2 ай бұрын
Every single MH game they change every single weapon, and there always will be people who gonna cry about it being "bad" when in reality it is just different.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
True. But it does feel like IG in wilds is causing a lot more discourse than normal. But I wish they gave us more time with the beta so people could have more time to get used to the new move sets. Also, I already miss it 😭 And there was a bunch of stuff I still wanted to test out with the weapons.
@ciphe5391 2 ай бұрын
World glaive main here, I was at first skeptical about the changes, but after trying it more, it grew on me really quick. The charged harvest extract and focus mode assist kinsect make harvesting extracts much easier, with some skill I'd argue that it's easier to get all 3 extracts in wilds than it is to get only red extract in world. I also like how RSS doesn't really feel like a big ult like spirit release, it's much smoother and I now consider it more of a combo finisher than an ultimate attack. The biggest change I would like to see is having the charge from strong descending slash/thrust removed and just be a regular attack that you do by pressing circle+triangle, except for being hard to execute on controller, I'm personally not a fan on it having significantly higher damage values than other regular attacks, it does clunk up the combo a bit I feel and I think having it just be another regular combo would make it easier to press and feel more like the older glaives.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Same here. It definitely takes some time to get used to the new mechanics but once you do it's so much fun! Also, that's a good idea to change the charged attacks to circle triangle attacks. For some other weapons using circle triangle does offset attacks, but that doesn't mean they can't give another weapon that doesn't have an offset attack a circle triangle move that does something else. And if they did that, they could make it, so the normal circle attack is better at mounting, but the circle triangle attack does more damage making both useful in certain scenarios. I personally didn't find the charged attacks clunky but for those who do this could be a nice change to make it smoother.
@naiko8412 2 ай бұрын
See my issue is that its not the same weapon anymore is just a carbon copy of longsword, build buff unleash special move rince and repeat its not the insect glaive anymore its somthing completely different
@larsschulze2799 2 ай бұрын
That makes no sense dude. All charging weapons are build like that. Charge blade is the same, switch axe is the same. That's just how charged weapons work in this game. U charge em u release big numbers u charge again
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
As I said in the video, I felt LS and IG are completely different weapons. Also, the awakened Kinsect attack in Sunbreak also took all 3 extracts to execute so it's not like this a new loop only in Wilds.
@naiko8412 2 ай бұрын
@@larsschulze2799 thats the thing IG was never a “charge” weapon it was a weapon designed around working with your kinsect to do consistent damage while weaving collecting buffs inbetween
@naiko8412 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow it may not be a new loop but they are homogenizing the weapons and they are becoming less special and different from each other on the gameplay side at least, im ok with the grounded focus but it should not be about collecting the buffs firing the big move and doing that over and over it should be about working with the kinsect doing consistent damage not just a big flashy move over and over
@XmortoxX1990 2 ай бұрын
Except is fucking not the case at all
@Sloth2456 2 ай бұрын
So basiclly LS is way better and no good reason to choose it..
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
"So basically, LS is way better" That sums up how it is in every MH game. Nothing new there. (Also, I have no idea how you came to that conclusion but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
@chrono_s9699 2 ай бұрын
Nah doing finger gymnastics in the controller in order to pull off a charge is a bad design. They need to work out a better control scheme for IG
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
You don't have to finger gymnastics. I showed how you can do the charge with just your thumb, and I've played plenty of other games where I had to do something similar to this. It's far better than using the claw grip that's for sure.
@dinocharlie1 2 ай бұрын
Insect glaive? No that's not in Wil- Oh you mean Charge Blade on a Stick. Yea, I guess I'll watch a video on it... Pre watch comments: IG feels like old CB SAED playstyle from an old CB main. Charge weapon, big hit, lose charge, charge weapon, repeat. I'm curious to see if you address this dumbed down game loop. And with the new focus mode melees also gathering extracts, I feel less connected to the bug than ever. Not even counting the bad aim, which will surely be fixed before release. I really feels this should be a new weapon, individual buffs don't matter for this iteration anyway, so just make them like essence of power, essence of vitality and essence of agility and give us a Sage Staff weapon or something. Maybe keep jumps but change them so they feel different than IG. But this is whole new weapon territory. This reminds me of the debates when Rise came out to make 2 separate HH similar to bowgun with HHH and LHH. They're two very similar weapons with similar buttons that feel completely different. I'll add post watch comments in the comment section if anything feels relevant or I feel like you ended up making good counterpoints to anything here.
@dinocharlie1 2 ай бұрын
If this is your favorite IG, give CB a try I no joke think you'll love it if you try to hit SAED instead of listen to everyone saying beyblade is meta Also like I mentioned before and you argued contrary: yes, needing all 3 buffs for the stronger moveset IS a bad thing, because now on more mobile small monsters (we didn't have any in the beta) your new beginner player gameplay loop is fumble around for all 3 extracts instead of get one and roll with it till you can get all 3. And don't even get me started on late game loop. Instead of get red and then all 3 right before it expires, your loop is now the SAED loop of charge, expend early, repeat. Less skill expression is usually not a good thing, especially when it makes it less accessible for new players in the process. Oh yea, I forgot. Now IG is another one of those weapons that has to fight for pimples. Thank you for reminding me of another gripe about it. Not multiplayer friendly. Ohhhhh, a hand cam. Needing to change the way you hold a controller just to play a weapon. Not off to a good start for new players, or even returning ones. There's a reason a lot of claw grip games are dying. NOT EVEN SMALL HAND FRIENDLY HAHAHAHAHA. Unless they give us settings menu presets (unlikely) I'm not about to become a settings warrior just to play a different weapon every now and then. Dear god, I'm only 5 minutes in. Hey, you mentioned the repetitive SAED loop (kinda). It's not that the old attacks weren't repetitive, it's that there were options. With New IG if you try any other options, it would be like trying to play GS without TCS or CB without using phials. No, there's not much going on with this loop. You are incorrect. If you use these new fancy ways to get all 3 extracts at once, there's literally 3 attacks in the whole combo. 2 if you collect all 3 on the big hit (it can collect all 3, I've done it). 1) Collect attack, either pimple pop or charge shot. 2) hold circle. 3) big hit. That's it. Stop coping, people want to "helicopter" to stay airborne, not because the character is spinning the weapon around them once per 30 seconds. Yes, using the pimple pop mid air does the attack if I remember right. The mark mechanic works the same as before, they attack till you recall them then the mark goes away. The charge attack recalls them. There is no mark for them to return to. I'm actually excited to hunt with this weapon too, surprisingly enough from my outlook so far. I like the weapon, I just don't like that it replaced the old IG. Remember, I was a SAED main before and now with SAED loop dead on CB, I found a new comfort weapon here. Also, the weapon's identity pre-Wilds wasn't always the same, but it had a natural evolution that Wilds breaks. Getting airborne and mounting > balanced grounded, aerial and mounting > bigger damage by staying aerial longer =/= SAED loop Irony: you compared it to longsword but not CB It's fine to have fun playing any weapons, even longsword. But I don't think new players should be directed to it since it can bypass the whole positioning vs rolling mechanic of the game which seems even more important in Wilds as shown by Rey Dau's very linear hitboxes. I actually disagree and think the weapon feels less involved with the kinsect now. Instead of being another entity you control, it's just another animation in your attacks. Just throw a bug on the current dual blades attacks, is that really insect blades? Or just the same old DB but with new animations? I'm gonna hold off to judge the numbers on the pimple attacks cause I'm sure some will scale with attack and some with enemy max hp. IG feels like an HP scaler which is why it hit harder in the beta. Just a theory though. That or they accidentally added a 0 somewhere. (oh hey you actually also came to the % damage conclusion) The bug speed is actually a concern I have. It was this easy to get extracts in the beta, imagine how much less skill it's going to be in the full game, how tedious will it become if it's that easy? On top of the already basic move rotation.
@dinocharlie1 2 ай бұрын
My final piece of advice for if you read nothing else; remember, no matter how strong the focus attack is, some weapons literally need theirs to function and have their kits locked behind it, so make sure you see your CB allies with their pizza cutters before taking them. (in co op multiple people can pop the same one, fairly easily since IG pops it pretty slow, and it's much easier with comms)
@puntacana7550 2 ай бұрын
They ruined my poke move…
@Ederick1936 2 ай бұрын
OH MY GOD THIS! how am i going to fight Furious Rajang now?! people don't understand just how valuable poke was, our minimum animation commitment got higher with this new version.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I'm blanking what's the poke move?
@puntacana7550 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow poke is direction + △
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
@@puntacana7550 Wouldn't that just be the helicopter? Or do you mean Kinsect slash?
@puntacana7550 2 ай бұрын
@@thelegendarymeow not airborne. Im talking about ground move
@AnyxRaven 2 ай бұрын
claw grip, it aint that fuckin bad
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I've never needed to use claw grip in any game, but when I was trying to get the picture for the bit I did I found it very odd to even hold the controller like that. (I even felt like my hands were too big to use that effectively.) But no one should be forced to use a claw grip, as much as I love Armored core, I don't want to have to hold a controller in a crazy way like I used to.
@AnyxRaven 2 ай бұрын
@thelegendarymeow thats perfectly valid, nothing at all wrong with that
@pigsmacker213 2 ай бұрын
Anyone saying insect glaive is bad in Wilds is huffing some hard copium. Wilds insect glaive is broken as fuck you can dish out some insane dps with it now. However I do find the massive nerf of Aerial combat on the weapon is stupid. Why even give it the ability ingage in Aerial combat at all if the only use for it is the occasional mount or to hit some weakspot pretty inconsistently. They might as well have not even given insect glaive any Aerial abilities at all in Wilds, if they were just gonna turn the objectively most fun thing about it in comparison to the weapons into a borderline useless mechanic. I know vets have this asinine vendetta against Aerial insect glaive but sorry not sorry theres a reason more people tended to use it then not in world. It was fun, it's that simple nobody but you gives a shit about your quest times. I think every aspect of the weapon should be equally fun and valid to use. Whenever the most optimal way to play a weapon is to rinse and repeating the same exact brainless combo over and over there's a clear balancing problem. Why use any other thing when everything else feels objectively ass in comparison to that one good combo? Simply put you just wont, and that's the problem here. Not that the weapon is "trash" but even as someone who had fun with it. I did feel myself getting bored of the loop fairly quickly. It is effectively long duel blades now which personally I think is kind of boring and it does feel like the weapon lost some uniqueness with the heavy Aerial combat nerfs.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I do feel like if they made IG unable to aerial moves people would be in an even bigger uproar than they are now XD. I wouldn't say the aerial abilities are useless at all, they still do good damage and are the same to how they've always been just without bouncing. But I do agree with every aspect of the weapon should be equally fun to use. But unfortunately, that's not very easy to pull off. I haven't played Greatsword so correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you always working towards true charged slash with that weapon? I know timing is very important for that attack, but from what I know the goal is to hit True charged slash as much as possible. I didn't get bored of the loop in my time with the beta, but we'll see how it is in the full game, of course assuming they don't change anything Which I'm very doubtful the won't.
@lenosantos5175 2 ай бұрын
Thank you my dear, I was becoming crazy trying to explain this and everyone keeps "but I can't fly now *cry cry cry*".
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
I've actually come to a realization about the bounce mechanic... If it was in Wilds exactly how it was in world/iceborne I would NEVER use it. I only used the bounce in that game to reposition myself closer to the monster to hit descending thrust. But in Wilds we can do descending thrust out of the helicopter attack. So, if I was close enough to bounce off the monster then I'd be close enough to hit descending thrust. And look, I love the bounce mechanic, but if it has no use in this game then I'd rather it not be in the game. I'd at least want it to have some kind of incentive like in sunbreak where bouncing 3 times increased damage midair. What's the saying? If you love something let it go? Maybe that's what's happening in Wilds. But we'll see there's still a lot of possibilities for the bounce to return
@clouds2589 2 ай бұрын
I'm looking forward to either seeing people having to actually learn how to play glaive correctly, or dropping it completely. I dont expect everyone to do absolutely peak DPS, but when a glaive user is doing nothing but helicopter and flips and is sitting at 30% of the damage of everyone else it tends to make you loathe getting matched with one.
@Ederick1936 2 ай бұрын
So you are looking forward to people not having fun. Really cool take my dude.
@clouds2589 2 ай бұрын
@@Ederick1936 Yup. because people not knowing how to play their weapon isn't fun for anyone else, "my dude". Carrying people doing palico/palamute levels of DPS isn't my idea of fun.
@Ederick1936 2 ай бұрын
@clouds2589 then don't play with them. It's super easy to not be an asshole and yet here you are.....
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
That's a bit of an exaggeration. aerial IG damage was never that far off from grounded IG damage. If they were doing that little damage, they probably had a bad build.
@clouds2589 2 ай бұрын
​@@thelegendarymeow While that can be true if people learn to optimize how to play aerial, i have absolutely seen more insect glaives closer to my palamute's DPS than to the rest of the hunters with a DPS meter. Optimal aerial play can get close, but from experience, most people aren't trying to play it well, they're trying to just stay in the air and fly around.
@josefernandez4423 2 ай бұрын
WTF is with these super long ass essay replies lmao it's like a new engagement generating bot that spews ai generated essays as comments.
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
People are passionate about IG, and they have a lot to say as a result. Plus, I asked them about how they felt, and unlike most people nowadays I'm fine with reading long comments since I still have my attention span.
@bufosp 2 ай бұрын
damn, this makes me want to come back to IG again
@thelegendarymeow 2 ай бұрын
Dew it...
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