Ok, let's address some of the most frequent responses here (save me replying to them individually). Excellent additional points made ... 1) Her geekiness (glasses and pigtails) making us expect braces 2) The low resolution of old VHS copies of the film making people THINK they saw braces. (VERY STRONG POINT) 3) Though the film makers might have considered braces they could have decided against it to avoid making her too much like an actual child, given the love interest with a grown man. 4) One commenter referenced this review of the film from 1979. www.newspapers.com/clip/74504439/dollynobraces/ The reviewer says "even acquires a love interest, a small, voluptuous blonde named Blanche Ravalec. It would be a relationship made in heaven if only she wore braces." To get around that one you have to go down the route of claiming the newspaper is a fake. 5) Something I left out to try and keep the vid down to 5 mins, but has also been mentioned by a commenter, is that when dolly begins to smile in the wider shot we only see a thin sliver of her teeth because she only parts her lips slightly. This could have also given the impression of braces. Points I disagree with and why ... 1) "The scene makes no sense if she doesn't have braces" (this seems to be parroted with near enough the exact same words - itself a kind of perceptual group think trick) ... Nope. The accentuation of her teeth with the dark lipstick and their similar slow smile establishes a connection anyway. Yes, it SEEMS like she SHOULD have braces, which is WHY we THINK we saw them. It certainly doesn't prove they were there. 2) People swearing that their memory of watching the film from decades ago is absolutely reliable. ... As stated in the video my daughter fooled by the bluray, having never seen old versions, and my belief that she had braces was not corrected by me watching the blu-ray several times. Sorry to break it to you folks but human memory is extremely unreliable, especially in the long term. And much of our perceived moment to moment reality is based on our mind filling in the blanks based on assumed content. This is how many optical illusions work. We do not live in absolute reality, we live in our brain's filtered and distorted perception of it. Stage hypnotists know all about it and use the gaps in our perception to trick us. And don't tell me hypnosis isn't real. I've studied it and learned how to do it. I've done trance inductions, it's easy once you learn the basics. And what I learned about the mind from hypnosis is part of what allowed me to notice the deceptive subtleties of this scene. 3) But everybody knew she had braces ... That's group think. Groups can get it wrong. Show a hundred people the same standard optical illusion and most will see that same illusion. It doesn't make the illusion real. 4) A TV ad starring Richard Kiel (Jaws actor) included an extra who had braces. ... Yes it did but that ad was from many years later. It doesn't prove Dolly had braces. The makers of the ad may have fallen for the illusion themselves and not double checked it, or they may have put the girl with braces in because they thought it was a good idea themselves. 5) It's a conspiracy to make us doubt reality (various versions of this theory) ... Yes there are plenty of real conspiracies and a lot of manipulation of the human mind by advertisers, news media etc. But this does not mean that every group think delusion or piece of failed memory is a conspiracy. Your mind (YES, YOURS) can be fooled circumstantially too. Ever walked into a dark room and jumped because you mistook a shadow in the corner as a figure? Ever mistaken a small dark object as an insect or spider and jerked away in response? We all have these experiences and you can't write them all off as an engineered attempt to control you. Go down that path and you'll end up with delusions far more damaging to your life than believing Dolly had braces ;)
@jaredbond79083 жыл бұрын
Since I haven't seen the movie, can anyone explain why in the world they would decide to give Jaws a girlfriend, if not for the braces gag? Which would serve as a comedy point over and over throughout the movie? Why would she like him, otherwise? Why would she smile at him after he smiles, when any normal girl should be horrified? Btw, various articles on the internet claim that the actress, Blanche Revalec, says that she never wore braces for the film, and that this is confirmed by the other actors, as well as the behind-the-scenes stills. For one - when did they ask them? How did this word get around? And two - you can clearly see in the article I linked video footage of the partially erased braces, when she is taking a drink. If anyone has a copy of this movie, they should be able to see the same thing. Other people online (not just here) are claiming that the braces were removed in the 1982 VHS release, and all future releases, because some people thought it made her look too young. Well, I really think this is a bogus story. I don't think a single person ever thought that, and it would certainly not warrant painstakingly painting each frame, as well as ruining a major joke of the film. Also, due to the partial erasure of the braces in the drinking scene, I think it was done later than 1982 with computer software, and not by hand. Well, I think this goes to show that there is more to this story than false memories. The gif of the partially erased braces is at (search: "Miles Mathis Dolly's Braces"). Also - suppose they did alter the movie in 1982, due to "concerns" that she looked underage. Well then... why edit the behind-the-scenes stills, too? Why the need to cover it up so completely? Why not just admit it, like how Spielberg replaced the guns with walkie-talkies in the re-release of ET? You see... I just smell a rat here.
@confuseddescendantofrebelc30053 жыл бұрын
yeah I think if she had been wearing braces then the camera would have closed in more and lingered on them so we just see her smile
@jaredbond79083 жыл бұрын
@@confuseddescendantofrebelc3005 they might have slightly changed the duration of the shot, too >_>
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
@Kyle Riel Maybe you're SEE EYE AYE ... let's have a paranoia war lol
@jaredbond79083 жыл бұрын
Also, the top article on a Google search of the issue - at mi6-hq (a Bond fansite, I guess) - shows a poll where only 47% thought that Dolly had braces. They are presenting it as if it's a big number, but in reality, it should be more like 95%. More subtle tomfoolery, making you think that there are factions of other people who remember/interpret differently, and that you just happen to be in the 47%. Nope. I think there's no way that poll is real.
@Landenburg3 жыл бұрын
Everything you say in this video makes perfect sense. The problem is just that she definitely had braces. 100%
@jellyhead81072 жыл бұрын
yeah she had braces on
@anubusx2 жыл бұрын
Mandela Effect.
@paulg4512 жыл бұрын
That is the problem
@horsepower5232 жыл бұрын
Blanche Ravalec the actress who played Dolly has confirmed herself that Dolly never had any braces. It's all just a figment of people's imagination.
@SHNASTTV2 жыл бұрын
Yes she DID have braces. Hence this is a Mandela Effect. This explanation in the video is a great try at making the impossible seem as if it didn't happen. But the impossible DID happen. She no longer has braces. And that is an issue only 'out of the box' thinking will be able to comprehend. She had them the whole movie. This is just the best scene that really stood out. It was the point, and why it became parodied in other stuff.
@rhymingreason2 жыл бұрын
In my high school, Helen Thompson was the first girl to get braces (and we're talking 80's train tracks). She was bullied for it, because as rural kids we'd never seen that kind of thing before. Seeing the beautiful Dolly's braces in Moonraker normalised them for me, leaving a profound and vivid memory (because it made me feel like scum for the way we'd all treated Helen). So like many other commenters... your video makes some excellent points, and it's a great breakdown. Except that she actually DID have braces. 😂
@nuck-2 жыл бұрын
The OP just thinks hes talking from a position of authority because he didnt see them. She had braces and theres just no doubt about it for most of us, we know what we saw.
@ChildOfKingJesus572 жыл бұрын
@@nuck-I am leaning toward the thought, that we are right in saying we saw these things, many of the so so called, "Mandela edfects". We KNOW what we saw a knew to be true. So many people have personal experiences. I believe that someone from some big organisation, or secrete organization, maybe illuminati, are just messing with the heads of the people. They probably believe that, just because the masses, who know what they saw, hear the companies, or film makers say, the opposite and tell us we are wrong, that we will believe them and start questioning our own minds and whether, what we know is true or what we know is possibly fabricated.( many are starting to question reality) They want to make people unsure. You know there is a famouse statement Adolf Hilter made on a tactic he uses, and many politicians have taken this onboard as true and use it!!! especially in the recent 20 years. The statement is straight from Satan, the Devil himself, here it is: " If you LIE TO the people long enough, they believe it". I believe we are looking at some of these lies. Why you may ask? To mess with peoples heads, to make themselves unsure of themselves and core memories. And they are sick and evil. They love to control the people with propaganda, and causing fear to settle in. I believe covid was to make the people fearful and when fearful, they are move controllable. " When people think the worst and that they and loved could die, they are more malleable, more controllable. When you get billions upon billions all over of people in the world, in the state of fear, they will look toward their leaders for guidance. That is where it is dangerous, the people agree to go along with things they normally wouldn't have agreed to before. They think, " Well, I guess this is what has to be done". EVEN WHEN THEY START LOOSING PERSON RIGHTS, FOR THE "GOOD OF ALL"! FEAR is a GREAT MANIPULATOR. A foundation for a one world government is being laid. Covid was not only a test, but the beginning for all governments to start agreeing on many levels, all have put/thrown personal rights of the people, out the window. And have adopted new policies to deal with so called "public safety concerns". People are no longer the ones who ultimately decide who can enter your home. People can come into your home and without permission or explanation now, before anything proven, and can remove a child, remove parents. A one world government is being prepared. Very soon, I believe all over the world, or at least most of it, people will not be able bear arms to protect their families. Well, I've gone on for awhile. I know what the Bible says. I have studied it nearly my entire life. Went to Buble College and have been in ministry since 1982. And we are finishing our 33rd year as full time Christian missionary with my husband and raising our family in the land, God divinely called us to. We know what the Lord's Word is teaches about the one world government set up and the rise of the antichrist. It's all starting. It is the end days. If you don't know Jesus as your Saviour call on Him today. Your Saviour Jesus loves you and suffered and died in place of you and I and the world. To save of from death, complete spiritual death in hell to save you from Satan. To take you home to glory with Him, where you were supposed to be. Call on His name. In John 14:6 Jesus said, I Am the way, the truth and the life, no one to the Father, accept through Me. Ask forgiveness of your sins and repent, and turn to God, He will surely forgive you. For died for those sins and rose again conquering death. He love you and He will cloth you in His righteousness and forget all your sins. He said He will throw them into the sea of forgetfulness. He will save you from this terrible time to come. For He taking His Bride home soon "the Church" (that is every saved Born again believer in Jesus. When we believe, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of God. There will be a loud trumpet call the immediately the dead believers will rise and meet Him in the air. Changed in an instinct into glorified bodies. The we who are alive will also be raised up to meet our Saviour, our Bridegroom in the air. We will too be changed into glorified healthy perfect bodies with no more pain. He will take us to meet Him in the air, and take us home to heaven very soon, ANY DAY NOW!! And we will not suffer the terrible tribulation on earth of terrible suffering. The antichrist, the Dragon and beast with kill many. The the Lord's wrath will be poured out on all the evil, all those who wear the mark of the Beast (Satan) which is 666, or it's the number of his name. Don't be caught by the enemy and be forced to starve or suffer and die for not taking the mark. If you take the mark, YOU ARE DOOMED TO HELL along with Satan, his fallen Angel's and demons. All who serve Satan. Call on Jesus NOW and be saved and kept from such a horrible time. If you are here during that time. Do not receive the Mark of the beast, call on Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. Refuse the the mark all the way unto death. Then you will have a special place for you in heaven. But it is much better to call on Him NOW! John 10:9-13 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. 11For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME.” 12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”
@TequilaToothpick Жыл бұрын
It's great you felt bad for bullying her, but she never had braces.
@michelleper5065 Жыл бұрын
she always has braces in the other timeline
@michelleper5065 Жыл бұрын
@@TequilaToothpick generation idiocrasy... look at the damage the iphone has done...
@jimmd-g7m3 жыл бұрын
I remember when my sister and I watched this film as kids and when it aired on TV as a premier. She turned to me and said with a chuckle "awww they both have the same metal teeth" . I may not remember the scene so well but I've no doubt about what she said when we watched it. This is pretty weird.
@dj711622 жыл бұрын
Yep, I remember seeing them as well. I can literally remember where I was when I saw it.
@cq19032 жыл бұрын
yes I remember this as a kid, saying that they both had metal teeth so that's why they like eachother
@notanundercovercop88512 жыл бұрын
Yepp, first time I ever saw this film I thought the fact that they both had metal teeth was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I'd really like to know what I thought was cute if she didn't have braces.
@yorkshirebikerbitsnbobs2 жыл бұрын
Yes. Dolly's braces when she opened her mouth to smile said to me, that her and Jaws were going to be great friends!
@horsepower5232 жыл бұрын
Blanche Ravalec the actress who played Dolly has confirmed herself that Dolly never had any braces. She was asked about it and she said "No, Dolly never had braces. It was never even a question".
@mikesmurawski33312 жыл бұрын
I remember this scene and she DEFINITELY had braces. There's no doubt in my mind. That's what made that whole scene since it showed they had something in common
@jeffw8218 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! If she DID NOT have braces, then why would she smile after Jaws smiled, and then walk off with him? Where is the character motivation otherwise? Edit: I watched this film (excellent Bond film btw, truly next level for the time period) and there are several scenes where you can see the actresses teeth, and she wasn't wearing braces in any of them. I don't not think they were "digitally removed" or altered in any other way. There are even set photos and she's not wearing braces in those either.
@NorseCode.81 Жыл бұрын
@@the_trooper_72 how is it possible to digitally removed somebody's basis especially of VHS tapes.
@NorseCode.81 Жыл бұрын
@@the_trooper_72 well I hold on a minute you're the one who thinks you can digitally remove braces off a VHS tape 😂 why don't you have a listen to yourself instead mate.
@jeffreywitty3088 Жыл бұрын
@@NorseCode.81 easily, VHS is only a medium (like a floppy), not the "file" (the stuff stored ON the floppy). With access to the file or a transfer, it would be of higher quality than the OG film cut editing was in 1978/1979
@NorseCode.81 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffreywitty3088 and what's your point?
@FredAlert3 жыл бұрын
I remember braces, making the scene quite funny... mind blown
@generalesdeath58363 жыл бұрын
Holy shit man I remember braces too. I thought that was the joke; that JAWS had metal teeth and that he turned good and found a girlfriend with braces.
@johnlenz4203 жыл бұрын
yea same i thought that was the whole cherry on top moment. when i saw it after the braces were removed it didnt make the punchline at all
@donald66853 жыл бұрын
@@generalesdeath5836 She did have braces and that was the joke. The entire character becomes somewhat pointless without braces.
@veronicabrown11943 жыл бұрын
@@donald6685 exactly. Don't let the deceivers fol you
@larzhillbot14433 жыл бұрын
@@donald6685 spot on
@valmarsiglia2 жыл бұрын
Lol. The number of people basically saying "Nope. No way I could be remembering it wrong, my memory is infallible. Therefore the gubmint is messing with our minds."
@christianclark3477 күн бұрын
Except she somehow has braces as she runs up to help him pull the wreckage off but suddenly doesn't when she smiles. The Mandela Effect may be a thing but so is gaslighting and Hollywood are pros at it.
@MysteriousMiddleEast3 жыл бұрын
I remember her braces because I also remember saying to my friend a couple days later (he was 8 and I was 9 at that time), that they only fell in love with each other because they both had metal teeth. We both laughed because we thought it was funny.
@nuck-2 жыл бұрын
Yep i watched the movie HUNDREDS of times a a kid, i was obsessed with the film and it would drive my parents insane as i'd have it playing in the living room 2-3 times per week for years. Theres not a doubt in my mind she had braces. I may have watched the film more than any human alive and i dont say that lightly. She had braces and theres absolutely no doubt about it.
@ChildOfKingJesus572 жыл бұрын
@@nuck- I absolutely agree!🙃
@Delboy5912 жыл бұрын
yea she definitely had braces. I dont agree with any of his points.
@joshjepsen234 Жыл бұрын
Us Bond fans know she had braces but where did they go, maybe this really is a simulation that periodically gets updated?
@michelleper5065 Жыл бұрын
always has braces in the other reality... this is a major shock to the "normies" because it literally proven you live in a matrix
@hhairball93 жыл бұрын
I saw this movie in the theater. Everyone laughed when Dolly smiled and joked about her braces, and how they were the perfect couple because their teeth matched. I am sticking to that memory no matter how many people say (and film clips show) that she never did.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
So many of these fake claims about the past. You're telling me people openly talked out loud in the cinema about braces in the shot. I've seen hundreds of movies in the cinema, including Moonraker when I was 6 yrs old, and NEVER heard the audience burst into open commentary about a detail in a scene. As for people laughing at the shot - it's funny without the braces anyway. Colossal Jaws and a pigtail blonde with big jugs have just fallen in love at first sight. My daughter laughed at it and she's only seen the blu-ray version with no braces.
@hhairball93 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning I understand what you're saying. I went with a group of about 8 people, and I do admit we were high. Since I have no proof of what my friends and I remember, and the proof against my memories are many, I must stand down. (still love your videos!)
@TheChzoronzon3 жыл бұрын
@@hhairball9 Well, that was some unexpected sportmanship haha... nice
@hhairball93 жыл бұрын
@@TheChzoronzon I have to bow to his expertise. It is his channel, and he does have proof for his side of the debate, whereas I have nothing tangible, just memory. I also love this channel and antagonizing the landlord is not how I was raised. 😁
@TheLyingFigure3 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning its more common in America to have people talk amongst friends in the theater, its makes watching horror films rather annoying
@dougfranckwolf3 жыл бұрын
I saw this movie when it was in the theater when I was 10 years old. I clearly remember braces as well. I think the reason people remember them is it makes no sense otherwise. Jaws feels like his metal teeth make him scary and no one could ever love him with them, then suddenly a girl gives him a big smile with her own set of cute normal braces to immediately give them a shared point of contact. Its hard to fathom I just imagined that entire back and forth interaction as a 10 year old.
@yespeace20003 жыл бұрын
Exactly what i was going to type as response! They have that common thing, so that's basically why they snaped.
@dougfranckwolf3 жыл бұрын
@@yespeace2000 Yah. I even remember the audience bursting out laughing when she smiled. Why else would they do that? Its an instantaneous example of the Mandela effect. Quite amazing.
@vollsticks3 жыл бұрын
@timpize87333 жыл бұрын
@@dougfranckwolf Maybe your mind has fabricated a memory of people laughing too.
@mr.purple95593 жыл бұрын
She definitely had braces. Saw it in theater when I was 12 and clearly remember the laughter from the audience when she smiled back. A big old mouth full of metal meant more to him than the pretty face and cleavage on display. This was also a memorable and transformative moment for Jaws who, up to a few minutes before was a villain in at least two Bond films.
@roadhog53843 жыл бұрын
There was even an older VISA commercial made including “Jaws” with a reference to the woman behind the counter having braces. Search it up. There is way more to this than just a few simple explanations. Nobody we know has an answer. I remain open to the fact that we know not of our reality.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
The VISA commercial was made many years later by diff film makers, who may have themselves been fooled by the mandella effect.
@mk-ultramags11073 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning I actually think it was a play on the "Jaws" character himself. Kinda like a parody. Most people know him as "Jaws"(Although he's also known for his role in 'Happy Gilmore' to a lesser extent) so it's ironic to have him meet a girl who's wearing braces. They both have "Metal Mouths." It's meant to be funny.
@girliboi3 жыл бұрын
@@mk-ultramags1107 exactly.. it's obviously a nod to his role in 'moonraker' although it does quite possibly explain why so many are convinced they remember seeing braces in the original film (even though all evidence says they didn't).
@mk-ultramags11073 жыл бұрын
@@girliboi Yup. It's just like Sinbad playing "The Genie"... It was a mix of two separate visuals linked into one. The mind has a way of subconsciously blurring the lines(Or connecting them if you look at it that way) into one specific memory. I've had plenty of instances as an adult where I found out my memory of something I did as a kid was way off. I'm gonna tell a true story as an example... I was a star baseball player in my region, so I played all over and in a ton of leagues. I was a starting pitcher on a 12yr Old team when I was only 9. It was my entire life and I took it seriously and still know the game. The reason I bring that up is because I'll talk to my folks, friends or ex-teammates etc and they have an entirely different account of what happened during a particular game than I do. Sometimes it would be as simple as one pitch that ended a game. Other times I'll have a completely different timeframe of certain events. I've had distinct memories of friends playing on a specific team and found out I was wrong 15yrs later. I have articles/spotlights in newspapers from over the years and when I read one recently, the memory I had was like 70% accurate. Bottom line, we all do this is one form or another and while it's fun to joke with the idea of "Nostalgic Hubris", hence my story, in reality it's simply because people TRULY believe things happened a specific way. I know I do... But I'm also open enough to allow for the possibility that my memory of something can most definitely be blurred and some people cannot be convinced at all.
@salvationsplace3 жыл бұрын
@@mk-ultramags1107 I've heard a lot of people bring up the fact that usually witnesses have different accounts of an event But doesn't that make this worse? When millions of people have the exact same memory of something happening that there is now no evidence of, when the propensity is to have differing memories, would that not increase the odds dramatically in favor of the shared memory to be true
@KD-rs6ub Жыл бұрын
I’m way more weirded out by the fact that so many us share the experience of owning the movie and driving our parents crazy by watching it so many times. I owned it on VHS and 100% remember her having braces.
@obsessedwithcrypto4366 Жыл бұрын
Mandela effect is real we live in a hologram the matrix has a glitch
@thedys707 ай бұрын
any chance you still own that old VHS tape to check the scene?
@WickedScott3 жыл бұрын
This is the first Mandela Effect thing that gave me shivers. My brain is having trouble accepting what I see in your video.
@newdefsys3 жыл бұрын
Ive been researching for hours because Im certain Dolly had braces. but it seems ive been wrong all these decades. Blanche Ravalec is quite lovely though.
@haissem83 жыл бұрын
Yeah because a nerdy girl having braces is hardly a stereotype shown to us through pop culture.
@Head318Hunter2 жыл бұрын
This is the #1 M.E. for me too. Unreal
@leighherman57962 жыл бұрын
I saw Moonraker in the theater with friends and I'm 100% sure she had braces. I distinctly remember the audience erupting in laughter.when she smiled in that scene, revealing her braces right after Jaws flashed his metal mouth. I didn't imagine it...
@TequilaToothpick Жыл бұрын
It's possible you imagined it.
@duality5503 Жыл бұрын
No you didn't.
@georgehenderson7783 Жыл бұрын
Those who doubt the people who say Dolly had braces didn't see this in the theater in 1979. Anyone who did will tell you she had braces. All those people just imagined it? No, we didn't imagine it. Me and everyone in the theater where I watched it erupted in laughter. That wouldn't have happened if she didn't have braces, it would have more like "Awwwww, isn't that cute."
@Heavens-Humanaterian-Army Жыл бұрын
We know your correct yes she had bracesses this guy is just attention seeking trying to convince us he is wrong.
@FirsteMann1929 Жыл бұрын
@@georgehenderson7783 Yup I saw the movie when it came out She had braces
100% she had braces that was the main reason why Jaws fell in love with her as they both had metal teeth, I give to 10/10 for trying to debunk it but you 100% wrong
@davyg113 жыл бұрын
Could the hairstyle (pigtails) have another effect as they are commonly associated with children and so are braces...?
@kelvincasing52653 жыл бұрын
And nerds have pigtails, glasses, and braces
@tuscanyjc3 жыл бұрын
Don’t forget the bows @ the ends of them also.
@oblivious1083 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing.
@tuscanyjc3 жыл бұрын
@Pecker Dúnling San Patricio Space Dolphin Brigada Its her bite she gives in the scene with her lips that fools you into seeing braces min 2.95 kzbin.info/www/bejne/omnWnaWGoLKYd68
@josephmillner21823 жыл бұрын
This for sure
@pirhan3 жыл бұрын
Having braces gave her a connection to Jaws, who had metal teeth. Her not having braces, and the way her smile is filmed, makes no sense. It only makes sense if she had braces. Also, her having braces (crooked teeth) with the glasses, makes her undesirable for the new race and thus Jaws' turn at the end.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
It does make sense. They made her look geeky and used dark lipstick to accentuate her teeth. That was enough. We then ASSUMED she has braces. nly Jaws was deemed unsuitable for the master race at the end, not her.
@veronicabrown11943 жыл бұрын
Exact. You're definitely right about that.
@veronicabrown11943 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning nope, that's not the right explanation. Dolly had braces. Stop bullshitt1ng yourself . Open and shut
@borodel6192 жыл бұрын
She had braces. For people who are able to think out of the box: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIurnoZred9sepI Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow.
@LumieX2 жыл бұрын
@@borodel619 Lol you're thinking wayyyy to outside the box. Time travel is not possible dude because time doesn't exist physically, it's a man made concept. Think about how dumb what you are saying actually is. So people are time traveling and changing irrelevant things in random movies and changing the spelling of books? LOL.
@jamesmoore266 Жыл бұрын
I’m 56 and seen this movie with my first girlfriend and she had braces and we joked about it. Maybe people are messing with our memories but I absolutely remember her having braces. It is what made people laugh. True story
@jamesmoore266 Жыл бұрын
Then why do you watch it now and there are no braces ? Did reality change ? Or are people messing with our minds? That’s the real question
@skunkjobb Жыл бұрын
@@jamesmoore266 There are more options than that. What I find most likely is that the people who "remember" the braces have gotten it wrong and she never had braces.
@rodrodriguez460 Жыл бұрын
Dolly having braces at the end of the movie only makes sense because that was the punchline of their relationship. I remember the braces on her and I laughed.
@thegrinch7989 Жыл бұрын
That gag is the only reason that she is in the movie.
@drunvert2 жыл бұрын
I will say that 1,000% she had braces. And as Moonraker had a high comedic value to it, along with the other Roger Moore Bond movies, that was part of the comedy. I have an excellent memory and I remember that very clearly
@RZVPeter2 ай бұрын
No braces. For that second before she smiled it looked like she had a black gum sheild in so we were expecting her to have a metal mouth.
@drunvert2 ай бұрын
@@RZVPeter not in my world
@ric59592 ай бұрын
@@drunvert Not in my world either, I have a photographic memory, I remember this scene clearly. The sly psychological tricks used in this video to try and convince viewers that our memory is incorrect and that we all hallucinated is laughable. We are certainly living in a simulation and something is fucking with us.
@drunvert2 ай бұрын
@@ric5959 I have a version of photographic memory too. I got through college because I could see the answers so long as I had read the text or saw the prof write it on the board. It's not perfect but I can remember images from before I was 2 years old.
@taylorvanarsdale2 ай бұрын
@@ric5959 I have photographic memory also, and I remember watching this in the theatre with my mother. That scene was funny b/c she had braces and when Jaws saw her smile, they connected. I recall my mother and I commenting on this scene after the movie ended. Why this is happening is the question we need to ask--because it is beyond strange. What do the actors say about this, and the filmmaker?
@SurrogateActivities3 жыл бұрын
actually you've been transferred to a different timeline dimension reality
@Truth5eeker332 жыл бұрын
Who did this? And what does it mean for us?
@Truth5eeker332 жыл бұрын
And why did they do this?
@SurrogateActivities2 жыл бұрын
@@Truth5eeker33 mandela effect bro
@Truth5eeker332 жыл бұрын
@@SurrogateActivities I know that much lol
@horsepower5232 жыл бұрын
Smoke less weed.
@1schwererziehbar13 жыл бұрын
Also her hairstyle and glasses are typical for a teen girl with braces.
@evandrolima17243 жыл бұрын
That’s one of the reasons why our mind projects the braces on her.
@evandrolima17243 жыл бұрын
@@orlandopockets6372 You missread it. You made a false equivalence. More like: A girl with braces is typical for a teen with pigtails and glasses. Specially in the 80's. It's braces in relation to pigtails and glasses that are a typical look. And not braces, pigtails and glasses in relation to late teens, like you imply.
@Adam-nc6qg3 жыл бұрын
@@orlandopockets6372 Why are you so combative? The guy made some reasonable point about female stereotypes from 80's.
@opinion37429 ай бұрын
And what would be your possible explanation if it is true that she had braces? And all the other so called Mandela effects.
@btodd444 Жыл бұрын
she had braces, that was the whole point of them falling for each other
@rerun32834 ай бұрын
Somehow every copy of the movie with braces disappeared. 😂
@bookgravy3649 Жыл бұрын
No, she had braces. this is the biggest mandella effect for me. This is the one example that makes me consider it being true. I have a distint memory of watching it in our living room when i was a teen for the first time. she smiles at Jaw's showing she has braces, and Jaws smiles with his metal teeth. they fall in love.
@ohaheyoh7665 Жыл бұрын
Want to know something more wild, I have a photographic memory and I remember watching it on Amazon Prime a few years ago when they first put all the 007 movies up and she still had them. I have never even heard of this mandella effect until today and I thought I knew them all. Are these happening out of time and space and colliding with consciousness at different points in time? People saying no braces in 1999?
@TequilaToothpick Жыл бұрын
@@ohaheyoh7665 You obviously do not have a photographic memory then lol.
@daedalos5132 Жыл бұрын
Don't the bare teeth look so awkward? I'm with you.. this is the one that has me convinced there is something to the effect..
@TequilaToothpick Жыл бұрын
@@daedalos5132 That's mean. Her teeth look perfectly fine as they were.
@daedalos5132 Жыл бұрын
@@TequilaToothpick Sorry, I meant in comparison to the scene, I, and many others, remember.. seeing bare teeth now just looks off.. out of place.
@78deathface3 жыл бұрын
I loved Moonraker when I was a kid. I could SWEAR she had braces.
@WFHermans3 жыл бұрын
Because she had them in the theatrical release.
@78deathface3 жыл бұрын
@@WFHermans uh… what? I only ever saw it on vhs
@JB_inks3 жыл бұрын
@@WFHermans source?
@WFHermans3 жыл бұрын
@@JB_inks My own eyes when I saw it in 1979.
@richardmoores3 жыл бұрын
@@WFHermans unverified I’m afraid
@swampmusicinfo3 жыл бұрын
I am somebody that thought she has braces , seeing it on vhs/crt and tv/crt multiple times but before the year 2000, recalling it as a reveal that they have at least something in common ( doesn't see him as a freak) and the smile being confirmation. I mostly remembered that beat rather than the scene itself. A beat that never was...
@Jack__Reaper3 жыл бұрын
Same, i 100% have the same memory and perception
@clutch28273 жыл бұрын
Her revealing braces would have been perfect though.
@freeone67113 жыл бұрын
It was an awesome gag.
@Cre80s3 жыл бұрын
Exactly, such a missed perfect pitch for a great laugh that our memories are filling the gap with the joke they missed (pun intended).
@icreateworlds3 жыл бұрын
I have absolutely no doubt she had braces for a simple reason. I saw this movie as a kid back in the 70s the exact same day my mother took me to the dentist to get my braces. I was scared to death of the dentist I was going to go after the movie and that scene when the girl smiles with braces was the perfect timing for my mother to say to me at that very moment… see she has braces too , you shouldn’t be afraid to get yours next. So I don’t care how many rational explanations anyone can come up with to argue that the braces never existed because this is a Mandela effect I’m absolutely sure it exists. I have no idea how it can happen but I don’t have a single doubt it’s real as in my case it wasn’t even a false memory because that scene actually affected my life as a kid because I even told the dentist about her character and jaws the same afternoon ! In fact that scene is also a great gag in the movie and there is no gag without the braces to begin with because it renders the sequence useless. 😎
@johanhafezi2382 Жыл бұрын
The whole thing with jaws getting feelings for her was that it was the only thing they had in common = braces. It know she had braces and it also makes no sense if she hadnt. But i remember 100% she had.
@SniperLogic2 жыл бұрын
She had braces. I remember it distinctly from seeing it twice not long after it came out. Her having braces was the whole point of their interaction in that scene. I remember it without a doubt. It struck me that the moviemaker had thought to make the scene, displaying the commonality between the two. Something here is nuts. Maybe me.
@mpazs Жыл бұрын
And me...
@wez740 Жыл бұрын
She had braces when i seen it. Wtf is going on here
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
- First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@TylerSkylionChilders3 жыл бұрын
First time I ever saw this film was on HBO around 1982 or so. Saw it with my family; me, an older brother, mom, and dad. My brother and mother had braces that year. I clearly remember all of use remarking that she had braces, and we had a bit of a chuckle over it. Now you're telling me it's mass hallucination?
@Greg0428692 жыл бұрын
Someone suggested they took them out for the 1984 VHS release, somehow, for some reason. Seems very difficult to do without modern computers and counter productive to the quality of the movie. It's not like PC culture really took control in those 5 years. Even if it had, it's not offensive to "braced people".
@borodel6192 жыл бұрын
No, they fucked with timelines: She had braces. For people who are able to think out of the box: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIurnoZred9sepI Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow.
@TequilaToothpick2 жыл бұрын
Yes it is. Or your memories are wrong.
@nuck-2 жыл бұрын
@@TequilaToothpick No.
@ShaneMcGrath. Жыл бұрын
@@TequilaToothpick Or we really are in a simulation and it was reset years ago and they forgot to fix that part. lol
@161581chris3 жыл бұрын
I still remember when the simpsons made a parody of this scene with comic book guy and a lady is asking him about how much some certain comics. Then when he looks up she has braces.
@martinspies40885 ай бұрын
@handsomesquidward51603 жыл бұрын
Before I watch the video She 300% had braces and the bigger taller guy had metal teeth, this was a specific plot point as a means to bring the two polar opposites together .
@geedee1233 жыл бұрын
@kemit883 жыл бұрын
Correct, that was the whole meaning of the GAG! They filmed 2 scenes. 1 with braces and the other without. Why would they do that and swap scenes, I have no idea.
@TokyoXtreme3 жыл бұрын
I never knew so many people have seen Moonraker. Oh they haven’t?
@handsomesquidward51603 жыл бұрын
@@TokyoXtreme I haven't seen the whole movie, but I did remember seeing snippets here and there yeaaars ago in the mid 2000's and she he braces for sue.
@TokyoXtreme3 жыл бұрын
@@handsomesquidward5160 and where exactly does one see snippets of Moonraker, much less one that specifically shows Dolly’s braces specifically? In what context would such a clip be presented?
@MadGeorgeProductions3 жыл бұрын
I remember both laughing and thinking it was cute as Jaws had found someone he could be comfortable with as she also had metal in her mouth. It's wild to me that this never happened when I can remember it so vividly. Don't trust your lying eyes, as some say.
@faselessnobuddy3 жыл бұрын
more like dont trust the elite and CERN. Stand up for your own damn memory and mind!!! You people giving into NWO baboon worshipping insanity is disgusting
@veronicabrown11943 жыл бұрын
@@faselessnobuddy exactly 100%
@Jeff-wr1fs3 жыл бұрын
Rob, you are the master, I like your explanation, but I know what I saw. I was fifteen years old when I saw this movie on opening day in the summer of 1979 and sat thru it twice. To me it was the most memorable scene in the movie and has stayed with me for decades. It humanized Jaws for me. I can remember describing the scene to friends as the funniest thing I saw in the movie. In college, the scene would eventually come up when discussing Bond films with other fans, long before the interwebs. Even upon repeat viewings over the years on TV, VHS, and cable, I never questioned it. Dolly HAD braces. The games afoot.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
Ah, not good enough. Produce the footage or some other proper evidence to persuade me, but I know that people's perceptions and memories can be severely distorted in this way.
@derek751163 жыл бұрын
I need no convincing she had braces. She did. All Moore bond films fed you the expectation entirely when it came to the gags. To those looking back retrospectively no braces is a scene too glib for Moores bond.
@larzhillbot14433 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning she had braces thats what made the seen so memorable fool
@borodel6192 жыл бұрын
Hi Jeff. She had braces. This is Mandela effect: check: For people who are able to think out of the box: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIurnoZred9sepI Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow.
@kitten-whisperer2 жыл бұрын
@@borodel619 ahh yes time travel and alternative realities. The most obvious answer to all questions.
@heartbreaktimemachine3 жыл бұрын
This is incredible - I remember braces, too. Insane!
@daedalos5132 Жыл бұрын
That's because there WERE braces!
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
@@daedalos5132 - First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@MrDragonfly12342 жыл бұрын
Hey, I am from South Korea and I do remember the girl wore braces in the scene. Yes, old folks who watched 007 movies in Korea some decades ago are still alive and sometimes can testify the truth in youtube reply.
@Dogboon-3 жыл бұрын
She did have braces. The Mandela effect is, even though it is completely wild, true. Many examples.
@turkeyseaweed3 жыл бұрын
Confusion between Dolly in Moonraker and Ricky’s new girlfriend at the end of Better Off Dead. Both blond pigtails/ponytails, nerdy glasses, and big grins…but rickys girl does have braces
@WesCoastPiano3 жыл бұрын
Oooh this is another good reason.
@veronicabrown11943 жыл бұрын
Nope, that's not the right explanation
@terrra_20243 жыл бұрын
That's a good point.
@63womble5 ай бұрын
So... you're telling those of us that watched this in '79 and definitely saw the braces, that we actually jumped 6 years into the future to mistake it with a film that hadn't even been made at that point?? And people are agreeing with you? Hahahaha
@latinforever2 ай бұрын
You may be on to something here.
@MrMZaccone8 ай бұрын
I saw the movie in theaters and remember only glasses and breasts. What I understood in this moment was that they would both be exterminated in Drax's plan to repopulate Earth with perfect people. He for his physical imperfections (obvious) and she for hers (glasses).
@christschinwon2 жыл бұрын
This is laughably plain sight. The whole point she and Jaws fell in love was the shared mouth-wear!
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
- First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@Head318Hunter2 жыл бұрын
She had braces like I know my middle name. SHE 110% HAD BRACES !! She had braces like Lincoln is on the Penny and $5. Like George is on the 25¢ and $1. SHE HAD BRACES In the 80s ... Before internet, before cell phones, even before Nintendo... My cousin and I were total James Bond fanatics. At the point (1986) there was 25 years of Bond films. We had all of them. - Dr. No -From Russia with Love - Thunderball - Goldfinger - You only live twice - On her Majesty's Secret Service - Diamonds are Forever - Live and Let Die - The Man with the Golden Gun - The Spy who Loved me - Moonraker - For your Eyes only - Octopussy - A View to a Kill We knew EVERY LINE, EVERY SCENE, EVERY ACTOR. We watched and rewatched these Bond films over and over and over again. We could talk along, word for word with every line from every movie. DOLLY HAD BRACES. MIND FN BLOWN.
@johnellizz2 жыл бұрын
You can never convince most people. If Superman's cape disappeared and had never existed (officially) most people would accept the change and claim you were imagining that he had ever worn a cape.
@markkelly8674 Жыл бұрын
@@johnellizz or the S on Reeves cape as it does not appear on every iteration of the character. I believe they did try to change his name from Reeves to Reeve. He also opened a film where he played a man in a wheelchair 6 days before his accident which put him down in a wheelchair. I don't believe anything these Hollywood types do. I put this one down to the satanic rule of 6.
@daedalos5132 Жыл бұрын
@@johnellizz Yes, it's the sheep herd mentality we see on a daily basis.. suddenly natural immunity ceased to exist and people went along with it simply bec they were told it was so. It's a basic instinct that goes back to tribal days when being separated from the herd meant death.
@pdevine9992 жыл бұрын
Dolly definitely had braces , there is something else going on , a friend of mine asked me about moonraker and what I remember , he asked if I remember Jaws girlfriend and i replied yeah it was the girl with braces , I even have an old primary school book where i wrote about what I did at the weekend and i wrote about the film around age 9 where i explained that they fell in love because they both had metal teeth . We also saw many adverts copy this scene in supermarkets etc . Multiverse , shift in timelines , I have no idea and maybe i'm beyond convincing otherwise . One thought I had was maybe they did a scene with and without and people are watching a director's cut or something like that .
@WFHermans2 жыл бұрын
The studio didn't want any association with underage girls so the braces were edited out.
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
@@WFHermans finally someone with above-average iq. - First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@WFHermans10 ай бұрын
@@alexandrelebienheureux5474 Die Hard with a Vengeance (1996) is another example. The sandwich board that Bruce Willis wore while filming in Harlem was originally blank, rather than text. The "I Hate Niggers" was added with CGI in post-production. Some television broadcasts use an alternate version where the sign reads "I hate everybody," which is sometimes erroneously said to be the original version of the sign used for filming, but this too was added with CGI in post-production.
@Gamegodz76 Жыл бұрын
Definitely had braces, I had this on VHS and watched over and over again With shortly after release. I even remember us saying “can you imagine them kissing and getting stuck like a magnet” Mandela effect or digital editing for future releases who knows.
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
- First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@gerrelldrawhorn89756 ай бұрын
So many people had this on VHS........ and they all lost the tapes,😂
@atheneleetking1729 Жыл бұрын
From all the mandela effect this one takes the cake, the girl had braces 100%.
@GhostofReason6 ай бұрын
I remember distinctly asking as a child “Wait, so she has metal teeth too?” and my brother said “No, but that would make more sense.” We rewound the tape and watched again and I was so confused why she didn’t have some kind of metal in her mouth because it just seemed like she should- but no, never did.
@SkateRich Жыл бұрын
I studied this scene back in 1986, frame by frame to figure out how they placed the shine from the sun in the braces. Perfectly placed in sync with the music. You can try to explain this as much as you want. You are wrong anyway :)
@brolsonmusic Жыл бұрын
no you didn't
@SkateRich11 ай бұрын
yes I did.
@brolsonmusic11 ай бұрын
Wrong. Actress even said in interviews there never were braces. Ever. Not even brought up. kzbin.info/www/bejne/jnqtfIOpq76od9Efeature=shared
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
- First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@brolsonmusic10 ай бұрын
It was exactly that difference that MADE the scene. Her with her beautiful teeth and him with his shiny grill. Giving him the smile and he realizing she liked him for who he was and what he looked like. Do you guys even Read? Do you know films or literature? This bullshit about it being removed is utter nonsense!
@pauldunlop16603 жыл бұрын
I remember the braces while watching in the cinema, could it just have been a different edit?
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
I doubt it. I still thought she had braces after multiple blu-ray viewings which def don't have the braces.
@pauldunlop16603 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning fascinating!
@pauldunlop16603 жыл бұрын
@Patrick J Same here. But as I only collected the Connery and Craig movie DVD's I can't prove it.
@WFHermans3 жыл бұрын
@Patrick J Yes. It may been possible to misremember just those braces more than 40 years ago, but I also very well remember the audience laughing. And I never considered this matter at all until they came up with their Mandela effect nonsense in 2020.
@WFHermans3 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning Watch the short scene where she is drinking with Jaws frame by frame, enlarged.
@CuB_sTaR3 жыл бұрын
there is apparently a rough version of the script out there where there is a note saying Dolly has bracers when she smiles. but who the fuck knows anymore. So many psyops
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
"apparently" as in you don't know ;)
@kelvincasing52653 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning We must be hopping realities, the man from Taured told me so!
@CuB_sTaR3 жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning no. I know. Ive seen it. "Apparently" because who knows the authenticity of such a thing on the internet. It could have always been there. It could have appeared after the fact. It couldve been an old script that somebody wrote on at a later date etc etc. I research a lot into media fakery and such like so these things always appear on my radar. Dolly's braces has always been the one Mandoozle effect that got me. Because, if she doesnt have braces then where's the punchline? We are led by the visuals to their mouths. Its so out of place now. But like i said - psyops everywhere
@berserkasaurusrex42333 жыл бұрын
@@kelvincasing5265 Chills, I just saw that Bedtime Story episode/video.
@TheChzoronzon3 жыл бұрын
@@CuB_sTaR The punchline is that the adorable little pigtailed blonde Beauty got a crush with the Beast. It's a punchline at least 300 years old...
@MiqelDotCom Жыл бұрын
I remember that Dolly not only had braces on her teeth, but also a NECK BRACE, braces on her legs, a prosthetic arm and was in a wheelchair!
@robertzemko65903 ай бұрын
Saw this in the theatre back in 79 when I was 18 yrs old, I too remember her having braces and absolutely remember the audience laughing at the fact they both had the braces
@TerryConspiracy420 Жыл бұрын
I am old enough to remember seeing the first run Big Screen movie theater version of *Moonraker.* When the full house audience laughed at Dolly's braces laden smile, that movie gag moment became completely memorable. You can say what you will, but I know for a (personal experience) fact that Dolly's braces were really there, for all of us.
@thedys707 ай бұрын
100% Terry; saw at cinema as a lad, and audience roared at that pay-off gag!
@kittyreese68222 жыл бұрын
The summer in between my 7th and 8th grade years of school, 1983, we had HBO and my sister and I were home all day long while parents at work. I had a neighbor friend across the street name Stacey. We LOVED to play around and do prank calls using funny voices and also act out the scenes in movies we liked. My little sister and I did this somewhat as well. I always loved acting I guess. Anyhow, growing up in the 70s, I absolutely loved Bond films. I especially liked this one as it had really scared me when I saw it in the theaters, so we were watching it on HBO over and over again. It had already been on HBO for several years, but I guess for summer they were replaying it a lot. Because I remember seeing it a lot. I also had crooked front teeth and knew I would be getting braces for sure in the few years. I was always noticing people with braces because of this and being a self conscious insecure pre-teen girl it was something I was very aware of. So, I remember very very clearly taking the tin foil from the kitchen and me and my friend Stacey putting it on our teeth to re-enact scenes with Dolly and Jaws. I was Dolly in our playtime. I also particularly noticed b/c back then it was not so common to see adults with braces. I thought Dolly was pretty and so it made me feel better about having to get them myself at some point. The fact that your daughter did NOT notice so much just means it was not in your reticular activator. Braces were not important to you, so the memory is more vague. For me it is very clear, the most clear memory of all the Mandela Effect, although I have others as well. I have vivid picture memory of putting that tin foil on my teeth while in my parents bedroom and me and my friend looking at ourselves in my parents big mirror above the dresser and I had on my church dress with my hair braided. And we watched the movie like this and copied it best we could as it went along. We had seen it many times before she came over that day and we did that.
@orwellgood87093 жыл бұрын
The only braces to have made an appearance in this scene, are the ones holding up Jaws' trousers.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
Haha, good one.
@moviearchaeologist96553 жыл бұрын
I can suspend my disbelief here :)
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
@@moviearchaeologist9655 Oh that's even better.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
Strap in for more in-jokes
@63womble5 ай бұрын
I'm not blaming any conspiracy theory, nor am I saying anything about an alternative universe, nor am I arrogant (@trekkiejunk). Also, pigtails and glasses don't automatically suggest braces to me... Yes, memory can play little tricks, but isn't it extremely odd that so many people all have the same 'flawed' memory? No one is claiming that they remember Dolly in jeans, or that her dress was blue, or that she was a curly haired brunette... or even that she was actually a boy... We all have the same memory of her having braces, in much the same way we remember Odd-Job having a lethal bowler hat, it was a part of the film, nothing more, nothing less, we made no big thing about it, just enjoyed the moment and maybe chatted about it after. Can I explain why it has changed? No. But there are a great many things I can't explain, doesn't make them any less real... So please stop telling us why we remembered it incorrectly. Please stop telling us we were influenced by certain factors. Definitely stop presuming that you know what we 'really' saw. We were 'there', we saw it with our own eyes, heard the laughter and comments with our own ears, processed it with our own brains... Unfortunately, now, we can't explain why it has happened, but we have to listen to people that weren't there, that didn't see it, that didn't enjoy the humour... All they have to rely on is what they see now, which definitely isn't what we saw then, yet because of this, in their eyes, we are the idiots. We'll never get to the bottom of it, but at least we weren't deprived of the humour and the 'connection' in that scene.... something that nowadays is 'celebrated'...
@JayStein7773 жыл бұрын
I have a great memory. I saw this in the theater when I was 8. This was my first Bond film ( I didn't even know it was a Bond film because I wanted to see a movie by myself and it was PG and it said Moonraker) I was unaccompanied in the theater and I clearly remember braces, in this scene and all of the rest. I distinctly remember people laughing when Dolly smiled, presumably because she too had some metal in her mouth. Aside from recognizing Dolly as extremely attractive in my later life ( I thought she was ugly when I saw it the first time) I can't for the life of me accept that she never had braces but now I have to try to accept that she never had them. Am I now to believe as an imaginative child that I was mistaken? Not really. But what can I do but realize that there were no braces. The Mandela effect is not a satisfactory answer either and it's really unsettling. I want to add that Dolly should have braces, it makes sense on so many levels that even an 8 year old kid subconsciously realized it. Shame on the writers.
@aylmer6662 жыл бұрын
you and me both. I clearly remember thinking that was the whole reason they had hit it off to start. Hmmmm, flaw in the matrix?
@borodel6192 жыл бұрын
Jason : you are right and do not question your great memory: She had braces. For people who are able to think out of the box: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIurnoZred9sepI Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow.
@jergran693 жыл бұрын
I always knew she didn't. My mother said, "Oh why didn't they give her braces? That would have been cute."
@thomasjoyce79103 жыл бұрын
I could have sworn Jaws wore a belt in that scene ...
@stvbrsn3 жыл бұрын
Nope. He wore… Braces.
@bondsanАй бұрын
I remember watching it on TV when I was a child, she had braces. I remember thinking that's the reason they likes each other... Cos of the teeth. Edit, it wasn't "just that one scene" the first time she saw his teeth she smiled, and the fact that she had braces made me laugh.
@splankhoon2 жыл бұрын
I've told this story over and over, just like so many people here. I saw it when it came out. I was in the theatre. When Dolly smiled the 'punchline' was given and there was a huge roar of laughter from the audience. My friend and I even made a joke about how braces are Dolly's 'stand in steel teeth'. I've never forgotten that moment. There you go.
@TequilaToothpick2 жыл бұрын
That's not evidence.
@afc892 жыл бұрын
@@TequilaToothpick of course their is no evidence, that's the whole point of the mandela effect
@TequilaToothpick2 жыл бұрын
@@afc89 The Mandela effect is people just misremembering but being too proud to admit it.
@afc892 жыл бұрын
@@TequilaToothpick you may well be right, but the world is a very strange place, I am open to many theories.
@zacara8469 Жыл бұрын
@@TequilaToothpick No.
@entertherealmofchaos3 жыл бұрын
Ok, but the Monopoly man definitely had a monocle when I was younger.
@78deathface3 жыл бұрын
And the Fruit of the Loom logo definitely had a cornucopia
@girliboi3 жыл бұрын
nah, that was mr. peanut.. and jif never had a y (that's skippy which literally sits RIGHT next to it on the supermarket shelf).. every single one of these are all easily explainable.
@johnlenz4203 жыл бұрын
@@78deathface i remember learning that word cuz i asked my mom what the cornucopia was
@auto1nfanticid33 жыл бұрын
@@johnlenz420 just because you had seen a cornucopia (undoubtedly tied to thanksgiving school decorations) does not mean that fruit of the loom had one.
@johnlenz4203 жыл бұрын
@@auto1nfanticid3 true i just remember pointing them out on my boxers as a kid lmfao
@terryschilling5320 Жыл бұрын
There are women who's nickname was Dolly when they were kids because they wore braces. Strong residue for this mandela effect.
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
- First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@maratonlegendelenemirei33523 жыл бұрын
Dolly had huge braces in my reality. Someone has been messing around with time lines?
@adamp20293 жыл бұрын
I get a kick out of the argument that it doesn’t make sense without the braces. What in this movie DOES make sense?
@fadecomic6 ай бұрын
I think another thing at play here is we HAVE seen the “pretty girl with braces smiles back for a bonding moment” scene in other shows/movies and we’re conflating them in our collective heads.
@-lloygic-35653 жыл бұрын
I remember her having braces. I saw this movie as a child, probably around 7 or 8 or so. My memory is hazy, but I remember my reaction being a "Oh, they were made for each other" moment, which I had attributed to her having braces. That is to say, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have made the "Oh, they were made for each other" cognitive connection if there were NO braces, because that's THE defining characteristic of Jaws. You could chalk this up to swells of music in that scene (I can't recall), but it couldn't have been just from the smile itself because I suspect there's multiple sequences of people smiling at each other in this film ... although MAYBE the fact that she's the first to smile at Jaws is a contributing factor of some sort.
@WFHermans2 жыл бұрын
The scene makes no sense at all if Dolly doesn't reveal she has braces, thus she has metal teeth too.
@BHammer2 жыл бұрын
@@WFHermans thank you. I just made the same exact point before I read this.
@mikeyfitnessandphilosophy3 жыл бұрын
This is a really interesting video. It’s a while since I’ve seen Moonraker, yet upon seeing the title, when I did a mental recall I immediately associated her with braces. I think your analysis is spot on. Personally I’d put a massive emphasis on the importance of the thin steel rimmed glasses, her aesthetic and with that, what we’d stereotypically expect of a girl/woman who looked like that, and as you said, the way she slowly opens her mouth for the “big reveal” creating that mental auto-association with braces or, “steel teeth.” Keep up the good work.
@simontrangmar45372 жыл бұрын
I like the calm and rational way your outline possible explanations. I listened with interest and concede they are POSSIBLE. However, I am as certain as I can ever be that when I saw the movie, she had braces. The scene only really made any sense if she did. I recall others commenting (at the time as we left the cimema) that them both having metal teeth was the bext bit of the movie
@Giantjott6 ай бұрын
The real question is why the fuck didn’t they give her braces? Almost everyone who watches it expects/wants her to have braces so hard that it became a cross cultural phenomenon - a universal hallucination. Assuming this was not their intention, how did they not recognize the obvious need for her to have braces? This is one of those instances where the scene writes itself. It’s so obvious where it needs to go, that to defy it would be a disappointment, and may even inspire a generation of collective amnesia is in favor of the preferred ending.
@soldier1662 Жыл бұрын
The question is, do we remember her having a metal mouth through out the movie? Because I don't
@Constantine_IA3 жыл бұрын
She's the sexiest nerd ever too.I think it was just a movie mistake they just forgot to use braces....if not if this was on purpose we're talking about brain washing techniques here...
@moviearchaeologist96553 жыл бұрын
Actress was a really good looker when stripped away of the nerdy look. Still looked good maybe even with braces.
@frazzle5153 жыл бұрын
Why did I think of "Lisa Needs Braces" when I read this title. You know my thoughts on Moonraker, love it. Watched it so many times but always on the VHS and my worn out DVD until last year when I upped to the Blu Ray. Like you, I always thought she had braces. Dentistry in Bond is fascinating. I also fancied Blanche Ravalec madly as a kid. Still do as an adult.
@Flayne0093 жыл бұрын
"Dental plan."
@WesCoastPiano3 жыл бұрын
@@Flayne009 Lisa needs braces
@Flayne0093 жыл бұрын
@@WesCoastPiano Dental plan.
@frazzle5153 жыл бұрын
@@Flayne009 Lisa Needs Braces
@Flayne0093 жыл бұрын
@@frazzle515 Dental plan.
@KajiCarson3 жыл бұрын
I wore braces myself as a kid watching this movie. I appreciated the representation.
@jinoziniosti5633 Жыл бұрын
SAME. They dont want kids parents going for the cheaper braces ..they want you to buy the expensive invisible ones. Thats why the metal ones were edited out.
@WatchMaga11 ай бұрын
The biggest factor was watching it on a low resolution 1980s TV! That’s how most of us watched this film. And, indeed, I thought she had braces AT THE TIME and we all laughed because it was such a great visual gag. Shame on the filmmakers for not seeing the opportunity. But yes. It was watching it on a 1980s TV that made the illusion happen. Try it. You’ll see it.
@63womble5 ай бұрын
If anything, a low-res tv would make the braces harder to see, not the other way round...
@MasterKnight2K Жыл бұрын
So I saw this scene when I was a kid thinking it was funny that she had metal teeth too. Why would I have thought that if she didn’t have braces? This was the first scene I ever saw of this movie, so clearly she had braces.
@kamuzu3 жыл бұрын
You are forgetting that the 'braces like' white fence and overturned chairs are like braces and are prominent behind her head adding to the illusion much more than red lipstick or neck. The combination of silver rimmed glasses along with white fence/chairs is the magic combo.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
I spotted that but consider it to be less impactful on the illusion. Who knows though, you could be right.
@KidFresh713 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video! I was one of the people asking you to please address the Dolly having braces / not having braces issue. My mind is still blown; as I distinctly remember having a conversation with my father about why Dolly would be friendly towards the scary Jaws (I was maybe 11 years old at the time). To which dad replied, "well, they both have metal on their teeth, so that bonds them." Then we laughed at the unintended pun with "Bonds." I remember not only the conversation, but the actual braces on her teeth. As for why I remember the braces on Dolly's teeth in this scene, and none others, it comes down to the comedic reveal. Before the scene where she slowly revels she, too, has metal on her teeth, the viewer is left wondering "why would this beautiful, petite woman be attracted or friendly to a menacing giant?" The whole strange pairing makes no sense with no braces on Dolly's teeth. Saying that she wears glasses and Jaws has metal teeth, so they form a fast partnership, is a bit of a stretch. This one remains "unsolved" for me. In my timeline, Dolly wore braces, period. Just like the Fruit of the Loom logo had cornucopia in it, and Nelson Mandela died in jail. I remember this latter face quite clearly, as I happened to be traveling through South Africa in spring 1993, and signed up to attend a lecture from Nelson Mandela's *widow.* Might I humbly suggest you watch "A Glitch in the Matrix," which is a documentary on KZbin that can be rented. Philip K. Dick was onto something huge, with his pre-Matrix notion of a simulated reality, where slight changes amongst people's experiences indicating subjective realities. "All that we see & seem, is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe
@KidFresh713 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video! I was one of the people asking you to please address the Dolly having braces / not having braces issue. My mind is still blown; as I distinctly remember having a conversation with my father about why Dolly would be friendly towards the scary Jaws (I was maybe 11 years old at the time). To which dad replied, "well, they both have metal on their teeth, so that bonds them." Then we laughed at the unintended pun with "Bonds." I remember not only the conversation, but the actual braces on her teeth. As for why I remember the braces on Dolly's teeth in this scene, and none others, it comes down to the comedic reveal. Before the scene where she slowly revels she, too, has metal on her teeth, the viewer is left wondering "why would this beautiful, petite woman be attracted or friendly to a menacing giant?" The whole strange pairing makes no sense with no braces on Dolly's teeth. Saying that she wears glasses and Jaws has metal teeth, so they form a fast partnership, is a bit of a stretch. This one remains "unsolved" for me. In my timeline, Dolly wore braces, period. Just like the Fruit of the Loom logo had cornucopia in it, and Nelson Mandela died in jail. I remember this latter face quite clearly, as I happened to be traveling through South Africa in spring 1993, and signed up to attend a lecture from Nelson Mandela's *widow.* Might I humbly suggest you watch "A Glitch in the Matrix," which is a documentary on KZbin that can be rented. Philip K. Dick was onto something huge, with his pre-Matrix notion of a simulated reality, where slight changes amongst people's experiences indicating subjective realities. "All that we see & seem, is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe
@borodel6192 жыл бұрын
She had braces. For people who are able to think out of the box: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIurnoZred9sepI Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow.
@bright-flame2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I have done magic, spoken with deities ("G_D") and spirits and done psychic channeling... it just kind of happened. There is so much magic in my life. Yet society goes out of its way to ignore it... and it would disappear under scrutiny anyway (that seems to be how it works...) We do not live in the bland reality the matrix operators tell us. The more you wake up though the more illusions there are. Most of the astral realm is false light (imposter spirits who are very real)... but it makes all the psychics feel special. Not only is mainstream media an issue... but controlled opposition of alternative sources as well as controlled opposition in the spirit world as well. Its quite the ride. Enjoy whatever awakening journey you are on... and hopefully it does not drove you as mad as it has me.
@19hadley743 жыл бұрын
As ever a good analysis Rob. However, I went to the cinema to see this as a young kid, like 8 or 9. I'd seen braces before, but only those thin strip wire things that wrapped around people's teeth. I'd never seen the heavy duty "train track" type before. Dolly had those train track braces, 100 per cent. It was the first time I'd seen that type and I vividly recall being quite shocked but also highly amused as it created the bond between her and Jaws. I could maybe accept it as a "mass hallucination" but for the fact I had never seen those types of braces previously, I didn't even know they existed until that point. I don't believe in the "Mandela Effect", but the Dolly's braces conundrum is a real head scratcher.
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
40 year old anecdotes aren't reliable evidence. And group illusion doesn't equate to reality :)
@mwahahaha2100 Жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning NPC comment
@WoodysAR Жыл бұрын
@@collativelearning I saw the movie in theater one night, I went back the next night again with my Niece who had just gotten braces and hated them... I sat and waited the whole movie for her response. She was 9 and remembers, I just texted her. We went to Dairy Queen afterwards she just reminded me.,. (it was the only time I took her to the movies.. (Bad Uncle!).. I understand you on most of them:. Jiffy peanut butter is just JIF with people thinking of Jiffy Pop Popcorn, Jiffy lube store and a little bit of Skippy peanut butter added in. Star wars one is because people add a name on a meme so that people know what you are talking about. People aren't running around saying I'm your father I am your father. Adding Luke denotes where the quote is from and so Luke was organically added, I understand that. They are almost all explainable... But she definitely had braces. Also,. You talk of her slow predator smile but its a very normal smile... Only the braces made it a sudden surprise and therefore good, beloved and remembered scene. Good video production value and skill though!
@adams.1404 Жыл бұрын
@@mwahahaha2100 The deep fucking irony of you parroting a phrase you've undoubtedly heard a million times from a thousand other dumbass sources is wonderful
@zacara8469 Жыл бұрын
@@mwahahaha2100 smug NPC
@jrframe11 Жыл бұрын
I still remember how cute it was they finally matched in the end and that she finally had a imperfection to match him.
@Flannelsurfer10 ай бұрын
This is a bit out there, but at the end of 80's cult comedy Better Off Dead, the main protagonist Ricky Smith, after being bested by hero Lane Meyer in a ski pole fencing duel, is left on the ground and unable to get up like a stranded turtle; he is then helped up by a blonde "nerd" girl with pigtails, glasses, AND braces, who smiles. There is a very uncanny similarity between this and the Moonraker Dolly scene, and I could see movie buffs who have seen both films easily conflating the two.
@garethhughes86183 жыл бұрын
She 100% had braces one of my favourite films as a kid, and I remember the braces because that directly when into the memory bank because as a kid I thought she was really fit except the braces. And can remember the smile to each other and the commonality they both had with a mouth full of steel.
@JackOfen2 жыл бұрын
Nope, just your memory playing tricks on you
@storiesreadaloud56352 жыл бұрын
@@JackOfen No it isn't. She 100 percent shows braces, that's the pay off of the scene and why he laughs.
@JackOfen2 жыл бұрын
@@storiesreadaloud5635 But Jaws smiles first. And there is no laughing at all. Your mind just made that up because it would've been a funny plot twist. But that never happened. There are others scenes in the movie where she smiles and she never had braces in those either. This is just you not wanting to admit that your memory is wrong.
@storiesreadaloud56352 жыл бұрын
@@JackOfen Don't tell me what my mind did. I remember it clearly, he starts laughing when he sees the braces.
@JackOfen2 жыл бұрын
@@storiesreadaloud5635 How can someone be this much in denial? It's sad
@TheDezedez3 жыл бұрын
Have you read David Bordwell’s Film Art: An Introduction? Your method of analysis is very similar to his approach. Great video btw!!
@Evaquiel3 жыл бұрын
A simpler explanation would be that she just look very nerdy / child-like in this shot (the hair style and clothes, etc). Hence, we associate that look with kids with braces.
@veronicabrown11943 жыл бұрын
Nope, that's not the explanation.
@Sintemal-s7q8 ай бұрын
I wonder why all of you writing that you've seen her wearing braces on VHS don't rewatch the scene again. Just put your tape into your cassette recorder and tell us what you see or take a screenshot and post it. Maybe it's true that HBO changed the scene afterwards - therefore, rewatch your old tapes and tell us 😉
@dans11362 жыл бұрын
From IMDB Although everybody remembers Dolly (Blanche Ravalec) wearing braces in the scene where she meets Jaws for the first time, she doesn't wear braces at all. NOTE: The original release of the movie in theaters, on television, and its subsequent release on VHS, she had braces when they first meet, but she didn't later on in the movie, which created a continuity error. The remastered releases on DVD and Blu-ray "fixed" this error by digitally removing them from the first time the two characters meet. KZbin has a few clips from the television broadcasts that clearly show her wearing braces, as well as clips from the remastered DVD and Blu-ray versions where they have been digitally erased.
@redpillnibbler44232 жыл бұрын
You’ve solved it 👍
@jayaybe111 ай бұрын
@@redpillnibbler4423 The "NOTE" part of the above post isn't from IMDB at all.
@salus12312 жыл бұрын
That was the whole joke. Dolly had metal teeth (braces) and Jaws fell for her because he had metal teeth ( I'd fall for her for another bit of her anatomy tbh but that's something else) So big cheesy smile , no braces, makes it look a pointless inane grin for no reason otherwise
@redpillnibbler44232 жыл бұрын
That’s how I remember it.
@JDelwynn3 жыл бұрын
It's funny how there's even a debate. She never had braces and people remember wrong. Happens all the time, a human brain is good at seeing patterns and not the small details, and in our mind someone with pigtails and glasses probably has braces.
@WILLNOTCOMPLY723 жыл бұрын
I watched this movie 26 times from the day of its release to 1995. SHE HAD BRACES. ITS WHY THEY WERE DRAWN TO EACH OTHER! PERIOD.
@aylmer6662 жыл бұрын
I am pretty sure that the studio execs must have gone in and digitally painted out her braces on every copy of the movie. That's the only possible explanation.
@borodel6192 жыл бұрын
@@aylmer666 She had braces. For people who are able to think out of the box: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mIurnoZred9sepI Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project - Interview with Stewart Swerdlow.
@63womble5 ай бұрын
@@aylmer666 We don't know what the explanation is, but we do know what we saw... braces.
@douglashine963811 ай бұрын
Stop gaslighting people!!! Those in my generation were not fooled that easily. She had braces and you know it!!!
@danknudsen94226 ай бұрын
She had braces. Just like others comment in this tread. Children with braces and glasses were bullied back then. They smiled to each other, had something in common and fell in love. This specific scene changed my perception about braces back then. I was not bulling others with braces, but the fact is, when people have something in common, they can fall in love with each other, even if they are perceived as outcast by other people.
@w13d0w3 жыл бұрын
Another thing is that she fulfills the nerdy girl stereotype, which a lot of the time is being depicted as having braces.
@mikehunt49862 жыл бұрын
@@orlandopockets6372 Dude! Why do you find this so hard to understand? She has metallic-framed glasses and pigtails. She already looks nerdy with that. The braces complete the nerdy look. So it appears that we all visualized braces because it completes the nerdy look so well.
@jayaybe111 ай бұрын
@@mikehunt4986 You're forgetting the fact that many of us vividly remember ( or misremember ) laughing at this in the theatre *because* she had sort of metal teeth like him and that was the joke. That's how they bonded. It's not just about the nerdy look. Without the teeth there was no joke.
@mikehunt498611 ай бұрын
@@jayaybe1 I know. But without believing that there has been some kind of strange disruption in the space-time continuum in which her braces have been erased from history then we must accept the apparent fact that we all imagined it. Either explanation is crazy as hell but that is where we stand.
@jayaybe111 ай бұрын
@@mikehunt4986I'm with you, I don't do belief generally. However, there is a third, very rational explanation. It could have been seen as a touchy topic to have her in braces ( making her look too young ), so they shot the scenes with braces and without. It's not unusual to shoot multiple takes and she was such a minor character it would have been very easy to do. They could have used the *with braces* scenes for theatrical release, maybe got some negative criticism so easily changed to the *without braces* scenes for subsequent releases. Very simple edit room stuff and no need for complicated digital shennanigans that others here have claimed. This I believe is the simplest, easiest explanation which satisfies the most number of people ( including me ) 🤗.
@mikehunt498611 ай бұрын
@@jayaybe1 But if there had been a theatrical version where she had braces certainly we would've heard about it by now.
@sinbysin6663 жыл бұрын
Most likely the VHS copy that most people grew up with had some low-res artifacting that made it appear as though she had braces. Similar to "pareidolia".
@collativelearning3 жыл бұрын
Excellent point. Yes VHS low res would enhance the effect.
@WFHermans3 жыл бұрын
Helped by the fact that the manual painting over of the braces left traces that made it appear she still had braces, especially with low resolution TV and VHS.
@king_supreme11023 жыл бұрын
I think the hair has something to do with it too. The hair has a very elementary school look to it. So it would honestly fit very well with her look if she did have braces. Adding in all of the other things you mentioned, I think when your brain forms a memory of it, it’s almost like it assumes there were braces there.
@Loophole237422 жыл бұрын
If she never had braces why are there still reviews of the movie stating that she had braces? Not being a dick, legit question. I mean did the journalists that wrote that she had braces get it wrong. Didn’t they prove read in those days. Why were there parody commercials in the 80s with girls having braces and reenacting the scene. The movie was released in 79 it’s not as if people would of been questioning if she had braces or not back then as being some kind of Mandela effect. I’d say it would of been a given. I’m convinced she had braces in the original movie as bizarre as it may sound. I would of accepted getting it wrong since I was a boy when first watching the movie if not for the articles still in existence and there are many, stating that she smiled to reveal her braces.
@NickApex Жыл бұрын
I probably watch this movies 50 times. I had it on beta as when beta became obsolete they (local video store) sold all the tapes. This moment in the movie stood out to me. I absolutely remember the braces and how helped the redemption character arc feel real. Adding to this, sorry, no, I was 10, I had braces, I didn’t care about cleavage. This mass psychosis hypothesis is difficult for people like myself with specific memories.
@alexandrelebienheureux547410 ай бұрын
- First hypothesis : "They" removed it because it made Dolly a teen, which wasn't appropriate - Second hypothesis : "They" removed it to make people doubting about their memory, which will make history rewriting easier - Third hypothesis : mandela BS, which is laughable because the scene wouldn't make any sense without that common point the two characters share
@DCD224983 жыл бұрын
Something that isn't mentioned is that I'd assume most people that grew up with this movie probably saw it on VHS which would further obscure her teeth behind poor fidelity, letting you fill in the blanks
@yorkshirebikerbitsnbobs2 жыл бұрын
I saw on TV, plain as day.
@WFHermans2 жыл бұрын
@@yorkshirebikerbitsnbobs And every version still has Dolly wearing braces when her teeth are behind a drinking glass.
@yorkshirebikerbitsnbobs2 жыл бұрын
@@WFHermans Yeah, I've sort of seen that, but it's not really that clear.
@garydavid17882 жыл бұрын
I saw this film 40 odd years ago in the cinema when I was in my late twenties. The actress was wearing braces, ... end of! ... enough with your O level psychology!
@bigneon_glitter3 жыл бұрын
I think we're all mixing up Dolly's braces with another 80s movie that aired regularly in TV repeats & featured a similar gag/character. It's the only thing that makes sense. Because I _remember_ - as a kid - she wore braces.
@BananaMana693 жыл бұрын
Or the Mandela effect is real and it did actually change.
@kerrytakashi123 жыл бұрын
No, this actress had braces. That was the whole joke of Jaws finding his soul mate. The controllers edited them out and are now gaslighting the public to think this world isn't real and doesn't matter.
@80srenaissance672 жыл бұрын
@@kerrytakashi12 yep...small hats
@Socrates... Жыл бұрын
I think I imagined her with braces because I was watching a very low res VHS copy with lines on the the screen
@TequilaToothpick Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that's what a lot of people did. Though for some reason they won't admit it unlike us.
@NorthIdahoan5 ай бұрын
The braces is what made the scene make sense. I watched it several times as a child. My favorite movie. Then, around 2012 they were gone. However, you did do a good job at trying to explain the braces away. So many people having the same false memory on not just one, but several subjects from Jiffy to Kit-Kat. I'm not buying it. Something definitely happened to the timeline we were once in. I now know that nothing is impossible. Nothing ..