More Karens And Freakouts Presented To You By Charles | MoistCr1tikal

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Moist Charlie Clips

Moist Charlie Clips

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@batpawz 4 күн бұрын
retail work is like being in a quick-time response dialogue game with touches of gta behavior
@batpawz 4 күн бұрын
i had this old woman try to punch me over laundry detergent in 2021
@TomatePasFraiche 4 күн бұрын
@@batpawzman, being in the mosh pit of humanity with the random character generator on. They even have all the hair colors you can think of 😂
@batpawz 4 күн бұрын
@@TomatePasFraiche that has to be the best approximation 😭
@malachisteerman2086 4 күн бұрын
I had a lady tell me I was going to hell a thief because she had to pay before pumping her gas, there was also a guy who left a fish in our bathroom sink.
@KingC89 4 күн бұрын
​​​@@batpawzWe have to lock up detergent and most items now cause of all the thefts and that has caused allot of arguments with the karens who can't wait a measly 10 minutes for one of our employees to unlock the case. One Karen last weak threatened to "Have dey cuzin come up in here and light dis whole place up" cause she had to wait. Smh
@ks_ethaydius6975 4 күн бұрын
How is he gonna afford a lawyer when he can't even afford a ps5😂
@msimon_1 2 күн бұрын
Commit a crime get appointed a lawyer 😂
@xkrollx 7 сағат бұрын
If you look you can see a covid divider/screen. It was probably brand new???
@jkcazy1692 2 күн бұрын
The MOMENT a customer says they're suing, stop serving them. Period. Give them the contact for corporate legal and say you legally cannot help them since they have threatened legal action. Stand firm, do not help them even if they calm down. Once those words are said by them it becomes a legal issue in that any further contact will be through general counsel, have a great day. I have done this before when a customer has said this, it really takes the pressure off the frontline customer service employees
@ad8d802 4 күн бұрын
As a manager in customer service it’s gotten to point where I can’t take it personally, and sometimes I even genuinely feel pity for people like this. You have to be a truly miserable and narcissistic individual to think it’s acceptable to act out in such extreme ways. If they act that way to strangers, god help their families
@batpawz 3 күн бұрын
@@ad8d802 this fr. im not a top manager but im management team, me and our SM frequently discuss how absolutely depraved and miserable some people have to be to behave like that. like imagine how they are at home
@Foxtail190 4 күн бұрын
I used to have awful freak outs in school due to anger issues, and I can confirm, having everyone in the room laugh at you while you’re angry is the worst
@CarrierRants 4 күн бұрын
I had one once, this teacher was old and he didn’t hear well. So when he called this girls name 5 times, I screamed her name and he still didn’t hear. I’m a lot better now (that was 2 years ago)💀 I look back and I cringe so hard now
@Dman6779 2 күн бұрын
remember this, cringe times create based men, based men create epic times, epic times create cringe men, cringe men create cringe times. you have completed your cycle
@Woozlewuzzleable 2 күн бұрын
Every school has to have a couple of those and they made me look cool, thank you for your service.
@AustinNightEyes-q6e 2 күн бұрын
@@CarrierRantsit’s not cringe to be unwell in the head. That’s the problem that the original comment is talking about. People shouldn’t laugh and be cringed by a freak out, or mental breakdown. It’s very obvious they are going through shit or have something wrong and need help.
@sail4170 2 күн бұрын
But you were a whole child.. these are grown women.
@Chesnutthouse 4 күн бұрын
y'know, it varies company to company, but some large corporate retailers have a rule that if the person mentions anything about legal, suing, etc, you're immediately hands off. you don't help them, you don't talk to them, you don't interact with them.
@JennifertheGeek 20 сағат бұрын
Yip, call center I once worked at we had to confirm once that they had retained legal representation and when they came back with "yea, and what are you going to do about it??" I got to click the big red "do no speak with" button and inform them of the address their lawyer could correspond with and that we could no longer speak with them. Legal would have to release their file before we could speak to them again and it was wonderful
@guitardude125 4 күн бұрын
I make cabinets for a living. We have a small factory of about 25 people. Customers will complain that they got what they ordered. They got a 9x30 cabinet. It doesnt fit though so they want an 8 by 30. I tell them it will cost more They make a good point by saying it's less cabinet it should be cheaper. But 8x30 is not a standardized cabinet. If you want 9x30 I can make one in an hour because I have all of the parts. If you want 8x30, I have to cut stiles for the special door, a panel for the special door, stiles for the special frame, plywood for the special fixed shelf, a different kind of plywood for the adjustable shelf, pine for the hang rails, and Masonite for the special back....
@cellish6710 2 күн бұрын
Dude in the gamestop is probaby like “yeah you can talk to my manager tomorrow I don’t want to fuckin deal with you any longer” 😂😂
@thisworldneedsacleansing4714 4 күн бұрын
My guy is mad that he got Ratchet and Clank with his PS5? Bro that's one of the best games you can hope to play on the PS5.
@cocknball2732 4 күн бұрын
- 12yo
@malachi1974 4 күн бұрын
"I didn't sign a contract with you guys" ??? I'm guessing that guy goes full SovCit in a traffic stop.
@ThatBigRedBear 3 күн бұрын
As if people haven't been making their kids sleep on shitty hotel pullout beds for decades. The "What do you expect us to do? We have 2 kids..." is super pathetic as I count 4 people and 4 spots to sleep.
@VioletMilks 3 күн бұрын
Bruh my family has like 11 people, I remember sleeping with 5 of my sisters and my mother (cause I was the youngest) in one big bed while my brothers and dad slept in the living room; either on the floor, chairs, or pullout couch. Like bro if 5 people could fit on one bed, I’m sure you can just share the beds 😂😂
@chrisnorman1430 2 күн бұрын
​@VioletMilks Yeah, like he said in the video, some people have just flat out never been told no. They clearly haven't been punched in the mouth either.😂
@OhhTheHorrah 4 күн бұрын
I work for a cleaning company and the first thing I do is go to 2 different locations to clean bathrooms. One of which is a gas station. The other day I just got there closed off the men's bathroom started cleaning. Some guy comes yelling into the bathroom at me. I was gonna let guy use the bathroom but he started a bombardment of complaints. Saying I should have already had the bathrooms clean. I even explained I just started work and don't work for the gas station but he kept going. So I said sir no you can't use the bathroom and walked away. He tried to complain to the gas station manager. Who told him I don't work for them 😂. I guess he told them they lost a customer. I heard the manager saying " I never saw this man before in my life".
@Ilivepuppys 2 күн бұрын
this sounds so fake, like you watched every karen video and decided to make your own story about them. the laughing emoji truly shows this as well. Also the fact in the story you try to make yourself the victim but also a nice person to try and not look bad. Like liars do btw. If this did happen this didn't happen the way you wrote this, but I highly doubt it happened I think this was just some shower fight you had with yourself if this did happen.
@NukaNikki 20 сағат бұрын
No it doesnt lol. This could be real
@NukaNikki 20 сағат бұрын
​@Ilivepuppys I bet you can sense energies too😂
@OhhTheHorrah 19 сағат бұрын
@@NukaNikki Was 100 percent real. Think livepuppys life is so boring they think mine is too.
@Ilivepuppys 17 сағат бұрын
@@OhhTheHorrah so you first scroll through an old video to find a comment of mine with no likes, then someone with what looks like the exact same way of speaking as you comes into the picture? Its your alt, you already proved your a loser with no life and now bring an alt to prove a fake story is real. Wow... loser. Edit - can't wait to see the next alt you bring in, or is it a friend from your school? either way same thing, an alt or a loser who you brought in to fight your battles.
@DaSheepKiller 3 күн бұрын
“Hey, these people are harassing me and they won’t stop recording me!” “Ma’am, this is a McDonald’s.”
@MrXbogamer 4 күн бұрын
when i think of a hero, i think of Moist Charlie Clips
@monarhosrs1378 4 күн бұрын
This compilation was already made by other comp channels like many others, it just got uploaded here
@jenkings0367 4 күн бұрын
The GameStop employee’s hoodie was super cool
@tdog4344 Күн бұрын
As a person who worked retail for many years "I'm going to call corporate!" Has zero power over anybody. Management literally laughs at you when they call. I actually had 2 managers walk up up on me asking me if I refused to help a customer (I didn't we actually did not have what they wanted and all I did was tell them we didn't have it) I just said nope and they said talk to ya later. End of interaction. Your rage means nothing.
@tuckercase2449 Күн бұрын
Sun Tzu said "Chill that shit out or you'll just get madder and your foe will just get madder and everyone will laugh at you."
@ascendingearth8610 4 күн бұрын
Worked at dominos and people would do this stuff over not getting 10 sauces for free
@aurialirez 3 күн бұрын
One time at kfc I gave this lady xtra sauce and she still asked for more. So I told her they would be 25 cents each which is policy she started yelling at me and tried to pull me out the window yelling about she needs a manager but I was literally the manager and she’s basically assaulting me. Finally my 65 yr old coworker walked up and the lady drove off lol I was only like 105 pounds at the time and I definitely didn’t look my age at that point for all she knew I was a minor. I’ve noticed the customers love to assault the minors or the crew workers. But act innocent to the managers.
@hr-hq8ji 3 күн бұрын
Why does it matter though? That sauce coming out of your pocket? Lmao
@aurialirez 2 күн бұрын
@@hr-hq8ji because it’s policy and yes actually if inventory is short on food like sauces and stuff then the boss will take away our employee meals
@jonasking9587 4 күн бұрын
GameStop takes what should be the coolest job on the planet and just fucks it into the dirt. The very idea that a csr there would give af...
@ziyosa 4 күн бұрын
Me listening to this in my earbud as I work retail
@nickwilliams2415 Күн бұрын
I love that people still yell "Worldstar!" when shit goes down 😂
@jasmindisney8787 2 күн бұрын
Tbe guy who had a better camera angle took a selfie at the end, had me dead
@nathanlvb 2 күн бұрын
as someone who works hotel front desk, the amount of times people come in complaining to me about this exact same shit is baffling
@averysatterlee5464 4 күн бұрын
26:19 i know what it is. He looks like jeff goldblum
@sdrre1925 4 күн бұрын
I used to work retail, first at a store geared towards kids, and then after a long and miserable year left to the local craft chain store. A woman on Molly came in and got mad at me because i would not refund her for one BOGO half off t-shirt so she could just get one half-off t-shirt. She demanded my manager, who told her the same thing I did. It was a long day.
@benjaminqmorris 3 күн бұрын
if it was buy one get one free she'd probably have just asked for the free one
@sdrre1925 2 күн бұрын
@@benjaminqmorris I don't doubt it for a second
@defuncttoad9552 3 күн бұрын
Usually my family got rooms with two full sized beds and I'd have to sleep on the floor. lol
@jayhalk3607 4 күн бұрын
16:54 rare Charles scare
@JoeMama-qx1yg Күн бұрын
@countchocula3615 Күн бұрын
A whole ass adult talking about you pressured me into buying thissss like he has no agency the moment he walked in GameStop
@gminusmark 2 күн бұрын
I Worked in a Record Store for years, Many stories, But the worse was when I wouldn't refund someone as the product was obviously not from our store, Bad condition CD's old never stocked, He went to his car, disconnected his car battery & threw it across the shop at me, yes A Car Battery!
@ghostygoo1202 4 күн бұрын
Yo I’m waiting on my flight for an hour and this drops? Thanks moisty man
@lisaa7011 2 күн бұрын
lol yeah in store credit at game stop is like “u have the PS5 with every game ever made for it? Yeah we’ll give you $7 cash, or $22 store credit.”
@ThatBigRedBear 3 күн бұрын
White rice can fix your phone if it wasn't already damaged. The guy looks a little like Keff Goldblum which is upsetting because I love Jeff.
@byereality7492 3 күн бұрын
As someone who worked at a travel agency, its my job to fulfill a lot of room bookings. A lot of listings will have a title of like "King bed" but distinctly say "bed type and extra beds decided at checkin unless specified in notes". And of course as im writing this, Charlie reviews that tiktok that explains how he's scamming, but the hotel reservation world is a mess
@TheCarelessAquarius Сағат бұрын
I used to work retail management. I loved it when a stupid customer would say anything regarding legal action. I would immediately tell them they now have to contact our corporate office there is nothing more I could do for them and walk away.
@xeoiii 3 күн бұрын
"finna sue" will make anyone shake in their boots
@MelliundSpike Күн бұрын
20:20 in Germany we say: "He have Razorblades under His Arms" when a Man stand like this 😅😅😅
@NightyKnight09 21 сағат бұрын
I used to work at GameStop and when these bundles were happening they wanted us to REALLY push on people to buy absolutely everything and force them to buy games they were pushing like nba 2k or madden
@GeorgeSweet 3 күн бұрын
It's better to just get your phone fixed. It's dangerous to use a water damaged phone charging all night.
@InvasionAnimation 4 күн бұрын
As someone that had their phone in a washing machine once (not my fault) the rice thing does work.
@angelatarrance1896 4 күн бұрын
@invasionanimation the rice has worked for me too. Dude should have tried it himself first before paying to see if more repair was needed.
@InvasionAnimation 4 күн бұрын
@@angelatarrance1896 I know right.
@aurialirez 3 күн бұрын
I’ve had it work before but I’ve also had it not work as well. I think it depends on how far the water gets before the rice absorbs anything. Like if it’s already inside the wires and stuff it’s not reversible but if it just got a little wet and gets taken apart and put in rice right away it may survive.
@Khazar321 2 күн бұрын
​@@angelatarrance1896 the dude said that he heard of the rice method the day after the repair, that's why he is in the shop again to complain.
@isabellecarbonneau4744 2 күн бұрын
At my job, a customer came in with the attitude, I told him to get the f out and come back when you're happy, he became a very good customer, the hotel asshole is lucky it was not me....Grrrr
@ArshikaTowers 4 сағат бұрын
I knew somebody that had a full time job. Worked 40 hours a week. On the weekends, he would take his kids to another town and pan handle for charity. He made more money in those two days than he did working all week, using his kids to pressure people into giving him handouts.
@dru2506 4 күн бұрын
I mean, it's not really an issue with modern phones, but you would pop out the battery, prop it in a way that water would drain, and hit it with a fan for like 12 hours. Other than possible corrosion the enemy of wet electronics is current. Also, so greatful I've haven't had to work retail. It must be an abhorrent job
@itstruckmeeveryday 4 күн бұрын
More than once I’ve jumped in to defend workers from Karens and Kens. I will never tolerate that shit. I gotta give credit where it’s due though. One time a guy was giving a DG employee attitude because of some pricing issue that had nothing to do with her and stormed out saying how “fucking stupid” it was. I followed him out and stopped him as he was pulling out and gave him shit, telling him he has no fuckin right to be rude to someone who’s just doing their job and has nothing to do with his problem. The DG employees told me he came back the next day and apologized to them, which I’d have shaken his hand for if I’d been there.
@idek3867 4 күн бұрын
Real terrortrolls the short guys 😂😂
@punkizm 4 күн бұрын
I seen all of these already… and I just watched them again 😂
@HerbGrowingLegal716 4 күн бұрын
Little man didn't swing one time.. enough said. 😂
@ThatBigRedBear 3 күн бұрын
Begging for money would be harder for me than working at mcdonalds
@watulookinat 3 күн бұрын
Demoman: DO I STAND LIKE A MAN LADS? Pyro: Mumph Hump
@VesperVampiric 3 күн бұрын
It is legitimately scary seeing an adult act like a toddler.
@donovan2384 4 күн бұрын
Thank you Charlie and co for making these compilations
@dookiepost 4 күн бұрын
The little man freakout video just fills me with dread, everyone in that video (besides the workers) are just awful people and have zero decorum, it's pretty clear that it's in the New England area which only goes to support my own theory that everyone in New England is bad.
@zackhopkins5185 4 күн бұрын
Ratchet and clank is actually pretty damn good.
@emilyvine6718 4 күн бұрын
The guy that looks familiar in the rice clip looks like Bob Odenkirk.
@bouclechocolat 4 күн бұрын
I never saw the last one before and I hope the guy who challenged the giant toddler didn't get in any trouble, man was doing a public service
@Apathina 2 күн бұрын
Its irritating because people like this make people with valid complaints feel uncomfortable voicing them without being viewed as a Karen. For example my husband and I were at Subway and we ordered online, showed up, and informed them we were there. They acknowledged they saw our order and 30 minutes later we pointed out they still hadn't done it and they said they "had to serve walk ins first". Well... the "walk ins" were infinitely coming so an hour after we arrived (and already paid) they continuously took the orders from and made food for people who hadn't even paid yet like we had. So basically. They wasted an hour of our time when they knew d*mn well we were there staring at them and had already paid because they wanted to continuously serve people who got there AFTER us who hadn't even paid or ordered yet. We ended up just going in line and requesting a refund. It took everything in me not to just scream at them for being d*cks (the manager) as I know for a fact that is not policy and is just that personal managers directive. Looked at reviews after and other people had similar issues with that Subway only.
@SallinKari 2 күн бұрын
I can tell you exactly what the guy was thinking when he turned his head towards the Karen for the first time... "Oh... it's going to be one of those days."
@catherinedavis6635 2 күн бұрын
The GameStop employee doesn’t make enough to care what somebody does to the company they work for.
@carbonearts9955 4 күн бұрын
Charlie doing that pose looks like a rare SCP
@clintm4629 3 күн бұрын
32:20 In my head cannon his phone got soaked again and he put it in rice and then set the whole bowl into a microwave to dry it out 37:40 I have 4 neighbors that do this on a daily basis.. one in particular reminds me of this lady because she goes walking up to ppl the same way but owns 4 cars including a 2019 Chrysler 300
@grimmpoetics313 2 сағат бұрын
Lol the only lawyer he could get is court appointed for HIS crimes
@s.h.harvey1656 2 күн бұрын
"It'd been less painful to find out I was adopted"😆😂🤣
@Oxulyx2 Сағат бұрын
13:10 the guy taking a selfie
@LuminaryCursorem Күн бұрын
Uh oh! Charlie has started to feeling the rage raise in him!
@BulletBillWow 16 сағат бұрын
This is why i stopped going to gamestop. Everytime I go in... THUGS pressure me into buying bundles I did not want. I just wanted some Pokemon cards and ended up buying $180,000 of games. Pathetic.
@sheryl7104 3 күн бұрын
Im a train conductor and oh my god people are literally the worst. One day you love all of them because you met a super nice passenger and the other day you just want all people to dissappear because of some pretentious old lady who is stupid and doesn't know how to read her ticket properly. (It only takes basic reading skills and basic comprehension to understand!)
@sadshrimp7293 Күн бұрын
Former Gamestop employee here, the average joe have no idea how commerce or economics or business & retail's operations not even at a base level. Which I find strange, I had a guy during black friday try to bring me outside to fight since his knees hurt waiting in line at 9am.
@Trinsid 17 сағат бұрын
Have you guys ever seen rust on metal? Yeah, that's water damage. Try putting white rice on it and see if it'll repair.
@Trinsid 17 сағат бұрын
In case anyone wants to say it, I know it's more specifically oxodized
@novakai6668 2 сағат бұрын
He ruined his lunch. What's he gonna eat now? He was prolly just hangry.
@ryantomczyk1930 Күн бұрын
I work in customer service at Publix, god that shit kills me mentally each day 🙃
@arizonasunflowers5226 2 күн бұрын
I bet he forgot he hadn’t remembered the crap he’d said before, and perhaps felt like you were “friends” & it just popped out!
@michaelperussina2835 Күн бұрын
he screamed him into a corner and he bitched up quick and got held back very easily.
@elizabeththompson3958 4 күн бұрын
I freakin love doing my makeup while watching these videos 🙏
@MichaelHall1989 3 күн бұрын
The guy at the hotel has two kids and his wife. There are essentially two beds in the room. I do not see the problem here. My sister and I slept in the same hotel bed whenever our family went on vacation. Wtf is with their kids and not being able to sleep in the same bed?
@Abejaved 20 сағат бұрын
The man from the cell phone/white rice video looks like the host of the Cooking Channel show "Chopped"
@trashxraccoon03 2 сағат бұрын
You geniuenly don’t want to know how often people buy something on discount or like a 2 for 1 and then expect a full refund with the original price expecting to make a profit lmfao
@corbinbuesch289 3 күн бұрын
First of all😅.... I worked for Gamestop next to the corporate office for several years in several locations........ uh bruh they got a plastic barrier between you and the GA/SGA.... uhh that already says some shit🤣...... NEVER in my time working (as stated above) had I EVER walked into a Gamestop to see that... even the most rough areas or during covid😅
@EyesForwardEntertainment 3 күн бұрын
"3 ways to avoid it" A 2 3 XD 6:40
@dylanwicklund5129 5 сағат бұрын
They've been including games with consoles forever.
@theskyybay420 Күн бұрын
I would work for free as the one who makes sure that the people who mistreat hardworking fast food workers don’t do it again.
@TheImmoralNosferatuZodd Күн бұрын
19:38 looks like she's about to start C walking lol
@keanomark Күн бұрын
Maybe he should have mentioned there were 3 wise men following him lol
@grizzlybehr1902 2 күн бұрын
I feel for the dude "ever so slightly", not bad for him, but for the lack of discipline he showed 😂 Something similar happened to me when the Series X came out, my buddies and I went to the local GS the night before and stood out there for 13hrs, were first in line and they only had 3 Series X's on release day so we were super stoked that we planned ahead. The manager had hung out with us a couple hours before he opened up the store to the public and had asked what console we were wanting wanting (X or s) and then he said that we HAD to buy the Series X "bundle" because there weren't selling the consoles by themselves... I immediately had a fire raging inside me after standing out in the cold without sleep for so long. I'm a 33yr old dude and had the cash on me, so I went up to the manager and said something like, "hey dude, making us buy "bundles" to get the consoles is f***ed, you guys didn't advertise them that way, or promote bundles at all and didn't have that posted anywhere at the store so customers would be made aware prior to release, and I came down here with money for the console and that's it, saved the $600 for the console and that's what I'm going to buy whether you or the company like it... sound good?... Okay good, thanks for understanding " I wasn't rude, but I was stern and confident and didn't leave any room for argument or debate. So he respected that and I got my console and left. Just don't be an asshole to employees and they'll be willing to discuss things with you 🤙 Show respect and you'll usually get respect back
@diannepommier2874 4 күн бұрын
I live in southern Louisiana and white rice is a staple here. I can promise you the only effect of white rice has been to shrink all my clothes.
@doremysheep7864 4 сағат бұрын
First guy, if he got pressured into buying something he didn't want, he wouldn't have gone back to a confront them about it. If you had the balls to confront them about convincing you to buy something, you wouldn't have bought it in the first place. Why do i think this? Because I'm that type of person. I would be the one to feel pressured to buy something even if I'm not physically pressured. I don't go back and make it their problem, it's my own fault for letting them take advantage of my naivety. Usually when you get "pressured" like that, it's because you don't like saying no or letting the person down and you also don't like causing a scene. It's a people-pleasing thing. We wouldn't allow ourselves to get pressured and then turn back and then cause trouble because it brings unnecessary attention. (I have stepped up for myself a few times and told people "no thank you", I'm not THAT big of a doormat-wallflower.)
@CricketBonez 2 сағат бұрын
For the third, I think it’s Jeff Goldblum he’s thinking of- outfit wise??
@itchyt2997 Күн бұрын
When i think of a hero i think of other people's dads
@blazeitzmtg2824 Күн бұрын
U dont understand what it feels like to order food from the only restaurant in town in north dakota, drive to your hotel that your staying in for 3 months, just to open the order and get it wrong twice. You dont understand the frustration of that feeling cus u sit in a room in florida, where therez yons of restaurants in walking distance from you. Ho stay in north dakota for 3 months, get rhe wrong order several times, then tell me ur not mad at those workers. You will not understand
@Bopsies 3 күн бұрын
Looks like Saul Goodman in a leather jacket with glasses lmfao
@freak6743 2 күн бұрын
I work at an auto parts store as a woman and the customers I experience are ...not fun
@Cyge240sx Күн бұрын
I do support for video switchers. Had a guy where we couldn’t figure out the issue and he didn’t want to give us information we needed after a month he sent us an invoice for his time 😂😂😂 my manager wiped his ass with it
@chachi0 2 күн бұрын
19:45 i did a project in my sophomore year biology of this that exact kangaroo RIP Roger
@jshelldog6793 2 күн бұрын
This is the chase bank scam version for gamestop
@byzantineroman2407 4 күн бұрын
"Leonardo DaVin-see" -MoistCritikal
@adamdavis5243 5 сағат бұрын
young Bryan Cranston? more like Old Sheldon.
@DMSBrian24 3 күн бұрын
The issue with bundling is that it's actually potentially illegal not to accept partial refunds for them. This was a big deal whenever windows was being bundled with computers and people who wanted to use linux were forced to pay for the license while buying a laptop or PC. In the end, microsoft lost and people had the right to get their partial refunds because computer as the hardware/platform was its own product and bundling it with software that people didn't want without presenting them an alternative choice was considered an anti-consumer practice. Essentially people were forced to buy windows if they wanted to buy a computer. Now people are forced to buy games they don't want if they want to buy a playstation, not a 1:1 situation but pretty damn close, potentially illegal. Not like your regular retail employees should have to deal with this though ofc.
@DMSBrian24 3 күн бұрын
You can look up the FTC antitrust rules for bundling products, ofc it'd have to be proven in court but on surface level, this seems to fit the criteria of being illegal under those rules
@Ova-bv4os 23 сағат бұрын
the rice thing never worked. the phones that ended up working woulda kept on working in the first place. gave false positives haha
@vveokoh 3 күн бұрын
The fourth video dude looked like Saul Goodman, thats why he looks familiar
@darkshado124 3 күн бұрын
White rice is better for drying phones. It has better moisture absorption.
@MazungaXIII 22 сағат бұрын
Megumin I see
@171DaeDae 3 күн бұрын
Been doing customer service jobs since 15. Im about to be 22. Hopefully soon Ill get off that shit but I can definitely confirm for you that it turns your world bleak. Made me happy to hear this video though💯👏🏽
@garrisonbrown2456 21 сағат бұрын
Mam this is a mcdonalds.
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