Big Sexy On Men Struggles with Embracing Sexuality, Overcoming Hate, & Building a Successful Brand

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Mr Jay Hill Network

Mr Jay Hill Network

17 күн бұрын

Big Sexy isn't holding back in this explosive interview! We delve into the complex issues men face when it comes to embracing their sexuality, particularly within the Black community. Big Sexy opens up about his experiences as a plus-size, gay influencer with a massive 700k following on Instagram. He shares his struggles with overcoming hate, societal pressures, and even a shocking podcast fallout. This episode is a raw and honest conversation about self-acceptance, building a brand, and defying expectations.
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@krestal0 15 күн бұрын
I 100% agree with sexy about men and their sexuality and abuse. Hes also such a positive person. He is definitely a friend in my head
@burna21bit 5 сағат бұрын
You a woman
@Superhero004 12 күн бұрын
I’m a gay man and i don’t think that every man is gay . However, as i got older i realized that the Kinsey scale was 100% accurate. Most people in general are on the spectrum. It’s more accurate to say that some heterosexual men are just predominately heterosexual. Just like you have women who are predominately heterosexual.. but like to play . They are mostly content with the opposite sex but still have desires for the same sex at varying degrees ofcourse. It doesn’t always mean that they want to settle down with the same sex or identify with the label gay. The Kinsey scale outlines this pretty well.
@kmarie7051 12 күн бұрын
There is 100% heterosexual men, just as there are 100% gay men. Bisexuality is rare in men. The vast majority of scientific studies on mens sexuality, arousal patterns, pupil dilation, activity in the brains reacting to erotic visual stimuli show that they are much more inclined to be all or nothing.. meaning really into men and not into women(homosexual) or really into women and not into men(heterosexual). Bisexual men who reported equal attraction to the sexes, did not show equivalent responses to erotic videos of men and women. Rather, they responded much more strongly to one sex-usually men- than the other. Bisexual studies on men are usually focused on a heavily selected grouping of men and the men with actual bisexual arousal patterns are so much harder to find that researchers have had to use the same men on multiple studies. Homosexual- and bisexual-identified men are over-sampled to increase statistical power to detect differences in arousal patterns in different regions. The bisexual who responded to both sexes had an actual history of multiple physical and romantic relationships with both men and women. Attraction is the most accurate representation of a person’s true sexual orientation because identity and behavior can be context-dependent. Attraction can be based on a number of factors beyond vaginas and penises, including personality, common interests, and chemistry, and that we may be open to dating someone who has physical attributes, like hair and eye color, that don’t necessarily fit our usual type. But all of these characteristics are subsumed within an individual’s sexual preference for men, women, or both, and it's the sex preference that is determined by the organisation of the developing brain in the utero from exposure to prenatal sex hormones that cannot be changed. From most of the studies on male and female sexuality there does seem to be more of a biological aversion aspect in male sexual orientation in general. Female sexuality is more fluid that males generally and more adaptive. That's also why paraphilias are more common in men and also cannot be changed. There is also a strong aversion aspect to male sexuality biologically. Studies on male heterosexuality shows it likely involves, not just the existence of sexual attraction to the opposite sex, but also the active suppression of brain circuitry serving same-sex attraction(that gay men don't have). Men also tend to be much more visual than women and dependent on visual stimuli of their preferred sex. Research has also shown on-average sex differences in brain activation during sexual arousal. When men and women are brought into the laboratory and are shown pornography during an fMRI scan, visual areas of the brain are more activated in men, and regions associated with inhibition and emotional processing are more activated in women. In one study, the nucleus accumbens, a brain region associated with feelings of pleasure, was shown to activate when straight men looked at attractive female faces. Earlier studies have found similar results for patterns of brain activity. For example, parts of the brain involved in reward and emotion are more strongly activated when straight men look at female faces, and when gay men see male faces. The same patterns apply when people smell chemicals that probably act as human pheromones . Physiological sexual arousal and sexual orientation were more strongly linked in men than women. It's hypothesized that males might have evolved to coordinate their sexual arousal and attraction indices more strongly than women because it aids them in building their sexual orientation towards relevant sexual targets. The network of brain regions that are activated when gay men look at gay porn is the same network activated when straight men look at straight porn, in regions like the thalamus, which regulates sexual behavior, and the anterior cingulate, which regulates emotion. Men typically display significantly greater physiological responses to sexual stimuli depicting members of their preferred gender category and stated sexual orientation. These findings are in line with other research suggesting that some aspects of the neurological organization of male sexual arousal are independent of sexual orientation, and therefore expressed similarly in heterosexual and homosexual men Sexual orientation is an aspect of gender that emerges from the prenatal sexual differentiation of the brain. Whether a person ends up gay or straight depends in large part on how this process of biological differentiation goes forward, with the lead actors being genes, sex hormones and the brain systems that are influenced by them. The organisational effects of hormones on the brain prior to birth have permanent effects. Neuroscientific studies have shown that the brains of lesbians are partially masculinized and gay mens partially feminized. Patterns of brain organisation appear similar between gay men and heterosexual women and between lesbian women and heterosexual men. Gay men appear, on average, more “female typical” in brain pattern responses and lesbian women are more “male typical”. Differences in brain organisation mean differences in psychology and study after study show differences in cognition between heterosexual and gay people. Gay mens brains are also structured like those of heterosexual females and lesbians structured similar to heterosexual mens. It's believed that gay men, during some point in fetal life, were exposed to unusually low levels of androgens, which allowed their hypothalamic circuits to develop in a female-typical direction. If testosterone levels during a critical prenatal period are high , the brain is organized in such a way that the person is predisposed to become typically masculine in a variety of gendered traits, including sexual attraction to females. If testosterone levels are low during that same time period, the brain is organized in such a way that the person is predisposed to become typically feminine in gendered traits, including sexual attraction to males. The association between sexual orientation and other gendered traits arises because all these traits differentiate under the influence of a common biological process-the sexual differentiation of the brain under the influence of sex hormones. It's why some parts of their brains is similar to straight women. For example the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the medial preoptic area, known as the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus number 3 (INAH3is about half the size in homosexual mens compared with the heterosexual mens, and the same size as females. There was marked differences in the left and right amygdalas of straight men and women and in gay men and lesbians, these characteristics were almost entirely sex-atypical; the findings in gay men resembled those of straight women, and the findings in lesbians resembled those of straight men. In straight men and lesbians, the amygdala fed its signals mainly into the sensorimotor cortex and the striatum, but in straight women and gay men, the amygdala’s connections feed into the anterior cingulate cortex and the subcallosum. In othet brain differences, some of these effects seem to be unique to sexual orientation, such as cortex cortical thickness in the orbitofrontal, cingulate cortex, precuneus, parietal cortex and left occipito-termporal cortex volumetric increase of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus and visual areas as well as the anatomy of the corpus callosum in gay men. Several small-scale neuroimaging studies have also suggested cross-sex shifts in homosexual men and women in brain responses to putative sex-specific pheromonal compounds. There's also differences in brain activity in arousal patterns. MRI scans showed In straight men the right hemisphere was 2% larger than the left. In straight women, the two hemispheres were the same size. In gay men the two hemispheres were also the same size. In lesbians the right hemisphere was slightly larger than the left. Activity pattern in this region of the hypothalamus have been reported to differ between gay and straight men. A cell group called the suprachiasmatic nucleus was larger in gay men than in straight men. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is concerned with the regulation of circadian rhythms,. The size of this commissure is known to be larger in women than in men Heterosexual men exhibited more gray matter volumes in the thalamus, thalamic and in the cerebellum and premotor cortex than homosexual men. Sexual orientation is associated with distinct changes in brain structure and has strong associations with areas primarily linked to processing and integrating incoming sensory, reward-related, and motor information. Gay men and lesbians can also have gender shifted occupational preferences and also in instrumentailty, empathy, expressivness, and aesthetic/technological interests. Gay men and lesbians are gender shifted in a variety of male favoring-visuospatial traits such as mental rotation, targeting, and navigation, as well as female-favouring tasks such as verbal fluency and object location memory. Many of these functions, particularly the spatial skills and the verbal skills reside in different sides of the brain and they call it cerebral asymmetry, the asymmetry in the way the brain is organized. This asymmetry is determined and organized around the middle of pregnancy and these correlate very highly with who you are sexually. Sexual orientation is something that is hardwired before birth.
@obatalaosun2222 12 күн бұрын
@devanshepard9118 11 күн бұрын
i can see that i honestly also think its true most pple are bisexual but varying degrees
@whisper2284 11 күн бұрын
Kinsey’s work was incomplete and not reproducible which made his findings illegitimate and dangerous. Some scientists believe that Kinsey created his “science” to normalize pedophilia. Please research the history of Kinsey’s work.
@Vann20F 10 күн бұрын
And Hitler thought he was 100% right did that make him right🧐 Can you please post a link on the % that was stated
@indiasurgeon1487 11 күн бұрын
I’m 10 minutes in and I 1000% agree with Big Sexy on those DL men.
@IZBUnite 13 күн бұрын
Mr. Jay hill at one point was uncomfortable with big sexy as a friend because he felt like it questioned his sexuality and he felt like it questioned what he deems to be a friend. If these straight men actually liked femininity and enjoyed being around feminine energy then they wouldn't have any problem being around gay men, but because they do have a problem being around us gay men they don't like femininity-most straight men don't like women they like the societal benefits of liking women, they like the fact that society tells them that they have a right to have dominion over women's bodies-but it really all boils down to misogyny.
@aliross2720 12 күн бұрын
I say it it boils down to pathological narcissism with a lot of these men, which is often caused by abuse, neglect or trauma in early childhood and they have arrested emotional development and cannot separate their negative internal world from the external world, they believe their feelings are facts and their emotions dictate their reality which is unstable along with an unstable identity and sense of self. They are chameleons and just mimic and imitate others and are different people from one person to the next because they don't have a true self, just different false personas and mask that go along with whatever they need in any given moment or whatever emotion they are in the grip of, they have spitting defenses, lack object constancy, whole object relations, object permanence, dysfunctional schema in their brains, cognitive distortions, skewed emotionally charged perception and live in toddler survival mode with a lack of empathy or even ability to see people as people and not objects to use and a mirror to reflect back to them. With many it's a projection of some deep self hatred and because they're the warped creations of women who gave birth to them and moulded them into who they are: dysfunctional, maladaptive, and emotionally dead. They are angry at their mothers and, by extension, at all women. They believe firmly that women are out to "hunt" men by genetic predisposition. That women are parasites, leeches, whose sole function is to suck dry every man they find and tarantula-like decapitate him once no longer useful. This, of course, is exactly what the narcissist does to people. Thus, his view of women is a projection. The heterosexual narcissist desires women. As a result, they feel threatened. Narcissists despise weakness in themselves.They try to justify this irrational fear by imbuing all women with "objective", menacing qualities and pathologizes others in order to control them. Narcissists don't just treat female intimate partners this way, and if a male intimate partner spent any real amount of time around this person where the narcissists starts to feel more exposed then they will to be devalued also. And this is not fear of being exposed as DL(although they could certainly connect to their worth),, it's fear of being exposed as defective and unlovable and worthless which is what they believe deep inside which they often deny to themselves and project outwards onto others. Self hatred is a painful emotion to accept, especially for narcissists who are already compromised with only immature infantile coping mechanism that don't work very well and they are extremely fragile people. Every close intimate relationship the person will eventually be devalued, it's a certain. Narcissistic DL men don't spend enough time around the gay man they are having sex with to feel threatened or exposed by to get devalued. But they will eventually if you're around them enough because their entire life is spent hiding and running from who they believe they really are underneath the facade, which is worthless and unlovable. Narcissist treats women as objects and sex as a means to obtaining Narcissistic Supply. Narcissists can use sex as a form of narcissistic supply and because everyone is just a mirror to reflect back to them their own self worth, it really could be just anybody, even if it's someone just to desire them sexually and to affirm and validate their false self to create some self worth. without it narcissistic supply they feel worthless, empty and have no sense of self. All people are objects to narcissists and they are all about power and control and for attention. Whether it's sympathy, whether it's admiration, whether it's sexual attraction, attention is attention. No matter what, it's unlikely one person can give a narcissist enough attention to sustain them. They would always prefer to have more, they will usually seek more and it is more valuable coming from people who are not wise to their game, so to speak. Sex is sometimes part of the attention they are looking for, but sometimes it is an afterthought, a means to an end. It goes with the territory, you could say, but it isn't always the main goal. They cannot regulate or create their own self-worth. They must constantly receive input from others in order to feel any. When someone wants them, they feel important. To the pathologically narcissistic person, importance equals worth. This is why they engage in triangulation. If one person wants you, you're worth something. If two people want you, you are worth more. And so on and so on. The narcissist's misogyny and his sadism are a result of his fear of being abandoned (the recreation of earlier traumas) Narcissists are infinitely pessimistic, bad-tempered, paranoid and sadistic. Their daily routine is a rigmarole of threats, complaints, hurts, eruptions, moodiness and rage. The narcissist rails against slights true and imagined. heterosexual narcissists are attracted to women, but simultaneously repelled, horrified, bewitched and provoked by them. They seek to frustrate and humiliate them. They are unable to love in any true sense of the word - nor are they capable of developing any measure of intimacy. Lacking empathy, they are unable to offer their partners emotional sustenance. Narcissists equate love with deplorable weakness. Narcissists are angry men - but not because they never experienced love and probably never will. They are angry because they are not as powerful, awe-inspiring and successful as they wish they were and, to their mind, deserve to be; because their daydreams refuse so stubbornly to come true; because they are their own worst enemy. And because, in their unmitigated paranoia, they see adversaries plotting everywhere and feel discriminated against and contemptuously ignored. Elliot Rodger is an excellent example of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and how destructive and dangerous it is. Narcissists will go to whatever lengths they have to in order to get what they want and so often - as we see with Elliot Rodger - what they want is revenge. They believe they have been wronged and they react with rage when the world does not give them what they want. They take pleasure in hurting people, especially those who care about them. The goal of the narcissist is literally to destroy. A narcissist cannot be reached with love and you cannot appeal to their good graces. they are capable of neither. These people are fundamentally broken. They also have a vicious, sadistic Superego (the part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards learned from parents and teachers) that attacks them all the time with horrible, terrible things: "You're worthless, no one likes you, you're scum, you're a terrible person, there is nothing good about you..." They create a False Self to hide that, which is why they seem so arrogant, etc. But they are under attack by this Superego all the time, nearly every second, and so when they find a partner, this narcissist takes all that sadistic viciousness they are hearing from the Superego out on the partner to make themselves feel better. This is the only way they have to make themselves feel better and because of this, they are never going to stop doing it. You cannot make them see they are doing this; it's a defense mechanism. They have to believe their partner or others around them really are terrible people. It's essential to their whole being as a person and they cannot stop. More importantly, they don't want to stop. They are truly evil people who literally desire to destroy others because they are jealous and believe that other people have things (love, sex, material things, popularity) that they (the narcissist) are being purposely and spitefully denied. The true narcissist is a dangerous, conscious-less, selfish, sadistic and evil person. And really, calling them a person is a misnomer. They are not truly people in the strict sense of the word. Once they are created in childhood, it's too late. Medication cannot help them. Therapy cannot help them. Nothing can help them. They are what they are. And what they are is really nobody at all. They are shells walking through life seeking fulfillment, and the only way to get what they need is by using and abusing other people. Crippled, defective shells masquerading as people that are incapable of love or of ever being happy.
@obatalaosun2222 12 күн бұрын
@whisper2284 11 күн бұрын
Prior to the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, homosexuality was no big deal in the Black community. Nobody talked about it. Every Black person had a Gay and/or Lesbian family member or friend. They were normalized and accepted at home and in the church. Sometimes they got married to the opposite sex or not. Nobody excluded them. Then White liberal Elites took over the LGBTQ movement during and after the AIDS crisis and made being LGBTQIA an anomaly and turned it into a religion. Their goal was to separate themselves from mainstream society and they said, they were born that way without science supporting that claim. This devision between Gays and Heterosexuals is an elitist fight and should have never seeped into the working class Black community.
@Seven_Aint_Nine 9 күн бұрын
Im not sure that makes sense. Gay men are basically cos playing as feminine, oftentimes over the top women.
@imetwurld-ey9sx 9 күн бұрын
Exactly ... I don't like when they compare flamboyant gay men with women because they are not alike ​@@Seven_Aint_Nine
@taixchi 13 күн бұрын
I get the Host is trynna be open minded. But the “ ayo” and “pause” is just showing his immaturity and uncomfortability. I bet if a straight was talkijg bout the h03s he wants he wouldn’t cringe
@Seven_Aint_Nine 9 күн бұрын
That's the point of the joke.
@adriannacwhite 12 күн бұрын
It’s the “I love this for me” that made me give you a standing ovation 👏🏽 I fell in love with you years ago because you live out loud unapologetically. I believe that if more people of ALL walks of life were genuine to their true self there were be a better vibration on this earth. I totally respect that you refuse to compromise your integrity or jump on an opportunity to degrade yourself and others ✊🏽 Standing ten toes down for your brand will take you so much further! When I tell you that reel of you and your friend crackin up and how y’all fell out in laughter brought so much life to my soul😂 I absolutely adore you💓
@chronicles6065 14 күн бұрын
I loved this conversation so much!🔥👏🏾
@newbengraham4775 12 күн бұрын
i just realize that so many people are basically lazy about their self development. they allow their family to structure their worldview. when they eventually are faced with the actual difference between the real world and the mental structure they have been given, it becomes an inner conflict. therefore it's easier to dismiss people, places, and things that conflict with that state of being.
@darryls2141 12 күн бұрын
it's not about people. it's about God. people will let you down. set your faith and foundation on God. God is the SAME, yesterday, today and tomorrow. God will not let you down. Trust me- Better yet, Trust in the Lord and lean not to thy own understanding, yet acknowledge HIM and he will direct your path towards righteousness-
@rodariusgrady9064 11 күн бұрын
@@darryls2141 you are right. are you a gay men.
@igotyourback9175 8 күн бұрын
@@darryls2141 BUT most people are following a God in man's fragile image and imagination, and we all know that men have bias, ego and flaws and this is why even what we were taught about GOD can be a huge let down.
@Vir2ousTeachings 5 күн бұрын
@user-zr2ee6bn3f 13 күн бұрын
It's my first time seeing or hearing of this Big Sexy and I must say his messages is on point! Very wise and intelligence beyond his years! I being a pretty laid back easy going guy has always loved being around people like Big that always speaking truth to power. Great interview!❤
@Tit4Tat2024 13 күн бұрын
100% Big Sexy speaking the truth about the black gay community ❤🤓
@truerthanyouknow9456 10 күн бұрын
These guys have a good rapport. I appreciate the respectful sharing of their different and valuable perspectives.
@tristyy404 11 күн бұрын
First 30 seconds is 100% facts!
@Shantellywashington 12 күн бұрын
He ain’t lying either. Happened to me with 3 straight guys lol I swore the shit wasn’t true but it is…a lot of men be like this and it’s so sad bc you would never know half the time they don’t be loving themselves sigh
@DamianStallworth 4 күн бұрын
This interview was much needed as I always viewed Big Sexy as extra AF, but now I see him in a different light. He is speaking the truth on so many black men struggling with their sexuality for fear of judgment, which is sad AF.
@J.leeHoliday 10 күн бұрын
It is imperative to advocate for a dedicated mental health awareness month for all black men but specifically for Black heterosexual men. Historically, from the era of slavery to the present day, Black men have been confined within restrictive boundaries, compelled to conform to narrow and often toxic notions of masculinity. These expectations demand that they present themselves in ways that may not align with their authentic selves, coupled with a persistent pressure to defend their sexuality. Such conditions are undoubtedly exhausting and contribute significantly to mental health challenges within this demographic. Addressing these issues through focused mental health awareness and support is crucial for their well-being.
@kindelljones3507 14 күн бұрын
Love this so much!! Truly inspired ❤❤❤
@icandytv4169 12 күн бұрын
This was a good much needed convo! 💯
@jvmess__ 13 күн бұрын
great interview, awesome conversation!
@Being.Victor 12 күн бұрын
Great, candid, and intelligent conversation. Thanks For Sharing!!! 👍👏👏
@Barbiemonroe1 15 күн бұрын
Loving this
@anthony11aamu 14 күн бұрын
Awesome interview 👌🏾 He a real one
@anonymousisraelites4476 14 күн бұрын
I'm an Aries, but my moon rising is a Gemini. That explains when I cut people off..... its forever 😩
@ChaserCandy-rl5ro 13 күн бұрын
Your what?😅
@martinbirdwell7986 9 күн бұрын
I Do That Too
@annep7602 12 күн бұрын
This was a great interview. Also, jay you look good keep walking on the path that you’re on!!!🙏🏾
@Mili189 9 күн бұрын
Great! Seriously, the host is doing an impeccable job in navigating this conversation with respect and genuine relevant questions.
@alexrodriguez5370 10 күн бұрын
Just subscribed.... Much love and continued success!!!
@techankemp9949 13 күн бұрын
Great interviewer!
@TheShai17 6 күн бұрын
I appreciate both of y’all 🙌🏾💚🔥🤗
@kamishasolomon3292 8 күн бұрын
Mane just had a conversation about this!! I’ve been with men like this!! Busted !!
@alexrodriguez5370 10 күн бұрын
Great content. Jay is on it! great work. Big Sexy wins! Continued success!
@SHEeo_Nesha 15 күн бұрын
Amazing interview ❤️❤️❤️♊️♊️♊️ loving the Gemini vibes twin!
@stgethers5587 10 күн бұрын
He's right on the treatment of women tip, have seen it more than I care to mention!
@user-kf2oi4sq5b 8 күн бұрын
3 minutes into this conversation and I can tell you this Big sexy dude is speaking nothin but facts, the homies get down with that shi or have that attraction to it, so they ACT all homophobic to play in y'all faces, and pretend they hate it or to project their fear on the gay dudes who know themselves and walk in truth and shi. Man, on some real shi society so used to hiding the things we do, our parents did it and now we're mad that everythings out in the open fr.
@chikenspinokoli 7 күн бұрын
@trentonhuntley9966 13 күн бұрын
@cashmerechase01 12 күн бұрын
Well said jay
@ShadBoss-wx1kc 10 күн бұрын
This popped up in my recommendations never heard of jay channel but ima subscribe
@Vinetailch 9 күн бұрын
@@ShadBoss-wx1kc go look at his video from today…..
@bluelrdwscent7340 12 күн бұрын
I agree with him and happy to hear him say thet
@LifeofDeVonsha 3 күн бұрын
Yesss let's go‼️🗣👏🏾👏🏾
@samsmith5370 4 күн бұрын
I think there are more curious men out here than anything else. As a black gay man, most black men show aggression towards me or they avoid me, because they’re afraid I’ll clock them. They act very differently around me. I’m just me. I’m not overly masculine or feminine. I don’t “act” one way or another.
@bryantwittrell3067 13 күн бұрын
True true facts
@NoTime4FakeOnes517 12 күн бұрын
New subscriber and all because jay is handsome and Big Sexy is a cutie, with a great personality. This was a great conversation! 💕
@ilyaakhmedov6871 10 күн бұрын
She is right 💯
@jessicabrown8033 2 күн бұрын
Sexy ALWAYSSSSS 💯💯 that’s why I FOLLOW him every where! Can’t wait for him to find his next venture so I can SUPPORT ❤❤❤❤
@DamianStallworth 4 күн бұрын
"Now clip that!" LMMFAO
@tclaybon 13 күн бұрын
Great interview!!! I love Big Sexy’s energy it’s sooooo genuine!!!! Gemini’s require and have to learn balance just like Libra’s two scales, two twins….. and even Pisces (two koi) are the similar we can love you hard but if you play in our face it’s a wrap!!! We all have to work hard to stay balanced!!
@donaldewert2332 9 күн бұрын
That can be true of any sighn!!
@loosecannonsatl7287 13 күн бұрын
I always say this Im black and a woman before Im lesbian but don’t disregard the lesbian 😂
@westbankprince 13 күн бұрын
When I spoke about himself I enjoyed that.
@jonrite813 13 күн бұрын
16:30 he’s right. Gotta put in the work and go get what you want
@MarcusMartn 14 күн бұрын
Where’s part 1 ?
@kamishasolomon3292 8 күн бұрын
And using women to cover up their sexuality is fkn abuse
@jjblack2237 13 күн бұрын
@Donnie-hf5du 9 күн бұрын
He gets to the point
@ShadBoss-wx1kc 10 күн бұрын
Where is part one
@critiks_5045 14 күн бұрын
I think big sexy spoke valid’s however I disagree with the saying that men anger is derived from him fighting his identity that’s not always the case I think the black community come from this sense of brokenness that family trauma is inherited and weigh heavy on he or she often times and it’s displayed in the relationship and that’s due to the lack of getting treated for that mental trauma like seeking counseling in your youth or anger management and verbal training on expressing self and getting points across without exuding attached anger to it & to the host , if your going to be in the mode of acceptance please relinquish the omg and the grunts big sexy showcases nothing but transparency on your platform it was a disservice to do all of that it give a portion of the acceptance you say you have for him as a friend !
@YeahGlo-re1gg 13 күн бұрын
If you listened he did say that’s not all it is on the identity thing so that’s that
@darryls2141 12 күн бұрын
now I had you at 100 in the first paragraph. your last bit was a little judgey? if that's a word- Let Jay be who his podcast IS- you don't have to agree with, just respect the dude- Jay is growing- Let him learn and grow. as a race and culture, we must be very careful on how we tread-
@critiks_5045 12 күн бұрын
@@darryls2141but come on sexy Duffy take offense cause they are friends but I did , it comes off very disrespectful and unaccepting when he’s doing all of that when sexy says certain things
@darryls2141 12 күн бұрын
@@critiks_5045 he's uncomfortable because he's not use to the environment of conversation- give him a minute- he is still processing the gay stuff as a straight man trying to understand that community and life style
@critiks_5045 12 күн бұрын
@@darryls2141 yea but simply because he ain’t use to it doesn’t mean he have to showcase it , like come on as a host you must showcase couth and respect to your guests and must also keep your audience in mind
@MarcusGOfficial 9 күн бұрын
Sitting here broke looking at my Iphone is wild business lololol
@jaybatemen4497 11 күн бұрын
What was the Topic of this particular show.
@laportiamitchellpresents 14 күн бұрын
BigSexy I miss what happened to your other podcast I looked forward to the episodes.
@Mr247star 13 күн бұрын
Tell it 🏳️‍🌈 80 percent is correct 💯
@willthegenaral 15 күн бұрын
Damn I’m a Gemini ♊️ to he right 🤦🏿‍♂️
@newbengraham4775 5 күн бұрын
big sexy reminds me of people, who think that because they don't do what they perceive to be dysfunctional, and then think they are better people. it's like saying, "i may do this, but at least i don't do that." to people who feel homosexuality is wrong, there is no "good" way to be gay. there's no distinction of a clean or messy gay to those people.
@dashawndavis838 8 күн бұрын
@KountryQTPie 9 күн бұрын
Big sexy is interesting to watch but I see areas of growth and those are picking different topics. Topics we the people wanna here about is your business side, what you want or plan to do ..... That would really help the people.
@LifeOnCoach 12 күн бұрын
@Alllove33333 9 күн бұрын
“Ay yo” “pause” that shit is so corny. Y’all really need to stop saying that grow up.
@ArtTheSinger 5 күн бұрын
I don’t agree with this. A lot of men have anger issues and that can be from being abused as a child. I do think it’s a lot men that would do something with a masculine man if they could openly do it. A lot of people have lust issues and not sexuality issues. I believe most men are straight minded with lust issues.
@kyleemon1852 13 күн бұрын
Mr jay sound a lil traumatize from the DL men .
@NoName-oe4gm 12 күн бұрын
Whew chile💅🏾🫢🤐
@loosecannonsatl7287 13 күн бұрын
He ain’t lie folks can’t stand Gemini 😂
@SADtv_ 13 күн бұрын
see he say it like gay a bad thing 36:01 …… We blessed to baby☀️💫
@ramtuff83 12 күн бұрын
Soak for yourself big guy!
@F4TiMA. 11 күн бұрын
@SHEeo_Nesha 15 күн бұрын
Yassss it’s black and white with us no in the middle!!!! ♊️♊️♊️♊️♊️
@koreee_alexx7905 8 сағат бұрын
I’m not gonna say that jay is homophobic because I truly believe he is not but I really need him to work on his acceptance and understanding of gay people. Hearing someone be so disgusted and saying “pause” and “aye yo” everytime a gay person discusses an experience of theirs is rude and a little heartbreaking because that shows us the homophobia is still in there. Big sexy did great though I enjoyed what he had to say.
@WayofJayCole 14 күн бұрын
Is Jay losing weight?
@laportiamitchellpresents 14 күн бұрын
I had been prayinf he was okay bc he does appear slimmer.
@tamiyatodd4003 14 күн бұрын
Yes, he has been doing a lot of cardio and cutting old habits. He posts it on his stories
@emtyler 11 күн бұрын
Definitely hope is all good with him🙏🏾
@tertra114 10 күн бұрын
@laportiamitchellpresents Yeah he’s just super into working out now, I don’t think the weight loss is anything health related thankfully
@ellaleggett9628 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah I said that too cuz his face looks slim
@terrancemaloney29 12 күн бұрын
@msann4890 8 күн бұрын
I saw the title and didnt listen. Just sick of these conversations period by the black community. Do our race have other topics to touch on; starting yiur own business, being successful in life, being kind to one another. Geeze.
@darryls2141 12 күн бұрын
nah bruh, poopin on someone is effin straight up nasty- stop that- that's not who we ARE- admire your freedom and all-, but crapping on someone? 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
@spreadmorelove5235 7 күн бұрын
He is not saying it's not nasty, he's saying that when the backdoor is being plowed, accidents CAN happen and it has happened to him. He's making the point that bottoms that who have had accidents with their partners, shouldn't be embarrassed or feel ashamed about it because we are humans, and it is bootyhole. Now I disagree with him saying that all gay men have had accidents because I have not, because I know my body. I keep my bowels clean and I fast. I know how to clean my booty hole to the point of zero smell or poo but if it did happen, I wouldn't be ashamed about it.
@darryls2141 7 күн бұрын
@@spreadmorelove5235 in another part of the conversation he mentioned pooping on someone intentionally- in addition to the golden shower- that is straight up GROSS as hell
@spreadmorelove5235 7 күн бұрын
@@darryls2141 Believe it or not, there are people out there that want that. They get turned on by it. It is gross and nasty asf to me. I have met men who told me that I didn't have to clean before sex because they like it 'natural' and I never called them back again. CLEANLINESS is everything to me but to each his or her own.
@stephenhawkins9476 11 күн бұрын
Also, a lot of his ideology comes from his own trauma as a gay man. Having experienced lots of abuse and rejection from Heterosexual Men in General, he makes the string claim that a majority of men or on a spectrum of sexuality (leaning towards gay)that supports HIS identity and HIS sexual desire nature.This is also common and toxic cliche in the gay community... That all men are secretly gay and want to be turned out the minute their wives or girlfriends aren't around...I'm just saying.
@zionsfutureseeslight 11 күн бұрын
This guy is over generalizing and making grand assumptions.
@darkskinss 8 күн бұрын
This is so corny.
@martinbirdwell7986 9 күн бұрын
Down Low And Bisexual Are The Same
@AJayB89 7 күн бұрын
They are not. Downlow men do NOT live in their truth & live double lives. Bisexual men live as a bisexual men & make whoever is interested aware of that. I literally was just on a male/female long-term couple's page on X & the male is bi. It's more common than you think.
@koreee_alexx7905 8 сағат бұрын
The term downlow is for the men who are in the closet and getting pleasure from men but living a straight lifestyle but bisexual is for those who are out and just live as a bisexual
@alonzoabel7472 10 күн бұрын
So much profanity along with references to excrement that the beauty of both of your guys' messages is being diluted. As you say, intelligent people will know what they're being fed. The message of being true to yourself is crucial to the LGBTQ community. However, Big Sexy's story must be translatable to the entire world for all ages and segments of society. Just imagine your program being secretly heard in countries far less tolerant than English-speaking USA or UK. For example LGBTQ listeners in Africa, may not understand a diluted message. If you don't care what others think, just say that without adding "I don't give a !!!"
@westbankprince 13 күн бұрын
Just give anyone a mic I don't feel he's Qualified sorry this video is just his opinion.
@JudahNYC60 10 күн бұрын
Big back is grossly disgusting….
@Freethinker548 13 күн бұрын
No because the ending this is so true!!! We love to play dumb. But I’m clocking it. Even when I’m not
@michellejones3162 4 күн бұрын
Ayooo!!! Hes a dope person. This was a good interview too. Btw hes 💯 right about these dudes.
@IAmAboriginal-ov1vw 5 күн бұрын
Alot of black men like masculine black me. I've had a few gang members say they only will mess with other gang members. Less chance of being outed. And Jay need to come on out. Curiously was the word of choice.
@Freethinker548 13 күн бұрын
Gemini slander be crazy to me
@wm8673 12 күн бұрын
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