Neither Solutions Nor Trade-Offs

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@GetOhn Ай бұрын
Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.
@roythousand13 Ай бұрын
Focusing on something that you can not change is futile and a complete waste of time!
@GetOhn Ай бұрын
@roythousand13 not if the focus facilities your preparation for the likely direction things are heading.
@GlasbanGorm Ай бұрын
Indeed. You are either enacting your own plan, or being a part of some body else' plan.
@JohnDoe-od1pu Ай бұрын
This quote is such an oversimplification of the matter haha. You seriously think serfs have the ability to change anything? Whether we take an interest in politics or not, we have virtually no impact. Whether your politics are x or y is irrelevant. The masses can’t do anything against the system in itself simply through “taking an interest in politics”.
@GetOhn Ай бұрын
@@JohnDoe-od1pu I never implied they did. Yet those who are aware of the political landscape will be better prepared for the coming winter than those who remain ignorant.
@eutoteu5680 Ай бұрын
You are correct but the enemy will not allow you to simply mind your own business .
@CountDownToSerenity Ай бұрын
well they wont let you mind your own business first before they get to us unless you just outright join them.
@eutoteu5680 Ай бұрын
@@CountDownToSerenity Or fight them . As well all know freedom is not free .
@saberbo89 Ай бұрын
People who play mind games are cowards they can't fight face to face that why i stopped carring what they do behind my back (Sorry for my bad english)
@palaceofwisdom9448 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, when it comes to being left alone, almost everyone is the enemy. Controlling people project that onto everyone, and they actually believe that you must be conspiring against them whenever they're not monitoring you.
@brianmeen2158 29 күн бұрын
The left loves your apathy. I’m not surprised that they’ve gained so Much ground over the past 40 years. We are sticking complsining online about how pointless everything is while they put work in
@alexandru5369 Ай бұрын
Fact is sex wise men and women never got along. I truly believe women never liked us, but tolerated us cause of resources , Heck and I think if it wasn't for the desire of having kids and sex men are indifferent towards women. if it wasn't for those 3 things men and women would avoid each other like the plague
@handsome-curry 28 күн бұрын
thats a sub 5and noprmie cope women definetly love men and that breed of men is callled chads there is a reason why richard ramiraze had women lust for him
@iframesz 26 күн бұрын
You mean sub 8 men. Women get along just fine with 8+ guys infact they will change their whole personalities and belief systems to accommodate chads. They see YOU as a beta provider because that is literally all YOU have to offer since your genes are inferior.
@basedmanlett 4 күн бұрын
"I truly believe women never liked us, but tolerated us cause of resources" HAhahahahahahhahaHahah
@AxxelX5 Ай бұрын
Western Women aren't worth the hassle.
@salpertia Ай бұрын
You'll extend the sentiment once the same ailment accelerates in the east. Just a matter of time
@Aeterna-jin Ай бұрын
@@salpertia its already getting pretty bad in japan from what i hear. why else would the population stagnate so hard, men renting girlfriends and girls paying pretty boys to talk to them. the amount of children being born is the lowest its ever been. same in the USA.
@AxxelX5 Ай бұрын
@@salpertia I agree with you 100%.
@ArtificalHistoryI Ай бұрын
Just say u ain’t got the looks
@AxxelX5 Ай бұрын
@@ArtificalHistoryI stop projecting.
@cro-magnoncarol4017 Ай бұрын
The truth is, us humans constantly have to lie to each other just to stop ourselves from ripping each other to shreds...
@aaronpeters6209 Ай бұрын
Crusades were also a response to pillaging and slavery of European coastlines for decades - even centuries. Also seen helping roman empire retake land lost to Turks. There was even some raids and slavery from European interests as well. But, didn't come close to rivaling the scope of the caliphates/Islamic world.
@OckhamAsylum 20 күн бұрын
I think the important thing to note is that nobody was charging into battle fueled by rage over ethnicity. There were _plenty_ of things they could be angry about that had nothing to do with race. In fact, the crusaders were quite the diverse cast, lots of different peoples and cultures mixing together. It actually would have been a horrific place for a white supremacist to be, they'd throw down their white hood in rage at the presence of a lot of those guys. The left cannot comprehend periods of history where people's lives didn't revolve primarily around the various ways they mutilate their crotch and what they identify as on this particular afternoon. The concept of people not always being woke every second of their lives is anathema, and such times when our species wasn't were just stupid times of stupid people who were stupid. Not the founders that built everything humanity stands on today, just stupid people.
@jaodasilva7993 Ай бұрын
Some famous Rapper , i don't remember his name (wasn't Kanye) said someting in the lines of : " forget about left and right for a moment... the real polarization is about people who just want to be left alone and people who won't leave others alone" and i couldn't agree more... They will NEVER let people who WANT to part ways do that...
@latt.qcd9221 Ай бұрын
"Agree to disagree" is stupid because all that happens is the less radical types agree to do nothing on an issue that needs resolving, and the radicals, frustrated by the lack of adequate resolution, end up recklessly producing an outcome that is awful to everyone. You either solve the issue, or you live long enough to see the radicals make the problem worse. You can only "agree to disagree" on things that don't require any action, like your favorite movies or video games.
@GetOhn Ай бұрын
@latt.qcd9221 exactly. One side is playing to win. Power is the desired outcome, and you don't get to choose to be left alone unless you leave the country. However, this strategy only works in the short term.
@Ravix0fFourHorn Ай бұрын
I decided to stop doing that and guess what, calling them out on their bullshit actually shuts them up or makes them throw fits that make them look like whinny children (in online discourse at least). Who knew that actually standing your ground works. Worst case you get banned from somewhere or thrown out if irl.
@adamkays7639 Ай бұрын
Damn… that’s well put.
@MateuszMisztela Ай бұрын
Who is "radicals"?
@hebanker3372 Ай бұрын
@@MateuszMisztela communists
@thegoat1261 Ай бұрын
Oh nah, things can and will get even worse than we can ever imagine😂
@loosegoose2466 Ай бұрын
Yeah you'll see us turn into the third world
@DanMcCheese Ай бұрын
I’ve found that the best way for me to survive these times is a hermit-like existence with a close “tribe” of likeminded friends. It’s more peaceful to just “stay in the echo chamber” and avoid stating your opinion to anyone who mostly or wholly disagrees with it. Unfortunately, I’ve still occasionally met unpleasant people who automatically assume that I’m on their “side” when I’m really not. I try to strike a balance between honesty and self-protection whenever this occurs. I won’t say that I’m on the opposing team (even if I really am), but I can’t pretend that I agree with them, either. Being a “fence sitter” is often met with annoyance and confusion rather than hostility.
@meesteranonymous8177 Ай бұрын
it wouldn't matter when pakistani gangs or the cartel came knocking demanding resources or your woman
@DanMcCheese Ай бұрын
​@@meesteranonymous8177 Unfortunately, I do not live in a fantasy world where risking my livelihood to argue with strangers about immigration is a productive pursuit.
@meesteranonymous8177 29 күн бұрын
@@DanMcCheese use a moniker
@NoOneAtAll-bz3zb Ай бұрын
I have a dream of one day walking into the woods and building a log cabin with my hands, close to the sea so i can walk on the beach every day. No electricity, no Human beings, no society; i fish, I hunt, I forage; my only concern is my crop of potatoes, my only anticipation is the ever ripening apples growing greener by the day till harvest. In that dream, I am free of it all. Maybe ol' Ted was correct after all, that technology is slavery, maybe Tyler Durden had the right of it.
@IshvaraGodCazimi 28 күн бұрын
I think the real problem is a potential soul trap after physical death
@NoOneAtAll-bz3zb 28 күн бұрын
@@IshvaraGodCazimi Interesting point, however before I start, it is important to note that generally, the Materialist worldview cannot fathom what we are speaking of; that the material world arises out of Consciousness, Consciousness does not arise from the brain; and thus, the Universe is mind. (See the pioneering work of Prof. Donald Hoffman, Anil Seth and Ancient texts such as the Emerald Tablet and the Hermetica) Ultimately, It depends on how One views it; some may say "soul trap", I say reincarnation is an aspect of Evolution, I hold that the purpose of this is to wake up; if one follows the Simulation Theory Hypotheses (I personally do not, and contend there exists no "objective" reality outside of the "Simulation" whatsoever, it is ALL mind, it's THAT far out...) and draws comparison to a video game scenario, the difficulty level perpetually increases with each level up/reincarnation, like Skyrim, until we "give up", this does not mean to check out but to disassociate from the body and it's suffering, the Ancients called this process Awakening/Enlightenment/Nirvana. There are many ways this can be done, including the method I am attempting. We are One Single Unified Consciousness - the scientifically inclined might say we are all Universal mind, I, being spiritually inclined would say, we are all GOD, and God is the One and only thing that actually are not the body, the you of yous, the I Am, is that Holy of Holy thing behind the eyes that is all places at all times.
@danieldigiuseppe7912 26 күн бұрын
@patrickgrengs7594 21 күн бұрын
It's a beautiful dream. I disagree with the take that technology is slavery -- it's just that the application of technology in the context of an abundance of cheap energy allows an individual to become lazy -- sloppy -- complacent -- compliant ... in a word, comfortable. It is just a natural human tendency to lean into pain-avoidance and comfort. The vast majority of people will slowly accept that trap -- the prison with the velvet covered bars. I temper my disposition toward comfort by making an effort to periodically solo-climb peaks and take long multi-day hikes into the wilderness. I believe that there is a workable balance between work and comfort; living as independently as possible while enjoying the benefits of technology. More regarding your dream -- there are individuals that own inholdings / land within national parks, wilderness areas, etc ... from these remote locations, an off-grid life can be cultivated. A large measure of your dream can be realized by incrementally taking steps towards its development. Cheers.
@DrmCom2003 Ай бұрын
It almost feels like when something bad happens that affects everyone, we're all forced into a reluctant co-existence. Then eventually things become bad again for different reasons.
@Lyu-Phy Ай бұрын
All by design btw.
@DrmCom2003 Ай бұрын
​@@Lyu-PhyGoes without saying.
@Justmonika6969 Ай бұрын
We aren't in control
@thelasttellurian 29 күн бұрын
I think the real problem is a common false belief shared by both sides - that things can get better. They can't. We already passed peak humanity, it's all downhill from now.
@dzvw Ай бұрын
Never thought I'd see the day where Stardusk has 100K+ subs
@b1zzarecont4ct Ай бұрын
He’s been over 100k for a bit now
@GetOhn Ай бұрын
It is remarkable when his content is just him taking 10 minutes to slowly meander towards the most surface level take on every topic with an internet culture anecdote thrown in for good measure 😄
@macdonald2k Ай бұрын
​@@GetOhnYou could call any content creator or writer's work surface level because it's an unfalsifiable accusation.
@dzvw Ай бұрын
@@b1zzarecont4ct I kinda skipped watching his videos for a long while now, since they weren't as relevant to my interests as of late. If only Barbarossa can see him now.
@Lyu-Phy Ай бұрын
He would have way more, The thinking ape is shadowbanned as well.
@ArnoldTohtFan Ай бұрын
We live in a non-anthropocentric world, which is why Munchausen's trilemma and the Problem of the Criterion exist. There's no way to empirically or rationally prove that my feeling that chocolate cake is delicious is superior to the dung beetle's feeling that feces is great. This is the absurdity of our situation, or perhaps I should say shit-uation.
@funkymunky Ай бұрын
Okay, Kafkaka.
@unknowninfinium4353 Ай бұрын
There is a trade off - Mig-Tow. Always has been. People often times forget the simple answer.
@iframesz 26 күн бұрын
Correction: MSTOW. No one will care that you have omitted yourself 👍
@unknowninfinium4353 26 күн бұрын
@@sz That is your choice if you want to Omit but the you will have to also come to the conclusion that you have Ignored a life of "What-ifs". I dont know about you but I never like to take the shirt end of the stick, especially the stick that was offered to me as the only one. Enjoy
@oldfriend327 Ай бұрын
Thank you for all of your great commentaries sir and mean that from the bottom of my heart. I'm turning 50 in less than a month, straight white male who was born in, and have lived in Los Angeles, California my entire life. Never married, no kids. I can tell you my only goal right now is to survive with whatever time I have remaining on this planet. The conflicts here and really in the whole state, can only be described as collage the size of an aircraft carrier. Many people ask, "Why haven't you left yet?" It would take too long explain and do not have the energy, time, or motivation to be obligated to justify to someone who needs a critical thinking argument. No matter how hard I try, I cannot find incentive to want to be anything great anymore. Just do enough to survive. Just riding MTA Los Angeles buses and trains is a job in itself and if you live in LA and/or the San Fernando Valley, you know that I am not exaggerating. Gender dynamics alone is a universe in itself and is magnified in blue states/areas. Something is telling me that not just in the United States, the world is moving closer and closer to being a full-blown dystopia.
@realistic_delinquent Ай бұрын
Human beings never “got along”. They were just more civil + moral + pro-social within factions at war, and then with everyone else in the periods between wars. People knew what war was, because they had seen it unfiltered. Perhaps 1% of people currently alive in the west are intimately familiar with the actual conditions of war (Hell, even the women fleeing war-torn countries have demonstrated their utter inability to understand its ramifications), so they cannot fathom a reason to be civil with their potential enemies. We need a war, but we need to avoid war at any cost to let humanity persist.
@durnanironknuckles1617 Ай бұрын
If you back up and give up land, they advance and take that void until you trap yourself in a cage.
@CountDownToSerenity Ай бұрын
but you dont have a battle plan and most only think politics will win, many of us dont believe that so good luck with whatever plan you have to defeat them.
@saberbo89 Ай бұрын
Being average wage slave living alone is hell itself 😢
@sebas8225 25 күн бұрын
Being a slave is really bad.
@saberbo89 25 күн бұрын
@@sebas8225 Wage slave.
@basedmanlett 4 күн бұрын
wage slaving for a fat wife is even worse.
@aguy446 Ай бұрын
Absolute freedom of religion was a mistake. Half of the population wants to toss out the religious foundation of the country while telling the other half to just accept it because "muh freedom" A society has to have common values and beliefs. The fact that a sub group can go completely off the rails and still demand representation is absolutely insane
@IshvaraGodCazimi 28 күн бұрын
Even when there was religion people were still demonic
@aguy446 28 күн бұрын
@@IshvaraGodCazimi They didn't have parades celebrating it
@malicant123 Ай бұрын
Gentlemen, i wish to share white pill. My good friend has finally achieved his goal of courting the love of his life. I mean, sure she's now 36, overweight with two kids by other men, and my friend merely had to pursue her for a decade until no other man would have her, but be optimistic! He tells me that only once per day can he sense her seething contempt for him....
@Notthatkevguy Ай бұрын
You mean to tell me that if I keep pursuing this girl who rejected me 2 months ago for 15 years to the point when she has no other options I can finally be with her? This is amazing! WhitePill go brrrrrr
@malicant123 Ай бұрын
​@@NotthatkevguyThat's it, but only if you work your backside off and completely throw away any sense of self respect. The life of the modern, blue pill Phil!
@NikosM112 Ай бұрын
The white pill is just an even deeper cope version of the blue pill.
@Notthatkevguy Ай бұрын
@@malicant123 who needs self respect, and dare I say, having a purpose in life that has nothing to do with women, when you can wageslave in a job you hate for years to eventually get the girl who ignored you in her prime for the better looking dude who didn't give a damn?
@ModelJames13 Ай бұрын
Is the white pill cyanide? 😎
@user-wp1nf1zj7h Ай бұрын
Digitalization, on the surface level, seems fun, unlimited, almost magical, yet I think it sped up the destruction of the world
@zeroceiling Ай бұрын
You may be right….but staying stationary…not embracing innovation is in its own way…a road to extinction as well…
@user-wp1nf1zj7h Ай бұрын
@@zeroceiling I am not against innovation, but it must be at a certain pace, we have jumped more from 1980-2020 than 1700-1980
@rb98769 Ай бұрын
@@zeroceiling We aren't hostages to "innovation". We've turned society into one huge risky experiment for the sake of "embracing innovation", and it's making everyone miserable. We have no idea what we're doing.
@zeroceiling Ай бұрын
@@user-wp1nf1zj7h’re right…but would you not agree that as we discover, develop and innovate new ideas…we tend to build on these…at a increasingly rapid pace because you are not starting from zero. Look how long it took us to develop the PC…or the Mobile Phone. Both of these were depicted in 1950’s cartoons…but once we had Gates and Jobs pushing the envelope…the acceleration was undeniable. And so it goes for almost everything else. I think acceleration is inevitable tbh.
@The-Mad-Face Ай бұрын
@@zeroceiling I guess I'm obsolete for not having any social media presence.
@IshvaraGodCazimi 28 күн бұрын
What you should explore is a potential soul trap after physical death in this hell realm possibly involving temporary but long reincarnation or eternal reincarnation
@bobhope707 Ай бұрын
Stardusk I’m glad you’re still out here making content. Your perspective is so nuanced and refreshing, its good to take a break from mainstream 1-dimensional narratives and see things from another side that nobody else is looking at. Thanks for your work, its much appreciated.
@rickstevenson9585 27 күн бұрын
Unfortunately he’s right. I’ve never had an issue respectfully hearing out someone else’s political/religious/cultural beliefs but now days they not only want you to listen but you also must convert to their belief system immediately or you’re a “bigot” or have a “room temperature iq”.
@loansharkbaby3896 Ай бұрын
The sad reality is now, you can put forward a perfectly balanced middle point of view. But both sides moved far extremes, so they will claim you are the far-other side.
@cadis4257 Ай бұрын
Hehe, leaving eachother alone. Now thats a pipe dream. Especially because the forces that exist now arent equel. When one side is clearly atronger, it wont leqve the other side alone.
@Justmonika6969 Ай бұрын
Yeah the strong always move to conquer the weak. Political ideologies just won't allow other political ideologies to exist in their own space. They MUST be in it.
@Peter_Parker69 Ай бұрын
Once you truly see through the mammalian instincts and drives, little to nothing makes sense. Other than simply avoiding further suffering.
@rb98769 Ай бұрын
That's just swapping one drive for another. At the end of the day it's the all the same, just with a sprinkle of nihilism on top.
@Peter_Parker69 Ай бұрын
@@rb98769 No, physical pain is very real and perhaps the only thing that matters.
@jeremyjackson7429 Ай бұрын
It's clear that the sense of unity following 9/11 was far from the norm. People didn’t suddenly start getting along; they were simply united against a common enemy that temporarily diverted their attention from existing divisions.
@BunyipDude Ай бұрын
A former boss of mine, who was in the Navy for 30 years, once told me that he missed the Cold War for the same reason: Our country mostly put its divisions aside because they had clarity of purpose and the stakes of not standing together.
@henrikhans467 Ай бұрын
I remember over a decade ago, a college professor of mine has observed how America seemed to be more divided after the Cold War ended. How true it really seems. Especially nowadays.
@themasculinismmovement Ай бұрын
People who get along with a lot of other people very easily do so because they have a social persona that is almost always polite and positive. Old school socialite protocols such as politeness exist to ensure that whole communities of people will generally get along, or at least do so as much as possible, and minimize conflict.
@alexsuleta2305 Ай бұрын
Stay focused and make a plan that will be beneficial with either scenario. In mind your business, slowly build an economic moat and be a pillar for your family. All else is secondary
@axelmilan4292 Ай бұрын
"This will definitely lead to a civil war" -some beanie-wearing fence-sitter, undoubtedly
@CountDownToSerenity Ай бұрын
incel revolution incel revolution incel revolution, if you say it three times incels will start a revolution oh wait they didnt?
@chernobylsvideoarchive3418 27 күн бұрын
@HaydenHanna-c6k Ай бұрын
Anyone who says anything to me about something being based on white or male supremacy just ended the conversation for me. I am done with hearing that propaganda.
@realistic_delinquent Ай бұрын
I would listen if it were true, but the bar has been set so low on this issue uniquely, and simultaneously set so high for its direct competitors, that any accusation of “white supremacy” is baffling at best.
@Justmonika6969 Ай бұрын
Yeah I just ignore those people. Everyone should be able to love their culture and heritage, no matter what it is. That IS our freedom that nobody can take away from you without significant pushback.
@dentron9885 Ай бұрын
I feel like being online more leads people to fully expect everyone they interact with to be fully compatible with them and to throw them away and replace them if they arent. I have lost multiple friends to the whole trans thing and I always tell them look, I dont support you doing this, and I am not going to play the 'pronoun game' with you, but I am not gonna hate you for it. Mostly trying to be genuinely nice to them since im sure its partially due to their mental health and societal pressures, and to maybe get them to rethink what they are about to do. However every time it yields intense vitriol and immense hate from them to encounter even the slightest push back or reality check. They deem most friends as replacable objects since they can crawl away to any niche internet group and find total support for even their most messed up delusions and life choices.
@justachannel8600 20 күн бұрын
I think you hit the nail on the head here. And I'm affected by this too, though I don't feel the need to 'transcend' my god given shape or something. But yeah, we all can be a lot more picky.
@WKZworks Ай бұрын
I think that most of the reason that we're at a "nadir in terms of how well we get along with each other" is because we have been pushed outside the realm of indifference toward one another. The main keeper of the peace in previous decades was the fact that we didn't care as much about what strangers thought or even cared if they lived or died, the schism of values were always there (we never really had unity), they just hadn't manifested themselves into the surface of people's every day lives. But, as ideological dogma changed (particularly left-leaning ideologies calling for a greater degree of...activism and socio-ideological conformity), in-and-out groups became more and more insufferable to one another as antithetical values were shoved up folks' asses and down their throats (and the intolerable resistance thereto against those doing the shoving). *TL;DL: The problem is a lack of indifference toward one another. Indifference is the great peacekeeper of societies. Because lets be completely honest: Most of us don't really like each other.*
@kinvert Ай бұрын
I am willing to let them have their chunk of land, but they are not willing to let me have my chunk of land. So now they are my sworn enemies whom I must defeat for my children to have a safe future. They forced this.
@CountDownToSerenity Ай бұрын
i wish you the best of luck.
@pierregibson6699 Ай бұрын
😂 what
@kinvert Ай бұрын
@@pierregibson6699 Watch the full video, or read my full comment, or try to get a refund from whatever school you went to.
@somedude2951 Ай бұрын
never get up
@Endymion766 23 күн бұрын
Whenever I run into a leftist who tries to "win me over" I use this following argument form because in many years of debating, it has always come down to this endpoint: I just don't want it, and without my (and people like me) consent, you don't have consensus or the super majority, and without that, you are required to use violent force to get my compliance. So are you willing to hold a force multiplier to my head to win your argument? If not, then you lose the argument. If so, then you must face that you are a tool of tyrants or at the very least, someone willing to threaten V-iolins against someone who has done no wrong to you or anyone else. Which is it?
@DeusExMachina10001 Ай бұрын
The primary difference between the two factions is whether or not the person wants to control others or not.
@1Klooch Ай бұрын
If a situation devolves into a "fight" (your definition of here) then write off any hope of a satisfactory outcome. If someone is fighting they signal that nothing you do/say will change their mind/behavior. Take note, remember them and ghost them. Life is too short.
@technologic21 29 күн бұрын
"Consensus is reality." The post-war reality/world order of the 20th Century has broken down. As a consequence of digital communications, people now have the ability to retreat into their own ponds, afraid of a larger forum. It's nearly impossible to form a consensus to govern society. In essence, the internet destabilized democracy and by doing so decentralized it. The consequences of these technologies is disastrous for societies that rely on complex infrastructures to drive their economies, educate children, or address a global health crisis. I'm 50/50 on how this all ends, nuclear fire - or a whimper, that is, people simply just not giving a AF.
@lol69203 29 күн бұрын
I spy an MGS2 enjoyer
@kylesams7971 Ай бұрын
It’s almost like we should get into smaller administrative units and handle most issues at a local level without constant state and federal interference
@MartinDHash Ай бұрын
You’re missing the crux of the problem: perversity deriving from resentment. That’s why voluntary separation won’t work; because the perverse people WANT YOU TO FAIL.
@alexanderchernoshtan9898 Ай бұрын
there is only war, baby
@Kain666 18 күн бұрын
Yeah, the problem is that not all factions are willing to accept a go your separate ways, live and let live solution. In the US, desiring that outcome means you have to side with the right if you want to have any chance of it occurring. It doesn't matter what other views you hold. Only the right has any chance of leaving you alone. There are those in both camps that would try to extend their world view to everyone, but that's far more pervasive on the left.
@Nope_handlesaretrash Ай бұрын
One of the worst aspects of this is that your not allowed by the crowds to hold positions ala carte. If you differ from the group think on any single issue, your excommunicated from both sides for your heresy. Lean left but love guns? Your out. Lean right but support abortion or student debt relief? Your out.
@MrGreenbottle24 Ай бұрын
Thank you
@Greenyt1234 Ай бұрын
'Cede the territory' isn't a solution because it doesn't stop there. Give a consession they win you move on, now because they won they want the new thing you have. There is only 1 solution and its a solution we have done throughout history. You disagree, I disagree with you. I take you out with big stick. Now there is no problem until my factions grow too big and new power stuggles arise. There was never any peaceful solutions and never will be.
@Justmonika6969 Ай бұрын
The moment you are dealing with a tyrant who wants to control you and what you think, there is no peaceful solution. "Live and let live" is a two way street.
@GurneroMaelstrom 28 күн бұрын
A debate would be very interesting and entertaining between Vegan Gains and Thinking Ape about Veganism and Nihilism or maybe some other topic. 2 very articulate individuals with a lot of knowledge on various subjects.
@realnamesnotgiven6193 Ай бұрын
The values between people are so opposing, it's a powder keg. One spark can set any individual off and that can have a knock on effect like chain lightning on explosive barrels
@chirastuthakur366 27 күн бұрын
Hey thinking - ape, i am watching your videos for quite sometime, your videos make me feel that i am not alone about thinking differently about life and about emotions, your videos gives me relaxation, i hope we can chat sometime, or maybe talk with each othere about life in general, or human psychology. Thank you for creating realistic content on KZbin.
@memeco50 16 күн бұрын
I would rather be in the middle and start the confrontation at a very minimum level, then walkaway like don't know what's happening.
@craigjovanovich6450 Ай бұрын
The guys that designed our world, at least in the USA, thought of this. They had to as such "intractable differences" have existed since the dawn of time. It was exactly to "stay apart" as you mention. You have your state, and I have mine. What is clearly causing the strife is that each side is using the higher power to force their way in other people's back yards. I would argue it's being done deliberately.
@jcdf2 Ай бұрын
People that are not ideologues or at least don't think of themselves as such have nonetheless been caught by the trap of ideology. That is the false belief that peoples values are the consequence of rationalism and open to alteration and change from dialogue. Peoples values almost never change and when it does the change comes from hierarchy of the their in-group not from any individual introspection. The veneration of rationalism was a huge mistake, as it blinded us to this reality.
@garylester3976 Ай бұрын
Its the mouse utopia thing... No one ever agrees perfectly with anybody else, and the bell curve is a dichotomy. The only thing that matters really is social distancing... Its about getting space from other humans, and being left alone. This requires self sufficiency, and letting go of social addictions. The good news, is there are options, from Gypsy Wagons to narrow boats on rivers. The problem is the dependencies, especially money. Right now, homelessness is continually increasing. Over 600K in the US. But I suspect those living in vehicles are under counted muchly. I could see that morphing as they push to steal our mobility... That some start going back to horses and subsistence. The necessities of life are few. And way easier to produce than it is to feed our vanities. And theres a million square miles of empty that used to be inhabited by people on horses. Its our enamorment with Society that enslaves us to each other.
@justachannel8600 20 күн бұрын
The Spanish equivalent of the crusades, the Reconquista, actually led to colonialism. But the way it happened was very different than white supremacy. In desperate times some people created a myth, that a powerful Christian kingdom exists somewhere in India or Africa. Some people believed that if they could establish contact with this kingdom they could be convinced to ally with the Portuguese and send massive armies against the Muslims. This, along with spice trade was the official motivation for the Portuguese voyages. When they arrived in India they found that Muslim traders were already established there. So they tried to convince to Black Indian kings to kick out the - I assume - tan Muslims and trade with their Christian brethren instead. Hostilities broke out between the Europeans and the Muslims which forced the local Indian king to pick sides. Only then did the Europeans start fighting against 'India'. I am always surprised how easily people come with this white supremacy stuff because this story is actually genuinely interesting. You could make a movie about the Spice Cartell. The other explanation is so much dumbed down you can't even tell a story.
@Itsallover57 28 күн бұрын
Most people aren't smart enough, or at very least in control of their emotions enough, to not let themselves jump into the mud and bring up irrelevant things from the past. My brother was a massive ass hole when we were kids. I'd say that I still have a right to give him an ass kicking for it even now that we're adults, he was that big of an ass hole. However, I don't, for numerous reasons but the main one being, he is not that kid anymore. Just like white people today aren't that one in in a thousand or so people that were slave owners from the past. You can say the fact that he's family affords him more understanding from me than just some random stranger and you would be correct. It would be unreasonable for strangers to be that patient with each other, however, that is because what has changed over time is giving others the benefit of the doubt is not only foolish but dangerous at times. Our societies trust has been eroded almost completely. A few decades ago you would be pretty safe in believing other people are reasonable human beings and that if there was a conflict you could find a peaceful and reasonable conclusion. Now, to put it simply, that belief is gone. That is the difference between a high trust and low trust society.
@funkymunky Ай бұрын
Get used to a multipolar world away from the American planet's pull. In the long run, it's much safer. You can stop prairiedogging, now.
@williamkimball4901 28 күн бұрын
I think this "mystery" exists on the graphical axis of time. I'm not so sold that its functionality is mysterious, but rather its existence. I think it speaks to the belief expressed by Dumbledore in the second Harry Potter film and Mewtwo in the first Pokemon movie (paraphrasing) "It's our choices that define who we are." (Which is why it's "post-hoc justification"). (As well as the relational nexus of this mystery's existence, the Nexus of Value Adjustment; or in other words the original moral value judgement "eye for an eye/treat others how you want to be treated", or morality "ground-zero") People choose who they are and what they like (what they can control) and when those choices aren't compatible (when they go too far in a direction that you "can't" return to morality ground-zero), you are correct, we all need our own spaces, if we don't want there to be conflicts and violence.
@clarkkent8286 Ай бұрын
The Grandmaster returns
@jonashellsborn7648 27 күн бұрын
Regarding the white supremacy meta, according to the racial/ethnical rules from north america that rule the DEI dogmas, Europe, northern Africa and way over to Caucasus is all White. So turks (ottomans) and especially J* and A* are all white. So 'twas an all white conflict, those crusades.
@primeascendant797 Ай бұрын
This is why diversity is not a strength. It is, at best, a tradeoff, and a poor one at that. You trade unity for perspective, and risk your society and government becoming paralyzed, much as it has become now. It doesn't matter if you can see in all directions if you can't move towards any particular goal. There is, after all, an even older fashion option available than live and let live, and I tend to defer to Otto von Bismark as to how differences will be decided with this level of division. I can't even say I'm all that opposed at this point. There will be finality, one way or another.
@SisypheanRoller Ай бұрын
Diversity per se is not the problem. It's that we have diverse perspectives, each of which is insular to the point of excluding other perspectives. Even if you had a phenotypically homogeneous population that nevertheless couldn't stand each others' guts when disagreement arose, you would still have the same problem as today's multicultural melting pots. A lack of shared practices to resolve conflict, a mutual unwillingness to promote peaceful resolutions to issues, and the creation of implicit ordering of classes of people based on some specious notion of privilege/historical rights are what we need to blame for today's ever increasing polarization. It will not change until you and I do our part, however small, to get the ball rolling in a better direction.
@b1zzarecont4ct Ай бұрын
Sir Ape, I hope you have another long form video soon. Be well, thx
@surreal3900 28 күн бұрын
I think in the United States, it will split off into different countries or Republics eventually. I hope we don't have to go through a civil war to get to that.
@christopherhazell420 Ай бұрын
In a number of issues, we are dealing with detrimental consequences. Not the who football team is better. What soda and burger is the better. Serious moral stances that are non-negotiable. I would list a few, but this post would v a n i s...
@kubus-td7dj 28 күн бұрын
Yea, that's how it seams. I'm 19 btw.
@anym8363 Ай бұрын
first and we are already finished
@FoB39 Ай бұрын
Wym it’s just beginning boyo
@ilovetruthserum Ай бұрын
Yep, it's over for you. Reposting a shitty doomer blackpilled meme.
@QWERTY-gp8fd Ай бұрын
@@FoB39 obligatory it never began comment
@macdonald2k Ай бұрын
@FoB39 Ай бұрын
@@QWERTY-gp8fd it is if you just take that first hard step, keep grinding, keep hustling, never and i mean never get up.
@puertoaeternus486 Ай бұрын
I like how you mention Dune in the context of what you are saying. I feel like our thoughts are being shaped by some force beyond my power. Of course, it's always been that way. The existential philosopher Martin Heidegger attempted to prove that one's place of being could be verified. That’s too deep for me to discuss, but getting back to Dune. I like the part in the second movie where the boy's mom and the man are at the underground lake. Like you have all that water in the desert and you won't drink it? And I think everyone has this sort of contradiction in them. Not so blatant as not drinking water, but hear me out. I hate people because it's convenient for me. I don’t go around breaking windows. Why do I hate people? Is it because people see me as a failure? They do. Is it because I'm obese? I've had someone tell me something which leads me to that. I'm not looking for a solution. I know what it would look like. But in order for people to respect each other, I think we have to play these sorts of games that make no sense to us. We did this because it was part of life. Now we watch Netflix and play video games, then go to the beach and try to have a good time, and I love hunting for shells. You never know what you may find. But I have some idea. Thanks for your video!
@jinron24 Ай бұрын
Your solution would be temporary at best! Soon one side would likely strike against the other.
@CountDownToSerenity Ай бұрын
yes but they will strike first the men who refuse to join them and also not cede territory.
@MourningDove-bn4dk Ай бұрын
Neutrality was never an option.
@PersonaP3P Ай бұрын
Have you read The Righteous Mind, Stardusk?
@thinking-ape6483 Ай бұрын
I have not but I have Haidt talk about it and its content so much I might have well as read it.
@PersonaP3P Ай бұрын
@@thinking-ape6483 Have you read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race? Maybe that one would be too black pill for your liking, but it's at least a rarely discussed perspective.
@filipefigueiredo9847 Ай бұрын
​@@thinking-ape6483 can I ask you something?
@nonono7465 Ай бұрын
Now I am very curious your opinion on several classic films popping to my mind Stardusk. Would love to hear more opinions.
@francoiseeduard303 Ай бұрын
Kinetic war is inevitable and that’s a good thing. Wars end, either with a winner or who is left. The Last Samurai, the Satsuma faction was against religious freedom for Christians and that inhibits me. The Crusades were defensive wars launched after 450 years of is-lam-ick expansion and colonization which is cited as the cause for is-lam-ick terries today. 🇺🇸🇨🇦 must be divided into at least 8 different Americas! 1. White America 2. Bronce America aka Atzlán 3. Black America 4. East Asian America 5. Muslim America 6. South Asian America 7. American Indian America 8. Inuit/Eskimo/Aleut America All those could be divided further into even smaller ethnic, religious, political, or any other criteria “kingdoms”.
@CountDownToSerenity Ай бұрын
"kinetic war is inevitable" between who? let me guess, incels and liberals?
@nothanksnoname7567 Ай бұрын
Nice, and then those nations can attempt to conquer each other. You know they would. Also, nations outside America will invade or at least infiltrate and influence/stoke tensions.
@destronia123 Ай бұрын
The guy on the right reminds me of J. Jonah Jameson.
@CountDownToSerenity Ай бұрын
wow, "cede territory" didnt expect that, thought i was the only one. 110k x $100= $11,000,000 per month or once a year or if done every month =$132,000,000 per year. The cost of building a mall varies widely, ranging from $25 million to $180 million on average. Typically, individuals spend approximately $75 million to construct a two-story regional mall spanning 250,000 square feet. You see you all can live however you want to. Each Structure could be a designed to be self sustaining and luxurious home for men done slaving for society working together to keep it clean and prospering in pockets sprouting up over and over to liberate young men. But dont get me wrong i understand these people are evil and if you were to gather in one place who knows what they'd do to you being that they are your enemy so right now it may be to your benefit and detriment simultaneously to be scattered and individual. To your benefit because they cant do evil things to you physically all at once and to your detriment because they can get you one by one if that time ever comes.
@Jeff-tt7wj Ай бұрын
I tend to think that these intense social divisions are both exacerbated by AND exaggerated by social media and our hyperconnected online world. So while we wage these intense, largely rhetorical battles online under relative anonymity(for most of us)….go outside, everything is fine. There are exceptions, but on the whole, people know what things are too divisive to talk about in person and society is chugging along as it always has.
@pentagon56 Ай бұрын
Things can only fester for so long under the surface before it becomes a big problem. Look at any pimple popper video for "proof in the pudding" and flesh. The mind and heart are no different from the rest of the body. They too can putrify if things are left to collect in them for too long. And not many able to doctor the mind, heart, or spirit out here. But there is plenty picking at those things with near surgical intent.
@Austinmosstoes Ай бұрын
I like pears and pink apples, but mangos are better.
@jimbojimbo6873 Ай бұрын
If you are going to ascend then do it properly
@karasu-chan Ай бұрын
@joeshmoe7899 Ай бұрын
For the west' future, see Brazil.
@funkymunky Ай бұрын
Africa, rather. Demographically and resourcefully superior.
@extra-samsaric3836 28 күн бұрын
Nope. Brazil is at least fun and exciting. America is painfully grim, joyless, and boring.
@BigBenn2014 Ай бұрын
Clockwork Orange needs a remake… but not by Disney or Amazon.
@hebanker3372 Ай бұрын
Why? We already live in it. The only difference is the colour of the skin of the droogs.
@Baresark Ай бұрын
I don't believe you can remake a Kubrick. It would be like carving another David.
@rv.9658 Ай бұрын
​@@Baresark i agree 100% but let's remember most Kubricks were themselves adaptation lol
@Baresark Ай бұрын
@@rv.9658 Too true. Nothing new under the sun. He brought those books to life tho.
@feliz2892 Ай бұрын
Would you make a video on Alain Delon?
@ispgravy4233 Ай бұрын
Have you read beyond the pale horse by bill cooper
@PLSdanger Ай бұрын
politics forces people to immediately come to conclusions because there is always another election deadline to meet. Therefore they fall back on emotional and automatic responses.
@pugsymalone6539 Ай бұрын
The Pug abides. Pug has an idea: Let's all Pug it out.
@latt.qcd9221 Ай бұрын
Based and pugpilled
@maxjosephwheeler Ай бұрын
*😧...only mildly like Dune? It's like I don't even know you man!*
@realistic_delinquent Ай бұрын
Dune is easier to accept than LOTR, though I understand why Ape doesn’t like LOTR. It’s paradigmatic, earnest, and morally absolute, all things he has rejected in past videos.
@rv.9658 Ай бұрын
Foundation better
@LunarWolf-H8 Ай бұрын
You who "don't want to partake in any of it" especially in these critical times are the worst.
@Don-Coyote-De-Transylvania Ай бұрын
And if you think rationally we live in the most prosperous and peaceful period in history ever.
@aeggeska1 Ай бұрын
That was 30-40 years ago afaik.
@spark7922 Ай бұрын
yeah if you look at only the surface.
@thegoat1261 Ай бұрын
Not for long😂
@denishrg9843 Ай бұрын
almost got me pal
@Don-Coyote-De-Transylvania Ай бұрын
No offence but you guys ignore facts and let your feelings go wild.
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