My Take on Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings PREVIEW

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It's just a preview! I'm confident it will improve a lot!

Пікірлер: 61
@Mardiculous 2 ай бұрын
“Shadow Geneations”…. Oops
@KidEDarus 2 ай бұрын
These promotional 2D animations that SEGA has been doing lately has been hype. Just makes me want a full 2D series of Sonic even more. It is long overdue.
@JamoART 2 ай бұрын
I like Shadow. He seems cool. I hope the blond-haired girl will be okay in the end.
@kevin_kevinson 2 ай бұрын
Ok is one way to put it
@Stevencool77 2 ай бұрын
Well im gonna have to bring you dissapointing news
@Dog1167 2 ай бұрын
Spoiler: she wont be
@Garrulous64 2 ай бұрын
I love that you slap the topic of the video onto the screen every time, that's so fun
@sonicguy1996 2 ай бұрын
I'm just still in awe that not only Emerl is back, Team Dark seems to be a thing again, but characters are FINALLY allowed to show emotion again. (Aka it not being a 1 off thing in Frontiers) I found it funny how Kirk stated that SEGA is basically giving him more freedom. His voice wasn't the issue, it were the countless restrictions and lackluster story telling that simply didn't give him the room to properly display Shadow's character. As for the animation, I'm a big fan of the 3D CGI/2D Anime look. DBS Super Hero is a great example of that, incredible craftsmanship. I do somewhat agree that certain keyframes could maybe use a few touch-ups, but thats (for me at least) me nitpicking. I'm genuinely impressed with what they showed. Not just the animation, but the voice acting, the music, the general tone they set felt like we were back in the 2000s of this franchise. The shot of Maria trying to comfort Shadow almost had me in tears. We all know whats going to happen to her, it's inevitable, but I can guarantee it's gonna hit waaaaay different than it did 23 years ago.
@hotchocolate8008 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, great thoughts and I thought the animation was fantastic! You're definitely right that it does feel a little rough around the edges, though from what I remember, Studio Giggex were behind the ROTTMNT movie, which has some of the best animation I've seen in recent years! I do feel that they'll probably clean it up before release, but they could definitely take a page out of DBSSH's book when it comes to correcting some frames!
@cybersonic8472 2 ай бұрын
So while I get what your saying in other ways I think this was a step up from previous promotional videos in the lighting and reflection department, a lot is going on on screen and it feels like the detail department has stepped it up
@TheMrPasquale 2 ай бұрын
If anything I understood your arguments more BECAUSE of the Dragon Ball comparison! 😌
@sepehr1785 2 ай бұрын
The preview was pretty cool. I liked the voice acting and my boy Emerl is finally getting some love (I love Sonic Battle and I always thought it has way more potential both lore-wise and gameplay-wise). I love the impact effects where the screen gets white just like Dragon Ball. I agree with your opinion on animation. It needs a little bit of tweak here and there. Personally, my biggest issue, animation-wise, was Shadow's skating animation. Something about it looks weird (Probably because of the straight-hands gesture which I don't think is suitable for the dramatic tone they are going for and needs to be something more serious). Overall pretty good and I'm looking forward to watching the full thing.
@jaysolaris9272 2 ай бұрын
I loved the preview. Seeing more expansion on Shadow's past is great especially for people who loved the stuff with the Gizoids in Advance 3 and Battle. I didn't grow up with those titles specifically, so I'm excited to learn more about that lore. The beginning really touched me with the fact that we see a more vulnerable side of Shadow. His frustration of not being able to help cure Maria is executed well I feel and seeing Maria immediately comfort him is so sweet. The bond they had is strong and I hope we see more moments like that. Regarding the animation, the moment you mentioned Dragon Ball I instantly knew where you were going. I didn't know Super Hero had 2D animators help out to adjust certain frames. The one frame where Shadow is staring up at Emerl did look off to me, but I didn't know why. The comparisons with the 2D art did help a bit to understand why, some stuff looks a bit more exaggerated or have more weight to them (Knuckles' punch). Not sure if those were exactly what you were alluding to, but I do agree some touch ups before release would be nice.
@liamphibia 2 ай бұрын
I admire how analytical and observent and you are, Even. You have a *gift.*
@Mardiculous 2 ай бұрын
That is incredibly kind of you to say.. The series and community has changed so much, and I feel it's partly because of passionate fans discussing respectfully with each other. We all love Sonic, and want to help. I just get excited figuring out how!
@BoriquaBoY34 2 ай бұрын
I’d love to see how shadow’s personality develops into the more cold, calculated hero. We see here his heart is in a good place and he just wants to help his friend. He is warm with her. Maybe they can show him have a moment of hesitation to act when he needed to, (hesitating to kill or harm a human soldier due to his good nature) and that may have been what cost Maria her life, so now the reason he’s so focused on every mission and is willing to do whatever it takes, even if it’s ruthless, is because he failed to do that before, and it cost him someone that he cared about
@OmegaSon 2 ай бұрын
More narrative is always welcome I’m so glad to finally see them commit a little bit and try to set an atmosphere and a mood with tension in the ark it is just glorious. And the stuff with emerl I was literally having this thought the other day like it’s crazy they were both on the ark and just nothing happened. There was a place to expand and they took it and it worked so well, my little theory is this is probably when they first decided to give him a chaos emerald
@jakest123 2 ай бұрын
I'm just glad sonic is now proud of itself as a brand and isn't shying away from lore or taking itself seriously. I will say the 3d was a little disappointing after the Knuckles prologue, but seeing how they're now doing three episodes it's clear that it's a budgetary necessity and I agree that it just needs a few more touch ups/draw-overs by 2d artists.
@lambasted6886 2 ай бұрын
I don't blame anyone for thinking that was 2D because it looked so convincing! I think the 3D with 2D techniques pioneered by teams like Arc System Works has done a lot for the industry.
@ArtHollow 2 ай бұрын
I have been dying to hear your thoughts on the visuals - and I am glad you were thinking of Dragon Ball's 3D outings while you watched too. Very insightful video and I appreciate the effort and preparation you put into presenting your thoughts here. I also just realised that I have somehow not subscribed to you, so allow me to correct that error right now. I look forward to hearing more of what you have to say, Evan. Great stuff.
@Mardiculous 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I am glad you can see the effort, despite the lack of editing! I normally speak on stage and in classrooms, so I am doing my best to capture that LIVE experience in video format. Excited to continue sharing ideas together!
@ArtHollow 2 ай бұрын
@@Mardiculous My pleasure. I appreciate the thought and time you put into this video before the five minutes even began, and I think that effort deserves to be recognised. It really comes through when your prepared visuals are so effective and fitting. Really putting those live presentation skills to use. Your experience speaking to people without the benefit of editing really shows; you do a grand job of holding attention and articulating yourself nicely. The five minute timer kind of bummed me out at first because I could listen to you talk for hours, but then I read another comment you made explaining that you think of those five minutes as your time to speak and the time between videos as the audience's time to respond. I think that idea is genius - it is a really unique way to approach this content and really shows your desire to cultivate conversation that you can be part of. Sufficed to say, I am completely on-board for this. I hope I have some particularly strong or interesting thoughts of my own on these topics to contribute at some point because you have long since proven yourself to be a wonderful interlocutor who I would happily converse with.
@DylanofScreenTime 2 ай бұрын
These are the same people behind Rise of the TMNT, so my expectations for these three episodes are THROUGH THE ROOF. I agree the keyframes getting more time in the oven would be great, but other than that, I'm loving how it looks so far. EMERL IS BACK. TF?? I FUCKIN FORGOT ABOUT HIM LMAO. This is how you know Ian Flynn's as big of a nerd as we are, because he remembers teeny tiny details that some of us don't even bring into question and now that Emerl is apart of Shadow's story, it's gonna be so cool to see them fight, but also so promising for some sort of back and forth between them dialogue wise. (Honestly, since Zeno Robinson was also at the panel, I was hoping he was involved in the project voice wise, but he was probably just a host. Damn.)
@jarkspore 2 ай бұрын
I noticed this last time, but I love the stickers/labels from last time on the backdrop. I want to see the wall covered.
@mchan6215 2 ай бұрын
From what I've seen of this prologue animation so far, it feels grander in scope compared to previous Sonic animations, however, I have to agree that the keyframes aren't as prominent. Although, there are still some really great shots in this animation, such as the moment where Shadow leaves to fight, leaving Maria to look back as the camera starts moving away from Maria and to where Shadow is as he's running (I think you know what scene I'm describing lol). Overall I'm just really excited for this prologue mini-series and about what parts of Shadow's past we'll see!
@Spyro_839 2 ай бұрын
I get what you're saying about the clash but I feel like that critique works if the shot was focused on the clash itself. They focused more on the delayed impact those kicks caused to the environment around them (The tubes shattering), with that in mind I think that whole sequence is great as is.
@ryananthony2869 2 ай бұрын
These web shorts are probably the most high-quality things we ever get related to Sonic nowadays,so it's really strange that they're only released on KZbin and not anywhere else. They're not part of the games,they aren't on streaming services,I feel that they'd be perfect as a special for channels like Nickelodoen and Cartoon Network. Some of the promotional Angry Birds shorts aired on Nick,so it's not like a Sega owned franchise hasn't done that before.Jokes aside,I think Sega should take advantages on how beloved these are by the fanbase by releasing them on streaming services,airing them in networks,putting them on DVD and Blu Ray. It might increase the demand for a fully 2D animated Sonic show, who knows?
@BritBox777 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, the 3D isn't perfect. I think that's something we just have to accept when the budget is this low. But I'll take 'okay' 3D anime for this prologue if it means getting three episodes of content. Plus, if the reception is good, Sega might even fund an entire anime and that's when we'll see upgrades!
@gwimbly8683 2 ай бұрын
If Emerl return, then does Gamma's Countpart from Battle will return as well? Wouldn't surprise If me we get to play as him from his prospective.
@tailsfan10 2 ай бұрын
I really love the new direction of their animations, specifically the Modern series. They make it look just like an anime, as you compared to Dragon Ball. I hope they keep this up
@petergriffinsbrother2499 2 ай бұрын
I would love a new cartoon in 2d they could pull of so many cool shots
@Vantoxify 2 ай бұрын
I will say the animation of Sonic Prime is very impressive considering most 3D animated shows only does the bare minimum so everything looks kind of cheaply made but no, Sonic Prime’s animation had a ton of care put into it regardless what you think of the show. Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings looks REALLY good but I will say I agree that Shadow could use some tweaks to be perfect, it doesn’t mean what they made is bad but it’s not to perfection.
@kenn_k 2 ай бұрын
i'm glad this isn't just a video of... fuck, i got nothing for this one
@Mardiculous 2 ай бұрын
Loool I appreciate the commitment! Thanks for commenting!
@Izzyisneon 2 ай бұрын
i get the feeling that this animation style is 3D on purpose similar to spiderverse and RWBY
@RednekGamurz 2 ай бұрын
I'm super excited for it, but I'm also glad I'm not the only one who noticed some spots where the animation could use some touching up. One part that stuck out to me in particular was the scene of Shadow running down the hallway. Something about the way Shadow's hands looked, and the way he was moving his arms just looked really off to me. I get that they were doing his usual skating animation, but it just looked kinda weird. Still, I'm so pumped to watch the full thing, and it's awesome to see Emerl back.
@CHANIMATES 2 ай бұрын
My thoughts exactly dont get me wrong what we have here so experimental and new and but I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say it's kinda hard to fully get into idk this was going to be cgi until today when the clip played so I'm a little worried about that but everything else like the movement,boarding/compassion all looks fantastic I'm still on the fence about kirk I never really liked his shadow what so ever I thought they needed a younger guy doing the voice but I'm willing to see his acting chops when he has less restraint
@blackcat_off 2 ай бұрын
So far Idk what to think personnally but there's one thing for sure. I'm proud of being a Sonic fan again*✨️
@mediakira6621 2 ай бұрын
Kirk Thornton I’m still mixed on sadly
@kao7143 2 ай бұрын
while i appreciate what you're saying, i dont think the fans have time to "intervene", the animators are on a tight deadline and production has almost wrapped most likely, i dont think they'll drastically change the animation in this short amount of time even if it's to tweak keyframes or shadow himself
@kathyvallejo7884 2 ай бұрын
Shadow the Hedgehog the ultimate Badaxe
@windy3935 2 ай бұрын
I thought this was Tails Channel. What is this channel lol?
@JaydenXV 2 ай бұрын
the timer scares me :(
@CMJ321 2 ай бұрын
ITS PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKK i liked hearing about the keyframes it makes a bit more sense now my ownly issue is voice acting i dont like the fact that shadow sounds to angry for a young innocent character! sorry for a bit of negativity
@Mardiculous 2 ай бұрын
How dare you give reasonable, constructive feedback!! 😡 😡 😡
@kao7143 2 ай бұрын
i mean, he's angry that he cant find a cure for maria's illness, it makes sense
@Genesis-XE 2 ай бұрын
More of this and less of Sonic Prime 🔥🔥🔥
@os9077 2 ай бұрын
You have no idea about how animation works
@skeeterdaviter7745 Ай бұрын
I’m sick of hearing dragon ball compared to sonic. I think he’s more of a dragon ball fan than a sonic fan.
@Mardiculous Ай бұрын
@@skeeterdaviter7745 definitely not true. But I will try to compare to more diverse media forms in the future! You are right that I’ve overused it.
@nightlydata2181 2 ай бұрын
It doesn't look horrible but its got a lot of issues that R more noticeable as u play it over again & I'd prefer & am confused by Y they didn't use a 2D team or their ANIME STUDIO more specifically cus this team seems pretty amateur & makes it seem like they gimped out. They went cheap & said "good" enough. I'll say the directin is solid & helps the clear hiccups but only to a point. I surprised bout emerl but I don't have much to say outside of my productional grievances since 1. this is too short 2. this isn't the part of shadow I want to focus on personally but I know the bulk of that will be in the game itself. I'll say I'm surprised they're puttin out 3 of these
@EthanMallonee 2 ай бұрын
3D can be easier for choreography, and considering there's going to be 3 episodes of this I'd say it makes sense. This is a new studio, but it has animators from Flying Bark on board and they're some of the best in the business.
@justcallmekai1554 2 ай бұрын
I think the 3 episodes will give much more info than the sneak peek. Personally Im happy they adapted the usually forgotten part of the lore with Emerl which leads into the main conflict of the ARK Raid. They seem to so far going real deep into the lore. The animation could tbf use some clean up but I think what they have here is still pretty well done especially the CGI esque look sometimes. Nowadays you can easily blend those two styles together seamlessly or at least convincingly. I think its due to other choices like composition, lighting, and certain light movements Maria moving her hand across Shadows face that really give emotion without saying a word. We will see when the whole thing comes out so I can give proper judgment.
@nightlydata2181 2 ай бұрын
@@justcallmekai1554 I think that shot of maria caressin her hand on shadow was actually 1 of the better shots lol. I'm sure there'll be a decent amount in 3 eps but I'm still sure wut I'm lookin for is guna be left up for the game. In the vid dbs Super Hero was mentioned & I agree it was stupendous as a huge anime/db fan(1 of my fav movies partly cus of how they utilized it) but at the same time I NEVER want to C a mainline DB animation done in that style again & it's the same wit sonic. I don't hate 2.5D I jus don't want it for sonic especially for somethin as important as shadow. Ppl say this looks "anime" but by western otaku definition of the term this is nothin like that. it has its own points but this isn't wut I would want next for a sonic animated thing especially if u really mean it when u say u want an "anime"(not directed at u specifically). I jus think they could/should've done more.
@nightlydata2181 2 ай бұрын
@@EthanMallonee idk wut Flying Bark has done. Wut they've shown has a lot of weaker points among some solid(enough) stuff so overall their pedigree comes off mixed to me. Sonic works 10x better in 2D for animated projects.
@EthanMallonee 2 ай бұрын
@@nightlydata2181 Flying Bark has done Rise of the TMNT, Monkie Kid, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, and Marvel's What If...? - most of which are 2D. Their strengths lie especially in their actions animation, but their character stuff is pretty good too. If you haven't seen anything from them, I'd say to watch Rise of the TMNT: The Movie as it works as a standalone and we also have a few choreographers from it working on Movie 3.
@Stevencool77 2 ай бұрын
There should be a shadow the hedgehog anime series
I played Shadow Generations EARLY
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