My Total Drama Action Character Tier List

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Tier list of my favorite characters in Total Drama Action.
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@Rippen_Crippen 3 жыл бұрын
This season made Harold my favorite character in all of Total Drama, if only Owen didn’t come back, he would’ve been in the top 4 like he had always wanted
@cowboylikedinos 2 жыл бұрын
And Lindsay would be 5 and Courtney 3
@Nottyastro 2 жыл бұрын
Same. He's one of the funniest characters I've ever seen. Hes also a stand out in World Tour even though he doesn't appear much
@GothicPurple 2 жыл бұрын
Owen came back as an intern. Idc what the wiki says I still refuse to count it.
@ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110 Жыл бұрын
I think this happens had Owen not returned: Lindsay still gets out the same dumb way as before 5th-Lindsay Duncan wouldn’t puke from Owen’s fart so Courtney would play and I presume she wins. Beth and Harold vote Duncan, Duncan votes Harold and Courtney votes Beth for betraying the alliance(I think she would) I can really see anyone getting out but this is my theory 4th-Duncan Harold would choose the raccoon, Courtney would choose the shark and Beth would choose the chameleon. Harold wins immunity and gets to choose his opponent. Probably takes Beth over Courtney despite being annoyed at Beth. 3rd-Courtney Finale: Harold vs Beth(Both get a winning ending)
@k-leb4671 11 ай бұрын
Man, I really don't like Owen returning to the show as an actual contestant, and making it that far. Maybe it would've been pretty good if he returned but not as a contestant, just as an assistant who's secretly meant to stir up drama and sabotage stuff.
@analyzgolden7774 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I think Beth would be WAY more liked as a character if she was NEVER a finalist, and was just a side character. Because as a side character, she actually can have some moments to shine. But the problem is that she only has side character material to work with, and thus is only in the background, as probably the ONLY Action character that doesn't have a character arc that I can see. She just kind of does whatever. So by making her a finalist, people expect some massive journey from her and development that makes her feel like she deserves that point, like with Gwen or Heather (just examples) But when your FINALIST spends the whole season just doing whatever and delivering unfunny gags, as well as even becoming annoying with her guy obsessions that make little sense (Like, why did Beth like Harold romantically in that one episode? That makes no sense) especially when they refuse to stop shoving it in your face, then no, people (including myself) are NOT going to like that she's a finalist. There are other characters in the season that clearly deserve the finalist position more with their character development, like I heard rumors that Lindsay was meant to be a finalist instead, (but that's not true) and yeah, Lindsay was robbed. She deserved that position more because she's gone through a character arc that's shaped her into a worthy celebrity. Or if they really couldn't have Lindsay be the finalist against Duncan, why not just have Harold be in the finals instead? That also makes perfect sense, and given his and Duncan's rivalry, it would make the finale not feel like lame Chris and Chef shenanigans, and actually have some impact and weight. I made a poll on the Total Drama Wiki on what matches people thought would be the best for the Action finale, and 40% said Harold vs Lindsay, 25% said Duncan vs Harold and Duncan vs Lindsay, and the Duncan vs Beth one only got 10% of votes. That goes to show that this is kind of like the ending of Avatar the Last Airbender, only instead of Aang facing off the Firelord, it's the Cabbage Guy. So basically what I'm saying is that Beth is an okay character under a REALLY bad plot position. If you don't develop your finalist character aside from a running gag, but give other characters spotlight, arcs, humor, and love. People are going to expect those dynamic characters to be resolved in a satisfying way, and if those character DON'T get that in favor of a side character getting it instead.... Yeah, people are not going to be happy about that.
@Alexandre-gg7qd 2 жыл бұрын
I agree and all, if anything this is the one season most people agree Duncan got the dub simply because Beth just kinda sucks.... But dude imagine Aang vs Cabbage guy, that would've been fucking awesome.
@ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110 Жыл бұрын
I see some of your points but… I still don’t understand why Beth is so hated. Like, she did have a character arc, okay? Also if there’s any unworthy finalist in TDA, it’s Duncan. Beth played a great game in Action, she’s very underrated in the gameplay aspect, you can’t lie. Okay, she did flop in some challenges, but she’s also one of the only two competitors to win immunity from a merge vote. She was the best social player this season(and as much as I would like to see Lindsay be a finalist, she did mess up a multiple times, which Beth didn’t.) as Beth never received a vote this season, and was the only person other than DJ to accomplish this. Chef deliberately stalled Beth to sabotage her in the final challenge as well as the fact that she saves Duncan’s life and helps him complete the challenge when she could’ve just taken the W for herself, but that was her choice. In the jury vote, Duncan technically won the official version but Owen’s fart knocked out Leshawna and Trent, both absolutely locked Beth votes, and Lindsay wasn’t given an opportunity to vote, so three of Beth’s locked votes had to be cancelled in order for the vote to even be close and for Duncan to get a winning ending. Beth also came up with strategic moves to vote out Duncan twice but Harold and Lindsay ruined them both times out of Beth’s control. Beth beat Heather TWICE in the premerge showing how capable she truly was, and the only bit of luck Beth needed was the luck that every killer grip needs, since Izzy, Courtney, Owen, Justin and Lindsay all needed luck to get where they got other than the DJ quit(didn’t directly benefit Beth but benefited Lindsay) Izzy’s return(same but with Izzy) and Courtney’s debut(same with Courtney) Beth also did have a character arc this season, I’m not a fan of her and I am a fan of Lindsay and Harold but she gets too much hate, people only say she’s unworthy because they wanted Harold or Lindsay to win(I did too but Beth absolutely had buildup)
@Maw0 Жыл бұрын
I heard Lindsay was supposed to win, but her actress had something else to do, which is why she had a stupid elimination again, and why they chose Beth out of thin air.
@ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110 Жыл бұрын
@@Maw0 well that’s not true. Beth was always going to win even if the family emergency didn’t happen. Lindsay was still going to get out at 6th that way. I agree it was a very dumb way though, the writers at least could have done something realistic
@analyzgolden7774 Жыл бұрын
@@Maw0 There was also Harold left, who could've made the finale instead. It would have worked pretty well since Harold and Duncan had a rivalry for the two seasons. Before anyone says: "Oh well they can't have two boys make the finale", ROTI?
@Robalexe 3 жыл бұрын
I think the first two aftermath episodes saved and redeemed Trent as a character in this season for me, despite how strange he was in episodes 3-5
@jacobpullen6949 3 жыл бұрын
S: Justin, Harold, Duncan, Lindsay A: Heather, Courtney, DJ, Izzy B: Leshawna, Owen, Bridgette, Geoff, Trent (Aftermath) C: Beth, Gwen D: Trent (without aftermath)
@jacobpullen6949 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I know a lot of people don’t like Justin, but I thought he was absolutely hilarious.
@jackieblue122 2 жыл бұрын
Based on individual character dynamics, Lindsay, Courtney or Harold should've been in the finale. Courtney acted more like the villain than Justin this season and seemed to have a beef with Lindsay (who was already starting to have character development). Those two going against each other would've been great because we would've seen Lindsay finally prove that she can win on her own. On the other hand, Harold going against Duncan also would've made sense, because Harold has actually shown some skill in winning challenges in spite of Duncan's teasing. Him beating Duncan would've given Harold more respect as a character and showed that he actually has skills that could be used to win. Beth and Duncan ultimately doesn't make sense from a character or story perspective since we haven't really seen them interact in either season so there's no rivalry or pay off in seeing one beat the other.
@olivaderplays6891 2 жыл бұрын
I completely Agree to the fullest extent
@RelentlessSketchStudios Жыл бұрын
I too also agree with this statement. Sucks that Lindsay couldn't advance forward in the competition due to her VA having to attend to a family emergency. Would've been great to have her as a finalist considering her development as a character this season.
@LaughgreatYT 7 ай бұрын
@@RelentlessSketchStudiosnah that was a lie, or atleast a rumour, people did that for lindsay cope bc there is no way in any universe Lindsay wins
@Bondade 3 жыл бұрын
Trent kinda lives in a limbo inside my head since I only watched the first and the third season as a kid cus I kinda missed the second one. That makes him, in my head, one of those "first season only contestants" like Eva, Sadie & Katie and Justin (who also existed in that limbo) and I always remember him as the chill dude even after watching TDA. Weird, but that makes me still kinda like him despite all the weird stuff in this season Also sorry for asking for you to punch Courtney
@domsucksatapex3045 3 жыл бұрын
Beth is in that limbo too right
@Bondade 3 жыл бұрын
@@domsucksatapex3045 Beth doesn't, because I saw the last episode of Action when it first aired, and she won here in my country
@domsucksatapex3045 3 жыл бұрын
@@Bondade I’m gonna guess your in Australia cause you wrote this at what is 2am in the US and Beth won in Australia and u speak English
@Bondade 3 жыл бұрын
@@domsucksatapex3045 I'm from Brazil :v English is not my first language and I don't have a good sleep schedule
@Vegeta241 3 жыл бұрын
I remember hearing a rumor that rather than Beth, it was suppose to be LINDSAY who was suppose to face off against Duncan in the finale of Action, with the reason for it not happening being that her voice actor had things lined up for her that prevented her from recording more than she did with the show.
@titouantricquet5836 3 жыл бұрын
I think it was said to be false, because most of the script and the animation is actually done before the actors get called to voice it, so it was just made to be like that.
@Robalexe 3 жыл бұрын
That rumor is false, complete bs
@cowboylikedinos 2 жыл бұрын
It’s fake confirmed by the creators
@gumbitoicic9977 3 ай бұрын
@@titouantricquet5836Interesting. I would expect the animation to come after the voice acting but either way, I hate how TD fans just spread rumors about voice actors and the creators about their favorite characters and ships. It plagues the community and kills me every time I see a new fan believe and repeat it
@JujanGames 21 күн бұрын
PLEASE stop spreading this rumor. This and Leshawna in Island are completely false. It literally wouldn’t make sense to completely rewrite and reanimate all of the episodes because the VA couldn’t speak, but then they can magically speak again in the finale. This is very likely not true, Leshawna or Lindsay making it any farther than they did likely never made it out of the idea phase.
@lrk54zz 3 жыл бұрын
22:19 You said the great characters aren’t as great, but there are more of them. This is a perfect way to word my thoughts on the season’s characters. Yes, there were several derailments, but ultimately there were some enjoyable arcs and we got to know everyone more.
@Jack48766 Жыл бұрын
I’d put Owen in D tier tbh. I was never a huge fan of him in season 1, but in season 2, it felt like they derailed his character into just eating and farting (even though the other contestants were giving her flak for it, I agree with Courtney’s decision to vote him out in Ocean’s Eight - or Nine because of this). Also, I strongly disliked how he came back to cause drama; I thought it was beyond uninteresting and unnecessary. Every time he would try to start drama, it just felt like he was interrupting interesting interactions between the other contestants, which was so obnoxious. Not to mention, Owen didn’t really fit into the drama that was established between the other contestants at that point, and thus felt like an outsider. I also disliked how he was eliminated with Courtney because it caused us to lose out on what could’ve been an interesting final 3.
@Woodenfan 2 жыл бұрын
Something interesting that always stuck out to me is that I don't think that Episode 2 elimination was originally going to be part of the show based on how certain scenes later in the show play out, as well as some promotional material that showed certain (eliminated) characters still in the show. Like in Riot on Set, Chris is talking to the Grips and such about the Walk of Shame like it's the first time (and they're reacting to it as such, too). They shouldn't be reacting like that; they already know what it is from the previous episode, yeah? I also remember that in a promo piece for 3:10 to Crazytown, there was a shot of Duncan vs. Bridgette, even though the latter had been eliminated at that point in the show. Makes me wonder if Geoff and Bridgette were intended to last a little longer than they did, really. Like, Geoff could've been a Gaffer (he and Gwen had that bond from the first season, so I can see her picking him), and Bridgette could have been a Grip (based off said promotional material). Thoughts? It's interesting to think about.
@k-leb4671 11 ай бұрын
Whoa, that's some obscure information. Maybe they were meant to last longer.
@RelentlessSketchStudios Жыл бұрын
Trent's derailment in this installment of the series is the embodiment of the phrase: "Look at how they massacred our boi."
@Robalexe 3 жыл бұрын
S: Harold, Duncan, Lindsay, Owen A: Heather, Geoff, Leshawna, Beth B: DJ, Izzy, Bridgette C: Gwen, Trent, Justin D: Courtney
@skcaden9551 3 жыл бұрын
Yes Harold and Lindsey are the best characters this season
@titouantricquet5836 3 жыл бұрын
I thought of Owen as a character that was not as kind and gentle as in the first season, but his arc was kinda cool, tho I wouldn't put it in S (maybe A), but otherwise I completely agree with you
@Robalexe 3 жыл бұрын
@@titouantricquet5836 His elimination speech alone would put him in S for me
@inversion9651 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing list.
@polar6066 3 жыл бұрын
my headcanon is that beth never got treated her head concusion (when she got hit in the head by a cement block i think) and thus acted weird af because of it
@ethypoo 3 жыл бұрын
for me based on performance this season: s (deserved to win, no questions): courtney, duncan a (could have won): beth, harold, justin, lindsay b (could’ve made it to the finale): izzy, leshawna, owen c (could have made it to the merge): heather d (probably would’ve lost before the merge): dj, gwen f (would’ve been eliminated very early): bridgette, geoff, trent
@skcaden9551 3 жыл бұрын
Courtney didn’t deserve she came in too late for me. The perfect finale to me is Harold and Lindsey because there character popped from the season
@ethypoo 3 жыл бұрын
@@skcaden9551 i think she should’ve won all stars instead of zoey
@milonga_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@ethypoo Exactly, how is Mike and Zoey, characters introduced in Season 4, deserving to be finalists. Courtney definitely should have been a finalist along with another contestant
@ethypoo 3 жыл бұрын
@@milonga_ yeah, it should’ve been a old character and a newer character going up against each other. and i didn’t like how we had two boys go up against each other in season 4
@ethypoo 3 жыл бұрын
@@milonga_ i would’ve liked zoey against lightning in season 4 and then mike against courtney in season 5
@erosnelix 2 жыл бұрын
i notice a lot of ppl mention trent's number 9 thing comes out of nowhere, which it does, but I think that gwen giving him the necklace, brings the idea of luck into the game, and it brings up the idea that in order to have gwen he needs to have luck on his side, and is under the pressure of reality tv, that 'breaks' him until he's out of the show.
@connorberry9766 Жыл бұрын
Watching this, I think why Action falls is because there are no S tier characters. Both WT and Island just have some God Tier character moments. Action, no one ever reaches that high
@Martin22788 Жыл бұрын
I think Justin, Lindsay, Harold, and Duncan are all S in action imo.
@mihaitavraciu2248 4 ай бұрын
​@@Martin22788 yeah, iYo not everyone's
@queubee 3 жыл бұрын
glad to see beth not super low tbh
@BinaryTremor-vs1iv Ай бұрын
I headcanon a Harold vs Lindsay finale.
@PhoenixFlame321 3 ай бұрын
*[Beth]* The reason she became a finalist is the exact same advantage BHUltra claims Izzy tried to emulate: Being unthreatening, flying under the radar, not being a priority elimination target. Yes, being considered "mediocre" is a risk for early game due to the team system and the pressure to be a valuable asset to your teammates else you're the first to be cut off when you lose a challenge, but for past-merge strategy, Beth's "invisibility" is a huge advantage, especially with more threatening competitors in the game like Courtney and Duncan; *[Bridgette]* Our favorite granola surfer girl has two crippling weaknesses: Out of water clumsiness and the irresistible thirst for hot beefcake dudes; *[Courtney]* Despite becoming a victim of the flanderization effect and turning into a nightmare girlfriend to Duncan, gotta applaud her for managing to sue her way back to the show through Total Drama's cutthroat legal team AND surviving to near the end despite having a massive target in her back; *[Duncan]* Many people claim he didn't deserve to be a finalist, I disagree. In a way, he was kind of robbed from his chance to win in TDI, just like his girlfriend. Yeah, he's got way too much screen time throughout the series, but his character only started to decline in World Tour;
@NOLJAK101 3 жыл бұрын
Good tier list! Yes I did enjoy every character this season In TDA!. Here’s how I rank mine: “By Roast!” Beth: gross and has potential! Bridgette: deserved to get further in the season Courtney: her behavior became ratherly unquestionable for me at the time?! DJ: neutral Duncan: still a jerk just like the first season but had some iconic moments that were enjoyable for me! Geoff: took his job to seriously as aftermath cohost! Gwen: could have just been more straight with people like Trent for example! Harold: comedy gold! Plus nailed almost the whole season for me to like his character and appreciate tda more. Heather: not much she was just being herself! Izzy: quirky and coo coo in the head as usual! Justin: a man with words but was considered a weekish villain! Leshawna: starting to loose her grove! Lindsay: dumb and smart at he same time almost but still fan ominous character! Owen: poor guy has Been put trough lots of stress through out the entire season! Trent: became a nice guy at first but turned out to be a cringe lord but then plans to pay his redeems for future season witch never happed at this time. That’s all I could has for now of what I think of the cast this season and yes I did like the season I did like how the brought back specific characters back for this season to make it a more interesting season I was hyped to begin with when I first watched it the same year it came out!. Again good video too. 😁
@analyzgolden7774 2 жыл бұрын
Harold and Lindsey should have been the Action finalists. Period.
@David-xc4we Жыл бұрын
Ranking all the 15 contestants: Duncan (Best) Beth Harold Izzy Lindsey Owen DJ Leshawna Bridgette Geoff Heather Justin Gwen Trent Courtney (Worst)
@pistincup352 8 ай бұрын
“Hush little baby don’t you cry, if you do we’ll surely die!” -Heather
@VisionCityMayor 3 жыл бұрын
Switch1e zoom setup leaked no way But fr the videos very casual and has a different vibe compared to other tier lists; i like it
@Maw0 Жыл бұрын
I love your opinion of Izzy. She's my fave!
@Hohhot 3 жыл бұрын
*S Tier* Harold Lindsay Chris *A tier* Duncan Izzy Heather Owen *B tier* Chef Bridgette Leshawna Justin Beth *C tier* Geoff *D tier* Gwen DJ *E tier* Courtney *F tier* Trent
@bionicrocker Жыл бұрын
damn i love justin's arc in this season, the failure of a villain arc is so great. id put him in a unironically
@Daansstuff-alt Жыл бұрын
My action tier list (not ordered): Excellent: Justin Good: Chef, Lindsay, Heather, Izzy Decent: Harold, Gwen Mediocre: DJ, Bridgette Bad: Beth, Owen, Leshawna Terrible: Duncan, Courtney, Trent, Geoff
@psan4374 3 жыл бұрын
I forgot you had a second channel ngl. Still have about 35 minutes in the other vid so let me finish that
@jjunbeatable9522 3 жыл бұрын
S Tier: Harold, Lindsay, Duncan A Tier: Izzy B Tier: Justin, Bridgette, Leshawna, Heather C Tier: Courtney, DJ, Geoff D Tier: Beth, Owen F Tier: Gwen, Trent
@williamdrover5252 2 ай бұрын
Harold is the definitive action goat
@langdonledwig3734 3 жыл бұрын
For me F tier is Justin, Beth, and Courtney. D Tier would be Trent, and Gwen. B will be Izzy, Dj, Heather, Bridgette, Geoff, Leshawna. A Teir would be Duncan, and Owen. S tier would be Harold, Lindsay.
@skcaden9551 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t agree with anything but S tier
@titouantricquet5836 3 жыл бұрын
Why would Justin and Beth be F tier? I think they were much better characters than in TDI, so I'm confused about that choice of yours... Tho I'm curious too at why you would rank them so low
@langdonledwig3734 3 жыл бұрын
Because I don’t think hey deserved to get as far as they did
@donutmaxgaming9674 2 ай бұрын
Harold was totally worthy of S-tier
@yohotaco2344 3 жыл бұрын
nice vid :)
@thomaszloi9444 3 жыл бұрын
Beth is good catharsis character for this season. She belongs in action and finale. She's kind of underdog and narrative lead just like Gwen in 1st Season. But people don't like her because she isn't as attractive as Gwen and her personality isn't Mary Sue borderline but more complex than not like other girl narrative Gwen had in 1st season.
@DarkMasterofCupcakes Жыл бұрын
They really missed an opportunity with having Gwen and Trent actually having to work through being together while still having to actively compete against each other, and just because the CN execs didn't want them to stay together. I actually have to wonder how mad the writers were about this decision - like Gwen and Trent getting together took basically the whole last season (not something that came up every episode but it was started in the very first episode, had hints and build up throughout a lot of the season, and concluded in the finale with them undeniably becoming a couple) and then they were basically forced to break them up almost immediately next season.
@filipmarkovic369 8 ай бұрын
Leshawna S tier
@eekism8202 3 жыл бұрын
Now that I think about it, Courtney should have won All Stars.
@nicholassims9837 2 жыл бұрын
or had been framed by Mal to make he rmore sympathic
@eekism8202 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicholassims9837 eh maybe
@nicholassims9837 2 жыл бұрын
@@eekism8202 as imagine confessional Courtney " Everythingbturned out great for me this season nothing can go wrong now " Confessions cuts to Mal making the chart " Oh Courtney how could you ."
@echo-kh5ms Жыл бұрын
I know I'm late but I definitely feel like Scott and Courtney should have been the finale
@snoopsyrup7563 3 жыл бұрын
Bro where did the roast videos go? I can’t find it on ur channel
@kirby1781 3 жыл бұрын
On the main channel, which has basically the same name as this one, but with a 1 instead of a 2.
@snoopsyrup7563 3 жыл бұрын
@@kirby1781 omg thank you im so slow
@kylmon4759 Жыл бұрын
man u insane for puttin Justin there
@switch2e Жыл бұрын
yeah it was a bit messy, i think he's good but not great
@anamont4490 3 жыл бұрын
S: Duncan, A:Courtney, DJ, Leshawna, Heather, Izzy B: Gwen, Bridgett, Justin, Lindsay C: Harold, Trent D: Geoff, Beth F: Owen (sorry)
@skcaden9551 3 жыл бұрын
Harold being c is a crime against humanity, he’s S this season
@inversion9651 3 жыл бұрын
Lindsay and Harold are too low.
@BadNameJackson 10 ай бұрын
Owen is nice but he is really grouse often.
@sawbutt 3 жыл бұрын
@AvalynTheAccursed 3 жыл бұрын
Izzy, I love her. Everything about her, yes. Just yes. Didn't like her as much in Action though, I feel like that was her worst season. Wasn't big on all the alter egos they did with her, but I still loved her. I don't think this show can come up with a character that I'll ever love more than Izzy. Heather, used to hate her as a kid, but now I look at her and think 'Damn she was a pretty good villain'. Heather's cool, I like her. Especially with the arc she went through in World Tour, where she ended up going against Al, who was WT's villain, and ended up being the hero in that situation. Even if she was still a bitch after that. Already said this on another video so I'll keep it brief, I hate Owen. He exists only for fart jokes, fat jokes, and any other kinds of gross-out humor they can get with him. It's obnoxious and annoying. Gross out humor is the lowest form of comedy and I'll die on that hill, and gross-out humor is all Owen is even in the show for.
@inversion9651 3 жыл бұрын
Owen wasn't only in total drama for fart jokes, he made other jokes too and was a skilled competitor. He is pretty well known and popular and TD and is one of the first characters I think of when I think of the show too. I likw gross-out humour, not everyone likes it, but it isn't the worst thing in the world.
@AvalynTheAccursed 3 жыл бұрын
@@inversion9651 You're right. He also made fat jokes and the writers felt like they had to remind us that he's fat and gross every five minutes, just in case we forgot. Because having a large body type in a cartoon means you're disgusting and you eat everything in sight. Also, what skill? He was only good for eating challenges, because 'fat person can eat anything because he's fat', and occasionally his immense weight or disgustingness would come in handy. Pretty sure there was a couple times he saved the day with a damn fart joke. I just do not see the appeal of his character at all.
@inversion9651 3 жыл бұрын
@@AvalynTheAccursed What skill? Did you watch the dodgeball episode? You know, the most popular and well liked TDI episode? Also, Owen was the most skilled in the challenge involving the final three since the only reason Gwen made it to the finals with him was because they both agreed to split the freebies to get Heather eliminated. Also, Owen didn't really suck in other challenges so he is a skilled competitor. He's also well liked enough to not get voted off. People like him because he's adorable like the time he bit a toilet lid because it looked like a pancake. Owen has character, he's positive and loved. He also makes a variety of other jokes besides only fart jokes and fat jokes like when he chose the squashed house over the regular house because it has character. Owen is pretty funny, has a great personality and most importantly, he's entertaining to watch which js why me and many others like him so much.
@ashdweeb9063 Жыл бұрын
@@inversion9651 yeah, he was really good at the ‘disgusting dare challenge’, and haha he’s fat and would eat anything he thinks the toilet lid is a pancake!! im sorry man I get why you like him but these examples is exactly what this person is talking about 😭 he definitely was loved by the audience, but man as a fat kid watching i sure felt like that was 90% of the jokes he was allowed and it was upsetting
@inversion9651 Жыл бұрын
@@ashdweeb9063 I see what you mean, the jokes were played out and annoying. Owen does have a decent personality and he's a skilled contestant with good character.
@hanzfantasma8172 2 жыл бұрын
Do you really hate Gwen after season 1? Do you think she is one of in not the worst character ever?
@LaughgreatYT 7 ай бұрын
justin C tier is kindof L but good list otherwise
@AngelWingsYT 2 жыл бұрын
Izzy is always S tier.
@ThomastheRiolpixQueen 2 жыл бұрын
S Tier: lindsay, dj A Tier: bridgette, izzy B Tier: trent, beth, harold C Tier: Lashawna, justin, duncan, heather D Tier: geoff, Courtney, owen F Tier: Gwen
@KINGSWAG10 3 жыл бұрын
@TheRanker77 Жыл бұрын
Harold and Lindsay are easily S tier this season, Duncan, Courtney, Beth, LeShawna, and Justin were A, DJ and Heather were B, everyone else was taraaash
@leviticus2611 3 жыл бұрын
@GustavoFring19. 3 жыл бұрын
shut the fuck up nobody asked
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POV: Your kids ask to play the claw machine
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