I hope you can get a game of this running. I'd love to hear what you make of it after a few sessions. I'm with you on Event Horizon. It's in my top 5 with Aliens, Alien, Blade Runner and 9. Starship Troopers too. If you haven't seen the third one you've got a treat. It's got ads for "war merch" in it. Aliens also changed my life. Saw it first when I was 8. It blew my mind. My friend and I actually got a copy of the Space Hulk board game because of the first contact scene in Aliens. "Apone's down man"
@wizardsofthetower38028 ай бұрын
@Localfriendlyanarchist Thank you for your comment. I am reading up on the rules. Are group meets up this weekend and I am going to propose to run it soon after we play a little more Pirate Borg which we have been playing for 4 sessions now. We look forward to playing it and then doing a game review after. Love Starship Troopers, does not get the credit is deserves. Been a while since we watched Alien and Aliens, need to watch it again before running.