Most Science is NONSENSE! w/ Jordan Peterson

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Pints With Aquinas

Pints With Aquinas

11 күн бұрын

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Jordan Peterson and Matt Fradd talk about so much of what we call "science" is really just nonsense created by the Left.
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@PintsWithAquinas 10 күн бұрын
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@isabellaschorno3714 10 күн бұрын
Hi Matt, big fan of your content. There is this preacher on KZbin (Cleveland Street preachers) he recently made a post about the virgin Mary. I thought you might be interested in checking it out. I believe he used to be catholic but is now protestant. Also has some really good content. 🙏
@MarkoMakela-kk7qf 10 күн бұрын
Jordan forgot completely the most profound person to this day, Greta Thunberg...The world may need a some sort of Jesus or something like it, but not any who are just seeking a fame with various means without any sense at all... I don't know which is worse, the mediaval times when any knowledge was pratically unable to spread by anyone to frorish or this day, when all kind of people can freely spread there nonsense in a second to everywhere in the world??? I know that physics are now talking about 'fine tuning' of the universe but what we need in our world is more like a hard core tuning in all possible fronts...
@ordinary_deepfake 10 күн бұрын
Hollow oh noooo
@CloudWithoutASky 5 күн бұрын
the big bang was conjured by a catholic. it wasn't in no way anti-religious as a hypothesis and did not disprove anything, if anything, it molds in line with theological understanding on the Character that is God. Infact, most of Big Bang is conjured from philosophy and imagination, then conjectured over the concept of all formed levels of radiation, implies the Big Bang exists simply because radio waves, light, etc, just implodes and goes outward, so they assume the universe expands and explodes in said direction..... I think. im no scientist and i actually sucked in science class despite trying hard. But one thing i will tell you. Big Bang has been used a political tool to say to dumb innocent folks watching TV to believe there is anti-evidence for a God existing. it all in fact originated from aristotle. Aristotle talked about an infinite observable universe, and many jews and muslims disliked it, over time Christians went back and forth saying yes and no to it being infinite and expanding.
@patricklewis9787 10 күн бұрын
It’s as I like to say “9 out of 10 scientists agree with whoever’s funding their research”
@jdub3999 9 күн бұрын
Corruption definitely exists in everything humans touch, including science!
@pedrovillalobos6221 9 күн бұрын
Do you apply this consistently to all fields?
@Theactivepsychos 7 күн бұрын
But that’s not true. That’s a corrupted view based on the media you’re digesting.
@Grubnar 6 күн бұрын
I remember hearing a story about how 200 scientists signed a paper stating that Einstein was wrong. When asked about it, Einstein replied "Why 200? If they are correct, one is enough!" Science is not a democracy!
@johnc5747 6 күн бұрын
Yeh! Right! And the petroleum and fossil fuel industries aren't funding anyone to spread their message. It's all so terribly one sided isn't it?
@keithkollenbaum 7 күн бұрын
Jordan, I sincerely respect you. After, all the attacks, you stand firm and speak your mind.
@falcorthewonderdog2758 3 күн бұрын
Today's "scientist" will say whatever YOU PAY THEM to say. And don't ever question "science".
@scoontaquex3388 2 күн бұрын
Do you know any scientists? All the ones I know are decent humans trying their best. Doesn't make them perfect, but they are far from what you claim.
@pauljackson2409 6 күн бұрын
Good to see high profile people like Jordan, speaking out against the climate scam.
@jjhpor Күн бұрын
"The climate scam" Maybe you can explain why insurance companies are pulling out of areas where climate has changed the odds, why oil companies are making changes to their practices due to climate changes, the increase in storm severity in the Midwest, the loss of ice in Greenland and Antarctica, retreating glaciers, increased flooding in Miami. That's just a taste.
@pauljackson2409 Күн бұрын
@@jjhpor Yeah, just a taste of the propaganda. Why not look at the 100 year downward trends in Hurricanes, Tornadoes Typhoons and wild-fires. No trend in droughts and floods and the 95% fall in weather related deaths over the last 100 years. Stop relying on CNN or the BBC for your information, sonny. If you believe Gore, you're a prize fool.
@johnself6435 5 күн бұрын
Not science. Scientists. It's become a shame of our educational system.
@anthonydecarvalho652 6 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson is correct.
@AquinasRevival73 10 күн бұрын
Hearing Jordan Peterson call John Kerry "Skeletor himself" will likely be the highlight of my day. That comment is just gorgeous! If it weren't for the fact that God exists, Peterson would get my vote for Master of the Universe.
@reekinronald6776 9 күн бұрын
Sometimes I think JP is the John the Baptist of our day....Repent!
@johnchandler1687 6 күн бұрын
I heard that Herman Munster was suing Kerry for Cultural Appropriation.😅
@johngeier8692 5 күн бұрын
A dishonest duplicitous politician who is colluding with ridiculous and economically destructive popular delusions.
@jjhpor Күн бұрын
"the fact that God exists" Not true but it would be nice to have some entity to blame for cancer, malaria, earthquakes, birth defects and oh-so-much more suffering that is part of the natural world. The biggest joke, of course, is the common nonsense heard from Christians of the "merciful Jesus". There's a real scam.
@timothybasil 10 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson raising his vocal pitch to do an impression is wild.
@amodernpolemic 4 күн бұрын
It was a beautiful piece of psychology.
@matthewcruz1709 10 күн бұрын
Have been recently watching Fr Chad Ripperger lay out how science has started degenerating, and the connection to Modernism. Was thinking of Peterson throughout. Can't wait for this whole interview to drop.
@flinch622 10 күн бұрын
Colleges are largely about a handful of things these days: grants, the publishing racket, and sports top the list. The comment of consensus bears weight and dovetails with the publishing racket: peer review [in so many cases] has devolved into goaltending, be it of doxies or competing grants. You could arrive at an idea, have & explain logic or methodology to at least indicate a topic is worth mulling over, and a half dozen or so may jump up and say "hyet" in unison... and you are self publishing, just like that - locked out for the gravy trains sake, to keep your citations from being common [if you do pursue and persist]. Its bona fide flat earther territory, intellectually speaking. So there's a weakness in western methods: we are conditioned to accept format and volume in place of quality of argument. Pile enough agreeing citations together and all of a sudden someone is "smart"? That's a house of cards - and what most degrees are worth these days, I'm afraid. People having paid tens of thousands for some third party imprimatur face a real conundrum, especially in this era of cancel culture - disagree with an institution and they may take [or destoy the value of] your degree, and do it without proof. One thing seems true to me: the quality of science may be inversely proportional to the amount of government involved. I'm reminded of the barbs thrown at Faraday, on account of his observations were not preceded by sufficient institutional gravitas, per the hubris loaded "intellects" of his day.
@MarkoMakela-kk7qf 10 күн бұрын
This is indeed a very intresenting topic as we really don't need any pre teen 'Greta Thunbergs' to preach us about anything. Some hysterical reactions in societies around the world and so has reminded of a panic and brainwash... not that it has had anything to do with the reality. Yes ofc our planet has taken some toll of the human activity, but it isn't that simple in any shape or form. Now that religion don't have too big part of a normal persons life in westewrn world, other ideas and ideologies are filling that void and usually they are compelety nonsense in any given measures. Like Lt Ripley( this beeing a movie and completely fiction ) says in 'Aliens' as she was investigated by her former actions said: 'Has the IQ suddenly dropped as I was away?'... Yes indeed... You can ask this today too. One obvious thing is that our world has been more and more devided to even smaller groups and and even one vs one situations because we have promoted induvidualism as a some kind of virtue even with personal opinioins without any arguments at all to back it up. That is completely nonsense. The first thing to do is change the whole school and education system and bring back the basics of philosophical foundation that is the basis for all modern science anyway, regardless what you think. And also make pscycholygy a mandatory subject and also require everyone to be tested that way if they want to even have a student place in univercity or high school, and more over, if they ever want to pursuit a political and social status... In my country our army has made these actions almost from the day one to ensure, that no person who is instable or could be harmful to others( to this particular society ofc ) would not ever get a gun in his or hers hands ever. Even in wars no one wants maniacs nor other kinda of unrealibities in their team.
@DesertRat.45 9 күн бұрын
Keep watching him. He makes more sense than the governing trash acrosd the globe
@raymondbencak7539 9 күн бұрын
Thanks Matt.........can you the video link in your comments. Tks 👍👍
@matthewcruz1709 9 күн бұрын
@siquike90 10 күн бұрын
The pareto distribution is the mathematically hardcoded manifestation of “the poor you will always have”
@calebalbertson1690 10 күн бұрын
"Those that have will be given more, and those that dont have, even what they do will be taken from them."
@timrichardson4018 10 күн бұрын
Yep! Simplistic explanations and solutions are wrong more often than not. Poverty is multifactorial. But even that's not the right way to think of it. Poverty is the norm historically. Wealth is the exception. The real question isn't why are there poor people. The question is how to create wealth.
@matthewcruz1709 10 күн бұрын
It's also known as the Matthew principle.
@hxhdfjifzirstc894 9 күн бұрын
I don't think the premise is exactly correct. For example, you must first have some kind of definition for what poverty actually is... or else you devolve into a tautology of saying that the bottom 20% are 'the poor', therefore, there's this amazingly consistent statistical pattern that societies always have 20% of their population living in """poverty.""" The real question is, what percentage of people actually live in poverty, and that can vary widely due to local economic systems, e.g. free market capitalism versus communism -- it would be silly to compare the bottom 20% in North Korea, to the bottom 20% in America. One is dying of starvation, while the other is dying of morbid obesity. In other words, there are no actual 'poor people' in America, while everyone in North Korea is poor, except the one fat communist man, with all the money and all the food. This is not to disprove the ancient wisdom that _there will always be poor people among us,_ but rather to disentangle economic statistical quintiles from a more concrete measure of poverty.
@hxhdfjifzirstc894 9 күн бұрын
@@timrichardson4018 To create wealth, you should make a plan that leads to you having the ability to *use money, to make money.* For example, straight out of high school, get a job in home construction/remodeling. Save all your paychecks, until you can buy a fixer-upper house to flip. You're not going to build wealth by working for a paycheck... but you can choose a job that conveniently leads to an actual wealth building path (such as house flipping). Then you leverage your profit from that first flip, to flip 2 more houses. And the profit from those two, to flip 4 more. The pattern continues until you acquire sufficient 'critical mass' wealth, to retire and live off the interest. It could be anything... something that suits your natural talents and abilities. Some people might want to start a food cart and scale up to a restaurant chain. Or get a job as a mechanic, and build a path to flipping cars, and owning a car lot. The key is that working a regular job is not going to lead to wealth. You must somehow harness the power of money, to create profit.
@andrefelixstudio2833 3 күн бұрын
I totally agree I’ve known all this information for years and I don’t work for MI six
@PhilipReeder 5 күн бұрын
Physicist Richard Feynman stated during a lecture on science and the theoretical process that "...we make it up." At which point the students in the hall laughed. "No, no. Really, we make it up." He then clarified. "We come up with an idea, hypothesize, test our assumptions, and THEN if the results do not match our expectations - the hypothesis is wrong and no matter how pretty the idea was, it's wrong." I obviously paraphrased, but the lecture is on KZbin. Look up Richard Feynman lecture. It's from the early or mid 60's and in black and white.
@patricklewis9787 10 күн бұрын
Reminder that for every Einstein there’s at least 100 scientists who think that signing a petition will mean that the theory of relativity is wrong
@Theactivepsychos 10 күн бұрын
What? What is this an analogy to?
@ricshumack9134 9 күн бұрын
​@@TheactivepsychosThe meaninglessness of consensus in science. 100 of Einstein's peers published a critique of his theories claiming he was wrong. Einstein asked why that was relevant, and said just one of them needed to be correct.
@pedrovillalobos6221 9 күн бұрын
@@ricshumack9134 That is asinine, consensus doesn't mean that you do a vote choosing what theory you like the most but the position of scientific community based on the evidence.
@ricshumack9134 9 күн бұрын
@@pedrovillalobos6221 Flat earth anyone? Geocentric solar system? Witches causing crop failures in Massachusetts? If you lack the intellect to evaluate theories for yourself, be honest and admit you don't know.
@franciscositja4079 9 күн бұрын
​​@pedrovillalobos6221 that is so naive. Cherry picked so-called evidence that "suggests" this and that, is deemed enough to support far out conclusions, because it is said that there is no evidence that corroborates the denial of the suggested claim or hypothesis. Then those unsound propositions serve as foundation for a new layer of research that stacks on top of it as an assumption, and on and on, and the "scientific" edifice becomes so highly invested in poorly scrutinized presumptions that no one dares to question because it's been there for so long, and here we are in 2024 with science fictions all over the place in so many areas of academia, in contrast with solid engineering that produces what it is purported to be. It is way more nuanced than what you are making it to be.
@bitofwizdomb7266 2 күн бұрын
You can’t beat the scientific method . It’s the agenda that some scientists may have that can be considered biased . But the scientific method on its own is the best we have
@jjhpor Күн бұрын
Yes, a lot of people with scientific training are just in it for the money, like a lot of ministers, like Jordan Peterson.
@douglasstrother6584 6 күн бұрын
[Derek] Price’s law says that 50% of the work is done by the square root of the total number of people who participate in the work.
@kavalere 4 күн бұрын
The whole 97% of scientists agree BS reminds me of growing up in the late 70s watching Trident sugarless gum commercials. “4 out of 5 dentists recommend Trident for patients that chew gum.” Even myself saw through that BS after i watched enough of those ads. At first I bought into it, then i thought who are these 5 dentists? were they paid to say they’d recommend? BS always
@PGHEngineer 10 күн бұрын
Most scientists in academia are actually doing one-off engineering for large corporations.
@francismcglynn4169 10 күн бұрын
When the means of achieving the end you desire are wrong either the end you are choosing is wrong or you are wrong in choosing the means.
@jimgrady8004 Сағат бұрын
I recently saw an advertisement promoting environmentally friendly yachts. You'd think that people with enough money to buy yachts who are concerned about a climate crisis would forego the yacht altogether.
@Magihyun 5 сағат бұрын
I feel bad for thinking all those people who rejected Peterson like 5 years ago were idiots. They are smarter than me at least.
@Autobotmatt428 10 күн бұрын
I would love him to interview Rupert Sheldrake he was talking about this before it became more well known
@puddintame7794 4 күн бұрын
Has anyone else experienced that when you click a link on KZbin... instead of taking you to that video, KZbin takes you to a disclosure page? Then it's hard to find the video you clicked on originally... Curiously that happened to me when I first tried to watch this video.
@colmcille9669 10 күн бұрын
I studied biology and saw some issues but my sister worked for a science journal and told me how much more issues there are with the peer-review process. A big thing I noticed that I haven't seen talked about is a lot more biased of a personal observation. This was that most people who studied science weren't motivated by what I assumed - the curious thirst for understanding that motivated the theorists we learned from - they just were good at learning and saw job opportunities. It was similar when I later attended skeptic conferences - most weren't free thinkers but were just replacing faith in one authority and tribe with another. The reality is that success in science has more to do with superficial measures of performance and sociopolitical adeptness than adherance to fundamental principle. I believe this is a degradation. I don't think as many of the old geniuses would get so far now, particularly the more "autistic" ones. Good talkers who publish in fake journals (a fast growing problem) are more favoured than those with merit. It's not entirely broken but it is harder to trust than before.
@rbarnes4076 6 күн бұрын
Don't know if you are aware, but there is a thing in science right now called the 'Replication Crisis', which goes right to the heart of what Peterson is saying. Might be good reading if you aren't familiar. I was trained in science (biology) but when I realized just HOW political it was I changed to another major. Now I work in a corporation as an engineer and only have to deal with inter-departmental politics, must less problematic than dealing with a government!
@colmcille9669 6 күн бұрын
@@rbarnes4076 Yes that's an issue that has always been at least a niggle but is growing exponentially. Even if we did science perfectly it's interesting to conceive of how we could be drastically mistaken based on what we don't know, but the increasing reliance on studies that have not been replicated is scary to consider because it means we don't know a lot that we think we do. And the indications based on those that have failed replication are that there are a lot that wouldn't fare well if anyone bothered to try. Add to that the increasing fabrication... Frustrating to say the least. And then, as you say, the politics. Most peer review systems break down due to poor adherance to best practice and politics. Well known researchers will find ways to highlight their identities so as to bypass the anonymity and garner favourable reviews. That's if their field is even big enough that it's not already obvious based on what labs work on what projects. I could go on but you know yourself. We haven't even mentioned money.
@johncopper5128 8 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@borneandayak6725 10 күн бұрын
Many people today want to be Messiah, the savior of humanity.
@Supperconductor 10 күн бұрын
False prophets seeking profits.
@reekinronald6776 9 күн бұрын
...and they want to do it while lounging in their favourite chair sipping wine and eating cheese.
@pinehawk9600 8 күн бұрын
@Theactivepsychos 7 күн бұрын
You just described Peterson beautifully. The guy is trying to replace learning institutions evolved over centuries with his own learning programme. Remember this is a guy who made such bad personal choices that all his family were sick enough to have to resort to some real extreme practises. Every video he made in the early days he was drinking Diet Coke. He’s so off target and ego driven that there’s no way I’d follow his teachings. If I did I might have to start smoking again because there’s no way I had a mystical experience. I just stopped. Like my dad did, and brother, and mum, and grandad, and aunties and uncles.
@Razear 9 күн бұрын
It's important that a distinction be made between the social sciences and the natural sciences, because the replicability issue primarily affects the former.
@dwwolf4636 5 күн бұрын
@MarcusN-kp1jn Күн бұрын
How many youtube comments do you post everyday, OP? I see you in the comments of every video I go to, no matter the topic.
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace 10 күн бұрын
Follow the money
10 күн бұрын
An analysis done in 2011 on climate research found that 9 of 10 authors that have doubts about climate change have ties to Exxon Mobile. The real money is in politics and oil. Spreading doubt so that the red team can score points on the stupid libs. Our children and our children's children will see the fruit of our labor in what we did to preserve the future.
@reggosse3901 2 күн бұрын
Go Jordan, Blessings.
@user-lo9yc7oz6e 6 күн бұрын
Great video 👍
@PlanchePower-nt3zd 2 күн бұрын
My professor in university said the exact same thing
@1murder99 7 күн бұрын
"Skeletor" good one Jordan.
@gravelordkyle 9 күн бұрын
Matt, Locals isn't available in my country because of my government's demands for it to take down content it didn't like. Would it be possible for you to upload this episode to KZbin as well?
@bonjovi2757 3 күн бұрын
Good morning. Most of my comments are blocked. I really like Jordan.
@richard1342 3 күн бұрын
@mikemarkowski7609 10 күн бұрын
@Hupernike45 6 күн бұрын
John "Chicken Little" Kerry, and Al "Chicken Little" Gore.
@drew6194 6 күн бұрын
Or as I refer to them: John "Potato-Head" Kerry and Albert "Einstein" Gore.
@Hupernike45 6 күн бұрын
@@drew6194 I'll accept that. I think it was Rush Limbaugh who used to refer to these people as Chicken Little. They speak and behave as if the sky is falling.
@gerrymccarthy9568 10 күн бұрын
He is spot on!
@Montfortracing 9 күн бұрын
Not really, and not sure why Catholics waste their time listening to him. Capitalism can help alleviate poverty, but it's not the only thing alleviating poverty. There are such things as cooperative economics and economics where people matter. Capitalism is a system where people mostly don't matter and only cares about the consumer and not enough about the producers. As for climate change, as Catholics we have to learn how to steer the world back to having union with nature and learn to develop technology with the aid of nature. Contraceptives are a byproduct of capitalism and modernism and industrialization. If we knew better how to develop technologies without disposing nature and human beings we wouldn't have contraceptives. Science and medicine would have reproductive technologies like NaPro in way more advanced stages than they currently are. This is part of changing the way we live and consume goods, and unfortunately conservatives like Jordan Peterson don't ever talk about that.
@theQuestion626 9 күн бұрын
Pardon me but… What exactly is he “spot on“ about? Capitalism is a system that needs poverty and exploitation of labor in order to continue to function. It doesn’t do anything to alleviate poverty, what it does is disguise poverty and then have pseudo scientific justification for why poverty is somehow “the natural state“. Poverty is a creation of lack of resources, capitalism is the hoarding of resources by those with either control of capital or easy access to capital. Capitalism turns people into commodities and competitors. It is an incredibly dehumanizing economic system that views human beings as disposable. And it’s amazing to me that people can look at Jordan Peterson and think that he is speaking some kind of Bible truth given that his field of expertise is clinical psychology and not history economics or even theology. And given his track record he wasn’t very good at psychology either. He was not respected in his field and he’s not famous for his psychology. What he is famous for is his crank political positions and his sophistry.
@theQuestion626 9 күн бұрын
@@Montfortracing that puzzles me as well. I can understand why a lot of the Christian Heretics in the form of the prosperity gospel and the other dominionists would listen to him because he is just as much of a dogmatic crackpot and cynical opportunist as they are. He’s also severely mentally unwell, so I’m just a little confused as to why Catholics would even remotely listen to him.
@G.B.P. 10 күн бұрын
Can you put the whole interview already?
@Twofiddymill 22 сағат бұрын
As you get older you rely on instinct and patterns intuitively. Nearly everything I hear I consider to be BS…especially for many so called authority or leader….keeps me just where I wanna be!
@garyfrancis6193 5 күн бұрын
You are correct JP.
@FSR431 10 күн бұрын
I wonder what the connection is between climate change and population control?? Hmmm there's a topic.
@hxhdfjifzirstc894 9 күн бұрын
The connection is paganism/Satanism. Worshiping the 'weather gods', and child sacrifice. Everything goes back to the essence of Satanism, which is rebellion against God's creation, by stealing, killing, destroying, perverting, distracting, thwarting, etc. God said 'be fruitful, and multiply'... therefore Satan wants the opposite. Population control. Abortion. Worshiping the weather and the dirt or the trees, instead of God.
@colbyjames7255 6 күн бұрын
Science used to be called Natural Philosophy, and that's what it still is. It's not the end all / last line of what's what. I like an old saying, "There is no such thing as modern science. There are only particular sciences, all in varying states of growth, and not all of them are in unanimous agreement among people in any particular field."
@johnz8843 3 күн бұрын
All the science skeptics after JP, not an expert in either climate science or the philosophy of science, affirms what they already believe.
@richdespiseus6243 3 күн бұрын
The rich never abide by anything that makes them poorer. They DO, however, seek to enforce it on the poor.
@bluesky6985 10 күн бұрын
$cience 😊
@benjamink2398 10 күн бұрын
So who do you trust, exactly? Is the earth flat? Was Stalin really that bad of a guy? How do you know? I'll tell you: you trust consensus. You do it for everything else. Your confirmation bias (a psychological idea, ironic) gets in the way of your thinking clearly because your brain doesn't like the feeling of having to change.
@amodernpolemic 4 күн бұрын
Perfect John Kerry impersonation!!
@user-zo8gz9yp7n 6 күн бұрын
But not Kerrey's' private jet for goodness sake
@sergenerli976 5 күн бұрын
The man is brilliant, and has an uncanny ability to make things clear.
@solapowsj25 5 күн бұрын
Most soil doesn't yield, just the well-cared ones do. Nothing wrong with science.
@slimynaut 3 күн бұрын
Yep the earth is greening, there is no climate crisis
@andaimhineach4131 5 күн бұрын
People have confused and can no longer distinguish between what they know (i.e. epistomlogically) and what they *believe.* Most believe that what they simply believe is based on knowledge. Very little self awareness amongst the masses now-a-days...with a commensurate lack of humility as a consequence.
@paulsmith1981 4 күн бұрын
The big bang theory is a perfect example of how science really works. The James Webb Telescope keeps turning up observations which could not conflict with the predictions of the big bang theory to a larger extent, and they just continue on as if nothing has changed because their entire careers, reputations and funding are tied up with the big bang theory.
@silverblackguerrilla4370 7 күн бұрын
Some of science is nonsense obviously but to say that MOST of it nonsense is ridiculous. But calling John Kerry Skeletor is hilarious!😂.
@drew6194 6 күн бұрын
Sadly, these days, most science is nonsense. All you need to be a scientist in this brave new world is to repeat these words: "I'm a scientist."
@grandjette 9 күн бұрын
2:25 "Drive energy cost down and we can make the third world rich" An expo in a 3rd world country featured transport vehicle technology using "distilled water" as fuel. Word spread that a "shiek" bought the invention... In the same 3rd world country taxis were "encouraged" to convert from gasoline to LPG saying that LPG is cheaper. Taxi drivers ended up with less income since they needed LPG refilling so often they ended up paying more on top of the conversion expenses which were deducted from their daily income. We need more honest people who are intelligent.
@dwwolf4636 5 күн бұрын
Distilled water has no energy content that can be accessed without first splitting it into H2 and O2. A process that requires alot of energy. LPG generally is generally cheaper at the cost of ~30% mileage per liter of fuel. Whether or not that is economically viable depends on the cost of the conversion kit and the gas/lpg costs ( which is usually a tax issue ). Some math work will determine whether or not such an exchange is economically viable. A certain % of the vehicles in a nation using LPG can be produces less CO2 and other pollutants and it allows for more total fuel for a given amount of crude oil. Again economocs will stermine what is more worthwhile for an economy.
@user-dv3yn6jb8u 4 күн бұрын
Amen your right we can make a great world. But how should we replace those who hoard for only themselves? I think so yes.
@jonah9861 9 күн бұрын
“Social science” 😅🤣😂😅😆
@jjhpor Күн бұрын
"It's not replicable" He must be talking about where he went to school. What an idiot. I quit right then.
@michaelgarrow3239 6 күн бұрын
Science is the new religion. 🙈
@sdrc92126 10 күн бұрын
Wait, how can this be trusted when there is no of seal of maltruthiness?
@hxhdfjifzirstc894 9 күн бұрын
Jawohl! Ver is zee blaue Korrect Zots booble?
@steadfastandyx4947 3 күн бұрын
Dr Peterson is correct.
@harrydaniels1942 5 күн бұрын
I mean, surely Peterson knows part of that paper situation is that the senior acts as a supervisor which means he/she gets their name on it and their citations exponentially grow as a consequence.
@austinbarrington-ss8qi 10 күн бұрын
You should host a Tim Gordon vs Trent Horn debate on feminism
@victoriaeinbinder9487 10 күн бұрын
Maybe. I wonder if Trent has changed his opinion on feminism since the Carrie Gress episode? I theologically more "normie" but I actually fully agree with Gordon on this one, that feminism and Christianity are incompatible or "inadmissible"
@theearlofelm9168 10 күн бұрын
I want that blazer
@alinucalinuc4124 10 күн бұрын
I'm with J Peterson on this climate analysis...
@Montfortracing 9 күн бұрын
Your analysis on climate change should be deeper than Jordan Peterson's. You're a Catholic, right? If so, then your understanding of climate change should be more nuanced instead of just stopping at "it's not true."
@alinucalinuc4124 9 күн бұрын
@@Montfortracing Exactly because you are Catholic you should be skeptical about affirmations, like "there's too many of us - bad for the planet", etc, made by ecologists. Ecologism, in the meantime, has gone too far!
@Montfortracing 9 күн бұрын
@@alinucalinuc4124 you're right, we definitely need to be careful with those kinds of affirmations. But that doesn't mean we have to harbor denialism about climate change. Of course we need to fend off those population control people, but as Catholics we need to get people to look at the environment away from a consumerist impulse. Even if a Catholic has difficulty understanding the science and chemistry of the climate we know we're not here on earth to haphazardly use the earth's resources however we please. Paul VI, JPII, Benedict and Francis have all written about this and we at least should start by understanding integral ecology and develop a deeper understanding of creation beyond Jordan Peterson.
@luisrios6087 10 күн бұрын
Please consider renaming the title of the video something like "most scientific research is not replicable" or "most scientific research is misinterpreted" I think it's more accurate to the point Dr. Peterson was trying to get across and more true in general.
@bobgoodman1451 7 күн бұрын
Let's make Jordan Peterson and Pierre Polievre become us citizens then make then run our government
@brucescofield9301 18 сағат бұрын
Bizarre opinions delivered confidently
@markstephens5118 5 күн бұрын
When it comes to politicians' motivation for hopping on this climate bandwagon, may i suggest, like most TV cop show dealing with fraud, conspiracies, and such like " follow the money."
@user-gr3oo5ux9x 7 күн бұрын
All a movie within.iam the infinite dreaming of doing stuff etc as a human being
@santroff5050 10 күн бұрын
PWA audio mixing needs some work. Bass is too high, and guest audio sounds like it has reverb.
@danielabbey7726 5 күн бұрын
Go dig up Ignaz Semmelweis or Georg Simon Ohm and ask them about scientific consensus!
@junevandermark952 8 күн бұрын
“Since the masses of the people are inconstant, full of unruly desires, passionate, and reckless of consequences, they must be filled with fears to keep them in order. The ancients did well, therefore, to invent gods, and the belief in punishment after death.” Roman historian, Polybius.
@BeardLAD 3 күн бұрын
1:15 - wish I hadn’t listened to him now lol Pan Evaporation Rates
@barefootarts737 10 күн бұрын
2:32 When the poor become rich, someone else will be poor. If this isn't true, then we need an example from history, or a clear and plausible scenario.
@TheCompleteGuitarist 10 күн бұрын
It is true that not everyone can be in the 1% but I am guessing he means people not dying of starvation, easily curable diseases and cold. Because food security health and stable homes themselves are wealth. Or do you think everyone should own a Ferrari?
@DesertRat.45 9 күн бұрын
Farting melts the ice caps
@AirArtStudiosOfficial 3 күн бұрын
Peter is turning into Stevie wonder
@greglbennett 10 күн бұрын
I miss "Clean your bedroom, Bucko" Jordan Peterson.
@christopherh783 5 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson puts things into perspective quickly and concisely. It takes him five minutes to say the same thing that "experts" need an hour long lecture to explain.
@user-gr3oo5ux9x 7 күн бұрын
True,all science is science fiction.true also , so is all of humanity,and a personal God person.all situations very much totally empty of anything actual
@fishgolfguy 5 күн бұрын
Most studies if not all nowadays are funded by corporations with their own interests.ya real positive innovations are not coming unless there's money to be made.sad but true
@JimStanfield-zo2pz 6 күн бұрын
Hes saying most science is junk while also saying that the best scientist publish the most junk papers. 😂 Its easy to publish garbage meaningless papers, especially when the incentives are there, its hard to publish high quality papers.
@danjohnston9037 10 күн бұрын
Sooooo...All the REAL Scientists, Meaning the ones that he has TALKED to AGREE with him ??? And how MANY is that ?
@Unoriginal3 6 күн бұрын
Math isnt linear like we have been taught The lie isnt science its absolutely everything
@David-ns4ym 7 күн бұрын
If you are in the government dime you’ll ask questions and research what gets you funded. Same with the corporate world. For example if a 2000$ medication is equal to Tylenol why compare the two. You compare it to the 3000$ medication competitor. You’ll never publish the head to head vs Tylenol. Thus the public is mislead. That’s the current state of science with gender, and climate but other areas too.
@conantheseptuagenarian3824 9 күн бұрын
depending on the field, a lot people at top institutions produce sub par work and they don't even produce that much of it. a lot of what they produce is straight up theory driven propaganda. i got into a top PhD program and the professors there didn't produce a fraction of what my thesis advisor at my master's program produced - he's published 3-5 papers per year for 30 plus years - at a very middle of the road Institution.
@DeadEndFrog 9 күн бұрын
Says the psychologist hmm
@Montfortracing 9 күн бұрын
I know, right? It's absurd because conservatives complain about folks like Noam Chomsky commenting on fields he's not an expert in, yet they're ok with Peterson speaking on a range of issues. It's quite pathetic.
@kalon227 7 күн бұрын
Stupid is as stupid does.
@zachmorley158 10 күн бұрын
>brings up his daughter once >in the thumbnail she goes
@user-vh7ks8px3s 7 күн бұрын
@zachmorley158 7 күн бұрын
@@user-vh7ks8px3s Looks like they changed it. lol
@promagnuman 2 күн бұрын
You have the Coolest Suits. Yes Yes Yes everything about what you do in general is what the world needs right now, but some has to call out those suits. I wish i could afford your suits.
@pierreester1470 10 күн бұрын
People will defend most fiercely what they know the least about. Do not hold others' opinions as truths
@roberttamilia886 4 күн бұрын
So true
@Vigula 9 күн бұрын
It's all about putting in more government control and restricting individual freedoms.
@theQuestion626 9 күн бұрын
It has nothing to do with “putting in more government control and restricting individual freedoms“ that is basically a paranoid conspiracy theory peddled by people like Jordan Peterson and fascists. Do you want to know something funny about people like Jordan Peterson? They constantly complain about “the government“ and “restricting individual freedoms” while ignoring that the corporate state has already done this and continues to do this. But that’s not surprising because Jordan Peterson is not a scientist, he’s not a historian, he’s not an economist, he’s not a philosopher, and judging from his record he was a terrible psychologist and a terrible professor.
@ilil813 5 күн бұрын
And there are ppl that trat science as if is a god
@garywilliams1839 10 күн бұрын
The notion that our minuscule contribution of CO2 in the atmosphere is causing a problem is absurd. We are currently in a CO2 drought compared to historic levels and we really should be doing all we can to increase the levels from the current 420 ish to at lease 1500 ppm. 2500 ppm would be even better for the environment. It would green the planed, increase food production and oxygen levels. This is high school level science folks; if you graduated high school you should be ashamed for swallowing the IPCC propaganda.
@christopher6323 7 күн бұрын
Oh no, not again... the Pareto distribution... it seems to be the only piece of mathematical statistics that JP is aware of....
@braveHoratius 10 күн бұрын
That includes Petersons profession. Psychology and all its variations is psuedo-science at best.
@knwoledgeispower 10 күн бұрын
Absolutely!Hipocrisy at its finest
@stevetaylor2445 5 күн бұрын
My understanding was that a "journalist" did a poll with 6400+ scientists (this included doctors and veterinarians along with completely unrelated fields of science like David Suzuki who have no understanding of climate science. Then when the poll was completed 97 of the 6400+ people felt there was a climate catastrophe,then the "journalist" chose to add % sign after the 97 to continue the ideology
@flankspeed 6 күн бұрын
OK, even the basest study of body language tells me he's talking out of his arse.
@johnkennedy4023 6 күн бұрын
Most of what Peterson says is brilliantly imaginative, but nonsense. Yes, I've read all of his books, including the hard one
@ordinary_deepfake 10 күн бұрын
Did hollow get into a controversy and lots of people left it why did you stay
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