My Worst Experiences as a Catholic

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Brian Holdsworth

Brian Holdsworth

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@lordnorthumberland277 10 ай бұрын
I've been very spoiled in my time as a Catholic. Received personal instruction from the parish priest (rather than an RCIA classroom) once a week for a year and a half and I have a great godfather. The parish and its culture are very traditional and is Latin Mass. I'm immensely thankful that all my Catholic "bad experiences" are just seeing bad behaviour online.
@enshala6401 10 ай бұрын
I too have been spoiled by the Catholic Church and Jesus who leads us through the Pope and Magisterium. It hasn't been easy for me at all. I've experienced so much loss, including my pastor (because he was called to be a Bishop), my choir (because our director found a permanent job somewhere else), convenient access to my Rite (because I accepted a job for the good of my family), etc. And yet, throughout all this loss, Christ always provided new spiritual rewards that were not possible if I remained in my place of spiritual comfort. Christian Joy comes from a properly ordered fascination with Christ, not of his gifts - even the spiritual kind. Everyone should be bold for Christ and love Him more than his gifts - including the spiritual ones.
@bruno-bnvm 10 ай бұрын
​​@@enshala6401This "experience spiritual discomfort" you are selling in the sense of accepting and supporting bad liturgical practices, abuses and borderline non Catholic doctrine is in no way edifying to our faith and a lot of bullshit you are pulling here with your "personal experience" crap. People that want to change the Catholic Church into what is not, should leave. Like all heretics truough history. And stop subverting the Church with their crap.
@tim_w 10 ай бұрын
Catholic Church invented formal education … how is rcia so bad?
@lordnorthumberland277 10 ай бұрын
@@tim_w Did I say it was bad?
@MikePasqqsaPekiM 10 ай бұрын
Not spoiled. Blessed. Thanks be to God for your parish! May others take heed ❤️
@janelle144 10 ай бұрын
Canadian leaders who went along with the false narrative of graves need to pay the church to have the churches rebuilt and issue an apology.
@jorklind 10 ай бұрын
They'll pay restitution in one way or another.
@FromAcrossTheDesert 10 ай бұрын
I am an usher at my parish and I tell people good morning when they come to mass and hold the door open for them. I think this an act of service.... a kindness to my brothers/sisters in Christ. Am I doing something wrong? Should I simply stop doing this? One woman did make a comment that I was a greeter like at Walmart, but I told her I was an usher and a Knight of Columbus which specifically serve at this mass on Sunday. Maybe I do seem ridiculous to some, but I assure you that I am just welcoming members of my Catholic family to the Lord's house to pray the greatest prayer that ever existed: the sacrifice of the mass.
@Bonnie-v5b 10 ай бұрын
You're fine. Keep being polite.
@HumanDignity10 10 ай бұрын
Our ushers do the same thing and I think it's great. They greet people and help people find seats, and this is helpful especially for bigger families who come in a little late. It also helps me to know who to go to if I have a question. Keep doing it!
@evamarkovic203 10 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work! No need to worry about what people say. It helps others feeling welcome, especially if they are new at your church.😊
@dominicedwards16 10 ай бұрын
I’m a knight as well but don’t usher or greet. Personally I’m pretty extroverted and I don’t really understand what the problem is with this. I believe quite the opposite of what is stated in this video. If I walked into a new church for the first time and everyone just seemed cold, unwelcoming, or lacking fellowship I’d be a little saddened by the church
@americaocanada1 10 ай бұрын
I think you are doing a great job. I disagree with the Walmart comment. My husband also greets and our parish is a very welcoming community. Personally I did not have the same experience in the Latin mass I tried attending. I was encouraged to attend by some friends, we went as a family and those friends weren't there. No one welcomed me. No one said tried to guide me in my understanding of how the mass works. I was so terrified and confused because I wanted to go but no one reached out and I didn't have a missal so was lost. Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing or know their own little groups. I left feeling like I needed to 'belong' to some club before I could make sense of things.
@fivelakeskitchenandbath9458 10 ай бұрын
I remember when I was coming back into the church 17 years ago, the charismatic renewal movement was big. I am a born and raised Byzantine/Syriac catholic from the middle east, so when I was invited to this prayer "meeting " it really caught me off guard! I have never seen what I had always characterized as hyper protestant behavior in a catholic setting before. So, I didn't want to be rude, so when everyone started praying "in tongues", I just started praying in aramiac and arabic, and the looks on people's faces was incredible! Lol. A few of them said," that sounds like a real language!" I told them I could translate it for them as it is the language of the lord. Now I don't want to sound judgemental, as the man who invited me is a SUPER FAITHFUL man with 13 children, so he's the real deal. But instead of them putting 2 and 2 together that their could be my first languages, thet thought the Holy Spirit inspired me ro speak in these languages. This who experience made me step back a little, but I ended up falling in LOVE with orthodoxy at a local Byzantine church with a saintly priest! It's been 17 years and I'm still burning with zeal for Our Lord! Slava isusu Christu!
@SMullen-iw3ds 10 ай бұрын
I was once at a charismatic Mass, and a woman stood up during Consecration, and started babbling. After Mass, I told my mother (I was 13 or 14 at the time) that if this was the charismatic movement, I want no part in it. I can't see the Holy Spirit moving people to interrupt the Liturgy, especially at Consecration.
@ntlearning 10 ай бұрын
That’s the mystical side. It can happen like that. It’s up to the bishop to decide.
@bruno-bnvm 10 ай бұрын
​@@ntlearningHow many paid trolls are there to push the charismatic agenda?
@ntlearning 10 ай бұрын
@@bruno-bnvm Let me know. I would love to get paid.
@jorklind 10 ай бұрын
I go to a charismatic parish on Friday afternoons. I will say they are very good about not doing spontaneous outbursts during the Mass - the priest asks people to take a moment to praise the Lord in their own way during the opening rites and some people pray in tongues and then go on with the ordinary. just as it would be with any other Mass in the Universal Church.
@ntlearning 10 ай бұрын
@@jorklind That's awesome! 👍
@hellopaulie 10 ай бұрын
My worst experience as a converting Catholic was asking about RCIA at a diocesan TLM that I'd been attending, and being told that the bishop requires people to take it at a NO parish. I chose the most historical church in my area. Aesthetically, everything is beautifully restored and intact, and lifts your thoughts and hearts to God. It's a family of parishes and so we have a few different priests. Most are orthodox in homilies and interactions, a couple strictly so and the young one incorporates Latin. They take no issue with those who kneel and put out their tongue for communion. Some women veil. The problem is with the older generation that runs the RCIA program. It seems that they don't know their faith very well. They went through the instruction materials quickly and dryly and the last half of class was Q&A. Most often they did not have the answers and just looked it up. I was doing a lot of that on my own at home so it seemed a waste of time. The real problem I had though, was when they would scoff at the official teachings and openly discuss their disagreement in front of us. They injected many personal and heretical ideas into the class. Things like, "Since there's an upcoming priest shortage, we should ordain women", or "We should make amends to native people by incorporating smudging and lodge ceremonies at some Masses". I knew better because I was reading on my own and listening to a lot of Catholic podcasts and audiobooks during my time at home as a housewife. However many others in the class worked outside the home and were students loaded down with their secular studies. They didn't have the time to study Catholicism in the way that I did and they were very vulnerable to poor catechism. That generation was notoriously poorly catechized. How can they catechize others? I really wish the priests would take over but I know they are already stretched and tired.
@pio1483 10 ай бұрын
I had a similar instance in my time in RCIA at my local NO parish. I was formerly a Baptist, and entered RCIA veeeery late into the course after having read more material than would even have been offered to me there. So I asked the deacon teaching it if he could test my competency and allow me to skip the classes if I was learned enough already. He allowed it, and said he’d test me over three weekly sessions. At one of these, he told me it was a great idea that we ordain women clerics since we have a shortage on hand-it would also lighten his workload, he said! This was a deacon saying this! I can only imagine what I might’ve heard if I’d gone through the whole course there.
@mcmann7149 10 ай бұрын
I remember when that whole ordeal was going on with the supposed graves found at Kamenloops. Someone destroyed our statue of St. Patrick which had been there since the church had opened some 60 years before. Guy was caught but got off with a slap on the wrist and no real punishment. I hope that guy found help in whatever capacity he needed, seemed like a troubled person from what I had heard.
@myleshagar9722 10 ай бұрын
Every sewage tile matters.
@hellopaulie 10 ай бұрын
We had a statue damaged as well, in a church courtyard. The church is beautiful but the area around it has declined into being a bad neighbourhood. The thing is, it brought a lot of comfort to the people there, especially the homeless. They would often pray there and leave a coin or a cigarette which would be picked up by the next person and so on. Parishioners started leaving cans of food there, or boots or blankets, things that the poor or the homeless in that neighbourhood were grateful for. They respected the place and never let items pile up or trash to be left. But then after the false stories of a supposed genocide of Native children broke, someone smashed the head of a statue of Our Lady and damaged it very badly. It was costly to fix and the resulting decision was to also install a 10' iron fence to close the courtyard off to the public. So a movement that organically grew, a showing of Christian love within the community, was ruined by the lies of an insidious ideology that is hellbent on erasing the last vestiges of Christianity in our society. These are trying times.
@catholicguy1073 10 ай бұрын
I am highly skeptical of so called talking in tongues. When I read the Bible when Peter is speaking in tongues it means even though he was speaking Aramaic or Greek in Acts to deliver his speech everyone of every language could understand him. It was a miracle. Not that he uttered some mumble jumble incomprehensible non sense I saw this talking in tongues when I was Agnostic at my wife’s nieces dinner when she graduated College about 8 years ago. They are like charismatic Pentecostals. They did literally exactly what you described when they said they were just going to pray. I stayed put for about 20 minutes to be polite but when I saw the mumble jumble I then walked off to the bar I had enough. And yes I think it was bs from those who sought attention to “prove” their faith. Perhaps that’s overly critical but they uttered complete nonsense and acted like they were “moved by the Spirit!”
@littlerock5256 10 ай бұрын
Exactly. It is part of the ecumenism of the conciliar church.
@unknown_user8449 10 ай бұрын
Just because it sounds like nonsense doesn't mean it is. We don't know all languages, so it's difficult to make that determination. And who's gonna sit down with a team of linguists during a worship service to record and analyize it lol.
@catholicguy1073 10 ай бұрын
@@unknown_user8449 perhaps. However in Scripture when Peter spoke in tongues every person of every language understood him. Event high he was speaking in Aramaic or Greek. So for those who didn’t speak that langue they were by a miracle able to understand him. This is miles apart from when someone claim today to have “spoken in tongues.” Totally different. However when this is spoken in present day it’s just mumble jumble no foreign language and nobody understands it. Therefore how is it then called “speaking in tongues?”
@littlerock5256 10 ай бұрын
@@unknown_user8449 I once was told, so this is hearsay but contains a good lesson, that a person was "speaking in tongues" who did not know the language they were speaking. However, and a person present did know the language and said that the speaker was blaspheming. Speech is a gift and a responsibility. We do not want to speak when we do not know what we are saying, as happens with these present day "speaking in tongues." As others have stated, speaking in tongues in Acts was people hearing what the Apostles said in their own language. Everyone understood what was being said, including the speakers.
@gerddonni2017 10 ай бұрын
The Roman author Horace recommended: ridendo dicere verum (= tell the truth while smiling), and you, dear Brian, have done that - again. Not bitterness will lead people to the Church, but love and a good sense of humour. Excellent work, dear Brian!
@ruthmaryrose 10 ай бұрын
I heartily agree about greeters at Mass. It was never done before Vatican II. And it always feels so wrong to me when the priest at the end of Mass thanks the congregation for coming and then asks for a round of applause for the altar servers, readers and music leaders. It just demeans the Mass.
@kaddyd1815 10 ай бұрын
As if it is a performance 🤷🏼‍♀️….I can never get used to the applause in church…
@ajmeier8114 10 ай бұрын
Don't conflate greeters with priests being irreverent at the end of Mass. Those are 2 different things. And I highly doubt there weren't people holding doors open before vatican 2. To make this a V2 issue is just incorrect
@liambrennan7410 10 ай бұрын
"guitars at Mass is a bad idea" Preach brother, preach!
@1Cheribaby 10 ай бұрын
Great video Brian…thank you for sharing your experiences. I am truly blessed to belong to a traditional parish where we love our Tridentine mass. I am a convert to the faith after 15 months of catechism classes with our pastor. I had been raised Lutheran where the absolute largest obstacle I had was a misunderstanding of “Our Lady” and the belief Catholics pray to idols…statues and Mary. All I can suggest, for anyone with the same obstacles I myself faced regarding Catholicism, is pray for understanding. Once you accept the grace our Lord offers you to understand it clicks into place. It’s almost like He flips a switch on the wall and the light turns on. It’s a most humbling and beautiful understanding…one which made my entire being feel loved. I was baptized, exorcised and confirmed into the Catholic Church the evening of Friday, December 22, 2017 and had my first holy communion at midnight Mass December 24, 2017 at the age of 59. May God bless you and your family now and always. Once again I thank you for sharing your life experiences but also your intellect and thoughtful insight into the faith.
@LaserFace23 10 ай бұрын
Your point on the marriage prep is 1000% on point. Excuse the following ramble, haha. During my own marriage prep (which was... fine, it wasn't bad, certainly nothing as embarrassingly juvenile as what you described), I couldn't help but think "Man, if we're being required to take out an entire weekend, drive down to the city where the diocese building is, pay even more money than we've already been spending to get married, even if we fully understand what the sacrament of marriage entails, then it better be about a hundred times better than what I'm getting now. I'd better walk away from this as a changed man, not just thinking 'well, checked that off the to-do list, glad I'll still be able to receive communion after I get married.'" It also didn't help that we were told "Oh don't worry, even if you're not Catholic yourself, you can still learn something out of it!" With my wife not being religious, this was a promise I was hoping would be fulfilled, to act as the kind of evangelism opportunity you described. Sadly there was a lot of higher-minded Catholic jargon, personal anecdotes, and assertions that, while thankfully in-line with Church teaching, weren't very accesible to outsiders; most things just fell back to "Aren't JP2's Theology of the Body and NFP great?" with my wife basically not knowing what any of those phrases mean or why they might be important. I explained many things to her myself, which I really wish would have been an option for me from the beginning, rather than shoving everyone into the same formula of "go to this awkward retreat, if you don't check this off the list then you can't get married in the Church". It just makes Church life appear as a boring bureaucracy whefe you have to clock in and out to get anything done, rather than, you know, the meaning of life and path to happiness.
@figeon 10 ай бұрын
Man, I feel like I’m reading my own personal anecdote. Everything happened pretty much exactly like that for me and my wife.
@LaserFace23 10 ай бұрын
@@figeon Haha, that's why I felt like it was worth it to ramble, I was sure we weren't the only ones who were totally underwhelmed and lowkey annoyed by it all.
@figeon 10 ай бұрын
@@LaserFace23 Our meetings were also for a full weekend, and it was 50 minutes away from where I lived. And we HAD to do it if we wanted to get married. Everything they taught us, I already know from reading and watching Catholic content. We’ve been married for 6 months now!
@thatsfunny2051 10 ай бұрын
Speaking of infantile substitutes for edifying and uplifting experiences, I once attended a Mass at which the priest abdicated giving the homily, permitting a schoolteacher to read a children's book to us instead. I was furious. I was so mad I nearly left. That's one of my worst experiences. Fortunately, I have had many more good experiences.
@bruceallen6377 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for listening to your wife and making a video that is a little more personal with your experiences! This was one of my favorite videos of yours! Thanks for your channel Brian!
@dianaf.s.1345 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Brian for suffering through these painful experiences in the Church. Loyalty is so important. The survivors will help to reform the Church to be what it should be. You and your family will be part of the beautiful reform of the reform. Pax Christi 🙏🏻
@bobandkelly 10 ай бұрын
Before I converted I also was asked to play guitar and lead worship for a charismatic prayer group. Thankfully, this group was careful to stay within church teachings and did not go very far into emotional excess. And He used it to bring me into His church. I also did have experience with protestant charismatic services, so I wasn't as shocked as Brian. Great episode!
@connorstefanski9088 10 ай бұрын
Brian: "Greeters are unnecessary." Me, a greeter at my Church: "And I took that personally"
@afarnum 10 ай бұрын
This was great! Your way of communicating the church crisis is so important Brian! Please continue your work!
@carissahanson9887 10 ай бұрын
Because I have a lot of sickness in the past year, I have received the settlement of at least twice maybe even three times. I broke my hip. after this, I was diagnosed with stage four neuroendocrine cancer. The sacrament do to help. I also know that masses were set for me when I had surgery and I believe my priest says mass for me a lot which is good because sometimes I feel very discouraged and then sometimes I can feel the prayers. I happen to like going to both masses.. The Latin mass is very beautiful and I love the prayers and sacraments in Latin. but I understand better in my language when it comes to some of the readings. God bless .
@kevins4254 10 ай бұрын
My wife and I have been members of our parish for over 14 years. Our worst experience repeats itself almost every Sunday when we walk into church and people ask if we are new there or just visiting. Even one of the Deacons has done this...twice. This is why we like greeters who are friendly and welcoming. A smile and a "good morning" can make us feel very good.
@theamericancristero7390 10 ай бұрын
I'm being told that while grieving the loss of our child, my civil spouse and I, both adult reverts, have to sit through 12 hours of a deacon spend 90% of the time talking anout how much he loved the 1960s. I go to an FSSP parish, but I can't do marriage prep there when it's a 3 hour drive; I can only do Sundays. I want to approach this with filial piety and accept it as valid episcopal authority, yet all I see is a diocese dominated by bureaucracy instead of priests.
@LaserFace23 10 ай бұрын
There really should be some way to "test out" of these things if they're just going to make things this unapologetically bureaucratic anyway. Converts and reverts often know more about the faith than even the people teaching the classes. Yet parishes and dioceses that are dominated by this method of thinking, a method which has demonstrably been failing to catechize and retain cradle Catholics, are still just given free reign to continue things as they always have been. I'm sorry for your loss and that you have to go through this -- the only thing I can say is to remember that this is only a temporary hardship, and that any annoyance, frustration, grief, whatever negativity you feel, can be offered up to the Lord as a form of penance in service of your sanctification.
@trevwilliams2138 10 ай бұрын
What an extraordinary, and CORRECT talk. Wonderful job!
@gwenewing6837 10 ай бұрын
Great video. I'm a lifelong catholic and agree with you!
@alexandriamurray8022 10 ай бұрын
My daughter joined a young adults group at our cathedral a few years back. The average age was 25 and there were a good number of young professionals attending. At one gathering they were given clay and a list of VERY juvenile questions to answer about how they thought God loved them. Four of the attendees were either nurses or medical interns coming directly from their shifts and the others were in similar professions. They were tired but earner to learn about tier faith. They were treated like 8 years olds. Needless to say, they didn’t return and I don’t blame them.
@yankeecitygirl 10 ай бұрын
Oh, this is the method that was just used at the Synod on Synodality as well. 😖
@HughConlon82528101 10 ай бұрын
I sincerely appreiciate the recitation of your experiences both positive and negative. God Bless. Your insights are not without a commonality experienced by others...many others. Peace be with you.
@paulcullen922 10 ай бұрын
Well done Brian, God bless you!
@lidiabarahona2154 10 ай бұрын
Love this video God bless you and your family
@teresasombati3339 10 ай бұрын
What a great video Brian. I can relate to so many things you discussed from the coved debacle to the experience of my first Latin mass. I was privileged enough to attend my first Latin mass by Bishop Athanasius Schneider! What a beautiful mass and wanted it to go on even when it was over.
@TheLjdevlin86 10 ай бұрын
Brian-I’m sorry to hear about your experience at pre-Cana. My wife and I went through pre-Cana almost 7 years ago and loved it! With marriage being so causal today, pre-Cana should remain mandatory for all couples getting married in the church!
@lmAIone 10 ай бұрын
Your the best man! Thanks for this one
@carolynkimberly4021 10 ай бұрын
My convert dad especially loved Confession too.
@donaldkeith139 8 ай бұрын
Thank God I'm not alone on the Charismatics... I used to go to Church for me, to feel something nice, to have a good cry and whinge to God about my problems, completely forgetting that the God of the universe is giving me His body and blood... Thank God I realised I'm meant to go to worship my beautiful Lord who died for me 🥲
@garyworth6046 10 ай бұрын
It seems obvious that your best experiences are much more greater, especially theologically, than your worst ones. Perfect!
@aSUGAaddiction 10 ай бұрын
I belong to a Nazerene church and we have greeters. It was a bit alarming at first but now i like seeing them. 1. Its a sense of security and watchfulness 2. They dont hug or touch you unless you initiate it 3. I see most of the leaders in the vestibule and if prayer is needed, its not uncommon to see hands laid and discreet prayer. We are the church and when its genuine, volunteer joy to see another enter in, it can set the tone for worship experience.
@americaocanada1 10 ай бұрын
Agreed, our church Ushers are also vigilant about those who come in. They have been on guard and prepared for those who have been suspicious. (We have had instances of people on drugs or homeless trying to disrupt the mass and the greeters/kofc have been able to intercept. With the fact that some priests have been shot or stabbed all over the world our Parish priest is grateful because he feels they are true knights guarding him)
@dalelerette206 10 ай бұрын
13:57 What this taught me was how eager people were to believe any story that could be contrived to make Catholics and the church look evil. It's almost as if people have been looking for any excuse to adopt that conclusion and this not only gave them the ammunition to adopt that conclusion but also the incentive to take criminal action against Catholics. I am reminded of the words of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, “There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.” My prayer is that the Lord would unveil these misunderstandings to us even as we are gifted with a discernment of the spirits, all by the power of the Holy Spirit. Sacrifice without love is pain Pain with love is sacrifice. Pain without love is misery. Love without pain is Heaven. Love with pain is purgatory. Pain without love is hell. Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen Wartime Prayer Book
@Marist_Chanel 10 ай бұрын
What I've noticed in my country is that the three most liberal dioceses are the ones without any contemplative religious communities. As i live in one of those three dioceses, i believe the lack of any contemplative community means that we the laity have a greater obligation to be like contemplative religious and to pray and offer sacrifices for the Church. I'm fortunate enough to have the Secular Discalced Carmelites in my diocese of which i one day hope to join that i might be of greater service to the Church. I mention this in the hopes that one of your viewers might also consider joining the Secular Discalced Carmelites or some other contemplative community and hopefully by their prayers and sacrifice others won't have to go through what you went through.
@sarahlopresti8892 10 ай бұрын
These people who work really hard to share their marriage should be appreciated. My pre cana was a gift.
@sarahlopresti8892 10 ай бұрын
Wow. I am grateful for greeters ❤
@Llyrin 6 ай бұрын
My wife and I were married in the courthouse, and for all the wrong reasons. Years later, about 3 decades later, we decided to renew vows, this time in the church. The priest basically said, “Sure, I’m free this Saturday.” I guess he figured that, since we were still together, after all those years, we didn’t need counseling. 😂
@kathrynbregel3166 10 ай бұрын
The Covid one is all too real to me. I had a similar but much more savage experience (at a funeral) and it was painful. Thanks for sharing!
@cristinamz2137 10 ай бұрын
My goodness! Thank you for speaking up about this especially during co-vud.
@vivelder8420 9 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you said. Your best experiences were all about the sacraments, not the protestant trappings our catholic church has adopted since vat2. Im from pre vat 2 Catholicism and back then we didnt need greeters, or banners, or guitars or marriage prep to fill the churches. What we got was solid catholic teaching and the churches were full. Now churches are closing right and left. Maybe just maybe the "God doesnt make junk" platitudes arent quite enough to hold our attention. Maybe if we got back to the source and summit of our faith, we would have more faithful catholics. And btw, my grandfather helped build the church you referred to. 🙏
@sarahlopresti8892 10 ай бұрын
Your so much better than regular folk.
@jacobtaylor5848 Ай бұрын
I am so glad you voiced the "infantizing" of our faith. I am so tired of the dumbing down of our faith and making it seem like a marketing effort as opposed to just doing nothing instead. I'd rather have an empty stone building than a modernized church with childish artwork and quotes on posters.
@marytataryn5144 10 ай бұрын
Love your channel. You add so many more words to describe your experiences or explain your stance that I would never think of adding on....and none of them superfluous.....Regarding the church and preregistering during covid, I know there is probably nothing I can say to make anyone feel better, but this is not remembered: the church is a public place. (and technically, not for "Catholics only") It is a building that restricts amounts of people due to fire codes. The fact that the people in line with you did not tell you or there was no signage to let you know, probably everyone's heart was breaking with you, not against you. Having the Mass outside had NO restrictions. We built an outside altar and tuned in to the Mass through our radios. Everyone was scrambling to not get shut down, which is what the Health guys had the power to do. 2 restaurants in our town were shut down....Plus, the restrictions happened pretty quickly.
@Prohortico 10 ай бұрын
“Sesame Street does marriage prep!” - would love to see that episode😂
@philiphumphrey1548 10 ай бұрын
I don't mind acoustic classical guitar at church, but not amplification. The last time I walked out of a service was simply because it was too loud.
@deaconseptember2002 10 ай бұрын
You are a blessing to the Church. You speak the truth as you understand it. Your reward in Heaven will be great.
@Hope20249 10 ай бұрын
Thanks Brian. God bless.
@lbd354 10 ай бұрын
I wish the powers that be listened to Dads like us. All we have is what we read about what the church teaches and our way in trying to live it. Be ordinary and holy while bringing people with you to heaven by the grace of God. Big ask, but possible. ❤ Keep it in the tenacity of Saint Paul and real!😎 Your message is important, keep it up. I pass it on to all who need to hear your ordinary logic and great communication style. Thanks Boss, LBD
@TnOrchidguy 10 ай бұрын
Thank you, Mr. Brian, thank you.
@ThroughTheLensOfAutism 10 ай бұрын
I have had experiences, both as a child and adult, where I find myself saying, “this seems to juvenile”. Sometimes I wonder if the premise is that faith is for children.
@JacksonD0716 10 ай бұрын
We love you Brian!
@michaelirish1445 10 ай бұрын
The charismatic branch can be very damaging. I left after experiencing very egotistical “leaders” with a “special calling”, a few people that believe all a special and they are extra special and gravitate towards the stage.
@ntlearning 10 ай бұрын
It’s also winning lots of people to Jesus. Brian’s experience is his own. He doesn’t speak for everyone.
@michaelirish1445 10 ай бұрын
@@ntlearning why do you think you need to explain the plain obvious. And sadly it is mine and a lot of people experience. The one I was in (like you say bring people in) guide you to spend a lot of free time in “the community” and focus on building “their community”. It ends up taking potential resources out of more useful good charitable work. I found it all about their little community and not the wider church. What ever was done for the wider church was driven by wanting to get parishioners into their community. Yes again, that my “experience” but it’s a common problem in these Pentecost style Catholic communities. One thing about Priest, clearly they must give up everything, and is a possibility a filter, this is a huge contrast to egotistical men that want to lead the people from the stage! Peace Mike
@ntlearning 10 ай бұрын
@@michaelirish1445 Because your comment and his represent the negative aspects only, so..... it's not obvious. And you are still doing it...... It's a leadership issue. Get that sorted, and everything else falls into place. If the Didache community knew how to deal with the Charismata, so can we. We need the mystics.
@michaelirish1445 10 ай бұрын
@@ntlearning please you can help yourself you are starting the flip obvious again “it’s a leadership issue”. My goodness do you really think we don’t know that! By making this type of rhetoric you are putting people off faith and God, not the other, it appears you think and many like you are doing a great fight for God, but instead it’s just stroking your ego. Life is so short wake up to those mindless statements. If you want to fight people like some sort of religious superhero get in a boxing ring. Mindless, simplistic ego types push people away from the church and it really is what you’re statement are telling me. Your statements are as shallow and cliques as a green haired leftist. I’m not trying to offend you as I’m sure at one level you are well meaning but you clearly haven’t got your head connected to your heart making such comments. What you’re doing is part of what Brain is talking about in this blog. Think deeper instead of well meaning contrived greeting style action at the door of a church Mike
@verena11 10 ай бұрын
​@@ntlearning When I was 16, a prayer group of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal was the place, where I started honestly believing in the gospel and I learned to love my catholic church, in which I was born, but never really believed in. Today more than 30 years later my spirituality has changed (still catholic) but I am grateful I met this prayer group. I know many people who started there and are still believing and active catholics. I only write this to say, the experiences of different people may be very different and I wished, we wouldnt judge each others to easily (forgive my English, its not my first language).
@jonathanbohl 10 ай бұрын
First off I'm very thankful for the Catholic Church. Mistakes were definitely made during 2020. We were vacationing in Colorado in 2021. We went to a mass. My wife was pregnant at the time. She's pregnant now again how to use the restroom. They had their restrooms locked to prevent the spread of COVID. I think my wife was much less frustrated than I was. Fortunately someone was able to unlock it for us. It was just kind of inconvenient we were guests so we had no idea they would have locked restrooms.
@st.friendship 6 ай бұрын
St. Paul was 100% NOT talking about garbled utterances when he spoke of speaking in tongues.
@carolynkimberly4021 10 ай бұрын
Now we have the kindergarten posters for the Synod on Synodality. God save us
@kenvee9446 10 ай бұрын
Sadly, your Pre-Cana experience sounds very similar to ours -- and that was almost 30 years ago. You're very right to point out the big swing-and-a-miss this truly is in terms of evangelizing the lukewarm or indifferent souls simply looking to have a church wedding that are brought to the Church's door. Before long, the desire to even have a church wedding may vanish in many places, and the squandered opportunities will loom very large indeed. And regarding the advise you're getting about being more personal, I'm not sure I agree. A splash of that here and there is fine, but you're superpower thusfar, to my way of thinking, has been your humble yet deliberate and always charitable approach to discussing the truth. Personal stories, like the ones you shared here can be helpful, yes, but they needn't be frequent flyers. You are growing in notariety already. I think, as a general rule, you should "keep dancing with the girl you brought to the dance" ; That said, your Pints with Aquinas segments chatting personally with your chum Matt were very good.
@owensclock 10 ай бұрын
In our church during Covid the bishop decreed that at certain stages of the pandemic only a percentage of each church's seating capacity could be occupied. He claimed he was following the direction of 'local health authorities in doing so and that these restrictions would be strictly enforced.. You had to register to attend. At first it was 25% then it went to 50% then 75% You were reminded that mass was being live streamed on the parish website. As you mentioned, our pastor has noted that church attendance never went back to pre-pandemic numbers after all restrictions were lifted.
@AnalogKid333 10 ай бұрын
I couldn’t agree with all your points anymore.I’m a lifelong Catholic and I have seen everything you described over and over and over. Mostly in parishes that are shedding parishioners and closing their doors. I am a reformed church guitar player as well. For years I was told that was the way to get young people to church. Short story they didn’t care. Since I quit playing guitar the only people who have asked me to return are 70 year old women who’s own children left the church decades ago. BTW these are the same people who loved the boomer priests polyester vestments with childish art. You know the type; they lift their hands in the Orans position during the Eucharistic prayer. As for greeters, just an unneeded distraction. I can find my seat just fine and there’s bulletins laying all over the place if I want to read what the parish secretary’s latest theological misunderstandings are. And my experience is RCIA and marriage prep probably has not effect at best and worst case scenario gives people a false understanding of catholic beliefs. As for Covid I was the type who just ignored the secular rules. I went to church when and where I wanted and there was nobody man enough to tell me not to or ask me to leave the church. The same people doing all the above silly things were the ones with the masks and Biden bumper stickers cowering in their fear. Thankfully I had a priest with a pair. And lastly THANK YOU for shedding light on the Canadian schools smear campaign. That was a huge slander and political move against the church. What they never reported is the schools were funded by the government and the church was the ONLY institution dealing with orphans to the best they could with little funding.
@FromAcrossTheDesert 10 ай бұрын
What I am hearing.... 10:50 Novus Ordo Mass welcoming is bad and insincere 17:00 Usus Antiquior Mass welcoming is good and sincere Brother, Please correct me if my impression is false. It almost seems like these likes/dislikes are bookends to your impression.
@FromAcrossTheDesert 10 ай бұрын
@@epistemophiliac5334 Almost all the positions for the laity are volunteer. Ushers are all volunteers in our Parish, and nobody mandates people to say anything to anyone. I can see your point though... if people do not feel comfortable greeting people, then for goodness sakes, nobody should mandate that person do so. All I know is that it is more natural for me to say good morning to someone as they enter the church, then to stand there and ignore them. Jesus said "love your neighbor", and I think greeting people as members of our Parish Community is in line with God's wishes. I find, when I started saying good morning, some of the my other brother Knights/ushers started doing the same.
@FromAcrossTheDesert 10 ай бұрын
@@epistemophiliac5334 Maybe it was the "phalanx of greeters" which overwhelmed him and seemed insincere. He should use the Roman tactic of out flanking the phalanx in order to defeat the enemy. :)
@pierrevillemaire-brooks4247 6 ай бұрын
Seven kids you say ?! You Sir are a Saint 🙏
@Cynthia-do6fo 10 ай бұрын
Well said Brian!
@DonovanHammell 10 ай бұрын
I lucked out a bit with covid. I started attending mass for the first time in late 2021 and most of the covid restrictions at that point were lifted.
@joolz5747 10 ай бұрын
Hi suggest everybody stop being judgmental. I suggest you be open to the Holy Spirit. He comes in various ways, and everybody experiences that in a different way. Of course there’s negative stuff in every single thing in the Catholic Church. I am a cradle Catholic. I am 76. I was raised in your typical Catholic Church back in the day. As I grew in my faith, and wanted to know more of Jesus, I was open to other ways in which He was touching us. I joined in the charismatic groups and had my own experiences with the Lord. There’s nothing wrong with any of it. It’s funny to listen to all of you speak because you’re all talking about your own personal experiences and so am I. But mine is very opposite yours apparently. And honestly, there is no average Catholic Church today. If you traveled the world over, you will see that. Some towns have it one way some cities another way some villages have it another way. This is about getting to know and love Jesus. Being open to Him. If it helps you to do that then do it. Worship whatever way you can. I’m tired of people criticizing everybody else’s way of worshiping. Jesus made each of us extremely individual and unique and different. He doesn’t sit there expecting certain things! He just wants to know you and love you and have you do the same back with Him. When people criticize things like even people who criticize the Catholic faith in general, they don’t understand what it is all about! And I would say the same thing goes for anything you may not understand.
@northernlight5889 9 ай бұрын
As I commented on your short on the burning of Churches; The core facts are that Indian Residential Schools were designed and did forcibly remove Indigenous children from their parents and assimilate them into white society in underfunded schools awash with corporal punishment and sexual predation. Many of those children did not return home. This caused intergenerational trauma for Indigenous families. HOWEVER, the burning of Churches and vandalism of artifacts are truly horrific AND those who did those horrible acts, well let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be them on Judgement Day! Men do evil things not the Church. Evil burned the Churches and we shouldn’t paint an entire people with the same brush like we shouldn’t assume all Catholic priests are pedophiles based on the evil actions and harm done by some Bishops, priests and sisters. Evil is done by those under satans influence. Pray for peace, healing and protection for the Church🙏🏼💕
@carolynkimberly4021 10 ай бұрын
One of the first horrors I witnessed at the Paul Vl Mass was the crunching on the Host by the mic'd priest.
@lux-veritatis 10 ай бұрын
I had no idea there were charismatic Catholics .. 😂 my area seems rather boring now! It’s hard to even find decent social events or lecture talks… I also just started marriage prep today! I feel very lucky, father is waving most of the requirements.. he said it’s better to just meet in person for a few counseling sessions and not waste money on marriage courses.
@catholicguy1073 10 ай бұрын
My wife and I got very lucky. We were converts and had already been married a few years and had a child. My wife had to show her previous marriage was invalid which it was so we went through and annulment process with the priest. That was it. He was like do you need marriage counseling? Nope. He gave us one piece of advice finish arguments and forgive each other within 24 hours and never bring up that fight again. Move on fully. And it’s been good advice 😊
@robert-de-calvary 10 ай бұрын
The pandemic measures were insane. Especially because some churches were extremely enthusiastic about implementing them and went above & beyond. Its one of those thing thay if I haven't lived through it I would think it's some conspiracy theory and all of those things didnt happen (like churches not letting people in). But it did happened.
@mbbklowry 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your stories. Thank you for sharing truth. Your faith is inspiring. May your life be abundantly blessed all your days.
@youtubeKathy 10 ай бұрын
just a comment on the decorations, aka the Oscar the grouch story. At the grotto of our lady of Lourdes in San Antonio, where I have been attending mass for the past 3 years regularly, I noticed they got away from the volunteer choir and looks like they pay professional musicians. at first it was one gal named Victoria, she was the entire choir through the pandemic, supply her own music via a computer I think but she has an amazing voice. Now we have a little group, a few singers and a keyboardist. it makes a big difference. it might be worth it to pay professionals to do much of the artwork needed. I mean, unless there are kids events of course. You make a good point. I don't think michaelangelo worked for free.
@As1628 10 ай бұрын
My whole experience was awful. My mother is Jewish. My father is Catholic. My father’s family forced a baptism and found an unethical priest (who is still baptizing people who shouldn’t be baptized, he doesn’t say no) to do it. I was legit not allowed to be baptized in church. My father’s family forced ccd (I blocked out all teaching) and sacraments on me, all while for appearances. While denying my birthright. Thankfully, my maternal grandmother stepped up and raised me Jewish. I walked away from the church on the day of my confirmation 25 years ago. No regrets, very happy. I’m currently raising a Jewish Family and was married by a rabbi. A very proud Jew here, living her birthright. That being said, with the current situation in Israel and rise in antisemitism I began establishing a will, my father’s family reminded me that I was “catholic”. How do I formally renounce this? Who do I contact? My worst nightmare would be if some toxic family member shows up with a baptismal certificate when I leave my earthly body. I realize this isn’t the most common. Can a catholic help a Jew with guidance on this?
@As1628 10 ай бұрын
@neilschlichting7384 Thank you for commenting. I completely understand your perspective on this matter. Honestly, I was never really a part of the catholic community. The prayers were just empty words. My father’s family has a whole were not the best catholic role models. I vowed to leave on the 1st day of ccd, because my mother was always excluded. Yes, a 6 year old made this decision. So from your perspective, I was gone before I entered the door. So I went through sacraments, telling the truth, screaming No! All while, the people from the church were saying “she’s not a fit here”, but happily accepted money instead of questioning things. I only ever connected to Judaism, was taught me from a place of love. It’s the only prayer I do and have ever connected to. I don’t feel the baptism is valid (when I was in ccd, I was always told not to speak of the manner in which the baptism occurred, because I would be kicked out) and it angers me that this priest is still breaking rules, without realizing the damage he causes. Look canon exists for a reason as does Jewish law. Look my husband and I are currently estate planning, it occurred to us that despite our best wishes. A family member could show up with a baptismal certificate and poof just like that catholic funeral and burial. As a Jew, this notion is horrifying. I haven’t set foot in a Catholic Church for 25 years, excluding funerals. No regrets. We just want to make sure our wishes to have a Jewish funeral would be respected. Is there someone who I can write to now, to ensure I am denied of this?
@JosephLundin-p2g 5 ай бұрын
Praying and speaking in tongues are two different things
@starlightatdusk4896 10 ай бұрын
My worst: Benedict announces his resignation less than 6 months into me converting Francis elected Amoris Laetitia Traditiones Custodes Synod on the Family Synod on Synodality Countless hateful insults from Francis Lots of talking heads turning on traditionalists after TC is released Best: Reception into the Church of our whole congregation (Ordinariate) by Confirmation Receiving the Eucharist for the first time as a Catholic at that same Mass My first old Roman Rite Mass as a Catholic (I had been to a Low Mass once before I was received and didn't 'get it'. Every single old Roman Rite Mass since then Every single Ordinariate Mass since then My first Byzantine Divine Liturgy Hanging out with friends after Mass at the Ordinariate or old Roman Rite parish
@Electric_ 10 ай бұрын
My marriage prep course was equally a fiasco, and it lasted months. And we already had children and a civil marriage. It was a disaster. Luckily it ended and we finally had our convalidation.
@gandalfolorin-kl3pj 10 ай бұрын
Brian, 1. The previous version in 1Cor reads "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to believers, but to unbelievers..." In other words, as on the first Pentecost, the "speaking in tongues" is so that others may understand the Gospel in their own tongue. It is not random "tongues" given for personal use. 2. Now, marriage instruction is (according to traditional Canon Law) given six times before matrimony--by a priest. It is not the job of the laity. There is no weekend retreat involved. 3. The "sacrament of the sick" is really Extreme Unction. It is given to those who are sick and in danger of death, at least to some degree . The main requirement is that there is some danger of death, because that is the reason for this sacrament. So those going into battle may receive it. Come visit the Immaculata in St. Marys, KS, and we'll give you a warm welcome. God bless.
@albertfuertes2794 10 ай бұрын
Ignorance, stupidity and mediocrity is all over the Church… and here we are.
@danieloh9304 10 ай бұрын
Hello I am Christian I believe Jesus and God I am confused because Catholic and Christian believe in Jesus and if it is the same
@jbloe555 10 ай бұрын
Somewhat disagree on the greeters, although shaking hands might be a bit much. While I am not an official greeter, I volunteer to collect St. Vincent de Paul donations from arriving parishioners and greet everyone with a smile. Aside from being a courtesy we should extend to all in any situation, it helps those who might not have given a donation, still feel welcome. Many times visiting, new, or newer parishioners have thanked me for the nice greeting. Some who had a tough morning rounding up the kids and getting them to morning Mass that day, told me my greeting was the first joy in their day. Of course, I tell them it will get better when they are inside with Jesus. One man with a serious, but not very apparent disease, said he was a recent revert and kept coming back because we joyfully welcomed him. He had the unfounded, but still real in his mind view that he was no longer welcome after a long time away. If I only brought joy to this one soul, it would be worth it. Even if someone doesn't respond, I greet them anyway. If God wills, maybe someday they will return a smile. Although I pray beforehand that all I encounter see Jesus and not me, God still blesses me with tremendous consolation.
@vera7861 10 ай бұрын
I like your personal videos because you don't talk as fast! Sometimes the words go over my head if you are speaking too fast.
@sarahlopresti8892 10 ай бұрын
My encounter was not at all childish. I thanked those who were very helpful in marriage prep for us. Sorry you didnt value their time.
@Modeltnick 10 ай бұрын
As a cradle Catholic, I have no regrets about leaving the RC Church. Never had a good experience in that system. I am now in the Episcopal Church which is more aligned with true Biblical Christianity.
@KillerofGods 10 ай бұрын
As a protestant, I'm converting into either catholicism or Orthodoxy because it is the biblical church and aligns with the teachings of the early church fathers. Especially in regards to the eucharist.
@neophyte8284 10 ай бұрын
I can sum it up in two words. Liturgical dance!😂
@st.friendship 6 ай бұрын
Do you have any exoerience with the Cursillo movement?
@francescalaurence3474 10 ай бұрын
Awesome video as always! Thank you.
@devdeckardCain 10 ай бұрын
I NEVER would have thought that someone would have denied someone entry to the church. They should have had a second mass right after for those that couldn't attend :/
@uteme 10 ай бұрын
...yep, had to have a "ticket" that year. Also, May 2020, Mother's Day, we could drive through, under the portico, to receive a single carnation...but not Holy Communion. 🤦‍♂️
@kaddyd1815 10 ай бұрын
We had our drive through blessing on Mother’s Day cancelled …because Covid could somehow be spread when you didn’t even get out of your car or open a window…but the bishop insisted it be cancelled…I was so disappointed in the cancellation and the bishop….
@theurzamachine 10 ай бұрын
14:00 Regarding the mass graves hoax and covid scandals, what they taught me is that we need our own protective services to guard against the secular authorities.
@davidmathias1828 10 ай бұрын
This is not the proper regular Catholic Church, the church offers each and every person a personal experience that is unique and meaningful. PEOPLE who come to church are there to pray not to be distracted by these side shows
@rubemartur8239 10 ай бұрын
those events from Canada 2 years ago were... simply terrible, and no apologies to the church were done? so sad Pope had to ask being sorry for nothing.
@hollyvondross9635 10 ай бұрын
Speaking in tongues as I have seen is probably extremely rare. Think over emotionalism and show boating is not humble.
@MikePasqqsaPekiM 10 ай бұрын
I will disagree on one point: greeters, if sincerely interested in practicing hospitality, can make a positive difference. A lot of folks attend our current parish because they’re welcomed, not merely tolerated. It once took a YEAR before anyone invited over my family at our new parish. That’s sad. New to the area, zero Catholic friends for a year…and we were trying to get to know people, not merely showing up last minute to Mass and running away after. When I was Protestant, the churches habitually hosted social events so newcomers could meet parishioners.
@nathaniellathy6559 10 ай бұрын
Worst experiences at Novus Ordo Masses
@aero4379 8 ай бұрын
Canada really is a damned hell hole...
@hollyvondross9635 10 ай бұрын
Stop changing the church. Leave it alone. So tired of changes. So much is lost and watered down.
@wendyfield7708 10 ай бұрын
You mean “what it’s like for YOU to be a Catholic”….. not the same for everyone. Acoustic guitars played reverently are fine. I am a classical musician. A guitar is just an instrument, and like everything it depends how it is used. All these things are in fact external to God Himself. +
@BrianHoldsworth 10 ай бұрын
That's not what the Church actually teaches.
@verena11 10 ай бұрын
​@@BrianHoldsworth Honest question: which teaching do you mean?
@jamesconsiglio4611 10 ай бұрын
Exactly! The Psalms ask us to use instruments to glorify God. What's bad with utilising such God-given talents for His glory? Very unfair depiction of Charismatic circles
@SMV1199 10 ай бұрын
Greeters are actually something I think are important. My Protestant friends always talk about being greeted and feeling welcome as a thing they look for when looking for a “church home”. Often people in Catholic Churches won’t look twice at new people. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@vivacristorey4363 10 ай бұрын
The watering down of the faith to something juvenile is embarrassing. I would argue though that these things are often a result of spiritual famine due to our sin. In other words, we have taken for granted the richness of faith by not living it and so God removed our access to that richness to some extent as a wake up call. There is sort of an irony that we complain of not being taught adult lessons when most of us don't even follow through with any consistency in what we were given as children. Let us prove ourselves to be worthy of being given more than just milk. As for porters, that can certainly be the case. I would argue though that they are necessary for practical reasons. Many people want to be shown a free pew for themselves and their families. Some have questions when they visit a Church, and a porter can help guide them with what to expect. Because of that, those who find it annoying need to tolerate it for those who benefit from it. But they should be trained properly to not be overbearing. I don't agree with the lack of sincerity in greeters. That certainly can be the case but it is not inherent. A priest works under the bishop, for instance, and we don't think of him as insincere for doing what he's told. Unfortunately, if you change one thing to please some people it will then displease others. There will always be displeased people regardless of what is done - so the parish and any organization just needs to do their best. The Covid thing was definitely mishandled at times. But some things were done well within the conditions given. The priest at our parish offered a rotating adoration and was always available for confessions during the whole ordeal. I at first felt abandoned and isolated, but because of his help during Covid I knew that I was loved and cared for.
@kaddyd1815 10 ай бұрын
It differed by parish….we had no adoration or confession, felt almost abandoned…
@vivacristorey4363 10 ай бұрын
@@kaddyd1815Our priest wasn't doing scheduled confessions at the time since those were done before Mass usually. Instead, he did so by appointment and for anyone who asked during adoration time. Most priests will not refuse to do confessions as it is one of the most important sacraments by reconciling us with God. If there were priests refusing people confession during covid then it would be scandalous - and I am truly sorry for anyone who experienced such a thing.
@floridaman318 10 ай бұрын
It's not a Catholic thing. Our culture is simply childish. Most people these days don't really ever grow up.
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