Moving Passed the Pain, Unforgiveness and Anger You Feel

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Stephanie Lyn Coaching

Stephanie Lyn Coaching

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@ladyguinevere61 Жыл бұрын
Moving past the pain is difficult.
@tonyg5132 Жыл бұрын
No one said it wouldn’t be, but you can do it.
@StephanieLynCoaching Жыл бұрын
It is a process..
@fingerprint5511 Жыл бұрын
It's near impossible
@sarajune444 Жыл бұрын
It looks like. You have to think that it is easy and it will be......
@ladyguinevere61 Жыл бұрын
@@SM-jw5si Bingo! You’re exactly right.
@blastprosful Жыл бұрын
It's been a year and it still crosses my mind daily the hurt, mistreatment , cheating and using that was done to me by someone I loved and thought loved me
@katyjenkins236 Жыл бұрын
But aren't you glad you are away from it?
@sanz6230 Жыл бұрын
I knew how it felt. The key is patient & always depend on Jesus Christ. GBU 🙏😇
@mrvocal21 Жыл бұрын
It will always be with you. It never leaves. Just know youre not alone and find peace in knowing youre away from it now
@chazbickel4518 Жыл бұрын
Totally understand how you feel. I'm not sure if the ruminating ever ends, but you come to a point of acceptance. I dont mean accepting the things the narcissist did, or put you through (in my personal opinion and experience I could not accept that suffering). I mean accepting where you are now, your plan to heal, and the decision you make to move forward. I know it's been a year and it was the same for me....even longer. When you think of the narcissist, remember who you are instead. I'm wishing you clarity and peace. Hang in there Jayson. K
@blastprosful Жыл бұрын
@@chazbickel4518... Thank you for the kind words and empathy. I'm trying to help others through my experience as well. It's therapeutic.( I need it) I hope it brings others peace knowing that they're not alone that time will heal and you can make it through. Thanks again.
@sanjeevbains690 Жыл бұрын
“ Growth is uncomfortable” - yes. The pain was a gift as it led me to take on the lessons I needed to learn. My Mantra to move through stuck emotions: “I bless you with love & let you go with grace. You are free & so am I”
@Mrs.autumnlopez Жыл бұрын
5 years have gone by and I can’t bare to be around my parents while they live up their best life. My mom always said “you’ll understand when you’re an adult.” And the older I get the MORE I resent them for what they did. It angers me more bc I’ve had family talk shit behind my back saying I should be ashamed of myself for what I put my parents through…. That statement makes my eye twitch. YOU don’t see what happens behind closed doors. Especially a “picture perfect Christian family”.
@ssissigui8846 Жыл бұрын
What happened to you ?
@msatutude17 Жыл бұрын
It is definitely hard when what was done to you was wrong and noone cares. I'm tired of being angry and being consumed by what I feel. I just want to be free so I can be a good mother and to myself
@SenSakura-dj6bq Жыл бұрын
Being tired of feeling like that is a starting point for letting go of that feeling. You just realize it doesn't do you any good.
@robertafierro5592 Жыл бұрын
My childhood is something I will never get back. Its lost forever. It was a time for me that was wasted. I have very little happy memories. It was a Hell House. I did not know that my mother was sick and damaged. I took it as she didn't love me. This is so difficult to think about much less talk about. The result made me feel "less than" for the rest of my life.
@philipmulvihill1455 Жыл бұрын
I identify 100 percent 👍 bless you ✌️
@frankcardano4142 Жыл бұрын
4 years it took me and I can’t remember the day I stopped thinking about her but I learnt to love again and walk in the sun again. 😊
@lovehonesty Жыл бұрын
And our anger and resentment (not resent just fyi) are used against us to claim WE are the perpetrator/narcissist. Thank you for your videos. Very helpful.
@bethwithers4798 Жыл бұрын
Yes! They gaslight us to use against us.
@hfjjor3681 Жыл бұрын
Yes. And that WE are the “unhinged” one! SO hard to keep composure.
@karenlim7135 Жыл бұрын
Exactly haha I couldn’t get past that she just kept saying “resent” DUH
@marcinance9586 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for pointing out her word usage error!!! “Resent”🤦‍♀️🙄🤣
@marcinance9586 Жыл бұрын
But seriously… you are 100% correct regarding the table-turning against the victim!! I am in the midst of an issue right now with my family, and the tables got turned against me. I also discovered that a longtime friend of mine (whom I was beginning to suspect of being a narcissist) actually attacked ME regarding me defending myself…and calling out sister and brother-in-law for the things they claim I did!!! He threatened to block me on social media… so I did myself one better… and blocked him!!! I also reported his comments as harassment!!!!
@Onlyfactsnoemotions Жыл бұрын
The most important lesson I learnt from my narcissistic ex abuse, don’t show kindness and compassion to narcissist, they will take it as your weakness and keep gaslighting you. Rather treat them like SHIT and bruise the big narcissist ego.
@gracieb.3054 Жыл бұрын
No, I know exactly how I feel. My parent didn't protect me from years of bullying. Didn't protect me from the other abusive parent. It fills me with rage and resentment. The reason that people continue to return to terrible memories is b/c they have CPTSD. I did, and others who got abused, were in fact cheated out of having the parents and childhood we deserved. We were victimized. It doesn't mean that you stay a victim. You survive it. That is why you get called a survivor. Just b/c your parents "went through their own stuff", doesn't negate what they put you through. I've learned so many lessons at nearly 50 years of age, but despite learning many lessons, I wouldn't say those experiences were "blessings". Many therapists do not advise that forgiveness of abuse is necessary. Acceptance is one thing, but it is not necessarily healthy to forgive, if one does not feel that they want to or are capable of that. Sometimes the feelings of discomfort one gets, is not from growth. It's discomfort telling you something is wrong and not to "let it go". So often, in abusive family systems, trauma and wrongdoing gets swept under the rug. I find it a gift to be able to embrace saying that how I was treated was wrong. While it's been fruitless to seek some sort of amends or accountability from the enabling parent, that means I can only control my end of things. Letting go of trying to control the behavior of a toxic parent is a key. Honestly, I do not like your video. I wonder where you got your "knowledge". I don't think you have the training or expertise to know much about situations that are complex. It doesn't help that you make so many grammatical mistakes in your spelling and speech (it's 'past', not passed; it's resentment, not 'resent'. If your therapeutic knowledge was adequate, they would be easily overlooked, but since it isn't, they contribute to the feeling that you are speaking beyond your capability. It concerns me that just anyone can be a 'life coach' without any education or training. While I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, I just hope that others here seek out actual therapist's to aid in dealing with complex trauma. It is something that deserves much more than a 'let it go' trite aphorism to affect real healing.
@feliciaallen6228 Жыл бұрын
I agree that you can't just let stuff go. You can't just choose how you feel about past trauma, nor can you control how often the memories pop into your head. I think this video was well intended but really isn't helpful in a clinical sense.
@karenlim7135 Жыл бұрын
You are awesome
@MEpearl Жыл бұрын
TY I believe 'resent' is a verb and 'resentment' is the noun.
@TA-cb1cn Жыл бұрын
I just commented this 😭
@dailystriver2727 Жыл бұрын
Struggling with this due to a narcissistic relationship I was in and my narc ex gf discarded me in the most painful and brutal way. She dumps me out of the blue then ghosted me, gave me the silent treatment and when I approached her after a month of her doing this she was cold and nasty. Showed no empathy or emotion or remorse. After she sent me one message telling me to not contact her again and leave her alone. Then few weeks after I got served a restraining order made up of false allegations of emotional abuse which were a projection of her own behaviour to me in the relationship to play the victim and give me the final discard message of I don’t want to speak to you anymore and want to be left alone with the new supply. I just find these effects very difficult to live with of being discarded like this and all the psychological and emotional effects of the pain and trauma. Narcs don’t just break your heart they ruin you and your soul and discard brutally.
@christianwininger77 Жыл бұрын
I’m right there with you… mine discarded me in October and already had her new supply. She couldn’t wait to rub it in my face. I went no contact and she emailed my personal and work email every day for 2 weeks straight. During that time I learned about NPD and spoke to her old neighbors and childhood friends. When I decided to respond to her with all my new found knowledge and facts she freaked out! I knew her secret and exposed her lies. Her next email was “you’re unhinged and I’m afraid for mine and my kid’s safety” I told her a woman begging someone to call her for 2 weeks straight wasn’t a woman afraid. That was a month ago. I haven’t heard from her since. The scars on my heart are large and thick. I will carry them with me the rest of my life unfortunately. I still cry daily for the loss of my innocence and the loss of the mask I fell in love with. Hang in there my man.
@dailystriver2727 Жыл бұрын
@@christianwininger77 bro my ex also discarded me last October when she told me she didn’t love me romantically anymore. It came out of the blue, I mean we didn’t speak during September due to a argument/fallout but she’d already discarded me permanently and started dating someone else within the space of a month. Therefore she was probably cheating on me during the last few months of the relationship before she dumped me cause she already had her new supply when she discarded me. I remember those months I was so empty and broken and dead inside during October November and December especially. It was a depressing winter. It’s crazy how we figure these narcs out on our own and with time gradually the truth comes to light. When she filed a police report and restraining order against me I read it in the enclosed police report that her lawyers sent me that she’d already told the police she feared for her safety and the person she was dating and this was during the end of November when I approached her about why she’d suddenly ghosted and discarded me. When I asked if she’s seeing someone else when I approached her she looked me right in the eyes and lied. They discarded us with no closure yet we found it out on our own and the truth came to light alongside us educating ourselves about narcissists and narcissistic relationships. Still healing and living with the pain and trauma but hang in there too brother. I feel exactly the same scars and that we will carry these for many years to come and in a way it will effect us for the rest of our lives. I literally still get emotional and cry over the same thing, that I got completely deceived and played and fell in love with a mask, someone who never existed. The sweet, loving caring innocent girl she portrayed to me during the beginning of the relationship was just to get me to fall in love with her and it worked. It was all facade. Alongside the humiliation of Damn this person really played me and only now all of the dots are adding up since we’re learning about narcissists. My mind still replays memories and thinks about the mask of the girl she showed and I still get emotional over this girl she showed me in the mask even tho I know deep down this person never existed but we still feel like we lost something, the sweet girls they showed us to be that was a mask.
@davidalvarez118 Жыл бұрын
Just got out of a 4 year relationship don't fall into that trap. Sometimes a girl will berate you, manipulate you have ber hissifit. Tantrum and once she unleashed all her anger to you, and you took it like a punching bag shell want sex. And you'll fuck her. But still she will always be like that ,- fight - sex - pretend it never happened. It's pure manipulation. Even if the sex is good it drains you mentally living with a woman who fights like that. Don't fall for that Kings. Never date a woman who is not responsible for her actions. Or a woman who when does tantrums break shit, throws shit, threatens you to get physical aggressive. She asked me to kill her stepbrother to get all the inheritance and mocked a friend of mine when she committed suicide for being waek as in"she deserves it for being stupid and kill herself she deserves it" . I did it. Don't do it. And she threatened to destroy my gift for her. A dyson airwrap complete long color fuschia nickel of 850$. A lot of times, she hated kids. She said she'd rather watch a kid die than an animal due to the environment she's an environmental engineer. She also loves playing the victim which is what she did with the guy she left me for. And asking me to be her back up, her boyfriend of 4 years. Just like that. It's been 1 month but I'm so happy being single although it hurts a lot. She changed the narrative of her fuck ups so she blamed it all on me. Even our therapist said. Wow Anon, how where you with her, she's evil with a lot of problems. And yeah I felt abused emotionally sexually and almost physically. She minimized my feelings and treat me like shit saying I was what made her unhappy. I was unhappy but yeah at first she lovebombed you and played victim. Also she said she'd rather be with her ex that PHYSICALLY HIT HER than me that never did but texted other girls when we started dating. Oh and she smashed her head against a wall till unconscious because of "my fault" and threatened to cut her boobs hair and nose to look like me ex. And wanted to see me fuck my ex and masturbate to it so she'd knew how I cheat on her. Which I never did. And threatened to commit suicide a loooot of times. I think that's sociopath or psychopath? But definitely narcissistic as shit. And I never saw it because she's petite Asian and cute and hot. But yeah I lived like that for 4 years. Puppy eyes and everything, now the new guy is dealing with her shit. But at first she's the most awesome of the world. She joked about castration me as she wanted a submissive boyfriend which I wasn't. Tbh and joked about kicking my mom outside my inheritance and leaving her in the streets. Also she buyed a looot of fast food. She wanted me fat so no one would steal me from her. And I fell for it. Now I'm in the gym therapist because it's been hard and well working to regain my manhood and self esteem. BEWARE of women who always plays victim.
@pamchesler242 Жыл бұрын
It is a are aware that the anger is eating you up but it’s necessary to feel these emotions in order to heal.. it took me a while to discover that you can have all these emotions in a healthier manner… there are physical outlets, emotional outlets that are very healthy and self caring that help you move through these emotions, and I wasn’t aware of it until I realize that the way I was expressing my anger was not towards the other person, but it was against myself….
@johnjohnstone9805 Жыл бұрын
For some reason I think I tried to always deny the "ugly" emotions in myself, now I finding it very difficult to own up to them, there's pain behind them, feels a bit like an endurance contest. But more and more I'm seeing the benefits of holding fast to the truth despite any discomfort. With more of the things I do want and less of the things I don't want I feel I'm finally taking responsibility for my life. Battle metaphors wouldn't be out of place, but instead of some foreign battlefield this theatre of war takes place in the privacy of your own mind.
@riggo44able Жыл бұрын
I am so thankful for your wisdom and that your messages are available to those of us who absolutely need to learn from the hard lessons.
@a.pieceofpie Жыл бұрын
I cried for 2 days...grieving a loved one who is still here. I kept telling myself to feel all of it and to "get out". I say get out from the movie Get Out. I do this to prevent a deep depression again. I then let go of the relationship I really want with this loved one, while still loving and being open to this person. Man o and life can be hard
@maryannvicchiullo1707 Жыл бұрын
This came at the right time. After years of living in this situation, I finally feel like I have to take control. Not easy, but it’s given me hope. Thank you
@marymaryizcontrary971 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video these feelings are real and its hard to let go of the resentment ....
@designchik Жыл бұрын
All my anger towards my narcissistic ex for cheating and blaming me for everything blew up in a vicious text exchange on the weekend. I said things I didn’t think it was in me to say; he returned the fire, and now we’ve blocked one another. I don’t know if I can ever move past the rage I feel towards him and myself for wasting 20 years of my life and my inheritance on a lie. 😔
@duanemcclure8324 Жыл бұрын
Indeed..letting go of that anger is going to take quite some time. I'm deliberately holding onto it because it's been a very useful tool in keeping me "no contact" and, dammit, I have a right to be! I SPECIFICALLY told her in the very beginning: "I really don't care what you do cuz I can pretty much forgive anything. There's just one thing that I don't." When she violated that trust, that put an end to her nonsense right there and I haven't talked to her since. But..that is the real trick when that time does come, isn't it? I'm hoping that as time passes, it all just fades like every bad memory. There's no better teacher than experience and I definitely learned one thing: patience.
@gemsngiftsusa2281 Жыл бұрын
Technically we have resentment (noun) and we resent (verb) someone else.It's not a thing (noun) we have. It's important to use them correctly.
@gracewarrior5354 Жыл бұрын
Waiting on everything to "play out" & NOT gonna quit on following through with MY WORD💯Thank God "he" KNOWS ALL 😇💕
@anamericanman 6 ай бұрын
It is 3am here where I just awoke from a narcissistic dream that just went round and round and didn't make any sense. After 5 years I am done, I love her, and we have a beautiful baby girl, but I am so tired of feeling this way, so tired of giving my all and it not being enough, so tired of always being blamed, shamed, guilted and her trying to scare me with threats of breaking up, etc. What I have realized is that her personality disorder is far worse than I once believed. More than anything I am just simply exhausted, only 53 years old but feeling like I might only last another 5 years like this. I MUST do this for my daughter, as much as I want to be in the home with her.
@katyjean862 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great video. Now for a moment of pedantry: Resent is a verb. Resentment is a noun. It works similar to disappoint versus disappointment.
@Jake_Boone Жыл бұрын
I'm afraid the damage this person has done to not only me but also our son is too much for me to ever engage with this person again. Our son doesn't want anything to do with her. He's tried to express his feelings and why he's angry, but she just deflects and makes him feel like he just needs to get over the manipulation and lies. All I can do is be there for him. Sadly enough, we are thriving in our own way without her here.
@kyeliahoestricher7438 Жыл бұрын
Sadly this was right on time. You have been a major catalyst for me. Thank you!
@newmoonmama Жыл бұрын
I couldn’t agree more 🤍
@tonillewalsh7796 Жыл бұрын
@katyjenkins236 Жыл бұрын
@Instagram_crackerliam_ Жыл бұрын
Not easy dealing with my narcissistic/cheating partner He keeps denying anytime i asked him about it and I couldn't bare it Came across a cyber expert where I was able to link our phone remotely and got access to all his social media accounts even his messages without him noticing With the evidence found i was able to confront him with that and he couldn't deny it anymore and stopped. Now I have full access to his phone, and I think my relationship it's really better now. Sometimes you are to make the step first !! For your relationship to work. It wasn't easy thou, you can get in touch with him👆👆. Stay safe with your relationship
@calebkeegan3023 Жыл бұрын
@mandyporras07 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone talks about it and is real with it. The amount of resentment I have felt in my body. I find myself going back again and again working on this.
@DartmoorPaul Жыл бұрын
Thank you Stephanie. This completely describes where I am with my narcissistic mother. Having entered into therapy and journeying through all the abuse (again) the resentment lives with me constantly although some days it goes away without thinking about her it somehow ends up coming to the fore again and as you said “like living the situation as though it just happened”. It’s a dark place for me at the moment and not being resentful of her is something that is huge and overwhelming to me at the moment. But your videos, plus therapy, help.❤
@gabbym9217 Жыл бұрын
I saved this to watch and discuss w my therapist lol
@StephanieLynCoaching Жыл бұрын
@seeliekeely Жыл бұрын
This was such perfect timing! Thank you
@rbs427 Жыл бұрын
That hits home. Don’t want to be here anymore or ever again. Feel like never letting anyone close again.
@AlmostReady504 Жыл бұрын
Acceptance just like any other stage of grief doesn't mean it's not going to hurt anymore. If I wait for it not to hurt I will continue to waste my life. I'm trying to learn to live with the pain so it's not so damned debilitating.
@JoJo-xo6fh Жыл бұрын
I’m giving myself 2 whole years to heal🙏🏻❤️
@ricardocamara1602 8 ай бұрын
I never thought I stop crying about being discarded but eventually you do start crying less and less about the situation and you realize that person is not what you imagined them to be and they are not healthy but your videos give me something to look forward too and now it’s all about my kids and I that’s what is real and not the relationship with other person
@JackieMolinary-Singer Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your valuable advice when I most need it. Blessings from Miami, FL. 🌹
@djw8504 Жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry that your going thru this now, and it’s such a painful experience to have to get through, I’m Praying for you from Tallahassee Florida 🙏🌺
@discopotato675 Жыл бұрын
Another perfectly timed video. Just can't seem to get out of this funk from a Dec/Jan break up. I'll have a coupme good weeks and something will randomly trigger/remind me. Then I get back to drinking. Which I KNOW is the WORST thing for mental health. Thanks again for the reminder!!!
@jasjanae8235 Жыл бұрын
I can’t tell you how much your videos have help me throughout the years. Thank you you are an angel!
@joellenklemek138 Жыл бұрын
I would like to here ways that we do not hold ourselves responsible for abuse and wrongs that are done to us. I don’t agree that the universe is giving us wrong things because that’s what we are asking for. I don’t agree with holding ourselves accountable for being a victim or for being angry and/or unforgiving about being a victim. I would say process the trauma. Don’t gaslight yourself that it’s your fault.
@Dpomas Жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I learn a lot every time I watch your videos. Looking forward to a next one 😁💖💯
@munchey99508 Жыл бұрын
I think resentment is one of the most difficult things to overcome for me personally. I’m working on my healing so I can move past it.
@wd4836 7 ай бұрын
You articulate things so well. Thank you for these videos.❤
@sv3622 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Intrusive thoughts get to me and I get sad, then angry.
@seanj11421 Жыл бұрын
It hurts when you look back on your life and look at the things that were taken away from you and the hard hand of life you were dealt and not feel victimized.
@johnmaurer2035 Жыл бұрын
Stephanie has a ethereal quality, the outer fringes of the Human Spirit.
@davidfogg1845 Жыл бұрын
moved passed by blocking this person online, another great video Stephanie
@smlsml3019 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much this was very helpful. I went through a situation in December with an ex and it was one of the worst times in my life and it was a real struggle and I didn't image how I could possibly move on in life. I'm on a recovery process now, its really difficult but I am improving but this video is a huge help. What I can really take away from this is just to learn how to love myself alot more
@StephanieLynCoaching Жыл бұрын
You got this!!
@davidlace85 5 ай бұрын
Yes moving past this pain and suffering that im going through right now is very painful
@timmyrahman4803 10 ай бұрын
I just unblocked an ex of mine on twitter after realizing he's a covert narcissist whom I trauma bonded with. I didn't unblock because I was going to reach out but because I was ready to let go of the resentment, bitterness, anger and frustration I had living in me for the past two months. I understood that I'm capable of authentic love, empathy, and happiness, unlike him. Therefore, I needed to be a person of peace.
@briancyers6790 2 ай бұрын
So many truths here Stephanie! Thank you for sharing it and helping others to process.
@bethwithers4798 Жыл бұрын
It’s been a decade long Narc-gang attack. My PTSD was so bad I couldn’t defend the smear campaigns in court at first. Your content has helped me so huge thanks! Would love to hear techniques for those of us still in the trauma. I have to stay home to stay safe and until I regain control, they pay the court order and I finally have resources to heal from my injuries they caused. I’ve been no contact with pleasure. They keep coming for me.
@ritaevergreen7234 Жыл бұрын
I would look maybe some body based trauma modalities to help process those emotions. Emotions are usually trapped in the body
@freddiefox. Жыл бұрын
The noun is "resentment" e.g. I feel a great deal of resentment towards my ex for all the bad things they did to me. Today we are going to talk about resentment. To "resent" is the verb form. e.g I resent your attitude; or: She resented her boyfriend chatting to the other girls. Also, typo on the title. Moving Past the Pain, etc.
@gertaqilla7795 Жыл бұрын
You help a lot, insights are very good and please, teach more about proccessing the emotions.I think most of people need to learn this in order to accept theirselves as whole.If it is possible, please create a lesson with how to proccess the emotions and how to be able to go through the pain gracefully.Thank you🤗💞.
@trenapatzer3631 Жыл бұрын
Nailed it. Thank you for this. I know I can move on.
@loving_life_ Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the information and positivity!
@luananoel6786 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Stephanie! You have helped me through so many difficult things in my life and I love the way you explain in depth why I'm feeling like I do and it helps me understand what is really going on and how to go through it. You are amazing!
@luananoel6786 Жыл бұрын
Please don't stop helping. You are such a wonderful life coach and I'm sure I am not the only one that you help make it through.
@VincentWilkinKora Жыл бұрын
Thanks for these kind words! Really thoughtful and beautifully put.
@AlmostReady504 Жыл бұрын
I find it very validating but I don't hear the insight or the tools to move forward. A lot of it is say the same thing over and over in different ways
@sunnylight5753 Жыл бұрын
👍🏼Thank You Stephanie :) “Minus Ur Ego!” Helpful & this action has improved Many Area of my Life.
@HijadeDiosS.____.. Жыл бұрын
I recently notice this in me... Im a very forgiven person I dont have or hold gudges towafd no one but Ill never hve a reconnection with person/s. It not easy at all but Im glad Ive move on.
@dark7angel456 Жыл бұрын
At age 33, im still stuck in a very painful state by people. I feel so alone and hurt n noone to relate to. So used to being shunned and hated, so many narc predators targetting me. I wish it would end
@romaaeropetov5434 Жыл бұрын
Stephanie appreciate your input in our life. Keep going, every video is crucial for growth
@brendiux0 Жыл бұрын
Less than a month ago I found out my partner of 4 years had been cheating on me and had had a whole other relationship for 3 months. It really took me by surprise since we were still planning our future and he wasn't too different from usual. I have been having a really hard time coping with it all, it feels like the floor disappeared from under my feet and I have been in freefall since. I have always been an overthinker so this situation is really torturing my brain lol, I'm trying to remind myself every time that, although I love him, it was for the best as I could finally stop seeing him with rose coloured glasses and realise he is not really the person I thought he was (even the abuse he put me through couldn't knock them off lol). I am slowly but surely detaching the potential I saw in him from the real person he is and learning to be a better person for myself. It really does suck that the future I had imagined with him is gone but hopefully I can build a better one myself.
@danmcdonald8522 Жыл бұрын
You are so pretty. It's too bad that you went through narc abuse. You look like you are about to cry. I hope that you get past the narc. You are smart and interesting. You should be with a decent guy who can make you feel better about yourself. God bless
@kmartin2988 Жыл бұрын
This is a healthy, positive video.
@imonlydancingsal1509 Жыл бұрын
@adwoaboakye265 Жыл бұрын
I get mad about things that happened, the smear campaign to make others stop liking me to the point where l lost a potential relationship , the bullying, the set up to embarrass me,the false accusations….cool I accept the reality & try to move on and heal, but these narcs won’t stop & be choking me with problems & try to come back like they did nothing, just forgive & let’s move on , no big deal.I do not move like that, the only way I am able to heal is for them to stay away from me so went off on them & everyone they sent my way to find information.
@adwoaboakye265 Жыл бұрын
@@SpicyMayoVegas ……thank you 💕🥰😘
@eddierodriguez7324 Жыл бұрын
I've been going through pain since we broke up she told me to move out but I realized I made it to assume about yesterday I had a breakthrough it still hurts for the first time in years i cry like a baby
@newmoonmama Жыл бұрын
Hey, this popped up and I had to watch bc I was going to request you do a video like this…your videos have helped me so much in the past. I’m in early pregnancy and hormones are sky rocketing….I feel super depressed and now, I’m fighting with my husband bc I thought he had stopped chewing over a year ago. I snapped on him this weekend because I found out he’s still been doing it. I’m reeeeeaaally struggling 😭
@nener5441 Жыл бұрын
Hugs. Take care of you and baby. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy
@StephanieLynCoaching Жыл бұрын
Oh girl, I'm sorry! Here is the thing.. there are times when we just have to be strong for our kids. This is all about you and giving yourself and your baby the love you both deserve. This is not about someone who is so badly wounded that they go around hurting people the way they do - because of those unhealed wounds. If I can offer you anything it is to focus solely on you giving yourself and that little baby such love and care right now. xo
@newmoonmama Жыл бұрын
@@StephanieLynCoaching thank you so so much….I get so much out of your videos and I seriously thought for the last couple of days to ask if you could do one on this topic, then I got the notification you posted and it was exactly what I needed to hear. 🥲🤍 I’m trying to be excited about a second baby but it all was a shock and I’m pretty overwhelmed with life and work right now it’s just been tough.
@katyjenkins236 Жыл бұрын
Take care of you and life will be better. Not selfish. It's the same as the airlines telling the parent to put a mask on before a child. That's for the parent to be able to help the kids. Enjoy your kids. Enjoy little things.
@KTB77777 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate you so much, Stephanie! Thank you so much, and God bless you and all of your wisdom.
@TrippiePineapplz Жыл бұрын
You really nailed the complicated feeling of resentment. I can now identify thats why it's so strong; its a combination of so many factors, history, feelings, thoughts, fears...not just a simple "angry" doesn't show the whole picture. Thank you for your videos, I feel like its some serious level up time.
@calebkeegan3023 Жыл бұрын
Yes it's tough the rumination after u finally leave and block them from bs hoover.
@aishadarevelator8301 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Stephanie
@jent1984 Жыл бұрын
Yes, we have, feel, go through resentment ( not resent - just so you know :)) because we still believe someone else will get the fairytale version.
@itzajdmting Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your continued efforts on here Stephanie. So cool when I come to check out your channel and there's a new video that really speaks to me in the moment. Cheers.
@cygilbert9131 Жыл бұрын
This video was one of your best!! Thank you for the inspiration, Stephanie.
@allisonemig8578 Жыл бұрын
Excellent advice & great insight!!!Learning how to balance the mental & emotional aspects of oneself is the 🔑 n all this and vital your personal victory!! 😊👍💜
@sisid6295 Жыл бұрын
exactly but exactly what i need to hear right now so thank u !!!
@SenSakura-dj6bq Жыл бұрын
You can be a victim or you can be anything else. Do not mistake being a victim with victimism. Letting go of resentment and bitterness doesn't necessarily mean forgiving. It can also be indifference, not caring at all. Oblivion is the worst thing you can do in terms of revenge, you don't suffer because you don't remember. You just take out the trash of your mind. The other party has to live with it, whatever it means for they you don't even care.
@lukeskywalker6641 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for doing what you do ☺️
@chrisiachetta3409 Жыл бұрын
So helpful
@gayleneflower398 Жыл бұрын
I’m sooo angry…& resentful -thank you yes, I was cheated out of 4 1/2 years of my life
@unstoppablegirl6062 Жыл бұрын
My question is why..ppl like us has to do so much work on ourselves..but the toxic ones are living their best lives!!
@PurpleRosesPurpleRoses Жыл бұрын
In actuality, they really aren't "living their best lives". In fact, it's an extremely broken, sad, and lonely existence they lead beneath all their false appearances. Us, even on our worst days, have so much more life and potential which is why we are willing to work on ourselves...make ourselves better and grow...and therefore are capable to feel true love, peace, and happiness. Toxic individuals on the other hand, unless they are willing to change, will never experience the life we are able to live. Remember this and never give up...
@kylemeyer5860 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Stephanie
@matthewwozniak9138 Жыл бұрын
Any time you think you got it bad, all you have to do is turn on the 📺Tele🤳 and see all the suffering going on in the world. Be grateful for the life you have. Best bet you can make is on yourself.
@TinaLouise73 Жыл бұрын
The annger is unavoidable for me bcoz whareva i go whoeva i get close too will INEVITABLY betray me and turn against me for the slightest thing! Ive HAD to learn to avoid ppl as much as poss and not allow ANYONE to hurt me ever again 😐
@jaygauld85 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. This is one of the best videos on healing. ❤
@krisdahlkoetter6376 Жыл бұрын
This has been very helpful to me
@Grelotmystiqueetal Жыл бұрын
This is so great and helpful!
@allac3630 Жыл бұрын
You always have the perfect advice at the perfect time.
@ameliasavage4307 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video
@ariannestavoli4422 Жыл бұрын
I am grateful for my life and what I have however I feel since my ex cheated I am just getting by. My life is not where I want it to be but I have a job,a home, food and all that I need. Just sucks seeing him have so much more and he will NEVER KNOW THE STRUGGLE. He left 4 years ago and has never looked back not even to see our son 💔 was like he just started a new life and forgot 17 years
@sanz6230 Жыл бұрын
Always depend on God coz people can easily disappoint us. GBU 🙏😇
@francesbernard2445 Жыл бұрын
I take a wholistic approach to my health by first of all facing up to my losses. Second of all by me not being in a rush to apply a solution too soon before considering what all of my already existing recourses including whatever physical strengths and whatever remaining fully intact body parts I have left. While at the same time when I am sometimes feeling something that is similar to phantom limb pain I must be remembering that life itself is not all about me and my own ego. If someone doesn't want to perceive me accurately while they are refusing to give up the idea that I need to be controlled through what they can prescribe me or whatever when they are in my home if they don't like how I am impatient I appear to be getting while they are continuing to be a busy body who has overstayed their welcome in my home during the COVID-19 rules that is making them lonely then that is their problem not mine because why should I be turning down the light in my lamp to please them while they are trying way too hard to get close to me?
@leoluv822 Жыл бұрын
I’m so angry for wasting 10 years of my life with her. I’m angry for all the lies I believed. I’m angry that she used me. I’m angry that she’s so selfish. I’m angry that she made a fool of me. I’m so angry that I gave so much to the relationship and I was discarded. I’m angry she cheated me of a future with a family.
@Smallbootyhoe3869 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much❤
@Megan6772 Жыл бұрын
Love you & your work. I'm an ex English teacher, so I hope this doesn't come across obnoxious....the correct spelling for the title is *past 🤗
@AndrewFosterSheff69 Жыл бұрын
Just let go. When the pain rushes in, let it. And then let it go. Don't let it define you. None of it was your fault.
@mayolasbones6831 Жыл бұрын
Have a good day.
@steenkristensen6351 Жыл бұрын
Du er en super kvinde at høre på og ha en god dag 😉👌👌
@briancyers6790 2 ай бұрын
You did suffer a loss, your spouse and relationship which you were in. You definitely have to deal with it as a loss however then, move on to “the positive”.
@aischa4133 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Stephanie! ❤️
@drebugsita Жыл бұрын
Friendly PSA, "ResentMENT" is the word, not "resent"
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