Moses Coulee - Ice Age Floods - New Thoughts

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Nick Zentner

Nick Zentner

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CWU's Nick Zentner continues learning about Moses Coulee in central Washington.
Hungate Canyon trailhead:

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@dshenry99 Жыл бұрын
Nick, you are setting a great example for your students as well as us older folks. Stay open to new information and keep a fresh mind ... so important!
@anthonynicholson5523 Жыл бұрын
New AND old viewpoints. It's always worth keeping other and older views in mind.
@StarfireReborn Жыл бұрын
​@@anthonynicholson5523The Past Is How We Learn The Future... Keeping The Work Of Those Who Came Before Fresh In Our Minds Is How Breakthroughs Are Made, Little Hints Of The Past Complete The Picture Of The Present & Teach Valuable Lessons For The Coming Years.
@samhklm Жыл бұрын
What I like about this is that for the most of the internet everyone is coming at you with answers, but this guy is giving you questions about the answers. This is a true teacher at the top of his game. Nick Zentner is the Wallace Stegner of geology weaving rocks and prose into a unique teaching style getting you to ask why and how.
@GeologyNick Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this meaningful comment.
@StarfireReborn Жыл бұрын
Then Adding Another Layer In Asking Whether Why & How Are Correct, Or Just Pieces In A Bigger Story... This Is Just An Amazing Science, That I Completely Adore, The Depth Of Curiosity Never Quenching My Thirst.
@carolynkauppila346 4 ай бұрын
Nick, thank you, so much. We are so lucky to live in Yakima Washington. Learning about what formed the regions we have grown up with. And how lucky we are to have so much of our area untouched.
@stephen627 Жыл бұрын
An ancient mystery for sure Nick. To sit there a ponder for hours and days at a time like Bretz did. I think he new what he was talking about. He was in the country there with zero distractions with clear and sober thoughts. He translated it the best he could to paper. Your mastery Nick is to bring those words off the page and paint that picture for us common folk. Well done sir.
@rayschoch5882 Жыл бұрын
When I visited central Washington last summer (August) for the first time, I confess I was just as impressed with Moses Coulee as I was with Dry Falls and the lower Grand Coulee. I didn't see, and wasn't aware of, the trailhead you used. Not a geologist (only an elderly amateur) I don't know (but I'm trying to learn) the details, but remain impressed by the SCALE of the events that created both coulees. In hindsight, I'm still impressed by the regularity of those hanging valleys marching upvalley into the distance on both sides of the coulee. I've walked (as well as I could) plenty of talus slopes hiking in the Rockies in years past. Not terribly enthused about doing it again. Yes, I'd like to see a map showing Bretz's Spokane ice, and a comparison with the Wisconsin ice. A non-geologist, I don't know enough to be able to help with the dates of the four major glacial episodes in the Pacific Northwest you mentioned… Thanks, Nick, for the additional food for thought. One more reason to get back out there before I'm too old and frail to travel and hike.
@greybone777 9 ай бұрын
This trailhead is hard to find. I've lived here all my life and explore the Coulee extensively, and just found it I 2016
@emanuellandeholm5657 Жыл бұрын
I live on the other side of the globe in Sweden. This is just so fascinating to me! Sweden also saw some great reconstruction of the basement rocks in the latest ice age, but there were so many episodes before this that wiped out so much geologic history! We tend to forget the ice ages that came before! There are still some sanctuaries in Sweden, for instance there are ancient "Jotnian" sandstones on an island in the lake Mälaren still to this day. Then we have the Gävle-sandstone that survived so many ice floods and glaciers. And we have all the crazy erratics that tell of a violent tale. The main difference between the PNW and Sweden is that we haven't really seen volcanic activity for the last few hundred millions of years. Where I live in Stockholm, Sweden, we have ancient sandstones (wackes) that have been uplifted from some ancient sea floor, as well as gabbroids and plutonic rocks (granites and granitoids, some of them metamorphosed). All of these rocks are older than 1.7 GY.
@user-li5vr6cd6o Жыл бұрын
Sweden was located at the Nth Pole, before the planet tipped off it's Axis. I remember reading about a study into that ya.
@lindsaymalone9371 Жыл бұрын
Love how you use the colored pens to illustrate the different ice ages on paper and real life! 🖊️🖊️ Thank you for posting these papers, so more of us can read Bretz's writings. Love being able to better interpret these important places.
@kevinmalone6132 Жыл бұрын
Its amazing when the perspective changes about these events, and we see actually just how close we are to these events still! Ur à Malone i see...too funny.
@willisfouts4838 Жыл бұрын
Your work here, for us, is greatly appreciated. If not for your dedication and diligence, we’d be poorer for it. You’ve gotten quite good at sharing with this format, and it shows. Thank you, sir.
@kczcb4697 Жыл бұрын
All the rattlesnakes were probably saying “hi Nick “ as he passed. Could smell the sagebrush as you were walking. Love Moses coulee and the palisades.
@baronvonwarner Жыл бұрын
Thank you sir ... I love your content . My mother is Linda Marmes . Her father Roland owned the land that the Marmes rock shelter is located on... I know this landscape well ..
@Anne5440_ Жыл бұрын
I was blessed as a beginning anthropology student to be taken to the Marmes shelter near the end of the digging there. The last skeleton was found the day I was there. I have thought of that trip since starting to study with Nick. Best wishes to your family.
@michaelsowden5892 9 ай бұрын
Nick writes with chalk on a chalkboard, has calloused hands, can swing a geology hammer, teaches in the open sun and wind, and walks in the bare open rocks and fields. A real geologist. Thank you for doing all this for us amateur geology enthusiasts.
@johndillert1duple35 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully done. Thank you for doing this, and bringing an open mind to this problem! Science is NEVER settled.
@ionizer24 Жыл бұрын
You’re an amazing educator! Thanks for all you do!
@stinkynail Жыл бұрын
We need a resurgence of the kind of thinking that you have recently been up to, Nick, in many aspects of our collective thinking. We are all eternal students. Anyone who thinks that they are not, are just kidding themselves. I love the videos, keep it up, please.
@davidhaugen9966 Жыл бұрын
This is some of the most fantastic video clarity that I have ever seen. Thanks!!
@Turtledove2009 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Absolutely amazing!
@keithpowell317 Жыл бұрын
My whole life I have looked in amazement at the two deepest and most massive features in all of north-central Washington (Moses Coulee and Grand Coulee ). Both are the furthest away from the Lake Missoula flood waters as far as the waters flow from the east. My small ranch is supposedly one of those features of the Missoula flood in the spring canyon area , I look at it every day, This is so exciting to have you exploring the whole picture with an open mind. The cubic Miles of ice that was in the ice sheet were astronomical in volume. I watch videos from Iceland and realize how much could be learned by studying their current ongoing geology. This is great, Thank you.
@jazzmaster9426 Жыл бұрын
Doc I want to thank you for your teaching and learned zeal for geology. I’m just a lay guy from Oklahoma that loves this stuff!!! I’ve been studying the mountains south of Oklahoma City and the Turner Falls area. It’s absolutely fascinating to me that our mountains came from the Teton Region. Thanks for what you are doing teaching the history of the earth. Many blessings your way
@WokeAssMessiah Жыл бұрын
Thanks Nick for turning me on to the “classic” writings of early Geology. I’m currently reading Condon’s The Two Islands and although there is so much that has been learned since then, the writing is just so evocative and thrilling, this BA (English) appreciates it very much!
@richardallen6432 Жыл бұрын
It took me a moment to realize how you were presenting Bretz's theories of the floods...I was thinking with the Law of Superposition, which would place oldest at the lower portion and youngest at the top, but when you think of flooding it had to be the other way around. You have to remove the youngest rock with the oldest floods, and the oldest rocks with the youngest floods...Thank you Dr. Zentner.
@RICDirector Жыл бұрын
Had the same difficulty...then I flipped my phone over and all became clearer....🤣🙄😛🤣🤣
@Mk101T 4 ай бұрын
Well more simply put , it is erosion vs deposition , each with time and gravity at play . I'm thinking much of this early channel carving would have been done with ice though , instead of water doing much of the initial work .
@vinmansbakery Жыл бұрын
The talus runs way up the cliffs leading to Sentinel Gap, but not as high on the cliffs across from Vantage. That old flood channel map is great!
@soccovitch Жыл бұрын
I graduated from WSU in 94 and one of my favorite classes was Geology. I used to come back to the dorm room and tell my friends about the cliffs around and other features on how they were formed, etc. The conversation would usually drift into something else and I would always jump back in with, "Anyway....back to my rock topic." It still today is used in conversations jokingly with those same life long friends that I made there. Washington State truly is a masterpiece of Geology formations. This is so fun to watch you break open a new/old theory from Bretz. It really makes a ton of sense just looking at it from where you are there in the video.
@scotwiley1189 Жыл бұрын
Glad I stumbled across your channel. I am really enjoying your lectures and discussions. I am a rank novice but enjoy learning and appreciate your skills as an instructor.
@stevew5212 Жыл бұрын
Looks like your the newest freshest Zentnerd to join the group. Welcome Scot.
@RICDirector Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the insane asy---er, classroom....! We have loads of fun here, now, past, and in the future is much anticipated. Enjoy!
@ausnorman8050 Жыл бұрын
As an Aussie over the pond, I love learning geology history from all over. Great Video as always Nick.
@blauerreiter3425 Жыл бұрын
Hi, You asked about ice ages in Europe, this is a broad outline for German language geology. In the German language we have to sets of names, one for the Northern and one for the Alpine Ice Sheet. All names are derived from river names. (Partly they are actually small, insignificant streams, that are hard to remember.) This is a list of the last 4 ice ages, northern names first: Weichsel/ Würm 115.000-10.000 BC Saale/ Riß 300.000-126.000. Elster/ Mindel 460.000-320.000 Elbe/ Günz 600.000 bis 800.000 For Weichsel/ Würm we have a first big push of the ice shield in the north starting about 70.000 BC, corresponding to MIS 4. The max. expansion is uncertain. In the alps there is even more uncertainty if there was extended glaciation at this time. From banded silt and clay layers we know, that in the time period 31.600- 26.800 BC the area of Innsbruck in the Austrian Alps was ice free. In the second push, corresponding to MIS 2 the ice in the north reached nearly everywhere further then in the first on. The maximum was around 20.000 to 18.000 BC. In the alps the core of Würm glaciation started around 25.000 BC and hit it's maximum around 20.000 BC. For MSI see . So even in the relative small arena between Germany's northern and southern borders, there were differences how the global trends played out. I think this gets much more interesting if one looks further east, from Poland to Siberia.
@StarfireReborn Жыл бұрын
This Is So Amazing, And Beautiful. I Absolutely Love Your Geologically Intellectual Walks & Travels. We Have Been Exploring With You For Years, And It Would Be An Absolute Treasure To Walk & Learn From You. We're All Nerds Here! 💜
@gordonormiston3233 Жыл бұрын
Very thought provoking Nick. Definitely something to chew on. 🐻
@yukigatlin9358 Жыл бұрын
WOW, wow, I could see that the floods from Spoken Icesheet could have been more huge and curved the major channels than the floods from Wisconsin Icesheet✨😄💗Way way too cool!!!! Thanks, Nick for wondering with us!!✨
@zaftigshiksa Жыл бұрын
Elderly UCDavis physiology grad here, loving your specific presentations on rocks. Thank you for leaving your beloved and critter’s (Bijou) sides to explore and query this very exciting recovered, if you will, information. To see you as a curious child, plus watching your brain sift and reweigh the evidence is illuminating - it’s real time not geological time!! How exciting to witness this joy in you. Thank you for streaming and sharing. Thank you to Liz for keeping you happy and for sharing you. You rock!! Cheers!
@jeffmyers7062 Жыл бұрын
these reexaminations are great! That area you are in looks a lot like the The Deschutes River Canyon North of SteelHead Falls
@richardfletcher489 Жыл бұрын
Food for thought Nick. 100 years from now, will todays geological field research be tossed aside? It happened to Bretz in the last 100 years. Keep up the great work sir.
@sharonseal9150 Жыл бұрын
Exciting episode! Family matters have kept me away from geology for a few weeks but I have time and will finish what I had started to prepare for you on Thomas Large, Bretz, Pardee et al. I have lots and lots of news clippings and a little timeline. Maybe there will be something in there that will be a trigger for you. I do know that there was talk in some news articles of older glaciations around Spokane with some dates suggested. As I listened to this video I immediately thought of my experience driving up in back of Jumpoff Ridge last weekend to Stephens meadow. Naneum ridge towers over the back side of the meadow. On the way we passed a steep talus slope very close to the road that looks like it could be as old as the top one in Moses Coulee (ie Spokane age talus) and would be part of the same Grande Ronde flow layer. I wish I had taken a photo. It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I will have some time to wrap up the documents and news clippings and get them off to you. By the way, after my research I have dubbed Thomas Large the Nick Zentner of his time - you will see why when you get the documents. Thanks for posting the early Bretz papers - I had been unsuccessfully trying to locate copies online! Looking forward to diving into them, but first the documents, lol. One more thought - when you were talking about how far down Bretz had the earlier glacier lobes it seemed logical to me that that glaciation event would have carved out the trough that then later filled up during the Wisconsin melting to become glacial Lake Columbia. Just amateur musings.
@LewisDawson-agau Жыл бұрын
The troughs in which glacial lakes formed are depressions of the earth's crust due to the weight of the ice sheets. The maps showing glacial lakes that Nick has been displaying in the video place the lakes close to the ice sheet margin where the depressed crust would be most evident. Of course erosion by glacial activity would contribute to the formation of bodies of water.
@leestamm3187 Жыл бұрын
As an old geology guy, I enjoy your videos. On the subject of Ice Age Floods, you would do everyone a service by referring them to the outstanding books by Bruce Bjornstad and Eugene Kiver. By far the best and most informative volumes I've read on the topic. Lots of maps, photos, diagrams and road trip guides, with clear and concise text are invaluable for anyone wishing to expand their understanding of these monumental events. I highly recommend them.
@rad1ist 7 ай бұрын
I’m an oversized load escort and I get to travel all over Wa state and love these videos it’s opened my eyes !
@amariebeaubien Жыл бұрын
that's some impressively steady camera movement. Great explanation of the beautiful scenery as usual:) the Bretz 1,000 mile traverse in 1922 , 2000 mile in 1923, is amazing too.
@louiscervantez1639 Жыл бұрын
Thanks - you are teaching me how to question - not follow the crowd - think differently - appreciate you! And not just for geology …
@scottwolf1238 Жыл бұрын
You're indeed a true student and magnificent teacher Sir! I'm sure you have heard, but I'm going to mention it anyway that there is evidentiary deposits in the upper fingers of lake Missoula suggesting they were layed down by a current flowing up the valleys rather than down. This may tell us that lake Missoula was rapidly filled possibly by the same flood that shaped the scab lands and the lake was only part of the story. Thank you for your time and for bringing geology to vivid life. :)
@sellison14 Жыл бұрын
Professor Zentner, 95% of my interest and knowledge in the geology of the scablands has been derived from watching your videos the last several years. For that I thank you. The primary question I have from this video regarding the discussion of the Spokane vs the Wisconsin events: Doesn't the current uniformity of the Spokane (higher) talus deposits necessarily mean they are the result of accumulation after the Wisconsin events (or Missoula floods)? I say this because it seems to me the immense volume of water required to carve the younger/smaller Wisconsin cut would have swept away all of the pre-Wisconsin talus buildup along the canyon walls. I would like to hear from anyone with an opinion. Thank you.
@richardstallbaum9580 Жыл бұрын
Summer of 71 I worked on a large cattle ranch in the Moses Cooley. Hiway 2 ran across it. Fell in love with the geology, and really enjoy your work!
@martyheresniak5203 8 ай бұрын
I could weep at finding such a fine teacher. Using different colors of inks and then holding the pens up in front of the on-the-ground evidence is so simple and direct. I feel your pain in questioning how Bretz has been pushed aside by more recent work. I face the same in my field. What I learned makes sense, works, and gets wonderful results, but newer ideas presented by those trying to make their marks in the field poo-poo my standards. I am not willing to accept the newer 'alternative facts'. I follow your videos as much as I can. I know so much about WA geology thanks to you. I wish there were work like yours relating to my local NY geology. The pacific northwest is so lucky to have you.
@bobbyaloma9214 Жыл бұрын
I’m old and in the way, enjoy your videos. Well presented and you willingness to adapt your understanding is laudable.
@gunther3527 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Nick, I always follow your excursions on maps when possible. Too interesting!
@JakeVeliz Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the work you do and all these videos that you put out! As a Washington resident, it makes me love this area more.
@BeingMe23 Жыл бұрын
The image is so sharp it looks like i am their in person!
@alexbradmckay Жыл бұрын
Don't tease us Nick!! Now you must make a video about why there are coulees in the west, but not the east side. Thanks for these great videos. Truly enjoy learning with you.
@robertdufour2456 Жыл бұрын
Professor! I never knew that Washington State was such a jewel! Thank you!
@brandonjohnston7746 Жыл бұрын
Fires are breaking out in bc, and the pnw, be safe professor Your the best
@rivereee Жыл бұрын
The talus height age metric would require the upper and lower basalts to have similar weathering rates. They look like they have different properties. It would also require that both cliffs are exposed to the same weathering processes (freeze thaw, thermal expansion). The relationship between talus height and cliff height would also have to scale linearly. I'm not sure that all of these conditions are met, it would be interesting to investigate.
@Rocket39Smoke14 Жыл бұрын
Using different color Lidar images to represent Spokane and Wisconsin floods of Moses and Grand Coulee's might be nice to observe. Thanks Nick!
@ronaldboucher3081 Жыл бұрын
thanks Nick for your time.. i really enjoyed.. de a truck driver from NJ
@kayafternoon9045 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful morning light and thought provoking ideas
@myrachurchman5013 Жыл бұрын
Another vicarious hike through an ancient landscape. Loved the clattering and clinking of the talus as you clambered up the slope...thoroughly enjoyable.
@tonyzender5752 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been flying over the flood zone for 36 years since college days at Central, now professionally, which means many years staring at these amazing features from above. Moses Coulee always puzzled me because it doesn’t have any inflow from the Columbia like Grand Coulee. If you look at elevations all around the north end of Moses Coulee, it’s consistently at Waterville plateau heights. The idea that Missoula floods carved it never added up. There’s some rough ground halfway down both coulees (still at the same general elevation) where one could imagine spillover from Grand to Moses, but that doesn’t account for the upper Moses channel. Watching these videos, it now seems clear that the Spokane ice drainage must have been the source. Thanks professor Zentner for the enlightenment!
@stevew5212 Жыл бұрын
I like the ice sheet down that far and water flowing from the ice sheet doing all the work. I can totally see that. When you put you hand and it was the ice sheet made it easy for to imagine.
@a787fxr Жыл бұрын
You present amazing questions. Let me get back to you on that. Facts indicate amazing events!❤
@daveisnothere Жыл бұрын
Ohhhh, just had a thought, bear with me now.. What if the ice extended down to Wallula Gap dur9ing one of these events older than 20kya and all the erosion took place from subglacial flow. I've always wondered if Loess was formed by ice grinding on rock and there is what appears to be a HUGE moraine that forms Wallula Gap. Plus the terrain between Grand Coulee and Wallula really looks like it was under ice at one point. I remember as a kid seeing a similar texture under snow in the spring, but on a much smaller scale.
@_Michiel_ Жыл бұрын
You tell us you're 'only' a teacher. First of all you shouldn't talk yourself down like that. Teachers are essential for the development of the next generations. And as far as I know you, and having seen the way you teach during lockdown, I hold you in the highest regard as a teacher. Your pupils' minds are richer because of you. So thank thank you from the bottom of my heart on their behalf. And yes, I know that guests in your videos (like Jerome Lesemann) are excellent teachers as well, but now I am talking (writing) about you for a change Second, in videos like this you show that you have a real scientific mind. Open to multiple views, asking questions that inspire us to achieve more insight in the world around us. So to me you are a real gem! Love from Dreischor in The Netherlands.
@deniseweavinghannah Жыл бұрын
Love your teaching style. And I’m not even a student of geology. I could be, with you peaking my interest in the evolution of our planetary rock.
@elgerlorenzsonn Жыл бұрын
This is a good one ! mr. Z you are going right at it!
@RobBernhard Жыл бұрын
I don't have any answers but I'm happy to be along for the ride. I can't wait to hear more!
@user-ex2wy6te5k Жыл бұрын
I've watched many Nick videos. You'll never see rocks the same!
@beer41277 Жыл бұрын
Enjoy seeing you learning, and by osmosis then I do. I can only imagine how much water flowed - mind boggling!!!
@jscottmaclean226 Жыл бұрын
I never gave much thought to the Tallis. But now we can clearly see that it IS a measure of time. this changes EVERYTHING!
@toughenupfluffy7294 Жыл бұрын
Talus. Thought you'd like to know. The medical term for the human ankle is also talus, from the Latin.
@floydt2029 Жыл бұрын
Nice scenery for your very informativer talk, very interesting thought of the talus as a dating tool - kinda like tree rings maybe in my mind. Have a great night Nick!
@lorenmorelli9249 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating. Never disregard past validities. Build upon the information and adapt accordingly..
@robertdiehl1281 Жыл бұрын
What a terrific video history presentation. There’s something here for all.
@charlesbranch4120 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Nick! (and I'm sure your family does for letting them sleep into the morning.) Dave Alt, UM geology prof and with plenty of fun stories to listen to about writing the Roadside Geology book series (fun with coauthors), noted that J. Harlan Bretz' suggestions that the Palouse hills were large ripple marks of the mega floods were dismissed out of hand by his fellows in the 1930s, until the Palouse was re-examined decades later. and indeed determined that these were ripple marks on a larger scale than had been imagined. I was hoping ten years ago to photograph those landscapes during a ferry flight from a B-17 or B-24 from Boeing Field to Coeur d'Alene, but that flight was delayed due to thunderstorms at Seattle, so we rode Greyhound instead. Just as Bretz's conclusions on the origin of the Palouse have been accepted, so too should his additional researches be considered. Thank you for this education, Charles Branch. (Dave Alt's "Road cuts are a geologist's best friend," has been with me since the mid-1970s, so I rarely listen to the radio while driving and busy looking beyond the windows.)
@James-xu3vc Жыл бұрын
Agree on the rock-cut comment
@gb57hevy3 Жыл бұрын
"Wow, this is really fun"...he says near the end of the video. I can only imagine! What a wonderful "job" you have and what a super teacher you are. I sat here soaking up every word. The PLOT THICKENS. I love it. Thank you for doing what you do.
@RICDirector Жыл бұрын
I love Nick. He makes my brain fizz.
@Andy-rp3ee Жыл бұрын
I’m having so much fun watching your videos Nick! I was a comp sci major, but one of my last classes for gen ed stuff was a geology course I stumbled into. At the time I was in MN and we all took a trip to the St Cloud’s Quarry Park and it always piqued my interest. Live in Colorado now and love exploring the Rockies, but MT to the PNW has always had my heart.
@ttapping Жыл бұрын
Not pretentious Nick. I admire your courage to directly ask for help with global glaciation. Braveheart!
@JasonSmith-we5ls Жыл бұрын
Loved this. Nice work sir, the implications of this idea are far reaching. More and more people are jumping on board every day, the ice dam that is the standard model is struggling under the pressure of the truth.
@doncamp1150 Жыл бұрын
I just returned from a trip to Grand Coulee. My earlier trips up Moses Coulee and my latest trip impressed me with the complexity of the geology. I have long wondered what the talus had to tell us. This was helpful. Also growing up in Okanogan I am interested in the Okanogan lobe. I think the role that lobe of ice played in the history is greater than has been discussed. But bottom line, this video has been helpful in making some sense of the puzzle.
@sunpathviewer Жыл бұрын
Proposal accepted and research never ends. Thanks Nik😮
@carolwillett5495 Жыл бұрын
I love that your teaching method is we are all learning including yourself. Thank you!
@skyecooleyartwork Жыл бұрын
Once again Nick forwards the ball. Always great! Three thoughts. a.) The physical challenge of moving overland through the floodscape is no small feat. Upon leaving the valley floor one is immediately confronted with Class III terrain (hands and feet). Its false to assume post-Bretz researchers ever walked it all out. How many mountaineers in that group? b.) Once one commits to reading Bretz's papers carefully, its difficult to return. You feel exhausted (at least I do). So much to consume. So many voyages and return visits where small details were added. Someone needs to take a pair of scissors to the stack and clip out each mention of Moses Coulee and paste all those into one document. Do the same for his sailings into the Upper Grand Coulee, Cheney-Palouse tract, Quincy Basin, Canada, etc. Compile 'chapters' of his explorations by location. c.) Sharpie in that Spokane ice termination on the IAFI map if you get a chance, even if dashed. Delineate the northern limit of thick loess, not morainal deposits.
@michaelandrews2619 Жыл бұрын
It's been a while since I watched your videos, wonderful as always. I'm in the UK so we don't have this kind of landscape. Some of the strong remnants of the last ice age, which finished about 14000 years ago, is a really cool ancient waterfall - Malham Cove. Your observation that maybe there's 'old scars' is an excellent one. There is a tendency for the more modern to be perceived as the more correct. But we all mis-interpret, gloss over, etc. Hope the bologna sandwich was tasty, it always seems that food is more scrumptious out in the field.
@Redfour5 5 ай бұрын
I never get tired of this. A year goes by and I visit and see it again slightly differently. We will be up there (Spokane area) for a week in July. We can do some day trips. I used to take my wife to these places and show her and explain how the Lake Missoula flood carved all this. I think the first time she "got it," was in the Bison refuge just outside of Missoula looking across the valley. Next time, we go through here or Grand Coulee, I go, oh wait honey, see those high cliffs? That was an earlier flood from an earlier ice age that made the Great Missoula event look small in comparison... I can't wait. Around 18 years ago I was a big brother and I was driving in the Missouri river valley in the Topeka area or west of it. I remember then driving down in the valley and off in the distance miles away, you could see the "cliffs" of what had to be the old ice age times banks of the river so dramatically bigger than now. So, I explained as best I could and talked about Grand Coulee as having gone there as a kid with my parents. I remember the kid I was with as I was explaining and he looked off and listened but I could see he was unable to conceptualize or grasp and conceive of a past where we were sitting on the bottom of a river tens of miles wide still shallow relatively speaking and a couple hundred or more feet deep traveling across the plains toward the Mississippi that must have been amazingly big. I hope I planted a seed and one day when he grew up he might "see" and begin to comprehend.
@geoffreylee5199 Жыл бұрын
Bravo DrNick, this is a great opener for other ideas. I am not familiar with the discussion of four US states in regard to ice sheets. Being in Washington, I thought it might be related to that State.
@GregInEastTennessee Жыл бұрын
Your camera work keeps improving! This was a good video. I'm going to read Bretz's papers. I could follow you about the the older floods doing more of the cutting of basalt. I still have a few questions. But there's a concept that keeps popping up in my brain. Maybe we'll be able to discuss it sometime. Be well. 😀
@douglasdunn7267 Жыл бұрын
I'm in agreement with you, Nick. Having spent time in the Moses Coulee, it has always seemed to me that it was the result of more than one simple flooding from Montana. I think you are on to the real story, and Bretz seems to have come to the same conclusion 100 years ago. Thanks so much for your videos and explorations.
@gentrelane Жыл бұрын
My historical geology class had us do presentations on the lives and research of important geologists and I was assigned Bretz. I'm still thankful for that assignment
@dharmadove Жыл бұрын
Excellent stuff Professor!
@sirdudeness1386 Жыл бұрын
Always a pleasure to learn from you Nick! Thank you!
@williampaap2098 Жыл бұрын
Great presentation. Food for thought.
@lauram9478 Жыл бұрын
❤ a bologna sandwich? Normal fair for real school! Thanks is excellent fun! I love logging on to play!
@user-pw8rr3wq6o Жыл бұрын
I highly recommend checking out Randall Carlson's work. He has been working through Bretz's (and many other's) works for quite some time.
@EnGammalAmazon Жыл бұрын
Damn, this brings up a lot of stuff from the deep recesses of my memory banks. I was at WSU for 8.5 years. Yeah, yeah, I know that is way to long to live in bump Kansas, but it was worth it. In my Forest Management days I spent a bit of time with geology and soils courses. One thing that I noticed when driving home to Snohomish, just east of Washtucna, there is an area of immense, relatively fine grained banks of 'washed aggregate.' I was curious about its source and one I came across the areal photos of the area. It was stunning to see the area and it gave me the sense that I was walking on the beach in western Washington and Oregon where you find small rivulets of water spreading out across the sand leaving broad areas of rippled sand. The are east of Washtucna looked exactly the same. I also spent time watching the video with the sound off and just staring at the upper and lower Basalt walls. It brought up a lot of questions and thoughts about the talus slopes at both levels. All the thoughts expressed about the slopes were about their height. I think a point is missed here because this is a 3D least for a while longer. When you factor in the height, depth from the toe of the talus slope to the vertical wall and slope angle which looks to be almost 45°, I won't say more here, but you can see that it will impact the timelines. I also noticed that the horizon line of the upper wall and the soil on the top layer of basalt. The water flow coming off the top gives some additional insights into what the talus slopes below the channels look like and their composition. It is just a thought and I'll leave it here to think about the timelines and what that opens up for conversations about the time of all this. I think that what little you shared of Bretz's writings, shows that he was a serious thinking. Part of my time spent at WSU as a full time research tech while doing my Forest Management MS, trained me to be more interested in the questions that the answers to the questions. You are doing a great job with your videos. Keep up the great work.
@WokeAssMessiah Жыл бұрын
Stunning quality
@kayafternoon9045 Жыл бұрын
I love the tapestry of the varieties of sand carpet
@kayafternoon9045 Жыл бұрын
Sage I meant sage not sand
@sallygillette5719 11 ай бұрын
Nick... Come to payette area!!! I love watching you. Could not get to riggins, grandchildren scheduling would not allow that. You are awesome. Continue the awesome job you have been doing. Still trying to catch you live.
@guyjones4936 Жыл бұрын
I am not sure if it is possible, but if the upper and much higher debris is so much older, it should be able to be luminescence dated to an older date than the lower levels of debris. The shear walls should date differently as well.
@lewispaine4589 Жыл бұрын
It's a fascinating tale that you tell so well, a mystery that won't give up it's secrets easily
@richardmourdock2719 Жыл бұрын
"How much is our globe in-synch?" What a great question. I've spent time at Big Bend National Park in Texas. The evidence of water in the Chisos Desert is profound. I've tried to imagine how that much water (in what is today a desert) plagued the southwest. But in the desert, that is never the interest, sadly. Yet there is such great evidence of massive flooding. Certainly during the Wisconsin, the flooding of SW Texas was profound. It would make a great geologic study. I look forward to meeting you in August with Basil in Idaho. Perhaps we can discuss briefly then.
@evelynmoyer9069 Жыл бұрын
So good to see the land itself in living color.
@ttskaff Жыл бұрын
I stumbled on your channel last week and you have literally sparked a new found fascination for geology for me. The NW United States alone has incredible history not to mention the rest of the worlds geological history.
@RICDirector Жыл бұрын
Yep, he is one heck of a great teacher. Welcome to the wonderful insanity of Nick's classroom!
@WiltshireWondering Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the cozy fort! Take a slice of the German chocolate cake. Vinmans bakery does the best.
@brandonleeker Жыл бұрын
Nick I found your channel a while ago, if I'm being honest, to fall asleep. But the way you convey information has always been engaging and exciting. As an individual who has never taken an interest in geology, I've loved following your channel and have learned a ton about the Pacific Northwest thanks to you. However, still looking for something to fall asleep to because your content is just way too engaging to get tired to haha. keep up the amazing work!
@RICDirector Жыл бұрын
Im still wondering why he and a couple of prairie dogs showed up in a dream I had the last time I dozed off to one of his lectures.... Try William Jevenings bigfoot channel to doze off to. Very useful and has a good calm presentation rather than the usual hysteria. 😝😁
@DyreStraits Жыл бұрын
Forensic Files podcasts do it for me.
@cindyleehaddock3551 Жыл бұрын
Well, this clarifies a few things. Thanks, Nick for another really informative video! It really helps when you point out parts of features for me, anyways. Explaining bits of papers while doing that adds to my understanding, too. Betting I am not the only one! 😉
@damianmurphy6133 Жыл бұрын
This is great. I live in Airedale in England and the effects of glaciation are evident. But whilst I understand (from a good geography teacher 40 years ago) the fundamentals, what Nick is doing is stacking up a bunch of well-informed questions that could be applied here, too, and with the queries on mechanism that are critical to understanding. I can't answer those questions. But well appreciate that Nick's observations let me stand on the edge of my valley and look at it... differently. Thanks muchly.
@garyschultz7768 Жыл бұрын
Good show....👍 entertaining & informative.
@lefthandeddoghouse3586 Жыл бұрын
I really, like this thought path. By nature of similarity of base materials (basalts), the talus slopes will share a common angle of repose. Knowing the age of the Wisconsin coulee (20K), we can use that as our "yardstick" or datum. Because of similar materials and characteristics, with both enduring a common time span (the 20K yrs) of freeze, thaw, fracturing, sloughing, talus forming action - and use of similar triangles (same conditions, same materials, same environment) to "approximate" Spokane cutting - what an amazing approach. Now your grad students can start looking at other mechanisms to correlate relative age (or absolute age with radiocarbon dating, etc.) to reinforce the premise, or provide guidance to refine/revise. Thank you sir.
@James-xu3vc Жыл бұрын
Just visited Grand Coulee last week. Amazing project
@hilmaallen1302 Жыл бұрын
I so enjoy your videos and view points.
@Mrbfgray Жыл бұрын
Revisiting, learning and respecting Bretz is excellent, fascinating. Nice cam work too, slow panning seems to be often elusive. Had to look up "coulee", heard it enough times I thought I knew what it meant then realized I couldn't define it. (turns out it's rather loosely defined)
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