Mozart by Lili Kraus - Piano Variations, Sonatas, Fantasy, Adagio .. (Century's record.: Lili Kraus)

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Classical Music/ /Reference Recording

Classical Music/ /Reference Recording

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@classicalmusicreference 7 жыл бұрын
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) - Piano Variations, Sonatas, Fantasy, Adagio .. 🎧 Qobuz Apple Music 🎧 Amazon Music Tidal 🎧 Deezer Spotify 🎧 KZbin Music SoundCloud 🎧 Naspter, Pandora, Anghami, QQ音乐, LineMusic日本, Awa日本... *Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation* (00:00-08:20) 6 Variations in F on the aria "Salve tu, Domine" from the opera "I filosofi immaginarii" by Giovanni Paisiello K.398 (00:00) 8 Variations in A on the Theme from Come un’ agnello K460 (08:00) 12 Variations in E flat on the French song «La belle Françoise» K.353 (21:52) Mozart - Piano Sonatas Nos.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 NEW MASTERING 2021 (Century's record.: Lili Kraus) : Piano Sonata No.1 in C, K279 (189d) 1 _ Allegro (37:11) ; 2 _ Adagio (41:35) ; 3 _ Presto (47:25) Piano Sonata No.2 in F, K280 (189e) 1 _ Allegro assai (50:42) ; 2 _ Adagio (55:17) ; 3 _ Presto (1:02:15) Piano Sonata No.3 in B Flat Major, K.281 1 _ Allegro (1:05:15) ; 2 _ Andante amoroso (1:08:21) ; 3 _ Rondo - Allegro (1:12:15) Piano Sonata No.4 in E flat, K.282 1. Adagio (1:16:32) ; 2. Menuetto I & II (1:23:52) ; 3. Allegro (1:28:25) Piano Sonata No.5 in G, K.283 - 1. Allegro (1:30:23) ; 2. Andante (1:34:19) ; 3. Presto (1:39:56) Piano Sonata No.6 in D, K284 (205b), Durnitz 1 _ Allegro (1:43:54) ; 2 _ Rondeau en polonaise - Andante (1:48:51) ; 3 _ Andante (1:53:38) Piano Sonata No.7 in C Major, K.309 1 _ Allegro con spirito (2:09:17) ; 2 _ Andante un poco adagio (2:15:04) 3 _ Rondo - Allegretto grazi (2:21:51) Piano Sonata No.8 in A Minor, K.310 1 _ Allegro maestoso (2:28:00) ; 2 _ Andante cantabile (2:34:03) ; 3 _ Presto (2:43:46) Piano Sonata No.9 in D Major, K.311 1 _ Allegro con spirito (2:46:46) ; 2 _ Andante con espression (2:51:06) 3 _ Rond - Allegro (2:56:49) Piano Sonata No.10 in C, K.330 1. Allegro moderato (3:02:58) ; 2. Andante cantabile (3:08:59) ; Allegretto (3:15:56) Piano Sonata No.11 in A, K331 (300i) 1 _ Andante grazioso (3:22:53) ; 2 _ Menuetto & Trio (3:36:25) 3 _ Alla Turca - Allegretto (3:42:10) Piano Sonata No.12 in F, K332 (300k) 1 _ Allegro (3:45:30) ; 2 _ Adagio (3:50:16) ; 3 _ Allegro assai (3:55:15) Piano Sonata No.13 in B♭, K333 (315c) 1 _ Allegro (4:02:28) ; 2 _ Andante cantabile (4:09:02) ; 3 _ Allegretto grazioso (4:16:20) Piano Sonata No.14 in c, K457 1 _ Molto allegro (4:22:33) ; 2 _ Adagio (4:26:40) ; 3 _ Allegro assai (4:34:33) Piano Sonata No.15 in C, K545 1 _ Allegro (4:38:47) ; 2 _ Andante (4:41:39) ; 3 _ Rondeau - Allegretto (4:46:42) Piano Sonata No.16 in B♭, K570 1 _ Allegro (4:48:32) ; 2 _ Adagio (4:54:08) ; 3 _ Allegretto (5:04:28) Piano Sonata No.17 in D, K576 1 _ Allegro (5:07:45) ; 2 _ Adagio (5:12:30) ; 3 _ Allegretto (5:18:08) Fantasy in d, K397 (5:22:44) Adagio in B Minor, K.540 (5:28:02) Eine Kleine Gigue in G Major, K.574 (5:38:08) Minuet in D Major, K.355 (5:39:37) Fantasy in c, K475 (5:41:36) Rondo in a, K511 (5:54:03) Allegro of a Sonata in G Minor, K.312 - Unverified (6:02:39) Fantasy in c, K396 (6:07:18) Piano : Lili Kraus Recorded in 1956 New mastering in 2017 by AB for CMRR 🔊 FOLLOW US on SPOTIFY (Profil: CMRR) : 🔊 Download CMRR's recordings in High fidelity audio (QOBUZ) : ❤️ If you like CM//RR content, please consider membership at our Patreon page. Thank you :) ''When I began to explore Mozart, I discovered the infinite beauty of that music, and somehow it is given to me to give life to that beauty. I find it my God-given duty, privilege, and if you like, cross, to consecrate my life to this music.'' Lili Kraus Claudio Arrau : « Les sonates pour piano sont autant de jalons de la vie de Mozart, depuis les six premières (K 279 à 284), qu'il a composées entre 17 et 19 ans, jusqu'à la toute dernière (K 576), qui date de 1789. Dès les premières, il a à peu près saturé les formes reçues à son époque, tant ses épanchements étaient pleins de vie. Ces œuvres attestent du plus profond l'émergence d'un être total. Ces six premières sonates sont d'une éclatante jeunesse. Ecrites à Salzbourg en préparation d'une dernière grande tournée à Munich, Mannheim et Paris, elles constituent autant de tentatives d'obtenir une situation en rapport avec ses talents. Toutes sont bien imprégnées du style galant, mais non sans laisser percer la personnalité de Mozart. Les mouvements lents sont presque toujours là pour préfigurer tous les autres mouvements lents, sublimes et tragiques, à venir. Il n'arrive jamais qu'un caractère exclusivement galant ne soit transcendé par une note personnelle du génie. On remarquera à cet égard la Sonate en mi bémol majeur K 282, au premier mouvement remarquablement affirmatif, mais aussi la Sonate en ré majeur K 284, une œuvre de taille, qui annoncent déjà de futures grandeurs lorsque, à Mannheim, il est frappé de plein fouet par la richesse de ses nouvelles inspirations musicales et des expériences émotionnelles qui les sous-tendent. Ce voyage est l'élément décisif qui a fait surgir les sept sonates suivantes (les Sonates K 309, 310 et 311, écrites pour Mannheim et Paris, et les Sonates K 330, 331 , 332 et 333 liées à son retour et aux étapes de Munich et de Vienne), mais aussi son premier grand opéra, c'est-à-dire «ldoménée». Ces œuvres-là furent toutes publiées à Vienne en 1784, alors que s'ouvrait la période des grands succès de Mozart. Six ans passèrent avant qu'il fût inspiré d'une nouvelle sonate pour piano, qui allait à son tour marquer un tournant critique dans son existence. Composée à Paris au printemps 1778, la Sonate en la mineur K 310 est la plus saisissante de ces sept compositions et, en même temps, l'une des plus grandes œuvres mozartiennes pour piano. Unique non seulement pour cette période, mais tout aussi unique dans l'œuvre de Mozart, c'est une grande sonate tragique, tragique au sens où le sont sa Symphonie en sol mineur ou «Don Giovanni». Mais elle est plus encore: le tragique s'y trouve en face-à-face avec une jeunesse révoltée contre le destin, et Mozart, comme plongé dans une crise aux fiévreuses convulsions, met au rancart tours galants et l'érudition pour donner vie à une formule inédite dont il s'est lui-mêne étonné: l'expression artistique des sommets des passions humaines. C'est, à tous les sens du terme, une grande sonate romantique, c'est l'exact répondant musical du "Sturm und drang", bien avant l'«Appassionata» et la «Sonate Waldstein». On perçoit bien la souffrance dans le tout début du premier mouvement et, chose nouvelle, il n'y a pas de second thème mais une simple fioriture qui témoigne de l'impossible asservissement des fougueux instincts de la passion aux exigences d'une forme musicale. Dans le développement du thème, cette ascension flamboyante est marquée par de brusques alternances fortissimo/pianissimo décrites par Abert comme "les soudains éclats d'une lumière balayant un court instant les ténèbres de la nuit". Dans la partie centrale du mouvement lent au phrasé haletant et sans force, on entend les plus grossières dissonances de toute l'œuvre de Mozart; quant au presto qui referme la sonate, avec ses soubresauts dramatiques ponctués de tierces dans les graves de la basse et ses sauvages déchirements de douleur, il est presque démoniaque. La grande Sonate en la mineur, celle en ut majeur K 330, loin de faire figure de point mort, affiche une réaction salutaire. En intensité passionnelle, la précédente avait tout exprimé, et on pourra en dire autant de la célèbre Sonate en La majeur K 331. En faisant sienne la mode turque du moment, elle est conçue pour plaire au public. Toutefois, même dans cette œuvre supposée légère, on ne voit rien qui ne soit que léger. Partout l'élément galant se trouve sublimé par le génie, et la troisième variation, en mineur, pousse la personnalité du génie dans son expression la plus noire. Toute l'œuvre parcourue d'une humeur mélancolique, et la pire erreur serait donc de la dans un tempo rapide comme si elle n'était qu'un vulgaire divertissement. Il y a chez Mozart de œuvres déconcertantes qui, comme celle-ci, exigent qu'on y distingue immanquablement une substantifique moelle. Dans la Sonate en fa majeur K 332, Mozart nous a laissé une œuvre moins mouvementée que la Sonate K 310, mais plus personnelle, plus touchante et plus originale. Le premier mouvement, que Saint-Foix juge digne de Beethoven, n'a, aux yeux d'Einstein, rien de bethovénien. Il n'y a là rien d'autre que Mozart, Mozart et son style galant transfiguré par les éclats dramatiques du premier mouvement, ses inquiétants accents beethovéniens de «Don Giovanni», un sublime mouvement lent où l'on croirait entendre un grand air pathétique de l'héroïne et un magnifique finale qui est tout en modulations d'une puissance incomparable. La Sonate en si bémol majeur K 333, qui clôt le cycle des sept oeuvres, nous ramène résolument à une nouvelle quiétude et à une nouvelle étape de la maturité du compositeur, une étape comme il n'en est donné que lorsqu'on vient de connaître une expérience marquante et un nouveau départ spirituel. *SUITE DU COMMENTAIRE : VOIR CI-DESSOUS..* Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart PLAYLIST (reference recordings)
@classicalmusicreference 4 жыл бұрын
*SUITE DU COMMENTAIRE CI-DESSUS.* Les cinq ou six années qui ont suivi, entre la Sonate K 333 et la Fantaisie et Sonate en ut mineur (K 475 et 457), représentent la période des grands succès viennois, aussi bien pour le Mozart compositeur que pour le Mozart pianiste. Ce furent les années de ses "académies" (des concerts qu'il organisait lui-même par abonnement), dont le grand monde de Vienne s'arrachait les places au point d'en faire une mode, et qui ne sont pas étrangères à la composition de la plupart des grands concertos pour piano de Mozart. Jusqu'au moment où un nouveau bouleversement intervenu dans son existence le ramena une fois de plus au piano solo. Je suis d'avis que la Fantaisie et Sonate en ut mineur K 475 et 457 (la première est datée de Vienne le 20 mai 1785 et l'autre du 4 octobre 1784) traduisent un moment critique de la vie de Mozart, comparable à celui qu'il a connu lorsqu'il a écrit à Paris la Sonate K 310. C'est Mozart lui-même qui a fait éditer ensemble les deux œuvres: elles entretiennent donc une puissante cohésion, de sorte qu'on comprend mal qu'elles soient si souvent séparées en concert. Jouer la sonate seule, c'est aussi grave que de représenter une pièce de théâtre sans son prologue. La dédicace elle-même que Mozart avait portée sur la première édition s'intitule: "Fantaisie, et Sonate Pour le FortePiano composées pour Madame Therese de Trattnern par le Maitre de Chapelle W.A. Mozart. Œuvre XI". On ne connaît pas exactement la nature des relations qu'entretenait Mozart avec cette élève douée - mais mariée - qu'était Thérèse von Trattner, mais on sait qu'il lui écrivit une lettre contenant des instructions pour l'interprétation de l'œuvre. Malheureusement, la lettre a été perdue ou détruite, comme l'ont d'ailleurs été toutes les lettres qu'elle envoya à Mozart. Il est possible que la Fantaisie ait été composée le jour même dont est daté le manuscrit, tant est grande la profondeur des sentiments et l'intensité d 'une ligne musicale riche en improvisation. On dirait un étonnant opéra miniature, tout un microcosme concentré en cinq scènes minuscules. La Fantaisie constitue, pour reprendre les termes de Saint-Foix, une "gigantesque entrée triomphale" pour la sonate. Comme on l'aperçoit dans chacun des trois mouvements, une trame a été formée qui fait de la première des deux œuvres le support de l'autre. Dans le dernier mouvement, la ligne mélodique passe à la main gauche pour plonger à quatre reprises dans les notes les plus graves, créant ainsi l'ambiance mystérieuse et insinuante d'une descente aux enfers. Le même procédé se retrouve à quatre reprises dans le premier mouvement, à deux reprises dans le deuxième mouvement et trois fois dans la Fantaisie. Il s'en dégage une évidente valeur symbolique. Les symboles de cette oeuvre annoncent la sinistre réalité des dernières années où Mozart écrivit pour le piano seul. Son sens du tragique et des souffrances de la vie est devenu résignation et prémonition de la mort. Presque toutes ses dernières grandes œuvres pour piano seul sont imprégnées du climat étrange de cette phase ultime de son évolution. Il reste à dire un mot de l' impressionnante Sonate en Fa majeur K 533 et du Rondo K 494. Le rondo a été composé en juin 1786, un peu plus d'un an après la Fantaisie en ut mineur, tandis que l'allegro et l'andante datent de janvier 1788. Comme c'est le cas pour la Fantaisie et la Sonate, Mozart regroupa lui-même en une seule œuvre le rondo existant et l'allegro et l'andante qu'il venait de terminer. L'allegro et l'andante ont la puissance du souffle polyphonique et la hardiesse harmonique caractéristiques du sommet de la vie créative de Mozart. L'andante atteint des finesses de perception auxquelles lui-même avait peine à croire. Le rondo (et son trio en trois parties, en Fa mineur referme cette œuvre imposante et d'une indicible majesté par une cadence qui donne sa structure, pour le moins originale, à l'une des plus grandes compositions de Mozart. La Sonate en ut majeur K 545, qui précède les Sonates K 570 et 576, la célèbre sonate dite "facile" (ou Kleine Sonate) dans la plupart des éditions, a effectivement été créée par Mozart "à l'usage des jeunes pianistes". Ce titre est malgré tout des plus trompeur car si la sonate est relativement facile à jouer, elle est loin d'être facile à interpréter. Composée en juin 1788, elle est tout imprégnée des sentiments du dernier Mozart, à la fois simple et profond, à prendre au sérieux et sans légèreté. Vue de cette façon, cela devient une tout autre sonate - on peut parler de révélation. Les deux dernières sonates, en si bémol majeur K 570 et en ré majeur K 576, constituent une irremplaçable synthèse spirituelle. Dans celle en si bémol en particulier (celle en ré rejoint davantage le style galant), Mozart défait le langage pianistique pour ne laisser que des lignes de force dépouillées, presques mises à nu, dont les sonorités d'inconnaissable éloignement et d'adieu solitaire nous replongent une dernière fois au plus profond des souffrances de l'existence terrestre. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart PLAYLIST (reference recordings)
@avrumgolub2735 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting these recordings of Miss Kraus. I have the honor of turning pages for her at New York City's Town Hall for her Mozart Concerto Cycle in the 1960s. As a thank you, I was given an autographed set of her Mozart Concerti.
@eugeneferdinandvictordelac8803 7 жыл бұрын
I envy you...
@fe12rrps 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome experience!
@avrumgolub2735 7 жыл бұрын
Please just enjoy Miss Kraus most elegant Mozart
@avrumgolub2735 7 жыл бұрын
teddy toto It was completely unexpected. And, my friend, Garrick Ohlsson was there. He wondered why a Horn player had this opportunity.
@classicalmusicreference 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story :-)
@dorlandabernathy6997 4 жыл бұрын
I first met Dame Krause while I was a student at Bob Jones University and she visited the school for an Artist Series presentation. She conducted a master class while on campus, and did an open lecture where she told quite a bit about her career and her time as a prisoner. Years later, I had the privilege of dining with her at the table at the Nu Wray Inn in Burnsville, North Carolina. She lived near the Inn, and at times would visit to have her evening meal there. Sometimes, after dinner was ended, she would retire to the music room at the inn and "play for her supper." What a delightful artist and personality!
@peterl.curtis3959 6 жыл бұрын
everyone will have their favourite pianists, depending on the composer, but for me, when it comes to playing Mozart, Lili Kraus was the best
@peterl.curtis3959 4 жыл бұрын
I've listened to the Mozart piano sonatas played by many different pianists; Kraus for me is the best of them all.
@Sofronichrist 5 жыл бұрын
Mozart's piano sonatas have often been recorded, but few pianists have succeeded. Some interpretations are eccentric and original, like the integral recorded by Glenn Gould, or the two sonatas recorded by Ivo Pogorelich. In more "classic" visions, the interpretations of Lili Krauss or Vlado Perlemuter are extraordinary. But, and this is a strictly personal opinion, it is the complete, at Philips, Claudio Arrau that transcends everything! Thank you Classical Music / Reference recordings for sharing all these wonderful interpretations.
@classicalmusicreference 5 жыл бұрын
thank you for appreciating: -)
@khool63 7 жыл бұрын
sublime lili kraus ,, une mozartienne comme il existe trop peu , amoureuse de mozart ,, fabuleuse dans ses sonates comme dans ses concertos ,, merci pour le partage
@Wacholderwald 4 жыл бұрын
In Love with Mozart's music and Lili Kraus' interpretations. Infernal commercials...
@classicalmusicreference 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Nicola, yes we understand you, this is the price to pay for free content. But there are several solutions: -subscribe to youtube premium to never be disturbed again. -download this record on a legal platform Beautiful day :-)
@Wacholderwald 4 жыл бұрын
@@classicalmusicreference Thank you, I understand. I am very grateful that you have put this here.
@carlosginzburg5694 4 жыл бұрын
Pareciera que hasta ahora nadie como Lili Kraus fuera capaz de dominar las tensiones y matices de cada frase de Mozart para brindárnosla de manera tan perfecta y exquisita. Es magnífica. Inmensamente agradecido a quiénes han permitido que esta versión llegue a nosotros. Mario Carlos Ginzburg.
@classicalmusicreference 4 жыл бұрын
Gracias Carlos por gratificar nuestro trabajo :-)
@rozalinapiano 4 жыл бұрын
During the times of pervasive and overwhelming dominance of the dangerous convention of EMOTIONAL SELF-REPRESSION and the widespread loss of the performance standards of emotional expressiveness in the Arts and Music, the Art of Lili Kraus is a true gem! That’s how Mozart has to be performed always - with much expression, saturated with much hedonistic fun in every turn of his incredible melodies, highlighting every shade of his harmonies and symphonic transformations in his music, full of both detailed and global symbolism. Today’s teachers need to be retrained, in oder to break this conventional inheritance. My college piano teacher Olga Mishenko, whose lineage leads to Liszt, compared piano sonatas to “mini operas”, inviting to infuse the same emotional intensity that the staged production would call for. Sadly, such approach isn’t common, although most logical for the music by the same composer of different genres! This recording is truly amazing for this reason, and for the reason of PERSONAL DARING to break the false centuries old stereotypes of performing piano music by Mozart, that are sadly put on steroids of internet and gain the ability to vastly pollute the taste and expectations of the audiences more and more. Very many famous recordings laid this most fundamental quality of Mozart, and it seems to be a shared blind spot. I readily admit that I never knew of this most perceptive and expressive pianist Lili Kraus. What a great discovery! This makes me wonder and guess, if she had shared the same plight of living the life of impoverished, disrespected and harassed Artiste, I’m mired to living under the Oath of Poverty, dedicated to share their gift of Music?... Was her faith as horrible, as similar as the life of poverty and suffering of her musical idol Mozart? Was it just like the life of many, if not most of us, Artistes? And I won’t tire to say that this self-destructive for our Human race trend of INCIVILITY must end. Music’s high efficacy restorative, therapeutic, developmental and over all transformative power MUST be recognized, valued and explored for more and better utilization in both educational and therapeutic settings, especially during the opioids crisis ! The fact of the Music’s capacity to elicit healing neurotransmitters such as dopamine, oxytocin, etc.must be encountered, recognized and RESEARCHED MUCH MORE IN-DEPTH! Those who create policies for us from the chairs of public leadership have to fit the demands of having qualifications for doing it right, for the sake of our and many generations to come... IF ONLY MOZART COULD HAVE TWICE LONGER AND EASIER LIFE, if only his city’s leadership could help this Music Therapist to heal many more minds and hearts in their environment, how many more of his Mavericks we could have enjoyed centuries later as well...? How much more obvious this can get? This isn’t new any more. Everyone laments about the problem, but... But! What are the reasons, why no one asks for the actual commitment to the actual change from the centuries old BARBARISM towards the best and the most capable part of the Humanity, for the sake of the chance to assure the incredible implications for the evolutionary changes in the our Human brain, that can be felt today, and that could be inherited in the next generations? The music/brain research proved by now that the brain of musician is more advanced than the brain of the person not exposed to music education and practice. And due to the multiple complexities of our current reality, it matters like never before... Have we simply forgotten to wish to have the better present and future than the paralysis of the doomed of all realms of our reality right now? Why do we tolerate playing political games around the need to change the faith of the Arts and the Artistes by both all ranks of our elected leaders? Well, well performed music can help with overcome that too. Why are we also tolerant of our so called Music’s and Arts’ official “advocates”, who are Ineffective, appear to be ethically confused and disabled by own disability of blind spots? Is their mental paralysis and cognitive dissonance so Hopeless? No. The healing power of Music actually has the answer for this social pariah too! Fortunately, the answer is available - it is in the Art of the finely refined expressive details of making Music to be healing through THE INTIMATE RESONANCE to our hidden and hard to verbalize emotional reflections, fortunately brought to shine and to light the dark corners of our personal and collective blind spots in the perception of the reality, by such rare now days musicians-magicians, like Lili Kraus. Standing ovation to inspiring Lili Kraus! and to Reference Recording for having the gift of appreciation and for facilitating and brining it out and for helping share it with all of us.
@classicalmusicreference 4 жыл бұрын
You're welcome :-) Thanks .
@nelahozeves1 4 жыл бұрын
I have no appropriate words to praise the eloquence of these comments. There are a number of so overwhelming truths within that we don't even dare to explore.
@lukasfierz5300 Жыл бұрын
Of course you are right. However there were and are always daring pianists which represent such ideals: Rachmaninov, Edwin Fischer, Glenn Gould, Marcelle Meyer, Cziffra, Tzimon Barto, young Pogorelich, Maria Pires, Martha Argerich, Polina Leschenko.
@fe12rrps 7 жыл бұрын
I know I will take a lot of heat for writing this, but...There will never be a composer as gifted as Mozart ;-)
@jeffsmith3470 7 жыл бұрын
teddy toto Mozart is uniquely gifted. His music is created out of a harmony that is other worldly.
@redskindan78 6 жыл бұрын
No heat!
@halaurent 6 жыл бұрын
I agree. We are so lucky to have these recordings of his music on KZbin where everyone can enjoy them!
@desmonddugmore154 6 жыл бұрын
No vi
@mihawkdrakule3869 5 жыл бұрын
Heat😹😹When Mozart ended his concerts, the ladied were wet
@rravvia 3 жыл бұрын
She doesn't just make them piano sing, she makes it ring.
@pineapplelofi3236 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know who needs to hear this but whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it. Take a deep breath, stay positive, and know that things will get better
@normanrichmond2127 3 жыл бұрын
I had the honor and pleasure to study with her. The perfect balance of original (little use of pedal) and modern pianism.
@mariogriffey1297 7 жыл бұрын
Senso metronomico del tempo, precisione assoluta, espressività e suono pianistici senza sciocchi scrupoli filologici, fortunatamente ancora di là da venire, agilità prestidigitatrice, uso sapiente e non avaro del pedale: un'esecuzione che incanta.
@Wacholderwald 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for blessing us with Mozart's music to enliven us in these times.
@konradmathias8822 Жыл бұрын
Wunderbarer Mozart, Lili für mich die Beste, ihr Spielen läßt nichts zu wünschen übrig, Top Class!!
@류순열-h6i 4 жыл бұрын
아름다운 피아노 연주곡 잘 들었읍니다~감사합니다~🎵🎹🌿🍀☘🌹🌹☘🍀🌿❤❤
@gezaradai2958 7 жыл бұрын
Lili Kraus was born in Budapest in 1903. Her father was from Czech Lands, and her mother from an assimilated Jewish Hungarian family. She enrolled at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, and at the age of 17 entered the Budapest Conservatory where she studied with Zoltán Kodály, and Béla Bartók. In the 1930s, she continued her studies with Severin Eisenberger, Eduard Steuermann in Vienna and Arthur Schnabel in Berlin, who focused her interest in the classical tradition. Lili Kraus soon became known as a specialist in Mozart and Beethoven. Her early chamber music performances and recording with violinist Szymon Goldberg helped gain the critical acclaim that launched her international career. In the 1930s, she toured Europe, Japan, Australia and South Africa. In 1940, Kraus embarked on a tour of Asia where, while in Java, she and her family were captured and interned in a concentration camp by the Japanese from June 1943 until August 1945. After the war, she settled in the United Kingdom where she spent many happy years playing and performing and teaching. She became a British citizen and resumed her career, teaching and touring extensively. In the early 1950s she performed the entire Beethoven sonata cycle with violinist Henri Temianka. From 1967 to 1983, she taught as artist-in-residence at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. After that she made her home in Asheville, North Carolina, where she died in 1986. Her husband was Jewish (later converted to Catholicism) Austrian philosopher and patron
@classicalmusicreference 7 жыл бұрын
thank you :-)
@marazulization 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@careljeromecornelisfredrik5252 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your information about Lili Kraus it makes the video more complete.
@philipdavis6207 3 жыл бұрын
Sparkling , effervescent , all in all , Ms Kraus is remarkable - many thanks 😌
@ashvajit1 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this enchanting recording of the virtuosa Lili Kraus playing the incomparable Mozart.
@classicalmusicreference 7 жыл бұрын
@redskindan78 6 жыл бұрын
Mozart lives in Lili's playing.
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
and in my heart
@luisdiazlopez3712 3 жыл бұрын
Lily Krauss hace una maravillosa interpretación de las sonatas para piano de Mozart. También son una maravilla las que grabó Clara Haskil. La integral de Claudio Arrau, mi compatriota pianista alemán nacido en Chile, están así mismo en la cumbre que la técnica -tan necesaria en esta época de pandemia- nos permite reunir de manera intemporal, haciendo coincidir nuestro tiempo de auditores con el tiempo en que vivieron los intérpretes y el tiempo en que vivió Mozart.
@adriatorras8077 6 жыл бұрын
this is amazing, mozart, maybe the best composer of all time...
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@gerrycoogan6544 4 жыл бұрын
It's still too early to say! However, if the world ends tomorrow, Mozart *will* have been the greatest composer of all time. 😀
@simondalzell6108 4 жыл бұрын
Mozart is undoubtedly unmatched. For me Beethoven carried the same torch.
@elhamr25 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you to give this chance to hear to nice recording of complete piano sonatas/piano pieces of the Magnificent Mozart.
@eribertosalmo80 7 жыл бұрын
I love Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@joehaffey2008 6 жыл бұрын
To whoever posted this incredible video.... thank you from a music lover. i've bookmarked this so i can keep coming back here to take advantage of the mozart effect when i work. thank you again.
@classicalmusicreference 6 жыл бұрын
You welcome ! Enjoy :-)
@ВладимирШуберт-й6е 7 жыл бұрын
Большое спасибо! Лили Краус однозначно одна из величайших исполнителей фортепьянного Моцарта. Другие величайшие - это Хаскил, С.Рихтер, Бадура-Шкода...
@eribertosalmo80 7 жыл бұрын
I love Mozart.
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@michael101202 7 жыл бұрын
Just added to my favorites. Thank You Reference Peeps!
@cyn9611 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. Mozart is the only gift to mankind from God.
@enriquedelagarza1142 7 жыл бұрын
@michaelormond6480 6 жыл бұрын
Quite the contrary-Mozart is humanity's gift to god.
@adriatorras8077 6 жыл бұрын
Oh si.... Dios es más que artista que ellos por crearlos e inspirarles, susurrarles sus melodís secretas, guardadas especialmente por amor a su creación suprema, el hombre. Es increíble como puede haber tanta gente envanecida y fría espiritualmente, después de haber oído, música como la de Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin o Tchaikovsky...
@mariateresagutierrez4653 6 жыл бұрын
Adria Torras Si es verdad la es vanidosa y fria y no puedo creer q haya gente q odie a Mozart q es el regali nas hermoso q Dios nos a dado a la humanidad uno puedo ceer q haya gente q odie la musica clasica eso es no saver apreciar lo bueno por lo menos del internet no la an sacado espero q no ya q no se la escucha por ningun lado
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@mariadoloresmendozagalvez5729 3 жыл бұрын
Gracias por compartir tan maravillosa música ! Le paz a mí vida!!
@albummusicaldecolombia95bogota 4 жыл бұрын
¡Qué maravilla! Wunderbar! Merveilleux!
@dogshousepuppyscente 7 жыл бұрын
Meraviglioso come sempre !
@nghiatrinh8686 7 жыл бұрын
@shin-i-chikozima Жыл бұрын
She seems to emboy the musical aesthetics of Mozart beautifully🌸💮⛩️
@brittopiano 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful work!!!
@shin-i-chikozima Жыл бұрын
I am enraputured by her splendid performance
@Alvaro-fh5dd 7 жыл бұрын
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de subirlo. Disfruto mucho de estas recopilaciones, sigue así
@dansandulescu1366 6 жыл бұрын
Very inspired also the picture of the two lovers ...
@syozoosawa4506 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent !!. Thanks a lot.
@carlosalonso3188 5 жыл бұрын
Didn't Miss Krauss record the Sonata in F, K 533/494?
@pianissimo7561 3 жыл бұрын
beautiful, thank you.
@adriatorras8077 6 жыл бұрын
the second sonata of mozart, is an inspiration to 32th beethoven sonata...
@martinbernardorodarteislas9104 Жыл бұрын
@marioescudero7103 7 жыл бұрын
Gracias !!!
@arch1arch213 3 жыл бұрын
c est toute mon enfance dès 5 ans!
@mariateresagutierrez4653 6 жыл бұрын
Yo tambien soy mozarteana de corazon y de alma Mozart ceo musica inspirado por Dios
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
MOZART was not inspired by god. HE WAS GOD.
@mariateresagutierrez4653 6 жыл бұрын
Victoria Pliarhou Q dice Escriba en castellano no entiendo ingles
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
sorry i dont speak spanish i was just guessing what you had written in spanish. please write it in engish, as much as you may know it, i will understand. or, if you insulted me because i said there was no god except for MOZART then please dont translate to me your insult. but god does not exist and you know it deep down
@borninparis 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for adding the credits.
@gloriamichelazzo267 7 жыл бұрын
Mozart música de Deus
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@thomaslechatbleu 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for that!
@Velissiotisnikosvyahoocom 7 жыл бұрын
Un regalo inaspetato!
@logicfoundations 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!!... :) :)
@adriatorras8077 6 жыл бұрын
the 14th sonata it is so wonderful... Mozart, it's ineffable.
@川浦真樹 7 жыл бұрын
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@thomasc390 7 жыл бұрын
@mariateresagutierrez4653 6 жыл бұрын
Grande Mozart!
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@titicatfollies6615 3 жыл бұрын
Heaven on earth!
@thomasc390 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@agathenaamani1518 3 жыл бұрын
Oui, Lily Kraus comprenait le génie intemporel (et temporel naturellement) de Mozart.
@allen1407 7 жыл бұрын
@angvoigt1 7 жыл бұрын
所言甚是、我有部份LP是CBS/Sony、不齊全、沒想到EMI有complete set、聽 說東芝有全套她跟Simon goldbery violin sonata。有人post就無得彈!
@violng4323 7 жыл бұрын
鍾選賢 對 ! 以前聽音樂,每張唱片都是真金白銀買回來的,珍如拱璧 ! 今日情況就大不相同,在網絡上無窮無盡的音樂,唾手可得 ! 幾年間所聽過的樂曲和錄音,比以往幾十年光景所聽的還要多 !
@Obaysch 7 жыл бұрын
angvoigt1 Szymon Goldberg, I assume you mean?
@classicalmusicreference 7 жыл бұрын
是买CD。好主意 :-)
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
Please, compare the above Chinese 'letters' to the English alphabet. It tells it all. Then, google and look at the Greek alphabet, written in a fancy way. It is lace-like, something in between the English straight-forwardness and Oriental magic. But,this Chinese thing looks either horrible, or very weird, as are the Chinese themselves...
@thomasc390 4 жыл бұрын
Again, Thank You!
@mihawkdrakule3869 4 жыл бұрын
@getulioferreira 2 жыл бұрын
An awesome video!
@noshirm6285 3 жыл бұрын
@mariateresagutierrez4653 6 жыл бұрын
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@plehhelp2583 3 жыл бұрын
y...... de todos los que podemos escuchar..gracias
@JackKrausGuitar 6 жыл бұрын
my grandma is killllling it
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
I am a grandma and I listen to MOZART every day all day so when my little 4 yrs old grandson comes to me, I tell him stories about MOZART. He recognizes Mozart pictures and loves him. My daughter in law likes me doing this.
@JackKrausGuitar 6 жыл бұрын
thats great victoria :)
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
Jack, thank YOU for recognizing my effort in spreading MOZART, wherever and whenever I can. What about YOUR grandma? And, I will tell you a secret' of mine, I am in love with MOZART. Yes, PROPER love ! It's not so hard for me to love MOZART as MAN, too, because he cannot compete with a DAVID. So, I wonder WHO I would chose, if both Wolfgang and David wanted me. I would become a bigamist then! Or, chose David for a fling, and then ADORE MOZART FOREVER. David hates him. He even insulted him. That was his END.
@casualnova1 6 жыл бұрын
With due respect to grandma Victoria ... Mozart might not have liked you at all ... what a narcissistic and pretentious comment !
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
i would expect him not as i did expect an idiot to say something like that and to think he is a casanova mozart was a genius and would not want me you say but he wanted his plain wife, but you are not a beauty that a casanova is so f.o. other people liked what i had written
@thomasknop8233 7 жыл бұрын
herrlich ! das sind ja Variationen (wie hab ich das erkannt ? :-)
@thomasknop8233 7 жыл бұрын
herrlich ! das sind ja Variationen (wie hab ich das erkannt ! :-) )
@violng4323 7 жыл бұрын
@daisyabey6161 Жыл бұрын
I have had to give up reading due to rare migraine and turn to this music instead
@filipeaffonsov 6 жыл бұрын
Is there any specific reason why the Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman variations aren't there?
@classicalmusicreference 6 жыл бұрын
Hy Filipe, to my knowledge lili krauss did not record this variation. She is very well played by Samson Francois:
@filipeaffonsov 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I'll check it out! Keep up your awesome work.
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@victoriapliarhou8514 6 жыл бұрын
@donalddenison8896 4 жыл бұрын
This is a very nice video, the music is wonderful. It is a shame that the enjoyment of the music has been compromised by the inconsiderate and ill conceived placement of the advertisements which regardless of placement, are taste less and obnoxious. By placing the advertisements tasteless and annoying as they are in the natural breaks of the music, the annoyances would be bearable even if the ads are offensive and boorish. Why bother to select and produce the wonderful music if you all are going to drop in these execrable advertisements willy nilly throughout the video? Whoever places these offensive advertisements must have no appreciation of the the music and must also lack any taste whatsoever, most likely whoever is responsible just does not give a care. I sure wish I could figure out how to install the Ad Blockers that are available, alas I have tried with no success to get this task accomplished several times. Just as distressing is the lack of a help telephone number with a knowledgable person who can help me install the Ad Blockers, further evidence that You Tube has no regard for the feelings of their customers. I find selected aspects of You Tube enjoyable and of great value, but the management of their customer relations department is abominable, or I suppose it is better described as non existent. Nevertheless, the music that was not interrupted is excellent.
@classicalmusicreference 4 жыл бұрын
Hi David, yes we understand you, this is the price to pay for free content. But there are several solutions: -subscribe to youtube premium to never be disturbed again. -download this record on a legal platform Beautiful day :-)
@donalddenison8896 4 жыл бұрын
@@classicalmusicreference The real problem is that I am just barely computer literate. I've tried to purchase and instal the features you have recommend but I do need assistance with a customer service rep to accomplish this. There is no help number listed to summon this needed assistance. By the way the fact that the videos are offered free does not release those who tastelessly place advertisements. It does not take a genius to place ads appropriately in natural breaks of a video and just before content begins or has just ended . My comments about insensitivity, taste and respect for the viewers/listenersstill stand. So do my comments about lack of taste consideration for the viewers, and a total disregard for the content of the video. Moreover there should be a help line for assistance in installing the ad blockers that you suggest and I have tried to install on my own,.I just don't understand the language, what is an App for instance? When I was in school there were no classes that taught how to become computer literate, so I like most older viewers/listeners are left to figure out these things ourselves, there needs to be a Help Line we can call for assistance.
@vernonsmart 5 жыл бұрын
It sounds like she is playing on a fortepiano. Is that correct?
@mihawkdrakule3869 4 жыл бұрын
No its on a grand piano . But a fortepiano would be also great
@helihobbit 3 жыл бұрын
Highly regrettable that adverts interrupt mid movement.
@thomasknop8233 7 жыл бұрын
sehr schön ! dies sind wohl Variationen kennt jmd das Thema / KV-nr ?
@wilfriedrades992 7 жыл бұрын
6 Variations in F on the aria "Salve tu, Domine" from the opera "I filosofi immaginarii" by Giovanni Paisiello K.398 (00:00) 8 Variations in A on the Theme from Come un’ agnello K460 (08:00) 12 Variations in E flat on the French song «La belle Françoise» K.353 (21:52)
@thomasc390 4 жыл бұрын
@cobra9416 7 жыл бұрын
und wo kann ich die CD kaufen??
@classicalmusicreference 7 жыл бұрын
Es existiert nicht mehr. Mit ein wenig Glück, ein Spezialist für Speicher-Discs Chancen.
@ilirllukaci5345 Жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday my fellow Aquarians, Mozart and Zelenskyy. They really kind of look alike don't they?
@arch1arch213 3 жыл бұрын
le disque original est plus profond.
@TheGloryofMusic Жыл бұрын
Kraus often arpeggiates the chords, something that is apparently forbidden these days.
@DonnaLee-g8q Күн бұрын
Taylor Larry Brown Dorothy Taylor Mary
@danilodan4242 7 жыл бұрын
de fuder!
@danielaricca3528 3 жыл бұрын
le interruzioni però sono vergognose almeno tra un brano e l'altro
@tsu5947 4 жыл бұрын
Mozart - Piano Sonatas Nos.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 (Century's record.: Lili Kraus)
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