Most Wanted changes in FFXIV

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@rebeccahong7159 Жыл бұрын
I just want them to fix the instant portrait that every time you change gear it breaks
@fandianffxiv Жыл бұрын
I would like to be able to sell a big stack of any item on the market board and then let people just buy any quantity of that item stack. That would improve the economy of the game and make farming and crafting more accesible for everybody.
@Draylin41 Жыл бұрын
I know there's other MMOs that allow for this and it's great. I purposely split my materia into small amounts when selling it so people don't feel forced to buy a huge stack they don't really want.
@matteoar Жыл бұрын
Or even just change a whole stock at once. Sometimes to follow the market I need to change the price of a whole 20 stock and I have to do it one at a time, it's just bothersome
@Kairamek Жыл бұрын
This is my number one ask.
@grygaming5519 Жыл бұрын
@@Draylin41 BDO does this and is probably my favorite thing about their marketboard
@Pink000h Жыл бұрын
This would be amazing. Someone get Yoshi-P on the phone
@Endrian Жыл бұрын
Ability to craft near a summoning bell and have it automatically use any crafting materials your retainers are holding.
@DoppelgangerTH Жыл бұрын
they would have to skip an expansion to code that kekw
@shakeweller Жыл бұрын
Its a menuing issue in general, not specifcly crafting related. But i 100% want that, just not exclusivle for crafting.
@snipegrzywa Жыл бұрын
​@@DoppelgangerTHyou could whip up a prototype in a week. Reuse old code. Whip up a new UI elements, can use use /isearch to know what retainers to call, when you start craft, have it call the retainers in the background, move items inventory, then open crafting window. Server wise there might be some needed built in delay, but getting rid of the millions of menus and all that, it's worth it to have a few second delay between pressing craft and open craft menu. It would take some time to polish, suss out hedge use cases, error checking, not buggy /can't be abused (like introducing a way to dupe items)... But it's not that hard of problem to solve
@apathy2454 Жыл бұрын
I REALLY want a automatic reassign button for all my retainers clicking through them all is exhausting
@DICEBOY22 Жыл бұрын
Or a feature called group craft where you craft with your retainer so they're useful outside a bank.
@Orih9 Жыл бұрын
The number 1 thing I care about is I just want to see the healers feel fun again. Allow them to have a more interested set of DPS so that soloing as a healer, doing something like Deep Dungeons, or even just utilizing your healing downtime actually feels fun to do. The better you get at healing, the less you actually need to heal, and that in turn feels like a punishment. You got good at healing? Enjoy spamming Glare until your fingers fall off. I think the balance between attacking and healing is what made healing really fun, but now we also have so many free healing OGCDs that our "core" healing spells never actually get used. It should be a balance, and ironically the side of that scale that has been utterly gutted is the one we spend considerably more time doing. In short, allow us to heal more and make DPSing as a healer actually fun and interesting. It doesn't need to be a lot, and you can have each healer approach it differently. White Mage can be more simple like Warrior while Sage is more complex like Gunbreaker, for example.
@sold0ut210 Жыл бұрын
Don't let the raiders on reddit hear that. The biggest complaint they had about the second raid tier was unironically that they once or twice in the fight had to use a GCD heal and that this ruined their dps.
@alexandersalinas8455 Жыл бұрын
@@sold0ut210 yeah dude they will literally scream bloody murder if they have to heal my god ive noticed it for YEARS
@shawnscouten5184 Жыл бұрын
⁠​⁠@@sold0ut210I haven’t really seen anything about that, the fights can be optimized so that 2-3 gcds of healing max are used like every other fight, the biggest complaint I saw was dps not using mit forced them to use more, which is fair, as other party members affecting your dps is not really fun. Ff14 fights are designed in such a way so that you will dps most of the time, changing that would require a full rework of every ff14 fight design principle. Healers in ff14 are based around doing precisely the amount of healing your party members need to survive while dpsing as much as you can. Healer skill kits are so bloated with ogcds that in most fights if you need to gcd so many times it “ruins your dps” either your party is truly awful or it’s a major skill issue. Generally I would say ff14 isn’t going to increase healing requirements specifically as that would be too hard for casual players, so might as well make dpsing fun because as it stands now, the hardest content to heal in this game (dsr I think) frequently has logs where 67% of the buttons pushed were glare.
@OriginalGames2 Жыл бұрын
As a healer main I don't want more dps options. I do a lot of random queues into normal trials and raids and there's a lot more opportunity to use healing abilities outside of the scheduled cooldowns and it's more fun just because people sometimes get hit by stuff. I actually like when someone gets a vuln stack in a dungeon because it means I can do something that the role is meant to. I don't like it when they get like 4 of them, but a couple makes things more interesting. Keeps me on my toes. I think more reason to just use mana and gcds for healing would be fine. Reducing the requirement of healers constantly having to dps to meet timers and having more reason to do stuff outside ogcds is a direction I'd like to see.
@hermespymander9167 Жыл бұрын
What makes healing fun is not the kit or rotation itself but well planed battles.
@HongMiyo Жыл бұрын
I would make Machnist's Peloton animation be to pull out a starter pistol and fire it, instead of pulling on a cord on your lunchbox.
@CompressionPolice Жыл бұрын
I just want a different lunchbox for every weapon :(
@Grimnoire Жыл бұрын
Why would firing a pistol make you go faster I get why it makes other ppl go fast but why you
@red5robb1 Жыл бұрын
@@Grimnoire you gotta keep up with them to keep them movin faster
@taco_sensei Жыл бұрын
Lmao good idea!
@ehwick8175 Жыл бұрын
Call the skill Ricky Bobby: if you ain’t first you’re last.
@OldManDoom Жыл бұрын
I would give anything for more glamour plates. I could find a unique individual outfit for each one. My toon is an idol, so each job has multiple different costumes with different themes. Even my crafters and gatherers. I could actually start leveling more jobs if I had more plates to give them a unique costume. I don’t want 3 different sets of gear for tanks because I ran out of plates to keep them all in their unique constumes
@normanicole4714 Жыл бұрын
I have like 17 plates for casters. I cant get into other jobs because of this.
@th0rne_999 Жыл бұрын
That sucks... I'd be happy with just having enough to give each job including crafters and gatherers an individual plate, at the very least. Rn if you have every job unlocked, you can't even do that and even if you could, it would get messed up bc linking plates to individual jobs doesn't apply them if you're not in a city. So if you're out gathering and switch to your dragoon for a roulette pop, you might still be in your reaper glam and if that has reaper only items in there, your dragoon glam is messed up until you go to a city and fix it. It's so dumb. A transmog system would be a godsent, but honestly even just fixing their own restricted system to actually work would be better than nothing.
@GamerGrimm Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the whole time i was thinking to myself, “yeah but if i get bis easy…ill just play like a day or two and dip faster.” However…as the 22m video continued, i think if bis was easier and had more routes, i would get bis on a lot more jobs and playing different jobs at bis would help keep things fresh. Plus with more routes to bis you could explore those routes on different jobs. Like having more little rpgs in one big one.
@WeisseningBlitz Жыл бұрын
The gearing system has pretty much been contradictory to the job system since they first added gated tomes shortly after ARR launch. Many have to tried to justify it's that way precisely because the more hardcore would grind themselves into nothing to do, but frankly, that's a self-imposed problem while the current situation is more or less a punishment for everyone else. The fact there is no rollover cap on tomes also facilitates FOMO and is just generally not good if you can't play as much as you'd like in a given span. Nonetheless, part of the equipment issue ties back to how bland it is, and the blandness can be further extended to the Materia system. From my perspective, Materia should be augmenting abilities, either improving their functionality in some way or even changing a skill's behavior, such as making a ST skill AoE with reduced potency or vice versa. Lighten up a bit on endgame being an excel spreadsheet that you run a rotation through repeatedly and you open the door for a bit of player agency to customize their classes in a way they prefer. However, this also demands you don't skimp on Materia implementation. Scenarios where you may be a little OP is fine as long as that isn't every situation. Thinking back to FFXI, however, there was a point where they had a system called Trial of the Magians that could be seen as the XIV equivalent to more bite-sized relic quests. Each phase you completed improved the gear a little and at some points you had branches which would further specialize based on what you wished to do. I feel like going this route would introduce a more casual friendly gearing process and crafting would assuredly make a prime candidate for the production of base equipment for the process. It can also help introduce use for lesser used items or older currency. Finished items looking cool should pretty much be a given. More importantly, the gear can't be weaker than raid stuff, otherwise it may as well be DoA and a waste of resources. Those that crow it's not fair or a path of least resistance ultimately need to get over themselves, but if it turns out higher difficulty instanced content "dies" then that's also the community speaking in its own way. Still, there are plenty who want progression that isn't reliant on time gating, putting up with people you don't like, or just arbitrarily repeating something because it's the temporary hotness. So while I have thoughts on other content, figure glossing over the inter-dependency of gear, skills, and materia enough for a post that'll probably never cross the devs' desks, anyway.
@DarkDyllon Жыл бұрын
the issue with current gearing is that unless you're with a static, you'll be stuck doing the tier for many more weeks than neccessary, after 4 months the tier is pretty much done and over, why not unlock the tier after 4 months, if that is too much (which honestly it isn't) maybe make the cap of tomes and clears to be 2x or 3x what it is when it's released. so instead of 450 tome cap it becomes 900 or 1350 and you can reclear p9-12s 2-3 times, kinda like we already do with unreals.
@scotaloo77g73 Жыл бұрын
You might keep playing, but the overwhelming majority of other players won't and raiding would instantly end for the tier. Anyone who's late to the tier will struggle a lot finding anyone to raid with. There's a reason why no mmo does this. They're supposed to keep people playing the game and create an active environment.
@cerulean5032 Жыл бұрын
​@@scotaloo77g73 Couldn't the lockout just be class based? So you could do multiple clears, but simply change class for each gear?
@scotaloo77g73 Жыл бұрын
@@cerulean5032 That would speed up gearing and cause the same problem.
@Revonlieke Жыл бұрын
Open world stuff is just exatcly what I would hope the game had more of. spaghetticode can't always be the reason for bad netcode when there's proof it's fixable. Especially when they kept saying they can't add certain things, but suddenly can when the modding community literally forced their hands.
@DarkDyllon Жыл бұрын
i've said this before and i'll always say this. modders are better at being devs than the devs themselves, which in some cases can be seen as natural. a modder does it generally for fun, so passion is involved, meanwhile a dev does it for the paycheck and rarely will go above and beyond what is required. but yeah, I remember in Stormblood we asked Yoshi for the damage types of attacks to be visible to us without having to scoure the battle logs, his response was "this will never get added since he thinks it's part of the experience" then skip ahead 2 expansions and people are getting banned for plugin usage and ... we now have the damage type plugin in the actual game. I honestly dislike how Yoshi basically straight up lies to the community, he did some amazing things, don't get me wrong. but in Heavensward he said that cross world PF wasn't going to be a thing, it became a thing in Stormblood. in stormblood he said world travel is impossible, we got that in shadowbringers. in Shadowbringers they first said it'll be impossible for DC travel, guess what we got in Endwalker. if people say "well, at the time it was impossible" sorry, not a valid answer, especially when he already plays some cards close to his heart to the point where he isn't allowed to say anything till it's definitively confirmed, why is this any different? sometimes i feel the dev team is just incompetent, when i heard "it took us a lot of effort to umbrella's to work properly" i was like "wait what? how is the umbrella thing giving your highly expertised dev team trouble, the hell?" meanwhile modders have been dealing with this clunky engine all the same and just make it work.
@Revonlieke Жыл бұрын
@@DarkDyllon Yup, pretty much.And like other devs have done in the past. They shuld hire these modders under their wing to fix some shit.
@dacienvegas2712 Жыл бұрын
Rewards need to be reviewed. This is a really old and easy to solve issue: there's 19 jobs and soon 21, but you can only play with one at a serious level. Why? They need to loose the chains a bit. Just a bit. Here comes patch 6.5 with more useless gear and rewards until at least another 4 months.
@MarasKoszykarz Жыл бұрын
True that
@norightturn7047 Жыл бұрын
All I want is for them to replace the Praetorium on April Fool's day with an Ultimate version of it and not tell anyone. Better yet, make it coincide with a new Moogle Tomestone event for maximum damage.
@BaghNakh1 Жыл бұрын
If they did that they would have to give you like 200 tomes per run otherwise people would just find it funny the first 5 minutes then move on to the next activity on the list thats more efficient for tome farming hehe.
@Densuii Жыл бұрын
I hope they add a joke mode that reduces all ability cooldowns to only a few seconds.
@VelvetSanity Жыл бұрын
Ultimate version: exactly the same as the regular version but Gaius's monologue is 30 minutes long
@Sumire001 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see critical engagements and such things (from Bozja), randomly appearing in the open world maps. Would be cool.
@immersion9880 Жыл бұрын
Ooooh that would be cool. Maybe tie them to fates or hunts to spawn them?
@AOffensiveJoke Жыл бұрын
These exist in the form of raid boss fates like Odin or Gozen. They could change it to scale so it can be soloable like CEs.
@Sumire001 Жыл бұрын
@@immersion9880 The main issue with spawned things is that somebody has to actually spawn them and many people wont bother to wait, participate or join some discords. Sooo imo it's better to pop up randomly or be tied with some ingame time :0
@bozochegou_original Жыл бұрын
It could be something like the MMORPG Rift, with random events scaling up / down with the number of players.
@andytorres2395 Жыл бұрын
Dualcast can get seriously messed up by lag. You'll go to cast a spell with dualcast but it's possible to hit the button before dualcast registers and you'll start casting the spell. 😵
@arxeha Жыл бұрын
yes! i swear, i have to drop RDM altogether because i am constantly lagging at above 190ms ping. in a 2 minute rotation i had trouble with it at least 3-5 times
@Draylin41 Жыл бұрын
I literally switch to SMN during bad micro lag so I wouldn't have to get frustrated over this.
@AOffensiveJoke Жыл бұрын
Genuinely feel terrible for red mage mains you lost your role as the mobility caster to summoner and are now some weird support magical DPS who has to fight with the game to do decent damage while summoner with it's 3 button rotation can out DPS you and move way more.
@TOEC Жыл бұрын
#1 for me in what would I change: Implement/Allow mixing of players/Trust members, not just 1 player & 3 NPC, but 2 and 2, or 3 and 1 (etc. for 8 player trials etc.)
@bobbypadlock Жыл бұрын
you could do that with npcs in gw1 was very cool
@KZorander Жыл бұрын
I'd love that, as someone who is frequently playing at 4am with my best friend. Let us go together with Urianger and Yshtola to fill out our party.
@WeisseningBlitz Жыл бұрын
This was something FFXI's Trust system allowed and frankly made it pretty nice for messing around with friends in more mundane content. Personally wouldn't argue against the efficacy of them being improved somewhat, as well.
@Norbert_Sattler Жыл бұрын
One issue that burns under my fingertips is an increase of the experience for roulettes that properly scales with your level. It's just so frustrating when you want to level a level 70+ character, the "leveleling" roulette puts you into Sastasha and you come out with about 30k experience to add to your missing 3 million!
@DarkZeroUnit Жыл бұрын
personal limit breaks and personal group limit breaks
@rwensler6299 Жыл бұрын
Id love a better glamour system where i dont have 36 retainers full of outfits lmao, that would be a amazing fix. But id like to be able to do the new game+ stuff and go back through story and actually be able to lvl a alt class doing it instead of fate farming or dungeons etc etc. id run the story all the way through for all my classes lol
@geebster. Жыл бұрын
They should do what WoW did and just make it so if youve ever bound an item to your character you get that appearance. No more using up slots and having to go to an instanced place to mess with that. Also let us adjust plates and interact with the glamour UI everywhere that isnt in combat.
@ExiaLupus Жыл бұрын
Do you actually wear all of that stuff?
@catsexual3412 Жыл бұрын
having 36 retainers seems like a headache.
@player554 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad more ppl starting to understand that ff14 community is toxic when it's about criticism.
@stacyrubel2632 Жыл бұрын
I would give each healer a dash, I would also request the glamour dresser be larger to accommodate more items, and my BIG one, is I want a glam plate for housing. So I can save my current housing decorations but have a plate for like Halloween decor, Christmas decor, etc. that way I don’t have to spend hours redoing my house for the holidays lol.
@shuriken05 Жыл бұрын
I felt like glamour rant. The amount of time it took for me just to move around from the retainers to the dressers then going through all the items to make sure which ones I really wanted to keep, because I didn't have the space for it all.
@RandomNessie123 Жыл бұрын
re: what you were saying about glam, i totally agree and wish it was something akin to gw2, where it's account-wide, as well or at the very least, if you finish a relic on one toon, you can buy replicas on all the others, that type of thing at minimum, imo and preferably a vendor that you can use uncapped tomes/poetics to buy level capped dungeon gear to unlock the appearances or put in your glam dresser if it's not dropping etc
@iceman3317 Жыл бұрын
Yeah while I like WoW's. I think GW2 did a way way way better job. They have all the dyes and armor in the same area. Everything can be dyed and used multiple dyes with. As far as I know, there is no class restrictions at all with their system. So a tank can wear caster gear. There is no point we should be stuck. People say, then you wouldn't be able to see tanks.... FYI we have a party list and markers. If you can't see the tanks, then mark them. Then we have others, well then it doesn't make sense for a tank to wear robes.... my dude.... we can already do that. Heck we can wear nothing at all as a tank. So yeah, 100% agree with you.
@kllcmd8980 Жыл бұрын
@@iceman3317 there are restrictions in that there are 3 types of armor (light, medium, heavy) and you can't transmute heavy gear to look like a piece of light gear etc. but still a much better system
@naywils Жыл бұрын
Glamour and collection system, collection logs ect. I'd love to try and collect every item in the game.
@immersion9880 Жыл бұрын
I’m surprised there isn’t a log for FATES you’ve completed or hunt marks you’ve defeated.
@moonbunny5637 Жыл бұрын
I would love for them to make housing items stackable and break them into two categories. 1 for used items that can't be sold on the mb anymore and 1 for unused items that can be sold on the mb.
@YoshisSupport Жыл бұрын
i need class design to feel good/meaningful/fun/deep to play the game again, they all feel too similar for me rn where i cant enjoy any content anywhere in the game
@AOffensiveJoke Жыл бұрын
Black mage is the only class in the game that doesn't feel like burst class. Every class in the game has turned into a burst class besides it and it's painful. It's so bad now that barely any class can survive without being bursty, I'm hoping that the reason why paladin rework removed it's dot was not due to lazy Devs giving up and not fixing the flawed class design philosophy they have but because they're stretched too thin with ff16 and 7.0 graphical update.
@RageJ Жыл бұрын
Jobs are simultaneously too convoluted, too simple and too similar it's very strange.
@AlexSuns Жыл бұрын
the savage loot system is so stingy, and how you can't do them out of order or you lose your reward for that week.
@TheShadyElf Жыл бұрын
probably in the minority here, but I just no longer find the core gameplay (combat) engaging anymore. It doesn't matter to me if they add more content, or more midcore content, if the jobs don't feel fun to play. I guess it's inevitable as they keep adding more jobs to the game but doesn't really change how I feel about it. I want more reactive/engaging abilities (think DRK's The Blackest Night) that force me to pay attention to combat even in casual content. I've found myself drifting off playing healers in roulettes this past year. Playing more difficult content really isn't a long-term solution either considering the effort required and the fact that combat even in casual content used to be fun. Jobs are also so homogenized. I play DRG and seriously started to question why I even play the job. Like what about DRG in PVE makes it fundamentally unique and different to other melee DPS. The jumps? In a game with no real Z-axis? They're also still a little clunky. It often just boils down to animations and increasingly minor mechanical differences. Even old school FF games with significantly fewer abilities had jobs stand out more. Ultimately I guess this is the "price" of multiplayer games...the need for balance clashes with the impactful and unique mechanics and you see all of that get stripped away. Happens in many games with a multiplayer element. It might just be time for me to move on from FFXIV for good.
@andrewsallee Жыл бұрын
I want 2 dungeons per patch again. and more optional dungeons at expansion launch. having so few options in the roulettes really puts a hamper on my enjoyment on doing them.
@sergeantkitty Жыл бұрын
I would agree if they actually make dungeons interesting instead of being a copy/paste of their formula of two trash pulls, then boss. Give us some interesting mechanics with puzzles and exploration or add in extra powerful enemies that stalk you the whole time and can only be defeated by using things in the environment. There are so many things they could do to add variety to each dungeon and make them more fun.
@th0rne_999 Жыл бұрын
​​@@sergeantkitty Yeah and honestly I'd rather have fewer dungeons like these than more of what we have rn. Cause those copy paste dungeons are fun at launch when you get blinded by the beautiful environment and then a week after they're already boring because it plays the same as every other dungeon with minor tweaks. I think the best dungeon in EnW because if that is still the first one, simply bc of the last boss being three bosses in one. Think that was a nice idea and a step in the right direction, but then every dng after that was the same old hidden behind pretty effects again.
@johankarlsson1776 Жыл бұрын
As long as those dungeons were like the dungeons in ARR, I'd be with you. Honestly, very little differentiate the current dungeons. The structure is the same, the bosses mostly just use the same mechanics and attacks, even if they look different they are functionally identical 😕
@GonnerMax Жыл бұрын
Man, Zepla is not joking about creating a new account. I had so much trouble that the game eventually locked me from doing it. In the end I had to ask my brother(who lives across the state) to create one, otherwise I wouldnt be playing. Totally worth though.
@griggins Жыл бұрын
It's always felt a bit bad when exploring around in zones and not finding like a treasure or anything around outside of the views. The views are still nice, though. I also mainly want more world content.
@TerryVideoZone Жыл бұрын
Wish they would try something like bringing Eureka NMs into the open world. Could maybe have special ilvl-appropriate gear tied to them. hunts and fate farming in endwalker just isn't scratching that itch.
@Edge2177 Жыл бұрын
I think your talk with LlamaTodd hit the formula right on the head. You need to incentivize and give us more 'fun' modes like Eureka Pyros with specialized gear in Criterions.
@OracleCura Жыл бұрын
I know it's a massive uphill battle against squeenix, but I'd love it if they relaxed the job restrictions on glamour. I play RDM; most of the options I have are big flowy robes, and these feel like they are very impractical and do not fit the style of RDM at all. There are some pieces that I'd *love* to use, but they're for DRG or NIN or something. The restrictions are there for the sake of preserving the visual identity of each job, but... anyone can show up to a raid wearing a bikini, or a chicken suit. Why not just remove the restrictions and let the player base express themselves as much as they want to? ...oh, and the unique trait of savage gear. Again, the fact that you can't have multiple of a savage drop means you can't easily switch between gearsets that share an item, but have different materia requirements. If I'm playing RDM, I don't want spell speed melds. I switch to BLM, I still need my savage chest piece, but maybe I want to use spell speed materia. I have to yank it out and put new materia in every time? Really? There's no better way? I'd have a second chest piece with the other set of melds if I could, but it's *unique* , so the game won't let me.
@brycemoose7026 Жыл бұрын
Exactly most casting gear sucks ass on rdm
@sold0ut210 Жыл бұрын
The system could even require that you have reached a certain level on a job using the gear class you want to use. Want to use a level 70 scouting piece on your level 90 red mage? Sure! Both jobs just need to be level 70. People would actually be playing more, too. Alt leveling would be a lot more popular.
@Pina-Azwel Жыл бұрын
I feel you. I main Samurai and really really wish I could use the high steel gauntlets and boots from dragoon/reaper. I have found a way around and use plate arms and boots on my samurai to get the knight look i want, but find it weird that I'm restricted from using specific ones even though I can wear somewhat similar ones anyways.
@Harkmagic Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, I would love to have access to the gear for other jobs. It is very hard for me glam for tank jobs. As a min height Miqote my character is pretty small, but I would like for her to still look like her armor is protecting her. Tank armor almost universally comes in two varieties, painted on skin suits and superheavy that looks like it would crush my character, I want something in between. The game has the in between, lots of DRG/RPR gear is perfect. I also picked up a chainmail skirt for DRG in Stormblood that I would love to use with my tank glams, but I can't. And don't get me started about how casters get all of the nice skirts.
@ajayrious Жыл бұрын
I would add "open-ended" rewards, and by that i mean not having unique items be the only rewards (apart from Materia) from things like Hunts, Tribal Quests, Island Sanctuary etc. Loading those pieces of content with unique one time only rewards adds an end point to those pieces of content because theres nothing left to do in them after a certain point. Mounts and things are nice, but they are one time purchases and once you have them theres no point doing the content afterwards. Back in ARR Tribal Quests had rare crafting materials, rare dyes, pieces for the relic, all of which has been removed and redistributed to other pieces of content. And if you're going to keep Materia as part of these rewards, make changes so the Materia is actually useful outside of week one raiding.
@dezrotbex3008 Жыл бұрын
Make the gear matter more than it does already. It doesn't have to be on the same level as WoW, but there's only very few specific situations where your gear actually matters. There's only a few amount of dungeons where your ilvl is set to what you actually have instead of being synced (either ilvl or level sync). The open world having more to it would indirectly make the gear more meaningful as well. Unless you're farming old content unsynced, your gear will only matter in like 2-3 dungeons, 4 raid bosses, a few trials and ultimate fights which doesn't make me very excited to farm for bis or just for the sake of getting stronger. I really hope they add more ways to get gear as well, horizontal progression giving players different options would definitely make more people interested in working on optimizing their characters.
@Pyro71666 Жыл бұрын
I would love for the housing wards to get upgraded with increased interactivity and give players more of a meaningful reason to hang out in the neighborhood, as opposed to afking by the aetherite
@immersion9880 Жыл бұрын
I would LOVE them to expand on the hunt system. It’s great open world content. Something like Slayer tasks from OSRS would be great imo. Can tie it into the Grand Company system too.
@Typhoonflame Жыл бұрын
100% agreed on the inventory a newer player in HW, I already don't have much space for my glams ;-;
@LightSummoner84 Жыл бұрын
The job design is simply catastrophic, and even though it had many issues before as well, healers simply have too many healing spells, some of which are even completely obsolete or have similar effects. They lack a real rotation while they encourage healers and tanks to be more like DPS in the end because their damage output is very high and therefore crucial in a raid. Tanks have too many self-healing effects, team heals, or team healing over time abilities at this point in the game, Paladins and warriors are completely brainless in this regard. They need to reconsider this balance because dungeons can be completed without healers, with 3 DPS and 1 tank, and this is not something normal, no content that is supposed to be done with the DPS/TANK/HEAL trinity should be doable without a healer or tank. They also need to stop simplifying melee by adding more and more encounters with giant hitboxes. Melee DPS no longer lose uptime, and as a result, the gap between melee DPS and ranged/caster DPS, except for BLM, is completely unfair. The 120-second burst window design is a poor game design choice. The game was better when jobs had different bursts on 60, 120, and 180-second cooldowns. The visual rework of the Summoner is visually appealing, but the gameplay lacks depth. It's completely brain-dead to play, especially considering that they deprived an entire community of players who loved it when it used to involve managing damage over time effects (DoTs). After 8 years of Summoner being a DoT-focused job, they completely nullified it without offering a caster job that could maintain that type of gameplay for those who enjoy managing DoTs and so on. Furthermore, in the Summoner's rework, they incorporated a healing spell that doesn't scale with intelligence, rendering it entirely useless, meanwhile, they removed spells with genuine utility. The current Summoner lacks any real resource management, and the only strategic aspect of gameplay is not using Ifrit at the wrong time due to its gap-closing ability. Everything else is mindless, and it's a shame to have such a poor job design in the game. It's not just about it being simple to play; it's a matter of very bad design. They are making the jobs more and more similar, and in the end, it feels like they are almost having the same gameplay. The homogenization of jobs is indeed harming the game. Jobs are becoming less enjoyable to play and are undeniably losing their unique identities. There is a way to reduce the number of buttons a job has without homogenizing them and destroying all their intricacies, as they are currently doing.
@darkultra9605 Жыл бұрын
I agree, the jobs are slowly starting to feel like re-skins of each other.
@RaddyC Жыл бұрын
Job design is by far my biggest issue with 14. This is the first expac I haven’t gotten every job to cap and haven’t even wanted to clear each savage fight. If there’s one thing that needs to be fixed in DT it’s jobs
@gramt4685 Жыл бұрын
I know it will never happen but the cross class actions should have been iterated upon rather than removed in my opinion. Obviously it had it's own issues, and many would just resort to the "meta" picks, but being able to do interesting combinations and mix ups during various types of content was so much fun. Today though, this would probably be a nightmare to balance with so many jobs, etc. What could have been we will never know! I think if they had taken this approach long ago and made something that was more fleshed out, we wouldn't have as many issues today with homogenization.
@AOffensiveJoke Жыл бұрын
So true gawd damn. So many healing spells could just be combined into one and not all healers should be the same one button DPS, I don't get why scholar who is all about mitigation has a special instant cast DPS spell instead of something like a second dot so they can focus on mitigating while still doing decent damage with extra dots. 2 minute burst window has made all classes besides BLM into burst classes. Remove raid buffs for all classes except dancer and bard, rework them into their own niches maybe bard buffs everyone while dancer only buffs a few people (a troupe) and have ninjas old role as the support melee back being the only class to weaken the bosses defense. This means we can have dots, sustained damage, selfish burst cycles and class individuality back.
@noonecares6336 Жыл бұрын
i think the biggest problem that nobody talks about is that the content cadence went from 3 months to 4 months and its being felt
@wolvo5441 Жыл бұрын
Yes definitely
@LightSummoner84 Жыл бұрын
"Yes, but whatever the playeurs say, they won't reduce it. On the contrary, I wouldn't even be surprised if they expand it further. The patches were at 3 months for ARR, 3.5 months for HW/Stormblood and a part of Shadowbringers, and now it's not even 4 months, but it's an average of 4.5 months for the Endwalker patches. What's worse is that after 6.5, we're going to have at least 9 months without a major patch, which is gargantuan, especially when COVID isn't a factor anymore, etc... You can thank FF16 for cutting the workforce in half, and they hired new players who were given full control of the design of Endwalker, and you can feel it in the quality of the content, which is mediocre. Look at Yoshi-P's latest two interviews; he doesn't even do content verification himself anymore. These are mainly new developers, and that's why there are far fewer veterans, and that's why the content is mechanically so mediocre.
@AOffensiveJoke Жыл бұрын
I hope with ff16 dlc finishing and with 7.0 all of the old team will come back and guide the new staff into making the content faster and of higher quality. Because the class design and focus of solo content is painful.
@wolvo5441 Жыл бұрын
@@AOffensiveJoke class design is bad?
@AOffensiveJoke Жыл бұрын
@@wolvo5441 yeah every class has been built around having a 2 minute burst phase besides BLM which is the only class that's sustained damage focused. It made the classes feel extremely samey and lost their flavour, paladin lost its dot combo for a worse version of gunbreaker blasting zone, samurai lost its on command crit move because it doesn't fit in the 2 minute burst period smoothly. Besides that the healers have too many heals that feel redundant and scholars kit contradicts themselves heavily and feel awful to prog in. This is all for the sake of hyper balance the Dev team is scared of having classes being objectively better than others like in ARR, HW and SB but that has made them lose class individuality for it.
@DarkDyllon Жыл бұрын
honestly a few things could do with some serious touch up (including the forbidden word "plugins", as a disclaimer and my lawyer told me to or SE might come after me, i don't use plugins obviously) - for starters, why don't we have a death recap? why do i have to rely on other people using 3rd party tools to go to a 3rd party website to see what killed me? (don't come with "the battle log" that is an uncontrollable mess) - why can't we see the specific HP value of a boss? being able to see the actual HP is much more useful than seeing 1% since 1% of 20m is still 200k, you might think you were close to that kill, but 200k is still plenty of DPS GCDs or OGCDs. - having an actual timer next to a cast bar is another 1, it's not a major issue, but it's nice to see howlong till the cast is finished, the cast bar is inaccurate, since for example the enrage cast in DSR P6 is much longer than others, it can be 20-30 seconds, but i don't know exactly howlong, makes me able to make an educated guess if we'll have the dps or not. this is specifically got controller players, make an option to always select yes, this makes inventory management 10x easier (especially when you need to delete gear because you know, yay for needing multiple gear sets for multiple jobs for multiple fights (mostly ultimates) but only having x amount of slots, meanwhile you got howmany jobs that all share that extremely limited space?) 1 major things i want them to fix and it's unlikely to happen, but maybe now that Yoshi-P is finally done with his holy mission to get the single player crowd into an MMO (not happening) more content to do, Endwalker felt so forgetable post 6.0, not going to say the raid tiers were boring because to me the fights in general were, especially 3rd turn fights, but it can also be because of the static i was in, but Endwalker is so forgetable because of the content it comes with, island sanctuary isn't nearly as fun as people expected (and instead of fixing it's core issues they'll just randomize it for everyone) the patch cycle has become longer (by 2 weeks each major patch, which makes the story feel even more disjointed, like for example the major thing that happened in 6.4 right? well, it's a race against time! ... except we'll wait 4 months before we can do anything about it) I don't feel like their added 2 weeks for "quality assurance" is being used correctly, we gotten the worst snapshots i've seen in the game ever, where you can be a good 1-2 seconds out of the danger zone, but the snapshot already happened. (playing on 20-24 ping, so it isn't my internet or the servers shitting themselves) - make jobs feel less alike, I get that they want to have an easier time balancing jobs, but honestly, i think they need to work more about a plan for what they want from each individual job. if we look at dark knight or now Paladin (rip old PLD, i'll miss you and likely never enjoy PLD again) DRK is basically a discount WAR but with more DPS and less self healing, PLD is basically a more ranged GNB now, why? because of the 2 minute meta of course. but they don't know what they want with DRK, it's still in this limbo of getting weird things added, like when Endwalker was announced with the job changes, we saw an action to salted earth, why? or plunge's cooldown reducing from using your ranged attack? same with Machinist, the job has been in a rough state since stormblood and now finally, after getting 10 potency here and there every major patch it finally is in a state where it's not a burden to take with you, still doesn't deserve it's selfish title though, also, i wish they would do more frequent balance patches, waiting 4 months while your job is basically a bottom feeder isn't exactly fun (looking at you Red Mage, despise being a "rez mage" but i like the overal gameplay, but feels like shit when i deal less damage than a summoner who has an infinitely easier rotation?) they do this for PvP, but not for their bread and butter PvE? - being able to world hop from the character select screen, currently you can select the option but it'll put you in a seemingly random world, for example i'm on Cerberus and want to go to Omega, but if i use the character select option i get but in Sagitarius automatically, meanwhile if I DC travel i can specifically select which world i want to go to. - an option to instantly collect your retainers venture and send them back on their path with their last used venture. this is honestly a big 1, because i have no idea how it isn't even in the game yet. - ALLOW ME TO SEE THE COUNTDOWN TIMER BEYOND 5 SECONDS AND MAKE IT ACTUALLY ACCURATE! this is just jarring, why do i only see from 5 seconds? as a RDM i'll need to start casting at 5.5 seconds, but then i see "10 seconds remaining!" and then 5 second countdown, either i pull early or late, let me see the entire pull timer! on that note, make it accurate, since the pull starts at 1, not 0, so you see 5, 4, 3, 2, PULL, instead of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, pull, because apparently that last second doesn't exist.
@mjaiiv Жыл бұрын
First thing I would change is simplify how to make and use an account , I’m 12 emails deep into recovering my account and trying to use it on certain pc , haven’t played in 2.5 years
@airy_co Жыл бұрын
Oh my god this is so true, I used to play and it's crazy how I'm able to recall literally all the things you mentioned. I remember asking other players about that and their response was "haha yes, it's bad, but it used to be way worse and we're used to it" - netcode is bad and players with not so good network connection quality like me from south america feel it even more - managing your inventory is painful - interacting with the marketboard to buy an specific item is painful - adding your credit card for game time set up, and remove it is painful - farming tomestones is boring, you can feel how everyone doing daily roulette is mindlessly participating, they just want it to end and get their reward, feels like a chore - old map regions feel and look esthetically old, players get mad when you say it but it's true, ShB/EW regions look so goooood (crystarium, old sharlayan, etc) and gridania/uldah/limsa lominsa look "fine", i know game graphics quality is irrelevant if the game itself is good, but c'mon... this game is great, wouldn't you want to see a revamp'd eorzea? just walking through gridania makes me happy and feel at ease, it's part of my dearest memories already, i want to see the game become prettier, shinier, it deserves it. which is a shame, i got to love my character, i like how i can switch jobs and get a totally different gameplay style, while playing from ARR to EW all story characters grew on me, the social component of the game has it charm, glamour fits all players (you can get cute glams, badass looking glams, silly glams, etc)
@tooloud3376 Жыл бұрын
I hope you keep doing this type of videos. Some changes may come sooner, other we might never see the light of day, but i think it's really good to discuss these things. Would love to see a video regarding jobs and what changes people would like to see. Also what do people wish or expect to happen after lvl 100? lvl squish? empowering the job stones instead and stop at lvl 100? How many more abilities can we have? Should abilities be lvl locked aka not being able to use all the abilities u have in lower lvl dungeons/raids? Also can all the melee dps jobs just share their gear already? why 3 types of gear? ugh it's like why do we have critical hit, determination and direct hit rate? Why not just one?
@nicholasf.1897 Жыл бұрын
Improved social features like when you defriend someone, you don't stay on their list. Removing the ability to track someone through lodestone despite name change and / or server transfer.
@Ugouka12 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the biggest thing I would like to see is the streamlining of ARR and some of the fluff quests in other patch cycles. Streamline it and add voice acting so the MSQ at least is consistently voiced. ARR is really sporadic with VA, and it was irritating to me. Or create some choices that allow bypassing some of the larger pain points. The whole leadup to Titan? Have a choice to honor the tradition or insist it's too urgent. Finding the right rock to "fix" the airship? Be able to convince them it's fine. Would give choices some weight and wouldn't really be hard to implement since it's just flagging steps complete and giving a few lines of alternate dialogue.
@DarkDyllon Жыл бұрын
I got this issue with the current patch MSQ. big giant threat is about to conquer everything ... wait 4 months to fight this big baddy btw. any sense of urgency is gone by the time 6.5 drops, sure i'll be like "ok, let's do this" but my hype is not exactly there anymore, my immersion is already killed off for atleast 3 months and 3 weeks at that point. "time is of the essence!" meanwhile "i'll wait here for 4 months" I get that it's a patch cycle, but story really suffers hard from it, any sense of urgency is gone. (another issue I got with the story, but that's in general is their inability to make lasting impact, like we're still with exact same crew since stormblood, meanwhile we got y'shtola who has faked death so many times now, same with Thancred, when it happens again i'll just be like "oh no! anyway" knowing full well they'll come back alive somehow.
@Onebie Жыл бұрын
They should try to do more stuff to keep the veteran players entertained, so they do not feel like they have nothing left to do in the game. Oh well i am a doomsayer and am of the opinion that FF 14 peaked, storywise in Shadowbringer, gameplay wise in Stormblood. Then again, lets see how next expansion goes. If it is more of the same as Endwalker, it might as well fall from grace.
@Daniel-qt5ib Жыл бұрын
Level scaling is the worst for me. During the EW job trailer, I couldn't help but think "nice, can't wait to barely get to use any of these skills during roulettes". I don't know what the fix is other than "let me keep my full kit and just nuke my damage in return to keep it level with those not synced down" - maybe there's something more clever they could do, but just anything that lets me keep my kit. The problem is only going to get worse as more and more skills get pruned as the level cap rises. My recommendation for improving the gearing up alt jobs - have it be that once you buy tome gear for any given equipment slot (head, feet, etc.) then all further pieces for other roles is massively discounted. 825 for the first body piece? Cool, all further body pieces will be closer to 300.
@OriginalGames2 Жыл бұрын
I think it's possible that just allowing people to use their full kit would be fine. The early dungeons are pretty faceroll already. A reverse echo to reduce damage for everyone a certain amount of levels higher could work but it might not be necessary.
@katthemischievous2167 Жыл бұрын
I have 1 minor changes Id like to see. Make carbuncle a trait thats always active. Now that it no longer generates aggro (as both smn or sch), there is no reason for it to not always be out. No more forgetting/wasting a gcd.
@katiekaliber Жыл бұрын
AGREED! The pets having to be resummoned after you die seems fair, as like a consequence to your or your teammates' actions but it not being there when you enter an instance or when you wipe and reset is just stupid.
@wolfgangvillalobos53 Жыл бұрын
I think having some daily missions for fates or other activities in a specific zone each day would be kinda nice to keep old zones alive.
@Akinon93 Жыл бұрын
I hope they do make it so you can start fresh in dawntrail, at least by the end of the dawntrail expansion. if they put a second "start point", they can stop trimming down the old msq quests to make the leveling content not take a lifetime, which is a double edged blade as while it's necessary so it doesn't take forever to get through, you lose SO MUCH with it. I remember playing a little during heavensward, up to like lvl 30 or 40 or so, and compared to when I started again in late Shadowbringers, there were so many moments in the msq I remembered that weren't there. as necessary as the trimming is, we do lose a lot of story moments from it, so instead having a new "start point" for new players would be nice. that or have a "NG+" mode that lets us do the original, untrimmed MSQ would be nice
@Khalmidgar Жыл бұрын
Why when im crafting do i have to constantly back out and go back in to crafter log to craft another recipe. I understand when you change classes, but if im crafting 5 diff weaver recipes let me just craft them all without having to stand back up back out each time.
@hOFalt Жыл бұрын
I want them to stop discouraging alt characters. It's great how alts aren't encouraged, but the fact they make it almost impossible to trade between them seriously makes me question why they give you the option in the first place. It probably wouldn't even lose them much money, since it would increase the amount of Story and Level Skips bought in the store.
@LightSummoner84 Жыл бұрын
What I would like to see or have them bring back in the game. -A change in the netcode. -A better inventory system. -A return to the way jobs functioned in Stormblood/Shadowbringers, A halt to the simplification of jobs and homogenization. -A reevaluation of support jobs is needed. Currently, melee jobs have much higher DPS, don't lose uptime with the current design, and have a support kit equivalent to other jobs. They also provide raid buffs despite their high DPS and contribute to support, etc. -On the same note, better balancing and less disparity between DPS roles is crucial. The disparity is currently too high. -Better options and interface design are needed. It's a real maze, and every time, it's a struggle to find a specific option. -The return of PvE content similar to what we had in Stormblood in terms of quantity of content. -A better housing system with a demolition timer set at 90 days instead of 45 days. This duration is too short and doesn't align with Naoki Yoshida's statement about taking breaks from the game. -Normal difficulty content with a level of challenge more similar to what we had before, I would say on the same level as Holminster and Ivalice when they were released. -The return of dungeons (hard) to revitalize the Expert Roulette, which is currently lacking diversity due to the same dungeons being in rotation for too long. -A better gear system, or perhaps the tomestone/savage equipment should adapt to all jobs and only change appearance (a complete gear set that automatically changes appearance and stats) but can be equipped on all jobs. This way, players would only need to obtain it once, eliminating the need for excessively shallow and uninteresting longevity. (Alternatives to tomestone and savage gear that can be obtained from extreme/savage-level content other than trials/raids. (The rewards from extreme content are lacking. -The return of an attractive and pretty exploration zone (not like the Bozja farm area) with multi-party mini-raids like the Baldesion arsenal, Delubrum, etc. (With interesting rewards and treasure hunt). -A reevaluation of older content is necessary. Older content has too little HP and gets obliterated; players skip 60% of mechanics, and it's a waste. It's not even fun at this point. Bosses like Thordan, Nidhogg, Shinryu, etc., have become jokes. They really need to revalue the older content; it's not just easy at this stage; it's dull.
@Jerbsinator Жыл бұрын
Please let us add relics to the armoire. For the love of God.
@thejaguar3191 Жыл бұрын
I really want an easier version of Coils of Bahamut that’s similar in difficulty to other Normal versions of raids so that sprouts can easily experience it through the duty finder. They could call it “Coils of Bahamut (Easy)” perhaps. It would also be cool for veteran players as it would add the Coils turns to the 8-man Raid Roulette
@polygonpenguin Жыл бұрын
Great idea, it would also be cool if they could get the duty support system working for 8-player raids too. I'm a new player and I would love to try some of the raids but it's quite intimidating. I would love to have a practice run type of thing for them so I could get a feel for it first before hopping into party finder.
@MinishDude Жыл бұрын
I want to be able to skip mid-trial cutscenes (if everyone opts to, or have all seen the cutscene before). It would shave off a lot of time when farming gwibs. I also want more flexibility in dying equipment. Most games I've played where you can recolor equipment have a full RGB color wheel that you can use (ex. Monster Hunter). I think the current dye selection is too limited.
@Fourenr Жыл бұрын
They're adding secondary dye in next expansion I think, but more dye color options would be very nice yeah. Would be a great opportunity to add a bunch with the new feature.
@littleman6950 Жыл бұрын
@@Fourenr Even having limited control over brightness and saturation for the current existing color options would go a long way. Woad Blue doesn't show up the same on everything.
@WeisseningBlitz Жыл бұрын
While I generally feel like this would go under the greater Glam umbrella of revisions, frankly every individual color on a piece of gear should have its own recoloring option. Random gaudy bits ruin so many items' potential when you're trying to color coordinate.
@iceman3317 Жыл бұрын
Yeah we need a lot more dyes. In WoW we can't dye anything. but in GW2, they have just about every color under the sun that we can choose from. We don't even have a normal purple color. It is either too dark or too light. So for example, Yugiri's armor is a purple color we can't use in game because a dye doesn't exist for it.
@MinishDude Жыл бұрын
@@iceman3317 also can't even dye my Drachen Armor dark enough to match Estinien, the "black" dyes are too light lol
@DiomedesTididax Жыл бұрын
I have always hated the fact that, when you get lvl sync down, you lose all the abilities that do not "match" the new sync level. That means that, when you help a friend or need to make lower level content, then whole gameplay feels slower. I do not see why you cannot get your damage down and thats it...
@042Decoy Жыл бұрын
i stopped playing a while ago because I wasn't in a static and the only thing I was doing was logging on to cap tomestones every week
@jpb0729 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny you mentioned making a copy of zones like Ultima Thule so we could do the cool group content or expand on the potential of these zones. I actually recall they did exactly this in FFXI. It was called Abyssea and was tied into the mythic weapon grind. I’m not sure how to feel about this suggestion. There was a love/hate relationship with Abyssea in FFXI. It introduced some interesting concepts and there was combination of grind, scavenger hunts, as well as spawn windows, luck, and to some degree class and job mastery to trigger and improve your chances at drop rates but I think that’s not necessarily what made the game great. The question everyone should be asking themselves is … “Is this content fun? Does it bring me joy?” There’s little time for anything else in life and FFXIV can and needs to get it right. There’s competition out there and you stated it best in one of your earlier videos on the topic. FFXIV may need to compete harder to keep our attention with so many contenders.
@WeisseningBlitz Жыл бұрын
There was nothing wrong with Abyssea as a collective concept. If anything, it exposed the FFXI endgame for what it largely was as an exercise of corrupt cronyism when suddenly the unwashed masses could get their hands on decent gear without punching a time clock, needing to work with people they don't like, following the whims of fickle leaders that always acted in their and their personal circles' interests, and just hoping the player politics behind item acquisition didn't blow up in your face. Of course, for those who benefited from the process, including the monopolization of rare resources for RMT purposes, it was the worst thing that could've happened.
@TerryVideoZone Жыл бұрын
Personally I would love if we got some more Dynamis/Abyssea-like content. I've been craving for XIV to get something a bit more indepth and zone-focused since Eureka. Bozja just didn't quite scratch that itch.
@blkguy3rd Жыл бұрын
in regards to gearing they could make it so that once you get a piece of gear from a raid boss you can then spend tomestones to get the same piece for another gear type. you already have the item but theres still a small price for getting it for something else
@swiftcastholy9034 Жыл бұрын
34 seconds in and we have someone apologizing and clarifying. When will the GCBTW get the reputation it truly deserves? There are no community awards to be won here, only toxic positivity towards anyone with any criticism at all. I'll watch the rest of the video, but I'm disappointed from the outset that this is how it begins.
@hortehighwind8651 Жыл бұрын
The biggest upside to the low ffxiv content is the high amount of Zepla videos.
@sharkt8to966 Жыл бұрын
I would make bard play the full song audio that would play when they would cast their songs
@MelricMagus Жыл бұрын
I would love to get rid of the tombstone caps and the amount you can hold. I would really love that.
@jerlbays7412 Жыл бұрын
simplifying the class design so much when it takes 500 hours to reach the end game in the first place is a huge miss imo
@Razielts1 Жыл бұрын
19:58 like I've said more than a few times, a great way to increase tombstone farm value: increase the number of tomes obtained from doing old content. Double the amount when playing with a player doing that content for the first time. ( there is already a small increase for first-time players, but that applies more to duty roulette. )
@MMOPC78 Жыл бұрын
One thing that might help the glamour/outfit issues comes from another MMO I've played in which the "oufit" you can buy from the game's online store is NOT tied to your character's job/class. Yes, the gane provides you gear to use; but, the gear does not determine what outfit you can use. An outfit purchased from the online store does NOT go into the player's inventory at all. Instead, it uses a "tailor" to customized the outfit and then write the changes back to the server under the character's name: while saving a thumbnail of the outfit to the local PC (similar to a cache) to lessen the load on the server. You can take one outfit, dye it, customize it, and then save the customizations, and then do the same thing to the outfit and save it as another custom outfit slot. True, that game does charge you for the additional outfit slots; but, that charge is to offset the need for more server side storage space as it arises. Plus, this system allows you to change your outfit anywhere on any ground map and never have the outfit linked to a class or job. FFXIV should be able to implement something similar where the only "outfit" pieces that go into your inventory is the ones the game gives you. An example of this is you are playing as wizard type toon. In your character profile: you have your armor, primary weapon, secondary weapon, shields, enhancements (potions or buffs), other items. Now, that basic profile never changes as the outfit is overlaid on top of the character. It should be possible for the devs of FFXIV to do something similar. Rather that forcing outfits bought on the Mog Station to be in the character's inventory, armory chest, armoire, etc.: the game going place a "soft cooy" of the outfit in a "tailor" where changes and customization could be saved and then accessed anywhere without needing to change your job or glass. By the same token: a piece of gear that could be used as a glamour could be "patterned" by a "tailor" and then just be a "soft copy" to customize or let the player decide to store it somewhere else. This would also increase the amount of ways that they can make their characters more unique as the outfit would not be tied to the job directly. For example: the basic gear you receive when you unlock Dancer would (IMHO) look great for a Monk; but, that can't be done as the outfit is tied to the job (unless that has changed). Then again: a simpler option would be to create an outfit repository where items can be equipped similar to "Fashion Accessories." Again, unless something has changed: there are still places in FFXIV where you can't even apply a Glamour Plate. When it comes to ARR and its story: there is still a lot (IMHO) that could be removed from the MSQ and still not impact the story it self. For example: (SPOILER ALERT) one MSQ has you go collect an egg from a place on the map amd then go almost all the way back across the map to hand over said egg to a NPC. By time one gets to the end of ARR: that quest meant nothing lore wise to a point and seems like just a filler. Lastly: it the mount system in FFXIV. Having a player have to wait to join a Grand Company to use a mount that they had purchased on the Mog Station is a bit of a turn off. While, I understand that it does this to keep player's from rushing to each MSQ quest giver and is meant for player to world build: there is only so many times a player can run by the same tree before it begins to feel slow. While I know these suggestions would probably never be taken to heart by the dev team: this is just my two cents when it comes to "odd" stuff in FFXIV.
@andrewan1225 Жыл бұрын
I WANT TWO THINGS: - Hroth and viera hats its been 4 gd years please make a gearslot for 2 player races function for gods sake - give white mage Tetra at lv50 so when you get lv50 trash in roulette they actually have an ogcd I frankly wanted hats way way more than h/vs opposite sexes like I cannot wrap my head around the people who saw the...crap release of these two races, one race of which had to pay money for fantasia to change their hair at all - couldnt use the aesthetician like everyone else- and said "oh they need to compound the problem with more body models and faces and unique hair for the other sex" instead of "oh in endwalker they should make the existing hrothgar and viera actually function like all the other races".
@amazinghoffman Жыл бұрын
Why does tank stance get turned off when level syncing down, and why does dance partner get turned off upon changing instances despite party makeup remaining the same? Really frustrating during treasure maps.
@nclark5720 Жыл бұрын
the point about ultima thule is so sad. i feel like the zones in this expansion have been so unique, it's a shame there's nothing to do in them :(
@MrCipasa Жыл бұрын
20 Seconds in and disclaimers roll out.
@SomeTechyPerson Жыл бұрын
I wish they would make use of their currency system. We have totems, coins, books from various raids etc. My inventory is full of hundreds of these things. Why aren't they using the currency system they have built? Is it to sell us more retainers?
@Mithicoron Жыл бұрын
One thing that should be mentioned regarding desperately needed improvements to FFXIV is the Friends list. If you block someone in FFXIV, you've only blocked that character. That doesn't stop that person from using an alt and continuing to harass another player. A victim of this abusive behavior cannot know if the person interacting with them is someone new or if they are the individual they blocked on an alt. Furthermore, blocking someone already on your friends list only stops the individual doing the blocking from seeing where the blocked player is located. The blocked person can still see that individual on their friends list as if nothing had changed. While they can't send or receive messages or look at their adventure plates, they can still read the aboutme/summary page that lists jobs and blurbs written for that character. More crucially, they can still see where the player that blocked them is. What data center are they currently in, and what location they are hanging out by in the game. This makes it incredibly easy to go and continue to harass someone if they want to. I know it's not the most glamorous thing in the world, but it's incredibly exploitative and needs to be addressed.
@Dracounguis Жыл бұрын
The first obvious thing would be to steal WoW's transmog system. No more limited glamour dresser space!
@SomeTechyPerson Жыл бұрын
Take cutscenes out of dungeons. Move the cutscenes to when you unlock a dungeon, and after you leave, then people can don't have to wait for loot rolls etc. Right now it feels like players spend hours of their time each month just waiting for no reason.
@VioletElite4 Жыл бұрын
For me I would reduce how many blades you need for 650 weapons. As a NIN main atm, 7 weeks is RIDICULOUS for the Shinobi Knives, I'm sorry lol
@bananagher7555 Жыл бұрын
On the whole gearing thing, I think they should just unlock the savage on the odd numbered patch..*especially* if there's an ultimate on that patch. Each of these last 2 ultimates I wound up progging it on a job that I didn't clear savage with, so I didn't have all the loot needed, and gearing up multiple jobs is abyssmal, especially in a game whose major feature is the ability to play all jobs on a single character. A few of my friends made alts simply because its faster to level an alt to max level, and gear a different role for it than it is to gear 2 roles on 1 character.
@aaallen23 Жыл бұрын
Despite all these requests for new changes The timeframe to even see those fixes wont be until at least a year or 2 patches later. I remember when ShB came out, one of the biggest QoL changes was, not just the removal of TP, but was actually the simplification of the crafting and gathering jobs. All skills and abilities were stream lines in a cohesive form so you didnt need multiple macros that could not be shared for multiple jobs. Than EW came out and they got rid of Belts and HQ items. Now that we've seen Peak Players at the end of ShB and Into Endwalker, we now have a lot more people voicing out their concerns for these changes. I would argue BEFORE they couldn't do anything or know they were a problem because 1. Player numbers literally fell off mid heavensward and bottomed out mid stormblood. It only started going back up going into post stormblood content and into ShB. Stream lining jobs, making them easier to play, Improving the story, creating better content as a whole, took up most of their limited source of resources at the time because back than the numbers were a fraction of what they were now so all the complaints now weren't a huge concern back than. But we are NOW seeing them improve things little by little and adding things players have wanted for a while because they now have the income, they now have the resources, they now have the fire in their bellies and under their asses to improve the quality of the systems. I'm not saying you shouldn't complain or it is wrong too. I'm saying that theyre listening and are 99% most likely already working to improve some of these systems but it still has to take time.
@alchemi8085 Жыл бұрын
I mostly want to see chat bubbles when people /say. Also adopting a transmog system more similar to that of Blizzard's.
@dividion8102 Жыл бұрын
I've never seen the bosses vanish like that in the open world and I've been in some crazy big hunt trains. I totally agree about glams. Even with the glamour dresser increase from 400 to 800... it filled up way too quickly. Another thing I'd love to see fixed is a re-work of the Achievements panel. Hunting for something in there is a mess.
@SiopeR Жыл бұрын
It feels like this game have now smaller amount of money for development. Kinda weird considering how many new players joined after Asmon saga. It feels like they are burning all that extra cash on shit like marvel games/forspoken itd -,-
@ze444 Жыл бұрын
I seem to recall reading there was an interview with YoshiP about the account creation thing - he said something about there would need to be a gigantic amount of work on the backend to fix it, and the skillset to do so is extremely uncommon in Japan.
@MarkusAndersen96 Жыл бұрын
Gearing at max level feels very monotone, especially after you've geared your first job. Especially expert roulette. WHAT IF expert roulette cycled through all dungeons you've unlocked, and they add cycling difficulty modifiers like mythic + in WoW does!
@DarukaEon Жыл бұрын
I experienced the issue where tons of people were in the same area to kill a hunt, then the hunt boss thing would just disappear. I wish they would make it so that mobs and bosses are not affected by the... max unit display thing... and the only things that phase in and out of view are just the players themselves and NPCs. That got incredibly frustrating when I couldn't consistently participate in the mass walloping and would die randomly due to some unforeseen AoE. I do like the instance idea, but I would like the list also display if the instance is congested, almost congested, completely open, etc. So that you could choose to go into an instance with a lot of people or choose an instance that doesn't have a lot of people. Similar to what they have in PSO2. And yo... glamor dressers. Just... glamor dressers. Inventory in general needs a revamp, I feel like.
@MorionAikanaro Жыл бұрын
Whispering in duties would be nice. make EVERYTHING dyable. Allow us to turn off particle effects or at least "Dye" the particle effects. So many weapons i cant use for xmogs where i can dye the weapon a certain color, but who cares because the effects completely block or overshadow the color of the weapon. Allow us to skip cutscenes in MSQ dungeons if everyone votes to skip it.
@andreaallson765 Жыл бұрын
To make it easy to quickly pass on each loot drop without having to click them each individually
@ShallieDragon Жыл бұрын
From what I've heard, the biggest thing they need to fix is end-game healing. It sounds like it has gotten so boring and repeitive, and even unnecessary, that people are just not interested in healing anymore. Which is a shame, because I really enjoy being a healer. I hope they're able to find a way to keep healing engaging and fun, while also continuing their current goals of streamlining the player experience and allowing for greater balance between healers.
@cl7991 Жыл бұрын
Transmog System like WOW so we can go collect all the things :D
@Muppemania Жыл бұрын
A big problem for the game is that any and all feedback is attacked by a very vocal part of the playerbase. I want more reasons to login. Meet with: So you want to DESTROY the game with an ENDLESS GRIND! I want to improve. Meet with: If you HATE the game so much, then play another game, AFTER KILLING YOURSELF!!!!1!!2! And I feel that makes most people just not voice their issues after trying to do so once or twice, which is really bad. As for what I would want to improve. 1: Housing. I own a house I really like but the area in which my house is in, is a ghost town. They should scrap the current system entirely and make a new one in which everyone can buy a house. 2: An ingame way for me to know if I am doing enough damage. Just have green for when I am doing enough or whatever and let only me see it. Reason being that the game have multiple encounters with dps checks while at the same time not allowing people to check their dps. 3: Add all hairstyles to the character creator when they are added to the game rather then locking them behind some wall. It would give new players more options when making their character. An info here is that I have all hairstyles in the game, so would not help me. 4: Add more glam as rewards in the Gold Saucer. Or anything really, I have all I want and still more mgp then I know what to do with. If not more rewards then allow me to give my mgp away. 5: Change Chocobo racing and add more tracks. If they can add 1-2 tracks each expansion I would be happy. And what I would like see added. Upscaling. Allow us to upscale all older content except Ultimates. Have upscaling roulettes for dungeons, trials. Have upscaling for old raids. Would give older content new life. And that is it.
@gramt4685 Жыл бұрын
Reverse unsync would be sweet, since jobs now can be very wonky at lower levels after reworks, it would help doing older content in a fresh way. Also, you pay a fee to play the game, yet people suggest we stop playing... I will never understand why people make excuses for the game when it has the potential to be better than it is. I WANT to play the game but have few reasons to engage with new content. What a shame.
@Dean_Baxter Жыл бұрын
Chat bubbles PLEASE!
@IaconDawnshire Жыл бұрын
This sounds pointless for majority of players but I'd make it to where you can make your left hand as your dominant hand. And bring back the old AST cards
@tbz709 Жыл бұрын
Yay, here is the content I missed from this channel. Glad to see it getting love again ❤
@umomo1947 Жыл бұрын
Before I even started the video I would have FFXIV adopt a similar glam system akin to Wow's transmog system in a heartbeat, Its pretty much one of the handful of things wow beats over ffxiv.
@wmolockjr Жыл бұрын
Make players go to the raid areas again! It will make the world alot more alive.
@Hastelavista6 Жыл бұрын
I haven't seen this mentioned before here, which is weird.. because this is the main bunbun channel. But as a casual player not being in EW yet, I dont have many gripes with content so far. Except when I wanted to change into a bunny girl.. I made an alt to see if I'd like it and I was shocked at how little headgear you could wear, I knew it was a thing but all the WAR or DRG helmets that really make the outfits great, gone.. that was a deal breaker for me to play as a bunbun
@iceman3317 Жыл бұрын
Agree. Especially hats are so easily done. Just put slits in them for ears to go through. For me, I started as an Au Ra and played to ARR and just didn't like it. So I almost chose Hrothgar, but found out I couldn't wear hats, which would look freaking amazing on a Hrothgar, but it also broke the deal for me as well. Especially since they aren't that much different from Miqo'te ears which is ultimately what I chose.
@scottfaubert5842 Жыл бұрын
I just want chat bubbles..
@debrucey Жыл бұрын
I'd be in favour of unlocking savage sooner or adding echo sooner, but I toooootally disagree with having savage gear drop from 24-man. From criterion maybe
@Baldur452 Жыл бұрын
Savage would be dead if the gear dropped in 24 raids.
@maglen69 Жыл бұрын
The fact you had to open up with a disclaimer is embarrassing for the "kindest MMO community". 2:06 - Netcode 5:43 - Empty World 7:41 - Glamour Dresser 11:16 - Account Creation 12:40 - UI (Menu's / Inventory System) 14:04 - Streamline the Story 16:28 - Rewards Structure - Gearing
@themindkiller9030 Жыл бұрын
The ability to remove your name from someone's friendliest when you unfriend them would be nice...
@johanmedioni7856 Жыл бұрын
The absolute insanity of that thumbnail. I’m all for it.
@Enzor2011 Жыл бұрын
FYI Zepla, the asmongold video in the description has the wrong link
@mr.mystere4999 Жыл бұрын
It would take something worse than a global pandemic to get S-E to revise their gearing system. Remember Patch 5.2 which brought us Eden 4 thru 8? This was the major patch cycle that got whammied hard when Covid-19 started. Thanks to that, this patch cycle lasted nearly 6 months. When Patch 5.3 came out August 11, 2020, the Savage tier was still weekly-locked until 5.4 came out, long after anyone who wanted the Savage gear already got it and then some.
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