i never thought of sent as battery/block to start a match! Thanks alot!
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
im glad some1 made somethin on this i thought about doin it myself.. that wasn't a clean trap tho u left the gap in dooms rocks open.. cable just has this weird thing where he stays in block animation longer than other characters thats probably y it looked so legit
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
The thing is that u can, I think the reason why its used its because it can be the perfect trap but also if the whole is left it opens up for punish. well u block but when ouroboros is activated there is nothing going on at the time and strider can be grabbed right after he activates. Ive had it done and seen it done. He isnt doing anything wrong but there are points where the character isnt in true block stun but pseudo block stun (Caused by a projectile or certain moves)
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
Yeah thats what I was getting at. Its a good way to practice but overall push blocking will stop u from keeping the trap going. Experience is what keeps it going. I know I can keep the trap despite push block in mid screen or the corner. Its a good way to practice. I wanted to point out how the jumping back blocking is a better training aid for the trap
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
And as far as the Set up that u are talking about is the B and B for the trap set up and it is very escapable. Like I said there no inescapable set ups. you are either doing the trap right or ur leaving wholes in it. It is how you react that keep the person trapped.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
also from certain positions the trap is inescapable because if ur at the edge of the screen the little robots leave immediately and so u can reactivate orbs before doom leaves and not even break ur block string
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
when ur in pseudo block stun when u hit back u block even though ur not being hit. Sort of what ouroboros do. Theres a certain rotation in the ouroboros that puts u in true block stun hence why they cant call assist when u teleport and sometimes they can.True block stun must be maintained the entire time to prevent assists and jumps. leaving them only alpha counter or push block
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
U dont need an invincible AA to get out. And yes reacting to the Pushblock is the way to keep them pinned...The whole dog thing keeping them in blockstun is wrong as to pushblocking is not immediate. Once the recovery hits and u go to neutral state is when u can super jump cancel out. That string is just a pressure string. U can clearly count how many times its being trap and how many is just pressure. Push blocking and enemy reaction is still a major key thats not being incorporated
@BiGShell12 жыл бұрын
you can super jump buffer out of most of those with an advance guard
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
also remember strider has low health and once u killed him on most teams u took away the teams ability 2 really rush u down which means u can probably run/keep away and win. sometimes u can kill strider by countering in an assist doing a super and dhcing. remember in mvc2 the difference between a relatively good player and a scrub can just be patience so what if the trap seems endless don't do something stupid and get hurt make him work and when u see ur opening take it..
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
Yeah but if u teleport u run the chance of being pushed blocked during the teleport in which case u have nothing to keep them from getting out or getting pushed back during the ground sequence. The overhead is good a idea but same thing would apply. If u rush in with the 5 hit ground chain u can get pushed back far enough by the time u do tiger xx ouroboros that they would have enough space to get out. U shouldnt try a specific pattern in the corner.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
u have to see the setup it's clockw0rks unescapable setup im talking about. when u do the punches and call doom even if ur pushblocked dooms rocks would follow up b4 they could go gaurd cancel and if they pushblocked doom instead the dog would hit them before they could gaurd cancel and because the set up uses screen manipulation u get to call orbs again faster than u normally would be able to
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
I just tried doing the sequence I do on the corner yes I can keep them cornered (cpu jumping, all block) without the computer being able to move meaning if I was playing they wouldnt be able to get out. But I already mentioned the risk of ouroboros so close, also at any point in time while u are dashing in push block can send u far enough to let them get out or call assist. I find its better to push block right as ouroboros is about to end when they go for the ground chain to push block there.
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
:) we started with saying u cant escape the trap and all i said all the traps are escapable. I never said it was easy though. and Yes u pointed something out that with those open wholes u can escape without the use of anything because their is nothing to keep u in true block stun. Here is the problem with doing it in the corner. Strider is so close to the character that ull probably get grabbed after the activation of ouroboros
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
u don't always have to do something like use 3 meters to take advantage either little things really hurt strider cuz of his health so i u can be unpredictable w/ an assist call or catch him being overly agressive in trying to trap and hit him or grab him that really throws strider off.. and b4 u know it he'll be trying to get strider out
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
You can actually do it on your own without needing somebody there to do it for you. All you have to do is put the computer on normal jump and blocking. Keeping them without jumping is the true trap. Just holding back does not guarantee its the true trap because if they can jump back, they can call assist. Otherwise its good stuff
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
u have to learn to see the space in the trap and run away.. the only way u can get used to strider doom is to fight it tho.. i been using s/d basically exclusively since i started seriously playing and i have a hard time fighting a good strider doom.. ur greatest weapons for fighting it are pushblocking and invincible assists. a good strider will use ur pushblocks as a weapon against u tho so learning to use it effectively comes w/ the experience of fighting against it
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
u can't gaurd cancel out of the setup im talkin about i guarantee it..u can get out by variable countering and once ur in the corner u can't do the setup anymore. anywayz ima try and get it on vid.. im not too good at getting it right tho i usually just call doom tele lk mk magic series dog orbs.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
specifically what he's doin rii now if u were cable u could probably ahvb him.. remember dogs stop u from dashing in birds stop u from jumping. and if u kill doom u killed the trap.. so wen ppl fuck up beating up doom is something than can be done if u're sentinel or cable or some1 who can punish assists from full screen
@hannes3d12 жыл бұрын
If the enemy makes perfect use of advanced guard (push block). There is no way to keep him in more than one orbs. He will have the possiblity to jump out. But you can practice to keep him blocking without the possibility to jump or call assist in practice mode, if he not uses push block. This way you will improve your lock-down skills with strider doom in general.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
simply put gaurd cancel isn't invincible right.. thats y u have to have to time gaurd cancels to get out of Hsf u can't just do it anytime because u will get hit on the way out if u have bad timing it's the same idea as that when u push something else is right there to stop u from being able to safely go into a neutral position
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
no, doing a specific pattern makes u predictable and easier to guess where u can push block and get out. I do get what ur saying but im speaking from experience. There is a spot where doom rocks dont hit and orbs if not in a specific pattern dont cause enough block stun so they can get out. What ppl dont get is that strider doom with the same pattern is predictable and doesnt work.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
if they do get out unless they have really good mobility like storm.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
u are able to hold them in block stun untill u throw the tiger if ur doing the trap right.. i already said wat he should do call doom slightly b4 it ends air tele lk mk lp lk mp hp hk dog orbs.. u can't get grabbed out of that setup in the corner ur not in range but they can jump.. thats y i say u should do an instant overhead and try and get some damage instead of just tryna reactivate orbs. or just normal jump foward heavy punch and call doom again and than do orbs after the setup
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
bcuz ur pushing them back w/ this set up u can activate orbs faster than normal so if they pushblock the dog they're still stuck in block stun.. than repeat. this works mid screen. in the corner u should tighten up dat trap when it gets to time call doom tele lk mk magic series dog orbs.. they had 2 opportunities to get out how u were doing it they would only have the opportunity to get out when u threw ur projectile if u did it this way.. also it's not that hard to keep them locked even
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
trust me...when I say I know what Im talking about I mean it. I didnt pick this up last year or the year before that or the one before that one either. This is my main team and has been ever since I started playing way back when.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
remember not in the corner
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
u should always do a specific pattern 2 trap.. thats wat ppl don't be gettin. but anywayz.. when u teleport they're being hit by doom rocks ur not breaking ur blockstring.. and u hit them during the gap in doom rocks so ur still not breaking ur string u break ur string when u throw the tiger.. maybe ur not gettin wat im saying.. okay. they're being hit by orbs it's almost done but still up.. u call doom than teleport doom hits them than u hit them in the gap of dooms rocks than doom hits again
@jaysonsolomon416311 жыл бұрын
this is a good stuff but i dont like his mistake in teleport by grabbing the wall i always hit by cable on that shit!
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
as a matter of fact even if they counter depending on the assist they might juss get hit w/ orbs lol
@hannes3d12 жыл бұрын
i'm working on a strider video for team clock i record the trap vs jumping Psylocke shortest blocking time of all chars in mvc2 ... and call doom as assist nr 1 so that you will see strider doing his stuff ... as far as i know pushblock works the only reason why it's hard to pushblock this shit is because if you pushblock at the wrong moment you will just push dr doom and so you may stay in a bit longer than you wish you would ...
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
i've used strider doom ever since i seriously started playing too.. i did cammy strider doom.. psylocke strider doom.. akuma strider doom.. magneto strider doom.. chun li strider doom.. im not callin u stupid im juss sayin ik wat im talkin bout lol.. nah but wolverine speed up trap is better lol.. speed up lp lk mk dash repeat call sent till corner than in corner start calling doom.. much more chip 4 dah meter and they can't get out unless u mess up or till the end of ur speed up
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
i said the wrong notation for it try it out urself tho lp+doom mp dash hp hk tiger orbs
@hannes3d12 жыл бұрын
Strider is a glass char once touched hes nearly dead meat ...you need to be willing 2 loose a lot more games to missed teleports ... and try to avoid many o his unsave moves but it's a lot of fun to rush people using strider ... the first hit is irelevant ... his 2 frame lp is ok but his nearly instant overhead jumping lk is good 2 ... block and call doom ... or sentinel then build some meter and try 2 build pressure .. but strider will always be a char fun 2 play but unsafe compared 2 the top 9
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as an inescapable set up. There is only doing the trap right and not doing it right. I know and understand the sequence as to what keeps true block stun (which is why they cant do anything) Ouroboros activation is based on where the satellites leave from. There are many set ups and many patterns. the trick is figuring out where is it that they can do push block at, That is what disrupts the trap. Its up to u to react to it.No trap is perfect and u can Sjc out of of them
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
I mean what do I know...Its not like I've been using the team ever since I started playing marvel.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
w/e lolz.. i dnt even kno how we started this convo all i was sayin is that wasnt a clean trap in the video.. u shouldn't leave the gap in dooms rocks open and u shouldnt w8 for orbs to end than dash in attack and call doom cuz than ur likely to have a hole in ur trap and get hit.. explain this to me than tho: ur back is to the corner when ur timers about to run out u call doom do ur lil 5 hits the robots are off the screen b4 u even do finish them u cancel to orbs the rox hit how do u escape?
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
thats not true tho u have to be able to react to push blocks.. if they have no invincible assist the only way they can get out is if they variable counter. when u start the trap mash lp when they push ground tele behind them and start dashing.. this makes sure ur blockstring isn't dropped when it gets to about "time" do dash in lp mp + doom dash in lp mp tiger ourboros..if they pushblock u then dooms rocks will keep them in blockstun if they pushblock doom the dog will keep them in stun and
@monkeyspank30054 жыл бұрын
Nice vid
@MrBroken03012 жыл бұрын
good shit
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
nah but watchu kno bout dat wolverine sent doom trap tho lol
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
Its not invincible...no one ever said that. Yes it has to be timed. Like I said there are many times in the trap where u can push block to get out of it. Theres not just one specific area where ur going to do it at.
@MrJ3ly12 жыл бұрын
Hello, I main Strider/doom, love the character knew he was the one as soon as I saw this trap. The question is how does this work online!!? Clockw0rk always uses the buffer trick at the beginning of every game (select doom as point, hold L going into the game and Strider is now the point, but can buffer his c.LP) , but I noticed this doesn't work online... kinda crippling to Striders metagame - I NEED that guarenteed first hit/block, what can I do to get around this? Tired of getting S/S DHC'd.
@hannes3d12 жыл бұрын
I know and I did a recording of 7 time Orbs on gurad, jumping cpu, where the cpu didn't jumped once. This wasn't the best recording but my brother uploaded this video. I'm not always so satisfied with the quality of the video he uploads (compare the cable and Spiral tutorial in my chanel with the team combofiend and dr doom video and you will see what I mean).
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
lolz i know u can escape the strider doom trap i was just giving u a setup that u couldn't gaurd cancel out of.. also if ur talkin about my scenario, how do u grab and block at the same time lols.. if u talkin bout him.. ye he doin it wrong (idk if i already posted this 2nd comment cuz it keeps sayin error o_O)
@MrJ3ly12 жыл бұрын
You seem like you know your stuff, please see my comment and reply if you know what can be done about this annoying situation.
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
idk y im tryna explain a blockstring to a strider doom player.. u should already kno tht wat im sayin makes sense lol.. i guess ima have to make a vid or some sht
@2hafstylezk12 жыл бұрын
once they in the corner u should be goin 4 a IOH and tryna get some damage anyway u especially if it's that bitch storm lol
@coop9034012 жыл бұрын
U dont need to...I know what ur talking about without u explaining...