My Thoughts on MoP Remix So far...

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26 күн бұрын

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Пікірлер: 69
@SmokerFace12 25 күн бұрын
I have never had a better questing experience than now in Remix, chilling at lvl 51 now, started last evening. No clue what im even suposed to do at 70, but those are worries for later.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Leveling is amazing without a doubt.
@rshs5821 24 күн бұрын
Pretty sure max level is just farming the raids. They are daily lockout not weekly. I've heard mythic siege drops 30k bronze.. good luck getting in to one tho
@lilpuddin1560 25 күн бұрын
Just to piggy back off the Classic-Remix idea, there is so much potential and literal years worth of content they could shift through and I hope MoP Remix is just the beginning.
@heythereguysitsMetro 25 күн бұрын
Ya totally hoping for that!
@Mister_Vintage 24 күн бұрын
The seriously need to slowly replace the janky-ass chromietime with this. You are simply *IMMERSED* into that expansion and that expansion only, no overlaps, no confusion.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
This is basically just that with a bunch of additional gearing and stuff though right? Not sure how they could replace it.
@wikanseg2653 25 күн бұрын
I am loving it. Playing it with my husband and he has much less time then me. So I ended up making an alt priest to try and get all the completions and zone things done. I love the entire thing. and its not piss easy either. Heroic dungeons and scenarios need some level of attention and team work
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Glad to hear!
@GrayzBDF 23 күн бұрын
Great points! Really great points Also, your voice and way of speaking reminds me of "oldschool" Supatease and that makes listening to you even more fun and enjoyable. Especially since he's shifted more towards the KZbin meta
@heythereguysitsMetro 23 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoy!
@allste626 25 күн бұрын
It's important to remember that RP realms *do not* shard. So if they are largely connected, it may actually be a bad choice. They did implement area specific sharding for largely populated areas for new events etc, not sure how well it works though.
@heythereguysitsMetro 25 күн бұрын
Hmm interesting. Didn't realize this!
@ztormur6504 24 күн бұрын
i think they will definitely do this again for WoD and Legion. this is a hit, and even though it takes work, i don't see why they wouldn't do it again.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
It's just a lot of work. Requires a lot of cosmetics
@jps4174 24 күн бұрын
really like it but not sure if there is enufh time to colect all stuff i want, i really didnt get to play panda back my guild got disbanded end of lich king so i took a break before started agen
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Oh ya you have plenty of time.
@jpglo 24 күн бұрын
yea its great..genuinely having a really good time
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
@kileNoe 25 күн бұрын
On my account i have the tillers farm unlocked on mamy characters. If you have em unlocked you can still use them to gather materials. Its not a bad gold maker. Not great but i still do it for nostalgic purposes
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
On remix?
@unclvinny 25 күн бұрын
I made an evoker and it's been a ton of fun zooming around blasting things with fire. I don't understand the "one evoker per server" restriction at all, luckily I had another server with a high level character; it's a super fun class to level from 10. I'm getting a lot of old Panda rep, achievements and quests done that I'd always meant to get back to, I don't feel like I'll run out of stuff to do any time soon. I'm not as familiar with the ins and outs of each expansion, whether there would be enough to do in each one, but I'm game for any of them, it's been a lot of fun so far.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Thats a thing from the base game because they don't want people just making characters just to farm raids. Kinda outdated thinking but been that way since the early days.
@nickolasroper3237 24 күн бұрын
So it’s safe to buy anything that says “removed in 11.0” in the tooltip correct? I don’t want to buy anything that I can get on my main in retail aside from the super hard to get cloud serpent. I don’t care about the Tusks because I play Monk.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
I had no idea the tooltip said that haha. Buy whatever you want! Most of the stuff specific to the event comes from the zone achievements. Otherwise there are a few transmog sets and mounts and that's it.
@jackiethomas3301 25 күн бұрын
i like it a lot too, my only like slightly minor gripe would be some way to not make duplicate characters. I love my evoker and I enjoy playing them but i just made a second evoker to play this and I was kind attached to my first evoker
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Oh ya I just made a toon for fun. I don't plan on doing anything with it
@jackiethomas3301 24 күн бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro I did the same, but if they ever release like a WoD or legion remix, I'm going to start accumulating evokers to play the remix lol
@bynamscott5564 25 күн бұрын
I am really enjoying it, taking it easyy really like that its possible to do raids while lvling. I spent about 3 hours in a 10 man Normal ToT run ( it was standard run, not empowered by Salvation) and in the end we did it.lots of ppl changed, we wipe and then improve and then wipe and then kill ( Dark Animus took us the most attempts) it really felt good especially because ToT is my favourite raid. Whats your opinion about gear being too much expensive to upgrade? Besides scaling,that seems like the biggest complain from the community as I have seen
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Sounds like casuals just wanting stuff for free honestly. I have upgraded all my items once already and bought a ton of gems also. You can get a ton of bronze per hour and every thread you loot gets you more and more clear speed.
@Toles1987 24 күн бұрын
The only rares I've seen so far have been the Zandalari ones. And I'm still leveling, so i haven't been able to kill them yet 😅
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Ya big issue is the rares for sure. Hope they can find a solution to that.
@rshs5821 24 күн бұрын
For me the difficulty seems pretty good for dps. But tanks are just crazy op. The gems for tank are really really good.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Yup. I don't feel like I can kill things much quicker at times. Don't see what value a DPS spec would be to me
@Regis_Philbin 24 күн бұрын
I started at the tail end of Shadowlands and didnt really start playing until Dragonflight season 1, and even aesthetically MoP always seemed really cool to me so I've had a lot of fun going through the zones and questing just to see the content. In retail I basically just m+ and pug heroic until I get AOTC (or try to get any especially desirable items -_-) so it's been fun to have a reason to just slow down and quest for fun. Plus the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent is the only mount that I've ever seen in the game where I thought "wow I have to get that", and by the time I hit 70 I had enough to get it ^-^
@Regis_Philbin 24 күн бұрын
I will say that as someone who didn't play these expansions when they were current, I would level a character in literally every expansions version of this if they were to do it. It's a fun condensed way to casually experience old expansion content, that chromie time doesnt do as effectively. Outside of hitting 60 way quicker and getting transported to Dragonflight, it doesnt have the same incentives that MoP Remix has.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Ya its absolutely perfect for that. Glad you are enjoying it so much!
@isaack8967 24 күн бұрын
Actually just so you are aware, RP realms (at least the non-remix ones) do not shard older zones. That might be a part of why you are having issues with mob tags. The only sharded zones are new zones, and (i believe) major cities around the launch of major content patches. It is very possible that Blizzard just forgot to switch sharding back on for mop zones on RP servers for remix.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Ya idk how that all works. I don't think it's a problem with sharing tbh.
@seimeianri 25 күн бұрын
I'm locked on level 20 because of no game time, but I could kill all rares for every zone achievement (except isle of thunder and timeless isle of course), just go around checking what rare is up, or camp where you could check at least 2 regularly, only on vale of eternal blossoms the rares were being killed fast, must be because of reputation with golden lotus, in every other zone I had to wait a lot until someone could kill it for me to tag along. but yeah, everything has being awesome on the remix, unfortunately you can just rush to 70 and kill frogs, but I'll be going for the achievements as well, and I'm loving my enhancement shaman with heroic leap
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Oh wow very interesting. You can't go past 20 without a sub. Really interesting!
@KrazzyKelsie 24 күн бұрын
I just think 90 days is maybe not enough.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
How come? That's likely when the prepatch launches. Would you still want to play this once war within is out?
@apotheonffxiv 25 күн бұрын
Frog farm just got hotfixed on a sunday
@TheUmbrex 24 күн бұрын
whole raid got farmed on rf by a blob in temple :D
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Ya I saw. That's a very tame nerf.
@her0268 24 күн бұрын
I mainly got into MoP Remix for the world boss mounts, I'm not a huge mount collector or anything, but I love those things, and the levelling was great. And I said on your stream, levelling is fun again for me, because of all the gems, all the added power, it feels great feeling that powerful. But, I'm also not opposed to trying out the end-game like raiding and dungeons, and I have to say those are designed really poorly because your character simply does not scale well enough for how hard it is, and the way to battle that difficulty is to upgrade your gear which is the biggest problem. Upgrades cost bronze, and I have to choose between buying transmogs/mounts/pets or upgrading my gear, that feels incredibly bad in my opinion. So I have decided not to pursue raiding or any "high-end" endgame because I want the cosmetic rewards more.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
I think the way you upgrade your power is the cloak really. Next time you do a session look at how much stats you gain. It's really absurd.
@her0268 24 күн бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro Honestly the stats gained by just playing the game and not cheesing it by doing the frog farm (which got nerfed) or any other way to cheese stat gains is pretty bad. There are people walking around with 6 million health as DPS, just because they cheesed it
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
@@her0268 Does that matter though? This is just a fun thing honestly. My recommendation is pursue fun where you can and dont worry about what others are doing.
@her0268 24 күн бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro Don't get me wrong, the mode is still very fun for me, but it feels bad to not have my character as strong as it can possibly be because I didn't hit frogs for 15 hours straight, and not just the strength of my character but me not doing that activity also resulted in me not getting 500k bronze which would have gotten me every mount and cosmetic I wanned to get.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
@@her0268 well all I can say is the sooner you can get that idea out of your head the happier you will be with wow. You can easily make the same claims in dragonflight too right? At the end of the day it's meant to be about fun.
@Therealpro2 25 күн бұрын
I've been enjoying the event so far. Level a shaman to 70 and a monk is almost 70 too with few other characters planned down the line. I mostly have three issues with the event that annoy me a bit. 1) Cloak on fresh alts seems to be way weaker than expected. At 4200+ threads achievement, alts start with 100% +XP, bunch of stamina, some main stat and bunch of verse too. Dissapointed. 2) Ward of Salvation is waaay too strong. Every raid ends up being "Press ward on tank and watch boss die". 3) Bronze acquisition rate is kinda low. One ilvl "tier" costs 39k bronze to upgrade and if you want to play more than one character, good luck with that.Not to mention all the mounts and transmogs. It's almost as if you're expected to play 8 hours a day. Like it would be fine if they lowered item upgrade cost by like 25-40% imo. Overall, I would rate this event solid 7-8/10 so far. I would totally play WoD/Legion or etc. remixes if they would do one in a future.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
I'm happy with the cloak. It was way stronger on the ptr and totally broke the game. I don't want alts to feel like they are stronger than my main at all. But I'm some one who enjoys leveling haha
@TheUmbrex 24 күн бұрын
It´s been a while since i have had so much fun. Been levelling exclusively in dungeons as prot. Its outright broken. Some dungeons i do 90% of the dmg. The gems are so powerful. They say its the scaling, but its higher, lower, whatever lvl than me. Feels broken. Feels good :D Though i approach it with the caveat: this is temporary and they have ruined the max lvl game. Im going to have fun levelling, buy the mogs i want and probably leave it
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
It's certainly great for that. Exploiting the broken stuff is always fun too!
@TheUmbrex 24 күн бұрын
@@heythereguysitsMetro aaaaaand it´s over.
@Opposegaming 23 күн бұрын
MOP remix is a blast...but from 67-70 feels really bad. You get so weak. Also I want challenge mode armor sets back.
@heythereguysitsMetro 23 күн бұрын
Ya, but they are so short its not that bad at least.
@Trexia257 25 күн бұрын
i wish we stil had daily´s really mis that to do everyday
@heythereguysitsMetro 25 күн бұрын
Well world quests are that, but I do feel like they don't really tell any story so they aren't as nice.
@merenwen_gaming 25 күн бұрын
Unfortunately I hate levelling so I’ll stick to retail for now… although recently I’m not able to progress in M+ because pugs skills seem to have decreased 😐 thank god is almost summer so I can go outside more often.
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
Surely it's nice enough now to go outside more often.
@RO-fo3uk 25 күн бұрын
I'm at a point where I've done all the heroic dungeons, done all the heroic scenarios, did a lot (not all) of normal raids, and the next best action for me to take it now... kill frogs. Massive drop off in interest now. Instances need to be massively more rewarding at max level to avoid this becoming a game of frogs. Other than that, I did like the leveling process.
@heythereguysitsMetro 25 күн бұрын
There are plenty of ways to play outside of just doing that boring stuff. Try to resist the urge to min/max on here! You can always just level new toons and use the experience and bronze you get to get other stuff you want!
@isaiascandido8497 23 күн бұрын
One more week and the people will quit
@heythereguysitsMetro 23 күн бұрын
That is proving it's working.
@enzoshink7597 25 күн бұрын
Ok, this just show how retail could be so much better... This is coming from someone who raids mythic and do +27 keys
@heythereguysitsMetro 24 күн бұрын
27s last season? It would be tough to implement these systems in retail but I do wish they would try. It makes leveling sooo much more interesting.
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