My 6 Biggest Hopes for Persona 6

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Raptor Brain

Raptor Brain

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@sleepyfox170 5 күн бұрын
10:30 I think it can be possible to add birthdays in a Persona game, Fire Emblem Three Houses has a calendar system with everyone’s birthday and you can choose to give them flowers or have a tea party with them for more bonus points
@thomp 8 күн бұрын
Some left field ideas: I’d like to see persona 6 have better thought out sequels. I did like strikers. Like plan out a multi game story. Also, add more fun open world stuff like the Yakuza games. Also, for the setting, try 90s or 80s Japan.
@theninjagamer1 7 күн бұрын
I like this idea.
@neemojenkins881 6 күн бұрын
The 90s settings was in Persona 1 and 2​@@theninjagamer1
@mr.monkey1914 6 күн бұрын
It wouldn't make sense for it to take place in 80's or 90's Japan but otherwise I agree
@KatelynS0209 Күн бұрын
They did this in P2
@MyKey2449 7 күн бұрын
you kind sound like adachi
@johntimblin4389 6 күн бұрын
Keep romance in the Social Link.
@Dct_Alonze 4 күн бұрын
He does kinda sound like him 😂
@Nostromo__ 3 күн бұрын
@Van-yh6to 3 күн бұрын
The older I get, the more I appreciate Persona sticking to its guns focusing on a high school setting. As someone who was high school aged in Persona 3, it gave me a very unique connection to the setting and period of Persona 3 in a way Persona 5 didn't. And I think younger generations should have the opportunity to develop that connection with Persona 6. As I got older and eventually played Persona 5, I wasn't able to relate as much to the struggles of the Persona 5 characters, but it also gave me a window into the lives of the modern teenagers that I wouldn't have otherwise. Internet lingo started to spread out into irl conversations, the internet was entrenched as a part of everyone's lives in a way that it could never be in 2009. Persona 6 still being set in high school has the potential to drive deep into modern problems that we adults just didn't have to worry about during our high school years. I could imagine them tackling helicopter parents that could literally track and monitor their kids 24/7 via smartphone apps. Growing up with 24/7 media that loves to fearmonger and manipulate very impressionable teenagers with tons of stress and anxiety making them feel like the world is more dangerous than ever, while in reality it's the relatively the safest time in all of history. Simultaneously, it could explore the desensitizing of tragedies from others who have consumed too much of that fearmongering. Hell, they could even step into the AI territory with bullying via AI deepfakes if they *really* want to step into new territory that was inconceivable back in the day.
@RealCGH 6 күн бұрын
I know P6 is a HS setting, but it would be cool if we have at least one adult party member. It could be a teacher, detective, or they could be some mentor figure for the team.
@starsong3 5 күн бұрын
I agree so much about romance being in the main story rather than player choice. I think it would make the dating/relationship feel much more genuine and impactful- rather than, like, one short extra scene w/ a fade to black and rarely getting acknowledged- and more cohesive, personal social links for some characters. I wanna know them outside of just being proposed to the male audience as a romantic prospect.
@ntrg3248 3 күн бұрын
well made video mate, I'd like to add a few points of my own. One thing I'd like is the press turn system from SMT. I think the 1 more system works too but press turns are just better to me. There's basically no permanency to what you do. If you miss an attack or hit an enemy with something they are immune to, who cares? The next party member will immediately pick up the slack like nothing happened. I know I might sound like some SMT elitist but I actually think stuff like baton passes and technical would be more fun with press turns. Press turns can make SMT more SMT, but they can make Persona more Persona. I liked your point about romance being a main story thing rather than an SL, but one thing it made me realize is that it leaves the potential for couples to form outside of the main protag. Maybe two of your teammates catch feelings for each other and perhaps it actually ties in to the combat. Maybe they have their own special double team attack, or perhaps they bring back showtime from P5R. It could also lead to storytelling that isn't just following the protag 24/7. In terms of the character's ages, I don't personally care. They'd make a good game either way. I can understand why they prefer a high school cast because let's be real, adults are busy. Even university students. Persona 4 for instance wouldn't make sense with an adult cast because the police were already sus of the gang when they kept making repeated trips to the tech department in Junes, imagine how much more sus that would be if they were adults. Although something like P3 for instance could have worked. Which makes me beg the question, why not both? Maybe the protag and a few of his friends are high school kids, but maybe an adult is a persona user too and joins them. What if there was the parent of one of the main party members as a party member? Can you imagine how much of a surprise that would be? Which ALSO makes me think, parents. Where are they? Parents pay a big role in people's lives, why if they insist on a cast of mainly teenagers, are their parents ignored? Although, I can imagine that would lead to fans having more characters to be thirsty to. We all know what happened with characters like Kawakami. Another small thing, I hope there's less meme-y English dialogue, because at this point I only play the Japanese versions of these games and I am willing to bet that when Atlus rock up with P6, I'll be playing it and wondering, "Oh god, I bet this is going to sound cringe in the translation". As someone who has translated and proofread translations, I am all too familiar with the cringe. Even then, when the inevitable memes about P6 come along, I probably won't understand what the hell you guys are talking about anyway. Of course, I'm not trying to talk down to the community, I love you guys, (sometimes) do whatever you want. I just know when we finally get this game I won't understand a lot of memes most likely.
@Omegateck16 6 күн бұрын
I don't agree with half of what u said, but im glad to have watched the video anyway!
@JudyQ411 6 күн бұрын
Great video! I’d love to see to a redesign of the environments/neighbourhoods you visit. Especially for P5, I just ended up warping yo exactly where I needed to go. I never found a reason to walk anywhere due it just taking longer. Id love to see spaces inhabited by better npc’s or have events happen more often. It would be so cool to regularly see your confidants interact with the environments they’re in as opposed to being in the exact same spot every week.
@jesserivera2043 6 күн бұрын
I remember how final destination 5 wound up being a prequel to the other installments, and that made me wish that persona 6 was actually a prequel game that adds a little bit of connecting tissue in between installments. Seeing the origin of alternate worlds and why humanity continues to have to fight off Gods who feed off human weaknesses would be so metal. The core cast could be researchers, volunteers, and explorers learning more about everything, and since most of them would be established early on you get to learn more about them so they have more story moments other than awakening to their personas. Maybe the MC could select between three or four personality types that impact their social stat growth and by extension impact the order of social links acquired and activities that could be accessed. And learning about the velvet room and the attendants, including Philemon was open the door to remakes without necessarily guaranteeing them
@BARALover96 6 күн бұрын
Don’t P2 and P3 already explored that
@wyattflores3201 6 күн бұрын
Persona 5, being a game that u traveled the world to me at least, was a stupid idea. The whole charm of persona to me is being able to choose who u hang out with and what u do. But if your character was moving around the world drastically, how would the SLs work? Would u go back to where the character u met at? And how would the party members have joined? Would they have just dropped everything to go with some guy they just met to a different country. a traveling game doesn't fit persona at all, without changing too much about what persona is. they should definitely be considering doing a setting outside of Japan.
@UbiqMan 3 күн бұрын
I disagreed with most of your points at first, but when you explained your reasoning, you changed my mind on most. Great video!
@plvto1 6 күн бұрын
would be cool if you could choose what hitting a weakness does. you could set it to give you an additional turn but you could also have your next fire attack deal 50% more damage, or heal for a percentage of the amount of damage you dealt, or increase the chance of the next ailment hitting. they could do a lot with this. have the party members stick to 1 unique weakness strike effect, and let the protagonist be able to copy off of one of the party members' strike effects. im not sure how balanced this could be, feel free to (KINDLY) criticize any aspects of this idea.
@backupschmliff1156 6 күн бұрын
Ngl, Eternal Punishment's story is super overrated. One of the best on the PS1, but P3-5 are better imo. If not for just having better female characters, whose entire arcs don't just revolve around men.
@kenkong007 6 күн бұрын
Same for Persona 2's Manga. So underrated literally no one on the entire internet talks about it. Like come on, I couldn't find anything online about it other than the Wikipedia article.
@KatelynS0209 Күн бұрын
​@@kenkong007uh persona 2 doesn't have a manga adaptation, there's crime and punishment which is a spin off manga but it's pretty seperate from the main P2 duo
@kenkong007 Күн бұрын
@@KatelynS0209 Yeah, that's what I was talking about. It's still the tie-in promo manga made for P2.
@zbaksh101 Күн бұрын
- a mascot thats a centuries old mythical creature could be fun. Having them go from your supervisor to friend is a good hook for a social link. - dual protagonists thst have a falling out in the midpoint, forcing the cast to split into seperate camps could be a fun experiment. -a better approach to the spinoffs than the current filler approach. Just have them be sequels like Arena and Strikers. -a period piece could be fun.
@WhiteFangofWar 3 күн бұрын
As conservative as developers can be most of the time, I am hoping that Atlus recognizes that falling back on the same formula over and over is going to limit how interesting their games can really be. Persona 5 was revolutionary for numerous things but perhaps most of all for having the protagonists forced into the role of a 'criminal' by desperation in a culture that traditionally has very little mercy for criminals of any kind, pointing out the biases of its judicial system. If the game were set in the US it'd probably get slammed for being 'political.'. Likewise, losing the high school setting is something you or I would like to see but it's a deeply-embedded tradition in virtually all JRPGs. I have two alternative ideas for it: 1) You are a law college graduate who has been shafted to the 'Paranormal Investigation' branch of the local police department. A 'joke' post that is about to become much less of a joke... 2) You are a student who has been sent to a special remedial high school which takes people who find themselves unable to graduate their 3rd year due to various mental problems and illnesses they possess. However, some of these students are only here because they are unwilling to suppress their own sense of morality and go with the crowd.
@akechipride1580 6 күн бұрын
i would still prefer the rerelease model because they really do offer retoolings of so many aspects of the games. p4g added night activities, new story content, being able to freely travel to okina city, party member skillset overhauls, and a depth of party customization, and persona 5 royal tweeked so many aspects of combat and dungeon design, as well as adding new mechanics such as persona traits, velvet room alarms, and challenge battles, and an in game trophy room, that i think warranted a full rerelease
@Memo-yh4nc 6 күн бұрын
The rerelease’s themselves aren’t bad. The annoying and scummy thing about them is that there isn’t a way to upgrade to the newer version for cheap. If I spent 60 bucks on OG P5, I should be able to get royal for like $10. I shouldn’t have to pay full price again for a game I mostly own already.
@osasob007 6 сағат бұрын
And the full legal name and full security number and the address too , that would be great! XD
@corey2232 6 күн бұрын
I don't mind romance being left to player choice, but I still agree it needs to be changed. It feels so unfulfilling, fake & pointless. Get 10 hearts, click the right dialogue option, and hooray - you're "dating." How do you know? Well they give you a HUG & say something either kind of flirty or "I love you." Wow... so deep & mature for an "M" rated game. Can't even get a kiss? 😅 Obviously, that's not the biggest issue, it's the fact that afterwards, it's literally never relevant again. The character you romance doesn't ever acknowledge it again (aside from like a dedicated event day like Valentine's Day), none of the rest of cast ever mentions or acknowledges it, dialogue never changes, there's no gameplay-based reward or bonuses attached to it (either based on who you romance or even a buff if it's a party member... I dunno, just ANYTHING would be cool), and the characters go back to the same regular attitudes they've always had as if nothing happened. Going as deep & involved as Baldur's Gate 3 isn't necessary, but it would at least be nice that if you romanced a party member that they actually treated you differently or had scenes/dialogue/prompts that signal you're in an actual relationship. It's just feels arbitrary to get the 9 hearts, tell them you like them, get the 10th & forget about it the rest of the game.
@ryanclark2549 6 күн бұрын
It was M for Mara.
@Chung14-e8z Сағат бұрын
We get a new title and credits theme with rereleases , and they are bangers so idc
@spandandasgupta5773 6 күн бұрын
I think direct party control should be a social link/story reward, but instead give more control to adjust their ai logic. Like imagine when someone new joins the party, they don't listen to you and do their own thing and over time, as you grow closer, they listen to you more and more. They did try to do it in P3 but the capabilities of that were very limited.
@edwartcanvas2756 3 күн бұрын
keep the romance in the social link with that every player can have their own unique story/interaction, which gives freedom how you choose how it goes and ends, it will be boring if the romance has been decided from the start
@olesgedz 2 күн бұрын
Yep, getting out romance choices from a dating sim sounds like a million dollars idea.
@Jazz8pro 7 күн бұрын
My idea for Persona 6. Character design: Super Heroes Deeper themes: Morality
@robotnikkkk001 6 күн бұрын
@ravikools9270 7 күн бұрын
I agree with a lot you said but the zodiacs is just information that they can show you. I don't think it would work as a personality system since a lot of people dont believe in that stuff. Great video though!!
@someguyTM 6 күн бұрын
i can assure you that more people believe in the zodiac than in tarot
@Carlosdreamur 5 күн бұрын
The personalities in the games now are based off of tarot cards lmao wdym
@afighterforfriends2996 3 күн бұрын
What i hope most of all is to not have to buy the game a second time when Atlus inevitably releases the FESgoldenRoyal version... featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series... and Knuckles.
@Toads23 6 күн бұрын
I need a dancing mode built in
@Dime_Guy98 2 күн бұрын
P5x taking steps in the right direction then ig lol
@AnInkStick Күн бұрын
@alexmaganda5827 5 күн бұрын
i hope that p6 does not reduce playtime ive seen some ppl complain game to long mimimimi how can you complain when a good game you like has a long playtime make it make sense i mean you can just play it in bits and thats fine and id like some male romance options pls im still sad i could not romance ryuji best boy
@YungTimeWeaver Күн бұрын
They are not getting rid of the dating sim/romance aspect. Too marketable and it’s been a thing since p3.
@Churner0 6 күн бұрын
I’ll come back to this video after I beat golden
@gamerbeast3616 7 күн бұрын
the real question is when is it comming out lol
@kierenbuckley370 6 күн бұрын
My guess in 2026
@mennaiphone7306 6 күн бұрын
In 20xx
@vargsieber 5 күн бұрын
SMT V Vengeance didn't feel bad, the opposite is the case. SMT V V was first and foremost an enhanced port to more platforms and it's a shame that the game was trapped on subpar hardware that barely handles the game before the port, sure maybe they should've sold the canon of vengeance as DLC on the switch, but if you consider the price of episode aigis, canon of vengeance would've been at least the same price as that DLC, probably even more. I disagree with most of your other points, instead of a better easy mode for the casuals I'd wish for a merciless mode that is on par with the difficulty of mainline SMT games. Social Links can stay as they are now, some are already breaking the game too much. Romance should either still work the same way it did in P3-5 or the game should give you multiple options that maybe even branch off into different ways the whole story can play out, for example you could either romance the villain and be dragged into the darkness, date a teammate and do the usual good guy stuff or stay single and be somewhat neutral doing just enough to save the world without changing society. one of the few things i agree on are birthdays, they should be similar to linked episodes from P3R, optional but useful, having astrology in addition to arkanas would get a bit convoluted though. Adult characters would be interesting, but i think that change would fit better with the darker tone of mainline SMT while Persona should keep the highschool setting. I wouldn't mind another go with a female main character, as long as she is written in a compelling way. The setting in Japan is part of the appeal, a game set in western society would lose it's charme and would add themes that don't fit an entertaining game.
@properjellydontbeproper3652 6 күн бұрын
I hear what ur saying but for the casual buyer they just want to date best girl or best boy lol. It’s a staple seller. Lonely? U can romance whoever 🎉
@Angie-ji7be 5 күн бұрын
Yea and as a casual player, romance has always been the weakest part of any persona game I've played lmao. There's always little to no incentive left to spend time with them after getting past rank 9, nor is the relationship ever acknowledged outside of the social link itself, so it's like nothing's changed at all. Not to mention that the writing on a lot of the romances themselves just kinda suck.
@properjellydontbeproper3652 5 күн бұрын
I get what ur saying,I’m just imaging the hordes of men in their basements upset lol. But in all seriousness the selling formula especially for new players that have yet to appreciate everything else it has to offer is romance. Business perspective keep it in. But maybe metaphor is a way to show people u need romance.
@joopvanhedel1372 6 күн бұрын
Although I agree that they should make some characters without the character tropes like the bro character or the smart girl. But the lovers arcana may not have been the best example because Rise Ann and Especially Yukari are pretty different characters. yukari had feelings for Makoto but she knows that Makoto has no feelings in return because his heart belongs to Aigis. rise is an idol who couldn't be herself so she tried to stop being an idol. And Ann has her friendship with Shiho Suzui and hates that Piece of shit Suguru Kamoshida. Side note Kamoshida is one of the best first villains in any game there is not a single person who likes this character you just want to get his Treasure so he has to pay for his Crimes and go to prison for the rest of his life
@Chung14-e8z Сағат бұрын
Why does noone have a temperance arcana persona lol
@kierenbuckley370 6 күн бұрын
no more school setting enough with that, it's been played out to death its time to change things up also I don't want a story where you are staying in a city/town for 1 year then you go back home that was the story for the last two Persona games
@asura7915 6 күн бұрын
thats not happening, several leakers with inside source said that p6 is still in high shool
@NamTran-xc2ip 5 күн бұрын
Atlus, being innovative even only a little bit? You're asking too much buddy.
@fullstarfield876 5 күн бұрын
At least 300 hours
@moudacouldashoulda195 4 күн бұрын
Create ur own hero. Same gender romance. More time to do stuff. Keep battle system from persona 5 and make it better. Over drive for each character like p3 reload.
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