My family doesn't want me to go to korea

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@pwincessdimplez 10 жыл бұрын
Loooool omg im going through the exact same thing now. Having Nigerian parents is not easy lol, your mum sounds EXACTLY like mine. I've postponed my application for a whole year. The lack of support from my family was influencing me and make me doubt my decision, but im just going to go for it because i never want a feeling of regret or having not do something i deeply desire to pursue. Thanks sooooo much for this, its really helped !!!!
@yumiko0017 10 жыл бұрын
I know what you're going through. I know it's hard but my parents came around. Keep at it!
@pinoycheshirecat 10 жыл бұрын
Oh my gooood! I am going through the same thing. It is stressful. This video accurately explains my life too. I am afraid of regrets. I want to go for my dreams but sometimes your family is that massive wall blocking your way. It made me doubt myself too but everytime I give myself some space to think, I always end up wanting to just go for my dreams. Holy hell. It's frustrating
@edensxgarden 9 жыл бұрын
This video was so much needed! I also want to go to Korea but my parents are extremely against it, my entire family (cousins etc as well) but my friends support me. Knowing that others go through this as well reassures and comforts me so much. This just shows me once again that I just need to go through it and do what I always wanted to do without letting myself get influenced from other people.
@MissNancyLondon 10 жыл бұрын
Your mum is hilarious!! Interventions, sabotage, guilt tripping. Lol. Parents know how to get what they want from you. You're right though. They just want what's best and once they see how much it means to you, they step back. Moving to Australia actually upset my sisters more than my parents but it's family. They love you and having you all alone so far from home scares them. It all comes from a place of love. xxx
@carmina7pulchra 9 жыл бұрын
Girl, yes! This video is the absolute truth! I too am Nigerian (I live in the States) and my parents are the exact same way. Now that I'm older (25) they've eased up a bit, but even just 2 years ago they would literally go insane if I tried to do anything in life that went against their plan. I, like you, had to stand my ground because I didn't want to have regrets later. Now when I look back on those moments, I'm so proud of myself.
@BybeeBunnie 10 жыл бұрын
Having African-Muslim parents, I'm going through the exact same thing. My parents don't want me to leave to a town 5 hours away for 2 days, and they would definitely disown me if I went to Korea after uni. But like you said, regrets will ruin your life. So I'm gonna take your advice and leave when the time is here, and hope that my parents come around. Thank you!
@fireyonix 10 жыл бұрын
i told my mum 2 weeks before i was set to go. i didn't ask for money i just told her it was going to happen now or later it was better to let me do it now.
@TilllyBee 10 жыл бұрын
Very good video.Thank you for encouraging us to stand our ground when it comes to things we believe in.God bless
@the_sojourner8756 9 жыл бұрын
I really needed to hear this video. I'm in college currently and next fall I am planning on going to Korea for a semester, and my mom wants me to go somewhere "closer". She was making all these excuses as to why I shouldn't go,. My brother is more understanding, and I feel as though even some of my friends rely on me to much. I can't be there for my family and friends all the time. For so long i've put others needs before mine all the time. For once I really want to do something for myself.
@LatashaTrueHeart 10 жыл бұрын
I applaud you for following your passions regardless of your family's attempts to dissuade you.
@oluwatosinomotosho9677 9 жыл бұрын
Wow thanks for sharing this. I was in the same situation 2 years ago and ended up backing out and going into the working life. I have always had the desire to go and teach abroad in Korea but my mum was so against it (I'm also Nigerian lol). I am now determined more than ever to go in the next intake in 2016. I don't want to have any regrets. They are just going to have to deal with it :). This really encouraged me. Thank you. X
@yumiko0017 10 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I went through. I always talked about studying abroad in college and she ignored it. Last year and earlier this year was PURE HELL! My mom, dad and myself yelled, screamed etc. I was stressed out. At first I told my parents I wanted to go it last year, lord help me it was a nasty environment on my house. Do later on I applied and did everything behind their back. A few weeks before I was suppose to leave all hell broke loose again. My family was supportive. My family and my parents knew that I always wanted to live out of the country ever since I was little. My family wasn't surprised. As of now my mom and dad have calmed down about it. My mom is actually excited for me. We are now doing the process together. I told I'm applying for next February. My mom apologized for not listening to me in college and now. I'm her only child and she loves me. I told her that I understand but she should listen instead of judging. What also helped is that my uncle lived there for 2 years. He told my mom all about it. She also thought programs like EPIK & TaLK were a scam! I'm like mom seriously?! I'm very happy my mom and dad turned a new leaf. I know it's hard for them but I want to do this for a year then go straight to law school. Everyone doesn't get a chance to teach in a foreign country. I was shocked as well when my mom did a 180 lol I was like huh? She's talking about buying tickets, shopping over there and everything. It's crazy lol if anyone wants advice from me as well my inbox is open. I went through a lot just like mysokoadventure
@yumiko0017 10 жыл бұрын
So many misspellings and words used in the wrong place lol I hope you guys still understand my comment.
@minimouse2105 10 жыл бұрын
Sounds exactly like what I'll have to go through. Exactly. Woohoo... Parental wars! -______-
@alejandrabenitez8701 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story! I'm in the process of preparing my own application and I'm having a similar experience with my (Mexican) parents. Kudos for forging ahead and persevering!
@Hbchn-vlt 10 жыл бұрын
I had the same problem with my serbian parents, but not only them : the ENTIRE family ahah My sister didn't talk to me for a year, my dad was angry to me for 6 months but he finally talked to me again, pushed by my mom... my grand parents were trying to make me feel guilty for leaving the family by saying that my father got sick because he was too worried for me which it wasn't true. 3 years later, I`m still in Japan and my family can see through facebook how much I`m happy and that I`m not a child anymore, that I can live by myself etc even now my father says it was the best choice I made considering the kind of bad situation of the country where I grew up, France ahah parents will always see us as a child, even at age of 30/40, etc ahah
@Zoeyw1 10 жыл бұрын
wow, grad that out are talking with your family. our story is very inspirational
@jjooyycc 10 жыл бұрын
Guessing this is the video you said you were not sure you wanted to upload on twitter...Glad you made this video. Its always the videos people think are too personal that alot of people relate to. I can completely relate with the African parenting thing. Its sad that parents go off their fears and experiences(sometimes) and try to stop their children without considering at all that it might not be that way or they might have a different outcome. I know parents want the best for their children but it sucks.
@JosoAnani 10 жыл бұрын
Great Video. I totally identify with you on the african parents and decisions for your life. Im glad you stood your ground. We never want to disappoint our parents or cause them strife but sometimes they dont always understand how we feel about certain life decisions. good job
@magalysanchez2408 9 жыл бұрын
Im planning to go to Korea within the next year and a half (still in school) and my mom is COMPLETELY against it (Mexican moms are quite alike to African moms in the sense of having such power over their children's lives lol). I've tried to do study abroad in different countries but it always failed because my mom absolutely hates the idea (she would only ever accept it if I said I was going to Mexico :/ ). I think she's against me leaving completely, but moslty me going to Korea because it is soo far away and she knows nothing about it, and she thinks I practically know nothing about it (She knows I've done my research and have heard from others online that Korea is great, but her motherly brain doesn't trust any of that information). Ofcourse I love her like crazy but she is stressing me out because she's making me decide between her and something that I ABSOLUTELY MOST DEFINITELY want to do. This video came like a blessing to me, thank you MySoKoAdventure
@Kimchiandtaco 9 жыл бұрын
+Magaly Sanchez I am in the same exact situation!! I am mexican and both my parents are %9,999,999 against me going to Korea this Fall (I am on my last semester of Uni). It's been extremely stressful because knowing that your family doesn't support you really really sucks...They make me feel so guilty for leaving, they argue that "You should find a job that pays better here to support us rather than go away and make little money!"I am working 2 side jobs now and I plan to give them the money I earn until I leave for Korea (I already saved money for Korea the previous year). It's something I really want and I have to do whatever it takes to follow my dream despite others bringing me down!! :)
@yinka14 10 жыл бұрын
Haha ooohh the JOYs of having Nigerian parents lol I've been there done that :o/ Good for you! There is a line between being respectful and giving up once in a lifetime opportunities, i'm glad it all worked out for you!
@kawaiinails 10 жыл бұрын
Wow !! I didn't know you went through all of that ! So proud of you !
@MySoKoAdventure 10 жыл бұрын
@StephaniehasStories 10 жыл бұрын
woww I didn't/don't have family support living here in Korea, but it certainly wasn't THIS bad!! woww you go girl!!! I always just kept saying that I don't want to have any regrets in life...that if I stayed in the states I would have continued being that i'm in korea, i'm happier than i've ever been and i signed a new contract last fall too!! Never going back!! Now and forever financially independent!!!
@nunaavane 10 жыл бұрын
This side eye when you say she said "i'll do it for you" looool soooo funny!! But overall i am happy you made it either way, nothing works if you don't do it with conviction!! Glad you're happy now baby, hugs!!!
@blackcdnguy 10 жыл бұрын
@ 12:00 LMAO deeaad at suspecting ur mom was gonna drive off somewhere to make u miss ur flight. this whole video was so entertaining. thank you for a great story and laugh
@myrudegyalshai 10 жыл бұрын
This is a great video! My parents have been nothing but supportive of my dreams of going to Korea, but whenever you're planning to do something out of the ordinary, you find that people (in general) will come out of the woodwork to show their skepticism and disapproval. I'm sure there are plenty of other people out there with similar stories to yours, so this should encourage them. Even I, who has a different situation, am encouraged. I really appreciate your videos!
@RizzieMcGuire678 8 жыл бұрын
I've started the application process and have a skype meeting with my Korvia recruiter next week. My mum is worried, but still supportive thankfully! Good on you for digging your heels in!
@MegaMonsterMuffin 10 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, i was laughing the whole way through because this is exactly my situation! My parents were pretending to be supportive while sabotaging the whole thing, the "interventions", long daily arguments, it really just got to be too much. My parents are latino and also believe they have a right over you for your whole life. I wanted to transfer to Japan to finish my bachelors but now I'm saving up to go when I graduate. I feel that by then, i will feel like more of an adult to them and I will go regardless of what they want. Your video really inspired me and made me realize I'm not the only one haha!
@DogsandVlogs 9 жыл бұрын
You are such an amazing person! You still persevered and went to a completely different country even with some stress. I love how you made your dreams come to life. I'm so happy for you :D
@TheFNTify 10 жыл бұрын
yep,... all african parents are like that, u're not alone
@mariamadibbamanka2102 10 жыл бұрын
Im 17 at the moment and currently attempting to learn korean my mum is against it because apparently"thats the only thing I got in my mind and I dont focus on my studies blablabla" we also have mini arguments also with my sisters listening to your story gave me more motivation to continue doing something I enjoy I hope one day they'll understand me and APPROVE....thank you for sharing
@sara.a9509 10 жыл бұрын
I'm 16 and I feel you :) i'm in the exact same situation
@MySoKoAdventure 10 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I motivated you! ^^
@alixclaude363 9 жыл бұрын
Your story inspires me! Everyone around me has parents that back up their decisions no matter what. My mom is very protective, and I even had a hard time convincing her why I wanted to go to a university two hours from where we live. I think in the end our parents do want us happy but it sure is tough convincing them. Thank you for helping me feel confident in my dreams and for reminding me to not let lack of support get in the way of reaching goals.
@dianananananana 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this video! I've been wanting to teach in South Korea for a while now. My situation wasn't ideal to do it before but now I am living back home with my parents and its the perfect time to do it. My parents are very discouraging and don't want me to do it but I really really feel in my heart that I need to go. Its so inspiring to know that I'm not the only one going through something like this with my family.
@ViktoriaLove93 8 жыл бұрын
I am SO HAPPY that you made this video. While my parents are not African, they are Eastern European and they are behaving the same way with me as I am starting the process of going to SK. And this video was so encouraging and makes me feel very confident in myself. Thank you so much!
@kerrimchayle1213 10 жыл бұрын
You are such an encouragement. God bless you!
@inhealthandmoderation 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Anni! :) I just wanted to say that this video really motivated me to make a decision for myself and my passion to go teach in South Korea. I am in the same situation at the moment and though my parents have accepted the fact that i will go to South Korea after a year of saying "no" and threatening to disown me, they are still trying to persuade me not to go by involving my aunt and putting negative thoughts into my head. I am from an Indian family with very traditional culture and beliefs but I believe I need to change the culture in the modern era. I have given up so much in my life for culture and tradition and have regrets but teaching in South Korea is not something I am willing to give up. But i don't want to wonder 10 years from now "what if..." so thank you for this video! it really took me out of my darkest thoughts and almost withdrawing the application but i'm going through with my all my strength and my passion to learn about the Korean culture, language and teaching :) Thank you!
@Maya22ism 6 жыл бұрын
It is so crazy how I am going through the EXACT situation (mine being my whole family is against me going and I am studying aboard). I know this something I really want to do and have been wanting to do for such a long time now. I also know the world isn't in its best form right now but honestly if I let that stop me from living the only life I have then I am going to grow old having too many regrets and I honestly don't want that for myself or anyone. I am going to do everything I physically can to be safe and I, being a Christian, have strong faith that God is definitely going to keep me safe. I know they are coming from a place of love (trust me, I do) but I need my family to understand that this is my life. African parents are a trip but you still gotta love em lol. I am beyond grateful that you posted this video because I really needed this to help me make my decision. I will update later! Much love xoxo...
@lunajedi 10 жыл бұрын
This was very motivational. I studied for a summer in Korea and I decided that I wanted to go back for a semester but my parents were so against it that I got so stressed and pulled out after I had been nominated at my first choice university. I am planning on applying for Epik next year after I have graduated and so far my parents seem alright about it so I hope once I start applying that they don't change because I will not back out this time. It is definitely something I want to do. Its awesome that you were able to do all that without your family's support.
@MySoKoAdventure 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you, and good luck with the future application!
@LoiLaing 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing. Your honesty and realness are much appreciated. Looking forward to more videos!
@CoreChick 9 жыл бұрын
I definitely have the same attitude as you, but when I say it out loud ("I'm going whether they let or not") everyone assumes I'm being disrespectful/stubborn instead of being determined. My dad reacted like your mom. I'm applying for University--my second time, though I was accepted the first time. And you were the same age as I am now. So many coincidences. I hope the result is similar too. And I agree that safety is probably one of the major issues parents have about going abroad, especially since I'm the only girl in my family. Your video makes me feel like I can just wait out their opposition comfortably now. Thank you so much!
@babyfacebora 9 жыл бұрын
legit the only people on my side are my three brothers 😂😂
@doniabadarny6492 9 жыл бұрын
I'm 17 and I'm facing the same thing you did face! You actually encouraged me to go even further!! Thanks so much!!!
@tolutalks6074 10 жыл бұрын
New subbie! Lol but great video & I'm so glad I watched it because it's encouraged me to follow through with some things in school that my (AFRICAN) parents wouldn't want me to. Your story is very inspiring because it shows that you wanted your parents blessings & eventually it came around by you preserving & following your dreams! Thanks so much for the encouragement.
@mabsuudmohamud1629 10 жыл бұрын
I love your channel! I'm also 18 now and from London and have always been interested in different cultures and countries especially japan and South Korea and funnily enough I've always wanted to become a teacher & watching your channel has made me want to go out and teach abroad as well! I really want to go South Korea when I graduate too and teach there as I didn't think this was possible before but I know I'm gonna face the same issues as you did when I tell my mum as well (I'm African too lol). I'll just cross that bridge when I get there haha but watching your channel has inspired me.Thank you for sharing your experiences with us
@gayleisuk 8 жыл бұрын
Don't get me started on parents and trying to control you... it's probably coming from a good place but the delivery 🙈
@belemaiyo 10 жыл бұрын
OMG! I love that you're Nigerian like me and just described my entire life. Going to Korea is definitely on my mind but I might just visit first. Your videos are awesome & yeah my mom would have been the same way.
@SebKent1 10 жыл бұрын
It is very admirable that you made sure that you maintained your family bonds while following your destiny at the same time. I am sure that, deep down, your mother respects you deeply for this.
@KoKoDWitch 10 жыл бұрын
Hispano parents are also like that, I also have a dream of traveling abroad and everytime i mention it my parents flip and call me stupid and they would tell the whole family and every time they would call or some over they would always mention me wanting to travel. And it was also a battle when I wanted to live in the dorms for Uni and I think its just a culture thing. Specially when your culture if very family centered or something like that.
@nildaalvarado9026 9 жыл бұрын
Kane1827 I feel you! I was a nightmare to just go to virginia my parents life in pa. only 5 hours away... life is so difficult
@Evanandrachel 10 жыл бұрын
Wow, great story. I think a lot of people will benefit from this. Just curious, was your mom against Korea specifically or leaving in general?
@MySoKoAdventure 10 жыл бұрын
thank you, I think it was just Korea that she had a problem with. I've studied abroad in two diffrent countries and she was fine with it
@saasaaa2929 10 жыл бұрын
MySoKoAdventure What countries did you go to in order to study there, if I may ask? :-)
@mgillespie12 10 жыл бұрын
Really great video! I'm not sure I would have trusted that ride to the airport, lol. I'm glad it worked to your favor. How often do you two speak now? Did you ever feel the need to hide any of your negative experiences or feelings you had once you got to Korea (even if they were temporary) from your mother, for fear that it would have just validated her initial feelings about it?
@MySoKoAdventure 10 жыл бұрын
We speak at least once a week. It depends on what the experience is tbh, I've only had one really scary experience since moving here that I doubt I'll ever tell her about. But if it's something that annoyed me etc, I don't mind telling her
@HavootuKali 8 жыл бұрын
"well im gonna stay for 3 years!!!" lmao this is why i love u lol... this is totally me lol... and i dont think its just african parents it think its alot of parents like this... im african american... so even though my mom is very supportive my dad is a different story lol... my dreams are always to big to accomplish in his mind and for years hed make secret calls to my mom to get her to convince me to "grow up" and be a sensible adult lol... i think after all these years hes finally realize that im always gonna be "unconventional weirdo" and he can do nothing about it.... lol he doesnt even ask what anymore lol but it has helped our relationship cause i didnt talk to him for a while... i couldnt take anymore negativity.... but all that to say i fully understand... and im glad your mom came around! great story!
@CarefreeMaya 10 жыл бұрын
I'm African American and my parents reallly think I'm joking about going to teach in Japan. My mom wants me to stay close to her and my dad but I refuse. Theirs a whole world out their, I have no kids, and I wanna live.
@BeautifulGood713 10 жыл бұрын
Go for it!
@xxfaithyxx1 10 жыл бұрын
Such an amazing story, thanks for sharing!
@matt-dz2ou 9 жыл бұрын
I'm 18 right now and I'm studying Korean. I'd like I could go live there one day but my family is so against it. Your story just inspire me and makes me want to work harder to fulfill my dream!
@AmaalM21 10 жыл бұрын
I'm going through the same thing but with Japan. So this was really encouraging!
@aidahadzihasani7419 9 жыл бұрын
wow thankyou for this ! this really inspired me . i feel the same my parents are not English so i can understand really quite a bit where your coming from haha. all the best. this has really brought me hope. thanks xxx
@nykiblack1445 8 жыл бұрын
Definitely encouraged me :) I'm scheduled to arrive in August! Great video
@TheLegendofMikuni777 10 жыл бұрын
You're so inspirational thank you!
@sarawackadoo 10 жыл бұрын
I thought my mum, who is originally from London, would have a similar reaction when I told her I was planning to teach English in Korea, but it was my dad who really objected. Mum was so supportive, which I never expected (this is the woman who hid my acceptance letter when I got accepted into a college outside of the province) but she realized that my current situation wasn't making me happy... at all. Now she wants to visit me if I get in. As for my dad, he's kind of on board now but he doesn't like the idea of me being so far away. It's good to hear that your mum finally got on board :) Mums are such a great support-net, so it must be nice to be able to talk to her. I'm glad I didn't have the same issues, because I really thought I would. Life is much easier with Mumsy on my side :P
@MySoKoAdventure 10 жыл бұрын
haha yes, having your mum behind you really makes a difference!
@taperedfro3960 10 жыл бұрын
Really great video! You're soo inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story.
@TaylorMewsic 10 жыл бұрын
I watched your video and it really made me feel better about my current situation: Basically I was given the amazing opportunity to be a camp counselor at a school in France this summer--all expense paid. Pro's: I love France, speak french,and I think this is an amazing opportunity. Con: My mom is super against this and doesn't want to let me go because "it's a foreign country and anything could happen". Thoughts on how to convince her? I've tried everything argument in the book. If reason doesn't work I'll have to do what you did and just accept the job in secret. The only thing is I'm only 18 and not as independent as people in their 20s who have opportunities for English teaching jobs.
@neadesu 10 жыл бұрын
I know my mom will go through the same thing.. I don't look forward to it. I started studying at an university in my home country, when I actually wanted to study abroad. But now I've changed my mind, so I'll finish my courses here, then study abroad. :) This video gave me hope.
@gochujangbby5189 10 жыл бұрын
Really love this video :) by the way i LOVE LOVE LOVE your eye makeup! Haha
@jzeraba 7 жыл бұрын
Wonderful story, thanks for telling it!
@sihanhassan2599 9 жыл бұрын
i cant tell you how honestly proud i am of your efforts. we could be siblings. i really wanna go to ewha women's university but i know ill have to fight my parents for it. this gave me hope, confidence, and most importantly strategy. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
@the_n00b_gamergirl 10 жыл бұрын
It has been my dream for about 8 years now to be an English teacher in Japan. I thought when I finished college I would immediately start applying to programs and go to Japan, but I have had absolutely no support from my family... they have completely deterred me from applying. For some reason, I think it has something to do with Japan... or Asian countries in general... they seem to think it is some dangerous 3rd world country... Every time I bring it up we get into an argument... It's a frustrating feeling when the people you look to most don't support your dreams... I hope one day I will go to Japan and teach! :) Your story is so inspiring; thank you!
@Mossydeerbones 10 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you had to go through that, you seem really REALLY lovely and I'm glad you went through with it. What's life if you're not living it for yourself and making yourself happy? x
@Sweetpealov 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@suhasamara1622 10 жыл бұрын
oh its the same with my story to study in korea !!! i applied everything secretly and finally on march im moving and i hope i will not regret and my parents see me happy :)
@jeniferamponsah9688 10 жыл бұрын
I really like this video, and you gave motivation on what to do. And your mum's reaction is like my mum reaction, lolol
@EpitomeOfQuirky 10 жыл бұрын
I am sooooo glad I found your videos, you're so awesome. I have no idea how i'm going to break it to my parents haha, this video helped.
@RealDealShawty100 10 жыл бұрын
Girl, smh i know how you feel.. Im Ghanaian and every time i plan to do something i really love doing, my parents always stop me saying, become a doctor or a nurse and marry a doctor . And they always also inform other family members to talk to you, guilt-tripping you.. lol i love the idea of traveling and helping others so i hope in the near future i'll also be in korea. I don't know if they'll agree either lmao. oh well ..
@marlene4frogs 10 жыл бұрын
I can relate! I plan to go teach in Korea in 2015 once I graduate from college. Haven't told my parents yet but I know my mom is not going to like it lol. I come from a very collectivist, Mexican family and my parents like to put their two cents in my decision making and definitely do not want me to move away anywhere that is too far (reason why I stayed close to home for college but that is another story). Your video was inspiring to follow what you really want. Thank you!
@yumiko0017 10 жыл бұрын
To be honest. Talk to them about it soon (I know that's the scary part). I went through the same thing as mysokoadventure. It's hard but it'll be worth it in the end. 2015? Starting easing on in there.
@marlene4frogs 10 жыл бұрын
yumiko0017 hey thanks for your reply, it's just really hard telling this to my parents because I wanted to go to the other side of the country to study for my masters and once i told my mom about that she said no and said some things that really stressed me out, that was before I decided that I wanted to teach abroad for a while. I just don't know how to bring it up and I know she is going to stress me out again.
@aminaj9515 9 жыл бұрын
I'm Somali and yes my parents are exactly like that especially my dad 10 жыл бұрын
I feel you about that letting people dissuade you mom and everyone was the same when I wanted to join the British Army when I was 20. A decade on I still wonder what if , where would I have been. Not a nice feeling at all.
@nlafreedomfighter222 10 жыл бұрын
You all should be grateful for having parents who care and are overprotective. If I had a son or a daughter planning to travel to some foreign land, I would do exactly the same thing! And when I finally agree to let you go, I will secretly purchase a plane ticket to the very place you are going, see I gotta catch the next flight to make sure your plane doesn't get high-jacked, to make sure you don't miss your cab, to make sure your apartment is nice and cozy and in a safe neighborhood... LOL!!!!! It's a fact that most parents miss that moment when you transit from a minor to an adult who can make his or her own decisions, who can stand on his/her own two feet!!!
@Cmi1267 10 жыл бұрын
I'm so proud if you!! ^.^ I can totally understand what you went through. :D
@vexsayshi9348 10 жыл бұрын
I'm only 14 but - I am always talking about going to Korea when I graduate High School and go to a Korean University and live there and - even though its 4 years away - they think its a phase, and that they won't let me, and that I'm not going anywhere. Ughh ~ I'm saving money and I WILL GO TO KOREA!! HWAITING!!!
@mazmcculloch6528 10 жыл бұрын
Hi. Your videos are really interesting for me. I'm thinking of doing a similar thing as you but I'm just starting my last year of sixth form and thinking about what I want to do later on. What course did you take and at which University, did you do a TEFL course? In your opinion do you think taking a gap year there first as I've never been to South Korea or should I start my degree? Thanks! Amazing vlogs!! Love them! Keep them coming from Korea!! :D
@starzzzy22 10 жыл бұрын
I understand a parent being worried about their child traveling abroad, really I do, but it's not like the child is telling you they want to be a drug dealer or something. It's one thing to be concerned as a parent but it's another thing to try to discourage a person from their dream!
@HeavenlyLove47 10 жыл бұрын
I'm Nigerian as well 😊😊😊 I can totally relate with the whole African parents thing.
@skylallion8426 10 жыл бұрын
ok so am from Trinidad, when i told my parents i wanted to go... my dad is like yours on the give me the information; who are you staying by?, who's going with you?, who's paying for etc stuffs? and my mom was like who's paying for you? Are you going with a family member and which one? How long are you going for? lol my aunt heard me and she was like don't worry she'll help! but because of TAKEN the movie, every time i talked about going my dad was like did you see Taken? lol so i kind of postpone me coming lol. thinking of coming next year just for a visit. (it'll be the first time ever on a phone to anywhere!) lol am so nervous and panicking, wondering the out come lol
@mildredduffie6587 9 жыл бұрын
Bravo to you honey great job.
@invictaism02 10 жыл бұрын
why is this my life?! I completely understand what you are going through. I am trying to go teach/work in Europe and my mom is against it, more so than my dad. This is exactly what I am going through right now!! #africanparents
@hijabieats9657 7 жыл бұрын
This also occurs with most muslim families unfortunately. My parents were completely against it at first but the affect that they were having over me, they saw and they changed their minds, saying they don't want to see me in the state that I was, especially my dad, he actually said if this will make you happy then i want you to be happy. But me being the sceptic I was like what if you disown me and ask me never to come back to the house and see my family? Because he did say that to me in the past and he owned up that he would never say that again and realised he was wrong for saying it. I think the family especially the parents think they know what's best and being an only child, that makes them be even more overprotective over me but at the end of the day, I just stuck to my guns and told them how I want my life to play out. Oh by the way I'm 25 soon to be 26 and yet they still act like this 😂. But I am planning to head out to Seoul this year or the next, depending on how quick my application is etc :).
@TGoodzable 10 жыл бұрын
where else did you study abroad? Im thinking of doing the same but in Germany!!! Just trying to decide if I want to go to Med School here first or there in Germany!!! Idk but thank you for your story Im ready to dig in my heels even further!!! Thank you!!!
@rachelms6156 10 жыл бұрын
My parents are african too(eritrean) and i want to travel through asia one day. And i know they will not approve and they will make me feel guilty, but i could care less lol. At the end of the day its my life and i don't want to regret anything.. Thankyou for this video!
@shineunri.j8866 10 жыл бұрын
@PotatoManToTheRescue 10 жыл бұрын
My parents are white and acting the same way. My dad is totally against me wanting to go and doesn't even listen to my reasoning for wanting to go and it's completely out of hand. I'm going to go whether or not he approves because I'm an adult and I need to make my own decisions so I'm not stuck in Tennessee with my parents for my entire life.
@LethalLemonLime 10 жыл бұрын
My parents are Nigerian as well. I'm still in Uni, but I am considering teaching in Korea. My mom clearly does not support my decision, but was much more quiet about it than my dad. My dad really did not like the idea and was trying to convince not to go saying that because I'm American if I go overseas they'll kill me (Which is BS because I've been to Nigeria and the UK). I'm sure they'll be even more upset if I actually am filling out the apps and going through the process. I'll probably do it secretly too.
@LethalLemonLime 10 жыл бұрын
That intervention thing has definitely happened to me and my older sister. Mainly my older sister before she moved to Texas (although she moved back) she had my uncle talk to her and other relatives to try and convince her to not go.
@BeautifulGood713 10 жыл бұрын
Isn't it ironic that parents who LEFT their country of origin, would turn around & discourage their children from doing what they did in pursuit of their life dreams?
@ninim7008 10 жыл бұрын
that attitude of the parent isn't only to Africans, my mother is the same, worse in other aspects but generally the same and shes from St martin
@sibofaustine8598 10 жыл бұрын
I'm going to go to Seoul Korea but my parents don't approve the only one that supports me is my sister in law and because of you I know I will make it and finally be happy❤️🇰🇷ㅋㅋㅋ
@nathanandsopa 8 жыл бұрын
you look fantastic...!
@conocemihistoria4449 10 жыл бұрын
I like you... you are so intelligent... gosh!!!
@cumensu 10 жыл бұрын
I'm from the DRC central Africa. My mom would act very similar if not the same. I get the whole African parents thing.
@waterflowzz 10 жыл бұрын
Maybe you should have your mom come visit you. I think a good way, if you can afford it, would be for your parents to come and visit you in the first month. At least if they were that worried it would give them a sense of peace if they saw how it was.
@ruthmatida 10 жыл бұрын
I am so going through that right now and my African parents and other family and friends are doing the same thing. And I am the last kid so they are over protective.And I really wanna come to Korea for college next year and like the application process has just started to go to Yonsei University and its like $150 to apply and I don't even know what to do because my parents might have to pay for it because they don't want me using my money. But I have no choice if they don't want to but I am just gonna do it. What do you advice me to do please.
@fireyonix 10 жыл бұрын
i didn't get threatened with disowning but i got everything else. i only wanted to go to Slovakia for a month.
@racharay57 10 жыл бұрын
Hey im rachel im 17 ,and i wanna really study in korea .but i dont know how fo make this happen .because im leaving im morrocco ,and my oarents aare not very exited to me .pleaaaase pleasse i want informations amd how can i do that
@lizamedia1015 10 жыл бұрын
Am glad you finally made the decision to go. Sometime you have to listen to God, your heart and make a decision. Others may not always agree with the decision but in the end if you feel it will be worth it, then go for it. This is your future to live, you are not living it for your family.
@mir9240 10 жыл бұрын
Hi my name is Cristy and I have a question about teaching in korea. I'm Dominican so that makes me hispanic, so I was wondering will a encounter in korea racism?
@msprb15 10 жыл бұрын
hi im 18 i really want to teach in korea but my family are a bit iffy about it but i really liked what you said about having regrets and thinking what if, i wanted to know what is the epik programme and what did you for your degree also did you do a tefl course thank you
@esiobeng8237 10 жыл бұрын
Your mom reminds me of my mom sometimes. Are you from ghana?
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