My Boyfriend Keeps Trying To Sneak Meat Into My Food, I'm Vegetarian r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@swearimnotarobot3746 7 ай бұрын
Never mess with people’s food. If he didn’t want to date a vegetarian, don’t date a vegetarian. Don’t date someone if your plan is to change them.
@MarkNarrations 7 ай бұрын
@FriedaMMartin 7 ай бұрын
There many reasons why not to mess with people’s food. It is just cruel
@redonyx5428 7 ай бұрын
unfortunately, there's a subset of guys whose goals are to change and mold a woman into what they believe they should be. they like the thought of conquest and ownership and deliberately go after women that they are not well suited for.
@swearimnotarobot3746 7 ай бұрын
@@redonyx5428it also reminds of the people who are like “I can fix them”. Like no you can’t. 😂
@HaleyJo1992 7 ай бұрын
Agreed, and in every way. Just look for a great match to begin with, not a "They're perfect but for this one thing, but I can change that!"
@kaykay8855 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: Op needs to report her ex. He assaulted her.
@petitmains 7 ай бұрын
Guessing on the sandwich is being called butties I'm guessing this is UK or Ireland in which case Hey what's the domestic violence number there out of curiosity or general emergency you know
@beastkin2297 6 ай бұрын
I heard a story a couple of days ago where a dude literally got angry at a girl for putting the vegetables in his food and all the comments were yelling at him
@susankaempfer8427 5 ай бұрын
@@beastkin2297that guy who was ill from malnutrition? There’s a little difference between sneaking in vegetables due to someone becoming ill due to malnutrition and LITERALLY TRYING TO FORCE-FEED SOMEONE CHICKEN because you’re on some kind of power trip. Yes, the woman should have just left her infantile boyfriend instead of sneaking in veggies, but these two really aren’t the same.
@aduckofsomesort 7 ай бұрын
It’s never about the diet. It’s always about control. The guy poisoning his girlfriend with snails is the best blatant example of this.
@simplydarkness2363 7 ай бұрын
God, I forgot about that story. It's still so horrifying to think about.
@GabrielleHayes1921 7 ай бұрын
Or the guy who poisoned his girlfriend with sawdust because "it makes her full faster and she's finally losing weight and looking healthier". Edit: Smosh Pit covered it about 5mos ago in a video about disturbing reddit stories.
@simplydarkness2363 7 ай бұрын
@@GabrielleHayes1921 WAIT WHAT!?
@GabrielleHayes1921 7 ай бұрын
@@simplydarkness2363 there was a guy on Reddit who posted about how he was feeding his partner sawdust in her food and didn't understand that he could actually kill her and felt he was doing her a service by helping her to lose weight and not overeat.
@MaryTheresa1986 7 ай бұрын
​@@GabrielleHayes1921 Omg, that's terrible! I hope she dumped him and pressed charges!
@Chuckf66 7 ай бұрын
I had a housemate who'd continually "sneak" prawns into any Chinese takeaway order we'd get into the household. The other two we shared with were fine, but this dickhead refused to believe that I was allergic to shellfish. The first time it occurred, I found a huge prawn sitting in the bottom of my bowl after my tongue started itching. That was an "oops!" & I let it go. After the third time, I realised it was deliberate. He kept insisting that "I'd like them if I tried them" FFS. Eventually we kicked him out because he just refused to accept that they'd potentially kill me.
@maggpiprime954 7 ай бұрын
Jfc! I'm glad your other housemates had your back!
@13thMaiden 7 ай бұрын
It's surprising what some ppl try to pull. I'm allergic to citrus fruit (pain in the ass), but thankfully it's mild enough that I won't go into anaphylactic shock, but I will be incredibly itchy and my stomach will feel like it's being turned inside out. Thankfully I've only had one case of someone deliberately trying to force or "trick" me to eat it. Like you, I thought, "Why is this so spicy?!" And I wanted to claw my tongue out. The dipshit atleast had the wherewithal to realize they had royally fricked up and apologized. It was some kind of salsa btw. Hence why I didn't ask about the "spiciness" until I started getting itchy all over.
@aduckofsomesort 7 ай бұрын
@@13thMaiden the thing about food allergies though is that they can turn deadly at any point. So while you’ve never had that kind of reaction before, it could come at any time.
@paulastiles5507 7 ай бұрын
@@aduckofsomesortYep. That's why I worry about bee stings. I'm not allergic, but my mom went from allergic to having an anaphylactic reaction on the very next sting.
@Bkgksan625 7 ай бұрын
This! There are soooo many people who think you can just stop being allergic to something by just continuing to eat it. Immunologist here and it is crazy! It can kill someone! A relative recently told me that they don’t believe in lactose intolerance and specifically in Indians. He said I have it because I stopped drinking milk. He doesn’t believe that it hurts me - literally.
@AndyyWithAY 7 ай бұрын
Reddit was far too gentle with the ex. They should've told her to break up immediately. I don't believe anyone "got in his ear". Simplest solution is he's a controlling AH. Residency as in doctor?? Of course doctors do drugs and alcohol, but he's really shooting himself in the foot. Leave while he's gone. He's likely to be violent. Leave him a letter or if she insists on doing it in person she needs at least 1 man with her
@Rose-yt5hi 7 ай бұрын
For real! I haven’t listened to the whole story yet, but my only conversation with him in giving him the benefit of the doubt would be to insist on a medical evaluation for senility-that’s the ONLY excuse I would take for why he’s suddenly “forgetting” all the time. Doesn’t matter if someone did get in his ear. If he suddenly had questions and concerns about my dietary choices, the proper way to handle that would be with a conversation. The way he’s handled it alone is a deal breaker. ETA: just listened to the update and WOW. That is nuts. She definitely should have reported that as assault. How fucking scary.
@Swnsasy 7 ай бұрын
Right!? This has Dear. John letter all over it!
@hannahwilson8391 7 ай бұрын
*reads the title* aw man another can’t accept someone else’s food choices story *listens to the warnings* now what in the actual fuck
@sinbadwilliams7186 7 ай бұрын
That was exactly what I was thinking when I heard the warnings
@ivorynk752 7 ай бұрын
reminded me of the husband and mustard story, only difference is ExBF seemed to realize there was no coming back from that and didn't continue pursuing her.
@winterkind1772 7 ай бұрын
My eyes got bigger and bigger with every warning like... that escalation!
@infinessia4019 7 ай бұрын
Buddy is lucky, my cousin tried that and I bit him on instinct, had to get 11 stitches as a result you never know what someone will do if you try and force food into their mouths.
@hi_stranger9156 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: For some reason this post reminds me the mustard one... the one that went from *"I hate mustard but he forced me to eat it then got extremely angry"* to DV. I'm glad that OP left him.
@RockinTheBassGuitar 7 ай бұрын
I thought of that one too. I'm so glad the OP left immediately and isn't even thinking of going back. That is terrifying.
@ComaLies225 7 ай бұрын
Same. I’m glad OP left and even if it won’t go anywhere, she should report it to keep a paper trail
@cielbie8251 7 ай бұрын
Because its not really about the food, its a typical story of a partner wanting control and having anger issues. It sounds bizarre, but its all linked.
@sakurafaith6187 7 ай бұрын
Man even if she got away, her ex literally hospitalized her later on, she couldnt give out the details due to legal reasons but how else would she end up there? It was still a very sad thing, i still thing freaking Op needed to report him for assult.
@KaitoKiara 7 ай бұрын
I don't think, they are the same. The mustard guy sounded way worse. This boyfriend sounds like an idiot, who went too far and was honestly ashamed of his actions. That's why he didn't fight the break-up. The mustard guy terrorized OP afterwards and wouldn't accept the break-up.
@clairebear-96 7 ай бұрын
Holy fuck when she said he grabbed her and tried to force it in her mouth i GASPED im a vegetarian too and this story is so so scary 💀
@huinismith 7 ай бұрын
I'm not a vegetarian and I'm equally horrified. Also, I've known plenty of veggie people, and I'm aware that, after a certain time following a veggie diet, you can't just eat meat without getting sick.
@BruinPhD2009 7 ай бұрын
​@huinismith Exactly. Drastic dietary changes of any type invite a reaction from the body, usually an adverse one.
@marycrawford9428 7 ай бұрын
To me it isn’t even that it was meat. If my SO grabbed me and tried to force something into my mouth I would be done, even if it was something I normally liked. It’s straight up assault.
@ivorynk752 7 ай бұрын
@@BruinPhD2009 even if it wouldn't make them sick, who does that? Violently force-feeding someone is not something you do to friends or loved ones, no matter how harmless the food is.
@whitneybennett4857 7 ай бұрын
I literally gasped and said, "Oh my god." It was disrespectful enough for him to try making her eat meat constantly, but when you start literally forcing food or something into your partner's mouth, there's absolutely no coming back from that.
@Deedoof 7 ай бұрын
Before reading the story: "He's cheating and using OP's diet as the break-point." After reading the story: "Holy shit it was way worse!?"
@tranquility1967 7 ай бұрын
This was my thoughts as well 😮
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 7 ай бұрын
Read this story the other day, it was never about meat or vegetarianism, it was all about control. Kind of like the mustard story, this dude was just taking off his mask to reveal his true self. I will give credit, however, that he does realize that he messed up *bad* though it’s a shame he didn’t realize that before going full psycho on OP.
@aubreymorgan9763 7 ай бұрын
i was kinda thinking that..about the mask. once they moved in together it became much like how after someone may get married and the spouse does a 180. they think they have you trapped and can do what they want. no one had his ear it was him all along.
@maggpiprime954 7 ай бұрын
Maybe he knew he messed up. More likely he realized he used the wrong control tactic. I highly doubt anyone who goes this far with abusive paths have any remaining capacity for remorse.
@errantwinds-up8uu 7 ай бұрын
Why does anyone care of someone else eats meat or not? I'm not veggie, I love meat, but I would NEVER try to sabotage someone else. There are many delicious veggie recipes! Especially Indian curries. Yum yum.
@TsukiKageTora 7 ай бұрын
That goes to everyone. Like vegans who protest against people who choose to eat meat… like your morals aren’t the only morals out there, let people eat what they want to eat. Stop dictating or trying to shame them for what they eat
@orchidoxs126 7 ай бұрын
Some people are just that controlling.
@funkadesiac 6 ай бұрын
It's about control and apparently OP's ex lacks the basic amount of control over himself considering he had to assault OP to attempt to get his way. Glad it didn't work and OP is out of there, but I wouldn't fault her if she kneed him in the crotch.
@halloumi420 5 ай бұрын
Lmao except this is the other way around so not sure why you feel the need to bring that up unless you're one of those omnivores that hassle vegetarians and vegans ​@TsukiKageTora
@hrvojebutkovic 5 ай бұрын
@@TsukiKageTora It's not that simple if you believe that other people's dietary choices have victims. Let people have slaves if they want to, they have their morality and you have yours. Let people date whoever they want (including children). Let people abuse their pets if they want to, they are just pets. All of these views were mainstream or at least tolerated at one time, but I don't think you'll find many people in the modern western society who would be willing to let such an alternative morality be practised today.
@sarv8568 7 ай бұрын
In any case what the bf did was horrible and he should be reported to the police for physically forcing her to eat chicken. Imagine if she for example had a peanut allergy and he did that just to tell her to be tougher cuz allergies aren’t that bad. Regardless, glad she got rid of that bastard.
@hi_stranger9156 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: *“not helping them with their emotional needs”* wow. They don’t have to live with a raging addict so nothing they say counts. Have you heard the concept *“don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm”?*
@alisongeorge3089 6 ай бұрын
They want that sweet sweet doctor money, so OP can't break it off for them
@EphemeraImaging 3 күн бұрын
And quite grankly, why does she have to be responsible for his emotional needs? Beyond being a good partner, loving your person and trying to make life good for both of you, it's impossible to be responsible for someone else's feelings. If you have an emotional problem, either think it through, ask your partner to help, or get professional help. Don't dump on your partner every day expecting them to put up with your self-made problems all the time with no backlash. It should be a mutual support relationship, not a one-sided arrangement whereby only one person gets to benefit.
@Aziara86 7 ай бұрын
I read this story on Reddit yesterday. Just horrifying. I am not vegetarian, but I do have a lot of food restrictions due to allergy or intolerance. I can't imagine someone that close to me attempting to control what I eat to this extent.
@shadowkissed2370 7 ай бұрын
He didn't change he just finally dropped his mask.
@JasperCatProductions 7 ай бұрын
How a family could want their child to stay with a cheating abusive drunk is beyond me. So what if he’s a doctor? I wouldn’t be involved with my child’s love life, who they marry whether they stay or leave is up them. Why would I care, don’t you just want them safe and happy? If you like their partner great if not ok. It’s their life.
@stonefox2546 7 ай бұрын
Wild guess is they're asian or indian, and are counting on OP marrying a rich husband for their retirement plan...
@maddydavidsdottir9862 7 ай бұрын
You've never had a narcissistic family and I'm so glad for that. Unfortunately, money and reputation is always the more important for family like mine and OPs
@paulastiles5507 7 ай бұрын
Look up the case of Anastasia and Indle King sometime. Anastasia was a Russian mail-order bride from Kyrgyzstan. Her husband Indle (twice her age and already divorced from one Russian bride who had accused him of abuse) murdered her. She actually fled back home to her family, but when he visited her there, her delusional parents persuaded her to go back with him. They had this fantasy that the whole family was going to chain-migrate to the U.S. because Indle had claimed he was rich (he wasn't). He murdered her as soon as she returned. At the trial and afterward, her parents were tearful and angry at Indle about what a monster he was. Nary an ounce of remorse about literally sending their daughter to her death, though. They even tried to get Immigration to let them stay in the U.S. so they could "visit her grave" more often.
@jezebelle57 7 ай бұрын
What many people don’t understand , especially if they come from loving, happy families, is how many families think that females are bargaining chips. They literally feel that their daughter’s purpose is to strengthen their status or income by marrying well or having a rich boyfriend or lover. They do not care if she is beaten, abused or cheated on because staying with the man benefits THEM. Girls are routinely forced into marriages or relationships by their parents for purely status or monetary reasons. And if their daughters are murdered by that husband or boyfriend, they will side with him and sometimes even offer him another of their daughters. The daughters, and sometimes even the sons are used as sexual currency by drug or alcohol addicted parents. Girls, especially are offered to their dealer in exchange for drugs. In many cases, girls being bartered was the norm. To foster ties between royal houses or to strengthen alliances. And the girl’s feelings or emotions didn’t matter to anyone. They’d marry the daughters to drunks, pedophiles, sadists, even murderers because of the money or power it brought to the family. Women being able to choose their partner is a relatively new phenomenon. There are countless brilliant, accomplished women who are disdained by their families because they don’t have a husband or children.There are still girls who are groomed by their families to do nothing more than marry well and increase their family’s prestige and wealth. If the daughter deviates from that “plan”, her family will shun, or even murder her.
@AngryReptileKeeper 6 ай бұрын
They're probably the sort of people who think financial security (or rather, the illusion thereof) is the most important thing in life. He's a doctor, which means he'll be a high earner, and they think that's more important for their daughter than physical or emotional security. Basically, "who cares if he's a cheating, abusive alcoholic. He's rich, so you'll be set!" Clarification: I say "illusion thereof" because being married to someone doesn't actually guarantee you shit financially, either during the marriage or after the divorce.
@ghoullovinbutch 7 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Putting something in someone's food without their knowledge or consent is legally considered poisoning.
@AngryReptileKeeper 6 ай бұрын
Only if you can actually prove it. That's always the tricky part.
@EluneAnzu 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: 110% was a control thing, the update makes me pretty sure he was abusive and thought OP was trapped, glad they weren't married with kids since leaving is easier (but still can be a pain depending how he is going forward).
@teamaang7915 7 ай бұрын
That went from zero to 100 😱, from 'mistakenly' putting meat in your food to ramming chicken down your throat. So glad she's shot of him too. That she has supportive parents and people in her life to give her the courage to do that.
@untitled-gv3qp 7 ай бұрын
A part of me feels like the ex might've had some sort of psychological problem crop up. I wish she would've reported him so he could get some help. Or at least tell his family what was going on with him so they could keep an eye on him. He might be on drugs or something because that escalation was too extreme for him to have been acting while sober.
@Lillypop93 7 ай бұрын
​@@untitled-gv3qp yah sounded like when my ex found out he was schizophrenic
@teamaang7915 7 ай бұрын
@@untitled-gv3qp extreme is putting it mildly. Definitely something is going on in his life and op can't be a part of it. I'm not sure what police can do if you say my boyfriend tried to force chicken down my mouth? Like maybe with the hair thing they could keep a record. Coz that stuff is definitely going to come up again with his next partner, probably even worse if he doesn't get help. I'm just glad op noticed something was off before it all kicked off which already had her trust her instincts coz that could have gone so wrong for her. 💔
@untitled-gv3qp 7 ай бұрын
@@teamaang7915 She definitely dodged a bullet there. The important thing is that she got out. I'm just wondering what caused the sudden shift from being normal about it, to being sneaky and manipulative, to violently shoving food down someone's throat at the drop of a hat. Grabbing her and trying to shove food down her throat qualifies as an assault. She could just tell the cops he assaulted her and he seemed unstable. It's not like she'd be lying. Or call his parents or a sibling so they can check up on him and make sure he's not having a mental breakdown or something.
@untitled-gv3qp 7 ай бұрын
@@Lillypop93 Maybe. That could be it.
@adongokomer8637 7 ай бұрын
Story 2, the family didn't want to let go of a future doctor as an in-law
@devegas4910 7 ай бұрын
Yup. They would’ve sacrificed their daughter’s life just so they can reap the benefits of her being married to a doctor. She could’ve been black & blue and completely crippled by him, and all would’ve been fine as long as the money was coming in
@erickaennis2738 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. The family just wants a status symbol SIL. Doesn't matter if OP suffers. Crap family. The ex is crying to her family. Sad.
@llcdrdndgrbd 6 ай бұрын
A doctor at a high risk of screwing up, losing his license and possibly facing criminal charges, because he’s into staying up all night partying frequently.
@devegas4910 6 ай бұрын
@@llcdrdndgrbd you gotta love how they don’t even think about that
@faithlesshound5621 6 ай бұрын
@@devegas4910 It's probably her parents and grandparents thinking back to how it was 60 years ago, in the days before breath tests for drivers, when doctors, lawyers, priests etc could spend all day in an alcoholic haze.
@AndyyWithAY 7 ай бұрын
Without listening to the story, you spelled ex-BF wrong. Not surprised by all those TWs. OP needs to take some time to be single to work on her self esteem. When she has more self esteem, she'll never accept the unacceptable. This guy is the unacceptable
@Swnsasy 7 ай бұрын
I just don't get it! Why is it so difficult to not try and change someone. That's the person you fell in love with so why on earth would you want to change them? It makes no sense to me!! It doesn't effect him at all.. Don't mess with people's food!!
@adjwindu70 7 ай бұрын
​@@Swnsasy story 1 sounds like someone or something got it in his head that her diet is wrong and he would rather force her to change rather than break up
@Swnsasy 7 ай бұрын
@@adjwindu70 That's my thinking too! He just all of a sudden changed and then got violent?? Yea, someone is CONSTANTLY hounding him and I'm wondering if it isn't a parent..
@adjwindu70 7 ай бұрын
@Swnsasy it had to be someone important to him for him to become violent over it. It must have also been very shameful for him not to admit why. It's either that for he was faking his tolerance of her diet all these years and it boiled over. Too bad we may never know why.
@DrownedInExile 7 ай бұрын
What are you on about? OP escaped as soon as he got violent, and instantly broke it off. Seems to me her self-esteem is just fine.
@fallingawayfromthenorm 7 ай бұрын
Story 1 - I have never, and will never, understand people trying to pressure their family into changing their dietary choices. If you hate vegetarians so much, don’t date them. If you hate people who eat meat, don’t date them. I just genuinely don’t understand, I eat both and can enjoy meals without meat just as much as ones with them. The only way I’d have discourse over food with a partner is if they tried forcing their food choices on me by pressuring me, tossing my food out, etc. It’s such a bizarre thing to ruin your relationship over so long as everyone is being respectful about dietary choices.
@rf159a 7 ай бұрын
I dated a vegetarian and whenever we were together, I ate what she ate. If we didn't spend time together she was fine with what I ate which was a lot of chicken dishes. BUT, I NEVER forced her to eat what I liked!! I always ate what she made and it was good!! When we would order pizza she would ask if I wanted pepperoni on half of it and I said no, I'll eat whatever pizza you order. I cared about her enjoying her meal and NEVER feel uncomfortable about a meal!
@JennRighter 7 ай бұрын
This should be how to be a normal human being but apparently based on the Reddit comments and the comments on this video, we got a lot of weirdos out in these streets.
@rf159a 7 ай бұрын
Unfortunately we do get a lot of weirdos.@@JennRighter
@Cjaj2 7 ай бұрын
story 1: I'm not a vegan, and I can't be bothered to have an opinion on what other people choose to eat, but, I think it's funny that Vegans have a reputation for being pushy and annoying when I see meat eaters talking down to vegans way more often.
@lauraanderson8785 7 ай бұрын
I agree, I'm not vegan either but I am a vegetarian. My family has always been super against it ever since I started having problems eating meat when I was 12 due to sensory issues. Trying to trick me into eating meat, as a kid refusing to feed me if I didn't eat meat, always arguing with me about it and insulting me over it. I've been a vegatarian for 9 years now and they still haven't stopped. One time about a year ago they were loudly talking smack about vegans and vegetarians again, and complaining about them always forcing their ways onto everyone, and I almost lost my mind hearing that 😆 They even admitted that a vegan or a vegetarian had never done that to them personally when I asked about it. Somehow they were totally oblivious to how they were in fact the ones doing that crap
@madgevanness4011 7 ай бұрын
All in the POV.
@tiarapeeples8167 7 ай бұрын
I've been a vegetarian since I was a preteen. I'm currently 32, and I still have loved ones who "forget" I'm vegetarian and get really upset when I decline their food. I pretty much avoid eating at family events now, and it's sometimes led to me being accused of being rude or preachy even when I lie about having eaten prior.
@faithlesshound5621 6 ай бұрын
Drinkers can be like that with those who avoid alcohol. Drug users too. "Sneaking" alcohol or drugs into your girlfriend or wife's drink is a thing too. It's almost as if it's a religion with some of them.
@MontaeIsHungry 7 ай бұрын
Scary that OP was originally fine with her belligerent drunk bf becoming a Medical professional, who will be the lifeline for many people who are already at their most vulnerable
@tuesdaysanyways 7 ай бұрын
I’m a vegetarian and for years my cousins would try and sneak meat into my food when I wasn’t looking. They’ve stopped now, but still ridicule me for being vegetarian anytime we see eachother. I hope OP is surrounded by kind accepting people in the future.
@BruinPhD2009 7 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you're related to such dedicated ass hats. I just don't understand why people care so much about another's dietary choices.
@rainbowunicorn709 7 ай бұрын
I wouldn't stay in contact with them.
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 7 ай бұрын
lol I just pictured her biting his hand and saying, 'you want me to eat meat?'
@kayemckeeth2301 7 ай бұрын
Oh Jesus. As someone who recently became vegetarian, it's been a rough ordeal of gently rejecting meals that have meat, but this is definitely deliberate. (Before update)
@acatnamedm4529 7 ай бұрын
Well, that escalated. Press charges.
@AnimeLover-iy5bv 7 ай бұрын
Your spongebob "bug in your ear" thought is waaaay more wholesome than mine. All i can think about is the bugs in Star Trek that would control you and end you later if you fought it
@Laura-it2zb 7 ай бұрын
Khan worm ....
@stirrednotshaken4823 7 ай бұрын
My mind automatically went to the movie “Brokedown Palace” and the one girl had a cockroach in her ear. 😖
@patrickfeehan6975 7 ай бұрын
Me too, 'the Wrath of Khan' - traumatised me as a child
@Laura-it2zb 7 ай бұрын
@@patrickfeehan6975 Kahn!!!
@WyntheRogue 7 ай бұрын
Now my brain defaulted to the Illithid ear tadpole [Damn you Baldur's Gate 3!]
@MarkNarrations 7 ай бұрын
Hey hey you lovely people, hope things are going good!!
@FriedaMMartin 7 ай бұрын
Getting over a bladder infection 10/10 do not recommend. Applied for more work
@FriedaMMartin 7 ай бұрын
Also making progress in my classes
@plantemor 7 ай бұрын
You too Mark!
@paden1865able 7 ай бұрын
Going well, staying away from a certain social media site is having benefits, even though I'm still not over my snit all the way. But, my housework is done long before noon these days!😂
@kieramaccourt8717 7 ай бұрын
Hope you and Poppy are having a good one too!
@worldissuesmatter1643 7 ай бұрын
You don’t ‘think’ he’s trying to meat in your food, you KNOW he is.
@DHasty 7 ай бұрын
Im vegetarian and my boyfriend isnt. Our relationship is still fairly new but he has been so, so considerate about my dietary restrictions. I've also encountered people being weirdly offended or aggressive about my diet, even though i dont openly advertise it and i dont try to 'convert' people. People being weird about my diet makes me cut them off very quickly, because ive noticed it often coincides with other personality flaws i dont want to deal with
@maggpiprime954 7 ай бұрын
This. So much this.
@owl7072 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: I am once again saying that if you knew someone did something that was a deal breaker for you, _don't start a relationship with that person._ Especially cause in this case, if he did something to Op's food and they got sick from it, he could get in serious legal trouble cause _you don't tamper with food, it can be seen as poisoning someone if the reaction is bad enough._
@dm9078 7 ай бұрын
Ex BF right? Alcoholism is not a choice. But a drug abusing alchi as a doctor? And WTF is wrong with her? He’s not just an alcoholic he’s also a cheater! Just leave!
@MontaeIsHungry 7 ай бұрын
I'm appalled by how little that fact was even noticed. People like that should not be in the medical field AT ALL
@rubymeaddle 7 ай бұрын
​@@MontaeIsHungry most medical students are on something, bro
@wmdkitty 7 ай бұрын
"Alcoholism" is 1000% a choice. Don't wanna be an "alcoholic"? Drink responsibly.
@MontaeIsHungry 7 ай бұрын
@wmdkitty well, you're both right in ways. Drinking alcohol is a choice. And for some, it's a decision that some people face daily. But alcoholism is a condition of addiction, and addiction has many causes. It can be brought on as a coping mechanism to high levels of stress or trauma. Science has shown that some genes even play a role in whether a person is prone to addict behavior. Idk that guys problem, but he is potentially dangerous in the medical field
@faithlesshound5621 6 ай бұрын
Ex-Admiral Ronny Jackson MD, currently in the House of Representatives: an alcoholic drug abuser made good.
@anthonym6119 7 ай бұрын
This whole sneaking meat in her meal sounds ridiculous,then he took it to a whole new level it just made no sense.
@presidenttogekiss635 7 ай бұрын
This is why I distrust people who are too private. They´ll keep something insider, and starting taking it out on others without you ever knowing what happened, and eventually blow up leaving you completely blindsided.
@SorenPenrose 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: OP doesn’t want the breakup to affect his education/career She’s a saint. I know exactly 1 person like that, and I know a lot of people. Good to see she’s not the only one.
@nicolasv6031 7 ай бұрын
My sister has been vegan for several years, before switching back to vegetarianism last year for personal reasons. My family and I love meat, and both then and now, we occasionally make jokes about how, "there's more for us" or "shame you can't enjoy this," but we've always been respectful of her diet, making sure to cook or find locations that serve vegan/vegetarian meals. We've even gone to all-vegan/vegetarian restaurants before to take part and show her support. The boyfriend messing with her food is super messed up
@tishellefrancois7840 7 ай бұрын
My mother told me I would never find anyone better than my ex I felt no support and I felt trapped he had his fingers in everything about me.
@harrietamidala1691 7 ай бұрын
Ah hell, no, you do not mess with people’s diets or food choices. I’m not a vegetarian, but I can relate to this because I don’t eat pork due to me being Jewish, and if somebody try to sneak in pork into my dishes when I don’t want it, they’re out the door.
@aubreymorgan9763 7 ай бұрын
I am proud of no 2. I married way too young and my husband's weekend drinking turned into daily over a few years..and it was just downhill from there. He was belligerent, demanding, abusive, couldn't hold down a job etc. I had a mental break down from it and my family came out of the wood work and got me out of there an in treatment for my own things. I was never able to finalize a divorce but he was found dead a few years later. drugs and alchohol not only can wreck the user's life but they take everyone around them down with them.
@sina0266 7 ай бұрын
oh wow Story one is sureal for me. I have gone through the same thing! My stepdad could not accept, that I don't eat mushrooms. I just can't stommach the mouthfeel. One day he snaped. Pushed me to the floor (I was about 10 maybe), pinned me down sitting on my arms, and tried to forcefeed me champignons. It took years for me to realize, that that was not a normal reaction.
@viv7810 7 ай бұрын
Jeez, did your mom put a stop to him? Has he realize his mistake.
@sina0266 7 ай бұрын
@@viv7810 no she did not know about this till years later and after the divorce
@viv7810 7 ай бұрын
@@sina0266 I’m so sorry you had to experience such abuse.
@mbyerly9680 7 ай бұрын
OP wants a drunk, drug addicted DOCTOR to have a good life? How about the patients he will screw over or kill? The people around his anger outbursts? The people in the path of his car? I'd get the heck out of there then contacts whoever needs to be contacted in his program and his hospital to warn them of his behavior. Doctors are respected and have lots of money. OP's family want that more than they want OP to be safe and happy.
@kaykay8855 7 ай бұрын
Since op said that she doesn’t live in the US, we can go from there.
@llcdrdndgrbd 6 ай бұрын
OP said she told his school admin, that’s about all she can do
@yoyopron 7 ай бұрын
Vegetarianism is a weird sticking point for abusers and insecure people in general. I was a vegetarian for over 10 years, and one partner was really weird about it. She'd talk about how we weren't really sharing meals as a couple because we weren't eating the same thing, which of course meant me changing, not her. She repeatedly harassed me over it. Later, she became emotionally and physically abusive. If someone can't handle you making your own decisions when it doesn't affect them, take that as the red flag it is.
@LaineyBug2020 7 ай бұрын
Story 2- someone like that should not be in high stress careers where people's lives depend on them!
@AngelaVEdwards 7 ай бұрын
Okay I personally think vegan/vegetarian is not a good diet but this goes right back to my views on so many other things: people are free to live their lives as they see fit and it is not up to us to make them change. BF is absolutely wrong.
@joeschmo622 7 ай бұрын
I bet that The Family wants A Doctor to be brought into the family, because I doubt they're high-class and are just seeing dollar-signs if The Opie were to marry A Doctor.
@faithlesshound5621 6 ай бұрын
Euro signs? I say that because it sounds like OP's boyfriend was working on the Concours d'Internat or something similar. Doctors aren't super-rich in European countries (as they can be in the US) but they ARE "respectable."
@strawberrysangria1474 7 ай бұрын
Everyone is within their rights to practice what they wish, so long as it doesn’t harm others. He’s a disrespectful, controlling abuser, and he knows it.
@Danie_pixie 7 ай бұрын
Omg! He grabbed her by the hair and tried to force her to eat meat!? How did she not take this to the police? That's absolutely an assault. He obviously was listening to something and took it too far.
@nuckingfutsguy 7 ай бұрын
That is the 1st time I've heard of someone being so bent out of shape about another persons vegetarianism that they would resort to assault just to get them to eat meat.
@LilyLuluko 7 ай бұрын
My abusive ex did this too. It was another manifestation of his need to control every aspect of my life. OP is well shot of him.
@jayne5375 7 ай бұрын
I’m merrily working hard at home, listening to my daily dose of mark narrations, when all of a sudden Mark starts singing “do do do do” I turned and gave my iPad a wtf look before I started laughing 😆 I love Marks tangents lol
@carolsimpson4422 4 ай бұрын
I wonder if part of his is that he doesn't like doing 50% of the cooking, but can't stop because she wouldnt feed him his preferred dishes. So he has to change her diet.
@thatjeff7550 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: definitely report to the police if for no other reason than to have a paper trail.
@CatsOverBrats 7 ай бұрын
Vegetarian here married to a meat eater. My husband would never do something like that to me, just like I would never make him go vegetarian. We respect each other.
@WolfyFancyLads 7 ай бұрын
Few things: 1) Vegan/Veggies are only considered "unhealthy" given people often don't pick a diet that involves certain nutrients, iron being the main cock up, hence that belief. 2) Vegans make up less than 2% of the planet, veggies less than 30%, so the idea meat eaters die sooner I'd argue is skewed due to the numbers. So, facts aside; As a man who loves meat (blood et al), you can't just "accidentally" do all of that constantly. Is it maybe annoying having to cook separate meals? Maybe so, but it's liveable. Anything else beyond militant behaviour isn't a problem provided they fill in any nutritional gaps they have. As for why someone becomes one, it varies. Some is health, some is animals (Dan Avidan of Game Grump fame doesn't eat cows or pigs as he finds them cute. I myself don't eat lamb, veal or lobster as I find it a waste of life or cruel to boil something alive. I have standards, you know?). Not to mention, it can make someone sick. Did you know if you eat clean raw meat from a young age, it can cause you to be violently sick if you eat processed meat? By the sounds of things, the guy treated vegetarianism like parents treat bisexuality. They thought it was a phase, that forcing it would change it, that somehow it would make OP go "WOW! MEAT! NOM NOM NOM!". Not how it works, mate. Why? No clue, I may have theories to a lot of things but even this is beyond my scope of weird answers. But whatever it was, he clearly seems to have realized he went to far in the end. Whatever he's going through, he needs serious therapy if he tries to force meat down someone's throat. Also, side note, same vein, I always hated the "Surprise! It's vegan food!" stories. I always felt that was an "AH HA! Now you'll be vegan like me!" attack, like it was for the smugness of proving a point. It's fine if you want to have people try vegan food, but don't spring it on people cos that's like cooking a meat dish and giving it to vegans and being like "Surprise! It was a corpse!" (which I've heard people have done before). Ask if they're willing to try, if not then you have to accept they won't either for the time being or at all. You can't force people to eat food they're not interested in, regardless of your dietary beliefs.
@Ahalaia 7 ай бұрын
when I heard about the chicken incident I was OMG! I'm glad OP left him then and didn't 'try to work things out' like most would. That man needs serious help
@thotimusprimeofficial273 7 ай бұрын
I’m vegetarian and my dad is on the carnivore diet - if he can respect me and make meals for me without issue then so should OP’s boyfriend.
@ILJ68 7 ай бұрын
She needs to report to the police. If he can do that to someone he “loves” how would he react to someone else. He needs anger management pronto
@Musiyca 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: I suspect ex was from very well off family and OP's relatives were banking on that pile. Also explains the partying and use while being after expensive medical school.
@greninjastorm6734 7 ай бұрын
Spongebob is one of those things just BURNED into my memory. I haven't seen the ear worm episode in FOREVER, but your singing brought that back XD
@TiBunCosplay 6 ай бұрын
NEVER mess with people's food or food choices. Never keep someone in your life who messes with your food.
@hodgeelmwood8677 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: I grew up with an alcoholic father and a mom who came very close to falling down that same hole. If I had a partner who showed signs of alcoholism, I'd be out the door immediately. I refuse to EVER live with that chaos again.
@autumn557 7 ай бұрын
What’s crazy is it sounds like her veggies weren’t even a problem. It just bothered him to bother him.
@RisetoStrength 7 ай бұрын
Story isn't real.
@maggpiprime954 7 ай бұрын
S2: OP's family is definitely hung up on the lucrative Doctor Husband for their daughter as acceptable sacrifice for whatever post-war mindset they're clinging to. As if OP can't develop her own lucrative career, smh.
@paulastiles5507 7 ай бұрын
Story #2: OP: My BF is a cheating, abusive drunk and I'm leaving him once he finishes his Residency exams. I'm going to tell him in person. Me: Why wait? Do his potential future patients a huge favor and bail today. At the very least, quietly move out and disappear from his life while he's at the exam.
@TopazFire15 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: I can’t believe he escalated to physical assault over what was probably bland-ass chicken
@TheBirdManOfAzkaban 7 ай бұрын
He keeps sneaking meat into your food? There's an apt saying for this: * Once is happenstance * Twice is coincidence * Three times is enemy action
@LunaLycan287 7 ай бұрын
It's always astounding how the story is something like halfway innocent like "My BF does not like I do X" and then the content warning "abuse, domestic violence, mass murder, nuclear holocaust, end of the universe"
@teamaang7915 7 ай бұрын
S2. Family seems toxic af. Agree with mark.
@RiccoVanWilder 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: I think the red flag was how angry he got angry at the "How..." questions and then went insane at the "Why..." question. Because the "Why do you keep doing this?" doesn't leave room for a mistake and he knew he was caught. I don't think anyone would've expected him to assault OP with a whole cooked chicken the next day, but I would've backed out the apartment slowly. I just imagine his cold, lifeless eyes betraying the innocence of his "Kiss The Cook" apron
@DiscoTimelordASD 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: With his controlling nature exposed, the ex had nothing to lose.
@gilles111 7 ай бұрын
Story 2, family probably just see him as going to be a doctor = high income = OP can be their ATM. OP deciding to break up ends that dream of easy money in the future so OP needs to get back with that guy at any cost.
@harleynovak3297 7 ай бұрын
Story 1, JFC that's terrifying. I'd call the cops just to have it on record just in case he decides to try something else. I wouldn't feel safe with him even knowing where I live. She needs to change up her routine also.
@lostshadows768 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: I don't think OP should wait until he gets home from his residency exam. At the latest, they should already be gone when he gets back.
@sharyebethancourt3660 7 ай бұрын
This got so scary! Trying to physically _force_ OP to eat chicken! For what?! I’m glad OP just left!
@angierucinski5694 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: Always the best advice to give a family member "Yep. Stay with the Substance Abuser👍". Who are these people. Surely OP needs to go NC with them as well.
@amyyaku5022 7 ай бұрын
S1: Just a controlling bf. It probably just got to him that OP didn't eat meat like him, so he tried to force the issue. Bet he didn't regret what he did: only felt ashamed because she didn't give in even after being assaulted 🤦🏽‍♂️
@sw7833 7 ай бұрын
Yeah in the early 90's as a 22 year old my tgen boyfriend had such a horrible attitude about me being vegetarian (really everyone was awful about it then), that one day he had to do the grocery shopping and bought everything beef, literally nothing I could eat at all! Absolutely nasty behaviour and save yourself the time it won't work out!
@sarahjaneheckscher6737 7 ай бұрын
What is up with that family? OP has thrown away the golden goose. She needs to go low contact with them.
@sinbadwilliams7186 7 ай бұрын
Here i am, eating my nearly daily plate of waffles, hearing this story and questiong now if waffles are vegetarian or not...
@dandotvid 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: Why do you WANT someone with alcohol problems passing their residency exam???
@Peeges_ 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for hanging out with us 😊
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 7 ай бұрын
I've had people who've tried to force me to eat things that'll make my stomach acid act up, but I've never had someone try to force food into my mouth. If it happened, I'd fight the fuck back and call the cops on them for attempting to force feed me, which is such a hazard to life that it's pretty much attempted murder at a point
@ripples2.0 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: I just recently became a polotarian (a vegetarian diet with the exception of poultry like chicken, turkey, and duck) and theres been a few times my bf has offered me beef or pork and Id have to remind him of my new diet. He just goes "oh right" and that's usually the end of it. He doesn't make a big deal of us having a different diet and he sure as hell doesn't force beef or pork down my throat the way OPs boyfriend did. What a psychopath. I'm glad OP got out of there before it escalated even more!
@alyzu4755 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: WTF?!?!! Is he on incel websites or something? Im so glad OP got out. Story 2: Ex BF is bad enough. What the he** is her family doing?!?!? I hope she'll be OK. 😞
@selinesbeau 7 ай бұрын
I've never understood why people take others deciding to eat differently as a personal attack. (Not vegetarian myself, I just don't care what others eat.)
@paigehansen8944 7 ай бұрын
I’m glad story 1 ended safely and OP didn’t stick around to get answers but, holy crap I wanna know what changed the bf so bad what the hell
@averycheesypotato 7 ай бұрын
Because she didn’t capitulate to his demands. She set a hard boundary and he was out to cross every line, just to prove he could
@jackiewepps4694 7 ай бұрын
I have so much I need to do. I need to prepare my part of a class presentation for Monday, prepare a solo presentation in Japanese for Thursday, read some texts for next week and do the laundry, which can't exactly wait. But really, I don't want to do anything. I just want to relax, maybe sleep and... nothing besides that, really. I've made a compromizse by procrastenating through Reddit stories while secretly wishing my laundry bag will develop arms and legs and walk itself to the washer, put the laundry over and walk itself back up here when the laundry is done, so I just need to hang it up to dry.
@jayriese9571 7 ай бұрын
Mark singing makes me so happy ❤❤❤
@randomusername3873 7 ай бұрын
At least he's not sneaking in slugs
@KittenUndercover 7 ай бұрын
That first post was the Bitishest post to ever British and I’m here for it.
@winterkind1772 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: I could feel my stomach drop when OP said he pulled her by the hair. Oh damn. That fear response I had. Can't imagine how OP felt during that moment. I am soooo relieved to hear she's safe and away from him now.
@Rael0505 7 ай бұрын
For story 2, OP’s parents definitely want her to stay with him because of his future salary
@geminigenu 7 ай бұрын
Wow, the first story escalated quickly. It reminded me of the mustard story. I’m glad OP got out of there.
@kamicokrolock 7 ай бұрын
Story 1: the fact that Op's BF ended up assaulting her in the update solidifies my pre update judgement of, "he's frustrated he can't control you, is starting with OP's diet choices, and is probably the type to be abusive in the future". The fact that it took 3 years to get to this point leads me to believe he was likely playing the long game and decided now was the time to start to exert control because he THOUGHT he had her trapped in the relationship, which isn't uncommon in grooming situations.
@poppawhoppaoz2480 2 ай бұрын
Story 2: sounds like OP may have been raised in an abusive family … then found herself (subconsciously perhaps) an abusive partner … now after the break-up everybody shows their true colours when they want OP to meet all their needs … nobody, not even her abusive family, showing any interest in meeting OP’s needs … run OP and don’t look back … best wishes to you
@samoanjoseph1457 7 ай бұрын
"I genuinely want him to pass and have a good life. Just not with me in it." I would say that's even more reason to leave before the exam. If he's so dependent on OP being with him and unhappy that he can't succeed, he's going to crash and burn regardless. And if he can actually be a drunk and study for such an exam at the same time, I'd argue he's a functional drunk and doesn't need to drag down a girlfriend, she deserves to leave as soon as possible. Maybe the shock of her leaving and his blowing the exam will make him see the issues he has. And WTF is with her family, guilting her over this?
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