More Kids, Room Sharing, Regrets, Home Birth, & More // Q&A

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Loeppkys Life

Loeppkys Life

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@Gabrielle.Steele 7 ай бұрын
I would love to see a detailed video on y’all’s toys. How you rotate, organize, how to know which to keep what not to keep, why you choose certain toys. Al that sort of stuff. We are trying to find new ways to organize but also how to know what toys to keep for our kids.
@SychJess 7 ай бұрын
Yes please!
@Sweet_Leafe 7 ай бұрын
I agree! This topic would help me out as well
@MahamEhsan. 7 ай бұрын
@YogiMomma 7 ай бұрын
@RCGWho 7 ай бұрын
Milena ciciotti recently covered this. I think she and Delilah have same toy sorter cubbies in their basements (from ikea perhaps).
@elvenaubade 7 ай бұрын
As a 26 year old with no children and no husband/boyfriend these videos are so inspiring for me to prepare my mind and heart for when that season comes around for me. In this world that tells women that careers are more fulfilling than family I love settling down in the simple and tried and true ways of the Lord
@stephanieo8925 7 ай бұрын
Your comment reminded me of the book of Ecclesiastes! I’ve been reading through it this week. Life is so meaningless if you seek worldly pleasures just for their own sake. All that you do, do it with and for the Lord and THAT is where you will find fulfillment. No matter what it is! And God also clearly says children are His gift to us:) they bring us so much joy! Careers can be important, but no matter what you do- whether motherhood or not- let it all be in the right heart posture. ♥️
@brittanynaupa3576 7 ай бұрын
Tearing up as you are talking about how rich getting married and having children young has made your 20s. I couldn't agree more ❤
@beans4853 7 ай бұрын
Yes, that question was so sad. Loved her answer
@theresalouise5908 7 ай бұрын
Such a cozy listen it felt like a mom friend was just chatting with me and sharing wisdom! I watched this while I had my mom lunch break while the kiddos are napping and while I did all the dishes. I’ve already read a few rude comments and I’m so sorry you get those 😅 keeping spreading the beauty of motherhood 💛 God bless!
@alicia4899 5 ай бұрын
Your honesty is so refreshing. Thank you so much again and again for just being so real about motherhood and as a Christian. As a wife etc. motherhood can be so lonely without ever actually being alone but hearing how you’re learning and how you fall short, how you help encourage yourself, is all just such a sweet reminder to all moms and generally that I’m not failing. This is normal. Keep going and keep leaning on the Lord. ❤ It makes me sad when people say they hate kids or just don’t like them. I keep it to myself but I always feel like man you’re missing out. Kids are so great. But yet I understand, too that’s not something that everyone’s needs. God knows what we need and we all bring Him glory in all very different and very good ways.
@imaybeanidiotbut9338 7 ай бұрын
When you said “I’m loved by the Lord my God... etc.” I started crying. It’s so easy to forget that. It’s definitely a truth we need to be rooted in as mothers. The only way we can sustainably be more Christ like is by leaning on Christ and being geounded in him.
@MysteryExodus 7 ай бұрын
I just had my first baby at 35. I wish I started sooner. I was so aimless in my 20s, searching for fulfillment. Now I have my baby and I found it.
@DelphineVlogs 7 ай бұрын
❤ looking forward to my babies 👣✨
@emmagreenland-broadsmith6841 7 ай бұрын
If you are serious about this, the best thing you can do is tell as many young women this truth as you can.
@morganunraveled 7 ай бұрын
@@emmagreenland-broadsmith6841just because it is her truth doesn’t mean it is everyone’s! while many women find fulfillment in motherhood, many find fulfillment in other things and that is valid too 🤎
@M3g840 5 ай бұрын
I feel ya sister. I had my first at 28, my second at 31 and I really wish I had started at least a couple years sooner. I always wanted children but enjoyed life as it was and never expected my younglings to affect my life the way they do. I don’t expect to want more then two, but now, if time was on my side… I would want 5… maybe more. Anyways. All this rambling to say, I understand the feeling of regret surrounding not having children sooner. Blessed be to you and your family! Best of health is you choose to have another children in the years to come. It isn’t too late! It will bring its own challenges/different challenges. But, we also have to remember that we are viewing our life with our minds now. I don’t know if I would have been prepared for a child sooner in life. Having a good foundation, husband, other family support, a stable income/career, potentially owning your own home/a secure place to live are all important factors before bringing a child into this world.
@darienhemmerlein7543 7 ай бұрын
I agree! Having babies in my 20s definitely enriched my life and made it so much more full! 🤗 We're pregnant with our 4th right now. Want at least 5 but are open to more. Children are such a joy and each one is such a blessing. ❤
@beans4853 7 ай бұрын
Hey, pregnant with #4 as well!
@alena4212 7 ай бұрын
I have been married 6 years and have 2 kids and we don’t own a television. I never bought one when I moved out of the house in my early 20’s and still didn’t buy one when I married. Best decision ever! My kiddos know no different. We own a single iPad I allow my eldest a bit of screen time most days but not everyday and it works great for us!!
@JessJ13 7 ай бұрын
We also don't have TV, we donated ours to the charity shop last year 😂 my eldest has an iPad and has time on it each day (maybe like 1 hour) They didn't even watch it properly and it's all absolute rubbish
@jenniferpetrie1220 7 ай бұрын
I feel that it is important for you to acknowledge the financial barriers that many many families experience, making raising kids in today’s world so difficult and challenging to stay afloat. Having kids young is wonderful if you are financially secure, but when it happens and you’re not it is just an uphill battle to get to place where you can finally feel comfortable and financially stable. I feel it’s important to to talk about all of the burdensome barriers that exist against families in this time of unaffordable childcare and lack of other resources. It makes my heart break. (I’m in Oregon, USA)❤
@hannahfoster7941 7 ай бұрын
I think Delilah is just speaking from her personal experience here. Like Delilah, I live in Saskatchewan and the cost of living here is very low compared to most other places in Canada. I have lived in other provinces and have noticed that people have larger families and have kids when they’re younger here which is surely because of the low cost of housing. The Canadian government also subsidizes daycare, with some only costing $10/ day. While I totally get where you’re coming from, where we live has a lot to do with the access/ affordability of childcare and housing. I don’t think it’s fair for Delilah to be expected to speak to what hasn’t been her personal experience.
7 ай бұрын
I wanted to write something in the same direction. Even if she is blessed with the financial means to have children at a young age, that does not mean that she should not show understanding and empathy for those who are financially struggling.
@TheRuckFarm 7 ай бұрын
I don’t disagree-however, I wanted to put this out there because I have noticed in my own friend group such a vast difference of incomes, family size and lifestyles. Most of my friends only have 1-3 children (most of whom have no plans for more). Both parents are working decent jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. They constantly bring up how burnt out they are and how difficult it is to get by. They live in expensive homes, drive expensive, financed vehicles and always seem to have the newest greatest things. My husband and I are going to be welcoming our 5th baby this summer. We live on a single, modest income. I stay home with our children. We live in a nice but modest home. We would easily qualify for government assistance, but we get by just fine without it. We choose to live a certain way so that we can have a large family because God has called us to it and through Him we can do it. We prioritize that over having what most of our friends would deem as necessities, but to us those things are luxuries that we get by just fine without, or we have older or thrifted versions of. I spend less than $400/month on groceries for our entire family. I shop the sales and plan my meals based around what’s on sale. If I find a particularly good deal on something, I will stock up. I stock up on meats on sale and freeze. I have learned most of what I implement from the KZbin channel Living on a Dime to Grow Rich. They are a valuable source of information on how to live very frugally if anyone is looking for a great source on how to make ends meet. I am not trying to imply that I believe everyone should do what we do, so I hope my comment is taken in love and kindness and not with a harsh tone-but I do believe many people say the cost of living is so high in today’s world when in reality it isn’t that bad in most places, especially in the US. Most people could change things to make it easier on themselves, if they were willing to give up things they can get by without and live more frugally. **edited to add~I live in an area in Wisconsin with a higher cost of living. If we couldn’t make ends meet living here, we would move to an area with a lower cost of living, but we haven’t had to cross that bridge thankfully.
@cyberspace7208 6 ай бұрын
There is so much that is also down to choice. I have a friend who was married right out of high-school on her husband's salary. But her husband is ambitious, has a good head on his shoulder, and is handy. A guys guy all around, she is a tight budgeter, a neat homemaker, and a busy bee. Together, they make it work.
@Rowanda7361 6 ай бұрын
I have to say that you are completely incorrect. The whole “I can’t have kids because it’s too expensive” thing is a modern fallacy and it is going to hurt our society in the long run. I have ONLY ever heard this line from double income couples, working themselves to death in their prime, who have crazy expensive mortgages and high car payments and who can not forfeit their daily Starbucks, their online shopping addiction, their crazy trend based consumerism, their beauty routines, and their lavish vacations. People choose to not be able to have kids because they choose not to sacrifice any part of their self serving, consumption based lifestyles. And no I don’t live in a cheap area with a rich husband. I live in Seattle (super high cost of living) and my husband is a handyman while i (a college dropout) stay home with our babies and we are debt-free and living a happy, healthy, comfortable life. I learned how to cook in bulk from scratch, sew, wood work, start a balcony garden, budget and overall be frugal. All skills that have seemingly disappeared en masse from our society. Also, unless you win the lottery, you will never ever “feel” secure enough to have kids. Savings can vanish in a day and jobs can come and go. If you wait till you feel “perfectly” stable, you will never have children.
@anjamosimann6991 7 ай бұрын
I love "day in the life"videos because they inspire me so much
@callana9852 7 ай бұрын
Cleaning and gardening and having 4 kids is a type of workout.
@JessJ13 7 ай бұрын
I somewhat agree ,it's hard physical work but it's not putting aside some time every day/few days to exert alot of energy to better your mind body and soul. (I have four kids and it's tiring but it's not my workout)
@maryfinley8349 7 ай бұрын
When spring comes I would love to learn more about your garden! My own mom has a very extensive garden, but it's hard to ask her about it because she can't imagine scaling down haha. You seem to have a simple and enjoyment-focused approach.
@adrijanamarkovic1323 7 ай бұрын
When you talk about having kids in your 20s, that they made you rich and they’ve chaged you i knew that you’re gonna say it! Even if i don’t have kids yet, i agree with every word you said! Thank you!
@Syl_Lac 7 ай бұрын
That was a lovely video to watch. Your answers are wise, thoughtful and respectful. I loved your morning routine videos. The ones where you woke up early, got ready and just prepared for the day. There was something so calming, so zen-like in those videos. If you find yourself reverting back to early mornings in the near future, I would love to see those 🤗
@SandyQuintans 7 ай бұрын
about the workout: I totally understand what you are saying, I felt the same before. But I have a feeling that you'll feel differently when you get older (30+). Because you start to understand to importance to get active and how essencial is for us to get older and have quality time with the ones we love. Workout (or any type of exercise) is essential.
@sundrops5807 7 ай бұрын
“Being a mother is so beautiful”. So true!!!!!!!!
@kaylapokorny6834 7 ай бұрын
just found out im pregnant with my second- been rewatching your pregnancy videos for comfort ❤
@RaeBehrs 7 ай бұрын
@aleamajz 7 ай бұрын
I am 23 and will be getting married soon. My fiancé and I have talked about having kids soon. I don’t have many married friends or friends with children so watching your videos make me feel like I am on a good path in life.
@fluffytoast8713 7 ай бұрын
I feel you sis, I’m also 23 and pregnant with my first. I’m all alone in my age range being married and pregnant
@beans4853 7 ай бұрын
I had my first at 23 as well, in my circle I was the old one! I must say it's a great time to start a family
@inspiringsimple 7 ай бұрын
I’m 42 now but got married at 23 and my husband and I now have 11 children. I have no regrets at all having my children (I got pregnant 4 months after we got married) ❤
@Kunoichi139 7 ай бұрын
With the homeschooling. I'm so sure you're doing more than enough. The only reason school is 8 hours is because that's how long parents work.
@RememberingUsQ 7 ай бұрын
It’s honestly crazy when I hear how much others enjoy the journey that motherhood took them on. My days are constantly filled with stress and being overwhelmed by my toddler who has big emotions constantly and doesn’t listen. He was also colic as a baby and has whined so much every day from around 4 months old. I thought it would be so beautiful but I feel more stressed out than anything.
@abigailsullivan3078 7 ай бұрын
Hey! Sometimes the fog of stress, baby/kid stress, can kidnap the joy. Maybe you could try to find joy in homemaking and picking out a hobby you can start/revisit. It wasn’t until child 2 was 3 that I realized I could enjoy motherhood. I’m sad I missed my oldest two’s baby years due to stress and depression… I missed so much. But I have two more now and am working to be more present and find joy not just in the children, but in my home, I’m painting, in crocheting. Etc.
@hannahhempel 7 ай бұрын
I love these types of videos! My husband and I are in our early twenties, we got married early last year and I'm now living my life as a stay at home mum with our 2 month old baby, his name is Theo too! I've never been happier, and I feel closer to God than ever before. I certainly support young marriages! I'm still working out at the moment, how to keep a house clean with a little baby wanting me all the time... luckily, my wonderful mum lives close by to help 😆
@LisbethLouw 7 ай бұрын
I miss your vlogs so much, and I just realised you've deleted your old ones too 😭 But as a mother myself I totally understand your decision to do so ❤❤❤ lots of love from Sweden
@pjengland286 7 ай бұрын
I think that not doing and being "it all" is SO HARD, but it's also so important of a reality. We CAN'T be perfect, we were not MADE to do it all. I'm learning this lesson the hard way (with a breakdown and not being able to do much at all). I'm glad you are wrestling with this and accepting the reality of how you are made. Also, remember, those mom's that "do it all" that really don't OR they are not very happy while trying to juggle it all.
@eirinidelia2368 7 ай бұрын
I'm reading this book which said we are not meant to be the perfect's not the best not even for our kids.they experience,they learn and that is much more useful in the long said that the moments we do wrong are also learning points both for us and for then..
@hannahmarienoel 7 ай бұрын
I just wanted to let you know in case you didn't: I live in your area and, all glory to God, had a midwife for my last two pregnancies which were both VBACs (as is every birth after just one C-section) and my midwife informed me of two things, one is that they each actually get to prioritize one VBAC patient a month which is pretty cool, so it doesn't actually hurt your odds of getting in to have had a C-section, but she also informed me that they are not allowed to offer homebirths if the patient is a VBAC. So I hope that information might ease a few 'what ifs' you might sometimes feel 🙂
@ella.minimalist 7 ай бұрын
If it weren’t for videogames me and my husband would’ve never met! It all started with two nerds playing online in 2013 and look at us now, happily married with 2 (in March 3) beautiful children ❤️ as the Lord can use everything for His purposes, I think nothing is per se bad or good. It’s the way we use things that makes them one way or another
@nicoleneesby 7 ай бұрын
God is always working out His story in our lives. There’s no cookie cutter, ‘holier” stories. All for His glory + our good 🫶🏼
@darleneclark896 7 ай бұрын
Actually, Delilah, since you asked...I would love to see more of the kids and Zack, like the last video. A picture is worth a thousand words, and watching all of you makes my heart so happy!!!
@chelsiehutchison59 7 ай бұрын
It is refreshing to listen to a mama so similar to myself and in the same stage of life as me!
@gymnastic0fantastic0 7 ай бұрын
Would love to hear your thoughts on gentle/respectful parenting
@aozmitel2915 7 ай бұрын
I am so glad to watch your channel! I'm mother of four too, I'm 26, I'm Orthodox christian and my kids are homeschoolers, but I'm from Russia) thank you for your advices, it's really helpful)
@claudiajade624 7 ай бұрын
I totally think incidental excercise is adequate. My arms have never been so toned from lifting my (now 18 month old) baby up and down 😅 i personally really enjoy yoga more from a headspace perspective so i am now really trying to do 1 home video session a week
@JoanLPS2 7 ай бұрын
I waited til I was 29 to have kids and it definitely feels like a total waste of time. I remember being a babysitter when I was 25 and saying to the mom "yeah me and my bf are going on a spontaneous trip to New York to see our favorite band" and she looked like she wanted to cry and just said "I miss those days" but what she didn't know is we fought the whole time, spent the whole time either way too high or desperately trying to find weed, and didn't even enjoy the concert cuz we're so used to constant self indulgence and gratification that a concert feels like a chore. Not judging anyone elses life choices just pointing out that the grass isn't always greener
@karinseaman4060 7 ай бұрын
I agree! I'm a single mom by choice and I only have one child, but before him I was just lounging around permanently, no real purpose or anything.. And he gave me a purpose and it's so much fun with kids, even though it's exhausting as well.
@rubytuesdayism 7 ай бұрын
You have so many resources, innumerated in this video, it makes apparent all the ways comparison vexes you: a present partner, reliable healthcare, abundant technology, time to embroidery/bake/home school/create content, a house large enough to accommodate your family's needs, time to 'waste' (if such a thing exists for any mother--which I don't believe it does), family planning that doesn't induce fear but can be left up to the unbound nature of the diviner, even your heated garage & the ability to dress your children upon arrival at your destination--what tremendous freedom you have to craft a life you want rather than need--that would weigh heavy on anyone from time to time.
@Rowanda7361 6 ай бұрын
You can thank feminism for the downfall of our society.
@megancox9549 7 ай бұрын
I agree about room shaing. Everyone acts like it is abuse to not have your own room, but I did as a kid and I was only in my bedroom for sleep because it was lonely in there.
@beans4853 7 ай бұрын
My kids each got there own room when we moved to this house, but they refused to be separated and still sleep together over 3 years later. Our toddler cannot wait to join them, he's so sad every night when he goes to his own room
@languagetraveller 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful video❤ I started crying when you were talking about how amazing being a Mom is… I’ve always dreamt of being a Mom and having 3-4 kids, but here I am, almost 27 years old and never even had a boyfriend and I know it’s all in Lord’s hands and I trust Him with it, but sometimes it just feels like something’s wrong with me…
@Scassolina-rv2xj 7 ай бұрын
Ich habe mit fast 29 meinen Freund „gefunden“. Wir sind im selben Jahr zusammengezogen und haben ein Kind. Manchmal geht es schnell im Leben und in der Liebe. Bleib positiv ❤ mit dir ist nichts falsch.
@delilahmertoglu 7 ай бұрын
You very much have time to build a family of that size❤
@dianaalopez4157 7 ай бұрын
girl same😢 delilah definitely keeps some faith in my heart that someday i will have the family and husband of my dreams🩷 we just gotta be patient
@EvangelineEHayes 7 ай бұрын
Praying for your heart right now! The waiting is so hard. I married my first boyfriend at age 27 and now I’m 35 with 3 wonderful little boys keeping me busy and one precious baby boy in heaven. So much can happen in a short amount of time! ❤️
@alexandracote6678 6 ай бұрын
As for a 5th baby, "it's all in the Lord hands" is a really poetic way to say "it will depend on if we have unprotected sex or not!" ✌We always thought we wanted 4 children, until we had our 4th and I felt so deeply that one was missing! Having 5 children is the biggest joy in my life!
@simplesuburbanlife 7 ай бұрын
Hiii. I have always admired how calm and peaceful you are. ❤️ Can you please talk about anger management, getting overstimulated, tapping out mentally, because of too much noise and being always needed? 🥹 I work from home with two kids and I have been homeschooling them as well, but I often feel angry towards my self for not being calm enough around them or around danger. 🥲
@johnbarbara1867 7 ай бұрын
You take care of 4 children…oh you work out, every day! ❤
@sarahp3144 7 ай бұрын
100% agree!
@stephanieo8925 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing that last bit about negative thoughts and moments. I’ve had to walk away a lot.
@teannabergeron2473 7 ай бұрын
More homeschool content please !
@Dana-mb1hd 7 ай бұрын
Delilah your videos inspire me more than you will ever know! Do you have any merch left? I wanted to order a shirt, but I saw that there wasn’t anything there . Love your channel❤
@2famous-w3g 7 ай бұрын
I think she had said December would be the last month I’m not sure tho
@sarahstamper4706 7 ай бұрын
Love you Delilah! Fun fact: -40 celcius is also -40 fahrenheit 😁
@ericabaltayan5493 7 ай бұрын
Please let your life continue to bloom and flourish in the Lord's grace and bless all the children the lord will bless you with! I miss seeing your lovely family as much as it used to but i 100% am in support of your choices for your channel and am grateful that you continue in any way. Thank you for sharing your journey with us ❤
@SarahsOctoberHome 7 ай бұрын
Your dress is Adorable!😍🫶🏻
@magnoliapearson2461 7 ай бұрын
Loving your feminine style these days Delilah! You always wear the most beautiful dresses 🤎
@nurturetheoak 7 ай бұрын
Regarding bedroom sharing... I co-sleep with my babies for 1 year, after my second was born my first child was so eager to have his baby sister stay with him in his bedroom, and when she finally was old enough to be moved to the nursery the first few nights my son would get into his sister's cot because he just wanted to be with her. It's the same thing now that I had my 3rd and she's a little baby who's not ready for the nursery yet. My kids wouldn't be happy if they had separate bedrooms, they're used to be together all the time, honestly seeing them with such close bonds it's the cutest thing in the world
@lekasa1508 7 ай бұрын
My first and second will be 22 months apart! Did you ever sleep train Theo before putting him in the same room with Eloise? We had an extremely tough time with sleep with our first, so I’m wondering what I can do to help this next baby. The thought of room sharing sounds interesting to get them both used to sleep with another person in the room. Just not sure about the transition with sleep training in the mix 😅
@jarxcistkris8499 7 ай бұрын
Definitely would love some ideas on how to get kids room sharing. We have a almost 17 month old & a newborn - unfortunately we live in a 2 bedroom townhouse
@gerryryan1372 7 ай бұрын
I love all your vids, i love organising and decorating vids xx
@sarahp3144 7 ай бұрын
You are lucky that you found your husband very young! We got married at 25 and 29 respectively, and had our first the day before I turned 26, our second at 27, and now I’ll have number 3 in March at 28, but I agree that my 20’s have been enriched.
@VeronicaCostaF 7 ай бұрын
My oldest has her nights sleeping on the couch, she gets up from her bed and just comes to the living room and that is ok. Whatever is good for a better night's sleep is good for me. My kids have slept 7-9 hours since they were 3 months old and I never can get them to sleep more on a daily basis (I won't stop trying but I did stop worrying about it)When I get in a low moment or bad head space I vent with my husband, it's hard being him these past months because my father died and I feel low every day but I know this will pass and then I will vent with God and journaling
@Claire_Gray_ 7 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if others have said this but you remind me so much of Sarah Therese. In your mannerisms, tone of your voice and just the way you phrase things. 😊 Maybe I'm the only one who sees it though hehe
@sheislikethestars 7 ай бұрын
they are friends :)
@AmandaSantos-ro3ci 7 ай бұрын
They copy content all the time, almost all Christian aesthetic mum has the same content
@pondering1840 7 ай бұрын
I had my 2 kids at 30 and 32...I had my 20 s to have some fun and also finish my medical school and all now I can totally soak up the whole parenting journey without worrying about learning anything other than parenting books which I totally love😂 If I was gona be a sahm, then I would have loved to have kids earlier I think..because now I can have maybe two more kids before I turn 40! And I dunno how much energy I will have left to parent toddlers after 40!
@emilyrutt296 4 ай бұрын
We LOVE soupy pinto beans, rice, homemade salsa and red cabbage salad!
@SharaLee60 7 ай бұрын
Hi Delilah, I love these Q&A videos! Maybe see you do some sewing DIY's. Make clothes for yourself or make something for the kids. Also, bags & pouches are pretty easy. Rag dolls are pretty easy, too. I finished making my daughter a Tilda doll for her Birthday last Oct. & she's 49yrs. But I hadn't made her 1 for a while. I made all of my kids when they were young, Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. So I had 2 boys & 2 girls. They were fun to make for them. Also, the Tilda doll. I sewed her all by hand, I love sewing by hand. It keeps my fingers moving because I have arthritis! You're do great for being so young! Keep the videos coming! Well Thanks for sharing! ♥️☺️🫂🐾🍄🦉🧵🪡🧶🖌🎨🖼✨️
@TheWillowsWhisper 7 ай бұрын
ahh the video just posted on my lunch time! perfect timing, thank you!!!
@BirthingBravelyandBeyond 6 ай бұрын
In regards to the “working out” response. I also have 4 kids and just wondering-have you never experienced diastesis recti? If so, what a blessing!!! I need to do certain exercises because I look 7 months pregnant now at 1 year pp and it’s a bit frustrating and takes up far too much of my thoughts.
@tarnielaska-wolfe7812 7 ай бұрын
Love all your tips and support! Love videos like this!
@TheMennomilist 7 ай бұрын
That is interesting that a lot of rules in your household growing up were not talked about. I had a one bedroom apartment until pregnant with my second child. . .and when we moved when the first was 18 months old, we gave him his own room and he would NOT go to sleep easily at all. He wanted us with him. It was hard to be pregnant and deal with that. When our second was about 6 or 7 months old, we put him in the room with his older brother, and he was fine. No issues. Now with our third, he is 7 months old and still in our room with us. I think I'll put him in his own crib maybe in a few months? He doesn't sleep through the night yet and it is easier to hear him stir while in our room. I actually don't know how parents give babies their own room immediately. I wouldn't be able to do that. Our oldest two still share a room at almost 17 and 15 and we only have a two bedroom two family house still. It is hard for you to really plan having another child when you have an infant still. I hope to get pregnant with my fourth this year as our last child since I am 40 now. . .but I don't want our third one to grow up alone since the older two have one another. That is so interesting you were the first of your friends and family to homeschool!! You're doing great though. I am glad you are still learning so much. That is how we should all approach life. My word of advice to others about the cleaning. . .less stuff means less to clean, honestly. My house is usually always spotless because I have a small home and am a minimalist. I don't have to do much cleaning. It is okay if you hate working out. Do you like to go for walks? That is a good workout! Great video!! Thanks for answering questions.
@foofookachoo1136 7 ай бұрын
Delilah did say that they take walks in the summer time.
@andreanittel2240 7 ай бұрын
a couple of weeks our forecast for the day was chance of snow, rain, thunder storms and high winds...........coast of B.C.!!!!!
@kaemtekakontna3476 7 ай бұрын
I'm 27, I have a 2,5 year old son and I'm pregnant with our second. I have completely opposite experience to yours about having kids on my 20s. I think that's for womens it is beneficial front biological point od view and I wanted to be a young mum, but now I'm not sure I would do that again. My son is veeery atentive, highly sensitive, had a lots and lots of newborn health issues ( which lasted almost 2 years). Travelling with him is a nightmare, when he was 1 year old we decided to go on a first vacations with him, but three we could only go for a 15 min walk, because he hated do much our stroller, a carrier and everything. I'd live to go skiing, but we can't, because our son doesn't like winter. He doesn't want to do all kids kids od winter activities. There is sooo much morę to that, but obviously I can't express all that on a comment. But for me you have extremely calm and easy going children and that's why you can do all theese things and your children bring you joy. I'm my case I usually can't wait until my son goes to sleep and I can have a quiet evening for myself and I can't wait until our children grow do that we could do some fun things and trips with them, because now its not really possible.
@katlynwood4357 7 ай бұрын
Girl!! This is me in a nutshell! So many people glorify being a parent, especially a mother. But it is so incredibly exhausting. As much as I love/adore my 2.5 yo, I sometimes just can’t stand being around her, especially since I’m a SAHM. Having children is the most difficult thing in the world, then adding on health/behavioral issues… ugh. You’re not alone and trust me, I feel you! Not everyone has this beautiful happy experience of getting to go places and make beautiful memories. For our family it’s mostly a lot of tears, tantrums and stress. Can’t wait for her to be older and I can feel more like a normal human again 😅
@Caseyhxo2 7 ай бұрын
I don’t believe in god myself, but i love your content. It’s so lovely and calm, even if i don’t believe what you believe it’s still so beautiful. Wishing you love and light.
@wanderlust3292 7 ай бұрын
I honestly don’t know how you care for four kids, homeschool, cook,clean, exercise etc. Does your day have more hours than mine? ( I’m pretty organised as well + being a mum of a 20 months old and currently pregnant), have a job, and still I’ve no idea how you do it.
@TaylorParnell 7 ай бұрын
@claudiajade624 7 ай бұрын
Although was a tough transition intially, in some ways having kids so young is probs of a Less of a drastic transition/thing to grapple with. I.e. versus those of us who have babies in our 30s, is a Big adjustment to what our lives and marriages were prior to that. If that makes sense
@Beetle-pn5hm 7 ай бұрын
So good, thank youuu! Very much enjoy hearing about how you manage your time and what sort of things you fit into your days. Do you find time to many things outside of like bible studies or mum catch ups? Ive only got a little 1 year old at the moment, and my husvand and i live with his parents which is so lovely!! But I still feel like im so busy, and cant quite imagine how to find time for all the things i want to do!! Do you find it helps to quite intentionally structure your time, or do you do your hobbies when a free moment comes up? Defs find the balance between being busy and resting and doing hobbies so hard! 🤦🏽‍♀️😂
@whitneyhill7590 7 ай бұрын
I would love to see more “what we eat in a week” videos!
@helenrhall 7 ай бұрын
I would love a video on how you keep your kids entertained/behaved at church. I'm a mama of 2 (2.5 year old and 5 months) fortunately I have family that come to church with me that help with the kids. Mainly I leave them with my 5 month old whilst I walk up and down the aisles with my older child. I've tried bringing toys, paper and crayons but all they want to do is walk up and down the aisle and 90% of the time I haven't heard the sermon.
@SunshineRox007 7 ай бұрын
That's why I am so thankful for the nursery service at our church. We usually start having our kids in the service closer to 3, but we have until 4 until they absolutely have to he out of the nursery.
@KHomestead 7 ай бұрын
There's a great little book called "Parenting in the Pew" that's really helpful ❤
@nattyh.6168 7 ай бұрын
Quick question: what if what you’re frustrated with is to do with the kids? I’d love to walk away sometimes but they follow me. Love to learn how you’d manage❤ Love your videos, especially the chatty ones ❤️
@wacha0219 7 ай бұрын
I love listening to this catch up 🥰 I’d love to hear where the dress is from 🤭
@seekingtruthandcompassion1707 7 ай бұрын
Hey Delilah would really love A response to this question , if you couldn't home school or private school and only had the option of normal public school or state intergrated catholic school what would you choose ? This is our situation (we are Christians not catholic though) thankyou 😊
@kristinamal 7 ай бұрын
Love your channel! Curious though, if you would not want to set an example of moving your body and showing your kids that exercise is healthy? May be you haven't found the right type of exercise? Especially in terms of longevity and health - exercise is the number one predictor of living a healthy lifestyle, not to mention all the benefits of resistance training. Praying you are able to find something that works for you :)
@sheislikethestars 7 ай бұрын
I agree. As a mom I want to live as an example for my kids and want to be able to be there for them, Lord willing. So I workout for them mostly. Just some simple vidoes I watch online, swimming, are my favorite during this stage of life. If I am stressed it helps me (all of us) so much to move physcially in some way and then we can process it. It's how we are designed. I understand you had a bad expeience with it but it's worth it, to pray about it and see where He leads.
@wes2356 7 ай бұрын
🙏🏼🙏🏼 I agree children are a blessing!!
@mamafy7420 7 ай бұрын
Which van do you have and how did you afford it. Bug cars are so expensive these days
@The_QueenVee 7 ай бұрын
I want to get a coffee machine like yours . Do you have a video on how you make your coffee ? 😩 it looks complicated
@catladywblueeyes5833 7 ай бұрын
My kids didn't get a phone until they went to middle school. By that time I felt it was a good idea if they could call us in case something happened. We don't have a TV either. On the other hand my son does own his own laptop, because he needs one for school and he is doing a lot of videocalls with his friends.
@graceskerley 7 ай бұрын
Fun Fact: -40° is the same both in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
@bonjyb 7 ай бұрын
This dress colour suits you so much!
@Loramend 7 ай бұрын
-40C?I thought I read the other day you guys are at -9C...we live in Northeast China and this year we had -18C for several days in December but we have been at -9..-10...C for quite some weeks, the wind just makes it a bit worse but life goes on.
@tasegomeara 7 ай бұрын
Me, not a Christian: It’s okay, Delilah says the Lord loves me! Me, overweight: It’s okay, Delilah doesn’t like to exercise either. 😂
@NZ73200 7 ай бұрын
Where do u live for tht temp? Will u do video on how u meant ur husband and video on transitioning from 1-2,2-3,3-4 kids x
@agterester 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! Enjoyed your video. But i am wondering one thing. Why are you in a summerdress? Do you walk around in it all day? I noticed this with other youtubers as well, in vlogs etc. How high is you heating? We are -2 celcius. But everyone wears sweaters inside. Because we don't want to use to much heating. (Because of money and climate) Just really curious!
@wildbirthmama 7 ай бұрын
Women should give birth where they feel safest. If you don’t feel safest at the hospital, you don’t have to give birth there. Freebirth is perfectly legal in Canada (as well as the US). The midwifery system in Canada has to follow stringent guidelines (some of which are medically indicated, and others which are nonsense). I myself recently had a Freebirth (third baby and VBAC). I had been mistreated by a Midwife with my previous birth, and I said, never again! I just want women to know that they have choices. Edit to add: I am pretty certain there are traditional (unlicensed) Midwives and birthkeepers in your area, as well. That can be a really great option as a middle ground.
@claudiajade624 7 ай бұрын
Proof that even once u have 4 (!) children (and one of those is not even 6 months old!) people will Still be asking Are u having another one? 😅🙃
@susi_gron 7 ай бұрын
Do you love to knit and sewing with the sewing machine and doing your own clothes? 🧶👗🪡
@papabear5506 7 ай бұрын
More of these videos please!
@juliamahoney1509 7 ай бұрын
It can be so tricky being online because you have everyone’s life before your eyes. And you think you should be doing x,y,&z but then, like you said, you have to snap back into reality and remember what exactly God has called YOU, individually and specifically, to do, each and every moment.
@Bilisjourney 7 ай бұрын
Love your videos always!🫶🏼
@sand-7938 7 ай бұрын
Did you do any type of exercises during your last pregnancy ? 🌻
@ktrayan1 7 ай бұрын
Delilah, did you know your name means “of the night” in two different languages? 🤣 de is “of” in Spanish, and lilah is “night” in Hebrew! 😂😂
@TheRefinedBudget 7 ай бұрын
Where is your dress from? So cute!
@tiffanycave5974 7 ай бұрын
-56 yup. Alberta❤
@laurahimesekai 7 ай бұрын
Im worrying to have 2nd kid because I have worry how we will spent time together with my husband. :( So im not sure I want or not. 😢
@caitlinschutte2428 7 ай бұрын
Where do you find your embroidery patterns?
@naturaldyer 7 ай бұрын
that dress is so beautiful. is it thrifted or did you get it from a shop?
@lynseysedlacek7921 7 ай бұрын
It’s the dawn dress from Christy Dawn ❤️
@LoeppkysLife 7 ай бұрын
Yes, this one! It’s a staple in my wardrobe - I even wore it for my maternity photoshoot!
@oliverafuicu400 7 ай бұрын
@sarahthatcher123 7 ай бұрын
@@ourwildflowerhausnot Neuflora, ChristyDawn.
@aliciafrick8824 7 ай бұрын
Fun fact, -40 C is the same as -40 F.
@user-op5qy3rh3d 7 ай бұрын
Mom of 3 here. Had them at 20, 22, and 25. Now 27 and definitely feel like I missed out on my 20s :/
@JessJ13 7 ай бұрын
What about a freebirth? You dont need permission to give birth, yes there are risks but there are risks to driving your van. I freebirthed my fourth and it was amazing, the medical system especially the medwives hold an energy that can and does project fear.
@wildbirthmama 7 ай бұрын
I had a freebirth after cesarean a couple months ago, and it was a massive step up from the medicalized VBAC with the coercive Midwife I had before.
@JessJ13 7 ай бұрын
@@wildbirthmama aren't they so powerful?! How on earth did we get to the point that having a natural birth how it should be is not the norm? Catching my baby and bringing him up to my face was so powerful, no interrupting,no one telling me what to do or having expectations. Congratulations wild birth mama!!
@dreamchord4544 7 ай бұрын
Afaik she's had hemorrhages in her last two vaginal births due to them being precipitous so I doubt this would be a viable option.
@wildbirthmama 7 ай бұрын
@jess309 Thank you! Congratulations to you, too!
@JessJ13 7 ай бұрын
@@dreamchord4544 maybe she did, if a medwife says someone has a hemmerage it doesn't mean that's the truth. The moment a woman walks into hospital her chances of hemmerage sky rocket.
@buzzi2k 7 ай бұрын
-40°C?? Oooofffff
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