My old friend depression is back (grown man crying warning)

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Not 100 percent comfortable sharing this. Hope it’s not too cringey. But out of respect for people supporting me here thought I would. Shouldn’tve uploaded this because I’ll look back on it and it’ll be embarrassing. But maybe it’s fine. And more people should openly cry. Thanks for all your support but I’m going to go away for a little while and hide in a hold like a locust.

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@DommyBW Ай бұрын
Thank you all. I read all the comments and they help more than you know. I will reply soon Edit: there are lots and lots of very in depth and heartfelt comments and I don’t know whether I’ll be able to keep up. But it’s very moving having people care and take time in an effort to help. Thank you all.
@ProlificMelody Ай бұрын
After watching this video, I wrote a song for you yesterday Dom, and recorded it this morning. I hope it inspires you. I've just posted it on my channel. Titled: A Million Miles Away Prod. By Jacob Vallen
@hanba-t3f Ай бұрын
@@ProlificMelody I wrote a song about your singer/songwriting ability.. It's called road to nowhere
@raoulralli7182 Ай бұрын
You are a rockstar Dom! No advice here, just want you to know that you put a smile on SO MANY people's faces and make them happy! My maternal grandma passed away last year and I was having an existential crises and wondering what the point is at 32 too.. then my mother, keeping her own pain aside, explained, there IS a point. We're all going through bullshit in this world.. the point is to help those around us get throygg theirs by making them smile. YOU make us smile! You help us get through our day to day crap. I look forward to you appearing on the Sloppy Joes every time! And every time you appear, you make me smile! You add so much to our day. So much to my day! I recently moved countries, last year, and miss my family, but needed a fresh start. Your pods help me feel more positive, by making me smile. Maybe that is your purpose. Helping others get through. That is NOT wasting time or your life! Not everyone makes a difference in the manner you do! Strength, love, and light to you my friend ❤️
@patrickdisalvo6532 Ай бұрын
To fix your depression follow these steps. 1) Every morning, eat a breakfast of eggs and beef - preferably organ meat such as liver. Eat until you are full. Eat the meat rare or raw. 2) - Do 'grounding' when the weather is nice - it just means walking outside on grass barefoot. Even if it is just for a few minutes, do it. But ideally fit in at least half an hour. 3) Get some sun on your testicles when you can. Your testicles are essentially solar panels, and it is important for you to get sun on them when you can. You can do this step while grounding if there is privacy in the place that you ground. 4) Eat a dinner of beef and yogurt or cheese or eggs. This time, eat muscle meat - steak, ground beef, whatever. 5) Turn off your computer devices after dinner and do anything that is not electronic. For example, mild exercise such as walking or swimming, reading, playing music, or art. Even if you don't want to do it at the moment, force yourself to do it as a routine. Ultimately, you need to improve your physiological health - the advice I have given you will do that. This in turn will improve your physical appearance and mental states, seeing as your mental states are a reflection of your physiological health. After some time of improving your physiological health, you will be more attractive in general and this in turn will make you happier. Bonus tips - avoid chemicals as much as possible. Avoid caffeine, cleaning products (replace them with salt water and vinegar), sugar, and vegetables to name the big 4 - most vegetables have polyphenols, anti-nutrients, sulforophane, phytic acid, and mild traces of cyanide which are all toxic chemicals. Also, bread is a vegetable too. It has gluten which is an indigestible protein the causes IBS. If you ever have a craving for something sweet, put some honey on your food or have a fruit like an apple, but don't overdo it with these. Once every few days is the max you should have anything sweet, and if you are still depressed then get rid of the sweets completely. Second bonus tip - food quality matters! Try to get high quality eggs, meat and dairy. Grass fed beef/dairy with free range eggs/pasture raised eggs is ideal. This last point is not necessary, but it is helpful.
@owent1166 29 күн бұрын
With the alcohol removed it has uncovered what was there, alcohol in some sense helped cope albeit a maladaptive coping mechanism. Keep going buddy, you’ll make it through this and come out the other side fine.
@propersensitive8776 Ай бұрын
Massive respect for posting this Dom. Your feelings are always valid, even the negative ones. Take it one day at a time and keep expressing yourself. I read a quote once, can't remember who it was but they said: "If you're going through hell, for fuck's sake keep going!"
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@propersensitive8776 think it was Churchill! I will thank you
@willhesketh7755 Ай бұрын
Since you started SJ's ive been enjoying your comedy so much! I envy how talented you are! Youre brilliant Dom!
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@willhesketh7755 you’re very kind x
@thevoice246 Ай бұрын
Hang in there brother, we're all with you in mutual suffering. To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering ✌🏾
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@thevoice246 indeedy. Thank you for your help x
@alexramage1 Ай бұрын
Dom, you’re extremely brave for sharing this. You’re putting way too much pressure on yourself to achieve some ‘thing’. But there’s no external answer to why you’re struggling like this. This is depression, which I know well. Keep talking on this channel and find a therapist that you respect.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@alexramage1 you are right. Battling a ghost
@RannyDownd Ай бұрын
It’s hard to quantify joy, I find enjoying the simple things helps. Since you started on SJ I can’t tell you how much I’ve belly laughed at your storytelling Dom. You add joy to my week, and we dont even know each other. They say find work in something you enjoy in life and you’ll never work a day in your life. Perhaps there something in that. We love you man, we’re with you.
@Liam-tl5nn Ай бұрын
This is an impressive video. Not embarassing at all. It may feel pointless atm but as i imagine youve experienced before, one change in your life, such as securing a job, can have a dramatic turnaround on how you feel. Of course, this change is a challenge in itself but my point is that 'everything is fucked' quickly changes to 'oh its alright now' after one change/event. Its the depression and rumination that clouds this understanding. My heart reaches out to you.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@Liam-tl5nn you are right. It’s just hard to imagine anything happening
@Liam-tl5nn Ай бұрын
@@DommyBWof course my friend, I understand. My friend reminded me that these thoughts are adjacent with this period in giving up drinking
@Asgoodasitgets146 Ай бұрын
Go travelling! Trips abroad by yourself can change your outlook on life and make you feel so much better! Plus you could video your adventures and make great content
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@Asgoodasitgets146 thank you. I’m trying to plan to.
@patrickcahill7998 Ай бұрын
Not to put a downer on the idea but I’m watching this from a hotel room in Chiang Mai Thailand. Travelling the world alone. Suffered with depression for years and thought I’d solve my issues by going away and living the “dream” travelling. After 2 months here my depression has worsened. I’ve realised that what troubles I was dealing with in the uk don’t stay in the uk. You can’t run away from them. I’ve finally sought medication which I never wanted to do. But I was at a dangerous crossroads of either giving the meds a shot or take a stupid and drastic decision as I sat on my balcony. I also beat stage 4 cancer, so an outsider looking at my life would tell me I have no reason to be depressed and should be ecstatic 24/7. All I can advise is to seek some professional help mate. It took me years and I regret waiting.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@patrickcahill7998 I read somewhere that wherever you go , you’ll be still there. Can’t run away from yourself. Thanks for your advice
@yooyoo8637 Ай бұрын
@@patrickcahill7998Needed to hear that. I’m debating to move to SE asia but with this depression it sounds like a bad plan
@Asgoodasitgets146 Ай бұрын
@@patrickcahill7998 my deepest sympathies for your current situation and I hope your health can recover! I completely understand My personal experience of 20 years with depression and a suicide attempt, I went away by myself after being ditched by a girl, came back still depressed, but it opened a gate for me to a possible alternate life So with nothing to lose, and a new life to gain, I wrote a bucket list of 100 things to do before I die and have since travelled all around the world ticking them off and the whole thing has given me a whole new purpose and lease of life! I’m no longer the slightest bit depressed and it’s all in my past! I’m even happier and more confident than anyone I know or have ever met, which is crazy to think! I just wanted to share my experience because although it is not a cure for everyone, it did help me, and so it may help somebody else too… hopefully!
@adventurefilmclub2549 29 күн бұрын
Keep going Dom. You keep going and you discover new things eventually. Being sad for a while is absolutely okay, but in the end you're the one who will find your way through. It can't be anyone else, so you'll get there. ❤
@Kamtrocity Ай бұрын
I think you are a great person Dom, I've suffered from depression and anxiety for a long time and you are an inspiration to me. Lots of love to you.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@Kamtrocity that’s very kind thank you . Love
@fjdjdhnd Ай бұрын
You got this dom. Life is shit at times but everyone has a purpose. i reccomend finding a routine to give you stability and act as an anchor with drinking water, 3 meals a day and talking to friends as i find that this helps me a lot, you already have success with adverts and if u stick to it bigger and better things will certainly come❤❤❤
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@fjdjdhnd I will try eat better. Water not a problem. Hard to hope for things right now but it might change x
@russellmcgowan8164 Ай бұрын
Dom I think you seem like an ace human being for what it’s worth. Every time I see you on Sloppy Joe’s I know the next hour of my life will be enjoyable. So I hope knowing that helps you in some way. Sending love ❤️❤️❤
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@russellmcgowan8164 that does. Thank you. Many more to come hopefully
@tommmymm Ай бұрын
Keep going Dom, sounds like your going through a bad phase at the moment but you will get through this 🙏🏻
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@tommmymm thank you I hope so
@ana00100 9 күн бұрын
There is no point, but to enjoy this short time we are here.
@claire99ism 8 күн бұрын
I live with depression too. A monotimus black hole, joy in nothing. If it's any help, you're not alone.
@DommyBW 6 күн бұрын
@@claire99ism thank you. It’s really boring isn’t it. Also exhausting
@claire99ism 6 күн бұрын
@@DommyBW It's certainly not easy.
@mattbeville Ай бұрын
Going through something very similar to yourself Dom, things will get better and you’re doing great. Much love ❤️
@sammyc5784 Ай бұрын
Stay strong dom you’re very brave for sharing your struggles . you do have purpose it’s just hard to see it when you feel like this but you do .please keep safe
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@sammyc5784 thank you
@awetwhjyerht Ай бұрын
I'm so sorry Dom, I've struggled with depression for a long time as well and I can totally appreciate what you're going through. Please don't think you're alone. Please keep going and pushing through these feelings. I absolutely love you on Sloppy Joes, you're witty and wonderful
@zam1992 Ай бұрын
Dom you are a legend mate. No matter whatever people say or do. Your top. And everyday is a new challenge. Somethings you want will not be befitting for you because something better is planned for you.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@zam1992 thank you. That’s very wise
@dank420bluntz Ай бұрын
This is the least cringey thing I've seen you do, it's far too relatable. I think we're lonely. Scariest thing in the world. You'd make a girl out there very happy, you're super intelligent and super funny and really, really talented. Get on ALL the apps, find wifey. I hate giving advice but I can just picture and hear you talking very happily about a relationship one day in the future.
@jackdavies1079 Ай бұрын
Never be embarrassed over something like this Dom. You are an amazing character and human being, it’s okay to be sad and you will get through this. You are loved by all of us and we don’t even know you properly, I can’t imagine how much people care about you who get to experience life with you. You’ve got this keep going!
@maximusdecimus111 Ай бұрын
You are not your mind. The brain is an organ which compulsively thinks, and that can spiral. You're a legend Dom, one of the most compelling storytellers I've heard. Please read the power of now. Hope you feel more positive soon man.
@fizywig 28 күн бұрын
We underestimate the subconscious tension held in body and mind, and the only method to dispel this is relaxing body and mind through sitting meditation. " i" am wasting my life" ....... Eckhart Tolle in his book The power of now describes his dark night of the soul which led to the statement " I can't live with myself anymore" This separation between the "I" and the myself was the pivotal element necessary for transformation. The true 'I' the "witness" must emerge for authentic relief and happiness
@DylanN44 Ай бұрын
Its just words on the internet at the end of the day, but we all are pulling for you to get through this Dom. No matter how awful life can be, we all understand and don't look at this as weak, rather we look at it as you being very brave to even voice your feelings. We all hope you can get through this and you should know we love everything that you're doing and are extremely proud of it
@GaryDunne92 Ай бұрын
Sending all my love and respect your way Dom ❤ Your poems and stories on Sloppy Joes has brought me so much joy and laughter over the last few months!
@machiel5888 Ай бұрын
Take your time, Dom. It's a lot of pressure to be on camera. I commend your vulnerability and honesty. It always feels silly, but I never regret being honest or being myself. Thank you for sharing these thoughts/videos with us. To me as a viewer, it truly is a journey to join you in sobriety, but I understand if you need to take some time. You're a gem, Dom! Take care and please stay off the booze! Take care.
@TzolRAdio Ай бұрын
I don't know why this video popped up on my screen but I have also had an awful week for depression which I've had about as long as you. I'm 40 this year and doing everything people tell me. "exercise" "eat healthy" etc. The feeling of despair that It's never going to fully go away but I can see from your other videos you are trying to go sober. It took probably 18 months for me to really fill the void of addiction, your mind is out to get you at the moment. You will have these bad weeks but it does get easier I promise. I hope you keep making videos friend.
@olliemackay294 Ай бұрын
Hey Dom, the fact you're able to talk so eloquently whilst meandering on your own thoughts is an ability few have. If you can open yourself up on these videos and are feeling like you can open up privately then I and I'm sure many others have their messages open. Friends are there to be made. If you need to vent or muse over the darker or happy thoughts, feel free to drop me a message.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@olliemackay294 that’s very kind of you thank you
@SensibleNutter Ай бұрын
I am the same age, and I know the feelings that you are conveying. You are not alone feeling like this. You aren’t living the adventure that is meant to be your life and it hurts. Your response is perfectly normal and should be validated.
@joanmarie3107 Ай бұрын
I appreciate your openness in this video. Please don’t feel embarrassed. Thank you for sharing this with us all. If it’s any consolation, you light up my day whenever you’re on SJ’s and you always bring a smile to my face or uncontrollable laughter, even on days when I am feeling hopeless. I hope that you see this along with the other comments as while I completely understand that feeling of not doing enough with your life, you make so so many people happy. Thank you for being you and for being so raw. We are all here for you to talk whenever you need us. We love you Dom ❤
@monkeypeas Ай бұрын
I’ve never heard anyone express this feeling so succinctly, you captured it so well. I’d say though that too much consciousness isn’t the sickness, but self-consciousness. It’s the self that’s the illusion, the real source our suffering. The reason distractions work for many people is that they lose themselves for a moment. The way even a boring dream feels amazing, because you’re so close to a flow state. And why we start the day feeling okay, before our blasted ego has had full chance to kick in!
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@monkeypeas absolutely. I’m so tired of being overly self conscious .
@monymiller4005 Ай бұрын
I've been battling severe depression going on 17 years now. Keep going...we are fighters! Since you don't want advice, i'll just repeat this: What you do rn is NOT pointless, but maybe one of the most important steps you ever took.
@Casualclips17 Ай бұрын
Not sure how I stumbled upon this, but I share some of the same feelings as you sir, let it all out. Don't give up, ever
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@Casualclips17 thank you. I’ll try not to. Hibernation for nowb
@Drixard Ай бұрын
I wish you all the best my friend, for what it's worth.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@Drixard really appreciate it thank you
@chrisbingham1567 Ай бұрын
I remember asking these type of things in videos myself after trying to quit substance abuse (alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, and Mcat) and made more videos talking to myself similar to this during the fallout. My crisis/aftercare teams framed the videos as a positive - we came to the understanding through cognitive behavioural therapy that anything that was going to bring me clarity at a time i needed to make sense of a future life without substance abuse was a good thing and should be explored. I found it ironic that i was complaining about not feeling alive at the time with so much more real emotion than i had most of the time i was abusing substances - but then to have chosen to film it and show it to myself was kind of the penny drop moment. Maybe its not that you should stop your videos - maybe its just that these videos are for your sake in terms of recovery not so much as a content creator Dom you bring me so much joy every week when i watch sloppy joes and to see you upset isn’t nice but i honestly didn’t watch this and think you were doing badly - i thought it a step i recognised from my own recovery. Stay safe Dom. Lots of love my dude.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@chrisbingham1567 thank you x
@samstrandt Ай бұрын
You’re more loved than you’ll ever imagine Dom. Keep your head held high. As a sufferer myself and rife in my family, it’s not easy but there is positivity in all things. Never keep it bottled up. Keep going mate ❤️
@forestofechoes 3 күн бұрын
@DanHind1 Ай бұрын
I feel like I know you through the sloppy joes Dom, and I’m super proud of you for posting this video and voicing how you feel. It can feel lonely just talking to a bunch of names online but i speak for the rest of us when I say we are all in love with your humour, stories, worldview and resilience! Your resolve is admirable, and as many videos you need/want to post like this we will all be here to watch. Getting back to best is a long journey, and we’re all here with you for the whole way. Lots of love x
@nonalien-l1n Ай бұрын
You're not alone. I suffered from severe depression for the vast majority of my life, up until the age of about 35. Then I ran into a very wise person who changed my perspective completely. Those who suffer deeply need profound investigation to understand human suffering. Maybe there we will find some peace.
@FritzoDaKittzo Ай бұрын
Your honesty about how you’re feeling has helped me not feel so alone. Thanks for having the confidence to speak about the things I don’t have the confidence to speak about.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@FritzoDaKittzo that’s very touching thank you. I nearly didn’t upload because it was too embarrassing or self centred, but if it helps I’m glad
@smsm-xb1lt Ай бұрын
Hey Dom. You’re doing alright. It’s all about perspective. For me personally, I make sure I make time to reflect and show Gratitude regularly for everything important. I know that is easier said than done and seems pointless but just by doing it, it does make a difference. This is coming from someone who thought everything was pointless. Did you have anything you was into even when you was younger? Getting back into something is a great way to serve a purpose. Honestly, the only thing better than doing something as a kid, is being able to do it as an adult! 10x more fun! Another thing that works for me that crosses over with the Gratitude part is praying. Please, just try it but again, be consistent with it. You’ve got to remember you’re in the exact position you’re supposed to be in at this point of your life. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and the reason you feel like this now is so that you will be stronger for the next part of your life. Remember, things you take for granted someone else is praying for. I hope this helps. Good luck to you pal
@creatingcameron Ай бұрын
3:44 “i feel dreadful and I can’t see any light anywhere” - without letting any pre-existing bias enter your mind, search up a video on the life of jesus or start reading the gospel of john. i didn’t realise i was searching for the light until it was too bright to ignore and now i finally feel sure that im living life the way i should be
@nickshand Ай бұрын
Your pain is your purpose. I sense you are a lightworker and could help others greatly. You have all the answers you seek within yourself.
@Hazz17994 Ай бұрын
Dom honestly since my introduction to you from the sloppy joes podcast youv been someone iv genuinely found hilarious and look forward to listening to you your absolutely mad stories about your life and your poems which never fail to make me laugh! I say this to remind you however difficult life is you make a difference to mine and many others through your entertainment🙏🏼 I wish you nothing but the best and remember this will pass just stay strong mate! Hope to see you good again soon!
@Mistereast Ай бұрын
Dear Dom, I've been watching your videos for a while now and I can relate to your pain. You seem to have a great strength of character. In a way you became reborn on the onset of your new journey. This also means that there will be anxiety and fear in a way a child views the world. Keep confronting your inner dragon and you will eventually come out on top. You will grow out of this. And you will grow out of this faster while sharing your thoughts with someone who really listens. Good luck friend!
@pettdogg8943 Ай бұрын
You’re not alone Dom we are all here with you . Your a fantastic human with many amazing qualities keep fighting speak to your friends around you when your down ❤
@liamhammond6043 Ай бұрын
Love you Dom, the company you provide on the sloppy joes podcast is cherished by many of us ❤️
@georgejohnking Ай бұрын
Life is truly shit at times. The fact you can articulate the struggle is a special skill. Thanks for sharing dom. I know you’re not after advice but have you ever tried mediation? I’ve gone through waves of feeling very similar and meditation has helped me steady the ship in times like this. This will pass mate🙏
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@georgejohnking I have never tried meditation but lots recommend. I will have a look thank you
@arry_potta Ай бұрын
You’re awesome for posting this 💪
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@arry_potta thanks to you!
@arry_potta Ай бұрын
@@DommyBW ❤️❤️❤️
@joeweir1 Ай бұрын
I wasn't thinking "grow up". Life is hard sometimes, especially for sensitive people who feel things deeply. That sensitivity is a superpower though; understanding the pain that other people might be feeling in life is a gift. I know you'll get through it. And when you get through it I hope you help other people get through their own crises, in some way.
@carlmoss9054 Ай бұрын
You have nothing to apologise for, you're brave for talking about it. Love watching you on the sloppy joe podcast every week and I'm sure just that hour a week of cheering people up and making people laugh away from every day life will be helping them, just hope you've got some good friends around to help or at least know the fans online love you and will be inspired by what you're doing. You will get through it
@jamesroberts7229 Ай бұрын
Step 1 achieved here mate. Vocalising for me was tough but it’s liberating and I hope you feel the same after this. I think like a lot of the comments here suggest, you can’t make radical changes overnight. Focus on one or two areas that you know have a negative impact on you. Temporarily phase out the drinking - not only do you biologically improve but the challenge eg 30 days sober is rewarding and spurs you on. If you haven’t already then get yourself on some meds. Best decision I ever made was taking SSRIs and stayed on them for a while now despite feeling better. Might be a placebo effect but handing over the responsibility of “feeling better” to a drug took a lot of weight off my shoulders. Look after yourself and if you don’t have people in your life who you can vocalise to in this way, keep posting videos and let this community listen. All the best!
@sacred1827 Ай бұрын
"I'm wasting my life. There's something I should be doing and I don't know what it is." - it's crazy how many men feel like this. I like to think it can all change in an instant
@SteveNicholls-mt8hv Ай бұрын
Hey Dom, this is the first video I've seen of yours and holy cow does it hit home. I'm feeling EXACTLY the same way. I'm a 39 year old man with a great wife, 2 great kids (1yo and 3yo), a nice house and a job I don't completely hate yet I wake up every day in so much pain, both physically and mentally. Every day is a struggle and the way you have so eloquently conveyed your feelings have really resonated with me. I wish you the best of luck and hope for both our sakes that we can come through it and find the beauty in the world that I'm sure is there somewhere
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@SteveNicholls-mt8hv I have a friend who has the house and kids and everything too and feels the same way. We’ll get through it x
@detroutspinners9933 Ай бұрын
As someone who also struggles with depression, I know there’s no quick fix and nothing you can say that really helps. It just fucking sucks. But the sloppy joes podcast is some temporary relief for me, and apart from a cure that’s all you can really hope for. I really hope the clouds clear for you soon bud.
@HarryW96 Ай бұрын
Here for you dude, what you're saying is very relatable
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@HarryW96 thank you x
@Lexington125 Ай бұрын
Good luck . Had my own struggles in last 2 years . For me music and spending time with family has helped . I wish you the best of luck ❤
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@Lexington125 thank you. When I remember to listen to music it always helps
@corilove6896 Ай бұрын
Be kind to yourself Dom. You are important and you matter. Keep up the good work 👊🏻
@martinfoulds7643 Ай бұрын
Take some time out and rest. you shown real character making a video and open up like this is alway good to open up and get things of your chest. Head up and keep fighting.
@john-i1z Ай бұрын
No,no,no dom,we allk get down,we all can feel fragile,im living with a stroke that happened 15 years ago,sadly we all can feel a little weak and pointless
@123amysc123 Ай бұрын
Your so brave for doing this! ❤
@8bitH Ай бұрын
I definitely relate to some of the stuff you said - I hope you're feeling better soon! ✊
@mattsmithyeah1 Ай бұрын
Hey bud, haven't seen your videos before, this is the first. You seem like a very intelligent chap. Being one myself I think we hold the weight of the world (and the universe) on our shoulders as we just think too damn much. As someone that lives with mental illness, here's the advice I'd like to give you (because I'm a lot better at giving advice than following through myself!): Be kind to yourself and remember "it always gets better, this feeling is only temporary". I think also you should be really proud of yourself. We need more crying men in the world. And hey, at least it means you feel "something", even if it's a negative emotion. Hang in there, I'm sure you mean a lot to a lot of people (not subscribers, but "real" people). It gets better. It gets better. It gets better.
@gingetomassi8153 Ай бұрын
Hi Dom, I don’t really know what to say as a way of trying to offer some sort of comfort (there probably isn’t anything) but thanks for this video. I won’t go into specifics as engaging in some sort of suffering olympics is of no use to anyone, but for various reasons I identify with a lot of what you’ve said recently. Specifically when you talk about feeling a lack of purpose and what you said on the stream on saturday about not being a “proper man” or still feeling somewhat like a child. I guess I just want to say how much I admire you for uploading this video. For the most part vulnerability is chum in the water for assholes and this took a lot of courage, courage I wish I had.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@gingetomassi8153 courage or foolishness. I’m yet to know: but if it helps anyone that’s good. Thanks for your support: hope you keep well
@motty8540 Ай бұрын
You're the man dom, takes some balls to make this, you're doing better than you think
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@motty8540 that’s kind thank you
@joshlvn7732 6 күн бұрын
With the world in the state that it is we need more of this. I believe we are definitely going through a change for the better but it’s gonna be ruff getting there. Idk buddy just hang in there if this is a video game like simulation we’re living in we gotta at least drag our dick through the dirt to the end otherwise we might have to start over in a level that’s harder than this. Idk that’s something that keeps me pushing through. Keep up the good fight buddy.
@tolkienfan10 Ай бұрын
Nothing to be embarrassed about. I experience the same feeling, that existential question, "what's the point?" And I've concluded that the point to existence, aside from the obvious one, propagation and the continuation of the species, is to experience life to its fullest but that the usual shite gets in the way of that. The problem here is intelligence. The blissfully ignorant don't ask these questions in their quiet moments. Their questions are more like "Gor, I wonder if yer one off Corrie/Eastenders/Emmerdale's tits are as big as they look on telly?" and of course, that old classic "If we were monkeys once then why are there still monkeys?" I can't say it gets any easier and you've probably come to the same conclusion. What I have found helps is interacting with like minds. You're not alone, mate!
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@tolkienfan10 the tits thing made me laugh thank you
@tolkienfan10 Ай бұрын
@@DommyBW, laughing, that's the key, I've found. This is the moment when I do a Ricky Gervais and enact that cringemaking scene in The Office where he hosts that seminar and tells everyone there to start laughing and everyone there is wishing they were somewhere else. You'll get through this.
@donaldhughes8320 Ай бұрын
Thankyou for this dude.❤
@barrybrennan2135 Ай бұрын
Well Dom, sorry for your troubles. If you at all can, for now, seriously commit to 3 meals a day your granny would recognise (ie whole foods), a couple of pieces of fruit in between, and 30 mins of decent exercise per day. If it's walking, well and good. Do it for a month. Been there, done that. It can really help.
@smoggie2833 Ай бұрын
Ditto. I 100% agree. I suffer often from bouts of depression and like Dom says I know exercise helps, the problem with exercise is for it to be beneficial both physically and mentally is that it has to be something you enjoy... in my experience anyway. I walk often which I mostly enjoy but there are days when to motivate myself to go for a stroll is a real struggle. I've learnt over the years that an alternative, or reserve activity is a good tactic to have, after all doing something is better than doing nothing. So for my "off" days when I struggle to go for a walk I do my alternative activity to get my exercise and I always feel better afterwards. Always.
@Tom-kg5gd Ай бұрын
Time goes slower when you do new things. Go do new things, go solo traveling, go hike across the lake district, there's always something new to do. It's easier said than done but it's a good place to start. Good job making the video brother 💪
@leisuresuitlar123 Ай бұрын
The light is eternal and within you Dom
@t.c.l1625 Ай бұрын
Sir, it's okay. ❤ It's ok to be human. That is what life is about. Not the destinations, its the journey as a whole. We have highs and lows, its understandable that you are struggling. Life is all challenge. You take what time you need to allow yourself to release n relax, recover. Its ok to be. The momentum of life that got you this far, is not going to fail you. Its going to take you as far as you need to go on your journey. Dont worry about where it takes you. Give yourself peace, and know you have come this far. That deserves love for yourself.❤ You have come far. And you are worth peace of mind. Find ease. Its going to be ok.🤝 you are worth your heart being at ease. The weight of your life is just proof of the journey. You need not carry them to the finish. You are free to let go of what doesnt serve you when you are ready. You'll always find peace of mind in return. Have love for yourself, and know we love you deerly.❤
@Halfirishdan Ай бұрын
Dom you’re a very intelligent and funny guy and you have a lovely soul. Please try not to forget that. I understand everything you are saying. I think we all feel this way on some level. I know you didn’t want advice, but in my experience, having been through something very similar, I can say that the only thing that helps is regular physical exercise. This will sound very crude and you will resist believing this, but trust me, there are no substitutes for those natural endorphins and they will help you out. Please try to believe me. It’s hard to hear you speak like this. We are all just smart chimps on a ball of rock hurtling round a massive ball of fire trying to figure this shit out. You are not alone in what you are thinking and you CAN overcome it brother 👊
@MatahachiSam Ай бұрын
As a person just like you - I mean even in the looks department - I would recomend two channels to START do understand your situation. The channel "Aaron Clarey" and some of his books, and the channel "That Guy Pete You Refuse to Invite to Gatherings" (especially the old videos). Pete had problems with alcohol too. Life today is difficult for almost all men; money, relationships, family, everything that matters it's becoming more difficult to achieve, unless you are the top 10% of the man today. But there's hope once you understand where we are you can construct something solid. You have time yet. My best wishes.
@ProlificMelody Ай бұрын
I wish you all the best Dom, no shame in crying in any video.
@ballbag1280 Ай бұрын
You're the man!!
@drumminggt3322 Ай бұрын
I like you bro. I bet youre the kindest friendliest person in your inner circle. Stay off drink. You know what you need/should be doing. Just dont pressure yourself if youre not doing it. Accept that maybe you wont today its fine. Stack up small dubs and if youre not consistant fuck it. None of us are
@vihodanyet Ай бұрын
Are there things you get enjoyment from whether it be staring at the peculiarness of flowers, listening to music, discovering new music, painting an image from your childhood that’s always stuck in your mind, walk for hours in the hills just contemplating the way the human body moves. I totally get the futility of it all and everything. But you just have accept that life may be futile. And that’s okay you can laugh or you can cry. You can do both. There’s no right answer and there’s no right way to do anything. Do the things that make you happy, find pleasure in small things. Try listening to some Alan Watts. At least his ideas bring a lightness to the heaviness of life.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@vihodanyet I forget the things I like, but I do like small flowers yes. Thank you for reminding me
@vihodanyet Ай бұрын
@@DommyBW glad to hear 🌼 It’s easy to get caught up in the thoughts that permeate in the sphere of social and society. But there exists a world outside of that. And we have every right to reside there when we want to
@giatasha2181 Ай бұрын
No advice this time but will look forward to your next videos regardless :) I mourned my drunk self. I didn’t realise at the time. Spent alot of first three months crying. And that’s ok for me. Hope you feel better soon I really do.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@giatasha2181 I relate to that mourning my drunk self very much so
@niallwright8132 Ай бұрын
Hi Dom, well done for staying sober for a month, that shows progress in your life! If you feel comfortable, I know the Sloppy Joes and their Sloppers are always here for you 😁 we love you mate
@jacobskywoker1240 Ай бұрын
I say the point is to get better than you were yesterday. Learn and improve. Talk to people, help people. There are many people who feel same or worse than you. That might just be your purpose. Keep looking.
@liamhand84 Ай бұрын
This is the first video ive seen by you so i have no idea what you usually talk about, but just wanted to give my thoughts. Im 34 and have been having quite similar thoughts about life that you described in the video. Never once did i think "grow up" until you said it yourself, and even now im quite confused by that comment. I dont feel that growing up means you cant talk about feelings, or feel feelings at all. I also realise for guys our age crying can be a strange thing, but you shouldnt apologise or give warnings for feeling human emotions. They need to be released or they will explode in a far worse way. I get the feeling that there must be something more to life, and that its depressing if this is just it. I have struggles myself thinking about all the needless pain and suffering within the world. You quote Dostievsky (sp?) and Camus, so you are evidently a very intellectual person. Have you thought about pursuing some academic studies in an area you find particularly interesting or feel the need for answers to? For me, the only thing thats giving me some meaning is the thought of making (small) discoveries that will help in the area of medicine and hopefully be the first step in alleviating some of the worlds suffering (i am hyperbolising this a little, but am doing a phd which maybe will be the first steps in a huge staircase of research which may add positive value to the world somewhere down the line). Or if practical pursuits arent your forte, have you tried art or philosophical pursuits to try and find some meaning in your pain? Even by doing a video like this, i feel you have already brought people together by describing a feeling that alot of people know but isnt talked about alot. Not trying to make you feel better or anything like that (even though i hope you do), just youre video struck a chord and wanted to respond.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@liamhand84 PhD is huge. And your pursuit is noble. Thanks for your comment. I do appreciate the support a lot
@tolkienfan10 Ай бұрын
I also feel like I'm wasting my life...and I have no answers. I try and rediscover motivation but the reality of it all, the stupid, pointless cruelty of life, of society in general, is overwhelming. My raison d'etre is to find the good stuff, the stuff worth living for, the moments that make me laugh, which remind me that if I was to end it, that I wouldn't be experiencing them, that I wouldn't be finding value in connecting with others of like minds.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@tolkienfan10 I feel like this too
@WeAreCameron Ай бұрын
Don't forget, you're one of the writers of your story. What you write is what you feel. I try not to let other writers fuck up my story; no matter their size or power.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@WeAreCameron thank you
@chalkydonewell2596 Ай бұрын
Hang in there brother. You got this. 👍
@Targeted_IndividualMY 9 күн бұрын
Your life is better than me ,I suffer depression ,anxiety n being targeted ..If u know what im talking about ,I've been gangstalked ..n my life has turned upside down since then..I never live in peace After being a T.i
@gamesdog9067 Ай бұрын
My friend, when things are this bad, one plus side is that you might as well give anything a try. I would personally recommend the 30 day carnivore diet. Our poor diets and a lack of cholesterol in the brain is a major part of mood disorders. It’s massively helped me, so I encourage everyone to try it. You have nothing to lose, so why not give it a shot? You will at least be in control of something that way - your diet.
@DannysRentBoys Ай бұрын
I'm your 500th sub. Keep it up brother
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@DannysRentBoys thank you so much. Never thought I’d get 500
@skakkalabinko Күн бұрын
@Yeeyu77 Ай бұрын
The visuals to your video are very cool, sorry to hear youre going through a hard time. Ive felt like that before for months on end when my health went down the toilet from drugs. Probably the last thing hou wanna hear, and itll sound a bit wacky but Peter Attia does great podcasts on mitachondrial health 😅. When were depressed the source is often physical. Hope it gets better! Edit: just had a look at your other videos. Mate, youre going through annhedonia. This is completely normal.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@Yeeyu77 feels like I’ve been going through it forever. But thank you I’ll have a listen!
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
Good to know about visuals. Was always curious how they came across
@Adam.J.Fox. Ай бұрын
We love you dom ❤
@AlexandarShmex Ай бұрын
Brother, the questions you're struggling with are completely legitimate and a sign of maturity. What I recommend to you is that you read "What The Buddha Taught" by Walpola Rahula. It will make many, many things clearer, if you haven't seen these teachings. I've went through the same phase, not seeing any point to all of this, not having motivation to do or be anything. Read the book and start practicing, explore Theravada Buddhism. I guarantee you will experientially get the answers to your questions.
@AlexandarShmex Ай бұрын
And you will realize that there's nothing to be done, nor anyone to do anything, but that will come with practice. Then this life becomes a game, a pleasant one. And people who tell you to "grow up", haven't really reached the stage of existential contemplation you're in. You got this.
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@AlexandarShmex thank you Alexandar I will buy it
@AlexandarShmex Ай бұрын
@@DommyBW Most Buddhists books (written by monks) are free, just Google the name, there will be several links to it. Stay strong brother, you got this.
@SensibleNutter Ай бұрын
Wishing you all the best bro. If you want free one on one coaching. 12 week program, no Strings attached I can point you in the right direction
@bradgers92 Ай бұрын
You are the point. Come back to it. This gave me something to do right now
@tracymccreary7441 26 күн бұрын
We all get this way, I know I do as well. Put lord jesus in your life, he is the best cure for everything. Amen 🙏 God bless you.
@matthewsargeant6109 Ай бұрын
Hang in there Dommo
@djohnson9857 Ай бұрын
Hey mate, where about in the UK are you based? I've spent my fair share of time feeling like you are now, so I know what it's like to be bombarded with advice and suggestions from every angle. If you're not a million miles away I'm more than happy to come find you and hang out for a bit though. A walk in the country, sit around and do nothing, vent all the stuff that isn't youtube friendly onto a stranger, whatever. 😅
@DommyBW Ай бұрын
@@djohnson9857 Manchester. That’s very kind!
@djohnson9857 Ай бұрын
@@DommyBW Ah man, I visited Manchester for the first time a few months ago for work, I loved it. I'm based in the south east but travel quite a bit for work. I'll give you a heads-up when I'm up that way again. I'm a set builder in the film industry, it took me until I was 36 to find something that I was excited to get out of bed for in the morning, and then the strikes put us all out of work. Back to square one! Someone told me I'm always trying to chase happiness, which is like doing coke. Always chasing a buzz that never satisfies like the first line, so you keep going and going. I try aim for contentment instead now, some days are harder than others! I hope you're having some better days by the time I make it up there, for you buddy, I'll be there either way. :)
@timmaggs2240 Ай бұрын
Big love Dom ❤️
@pulchralutetia Ай бұрын
God bless you.
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