I wish they had aged Morgan's character with this boy like they did with Molly! And I miss Lexi Ainsworth as Kristina!
@kennethwasser13629 жыл бұрын
morgan and molly are cute in this dance
@laniquawesley32873 жыл бұрын
I wish they made Molly and Morgan as close as they were as kids Christina and Michael are I hated that they really separated Molly from the family like Sunny that's her uncle she barely has any real contact with him and whenever there was a dangerous situation and Molly was involved Sunday didn't ask about her everyone was so concerned about Morgan Michael and Christina the only person I really worried about Molly was her mom and Sam and her other sister
@AresSG9 жыл бұрын
Morgan was so cute then. I loved him, then they aged him.
@kennethwasser13629 жыл бұрын
cute song
@lastdayonearthmysteryman48496 ай бұрын
Molly and Morgan should have stay the same age and grown up together! Why dose soap have no fate in kids?