Mr. Giant Reacts 10 Things You Didn't Know About Romania (Reaction)

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Mr. Giant

Mr. Giant

2 жыл бұрын

What are the 10 Things You Didn't know About Romania. In this video we take a look at some of the misconceptions people may have about Romania.
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@cristitanase6130 2 жыл бұрын
Romani have a very tight society. They refuse to integrate even if that hurts their chances . For example they don't let their kids go to school, even if the school here is completely free! We even have special places for them in the university (only for them, all free), all you have to do is to sign up and everything, including housing, transportation and food is 100% free! They also have a tribal society, with lots of problems (child marriages, no school for girls....), and this tribal system differs from community to community, but sadly, it keeps the same backwards pillars. On short, they are separated by their own culture, not because we keep the away. They call everyone outside their culture as "outsiders" and they have (or used to have) their own tribunals where they could judge their own based on their own rules (often tribal ones). Thankfully, the modern pressure makes their backwards culture slowly getting replaced by a modern one that gives them better chances. For many the "gypsy" culture seems a dream of some sort. You can "do whatever you want" "go wherever you want" and so on. In reality it starts with child marriages and ends 20-40 years early than the national/European average lifespan due to reluctance to hygiene, avoidance of education and even reluctance to medicine and vaccines. During communism they were "oppressed" by being forced to have their kids vaccinated with the same complete scheme as the rest of the kids. Then their kids where "forced" to attend the free school, and if they got their kids out of school a policeman will go to them and get the kid back to school. It was mandatory for everyone, including them. After communism EU rules told us we cannot longer disturb their wonderful culture so there you go. Child marriages, child pregnancies, school abandonment and a complete collapse of their health (in average). But now things are starting to improve! Slowly the state have reinforced the ban on forced marriages and child marriages, teen pregnancies are still super high but decreasing, education is somehow more accepted (but not for girls!), and they even have some tribal leaders that push for integration with the rest of the world. Again, they CHOOSE to live like this! Here education if free for all, healthcare is free for all, and there is a lot of job vacancies for everyone that wants to work! There is no excuse for someone living in Romania to have uneducated, unvaccinated, married at 10 kids!
@vladimator1842 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't have said it better my friend...!! I was just about to start typing something of a similar theme regarding them Gypsy's....
@danascully6698 Жыл бұрын
Spune-le gipsy cum ii cunoaste toata lumea, nu le apropia numele de noi! Nu te umili, nu fi asa de politically correct!
@ionicafardefrica Жыл бұрын
in depth answer. Very precise and much more detailed than what I would have written
@tiagomota4734 11 ай бұрын
@@danascully6698 Prietenas sau mai rau daca esti femeie, nu asta e problema, oamenii astia vorbesc de chestii importante nu de asocieri facute de toti prostii...Ce delicat/a esti, daca vrezi vreun tigan cred ca incepi sa plangi...Nu am adoptat noi toata muzica lor, nu fac parte din Romania?! Toti manelistii au cate 3-4 milioane de subscriberi si tu vrei sa te deduci de ei, nu prea merge asa din pacate! Fac parte din Romania si sunt o parte importanta in identitatea acestei tari!
@criss6945 Жыл бұрын
Just a note, Ceausescu was a full communist but in no way he was Russia's puppet like the documentary says. He was the exact opposite. He broke up the forced alliance with USSR from the past when he became president and he was also the only Eastern leader who condemned Russia's intrusion in Czechoslovakia in 1968s and blamed Russia's imperialism.
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
Thankyou for commenting.
@adrianagradea4505 Жыл бұрын
Yes and no. Ceausescu was part of a regime imposed by the USSR anyway. If he was occasionally going against the USSR, that doesn’t make him anything more than another version of a communist.
@criss6945 Жыл бұрын
@@adrianagradea4505 No one contested that Ceausescu was a communist. But he wasn't a Russian puppet. In 1960 Ceausescu, an active figure in Romania's communist party back then, put an end to his country active participation in the Warsaw Pact and two years later Romania stopped being economically subordinated by USSR (in CAER alliance). Ceausescu wasn't just occasionally against USSR. He was the only communist leader who openly condemned Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. For this he gained a lot of sympathy in the West, US included.
@bampiru 2 жыл бұрын
you have a point about that part of not being included in the society...but that's usually because they follow their own rules...90% of them like fast and easy gains (most illegal) which makes us reluctant to them. We marginalize them for our protection.
@nurgleschosen8145 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not lying when I say that I've almost got robbed 4 times. The 3 times I ran, the 4th apperantly it was an older brother looking for someone to threaten for his younger brother and they mistook me for him. I couldn't run away that time since I was already in arms reach and the guy was armed. (They didn't rob me they kept looking after realizing their mistake) They 100% follow their own rules, and I know honest hard working gypsy's, but they are few. It's unfortunate but if they don't wish to at least become more Romanian then I have no wish to accept them.
@LatinSlav Жыл бұрын
@@nurgleschosen8145 4th was also a robbery , mistaken identity my as s ,they use that as an excuse
@alakntvr7179 2 жыл бұрын
two points here :) 1. Gypsis, indeed there is a very big hate between us and them, but this goes down in history as they were enslaved and persecuted for centuries... and now, they just simply don't want to integrate in society at all, no matter how they are approached, those who embrace, are now in parliament, doctors, teachers and so on(there are plenty of them also), but unfortunately for most of gypsies, they prefer to be outlaw and gain without work.... 2. Vlad Tepes - there are many miths surrounding him, but not so many of them true(like the one with the babies and mothers...that is so stupid and first time hearing it) :) he was indeed ruthless and savage, but you must understand that it was in 1400, back in those days you had beheadings, inquisitions, barbaric tortures and so on... what he did, with the impaling, was simply to put fear inside the enemies, as, Wallachia was a very small kingdom so he knew that this was one of the ways to win(and he did), he was also a very good ruller, indeed, brutal, but do imagine that he set trade routes, added border tax, killed/enslaved the boyars who betrayed the country to ottomans and killed his father and brother :) so he gave the lands to peasants, plus many other things to prepare the country for a war that was inevitable! So...bottom line, he is a national hero(for all romanians, no idea why this guy says for "a few"!) and not as bad as all those myths try to portrait him.
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for commenting. .
@shamkand Жыл бұрын
They were slaves the same as the Romanians no difference, because in Romania if you had land you were a free peasant (taran liber) and productive, if not, you were a slave working on the land of the rich, but you got clothes, food, and even a small pay, you also had the right to buy your freedom and marry... Also, there are different communities of gypsies some are artisans, have businesses, and are rich, and some are traditional and refuse to communicate with the "outsiders".
@superdrinkerb6432 Жыл бұрын
Dude, you speak so calm, your voice is so warm...when you speak your voice is like a music for my soul...I love you, man ❤
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. You have a great week.
@dragosmoise7927 Жыл бұрын
Sound like Morgan Freeman
@DariusR91 Жыл бұрын
answer at minute 3:00 -- it doesn't matter how you treat a gypsy, he will remain a gypsy and will take the opportunity to steal. Short story!! My father met after more than 20 years a gypsy with whom he had been a colleague in the army, out of joy my father invited the gypsy with his family of 7-8 people for dinner, while we were all at home at the table one of them said he needed to go outside, after a few minutes my father came out and caught him stealing money from my father's jacket, from that moment I swore that I would never put a gypsy at the table in my house.
@alexandrudumitru2435 Жыл бұрын
Romanian food is absolutely incredible. As a Romanian i highly suggest trying our traditional cousine. And yes Nadia Comăneci is from Romania. Perfect 10 score at the Olympics.
@tiagomota4734 11 ай бұрын
Im romanian as well and i do NOT like our traditional food as well, I think its something extremely subjective...greesy , oily and extremely unhealthy and no i don't like sarmale at all, that's absolutely disgusting IMO....Another thing that is stupid is the fact that our people do not accept the fact that you don't like these kind of food, everyone thinks that's the heavens food for some fing reason! And one more thing, when the guest says "No thank you, i dont want to eat" please never ask again, that's fing annoying!
@LatinSlav Жыл бұрын
let's just say this, 'romani' people with higher education, or education in general are integrated very well in romanian society, 'romani' profesionals are well respected in their fields of work, romani music and singers are well paid in romania. Rasism is very much alive but goes both ways but is not as bad as in the US or western countries,people don't fight over race they will however resort to profanity using racial slurs if they ever fight, romani people mostly fight romani people, and the police and government treat romanians and gypsies alike like crap..
@healththenopulence5106 2 жыл бұрын
Romania doenst have a “romani” problem that others fixed… All romani populations were exterminated in europe in ww2… Only Romania didnt exterminate them, thats why we have them. And personally i love them..we should treasure them as much as possible
@clarakam3858 Жыл бұрын
😡😡😡😡 Ba da avem !!! Nu ai tu , dar majoritatea românilor îi urâm din suflet! Ne- au făcut de râs în toată EUROPA! Să se ducă în India de unde au venit!
@MihailBFC Жыл бұрын
Romanians don't love roma people...there's nothing to love about them.
@alexandrupatru2892 Жыл бұрын
Wrong, Romania was part of Axis in WW2 first half and executed and sent to concentration camps so many jews and romani that even Hitler was intrigued. Let's also not forget it started before WW2, with students casually throwing these 2 categories of people from the trains or under them, breaking stores and houses... Know thy history!
@sector5400 Жыл бұрын
Vlad the impaler it was a true hero of Romania. These are just stories, he hang people who were stilling, who did crimes and who betray their country, just to be an example. During his times, you could leave your money anywhere and after four days you will find it right in that spot you left. True hero.
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
I always take the stories about great leaders with a grain of salt. Its the reason why I would rather hear the stories from the people whom the history affected the most. Thank you for commenting. You have a great day.
@synco1985 Жыл бұрын
I am romanian and yes you are right at the end with the " the dude is cool, the lady is cool, my is cool, let's all live together at peace" . I am down with this, hopefully more and more people are.
@moartea948 2 жыл бұрын
Thx a lot man for my request🤗
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
No problem 😊 Hope you had a great weekend.
@cormoranuud2598 2 жыл бұрын
Elvis Presley was a gypsy from Germany, if I recall correctly. They really seem to have a native talent for all kinds of music. This is how they make an honest living, and always did as nomads. Please check out Taraf de Caliu, I think you'll enjoy. They're from Romania. :)
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I will cheque this out.
@danascully6698 Жыл бұрын
Vorbești niște prostii mai mari ca tine. Îi născut în Memphis Tennessee și o făcut armata în Germania.
@TheShibangelist Жыл бұрын
Hey Mr G. Thank you for reviewing a video from my country, i really apreciate it and i do follow you and know it's not the only one. Also i know that the rromani part kinda' hits home for you due to the back community experience in the US. History: It is inf act true that rromani were the only slaves in our history, in which to say they had a master and he had right over their life ( and death ). Other romanians ( valahs, moldovans ) during that time were peasants ( actually called peasants / tarani ) which were the closest thing to a slave but the boyar could not decide if he live or dies, only if he has the right to work his lands, live on his lands and get a part of the crop. Considering the system in place was servdom and feudalism where the power was in boyars and nobility when the rromani came into romania, they were not traded in the market as slaves but they are recorded as skilled migrants sometimes working for the court as mentioned in The Letter of Neacșu from Câmpulung wrote in 1521. The first recorded document to mention enslaved romani is from Hungarian King Andrew II in 1222 where he gave Saxons and german traders a letter filled with rights in which amongst them was the right to own rommani. During the history of romania the holders of slaves were the church, the lord and boyars Integration: Romani were integrated in romanian society since they were freed in the 1800's as much as they wanted to integrate and society let them. You can imagine discrimination was at highest levels and after they found their freedom they found the lack of resources, finaces and thus exposed to crimes to be commited by them and against them. The most forced integration all minority faced was under Ceausescu and communism, Hungarian families forced to learn romanian, romanianized the name and forcibly integrated, romani families the same, turkish, the same, tatar, the same, russians, the same, ukrainian and all other minorities became romanian under ceausescu.Under communism we were all equal but some more equals than other and you can imagine that minorities were discriminated by the majority and minorities banded together against the majority. SOCIETY AT IT'S BEST Once with the new found "equalities" all minorities and the majority turned it's head agains the real tirany that was facing them all, after the fall of Ceausescu and communism, WE WERE ALL FREE, turkish, hungarian, romanian, romani, ukraineans and we started going at eachother's throat cause the common enemy was gone. So we started discriminating eachother on ethinc grounds once more. Later on we wanted to join NATO and EU as it was the best economica and military decision for the country and THEN everyone told Romania they are discriminating against minorities. As a condition to join all these good clubs, and we started aligning, we went all the way in the average's romanian view to create quotas, to have gvmnt finances for minority NGO's, affirmative action and all that the west told us we should do. Result : Current situation is as everywhere. Some people want to segregate not to lose their cultural inheritance, some take the victim card and complain the world is against them and life is not fair, other excel and become succefull bussiness men, singers, scientists, engineers and PHD's and the rest are part of the society at large trying to figure out the best choices for themselves and their families in current times. The fact that they are holders of most of the crime rates in romania is coming not because they are romani but because of the environment, the system and mostly their choices which amounts the most when it comes to acting on a certain decision
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
Thank you forall the information. You have a great day.
@TheShibangelist Жыл бұрын
@@MrGiant thank you for reading it, loving your videos
@nicknik971 Жыл бұрын
Mr Giant gypsys doesn't want to to integrat in sociaty,even now after hundred of years. Doesn't pay tax,respect the laws,etc
@10Adryanne Жыл бұрын
Totally respect that you re interested in other countries, but half true of what you saw
@clarakam3858 2 жыл бұрын
Our food is really good. We mainly like to cook in our homes with fresh vegetable and fresh meat. We eat manny dishes like " ciorbă" yes ( sour soup ) ❤
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds great! Do you have a recipe for sour soup, would love to try making it.
@clarakam3858 Жыл бұрын
@@MrGiant oh yes but it s hard to whrite in english. It s very easy.
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
@@clarakam3858 I will look it up. Thank you.
@lalayastill610 Жыл бұрын
@@MrGiant I have to just say one thing - i see in a lot of videos that people say to put vinegar in order to make it sour. It's not how we do it at home, we make a sour juice/sauce at home, from sour fruit from our backyard. Vinegar is inexpensive, but it's just not the same as using a sour fruit (mirabelle fruit). The green herbs used to season it are just as important - either parsley (we don't really use cilantro) or lovage, and we always add what soup stock cubes. We then add a tablespoon of sour cream in the saucer of soup, right before eating it, and sometimes we like to eat a hot chili, fresh or pickled, with the ciorba. Video of how to make the sour juice
@sorinichim4737 Жыл бұрын
Nicolae Ceaușescu was not an soviet puppet! That is why the Americans favorite him and România as " the clause of favorite nation" given by America in 1975 because România was the only one that stood up against the russian invasion in Czechoslocia ! The problem was that Ceaușescu was becoming bigger player in his region even for America! He wanted to create a world bank for little countries and become the new power the in region ! You gotta love America and their bankers and politicians!😅
@mirelchirila Жыл бұрын
spot on on the crime part
@GB-bx6gz 2 жыл бұрын
Sarmale and mici , in Romania are very high recommend ! Mici are Romanian autentic 100% like other dishes .( not ciorba witch is more Russian influence / any region had his own unique style !
@LatinSlav Жыл бұрын
ciorba is literally from Turkish "Cyorba", mici are literally a form of kebab without a stick of mainly pork combined with other meats ,also from turkey
@alexandrupatru2892 Жыл бұрын
@@LatinSlav And pizza is middle-eastern. Means nothing. Matters who made it their dish. Like sarmale: we added pork. Different taste.
@danasima8659 8 ай бұрын
@@LatinSlav do you remember that Turks are Muslims and Don't eat pork???
@GB-bx6gz 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your interesting attitude about our country ! ✌️🇷🇴⭕️
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoy learning about your country. Thank you for commenting. Have a great day.
@GB-bx6gz Жыл бұрын
Welcome :)
@spykethegentle579 Жыл бұрын
I don't know who made that story about Vlad Tepes but, didn't killed the children or the women like that. According to historical records he used to send the women doing all kinds of treacherous crimes to the Turks of Ottoman Empire, as punishment. He impaled and executed only the traitors, and rich boyars who were siding with the enemy.
@kiko8u 2 жыл бұрын
The Romani gypsies don’t integrate well in European society because they’re not European, they don’t assimilate well and live in other people’s countries. Its a vicious circle the Romani people face all throughout Europe, especially Eastern Europe. On another note they do well through their music in many European countries.
@vladutromania1289 2 жыл бұрын
2:51 no because in other countries they are treated like every other citizen but still self segregate and commit crimes at higher rates than locals
@christinecleavest9099 Жыл бұрын
Not in Spain, there is much discrimination when it comes to them. In fact when someone stole from me, right away I was asked by just about everyone including the policeman taking the report if it was from Gypsies( Romani) to which I told them no. It bothers me that people just assume, like Spaniards aren't capable of crime.
@RaduRadonys Жыл бұрын
@@christinecleavest9099 Well I have been robbed twice in my life (once the phone, once the wallet) and both times it was by gypsies... So it's hard to not jump to conclusions....
@christinecleavest9099 Жыл бұрын
@@RaduRadonys and I've heard racist remakes towards me but I'm emotionally intelligent enough not to paint every person of European descent as racist. I judge the act of the person not a whole group, trust me many will look at my Brown skin and assume something.
@RaduRadonys Жыл бұрын
@@christinecleavest9099 You are not Romanian, so you can't really understand. You can't understand when Western Europe people say: "oh you're Romanian, how come you are white???" or "oh, you're Romanian, I must hide my wallet, ha ha ha, that was a joke."... All these because a certain minority does bad stuff over there. Even if you have nothing against them, it's hard not to feel something against them. Black and brown people don't have this fame though, so it's hard to compare.
@christinecleavest9099 Жыл бұрын
@@RaduRadonys you are not serious in saying Black and Brown people do not face ignorance and discrimination on this level? And yes I do understand as I had a Romanian partner at one time, so although I am not Romanian, I empathize and understand on some level.
@clarakam3858 2 жыл бұрын
Yes Nadia Comăneci is romanian and she was the perfect 10 in history of gimastics❤
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
I watched her do that live on TV back then. It was the performance that got me into watching gymnastics.
@Drescher1984 2 жыл бұрын
Btw when anyone talks chicken, I think of Southern fried chicken, jerk chicken and Korean Fried Chicken as the Kings and Queens of chicken.
@giovannideventuri4506 2 жыл бұрын
You are correct about Nadia
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You. Haver a great day.
@TimisDaniel 2 жыл бұрын
With a ethnic group that has been segregated from the main population for such a long time asking if they commit crime because they are treated like criminals or are they considered criminals because they comit the crims is like asking what came first, the chicken or the egg? Regardless, you ca see that Romanii still have a high proclivity to crime even when they remove themselves from romanian scociet and travel to what are considered more inclusive societies in the west.
@SerbanOprescu Жыл бұрын
PS. You are a nice person, Mr. Giant.
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@dyawr 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful video, thank you for this reaction. Hope you come visit one day & try all the food! 😋🙏 Yes, you are right about the Roma people... a pertetually reinforced cycle of separation, fuelled by both sides, unfortunately... let's hope in 10-20 years time, things will be significantly different! Yes, Nadia Comaneci is a *legend* in Romania & a national pride! I'm so happy she escaped and chose to stay in the US, though - as sad as it sounds, she would've had no future in Romania. Very little opportunities. It would've been a real shame for someone like her to miss a shot at a prosperous life, by remaining stuck in a broken-down Communist country (at the time)..👍
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
UIt is on my bucket list to visit. I have been fascinated by it since seeing Nadia Comaneci in the Olympics.
@spykethegentle579 Жыл бұрын
This documentary is definitely made by someone who either doesn't know the history of Romania, or hates Romania. The Huns, who was a low cast Turkic tribe, arrived in Europe around 800AD, and invaded many regions around Pannonia plateau, including Transylvania much later, during Austro-Hungarian empire. What Romania did in 1918, was taking back the land inherited from their Dacian ancestors. In fact what a lot of people doesn't know, is that Romani or Dacia, as used to be called before, is one of the oldest civilization of Europe. Predating actually Mesopotamia, the Sumerians etc. Look it up my friend
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
I will do so. Thank you.
@Andriushel Жыл бұрын
Hungary and Spain have gipsies "romani/indian" too. Flamenco is a gipsy dance. Gipsy Kings are spanish. We are romanians called because our ancient Dacia was a part of Roman Empire.
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the information.
@cmznuke Жыл бұрын
Hello Mr. Giant, One short remark about the Vlad the Impaler chapter. Middle Ages were terrible, cruel and savage beyond imagination. But most of what is said about Vlad the Impaler in this video is hugely exaggerated and, from my knowledge, untrue. Well, he might have impaled some villains every once in a while, but only for educational purpose! Moreover Ceausescu was no soviet puppet. He actually openly opposed to the invasion of Czechoslovakia, which made him quite popular among the dictators of the time. He started as a kid, petty thief who did time as juvenile delinquent, where he met a few communist bandits who he ganged up with. While uneducated, but intelligent and ruthless cutthroat, he made it up through the ranks quickly, somehow up to the top. The rest we all know. Tyranny, political crimes and abuses, violations of most elementary human rights, paranoia, megalomania and cult of personality. He got what he deserve. I mean those who staged the coup silenced him, hurray to that!
@BrakhianSoldier Жыл бұрын
Most of the Vlad Tepes torture tales are propaganda from the Saxon traders of Brasov, whom he spurred by banning them access through Tara Romaneasca (Walachia as it's known to the westerners) to the Black Sea, where they use to buy wares from Greeks and Turks. This happened because Vlad asked them to allow his traders to do business in Brasov and, when these trader arrived there, their wares were confiscated, some of them were impaled and the rest tortured and banished back. That angered Vlad who banned the saxons access to the Black Sea ports for trade. In turn, the saxon traders of Brasov, used the advent rise of the printing press to print leaflets with these stories and with graphic drawings and spread them around European Courts in an attempt to have the greater European powers dethrone or withdraw support from Vlad. People in Romania see him as a hero because they see him as a just man because, in his short rules, he tried to fortify Tara Romaneasca, made the first standing army and punished harshly any kind of crime. He had one single punishment for any crime and that was impalement (which was entirely assigned to him although impalement was practice throughout the world at the time and originated with the ottomans, from where he actually learned it in his youth as a prisoner there). He fought to protect his people and his country and achieved some miraculous victories that, to this days are taught as strategies and practices in the military academies around the world.
@augustiniumihaila4466 Жыл бұрын
About gypsies ..... if they still exist is because Romanian Principalities were a safeheaven for them during middle ages. All over Europe they were hunted, burned at stake, hanged, decapitated, etc, due their way of life of robbering and plundering. Only in Balkans/Romania they were encouraged to settle and were included in an economic/productive existance using their natural manufacturing skills. Here they were not afraid of collective massacres or punishments like in West, from time to time an individual culpable of legal guilt had to suffer the same kind of punishment like anyone else. Is their option to be apart, no one push them. And regarding social distancing ..... when someone is quarreled with water and soap I doubt he will be highly regarded.... There is not a bit of resemblance with afro-american people history and status, even some gypsie people would want to play that card wanting to gain sympathy and monetary gains.
@augustiniumihaila4466 Жыл бұрын
Later edit : I will not claim that they were allways treated fair and correct. And Itotally agree that during history they suffered a lot ofpersecutions and intollerance. And this have to be repaired. BTW , communist regime confiscated gold from population. Do you know that Romania, after 89, gave back the gold to the gypsies?
@SerbanOprescu Жыл бұрын
"Război" is not of Slavic origin. Its roots are Latin, from Res-bellum (Things of war), and until about a century ago, it was still spelled "resbel" (Romanian journals about the Independence War, which took place in 1877). A related English word is "bellicose". With time, actual spoken language changed it into a more mellow, easier to pronounce "război". The Romanian word has nothing to do with the Russian equivalent (voyna), the only incidence being an unrelated word, "voynic", which means warrior in Russian and "sturdy", "well-built" - about a person - in Romanian. Eve there it changed accent. The documentary should really have checked its sources.
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the information.
@chris200830 Жыл бұрын
I'm sad to see that the video you watched again portrayed Vlad The Impaler as some sort maniacal villain. I'm not saying that he wasn't cruel or villainous, but not to the extent presented in this video. A lot of the rumors and myths about him were created by the Saxon merchants in Brasov as revenge for imposing harsh taxes on them and also burning down their homes. Keep in mind those merchants plotted and murdered his father. Most historians will agree that stuff like "impaling women with their babies suckling" is pure nonsense and fiction. The guy wasn't demented. He was cruel with his enemies (and sometimes his people), but he was also very just and had a strong sense of morality. He's a very interesting character and there are many online videos explaining his life from a historical point of view. I'd definitely recommend if you're into history.
@Nobody.s_business Жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter how you treat them... it's in their blood.
@AntonioZephiel 8 ай бұрын
The thing about gypsies is most people tend to generalize, just like every other people there are good and bad.. its true that alot of them are criminals but not all. Some are struggling to survive because ignorant people who dont give them a chance, some are well known and loved singers..
@veloaddict Жыл бұрын
dude, gypsies are like some of black in the us of a, it is a culture thing
@adrianagradea4505 Жыл бұрын
Romanian maintains 5 of the Latin cases, not 3.
@teobratuteodor1728 2 жыл бұрын
No, gypsys was very welcome by romanian how do we do with anyone and gypsys abused that kindnes. Becose in Romania is not rasism like in America or United Kingdom or anything like that.
@sk8withpainscorsckr404 2 жыл бұрын
@ionghican803 Жыл бұрын
the peapole did not translate stuff properly, dont belive some of the translations
@RazvanTase Жыл бұрын
Hi Mr. Giant, I was happy to see your reactions to this and another Romania related video. Having seen your reaction to Romanian food, I think you really must see this video: - I would definitely love to see your reaction to it.
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
thank you for watching the videos with my. I will surely react to the one you suggested. Thank you. You have a great week.
@RazvanTase Жыл бұрын
@@MrGiant Thanks, you too man.
@alexandrupatru2892 Жыл бұрын
+1 one on this amazing video!
@dandanutz777 Жыл бұрын
vlad dracul.= vlad the devil...this is the real translation..not the dragon...Vlad became so harsh, cruel because he was fed up with the domination and mockery of the Ottoman Empire and then he went on to manifest himself in this form to scare them in one form or another and to drive them away
@MichaEl-rh1kv 2 жыл бұрын
2:50 You're right. They are excluded by the other societies in Romania, it is not self-segregation. As the Sinti and Roma came to Europe, they were at first often welcomed by the nobles for their skills especially as metalworkers, but they were not accepted by the majority. And while the other people became wealthy, they were not allowed to own land in many places and forced to live as half-nomads, sometimes travelling small-time merchants, sometimes travelling entertainers, jugglers and artists. And then borders became tighter, and they were not longer allowed to cross them, and in many cases also not accepted as citizens of any state. Poor people, excluded from the wealth, the liberties and the rights of the main society, will make their own laws and rules, rules which allow them to take from outsiders.
@motionpictures6629 2 жыл бұрын
Owning land didn't become a thing in Europe until 1807. Europe was a fiefdom and all land was a loan from the emperor or king. Napoleon ended fiefdom and started republics, and in a republic you can own land.
@MichaEl-rh1kv 2 жыл бұрын
@@motionpictures6629 That is not true - at least not generally. In most countries at least part of the lands were owned by people who could sell it or buy another acre. But not everybody was allowed to own land. In many parts peasants could only be tenants, in other countries they were bound to the land and if their landlord sold it, they were sold with it. But nobles could own land (at least in most countries, including the HRE). They got fiefdoms also, but the loan consisted in many cases not of the land itself, but of the governmental and/or jurisdictional offices. A duke e.g. was the military and civil governor for a certain province - but with time those titles became effectively hereditary. Cloisters did own land also, which was mostly donated to them by the former owners - they did it not receive as fiefdom, but they did often issue fiefdoms, no king involved. There was also the status of "free peasant" or yeoman - peasants who had the inherited right to own land. And e.g. many colonists from Germany were recruited with the promise to get entitled to their own land in e.g. Russia (after it conquered parts of Ukraine from the Tatars) or Romania (after the bloody wars with the Ottoman Empire ended). And then there were the citizens of the Free Cities: they were free from fief rule (as the cities were kind of republics). (There was a saying in the HRE: "Stadtluft macht frei"- city air makes you free, because if you got citizenship rights after some years of residence the rules of fiefdom not any longer applied to you - except you were a Jew or a Sinti.) Napoleon did also not end fiefdom in all the countries he defeated. Prussia actually ended fiefdom to recruit a peasants army against Napoleon. And even after 1807 many states did not allow Jews or Sinti and Roma to own land (including Romania, which allowed Jews only to own land for some years after WW I because that was the condition for acquiring regions formerly belonging to Austria-Hungary and Russia).
@motionpictures6629 2 жыл бұрын
@@MichaEl-rh1kv tell Henry the Lion that he owned his Land. Barbarous took it any way., or the English monasteries at the time of Henry VIII. You owned land as long as you were useful for the guy one step up in the hierarchy. ""Stadtluft macht frei" was the freedom to be a direct Wessel to the king. Karl IV.sold "his" free city Jews, and Goethe sold the "free" inmates of the Weimar prison to George III. Property like we know it today in republics did not exist.
@MichaEl-rh1kv 2 жыл бұрын
@@motionpictures6629Henry the Lion didn't own the land, he was the Duke of Bavaria and the Duke of Saxony - two offices lent to him by the Emperor. The land the Welfs owned from old was neither in Bavaria nor in Saxony, it was in Swabia - but it belonged to the Head of the Family, Henry's uncle Welf VI, who was also the Duke of Spoleto. As his son died, he had to decide to whom of his two nephews he would bequeath it. He decided against Henry and handed it down to his other nephew, the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (because Frederick made him the better offer). So the hereditary seat and lands of the Welfs went to the Hohenstaufen, but as this family died out some generations later in the male line, most of their lands were drawn in by the state. The lands (and castles) Henry personally owned in Saxony were not taken away by imperial decree, but he was banned from them for a certain time. The HRE distinguished between "Reichsgut" (imperial estate) and "Hausgut" (estate of the House or family), which could only be taken away by a court decision (or via peace "treaty" after a lost feud). Property of land was as matter of principle thought to be to a family, not to a single person. Personal property - which existed - was mostly limited to movable objects. Law, justice and thinking about property was at the time of Henry the Lion to more or less equal parts inherited by Roman law and German/Celtic jurisdictional tradition, seasoned with "military law". So property and property rights were a thing, but the understanding of it was not that of today. And it was also not the same in the whole of Europe, there were huge differences between West and East, North and South. France invented in the 17th century Absolutism (which would be the situation you described as "fiefdom"), Russia pushed serfdom to the extreme, and so on. But that was mostly after the Middle Ages ended, in the era historians call the "modern" one (= the centuries after 1500).
@GB-bx6gz 2 жыл бұрын
Also many Romanian didn’t had the land to build the home, or to make agriculture to survive!!! But we didn’t transform into criminals !!! Don’t worry I will not change my opinion! I have my strong reason for some of you , but also for “ univers low’s i have Gypsy neighbors that they are normal people 👍 ! And someone thinks that Putin afraid us :))))) !!!!
@andreienciu750 Жыл бұрын
That kind of penalty was invented for women that were involved and accused of adultery.
@anadas4222 Жыл бұрын
Nononono Dracu = satan He was from the dragon order N.9
@cosminalexandrunicolau5806 Жыл бұрын
Sorry Mr. Giant! You are wrong on number 10 and the narator is also wrong too! All the bad things is the kernel of their way of life.
@kratospower666 Жыл бұрын
Ai gagica romanca ....este ?😁
@dandanutz777 Жыл бұрын
their name is actually tigan-tzigan-instead the name romanii is invented.. there is no history of this name but it was adopted by the former prime minister of Romania, Petru Roman in the 90s.. why insist on this wrong name? I leave it to you to judge. so let's leave aside this adopted name because it is not based on any history of this nationality...
@MrGiant Жыл бұрын
Thank you for commenting.
@MichaEl-rh1kv 2 жыл бұрын
The Hungarian minority in Romania (around 1.2 Mio.) is only the biggest of 19 acknowledged ethnic minorities. The Roma minority has around 621,000 people; that is sligthly less than the German minority had before WW II. But about half of the German subgroups were "resettled" by the Nazi regime during WW II; after WW II around 350.000 German-speaking people still living in Romania were counted, of which about 80.000 where deported to the USSR as forced laborers. About 95% of German-speaking farmers were dispossessed. The German government financed 1967 to 1989 an operation "Kanal", paying the Romanian government for releasing people of German ethnicity to Germany (the costs are estimated to roughly 1 Billon DM for about 227,000 people); another 110,000 people fled the country during the Romanian revolution. Only 0.2% of Romanians are still of German ethnicity, slightly less than Ukrainians (0.3%). Other minorities are e.g. Lipovans (0.2%), Turks (0.2%), Tatars (0.1%), Serbs (0.1%), Slovakians (0.1%) (and so on). After WW I about 800.000 Jews lived in Romania (which had gained some regions from Russia and Hungary with strong Jewish minorities), but anti-Semitism was strong in Romania, and in the 1930 right-wing extremists dictated politics. Romania allied with Nazi Germany, many Jews were murdered by Romanian forces, since 1941 also by German SS and Gestapo. After WW II up to 390.000 Jews still lived in Romania (including returned deportees), but there were still strong anti-semitic ressentiments, and the new Communist regime declared itself "anti-zionist". Around 1950/51 Israel paid for the release of about 118,000 Jews to Israel (in money and industrial goods). Some years later the Romanian government allowed more Jews to emigrate, but it was an up and down. Estimated about 350,000 Jews left Romania during Communist reign.
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the information.
@andreivlad3518 2 жыл бұрын
Hungarians are 600.000 in Romania.
@tomyjunyor Жыл бұрын
stop and don't think like that!!! Gypsies and Roma are not mistreated!! on the contrary, they are perfectly whole! and they know it!!! don't talk nonsense!!
@botezatuandrei1915 9 ай бұрын
Romanian language its not roman language ,roman language its romanian
@sean668 2 жыл бұрын
The way this video talked about Romani people is pretty disturbing to me, but what's even more disturbing is it's pretty much the same talking points I've heard from Europeans. Antiziganism is frightening.
@vladmatei5994 2 жыл бұрын
I am Romanian and yes the romani were discriminated for centuries. We try to integrate them now but really the criminallity does not help, and a lot of Romanian people don't understand this is due to discrimination in the first place, only in recent years awarness campaigns begun, but we are moving to a better country now and yes the integration might be slow but it is happening.
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
My mother always say to us as kids, Rome was not built in a day. Progress is progress. Thanks for commenting. Hope you are having a great week so far. Take care.
@Gabi-mq3fb 2 жыл бұрын
we as a nation always welcomed strangers with open arms, if they were always honest and working people we wouldn't have a problem with them.
@MihailBFC Жыл бұрын
they are gypsies...and not romani!
@tomyjunyor Жыл бұрын
why did you all the countries kill him? You were afraid, weren't you? the first country in the world after 6000 thousand years without external debt!! the factory industry was top!! be afraid of him!! and the time will come again!! Africa in general!! Arabs, Russia, Germany still owes Romania!!!
@Giasco1 8 ай бұрын
@butterman0007 2 жыл бұрын
How could you make a reaction video and not link the original? This is such a disingenuous appropriation of content.
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
The video link is in the description.
@butterman0007 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrGiant Sorry for being rude. Wishing you well.
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
@@butterman0007 No problem, you have a great weekend.
@valentinnicolau9561 2 жыл бұрын
I will tell you something then others romanians didnt said gypsies are 3%of romanian population and yes they dont like school but they were treated bad by our leaders from 1940 till 1989 one general in 1940 said they are good just to make soap from them and maybe just maybe they do all this ilegaltyes becose they were discriminated im romanian living on border with humgary and is hard for Me too if i go to south parth of romania they call me a hun but really im jew came here in 1824 my family but in time my family mixt with hungarians and moldoveans so yes sometime romanians are racist but just old People like 50 60 years old in time yes we got civilized now is okay but some old People Who growed in comunism still have some bad concepts but in there botom of their heart a romanian guy will give you his shirt if you are in need if we have have a bread we splitt with our neighobourn if he need
@MrGiant 2 жыл бұрын
Its the same here except here lately the older folks have infected some of the young people, especially the uneducated ones.
@victoriag6149 Жыл бұрын
@victoriag6149 Жыл бұрын
Don't depends criminals
@victoriag6149 Жыл бұрын
No its because they are theives
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