My Ex-Wife Cheated Whilst Pregnant And Now Claims I'm Being Emotionally Manipulative r/Relationships

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@mogulmade Жыл бұрын
Last story: There is no way she isn't selfish in most other parts of the relationship. Me, me, me!!!! And the husband frequently covers for her trash behavior. This was not about you! Smh
@Aaron-kj8dv Жыл бұрын
I could see if it was a seafood place and she was allergic and I was waiting for something like that but it was like "He got a promotion he was waiting for and he wanted to eat at his favorite restaurant and I don't like the food"
@chojibymra Жыл бұрын
I saw the post on reddit and read her replies. She keeps on being a right bicxh. No remorse or reflection.
@jguterrez01 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if the husband divorces this selfish so called wife
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
Actually it was about her, it wasn't supposed to be, but she successfully made it about her. I have to wonder about these types of posts. I find it hard to believe they have the complete lack of self awareness necessary to actually have to ask. Or is she well aware and just bragging about how much of a selfish (B)itch she is? Maybe she just needs to be the center of attention so much even being the center of negative attention from random people on the internet is enough to get her rocks off. Whatever it is, she had to know the verdict would be YTA.
@labella9291 Жыл бұрын
I'm shocked that people are glossing over the fact that story 2 mom wanted to set her SIXTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD up with GROWN ASS MEN Where are the police in this? Child protective services? Like who thinks this is OK? Obviously, none of US, but why was this just shrugged off????
@simonO712 Жыл бұрын
I know right?
@susankaempfer8427 4 ай бұрын
Lots of religions find this okay. Lots. It’s baffling that religions run by middle aged men see no problem with middle aged men dating teenagers. 🙄
@tioraytm 3 ай бұрын
@@susankaempfer8427 Don't get me started on most women only marrying men that have more money than them. The oldest profession in the world has women sleeping with men for money and women think its perfectly fine. Men don't give a crap about how much money the woman has but guess what we do like young women that are at their peek for having children. Its called nature. Now you stick to your lane on wanting a rich tall man and we will stick with our preferences and that is a young slim women who is NOT a feminist because nobody like a feminist. I'd rather date a neo nazi than a feminist.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Cheating is always nauseating, but when you're pregnant? That's a special type of nasty. If OP hasn't, he needs to get a paternity test.
@AlyssHarte Жыл бұрын
he says at the end of the original post that he did
@ZeraSilvaFenritTheOokami Жыл бұрын
@@AlyssHarte im glad he did
@ZeraSilvaFenritTheOokami Жыл бұрын
i agree
@maddy8328 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, pretty damn disgusting
@bonniegomez5333 Жыл бұрын
Agree about cheating but what makes it worse while pregnant? It's no different than cheating when they have a family?
@owl7072 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: "You're cold and manipulative!" And you cheated 😒🙄 I don't know what she was expecting from Op when he found out she was cheating. It's honestly rather bold of her to expect more than basic human decency after what she did considering she didn't even give him _that_ when she decided to have an affair 🚶🏻‼️
@SkyEcho751 Жыл бұрын
Oh, she thought she had him cucked to the point he would accept a supposed turnaround and apology, so that she could continue to have her cake and eat it too. How much would you bet that the supposedly "missing items" never existed and this is the Ex being manipulative to try and worm her way back into OP's life, because the feels like projection of her frustration that he won't just do what she desires.
@melodykubiak5850 Жыл бұрын
There is no point in me making a comment about this because you said all that I would have said and said it perfectly. 👍
@jguterrez01 Жыл бұрын
Perfectly stated.
@ElleD308 Жыл бұрын
Sadly there's an insane % of men that would take her back or "work on it," Just like a huge amount of women would forgive their cheaters over and over. We're talking about 60-70% of couples who are cheated on forgive and try to work it out; of course she thought he would keep her, especially pregnant.
@MrBuns-yi2hk Жыл бұрын
The audacity!
@BerryTrekkin Жыл бұрын
You know, I’ve often felt guilty about being an annoying, picky eater, but OP in story 3 is making me feel like an angel 😬 her poor husband.
@KarmatheCorgi Жыл бұрын
Right? I have Celiacs so I often can't eat out places... but even I'm willing to do what it takes to find something.
@CanonSkyrissian Жыл бұрын
@@KarmatheCorgi and you at least have a legitimate medical reason to be picky. OP is just picky for the sake of it
@astralguardian5930 Жыл бұрын
Even as someone who wasn't picky and usually isn't great at social interactions I immediately recognized she was at fault when OP's husband suggested 2-3 solutions and she took none of them so she was the one who led to that awkward scenario for her husband.
@M3GPie Жыл бұрын
Yeah. I had really horrible jaw problems for 10 years, and I usually managed to find something to eat anywhere. Even on occasions I couldn’t find much or we were at an event without any options I could eat, my parents would swing through a drive thru after to get me something to eat. There’s a difference between picky eating, and being a manipulative spoiled brat.
@ronhall5395 Жыл бұрын
It wasn't like she is a strict vegan. They had steak, prime rib, brush and chicken. Okay, I get she does not like marinade on her food. I think she could have found something. Even a salad would have worked. She just wanted to go somewhere else. It was his night, not hers. By staying home she is sending the message she just does not care about him. It may not be what she meant, but that is the way it came off. She needs to get off her high horse and apologize to hubby. These are the type of incidents that can lead to divorce. What fun is it to celebrate such an accomplishment if she was not there. She is just selfish. I once went to a dinner my wife was invited to. The owner of the company invited her and a plus one. Pretty cool, it was a back yard grill. Dinner entre, Shark steak. I do not eat fish. Yuck. I went, I eat everything except just a few small bites of the fish. It was not good. Lets just say, the owner seldom invites employees to his place for dinner. I met a state Senator, and a few wealthy dudes in the community. We all agreed, the shark sucked. Lol I went to support my wife. This was important to her.
@katiecakesl4691 Жыл бұрын
Ex in story 1 wanted her cake and to eat it too. She will absolutely try parental alienation in the future. Op needs to constantly have ducks in a row and be ready to right for full custody if she doesn't drop her shit. But seeing as she cheated while pregnant, I doubt she won't cause problems.
@zachf748 Жыл бұрын
*_Story #3 :_* My god what a selfish a-hole. How can you be *_THAT_* selfish and uncaring towards your husband? Despicable.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
Right? If I were OP i would only choose that restaurant whenever his wife wanted to go out for dinner 😝
@susankaempfer8427 4 ай бұрын
I’m really confused by this one. There’s definitely something else going on behind the curtain here.
@catT5236 Жыл бұрын
Last story: "they didn't have anything I could eat" no, they didn't have anything that was OP's first choice to eat. It wasn't about her, but she made sure to make it all about her.
@helixxia9320 11 ай бұрын
Yep. I thought this was going to be something like she was a vegetarian or had allergies or something but she just didnt want to eat the chicken or fish there even though she likes chicken and fish lmao kind of entiteled behaviour. if it was a celebration for her i would have understood but this was for her man and she made it about herself 🥲
@LLSmoothJ Жыл бұрын
Story 3: Note that she mentioned that they had chicken and fish. Meaning that she could've ordered one of them instead of the steak. She just wanted an excuse not to go to the place and expected the husband to change plans to accommodate her.
@gmun2248 Жыл бұрын
Every nice kitchen can prepare food for allergies. I don't eat meat, & I've cycled through various different diets for medical reasons & foods not allowed with specific medications (not being fussy, I had a permanent IV line for a year). I did not once have an issue with a restaurant preparing something I could eat. Often I didn't want a lot & might have just ordered some salad or sides. As a vegetarian, every steakhouse I've been at offers baked potatoes if there's absolutely nothing else. I never used 'I can't eat there for medical reasons' as an excuse ever, I don't think that's ever fair and it's objectively a more reasonable excuse than every single one she tried in this post. This story annoyed me SO much.
@Aaron-kj8dv Жыл бұрын
She was very weird, there's something simmering beneath the surface because she's being so difficult. I bet she's the type who texts constantly when he's out with the boys.
@paden1865able Жыл бұрын
It's his celebration so it ought to be his choice of where to dine. She's being a special kind of spoiled brat.
@videofan1010 Жыл бұрын
Glad she brought this to Reddit and Reddit slammed her. Hopefully she'll reflect on her behavior and think about how this affects her overall marriage.
@dm9078 Жыл бұрын
And he did. So this was a win for her.
@LorienInksong Жыл бұрын
Story 2 is horrifying, what kind of monster of a mom forces her teenage daughter to go on a date with an adult???
@IamWomanHearMeRoar Жыл бұрын
I know it’s not okay to be gay but it’s ok to set her 16 year old daughter up with a fully grown man. That’s what I’d call trafficking
@CanonSkyrissian Жыл бұрын
a fundie religious one
@swearimnotarobot3746 Жыл бұрын
Apparently that’s better than someone of the same gender in their eyes. Hating people for existing is not a justifiable belief. They need to stop hiding behind religion. There’s plenty of religious people who disagree with homophobia and pedophilia. This woman is just psycho.
@Elephant11 Жыл бұрын
A "christian" cult mumber.
@susankaempfer8427 Жыл бұрын
Haven’t heard the story yet, but I’m guessing “Christian?”
@matthewmorgan2367 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: the golden rule applies. If the family was going out to celebrate OP, she’d expect to be able to go to her favorite restaurant as most people do. In this case, they were celebrating her husband so it’s only reasonable that they go to his favorite restaurant. It was an auto YTA in my mind for that reason alone, and then she shot down every solution the husband offered. It was a power play, that’s all
@NoxArcani-z4u Жыл бұрын
She wanted to see her husband cave to her demands
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
Yes. It was a power play and she won. Next time husband will be "smart" enough to actually do what she wants.
@agentzapdos4960 Жыл бұрын
S2: Sounds like the therapist is some quack from their church, not a real therapist.
@Intrepid_Explorer Жыл бұрын
Last story: Geez, OP sounds like a 4 year old throwing a tantrum over not liking the food on her plate.
@leaflet1686 Жыл бұрын
And as a 4 year old I was better behaved :D And I am autistic too -.- So double trouble!
@emiliosebastiao2043 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: Get over yourself OP! I'm a vegetarian, and when my friends invite me to go out somewhere I know won't have many food choices. Guess what I do?! I eat before going out! That way I'm full. I can eat an appetizer, dessert, have a drink, etc., without making everyone else the problem....
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
True and 'not many' (like in OP's case) isn't the same as NONE! I would feel more sympathy for OP (not much but a little ) if her husband wanted to go e.g. seafood restaurant and she hated fish! But OP admittted that there were multiple meals that she could eat but jsut didn;t 'feel like eating them' because they didn't look good?? not looking good from reading the menu?? fgs)
@gcarr1089 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 - about time husband asked himself what he is getting out of the relationship as it's clear OP is always getting her own way. Time for husband to seriously view his marriage as an outsider looking in.
@Cjaj2 Жыл бұрын
The whole If you hate me you must also hate our daughter part is super worrying to me, if the mom has that mindset she could try and pass it on to the daughter.
@irisnroses1889 Жыл бұрын
We all know she's going to ppl like that are extremely manipulative and love to gaslight she will do everything she can to turn that baby
@Mewse1203 Жыл бұрын
Story 2" ok...what "therapist" are they using? Is it an ACTUAL therapist? Or is it a religious "therapist". That therapist sounds awful and their reaction makes it seem less like a real one and more like a religious one.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I'm not even a minute into the story, and I'm already irritated with the ex-wife. What did she think would happen? ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ That OP would just get over it and start groveling and begging her to take him back? You know do the whole pick me dance? Get real! And what pissed me off the most is that the fact that she said is hating her is the same as hating their daughter. Basically weaponizing her own child. Disgusting. She made her bed and now she has to lie in it and she doesn't get to complain about how cold it is. I admire OP. I do think he's being a bit too generous though.
@user-wr3vt8uq4s 9 ай бұрын
It sucks because OP will have to hold this line for 14 more years (less if the daughter opts to live with him exclusively in around 10 years).
@damien678 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: it wasn't that the restaurant had nothing she could eat, it's just that it had nothing she wanted to eat. Which could be fine, if she agreed to husband's compromise of having dessert there while they have dinner, and going where she wants after to have dinner while they have dessert. Which is a fantastic compromise!
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
Yes and I feel the first (and only, lol) comment was spot on!
@heatherduke5410 Жыл бұрын
Yep. She titles it, "could", as if she has an allergy or something. No. She's just picky. Heck, she could've had an appetizer there, unless she's also picky about those. But she wanted to get what she wanted, screw the husband who the dinner was for.
@dulcilass Жыл бұрын
I agree. Compromise is the only way to solve this problem. The wife doesn't like the menu, but she could simply have ordered a salad and bread, which is what I would have done in an Italian restaurant. I order the salad without dressing at one place that only serves Italian dressing. Fortunately we've found an Italian place that serves a simple Cacio e Pepe where I can add the amount of pepper that I want. My hubby loves Italian food, and I don't. But we've managed all these years by compromising.
@damien678 Жыл бұрын
@@dulcilass I'm glad you've been able to work things out like that for years! I haven't encountered this problem with my bf of many years yet, but I'm also guessing I might have to when I finally get around to dragging him to a sushi bar lol
@dulcilass Жыл бұрын
@@damien678 I'll eat at an Italian place for my husband, but neither one of us has any interest in sushi. That we both agree on. 😀
@madambutterfly1997 Жыл бұрын
The daughter didn't break his heart the wife did. So no hating her is no where near the same as hating the daughter
@admirable_minimum2163 Жыл бұрын
story 2: i'll never understand people who's "faith" is more important to them than their child.
@agentzapdos4960 Жыл бұрын
The Bible literally commands believers to put God above their own families. Religion itself is the problem.
@Elijahhh. Жыл бұрын
Well in a fairness it's hard for people to break free from the confines of what they were raised on, obviously the daughter has a right to be hurt, but changing someone's nature is a long process, and there is hope considering OP said she'd make less comments.
@0potion Жыл бұрын
@@agentzapdos4960 the Bible also tells you to raise your family with God. And if you want to come through it enough you can find several examples of it telling you to honor your family over God. Literally the thing was written by like 12 different people and they contradicted themselves hundreds of times using the Bible in this argument is actually really stupid
@Original_Tenshi_Chan Жыл бұрын
@@agentzapdos4960 Exactly, and the story of Abraham is a perfect case in point. God: "Kill your son and prove your loyalty to me!!11!1!! /Rawr XD!" Abraham: "You got it, daddy-o! #SorryNotSorry, but you gotta die tonight Isaac!" Abraham prepares the ritual to murder his son and just a moment before he kills Isaac.... God: "Excellent, Abe, you have done well. No need to actually kill him... yet" Everyone else: "Oh wow, he was going to murder his son for an imaginary sky wizard...? What a righteous and holy man! We should worship him for centuries to come!" I mean... for fucking real, christians?? lol. I will never get religious people. The bible preaches being a hypocrite and evil and calls it "loving".
@AngelaVEdwards Жыл бұрын
I am a Conservative Christian. However, I firmly believe in freedom. If an adult or an older teen chooses a life for themselves that I think goes against my religion, it's not my place to make things difficult for them. They have the right to live exactly as they choose and if it were my child I might tell them that I still believe what I always believed but it's not my place to try to try to get them to live in a way they do not want to live. I would also never be cold or unkind to a significant other; I would treat that person well, too. If they choose to be gay then they choose to be gay. It's not my place to say ANYTHING to them about it.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Hating me the person who not only betrayed our vows, but had sex with someone else putting our child at risk while pregnant, is the same as hating our child. Oh honey you are completely delusional! Those two things are not even comparable. Many people can't stand their ex, but completely adore their children.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with garbage people hated their exes and OP's ex-wife being delusional. I mean, what did she expect, for OP to just get over it and then start groveling and begging her to take him back like the doormat she apparently thinks he is?! ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ I somewhat disagree with you on the ex loving their children though. If you really love your children, you wouldn't hurt them the way you hurt your partner or spouse and you certainly wouldn't be using them as pawns to get what you want.
@jackspring7709 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: She's accusing OP of being all the things she is.
@juanhaines7295 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 nta I heard that one before. She has the nerve to call op emotionally manipulative. Self project much? Good on op for keeping cool.
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
Yes. I admire OP's restraint. I don't know if I would've been as calm as he was.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
The ex is really trying it. She's probably completely lying about the issues at this daycare. I don't believe her for a second. She probably thinks these chats will get her back together with OP. A nanny is a childcare expert, especially an older lady like that. She's probably been doing this since before the ex was born. What exactly could she possibly just have to communicate with OP and OP only.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Story 3 you're definitely TA. You don't have any allergies or anything that would make you deathly ill. He chose where he wanted to go. You are so selfish! But you wouldn't even ask the staff to accomodate you, but you'll just ruin his whole dinner. I'm not a steak fan either, but this is unacceptable.
@chetarisin3035 Жыл бұрын
If I don't like something, I'm not going to force myself to have it. Op looked at the menu beforehand and there was nothing she liked. Stop pretending like everyone's taste buds are the same. Cause they're not
@jessig.6791 Жыл бұрын
@@chetarisin3035 But based off the story, Op would've liked the fish and chicken but didn't particularly liked the sauces/marinades on them. Op could've literally order the fish and chicken without them but didn't want to be difficult. So she could have had ordered something she liked.
@cuzican1902 Жыл бұрын
@@chetarisin3035 Which is why the husband doesn't go to that restaurant despite him loving prime rib because his wife didn't like it. He put aside his preference for his wife. His parents wanted to celebrate his acomplishments which is why he chose that restaurant. His wife would not go because she didn't like the entrees. She could have had an appetizer or even a salad. She chose to be selfish and made his celebration dinner about herself.
@sfsin3380 Жыл бұрын
@@jessig.6791 My sis is what people would call a picky eater. Not her fault she has an unusual food intolerance and years of people ignoring it she has trouble trusting food she was prepared by someone she doesn't trust. Sauces in particular are a big risk as it's easy to hid the taste of something with them. She still eats out. We've never seen a place that won't give you the chicken dish without the sauce if you just ask.
@kathyb249 Жыл бұрын
Dude, I have a Sensory Processing Disorder, and I go to restaurants that I wouldn’t choose. Eat beforehand, choose something that you can manage (I have ordered a plate of rice and soy sauce when nothing else was available that I could tolerate!!), or make do in another way. I am also non confrontational, and have a hard time asking for substitutions, but I learned to get over myself. Restaurants are used to this. This woman was so selfish, so totally incapable of managing, that she made this celebration all about herself, and just had to make sure nobody forgot it. It’s called growing up. I’m autistic, so I have an excuse, but I am old enough to realize that there are socia conventions that you need to abide by to make things easier for others. This woman never mentioned a condition, so she’s just pathetic.
@SaphireSalvatore940 Жыл бұрын
The ex is the one trying to be manipulative. Saying things were missing from daycare was BS same with her excuse about not wanting to unload on the nanny. Custody arrangements should always be through courts so stuff like this can't start being altered
@untiedshoelaces2588 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I have an idea who's bound for hell in that family. Story 3: Tell me you are a narcissist without telling me that you are a narcissist. Another nail in the coffin.
@rmhartman Жыл бұрын
she had an affair, and she wonders why he is "cold and distant"?
@RaizelSX Жыл бұрын
Cheating during a pregnancy is max level of disrespect, no matter who it is, you can't articulate that on any level to the spouse it's bugged
@cutietae247 Жыл бұрын
Dang don’t bring the baby to your cheating sessions, poor kid is wondering whose voice that is and everything 💀
@PrincessQ-fj9ly Жыл бұрын
I know right? As an aspiring mother myself, this is one of my biggest pet peeves, people using their own children as pawns to get what they want. Whether it's money, a relationship or power and control. It's disgusting. Some people should not be allowed to have children and OP's ex is one of them.
@skyetan86 Жыл бұрын
Plus the risk of giving your child a STD
@Can_think_of_a_name Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA she is a horrible person how tf does she expect him to react? She can't expect him to want to talk to her, OP is handling this very well Story 2: You're NTA for calling her out and telling her the truth though, religious beliefs are not an excuse to be homophobic and yes she should change her beliefs, she shouldn't have had them in the first place Story 3: YTA You could've gone and not eaten, this is his celebration and his favourite place, he can go there on his special day, not going because you don't want to be "picky" is shitty. There's no reason she couldn't go, she's so entitled
@borgranta61103 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Could the mother be charged with attempted statutory rape by proxy for attempted to force sexual relationships with adult men upon her underage daughter?
@kichikitsu Жыл бұрын
Probably not, because unless there is documented proof of mom trying to force Harley into **sexual** relations (not just dating/romance, specifically sleeping with) with these men then I doubt courts would be willing to charge her. Idk where OP is but most court bias tends to protect the status quo so rape charges for anything, especially for pedophilia, are hard to get
@AppleStrawberryLove Жыл бұрын
More likely it would be prostitution. Rape by proxy isn't really a thing legally. But prostitution is a legal thing, and you can get charged for it for setting up or attempting to set up sexual meetings. You don't have to be the one participating in the sexy times. Likely the fact she was attempting this for a minor would tack on child trafficking (a stretch probably because some places require this to cross borders but possible), child abuse, child exploitation, possibly fraud (depending on the exact details she provided on the profile), and charges similar to that. But this would also depend on the country/state, the exact phrasing used on the profile, and other factors.
@OmniscientlyMe Жыл бұрын
Given that the guys on the other end were probably defrauded by the mother, I'd say leave them out of this unless it becomes absolutely necessary. And I don't think it will be necessary given all the evidence the mother has unwittingly given them.
@kichikitsu Жыл бұрын
@@OmniscientlyMe tbf, the comment only mentioned charging mom. I really really hope those men didn't know what Harley's mom was tryna pull ;;; but I feel like mom should probably be charged with **something** so she legally can't be allowed anywhere near children ever again (and if she does there's a legal recorce against whoever allowed it)
@Mama_Bear_of_3 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely HATE the word " Phase!". My youngest came out a week after he turned 11, as Female to Male trans (FTM). My husband, other kids, and myself let him know immediately that we love, him, as well as accept and respect him. My husbands side of the family also showed, and yold my son they love and support him. Well, most of the people on my side of the family, are jerks. I come from a devout Catholic family. At 51, I am the youngest from my generation of cousins, and such. Starting from me to all younger than me, feel like we do. They love, and accept my son for who he is. Now, anyone in my family 52 or older is a completely different story. Some won't accept it, and refuse to acknowledge my sons name and pronouns(we don't care), so we don't have much to do with them. Then there are some that won't accept, BUT they say they will respect my son, and will usually use proper pronouns and names. Then there are some that are BAT SHIT CRAZY! They are the ones that yell fire and brimstone, they "pray" for my sons soul, and they refuse to even acknowledge my son when in the same room, and demand I send him to Conversion Camp (over my dead, torn about, lifeless body will he go). Im not proud of this, but when I was trying to educate one of my older cousins on suicide stats, and such for the trans fommunity. She said to me, "Well, than at least she would be in Gods hands, and not a deviant." It took like 30 seconds for me to realize she meant my son was better of dead than be trans, I lost it!! Lets just say that cousin ended up a black eye, and fractured orbital socket. Yes, yes I know, violence was not the way to handle it. But, she said my child should be DEAD! Anyway, out of the 3 group that drives me nuts the most are the "Respecr but dont accept" group. Every time I talk to one of them, I get the same question or comment. "So has the PHASE ended yet?" Or, "I cannot believe they haven't grown out of that PHASE yet." I mean WTF! It has been 4 years since my son came out. Since the daynhe did, he lives male, dresses male, goes by male pronouns, and only answers to his male name. He has been in therapy for 3.5 years (a requirement for transitioning, and by us to make sure he is safe). His testosterone shots have kicked in, and his voice has deepened, his face has gone from a soft, cherub look, to an angular face with strong feature. We have had his name legally changed on his birth certificate, and social security card. His gender marker has even been amended to show male. Yet, these idiots still think "Its an Phase..." people suck!
@CanonSkyrissian Жыл бұрын
I came out as a lesbian when I was 21 and as bi before that. you could say heterosexuality was "just a phase" for me xD also I have massive respect for you as a parent, and I wish you and your kid all the love and happiness ❤️ every lgbt child deserves a parent like you!
@simonO712 Жыл бұрын
I hade to do a double take at the "At least she would be in God's hands" line. Who even _says_ that!?
@lennaedaley8676 Жыл бұрын
Story 1- being manipulative means you are trying to get something.... Girl he wants NOTHING from you. If anything you are being manipulative talking about "if you hate me you hate the child"
@JasperCatProductions Жыл бұрын
Story one this woman is extremely manipulative, I would go to court and see about a drop off without seeing each other. She is dreadful.
@livingark3275 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Sounds like guilt is eating this woman up, she also sounds a little narcissistic.
@edwardbickford8277 Жыл бұрын
I don't like steak either but I still went to a nice steak house for my friend's batchelor celebration. Even after some good natured ribbing for not having a steak like everyone else i still ordered a hamburger. We all had a great time. That woman was definitely the Ahole for not sucking it up for one meal.
@TempestinBlue Жыл бұрын
OP3 is TA. It’s not that the restaurant didn’t have anything she COULD eat, it’s that they didn’t have anything she WANTED. She doesn’t have any dietary restrictions, she was just being difficult and wanted to get her way.
@Yusei1Fudo Жыл бұрын
It's so disgusting that the wife in the second story would rather have her daughter date full on adults rather than be gay.
@ladyinpink403 Жыл бұрын
Mark, you have been a heaven sent while myself and kiddos have been sick. You've become a buddy that hangs out with me while going about being a stay at home mom. So thank you!
@owl7072 Жыл бұрын
I hope you and your kids feel better 🥺
@brandygiovinazzi3460 Жыл бұрын
I hope you all get well soon.
@lyranorthernstar3802 Жыл бұрын
Hope you get better soon. I’m also ill and these story’s are really helping.
@kalmingkhaos5932 Жыл бұрын
Same for us! We listen to Mark during the day then at night we listen to scary stories on Let’s Read. Joel’s voice is so soothing to fall asleep to.
@TheMormonSorceress Жыл бұрын
story 2: if that mom really was religious, she would have known Jesus commanded us to love one another. He loved the publicans and harlots enough to hang out with them, then she should love her daughter as well despite her being a lesbian. If not then it's on her. Also, Throw that mother in jail if she's making her teen daughter date older men.
@Digitalfairy Жыл бұрын
Story 2 NTA Op is a good father for supporting his daughter regardless, I'm a nonconformist Roman Catholic with LGTBQA+ friends and acquaintances. My mother is Catholic too, and she has a gay colleague with awesome taste in movies and stuff. One of the staff in my Aspie groups is non-binary who works the early shift makes good conversation and I... might have gotten them and their partner hooked on the Dark Crystal the Age of resistance when I showed them the trailer. 😅 Now we're (and the fans) are complaining that Netflix had messed by not continuing the rest.
@terribleeditor4556 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: "How dare you not force yourself to be happy around me during custody switches, after I cheated and destroyed our marriage." The audacity, it's almost hilarious. She's clearly trying to worm her way back into his life and I hope OP keeps shutting that down.
@admirable_minimum2163 Жыл бұрын
story 1: the ex is the one being emotionally manipulative and it's likely to escalate the less she gets her way. OP just should have as little content and speak to the ex as little as possible, the relationship is over but the ex is apparently not over it. i don't think OP should even be striving to someday be friends with the ex.
@messinalyle4030 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian. An extremely progressive one. There is no logic behind the claim that "it's such a big thing to ask of me to give up my faith" when your family member or friend comes out as gay. There are millions of different ways to interpret the Bible, and not all of them involve homophobia. Homophobia is not and doesn't have to be fundamentally a cornerstone of the Christian faith--unfortunately, the church has been one of the main propagators of homophobia, though, and it needs to reckon with its past. If a Christian is called upon to love a family member who has come out and they try to hide behind the whole "but I can't give up my faith" thing, what they are really saying is "but I can't give up my *interpretation* of my faith." An interpretation based on the sin of hating someone for something fundamental to who they are. Some denominations of Christianity give extra weight to what Jesus said above anything else in the Bible, and everything else in the Bible is just there to provide context and background info. And Jesus never said jack shit about homosexuality.
@mygrandma3041 Жыл бұрын
Wow, the last story is making me feel bad for the husband. It's just like one dinner to celebrate her husband achievement..
@Nyx-2004 Жыл бұрын
It is so crazy to me that that woman in Story 2 is more comfortable with her teenage daughter being prayed on by grown men than her having a girlfriend her age…just wow.
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Post divorce I went minimal contact with my ex. Our contact centered around our children only. Anything that's strayed beyond what was immediately needed for our children I shut down. Hope he's prepared for friends to not happen, at least until she can find someone else to be in love with.
@Lemonz1989 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: The mom says she’s “trying”, but her failed attempts at “trying” will cause permanent scars in her daughter. I know from personal experience.
@IamWomanHearMeRoar Жыл бұрын
I agree and it that sort of damage stays with you forever. You should need a licence to have kids because some people simply don’t deserve them
@paden1865able Жыл бұрын
Being cold and distant with an ex is perfectly acceptable, it beats raging and throwing things at them. She ruined the marriage by sleeping around and destroying the trust you had in her.
@tinycrimester Жыл бұрын
story 1: emotionally manipulating to what end? he's being cold and distant to get her to cool off the comms and keep her distance?
@bgcorporation Жыл бұрын
Story 2: "Is very against anything other than what is written in the Bible." Is that so? So she stays away from shellfish? Does she wear wool and linen fabrics in a single garment? Does she sit anywhere where her daughter does while she's menstruating? Does she eat fat? Has she ever uttered words of other gods? (Thor, Zeus apply). Just curious because there's a ton, a ton of rules you cannot do.
@deborahyoung1873 Жыл бұрын
Read the New Testament and maybe you will understand. I get so sick of people throwing that part of scripture up without knowing the full context of the Bible. Especially the New Testament. I guess her dad is ok with his daughter living a sinful life and the consequences from that.
@bgcorporation Жыл бұрын
@@deborahyoung1873 "I get so sick of people throwing that part of scripture up without knowing the full context of the Bible" You ma'am just don't know the Bible. It's okay though. I'll educate you with the New Testiment. The New Testament only reinforces what the Old Testament had declared since the law was given to Moses. The difference however is there is hope in redemption through the power of Jesus Christ. God's standards of holiness did not change with the coming of Jesus. God did not change which is stated in Hebrews. What god hated in Old Testament still hated in New Testament. What was immoral in the Old, is Immortal in the New. So let's not try to say "Well, Old just doesn't count." Because by saying it doesn't count is saying God's word is wrong.
@simonO712 Жыл бұрын
@@deborahyoung1873 The thing is, if you throw out the OT you also throw out what little the Bible may or may not sat about honosexuality. So, if she wants to claim the Bible calls homosexuality a sin she has to call the things bgcorporation mentioned a sin too if she wants to be logically consistent.
@jasperj.d.g.4147 Жыл бұрын
@@deborahyoung1873 either you don't know the Bible or are cherry picking. The new testament has no problem with gay people, but you probably think it does because you like that part.
@nathansmith7686 10 ай бұрын
@@deborahyoung1873The Bible also tell you not to wear clothes of two different fabrics, but I doubt you follow that.
@EmoPurpleTurtle17 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I thought it was going to be because of an allergy or something, or even because she was vegetarian/vegan or had religious/cultural dietary restrictions, not that she was just being a fussy eater and wanting to have everything her way. And then refused to accept any of her husbands compromises or suggestions. She's TAH.
@Aaron-kj8dv Жыл бұрын
Whoah, this must be a move because I was dating a girl who cheated on me and one time one led me on and then both were like "Wow you're so cold all of a sudden" lol Yeah obviously I got hurt so why would I invest more energy into someone who didn't consider my feelings?
@enjolireyes643 Жыл бұрын
Story 1- A strong defense is the best offense. Awesome that OP stonewalled the ex-wife who was looking for drama and to start trouble. Now she has to play by the rules or it can and will be used in the court of law to show her instability if this behavior does not end. Story 2- "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" Now I am not a preacher, but this statement shows how much God loved us... including OPs gay daughter. If the wife believes in God that means her love for her daughter should be absolutely unconditional. That means loving the girl and accepting her followed by understanding and praying and hoping that LOVE will bring that child back to God. Story 3- YTA, your husband gave her a bunch of compromises and she shot them ALL down. You chose not to eat one dinner with your husband when he wanted your support.... Absolute fool of a wife.
@madambutterfly1997 Жыл бұрын
You can't play Bible Thumper homophobe and then get mad when excluded from meeting your child's significant other. You have no right to be upset. You made your bed
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
Ugg yea. And always this "what isn't in the bible is wrong" argument. Is the wife also not using toilets, or cars, internet, electricity? There's so many things we use nowadays that aren't in the bible.
@brianbarber5401 Жыл бұрын
@@Nathan_Bookwurmand so many things in it that taken out of the context of the Bible would be seen as abusive psychothapy.
@azuill1126 Жыл бұрын
my nana is the most devout catholic you could think of, never missed a week of mass, even if its just listening via radio. one day, when my mum was visiting, nana said to her apropos of nothing: "i think azuill is gay". im out to my parents but not extended family, mum is a little surprised, "why do you think that?", "she never talks about having a boyfriend, and she wears funny clothes", mam shrugs, not wanting to out me without my consent. nan just follows up with "well, as long as she's happy" and that was the end of that conversation. religion is absolutely no excuse for homophobia.
Second story I heard this one before and I'm just going to be honest with you your wife now ex-wife is never going to change she's never going to accept your daughter being bisexual or gay and to be honest I think you really need to make sure your daughter is in therapy. She's going to continue to sleep beg for her mother to accept her and love her. And I'm honestly preparing myself to get that story in about 3 or 4 years because your daughter as much as you know your daughter knows that you're going to have your back she will always have that major place in her heart for her mom to come back into her life. Not to mention except for who she is and holding on to some hope that her parents will get back together. Not to mention even though you say to her that it's not her fault she will always thinks it's her fault and probably thinks it would have been best for her to stay in the closet. You're not in the wrong here and you're doing everything right. But get ready your ex is going to make sure to either make the custody fight of living hell or she's going to go no contact altogether just to see your daughter suffer in emotional distress
@yamitsukikarasu8857 Жыл бұрын
Is it normal that I don't understand anything in this comment?
@@yamitsukikarasu8857 I think you are the type of person that just doesn't understand the full explanation in a situation like this
@Flakey101 Жыл бұрын
@@BIGEAGLEDUDE "And I'm honestly preparing myself to get that story in about 3 or 4 years because your daughter as much as you know your daughter knows that you're going to have your back she will always have that major place in her heart for her mom to come back into her life. " This line needs a major edit, and a few commas. " I think you really need to make sure your daughter isn't therapy" Please explain this too.
@@Flakey101 it's supposed to say is in therapy. It's the damn autowording
@johnowen9349 Жыл бұрын
Hey, OP. She's mad because you're not mad. She wants you to hurt the way she THINKS she's been hurt. You weren't supposed to level a consequence and then hold her to it, she's angry that you would do such a 'low down and disgusting thing' to her when all she did was blah blah blah thin justification blah blah. Don't get mad, don't show her the hurt, stay cold and cool and calm. It's the best revenge. Hate isn't the opposite of love, Indifference is.
@Orbitalmercury Жыл бұрын
Bloody couples therapy. The nerve she has, cheats constantly then " oh it'll be fine, just have some therapy" . It's no wonder so many of us men refuse relationships let alone marriage nowadays. It's so sad that so many men get cheated on and the women take it as if it's their right to cheat . Makes me want to 🤢. Nowadays with all this disgusting behaviour by women ( not saying men don't cheat) there seems to be lots more mental illness like behaviour. The number of women I've come across seem to have some type of mental issue and just cheat, snap and cause fights for no reason with their honourable partner. They're alot more emotional, psychological and physically abusive e toward men nowadays knowing that a guy can't retaliate unless they want to risk jail time.
@onepieceisking5493 Жыл бұрын
Story 1, NTA. It's HER fault that she cheated and got herself divorced. Op has every right to be cold and distant to her for cheating especially since their divorced. If she doesn't like that then she shouldn't have cheated on the first place and she can avoid op. To say that hating her is the same as hating his daughter is BS. Sounds like she can't handle the guilt of what she's done, is trying to get the attention of her "mistake" and is taking it out on op. She's trying to manipulate op in to forgiving her and reconciliation when she doesn't deserve it. Yeah, no surprise that she's upset that boundaries are being set. She probably thought that what she said last time got to op when op contacted her, talk about delusional and toxic.
@josephbons1 Жыл бұрын
The therapist would lose his license if the board was to hear about that comment. That's insanely unprofessional.
@LaineyBug2020 Жыл бұрын
Dude needs to start wearing a body cam and get a lawyer to oversee custody. Document everything. Lots of cameras recording wherever the two of you are in the same place.
@Rsharlan3 Жыл бұрын
Story #3: OP's husband wanted her there because she's the most important person in his life. I hope he's starting to figure out that he's not nearly as important in her life.
@rylashadow18 Жыл бұрын
S1) What does she expect? An "I'm so sorry you decided to do the naked dance of the unspoken ritual with some guy you weren't married to and all is forgivesies?" Get the parenting app. Tell her you'll be only communicating to her through the app. She brings up anything just gray rock her. "Is this about our daughter? If not I'm not interested." Cheating isn't a mistake. A mistake is accidentally calling someone by the wrong name then apologizing. What she did was a malicious choice made in selfishness and is now enjoying the consequence pie. She's just looking to blame you for her poor choices and where they led her. She can walk herself back out that door and back to the streets. How can she prove these things were even with your daughter to begin with? I'd say if she tries to move the conversation do as you did before and record the conversation. Make it clear and to the point that there is no reconciliation. There is no relationship to be had outside of the one you need to have as parents. There is nothing left to discuss outside of what's within the best interest of your daughter. Always let her know your recording and then if she tries again let her know you won't tolerate being harassed and will seek out that she has no other option but to communicate with you through this app/ email you've set up. S2) Your daughter came to you first cause she knew she would be supported by you. In all honesty mom's getting exactly what she deserves. I agree it doesn't matter who you love as long as they respect you, care for you, cherish you and work on the relationship with you in a healthy manner. She wants to be validated in invalidating her daughters feelings and her wants. Sorry but that kind of person would be told accept it or get the f out it if were me. The fact that your daughter wants to love, has found someone to share love with and feels like inviting you into that is huge. Love is a great gift. OP I'm going to be honest with you. Take all those text with you when you consult you lawyer. If you have voicemails take those as well. A judge will have a field day on the wacko egg donor. I'm glad Harley knows she's still loved, she's not at fault and mom's issues are mom's alone. Recordings of her calling her own daughter unsavory names. Dude your lawyers going to be thanking you for such an easy to win case. You stepped up when your daughter needed you the most which is extremely commendable. S3) This was an important celebration. I get having food allergies (I know I've got a few) Some have food restrictions and others have texture issues. You could of taken the compromise of a dessert at the place with everyone and dinner somewhere else. He wanted the people most important to him celebrating in his success and you showed him that meant nothing to you. It was his celebration and therefore his right to choose where to celebrate. He compromised with you on this and now you want him to feel bad for not wanting you to feel left out or forgetten? He actually cares about you. But can you say that you care for him?
@Loaves_of_Cat Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I feel like op should threaten to appeal for sole custody of their daughter as it’s obvious that she’s going to keep using their daughter to get back to being op’s “wife” and should op do do that, he should use the recording and her resistance as evidence that she might not do what’s best for their daughter but her own best interest.
@fufufuaru Жыл бұрын
Story 3 def an AH, should have just feckin sucked it up, she HAD food choices. Pissed me off. Celebrating the husband's major accomplishment is way more important than OP's feckin picky eating.
@carolroberts4614 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I can't eat steak, but there must have been something like sides or salad, or a dessert like op's husband said! She was so unsupportable and selfish.
@jessig.6791 Жыл бұрын
@@carolroberts4614 I don't know if Im reading this right but seems she could've have had ordered the fish or chicken but didn't like a sauce. Seems like she could've order that without those certain things but just didn't bother. I thought of it like not wanting a burger from somewhere cause a place serves them with onions and cheese even though you could ask for it be made without them.
@jessicah3782 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I would be taking a record of her crossing boundaries. Then take her to court for full custody because she is showing red flags for the future. The daughter will likely get hurt in her mom’s care.
@katie6731 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: As much as it's not fair to OP to have to tamp down his justifiable anger and hurt, he is making the right choice by choosing civility with his ex for his child's sake. It takes an enormous amount of self-control and love for his child to make peace with the person who thoroughly betrayed him. One of the things I most appreciate about my parents is that they stayed friends after they divorced. They never put me in the middle, or anything like that. My life would have been incredibly different if they had been at each other's throats, instead of still genuinely caring about each other even thirty-five years later. When my aunt and uncle divorced, they did all of the worst things--speaking badly about each other, sending mean messages through the kids, using their children's love as a weapon against each other. The kids ended up with significant issues; they're still trying to heal, anf it's been twenty-five years since their parents divorced. If OP reads this, or anyone else is in a similar situation, this internet stranger thinks you're amazing and is proud of you. One day, your kid will look back at the choices you make now, and that will inform their sense of morality. 💙
@randomusername3873 Жыл бұрын
But the thing is, civility goes both ways. The mother showed that she won't be civil, how is everybody ignoring this?
With the first story I've heard this before you're not in the wrong you need to go back to doing no contact but let's be real here she's never going to stop and she's never going to basically give up she's slowing down right now but let's be real here she's not going to stop the moment your daughter hits two or three she's going to make your daughter feel like you hate her because you hate her mom and don't want nothing to do with her mom. In addition you need to be prepared to go for full custody the moment those types of situations happen. The moment you start dating is the moment she's going to take it to the next level she'll start making accusations of abuse towards your partner and even towards you. This is a woman who realize she messed up and cannot handle that you're moving on not to mention the fact that she now has to deal with one day potentially having to share her daughter with another woman. And she's not wanting to let that go. You're not in the wrong here but get ready my friend this is only going to get worse. It's not going to get any better anytime soon
@imperialspacemarine1539 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: And this is exactly my problem with religion: Blind, stupid zealotism with no sign of common sense yet they claim everyone else is the brainwashed one. People base their lives so much on "religion" that makes me sick (religion in " because 99% of the time these Idiots just throw the word "god" arround hoping it would stick. Im pretty sure this women doesnt even know one bible verse and just claims her problems with other people including her homophobia is guided by the bible) My heart goes out to the Family that has been destroyed by this contagious lunacy.
@kb1073 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Christian. Most of our family is Christian. I have a niece who is pan and a nephew who is gay. When they came out we were like ok. It changed nothing for us.
@imperialspacemarine1539 Жыл бұрын
@@kb1073 yeah but the sad reality is: too many people claim to be christians but are nothing else but hateful. Even worse: their churches are often part of this. You and your family are a rarity
@Guitarbarella Жыл бұрын
The woman who wouldn’t celebrate her husbands dinner-like salad, bread, desert, entree… what a selfish witch.
@Digitalfairy Жыл бұрын
Yeah, she was just being picky AND nuts. I'd have gladly taken up the dessert offer and drink of my choice.
@Guitarbarella Жыл бұрын
@@Digitalfairy what gets me is they have children! What a horrible example to teach them that level of self centredness. Like witch take a snack you like in your purse if you are that picky and have a celebration with your well deserved husband but no, he was made to feel wrong and uncomfortable about it, plus he still took the kids, fed them and hurried back coz they were asking about their mother, like the whole evening was about her and she is so clueless that she may be the ah! Obviously does have a bit of guilt coz of the post but to expect anyone to think she was ok doing it…she out karened herself entirely.
@axepagode33626 Жыл бұрын
Gray rocking a narcissist can be funny.
@irisnroses1889 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 makes me so sick that poor girl didn't deserve to feel so bad about herself because her mom was so hateful
@LilChuunosuke Жыл бұрын
Mark, I just want to say that I feel like you cover more queer reddit stories than most other creators who cover these subreddits. More specifically, I feel like I never see the stories of loving, accepting parents protecting their queer children from homophobia on any other channel. Thank you. Between how poorly many of us are treated when coming out & the general political climate and lower quality treatment of gay people, these stories are comforting to see. It's nice to see my younger siblings in the queer community be loved and supported more than I was. It gives me hope.
@RekiTheRyvian Жыл бұрын
Story 2: these people are always awful, and the moment the daughter can choose to do so, she will choose to never talk to her mother again. It's always so trashy when someone pulls this stuff, even when it isn't family. If you're going to demand that people tolerate you for your hating them, then you must tolerate them for hating you. What makes you so important that you're exempt from the same behavior that you give to others?
@STB-jh7od Жыл бұрын
Story 3: hope husband gets divorced so he can either be free or find partner that actually loves him.
@Ankjear Жыл бұрын
Bruh that last story, that chick is so stuck up and annoying idk how the husband stayed w her
@ItsYaBoiV Жыл бұрын
I was very lucky that my religious father never used religion to direct me or my siblings. Obviously, he wanted us to share his beliefs, but he never enforced it. He once said to me, "I'm not going to tell you not to do things. Don't drink, don't smoke, whatever. I know how teenagers are, and if I say no, you'll feel like you can't talk to me if something bad happens. So just be safe, and remember I love you." I've incorporated that into all of my relationships. So long as someone isn't hurting themselves or others, you don't have to approve of a person's every choice, but be supportive and present in case they need you.
@amandastout1948 Жыл бұрын
The last OP needs to be served chicken tendies and mashed potatoes on a clown-shaped plate, with choccy milk in a sippy cup.
@MsUnamusedNerd Жыл бұрын
STORY 1: I really hate when people who are objectively in the wrong, because they did something terrible weather nice terms like “emotionally, manipulative/emotionally, abusive” because they do not like face in the consequences of your actions. OP was completely betrayed by his wife. On top of that she was committing that the trail by shacking up with a guy during her pregnancy. OP has every right to feel betrayed not continue on as if nothing happened. They can be civilized while they are coparenting their daughter, but she’s not entitled to any type of reconciliation, or for things to be swept under the rug and I go about like they’re good friends. STORY 2: religious homophobes are so annoying. If you believe homosexuality is a sin, then have applied to YOUR bedroom life. Not the bedroom life of the people around you. Also, the Bible has been changed throughout his entire existence. The Bible used to speak out against pedophilia, but it was changed to homosexuality because… Well, if you’ve been on TikTok in the past couple of months and you’ve seen videos going viral of teenage girls calling out there preachers/pastors/church leaders for “taking their virginity” and adults share their story a face in the same abuse in the church. We can see why they want to remove sleeping with children is a sin from the Bible… I find it funny how she’s playing the victim and saying “I’m trying”… No, she’s not. She’s not trying to accept it. She’s was trying so hard to get daughter to go on a date with a man and when she’s not getting her way she breaks down and start playing the victim.
@InevitableSecrets Жыл бұрын
“I didn’t want to be difficult for the kitchen staff”. So instead you will be difficult for the person you are supposed to love the most?!? Make that make sense.
@AllistorMichelle Жыл бұрын
story 2: best dad. the mom is wrong as a lot of prists are accepting of the lgbt+ nowadays. the only ones who aren't are the deep south ones like in texas and florida. [ex floriadian] i'd think if theres a god that they'd want love not hate. Story 3: op is an ah for not wanting to ask for the dish not to have something. the people there must prepare food how you ask it as it can get them in trouble. because what if you were allergic and had a reaction? you could sue the place. but it sounds like you might not have an allergy which is fine. they can't legally ask if you're allergic. the only people that can legally know about your medical stuff is who ever you tell. no one can ask you. as long as you don't change the whole dish, that is. like if the fish had other sea food with it but you wanted to get one thing from that dish and change everything else for sides. like a neptunes dish at red lobster or something.
@cnow82 Жыл бұрын
I love how these fundamentalists of any religion preach how they are going to heaven or wherever because they are righteous. Yet, they disown family, abuse people, and in some instances kill people. Fight wars over the correct religion, etc. and the people just trying to live their life are the ones going to hell 🙄. My idea of hell would be spending eternity with those people. At least in hell I will have good company. I’m Atheist. But in case I’m wrong, I’m good lol.
@ValirianDefiance Жыл бұрын
story 1: that woman is laughably hypocritical but she cheated While pregnant so that fits.
@joeschmo622 Жыл бұрын
_"If thy mother offend thee, pluck out her eye."_
@k1tdragon5 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: The therapist is unethical here. Just because the mother “grew up with it”, that shouldn’t excuse the mother’s behavior in causing insecurity and mental issues in the daughter.
@dessnatazha Жыл бұрын
I'm also a picky eater and the OP in story 3 disgusts me. Most restaurants are very accommodating, and even if you don't want anything, eat before and just order a drink. Commune with your family on this special occasion. Jeez she's pissed me off.
@schizoidmeme5470 Жыл бұрын
The Daycare stealing stuff seems more like an excuse to get close I'd check in myself if that was the case. Cheaters and Manipulators always project their insecurities when you don't give them attention.
@yellit1975 Жыл бұрын
Story 1. Ex-wife wanted the good guy to provide and to have her fun with the bad boys. Gets upset when the good guy doesn’t want her anymore. I’m heartbroken for her, NOT. Story 2. Good to know that the daughter has OP in her corner. The mother will spend years wondering why the daughter wants nothing to do with her. Story 3. I’d have told the kids and parents why OP didn’t want to attend the celebration. If I was the husband, I’d be looking at my options as OP appears to be extremely selfish.
@juliebiggerbear7300 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: Talk about manipulative… There were things she could eat at the place her hubby wanted, but she didn’t want to burden the staff?!? I used to work at a popular restaurant, and as long as the requests weren’t insanely complicated, we were happy to accommodate a guest! She chose to do some weird manipulative power play instead of being accommodating and celebrating her hubby. So gross, and probably not a stand alone incident. YTA
@vengeance4927 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: The woman sounds a LOT like my coworker's ex-gf... Cheated on him after they had their kid, went nuts when he left, is now hospitalized for some reason. Last I checked she got sick with COVID real bad but now I think she's in there cuz she's gone completely mental. Keeps trying to contact him when he doesn't want to speak with her. It's sooooo fun to deal with /s
@lauralfreeberg2179 Жыл бұрын
The steak story: she could have ordered a couple of appetizers. There is usually a soup, crab cakes, and brioche. Surely there was something.
@Gungepup Жыл бұрын
As a non-straight person and a person who grew up in an environment where religion was used against me abusively... I want to say of story 2, F**K THAT NOISE. Oh, "you're not being understanding of my religion! You see, my religious liberties are violated when I'm not allowed to abuse others and cram those beliefs down their throats with no pushback!" That argument has hurt, and even killed, SO many people, and the fact that it's got so much traction right now, especially in the US, sickens me. You go, dad. You're doing right by your daughter. I just hope her self-esteem and sense of self-worth don't suffer too much because of her mother's poison.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Story 2 what do you mean dating apps?? Aren't dating apps 18 plus? And most interactions on dating apps are sexually charged on dating apps, that's a known fact. Fornication is also a sin so this just sounds like a weird flex.
@MisterNightfish Жыл бұрын
Story 1: You are no longer obliged to care at all what your ex-wife thinks. After she cheats, it's over. No reasons, no excuses, no couple's counseling. Never meet with her alone. You don't know what else she's capable of.
@karlab95 Жыл бұрын
Love how in the last story this woman didn't want to make the situation difficult for the kitchen staff but didn't mind making his own husband's special dinner difficult for him. What a terrible partner.
@tandelogan2825 Жыл бұрын
S3: What is the worse part is, she wrote all about how: selfish, manipulative and miserable she is, and truly thinks her behaviour is alright! Poor husband and children...if she sees this as too much of a "sacrifice"...she is definitely not a good wife or mother...
@DePhoegonIsle Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I hope the OP ends up divorced over this. Not only did she entirely go 'well I can't even go to a restaurant without having to order food', despite the fact that the meal was meant to be his celebration about something major. This is honestly a warning sign of something more. She literally is being a childish brat over food.. and .. seriously, playing the 'I don't want to be hard on the staff by asking to change a meal', while being an entire pain in the ass about where her (hopefully ex) husband would like to go to eat. It's not about food allergies, it's not about what's even available... it's about OP being a controlling see you next tuesday kind of person... that had to ruin the night because it wasn't her restaurant of choice.
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