D&D Players, What's the worst case of DM fiat you have ever experienced?

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@ericb3157 Жыл бұрын
2:35 reminds me of a rule from "the evil overlord list": "if i hire bounty hunters, i will hire the type that only cares about money, not the type that does it for fun, because they are likely to do foolish things, like give the hero a fighting chance."
@arcmen2275 11 ай бұрын
That only work until the hero offer him a better deal. He is going to murder and rob the richest overlord.
@marcopassera5900 Жыл бұрын
Hope this counts. Got a campaign where we, as players, were recommended to get some interaction skills, but then whenever we tried to roleplay, we were just shushed by the NPCs who carried the plot on. Once, we needed the help from an NPC from my character's backstory, whom my character had been a mentor/big brother figure to; my character's words did nothing to convince him, unlike the other NPC accompanying us, who was a complete stranger, and had an abberration infection (which my backstory NPC hated with all his being). By the end of it, we resigned to just "watch the cutscenes" and act only in battle... THERE we managed to express ourselves, but that's a story for another time ;)
@thecosmicloner7917 Жыл бұрын
obligatory 🖕🖕. honestly, that plague setting sounded amazing. might try that out if i ever get the chance.
@NotAnIlluminatiSpy Жыл бұрын
We got attacked by pirates who were firing cannons at us. I cast fireball through the cannon windows, hoping to ignite there powder and blow up the ship. DM just said "I'm not letting you do that." With no in world explanation.
@BlueTressym Жыл бұрын
Ugh, I hope you've found a better GM.
@ARSP333 Жыл бұрын
My players are running a sea campaign, and I wouldn't allow them to do that either. But my in universe excuse is that the powder is kept in shielded containers, which protect them from hazards like fire. So a fireball would damage the ship, but not cause a chain reaction.
@Eiterra Жыл бұрын
I can understand being blindsided by an unforeseen weakness, but you definitely have to throw the player a bone for thinking of it. Have it do *some* kind of significant help in the fight.
@SerpentStare 10 ай бұрын
What, did they not even let you cast the Fireball? O.o I wouldn't blame a DM for not having the cool in the moment to be willing to let you blow up the ship in one shot... I think a good way to run that would be to let you cast the fireball and roll damage as usual, have it either impact and damage the side of the ship (but perhaps not penetrate as much through the windows as you wanted) or the area inside and damage any enemies there, the ship and possibly the cannons. DM: "Fire is everywhere. But the ship does not explode." Maybe they give your fireball bonus damage from the powder igniting instead.
@silverlight6074 Жыл бұрын
I remember a game of Pathfinder where the GM had a dozen people playing. He was not equipped to handle as many players as there were in the room, and pretty explicitly was mostly paying attention to three or four players with the rest of us getting to say one or two things over 15 minutes that had any bearing on the game. The guy also had a grudge against me for reasons I still don't understand, so I got to do exactly one thing in the entire session. GM describes a long hallway, 80ft long, with 5 doors. Since I'm playing a Ranger, I volunteer to scout ahead, and test all the doors along the way. None of them opened, either being locked or barricaded. Once I finished doing that, a Rogue unlocked one of the doors. I asked if I would have heard the sound of an old door in an empty hallway of an abandoned building opening. "No, you're too far away." "You said the hallway was only 80ft long." "800ft" And I basically wasn't allowed to do anything for the rest of the game session, and was later told to leave the group. Didn't matter much to me, I was already running my own games with friends that were a ton of fun, but the targeted fuckery on display was hilarious.
@nocount7517 Жыл бұрын
Dude, if a GM had characters become assholes when I'm trying to help them, I'd mothball the quest by telling them to either change their attitude or do it themselves.
@penguinmaster7 Жыл бұрын
i would turn into a murderhobo just to spite them
@VidelxSpopovich Жыл бұрын
The problem is sometimes the player is being an asshole to the NPC in character without justification and the NPC is just reacting realistically to the asshole. Like the time in CoS when the Lawful Good Cleric decided to call Ireena a bitch because she didn’t have extra food to offer the party, who JUST ate before arriving at her home.
@calebowens693 Жыл бұрын
It might also depend on the game. In Paranoia, it would be more likely due to nearly everyone being a horrible person. In a fantasy, superhero, real-world, or most other settings: it seems like poor GM skills to do that. Now, if NPCs tend to be normal and in a certain town everyone is like that (due to mind control, magic, or the effects of the totalitarian regime) then it would probably be okay. The GMs which I've played with, if there was a place where all the NPCs were toxic and spiteful: it would be a clue to a larger plot point. Now, if it's like that everywhere in the game world and the game is not set in a dystopian nightmare... yeah... the GM might need a difficult conversation.
@Kitsune10060 Жыл бұрын
@@penguinmaster7 mush as i despise Murderhoboing, yeah, i feel like this is the one exception to that rule.
@BlueTressym Жыл бұрын
@@VidelxSpopovich Good grief! I must've missed that one or is that a horror story you experienced?
@darioschottlender Жыл бұрын
8:50 in that case scenario I would stop the game until the dm let's me choose what my character does. I swear I would stop everyone else from playing until that's fixed. In an ultimatum I would even make my character kill itself so at least the last thing I did before leaving the session was decided by me...
@workrhymes Жыл бұрын
Yeah that one is insane
@borderlands10 11 ай бұрын
And that's when a smart DM makes your character go catatonic until you decide to be a person, not hard to do and it pisses off people with your mindset because it undermines your petulant ideas.
@darioschottlender 11 ай бұрын
@@borderlands10 So you think forcing a player to kill another player is something you just get over with? To be fair if they don't change their choice I'd just leave. There are rules that maybe aren't written but we all share; what a character does is the player choice (if it's mental control or whatever then you have an opposing test of wisdom, willpower or whatever) and you can get punished in game for your actions. But no one, not even the dm can force you to act in certain way SPECIALLY if it instantly hinders another player character.
@lukeskywalker5392 8 ай бұрын
I would just tell everyone to leave and if the DM wants to be an asshole, he can be one alone.
@McCheese-xc9ig Жыл бұрын
My worst case of DM fiat was to protect my players from my cursed, player hating dice. My dice are evil, they always land on whatever will determent the player the most. High rolls on monster attacks, low rolls on friendly NPC saving throws, ect ect. Made the mistake of letting a player use my D6 set to roll stats, he rolled four 1s, twice in a row. So as for fiat, I had an encounter with a red dragon wyrmling planned. The party was level 3, but they had high stats, high HP and decent items, and the encounter was scripted so that the dragon would yield at half HP, so it SHOULD have gone fine... except... I have player hating dice. Dragon starts with fire breath, roll nothing but fives and sixes, damn near max damage. Dragon saves against every spell cast at it, fire breath recharges, again, damn near max damage. Saves again, fire breath recharges again. Decide to use just melee that round... crit, max damage. Barb is down, rest of party near death. Wizard casts Hold Person so the party can GTFO. I ignore the fact that Hold Person doesn't work on dragons, ignore the fact that the wizard is out of 2nd level spell slots, and ignore the fact that the saving throw was a nat 20, let the dragon get immobilized so the party can run away. Brought different dice to the next session.
@calebowens693 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn't call that remotely bad (meaning I don't think that was a bad use of fiat... those dice were really bad).
@Avseraph 11 ай бұрын
You could logically make hold person work by just saying the dragon is actually a red draconic bloodline sorcerer or a red dragon disciple or someone who was turned into a red dragon inside a magic circle that increased magic power, thus why the wizard could cast a spell when he should have been out of spells.
@sebastienbusque2312 Жыл бұрын
That last story definitely feels like "Rising of the Shield Hero".
@darioschottlender Жыл бұрын
7:00 When those scenarios happen in our sessions, well we assume the npc is stupid/ignorant and demand for them to bring someone who knows or just reject what they are asking for.
@DerfLlennod Жыл бұрын
8:30 I would IMMEDIATELY say, "my character, my rolls." of you want to play my character, fine. I will sit here and do other things.
@TheCoffeehound Жыл бұрын
I just hand my character sheet to the GM and tell them that if they want to play my character, they can do so. Then I pack my stuff up and leave.
@ryanfladung8490 Жыл бұрын
Now this one may sound small, but my character ( pathfinder) was trapped in a extra planar mansion by herself. Either the dm had said I had a key so quick it didn’t register or he thought he said it. So I was trying to creatively figure my way through the mansion and he turned to another player and asked” rp his character for him “
@BlueTressym Жыл бұрын
@pulsefel9210 Жыл бұрын
i kinda like the DM that built a fight just to give his players a challenge, players loved it but he wasnt happy with how nerfed they were. he wanted them to be able to show off and have fun, but cut them alittle too much. but at least his players didnt feel like it was nerfing and more a oh time to think outside the box moment.
@darioschottlender Жыл бұрын
13:50 If it's impossible for me to succeed, don't even make me roll the dice
@Maddog3060 Жыл бұрын
Unless a PC is being mind controlled, the DM/GM does NOT get to tell players what their character would or wouldn't do. That's just psychopathy right there.
@SerpentStare 10 ай бұрын
Agree that DMs should never do that. By contrast, I think it is perfectly reasonable for a DM to veto pop culture references being in-character or ask/require a player to give a compelling explanation how/why an action is in character if it seems dubious.
@kalbarnes2494 Жыл бұрын
I love how the last two deserve a middle finger and Brian is just like “twin towers just for you buckoo 🖕🏽🖕🏽” And then it immediately segues to Brian wholesomely checking in after the vid
@Jessie_Helms Жыл бұрын
The GM in pathfinder 2e decided that in the shadow fell not only would the DC for medicine checks be increased by 10, but _also_ any fail is considered a critical fail. So the DC of a pass is essentially _20 higher_ than normal (25 for a basic and 30 for a higher power heal). My PC died in the hands of the team’s medic after rolling a 24- literally 1 fucking shy of the increased DC and it dealt damage, instantly knocking my Diehard Feat PC from dying 4 to full dead. I could see making fails auto crit fail, I could see raising the DC by 10, but raising the DC by 10, making all fais crit fails, and making potions deal damage _before_ they heal was just utter bullshit.
@BlueTressym Жыл бұрын
Yeah, no. Bad GM, no biscuit!
@danielhale1 11 ай бұрын
The deus ex machina saves are kinda cool sometimes. Like that knight who wants to defeat the party himself in honorable combat, so he defeats the serpents and saves the party so he can defeat them himself? VERY COMMON in storytelling, and awesome when it pays off. This isn't coming out of nowhere either -- the character is already established and this is in-character for him, and it's not a get-out-of-jail-free card either. The party still has to fight him and he might be a much tougher fight -- they'd better get their crap together on their mulligan.
@klikkolee Жыл бұрын
Fiat doesn't just mean using authority. It carries a very strong implication of "because I said so"
@sixgunsuperman Жыл бұрын
There has to be more to that half orc paladin story as to why the rest of the party chose to be doing something else.
@StellarTempest 11 ай бұрын
That story was GM malpractice. And I am upset.
@kaylaa2204 Жыл бұрын
8:45 Oh this offends my soul. The only situation where the DM should tell you how you act is if for some reason the characters actions are not of their own free will. Many systems have such scenarios. But in this case the player was well within their right mind. If it were me I’d let them roleplay interacting with this stranger who the character don’t know whether they’re a threat or not. Maybe the players do decide to attack the PC, but if they do that’s their decision
@ericb3157 Жыл бұрын
several stories reminds me of an earlier video, "when did you walk out of a game on the spot?"
@spartanhawk7637 11 ай бұрын
Minor recent one; DM was cool with me using the pythagorean theorem to figure out the range on attacks till it made him miss. Since then he's changed it and diagonals are all at 5 feet despite that not being how geometry works. Get it, it's how the rules say you're meant to do things, but find a rule you like and stick to it, y'know? As for the absolute worst, I was told not only by the DM but by the other players that my character was "smiling too much to be in Warhammer." He was smiling...at a city wreathed in flames from an orbital strike. That he had called. On a city he hated.
@VidelxSpopovich Жыл бұрын
Oh, I’ve seen the “I don’t care how high you rolled or how you explain your actions I’m not letting you use stealth here” bullshit. Happened to me a lot when I was playing a 5e Shadow Monk. Oh, and rooms would just curiously never have any shadows or dim light, period.
@BlueTressym Жыл бұрын
Those are exasperating. FFS, talk to your players if you think their abilities are OP; don't just allow them and then nullify them with obvious BS.
@SerpentStare 10 ай бұрын
I don't think there's anything wrong with saying you can't realistically go unseen in a particular area without magic. It's circumstantial but I don't think it's *always* unreasonable - if an area is both well-lit and being watched by many alert guards, I think it's perfectly fair for the DM to say that's not even a roll, there just isn't a realistic way for you to go that way and not be caught. That doesn't mean stealth can't be helpful or can't be used, but you'd have to find another path, create or wait for a distraction etc. to have any chance of success.
@VidelxSpopovich 10 ай бұрын
@@SerpentStare The main issue is that, at least in my case, even with magic such as but not limited to Pass Without Trace and Shadow Step I was still constantly told o could never use stealth.
@SerpentStare 10 ай бұрын
@@VidelxSpopovichYeah, that's total bullshit. Or something that should have been made clear about the style of game y'all were gonna play beforehand.
@nekospaw Жыл бұрын
Former GM's mobs could always distingush the echo from my echo knight - no matter the light level, line of sight or basically anything. Same GM forces a cursed weapon in my hands (one of the arms of the betrayers - the bloody end) and tries to turn my character basically into Grog from CR. Fiats character taking over a small village, fiats the morning star back into her hand after nat 20ing to drop it into a bag of holding, wake up the next day with it in her hand.
@calebowens693 Жыл бұрын
For the GM who had the unhelpful NPC to not overshadow the party, that can be a real problem. I run mostly superhero games (Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition) and the mission broker (someone to ask the party for help, often a Commissioner Gordon or Maxwell Lord type) eventually begins to suffer from Worf effect problems (how did this guy become a police commissioner when he's so unable to solve problems without the superhero group). Also, NPC heroes end up in the same boat (when they either do unimportant things elsewhere or need to be rescued, it begs the question of how they haven't been killed by the first decent threat they fight). Overall, the party never really seemed to mind. Disrespect the character in question? Yeah, some, but they didn't feel like the NPC was stealing the show. For the guy who was treating plague victims while his teammates were having adventures on the front lines, it sounds like an annoying GM, but the party also seems at fault. If the plague was the reason for the war and was tied to the main villain, then I can't place all the blame on the GM. The rest of the party not responding to messages for help is a bit of a red flag. With that precedent, expecting him to wait and to share the loot doesn't seem very reasonable. As a whole, it's a group which doesn't sound fun to play with. Regarding cases of bad GMs, I don't really have any aside from my self-taught approach that had some bumps early in the road (occasionally stumbling over some of the rules, allowing over-powered things in character creation, making boss fights pathetically easy or tough-as-nails). The only two GMs I've been a player under were both taught by me (so I'd feel obligated to take some responsibility for their struggle). One was my late wife, who was a better writer than I'll ever be. The other was an old friend who never missed a session as a player and eagerly learned all he could about being a GM (even ran a campaign or two of his own after I had moved away).
@bradwolf07 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if DM Fiat, but definitely railroading. Pathfinder campaign I'm currently apart of. Rougarou Samurai. We start off as children (DM was upfront about this). Home village attacked. My character's home is on the edge of village. My home is attacked, and I rush off as my father orders me to. I pick up my fellow PCs. I change into a wolf sk they can ride me out. I make it clear that was my plan. So after thwy get on, I tell the DM I was heading to get out of the village (AWAY from my home, because I know the enemy is there). DM ignores me and says you make it back to your home. Things happen there, a fellow PC picks up my father's sword from his headless corpse for me. We witness an encounter between the BBEG and his hired hands (bandits). After the session, I talked to the DM and he basically went, "Sorry, but thought you would head that way" despite my logic of heading away from the known danger. He could have had the witnessed encounter on the other side of the village without changing things. I condensed the events here (left aome things out, etc). But that's the basics
@Kitsune10060 Жыл бұрын
the SECOND. the ABSOLUTE SECOND. Some one tells me 'um, no, it actually not what your character would do' or pulls that bull shit where they try to make me target and kill another player for no good reason. I dip, and I'm not gonna be nice about it.
@demichirua Жыл бұрын
13:40 A true hero that paladin is... Not sure why the DM would do that to him despite the paladin been single-handedly taking care of the plague like a main character would do...
@matthieudeloget8998 Жыл бұрын
I sincerely hope Paladin found a better group than this spoiled lot
@Wbfuhn Жыл бұрын
I GM Heroes Quest and I pretty much let my players play how they want as long as it's within the rules of the game itself. I'm not trying to make myself look good, I just sat through a bunch of your videos and learned what not to do.
@the5destroyer Жыл бұрын
Allow me to show off my Bowstring Finger to that GM.
@jacksonbailey6847 Жыл бұрын
First game of DND I ever played, I had joined a group of friends who were all seasoned players and knew it was my first time. I had gotten really excited and made this rogue monk character who was basically like a ninja. We all went into this cave to explore, and I decide to climb part of the cavern wall since there was an opening up above. I wanted to get a better vantage point in case we ran across any enemies, since it seemed like a location we'd be ambushed in. The DM has a huge fucking armored worm thing burrow through the wall, sending my character flying across the cavern and impaled by some of the rocks below. That, was my second turn... In the first session... Of a long campaign... He didn't give me any options to revive. I just had to sit there and watch everyone else play for 3 more hours. I never went back to that group.
@Brookesey Жыл бұрын
Walked into a new town with a group of refugees as night was approaching, saw a group of 4 people kicking another guy to death, went over to the leader and asked why they were doing it, didn't care not my problem, then asked if we could spend the night in one of the empty abandoned houses, the guy then asks if I wanna fight him for absolutely no reason. I tried everything to be passive and just talk but no, the dm decided that it was gonna be a fight. Sometimes I just wanna roleplay and not end up in combat for politely saying hello to someone and not stopping them from kicking an old man.
@jediroshi 11 ай бұрын
Not sure if this counts but... I was playing an Anti-Paladin in the skull and shackles AP from 1st edition. I really wanted to play a fear build. Weapon Focus into dazzling display, to corrupting touch inducing fear with a touch, all because an Anti-Paladin has a fear aura. Was going to get into all the feats and spells. GM kept saying that this creature has immunity to fear effects because it doesn't make sense they would be afraid. Except the aura specifically says it gets around that. At the levels I was at it was only adding debuffs to his attack, but the guy somehow when swinging at my Paladin in heavy armor and a shield was still hitting over my AC no matter what. So it didn't really matter, but he kept saying no, no, and no.
@schwarzerritter5724 11 ай бұрын
Joined an ongoing campaign, had no equipment for most of the campaign and a -6 to ALL rolls debuff for all of it.
@Avseraph 11 ай бұрын
Had a character die and turned into a zombie minion. Told the DM he had an amulet that revived him shortly after death. He refused, claiming my character is undead and resurrection doesn't work on him. Found the rules stating resurrection works on undead since they are basically dead. Then DM says it doesn't work because his soul is sucked out and stored inside a jewel as part of becoming undead. I gave up then and waited until a different campaign.
@danielhale1 11 ай бұрын
F*%$. That "no your character wouldn't do that" produced a twinge of anger in me. I've experienced that one both for my character, and for someone else's character. The dude was playing a Paladin in a world that allowed slavery, and after our ship crashed on the shore, he wanted to free the slaves on the boat and give everyone an equal chance of surviving. The GM insisted no, that's not how alignments work, you're a Lawful Good character so you're deeply invested in maintaining the status quo, especially slavery because that's deeply ingrained in your society. So he convinced this Lawful Good Paladin that he should be whipping and abusing slaves to keep them in line in order to maintain the society he was embedded in. That GM had _many_ problems.
@FateStayN1ght 5 ай бұрын
The last story hurt my brain because how badly it was written .
@MusicoftheDamned Жыл бұрын
Obligatory 🖕 as asked for the DM of the second to last and last story...and quite a few of the ones before it. While I agree that the two "deus ex machina" DM saves were disappointing fiats that technically belong here, at least those fiats weren't borne of powertripping malice like the majority of the other instances.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 7 ай бұрын
4:15 The party goes *along* with it. They don't go down, that was only OP's character.
@SorrelYT Жыл бұрын
The worst piece of DM control ive ever had was during a campaign set in a homebrew spell plague. All our characters were currently "infected" and would, eventually, survive and gain spell scars but the homebrew part was that the spell plague would cause ANY action to roll wild magic as a DM roll. What he didnt tell us is that he was keeping a running tally of what we rolled on his 100 entry wild magic table, and whatever spells we rolled most would become our spell scar. My character, a shapeshifting lycanthropic fighter, would constantly roll spells relating to animate dead and the necromancy school. Fast forward a few months in real time, we finally overcome our spell plagues... My Fighters spell scar? Death aura. He dies, because he doesnt have magic immunity and his own spell scar kills him. DM was adamant that my lycanthropic warrior would stay dead too, since the aura of death made his body unable to rot and no one could get close enough to revive him. Even better, one of the party rolled wish twice in the lead up and got it as a roleplay action for their spell scar (in combat it worked like a power word whatever). DM said they couldnt use wish to revive me, because the spell plague made wish work as a monkeys paw and that id "not be the same". Rerolled a character that campaign and admittedly got a neat flame touch and shocking hands spell scar for my new catfolk rogue. The next major fight? My previous character, whom the BBEG had possessed remotely, retooled into a min-maxed death knight. DM admitted he killed my character because he wanted to use them as a villain NPC, and knew i wouldnt accept that since it was a character i brought from a prior campaign and had a decent bit of attachment to. I was mad, and after a short break we continued... DM controlling my previous character then TELEPORTS to my new catfolk rogue and oneshots them with a homebrew magic item that makes a null magic zone INSIDE someone, which kills any magical creature (of which spell scarred things were in this game). I left the game there and the party warlock joined me, saying that it was "Fucking bullshit to do that to your friend, asswipe". I should run a campaign with the same spell plague thing... It was a neat concept, especially since spell scar abilities didnt use spell slots or have a use limitation, which meant they were all really neat roleplay tools.
@borderlands10 11 ай бұрын
3.5 is utter dogshit, much like Pathfinder, simply because it's too ambitious with too many options that could've been simplified; I mean, the feat tree style of character advancement is a god-awful concept because it has the potential to completely lock a character out of other feats and render said character utterly worthless in any encounter if a single feat is taken and doesn't synergize perfectly with other taken feats.
@1wing1 10 ай бұрын
11:30 is completely realistic signed: every healthcare worker during covid
@strayed1615 11 ай бұрын
I want a podcast or something of that Half Orc Paladin. You really did save one of the bests for last. He probably partook of some of the healing meds for his own headache
@cmck362 11 ай бұрын
P: "I want to do an awesome!" DM: "Ok roll." Rolls a 9001 DM: "The universe conspires against you. You fail." P: "...You really don't want me to have this don't you?" Universe: "Yup."
@dragonkun15 Жыл бұрын
Was in a campaign where the GM was one of those people who probably should be writing a book instead of running a D&D campaign. They were obsessed with shipping and tried to ship every player with one of their NPCs, including my character, who was asexul. The GM was also fond of just shooting down any ideas that didn't align with their "story." "The BBEG casts charm person..." "I cast counterspell. I roll a 17!" "Nope, that's not good enough." "The hell do you mean that's not good enough?!" "
@borderlands10 11 ай бұрын
Anyone who makes an "asexual" character is a massive red flag...
@louiesatterwhite3885 Жыл бұрын
Not my story but: Dm denying a wish spell for not wanting to allow the chosen effect (completely reasonable), but still says the spell slot is wasted and caster still suffers the effect of casting wish
@NexeL_NKC Жыл бұрын
And here I though you were talking about how all DM’s drive Fiats. Lol.
@hayhay509 Жыл бұрын
once played a character that got turned into a shadow. the party was gathering resources to revive me back when the king wanted to speak with us. there was a war brewing and he thought we could help. all our suggestions were shot down, so we left the meeting and stood around while the king and all these really important people were all in one room. I figured thats not safe with a war brewing and scout around. king calls us back in and says we're all useless but the shadow is pretty dope so he wants to use me as a spy. we explain my condition isn't intended to be permanent, but the king insists that it really should be. out of game, DM doesn't want us "wasting time" trying to bring my character back to life since a shadow spy would be way cooler than a bat druid.
@GentleBreeze-72 Жыл бұрын
I think one of my former players would say that i told him he could not disengage as a free action. We both checked the rulebook and after a while i convinced him to either move and be attacked or disengage. He then said me oh, that was 3,5.
@postapocalypticnewsradio Жыл бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@ChilleBruh Жыл бұрын
The only news I tune in to after armageddon
@postapocalypticnewsradio Жыл бұрын
@@ChilleBruh always
@Calebgoblin Жыл бұрын
How's it going chief
@postapocalypticnewsradio Жыл бұрын
@Calebgoblin not too bad at all. How about you big cat?
@Calebgoblin Жыл бұрын
@@postapocalypticnewsradio Love to hear it, I'm truckin along
@Autobubbs Жыл бұрын
Presenting two middle fingers for the shenanigans of that one DM.
@louiesatterwhite3885 Жыл бұрын
9:02 "its what your character would do." Im sorry, its not the DM's job to say that.
@zenoshikage2889 10 ай бұрын
8:26 I can just imagine my reaction. DM: it's what your character would do Me: Are you sure you what to do that? Me (after his response): You do realize that how you DM a game can have real life consequences right? [it's true, not technically a threat and I think might be effective.]
@lotsaspaghetticodejr.6488 Жыл бұрын
DM took the "rule of cool" and too far and allowed anyone to do absolutely anything. This lack of rules enforcement culminated in a 3 hour argument between players when one guy admittedly tried to "win" the game. 3.5 edition, Goliath Barbarian taking full advantage of two handed weapons with reach. The argument was about whether the PC could kill what he was wanting to kill, and was basically trying to solo the game. He would block passageways so only he was in combat and other shit. Eventually the DM broke and tried to enforce the rules, but it was too little, too late. The party broke apart because the DM couldn't be a responsible DM. He was so concerned with not stepping on anyone's creativity, that he caused the game to collapse under the weight of metagaming. It was so bad, some players would open their laptops or books just to read statblocks live during encounters. And thus, the "Rule of Fool" was born
@TheLazy150 Жыл бұрын
Is that lenin in the thumbnail?
@AnonKiesura 11 ай бұрын
Mine was a new dm who made a "silver herb" that we were requested to get for the local alchemist. Herb is by itself in a massive room after we had just finished combat in the room prior, so everyone was on edge, our beserker barbarian was still in his rage as 10 minutes hadn't passed yet and was high enough level that it doesn't cancel early and was ruled to be too stupid to end it on his own, so when we go in to try and get this flower our cleric just in case also casts "protect from good and evil" on him as extra protection, turns to face where we came from with a crossbow drawn as the rest of us watch the barbarian at the ready incase something happens. What happened next was abit of a fuster cluck as he seems to pick the herb with no difficulty only for us to get back to the alchemist and have some "alice in wonderland" shit happen only to snap back into the room before he picked the plant. This then proceeds to happen over and over again at any attempt to pick the plant for not an in game hour, a real life hour with complaints from several of us about how none of this is making sense as during his rage the barbarian is immune to charms, and worse even if he wasn't raging, protect from good and evil made him immune to charms aswell. Eventually the barbarian's player decides "okay i'm gonna close my eyes when i pick it." this works, which the rest of us became very upset because "so let me get this straight, you charmed someone who can't be charmed, didn't give the option to save from the charm to anyone, not even the elf and half elf that have a specific feature to that, and ignored that several of us weren't looking at it?" his response was "well, it's not a charm, it just works like one." He made up for it later, but two of us were tempted to just not come back for the next session, especially when it turned out this "magic, but not magic" flower was a drug and the alchemist just wanted to get high.
@jimmusthegrimmace 18 күн бұрын
i actually had a case of GM stat fiat. im playing a barbarian with 8 int. the DM said the way i was making plans and speaking wasnt an 8 int. so he made it a 10 for free lol
@nabra97 11 ай бұрын
1:10 I guess I did it 🤔I have only run one game session by now, and it was ICRPG that I haven't actually ever played. It was a pre-written module, but it contained zero info on how many enemies I had to use. They were just described as weak. So I kind of winged it based on the D&D experience. Of course, I screwed it up. I eventually decided that after a few attempts, attack rolls against this type of enemy became easy for players (to be honest, it's somewhat similar to rage dice, so it's not that much of a rules-breaking). I also eventually told them directly that yes, they indeed should blow up the star with the spacecraft, but they came up with the idea first, I just didn't want them to die trying to confirm it. I'm not proud of it, but it still was better than I expected)
@StarCatcher918 Ай бұрын
I mean, any Fiat would make a terrible DM as I’m pretty sure an Italian hatchback cannot run a game of DND
@skipfire00 Жыл бұрын
I was absolutely taken out by the “oh boy” because I was absolutely unprepared to hear Mickey Mouse in that moment
@damienhailey118 Жыл бұрын
2:25 -- More like "Deus ex Vegeta"
@Lukegunter19 9 ай бұрын
I do really like the Half-orc paladins story but it does kinda feel off too. Like they admitted they were “playing their own campaign.” I could be overly cautious because bad personal experiences. My personal feelings are if you’re characters story doesn’t mesh with the “campaign arc” then maybe have them step away from the party and create a new pc. This doesn’t mean the old one has to die off or retire and they could even work with the DM so they still cured the plague and had the same arc. I wasn’t in the game so I can speak on it for certain but imo the last story gave some red flag vibes
@zeehero7280 11 ай бұрын
You don't need to be smart to figure out a fire is a distraction. you could figure it out with 6 int pretty easily. at least if you've witnessed peoples reaction to a fire before.
@MechbossBoogie Жыл бұрын
Every time I've played Pathfinder under a DM who came from 2E D&D and kept trying to enforce rules from that game.
@reachy864 Жыл бұрын
Ima throw a half king because of this video
@norandomnumbers Жыл бұрын
I really want to hear the other side of the half-orc paladin story. It sounds a bit like it could be a completely opposite horror story. Could be that the DM had set up a quest somewhere else but paladin is insisting on being split from the party because it's what their character would do, then when DM caves and finds a way to bring the party together the paladin player bitches and moans since it was all their doing. Now I don't know if that's how it went but that's honestly what it sounds like.
@swiftkitten9474 Жыл бұрын
It's a me! Dropped out for a while, but I'm back in DnD and I'm back to your stories!
@DekrosnaArcana 5 ай бұрын
oh man... watching these is just letting me know what NOT to do as a DM (and I'm new to DMing btw.)
@MagicalMaster Жыл бұрын
Dragon Turtle threatening barge we're all on. We're playing 5th edition and I've got a fiend warlock with Suggestion. I tell it to FLEE with the Suggestion spell and the DM fiated that dragons are immune to it. They're not. They are not immune at all and of all dragon types with special immunities the Dragon Turtle has very few of them. Mostly against heat due to the steam breath and against being drowned. But the DM wanted us to either give up treasure or fight, so when I said FIGHT after that bit of bullshit I was pissed off when the party outvoted me and coughed up a fee for a monster we could have had for lunch. Literally.
@VidelxSpopovich Жыл бұрын
Well unless you were speaking Aquan or Draconic it actually would be immune as per the rules of Suggestion which dictate that it must be able to understand you.
@MagicalMaster Жыл бұрын
@@VidelxSpopovich It threatened us in Common.
@dwaynewrighton8547 11 ай бұрын
"ThE eVeRsMoKiNg BoTtLe DoEsNt BrEaK LiNe oF sIgHt"
@MithrilRoshi Жыл бұрын
as for at 2 min You only 'lost' if you consider it more of a game than roleplay.
@onepangaean3018 Жыл бұрын
Why is the thumbnail a Lenin wojak hahaha
@josipmarinic9663 Жыл бұрын
Came here to say this lmao
@robertpowell1464 Жыл бұрын
Middle finger to those who brought down the half orc paladin. But hey, great evil character backstory material!
@Galvatron759 Жыл бұрын
GM Fiat? Since when did this merger happen?
@theofficerfactory2625 Жыл бұрын
If I could raise my middle toes to that DM; I would. Anywho; new DM at the time; still am. I cobbled together a large encounter as I promised challenging encounters. I almost killed the party! 2 worgs being rides by goblins and 17 goblins to a lv. 1 party. Yeah... I am glad they had 4 NPCs to assist or I don't think they would of made it. Both worgs had their riders shot and so one went running away as the other kept on fighting. An animal handling check later and well; that worg is still giving his toothy grins at random strangers wherever the party goes.
@LoveShaysloco Жыл бұрын
A ninja build I did in short I made scorpion shoot I freaking made scorpion from mortal kombat just got a normal human meatsuit but all the powers. I yelled get over hear threw chain dagger (sue me I can't think of the garden tool on a rope name right now) dude was 10 feet away and I can throw it 30 feet up a flees butt 10 out of 10 tries. But no you can't do that cause of coolness. (For I took out 15 assassins with it and only it when I was in the town square preforming for tips) the assassins by the way wanted me dead for our clans were at odds for a melinum
@KenZyl9700 Жыл бұрын
Hey Brian, love the work you're doing and as you requested here's 2 middle fingers 😂😂🖕🖕😂😂
@theworldstoryteller1197 Жыл бұрын
middle finger!!!
@otakubancho6655 Жыл бұрын
A big eff u to the half orc paladins dm!😡😡😡
@georgemeyers7172 Жыл бұрын
What's a Fiat?
@njalsand133 Жыл бұрын
No stories about a car? I am very disappointed.
@unculturedweeb4240 11 ай бұрын
Middle finger 🤞🤞
@kaylaa2204 Жыл бұрын
0:45 Eeeh no that can just be how it is. Most normal people on the street won’t likely be very helpful. The most helpful would be business owners and contractors and mercenaries, or the like Depending on circumstances it’s very possible that a large amount of NPCs won’t be helpful for what you’re looking for
@trailblazer632 11 ай бұрын
@cliftonmarple Жыл бұрын
First comment
@postapocalypticnewsradio Жыл бұрын
Such speed!
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