My new approach to habits in 2024 💜

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@anaisroger5938 9 ай бұрын
To force myself to take the habit of walking more, I used 2 tricks : 1/ using bringing my kids to school as my trigger to go on a walk (I walk my kids to school, since I am already outside and have 30 to 45 min before I need to get to work I might as well go on a little walk instead of waiting at home by myself) and 2/ stacking it with something I like doing, aka reading, so the rule is I can only listen to an audiobook while I am walking, so if I want to hear the end of the chapter or the rest of the story, I need to get myself out of the house and go on a walk. It is pretty effective on me!
@ReignBeauxStar 9 ай бұрын
Now that's some good manipulation ❤😂
@RachelRamey 9 ай бұрын
I think the habit tracker "size" can depend a lot on what your goal is. I agree that if your goal is to BUILD habits, it's better to focus on just a few at a time. But I think a broader tracker can still be potentially useful if your goal for it is to *gather data* so you know what is or isn't working well.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Fair points 💪 I think my tracker size and tracker purpose weren’t aligned 👏
@snobgoblinDK 9 ай бұрын
I’m not doing habits anymore. I’m focusing more on intentions this year, which I have a look at frequently to decide “what can I do to work on this intention today/this week/this quarter”. It makes it more flexible, often more relevant, and not demotivating or punishing. Habit lists makes me less likely to do them for some reason.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Fair enough! I’m always interested to hear about how people differentiate the terms goals/habits/intentions 💜
@kelceyfirth 9 ай бұрын
it's embarrasing to admit but i struggle a lot with basic human functions like brushing my teeth and showering, so these are the things i am deciding to track in my bujo this coming year. for january i am doing little calendars for each habit and colouring the square when i complete the task, but if this doesnt work for me i will use a different tracker like a weekly tracker. i really hope i stick to this throughout the year.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Don’t feel embarrassed, I’m right there with you, ESPECIALLY for teeth brushing. For the longest time, my queue or trigger for remembering to brush my teeth was leaving the house. Nowadays, I don’t leave the house though 😅 so actually remembering to do it (and then follow through) is a challenge for me 😝
@GreenWhitePurple 9 ай бұрын
I think this is true for lots of us. Good luck with your tracking, I hope it will help. x
@grace_pace 9 ай бұрын
Agree - don't feel embarrassed. We are all up against the friction of making better choices. I am going to attach small rewards for myself 'fortnightly' in my tracking. Remember that every day is a fresh try at building atomic habits.
@sunsetsky594 9 ай бұрын
I went through what you described. I was up to tracking 16 habits per day, which included eating certain specific foods among other habits. I eventually pulled out the ones that were never getting done which indicated I didn't care about it and the ones that I always got done which indicated it was an established habit that didn't need tracking. I cut it down to five habits, the ones that I really cared about and the ones that I realized got done more frequently if I tracked the habit. I put that list of five habits on each weekly spread. It's so short it only takes about two minutes to add it in.
@uptightfreespirit4496 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant!! We make habit tracking too difficult when the actual tracking is yet another habit to keep up with (or likely, NOT keep up with!)
@meganskilling2689 9 ай бұрын
I’m trying high bar low bar but I’m doing 1 habit in January then 2 habits in feb and so on to help build up my habits
@mohsinakhalid 9 ай бұрын
Thats genius
@meganskilling2689 9 ай бұрын
@@mohsinakhalid I always get annoyed with my self for never completing my habits so I’m hoping this will help I read somewhere it takes 30 days to establish a habit so I thought I would add a new one gradually
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Sounds like a cool strategy to help with focusing 😄💜
@beautifulenigma1724 9 ай бұрын
I (attempted) to do something similar last year. I had a "year of healthy habits" spread at the beginning of my bujo, and I'd focus on a different habit each month. Sometimes I repeated a habit if I had a hard month or it fell by the wayside. Unfortunately I ended up not using it (these last few years have been HARD). I was thinking about bringing it back, but just having a spot with my monthly trackers where I'll actually see it more often. Just one of the trackers would (potentially) change each month (I draw mini calendars for each habit instead of one big thing)
@anniea90 9 ай бұрын
I have recently started a skincare routine which spiralled into a better selfcare routine. I have found that I enjoy it. I always looked at it as another chore - and some days it still is but mostly its become a peaceful time. I am so relaxed after and I think using it as a self imposed "time out" is helping my anxiety.
@uptightfreespirit4496 9 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you shared, and learned that tracking too many habits simply became another habit it itself, which I was unlikely to follow. In 2023 I found great success with building routines made up of stacked habits. I started with just getting up at 5:00 am no matter what and putting on work out clothes. That was my singular morning habit.Then i added a 30 minute workout (Having my environment set up for success made this possible), later meditation, later a personal project and so on. Now my singular morning habit is my entire routine. I have the same for my nightly routine, and I no longer bother tracking things like brushing teeth and washing my face because I always do it them.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Love the gradual build of it 👏 and totally feel you on the idea of habit tracking being another one itself 😝
@TheKatsMeow113 9 ай бұрын
Years ago, I realized that separate monthly habit trackers didn't work for me because I never flipped back to any of the pages I set up at the beginning of the month. Once I figured out that I was really more of a weekly person and built my habit tracker into my weeklies, the tracker became so much more useful because I was actually looking at my weeklies every single day and marking off the habits. Once people think about what habits they want to track, it's helpful to then think about how they see time so they can actually maintain using the tracker.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Agreed 👏 I think having them move to a smaller time frame, on a page that I use a lot more often, is going to be really helpful 😄💜
@GreenWhitePurple 9 ай бұрын
I also do weekly habit tracking. There are added bonuses for me. If I have an unsuccessful week, I immediately put it behind me and don’t have to look at it again. I have a fresh start straight away and get that “new venture, starting out” motivation when I see the new, clear habit tracker every week. Even if I’m struggling with a habit, I usually do better at the beginning of the week so it gives me frequent “doing better” intervals and overall I’m managing the habit more often than I otherwise would. Weekly tracking also means I can adjust the habit goals whenever I need to. I’m not stuck with something that isn’t working out or has been overtaken by a new priority. In addition, there are habits that I aim to do a number of times a week rather than every day, Personally I find this much easier to see and track when I’m looking at one week at a time.
@mothtotheflame13 9 ай бұрын
i find that whenever i try and ‘reset’ and start all my new habits, i do them for maybe 1-3 days and then stop. but what i realized last year was that i need to do it gradually. i do still have 4 habits that i’m trying to do at once, but 2 i already do, and the others are easy (for me) to get done. going back to my og point, i need to gradually add on more habits. one habit at a time, stacking onto other things, only really focusing on that habit, until it becomes habit, and then i can add another! hopefully this made sense lol, but i love your methods too jess, and might add in a high/low bar idea to mine!
@shiorikampf6373 9 ай бұрын
I have my journal set up with double dutch doors. The top half of the pages has my habit trackers (making each habit take up the whole upper half makes it look good to me and helps me to focus on one at a time). There is a 2cm cut out, and then the lower half of the page has my weekly layouts. That way I'm able to flip through my habits and weeks and still see both at the same time.
@sparklypoof 9 ай бұрын
I assess at the end of the month based on monthly challenge ideas I am trying, what's going on that month that I need to prep for, or something from my L10 stuff that needs working on - and I pick 7 things to track each month. I have a tracker that I build out, vertically with the days running down the left and then 8 columns to the right boxed in. I build a little 8x4 key above it that lets me know what symbol/letter to use for each habit (plus my mood tracker which I have memorized at this point). at the end of the day, I fill in however many symbols/letters for that day's row that I got done. it not only shows me what things I am doing more of, but I can at-a-glance see which days are more productive/habit-building. examples of habits/symbols I use are yoga = Y, tidying = little broom symbol, taking a walk = little two feet walking symbol, etc. I have thought of color-coding them as well, but then it gets too cumbersome for me to fill out at the end of the day, and as you've said - the easier it is to keep up with, the more likely you are to do it! I really like your idea of low bar/high bar tho, going to noodle on that and see about integrating it in a future tracker situation for myself. :)
@graefinrockula831 9 ай бұрын
The highbar and lowbar approach is really inspiring.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
I find it really useful 😄💜
@noornamu6677 9 ай бұрын
I love the high low bar it really helped me with getting these habits done
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
It’s been a bit of a game changer for me 😝💜
@howlingkatteaco 6 ай бұрын
That high bar low bar is such great advice. With water I was like ok, maybe I can't get 100 oz in but I can get 16oz in first thing in the morning. So my rule is I drink 16 oz BEFORE I have my coffee which is ingrained habit that is pleasurable. I've been doing so much better with water since.
@FromTheWoodsToTheSea 9 ай бұрын
I say this with no judgement whatsoever Jess, but having only a sip or two of water a day really concerns me! If it helps, you could just learn to be like “Oh, I’m actually reaching for my bottle/glass, I might as well chugg a good 400mls and I’ll be nice and hydrated.” I always seem to think of my body (and brain) like a dry sponge, and that when I have a nice few gulps of water it’s like I’m re-hydrating that sponge and all the organs, especially my brain, can work again at full capacity. It refreshes your whole system. That’s just what I think anyway and it works for me. Kind of can’t stand feeling de-hydrated now! All the best and thanks for another great video!
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Don’t worry about me! 😄 it’s that idea of people getting their water intake from more than just drinking water (also coming in from other drinks and food, etc.) so I have other sources 👌 I know I need to get more water than I am, but it isn’t so much of an issue that I’m legit dead or anything 🤙
@FromTheWoodsToTheSea 9 ай бұрын
@@JashiiCorrin Lol, yes! My bad! Obviously you would be drinking other drinks and eating your water-rich foods and stuff. A few sips of liquid alone would be a bit extreme 😂
@elinarirhodan3760 9 ай бұрын
I think I'm going to give high-bar/low-bar a try too, it might tie in nicely with new things I need to adopt for the new year anyway for health reasons. And I also do the 'tricking myself' thing when filling in my habit tracker! It's worked for things like having a hot drink, to even doing 5km on my exercise bike. The biggest thing it helped with is forcing me to eat (I have ADHD and very often forget to eat) - I tend to do my journal at 8pm when I put my birds to bed, and that's not TOO late for me to go make food- even if it's just some toast.
@jaybee3217 9 ай бұрын
Proud of you! I also have ADHD, and I recognize the forgetting to eat alot hfhbfh
@selbarton 9 ай бұрын
I set alarms to remind me to eat or I would likely pass out from hypoglycemia. I use a 3 level key to my trackers to get mild, moderate, or completion. It helped me not feel like I skipped a lot of things.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, forgetting to eat is something I can understand 👏 for me it’s more of an “ignoring to eat” because I just get so wrapped up in doing other things that I ignore any hangriness 😝
@elinarirhodan3760 9 ай бұрын
@@selbarton That's a cool idea! I might see how the high/low goes, but I can already think of a couple of my habits that might benefit from a 3-level system. Thank you for sharing!
@morganl2633 9 ай бұрын
High bar low bar has been huge for me. I mark them on my habit tracker with ^-(down arrow) in my tracker. I may highlight when I hit high bar moving forward. I also align my habits with my quarterly goals but my habit tracker is also things that I just want to be aware of like sleep #s and mood. I like to keep mine diverse since I find im more likely to utilize it.
@rachaelkent3303 9 ай бұрын
Progress over perfection. It's ok to not do them perfectly or every day. I think enjoying the tracking progress as well as completing them, should have equal value.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Good points 💪 making things enjoyable is always a good way forward 😄💜
@pigeonpaperandcrafts3243 9 ай бұрын
tactis 4 - High Bar, Low Bar is genius! I'm the worst at following through with my habit building if it's something I don't want to do (ie exercise 🤢) so using this will let me track baby steps! Thank you!
@glosno8173 9 ай бұрын
I had often wondered about this. It seems some You Tubers are just creating videos for their "business", but there is not any actual "fruit" or "change" from anything they record, mention, or track. They seem to be creating spreads, developing trackers, heck, even creating videos without a real focus or long term purpose. If I watch a Content Creator for a year or two and don't see any real movement/improvement in their own life, then, I know it's all for the You Tube Channel and that's it. Creating or inventing content to gain viewers/subscribers has a definitive shelf life.... At some point, the game is up and we simply move on to people who appear more authentic.
@Aviplotbunny 9 ай бұрын
I’m mostly focusing on maintaining the habits I’ve been wanting to do. I had a lot of ups and downs last year, so I really wanna focus on my core with meditation, yoga, and avoiding added sugar in my diet. I’m also going to try and run when I can, but if I get my daily yoga in I’ll be happy enough. If I’m not careful, I end up tracking too much stuff and then have no free time to do whatever, so I gotta watch myself on that too.
@MichelleB-yy8ge 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I don't know how many times in the last couple years that I built a habit/cleaning tracker layout and then added a stickie note at the end of the month about the lack of tracking and actually logging the items if/when i did them. I definitely need an updated plan to help with habit building.
@ChrissiesCorner 9 ай бұрын
I loved this! As I mentioned on a previous video, I'm switching to a pre-printed journal for next year, but that also has little daily spots for reflection things, a whole separate space for habit tracking for each day of each month, etc. which is so useful since I really like those things in my bullet journal! This is really helpful though since I'll have to cut down on the habits I'm tracking, not only because there's less space, but also because I also fell into the trap of tracking way too many things & just not filling in anything after the first half of the month! I also incorporated the high/low bar system I saw you mention in Nov & Dec & it's made such a big difference!! I also *so* relate on the whole "when you get an urge to do something, *go do it* !" Especially for those executive function things!
@melindadawngarren5137 9 ай бұрын
The high bar low bar is so very helpful for habit building, as is habit stacking. I don't (can't) do a dedicated page for habit tracking. I have to see what I'm working on or I forget, so my habits live on the weekly spreads as it's also my daily look space. I'm slowly evolving the tracking past a basic 3 to 5 in one spot to taskbar style spreads and 1 to 3 tasks per related area.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Sounds like a cool system 💜 hope it works well for you! 🤞
@ChantelleArts 9 ай бұрын
I'm sticking to only 3 habits next year for this exact reason, any more and I don't think I'll be able to keep it up! great tips 😊
@Greenxnsam 9 ай бұрын
This video was exactly what I needed! Great tips! I completely got rid of my habit trackers halfway through 2023 because I stopped filing them out! I was already planning to pair down this year and remove the habits I already created but now I think I’m going to try the high bar/low bar now and habit stacking too! Thanks a bunch and happy new year! ❤
@IHaveNoClue1234 9 ай бұрын
I’m not a fan of tracking daily habits but I do track things occasionally. Like I’ll see how many times I used a membership to determine if I should unsubscribe. I’m going to try something similar to the high bar low bar approach where I come up with different systems that I can implement for different situations. For example, if I had an exercise goal, I would figure out a routine for when it’s too cold to run outside, a routine for when I’m traveling and don’t have access to equipment, etc. But I need to figure out what my goals are first
@jpsoso8748 9 ай бұрын
The thing that helped me with habit tracking was using an A6 notebook. My 2-page weekly only allowed a small amount of room to habit track so I was really specific. And I found that was 95% on track (much better than when I did this digitally).
@castorj.b.1257 9 ай бұрын
One of the things that Ryder Carroll said in his book that really stuck with me is, at the end of the week/month, go back and look at when you didn't do the habits. NOT to beat yourself up about it and be angry at yourself, but look at WHY. Is there something getting in the way of you doing it? How can you get over that barrier? Forgetting completely? try setting a phone reminder, or like you said, habit stacking it and giving it a set time and place. Wasn't motivated? Is there a way you can dopamine-reward yourself into it? But the interesting ones are when you start to see your psychology at play 'ah yeah, I'm not taking my medication daily when x happens, as a form of subtle self-sabotage', or the 'I added this habit because it seemed like a thing every adult should do, but actually it doesn't feel super relevant to me, I can't see the point and I don't do it', or 'I went into an avoidance spiral as a result of a downturn in my mood and did NOTHING that week'. Those are situations where you really have to think about how to fix it. I used to have exercise and walking goals on my tracker which never got done. I realised that just having it written on the tracker wasn't enough motivation for me, so ended up buddying up to work out with someone who can keep me accountable - and now I'm exercising at least once a week, and half the time twice a week. This 'it's not enough to just tell myself I should' actually applies to a lot of the stuff I want to be doing more, so I'm hoping to get some motivation tricks in place for other areas this year (like housework... I've tried so many different systems, and I always fall off them after a couple months). But as for the trackers themselves... I usually only track a few things a month and those are things I want to be focusing on. I don't have a generic 'habit tracker', but I have a health tracking set up, that includes a couple of health-related habits, as well as my meds, and then for things like Housework, a separate page. Anything else goes onto my dailies (I don't usually do weekly set ups, just monthly and running dailies). I do like your low bar, high bar idea though and will think how I could incorporate that with the cleaning thing. As you've said before, getting started is often the hardest thing. And maybe 'wash three dishes' would be an easier hurdle to jump than trying to motivate myself to tackle a huge pile.
@cfodel 9 ай бұрын
For me, habit tracking has been HUGE in building better habits. I would like to try hi/low bar but haven’t found a look I like for it yet.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Yeah the layout design on that one can be a bit tricky; I’m still playing around with mine 😝
@ToriEnglishArtsandPaws 9 ай бұрын
I use a weekly checklist, but that's also because I bullet journal a little weird. I have a future log, but the usual calendar with a space for each day of each month is something I have in it's own notebook (it's travelsized, so it's more convenient to bring with me everywhere and it allows me to have my classic planner with birthdays, doctor's appointments, other events etc. separate from what is essentially my diary - also my everyday BuJo is fairly big too) and I don´t do the weekly bullet journaling that others do. Because of this, I don´t really have monthly setups or themes either. I instead have a weekly checklist, that fits 2 weeks on each page, separated into 7 boxes for checking off and a space to write the task/event. It kinda functions as both a habit tracker, a to do list and a weekly calendar. This way, I have the order my autism craves (that makes me want to do lists and boxes to check off) and something to motivate my ADHD (I check off the boxes by colouring them in like a rainbow) - it's a lot of straight lines with a ruler to set up, and I do all 52 weeks in one go cuz my BuJo spreads are simple enough for one notebook to last me at least a year, but it works. When I first started bullet journaling, I was close to giving up multiple times because the whole monthly themes and weekly spreads with aesthetic little doodles just made the setup take waaaaayyy too long for me compared to how little I then actually used those spreads. So you can imagine how thrilled I am to see someone else moving away from the monthly setups :)
@utueliel 9 ай бұрын
This is an excellent video, thank you. I've been noticing many of these things as well and found that if I follow them the way you talked about in this video, it... miraculously _works._ So, uh, gotta watch this again right now and make sure my habit building will follow these guidelines in my new bujo. :D
@MikaDoesStuff23 9 ай бұрын
I only track a couple habits, most of them can stack, and for me none are meant to be accomplished daily (less pressure, focus is just on doing it often or regularly, flexibility to prioritize other tasks or habits that are more pressing or interesting) >5k steps, read, practice language learning, no spend (excl. bills), exercise If I walk to get 5k steps, that’s my exercise. If I do weights or martial arts instead, I’m unlikely to also hit 5k, and that’s fine! If I’m in between library books and don’t have anything to read, it doesn’t get checked off, and that’s also fine!
@ReignBeauxStar 9 ай бұрын
This video was perfectly on time. I'm at a standstill on my habit tracking part of my January spread
@VeronicaCostaF 9 ай бұрын
I talk myself out of a lot of things that are good for me :D I'm trying to run every day. I pushed too hard yesterday because first, my phone wouldn't connect to my headphones then it wouldn't connect to the speaker. then 8 min on the treadmill just restarted :/ So I ran more than I should and my knees hurt today. Also, my husband when away and I have a baby and a toddler to handle most of the day. (it's a work day so I need to do that ;D) It was a difficult start but I will try to go for a run after the kids are in bed which is about 10 pm and my husband might be home by then. I'm trying to convince myself that it'm overwhelmed and I don't have time but I can always squeeze it in when my husband gets home. It's not going to be the best run but I will have done it! Thanks for the video and have a great 2024 :*
@movingforwardLDTH 9 ай бұрын
Putting my habit tracker on the refrigerator was a game-changer for me.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Oh nice! 💪 Would certainly be hard to miss 😄
@indiana8417 9 ай бұрын
Actually this is my first try bullet journalling so I have set only 2 trackers (health and finance) To make sure it is not too overwhelming. If I can keep up with it I might add some if I feel the need.
@LaviniaNova 9 ай бұрын
I saw in one of your videos the don't break the chain tracker. I'm going to use that for my yearly tracker. I plan on tracking making art daily, brushing my cats, some form of exercise (although maybe I should put a time minimum to it). I'll put these on my board so I can see them each day.
@ReignBeauxStar 9 ай бұрын
Yes, i will try high/ low bar but I'm thinking the three ticks that make a check mark being my mark.. A dot for easy , a slash ( or bottom of the checkmark) for a medium level and rest of the check for full completion
@er-ha 9 ай бұрын
i’m using grids and tracking ~10 things (running, a few languages, an instrument, etc.). each grid is 7(row)x52(column) so i keep track of the whole year BUT in each one of these grids i track 2-3 things. for example, i am tracking mandarin, thai and piano; in each cell, i draw diagonal lines in the top half when i complete one thing (say mandarin study), diagonal lines reflected in the bottom half if i complete another (thai) and then use a highlighter to colour the whole cell if i complete the other (piano). in the end the lines will make a kind of diamond pattern which makes me want to stick to the habits and fill the grid out lol. i think dedicating each cell to 3 options means that every cell will definitely be filled out in at least one way. i guess that’s my leeway hahaha
@katecole6237 9 ай бұрын
I'd already decided to simply my habit tracking and was going to start with 2. I'm actually going to do 3 now since two are related. After this video, I think I'll do a bit of duplication and track my habits both weekly and monthly
@sweetinocentanu 9 ай бұрын
Very insightful video and great way to present your ideas!
@mbo205 9 ай бұрын
Ryder Carroll recommends to track 6 habits max. I am tracking the same 4 habits since September 202. I have an extra mini calender for one more habit to try out and it works just fine 😃
@pyenygren2299 9 ай бұрын
6:16 Yes! Habit stacking works for me with personal hygiene.
@celebkiriedhel 9 ай бұрын
To get a habit really stuck in, it needs not to take extra mental effort in the long run. Habit stacking and changing environment is great. The other thing is not to rely on feeling the urge. When I learnt piano, the piano was scheduled for practice at a certain time.Regardless of how I felt, the practice was done, and usually by the end of the first five minutes, I was feeling it too. I'm not a big fan of habit trackers unless the habit gets to a point where it no longer needs to be tracked because its automatic.
@arlenebrown4946 9 ай бұрын
Happy new year
@___jacklynnn 9 ай бұрын
I'm also moving habit tracking to my weeklies this quarter. Hoping that helps me actually do it!
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
🤞 hope it works well for you!
@PhoenixxxLuvs 9 ай бұрын
For my 2024 habit tracker im doing it in a sort of graph format so i can see which ones i need to work on a a quick glance because when i was ticking them off or using different colours in the past i found it hard to take in all the information quickly
@reneekelly2911 9 ай бұрын
I may try the low bar high bar, depending on the habit. Something that I changed halfway through the year with my journal was instead of having one full page of habit tracking for the month I actually have trackers that are on my weekly tasks page so that way I have to see it every single day that week rather than having to flip the page to the habit tracking. Also, before deciding on the habits, I think it’s really important to know why you want to change/break that particular habit, so that it becomes more important to you. Cheers.
@plancreatecope 9 ай бұрын
I think I am going to try to add habits as I feel like I have started one. So I may start with three, then after I start doing those on a daily add another, and so on.
@BMinhDo 9 ай бұрын
I like Tactic 4! Thank you
@polani397 9 ай бұрын
Thank you. I can see already that some of these tips are going to be very helpful for me.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Most welcome! 😄💜 hope they prove useful 💪
@somberhoney 9 ай бұрын
checking off a habit in order to convince yourself to do it is such a funny hack! I might have to try that one out lol
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Surprisingly very useful 😂
@35ATeacher 9 ай бұрын
I’m reading the book, Tiny Habits, right now and learning why my habit trackers haven’t been working. The low bar model sounds in line with his teachings.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Oh nice, I’ll have to check that one out! 💜 who’s the author? 🤔
@35ATeacher 9 ай бұрын
@@JashiiCorrin BJ Fogg
@bookhuggah 9 ай бұрын
I already have two sets of things that I track, well 3. One is who did which home care tasks, what has been done by brother for the week, and what has been going on healthwise. Home care is 5 items, brother is 10 potential items per day, and health wise is 6+14+5+5+5+9+4+4+3= 20+15+20=40+15= 55health items on two charts, and then 7 fun items, oh I missed 3 health related items, so 58 items for health. So health 58, brother 10, home care 5, and fun 7 items for 80 items total in 2 charts. I am in the process of getting a diagnosis figured out though, so that’s part of compiling all of the health stuff.
@sugarandhoneybujo 9 ай бұрын
i track 6 habits in total (they change monthly but i have 3 core habits) and i track weekly habits which is similar to my weekly reset and that’s been working but i’m also going to be implementing low bar/high bar
@GerdaWel 9 ай бұрын
I track 6 habits that are important for me to improve on, but U totally get this video. Got a bit distracted though by your Minccino and Jirachi (not noticing the Eevee and Squirtle) so maybe I could track keeping a focus on something?
@KTCoope 9 ай бұрын
Have you read Elastic Habits? It is pretty similar to the high bar/low bar idea with an element of extra choice. I’ve found it really helpful and you might really dig it. I’m about to start it again for 2024 too.
@DistanceTraveled 9 ай бұрын
"Roll over and open up your phone" Haha. I feel seen but at least I'm comfy!
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Haha 😂 this response comes to you from just-woke-up-Jess-on-her-phone-in-bed 💪
@ScarlettPixie92 9 ай бұрын
I’m trying the high bar, low bar. I’m also a person who was tracking like 12 habits every day, most of which I was already doing habitually anyway! So, I’ve dropped mine right back to maybe 5 things I want to start doing, or do less of and I’ve probably doomed myself as they’re both on my weekly pages, and on their own high bar low bar page. I felt like doing it that way ensures that 1- I’m more likely to do the thing and 2- I’m more likely to record it in at least one of the spaces, if not both. Hoping it works out 😂
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Heck yeah for narrowing our focus to the things that need it 💪 can understand having things in multiple places so there’s a higher likelihood of it getting noticed 😄
@ScarlettPixie92 9 ай бұрын
@@JashiiCorrin not gonna lie though, seeing the things that got done all filled, looked nice 😂
@Telkana806 9 ай бұрын
I'm going to try the "dont break the chain" form of tracking next month. I'm sort of accidentally using it for my reading tracker, and it's working for that. Hopefully it'll work for other habits too.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Nice! 😄💜 that can be a powerful tool 💪
@Mrsprestart 9 ай бұрын
I find it really hard to do habits every day, so I only have one this year, and see how I Do with that
@ajmaceywrites 9 ай бұрын
My issue with habit tracking and habit building is with being chronically ill is every day, hour to hour, even minute to minute it can go from ‘good day’ (aka being even semi functional and able to do a couple chores around the house or some work) to ‘bad day’ (able to sit and read/play a game/watch a movie but not physically able to clean or do anything more intensive) or fully to ‘horrid’ (bed bound and in such severe pain that existing hurts) so I never know how much or how well I can do habits. And then if I do remember to fill out the habit tracker just to see how much stuff is done, I feel even worse about being so sick all the time when seeing any missed habits 😂 such a shitty spiral of emotions lmao I’m hoping to try and set at least a low bar for habits I want to try and build in the new year but also potentially try a ‘low bar menu’ to pick and choose habits depending on the amount of spoons I have available to me at any given point
@Cordelia0704p 9 ай бұрын
I always do weekly habit trackers for basically the same reason. If I have to go back and find it I'm not likely to keep up with it
@RunningM4m 9 ай бұрын
I'm only tracking what is really important to me and what I like to review afterwards. Anything else gets a reminder on my phone. 😅
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Good plan 💪💜
@cristianemarques3327 9 ай бұрын
Você vai fazer bullet para professores para o ano de 2024?
@Nikeeta1 9 ай бұрын
I want to track my mood and graph my energy levels (hormones) so i can be ready for the slumps
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Great strategy 👏💜
@Darenim 9 ай бұрын
My ongoing war with habit trackers is that I want to include habits that I only do once or twice a week. If I put them in a monthly or weekly tracker, they will always be empty / unfulfilled for five or six days per week in the tracker. Do you have these kinds of habits, and if so, how do you track them?
@enchantedcrunchybananna7001 9 ай бұрын
Hello there! Not sure if this is helpful but I have my weekly habits tracked in my monthly pages and have columns for week #s, not days. I write down the initial letter of the day of the week when I record completed tasks.
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
We have a video on that! 😄💜 in that one we look at different tracker styles based on the frequency of the things you’re tracking 💪
@GreenWhitePurple 9 ай бұрын
I write a number next to them to show how many days a week I aim to do them. Visually, that makes it clear to me whether I’m on track or not as I go through the week.
@shion.amamiya 9 ай бұрын
I wish I could do low bar high bar, but I‘ve been recently put on daily meds and there is no low bar for that lol Just yes or no 😢
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
The low bar I have for my meds is based around when I take them. Because I have to take mine with food, and I’m not great at having breakfast “at breakfast time” my low bar for the morning medication is “took it” and the high bar is “took it before midday” 😝 the evening gets a similar thing, “took it” vs “took it at least 6 hours after the supposed morning medication”
@shion.amamiya 9 ай бұрын
@@JashiiCorrin Hmmmmmmmm 🤔 That is quite useful, tho... One I have is a 1x in the morning + 1x in the evening one + a forced toothbrush after 💀 The other is before any food in the morning or any drink except water... 🤡 I find meds the hardest habit to get going & the easiest to fall off on... Even if taking them helps a lot, I still barrel through the conditions 😭💔 Still tho, low bar high bar is an AMAZING idea 🤩✨
@albastudies328 9 ай бұрын
My habit trackers are sooo useless at this point of my life, ‘cause I’m not even sure anymore what the habits I wanna build/keep track of are. I think I’m gonna reorganise them entirely and in January I’ll give the low bar/high bar a try. It can really come in handy for a lazy person like me 😝
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I really needed to look at my habits and scrap the ones that just don’t matter 😝
@evilelf8950 9 ай бұрын
Firt check it then do it😂😂 i do that too 😂😂😂😂
@Iya_Sparkle 9 ай бұрын
I have been beeten :') XD
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
There’s always tomorrow! 😝💜
@thatgirlkrash 9 ай бұрын
*pauses video to go floss teeth 😬
@JashiiCorrin 9 ай бұрын
Haha 😂 if I had my floss on me (currently at the airport coming home from visiting family) I’d be inclined to do the same
@luciferalpha3080 9 ай бұрын
Seems wild to me that there are people who need trackers to remind themselves to drink water.
@JessicaSmith-ie7cm 7 ай бұрын
Everyone’s life is not setup like yours….remember that.
@luciferalpha3080 7 ай бұрын
@JessicaSmith-ie7cm Oh wow! How did you know? I don't even post anything other than my cats and my impoverished house. Seems excessive to conclude my life is setup despite not having any basis. But good on you for having opinions. I like people with opinions. You go, girl.
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