Mormons are a Cult

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Pastor Mark Driscoll

Pastor Mark Driscoll

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@dananderson6992 3 ай бұрын
Brother i admire your ability to upset so many people with so few words. Seriously though thank you for sharing the truth without flinching and without extra offense.
@Mona-00600 3 ай бұрын
Actually, he didn't upset enough people as his theology is off pertaining to bible versions. If and when he admits his error than his upset numbers will rise. GOD said he would preserve his word. GOD knew all the words that would ever be in the world and he authored one book using the specific wording. It is altering HIS Book when you make one change. Would you dare stand before GOD in conversation with him face to face quoting an altered verse of HIS Book. I can tell you that you will not. If his words aren't sufficient to people than how could his death burial and resurrection be.
@nozrep 3 ай бұрын
i friggin’ love it!
@nozrep 3 ай бұрын
@@Mona-00600soooo, Pastor Driscoll preaching salvation through Jesus Christ alone isn’t right? that would make you a nonChristian, or a deceived Christian who neglects to ask the Holy Spirit Himself to tell you if Pastor Driscoll speaks truth. Because, he preaches the truth.
@Mona-00600 3 ай бұрын
@@nozrep Revelation 22:18 is quite clear. If it isn't okay with GOD whom wrote the book than it isn't okay with me his humble servant.
@k60c85 3 ай бұрын
@@Mona-00600*then, not than. And I completely disagree with you about your issue with him about translations.
@sylviadoncarlos6762 3 ай бұрын
Praise God for speaking the truth regarding all these false denominations. Mormonism aligns with free masonry which is unbiblical and perverted. Continue praying saints for eyes to see and ears to hear the truth of these deceptive practices. 1 Timothy 4:1. ❤
@Decision_Justice 3 ай бұрын
Freemasonry is not the negative that you characterize it as. It's simply a brotherhood
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
you mean praise satan because he is the one who your speaking for
@leightonanderson 3 ай бұрын
@@Decision_Justice I know.. "I'm prejudiced against X because it feels like my prejudice against Y!" It's all very Christian, don't ya know.
@nute742 3 ай бұрын
Freemasonry came from the Egyptians, who were passed down from Adam. (like Judaism - to Christianity)
@Decision_Justice 3 ай бұрын
​@@nute742 No, Freemasonry did NOT come from the Egyptians, nor was it passed down from Adam. Apparently you have never read the research conducted by the Masonic Research Lodges. The Scientific and Historical Research all shows that Freemasonry began in northern England as a Stone Mason's Guild. The handshakes were invented so that the traveling Stone Masons could travel to new work sites throughout England and show his level of skill by giving the work Foreman the highest level of handshake he had been taught commensurate with his skill. The construction tools are the compass and the square. FreeMasonry goes back as far as the middle ages in England, and NO FURTHER. The Masons acknowledge this nowadays. In the past they made stuff up claiming all kinds of origins including the false claim that their ceremonies and handshakes went back to the Egyptians or the Israelites. NOPE. Never did.
@RobinReedCoach 3 ай бұрын
Born and raised a JW. Left at 18 and my entire family and community banished me. Best thing that ever happened to me.
@lizcuero9065 3 ай бұрын
Cults ruined marriages in this home.almost 30 years of YUCK! Thank You Pastor Mark, for this teaching.
@linderloulou 3 ай бұрын
My great..grandfather was was on the wagon train with Brigham Young. So come from a long line of Mormons. I grew up going to Mormon chruch til I was 13. I had just accepted Jesus, cried knowing he died for me, Got baptized at age 29. Go to churches that teach out of KJV.
@ashleyjaylene6278 3 ай бұрын
You may want to look up Freemasonry Renouncing . Both Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were 33rd blood sacrificing Freemasons which brings on blood black magic to the family. Look up unmasking Freemasonry by Dr Sewyll Stevens.
@Thesaviorpodcast 3 ай бұрын
It's a code too... Bring em Young! Real Young!
@Decision_Justice 3 ай бұрын
The KJV is actually one of the more poorly done translations. They used very late documents as the basis. Since then we have discovered much earlier texts; that's why other more recent translations of the Bible are much more accurate.
@leightonanderson 3 ай бұрын
Um, if you were listening, they told you that Jesus died for you in the "Mormon" church. So, it wasn't supposed to come to you as a surprise, right? My own experience being raised in an evangelical family and evangelical churches is that I learned more about the Bible from the Latter-day Saints than from the EVs. Example, when I first heard the term "Melchizedek priesthood" in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I thought it was a name they made up! Seriously. These kinds of discoveries happened over and over. I finally realized that the so-called Bible believers only actually "believe" the proof texts that have been assembled to support their 16th century theology; and that those texts don't really "say" what is claimed for them. So, I was baptized by priesthood authority (versus my evangelical church baptism) in my 40s and am only sorry that I waited so long.
@leightonanderson 3 ай бұрын
@@Thesaviorpodcast It's terrible to think that you make that vile joke under the name @thesaviorpodcast. Jesus never, ever told you you could act that way, I promise.
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
The LDS church ALWAYS had the name THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. At no time was it ever called the Mormon church.
@MarkDriscollMinistries 3 ай бұрын
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
@@MarkDriscollMinistries greetings pastor. I enjoy your work, but I wish you were more honest on this. For a long time we were given the nickname “Mormon”, which was fine with us, but NEVER the name of our church. It’s easier to say Mormon than it is to say “I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”. It’s that simple. In recent years we have felt that due to the misconception by others, you being one, we needed to be more clear on who we are and what we believe. With that said, we live in a day and time where we need to be uniting against the evil that is at our door. What we agree on far outweighs what we disagree on, especially when it comes to how to live a Christian life in these days of darkness and perversion. I would much rather have you as an ally and a friend in this fight than anything else. The adversary would love for us to squabble over these things than unify and fight the darkness that surrounds and threatens us both.
@alanolson6913 3 ай бұрын
Since the LDS claim that their god is an exalted man (“As we are, god once was. As god is, we may become “), who created him? Since they claim he lived on a planet (not the planet Kobol -look it up in LDS theology), who created that planet? All these emanations of their gods had to have started somewhere but most of them are at a loss to explain it all.
@johndibert5509 3 ай бұрын
@@Captain077see his post above it looks like he was pretty honest
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
@@alvioestrada2575 Here is all it takes to be a "Christian". Can you enter heaven without Jesus Christ? If you answer is "no", then you are a Christian. Don't get me wrong, the better we understand Jesus Christ and the closer relationship we have the Him, all the better. However, beyond what I have defined as a "Christian", I don't believe it is up to you are me to decide who a "Christian" beyond that. I leave that to God. Now, to answer your questions directly. 1. No, Jesus Christ we not a man before He came to earth. 2. We believe we are all spirit children of our Father in Heaven. "16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with out spirit, that we are the children of God: 17. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified together." (Romans 8:16-17) And then there is where the same is taught in Acts 28-29 where it states "For in him we live, and move, and have our beings, as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring. 29. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device". This is going to take up a lot of space, so I'll end there.
@nozrep 3 ай бұрын
i love it when Pastor rapid fires like that haha. I can’t keep up so I gotta watch it multiple times.
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
Jesus suffered the same attacks against Him as this pastor is doing against Joseph Smith. Christ taught that His servants will be treated like He was treated. Christ greatest persecution came not from the pagans, but from the worshippers of Jehovah. It goes to reason that the greatest persecution today of Christs church would come more from other Christians than any unbeliever.
@markmullen1852 3 ай бұрын
No you've just been completely brainwashed by the LDS church. My wife was not aware of so many things about the LDS church and she was raised LDS. Joseph Smith was a pervert and a snake oil salesman. He got kicked out of several towns because ppl with common sense saw through his insanity. He was a false prophet. The BIBLE is the ONLY source of truth. The Book of Mormon is false and filled with nonsense and false prophecies. Even Smiths wife knew he was full of it.
@jeffc5474 3 ай бұрын
Joseph Smith is suffering even now for his false teachings.
@chriscampbell9191 3 ай бұрын
OK, but persecution, in itself, does not guarantee, or even indicate, that the doctrine is accurate, or from God.
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
@@chriscampbell9191 True, but I would not try to imitate the behaviors of those who crucified our Savior.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
@@jeffc5474 false
@tomaguilar4647 3 ай бұрын
I pray that anyone who is a JW or Mormon will realize they are following a false doctrine.
@littleme3597 3 ай бұрын
I just liked no smoking, no alcohol, no drugs, (I know some do), the chapels are very clean and cleaned by the women. Making a quilt, cooking, canning. Wholesome things. The rest, is all up in the air! NO ONE KNOWS! I can believe as hard as I want, to have my youth back....NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! lol Just be a kind person. Live clean.
@helgemrklid2229 3 ай бұрын
@getkraken8064 3 ай бұрын
Whoever is right will be only a small group since Bible says only a few find it.
@stv111play 3 ай бұрын
thank you for clarifying that accurately pastor!
@2A.Freedom 3 ай бұрын
Problem with mormonism is they don't actually teach the true beliefs until you reach a certain status within the organization. Scientology does this as well. Just keep that in mind when you're witnessing.
@alandavis9319 3 ай бұрын
Not true
@2A.Freedom 3 ай бұрын
@@alandavis9319 actually it's VERY true. I grew up around many Mormons.
@tybaltmarr2158 3 ай бұрын
​​@@2A.Freedom you can read all our beliefs on our website for free 😊 let me know which "mormon belief" isn't on our church's website
@rmac9177 3 ай бұрын
@@2A.FreedomI think it’s safe to say we both grew up being told by LDS members that “the temple is sacred, not secret.” They took out two violent gestures of the endowment ceremony in 1990 that signified not sharing the content of temple ceremonies, but that spirit lives on. You don’t automatically get a temple recommend when you become a member. It takes at least a year to earn this. Luckily many of these things can be found due to the advent of the internet and the LDS church having to address them. Also, I knew a family growing up that all left the LDS church together as the dad was taught more from the church. It was pretty sad how they were slandered and defamed by members, but glad they all ended up being baptized in a Christian church later on. One of the kids is now a pastor in a Nazarene church.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
@@2A.Freedom no its not
@emilyingridlaura3419 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this! ❤ It's very important to get out there!!
@mountainfamilyfarmstead 3 ай бұрын
Does anyone have a link for the full sermon? I would love to listen to the whole thing!
@127AFS 3 ай бұрын
⁠ 1. We have ALWAYS claimed to be a Christian religion. 2. We are NOT a “works only” religion. We believe that both faith AND works are equally required for Salvation. 3. We DO believe that our God Jehovah took upon himself the mortal form of man, Jesus. He was indeed the Creator. 4. As the Bible says, we believe Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost, NOT that God the Father had literal “intimate sexual relations” with Mary. As a member of the Church so blatantly misrepresented here, the only other response worth my time here is Matthew 7:6
@kenziek6707 3 ай бұрын
"But He did send His angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith jun., who afterwards became a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day, for they were all wrong,” (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, 1855, p. 171)." Christianity existed thousands of years before Mormonism yet your Book of Mormon says Christianity is the "great abominable whore of the earth" “We talk about Christianity, but it is a perfect pack of nonsens . . . Myself and hundreds of the Elders around me have seen its pomp, parade, and glory; and what is it? It is a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol; it is as corrupt as hell; and the Devil could not invent a better engine to spread his work than the Christianity of the nineteenth century,” (Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, 1858, p. 167). “Where shall we look for the true order or authority of God? It cannot be found in any nation of Christendom,” (Journal of Discourses, vol. 10, 1863, p. 127). "
@kenziek6707 3 ай бұрын
" As the Bible says, we believe Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost, NOT that God the Father had literal “intimate sexual relations” with Mary." LOL Its sop fun ny to sxee you deny the basic fundamental doctrines of the Church. Do you think nobody is going to check? Do you honestly expect your lies to be so convincing that people will want to dawn the stinky underwear and stand next to you worshiping Joseph Smith in church singing "Praise to the man" to him? The Father came down and begat him, the same as we do now…” [The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, vol. 1, p. 321; February 16, 1849, Salt Lake City] That was taught int he tabernacle which instantly makes it doctrine “In relation to the way in which I look upon the works of God and his creatures, I will say that I was naturally begotten; so was my father, and also my Savior Jesus Christ. According to the Scriptures, he is the first begotten of his father in the flesh, and there was nothing unnatural about it.” [Journal of Discourses vol. 8:54]. "Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God in the flesh. Well, now for the benefit of the older ones, how are children begotten? I answer just as Jesus Christ was begotten of his father …Jesus is the only person who had our Heavenly Father as the father of his body” - "prophet" (LOL)Joseph Fielding Smith Family Home Evening Manual (1972), 125, 126 copywrighted by the LDS church. the Holy Ghost gave her[Mary] strength to abide in the presence of the Father without being consumed, but it was the personage of the Father who begat the body of Jesus; and for this reason Jesus is called 'the Only Begotten of the Father;' that is, the only one in this world whose fleshly body was begotten by the Father. There were millions of sons and daughters who he begat before the foundation of this world, but they were spirits, and not bodies of flesh and bones - Orson Pratt: The Seer, 158 What i find interesting about your claim is we can find HUNDREDS of references on your church website to the contrary. Gee either ytou dont even know what your own church website says your church teaches, or you are lying which is it?
@kenziek6707 3 ай бұрын
Going to use your other account to vote for your comment, oh I see you already did. LOL Mormons.
@kenziek6707 3 ай бұрын
"We DO believe that our God Jehovah took upon himself the mortal form of man, Jesus. He was indeed the Creator." You believe god the father was a loser who magically became a god, I get you cant read well, but you might want to look at your church website sometime. ExMormons always know much more than current members do.
@leightonanderson 3 ай бұрын
@@kenziek6707 "yet your Book of Mormon says Christianity is the "great abominable whore of the earth" " Bzzt. False. Stop lying. Lying is a sin - mentioned in the Bible. I get you never read it, but take my word for it. You've said many other things here, not one of them - not one! - is accurate. So that makes you of the Devil. You know that right? Father of lies? Yikes. I'm happy to tell you, though, that repentance is still possible.
@gbengoosewuru4139 3 ай бұрын
Hopefully Pastor Jeff will come defend us LDS here. CWIC says he is a "friend" and always defends us. 😢
@leightonanderson 3 ай бұрын
That's funny thank you. 🙂
@leonardwitucke1 2 ай бұрын
Anytime I hear the word consciousness my hairs start standing up. Huge red flag.
@coryhiatt9152 3 ай бұрын
Hey, quick question, can you show me in the bible examples of Jesus telling everyone that didn't follow him why their religions are all false, they are cults, and liars? or did he spend his time teaching truth, and having that be the invitation to follow him? Just curious! I await your examples!
@eastonjones3571 3 ай бұрын
Matthew 21:12 Jesus flips over money tables from money changers for making the church into something it was not meant to be. Jesus gets into it with the Pharisees and the sadducies multiple times because they make the church a weight on people and try to look holy while they sin themselves. Jesus also warns us repeatedly to watch out for false teachers and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
@robynhamilton96 3 ай бұрын
I dont know much about the JW church, but they do believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. They believe in his resurrection. They dont believe in the Trinity. Facts matter.
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
Man, I’m having to correct this pastor a lot. We never said the King James was the best translation. Greek translation are probably more correct.
@chriscampbell9191 3 ай бұрын
OK, so why is the official Bible used by the LDS church the King James? The NASB, RSV, NIV have been out for 40 years or more, and the ASV has been out for longer than that, yet the LDS church Bibles are King James. I have two of them. My Mormon cousins have them. My aunt and uncle have them. They never read another translation.
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
@@chriscampbell9191 what do you have against the King James Version?
@chriscampbell9191 3 ай бұрын
@@Captain077 I don't have anything against the KJV, personally. I prefer the ASV 1901 and NASB 1971, but I still have my KJVs, including two Mormon ones with the TG and Dictionary (which I find useful) and read them (I'm not LDS, but have LDS relatives). But my question was pertinent. Why does the LDS church not use a more modern, accurate translation -- especially when you say the Greek translations are probably more correct? Is there any particular reason? Just curious about your take on it. My Mormon relatives seem to think the KJV is the only accurate translation, although they don't come out and say it, that's the impression I get.
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
@@chriscampbell9191 when it comes to accuracy, the closer to the original source the better. Are not most modern translations based off of the KJ V? I am doubtful they have the same sources the KJV did originally, though I very well could be wrong. I think the reason we use the KJV is due to the fact that back in the day, that was by far the most popular and most accepted. Newer versions started to come about due to people not reading the KJV from a young age, thus not being familiar with old English. In order to open the Bible up to more people, they simply modernized the KJV. This can be good thing and a bad thing due to the fact things always get lost in translation, even from old English to new.
@chriscampbell9191 3 ай бұрын
@@Captain077 From what I understand, the translations after the KJV were based off of the newly discovered (for that time) manuscripts found in Sinai and Alexandria, which dated earlier than the Byzantine based Greek manuscripts used to translate the KJV, so -- in a sense -- they are not offshoots of the KJV. It's more that the modern translations are offshoots of the ASV 1901 and the corresponding UK 1889 Revised Version (both were translated at the same time, with the American translators retaining the right to publish the ASV at a later date). Most prefaces to an RSV describe the process used to translate the newer translations. The fact that the ASV, RSV, etc. track what's said in the KJV so well is a testament to the overall unity of the NT message, regardless of manuscript used. There are Christians out there that rank on the KJV, but I've found it tracks with the modern versions amazingly well, with few exceptions.
@MarynaRabie 3 ай бұрын
God=Holy Spirit who became a human being Matt 1:23; John 8:24,58. Everything must be done in the Name of Jesus Christ,even the baptism Col 3:17. Lord Jesus taught His disciples Himself. Go and see yourself,every time the people were baptized,it was done in Jesus'Name Acts 2:38. There is nó authority in titles.The Name of the Father,Son,Holy Spirit is Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church admit that they changed the baptism formula in their Enc 2p263.. They also brought in the idea of the trinity. They also changed the sabbath to Sunday,claiming that if someone keeps that day as their rest day,that one actually bow their knee before the authority of the Roman Catholic church!
@eastonjones3571 3 ай бұрын
You are almost there. Go read Matthew 28:19. That is where we get baptism with all 3. Also yes the Catholic Church came up with the idea of the trinity. However they came up with it to explain how the Bible teaches the father, son, and Holy Spirit relate to eachother from the Bible. They did not create an extra biblical idea. It is from the scriptures. Look into the scriptures supporting the trinity.
@Raybowlen 3 ай бұрын
Nowhere in the Bible is the word trinity used. In your reference to Matt 28:19 the key to this scripture is the word “name” this word is singular, one must ask what is the name? In Acts 19:4-6 it is non debatable that they were baptized in the name of Jesus and fulfills Acts 2:38 by repentance, baptism and being filled with Holy Ghost and displayed the evidence of being Spirit filled by speaking with other tongues.
@MarynaRabie 3 ай бұрын
1 John 5:7 insinuate that the 3(gods) are one ( many are preaching there are 3gods like in one kingdom).Every one needs revelation 1 Cor 12:3; 1 John 4; John 8:24,58,otherwise they will die in their sins acc to Jesus' own words John 8:24.1st Commandment says we may only serve the Creator of heaven and earth...The ONE Lord your God..which is Jesus Christ(Matt 1:23;John 1:1;14) There is nó legalism in titles whatsoever. When you sighn any document,you sighn your name,nót your titles.Acts 4:12 states clearly that there is only salvation in the Name of Jesus Christ. Col 3:17 says éverything must be done in the Name of Jesus Christ. We read in Acts 19:1-5 that the people that were baptized in the baptizm of John,were baptized again in Jesus' Name.If a woman get married to a man,she accepted his name(to be the wife is Mr so and so). When you are accepted Christ,are being baptized in His Name,you are being 'clothed' with Christ. Jesus even told the people in John 8:44 that they had the devil as their father. Many males are a father,a son,has a spirit-so in whóse name(titles) do they baptize the people acc to Matt 28:19??? Nó salvation whátsoever!!! Churches still have time to correct their doctrine. May Christ have mercy on us...Christ blessings!
@MarynaRabie 3 ай бұрын
We must understand that the people didn't understand who Jesus was,otherwise they wouldn't have crucified Him 1 Cor 2:7,8. Not even His disciples(exept Peter)knew who He really was. We read in Luke 24:44- that Christ opened their understanding that they might comprehend the Scriptures about Him,áfter His ressurection. We read in ROM 8:9 that the Spirit of God and Christ is the same Spirit..also read John 14:26.
@johnboley769 3 ай бұрын
The father son and holy Ghost is in one so we pray in Jesus name and baptized in Jesus name
@Elvengem 3 ай бұрын
they have half of the greatest truth(the Bible) and half of the biggest lie (mormon theology) all mixed together. But one good thing they are good at is better church missionary discipline and activities and tithing and more friendlier people a lot and cleaner in appearance often times. We can learn to be like them in those ways.
@adamcole8452 20 күн бұрын
Weird take. By their fruits you shall know them. That’s literally what the Bible says. If “Mormon theology” was so bad the fruits would also be bad. People wake up please. You are being deceived by people like this pastor with their accusatory fog placed on the truth.
@Elvengem 19 күн бұрын
@@adamcole8452 whats weird is Smith was doing treasure hunting using seeing stones before he said he found the religion of gold plates,and dabbling in occult,besides power grabbing the community's women and political religious power over communities. The fruits of being a liar are evident when you find many ex mormons leaving because of the many abuses they find in the mormon church,or something that robs their joy and peace. Isaiah 43:10 also is the one scripture that says God the Father had no parents,because there were no gods before God.
@jasonmarkrobertson 3 ай бұрын
Wow! Mormons sound really cool and interesting! Imma go check them out!
@kenziek6707 3 ай бұрын
Yea! Like all the sexual crimes they constantly commit against children. Or theirs how they lied ot the sec and got fined for lying to the sec. Granted the church lies all the time. Oh there is the fact that while there is much less than 4 million active members quite a few of its "missionaries" have been busted this year already. Sure everyone knows abotu Abraham Isaac Cruz who as a LDS missionary was Rap*ing women but heck, what about LDS missionary Andrew William Stringer who just got busted with a heck of a lot of kiddie **rn? I find that interesting because it gets shared with the other LDS missionaries and nothing gets said until a NONLDS spots it. Mormon Kurt Arthur Vanwagoner just got himself arrested for the child sexual crimes he was committing as a Missionary and young men's leader. Ryan Pugh just got in trouble for sharing what all Mormons seem to love, Child sexual materal, he also admitting to personally as a missionary, engaging in some acts with children. Brandon Lee Manning the Mormon Missionary and young men's leader just got himself convicted for the 3rd time after he was convicted in scottland way back in the 90s when he was a missionary and again in the early 00's when again he was a missionary engaging with childrten in sexual acts. Ok this last time he wasnt a missionary but a young men's leader. What kind of church puts a twice convicted child pred in a position of overseeing children? Oh thats right, yours.
@ChocodogSMS 3 ай бұрын
Keep making your money preaching hatred toward other faiths. God is watching.
@Potato-n3g 3 ай бұрын
Furthermore when you are being baptized you are identifying with the death burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. After you Repent and receive Jesus you get baptized and your old self is buried in the grave in being baptized and when you come out of the water you are raised by the Resurrection power of the holy Spirit
@marklines5816 3 ай бұрын
How did the Apostles baptize all through The Book of Acts? In the name of Jesus, our Lord Jesus or Jesus Christ. They didn't mention one time after Matt 28 to baptize in the titles. Even the "Church" didn't recognize baptizing in the titles until the early 2nd century because it was changed by the Catholic church. I like Mark but he's wrong about this topic. Also, he's wrong about Oneness Pent they believe in the Fulness of God and Jesus being the image of the Father written in Col 1:15 and the Holy Ghost being ascended from the Father like Jesus mentions in John. Because God "The Father" is a spirit.
@linaleblanc8288 2 ай бұрын
Pastor Mark, thank you for giving us truth 😊
@danktunes3618 3 ай бұрын
Be baptized by Fire. By the Holy Ghost. Jesus is Lord. Are Abba Father.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
pentacostal churches are cults
@jeremybrunes38 3 ай бұрын
My grandma told me the same thing. They are definitely brainwashed by their own ignorance.
@Night_Overlord_nightmare 3 ай бұрын
pastor i am an inactive member of this church, and i basically stop going to this church it scares me that there are a few people with NDE that saw this joseph smith in hell and that took me some time because i have autism even in this church they assume that a normal person without my disability, as time progressed more and more and find disturbing information how messed up this churches including Joseph may have a sexual relationship with a 14 year old and another one or one of the bishops in Utah during the mid 1800s drag a poor innocent man and this Bishop cut off his reproductive organs just to have his fiancé to be part of his pural wife's and president young knew about it but did not give the proper punishment to this Bishop! And then just now there was a book using resources within the lds church and this individual is a nonmember to my president young he talks trash and i was surprise! and Pastor about two or three months ago in my heart the moment I start to not believe no more of this church anymore there was a demon trying to attack or torment me and my parents there was a two segment dream in one but the second one it was the same demon and I was on the train and for some reason he was more intently want to bring harm to me and I believe that when I mention to a fellow Christian that I know he gave me these two possible reasons one possible reason for this dream is: either there was a portal at cern they're trying to open the gates of hell or the demonic forces Are making them self aware them trying to tell the members and it's more especially my parents!
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
@Night_Overlord_nightmare 3 ай бұрын
@@geoffreypalmer2661 do you think this is funny a person seeking God even individual like me they always have doubt and have autism and I have a strong desire to know my father my savior Jesus Christ and his holy spirit! if you wanna know what's funny I'll give you what's funny freaking global/deep state you know what the most sickening thing that I read in this book that I have they will do the most unimaginable thing to little kids and these are kids that is meant for one purpose in one purpose only but will not say this in this comments it is so evil that you wish you would never hear it and trust me it has to do with kids but they will go all the way even to the point the most horrendous things that they do to a child and let me tell you this that individual receive a download from the Holy Spirit because in his soul he has this burning question what if there was no rapture in that book that he wrote the answer he got it and I read it and trust me to be in that alternate future is 10,000 times way worse than the tribulation! Keep in mind keep in mind to this present time until 2029 or 2030 they're saying that the rapture will happen and I saw it with my very own eyes when I had those dreams! and like tsunamis and I saw that destruction of New York if I went down about 1000 years into a future whether there was no water and no life even where I live I saw the mall in ruins as if I was gone for 500 years! I just did a Google search how many missing children's are been missing since 2020 and the information shocks me almost 500,000 kids are still missing and are being used for ritual purposes!! I hope I am wrong in this area but you laughing at me and don't give a damn about my sincerity towards God and what I put this in this comment that I hope that it will struck a nerve in your soul! You don't know the kind of destruction that's heading in our way you don't care what I'm saying and if this Pastor is hearing this message or this comment I hope he will listen to my sincerity that I want God I want Jesus and I want his Holy Spirit I am a sinner and I'm not perfect but you my friend instead of laughing at my comments you could've given me words of encouragement instead but instead I'm giving you words of disappointment and words that I hope to God that will struct your soul that one I'm saying is the the truth!
@Night_Overlord_nightmare 3 ай бұрын
@@geoffreypalmer2661 you don't have no clue how to deep state and globalist want to do with kids!
@DesigningFreedom718 3 ай бұрын
All the information you just shared, regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is so construed and misguided.
@nickjohnson1424 3 ай бұрын
No it’s not, it’s just a google search away and one can go to the main website and find this. Not sure why you have a problem with Mark stating doctrine in the church’s own website. Oh and repent for the true Jesus as that is the only way to Heaven.
@lulzjeffy1337 3 ай бұрын
Found the Mormon.
@gbengoosewuru4139 3 ай бұрын
0:50 we believe a man became God??? Interesting...
@rayfann7860 3 ай бұрын
I think Lorenzo Snow taught that
@cameronodom1518 17 күн бұрын
So I've been a Christian morman for 2 years. We never really talk about Joseph Smith, we only talk about Jesus. I just don't understand why all the fuss, y'all act like we are still doing the cultist things we did back in the old days. We are about followers of Jesus Christ and we are kind and gentle people.
@yeshalloween 14 күн бұрын
Lol! If the church did culty things in the old days, then it was founded on culty behavior! Its roots are cultlike! I take it you haven’t been to the temple for one thing, even though it’s a very water down version of what it once was. Take it from me, I was Mormon for 40 years and I am the great granddaughter of two Mormon prophets and the great great great granddaughter of Hyrum Smith.
@Rjrupert555 Күн бұрын
I was Mormon for 28 years and I remember my last Fast Sunday. I sat there and counted every time I heard the names of Joseph Smith, the “prophet” and Jesus Christ. It was 18 Joseph Smith, 24 the “prophet” and 21 Jesus Christ. I would highly recommend that when you go to church next you actually notice how often Jesus Christ and his New Testament teachings are actually talked about. I bet you will be very surprised and hopefully very disappointed.
@dennisstoesz 3 ай бұрын
You are gutsy to tell the truth.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
he not telling the truth he is wrong
@mrflynn510 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, he's lying.
@kenziek6707 3 ай бұрын
The painting of joseph Smith is interesting however when you look at pictures of his wives, most were hideous. And its important to not forget the children he married as well.
@johnboley769 3 ай бұрын
I said baptized in the name of Jesus
@bonniedillon 3 ай бұрын
@ryanthompsonthompson820 3 ай бұрын
joseph Smith thinks he did more for humanity than Jesus.
@littleme3597 3 ай бұрын
Well he started polygamy, and so many MALES..just loved that! lol. Young wives....
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
thats false
@TimothyBerman 3 ай бұрын
And yet Jesus told the Disciples that they'd do greater works than Christ. Guess that was a lie and deception huh?
@billyback1038 3 ай бұрын
There are a few things you got wrong. The JW do not believe they have souls, they die and go into the ground waiting on Jesus to return to set up his Kingdom of which they will be part, if they choose, or will be burned up and destroyed. No hell. There are a few others.
@psalm2forliberty577 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for mentioning "Oneness Pentecostals" & their denial of the Trinity & embrace of "modalism". I had missed this until I met an adherent. She was resolute but highly mistaken & we finally had to agree to disagree. I think their error lies in the FACT that the Trinity emphasis is on both the Aspects of Unity & Diversity (answering the old philosophic conundrum of the "One & the Many"), that the ancient philosophers couldn't answer. Our LORD is a 3 part being where the have distinctions yet total unity, in the end it's a mystery we struggle to grasp, revealed only fully in the church age. The Oneness promoters ONLY quote verses emphasizing the Unity of the 3 persons & they NEVER quote or explain the verses / passages speaking of the Diverse aspects of Father Son & Holy Spirit. Sad to say, theological education is SO weak that many of us are not rigorously trained to defend Biblical Orthodoxy vs Heretical substitutes. Truly the Cults are the unpaid bills of the church !
@debrajahnke5904 3 ай бұрын
Wait, Joseph Smith started the Amish didn't he? So he did both?
@cornpop7805 3 ай бұрын
I was holding my breath for him to say Catholic, but he didn't. That's good because we believe in everything he said are the marks of a true Christian faith. I will say, I've never heard this guy say anything I disagree with, and I learn a LOT from him. I know people think we worship Mary, not Jesus, which is false. I know people say we believe in salvation through works, not faith, which is also false. Those were the points I would have expected someone to hit the Catholic faith with, so I'm prepared. The one glaring thing I cannot stand about the Catholic faith is, when the Pope (Peter's successor) is introduced, some interpreters say "God on earth". I only heard it once and I'm not sure if it was the news channel interpreting or what, but my blood pressure went to hydraulic press levels. Obviously, I wouldn't believe that statement. The apostles were told to be servants.
@ashleychristopher7793 3 ай бұрын
100% agree
@cornpop7805 3 ай бұрын
@Donsiie You're most likely a bot, and your circuits are scrambled.
@lux-veritatis 3 ай бұрын
Also a Catholic! I enjoy Mark’s sermons and agree. Most people’s criticisms of Catholics are based on silly outdated stereotypes of us and fear mongering from the early 1900s about us. It’s mostly just from a place of misinformation so I try not to take it personally. I get a lot of benefit from listening to other Christian perspectives and I appreciate their fervor for the Gospel so I enjoy watching videos like this and speaking to other Christians. Certainly there are bad Catholics, ones who don’t under faith and do/say weird things or are in name only, but that’s a problem in any congregation. It’s misinterpreting the people themselves as representing the faith when it should be the actual faith that is investigated, and the only source for that is the Bible and the catechism.
@cornpop7805 3 ай бұрын
@lux-veritatis 99% of the time, I agree with what you've said 100% of the time. Catholic (the church Peter lead) and Orthodox Christian churches (the ones Paul set up) are older than the New Testament. So, there are practices that these churches have instituted that may not be evident within the New Testament. Yet they are also valid.
@cornpop7805 3 ай бұрын
@Donsiie It's in our Bible, too. Out of your curiosity, did you call your biological father "father", or some word meaning the same?
@celsun7128 19 күн бұрын
God prove religion wrong and prove Satan right : This is what God said “Genesis 3:22”
@DanBurress 6 күн бұрын
Pastor Driscol, just out of curiosity how much money do you bring in attacking other faith traditions, like mine, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Our Bishops or pastors do not get paid for their wonderful service.I have never been paid one cent for any class I taught or position the Lord called me to. To put food in your mouth paid for by your activities, is poor indeed.Really?
@EfrenIsberto 12 күн бұрын
You are wrong to believe about holy trinity! do you believe that God the Father is Jesus, and the Holy Ghost is Jesus, and Jesus is the Christ ? You need to read more the Holy Bible ! Your faith is not justified !
@jeremybrunes38 3 ай бұрын
Also they push the book of Mormon I asked missionaries that stopped by my house where does it talk about book of Mormon in the bible? They could not answer me but I can show them it’s said time and time again not to add or subtract from the Bible!
@adamcole8452 20 күн бұрын
This sounds made up. Every missionary knows where the prophecies of the Book of Mormon are in the Bible. From Ezekiel (stick of Ephraim) to Isaiah (familiar spirit from the dust, Joseph translating BoM, Jesus talking about other sheep). It’s all there for those that believe. It’s just like the saying “miracles are lost on the unbelievers.” Isa 29:4 voice from dust Isa 29:11 sealed book Isa 29:18 Ezek 37:19 stick of Joseph (BoM) John 10:16 other sheep Rev 14:6 angel moroni
@DanBurress 6 күн бұрын
The Book ofRevelations was not the last book of the New Testament to be written,and so the warning applies only to that one book, not the entire body of scripture which was not settled untill the third century. AD. Not only this,but Saul of Tarsus made war against the infant church because they dared to preach that God had once more spoken from heaven.Paul would write almost all of our New Testament an act he would have considered blasphemy when he was called Saul.
@AlexanderHamilton-he3rj 3 ай бұрын
Hallelujah!!! I’m the favorite, $60,000 every week! Now I can afford anything and also support the work of God and the church.
@AlexanderHamilton-he3rj 3 ай бұрын
This is what Ana Graciela Blackwelder does, she has changed my life.
@AlexanderHamilton-he3rj 3 ай бұрын
After raising up to 60k trading with her, I bought a new house and car here in the US and also paid for my son’s (Oscar) surgery. Glory to God.shalom.
@PatriciaHenderson-ry7qb 3 ай бұрын
I know Ana Graciela Blackwelder, and I have also had success...
@PatriciaHenderson-ry7qb 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely! I have heard stories of people who started with little or no knowledge but managed to emerge victorious thanks to Ana Graciela Blackwelder.
@PatriciaHenderson-ry7qb 3 ай бұрын
I will leave your information below this comment.
@darlenemartim9972 Ай бұрын
What about just talking in regards to the savior. BTW. We do believe in Christ Same misconceptions Not very Christian of you
@Sean88850 3 ай бұрын
So is islam but i dont hear much on that
@Charles.Wright 3 ай бұрын
same gnostic origins. Visited by a demon.
@robherrera6178 3 ай бұрын
Neither JWs or Mormons believe in hell either. It's sad how many are deceived by these false beliefs. May their eyes be opened to the truth of the Gospel of Christ the Lord amen.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
thats not true mormons believeve evil people go to outer darkeness you havent done any research on what they believe from their church your getting your information from antimormon jerks
@127AFS 3 ай бұрын
False. The Book of Mormon mentions hell several times. Yes, we often refer to it as spirit prison or outer darkness in our conversations, but whatever name you want to use, we 100% do believe hell exists and that the wicked who choose to actively fight against Christ will be there.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
@@127AFS i agree this pastor is not a mormon so he is talking out his ass
@rubyduma6238 3 ай бұрын
Mormons are awesome. This pastor has his interpretation wrong on Mormon doctrine.
@ZelphBones 3 ай бұрын
@rubyduma6238 3 ай бұрын
If Satan was cast out of heaven like it says in the Bible says, who’s son and who’s brother was he?
@rubyduma6238 3 ай бұрын
@@ZelphBones in genesis, the Bible says we will create man in “our” image meaning plural. Also when Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened up and God talked while the Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove indicating that the trinity are separate beings.
@thunderbird74rp 3 ай бұрын
The documentary The God Makers sums it all up.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
total bs
@mrflynn510 3 ай бұрын
That documentary was made by a guy we excommunicated for abusive behavior towards his wife.
@natebragg6676 3 ай бұрын
This dudes false as it gets
@lilyotvalley21 3 ай бұрын
Why did you leave out Catholicism? One of the largest cults in the world.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
wrong your anti catholic
@chriscampbell9191 3 ай бұрын
Not really. The Catholic Church and Orthodox church are both part of the reason that Christianity is as widespread in the world as it is today, and the Catholic and Orthodox churches preserved the Bible for over 1000 years until the Reformation occurred and Protestant denominations appeared. Catholic missions spread the gospel throughout Latin America and other parts of the world. The Anglican Church (a breakoff church from the Catholics, thanks in part to Henry the 8th) also has spread the gospel all over Africa and other parts of the British Commonwealth.
@JackSonOfJohn 2 ай бұрын
WRONG! Satans deception was a half truth. They did become like God. The lie was that they wouldn't die. Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil
@kenziek6707 2 ай бұрын
Really Mormon? Nothing? Yea see why you have to vote for your own comments.
@JackSonOfJohn 2 ай бұрын
​@kenziek6707 nothing what?
@kenziek6707 2 ай бұрын
@@JackSonOfJohn Nothing to defend your point with Mormon.
@JackSonOfJohn 2 ай бұрын
@kenziek6707 maybe I'm missing something. Is there a commented that was deleted? Not sure what you are referring to.
@kenziek6707 2 ай бұрын
@tyronesmith9678 Yea its one of their tricks, Its was a fav for Mormon Eric Lawton who lied about serving in Vietnam, in his racist rants when he would talk about how how dumb certain races were. If you said anything contrary to him he would flag your message as either "harassment " or "hate speech against a protected group" (at that time) and woudl act like you didnt say anything. Most Mormons dont think ahead and realize it will only be gone for a minimal amount of time and then return.
@1badmotherucker947 3 ай бұрын
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
If you want to know what members of the LDS faith believe, talk to a member of the LDS faith. If you want to know what a Jehovah Witness believes, talk to one of their members. Though I enjoy this pastors teaching, he is incredibly misinformed when it comes to other faiths belief, just as many Jews were misinformed of Christs teachings due to Pharisees teachings against Christ. Though well intentioned, this man is not to be trusted in this matter he is so ill informed on, which is sad because I really enjoy most of his teachings.
@Thomas116-m2n 3 ай бұрын
That's the problem. No one is up front about it when you do. They tell you, "Well, you have to join to find out." Since you're saying to talk to someone. I'm going to ask a few questions, please: 1) According to LDS Doctrine, are Jesus and Satan brothers? 2) Was God born a man on or near the planet Kolob? 3) Did the family argue about who would save Earth and Jesus was selected, only to make Satan angry and defect? 4) Will Mormon men become gods of their own universes when they die? 5) Why do you wear white suits during services and perform handshakes behind the curtain? 6) Do you keep track of tithing and do home visits with members of the congregation to tell them that they aren't meeting expectations? Thanks very much.
@littleme3597 3 ай бұрын
I haven't listened yet. I was born, raised in Catholicism. Joined LDS.many same ideas. What I found was, all have wrong information about the other. lol. I don't attend either, any more. I liked no alcohol in LDS or smoking. No one is paid to do sermon or run the service. The old priest, loved his whiskey and smoking his big cigar.
@littleme3597 3 ай бұрын
@@Thomas116-m2n I never heard of number one. Kolob is what turned me OFF LDS beliefs. Never heard of #3, #4, I have heard of. They have to be very godly. They can come god of their own planetI don't believe in that either! MEN! lol White is only for the TEMPLE SERVICE. I aim guessing to be clean, pure? I didn't shake hands with anyone. I was given another name to remember. The church keeps track of tithing, and I as bookkeeper would too, then written off on tax return. 2 kind of visits, The Home teachers, just ask how you are doing, A prayer is said before and after. They would encourage you attend chapel meetings, if one doesn't. It is a quick visit, maybe with a scripture mentioned. No strong armed issues. That is usually a male with wife or 2 males who preform some of the Sunday meetings. The visiting teachers, 2, are just all women, to visit another woman. Mostly they chat amongst themselves, some 'gossip'. lol. They were to talk to ME!
@BrettCarter-w4x 12 күн бұрын
God never became man God got in man Bible says God's a Spirit the man was the lamb the sacrifice Trinity is of the devil there's 1 God not 3 Trinity came from Rome Italy which means triune God ain't a man he's a Spirit he manifested in man Jesus Christ is the Name of the father son and holyghost then Peter said repent everyone of u and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins the word Trinity aint even in the Bible came from the catholics Bible says in the book of Isaiah is there a God beside me yea i know not any
@nute742 3 ай бұрын
Didn't Jesus visit (of all churches) the LDS Faith? (vs all others) Wouldnt that make them more christian than others? (Also they do name their church after him too - while others do not) I would think that would make them very christian!
@tthx165 3 ай бұрын
No Jesus didnt visit all the churches it doesnt say that ANYWHERE. Who taught that it did? The name Jesus doe4snyt matter one whit. To be a Christian you have to say you accept that Jesus is and was always God, the only God. Mormons dont believe that. CHristians pray to Jesus, Mormons dont. You dont eve n know what the term means and yet youre attempting to argue this idiotic blather?
@nute742 3 ай бұрын
@@tthx165 sorry I might have worded that wrong. What I meant is he visited or better said reestablished and restored his own one!
@nute742 3 ай бұрын
@@tthx165 Jesus taught us to pray 🙏 to his father! (In his name of course)
@nute742 3 ай бұрын
@@tthx165 Jesus is God the son and Lord! Jesus's dad is God the Father! In the Bible Jesus says I now go to my father and your father to my God and your God. So yes I agree Jesus is a God and is the god of Israel. But he also called his father God! So that makes two gods! But there's only one Jesus and one God the father. ( Hope that makes sense).
@tthx165 3 ай бұрын
@@nute742 LOL Uh duh as I way saying you dont even know what the Book of Mormon says. That damnable heresy your "jesus" says in the book of Momon isn't at all what your failure of a chruch teaches now as its website clearly says that they are all "completely separate" gods. You dont even know basic Mormon Doctrine and youre trying to argue this garbage? Good lord, the book of Mormon teaches the opposite of what the chruch teaches now, up down and sideways. You dont know that because you never, ever read it, luckily, Non Mormons and exMormons k now your doctrine much better than you ever will There are tons of example I can use, How about, the book of Mormon says: Alma 34:36 "And this I know, because the Lord hath said he dwelleth not in unholy temples, but in the hearts of the righteous doth he dwell; yea, and he has also said that the righteous shall sit down in his kingdom, to go no more out; but their garments should be made white through the blood of the Lamb." Now according to the encropedia of Mormonism "The Lord" always means Jesus But D&C Clearly teaches: Section 130:3 John 14:23-The appearing of the Father and the Son, in that verse, is a personal appearance; and the idea that the Father and the Son dwell in a man's heart is an old sectarian notion, and is false. D&C says what the Book of Mormon teaches is "an old sectarian notion, and is false." LOL
@slapuharder 3 ай бұрын
That grape nuts thing was John McCarthur
@michaelbruce9197 3 ай бұрын
This is coming from a guy who twisted what happened to James and said it was proof Jesus is God and one of his recent videos. He lied about what happened to James as evidence for a video where he lies. He is a false preacher. How can you trust anything? This guy says Trinitarian or non-trinitarian.,
@TheTidoman 3 ай бұрын
Im an exmormon… so grateful to have left and became a Christian.
@selohcin 3 ай бұрын
Can you comment on the comment above where someone said that Mormons don't find out what their church really teaches until they reach a certain status in the organization? Is that true?
@TheTidoman 3 ай бұрын
@@selohcin I’ve never heard that, but when I left I was fully active going to the temple once a week paying a full tithe. Something didn’t feel right about Mormonism.
@Robert-rw5lm 3 ай бұрын
Looks like omeone is angry that their church is filled with the Jezebel spirit, so he's lashing out
@Keeping_It_Wheel 3 ай бұрын
I grew up in the Pentecostal Church and we don’t believe none of the nonsense you just said. The Bible even said to be baptized in Jesus name so you’re misleading people. What name did God give for which no one can come unto himself, I’ll give you a hint it starts with a J and ends with a S. Acts 2:38 is just one example. Come on mark you’re lying to yourself and everyone else. So what you’re saying is that even Peter was wrong. And if you go down that road then you’re saying the very beliefs of The early church were wrong.
@Charles.Wright 3 ай бұрын
In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit.
@lilacfairy. 3 ай бұрын
The original story was Joseph was met Lucifier the Angel. Later on they changed the story that Jesus came to visit him.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
@CarrieOhkeys 3 ай бұрын
“Joseph Smith’s first documented encounter with the supernatural was not with God but with Satan. As Smith later recorded in 1838, for him this was not some contest with an imaginary foe but a literal fight for his salvation and against his potential destruction by a being from the unseen world. As Smith later described, at the breaking point when he felt the powers of darkness would overcome him, he was delivered and saw a light brighter than the sun.” -I Was Seized Upon by Some Power" Joseph Smith, Satan, and the First Vision- BYU Religious Studies Center- (Steven Hepworth)
@lilacfairy. 3 ай бұрын
@geoffreypalmer2661 Nope its true He did met Lucifier! There's no doubt about it. It's Satan's way to deceive many people even todays! Don't be a fool for not believing in Jesus is the Son of God. Lucifier came to deceive Smith.
@roburry 3 ай бұрын
Driscoll - False prophet.
@kenziek6707 3 ай бұрын
Hes not a prophet, he doesnt claim to be one unlike the 13 corrupt old white men at the top of your church LOL. Not only do you have to claim those greedy old white men are prophets you also have to say you support (or sustain) them as "prophets seers and revelators" in LDS speak. Thats funny stuff because you are saying they can all see into the future and can read ANY language they choose among other magical powers.
@leightonanderson 3 ай бұрын
@@kenziek6707 wow, you are like a full time hate guy. This explains why you have no friends.
@Zim-j1n 3 ай бұрын
Knowledge 🤯🔨
@DCAISTHEWAY 3 ай бұрын
“There’s no Christians, there’s no science” 😂😂😂
@jacobpeniel8630 2 ай бұрын
Evangelical Pastors, Are Nobodys, Have No Authority From God! And are for the Most Part Delusional, The Gospel has been Restored! In The church of JESUS CHRIST of latter day saints! Talk to the LDS Missionaries They Will Clarify the True Truth To You! The Bible and the Book of Mormon Both are The Word of God tha Proceeded Forth from His Mouth in the Name of Jesus our Redeemer and Savior Amen
@kenziek6707 2 ай бұрын
LOL, you mean Mormons have "authority" from God? Yea like how the LDS church says all the Church leaders have the magical woo-woo power of "discernment" which the church swears gives them all the ability to "know the true nature of a person or situation" Mormons also claim they have the spirit testifying things to them. In fact to become an "elders quorum president" or anything close to that, the LDS church says someone must go though an interview with leaders that have this magical power and that the "spirit must testify" to them, like how the "spirit" testified for Elders quorum President who was a REGISTERED sex offender and the Mormon "god" didnt know anything about...or, if the LDS church isn't lying about these magical powers, this Mormon "god" knew about it nd was perfectly ok with it. So funny when LDS claim they have any authority, its a joke just like you. You couldn't even work up the courage to wat5ch the video you are commenting on.
@Charles-yf7kc Ай бұрын
They think Jesus failed, thus requiring a conman 18 centuries later to fully restore his Church. It's absolute heresy.
@pharotman2311 3 ай бұрын
Very disappointed when fellow Christians who disrespect my Christian beliefs as an LDS member but I know the lord will eventually reach and soften their hearts.
@johndibert5509 3 ай бұрын
Question, how much time do you spend reading the Bible? I bet if you are like most Mormons you only read your book by the ladder day saints. Once you start reading the Bible you will see the heresy of LDS
@M3DIT4TE 3 ай бұрын
I grew up in an area with strong LDS presence before I became Christian. It didn't make sense then and it doesn't make sense now. No disrespect but can you understand why people might think it doesn't make sense? Jesus and God are one, it's the only way. Putting Jesus and Lucifer on equal footing (as brothers) is an extremely dangerous belief if you happen to be wrong, which unfortunately you are.
@pharotman2311 3 ай бұрын
What matters is Jesus is our lord and savior and until we all know for sure on the other side what the little details are Christians should stop attacking each other.
@M3DIT4TE 3 ай бұрын
@@pharotman2311 I disagree with the second half of that statement. Having beliefs challenged is a net positive. If you have a conviction in the Truth it doesn't matter who or what challenges the belief so long as it's aligned with Truth. Joseph Smith Is the filter which LDS understands Jesus. Why not take it from the Bible itself? Or better yet, have an actual relationship with God in addition to the bible. What's more pure, taking information from the book itself or from another humans interpretation?
@pharotman2311 3 ай бұрын
I do have a personal relationship with Christ and I do go directly to the Bible for personal revelation and spiritual understanding. I also have another book to reference of which I would challenge and hope you read someday. The Book of Mormon. In kindheartedness I appreciate the civil commentary. I know when you believe something and have been directed by the spirit that it is of God that nothing can change your mind. That is where I stand. My father in heaven has blessed me. I have a strong testimony of Christ and have been blessed with too many miracles to ever deny him. May the good lord bless you.
@YOUTHEPEOPLE-cj8oh 3 ай бұрын
@pastexpiration2160 3 ай бұрын
Revelation 22:18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book
@127AFS 3 ай бұрын
“This book” refers not to the whole Bible, but to the Book of Revelation, which actually predates some of the Gospel accounts as far as I understand. Deuteronomy 4:2 gives a very similar message, and it obviously predates the entire New Testament.
@lemjwp1756 3 ай бұрын
This presentation is so dishonest. Mark might should take a look at that beam in his own eye. His church record is very concerning.
@davidwiechecki9205 3 ай бұрын
You missed Seventh-day Adventists...
@ThomasKBurke 3 ай бұрын
Whole lotta shit talk by this pastor about all sorts of Christians, most notably Catholics (the church of St. Peter) and now the LDS. Maybe look in the mirror there “reverend.”
@kristiedwyer7057 27 күн бұрын
1. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints has always been it's name. The world nicknamed it Mormon. 1st Article of faith: We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. You might want to Read the Book Of Mormon to seek personal revelation as to whether it is true or not.
@jannasanders8358 3 ай бұрын
@cindykelly8691 3 ай бұрын
This man doesn't know what my faith believes! He misleads the audience about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you want to know, I encourage you to find out for yourself, not by this man who misrepresents what these churches he claims to know. HE DOESN''T. He is mocking. A pastor shouldn't mock!
@jeffc5474 3 ай бұрын
He told the truth. Your core doctrines say men can become gods. The Bible says otherwise.
@littleme3597 3 ай бұрын
Cindy he is correct. This is all after one becomes deeper into LDS ways. I am still in it, as I refuse to fill out a form, that lets me be free of this religion. I just walked away. That should be allowed. No paperwork.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
all lies mark driscol does not know what they believe
@CarrieOhkeys 3 ай бұрын
What lies? Provide references.
@geoffreypalmer2661 3 ай бұрын
@@CarrieOhkeys everything he claims the church believs is false
@dwj1231 2 ай бұрын
@kenziek6707 2 ай бұрын
LOL Mormons are so goofy and predictable.
@henkaistudio 2 ай бұрын
@@kenziek6707They sure are indeed
@Əþəřŋał Ай бұрын
Wow I bet your flat earthers 😊
@susandrew8977 3 ай бұрын
You missed one. Seventh day Adventist. Their prophetess was ellen g white
@alandavis9319 3 ай бұрын
He totally lied about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Do your research. The Bible warned us of men like Driscoll in the latter days. Deceiving you from the truth
@littleme3597 3 ай бұрын
@lemjwp1756 3 ай бұрын
IDK, Participating in $$$ mens conferences with outlandish pole dancers sounds pretty culty to me....
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
Not a works based faith, for there is nothing we can do on our own that will get us to return to God. That is impossible without Jesus Christ.
@ZelphBones 3 ай бұрын
“For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.” 2 Nephi 25:23 is a key text by which LDS members identify and distinguish their view of grace, repentance, works, and merit. Celestial Kingdom requires a full tithe, and the works of the temple (handshakes included)
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
@@ZelphBones Sound kind of like "Faith, if it hath not works is dead, being alone" James 2:17. You should read that chapter. It really clears up the issue of how belief alone doesn't save. With that said, neither does works. You could also say, works, if it hath not faith is dead, being alone. Or, Faith = Works + Belief. There are a lot of scriptures backing this. Looks at Christs parable of the talents. His servants who did something with what he gave them, he blessed. The one who did not, who knew him, was cast out. Also, if you believe we need to repent, as Christ commanded us, and then try to convince me that repentance doesn't take work...?
@danielbu2611 3 ай бұрын
Joseph Smith's testimony was invalid because it was alone. Even Jesus abided by the requirement for two or three witnesses.
@keepitsimple4629 3 ай бұрын
daniel, that's true. It hasn't stopped millions of Mormons from pledging allegiance to Smith and taking his word alone for hundreds of years. I think the quote is "As man is, God once was; as God is, man may be" As a former Mormon I know they work you to death. You're expected to have several callings, magnify those callings, attend the temple, research genealogy, never miss a meeting. It's all about works.
@timf4292 3 ай бұрын
Three witnesses, [in]cluding yourself.
@danielbu2611 3 ай бұрын
@@timf4292 yep
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
By your reasoning, Moses wasn’t a prophet, nor was Abraham and many other prophets. However, you are also wrong about the witnesses. There are 11.
@danielbu2611 3 ай бұрын
@@Captain077 God bore witness to Moses and the prophets by signs and wonders. Joseph Smith had a lone vision which he then told everyone about. Zero witnesses. Secondly, for JS to be telling the truth, Jesus has to be a liar because he said he would not return until he came in judgment. Jesus only comes twice. We are still awaiting the second coming.
@pierebejarano3967 3 ай бұрын
, you need more love of Jesus my brother I'll pray for you my brother
@HaroldGodwinson24 3 ай бұрын
My mother before she died a couple of years ago and my brother were involved in a A Course in Miracles. Prior to that I grew up attending Unity Church of Christianity which is far from being Christian. Four years ago I repented and gave my life to Jesus Christ. Since then I have sinned and fallen short, however I have prayed for Almighty God to forgive me of all my sins. I am reminded that I need to share The Gospel to everyone with whom I speak.
@dennisstoesz 3 ай бұрын
Love your truth ,that i grew up with with..
@VictorTAnderson Ай бұрын
Thank you for waking people up to the fact that these cults that use Christianity as a basis make the fatal flaw of contradicting the very thing that they're based on. The leaps in logic required to fall for those cults is simply absurd. It's incredible.
@cameronodom1518 17 күн бұрын
It's incredible that you think shit like this is incredible, your ability or lack of ability to understand other people in their choices is remarkable. You just get baffled when a fucking fly lands on Humpty dumpty's head, you like hmmmmm, We all know you're a 40-year-old behind your, go back to your broken marriage and your kids that don't love you
@DCFNETWORKS 3 ай бұрын
Thank you
@slagebobs4109 3 ай бұрын
On Oneness Pentecostals: Guys, this man is parroting what he’s been told, and NOT rightly dividing the Word. Oneness Pentecostals have one authority, the King James Bible. No other tome or reference. Oneness Pentecostals do NOT claim they started oneness. They believe the same thing the early church did. And that same early church baptized in Jesus name (Acts 2, read it Pastor Mark). Jesus said to baptize in the NAME (singular) of the father, son and Holy Ghost. That name is Jesus my friends, the only name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved! Here’s something to stick in your theological pipe for a minute: NO theologian acknowledges that Trinity was a divine revelation. It was not accepted AT ALL until at least 300 years pasts Christ. NO one per Josephus’ writings or per other theological historian’s accounts were baptized in the Titles Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Nobody. Nobody in the ENTIRE BIBLE was baptized in the titles. Nobody. Yet in Acts 2, 8, 10, 19, 22 people were baptized in Jesus name. Peter preached to be baptized in Jesus name. Paul was baptized in Jesus name. The first Gentile saved was baptized in Jesus name. The disciples of John the Baptist were baptized in Jesus name. Why? Because Jesus IS the ONLY God, manifested in flesh, not one person of three. Do NOT believe everything you hear without studying the scriptures, for in them you THINK you have eternal life. Better make sure.
@brotherdaniel9415 3 ай бұрын
Matthew 28:19 (words are in red)
@slagebobs4109 3 ай бұрын
If in your doctrine the words in red and words in black contradict each other, your doctrine is wrong. If Peter was in error, then throw the whole book out.
@chriscampbell9191 3 ай бұрын
@@slagebobs4109 And in your King James Bible is says these words in black: ""For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one." 1st John 5:7. So If Oneness Pentecostals have one authority, the King James Bible, I guess they need to re-read that verse.
@slagebobs4109 3 ай бұрын
@@chriscampbell9191 That's an excellent scripture, and Oneness doesn't contradict it. Is there a Son, Father and Holy Ghost? Yes. But these three are ONE (as the verse you quoted says). Col 2:9 says "In him (Christ) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." How can that be, if the Father and Holy Ghost are separate persons? They're not, because them being separate defies dozens of Old Testament proclamations of God, (e.g. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord"). And who is the Son then? The invisible God, MADE visible with a body. And what is the Holy Ghost? The invisible God MADE to inhabit us, as it did everyone in the Upper Room in Acts 2. This is why Trinity was never once acknowledged or used by ANY Christian until the Catholic church convened the Nicean council in 325 A.D. It's also why baptism in Jesus name is so universally rejected by the denominational churches like Pastor Mark's: it just doesn't jibe with the Trinity. "Well, If the Godhead is three, we can't use only the son's name!" And so, a major crack opens between this doctrine and scripture, because again nobody but NOBODY was baptized in the titles in scripture. It doesn't exist. God the Father is a spirit...he manifested himself in flesh and was crucified for our sins...and he returned after the ascension in the form of the Holy Ghost. Isaiah 63:5 "And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation..." 2 Cor 5:19: "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself..." Col 2:9 "For in him (Christ) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."
@chriscampbell9191 3 ай бұрын
@@slagebobs4109 Funny, I responded to this earlier and YT removed it, even though my response had nothing in it that could remotely be construed as rude or abusive, to anyone..... In Psalm 110 (quoted in Hebrews 1:13) it says "The Lord says to my Lord, sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool". How can there be just one person in the Godhead if this Psalm indicates there are at least two? In a couple other places in the NT, Jesus is referred to as sitting at the right hand of the Father. In Revelation there is a description of Jesus being handed a scroll by "him who was seated on the throne" in Heaven, in other words, the Father. So, once again, we have a description of at least two separate personages (Jesus and the Father), one who sits to the right of the other one who is on the throne. Then there is the use in Genesis 1 & 2 of the name Elohim, which is a plural. You also state that the Spirit was "made to inhabit us". There is no indication that the Spirit was "made". We see the Spirit present during Creation in Genesis 1:2. If you can point out a Bible passage that states that the Spirit was "made" or created I'd like to see it. As for the Spirit's nature, Jesus instructs his followers about the Spirit in John 14, and refers to the Spirit as a "him" who will teach the Christian apostles "all things". The implication is that the Spirit is a separate person in the Godhead. The actual nature of God and the Godhead is always going to be hard to explain, because one would have to literally be God to truly grasp the nature of God. But there are indications that the Trinitarians are correct, and it's all through the Bible.
@KikiFlash Ай бұрын
Don't come to Utah
@hacksnyder8441 Ай бұрын
they deny the divinity of jesus.. they deny he is the god of the old testament
@DanBurress 6 күн бұрын
Simply not true at all come to church and find out for yourself .
@Hemingway308 22 күн бұрын
LDS believes in many God's and that you too can become a God with your own planet.
@Monsterenergy791 Ай бұрын
Not a fan of the first 4 organizations mentioned, but I do like the messages in ACIM. Aaron Abke goes over it well for those who want quicker summations and not read the whole thing.
@HPGold1 2 ай бұрын
Mormons did not say that he was a man who became a god. They believe he is the son of God and that he is God’s only begotten son that he loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son to come here and sacrifice himself, so that man may know him and be purified and cleansed through his sacrifice if they believe in him. They believe that God and Jesus Christ are two separate personages and the Trinity is the Father the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ, that is what they believe in. Source: born and raised in an LDS family. They also believe that Mary was impregnated through immaculate conception. Also, Lucifer as Jesus Christ brother is something that happened in heaven. It was not that Lucifer was born on earth like Jesus Christ was. They believe Jesus Christ is the only son of God that was born in the flesh (being his only begotten).
@Captain077 3 ай бұрын
He clearly doesn’t understand our view on the trinity either.
@darlahoward1472 3 ай бұрын
Which is?
@littleme3597 3 ай бұрын
@@darlahoward1472 I thought they did believe in TRINITY...I am jack mormon now. lol Actually, nothing.
@prophetsix0151 3 ай бұрын
if you're a mormon and this bothers you, why don't you block this channel and go start your own channel where you can preach mormonism all day? stop wasting everyone's time.
@tybaltmarr2158 3 ай бұрын
​@@darlahoward1472 God is three persons united in purpose and perfection. You can call the Father, Son, or Holy Ghost "God" altogether, or individually. Mormons tend to use the term "Godhead" when talking about all three together. Use "God" when distinguishing between persons isn't too important, and use the titles "Heavenly Father", "Jesus/Jehovah/the Son", and "the Spirit/Spirit of God/Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost" when they're specifically talking about one member of the Godhead. The difference I think, is that evangelicals (and other Christians) can't explain what the term "being" means as it is used to describe the "oneness" of those three persons in the AD325 Nicene creed written by early Catholic bishops. Jesus told his disciples to "be one" as he and the Father "are one". Mormons accept Jesus' explanation of his "oneness" with the Father over the Nicene Bishops' confusing compromise with Greek philosophy. Remember when the pharisees tried to kill Jesus when he said he was God, because "God is not a man"? God was a man, and that man was Jesus. The Father is a also man, as Jesus says in John 8:17-18. The old testament claims no man can see God, yet Christ was seen by many people, before and after his resurrection. Methinks the apostate jews of Christ's day, who killed Zacharias (Matthew 23:35), may also have been... tweaking some old testament verses to fit their theology better. Because after all, who can believe that God could have ever been a man? Or that man could ever become something eternal? John 3:16 ❤
@blank557 2 ай бұрын
Explain to me why Jesus would pray to himself, if He was not a separate and individual entity from God the Father. Or how he was spoken to by His Father when he was baptized. It makes sense the trinity are three distinct separate beings, one in purpose, not one body, as preached in the Catholic theology. What is so strange that the devil was Christ brother, and rebelled in heaven? No different than Cain slaying his brother, Abel? Where do you think Satan came from, if not a son of God who rebelled? In Revelations, it talks about a war in heaven, where one third of the host of heaven fell. That host was our brothers and sisters who went in with Satan to rebel. No different than what is happening on earth today. The war in heaven then is still ongoing on earth, and all God's children are tested whom they will serve. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints did recently emphasize the name of their church over the generic "Mormon", which was a word first used by our persecutors. But don't forget from the beginning the Church's name was after Jesus Christ, not Luther, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Billy Graham, or any number of names of mortal men or women. Finally, I would ask Mr. Driscoll, by what authority does he claim to serve as a minister of God. I admire most of what he says, but again, was he called by God like the prophets and Apostles in the Bible? The leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints avowed they were given the authority to serve as apostles and prophet exactly as established by Christ in the original church. Answer me why we don't have apostles like in the original church, or a leader clearly defined as a prophet to lead Christ's church not just from the scriptures, but also by the gift of direct revelation from God? You can disagree the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints are called of God, but then what makes your claim any more valid than theirs? Theology degree? Picking up a Bible and using it as your claim to authority to speak for the Lord? No different than a millions of preachers and varied Christian churches. The Bible is a testament of Jesus Christ, not a public domain license to act in God's name as one of His authorized servants.
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