My Epilepsy Journey - Complex and Simple Partial Seizures | Annie Bean

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Aggy B

Aggy B

9 жыл бұрын

I suffer from epilepsy with complex partial seizures. I wanted to share my story in the hope it may give those suffering some support. I suffered for years without knowing and was diagnosed in 2012.
❎I am not a medical professional so i cannot give epilepsy diagnosis advice please consult your doctor or an epilepsy charity as I cannot answer or advise❎
*UPDATED VIDEO - • Epilepsy journey with ...
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I am no medical professional so cannot give any advice on whether you have epilepsy or not. Please seek help from a professional.
TWITTER - @missanniebean
INSTAGRAM - itsanniebean

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@shyxpeach Жыл бұрын
I can’t stress enough how much this has helped, mine has gotten worse over the years been trialed on countless medications along with going through the diagnosis as I was going through puberty, I was so excited to start driving and going out because my mum had isolated me most of my life due to my father, so I was absolutely devastated when I had just started to get my license and then was told I was never to drive, I had to be taken out of school half way through grade 12 so I didn’t get to graduate or go to formal, which had been my dream as a kid. Now that I’m here I have a fear it’s mixed with bpd due to so much trauma throughout my life. I have a boyfriend but I feel like I’m ruining him and his life, I cry everyday especially when I wake up knowing my life has been taken from me while I watching all my peers get careers and houses and get married I’ve been stuck in a place where I can’t seem to be able to move forward, I have a job but can’t work more than 20 hours a week which turn into 16 with my 8 hour shifts. I can’t seem to get my own place as I’ve lived my life either not being allowed to move out of my parents or being stuck in a hospital. I’ve moved into a friends place now only because I ran away from home and haven’t gone back. I’ve lost all my friends due to being diagnosed and as they were still growing up and immature they labeled me as crazy and now they are so much more ahead of life that I can’t reach out.
@furqaniqbal7223 Жыл бұрын
Your life is precious regardless of however your health is. Start doing painting, art or anything you have interest in to keep you away from stress. If you still have seizures drink cold water immediately after you have a seizure. If you are still unwell throughout the day, you should drink a frappe or something ice blended as this will further relax your body. Sleep well and have your full day meals. Always keep a cold water bottle with you wherever you go. Watch a comedy program to reduce your stress. Keep away from smoking or consumption of anything that affects the brain. Avoid amusement park rides as this can worsen seizures. Avoid being around Chemical factories. Ask your neurologist for a medicine called lamotrigine or Lamictal as this medication is more effective to reduce seizures. Good luck and I hope you stay well 💗
@crazycakeladyk4426 6 жыл бұрын
Sat watching this crying as your descriptions are how i feel during my seizures and i don't feel so alone. Thankyou x
@georgannedel 5 жыл бұрын
I had CPS for 20 years before they were diagnosed after I had a major single car accident. That was more than 20 years ago. Am now 61, married and my husband takes very good care of me. Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I wish you all of the best.
@ChefGuidance 6 жыл бұрын
Your story is just like mine! I was told for years that my seizures were panic attacks. The horrible panicky DeJaVu feeling followed by a feeling of fear and panic is exactly what I experienced. I am going into the Neurophisiology Monitoring Unit for a 3-5 day stay to monitor the seizures next week.
@melgrabek 7 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing! I had seizures since I was little. I had no clue what was going on. I called it "thinking of weird things" and it wasn't until highschool before my mom became concerned, as the frequency was increasing and I was becoming aware that this was not normal. I was extremely shy and had severe anxiety and when I look back, I think it was all related to my seizures. I was different and no one understood. I even wondered if I was crazy or possessed by the devil. The feelings during the seizure were horrible. The deja vu was crazy, like I had access to some kind of really important information that I forgot as soon as it was over. I also felt confused afterward, once I even walked out of the restroom with my fly down - in high school! When I was finally put on medicine, I wasn't officially diagnosed with epilepsy. I was told that the EEG results showed "abnormal activity" The doc put me on anti seizure meds before I started driving. I'm thankful that it never got on my record, because I may have never been able to drive. Thank God the meds helped, but I didn't really know what was really going on until I did my own research.That's when I learned that I most likely had complex partial seizures. I took Tegretol for years.When I decided to start a family, my doc put me on high levels of Folic Acid to prevent cleft lip. My baby was fine, thank goodness. When my daughter was little, I kept forgetting to take my meds. I didn't have any more seizures (had been seizure free for years) so I decided with my doctors help to phase off of the meds. I'm very thankful that the seizures didn't return, but I'm still haunted by it. The positive spin for me is that I can empathize with the students that I work with at my job.
@ayindelovelace3837 3 жыл бұрын
Hey where can we private message?
@AnnieBean 4 жыл бұрын
Hi everyone here in 2021! I cannot believe I made this video 6 years ago. Please support me 🙏 I have been so overwhelmed by the feedback, getting all your emails and hearing how this video has helped. Just remember you are NOT alone in this, we all experience this condition differently, and we have each other. My blog - look after yourselves, keep safe and let's keep spreading awareness xxx
@akhsarbekgetoev7725 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much for video.God bless you and your family
@akhsarbekgetoev7725 3 жыл бұрын
Thsnks very much for response) During epilepsy monitoring , EEG(BRAINWAVES) were normal, eyes were blinking or closed, shaked left limbs..But most and main argument 8s friquensy of seizures .I have 4-9 per month. Nor less neither more
@shellielambeth7082 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Annie B I was wondering do you always have daja vu when this happens? I have been having weird sensations in my head and I have horrible migraines anyway and my body can feel so weak and weird. I will know something's not right and it's scary. I dont really have daja vu but I've gotten very confused like I couldnt hardly talk etc. Does this sound similar? I have no idea what's going on my neurologist wants to do a mri on my brain.
@stevenharris6626 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Annie! I have had partial seizures for 40 years, and my Neuologist started me on Xcopri......a really game changer!!! Contact me if you want to talk!! Steven Harris
@crazycutecatlady33 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I've had daja vu seizures it is a really weird feeling
@Nicolethelinguaphile 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. you're right, even now in 2019, you can't find a lot of people's experiences with partial seizures. I came to this video after having a nasty cluster of partials that involve that same fear you described. I also remember things that make it worse and I got stuck in those thoughts tonight. I am not sure if it is deja Vu because it is not like the moment feels familiar, rather the remembering feels familiar, if that makes sense. I think many people don't want to talk about it because it sounds so bizarre and very hard to put into words. So, I am glad you did.
@gracewitkowski4343 6 жыл бұрын
I have complex partial seizures and didn't know until I was 17. I keep a log to use with my doctors. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot. I do my best to raise awareness and I think you're doing an amazing job!
@analyaelliott3748 3 жыл бұрын
@tristanbeamis4837 7 жыл бұрын
I am so thrilled I found your video. Your story is exactly the same as mine. My primary doctor misdiagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder and depression since I was a teenager even though I've experienced the classic signs including passing out. I've passed out, broken my nose, and got a concussion. I've passed out while driving and ended up on the other side of the road. I had to ask to be sent to a cardiologist for a year which proved nothing and they still continue. It wasnt until I had my first bout of vertigo and went to see one of the nurse practioners I work for that she finally had the chance to ask me about these issues I've been experiencing because she's heard me talking about them for over a year. She was the one that finally told me that they were seizures and I needed to see a neurologist. I called my primary doctor to tell her what was said and she got me in within a month meanwhile we did the EEG which showed seizure activity and a brain MRI. Unfortunately, the brain MRI showed lesions and early signs of MS so I had a double slam. I've had a handful of times where my seizures have led into tonic-clonic seizures which has scared the hell out of me, but luckily that is rare. The usually symptoms are the most intense deja vu followed by just a sickening level of nausea, pain up my left arm, and my vision goes out for a split second or I will pass out all the way. Afterwards I will have stroke like symptoms that can last for hours or a couple days meaning I stay in a state of confusion, I'm exhausted, I can't remember even when I'm in the middle of a sentence it's like my brain shuts down, and then there's the inability of getting the words in my head to get to mouth like the wires in my brain have been cut. Anyways, I share in your delight of finally have the right diagnosis and being able to show family and friends that I wasn't crazy! :) Thank you for so much again for posting! !
@MyMumHasEpilepsy 5 жыл бұрын
Tristan Beamis Your stroke-like symptoms..... are possibly Todd’s Paralysis
@user-vu7rv1xf1l 3 жыл бұрын
I can relate also I don't black out or have outward signs, but people are uncomfortable with me when I don't speak well & its ruined my self esteem & the stroke like feelings afterwards have ruined all my jobs as I can't keep up. Have you been able to work? For me after many years its really effecting my mental health & learning capabilities, & I routinely get employers & family getting angry at me. Then friend tell me I have to just work harder so I leave my situation & more away... I agree I need to move away but I am not currently well enough to hold down the job. Its very very hard & its only recently I have found a supportive therapist whos doing research with my & I am saving to see a private doctor, because my GP won't take me seriously & I can't change due to location reasons but as soon as I am well enough I want to move on to a more positive environment.
@twistnthrottle8993 Жыл бұрын
I have been dealing with this for 3 years. The same feeling. Some people tell me it's panic attack. I tell them no it's more than that. The way it starts I can be completely non stressed. Most the time I feel great before an episode. I will pretty much stare like a dark shadow fell over me. I realize something is going on and now that I have had enough of them I know the distinctive feeling that comes over me followed by a sense of great fear. The fear hits and shortly after my whole body will shake. During the episode it's a feeling of doom the whole time. Three things can happen during my episode. I can stand there through the whole episode. I can start to wander around. The urge to walk it off like I think it's gonna help but it doesn't. I can stand and as it starts just want to sit down. Never the less the feeling and episode is paralyzing. Thought and movements even though I end up walking around. Or do all three during that episode. Sometimes I'll recover and and get that worry and Ill trigger another one back to back. All episodes start the same. Often out of nowhere. However so far it's always during the evening hours. Never had one in the morning or mid day. Sometimes my dog will warn me before I even get the Aura. My dog since I had my first one senses them before I do depending on where he is at in the house. If he is close to me he senses it before I do he will come over put his head on my lap and I'll try to push him off but he will resist and not budge. Shortly after that dark feeling comes over me. Then I know.... It's about to happen again. If he is not right near me or he looks over at me from across the room as the dark feeling comes over me he rushes to me and puts his head on my lap if I am sitting down if I am standing up he stands next to me with his body against my legs he never leaves my side the entire time til I recover. My very first one I was sitting down on the couch and he came over put his head in my lap. I tried to push him off and he would resist and be reluctant and put his head in my lap. Seconds later impending doom feeling came over me with this dreadful fear. Then the shakes. Lasted what seemed like more than five minutes. Didn't know what to think. Didn't know what happened thought it was a panic attack. This happened about three more times. In a matter of a week or two since the first time. The next 3 times following my dog knew before I did. After this I started to worry. Started looking into this. After my first four times I became aware and that distinctive feeling I know it's gonna happen just before it does. My dog always is by my side each and everytime.if he is near me before I start he is always there. If he is not and it starts without him he always is by me or head in lap depending on whether I am standing or sitting at the time. He has never missed one. He either is there before it starts to warn me or if he isn't in the vicinity he gets to me as it starts. I have had several in the last 3 years. Sometimes they come in waves. 2 in one week. One a week for three weeks. Go a few months without one. Then get a few more in a months time usually one a week or two a week and one in a few weeks. There isn't much of a pattern to it. Then go quiet a month or two and start again. Its very weird. Now that I have insurance I am gonna get checked out. Anyone else experience this??
@wokeslayer577 8 жыл бұрын
I see myself in this story... thanks for sharing #fightepilepsy
@AnnieBean 8 жыл бұрын
:) thanks for your comment x
@xkmx7774 6 жыл бұрын
I know this was posted three years ago and I don’t know if you will ever see this, but THANK YOU. I cannot describe how good it feels to hear someone else explain in their own words exactly the same thing I am experiencing.
@louisedickson9670 8 жыл бұрын
I got diagnosed in September and it's so good to hear someone else talking about it! Especially this deja vu feeling, I find it so hard to explain to people what it feels like and how paralysing it is, the fear is so real!
@reak.vanlie5424 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this sharing. So beautiful!
@jessicamaher1450 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this video my 2 year old was just diagnosed with Focal dyscognitive seizures and it has been a whirlwind of emotions so far. She just did her second EEG and it came back confirming everything. I had to get a second opinion because the neurologist said he didn't think it was seizures and I told them I wanted another EEG I knew it were seizures and I wasn't giving up. The second neurologist listened to me and actually gave me a name of the seizure she was having and the EEG confirmed it. I'm happy to finally have answers but heart broken at the same time. I am on KZbin for countless hours trying to watch videos of others with the same seizure just trying to understand and coming across your video really brings comfort that my daughter isn't alone and if she has it while an adult she will be ok. Thank you!
@GeorgiaYM216 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I came across this . I appreciate someone else talking about a journey I went through. Good job explaining how it feels. FIrst time I heard someone talking about seizures the way I experience them.
@elisewarren9647 3 жыл бұрын
Wow this means so much to me. I’ve never heard anyone talk about this and I feel so heard. Thank you so much for making this ❤️
@julijanatomicevic7934 4 жыл бұрын
I love your positive energy, and enthusiasm. Keep going!
@ruaridhsamkerr2360 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! You were so brave to make it and be so honest. It was just what I needed to see after a few months of uncontrolled complex partials that keep tripping into secondary generalised.Its been really tough and I was starting to feel like things wouldnt get better but your video has really helped. Thank you. Your so right there is so little information out there about complex partials and it makes it so hard to know that its the right thing
@maedas2398 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I'm a med student and I was trying hard to understand this and your description really helped. :) all the best.
@shopblossoms 4 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. I have all the symptoms and I’ve been diagnosed with BPD and major depression with anxiety. My whole life I’ve felt like a mess and I’m on tons of medication. You’ve helped more than the tons of doctors I’ve seen!
@markledingham4942 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, Annie, for sharing this with us. I, too, have epilepsy, and I have had generalized seizures along with focal seizures (including both simple partial and complex partial). I really hope that things will get better for you. If anything, you can comfort yourself knowing there are many of us out here who have to deal with the same kind of thing as you. ;) Take care!
@evadalilahruizhernandez 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm struggling to understand my TLE diagnosis and what I feel. Thank you for helping others like me who are searching for answers.
@nylevesemken 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video. I really appreciate your openness and willingness to share your experiences.
@mardgracias 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. The way you described going through the steps leading to your diagnosis and then coming to grips with the changes needed resonated with me. Especially appreciating things in a different light. Much appreciated. Cheers.
@RavensHouseOfTarot1111 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh It’s nice to hear. You explained it so perfectly. A fear a fear that’s beyond explainable! That’s what I was told! I had anxiety and depression!
@alex314254 6 жыл бұрын
thank u for putting up this video it help me out. the way u expand the start of ur complex partial seizures explained a lot because that's how i feel when one coming on. for a long time i thought it was only me having those kind of partial seizures
@Beliz1377 3 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with this condition about a year ago. This helped me out so much! Thank you for making this video.
@jewelremae5020 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. This truly was helpful and touched my life and it’s rare to find someone who talks about this online. I need more positive faces like yours to encourage and be honest about triumphs. Yet, you continue on. I am now subscribed here in America!
@larrylipshitz9430 3 жыл бұрын
Bless you for sharing this helpful information with those who suffer in the shadows!
@dangab 8 жыл бұрын
loved watching this. I recently celebrated 2 years seizure free, and I just posted a video to spread awareness! Keep it up :)
@AnnieBean 7 жыл бұрын
Yay! That is awesome news!
@creamycatss 5 жыл бұрын
I'm hoping one day I can celebrate this milestone with you! Has it been 4 years now?
@antaniataylor8121 4 жыл бұрын
Please bcause you can maybe help us,
@sonjawalker5811 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome! How’d you get them to lessen and eventually stop?
@HairGlitter 3 жыл бұрын
The drs. Couldn't help me. I have a similar story. I appreciate you telling your story. I have been managing it with a keto lifestyle. And I will back you up on the devil pills.
@daddyslowridergirl 7 жыл бұрын
thank you so much!!!! I am currently waiting to see a neurologist because the eeg results came back with several abnormalities. thank you so much though this was very helpful and really have me hope thank you so much again. I can't say enough. thank you. I am happy for you that you are doing well now
@janetwalton554 6 жыл бұрын
Great video Annie. And you are so right about turning what seems negative into positives. I was diagnosed in my early 20s and was just going to university, so lost my licence too, but ended up doing a lot of cycling and also did a triathlon! Now driving again, but still keeping active and positive. Keep up that great attitude and keep sharing :)
@IslesGirl3 5 жыл бұрын
I just recently got diagnosed with partial complex seizures 3 months ago and you described EXACTLY what I went through! I'm so glad you shared your story and I know that I'm not alone in this battle. I wish you the best and may we fight this battle together!
@facetofiercemua1309 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! I have had this go on since I was very young never understood it. My boyfriend gets very concerned for me and started looking into things and I believe I have it. I know it and I want to get a diagnosis now. I genuinely thought I was the only one and there was something wrong with my mental state even though when I’m not having them I have no other problems. This video gave me so much reassurance so thank you x
@SCHarper72 Жыл бұрын
I’m going through this for the past couple of years. Hearing your journey has been what I needed. Thank you for being so open and brave in talking about partial seizures.
@roelanietaljaard5886 7 жыл бұрын
Although this was posted more than 2 years ago, I truly thank you for your video! It helped me immensely! I believe you can imagine how much this helps me seeing that you also felt confused and alone! Thanks dear!
@AnnieBean 7 жыл бұрын
Roelanie Botha thrilled it has helped you xx
@MO-zx7sv 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this up on video. Our Dad has been diagnosed with complex partial seizures....difficult to get the diagnosis and even more difficult to understand. It’s been great to hear about your experiences. Dad is on Keppra. Take care and best wishes
@marcmcarriere 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this is all new to me and I found your video to be enlightening.
@lynettesunley-hulton7898 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing I also had the run around for a few years but thankfully I was finally diagnosed with temperal lobe epilepsy. I have not been fortunate enough to get control but I have learnt my triggers so if I look after myself they reduce. I am now in my late sixties and I find it much harder to recover and my memory is getting worse. Hearing you wonderful people is so wonderful and I dont feel so alone.
@alinap52 9 жыл бұрын
I have epilepsy too and I have both complex partial seizures and grand mal seizures, and I was diagnosed when I was about 12. I tried a lot of medication too, but right now none has helped me sadly yet... My family has also been very helpful with my seizures, but they also don't want other people finding out that I have epilepsy and sometimes it makes me very depressed that they treat me like a 2 year old when I am almost 25!! Nobody will understand what we feel like until they actually go through it themselves, and you are very lucky you have a fiance that has been there for you :)
@AnnieBean 8 жыл бұрын
Alina, I couldn't agree more. To be honest I found lots of comfort talking to fellow epileptics as they understand
@kiwipakeha 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this! Our little one is 10 months old and it’s hard to understand what he is going through since he can’t describe it. This was very insightful. I hope you’ve reached the ever reached for “ 2 year seizure free” mark!
@saraibbetson5447 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for doing this video. Im currently going through the diagnosis process but with simple partial seizures...and getting a lot of push back saying they are panic attacks...which I know they aren't. I'm just waiting for a prolonged EEG and kind of hoping something gets proven as its better than limbo! Thanks for sharing x
@sandalwood12 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this video. I have recently been diagnosed with complex partial epilepsy and you have helped clear a few unanswered questions for me. Much love
@geoffreyhhill Жыл бұрын
I’m 44 and had my first of eight focal seizures of the right temporal lobe and amygdala in June. Like you, everyone thought I was nuts. Heck, some people still act like it’s just a headache. Another accused me of relapsing with alcohol. Nope I’m clean as a whistle. So the doctors passed me around since the early 2000s and the diagnosis was always something to do with mood disorders. I was on a number of antidepressants, which may have provoked my first and subsequent seizures. I am now on a good anti seizure medicine that works well with my mood stabilizers. I’m sorry you went through this. We all have this thing in common and it sucks, but we’re here for each other
@annpoley5982 8 жыл бұрын
Oh, thank you so so so much. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in January and I've felt completely alone and scared. This is so eye-opening and I relate to so much. Thank you.
@AnnieBean 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Anna, how are you doing now?
@laurajones6476 7 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this. my 4 year old has complex partial seizures and it's really hard to understand what she's going through. she's 4 so she can't articulate it very well. this really gave me insight into what she might be feeling. thank you!
@jamieward5221 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing I just got diagnosed and i thought I was crazy! I was "passing out" for a year and a half before getting someone to listen to me.
@geraniumlottery 4 ай бұрын
I have a neuropsych appointment in March. I've been experiencing something similar to this for three years now. When it first started happening, I went to a doctor and they told me it was anxiety (I have a history of panic attacks; I know what panic attacks feel like, this is very, very different). This past December I went to a different doctor who took me seriously and got me the appointment. I am so, so ready for answers. I am crying reading this because it gives me hope that maybe I will get some real answers. Thank you so, so much for sharing.
@lulugirl422 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Annie, thanks so much for sharing your story. I also have complex partial seizures, but I was diagnosed when I was 10. (I'm 25 now). My seizures are not well controlled but it's nice to hear your positive attitude :)
@kieramonet9819 8 жыл бұрын
I want to say thank you for this video! I was diagnosed with Complex partial seizures and I am trying to gain more information on the subject. I have my own fitness company maybe I hope to one day use my company to raise money for epilepsy research. Y.A.M.S. Fitness it stands for You're Always Motivating Someone. Thanks agai n for sharing your journey. I hope I can be as brave as you one day!
@jocelynochoterena9435 3 жыл бұрын
I needed this video!! Thank you ☺️
@jnessastone1969 4 жыл бұрын
Sitting here watching this video with my 12 year old who we think has been having CPS, which have presented like panic attacks. This last one was the worst and we are researching the heck out of it. So grateful to have found this video, I smiled and cried for my baby girl. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story.
@louisemckenna1620 8 жыл бұрын
I've had epilepsy for years now but quietly suffered mentally through it because I don't know anyone who actually knows how it feels. Although it is different type of epilepsy and also a mild form of epilepsy in general, this video was so nice to watch. Thank you for sharing!
@mckenziehartman5804 3 жыл бұрын
There is no other info out there on this. Thank you so much for your videos!!! I experience something similar and your content has me helped educate myself and cope
@desireef6726 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video ❤️ I have been having what I thought were dizzy spells, or even early menopause or something but I finally had one around a coworker and she’s the first person to mention seizures. My doctor initially thought anxiety; I went to the ER due to the severity of one and she thought it was just because I was hyperventilating. I am upset that doctors don’t think of the possibility of seizure activity but am so relieved that I’m not alone. My friends and family have suggested anxiety but I’ve had anxiety and depression since my teens and they have never inhibited my ability to move, talk, or hold things. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
@botetramin 3 жыл бұрын
Firstly, I can't say how amazing this video is and how much you have just helped me. It's currently 5.40am where I am, and I'm sat in a hospital bed having took an episode earlier. I've never felt so much relief to see that these episodes are not just in my head. Ive had doctors telling me it's just panic attacks etc. In my gut I've always felt it wasnt, and that it was something more. I'm hoping when the doctors are round in the morning I can explain now how similar my symptoms are to the ones you've just described. Wish me luck!
@AnnieBean 3 жыл бұрын
Even now I feel like I'm going mad with the symptoms, like I'm imagining them... even now! I have them in my sleep too but exactly like this. It is so strange and so hard to describe to anyone. Its like a fear but a different kind of fear and feeling that doesn't pop up in any other part of life. Like a new emotion. I'm so pleased this has helped you, don't let it box you in you can still live a great life with the condition. I'm up mountains, doing triathlons... honestly getting through diagnosis is the hard part but once you're through, you can start your new chapter. Sending a big hug 🙂♥️ I'm always sharing over on my Instagram
@jnguyen1228 7 жыл бұрын
Thank your so much for your help.
@gablick 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I don't know if this is my experience, but your story sounds so familiar, and whatever it is, I feel less alone. You are brave and wonderful for your openess.
@JehuIslas 7 жыл бұрын
I myself have partial complex. Thanks for making this vid, it helps me explain it to others 😊
@abdozagloul 3 жыл бұрын
I can't thank you enough. I am a doctor and have been suffering with these seizures. I was great to listen to you. I feel that I have talked to someone who os just like me in a casual way.
@jamieaustin2572 2 жыл бұрын
Mate, your story is exactly like my epilepsy. I’m 43 I had my first one at 30. I’m on medication that helps and the keppra was no good for me either. I sometimes pass out but not as often now. You are an inspiration. Thank you from down under.
@furqaniqbal7223 Жыл бұрын
Which medicine are you taking now and how is your health? In your next neurology appointment, ask your doctor for a medicine called lamotrigine or Lamictal Good luck and I hope you stay well
@donnahenderson5400 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Annie thank you for posting this your videos that describe your seizures are much like what I am dealing with! I deal with the shame and embarrassment. The doctors keep telling me that it’s this that every time and it’s annoying.
@minalmahtani7300 3 жыл бұрын
This is me!! Thank you for making this video ! I feel less alone and found nothing on complex partial seizures except this. I was diagnosed a few months ago amd was on keppra too ! It was the worst drug ever and now I’m on lamaotrogine I hope it works. Thank you
@sekidskrafts9903 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you soooooo much. I have a similar story and I’m glad I’m not alone. No one understands these seizures and when I’m try to explain what is happening to me I can tell they don’t believe me because I stay conscious and can still talk. But my mind is in a state of super daydream and out of body. I have to focus so hard just to function. Comes on instantly and fades in about 15 minutes. I have been diagnosed with complex partial seizures. Thank you again! Kathryn
@sentinelislander5239 8 жыл бұрын
awww okay will pray for ur better health:)
@meganmaschke2378 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I am 15 and have a very very similar story, I was also had a bad reaction to kepra ( i don’t know how to spell it). And they think I have been having complex partial seizures but on this last New Year’s Eve, I started having myopic seizures so now I have both and I was finally diagnosed with juvenile myopic epilepsy. Hearing someone with a story similar to mine is super helpful and makes me feel less alone. Thank you
@Mitsuki424 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. I was just diagnosed with complex partial seizures by my primary doctor and I am seeing a neurologist at the end of the month. There's a lot of uncertainty and I'm currently not on any medicine for it. I had my first big seizure last night - complex partial switched into tonic-clonic and I kept on falling in and out of consciousness. Went to the doctor today and she said it was a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure, but last night I was given Neurontin and it helped. So it is definitely epilepsy.
@dimosvrysellas6354 7 жыл бұрын
100% me! Thanks for putting this on video.
@NeurodivergentRebel 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video.
@samanthalewis1592 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video it helped me a lot, now I know I am not the only one with epilepsy I was diagnosed with it.a couple months ago
@annhardy5467 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. Have these too and hopefully will make epilepsy more understanding to others too
@seanacameron8940 Жыл бұрын
Annie, so glad I found you. Sorry for what you have gone through. I've suffered through 3 forms of epilepsy since the age of 5. Had 2 brain surgeries to help with the Complex Partial, as it was caused by a tumour, but something formed in the left side of my brain, and the neurosurgeon decided to go to Hawaii instead of doing the operation... He opened my skull, and LOL my brain burst. Coma for 6 days.. But that's another story. Look so forward to hearing from you, and sharing music !! Hugs, Seana
@whitleyh7011 3 жыл бұрын
My daughter is 5 and was just diagnosed with complex partial seizures and this was very helpful.. thank you.
@justbleachy3131 2 жыл бұрын
I have simple partial seizures with psychic symptoms since I was about 8, and I wasn't diagnosed until 19!!!! I thought I was an absolute freak and there was something wrong with me! I had an awful experience with Keppra as well. I stopped taking it after 3 days because it made me extremely tired and hostile. Thank you for making this video. I knew I wasn't alone in this, but it's nice to hear the voice of another person who is like me. P.s. There honestly needs to be a support group or some sort of online chat for people dealing with forms of epilepsy!
@lilliancates5255 6 жыл бұрын
Just received a diagnosis today after 2 years of being told I wasn't worth doctors' time or they were just panic attacks. It seems really scary and I know there's a long road ahead, thank you very much for sharing your story and giving me hope for my future.
@malcolmfarrell1716 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video Annie. I have suffered from Simple Partial Seizures since I was 12. I had a Complex one about 12 months ago and subsequently lost my licence too. I would have been allowed to drive again next month but today I had another Complex Partial Seizure at an exercise class too....your auras sound VERY familiar and like yourself, I hate hate HATE the fear/terror!! Listening to you, I will do my best to try and adjust to this new development. Thanks again :) x
@Rob-dh3rp 4 жыл бұрын
How do your Auras of fear feel like how long do they last and what happens after?
@michellemanning2397 4 жыл бұрын
Bless you sweetheart I have exactly the same they only realised after constantly saying ‘ Depression ‘ exactly what I had was when I had a huge fit and was told I had an ARTERIAL VENOUS MALFORMATION. In my left temporal lobe It’s hard to explain to people about our fits and you explained exactly how I do so you done well I understood what you meant. This also affects my short term memory so I don’t even remember if I’ve had a seizure. Fair play to you x
@lisaselchau6878 3 ай бұрын
I enjoyed listening to your video. I also have epilepsy. Thank you for your story.
@pwieland 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Annie, for sharing your journey. I'm 61 years old and got diagnosed with focal impaired seizures (complex partial seizures) last year after a car accident (no-one injured, thank God), that got the diagnostic ball rolling. Now I'm not allowed to drive (here in NZ you need to be seizure free for at least 1 year) plus, I'm only allowed to work under supervision until 6 months seizure free which is fair enough since I'm an anaesthetist. In hindsight I likely had auras in clusters for the past 20 years. They feel like I am about to pass out, like having a faint. I crouched down immediately and this "faint" went away within seconds, as faints do. Only last year the seizures changed to impaired seizures, the first one of those causing the accident. The diagnosis came as a deep shock for me knowing that it won't be cured, just the seizures suppressed. The memory loss is really scaring me regarding my job, I just hope it stays away for long enough so I can enjoy my work until I retire in a few years. I am lamotrigine which so far is holding my seizures at bay.
@awakeningwonderland9665 2 жыл бұрын
This is so helpful thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@meghanmcgaw8666 5 жыл бұрын
I have the same type as you. You are so strong thank you❤️.
@isaacpillay3538 Жыл бұрын
Thank u so much for your video ..Blessings to u
@yhksham 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, it's nice to know the someone else has the same sort of seizure as i do, and in not alone 😉
@lucyj5490 9 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad to hear how far you've come! :) I'm 21 and was diagnosed with simple partial seizures (also had absence seizures and tonic clonic seizures) when I was about 12 and am not totally symptom free yet but I'm getting there! Sorry to hear Keppra didn't suit you well! I'm on Keppra (1.5g) and Lamotrigine (450mg) and have next to no side effects :) It's great to hear that your story - especially for people who have been recently diagnosed :)
@AnnieBean 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your message! Really great to hear from likeminded people and so pleased you're doing well :)
@paulunsted1151 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the hope great video love it awsome great tips
@juanluna5521 7 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing it means alot to me
@penguinswaddle1114 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, I’ve only been diagnosed with epilepsy for a few months and my epilepsy seems very similar to yours. Also I had very similar experiences at hospitals, as I had most seizures at school an ambulance would be called. The doctors would always say that it was anxiety and just a panic attack and I felt like I was being dramatic and was making stuff up. I’m still having lots of seizures but my tablets are gradually being increased. Thanks again. X
@canilive0102 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. I've been having these "episodes" for over 5 years and I had no clue what it was. I never told anyone about it because I didn't know how to go about it. I had a really strong episode yesterday and I finnally told my girlfriend about it. I am so glad I found this video. Ughhh I feel like crying. I don't know how to go about living now. I'm not sure if I should be taking medication for this or just letting it happen.
@sarahhennigan2464 Жыл бұрын
sat here sobbing - I've spent 4 years being told I'm suffering anxiety and depression. But strangely only at night. Just been told it's Complex partial nocturnal seizures. Thank you Annie
@nonamebob83 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you thank you thank you! I have Hashimoto and at one point I started having deja-vu all the time and blackouts and they thought that was the reason I was behaving like that. Had EEG and MRI scan and found that because of an old brain haemorrhage I now have epilepsy. I started medication, changed my diet. I'm taking Keppra but hope to stop at one point taking them. I think is really good to speak about i to people. They should learn more about epilepsy. Thank you again, and never never give up. :)
@susanperry3523 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! Yes googled the lot and never found my symptoms. Swallowing sleep seizures are so scary.
@erikawarden9168 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@MoonlightDragonStudios 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Annie, thank you for this video, I have had Complex Partial Seizures since I was about 4 and it took them many years and medications to get it under control. I am on the same medicine as you and as you said it helped make things so much better! It was a life changing medication and gave me my freedom and ability to function in life again and it sounds like it did the same for you! My seizures were going on an average of 50-100 times a day(according to my mom and doctor records, I was too young to know or understand) you described the feeling that occurs when the aura starts very well, and I thought you may find this interesting. Like you said there is very little out there about complex partial seizures and it is hard to explain what they feel like, however after a lot of research I learned that the feeling that occurs when the aura starts is called "Jamais vu". It was fascinating when I found something to actually define what the feeling is because it is definitely a very confusing and unpleasant feeling. Sorry for the long message but I just wanted to say thank you for the video, congrats on getting you seizures under control, and I hope that you find learning about Jamias vu as interesting as it was to me(assuming you haven't already heard of it). Anyways best wishes and keep pressing forward, this disease causes a lot of issues and stress but in the long run if you can accept it, you can definitely make it into a positive both for yourself and others, keep up the great work!
@susiefriesen6334 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this video. Not just for me but hopefully this will help my family and friends to understand. I have multiple different types of seizures I deal with Complex Partial Seizures just one of them. I was told for every they were episodes. I had my primary assistant tell me I was severely depressed. I am lucky and have a dog who would tell me upto 2 hours in advance I would have an seizure so I wouldn't leave the house. This day my emotions kicked in and I had one at the office. My chart still referred to depression 😕. Luckily my neurologist and my main primary knows what's up.
@abdozagloul 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much
@kristifreng8141 2 жыл бұрын
I’m going through this right now and it is beyond terrifying. And hearing “it’s anxiety” or you need to see Psyche first if you are becoming overwhelmed with feelings of dread during these “episodes”. It’s so disheartening.
@Ciaraara 8 жыл бұрын
I can relate to you so much. I hate keppra too, Im on it about 5 years & it's effected my memory so badly 😮 Best of luck to you! 💜 xx
@terrybowser6646 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@colourfulcrafts5492 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! I am very similar and my doctor kept telling me it was panic attacks till one night I actually had a proper full on seizure and woke up on the bathroom floor , bitten my tongue so badly and the fall had very nearly broken my arm. Only then they listened! I'm now also on lamotrigine and it's lessened the ones I call my "head attacks" but still trying to get the dosage correct for me. The feeling of sudden extreme fear you described is EXACTLY how the mini ones make me feel but I'm able to talk and function and yes, nobody would know I'd had one.
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